the service industries in the nineteenth century

This PDF is a selection from an out-of-print volume from the National Bureau of Economic Research Volume Title: Production and Productivity in the Service Industries Volume Author/Editor: Victor R. Fuchs, ed. Volume Publisher: UMI Volume ISBN: 0-870-14489-8 Volume URL: Publication Date: 1969 Chapter Title: The Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century Chapter Author: Robert E. Gallman, Thomas J. Weiss Chapter URL: Chapter pages in book: (p. 287 - 381)

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Page 1: The Service Industries  in the Nineteenth Century

This PDF is a selection from an out-of-print volume from the NationalBureau of Economic Research

Volume Title: Production and Productivity in the Service Industries

Volume Author/Editor: Victor R. Fuchs, ed.

Volume Publisher: UMI

Volume ISBN: 0-870-14489-8

Volume URL:

Publication Date: 1969

Chapter Title: The Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century

Chapter Author: Robert E. Gallman, Thomas J. Weiss

Chapter URL:

Chapter pages in book: (p. 287 - 381)

Page 2: The Service Industries  in the Nineteenth Century

The Service Industries

in the Nineteenth Century







This paper describes the level and composition of output of the serv-ice sector during the nineteenth century and the principal trends inboth. It considers inputs into the service sector and arrives at conclu-sions, some very tentative, concerning relative levels of output perworker and trends in productivity. The quantitative series producedare of unequal reliability and while we have taken some pains to drawattention to this fact at various places in the text, the reader is fur-ther warned to examine the table notes and the long appendix withcare before he uses any of these series in his own work.


Table 1 contains two series, each measuring the output of the servicesector, in current prices. The concepts, data, and estimating proce-dures underlying the two are somewhat different, and while the seriesare insufficiently independent to warrant regarding their comparisonas a severe test of either, there is something to be gained from theprocess.

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288 Production and Productivity in Service Industries


Output of the Service Sector, Expressed in Current Prices,1839—1899, Two Variants

(billions of dollars)

Variant 1/Variant 1 Variant 2 Variant 2

1839 0.68 0.65 1.051849 1.11 0.94 1.18.1859 2.01 1.75 1.151869 3.32 2.93 1.1.3

1879 4.34 3.87 1.1.2

1889 5.80 6.50 0.891899 8.14 8.91 0.91

SOURCE NOTES: Variant 1: Obtained by subtracting net income originating in agri-culture and industry (manufacturing, mining and construction) from national income.National income was obtained by extrapolation on gross national product, the lattertaken from worksheets underlying Robert E. Gailman, "Gross National Product in theUnited States, 1834—1909" in Output, Employment, and Productivity in the United Statesafter 1800, Studies in Income and Wealth 30, New York, NBER, 1966, p. 26. Theextrapolating ratio (.8884) was derived by dividing average net national product,1899—1908, by average gross national product for the same decade (Galiman, p. 26).The net national product estimate is from Simon Kuznets, Capital in the AmericanEconomy, Princeton, N.J., 1961, Table R-11, p. 520 (Variant I). The concepts involvedare National Bureau of Economic Research concepts; hence, the aggregate, net na-tional product, is equivalent to national income.

Income originating in industry was extrapolated on value added by industry. Theextrapolating ratio (.6556) was computed from manufacturing data for the years 1923,1925, 1927 and 1929, taken from U.S. Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of theUnited States, Washington, D.C., 1960, series P-8, p. 409 (value added) and SimonKuznets, National income and its Composition, 1919—1 938, New York, NBER, 1954,Table 44, pp. 310—311. Additional available data for the years 1919, 1921, 1931, 1933,1935 and 1937 were not used because the ratios in these years were affected by condi-tions which did not exist in the nineteenth century years to which the extrapolation wasto be carried (reconversion from war, 1919; unusually deep or prolonged depression,1921, 1931, 1933) or because the value added data were not entirely comparable withthe nineteenth century value added data (1935, 1937—see the source). Had we usedthese data, however, the extrapolating ratio would not have been much different(roughly, .622).

Manufacturing data alone were used since adequate mining and construction datawere not available. We did compute a mining ratio for 1919 (.72 15) and it was veryclose to the manufacturing ratio for that year (.7 165), suggesting that the extrapolatingratio used may be adequately representative.

Income originating in agriculture was extrapolated on value added by agriculture.The extrapolating ratio (.6525) was derived from data in Kuznets, cit., Table 44,pp. 310, 311 (income originating) and technical Bulletin 703, Table 8, p. 24, column 1for the years 1920 through 1929, years in which the ratio varied little. We did not use

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Service Industries in the Nineteen th• Century 289

The first series was produced as a residual, by subtracting net in-come originating in agriculture (including firewood production), man-ufacturing, mining and construction from national income (NBERconcept). Presumably, then, it measures net income originating in allthe remaining industries, virtually all of which lie in the service sector(exceptions: fishing, forestry except firewood production).

There is a very good chance that the change in the series over timeis biased, and in a downward direction. The estimates of nationalincome and sectoral income originating were all obtained by extrap-olating the desired estimate backward in time from the twentieth cen-tury on a more comprehensive measure (gross national product; valueadded; gross income—see the notes to Table 1). The assumption wasmade that, e.g., the ratio of net income originating in manufacturingto value added by manufacturing was unvarying over time. But inview of the growing complexity of the economy, one would expectthat, in fact, the ratio might fall over time.' Consequently, assuminga constant ratio may tend to produce an upward bias in the rate ofchange of income origin.ating in commodity production and, therefore,a downward bias in the rate of change of the residual, income origi-nating in the service sector.

Additionally, the GNP series underlying the national income esti-

1 However, the twentieth century evidence does not describe such a movement.

available data for 1919 and 1930 through 1937, for esse.ntially the reasons given above,in the notes relating to industry. However, had we used these years the ratio wouldhave been only very slightly different (.6540).

Value added by industry is the sum of value added by manufacturing, mining (bothtaken from Robert E. Galirnan, "Commodity Output, 1839—1899" in Trends in theAmerican Economy in the Nineteenth Century, Studies in Income and Wealth 24, Princetonfor NBER, 1960, 54 and 56, except that the estimate for the fornier in 1839 is ad-justed upward from $240 million to $250 million, in the light of work underlyingGailman, "Gross National Product ... ," p. 47, note "e" to Table A-7) and construc-tion. Value added by construction is estimated as the difference between the value ofgross new construction (ibid., p. 38) and the value of materials consumed in construction(Gallnian, "Commodity Output," op. cit., p. 63, Table A-b, line 1 plus line 2). The esti-mates understate value added by construction.

Value added by agriculture is from Gallman, ibid., pp. 46—48. However, the value of"improvements to farm land" and "home manufacturing" were omitted, to make theestimates conceptually comparable to the national income estimates. Additionally, theestimates of the value of "firewood consumption" which are components of the grossnational product series were substituted for estimates of the value of forest products inTrends in the American Economy in the Nineteenth Century, op. cit.

Variant 2: See Appendix Table A-i.

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290 Production and Productivity in Service Industries

mates was produced from the final flow side. The commodity estimatesare more reliable than the service flows and the latter, in the earlyyears, are somewhat more likely to be high than low.2 Consequentlythere is a second reason for believing the trend of the first series inTable 1 to be biased in a downward direction.

The first series was estimated indirectly, as a residual. The second(Variant 2) was estimated directly and is composed of gross valueadded measures. It shares some significant common elements with. thefirst series (see the notes to Table 1 and the appendix), but is mdc-perident in important ways, at least by the end of the century.Furthermore, while it has a few weak components (see the appendix),we regard it as a stronger series than the first.

The two series do tell roughly the same story. The level of outputin 1839 ran, in current prices, something under $700 million. It hadvery nearly tripled by 1859 and between that date and the turn ofthe century, it expanded another four- or fivefold. As expected, theratio of the first series to the second falls, presumably reflecting thepreviously alluded to bias in the first series. But the movement is notunidirectional, gentle or gradual. The ratio rose in the first decade,then drifted downward, more or less as we had expected, for threedecades and then fell very sharply. The improvement of the new,Variant 2, series over the old, Variant 1, is surely reflected in theseshort-term deviations in the rates of change of the two series.

We may now drop Variant 1 and focus on Variant 2. According toTable 1, the value of the output of the service sector increased roughlyfourteenfold between 1839 and 1899. We want to know how this com-pares with the pace of change in the rest of the economy. Table 2represents the first step toward an answer to this question. It showsthe distribution of the value of output (value added) between thecommodity and service producing sectors. Trends in the shares reflectdifferential rates of change between the sectors.

In fact, there is little clear and convincing evidence that the twobroad sectors grew at markedly different rates. It is true that the share

2 Robert E. Gailman, "Gross National Product in the United States, 1834—1909.,"in Output, Employment, and Productivity in the United States After 1800, Studiesin Income and Wealth 30, New York, NBER, 1966, pp. 56—62.

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— — —

Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 291


The Distribution of Output, Expressed in Current Prices,Between the Commodity and Service Producing Sectors,

1839— 1899

(per cent)

Commodity ServiceIndustries Industries

1839 62 381849 61 391859 59 4.1

1869 63 371879 58 421889 54 461899 53 47

SOURCE NoTEs: Commodity Industries: Value added by agriculture, manufacturing,mining and construction. See notes to Table 1. Service Industries: Value added by theservice industries. See notes to Table 1.

of the commodity producing sector fell by 9 percentage points, from62 to 53 per cent, between 1839 and 1899, while the share of theservice sector rose from 38 to 47 per cent. However, this is not a verymarked change, compared the structural shifts going on over thesame period within commodity In 1839, agriculture'sshare of value added by commodity production was 70 per cent; in-dustry's (manufacturing, mining, and construction), 30 per cent. By1899, the- positions of the two sectors were almost reversed. The shareof agriculture had fallen to 35 per cent; the share of industry hadrisen to 65 per cent.

More important, the changes in relative importance of the corn-and service producing sectors are compressed into the last

three decades of the century. Indeed, there is no real evidence of asignificant trend in shares before 1889, and none thereafter. The meas-ured share of the service sector jumped to an unprecedentedly high

3 The movement would have been somewhat more pronounced, and alsosmoother, were the commodity sector estimates underlying the Variant II GNPseries in the Volume 30 paper (ibid.) substituted for the estimates used here. Butthe broad conclusions outlined in this paragraph would remain.

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292 Production and Productivity in Service Industries


Price Indexes, 1839—1899, Base 1860

1839 1849 1859 1869 1879 1889 1899

1. Commodity producing sectors a(implicit) 94 87 100 146 105 90 87

2. Service sectors, Variant I (im-plicit) 96 104 103 131 104 105 99

3. Rent (Brady) 80 95 101 147 122 139 1434. Rent (Lebergott) 100b 155 1255. Rent (Hoover)a IOOC 100 141 1226. Medical 100C 100 166 151

7. Distribution (implicit) 115 101 103 145 99 96 87S. Shipping freight rates 87 112 79 82 89 60 539. Railroad passenger rates a 205 119 100 115 105 90 82

10. Railroad freight rates a 290 157 100 84 50 36 2811. Average weekly wages of do-

mesticsd 81 100 149 23412. Weighted index (lines 3, 6,7, 8,

10) 95 101 99 129 91 78 70

SOURCE NOTES: Row 1: Value added by agriculture, manufacturing, mining and construc-tion, in current prices, divided by the same, in prices of 1860. The sources of the current pricemagnitudes are described in the notes to Table 1.

The agricultural series was deflated by use of the implicit price index contained in Gallnian,"Commodity Output ...," p. 43, shifted to the base 1859 without reweighting. Additionally,the price index was modified to reflect the alterations made to the agricultural series in thepresent study, and described in the notes to Table 1.

The mining series was deflated by the mining price index in Galiman, ibid., p. 43, shifted tothe base 1859, without reweighting.

The manufacturing series was deflated by the value of output price index underlying thevalue added price index contained in Gallman, ibid., Table A-5, p. 56, shifted to the base 1859without reweighting. The value of output price index was used in preference to the valueadded price index to maintain conceptual comparability with the deflators for the servicesector. But as a practical matter, the index numbers in line I would have been virtually un-changed had we used the value added price index.

Value added by construction was deflated by the implicit pi'ice index of gross new construc-tion, underlying Gallmari, "Gross National Product. . .

Row 2: The estimates underlying Variant 1, Table 1, divided by the same, in prices of 1860.The latter were produced exactly as were the former, except, of course, that the extrapola-tions were carried out on constant price series: The constant Price GNP series is the oneunderlying Gallnian, ibid. The remaining constant price series are described above (Row I).The extrapolating ratios are those of Table 1.

Row 3: Estimates supplied by Dorothy Brady and used in Gallman, ibid.Rows 4 and 11: Derived from Stanley Lebergott, Manpower in Economic Growth: the American

Record Since 1800, New York, San Francisco, Toronto, London, pp. 542, 549.Rows 5 and 6: Derived from Ethel Hoover, "Retail Prices After 1850," in in the

American Economy, op. Cii., PP. 174, 176, 178.Row 7: Implicit price index (final prices) of goods flowing through the distributive system,

computed from worksheets underlying Gaflman, "Gross National Product ... ," op. cit.

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level between 1879 and 1889, but the place of this movement in thelong-term development cannot be established with the evidence con-tained in Table 2.

Table 2 rests on current price data. We now want to distinguishthe separate roles of price and output changes in the formation ofthe ratios contained in Table 2. Table 3 contains some evidence bear-ing on the question.

In line 1 we have gathered implicit price index numbers relatingto the commodity producing sectors. The basic sources of these indexnumbers are familiar and their use does not appear to raise any veryserious problems.

The index numbers in line 2, however, constitute quite a differentmatter. They were derived by dividing the constant price Variant 1service series (Le., the residual) through the current price series. Thereare at least three reasons why they are suspect. First, one must alwaysbe uneasy with derivations from residuals. Second, in this particularinstance each of the residuals was derived from estimates extrapolatedinto the nineteenth century on the assumption of fixed relationshipsbetween the extrapolating series and the estimate, an assumption thatmay not be warranted. Finally, we know the price series that wentinto the construction of the basic national product and commodityoutput series and therefore know, in principle, which components ofthe service sector are represented in the implicit deflation. We knowthat a rent index was the only deflator of services flowing to con-

Row 8: Derived from Douglass C. North, "The United States Balance of Payments, 1760—1860" and Matthew Simon, "The United States Balance of Payments, 1861—1900," both ini'rends in the American Economy, pp. 607, 608 (column 4, converted to base 1860) and 652(column 2).

9 and 10: Derived froni Albert Fishlow, "Productivity and Technological Change inthe Railroad Sector, 1840—1910," in Output, Employment, and Productivity, op. cit., p. 585.

Row 12: The indexes were divided through the appropriate components of value added bythe service sector (see the al)pefldiX) to produce constant price estimates. The constant priceestimates were summed and divided through the appropriate current aggregate in eachyear to produce the index number. Itwas assumed that the medical price index was 100 in1840 and 160 in both 1889 and 1899 and that the medical price index could satisfactorilyrepresent all professional services.

a Index based on 1859.b 1860.

C 1851.d1850 1860, 1870, 1900.

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294 Production and Productivity in Service Industriessumers in the national product Additionally, since the com-modity production series are valued in (and deflated wholesaleprices and the national product series is valued in (and deflated by)final prices, the implicit price index of the residual must reflect pricemovements relevant to distribution, including transportation of goods.Consequently, distribution and shelter are the only components ofthe service sector represented in the implicit price index of theresidual.

Lines S through 11 contain a variety of indexes relevant to theservice sector. Our search was not intensive and possibly other seriescould be assembled to fill out the. record. But these lines contain vir-tually all the evidence we found.

Two features of these series are worth noticing imm&Iiately. First,the list is not much more comprehensive the list of indexes rep-resented in the Variant 1 implicit price index. But some new evidencedoes appear. Second, with the exception of the distribution priceindex, all of these indexes deviate quite markedly from the commodityoutput price index. The latter is rather stable, except for a sharp risebetween 1859 and 1869 and a sharp decline between the latter yearand 1879. But the service price indexes fall into two groups. Onegroup, representing rents, personal and professional services, exhibitsquite marked and persistent price increases. The second, representingtransportation services shows extremely marked price declines.

Line 12 was prepared by weighting and combining the principalindexes contained in lines 3—10 (see thenot the data in line 11, since they do tip.,t consist of price indexnumbers. Consequently, the important component of the service sec-tor, "personal servicçs," is unrepresented in composite price index,as are several other components which together account for between21 and 25 per cent of service We suppose that these omissionstend to bias the changes in the composite price index over time in adownward direction.

The location of price base also. has an itnportant effect on themovement of the price index over time. The component whichchanges most markedly is the index of railroad freight rates, which

4 Gallman, "Gross National op. cit., pp. 40, 58.

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falls by 90 per cent between 1839 and 1899. By the postwar years, therailroad industry is an important component of the sector. The earlierthe price base, the larger the impact of the falling railroad freightrates on the aggregate price index, and vice versa. This, of course, isa common problem in index number construction. But we have ithere in extraordinarily sharp form. The price base 1860 has at leastthe virtue of lying roughly midway in the decline (per cent) of thefreight rates from the peak in 1839 to the trough of 1899.

Interestingly enough, the composite index of line 12 lies very closeto the Variant 1 implicit price index in every year from 1839 to 1869.Thereafter, the effect of the sharply falling rail freight rates on thecomposite index is seen clearly. The composite index falls sharply,drops thirteen points below the Variant 1 index in 1879, 27 points, in1889, and 29 points, in 1899. The broad trends of the Variant 1 indexare much the same as those of the commodity price index, except thatthe latter shows a slight tendency to decline, relative to the former.But the composite service price Index falls markedly and persistently,relative to the commodity price index after 1859.

Given the uncertainties surrounding the sector index numbers,meaningful real output estimates for the service sector cannot be pro-duced. However, the data of Table 3 do have some value. For reasonspreviously given, the trend across time of the index numbers in line 2is probably biased ifl an upward direction; that of the index numbersin line 12, in a downward direction. The two series bracket the indexnumbers relating to commodity production (line 1). Consequently, itseems proper to conclude that the long-term movements of the pricelevels of the commodity and service producing sectors probably didnot differ markedly. Thus the broad conclusions concerning the rela-tive speed of growth of the two sectors, based on the current priceevidence underlying Table 2, are probably roughly relevant to realmagnitudes, as well.

Table 4 distributes the Output of the service sector (current prices)among the industries that compose the sector. The first three indus-tries listed provide chiefly intermediate products; the last six, finalproducts. Several features of the distribution are worth attention.

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296 Production and Productivity in Service Industries


Distribution of Output Among Service Industries,Current Prices, 1839—1899

(IJer cent)

1839 1849 1859 1869 1879 1889 1899

1. Distribution 30 37 38 33 34 30 302. Transportation and public

utilities 17 11 15 1.7 18 20 203. Finance 5 3 3 4 5 6 6

Subtotal 52 51 56 54 57 56 56

4. Housing 26 26 23 24 18 .17 1.6

5. Professional 7 8 6 7 11 Ii 13

6. Personal 5 5 5 5 6 7 67. Government 4 3 4 2 2 3 3

8. Education 1 2 2 3 3 3 3

9. Repair hand trades 5 4 5 4 4 4 5

Subtotal 48 48 45 45 44 45 46Grand total 100 99 10]. 99 101 101 102

SOURCE NOTES: Computed from Appendix Table A-I.

First, the distribution of output between industries producing inter-mediate and final product changed little over time. Industries pri-marily engaged in intermediate production accounted for roughly 55per cent of the output of the service sector throughout; industriesproducing mainly final product, 45 per cent. The two types of indus-tries were equally responsible for the, growth. of output of the sector,in current prices.

Second, three large industries—distribution, transportation and pub-lic utilities, and housing—dominated the sector, accounting for be-tween two-thirds and three-quarters of output in every year. The shareof the three in output declined over time, housing accounting for theentire decline. The share of housing in sector output fell from one-quarter to a little less than one-sixth. An increase in the share oftransportation and public utilities only partly compensated for thedrop.

The shares of two other industries, finance and professional serv-ices, rose noticeably. However, the former industry remained rela-

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tively small throughout. The estimates relating to professional serviceare perhaps the weakest of all the output estimates and, consequently,one should not emphasize the changes in the share of this sector.

It is asimple enough matter to imagine the effects deflation wouldhave on Table 4 (see Table 3). In constant prices, the share of trans-portation and public utilities would surely rise, and the share ofhousing fall much more prominently than in Table 4. The share ofdistribution would fall somewhat and the share of professional serv-ices perhaps remain constant, perhaps fall. Without much doubt, atable produced from constant price magnitudes would show that theoutput of industries producing chiefly intermediate services grew verymuch faster than the output of the entire sector. The changes in thetransportation and public utilities industry would surely be reflectedin the table in the most striking way.


Table 5 contains three different sets of estimates of the labor forceattached to the service sector. It will be seen that the estimates pro-duced for this paper, Variant 3, are very close to the Variant 2, orFabricant, estimates in the years 1869 through 1899. This is not atall surprising since both series in these years depend heavily on thework of Carson (see the appendix). For the years before the CivilWar, however, the Fabricant series depends upon the pioneering, butnow dated, study by Wheipton. The Wheipton aggregate labor forceestimates are surely too low, before the war, and consequently it isnot unreasonable to suppose that his service figures are also too low.Therefore, the current estimates should, and do, lie above th.e Fabri-cant figures in the prewar years.

The Variant 1, or Lebergott, figures were produced by us, not byLebergott. We simply subtracted Lebergott's estimates of the laborforce in agriculture, mining, fishing, manufacturing and constructionfrom his aggregate labor force estimates. Lebergott, himself, has notattempted a full set of service labor force estimates.

