the sentilel the real buster brownthe lickens sentilel jloutl brevitirs t some thbn v01vn1ho and...

The Lickens Sentilel jLoutL BREVITIRS t Some Thbn V01 vn1ho and Some You Doi t nokbot Our Towns, Oty& PoOPIe The Sentinel force will spend Chlistmas day at-bome. Squire M. A. Boggs, of Liber- I ty, was seen on the streets here yesterday. E Mrs. Wi nnie Ohlin, of Albany, Oregon, is on a visit to the fami- ly of Maj. J. M. Stewart. All the stores will be closed t Christmas day. No business of C any kind will be transacted. Misses Inez Morris and May a 4 UMcFall, from Chicora college, re here for tht holidays. IMessrs. R. B. Foster and Earl oster were in the city Tuesday ing some Christmas shopping. NLast week one of our stand- -s, Mr. W. J. Kelly, called on s aid piid his subscription a c voar ahead. Our friend, Mr. R. H. Barkley < paid us a pleasant call I uesday, a and advanced his subscription a to The Sentinel to 1913. Mr. John D. Harris, of Green- unt, was in the city last week the' guest of his brother, Mr. T. D. Harris. Willie and John Harris, who h:e been attending the South- t ern Business College in Atlanta, t are at home for the holidays. The Baptist Sunday School v will have some Christmas exer- r cises on the evening of the 25th s inat, beginning at seven o'clock. e Douglas Younge, who has been taking a course in pharm- acy at the Charleston Medical r College, is at home for the holi- , ~days. Miss Floride Cary, who has t been teaching school for two or three months near Piedmont, is , spending her Christmas vacation at home. -J. Mat. Murphree, frcom near 1 Waihalla, was among his- old friends here last, week. Hfis is looks betrayed a longing to come i ack to Pickens. c Miss Mfaud Ashmore came in from Atlanta last Thursday. She has been nursing constantly the past fall ..and well deserves a rest with her home folks. r Craig Bros store is full of nice things for Christmas. Their 5c and 10c counters are very at- tractive, and there are dozens upon dozens of dolls of various nationalities. In the distribution of our gifts, let us not forget the great Giver of gifts and the need of means] to send the glad news that there< is a Savior to the uttermost 1 -aarts of the earth. M ir-and Mrs. 0. H. Johnson, C~o have until recently been nninig the Mountain View hotel at Easley, have bought property at Chester and will soon move to that place. Can-our city fathers do any- thing to relieve a saffering people? Unless something is done to -improve the condition1 of our streets and sidewalks, es- pecially, they will soon be. im- passable. Rev. B. E.Grandy is athomfe 1 for a few days. Besides his con- tracts in the southern part of1 the state, he has closed one at Seneca.for building of a three story store and also two others at Elloree where he will build a large hotel and a store. 4Invitations have bTeen issued by Mrs. Mary Kennedy Moore tb the marriage of her daughter,1 Miss Madolin, to Mr. Eric West1 Hardy on the afternoon of Dp- cember the twenty-eighth at after two o'clock at the tchurch. vry sad death occurred .at ey last week. The pastor e Methodist Church, Rev. .Best, was preparing to lie for his new field of labor t had removed all his house- t >' effects from the parsonage en his wife took suddenly ill 'd diedin afew moments from <z~eumnatism of the heart. Her I [tei.ains were carried to Darl- e -ington for interment. Notice to Teachers. There will be a special teach- 1 ers examination on January 12, 1912, commencing at 9 o'clock. The examination will be held in the Court House. LBy order State Board Educa- tion.1 -R T. HALLUM, C/ 'So.pliain A Joyous Christmas. We bring greetings to each of )ur readers for a happy, peace- ul, joyous Christmas. May here be nothing to mar or dis- ;urb the true Christmas spirit nd felicity. May every heart n that glad day go up in a joy- us refrain and join in sentiment .nd feeling with the angelic host of nearly two thousand years .go when they sang "Glory to xod in the highest, and on earth eace, and good will toward nen." And why should we not do his? It should be the highest mbition of every Christian to oin in this acclaim. It should e considered the greatest priv- ege of any and all in this Chris- ian land to seek the full fruition f such a condition. The phrase expresses t -e fact nd desire that all should recog- tize God's.goodness, the fullness f His love-and His glory in the ighest. To the uttermost de- .ee, in the highest strain, is the mitless conception of human hought. in the highest heave as nd in the highest degree. Why? 3ecause in the coming of His nly son, Jesus Christ, it meant eace on earth; it meant that ;od was so much concerned bout the welfare and happiness nd blessings of mankind that 'He gave His only begotten on" to bring them into peace, nd love, and joy, and life ever- asting. The peace which God brings o man through Christ is not nly the ideal, but the goal oward which men are moving, he holy city of