the seven secrets of success

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  • 8/3/2019 The Seven Secrets of Success




    Welcome to The Seven Secrets of Success.

    The word success can be applied to all aspects of our lives. You may be

    searching for success in your career, your relationships, your financial

    situation, health or your sense of well-being. Clearly, any one of these could

    benefit from a series of its own and, while this series cant cover all aspects

    of life, Ive aimed to put together Seven Tips which, when followed and

    applied, cant fail but have a positive impact on your life and increase

    your chance of success.

    Each Secret contains some practical exercises and I really recommend that

    you do these. As with all aspects of coaching, its taking action thats the

    key to success not just thinking about it. Thinking about it is a good first

    step, but isnt enough if you really want to make changes in your life.

    I hope you find this series useful please dont hesitate to contact me if

    you have any questions or need any help. My contact details are at the

    bottom of each page. Good luck and heres to your great success in

    everything you do.

    Annabel Sutton, 2009. May not be reproduced without permission.

    Phone: 44 (0)1747 871196 Email: [email protected]

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    Success Secret No 1 Page No. 1

    Know What your Definition of Success is

    Success Secret No 2 Page No 4

    Know Where Youre Going

    Success Secret No 3 Page No 6

    Celebrate Your Achievements

    Success Secret No 4 Page No 8

    Maximise Your Energy

    Success Secret No 5 Page No11

    Watch Your Language

    Success Secret No 6 Page No 15

    Take Time Out

    Success Secret No 7 Page No 17

    Just Say NO

    And Finally Page No 19

    Annabel Sutton, 2009. May not be reproduced without permission.

    Phone: 44 (0)1747 871196 Email: [email protected]

  • 8/3/2019 The Seven Secrets of Success



    Before you can be successful, you need to know what your

    definition of success is

    "Whats money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to

    bed at night and in between does what he wants to do." Bob Dylan

    Have you ever come across somebody who seems to have all the external

    trappings of success: loads of money, powerful job, expensive lifestyle and

    yet somehow they dont seem happy? Its probably because their seemingly

    successful life is totally incongruent with who they really are and whats

    truly important to them.

    Thats why this first secret is so important. Without the awareness of what

    success really means to you, and whats truly important to you, you could

    be chasing an illusion what everyone else thinks success means and it

    wont actually bring you happiness and fulfilment.

    Once youre clear about what success means for you, you can be much more

    focused about where you want to go in life. If youre NOT clear about it,

    youre more likely to drift with little focus or clarity and find it hard to

    make decisions about your future.

    What does success mean for you? How would you define it and how would

    you like it to show up in your life?

    Annabel Sutton, 2009. May not be reproduced without permission.

    Phone: 44 (0)1747 871196 Email: [email protected]

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    Theres no right or wrong answer to this question. Its intensely personal

    and everyones definition will be different. For some it might mean making

    it to the top of their chosen career; for others material wealth might

    epitomise success; while for others their definition of success might be

    entirely built round fulfilling relationships or perhaps managing to live in a

    fully self-sustainable way, enjoying an enriching spiritual life or giving

    everything away to charity.

    What about you?

    Jot down some ideas. If you find it difficult and many people do here

    are a couple of tips that might help to initiate some ideas and give you a

    fresh perspective:

    Without censoring or editing, complete the sentence: For me, success

    means . as many times as you can. Dont think about it too hard and

    write down whatever comes to mind first.

    Project yourself forward to your 70th

    birthday and take a look back overyour life. From this perspective, what would you like to have achieved?

    What would have been really important to you? Imagine that family and

    friends are going to arrive for a big celebratory party later in the day.

    What would you like them to say about you? What tributes would you

    like them to pay?

    This may sound a touch morbid, but its a great trick to focus the mind

    on whats really important to you and how you want to live your life:

    Have a go at writing your own obituary. First, write a version which

    describes your current life. How does that feel? Does it embrace those

    things that are really important to you and which you want to prioritise

    in your life? If it doesnt feel right, try a second version and include

    those things for which you would like to be remembered.

    Annabel Sutton, 2009. May not be reproduced without permission.