The method by which we derived the Variant 1 series may explainthe rather odd relationship between the Variant 1 and Variant 3series. Before the war, the former stood typically 100 thousand or sohigher than the latter, whereas after the war, it lay 400 or 500 thou-

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298 Production and Productivity in Service Industries

sand below. Over the war decade, the Variant 1 seriesactually fell by 300 thousand, a difficult decline to explain. Conse-quently, within the pre- and postwar periods, the two series describeddifferent levels; but roughly the same rates of change. Over the fullperiod, 1839—1899, however, Variant 1 displayed a seven- or eightfoldexpansion, while the growth of the Variant 3 series was almost nine-fold.

We now confine our attention to the Variant 3 series and ask howthe growth of the service sector labor force compared with the growthof the aggregate labor force. The relevant data are contained inTable 6, which shows that the share of the service sector in the aggre-


The Labor Force in the Service Sector, 1839—1899,Three Variants


Variant 1 Variant 2Year a (Lebergott) (Fabricant) Variant 3

1839 1,244 n,a. 1,1801849 1,988 1,502 1,8721859 2,975 2,309 2,8061869 2,682 3,266b 3,2251879 3,959 4,568 4,3841889 6,960 7,184 7,2661899 9,124 9,658 9,618

SOURCE NOTES: Variant 1: See text for methods of calculation. The basic data arefrom Stanley Lebergott, "Labor Force and Eniployment, 1800—1960," in Output, Em-ployment, and Productivity, op. cit., p. 118.

Variant 2: Derived from Historical Statistics of the United States, 1789—1945, SeriesD47-61. The estimates of labor force in the hand trades in Appendix Table A.12 wereadded to the Fabricant service sector estimates to improve the comparability of Variants1, 2 and 3.

Variant 3: Appendix Table A-12.a Since the census data on which these series are based were collected in the summer

of the following calendar year, the estimates are typically dated 1840, 1850, etc. We usethe dating 1839, etc., to maintain consistency with the other tables in this paper.

b Comparable with the estimates for 1839—1859. The figure comparable with theestimates for 1879—1899 is 3,286.

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Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 299


The Distribution of the Labor Force Between Service andCommodity Sectors, 1839—1899

(per cent)

Commodity ServiceSector Sector

1839 79 211849 77 231859 75 251869 75 251879 75 251889 69 31

1899 67 33

SOURCE NoTEs: Computed from Variant 3 series, Table 5, and the total labor forceestimates of Lebergott, cited in the notes to Table 5. See text.

gate labor force increased from about one-fifth in 1839 to one-quarterjust before the war. It remained at that level until 1879, when itagain increased, reaching a level of one-third by the turn of thecentury.

The figures in Table 6 were derived from the Variant 3 series ofTable 5, and the Lebergott aggregate labor force series. An alternativecalculation, which substitutes the sum of the Lebergott nonservice andthe Variant 3 service labor force for the Lebergott aggregate laborforce, yields almost identical results. We can conclude, then, that theservice sector labor force grew faster than the nonservice labor forcein the prewar years and in the last two decades of the century. Overthe middle two decades, the labor forces of the two broad sectorsincreased at the same pace.

We are now in a position to consider the level and growth of out-put per worker in the service sector. These matters are chiefly ofinterest as they relate to experience in the rest of the economy. There-fore in Table 7 we express output per worker in the commodity andservice sectors as ratios of output per worker in the two broad sectors

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300 Production and Productivity in Service Industries


Relative Levels of Output Per Worker, Current Prices, Commodityand Service Producing Sectors, 1839—1899, Three Variants

Variant 1 Variant 2 Variant 3




























SOURCE NOTES: Variant 1: Column I, Table 2, divided by Column 1, Table 6; Col-umn 2, Table 2, divided by Column 2, Table 6.

Variant 2: Computed exactly as Variant 1, except that the output of the housingindustry was omitted from the data underlying Table 2.

Variant 3: Computed exactly as Variant 2, except that property income was omittedfrom the output data. Property income was estimated at 8 per cent of all land, irn-

equipment and inventories used in production. The data on property arefrom worksheets underlying Table A-I of Robert E. Galiman, "The Social Distributionof Wealth in the United States of America," International Economic History Congress,Munich, August, 1965. We assumed that half the inventories of manufactured goodswere held by manufacturing firms and half by firms in distribution.

combined. For convenience, we will speak of the latter as averagenational output per worker. The entries for 1839 under Variant 1 inTable 7 mean, then, that in the commodity producing sector outputper worker was 78 per cent of the national average; in the servicesectOr, 182 per cent. Output per worker in the service sector in 1839,then, was more than twice as great as in the commodity producingsector. The margin between the two sectors narrowed continuouslyto 1869, widened sharply between 1869 and 1879, and then narrowedagain to the end of the century.

The Variant 1 ratios are derived from the figures underlying Tables2 and 6. The shares of the service sector in output (Table 2) markedlyexceed the sector shares in labor force (Table 6). Consequently, the

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results described in the first two columns of Table 7 are by no meanssurprising. But one explanation of the service sector's favorable show-ing is that the product of the sector includes the output of the housingindustry, including imputed rents. But the product of this industry isalmost exclusively the output of property. Consequently, the inclu-sion of the industry in the service sector inflates output per workermeaninglessly.

The Variant 2 ratios were computed, therefore, from data thatexcluded the housing industry. The service sector continues to havehigher than average levels of output per worker, but the gap betweenthe service and commodity producing sectors is narrowed. For ex-ample, the service sector level drops from more than twice to aboutone and two-thirds the level of the commodity sector in 1839. On theother hand, the Variant 2 series exhibits much less pronounced con-vergence over time. Indeed, one could argue that the data exhibit nolong-term tendency toward the equalization of sectoral levels of out-put per worker.

The Variant 3 series represent the fruit of .a more thorough-going,if crude, effort to remove property income from the numerators ofour productivity ratios. By assuming that all property engaged in eco-nomic activity earned 8 per cent in every one of the years in the table,we have been able to make rough estimates of property income earnedin the commodity and service sectors. We subtracted property incomefrom gross value added and used the resulting data to compute theVariant 3 ratios.

Interestingly enough, the chief effect of the final adjustment is toproduce a more marked convergence of sectoral levels of output perworker, across time. However, the convergence arose out of both awidening of the sectoral differentials in the early years, and a narrow-ing in the later ones. Presumably the capital stock grew, relative tothe labor force, at a faster pace in the service than in the commodityproducing sector. And one would guess that this development turnedon the growth of the rail system.5

We turn finally to relative levels and trends of labor productivity

5 See Robert E. Galiman and Edward S. Howle, "The Structure of U.S. Wealthin the 19th- Century," paper given at the 1966 meeting of the Southern EconomicAssociation.

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302 Production and Productivity in Service Industries


Relative Levels of Output Per Worker, Current Prices,Service Industries, 1839—1899

1839 1849 1859 1869 1879 1889 1899

1. Distribution 2.08 2.60 2.19 1.79 1.51 1.37 1.332. Transportation and public utilities 3.15 1.46 1.76 1.40 1.35 1.11 1.153. Finance 13.10 11.35 4.71 4.38 4.38 3.06 2.474. Professional 1.81 1.80 1.33 1.61 2.06 2.00 2.205. Personal .14 .14 .15 .16 .21 .27 .256. Government .1.56 1.29 1.92 .80 .70 .90 .587. Education .53 .45 .48 .77 .58 .63 .878. Hand trades .75 .79 .77 .75 .74 .88 .88

SOURCE NOTES: Computed from Appendix Tables A-i and A-12.

within the service sector. Table 8 contains the same kind of informa-tion as Table 7, but now the standard of comparison is average outputper worker in the service sector.

Several points are worth noticing: First, the range among industriesis very wide indeed. Even discounting the levels in finance and per-sonal services in the early years (the former improbably high and, inany case, relating to a very small industry; the latter depressed byslave servants and possibly too low for other reasons) the range fromthe lowest to the highest industry runs as high as one to six; that is,very much higher than the range between the service and commoditysectors.

Second, the relatively high ratios tend to be in industries whichemployed large amounts of property per laborer or used highly skilledlabor, such as distribution, transportation and public utilities, financeand professional services, a finding by no means surprising.

Third, there is considerable evidence of convergence of ratios overtime. Th.e range from top to bottom was very much narrower in 1899than 1839, especially if finance and personal services are taken intoaccount, but even if they are not. Furthermore, the process seemspersistent and steady. How the process of deflation would affect thisfinding is uncertain, although it appears likely that it would producevery much higher ratios for transportation and public utilities at theend of the century than Table 8 shows.

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Distribution of Labor Force Among Service Industries, 1839—1899(per cent)

. 1839 1849 1859 1869 1879 1889 1899

1. Distribution 20 19 22 24 27 26 262. Transportationandpublicutilities 7 10 11 16 16 21 203. Finance a a

1 1 1 2 3

4. Professional 6 6 6 6 6 7 7

5. Personal 51 49 46 37 33 30 286. Government 3 3 3 4 4 5 5

7. Education 4 4 4 5 5' 5 5

8. Hand trades 9 8 8 7 7 6 6

SOURCE NoTEs: Computed from Appendix Table A-12.a Less than .5 per cent.

Fourth, if one compares Table 9 with Table 8, one will see that,by and large, the industries with high ratios at the beginning of theperiod experienced rates of growth of labor input higher than theaverage (i.e., their shares in the labor force increased), and vice versa.Presumably, then, the growth of output per worker in the service sec-tor was due, in some measure, to the shifting composition of the workforce. Industries with higher levels of output per worker receivedlarger weights as time went on, and vice versa.

Finally, the process of convergence of levels of output per workerwas one in which the industries with initially high levels of outputper worker not only attracted workers at a higher than average ratebut also experienced gains in output per worker at a lower than aver-age rate. At least this is true if one deals with current price magni-tudes.


As of 1839, the level of service output (current prices) was slightlyless than $700 million and by 1899 had risen fourteenfold, to approxi-mately $9 billion. This picture is revealed by two different series, onemeasuring output directly, the other extrapolating service outputbackward as a residual. Of the two series the former is somewhatpreferred and was the basis for further discussion.

The rapid rise of service output was reflected in an increase in that

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304 Production and Productivity in Service Industriessector's share of total output. Over the course of the period theservice share of output (measured in current prices) increased from38 to 48 per cent. This, however, is not such a marked change whencompared with the structural shifts that occurred within the com-modity producing sector. Significantly, the increase in relative impor-tance of the service sector occurred entirely between 1869 and 1899.

Within the service sector, the distribution of output between indus-tries producing primarily intermediate services and those producingprimarily final output changed little over time. The former accountedfor roughly 55 per cent of the output of the service sector throughoutthe period; the latter 45 per cent. The two types of industries wereequally responsible for the growth of the sector's output in currentprices.

The sector was dominated by three large industries (distribution,transportation and public utilities, and housing) which accounted forbetween two-thirds and three-fourths of total service output in everyyear. The combined share declined over time, due entirely to a rela-tive decline of housing.

The number of gainful workers in service industries increased nine-fold between 1839 and 1899. The service sector's share of the totallabor force rose from 21 per cent in 1839 to 33 per cent in 1899.

The service sector labor force shares were smaller than the outputshares and consequently we found that average output per worker inservices was above the national average at each benchmark date.Three different output series (current prices) were used to produceseries showing average output per worker over time. All three revealedthat average output per worker in services converged toward thenational average, but only one series, that which excluded propertyincome, showed marked convergence. Presumably the capital stockgrew relative to the labor force at a faster pace in the service sectorthan in the commodity producing sector.

Within the service sector we found an initially wide range of out-put per worker ratios, but a range which narrowed significantly overtime. Those industries with initially high ratios experienced not onlythe most rapid gains in numbers of gainful workers, but also lowerthan average gains in productivity. It seems certain that the advancein sectoral output per worker was due largely to the shifting compo-sition of the service work force.

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It would have been ideal to obtain, first, a value of output series foreach industry and, then, a value added series. Paucity of data pre-vented us from obtaining value of output for each industry, but wedid construct a measure of value added for each industry. However,the aggregate value of output series does not appear to be signifi-cantly incomplete. For those industries for which we measured valueadded directly we make certain qualifications. The measure in fact isone of income originating, but the nature of the industries (personalservices, government, insurance, and part of professional services) issuch that value added and income originating are virtually identical.

We have presented only one measure of output and one of valueadded for each industry, realizing fully that several different viewsare held as to the proper evaluation of certain services. In each case,the concept used was that which conforms to the Department of Com-merce approach. The controversy concerning government is not quan-titatively important in the nineteenth century. Indeed, Kuznets pointsout that his position becomes more relevant as government becomesincreasingly important.6 Thus the only serious controversy remainingconcerns the evaluation of the product of financial intermediaries.

Table A-l summarizes the estimates of value added.



Value added by trade was measured as the difference between thevalue of goods flowing to consumers through distribution channelsin final prices and the value of these goods as they entered distribu-tion, in producer prices.7 No other deduction was made for the valueof materials consumed in trade.

6 S. Kuziiets, "National Income: A New Version," Review of Economics and Sta-tistics, Vol. XXX, August 1948, p. 158 fn.

7 See Robert Galirnan, "Gross National Product in the U.S., 1834—1909," inOutput, Employment, and Productivity. The estimates in turn rely on the earlierefforts of Harold Barger, Distribution's Place in the American Economy Since 1869;and Simon Kuznets, Commodity Flow and Capital Formation, New York, NBER,1938.

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Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 307

Conceptually, the series links with that of Kuznets in 1909. The ex-tension to earlier years relies on Barger's evidence of trends in trademargins. Barger's trade margins refer to type of outlet, not to typeof commodity. It was assumed that all commodities handled by anoutlet carried the same margin.

The markups developed by Barger for the period 1869—1899 wereextrapolated to 1839 and were checked in that year against Seaman'sestimates.8 Also the resulting value added by trade in 1839 is con-firmed by Marburg's work. His income originating figure ($145 mil-lion) can be converted to a value added measure of $203This is only S per cent larger than the present estimate.

Two points should be noted. First, the value added measure hasbeen confined to the distribution of finished goods, and excludes valueadded by distribution of unfinished goods.'° Secondly, the value addedmeasure includes the cost of transportation services between distribu-tors and from the retailer to the consumer.1'

Transportation and Public Utilities

Value added by this industry group is measured as the differencebetween the value of output (receipts) and the value of materials con-sumed.12 The industry total is the sum of estimates for steam railroads,street railroads, foreign trade shipping, coasting and internal shipping,canals, telephone service, telegraph service, illuminating gas produc-tion, and For most subindustries published data werereasonably abundant, although some missing links had to be esti-

8 Gallinan, pp. 56, 57.9 Theodore Marburg, "Income Originating in Trade, 1799—1869," in Trends in

the American Economy in the Nineteenth Century, po. 321, 322.10 The significance of this omission is not known, Distribution of unfinished

goods may have been the function of the producer and consequently the omissionwith regards to trade may not be serious.

"Originally the estimates included transportation from producer to first dis-tributor. This cost has been deducted from value added by trade in the presentstudy.

The remainder of the spread that would be accouiited for by transportation costsis probably not great, for the transportation would have been largely accom-plished by facilities owned by the wholesalers and retailers.

12 Except for telephones and telegraphs and canals, where materials consumedseemed so negligible that no estimate was made.

13 No estimate was made for irrigation, express companies, nor for livery stables.These omissions do not appear serious.

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308 Production and Productivity in Service Industries

mated. Value added by the coasting trade was largely estimated, butthe results were roughly confirmed by the 1890 census.

Steam Railroads

Value added by steam railroads was derived largely from the workof His receipt data for 1839 through 1869, and more officialestimates for 1879—1899 are used as the value of output in steamrailroading.

The major intermediate good deducted to obtain value added isfuel, and Fishlow has estimated the value of fuel consumed.'6 Theremaining intermediate goods were primarily lubricants and officesupplies.

For 1879—1899 the value of these materials is available in the censusand in ICC Reports, but for 1839—1869 estimates were required. Theestimates were calculated as a percentage of the value of fuel. Thepercentages were derived by extrapolating the 1879 share backwardson the ratio of "other supplies" to fuel for selected roads.'7 The ratiochanged very little (two percentage points) between 1879 and 1899,and the derived national ratios for the years before 1879 were con-firmed by data found for several other companies at various dates.'8If anything, our national ratios are high, but not significantly so.Substituting the lowest ratio found (.28 for the railroads in NewYork) would alter the value of other supplies so slightly that valueadded would be increased by less than 1 per cent in any year.

Street Railroads

Receipt data are available for 1889 and 1902 for almost all roads.'9For earlier years, data are available on the passenger railroads in

'4 Albert Fishlow, "The Railroad Sector, 1840—1910," in Output, Employment,and Productivity, and American Railroads and the Transformation of theBellum Economy, Cambridge, Mass., 1965.

15 Census of Transportation, 1880 and 1890 and Interstate Commerce Commis-sion, Statistics on Railways, 1900.

16 Fishlow, op. cit., pp. 618—626.11 The Pennsylvania Railroad (Annual Reports) and railroads in New York state

(Annual Reports of the N.Y.S. Engineer and Surveyor) were the selected18 The derived national ratios of "other supplies" to fuel are .39 in 1839 and

1849, .41 in 1859, .44 in 1869, .43 in 1879, .44 in 1889, and .45 in 1899.19 U.S. Census, Special Report—Electric and Street Railways, 1902.

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Pennsylvania. In 1889 and 1902, Pennsylvania accounted for 11 percent of total receipts, and approximately 9 per cent of mileage oper-ated. We have assumed for earlier years that Pennsylvania's share ofreceipts equalled its share of mileage. For 1859, data were obtaineddirectly from the census 20 while for intervening years we assumedthat the shares changed linearly between the 11 per cent for 1889 and37 per cent for 1859.21

Water Transportation

Value added in water transportation was measured as the differencebetween the value of output (receipts by U.S. shippers) and the valueof intermediate goods. For shippers engaged in foreign trade, theearnings estimates were obtained from the work of North and Simon.22Indirectly, their data were used to calculate the earnings by U.S. shipsengaged in the coasting trade.

Foreign Trade—Freight

For 1839—1859, North computed the earnings of U.S. ships engagedin the export trade and in the foreign carrying trade, and the earningsof foreign ships engaged in the U.S. import trade. His interest wasthe U.S. balance of payments. so he made no estimate of earnings byU.S. shippers engaged in the import trade. His other data, however,provide a basis for estimating earnings of U.S. ships engaged in theimport trade. North derived earnings as a percentage of the value ofimports carried by foreign ships. He obtained a base year percentageand calculated percentages for other years on the basis of changes infreight rates and import prices.23 It seems reasonable to assume thatthe same indexes, and therefore earnings percentages, held for U.S.ships, since they were competing for similar goods in the same ports,

20 U.s. Census, 1860, Miscellaneous Statistics, p. 332. Its share was 37 per cent.21 Even if we had assumed that its share in 1859 was as low as 11 per cent, the

difference in receipts from the present estimate would be less than $7 million.In light of the enormous receipts by steam railroads and water transportation thisdifference becomes insignificant. It is less than 2 per cent of receipts by otherdivisions of the transportation industry.

22 Douglass C. North, "U.S. Balance of Payments, 1790—1860," and MatthewSimon, "U.S. Balance of Payments, 1861—1900," both in Trends in the AmericanEconomy in the Nineteenth Century.

23 North, cit., Table B-2, and p. 610. The base year is 1859, during whichfreight earnings were 8 per cent of the value of imports.

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310 Production and Productivity in Service Industries


Value of Output and Value Added, Steam and Street Railroads,U.S. 1839 to 1899

(millions of dollars, current prices)

Value of Output Value Added

Steam RR's Street RR'sSteam RR's Street RR's

1839 7,4 — 6.8 —

1849 29.3 1.3 • 27.2 1.01859 118.8 4.5 107.4 3.61869 369.9 15.1 333.6 12.11879 580.5 30.0 533.5 24.01889 1,074.1 100.0 981.5 92.01899 1,375.2 240.0 1,244.2 220.8

Value of Output—Steam Railroads: 1839—1869.: Fishlow, American Railroads .App. A., Tables 41, 42, 44; and vol. 30, Table 1, p. 585.

1879, 1889: U.s. Census of Transportation, 1870, p. 11.1899: Harold Barger, The Transportation Industries, 1889—1 946, N.Y.: NBER, 1951,

App. B, Table B-i. This was a correction of ICC data, and is presented also in Fishlow,vol. 30.

Street Railroads: 1849: We assumed a capital-output ratio (2.5), the average for1859—1889, and multiplied by the capital stock (Robert E. Gallnian and Edward S.Howle, "Fixed Reproducible Capital in the U.S., 1840—1900," mimeograph).

1859—1879: Extrapolated on receipts by Street railroads in Pennsylvania (Reports ofthe Auditor General on Railroads, Canals and Telegraph Cos., 1859—1874; Reports of the Secre-tary on Internal Affairs, 1875—1903).

1889, 1899: U.S. Census, Special Report, Electric and Street Railways, 1902. Our 1899figure is the reported 1902 value rounded downward.

Value Added—is the difference between value of output and materials consumed.The latter were derived as follows:

Steam Railroads: Fuel estimates obtained from Fishlow, vol. 30, Table 9, p. 620.Other intermediate goods were calculated as a percentage of fuel. See discussion oftable for derivation of percentages, 1839—1869. For 1879 and 1889, data are from U.S.Census of Transportation, 1890, p. 12. 1899 data are from ICC Report, 1900, pp. 87, 88.

Street Railroads: Data for 1859 and 1869 indicate that materials consumed wereequal to 20 per cent of receipts. We used this figure for 1849—1879. The Census of 1902indicated 8 per cent, and we used this for 1889 and 1899 (Pennsylvania Reports citedabove; U.S. Census, Special Report, Electric and Street Railways, 1902).