God. Peace, eace, who is it that does not rant peace? Peace of mind, eace of soul, peace of con- cience. That peace which pass- th understanding; which the rorld cannot give nor take .way. Oh, that that peace may eign supreme and control the onduct of millions on earth this lessed Christmas day! This peace produces good will ward men; it brings the rich- t blessings God can bestow, hich is manifested by His for- iing love, and will fit men for e highest life on earth and the lessedness of heaven. No wonder .Isaiah exclaimed a hcooked' thirough the misty uture, " His name shall be alled "Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." ['he one who rules in such a way hat peace and love and joy bide in His kingdom. It is in- xhaustible. There are no 'dis- urbing elements. And as we come to celebrate his Ohristmas day let us think this Prince of Peace, the ~reatest' gift of God to man. et us celebrate it with ur gifts of love and peace to the oor and to friends. More than in any age past we iave roason for celebrating the ~oming Christ into the wrorld for nore than ever do we see the ruits of that coming; we are iearcr the Golden age. "Mighty opes make us inen," said Ten- iyson, and assurances of a trans- ~ormed world gives enthusiasm nd strength. There are none o poor, so unworthy, so feeble, fut can show in deeds of kind- ess, expressions of sympathy, ?Iords of love, cheer, hope and ~ourage, and thereby bring to he hearts of men this glad day eace and good will. Fair Notice to All.. After the first day of January, .912, the subscription list of the entinel will be revised,and sub- cribers who are more than a rear in arrears with their sub- ~criptions will be chopped off nless they pay up and renew )y that time. We are obliged to do this in rder to comply with the require- nents of the Postoffice Depart- nent, which forbids a newspaper o carryi unpaid subscribers for nore than a year. We further give notice that ifter the first day ~of January he subscription price of the Sen- iel will remain as It is, one ollar per year, provided it is )aid in advance. If the sub- cription price of $1 is not paid n advance~ the price will be $1.25 er year. 'We do this to induce ubscribers to pay in advance, is our weekly bills for the blank aper on which the Sentinel is )rinted is heavy and must be Remember the Sentinel is $1 er year if paid in advance; If iot paid in advance $1.25; and his will apply to all after Jan- ary 1, 1912. Cupid Busy. As stated last week the effec of Cupid's arrows would becom more and more visible as th. holidays approached. This 1i being verified almost daily, fo there ape few days now tha Judge Newbery is not applied t( for a license and is frequent: called upon to perform the cet emony. On the 14th inst. the Judg was called u ion to join th hearts and lives. of Miss Berti Holder and Mr. Mace Medlin. On the same day in the after noon some young people wer seen making their way from th depot after the train came ir from Easley toward the court house. It soon transpired wv'ha their business was, and in z short time Miss Velma Hughe became the wife of Mr. J.B.Mor gan. Both of these young peop! live at Easley and have hosts o friends who join in congratula tions. On Sunday, the 17th inst., a the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cater, Mis Lola Cater and Mr. Charli King were happily married Rev. W. C. Seaborn performe the ceremony. They, too, ham numerous friends who exten< hearty congratulations for long, happy and prosperous jour nev through life. On Sunday, 17 inst., Miss Liz zie Jewell and Mr. D. A. Bark lev were happily married al Clemson College. This ipopulai young couple surprised many of their friends in this step they have taken for life, but showen of congratulations and gooi wishes for a long, happy and prosperous journey is theirs. Let joy be unconfined and love abound; may .he work of Cupid continue, for thus we art promised it will be as in the day of Noe until the end shall come Married on Sunday, Decem ber 10, 1911, at residence of offl ciating Notary Winchester, Mr Samuel Ellenberg and Miss Flo a Gilsti-ap, all of this county The happy couple have the bes' wishes of their many friends. School Will Close. The graded school here wil close Thursday for the holidays and will remain closed unti January 2d. Prof. and Mrs Ballentine will spend a part o: the time with relatives an< friends at Leesville. The othe: teachers will be at their respec tive homes, Miss Miller will g< to Laurens, Miss Martin to Don alds, Miss McDonald to Bethune and Misses Craig and Ashmor, will remain in Pickens. Are you satisfied with you school? Have your childrei made the progress they should How many times:have you vis Ited the school this year? Hov many times have you spoken ti the teacher about your child' advancement?' After Ithe holi days are over, let us yisit th school more and learn Imor about the work. The teacher will gladly welcome you ani give