    Phone: 44 (0)1747 871196 Email: [email protected]

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    In 2005 Roz Savage became the first woman to compete in the solo

    Atlantic Rowing Race. She rowed 3000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean,

    alone and unsupervised, and spent 103 days at sea. This remarkable feat

    only came about because she did the Obituary writing exercise and

    wasnt satisfied with what she saw in her first version! Her second

    version included words like adventurous, courageous, fearless and


    Clearly, Roz Savages story is pretty exceptional and Im not suggesting that

    you have to go off and conquer Everest or become a Barack Obama or

    Mother Theresa. But being crystal clear about what success really means to

    you knowing what your priorities are and whats truly important to you

    will provide a solid foundation for your future success. It should bring a

    sense of clarity and peace to your life and will be the touchstone for any

    decisions you make about your future.

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    Annabel Sutton, 2009. May not be reproduced without permission.

    Phone: 44 (0)1747 871196 Email: [email protected]

    "The definition of success: To laugh much; to win respect of intelligent

    ersons and the affections of children; to earn the approbation of

    honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate

    beauty; to find the best in others; to give one's self; to leave the world

    a little better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a

    redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with

    enthusiasm, and sung with exultation; to know even one life has

    breathed easier because you have lived - this is to have succeeded."

    Ralph Waldo Emerson

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    Know where youre going

    Begin with the end in mind. Stephen Covey

    One of the differences between those who are really successful and those

    who arent is that the former have a clear vision of the future and are

    focused on achieving the goals that will get them there.

    I have mixed feelings about setting goals. I know its important, but

    sometimes it all feels a bit mechanical and robotic as if youre on a

    treadmill where every second of the day must be accounted for and has to

    be productive.

    Personally, Im all for a bit of spontaneity in life, but having said that it is

    important to have some kind of vision of where you want your life to go.

    Without it youll find that life tends to drift. Theres nothing wrong with

    that if thats how you want to live your life (after all,going with the flow

    and letting your life progress organically might be your definition of success)

    but for those who want a more focused approach, a clear vision of the

    future is one of the keys to success.

    Here are some exercises to get you thinking about how you would like your

    future to be:

    Consider all the different aspects of your life: your work, family,

    significant relationship, social life, hobbies, sport, community,

    finances, spirituality, creativity, your home and physical

    environment, health and well-being. Taking each one in turn, think

    about what it would be like if you were entirely satisfied with that

    aspect of your life. What would that look like? What would be

    different? What changes would you need to make?

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    Annabel Sutton, 2009. May not be reproduced without permission.

    Phone: 44 (0)1747 871196 Email: [email protected]

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    With this in mind, write a description of the way you would love your

    life to look in, say, one years time. Or you could choose to do it in

    five years or ten whatever works for you. Make this description as

    detailed, vivid and real as you can. What are you doing? Where are

    you? Who are you with? What can you see, hear, taste, touch and

    smell? How are you feeling? The key with this exercise is to write it in

    the present tense, as if its already happened. Youll find that its

    much more powerful and has the effect of building momentum

    drawing you almost unconsciously towards your desired outcome.

    Another way to do this especially if youre naturally a visual person

    is to create a Vision Board or Dream Board. This is a way to build a

    visual representation of your future vision. You can use pictures or

    words and phrases from magazines or newspapers; photos; drawings

    anything that creates a compelling future vision.

    Once you know where youre going and what youre working towards then

    you can start to plan and set the goals that are going to get you there. No

    more wandering around in a mist of uncertainty you can set your sail for

    your very own dynamic horizon.

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    Annabel Sutton, 2009. May not be reproduced without permission.

    Phone: 44 (0)1747 871196 Email: [email protected]

    Its the set of the sail, not the blow of the gale, that determines your

    course in life.

    Randy Davis

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    Celebrate your achievements

    When you find achievements to celebrate, you nourish your spirit and

    motivate yourself. Jinny Ditzler

    Before every coaching session I ask my clients to complete a summary of

    how theyve got on in the time since our last session. The first question on

    the form is What have I achieved? Often theyll say that they had no idea

    theyd achieved so much until they actually sat down and thought about it.

    And this is the key.

    Perverse creatures that we are, were far more likely to get to the end of

    the day and think about all the things we havent done, or failed to do as

    well as wed have liked. How many times do you sit down of an evening and

    make a list of all the things youve done well? Its just not what we do.

    I dont know why it is, but our natural inclination is always to focus on the

    negatives. Given ten pieces of individual feedback nine of them with

    glowing comments and one with negative which one are we most likely to

    focus on more? Well dismiss the positive comments and keep coming back

    to the negative.