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and would have been forced to return to the U.S. empty were theirrates uncompetitive.24

For 1869—1899, Simon 'provides similar information. In fact thedata he presents are based in part on North's work, and thereforeprovide a continuous series that is conceptually similar throughout.25

Fore ign Trade—Passenger

Passenger receipts are less easily come by. For the period 1839—1859,North estimated that 60 per cent of the immigrants travelled on U.S.ships and, using an average fare of $25, he calculated the shippingearnings derived, from transporting immigrants.2° Neither we norNorth estimated earnings from transporting tourists out of the U.S.,because such departures were not numerous in the antebellum pe-riod.27

For the period 1869—1899, Simon provides data on the number ofpassenger departures and fares, but he apparently assumed that alldepartees and all immigrants used foreign ships.28 Immigration datasuggest that U.S. ships were being used and therefore we estimatedreceipts by U.S. ships.29 Passenger receipts were more important,

24 In fact, prior to 1861, U.S. ships handled more imports than foreign ships,suggesting that their rates may have been lower, and therefore our calculationmay overstate their earnings.

25 See Simon, op. cit., pp. 646—654. Specifically he uses North's 1860 earnings rateas a base, and obtains rates for later years by using the same method employedby North to obtain earnings for foreign vessels engaged in U.S. import trade.

26 New York immigration data revealed 60 per cent, in 1849. We have foundthat at Boston 51 per cent of the immigrants arrived in U.S. ships in 1860. Thus60 per cent may be slightly high, but we have accepted it because its slight over-statement will compensate for the earnings derived from the tourist trades, forwhich we make no estimate. See North, op. cit., p. 613; Annual Report of theBoard of Health, Lunacy and Charity, Public Document No. 21, Massachusetts,1861.

27 Only 70,000 departures occurred annually between 1868—1872 (Simon, op. cit.,Table 13; p. 665). Also, North's estimates of tourist expenditures abroad suggestinsignificant numbers of tourists. Approximately 27,000 U.S. tourists in 1859, 11,200in 1849, and 8,400 in 1839, or relative to the number of immigrants, 18 per cent in1859, 3 per cent in 1849, and 10 per cent in 1839. Since North's percentage of im-migrants travelling on U.S. ships may be slightly high, and since all outgoingtourists did not use U.S. ships, it was decided to make no estimate of earningsfrom the tourist trade. In view of the magnitude of freight earnings, such anadjustment would be meaningless (North, op. cit., Table B-S and pp. 616, 617).

28 Simon, op. cit., pp. 664—668.29 Boston data show that 36 per cent of immigrants used U.S. ships in 1879, 19

per cent in 1889, and 7 per cent in 1899. New York data show 19 per cent in

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312 Production and Productivity in Service Industries

relative to freight earnings, in the postbellum than in the antebellumyears. Although U.S. ships were being used less, relative to foreignships, passenger fares did not decline as much as freight rates,. tourismincreased, and immigration did not

Coasting Trade

Data on any facet of the coasting trade are very scarce. Vessels en-gaged in this trade were required to be registered once each year,but they were not usually required to report to customs offices eachtime they entered or cleared port. There are no published data forthe entire period on aggregate tonnage entered or cleared in coasting,nor on the value of merchandise carried. For a brief span, 1875—1880,entrance and clearance data were published. Data are available on thetonnage enrolled in the coasting trade, and some scattered evidencewas found relating to freight rates and passenger fares.

This meagre conglomeration of data was used, along with theearnings already generated for foreign trade, to give a rough approxi-mation of the earnings in the coasting trade. These earnings representalso the shipping earnings derived from the Western river and laketrade.

Earnings per coasting ton were derived from earnings per foreigntrade ton, as follows, and then weighted by tonnage enrolled incoasting.

It was assumed that the tonnage enrolled in coasting carried goodssimilar to those carried in foreign trade. This is reasonable becausecoasting tonnage was engaged in distributing foreign imports thatarrived at the major seaports, and delivering domestic goods to themajor ports for eventual exportation. Coasting distances are shorterthan foreign trade distances, consequently the earnings per ton ratio

1869, 8 per cent in 1889. The weighted percentage for 1889 was 9 per cent. Thepercentage travelling in U.S. ships apparently declined from 19 per cent in 1869and 1879, to 9 per Cent in 1889, and to 7 per cent in 1899.

Sources: Massachusetts, Annual Report of Board of Lunacy and Charity, for therelevant years, and N.Y. Annual Report of the Commissioner on Emigration; for1870 and 1890. The same percentages are assumed to hold for departures fromthe U.S.

80 See Thomas Weiss. "The Service Sector in the United States, 1839—1899,"unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of North Carolina, 1967, pp. 185—187.

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for tonnage registered for the foreign trade was modified by an ac-tivity factor for coasting trade and an index relating coasting ratesto foreign trade rates.

The activity factor relates tons entered and cleared to tonnage en-rolled.81 These data are available for all years for foreign shipping,but only for 1875—1880 for coasting. The averages for this periodreveal that each ton enrolled in the coasting trade handled 3.33 timesas many tons of freight as did each ton registered in the foreigntrade.82 This factor, of necessity, was used for the entire period.

Passenger fares were found for both coasting and foreign trade foreach year, while freight rates were found for all years except 1859and Since data on tonnage carried in the coasting trade byroute and type of freight were not available, we had no way ofweighting the rates that we did find. Instead, the index we have usedmeasures changes in the rates for shipping cotton on the more popu-lar routes.34 The reasonableness of this proxy is confirmed by indexes

81 Entrance and clearance data (port data) are recorded each time a ship entersor leaves a port, while enrolled or registered tonnage is recorded once a year andis thus the stock of tonnage engaged. Dividing the flow data (entrances and clear-ances) by the stock gives a ratio of tonnage "carried" per ton enrolled. If this isdone for both coasting and foreign trade it can be seen how much more or less"active" each ton enrolled in coasting is, relative to each ton registered for foreigntrade.

32 Entrance and clearance data are from Reports on Commerce and Navigationfor each year 1875—1880. Tonnage enrolled in coasting, and tonnage registered forforeign trade were obtained from Historical Statistics, series Q 165 for foreign trade,and Q 166. Tonnage on Western rivers (series Q 174) was deducted in calculatingthe ratios because the entrance and clearance data did not represent this trade.In computing these ratios, the average of the entrance and clearance data was usedfor coasting because each ship would have recorded its •tonnage twice, once as itleft a U.S. port and secondly as it entered a U.S. port on the same trip with thesame goods. For foreign trade, the sum of entrances and clearances was used becauseeach such entry and clearance reflected a different cargo. It should be noted thatthe entrance and clearance data for coasting relate only to ships carrying a certainamount of foreign goods, or a certain amount of liquor, or if they were passingfrom one coasting district to another. Obviously, not all ships met these criteria,and the coasting entrances and clearances are understated.

33 If enough newspapers were examined one could eventually find rates for theseyears. However, the data that were found revealed that there was no trend in therelationship between coasting rates and foreign trade rates and that the indexchanged very little. Consequently, estimating indexes for the missing years posedno serious problems.

34 Specifically, for foreign trade, cotton freight rates for New York to Liverpool,Bremen, and Havre were used. For the coasting trade, cotton freight rates for NewOrleans to New York, Boston, and Baltimore were used.

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314 Production and Productivity in Service Industries

for other. commodities for which a coasting and foreign ratefound for the same port of

The 1890 census data confirm our estimate for that year.86 Ourestimate ($130 million) is below the census figure, but by less than10 per cent. The discrepancy is explained by the understatement ofthe entrance and clearance data for the coasting trade which resultsin a low activity factor for coasting relative to foreign trade.

There are two major intermediate products consumed in shipping—fuel and provisions. In 1889, the value of fuel was almost $17 million,or approximately 10 per cent of earnings.38 We computed provisionsto be equal in amount to the value of fuel. For years other than 1889we calculated fuel and provisions as 80 per cent of total port costs,the share found to exist in


Aggregate receipts by canal companies, public and private, areavailable for 1879 and 1889 in the census. Data on the more importantcompanies are available for earlier years, and for 1899. Those com-panies for which we have data in other years accounted for 84 per cent,of canal mileage in 1879 and 93 per cent of receipts.4° Additionallyin the earlier years we have information on two canals that had been

85 For example, an index relating rice freight rates from Charleston to New Yorkto rates from Charleston to Liverpool, or cotton freights from Mobile to New Yorkand Liverpool revealed the same pattern.

86 U.S. Census Report on Transportation, 1890, Part II.87 Supra, fn. 27, explains, this understatement.88 Ibid., 1890. We estimated fuel consumed by ships on Western rivers to be

$300,000.89 The total of fuel and provision expenditures equals 20 per cent of earnings.

Alternatively this would be approximately 80 per cent of total port costs. (Simon,op. cit., p. 654, estimated port costs at 25.6 per cent of earnings.) We have usedSimon's procedure to calculate total port costs, and then computed the value offuel and provisions as 80 per cent of that estimate.

In 1850 we found evidence for a sailing ship indicating that 72 per cent of portcosts (excluding nonrecurring repair expenses) was for provisions (Robert Albion,The Rise of New York Port, 1815—1860, Hamden, Conn., 1939, p. 414).

40 Data are available for the Erie, the . Pennsylvania canals, the Illinois andMichigan, the Delaware and Raritan (back to 1859), the Morris Canal (back to1859), the Ohio canals, the Chesapeake and Ohio. Data for 1879 are from Censusof Transportation, 1880, Report on Canals, pp. 1—21. In 1889, these canals accountedfor 79 per cent of mileage, and 95 per cent of receipts. 1889 data from Census ofTransportation, Part II.

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abandoned by 1879, but prior to abandonment had been major sourcesof canal revenue.4' Consequently, our estimates of canal receipts forthe earlier years are the sums of the receipts for those canals for whichwe have data. To compensate for any possible understatement, wemade no adjustment for materials Thus toll receipts andvalue added by canals are identical in this study.

Public Utilities

Public utility industries, with the exception of gas manufacturing,were of little importance prior to 1879. Data were relatively abundantbecause the census conducted several special surveys of the telephone,telegraph and electricity industries. Some insignificant estimates wererequired.

The receipts of these industries (telephone, telegraph, gas manufac-turing, electric power) were taken to be value of output.

The manufacturing census also contains figures on the value of ma-terials used in gas production. These figures were used as published.As a percentage of output, the value of materials consumed in gasproduction in 1899 was identical to the 1902 percentage of electricityoutput accounted for by materials consumed (27 per cent). Therefore,for 1889 and 1899 we used the percentage derived from the data ongas production to determine the value of materials consumed in elec-tric production.

The limited data available concerning telegraph companies indi-cate that materials consumed were negligible, so no estimate wasmade.


The value of banking output cannot be confined to service chargereceipts due to the unreasonably low figures such an approach yields.Consequently, it is necessary to impute an additional measure of the

41 They arc the Wabash and Erie, abandoned in 1874, and the James River andKanawha, abandoned in early 1880.

42 The value of materials consumed could not have been very great, amountingprimarily to hay for horses. The steam vessels that used canals were not largelyowned by the canal companies. Freight earnings and value of materials by thosevessels are accounted for under "coasting and internal." In our estimates, canalvalue added (receipts) represents primarily tolls for using the waterway. Only aminor fraction of receipts consists of freight earnings.

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a -


Value of Output and Value Added by Water Transportation,U.s. 1839—1899

(millions of dollars, current prices)

Value of OutputValue ofMaterials ValueForeign

Year Trade Coasting Canals Consumed Added

1839 36.5 83.6 3.1 20.2 103.01849 25.7 55.8 5.5 14.0 73.01859 52.1 104.5 5.7 27.3 135.01869 29.2 105.5 6.3 24.9 116.11879 23.2 81.7 4.3 19.6 89.61889 16.4 103.5 4.6 29.4 1.22.1

1899 15.2 144.8 1.1 33.1 128.0

Foreign Trade: Earnings by ships engaged in exporting and carrying trade were ob-tained from North, op. cit., Table B-2, p. 608; Simon, op. cii., Table 6, p. 650. Importearnings were calculated as a percentage of the valueof imports carried in U.S. ships.Value of imports obtained from Historical Statistics, series Q 205; percentages fromNorth, op. cit., Table B-2; and Simon, op. cit., Table 7. No estimates of earningsfor thetourist trade were made for 1839—1859. For 1869—1899, a percentage of total de-partures was believed to have used U.S. ships. The number was distributed betweencabin and noncabin class, and each class was weighted by European fares. Data arefrom Simon, op. cit., Tables 13, 14, 15, and p. 667; and also supra, fn. 24. Earnings fromtransporting immigrants were calculated similarly, but with an estimate for 1839—1859(North, op. cit.; Simon, op. cit.; and Historical Statistics, series C-88).

Coasting Trade: We computed an average earnings per documented ton in foreigntrade for each benchmark, an index series relating coasting freight to foreign tradefreight rates, an activity factor indicating how much more frequently a ton enrolled incoasting was used than a ton registered for the foreign trade (3.33), and we adjusted theenrolled tonnage for cumulated ghost tonnage. These four items were multiplied ateach benchmark date and their product was the value of output for coasting (HistoricalStatistics, series Q-165, Q-166; col. 1 of present table; and various newspapers).

Canals: U.S. Census, Special Reports on Transportation, 1880, 1890 provided data for1879 and 1889, In 1889 $500,000 of receipts were added as reported by the Delawareand Raritan Canal (NJ. State Annual Report on Railroads and Canals). For other years thevalue of output equals receipts by the Erie, Pennsylvania canals, Ohio canals, Delawareand Raritan, Morris Canal, Chesapeake and Ohio canals, Illinois and Michigan, JamesRiver and Kanawha and the Wabash and Erie. (N.Y. Annual Report of the Comptroller onthe Tolls, Trade and Tonnage of the Canals; N.J. Annual Report on Railroads and Canals;Pennsylvania State Auditor, Report on Canals; D. C. North, The Economic Growth of theUnited States, 1790—1860, New York, 1966, p. 253; Ernest Bogart, "Financial History ofOhio," Illinois Studies in Social Science, vol. 1; Walter Sanderlin, "The Great NationalProject: A History of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal,"Johns Hopkins University Studiesin Historical and Political Science, 1946, vol. 64; E. J. Benton, "The Wabash Trade Routein the Development of the Old Northwest ,"Johns Hopkins University Studies. . . , 1903,vol. 21; Wayland Fuller Dunaway, History oftheJamesRiverandKanawha Co., EnglewoodCliffs, 1948.)

Page 32: The Service Industries  in the Nineteenth Century


Value of Output and Value Added by Public Utilities,U.s., 1849—1899

(thousands of dollars)

Year ofValueOutput a

Valueof Materials . Value Added

1849 2,600 500b 2,1001859 16,400 3,700b 12,7001869 40,400 10,900b 29,500

1879 59,100 12,100c 47,000

1889 117,500 20,lOOd 97,400

1899 226,100 40,900e 185,200

a The sum of receipts by the telephone, telegraph, gas manufacturing and electricpower industries.

Telephone: Historical Statistics, 1957, series R- 17.Telegraph: U.S. Census, Special Report on Transportation, 1880, presented data for all

nonoceanic telegraph companies. Western Union receipts, available for 1869 to 1899,were used to estimate total telegraph receipts. Receipts in 1849 were estimated bymultiplying receipts per mile, by the number of miles of telegraph line (U.S. Census,Abstract, 1850). The 1859 estimate was linearly interpolated between the 1849 and 1869figures.

Gas Manufacturing: U.S. Census, 1870, Industry and Wealth; U.S. Census, 1900,Manufactures, vol. VII.

Electric Power: U.S. Census, Special Report, Central Electric Companies, 1902. Our1899 estimate is 90 per cent of the reported 1902 value, because only 90 per cent of thecompanies reported in 1902 were in operation in 1899. Estimates for earlier years, backto 1879, were extrapolated on the data reported in U.S. Census, 1900, Manufactures,vol. VII.

b Data from U.S. Census, 1870, Wealth and industry for gas manufacturing. We madeno estimate of materials consumed by telephone and telegraph companies.

C We deducted 28 per cent of the value of products of gas and electricity producers.No data were available for 1879, so we used the average percentage that materials con-sumed represented of the value of products- for the other years in which data wereavailable.

Twenty-five per cent of the value of products was consumed in production by gascompanies. We assumed this held for electric companies, because the percentages forthe two industries were identical in 1899.

Twenty-seven per cent of the value of products of gas and electric companies. Forgas companies the data are presented in the manufacturing census of 1900. For theelectric companies, 27 per cent was found in 1902. U.S. Census, Special Report ElectricCompanies, 1902.

Value of output minus value of materials.

Materials Consumed: Computed as 80 per cent of port costs, or the following per-centages of earnings in foreign and coasting trade. per cent in 1839, 17.2 per centin 1849, 17.4 per cent in 1859, 18.5 per cent in 18&9, 18.7 per cent in 1879,20 per centin 1889, 20.7 per cent in 1899.

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318 Production and Productivity in Service Industries

value of output. Our imputation is that used by the National IncomeDivision, and measures the value of output as total operating ex-

Value added then equals operating expenses other than supplypurchases.

National Banks. Data are available on national banks. Data ongross earnings and current expenses are available for 1889 and 1899,so it remained only to deduct intermediate goods from gross earningsto obtain value added.43 For 1869 and 1879, gross earnings were notavailable, but it was possible to construct them from the data avail-able.44

Nonnational Banks. Income data are not available for. nonnationalbanks in the nineteenth century. We devised an estimating equationfrom data relating income to stock variables for national banks andthen applied the equation to the available nonnational bank stock

= 7.7 + .0595X; 6.5)


The value of output for the insurance industry cannot be taken assimply the value of premiums received, because some of these pre-miums represent savings by the policyholder and not payment forinsurance services.

This is particularly true for life insurance premiums and conse-

43 Approximately 37 per cent of current expenses would seem to be the maximumvalue of materials consumed. This evidence was found for the twentieth century(Historical Statistics, 1957, Series X-209). We calculated intermediate goods as 35per cent of total current expenses.

44 Specifically, gross earnings should be the sum of net profits (including divi-dends), current expenses, and charge-offs. Charge-offs reflect current income, be-cause previous year losses were met out of undivided profits and this fund was re-plenished out of net current earnings. Charge-offs were reported only for 1879,but the Comptroller's Report that year implies that such losses were insignificantin 1869. The losses written off in were $14.7 million. Some were charged tothe surplus account, but most were charged to current profits. Annual Report ofthe Comptroller, 1880, p. XLVII.

45 Specifically, we related earnings to the sum of bonds, loans, and discounts.95).

The equation yielded a trend line such that all actual observations fell withinof that line. In computing the equation we used values at five year intervals

from 1869—1899.

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w -

Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 319


Value of Output and Value Added by Banks,U.s., 1839—1899

(millions of dollars, current prices)

Value of Output

Materials Value gNational Non-Year Banks national d Consumed Added

1839 — 35.3 47e 30.61849 — 29.4 25.51859 — 48.9 6.6e1869 75.8a 17.3 12.9k 80.21879 70.6 19.4f 142.11889 145.0C 164.1 38.1k 271.01899 194.0 c 238.6 57.1 375.5

NOTE: National Banks did riot exist prior to 1863.a The sum of net profits and current expenses. Data from Annual Report of the

Comptroller of the Currency, 1880.1) Sum of dividends, net profits, current expenses and losses charged to current ac-

counts. We assumed the entire amount $14.7 million was charged to current account,but some was no doubt charged to surplus accounts. Data from ibid.

C Historical Statistics, series Values obtained by using the regression = 7.7 + .0595X, where X is the sum of

bonds, loans and discounts. TheX values are 463 in 1839; 364 in 1849; 692 in 1859;161 in 1869; 1,057 in 1879; 2,629 in 1889; and 3,880 in 1899. For 1879—1899 the dataare from Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency, and include state banks, savingsbanks, private bankers (unofficial estimates published by Comptroller) and loan andtrust companies. For 1839—1859, the data are from Annual Report of the Treasurer on theCondition of State Banks. The data cover only state banks and include estimates by theTreasurer for some banks that did not report. The 1869 data are from HistoricalStatistics, series X-66, 67.

13.4 per cent of gross earnings was used to compute the value of materials con-sumed. 13.4 per cent is the average for the national.banks for the period 1869—1899.

For national banks the value was taken as 35 per cent of total current expenses, ob-tained from Comptroller's Reports. This value was then computed as a percentage ofgross -earnings, and the percentage was used to compute the value of materials con-sumed by nonnational banks.

g The total value of output, minus materials consumed.

Page 35: The Service Industries  in the Nineteenth Century

320 Production and Productivity in Service IndustriesTABLE A-6

Value of Output and Value Added by Insurance,U.s. 1839—1899

(millions of dollars, current prices)

Value of Output Value Added

Life Fire & Marine Life Fire & MarineInsurance Insurance Insurance Insurance.

1839 — 1.1 — 1.01849 — 4.3 — 3.61859 1.5 9.1 1.2 7.51869 33.5 31.7 23.1 25.51879 36.4 33.4 31.0 27.51889 68.0 54.1 56.7 44.21899 140.5 85.1 114.4 68.0

Value of Output: Life Insurance: Total disbursements less claims were obtainedfrom N.Y. State Reports on Insurance Companies.

Fire and Marine: Output equals premiums less claims. 1879, 1889.: U.S. Census,1880, Compendium, p. 1481; U.S. Census, 1890, vol. 11, Pt. 1.

1839—69, 1899 values were extrapolated on data for N.Y. (William Barnes, Reportsof insurance Companies, vol. 1; Annual Reports of Insurance Companies to N.Y. insuranceDepartment).

Value Added: Equals value of output less materials consumed. The latter were de-rived as follows.

Life Insurance: 1869—1899 data indicate materials consumed equalled an average20 per cent of total operating expenses (N.Y. Reports). We assumed 20 per cent held forthe years for which we had no data.

Fire and Marine: The sources listed "other expenses" which we took to be the valueof materials consumed. For years in which we had no data, we calculated other ex-penses as 7 per cent of U.S.

quently life insurance was handled in a manner similar to that usedin calculating banking output. For life insurance companies, claimsand premiums are disregarded and a service charge imputation ismade, This imputation is equal to operating expenses and it convertsoperating expenses into final purchases by policyholders.46

Data are available for the period 1859—1899 for life insurance

46 National Income Supplement, 1954, p. 48. Operating expenses are taken to•

include dividends withheld to policyholder accounts and profits, for stock insurancecompanies.

47 Data are not available for 1849, but in light of the small values for 1859, thelife insurance industry could not have been significant in earlier years.

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Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 321

companies in New York state and companies in other states doingbusiness in New York state, apparently virtually all life insurance

Indeed, the New York reports present larger aggregatesin 1879 and 1889 than does the census, which purports to present U.S.totals. We have used the New York data to estimate output and valueadded. Value added by fire and marine insurance companies wasmeasured as premiums received less claims paid and less purchases ofsupplies. No savings element is involved here, but claims are con-sidered to be transfer payments among individuals.

The census contains data for all companies in 1879 and 1889, whilefor other years data were available for companies operating in NewYork state. From the N.Y. series we derived national estimates.

Professional Services

Value added in professional services is the sum of value added esti-mates for the medical profession, lawyers and engineers, the clergy,and an "all other" industry.

Value of output in the medical profession was measured as thevalue of consumer purchases of medical service. Per capita consumerexpenditures were derived from budget data presented by variousstate and federal labor bureaus and from data relating to expendi-tures for the maintenance of slaves.5° These per capita values were

48 Frederick Hoffman concludes that "it may safely be assumed that the N.Y.Insurance Department Reports, previous to 1880, represent fully 95 per cent of totalU.S. business," JASA, vol. 12, 1910—11, p. 678. If the comparison with the census isany indication, the New York coverage would seem to be as complete in lateryears as well.

49 The specil-ic reports used are noted in Table A-7. For 1879 the data coveredthe budgets of 423 Illinois wage earners in forty different occupations. For 1889the data related to 7,053 families (all wage earners), in thirteen states. Most of thebudgets were gathered by the U.S. Labor Department and covered workers in nineindustries. For 1899 the data were gathered by the labor bureaus of Kansas andMaine as well as by the U.S. Labor Department. In all the data related to 3,180workers in thirty-three states.

50 Slaves were an investment and unless properly cared for would have beenunproductive assets. Indeed expenditures on slaves may have been higher thanmedical expenditures by rural whites. On the other hand expenditures by urbanwhites were probably greater. The expenditure per slave figure was taken to be areasonable national average.

Used as a per capita weight the slave data produced total U.S. expenditures formedical care that in turn yielded average annual incomes for physicians of be-tween $800 and $1,100 in both 1849 and 1859, a figure confirmed by the fact thatNavy surgeons were earning $1,000 in 1848 (Lebergott, Manpower in EconomicGrowth, p. 330).

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322 Production and Productivity in Service Industries

weighted by the U.S. population to obtain the industry total output.5'The value of output in industries producing supplies for the medicalprofession was then deducted to obtain value added.

Twentieth century data indicate that value added per lawyer orengineer was very similar to that for Consequently weobtained value added per worker in the medical profession •for eachdecade benchmark and weighted it by the number of lawyers andengineers to obtain value added by those professions.

Value added by clergymen was measured by their annual salaries,with no deduction made for materials The estimates ofaverage annual salaries are rough, but the results show a long-termrise similar to that found for average annual value added by medicalprofession workers.54

Average clergy value added was used to weight the number ofworkers in "all other" professional services to obtain value added inthose industries. Such an approach was used because alternatives werenot available, and the size of the "all other" group did not warrantdetailed

Personal Services

Value added by personal service is the sum of three components.Separate estimates were made for photographers, for cleaners and

The per slave data we found ranged from $1.50 to $2.00. We assumed thevariation occurred over time. (See notes to Table A.7 for source references.)

51 For 1879 to 1899 we also calculated medical expenditures as a percentage ofthe flow of semidurahies and obtained results similar to the per capita approach.Because the latter approach could be used for the earlier years we used the samemethod for the later period.

52 Data for 1929—1940 indicate that average net income for nonsalaried lawyerswas equal to that for nonsalaried physicians. The average for engineers is notknown, but data for post-1894 indicate it was probably similar to that for physicians.David Blank and George Stigler, The Demand and Supply of Scientific Personnel,New York, NBER, 1957, Appendix A. William Weinfeld, "Income of Lawyers, 1929—1948," SCB, August 1949, p. 18, and "Income of Physicians, 1929—1948," SCB, July1951, p. 11.

53 Value added was measured by salaries for the period 1839—1879. For 1889 and1899 budget data allowed computation of a per capita expenditure for religion andcharity. The resulting average clergy output was almost identical to reported salariesfor those years.

54 Both show a tripling of average value added between 1839 and 1899.55 This group accounted for less than 10 per cent of the professional service in-

dustry labor force prior to 1879, 14 per cent in 1879, 25 per cent in 1889, and33 per cent in 1899. Value added shares are smaller.

Page 38: The Service Industries  in the Nineteenth Century

TABLE A-7Value Added in the Professional Service Industries


Lawyers &Engineers Clergy

All OtherProfessions

Total ValueAdded






1859 59.0 31.8 15.2 7.6 113.61.869 103.1 67.4 26.4 10.9 207.81879 194.5 141.2 52.0 30.4 418.11889 241.9 252.5 96.8 131.8 723.01899 354.9 331.2 146.9 284.0 1,117.0

Medical Profession: Includes the following occupations — physicians, surgeons,nurses, dentists and veterinarians. For each year value added is the difference be-tween value of output and materials consumed. Value of output was obtained byweighting the U.S. population at each date by a per capita medical care expenditurefigure for that date. Population data were from Historical Statistics. Per capita figureswere obtained as follows. For 1839—1859, evidence indicated that plantation ownersexpended between $1.50 and $2.00 per slave per year. We assumed the variation oc-curred over time. (Lewis C. Gray, History of Agriculture in the Southern U.S. to 1860,Carnegie Institute of Washington, Washington, 1933, p. 544.) The 1869 figure was•interpolated between the 1859 and 1879 figures. The rise of 50 per cent between 1859and 1869 reflects the rise in Hoover's price index for medical services (Hoover, op. cit.,Table 1). The 1879.. figure ($4.50) was obtained from the 2nd Biennial Report of theIllinois Bureau ofLabor,.1881—82, pp. 290—346. The 1889 figure is a weighted average($4.50) derived from budget data presented in the following reports: 6th and 7th AnnualReports of the U.S. Commissioner of Labor, 1890, 1891; Annual Report of the Labor Depart-nients of the following states—Missouri, 1891; Kansas, 1887; and Indiana, 1891. For1899 a weighted average ($5.80) was derived from the following reports—18th AnnualReport of the U.S. Labor Department, 1903; Annual Reports of the Labor Departments ofKansas, 1899; and Maine, 1900.

The value of materials consumed is equal to the value of output of drugs, medicinesand dental supplies. Data for 1849—1899 were obtained from U.S. Census Reports onManufactures. The 1839 value was calculated as 6 per cent of the value of output, theaverage for 1849 and 1859.

Lawyers and Engineers: Value added per worker in the medical profession weightedby the number of lawyers and engineers, at each benchmark date. U.S. Census, SpecialReport — Occupations, 1900, pp. 1—Iviii.

Clergy: 1839-'1879. Value added equals average annual salary times the number ofclergymen. Average annual salary was $400 for the period 1839—1859 (Lebergott,op. cit., p. 333). The 1869 salary was placed at $600, based on New York data. The NewYork census indicated a salary of $600 in 1865, and since New York was likely aboveaverage we assumed this average held nationally in 1869. The 1879 salary ($900) wasbased on New York data of $850 in 1875. For 1889 and 1899 output was derived fromconsumer expenditure data presented in the labor department reports cited earlier.The resulting average output per clergymen ($1,100 in 1889, and $1,300 in 1899) wasalmost identical to average salaries in those years ($1,100 in 1889, and $1,200 in 1899;Colorado Labor Department, Annual Report, 1899).

All Other Professions: Average value added per clergyman times the number ofworkers in all other professions.

Totals: For 1849 to 1899 the total is the sum of the preceding columns. For 1839value added by the medical profession was taken to be equal to 65 percent of the totalfor the medical profession and for lawyers and engineers. (65 per cent was theaverage share for 1849 to 1869.) This group combined accounted for approximately67 per cent of the total professional service work force in 1849, 1859 and 1869. Thusone-third of the industry work force was assumed to have an average annual valueadded equal to $400 (clergy salary). These two totals were then summed: i.e., ($24.2million ÷ .65 $37.2 million) plus (65,000 workers )( .33 times $400 = $8.7 million)= $45.9 million.

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324 Production and Productivity in Service Industries

dyers, and for all other personal services. Conceptually, value addedfor the first two industries is the difference between values of outputand of materials consumed. The data used were obtained from themanufacturing census reports.

The third component encompasses the remainder of the serviceindustries and is composed primarily of servants. Value added is meas-ured by wages received. Fortunately, wage rates for female servantswere available for all years, except 1879. The wage rates were weightedby the number of servants, waiters, midwives, etc., to obtain the in-dustry total of value added.56 Weighting was accomplished on a dis-aggregated basis, with sepalate estimates being made for free males,free females and slaves.


Value added by government is confined to the compensation ofgovernment In the present national accounts, govern-ment enterprises are included with business, not government, becausethey conduct operations that are essentially commercial in character.Because of the manner in which, we estimated the government laborforce employees of such enterprises were included, and therefore wehave included value added by government enterprises •with valueadded by general government.

For the federal government, employee compensations were obtainedfrom published reports, while for state and local governments valueadded was estimated indirectly. Employee compensations were calcu-lated as a share of total expenditures by state and local governments.58The share values used were taken to be equal to the share of total

56 The wage rates were weighted by the total personal service labor force, lessthe number engaged as photographers and laundresses, as presented in the manu-facturing census reports. The remainder includes certain occupations, such as hotel-keepers and barbers, whose value added is not accurately reflected by servant'swages. However, these groups account for only 5 per cent of the personal servicelabor force, so the industry value added total is not seriously affected.

57 National Income Supplement, 1954, p. 53. Interest is excluded because for gov-ernment such payments are subject to fluctuations that do not represent changesin the value of current production, p. 54.

58 Estimates of state and local expenditures were constructed from Lance Davisand John Legler, "The Government in the American Economy, 1815—1902: AQuantitative Study," Tasks of Economic History, December 1966.

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Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 325


Value Added in Personal Services, U.S. 1839—1899(millions of dollars, current prices)

Value of OutputValue Added

Photography;Cleaning. Cleaning

Photography & Dyeing & Dyeing Servants

1839 — — — 35.41849 0.3 — 0.2 51.31859 1.1 — 0.8 91.21869 3.6 — 2.6 135.51879 5.9 1.6 5.3 218.71889 15.5 5.3 15.8 418.01899 23.2 7.6 22.5 482.0

Photography, Cleaning and Dyeing: All data were obtained from U.S. Census ofManufacturing for relevant years.

Servants: Value added equals the sum of annual wages received by free females andfree males, and an imputed value for slave domestics. Annual wages for women wereobtained by assuming a fifty week work year, and weighting the weekly wage by fifty.(Servants did receive room and board but we have not included this.) Weekly wageswere found in Stanley Lebergott, Manpower in Economic Growth, pp. 282—284; J. D. B.DeBow, Statistical View of the U.S., 1854, P. 164; U.S. Census, Miscellaneous Statistics,1860, p. 512; Edward Young, "Special Report on Immigration," 42nd Congress, 1stSession, 1870—71, House Executive Documents No. 1, p. 216; Lucy Salmon, "AStatistical Inquiry Concerning Domestic Service," JASA, 1892, p. 99; Gail Laughlin,"Domestic Service," U.S. Industrial Commission Report, vol. XIV, p. 748.

The 1879 annual wage ($130) was assumed to be equal to the average for 1869 and1889.

Male annual wages were calculated as 195 per cent of women's, for 1839—1879, 225per cent in 1889, and 165 per cent in 1899. Data from Salmon, op. cit., p. 99 andLaughlin, cit., p. 754.

Slave annual wages were imputed to be 80 per cent of the U.S. free female wage rate.This may be low, because the 80 per cent is DeBow's assertion that the hiring Out wagefor slaves was 80 per cent of free female wages in southern states, and southern stateswere slightly higher than the national average.

These annual wages were then weighted by the number of servants in each wagegroup (infra, Table A-12).

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326 Production and Productivity in Service Industries


Value Added by Government, U.S. 1839—1899

Value Added ByValue Added By State and Total Gov't

Federal Gov't Local Gov'ts C Value Added dYear ($000's) ($000's) ($000 ,000's)

1839 4,500 a 20,340 24.81849 23,280 30.41859 16,600" 50,470 67.11869 39,931 72.41879 42,500" 52,425 94.91889 66,000" 149,650 215.71899 143,33() 231.9

a Computed as 18 per cent of total federal government ordinary and postal ex-penditures for the respective years 1839, 1849 using the total expenditures as presentedin Treasurer's Annual Report an Finances, 1929, Pp. 406, 407. 18 per cent is the averageshare of totaFgovernment expenditures accounted for by compensation expendituresfor the period 1859—1899.

h Obtained •from Treasurer's Accounts of Receipts and Expenditures, and Annual Reportsof the Postmaster General for the relevant years.

Total state and local expenditures were obtained from Davis and Legler op. cit.Value added (wages and salaries) was calculated as a share of this total. The sharevalues are those that exist for the Federal data at each date. The shares for the differentlevels of government were quite close in the twentieth century. (The averages were 20.9per cent for state and local and 21.3 per cent for federal.)

The total for state and local governments were obtained by weightingper capita values by the population. The per capita values were supplied by JohnLegler. They are three year moving averages centered on 1840, 1850, 1859, 1871,1880, 1890, and 1899.

(I The sum. of the preceding columns,

federal expenses accounted for by federal civilian employees' wagesand


Value added in education is defined in this study as the differencebetween income received by schools, from all sources, and purchases

59 Twentieth century shares for the two levels of government are remarkablyclose, averaging 21.3 per cent for federal and 20.9 per cent for state and local.(Historical series Y-224, Y-228, Y-255, Y-547; and S. Kuznets, NationalIncome, vol. 2, Table G-2.) Years involving large war expenditures were omitted.

Some state data available for the nineteenth century confirm the assumptionconcerning equality of shares.

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Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 327


Value of Output and Value Added by Education, U.S., 1839-1899(millions of dollars, current prices)


of OutputValue

of Materials d Value Added e

1839 9.2 a 0.9 8.31849 1.6 14.61859 34•7b 3.5 31.21869 9.5 85.91879 108.6 C 10.9 97.71889 • 191.1 19.1 172.01899 295.5 C 29.6 265.9

a Income per pupil in 1849 multiplied by number of pupils in 1839, as reported bythe census.

b U.S. Census, 1870, Statistics on Education, p. 426.Expenditure data presented in Albert Fishlow, "American Investment in Educa-

tion," Tasks of Econonzic History, vol. 26, 1966, p. 420, adjusted to income on the basis ofdata in the Biennial Survey of Education, 1916—1918, vol. III. It was found that ex-penditures were 98 per cent of income in 1889 and 1899, for public elementary andsecondary schools.

d Annual State reports for various years indicated that the value of. materialsequalled approximately 10 per cent of income. Reports were for N.Y. 1879, 1889,1899; Massachusetts for 1889; Michigan for 1879, 1889, 1899; Illinois, 1869; Iowa for1849—1899; Maryland 1869—1899.

C Value of output minus value of materials.

of intermediate goods. Income was derived almost entirely from gov-ernment sources or from tuition, and only small amounts were derivedfrom property income.°° Consequently, total school income representsthe sale of services directly to the consumer, via tuition, and indirectlyto the consumer, via government funds. Further, since property in-come would be due largely to endowment funds, it is not entirelyunconnected to a measure of the value of output and inclusion ofthe small amounts of income derived from this source should notdistort the measure of service output.

For 1849—1869, income figures were published in the census, for

60 Endowment income was 5.5 per cent in 1849, 6.3 per cent in 1859, 3.8 per centin 1869. For those schools for which data are available in later years (colleges,universities, public elementary and secondary schools), the percentages were 7.6 percent in 1889, and 6.2 per cent in 1899. (See notes to Table A-ID for Sources.)

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328 Production and Productivity in Service Industries

both public and private schools. For 1879—1899, Fishlow has madeestimates of expenditures by schools 61 and we have converted theseto income figures on the basis of income-expenditure relations forpublic elementary and secondary schools in 1889 and 1899.62

The materials consumed were stationery, fuel and textbooks.63 Asample of state reports indicated that the value of materials consumedequalled 10 per cent of income.64 No trend was evident in the com-bined data, so 10 per cent was used for all years.°5

Independent Hand Trades66

Value added by this industry is the sum of value added by threecomponents—smithing trades, boot and shoe repairing, and tailoring.For each of the components value added has been measured as thedifference between the value of output and the value of materialsconsumed. Data were obtained from the manufacturing census reports.To overcome deficiencies in the reported totals of output and mate-rials,87 the census data were used only to compute a value added perworker figure for each benchmark. This per worker value was th.enweighted by the number of workers engaged in that trade.

61 Fishlow used published figures for public elementary and secondary schoolsand made estimates for private elementary and secondary, normal schools, universi-ties, colleges, professional, and private commercial schools. Albert Fishlow, "Ameri-can Investment in Education," Tasks of Economic History, vol. 26, 1966, p. 420.

62 In 1889 and 1899, expenditures were 98 per cent of income for these schools.Data from Biennial Survey of Education, 1916—1918, vol. III, p. 54. The percentagein 1879 for New York, Michigan and Iowa schools was 95 per cent. Data fromAnnual Reports of School Superintendents for those states.

63 Textbooks were used for more than one year, but they were not distinguishablefrom stationery in several state accounts.

64 The estimate is probably a maximum, because the expenditure categories wehave used to derive it included some other expenses, such as maintenance wages.The percentages for 1889 and 1899 were higher for public schools (16 and 19 percent) but included much more than supplies and fuel.

65 Most of the observations were for 1879 and 1889.Sources were the Annual Reports of Superintendent of Public Instructions., or

Annual Reports of the Secretary of the Board of Education for New York, Massa-chusetts, Michigan, Illinois, Iowa and Maryland.

66 The results are presented in Table A-I, and are not reproduced here.67 The 1860 census reported only 15,720 blacksmith establishments, a decline of

10,000 from the total reported a decade earlier. The aggregates appear deficient.In that case, while the value of output is deficient, so also is the value of materialsconsumed and the number of employees. Consequently, value added per employeemight still be representative.

Page 44: The Service Industries  in the Nineteenth Century


Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 329

Data were readily available for the smithing trades,68 but not for theothers. The census did report boot and shoe custom work, 1879—1899,and it was assumed that value added per worker in custom workwould be similar to value added per worker in repair work.69 A stablerelation between value added per worker in custom work and in fac-tory production was the basis for estimating value added for boot andshoe repair work, 1849—1869, and for the tailoring trade,

The 1849 data were used to obtain a weighted value added perworker figure for the entire hand trade industry. This value ($286)was weighted by the hand trade workforce in 1839 to obtain valueadded for the industry in that year.


The data are from the worksheets underlying Galiman, "Gross Na-tional Product. The estimates were made in constant pricesand inflated by a rent index. They represent the value of the servicesof shelter flowing to consumers and are therefore somewhat more grossthan value added estimates.

The discussant of the paper notes that the 1839 estimate may be toohigh "since there is some evidence that the farm sector grew slowerthan the nonfarm in the 1840's, not at an equal pace as Gailmanassumes in pushing the figure for the 1850's back to 1839" (p. 86). Butthis is a misunderstanding. The estimating procedure involved theassumption that the differential between the growth of the farm andnonfarm sectors was the same in the 1840's as in the 1850's (p. 63),not that the two sectors grew at the same rate.


The labor force series measures the numbers of gainful workers, dis-tributed by industry. The series is a revision and extension of work

68 The 1880 census included wheelwrights with blacksmiths. This inclusion biaseddownward value added per worker. Because wheelwrights could not be distin-guished, we placed value added per smith at $700.

69 In custom work, the value of output might be higher than in repair work,but so also would be the value of materials consumed.

70 Value added per custom worker was a steady 90 per cent of value added perfactory worker from 1879—1899.

71 Op. cit., see pp. 57—60, 63.

Page 45: The Service Industries  in the Nineteenth Century

330 Production and Productivity in Service Industries


Value of the Services of Shelter, 1839—1899(millions of dollars)

1839 1661849 2481859 3951869 7111879 697

1889 1,074

1899 1,390

SOURCE: See text.

prepared by Daniel Carson.72 Carson's estimates were chosen becausehe distributed the workforce by industry, according to the StandardIndustrial Classification, and provided benchmark figures On six serv-ice industries for the entire period 1869 through 1899. Also his esti-mates are based on census data, and therefore can be integrated witha census-based series for earlier years.

Several alternatives were considered before selecting the Carsonseries for use in the later years. These alternatives (viz. Stanley Leber-gott's,73 P. K. Whelpton's,74 Alba Edwards's,75 and Ann Miller andCarol Brainerd's were rejected for one or more of the followingreasons: incompleteness in time; incompleteness of estimates for theservice industries; aggregativeness of the service estimates; distributionof workers by occupations rather than

The present series is composed of estimates for three time periods,1839; and 1859; and 1869 to 1899.

The estimates for the period 1869 to 1899 are derived largely fromCarson. We have treated education as a separate industry, and there-

72 "Changes in the Industrial Composition of Manpower since the Civil War,"Studies in Income and Wealth, 11, New York, NBER, 1949.

73 "Labor Force and Employment, 1800—1960," Output, Employment and Produc-tivity in the U.S. After 1800.