    OK, there will be days when you havent done everything youd planned and

    when you might have screwed something up. Of course, nothing goes

    smoothly all the time. So what? You can learn from those experiences.

    Theres a quote which is always attributed to Queen Victoria (though

    somehow that seems a bit unlikely) which goes: There is no such thing as

    failure only success and new learning.

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    Annabel Sutton, 2009. May not be reproduced without permission.

    Phone: 44 (0)1747 871196 Email: [email protected]

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    Its critically important to focus on, and celebrate, our achievements. Doing

    so will have a positive impact on our outlook, our confidence and,

    ultimately, our success. Here are some suggestions to help you build this

    habit into your schedule:

    At the end of each day make a list of at least five things youve achieved

    during the day. These dont have to be monumental it could be

    something as seemingly insignificant as I finally finished writing my

    report or I went for a bike ride today the key is that theyre important

    / significant to you in some way. Having done this, consider how you

    could build on these successes the following day.

    If doing this daily feels a bit much, perhaps you could get into the habit

    of doing it at the end of the week, or even each month. The key is to do

    it on a regular basis. My clients really notice the difference it makes

    when they get into the habit of noting their achievements on a regular


    If you have children you could make this a family activity: ask them at

    supper-time what they achieved today, or involve your spouse or


    If youve achieved something significant something youve wanted to

    do for ages / a long-term goal you could plan something special as a

    way to reward yourself and celebrate your success.

    Its particularly important to do this at the end of each year. Sit downand write a HUGE list of all the things youve achieved in the year. Its a

    really nourishing exercise to do and will set you up in a positive frame of

    mind for the start of the New Year.

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    Annabel Sutton, 2009. May not be reproduced without permission.

    Phone: 44 (0)1747 871196 Email: [email protected]

    Increasing your self-esteem is easy. Simply do good things and remember

    that you did them. John-Roger

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    Maximise your energy


    We all have natural energy cycles when we feel the most awake and

    focused; Im usually at my best in the morning whereas I know others that

    prefer to burn the midnight oil and thats when they do their best work.

    When are you at your best? What times of day do you feel bright, clear-

    headed and full of energy? And when do you feel sluggish, fuzzy and tired?

    They key is to know and accept when your energy is naturally at its best and

    to consciously use these times for those tasks that require more mental

    concentration and effort. The down times are best reserved for more

    routine activities.

    This can be applied to relationships, too. How many couples wait until the

    end of the day, usually when theyre about to go to sleep, to initiate those

    potentially difficult and divisive conversations? If youre tired, whatever

    you do dont succumb to the pressure. Acknowledge the fact that you or

    your partner wants to talk, but suggest that you wait until the morning or

    a time when you both feel ready, and have the energy, for it.


    You cant make headway in life when there are things that are consistently

    draining your energy and dragging you down. Its like trying to walk through

    a ploughed field after its been raining and your boots are clogged with

    mud; or trying to swim fully clothed. Youll end up feeling exhausted and

    stressed and wont get anywhere fast.

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    Annabel Sutton, 2009. May not be reproduced without permission.

    Phone: 44 (0)1747 871196 Email: [email protected]

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    What are these energy drainers exactly? It could be physical stuff like an

    untidy desk or shirt you cant wear because of a missing button; It could be

    a draining relationship or a friend who talks endlessly about themselves and

    their problems and drains your energy each time you speak; It could be

    something about your physical environment (a room that needs painting or

    the broken toaster that needs replacing); or maybe your finances (too much

    credit card debt, lack of insurance, etc). There are endless possibilities. The

    key is that these are things that irritate you, that drain your energy when

    you think about them or have to engage with them in any way and that

    youre currently putting up with. So, what to do?

    Make a list of ALL the things in your life that are currently draining your

    energy. Some may be relatively small things (such as the missing button)

    and some might feel pretty big perhaps your job is really getting you

    down and you know deep down that you need to make a change.

    Next, go through the list and highlight the items that are irritating you

    the most. Dont think about this too long go with your initial instinct.

    Go through the list again and use a different means of highlighting any

    items that look as if they would be relatively easy to deal with.

    Choose THREE to deal with in the next week. If theyre items that are

    relatively easy to deal with andirritating you the most, so much the

    better. Cross them off the list as you handle them and then choose three

    more. Aim to keep going with your list until theyre all dealt with. Each

    time you eliminate one of these energy drainers youll feel so much

    better and should experience a sense of relief and lightness. That alone

    should help to galvanise you and build momentum.