74 "Occupational Groups in the U.S., 1820—1920," JASA, September 1926.75 Comparative Occupation Statistics for the U.S., 1870—1940, Washington, D.C.,


76 Everett Lee, et al., Population Redistribution and Economic Growth, 1870—1 950,Part I, Washington, D.C., 1957.

For a more detailed explanation see Weiss, op. cit., pp. 44—47.

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Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 331

fore deducted public school teachers from Carson's government total,and private school teachers from his professional service estimate. Wehave transferred restaurant and saloon keepers and employees frompersonal services to trade,78 and also included in trade an estimate ofworkers in manufacturers' sales branches and service establishments.79Further, we included the independent hand trades in the service sec-tor,80 whereas Carson placed this group in manufacturing. Finally,we estimated laborers, not otherwise specified, 1869—1899, and gainfulworkers in railroading in 1869 differently from Carson.

For 1849 and 1859 the industrial divisions were made as comparableas possible to those for the period 1869 to 1899. The method of esti-mating was also similar. That is, the gainful worker total for eachindustry is composed of characteristic occupations and repeater occu-pations. The characteristic occupations are those found primarily, ifnot entirely, in one industry. For example, merchants and dealerswould be found almost exclusively in trade. The characteristic occu-pations are composed of two groups, the trend-generating character-istics, and the "other" characteristic occupations. The former are thosethat are most typical of an industry, that did not require extensiveestimation in determining the number of gainful workers with eachoccupation, and that therefore were used to distribute among indus-tries the number of workers with repeater occupations. The "other"characteristic occupations are those that are typical of an industry, butthat required a large degree of estimation in determining the numberof gainful workers with each occupation. Because of the potentialerror involved in estimating the number of workers with these occu-pations, they were not used to distribute the workers with repeateroccupations. The repeater occupations are those that are found inmany industries.

78 This was in keeping with changes in the Standard Industrial Classification thathave occurred since Carson's work appeared.

79 The adjustments rest on Harold Barger's work, "Income Originating in Trade,1869—1929," Trends in the American Economy in the Nineteenth Century, p. 327.

80 This industry includes hand craftsmen who would have been primarily engagedin production, as well as those engaged primarily in providing services (repairwork). The service sector should exclude the former, but they are included in thepresent study because it proved difficult to distinguish the repair craftsmen fromthe producing craftsmen. Additionally, the craftsmen engaged in production havebeen excluded from Galiman's commodity output study, and it is desirable thattheir contribution be recorded somewhere.

Page 47: The Service Industries  in the Nineteenth Century

332 Production and Productivity in Service IndustriesThe third period of estimation is 1839. For most industries the 1839

estimate is an extension of the estimates for 1849 through 1899.Table A-12 presents the final estimates for each industry. The esti-

mates are based primarily on the census counts of gainful workers.The published census data required our making some general adjust-ments. The 1849 census count omitted slaves, women, and age group10—15 years, while the 1859 count omitted slaves and the age group10—15 years. The omission of slaves was important in only the personalservice industry. The omission of women was of some significance forseveral occupations, again those found primarily in personal services.The omission of age group 10-15 years was of little consequence ineither year, nonetheless adjustments were made. In addition to thesegeneral adjustments, the census counts of gainful workers in certainspecific occupations required adjustment. Most of these occupationswere of little significance within an industry. Those adjustments thatwere significant are noted immediately following Table A-15.

Estimate of Error

For any industry, the greatest potential source of error is the esti-mate of the number of workers with repeater occupations. As an indi-cation of the potential error we examined the service industries forthe share of the total comprised by the repeater occupations. We havepresented detailed results only for 1849 and 1859. No such occupa-tional distribution exists for 1839, and for later years we have usedCarson's data, and his work contains an assessment of his distribution.

In the aggregate the number of workers with repeater occupationsis not a serious problem. The combined characteristic occupationsaccount for 88 per cent of the total in 1849, and 86 per cent in 1859.Carson states that the characteristic occupations accounted for over80 per cent of his estimates for Thus the repeater occu-pational estimates are not a significant source of error in the aggregate.

'When we consider the individual industries, however, the repeateroccupations become more important in some instances. This is to beexpected because certain repeater occupations are more prominent inone industry than in another. Again, specific data are available onlyfor 1849 and 1859, but Carson gives evidence showing that the re-

81 Carson, op. cit., pp. 75, 76, 133, 134.

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Page 49: The Service Industries  in the Nineteenth Century

334 Production and Productivity in Service Industries


Occupational Structure of the Service Sector, U.S., 1849 and 1859(per cent)


YearGenerating a

CharacteristicOther b

Characteristic Repeater C

1849 61 27 12

1859 64 22 14

a Excluding the hand trades, which accounted for 7.8 per cent of the total labor forcein 1859, and 7.6 per cent in 1849.

Virtually all of this group (90 per cent in 1859, and 95 per cent in 1849) is accountedfor by slaves in personal services.

Laborers, not otherwise specified, account for approximately 38 per cent of thegroup in 1859, and 42 per cent in 1849.

peater occupations are less important in later years.82 Because "other"characteristic occupations are significant in only personal services, wehave presented in Table A-14 only a division between characteristicand repeater occupations.

The extent of repeaters in certain industries is, of course, determinedby the nature of the repeater occupations. As expected, 99 per cent ofthe repeaters in finance are accounted for by agents, collectors, clerksand bookkeepers. In transportation and public utilities approximately30 per cent of the repeater share is accounted for by draymen, hack-men and teamsters. In trade, a major share of the repeaters is ac-counted for by clerks and These are occupations thatone would expect to find in large numbers in these industries. Thusthe potential error in the estimates is much less than would seem to beindicated by the large number of workers with repeater occupations.84

82 Ibid., for the period 1869—1899, characteristic occupations account for over80 per cent of the total for each industry except transportation.

83 If these two groups were combined with the characteristic occupations, thetotal would be over 90 per cent of the industry work force.

84 One case that is not explained by this factor is that of government. There isno repeater occupation that one would expect to find as a large part of the entiregovernment work force. Yet, workers with repeater occupations account for 60 percent of the government total in 1849, and 65 per cent in 1859. However, the result-ing totals of characteristic and repeater occupations are confirmed by the publishedestimates of federal government employees.

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Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 335

While the repeater occupations account for almost all of the estima-tion involved in constructing our series, it should be noted that thetrend-generating characteristic occupations in trade were substantiallyadjusted. It was necessary to estimate salesmen and clerks in stores. In1849 this meant that the unadjusted census figure was increased by42 per cent, and in 1859 by 50 per cent (explained below).

In education an adjustment was required for women omitted bythe census in 1849. This estimate accounts for 63 per cent of theindustry, but is obviously a justifiable adjustment. The census countof teachers was also adjusted in 1869, as explained below.

Less than 5 per cent of the trend-generating characteristic occupa-tions were estimated in the other industries, with the exception ofprofessional services in 1859 (6 per cent).

The following section presents more of the detail concerning thederivations for 1839 through 1859. Specifically, the total number ofgainful workers with characteristic occupations in each industry in1849 and 1859 is presented in Table A-l5. Immediately following thetable the major adjustments are explained. The derivation of the in-


Occupational Structure of the Various Service Industries1849 and 1859

(per cent)

1849 1859

Charac- Re- Charac- Re-industry a teristic peater teristic peater

Trade 77 23 77 23Transportation & public utilities 65 35 60 40Finance 60 40 56 44Professional 98 2 97 3

Personal 98 2 98 2

Government 40 60 35 65

a No distribution is possible for the hand trades. By definition, they are a repeatergroup, but the industry totals include no other repeater occupations.

No distribution is possible for education. By assumption, they are 100 per centcharacteristic.

Page 51: The Service Industries  in the Nineteenth Century

Production and Productivity in Service Industries


Number of Gainful Workers with Characteristic Occupations,Distributed by Service Industry, U.S., 1849, 1859

1849 1859

Unadjusted Unadjusted .

Census Adjusted Census Adjustedindustry Count Count Count Count

Trade 195,048 277,135 314,400 471,061Transport & public utilities 118,533 125,512 164,942 180,981Finance, etc. 4,478 4,478 12,663 12,663Professional service 104,527 110,221 158,011 1.58,011Personal service 53,286 894,345 677,281 1,255,717Government 23,081 23,081 25,429 25,429Education 30,810 83,144 118,874 118,874

Totals 529,763 1,517,916 1,471,600 2,222,736

SouRcE: Census Count— U.S. Bureau of Census, Twelfth Census of the United States:1900. Special Report, Occupations, pp. liii—Ixiii. Adjusted Count—see text.

dustrial distribution of the workers with repeater occupations is thenpresented. Following that, the derivation of the estimates for the inde-pendent hand trades is presented. Finally, the estimates for areexplained. The reader is referred to Carson's work for details concern-ing the period 1869 to 1899.


In 1849 the census counts had to be revised to account for women,and age group 10—15 years, while in 1859 only the latter group hadto be estimated. The adjustments were made by assuming that in 1849and 1859 each of these groups comprised the same share of the occu-pation total as it did in 1869. No adjustment was made if the 1869share was less than 1 per cent.

Major Specific Adjustments by Industry

Trade. An estimate of salesmen, clerks, and other store workersaccounts for almost the entire adjustment (85 per cent) in both 1849and 1859.

Data were available for merchants and dealers for the entire period

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Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 337

1849 to 1899.85 Data on salesmen, clerks, etc. were available for only1869 to 1899.86 A ratio of salesmen, clerks, etc. to merchants anddealers was obtained for 1869—1899 and extrapolated to 1849.87 Thisratio was then applied to the number of merchants and dealers in1849 and 1859 to obtain the estimate of salesmen, clerks, etc.

Transportation and Public Utilities. Very minor estimates were re-quired to derive the total number of gainful workers with character-istic occupations in transportation and public utilities. The originalcensus figures were adjusted by only 5.9 per cent in 1849 and 9.7 percent in 1859.

The two major components, gainful workers in railroading andocean navigation, were checked against alternative measures. Specifi-cally, for 1839 to 1869 the census counts of workers with characteristicoccupations in ocean navigation compared favorably to estimates ofthe maximum number of sailors engaged by U.S. ships.88 The maximawere obtained using the procedure derived by Lebergott,89 but withone improvement. We substituted a ratio of sailors per 1,000 grosstons 90 for Lebergott's ratio of sailors per 1,000 net tons, and for eachbenchmark date, weighted the new ratios by the documented ton-nage (gross tons) at that date, to obtain the maximum employmentin that year.92

85 Twelfth U.S. Census, 1900, Special Report, Occupations, pp. l—lxiii.80 Ibid., for 1889 and 1899 the number of salesmen, etc. was obtained from

Daniel Carson, "Labor Supply and Employment," Research Project, NBER (mimeo.graph), p. 47.

87 The ratio rose steadily from .599 in 1869, to .706 in 1879, to .799 in 1889, to.909 in 1899. The value was placed at .496 in 1859 and .393 in 1849.

88 The census Counts came within 5 per cent of the maxima in each year except1859. The disparity in 1859 is explained largely by the fact that the 1859 maximumis too high, considering the economic conditions. The arguments are presented else-where. (Weiss, op. cit., pp. 88—92.)

89 Stanley Lebergott, "Labor Force and Employment, 1800—1960," Output., Employ-,nent, and Productivity.

90 The ratios were derived by weighting an average gross tonnage per ship by theaverage number of ships entered and cleared, and dividing through the numberof sailors employed on those ships. The average gross tonnage per ship was esti-mated from ship construction data presented in the Annual Reports on Commerceand Navigation. Our average tonnages were compared to other data and appearreasonable. If anything, our average tonnage is low and therefore our ratios andthe maxima estimates are slightly high.

91 Documented tonnage was obtained from Historical Statistics, 1957.92 The estimates are maxima for the following reasons. The ratios of sailors per

1,000 gross tons are based on actual voyage data. Since the size of the crew would

Page 53: The Service Industries  in the Nineteenth Century

338 Production and Productivity in Service Industries

The estimates of workers with characteristic occupations in railroadscould not be checked directly. Indeed it would be pointless becausethe census counts of "employees of railroads" are obviously in error.Instead, an alternative series was derived to use as a check on theindustry total obtained by summing the workers with characteristicoccupations and repeater occupations. This alternative series was con-firmed by Fishlow's The Fishlow series was not used di-rectly in our estimates because his figures were implicitly based onproductivity measures, and we hoped to derive a series that wouldpermit further analysis relating to productivity. It would have beenpossible to use his series as a check, and also the estimates by Leber-gott. In fact our alternative series arose out of an attempt to reconcilethe differences between the estimates by Fishlow and those by Leber-gott. Briefly, it was found that Lebergott understated employment inregion II in 1859 and 1869, and overstated employment slightly in1889 and 1849. Our alternative series, based on census figures and onthe improved Lebergott data, conforms closely to Fishlow's, and pro-vides a series that in turn confirms our gainful worker estimates, ob-tained by the characteristic-repeater occupation procedure.

The two major components of the transportation and public utili-ties industry are therefore felt to be quite sound. Since combined theyaccount for over 60 per cent of the industry gainful worker total, theindustry totals are reasonable.

Professional Services. No adjustments were made in 1859, and onlyminor adjustments in 1849. The largest estimate required in was

that for nurses. The figure was placed at 5,900 by extending a trendfound for 1859 to 1879. As a result in 1849, nurses accounted for 5.2per cent of the industry's workers with characteristic occupations, thesame share they comprised in 1859.

Personal Services. Major adjustment of the census data was requiredto obtain the number of gainful workers in personal service, because

be dependent largely on the amount of sail the ship used, the ratio should be highlyinvariant to unused capacity. The ratio includes foreign sailors and those under15 years of age. By applying the ratio to the total documented tonnage we areassuming that there were no idle ships and that the same seamen were not beingemployed by two different vessels.

93 Albert Fishlow, "Railroad Sector, 1840—1910," Out jut, Employment, and Pro-ductivity.

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Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 339

the census omitted women in 1849 and slaves in 1849 and 1859.Women were important in two occupations, as laundresses and domes-tics, while slaves were important in the domestic occupation.

The number of laundresses in 1849 was estimated as 50 per cent ofthe 1859 figure. This relative position was that which was found toexist over time from 1869 through 1899.

The census reported only free male domestics in 1849. The data forlater years suggests that free males approximated 7 per cent of thetotal of white domestics, over 15 years of age. The census count of22,243 was first adjusted for those under age 15, and then inflated to100 per cent. The result was 397,142 free domestics and waiters in1849.

The final significant estimate is that for slaves. It was assumed thatthe number of slave domestics would be related to the number ofslaves owned. (A rank correlation between these variables was signifi-cant at the .01 level.) An estimating equation was derived.525 + .0835X; = 2.5), and used to compute the number of domesticsper owner for each size category of

slave domestics in 1849, and 518,580 in 1859.How reasonable are these figures? For one, they mean that slaves

comprised 49 per cent of the personal service gainful worker total in1849 and 40 per cent in 1859. This is not much above the 33 per centof the industry accounted for by Negroes in 1899, forty years after thedissolution of slavery. The estimate for 1849 is below Seaman's esti-mate of 487,000 in However, his figure is the residual afterthe field slaves and children are deducted from the total slave popu-lation. His measure could, and probably does, include not only domes-tics, but also all other urban slaves, and possibly some rural slavesengaged in other nonagricultural activities.

Education. The 1850 census count of teachers is for males only. Theshare of males to total teachers declined between 1869 and 1899, sug-

94 Size distributions of slaveholdings were obtained from U.S. Bureau of Census,Eighth Census of the United States, 1860, Agriculture, pp. 247, 248. The data con-cerning the number of domestics per size category were obtained from a variety ofsources, both primary (plantation records) and secondary (works of U. B. Phillips,Lewis C. Gray, Frederick Law Olmsted and J. Carlyle Sitterson), too numerous tolist here.

95 Ezra Seaman, Progress of Nations, 1852, p. 274.

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340 Production and Productivity in Service Industries

gesting that the 1849 share was higher than in later years. It wasplaced at 36.7 per cent on the basis of an absolute change of 1.5 percent per decade between 1849 and 1869. This was the change foundto have occurred between 1869 and 1879. Our result, 81,400, is almostidentical to Lebergott's figure.96

The 1870 census total was adjusted because it appeared very lowrelative to the number of teachers in 1859 and 1879. The adjustmentis Lebergott's.97


There are certain occupations that do not belong exclusively to oneindustry. Examination of the data for 1849 and 1859 revealed thateight such repeater occupation groups were large enough to warrantspecial consideration. These are: laborers, not otherwise specified;agents and collectors; clerks, copyists, bookkeepers, accountants, andcashiers; draymen, teamsters and hackmen; messengers and officeboys;firemen and engineers (stationary); weighers, gaugers and measurers;and packers and shippers.

We have produced an industrial distribution of laborers, n.o.s. (nototherwise specified), for the entire period because we needed to adjustCarson's estimates for the period 1869 to 1899 to bring them into linewith our estimates for 1849 and 1859. In an attempt to avoid theproblems posed by agricultural laborers, we have adopted Lebergott'smethod of estimating urban laborers, n.o.s., as a starting point for theservice distribution.98 Such an estimate should include virtually allservice laborers, with the exception of some performing personal serv-ices in rural areas. Then, by deducting an estimate of laborers, n.o.s.,engaged in manufacturing and construction from the urban total weobtain the number of laborers, n.o.s., in service.

The procedure is to obtain a ratio of urban labor, n.o.s., per 1,000urban population, for those cities for which data are presented in thecensus.99 Applying this ratio to the U.S. population in cities of 2,500

96 Lebergott, cit., p. 118.97 Ibid., p. 201.98 Stanley Lebergolt, in Output, Employment, and Productivity, pp. 159 if.99 The 30 largest cities are available in 1869, 60 cities in 1879 and 1889, and 160

cities in 1899.

Page 56: The Service Industries  in the Nineteenth Century

— r.. — — — —

Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 341

or more yields an estimate of urban labor, n.o.s., for the U.S. In fact,the ratio is obtained for the census cities, excluding New York, Chi-cago and Philadelphia, with a separate count of laborers, n.o.s., thenadded for these cities. The ratios for these three cities were excludedfrom the calculations deriving the ratio for the other cities becausethese large cities had significantly different ratios. Since they wouldhave had a large weight they would have biased the ratio for the otherurban population.

We have checked this procedure using 1909 data. By applying aratio of urban laborers, n.o.s., to the urban population, we obtaineda total of 2,332,735 urban laborers, n.o.s.'°° A count of workers inselected characteristic, occupations was made for manufacturing andfor services, for those cities enumerated in the census for the period1869—1899.'°' For 1909, 61.1 per cent of the characteristic occupationswere in manufacturing and 38.9 per cent in services. Dividing theestimated total of urban laborers, n.o.s., in these same proportionsyielded 907,000 laborers, n.o.s., in services in 1909. The actual countwas 886,000,102 a difference of only 2.3 per cent. It was assumed thissimple procedure would work for earlier years as well. The numberof laborers, n.o.s., in services and their distribution by industries ispresented in Table A-l6. As a first approximation to the distributionamong service industries 103 it was decided to distribute them accord-ing to each industry's 1909 share of labor, n.o.s., in services, modifiedby the change in the urban characteristic occupations for that indus-

100 A ratio of 55 urban laborers, n.o.s., per 1,000 urban population was obtainedfor cities over 100,000. This ratio was applied to the total urban population, cx-clud•ing New York, Chicago and Philadelphia. A separate count was then addedfor these cities. A sample of smaller cities altered the ratio by less than 1 per 1,000.Data are from Thirteenth U.S. Census, 1910, vol. 4. Urban population is from His-torical Statistics, 1957, p. 14.

101 For manufacturing the group is the total of the urban labor force in manu-facturing and mechanical industries, less any labor, n.o.s. For services it includessteam railroad employees, street railroad employees; telegraph and telephone em-ployees; boatmen and watermen; merchants and dealers; salesmen and women; serv-ants; launderers and laundresses; and government officials.

102 Thirteenth U.S. Census, 1910, vol. 4, Table VI.103 On the basis of the 1909 data it was decided to confine the distribution to

trade, transportation and public utilities, railroads, personal services and govern-ment, because there were virtually no laborers, n.o.s., in the other service industriesin 1909.

Page 57: The Service Industries  in the Nineteenth Century






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Page 58: The Service Industries  in the Nineteenth Century

Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 343

try.'°4 Thus, if the share of the urban characteristic occupations intrade fell from 44.7 per cent in 1909 to 39.7 per cent in 1899, the shareof labor, n.o.s., was assumed to fall from 17.1 to 15.2 per cent. Wehave implicitly assumed that the ratio of characteristic occupations tolaborers, n.o.s., remained constant. This procedure allocated over 90per cent of all labor, n.o.s., in all years except 1869. For 1879 through1899 the unallocated laborers were placed in railroads. This was donebecause the addition produced estimates more in line with what isrequired to adjust the census data to the actual employment estimatesin the railroad

The 1869 adjustment was somewhat different. The original distribu-tion plus the unallocated laborers, n.o.s., resulted in more laborers,n.o.s., being allocated to railroads than was likely, considering theconstraint arising from the independent estimates of railroad employ-ment. Therefore, the railroad share was placed at 35 per cent and theremaining industries were simply rounded upwards to account for theremaining 3.8 per cent.

Urban data for occupations were not available for 1849 and 1859,so a different procedure had to be used. The method was to extendthe trend values of the shares. In both 1849 and 1859 the trend valuesfailed to sum to 100 per cent. The discrepancies of 2.5 per cent in1859 and 9 per cent in 1849 were allocated among the various indus-tries, as noted in Table A-16.

Other Repeater Occupations

For the remaining seven repeater occupations we first obtained thetotal number of workers with each repeater occupation in services,and then distributed this total among the service industries. The totalin services was obtained by distributing the U.S. total of workers ineach repeater group between service and nonservice sectors. The share

104 Shares rather than actual numbers had to be used because the urban samplevaried from year to year, and the numbers would not be comparable, but the shareswould be closely comparable.