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    Annabel Sutton, 2009. May not be reproduced without permission.

    Phone: 44 (0)1747 871196 Email: [email protected]

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    Clearly, some items will be easier than others. You may need some

    help and support with the trickier ones.

    3. Last, but not least, while youre busy eliminating those things that are

    draining your energy, its really important to add things to your life that

    give you energy. What do you love to do? What nourishes you and feeds your

    body and soul? Is it singing? Walking? Sport? Meditation? Something creative?

    Trying something new? Whatever it is for you, its vital to be sure to include

    these activities in your life.

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    Annabel Sutton, 2009. May not be reproduced without permission.

    Phone: 44 (0)1747 871196 Email: [email protected]

    Lets define tolerations as things that bug us, sap our energy, and

    could be eliminated! Theres a small payoff to carrying tolerations

    you get to feel kind of noble about your burdens and your forbearance.

    But, believe me, its a very expensive source of self-esteem.

    Tolerations are holes in your personal success cup; they drain away

    your contentment and good fortune. They drain YOU. They make you

    eel less attractive to yourself. Tolerations often represent

    compromises youve talked yourself into. Thomas Leonard

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    Watch your Language

    Change your thoughts and you change your world. Norman Vincent Peale

    Success in life has much to do with confidence. Confidence is a complex

    subject and much has been written about it. Here, though, Im focusing on

    building confidence through the (external) language you use when talking to

    others and also, crucially, dealing with the (internal) language from your

    Inner Critic

    The language we use can have a major impact not only on how we view

    ourselves, but also in the way others view us. Its important to become

    aware of the language we use and to be especially attuned to the use of

    unassertive language. Self-deprecation is a very British thing to do, and

    while its great to be able to laugh at yourself and not take things too

    seriously, it should never be at the expense of your self-confidence. Some

    people let themselves down by using unassertive and self-deprecating

    language. Phrases like Trust me to get it wrong or Ive always been hopelessat or Dont ask me to do that, Im bound to mess it up give a very clear

    message about your view of yourself and your abilities.

    For the next few days be especially attuned to the language that you,

    and others, use. Notice when people use phrases that put themselves

    down in some way. What impact does it have? If you tend towards self-

    deprecation yourself, just experiment with avoiding it for a couple of

    days and see what happens. You dont have to start bragging or boasting

    about yourself, but choose NOT to put yourself down.

    The way you use words can have a huge impact on the quality of your life.

    Some words are destructive while others are empowering. Here are a couple

    of examples:

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    Annabel Sutton, 2009. May not be reproduced without permission.

    Phone: 44 (0)1747 871196 Email: [email protected]

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    How often do you use the word SHOULD? Should is a word to be avoided

    like the plague. It implies that you have little choice or control over a

    situation and that there are external forces or pressures at work. In

    other words, whatever it is that you feel youshould

    be doing is probably

    not something you really want to be doing, but rather something that

    someone else is putting pressure on you to do. Shoulds are almost

    always energy drainers. Each time you notice yourself using the word

    shouldtry replacing it with the word couldinstead. See how much better

    that feels? It immediately gives you the element of choice. Its not

    something youve got to do, its something you can choose to do or not.

    Its up to you.

    Another word to avoid is WHY? Its human nature to want to know why

    something is happening to us and to make sense of a difficult situation.

    But it gets you nowhere and keeps you mired in the past. Instead of

    asking Whysomething has happened, ask yourself a What question

    instead. For example, rather than asking Why did that happen? ask

    What do I want to do about it? See how much more empowering,

    positive and forward thinking that is?

    Equally crucial for success is the need to be aware of, and deal with, our

    Inner Dialogue. We ALL do it. We all have that Inner Critic (or Chatterbox

    or Gremlin or whatever you want to call it) who leaps into action whenever

    we think about stretching ourselves or attempting anything new. This is the

    inner voice that tells us were crazy to even think of doing something new

    who do we think we are to consider such a thing? were hopeless

    nobody would think of hiring us and so it goes on.

    This inner language or dialogue can be really destructive. It comes from all

    kinds of places: messages from childhood (from parents, school, teachers,

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    Annabel Sutton, 2009. May not be reproduced without permission.

    Phone: 44 (0)1747 871196 Email: [email protected]

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    authority figures), from the media, advertising, bosses, friends, colleagues.