The shares of laborers, n.o.s., used as the basis for distribution are the sharesattached to each industry for the entire service labor force in 1909. These shareswere used rather than those for only the urban labor force because the latter basiswould understate the share of laborers, n.o.s., attached to personal services.

For an idea of the necessary magnitude of labor, n.o.s., in railroads, see Weiss,op. cit., pp. 68—82, and 114—115.

Page 59: The Service Industries  in the Nineteenth Century

344 Production and Productivity in Service Industries

in service in 1909 was extrapolated back on the basis of the changein the ratio of the characteristic occupations in service to the charac-teristic occupations in manufacturing.106

These totals for service were then distributed according to theprocess described in Daniel Carson's work. The steps are as follows:

1. Obtain a ratio of characteristic occupations in the given year tothose in the base year, 1909, for each industry.

2. Obtain a ratio of the total repeater group in the given year tothe total for the base year. (This is the total Services, and not thetotals for the U.S.)

3. Obtain a weighted index for the total of characteristic occupa-tions for all industries involved in each distribution.

4. Obtain the ratio of the results of step 2 to the results of step 3,and apply this ratio to the indexes obtained in step 1.

5. Apply this modified index to the base year figure for that re-peater occupation in each industry.

There are two basic assumptions underlying this entire procedure.Step 1 (if it were applied unmodifiedly) assumes that the industrialstructure of characteristic occupations to repeater occupations remainsunchanged. Step 4 (derived in steps 2 and 3) assumes that any changein the sectoral structure of characteristic occupations to repeater occu-pations that occurs between the base year and the given year, occursproportionately among all industries involved.

The procedure need not be completely invalidated if the assump-tions do not hold. First, the repeater occupations are such a smallshare of any industry's total labor force, that small deviations fromthe assumptions have little importance. A large deviation from theassumptions can be observed and the original distribution arrived atcan be modified accordingly.

The procedure did not allocate exactly the number of workers withrepeater occupations that were estimated to be in services, and adjust-ments were made. The original procedure gave reasonable results forall but these occupations. Modifications were required in the cases of

106 Manufacturing was used as the representative of all nonservice, because theserepeater occupations would not be found in large numbers in the other nonserviceindustries. In this respect they differ from the other repeater group, labor, n.o.s.

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Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 345

draymen, teamsters and hackmen; clerks, etc.; and agents and col-lectors.

For draymen, teamsters and hackmen it was decided that the baseyear weights were inappropriately high in trade and other transpor-tation. The 1909 figure includes occupations which were of little, ifany, significance in 1859 and 1849. Specifically, 205,000 of the 207,000draymen in trade in 1909 are laundry deliverymen; while 277,000 ofthe 303,000 in transportation in 1909 belong to trucking companies.In light of transportation facilities in 1859 and 1849, and in light ofthe existing technology in laundry machines in 1859 and 1849, it isunlikely that such large groups of draymen were attached to theseindustries in 1859 and 1849. Thus the 14,000 over allocated in 1859,and 15,000 in 1849 were deducted from trade and other transportation.

Regarding agents and collectors the change in the basic ratio ofcharacteristic to repeater occupations appears to have occurred infinance, rather than proportionately among all industries.b07 If thebasic change occurred proportionately among all industries as ourprocedure assumes (that is, if the ratio of repeater occupations to char-acteristic occupations for each industry in 1859 was one-fourth the1909 ratio), then the procedure fails to allocate one-half of the numberof agents and collectors estimated to be engaged in the service sector.If as a modification we assume that all industries, except finance, havethe same ratio of repeater occupations to characteristic occupations in1859 as in 1909 and the 1859 ratio in finance is one-fourth the 1909ratio in finance, then the distribution accounts for all the repeatersthat were supposed to be in services in 1859.108

A situation similar to that for agents and collectors (an under allo-cation) occurred in the distribution of clerks, copyists, bookkeepers,accountants and cashiers. While the solution was not as evident as inthe preceding cases, it was decided to place the undistributed clerks,etc. in trade. This was done because some people listed by the census

107 The ratio of agents and collectors to characteristic occupations was believedto have been lower in 1859 than in 1909 because the insurance industry was muchless important in 1859 than in 1909, and most of the agents and collectors in financewould have been employed in the insurance industry.

108 A similar modification was required in 1849. It was assumed that the 1849finance ratio was one-sixth of the 1909 ratio.

Page 61: The Service Industries  in the Nineteenth Century







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Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 347

as clerks were probably salesmen, and it is likely that such a groupwould be larger in 1859 and 1849 than in 1909. The industrial distri-bution of the number of workers in each repeater occupation is pre-sented for 1849 and 1859 in Table A-17.

Gainful Workers in the Independent Hand Trades

This group of occupations is composed of those who work either asemployees of manufacturing establishments, or in small, independentshops. Some independent hand tradesmen, while engaged in produc-tion, primarily performed a service—repair work. Others would havebeen engaged primarily in production. The service sector should ex-clude the latter group but it is included in the present study for tworeasons. First, it is difficult to make an estimate of those engaged onlyin services. Second, those independent tradesmen engaged in produc-tion have been excluded from Gailman's commodity output study andit is desirable to include them in some sector so that their contributiondoes not go unrecorded.

The hand trades deemed important enough to merit attention arethe following: 1. blacksmiths, whitesmiths, tinsmiths, coppersmiths;gunsmiths, locksmiths and belihangers; 2. shoe and boot repairers;3. dressmakers, milliners, seamstresses, tailors and tailoresses.

The Smithing Trade

The population census listed all blacksmiths, regardless of wherethey worked. It thus enumerated those blacksmiths working in allmanufacturing establishments, blacksmithing and otherwise, as wellas those employed by railroads. The manufacturing census listedblacksmith establishments and their employees. This group was takento be the independent blacksmiths to be included in the present study.Because census enumeration of "hands employed" varied from year toyear, the data in the manufacturing census could not be used di-rectly.110 Also, it was felt that the 1849 and 1859 data presented in

109 The estimates are presented in Table A-12.110 In 1889 and 1899, employers and salaried officials were not included in "hands

employed." In deriving our estimates, we assumed the total labor force to be handsemployed plus one employer for each establishment. For 1869 and 1879 it is notclear whether or not employers were included with "hands employed." We assumed

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348 Production and Productivity in Service Industries

the census understated the number of blacksmiths because establish-merits producing less than $500 were unreported." The approachused was to obtain an average ratio of independent blacksmiths, asderived from the manufacturing census, to total blacksmiths listed inthe population census for 1869—1899, then apply this ratio to the totalnumber of blacksmiths listed in the population census for 1849 and1859. These same ratios were used to obtain the number of white-smiths, gunsmiths, locksmiths, and belihangers and coppersmiths op-erating as independent hand tradesmen at each benchmark date 1849—1899.

The Tailoring Trade

The procedure used in estimating the number of workers engagedas independent tailors is just the reverse of the procedure used forblacksmiths. That is, the manufacturing census total for these tradeswas taken to be the number engaged primarily in manufacturing.The difference between the population census count and the manu-facturing census count is taken to be the number working as independ-ent hand tradesmen. This is because the average output per tailoringestablishment, as reported by the manufacturing census, was almostfour times as great as that for blacksmithing, indicating that the cloth-ing establishments counted in the manufacturing census were primarilyengaged in manufacturing and not in repair services.1'2

Boot and Shoe Repair Industry

The totals for this industry were estimated in the same manner asthe tailoring trades.

that the total independent blacksmiths labor force was approximately twice as largeas the number of establishments. This required a slight adjustment in 1879, butno adjustment in 1869. See Twelfth U.S. Census, 1900, vol. III.

in The Commissioner for the 1870 Census described as deficient the returns ofthe 1850 and 1860 censuses relating to the hand trades. He felt that it was unlikelyso many firms produced under $500 in 1849 and 1859, and apparently many border-line firms were unreported (1870 U.S. Census, Industry and Wealth, pp. 373—374).

It is apparent that the 1859 data are understated. The census data show an abso-lute decline in the number of blacksmithing firms between 1849 and 1859. Thedecline recorded was 10,00Q firms.

112 A second consideration is that the manufacturing census totals for this indus-try are included in Galiman's commodity output study, whereas the blacksmiths,etc., were omitted from his study.

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Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 349

Gainful Workers in Services, 1839

Trade. Theodore Marburg developed two estimates of the laborforce in trade for 1839, and two for 1849.113 Our detailed estimate for1849 fell within the range established by his two estimates of 281,000and 408,000. For 1839, therefore, an estimate comparable to our lateryear estimates should fall within his 1839 range of 170,000—270,000.If we assume that our 1839 estimate should lie in the same relativeposition in Marburg's range as did our 1849 estimate, we obtain an1839 gainful worker estimate of 232,000. That is, the difference be-tween our 1849 estimate and Marburg's lower bound, expressed as apercentage of Marburg's range, is 62.2 per cent. Therefore, the differ-ence between our 1839 estimate and his lower bound of 170,000should be 62.2 per cent of his range of 100,000. The difference equals62,200, which when added to 170,000 yields 232,000 in trade in 1839.

Transportation and Public Utilities

The industry total for 1839 was obtained by inflating the knownvalues for the labor force in railroads and ocean navigation. Thenumber of workers in these two components in 1839 was derivedseparately,114 and it was decided that combined they accounted for 67per cent of the industry. The result was an industry gainful workertotal of 86,000.


The labor force in finance was obtained by extending a trend ofemployees per establishment (banks) for 1849—1869, back to 1839.115The values were 9.1 employees per bank in 1849, 14.7 in 1859, and25.8 in 1869. The trend value for 1839 is 6 employees per bank, whichwhen weighted by the number of banks (1901) yields a labor force of5,400.

113 Theodore Marburg, "Income Originating in Trade, 1799—1869," Trends in theAmerican Economy in the Nineteenth Century.

114 See supra, discussion to Table A-15. For detailed estimates see Weiss, op. cit.,Table 42, pp. 126—128. The procedure adopted yielded the most reasonable 1839estimate of three alternatives.

115 The labor force data have been derived in this paper; the number of bankswas obtained from Historical Statistics, p. 624.

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350 Production and Productivity in Service Industries

Professional Services

A total of 65,255 was obtained from the 1839 Census, which con-tained a count of "learned professions and engineers." We do notknow the exact comparability of this group with our industry compo-sition for later years. However, the census figure appears reasonable.

Personal Service

The 1839 labor force engaged in personal services is the sum ofthe free domestics estimated by Lebergott (240,000) 116 and an esti-mate of the slave domestics. It was hoped that the slave domesticscould be estimated in the same way as for 1849 and 1859. However,neither the size distribution of slaveholdings, nor the number ofslaveholders, is available for 1839. Fortunately, between 1849 and1859 the size distribution changed very little.117 In fact the change insize distribution was so small that the effect on the total number ofdomestics was virtually zero.118 Assuming that the size distribution ofslaveholdings was the same in 1839 as it was in 1849 appears to berather sound.

The total number of slaveholders was obtained by assuming anaverage of 9 slaves per holder. From 1849 to 1859 the change in theaverage number of slaves was from 9.2 to 10.3. Thus assuming 9slaves per holder seems reasonable for 1839. When the procedure isworked out the total number of slave domestics in 1839 is 358,139.This amounts to 14.4 per cent of the total slave population, which isin line with the 14 per cent in 1849 and the 13.1 per cent in 1859.Combining this slave estimate with Lebergott's estimate of free do-mestics in personal service yields a gainful worker total of 598,139 inpersonal services.

116 Lebergott, in Output, Employment, and Productivity. We used his 1839 esti-mate because his estimates of free domestics for the later years are virtually identicalto ours.

117 The largest change was a fall in the share of slaveholders owning betweentwo and four slaves. The decline was only of 2 per cent, which converts to a changeof only 1,000 domestics, for that group. This understatement would be partiallyoffset by the rise in the share of some other size grouping.

118 The total number of domestics in 1849 was 447,000, which means that anerror of 1,000 domestics is an error of one-fourth of 1 per cent.

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Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 351


The number of federal employees is available for 1839, as well asin later years.'19 In later years, federal employees comprised an aver-age of 47.5 per cent of the industry total for local, state and federalnonmilitary labor.120 Since no trend was evident in the later data, theaverage was assumed to hold for 1839. Inflating the data presented forfederal employees (18,038) yields a total of 37,975 nonmilitary workers.


The number of teachers was placed at 45,000 in 1839. This was thenumber arrived at by Lebergott using the establishment data.12' As acheck we used teacher/pupil ratios for various types of schools avail-able and arrived at virtually the same number (46,000).122

Independent Hand Trades

This would appear to be the weakest estimate of the group. The1840 Population Census lists a total of 791,739 engaged in manufac-tures and trades. From this total we deducted 500,000 which Lebergottestimated as the factory work force.'23 This leaves 291,739 presum-ably engaged in nonfactory work. While this figure is not wholly com-parable to the population census totals for laborers engaged in all thehand trades, it should be reasonably close. In later years the inde-pendent hand trades in the service sector comprised an average of38 per cent of the population census totals for the occupations smiths,boot and shoe makers and repairers, seamstresses, dressmakers, tailorsand The share was remarkably steady and was assumedto hold for 1839. This yields a total of 110,860 in independent handtrades in 1839. It appears reasonable in light of the number so en-

119 Presented in Historical Statistics, p. 710, as compiled from the Official Registerof the U.S.

120 The totals were derived in an earlier section of the paper, the federal dataused here is from Historical Statistics, p. 710.

121 Lebergott, op. cit., p. 201.122 Data from the censuses [or 1840 and 1850.123 Lebergott, cit., p. 178.124 The number in the service sector is derived in an earlier section on "inde-

pendent hand trades."

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352 Production and Productivity in Service Industries

gaged in later years. Since the nonfactory work force in 1839 no doubtincluded others besides smiths, etc., the industry total derived for 1839is most likely a maximum. How much lower the number should bewould be purely conjecture, so we have left it at 110,000.

With all the industries derived above, we have a total of 1,180,000in services in 1839. This is 20.9 per cent of the total 1839 labor force,a share almost perfectly in line with the trend from 22.8 per cent in1849 to 32.9 per cent in 1899.

DISCUSSIONRICHARD A. EASTERLIN, University of Pennsylvania

The inputs into the paper before us are easy to establish: some officesupplies, a little building space (probably squeezed out of a librarycorner and a family bedroom), a modest amount of pre-computer agecalculaxing machine time, and many man-hours of labor—clearly ahandicraft operation of classical proportions.

The problem, as so often throughout this Conference, is to assessthe output. Were I a dean or chairman of a university personnel com-mittee, I would immediately count the pages, bearing in mind thatany pleasurable reaction must be tempered by the condition of jointauthorship and the substantial time discount necessitated by the longproduction period of all NBER publications. On the other hand, if Ichose as my output criterion the number of numbers, rather thanpages, produced, I might conclude that productivity here has beennegative. The principal output consists of the value added estimatesfor nine service sectors and labor force estimates for eight sectors foreach of seven years presented in Tables A-i and A-12, a total of 119numbers. (A more generous allowance might recognize that otherappendix tables sometimes give value of product and materials esti-mates, and greater sectoral detail.) Thus, thousands of numbers in theprimary sources have been reduced to, at best, a few hundreds. And,facetiousness aside, it must be admitted that this reduction has beenat some real cost, as Professor Lebergott's difficulties in following someof the estimating procedures illustrate. (But then, on this last point,it is only fair to recognize that Weiss' underlying dissertation pro-

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Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 353

vides much more detail, and that the present report represents a pre-liminary, not final, product.)

Suppose, however, one takes as basis for assessing output, the moreelusive criterion of contribution to knowledge. If, by this, one meansthe advance over preexisting knowledge, my personal judgment (IIgenerously leave to others the problem of devising an objective quan-titative yardstick) is that the contribution is quite high. True, unlikeothers at the Conference, there is little in this paper that directly con-fronts the difficult conceptual issues plaguing the service sector. Butthat was not the purpose of the paper. The set of numbers so labori-ously and artfully distilled from the raw material provides instead,and—in my opinion—for the first time, a plausible description of theover-all dimensions of service versus commodity industries during along and important period of American economic development; aperspective, it may be noted, which will itself further analysis of theconceptual issues. This is not to suggest that the present figures aredefinitive; on the contrary, it has already been observed that theyshould be viewed as preliminary. But prior knowledge, particularlyon the income side, seems now to have been seriously defective. Forthe nineteenth century, the principal previous estimates of valueadded by industry are those of Robert Martin [9]. These were usedby Simon Kuznets together with his own estimates for 1919—28 on todevelop a picture of trends in the industrial structure of U.S. nationalproduct since 1869—78 [5, p. 89].

The extent of revision represented by the Galiman-Weiss estimatesis quickly appreciated. Averaging the 1869, 1879, and 1889 values, onefinds that the share of the service sector in value added by industryof origin in the "Martin-Kuznets" (M-K) estimates is 59 per cent; 1in the G-W estimates, 43 per cent. In other words, the new series re-verses significantly the relative size of the service and commodity sec-tors in value added—the M-K estimates show the service sector about40 per cent greater than the commodity sector, the G-W estimatesabout 25 per cent less. Since both sets of estimates draw on essentiallythe same labor force figures for this period (Daniel Carson's [1]), thisdisparity carries over to the income per worker estimates. The G-W

1 The M-K figures quoted in this paragraph are from [6, pp. 73, 103].

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354 Production and Productivity in Service Industries

estimates show the service sector with current dollar income perworker about 70 per cent above the national average; the Kuznetsestimates, 130 per cent above.


Clearly the new estimates by Gailman and Weiss lead to a radicalchange in one's impression of the position of the service sector in thenineteenth century economy. But what reasons are there for supposingthat the G-W picture is the more accurate one? Three may be noted.

Underlying Workmanship

The first has to do with the quality of the craftsmanship enteringinto construction of the estimates. Even a casual comparison of Mar-tin's procedures with those of G-W will quickly reveal that the latterhave exploited a much wider range of sources, have given much fullerthought to the models employed in estimation, and have labored totest and check their results. It is perhaps sufficient to note thatMartin's methodological discussion covers a mere eight pages andmentions not a single test of the estimates [9, pp. 138—146].

External Consistency

The second relates to the consistency of American experience withthose of other times and places. When the G-W estimates are viewedin the perspective provided by the extensive evidence for other coun-tries assembled by Kuznets, one finds that the relative position of theservice sector in the late nineteenth century United States now looksmore like that in other economies at comparable levels of develop-ment, whereas heretofore the U.S. was an "outlier." (It is a remark-able tribute to Kuznets' efforts in mobilizing and analyzing theseinternational data—which can easily be written off for their manifestshortcomings—that they do in fact provide such useful perspective.)Thus, comparing the M-K estimate of the income share of the servicesector in 1869—89 U.S. with that of countries with similar per capitaincome levels currently (those in Kuznets' economic level classes IIIand IV), one finds that of fourteen countries in the latter group, only

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Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 355

three have values as high or higher than that of the U.s. [6, App.Table I]. With regard to relative income per worker in the servicesector, only one of eleven countries has a value as high or higherthan that shown by the M-K estimate for the U.S. [ibid., App. TableV]. In contrast, the new G-W estimates place the U.S. much closer tothe median values for both magnitudes.

Inspection of the time series, as well as cross-section, data for othercountries further supports the impression that the M-K service incomeestimates for the U.S. are on the high side, though a precise com-parison is handicapped by the difficulty of identifying the historicalperiod in each of the other countries corresponding to the economiclevel of the U.S. in 1869—89. For example, only 4 of almost 120 obser-vations on thirteen countries extending from various points in thenineteenth century down to the present, show a value for the incomeshare of the service sector equal to or greater than that of the 1869—89 [ibid., App. Table II].2

Internal Consistency

The foregoing test of .the plausibility of the G-W versus M-K esti-mates of value added originating in the service sector involves thecomparative consistency of the two estimates with what is known ofexperience in other economies. A third test relates to an issue ofinternal consistency. In commenting on Galirnan's previously pub-lished estimates in Volume 30, I pointed out a seeming contradictionbetween the rising trend of consumer services in the distribution ofnational product by type of product shown by Galirnan's estimatesand the declining share of the service industries in the distributionof value added by industry of origin indicated by the Martin estimates[2, pp. 87—88]. This disparity in trends, which was particularly markedin the nineteenth century, contrasted sharply with the similar trendsin the two shares shown by Kuznets' estimates for the period after1919—28, that for which the reliability of the estimates was greatest.

2 J have not attempted to look into possible sources of bias in the Martin esti-mates, but one reason was noted in a study some years ago where I pointed out thatthere appeared to be a substantial upward bias in Martin's 1879 figure for thetransport sector compared with that for 1899 [8, pp. 712—713].

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356 Production and Productivity in Service Industries

This disparity is now removed by the new Galiman-Weiss estimateswhich show a rising share of the service sector in the industry oforigin estimates in the nineteerrth century, a movement consistentwith the rising share of consumer services in the final product esti-mates. Subsequently, I shall raise a question about the consistencybetween the decade movements shown by these estimates, but as faras the general direction of trend in the late nineteenth century isconcerned, it seems to me that the new Gailman-Weiss figures onceagain test out as superior.

To summarize the discussion to this point, my impression is thatthe G-W estimates indicate plausible orders of magnitude for thenineteenth century ratio of service to commodity activities and rela-tive income per worker. In this, they provide a substantial advancein knowledge.


The discussion so far has focussed on the service sector as a wholeespecially in the period from 1869 on, for which alternative estimateswere already available. Suppose, however, one is interested in greaterindustrial or temporal detail, or in the analysis of trends rather thanlevels? Only a very limited assessment is attempted here. Three testsare made of the consistency of the present estimates with other serieswhich, on analytical grounds, one would expect to be related. Thetests suggest that (1) the size of several of the service industries maybe overstated in 1839 and, to a lesser extent, in 1849 and 1859, and(2) that the decade rates of change in the total and, implicitly, thecomponents of the service sector require further study, certainly inthe period 1869—89, and very likely in the pre-1869 period as well.Finally, on the basis of the foregoing and some additional considera-tions, doubts are expressed about the estimated trend in current andconstant dollar income per worker in the service sector relative tothat in the commodity sector. While the heterogeneous nature of thedifferent service industries makes it difficult to arrive at a generalassessment on the basis of the piecemeal tests and considerations ad-vanced here, such a statement is attempted in the conclusion, thoughadmittedly it may suffer from inadequate foundation.

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Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 357

Test 1: Service Labor Force and Urban Population

A finding that has emerged in recent years from the study of longswings, or Kuznets cycles, in economic growth, is that fluctuations inthe growth of a number of service industries are positively associatedwith those in urban growth [3]. Periods of rapid urbanization havebeen marked by rapid expansion of a number of service industriesand vice-versa. The question naturally comes to mind how the trendof labor force in the service industries as estimated by G-W compareswith that in urban population. To answer this, the G-W estimates oflabor force in each service industry have been expressed as a ratioto urban population at each date. To provide additional perspective,I have added estimates for two years in the twentieth century forindustries for which comparable data were readily available. (Thecomparison was not carried to more recent dates, because the olddefinition of "urban" becomes progressively less relevant in the twen-tieth century.) Several observations are suggested by Table 1.

From 1869 on there appears to be a stable or slight downward trendin the ratio of the total service labor force to urban population(line 1). Examination of the components shows this to be the resultof the disparate trends for personal services and the hand trades (lines7 and 10) compared with the other industries. If these two industries,which are less urban centered, are eliminated, a mild upward trendappears in the ratio of the remaining service industries considered asa whole, to urban population (line 2). For some of the componentindustries, the ratio is quite stable over the period; for others, it driftsirregularly upward. All in all, the consistency from one date to thenext, during this period when the basic data on service labor forceare strongest, is noteworthy, and supports the view that the trends fora number of the service industries bear a close relation to urbanpopulation growth.

If one turns to the pre-1869 period, and leaves aside personal serv-ices and the hand trades, a noticeable contrast with the trend in thesubsequent period is apparent. Of the remaining six industries, four(and also the total for the six as a whole) exhibit a declining ratherthan stable or rising trend in the ratio. The most important industrynumerically is trade, which shows a ratio of its labor force to urban

Page 73: The Service Industries  in the Nineteenth Century

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Page 74: The Service Industries  in the Nineteenth Century

Service Industries in the Nineteenth Century 359

population in 1839 50 per cent higher than in 1869, after which theratio remains almost constant. Note, too, the trend for the profes-sional industries. For this sector, the ratio is about halved between1839 and 1869, after which it rises steadily. Only for two of the sixindustries, transportation (the estimates for which may well be thestrongest) and finance, does the pre-1869 trend fall in line with thatfor the later period. These results may reflect reality, but they mayalso indicate a progressively growing upward bias in the estimates asone moves back to 1839. It is particularly troubling that the periodscharacterized by disparate trends correspond precisely to those be-tween which the comprehensiveness of census coverage of the servicesshifted abruptly. Only from 1869 onward did the census of occupa-tions, even in concept, embrace the entire service sector.

Test 2: Free White Domestics and Foreign-Born Population

Historically, the principal source of white domestics has been theforeign-born female population. For example, of the three decades fol-lowing 1869, that in which the largest increase occurs in the personalservice labor force is 1879—89, the decade of highest immigration[3, Charts 3 and 8; A plausible basis for assessing the estimate forthe labor force of free white domestics, therefore, is to compare itstrend with that in the principal source population. The following isan illustrative comparison for the first three dates, those for whichI could obtain or infer the G-W labor force estimates for this groupfrom their paper:

1839 1819 1859

Free white domestics (000) 240 397 600Foreign-born females (000) 413 1,000 1,904Ratio, a/b (%) 58 40 32

The level of the 1839 ratio is startling—could three out of every fiveimmigrant women have been employed as servants at this date? More-

3 For 1849 and 1859 [10, series A-57]. The 1839 estimate was obtained as follows.The implicit survival rate of foreign-born females, 1849—59, was estimated fromtheir observed total increase and an estimate of their net immigration. This survivalrate was then assumed applicable to 1839—49. From this plus the estimated netmigration 1839—49 and the 1849 population, the implied 1839 population was ob-tained. The net immigration estimates are averages of those made by Wilcox andRossiter [7, p. 94], to which the decade average of female to total immigration wasapplied [10, series C-134].

Page 75: The Service Industries  in the Nineteenth Century

360 Production and Productivity in Service Industriesover, the sharp decline in the ratio contrasts sharply with the stabilityof the ratio of slave domestics to slave population during this period.4Of the three dates, the estimate for 1859 is by far the best founded,suggesting that the G-W figures for free domestics in 1849 and 1839may be biased upward.5 However, the procedure I have employed totest the estimate is quite simple, and intended primarily to be illus-trative. Further work along these lines, taking account of the post-1859 data, and perhaps using greater ethnic detail, seems desirable.

General Observations on the 1839—59 Labor Force andIn come Estimates

Viewed broadly, the two tests performed above raise questions aboutthe consistency of the estimates on economic characteristics of thelabor force with what is known regarding the location of the popu-lation (test 1) and its demographic characteristics (test 2). These ques-tions, in turn, suggest a more general approach to developing com-prehensive labor force estimates for 1839—59. The aim of this approachwould be to develop concurrently estimates of labor force by industry,by location (state and rural-urban), and by demographic character-istics (sex, age, and ethnic composition), using systematically bothpopulation and labor force data at each date. In this way, it wouldseem possible to develop an estimate of the industrial structure of thelabor force consistent with what is known about the spatial and demo-graphic characteristics of the population. While I hesitate to urgesuch a job on the authors, I feel that until it is done, we may not bein a sufficiently secure position with regard to the labor force data toperform confidently a number of analyses (such as trends in incomeper worker) which we should like to do.

The foregoing observations, implying possibly upward biases in the

4 See the sections of the G.W appendix describing the ingenious procedures usedto estimate slave domestics.

5 Lebergott's estimate for 1849 is lower than G-W's, and yields a more plausibleratio of free white domestics to foreign-born females of 35 per cent. For 1839 Leber-gott's estimate was adopted by G-W. But this estimate was derived by a linearinterpolation between 1790 and 1850, and hence fails to allow for the probableeffect on free domestics of the sharp upsurge in immigration during the 1840's.Thus, reference both to Lebergott's 1849 estimate and the procedure he uses for his1839 estimate tends to support the inference of a possible upward bias in the G-Westimates for the two years. Cf. [2, pp. 203—204].

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early year estimates for service labor force, have somewhat differentimplications for the income estimates. For personal services, where thelabor force estimate was used in constructing the income estimate,whatever bias may exist in the former is carried over to the latter. Butfor several of the other service industries, the income estimate wasdeveloped independently of that for labor force, and would thereforenot reflect biases in the latter. If, for the service sector as a whole,labor force estimates were revised downward to a greater extent thanincome, relative income per worker would be pushed upward, perhapsto a dubious level. But it is possible that the income estimate toomay contain its own biases in an upward direction. At a minimum, itwould seem desirable for the authors to check through the decisionsmade in their income estimating procedures to make sure they do nottend systematically toward inflating (or, for that matter, deflating) theresult. This is especially desirable fOr trade, which bulks largest inthe service sector income total, and for which the underlying dataseem rather frail.

Test 3: Output of Final Consumer Services andCorresponding Labor Force Input

The question of the consistency between industry of origin andfinal product estimates has already been discussed in comparing theG-W and M-K estimates. The present test attempts to push this ap-proach somewhat further by comparing estimates of implied growthrates per decade for three analytically related magnitudes: (a) outputof final consumer services as directly estimated by Gailman in Volume30 [2]; (b) output of final consumer services implied in the presentG-W estimates of value added in the service industries; and (c) laborforce in the service industries principally related to final consumerdemand, taken here as the aggregate of the finance, professional, per-sonal and hand trades sectors as given in the G-W estimates.

My estimates for item (b) are undoubtedly cruder than those whichGaliman and Weiss can make with the data at their disposal. Hence,rather than detail my procedure, I shall merely note that I drew upontheir value of product estimates where available, William G. Whit-ney's input-output table for 1899, and Dorothy Brady's rent index.

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362 Production and Productivity in Service IndustriesThe rates of change, in per cent per decade, implied by the threeseries for the decades since 1869 compare as follows:

1869—79 1879—89 1889—99

(a) Output of final consumer services(Vol. 30) 62 12 42

(b) Output of final consumer servicesimplicit in present G-W estimates 51 51 35

(c) Labor force in service industriesprincipally related to finalconsumer demand 27 54 31

Note that for the latest decade, 1889—99, the orders of magnitude ofthe three series are fairly close, while for the two preceding decades,substantial differences are apparent. If the first two decades shown arecombined, all three series suggest fairly high (though not identical)growth over the entire 1869—89 period, but series (a) allocates mostof it to the first decade, series (c), to the second, and series (b) dividesit evenly. On the basis of my earlier reasoning regarding the relationof the service industries to urbanization, I would tend to appraisethe series (c) pattern as the most plausible and that of series (a) asthe most questionable with regard to the relative rates of change in1869—79 and 1879—89. The main point, however, is that this test sug-gests some possible inconsistencies among the estimates for this period.Moreover, a similar comparison for the decades prior to 1869 sug-gests there are perhaps substantal discrepancies in the earlier periodalso.6 Rather than pursue this point with my own rough estimates,however, let me simply express the hope that the authors, with thefuller body of data at their disposal, may find it possible topresenta comparison like that illustrated above covering the entire 1839—99period.

Trends in Product per Worker

Before concluding, I should like to make two brief observations onthe authors' guarded inferences regarding the long-term trend inproduct per worker for the service sector as a whole.

6 In attempting to compare the estimates in Volume 30 with those presentedhere, certain problems arose regarding compositional detail and dating. It would beespecially helpful for the present purpose if the Volume 30 estimates were givenfor the single years 1869, 1879, 1889, and 1899, and if the rent component of finalservices to consumers were separately shown.

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With regard to the current dollar estimates of value added perworker, the emphasis is on convergence between the service and com-modity sectors, with the possible exception of the Variant 2 estimate[cf. G-W, Table 8, and accompanying text]. An examination of theline by line entries in the authors' table reveals that this conclusionrests very largely on the difference in level between the pre-1869estimates and those for the later dates. The 1869, 1889, and 1899 esti-mates for all three variants are quite similar; any inference from thedata for the later period alone on a converging trend would have torest chiefly on the relative position of the 1879 value. Moreover, com-paring the earlier and later periods, one finds that it is particularlythe 1839 and 1849 estimates that create the impression of convergence.Since it is the estimates for these years which seem least reliable, Iam inclined to feel that the conclusion about convergence is notsufficiently well established at this time.

As for the constant dollar trend, I am even more reluctant to acceptthe authors' suggestion that there were similar rates of long-term pro-ductivity advance in the two (service and commodity) sectors, or per-.haps a slightly higher rate in commodity production. In addition tothe doubts just noted relating to relative trends in the current dollarestimates, there is the issue of deflation procedures, which in thepresent paper is the least intensively developed part of the estimates.Substantively, the generalization seems dubious when one consider-sthe very large share of domestic services in the service labor force,a group whose productivity improvement one suspects was quite low.The authors do have on their side a high increase in transportationproductivity and an increasing share of this sector in the service laborforce. But, domestic service aside, what are the implied productivitychanges in the remaining service industries—trade, finance, education,the professions, government—which are glossed over in the paper bythe high degree of aggregation used in making the real product esti-mates? Clearly, on this subject the paper comes up agaihst the ques-tions stressed elsewhere in this Conference. While I believe the per-spective provided by history would illuminate these issues, I am in-clined to feel that priority should first be given to more tractable mat-ters, like strengthening the current dollar income and labor forceestimates, and that for the present inferences regarding relative growthrates of productivity should be abjured. The authors may feel that

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this is what the Conference program required, but there are morethan enough solid contributions in their paper which amply justify it.


All in all, I come away from this paper with a feeling much like thatwhich followed from examination of Gaflman's final product estimatesin Volume 30. For the period from 1869 on, the new estimates repre-sent a marked improvement over those which went before; for theearlier period, the estimates represent a major step toward filling animportant gap in knowledge, though further work is probably re-quired before they can be confidently used for some analytical pur-poses. With regard to both sets of estimates I have tried to raise somequestions and suggest a few tests which I hope may merit considera-tion. But it is important to recognize that a great deal of time andeffort has already been invested, not only in constructing, but testingthe estimates as well. While some additional work seems needed, letus hope that Professor Galiman may soon find it possible to pulltogether his work and that of his associates over the past decade or so,for it promises to add up to a major advance in our quantitativeknowledge of U.S. economic growth.


1. Conference on Research in Income and Wealth, Studies in Income andWealth 11, New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1949.

2. , Output, Employment, and Productivity in the United States after1800, Studies in Income and Wealth 30, New York, National Bureau ofEconomic Research, 1966.

3. Richard A. Easterlin, "Long Swings in United States Demographic andEconomic Growth: Some Findings on the Historical Pattern," Demog-raphy, vol. 2, 1965, pp. 490—507.

4. E. P. Hutchinson, Immigrants and Their Children, 1850—1950, New York,1956.

5. Simon Kuznets, ed., Income and Wealth of the United States: Trendsand Structure, Income & Wealth Series II, Cambridge, England, 1952.

6. , "Quantitative Aspects of the Economic Growth of Nations. II.Industrial Distribution of National Product and Labor Force," EconomicDevelopment and Cultural Change, Supplement to Volume V, No. 4(July 1957).

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7. and Ernest Rubin, immigration and the Foreign Born, OccasionalPaper 46, New York, National Bureau of Economic Research,

8. Everett S. Lee et al., Population Redistribution and Economic Growth,United States, 1870—1950. I. Methodological Considerations and Refer-ence Tables, Philadelphia, 1957.

9. Robert F. Martin, National Income in the United 1799—1938,New York, National Industrial Conference Board, 1939.

10. U.S. Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States, Colo-nial Times to 2957, Washington, D.C., 1960.

STANLEY LEBERGOTr, Wesley an University

As I wander through the mighty palaces that Kuznets and Gold-smith and Galiman have been putting up, with their great beams,multitudinous rooms and handsome architecture, I wonder aboutGoethe's editor. When Goethe had written passionately in his auto-biography, "She, she alone, I really loved," the editor carefully addedhis footnote in publication: "Here Goethe was in error."

Must we follow that improbable editor? But this is the play asDr. Fuchs has cast it, and I must be about my business. The Gailman-Weiss foray into the nether world of national income estimation waslong overdue, and is most welcome. For service is here—if not to stay.As an over-all comment let me say that the output estimates consti-tute a fine advance, though I am slightly depressed that their employ-ment estimating seems only a mild variant of my Volume 30 proce-dures rather than a hearty alternative with new techniques and bettersources. But let me be specific.

1. First let me express my hope for a published version of theirpaper having what Goldsmith termed "reproducibility." The dedi-cated national income aficionado will want to refer repeatedly to thispaper. In it he should find a usable description of how such majoritems as rent, trade margin, coasting trade output were estimated, andreasonable detail on how slave domestics were estimated. As of nowwe can tell too little about the quality of these numerically very im-portant items.

2. We shall all doubtless revel in these output and employmentestimates. What about those for productivity? At this stage in ourinquiry into the nineteenth century we may be acting like Aesop's

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monkey. You will remember that by trying to get all the nuts out ofthe jar at once he ended up with none at all. Now we want threeitems—employment, output and partial productivity. But to createreliable employment figures we must test them against output series,against capital stock or service figures. And to create output data offine quality we must check with independent data on inputs (laboramong others). Yet if we do so, of course, we lose the degree of free-dom needed for creating a productivity ratio. I sympathize with thoseestimators—I know of at least one—who began happily with my em-ployment series then found it so enmeshed in referrals to output andother data that they could not -simply contrive a productivity seriesfrom it. But we are at the W. 1. King stage in our nineteenth centuryinvestigations. Before Kuznets-reliability can be achieved we mustfirst establish each series as truly as may be—in fact, even using partialproductivity ratios as a guide in establishing the series. If it is onlyfor the next generation of investigators to reap what we have sown,so be it.

Turn, if you will, to Table 8. Is it really true that current dollaroutput per transport worker (line 2) was cut in half from 1839 to1849? (And that constant dollar output per worker in this rapidlyexpanding sector fell by even more?) Or that the typical bank clerkgenerated seven times as much output as the small tradesman in 1839and only three times as much in 1859? Or that finance could triple itssmall share of the service labor force from 1879 to 1899 while its out-put per worker was more than cut in half (and wages, in a competi-tive market, harshly affected)? Or that in 1899 distribution shouldstill have half again as much output per worker as the skilled handtrades? These queries, and others, do not suggest conclusions aboutproductivity, but rather points for inspecting both output and em-ployment estimates to see how such results arose, to study the sensi-tivity of the estimating procedure.

3. Let us take a look—too casual, to be sure—at the admirably ex-tensive work Galiman and Weiss devoted to output estimation. Table4 tells us that distribution, transport and housing account for overthree-quarters of the service total. How well do the big three qualify?In the absence of much explanatory detail one presumes that after1869 Barger's margin estimates by kind of business were used, with

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some graceful trend added, perhaps, before 1869. Now Barger showsconstant ratios by kind of business right up to 1919, except for amarked advance from 1869 to 1879. That advance comes from 1869figures based on data for a few grocery stores and 1879 figures for thestate of Indiana. (Had he used Indiana data for grocery stores in 1879,as is done for other major kinds of business, the advance would havedisappeared.) Now what is there in this reasonable activity of stipu-lating constant ratios by kind of business, and adding some chancyindications of change, that can tell us much about patterns of his-toric change? Specifically, how margins changed as flatboat stores diedout, tin peddlers from Berlin disappeared, roads and competition im-proved, and cities grew at varying rates? I infer that the nineteenthcentury margin has a reasonable level—it surely ran between 25 and40 per cent—but we are not warranted in saying much about how itchanged from period to period, nor in comparing it with more mod-ern estimates. A fortiori the analysis of productivity changes, in tradeor service, must be hampered.

4. What of other output estimates? (a) Transport. The sizablecategory of wagon transport seems inadvertently omitted. Fluctua-tions in coasting activity seem—the notes are brief—to be assumedto match those in foreign trade, an unusually perfect correlation tobe stipulated. (b) Finance. An earnings rate of 5.95 per cent on assetsis assumed for all state banks 1839—99—casting a wild light indeed oninterregional investment and capital flows. (c) Professions. About halfthe total for the group rests on the hypotheses that per capita medi-cal costs rose from $1.50 to $2.00 between 1839 and 1859, using typicalcharges for yearly slave medical care. Sampling variability is great,however, with a range of $1.00 to $2.50 being reported in any givenyear in that period. (d) Personal Seruice. My wage estimates are usedfor free labor but, although I provide equally unsatisfactory estimatesfor each Southern state, hiring rates for the sizable group of slavedomestics are here estimated as 80 per cent of the U.S. average in allyears, using a surmise DeBow made at one point. Imputed room andboard are intentionally excluded, for which I see no conceptual war-rant.

5. Distributive margin deserves a comment: its size is great, and itsestimate involves the entire deflation procedure for output. Despite

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the decisive, if supporting, role played by the retail price deflatorswe have little indication of their validity and not much descriptionof how they were derived. Prior to 1869 the commodity flow, andhence distributive margin, deflator apparently rests on a combinedMassachusetts-Philadelphia retail price series (Table 3; Vol. 30, pp.92—93, 115). The possible bias in using such an index to deflate has been alluded to by Dorothy Brady (Vol. 30, p. 97). Certainlyto test the deflation of the largest single service item, distributivespread, we should have a comparison of wholesale versus retail pricetrends for each major item.

6. For employment Gailman and Weiss have in principle goneback to Carson's manipulation of Population Census data. In practicethey have massively adjusted (personal service) or rejected (railroads,federal employees) most of the Census data. They adopted a numberof my estimates and seem, essentially, to have followed my proceduresfor still others. But since they do not provide enough detail in theirfinal estimates, nor explanations of procedure, it is impossible to knowthe quality of their figures. I can only add one obvious point: thegainful worker figures they derive are at levels inconsistent with mostof my figures for 1900 and thereafter, since the latter figures arelinked to the kind of industrial census materials used in preparingthe national income accounts. Hence most of their service employ-ment series would be at levels inconsistent with those in the nationalaccounts after 1929.

In sum, further work will make these inquiries more valuable,valuable though they surely are already. But of those who give most,most is demanded.


One reason it is difficult to accept the Galiman/Weiss results is thatthe authors stick too closely to the standard system of national ac-counts.

The standard system, and the concept of GNP and the industrialclassification embedded in this system, were developed for use in

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Service Industries in the Nineteenth Centurymodern industrialized economies. The suitability of the system evenfor these economies is being increasingly questioned, as experiencewith it teaches us something of its limitations, as the uses to whichit is put become more refined, and as change takes place in the struc-ture of the economy and the place of the economic structure in thestructure of society as a whole. But there has always been seriousdoubt about the applicability of the standard system of accounts toeconomies of a hundred and more years ago, to present-day developingcountries, and even to the new crop of "centrally planned" economies.We are, or should be, troubled by the kinds of questions provokedby A. G. B. Fisher and Cohn Clark when they talk about the so-called"tertiary industries" and the relation of these industries to the stageof economic development. These questions are at least twenty yearsold. They came up in the Conference on Research in Income andWealth in 1946.'