    By the time were adults weve amassed loads of evidence that were not

    good enough and are bound to fail. Its NOT TRUE! The only person holding

    you back, ultimately, is yourself. It was the indomitable First Lady Eleanor

    Roosevelt who said, so wonderfully, No-one can make you feel inferior

    without your consent.

    Dont let your demons get you down is a line from the song Shine by

    Take That and thats exactly what Im talking about here.

    Its not easy to conquer the demons. But remember that awareness is the

    precursor of change. Once youre aware of something then you can start (if

    you choose) to change it. So how to do that?

    The first thing to do is just to start noticing when the inner dialogue

    kicks in. Start keeping track of the negative messages or limiting beliefs

    that you hold about yourself. After a few days take a look and see if

    there are any that are particularly dominant.

    Ask yourself is it PRODUCTIVE for me to believe this?

    If not, see if you can come up with a Positive Opposite of the negative or

    limiting belief. For example, if youve identified Im hopeless at public

    speaking as a firmly entrenched belief, you could replace it with

    Public speaking is easy. I do it easily and naturally. If the total

    opposite is too much to take on board, you can create a Bridging Belief one that bridges the gap between the two and feels more doable. In the

    above example, it could be With the right training and practice I know

    that Im perfectly capable of speaking in public.

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    Annabel Sutton, 2009. May not be reproduced without permission.

    Phone: 44 (0)1747 871196 Email: [email protected]

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    Then its a case of inculcating your new beliefs. This takes practice and

    persistence. Its not going to happen overnight. It took many years for

    these negative beliefs to become entrenched and so dont be deterred if

    they try to stick around as long as they can! See if you can come up with

    creative ways to start living and breathing your new positive messages

    (or affirmations).

    Some ideas: write them on post-its and stick them all over the house,

    especially in places you will see them a lot. Have a go at, literally,

    breathing them in: on a long breath, inhale deeply as you think of your

    positive affirmation and, if you like, you can think of the negative

    message as you exhale. Repeat your positive affirmation to yourself as

    often as you can during the day, but particularly first thing in the

    morning and last thing at night (while exercising is a great time, too).

    Maybe you could create a visual representation of your affirmation and

    have that somewhere you can see it frequently. Maybe theres a song

    that represents the new feeling that you can play The important thing

    is to do this on a daily basis.

    Language is powerful. The way you use it and the words you choose to

    believe about yourself, will have a huge impact on your self-confidence and,

    ultimately, your success.

    An affirmation is a strong, positive statement that something is already

    so. Shakti Gawain

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    Annabel Sutton, 2009. May not be reproduced without permission.

    Phone: 44 (0)1747 871196 Email: [email protected]

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    Take time out for yourself

    The time to relax is when you dont have time for it. Anonymous

    Whether youre the owner of a thriving business, an employee, a student or

    a busy mum this final secret is hugely important. Life in the 21st century

    seems to have speeded up so much, and become so hectic, that the

    majority of people I coach are running flat out on their hamster wheels and

    are consistently challenged by never having enough time. The technologyrevolution hasnt helped. Many of us are dogged by relentless electronic

    chatter. Whereas decluttering used to mean clearing out a few cupboards,

    now it invariably includes clearing out the email Inbox as well.

    Whatever your circumstances, its vital to take time out from your busy

    schedule to refresh and energise yourself on a regular basis. Its no

    coincidence that if you take apart the word recreation you end up with

    recreation. Taking time out to rest is, literally, a chance to recreate


    Taking time out will mean something different for everyone. I remember

    when I was studying for my finals at University my friends had to literally

    force me to take breaks from my revision. In the end, in desperation, they

    bought me a train ticket to travel to London to go and see in the flesh the

    works of art that I was studying! This was inspired. Not only did I

    desperately need the break but getting away from my normal environment

    (in this case the University of East Anglia library) was massively energising

    and refreshing in itself.

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    Annabel Sutton, 2009. May not be reproduced without permission.

    Phone: 44 (0)1747 871196 Email: [email protected]

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    If youre working hard at anything you will do better work and be more

    productive if you take regular breaks. And that means not only doing

    something completely different, but taking yourself into a different

    environment as well. This is essential. For example, taking a break from

    computer work by playing computer games is not a valid break.