The questions relate not only to the service industries, but also toconstruction, manufacturing, and transportation, not to mention stillother industries. But they apply with special force, perhaps, to theservice industries. The ancient problem raised by the omission ofhousehold work in preparing food for consumption, mending andwashing clothes, maintaining the home and other buildings, provid-ing health and educational and fire protection services—the list is

endless—is just one of these questions. When the service industries areat the center of our attention, and even when we are concerned withthem only in order to add services to commodity output to get totalnational product, we cannot ignore important kinds of household pro-duction and their shifts from and back to the household.

Not only total production, but also its industrial distribution is inquestion. Industries change in content, as we go back in time, eventhough their names remain the same. To use the terminology of theCensus of Manufactures, "primary product specialization ratios" and"coverage ratios" become different, sometimes very much different.

These questions apply also to the industrial distribution of the labor

1 Galiman and Weiss refer to my paper on "The Changing Industrial Distributionof Gainful Workers: Comments on the Decennial Statistics, 1820—1940," Studies inIncome and Wealth 11, New York, NBER, 1949, in which some of these questionsare mentioned. See also P. T. Bauer and B. S. Yamey, "Economic Progress andOccupational Distribution," Economic Journal, December 1951.

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370 Production and Productivity in Service Industriesforce and to its total magnitude. Besides housewives, students alsocome into question. When the objective is to study unemployment,there is less (though still some) error in classifying students as out ofthe labor force. But for the use to which the estimates 'made by Gall-man and Weiss will be put, it is arbitrary to exclude students. AsGaliman and Weiss know, students were in fact included in the Censusof Occupations in 1850 and 1860 when over fifteen years of age, evenwhen not also gainfully occupied. Even today, and even in the UnitedStates, it would be wrong for many purposes to omit students fromany calculation of the size and or to omitthe work they do from the evaluation of current production and in-vestment. I am sure students are not omitted by centrally plannedeconomies when they make their calculations and plans.

Consumers as a whole also are part of the picture. We are alreadytalking, at this conference, of demands on the time of consumers, andof substitution between the work done by consumers and by pro-ducers in retail trade, health services, transportation, and other kindsof production. There is little excuse for ignoring these shifts and theirrelevance for historical estimates, now that Gary Becker's paper hasbeen out for over two years.2 As the Census of Transportation madeclear recently, a very substantial portion, probably the major portion,of local transportation between home and work is provided now notby the "transportation industry" but by the household. Related ques-tiOns come to mind when we recall the famous portal-to-portal casewhich tested the hours and overtime-pay section of the Fair LaborStandards Act of 1938.

Are these trivialities? I do not think so, but of course some effortsat estimation are needed. Economic historians should be alert to thepossible bias in GNP as a measure of national output. Maybe thebias leads to an overstatement of economic growth over the nineteenthand early twentieth centuries, and to an understatement in more re-cent decades, at least in the United States. If interest is in the indus-trial distribution of production or of the labor force at a moment intime, the relative importance of such industries as domestic serviceand education is vastly underrated when housewives and students and

2 "A Theory of the Allocation of Time," Economic Journal, September 1965.

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the work they do are excluded. And international comparisons ofindustrial structures are spoiled by these exclusions. Also, greatchanges have taken place in the relative numbers of housewives andstudents. What would the Galiman/Weiss industrial distributionslook like, in 1839 and in 1899, if housewives and students were notexcluded?

What I am suggesting, of course, is that the national accounts needto be reconstructed when interest is in long-term economic change—and also in comparisons between developed economies on the onehand and developing or centrally planned economies on the other.

0. J. FIRESTONE, University of Ottawa

In light of the importance of developing more systematic accountsfor the health sector, it is of interest to note that the Central Bureauof Statistics in the Netherlands has published three reports on thecost and financing of public health services.1

The survey covers the total expenditures of the central government,the provinces and municipalities, funds collected and disbursed byinsurance companies, industries and households. The key data showgoods and money flows in connection with preventative and curativehealth care, presented in a double entry form showing expendituresand receipts. Other data include per capita health care expendituresby type, number of days by type of medical treatment, and numberof persons insured with sick funds and insurance companies. Most ofthe tabular material provides details for six sectors: the central gov-ernment, the provinces, the municipalities, households, industries anda small residual grouping called "undistributed." Statistics are alsoprovided of receipts and expenditures relating to the activities ofsocieties concerned with health care in the Netherlands and of sickfunds.

While in its present form of development, the Dutch Health Ac-

'The first and third reports were published only in Dutch; the second reportentitled "Cost of Health Care in the Netherlands, 1958," Statistical Studies No. 15,February 1963, The Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics, The Hague, 1963, wasalso published in English.

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counts do not quite dovetail with the National Accounts, they appearto show the direction in which balancing accounts can be developedto measure on an integrated basis economic activity and money flowsrelating to efforts to maintain, preserve and improve the health ofthe nation. No other country appears to have done similar work indeveloping national health accounts and the question arises whetherthis would not be a useful area for further research work in theUnited States and elsewhere.



Easterlin's comment is exceptionally thoughtful, careful and construc-tive. We believe that the results of his tests are more favorable to theestimates than he indicates, but otherwise have no serious quarrelwith him.

The ratio of service workers (less those in domestic service and thehand trades) to urban population, 1839 to 1919, is contained in line2 of Easterlin's Table 1. The ratio falls from a peak of almost 26 percent, in 18S9, to a trough of just over 18 per cent, in 1869, and thenrises to a level of almost 23 per cent, in 1919. Easterlin believes thatthe high levels achieved in the pre-Civil War years, the fairly markeddrop to 1869, and the subsequent rise all tell against, our estimates.He believes that the growth of the work force involved depended uponurban growth and that, therefore, the ratio in line 2 should eitherremain constant across time, or perhaps rise gently. We do not agree.

Easterlin's expectations appear to be derived from a model thatexplains the level of service employment exclusively in terms of urbanphenomena. Such a model may perform adequately when urban pop-ulation and income are large, relative to the national aggregates, andwhen even rural services are dispensed importantly from an urbansetting. But in 1839 only roughly 10 per cent of the U.S. populationlived in urban places. At that date, one would suppose that ruraldeterminants of the size of the service labor force would have had animportant independent effect—relatively much more important than

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in subsequent American history. Consequently, the ratio of all serviceworkers to urban population should have been high in 1839.

The point can be demonstrated by a simple procedure. Easterlinseems to be saying that the probable numerical relationship betweenurban population and the service work force can be represented by acoefficient that either remains constant or drifts slowly, and perhapsirregularly, upward from 1839 to 1919. Now let us introduce a ruralimpact on the service labor force and express it as a coefficient of therural population—say .01. We can then compute the rural impact onthe service labor force at each date and eliminate it from the laborforce figure. The numbers of workers remaining, expressed as ratiosto urban population, are as follows:

1839 17.4% 1889 19.4%1849 17.5 1899 19.51859 16.8 1909 20.91869 15.3 1919 21.61879 16.1

The pre-Civil War values are now lower than those at the turn ofthe century, as Easterlin appears to believe they should be. The valuesstill drift downward from 1849 to 1869, but the movement is verymuch less pronounced than in Easterlin's Table 1. in any case, noone, Easterlin least of all, would suppose that the results of the com-plex interrelations among urban population, rural population andservice labor force could be captured with any greater precision by sosimple a model. The point of the exercise is to demonstrate that ifthe rural sector is allowed to have an independent effect on the num-ber of service workers—even a very small effect—the pattern describedby the ratios in line 2 of Easterlin's Table 1 becomes by no meansunreasonable. The premise appears to us to be entirely proper and,thus, Easterlin's conclusion that the ratios in his table tell against ourseries does not seem warranted.

The movements in the ratios relating to the components of the serv-ice sector (Easterlin Table 1, lines 3—6, 8, 9) also strike us as moreplausible than Easterlin apparently believes. In a nation in which asmall fraction of the population lives in cities (U.S., 1839), trade, theprofessions, government and education must be staffed importantly bypeople whose activities are oriented to the countryside, and many of

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these people—country storekeepers, one-room schoolteachers, countrydoctors, even law officers—must reside in the country. It is not at allsurprising to us, then, that the ratio of, e.g., all professionals to urbanpopulation is substantially higher in 1839, when the rural populationaccounts for roughly 90 per cent of the population, than in 1869, whenit accounts for about 70 per cent.

One final point should be made with respect to Easterlin's com-ments on Table 1. Easterlin argues that the data for 1869 onward havea firmer basis in the census than the data for earlier years. "Only from1869 onward did the census of occupations, even in concept, embracethe entire service sector." However, for all elements of the service sec-tor except personal services, the 1859 census provides very nearly asfull an account as do the subsequent censuses. Furthermore, the tak-ing of the census of 1869 was attended by special difficulties, whichmust make one a little wary of the results obtained. Easterlin scansthe evidence, 1869—1919, to obtain an impression of probable trends.He might better use 1859, 1879—1919. Were he to do this, he wouldbe less likely to conclude that the early estimates contain an upwardbias.

Easterlin's second test involves the comparison of our estimates offree domestics, 1839, 1849, 1859, to his estimates of foreign-born fe-males. He finds that the ratio of the former to the latter drops from.58, in 1839, to .40, in 1849, and .32, in 1859 and concludes that thepattern is not plausible: "could three out of every five immigrantwomen have been employed as servants at this date [1839]? Moreover,the sharp decline in the ratio contrasts sharply with the stability ofthe ratio of slave domestics to slave population during this period."

The test is almost identical, in kind, with the preceding one and issubject to the same criticism. Easterlin's question implies that all freedomestics were immigrant women. But they weren't. Some were men,some were native women. Among native women, domestic service wasprobably most common for free Negroes. Now the ratio of free femaledomestic servants to foreign-born women plus free Negro womenstands at .36, in 1839, and .27, in 1859. Assume, further, that just1 per cent of free white native women were in domestic service in theantebellum years. Then less than a quarter of foreign-born and free

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Negro women were servants in 1839, and something over one-fifth, in1859. These ratios seem reasonable enough and the drop between 1839and 1859 is by no means troublesome.

According to Easterlin the population of immigrant women in-creased nearly fivefold, 1839—1859, a period during which the totalpopulation (and, even more relevant, the non-Southern population)did not even double. Assuming that all free female domestics wereemployed outside the South and that average household size outsidethe South was five, then our estimates imply one domestic servant per8.9 families, in 1839, and one per 6.6 families, in 1859, the change inthe ratio presumably reflecting the increase in supply afforded by im-migrant women. But let us suppose with Easterlin that the correctratio of free female domestics to foreign-born women in 1839 is .32,the same as in 1859. Then there were only 132,000 free female domes-tics in the U.S. in 1839, or one for every sixteen households in thenon-South, as compared with one for every 6.6 households, in 1859.Is this change over time plausible? We think not. Again we think thatEasterlin's model is unduly simple. It seems much more reasonable tous to suppose that immigrant women in some measure replaced nativewomen as domestic servants during the decades 1839—1859, a possibil-ity for which Easterlin does not allow.

Let it be understood that we are well aware that our estimates ofthe numbers of free domestics in 1839 and 1849 are weak. However,we think that Easterlin's test does not introduce a new basis for dis-trusting them. Indeed, if anything, the ultimate results of the test tendto strengthen one's confidence in the original estimates.

One final point is suggested by Easterlin's two tests and his com-ments concerning them. We agree that distributions of the populationbetween rural and urban areas, among ethnic groups, etc., are valu-able in testing our estimates and potentially valuable for producingnew, stronger ones. But the preceding paragraphs show very clearlythat before the latter objective can be approached we need a gooddeal of evidence on the numerical relationships between componentsof the labor force and these variables. Where can this evidence beacquired for the pre-Civil War period? The only comprehensive sourceof which we are aware is the manuscript census. To mount an assaulton this body of data will require a major input of resources. Thus, we

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join Easterlin in looking forward to new approaches to the issues hehas raised, but we do not expect early results.


Stanley Lebergott begins by placing us in the distinguished companyof Kuznets and Goldsmith. But then he topples us from these heights.We fall through all of the history of mankind, down through theorigins of man: in the fourth paragraph we fetch up beside Aesop'smonkey, gibbering away over some nuts in a jar.

Once these flights of fancy are over, Lebergott turns to appraisalsof our work that, at base, seem fair and useful enough. However, thereare errors of detail and emphasis that give to his criticism too severean aspect.

1. Lebergott asks for "reproducibility," leaving the impression thatour appendix provides inadequate descriptions of our estimating pro-cedures and that the reader has no recourse. It should be said, there-fore, that the present paper rests importantly on two previous studies,the Volume 30 paper by Galiman, and the dissertation by Weiss; bothcited in the appendix, both available, and both containing furtherestimating details.

2. While our appendix notes may leave something to be desired,Lebergott's rendition of them is also less than perfect: (a) Thus hesays we assumed that fluctuations in coasting trade matched those inforeign trade, whereas the notes show that the relationship was sub-jected to major modifications—changes in coasting rates relative toforeign trade rates, differences in tonnage engaged, allowances forshorter and more frequent trips in coasting. (b) In describing ourprocedure for obtaining distributive margins before 1869 he writes:"In the absence of much explanatory detail one presumes that after1869 Barger's margin estimates by kind of business were used, withsome graceful trend added, perhaps, before 1869." Apparently hefailed to notice that the estimates are moored at 1839 by Seaman'swork on margins. (c) He seems to infer (last four sentences of para-graph numbered 3) that the trend in the ratio of value added bydistribution to the value of commodities flowing into distribution(hereafter called the "aggregate margin") depends exclusively on trendsin the outlet margins, failing to notice that changes in the composi.

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tion of the flow into distribution also have bearing. (d) He appears toregard the trend over time in the "aggregate margin" as crucial to thetrend in value added by distribution, forgetting the effect on the latterof the trend in the value of commodities flowing into distribution. Heaccepts as reasonable a variation in the "aggregate margin" within thelimits .25 and .40. The maximum rise in value added obtainablethrough an increase in the "aggregate margin," operating alone, isthen 60 per cent. In fact, value added rose by more than 1300 per cent,1839—1899, indicating that the variable neglected by Lebergott musthave been of very great importance. (e) Lebergott does not explainhow he arrived at the limits, .25 and .40. Our guess is that he sub-tracted value added by distribution (our Table A-i) from the valueof commodities flowing to consumers (Volume 30, page 27), for theyears 1839 and 1899 (treating the flow across the decade 1894—1903 asroughly equal to the flow across the year 1899) and then divided theresidual through value added by distribution. This procedure involvesthe assumption that all commodities flowing to consumers passedthrough distributive channels. Of course they did not. If the sharepassing through distributive channels rose over time, then this proce-dure overstates the importance of the rise in the "aggregate margin."Thus the maximum increase in value added obtainable from a rise inthe "aggregate margin" is less than 60 per cent. In this context, theestimating procedure for deriving outlet margins (point b, above) as-sumes a much more limited importance than Lebergott gives it.

3. Lebergott also misreads our tables. Thus he treats the values inTable 8 as absolutes, whereas they are, in fact, relatives. For example,output per worker in finance was not "more than Cut ifl half" between1879 and 1899, as Lebergott says it was, but fell relative to the sectoralaverage. In reference to Table 8 he asks: "Is it really true . . . thatthe typical bank clerk generated seven times as much output as thesmall tradesman in 1839 and only three times as much in 1859?" Butthe output involved was "generated" not only by bank clerks andsmall tradesmen, but also by bank officers and large traders, propertyas well as labor. The denominators of the "output per worker" ratiosinclude not only employed clerks, bank officers, large and small traders,but unemployed members of these occupations, as well—i.e., workers"generating" no output at all. That at least one of these factors has

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378 Production and Productivity in Service Industriesimportance in the explanation of the findings in question is suggestedby the fact that the average number of employees per bank nearlytripled between 1839 and 1859. The change may reflect a change inthe occupational structure of the labor force in finance. On the otherhand, the occupational structure in the hand trades was quite stableover this period.

4. In general, the tests Lebergott conducts are partial and weak, asthe preceding paragraph suggests. One final example (out of severalavailable) will have to suffice. Lebergott appears to doubt our findingabout the relative levels of output per worker in distribution and thehand trades, at 1899. The basis for this doubt is not clear, but Leber-gott again appears to be treating our results as though they shouldreflect relative labor earnings in the two industries. He neglects earn-ings of property. Preliminary capital stock figures for the two indus-tries tend to support our finding that value added per worker in distri-bution was markedly higher than value added per worker in the handtrades. Lebergott's tests do perform one valuable function, perhapsintended. Read with care and thought they support our own viewthat the interpretation of the cardinal differences and the decade-by-decade changes described in Table 8 is not a simple matter. In ourpaper we did not attempt interpretations of this kind, focusing insteadon the ranking of the ratios and the broad, long-term patterns ofchange. The table was drawn up for this purpose and the reader whowants to use it for other purposes cannot do so effectively without acareful consideration of the wide range of factors producing each valuein the table.

5. Lebergott's desire for colorful exposition stands in the way ofclarity. Thus he says our estimates of value added by state bankingcast "a wild light indeed on interregional investment and capitalflows." In fact, they cast no light on regional questions, nor were theyintended to, nor can we imagine why they should be expected to.Presumably Lebergott had something else in mind. Presumably heposits a specific connection between regional flows and changes in thelevel of the of aggregate earnings to aggregate assets of statebanks. The nature of the connection, why a knowledge of it wouldput our estimates in question, and. the importance of the matter are

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neither stated nor evident. More might be said. But the above willperhaps be enough to place Lebergott's comment in proper per-spective.


Solomon Fabricant expresses concern over our adherence to the"standard system" of national accounts. We appreciate the deficien-cies of the standard system and hope that one day the unconventionalconceptual boxes Fabricant describes are filled with appropriate esti-mates relating to the nineteenth century. That we have not attemptedin this paper to fill them reflects only limitations on our time andresources. The research projects required to meet Fabricant's requestsare of formidable dimensions, as he is surely aware. When we beganour paper we believed (and we still believe) that the scholarly returnswould be better if we were to work initially within the traditionalframework. We knew that we could simplify our estimating problemsin this way and that, therefore, we could expect to compile a morecomprehensive and reliable set of figures than would be possible werewe to deploy our limited resources across the wide horizons to whichFabricant's eyes are turned.

Other considerations were more persuasive. Our previous work andthe work of others had suggested to us that the standard system is farmore relevant to nineteenth century America than Fabricant sup-poses. It may be useful to describe very briefly the work that influencedour decision, since Fabricant's treatment of these issues makes no ref-erence to it and, therefore, we may suppose that it is not widelyknown.

1. According to Fabricant "there has always been serious doubtabout the applicability of the standard system of accounts to econo-mies of a hundred and more years ago. . . ." This judgment, as itrelates to the American case, is at variance with the views of notableeconomic analysts of the last century. For example, beginning in themid-1840's Ezra Seaman published a series of accounts for the U.S.that are thoroughly modern in concept and execution. Seaman builtup estimates of the national product from both the income-originatingand the final-flow sides, anticipating in the latter both the conceptsand the procedures to be developed by Kuznets in the following cen-

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380 Production and Productivity in Service Industriestury. Seaman's objects were also modern: he was chiefly interested inestablishing an empirically-based analysis of economic growth thatwould have policy implications. While Seaman's work is the mostsophisticated of the time, others were preparing estimates and think-ing of economic problems within a national accounts framework, en-couraging the idea that the conventional system is relevant to thenineteenth century economy. (See Robert E. Galiman, "Estimates ofAmerican National Product Made Before the Civil War," EconomicDevelopment and Cultural Change) April 1961, pp. 397—412.)

2. That Seaman conceived of the economy in much the same termsas did Kuznets, in the following century, should not be entirely sur-prising. We are misled if we think of the U.S. in the 1840's as roughlyequivalent to a modern underdeveloped economy. American perform-ance in that decade was already very high, even by modern standards.(See the papers by the senior author in Volumes 24 and 30 of thisseries, as well as the previously-cited paper.) Fabricant's linking of"economies of a hundred and more years ago" with "present-day de-veloping countries" invites inferences regarding the American casethat are not legitimate.

3. Fabricant's doubts with respect to the standard system relate, inhis own words, only to the service industries, but also to con-struction, manufacturing, and transportation. . . ." So far as the com-modity-producing activities are concerned, there is some basis in theexisting literature for appraising the quantitative significance of theproblem to which Fabricant refers. (Fabricant recognizes the need formeasurements, but does not canvas those available.) The senior au-thor, in a paper published in Volume 30 of this series, attempted toestimate the maximum impact on measurements of the pace andstructure of U.S. growth, 1839—1899, that could be obtained by broad-ening the concept of the national accounts to include the main ele-ments of manufacturing and construction lying outside the marketsystem. Each reader should judge the results for himself. Our ownconclusion is that the standard system comes through the test verywell. For example, the rate of growth of GNP and the structure offlows to consumers are essentially alike in the standard set of measure-ments and in those that allow for the chief manufacturing and con-struction activities carried out beyond the orbit of the market.

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4. So far as service activities are concerned, Fabricant places specialemphasis on our failure to incorporate opportunity costs of educationin our estimates of output. But Fishlow's figures show that the oppor-tunity costs of education in the years 1860, 1880 and 1900 were atlevels equal to only 1.4, 1.9, and 2.4 per cent of our estimates of valueadded by the service sector (Albert Fishlow, "Levels of NineteenthCentury American Investment in Education," Journal of EconomicHistory, December 1966). That is, the omission appears to be of littlequantitative significance in the nineteenth century, the period towhich our paper is confined.

The evidence described above led us to suppose that the properplace to begin the study of the service sector in the nineteenth centuryis with measurements following the conventional forms. With thesein hand, work along the lines proposed by Fabricant ought to proceedmore smoothly, if only because there is now a surer basis for identify-ing the components of output and labor input requiring treatmentand, additionally, some materials from which imputations may bemade. While we hope work in these areas will proceed, we regard thematter as very much less pressing than does Fabricant, for the reasonsindicated above.