    For the business owners I work with, the hour spent in their coaching session

    is hugely beneficial. It gives them the opportunity to get away and work ON

    the business rather than IN it. Equally, many agree that they do their best

    thinking and strategic planning sitting in a caf nursing a latte, or on a train

    journey, rather than sitting at their desk.

    What does taking time out mean for you? Is it making sure you get out into

    the fresh air for a walk or bike ride as often as you can? Does it mean the

    luxury of taking yourself away for a weekend break? Is it having a chance to

    meditate every morning before the hustle and bustle of the day begins?

    Whatever it is that you need to recharge your batteries, be sure to make

    time to do it. I know its really hard to find the time, and it can be

    particularly challenging if you have small children, but see if you can get

    creative with it.

    If you cast your mind back to the last time you were watching the safety

    demonstration on an aircraft you may remember that they instruct you to

    put on your own oxygen mask first so that you can then help those around

    you. In life its just the same. You need to take care of yourself so that

    youre better equipped to be there for others as well as yourself.

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    Annabel Sutton, 2009. May not be reproduced without permission.

    Phone: 44 (0)1747 871196 Email: [email protected]

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    Learn to say NO

    If you never say NO then what is your YES worth? Anon

    So what about the perennial problem that just wont go away? The very 21st

    Century problem of never having enough time After all, if youre going to

    be taking time out for yourself youre going to need to find the time to do

    it. Here are a couple of suggestions of ways to regain control over your


    For the next week keep a Time Log where you make a note of everything

    you do in the day and roughly how long you spend on each activity. You

    dont have to be a slave to this, but try to be as precise as you can. At

    the end of the week add up the time you spend on all the different

    activities. What does this tell you? Are there things youre spending far

    too much time on? Are there activities that are wasting your time? Are

    some things no longer a priority now that you look at them in black andwhite? Are there things you could delegate to someone else or even drop

    altogether? This exercise can be a real eye opener and the results may

    well help you to see how you can carve out more time for yourself.

    Learn to say no. This is, without doubt, the most important word in

    the English language when it comes to time management. SO many

    people struggle with this. Why is this? Perhaps its because we dont liketo let people down; we may be flattered to be asked to help with

    something; ultimately we just want to be liked. Whatever the reason,

    saying no is incredibly hard. But remember: every time you say yes to

    someone else you are effectively saying no to YOU. There are only so

    Annabel Sutton, 2009. May not be reproduced without permission.

    Phone: 44 (0)1747 871196 Email: [email protected]

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    many hours in the day and you just cant keep filling them up by saying

    yes to everything youre asked to do. So how to do it? Here are some


    Play for time. When someone asks you to do something tell them youll

    get back to them in an hour, or that evening, or tomorrow. This gives

    you time to think about it rationally and to decide whether it is really

    something you want to do (not something you shoulddo).

    Find a graceful way to say no. My tip is to use the hamburger model

    which gives you a really simple, yet polite and graceful way to say no.

    Imagine that the hamburger buns represent positive statements and the

    burger itself a negative and this Simply sandwich the no between the

    two positive statements. Something like: I really appreciate you asking

    me to be on the committee. Its kind of you to think of me. Im afraid

    Im not able to accept, but thanks again for asking me and I wish you lots

    of luck with it. That may sound a bit clunky. Youll need to find

    language that works for you. But using that model makes it a bit easier

    to decline and hey presto the hours you would have had to spend on

    the boring a tedious committee you now have for yourself! Of course,

    you may have been just waiting to be asked to be on that committee in

    which its a completely different story!

    Saying no can be the ultimate self-care. Claudia Black

    Page No 18

    Annabel Sutton, 2009. May not be reproduced without permission.

    Phone: 44 (0)1747 871196 Email: [email protected]

  • 8/3/2019 The Seven Secrets of Success


    And Finally

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    If youd like to read more, my book 52 Ways to Change Your Life contains

    a compilation of 52 Tips one for each week of the year. Its available from

    any Neals Yard Remedies shop or online at

    If youd like to find out more about Life Coaching and how it could help you,

    youre welcome to contact me for a free, no obligation consultation. Email

    [email protected] for more details.

    Wishing you every success


    ICF Professional Certified Coach

    44 (0)1747 871196

    [email protected]

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    Annabel Sutton, 2009. May not be reproduced without permission.

    Phone: 44 (0)1747 871196 Email: annabel@annabelsutton com www annabelsutton com[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://