any information you ma' desire, and gladly accept an: suggestion you may offer along the lines of advancement. Al together for a better school! May these, our teachers, spent a most joyous Christmas ani return to their work with re newed energy and strength. Folger, Thornley & Co. This firm is known far an< near. It is one of the oldes business firms in Pickens, hav ing begun business here whei the town was quite young ami small; and as the years hav gone by they have increase4 their business, addin g depart ment after department and lin after line until' now they rani among the foremost of the Pied mont section. They are kin< and accommodating to the customers, and always keep fresh, up-to-date stock of goods Recently they have added auto mobiles to their business, and ni doubt will be as successful i1 disposing of them as they hav been in other lines of business Although many are cryig harn times, they say their busines has been as good this year a they could have expected. Commnends the Act. Dear Sentinel:- In reading The Sentinel of th 7th inst., I notice the good an charitable act of Miss Miller an others, in visiting the poor hous with gifts for its inmates. Thes poor creatures are not criminalk but unfortunates, demandmn our charities. I hope that mis Miller's act will gather for he great popularity. I commen her and those friends to God ft reward, and to the rehigiou world for example, BH DeN1 .H - The Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of a &and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Al Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishmess. It cures Diarrhoa and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea,-The Mother's Friend. CENUMNE CASTORIA ALWAYe ' cars the Signature of The Kid 1. 011 Have Always Bough In Use For Over 30 Years. TVCCENTfWH COWANY. 77 MURRAY STREET. NEWYORK CTT. A QUARTERS k FOR Christmas :- Goods for Pickens county. Call and see and decide for your- self. We hav the goods for the little folks. Santa Claus canfin afull supply for the Xmas stockings, such as rDolls and Toyrs. THtEN--- For the grown-nups and near grown-ups: Chinaware, 'Cut Glass. Toilet Sets, Xmas CandygFancy Baskets andi Boxes. Srationery in Beautiful Pa~kgsdkae tn Pens. Shaving Sets, Ladies' Hand Bags, Desk Sets, Cigars in Small Boxes, Meerschaum Pipes, Ko- Which we arc very proud of, you will find the fol- Ulowing: Rings, Bracelets; Lockets, Locket Chains, .XStick'Pins, Brooches, Tie Clasps, Cuff Buttons, Pen- - dants, Waist Sets, Belt Pins, Fobs-both Ladies and IGent's-Beauty Pins, Collar Pins, solid gold and gold filled. In gold filled goods, we have Watch Chains, WCollar Buttons, etc., etc. rIN SILVERWARE . S poons, Forks, Knives, Ladles, Carving Sets, Spoon Holders, Suzar Dishes. Syrup Pitchers, etc.. .Many (of these articles, are Sterling. Our silverware corn- osed of Communit y, Rodgers. Wallace and Reliable brands, all known and guaranteed by us and the man- rufacturer, and not tio peddler's kind. We can not nme all we have. Just come and see. YOURS TO PLEASE, PICKENS DRUG COMPANY. 1 A $2,000 .Chicken. Notice to Churches. jThere are quite a nnmbier of To the Pastors and Chur< chicken lovers and chicken of the Pickens Association:- cranks around Pickens but none a meeting of the executive so far gone ;e t o iV willing to laymen's committees held pay 82,000 for a roo.4 er. And Pickens on the 15th inst., it it appears to us the man who decided that this method would do suich a thing has more taken to notify and inform money than he can rightly use. pastors and churches if they The press dispratches from At- sired to have a Layman' s] -lanta say: sionary Rally, or Laym: 1The record price for pouliti y in meeting of any kind, in an' Atlanta was prob~ably, paidl when all the churches during the o Aa G. Chandler. Jr., gave a ing year, to notify one of check for $3,500 for the chickens undersigned, and arrangemi exhibited at the Southern Inter- would be made for such a mi national Poultry show by Will- ing. J. T. TAYLOR, iam Cook & 5ons of Scotch J. C. GARRETT, - Plins.N. jJ. T. ABERCRollBIE, In the auditorium, at the back C. T. RoBINUM, rof the stage, there were several Layman's Commritte coops Saturday night, and on - three of these were great sizns -in white and red. The first, FATHER, MOTHEB placed over a coop inhabited by E' a big, iniposing looking Black GK DOH Orpington, simply set forth the hatwl emd ap statement: "Sold to Asa G. yowilpervthr Chandler. Jr.. for $2,000." ygvn hmapi The other, over t wo pens con- Krpo Insbl Bi >tainina families of Orpingtons. glsefoaChits one black, the other family Wteahpiweil white, simply stated that Asa wtotcagaba G. Chandler, Jr., was the pur- $oo ebsd poi chaser. The price paid was $1,- Auiu pcal 500. TeGoeOtclC. The firmi which made the sale AaoA.OoFe, eo brnd an ha wn oer 3, iheCoutig Opadetpp e 000 first prizewsll peserv their stc. MsncTmlG e S stoyptok Invpurchased. PARKRSs enatistma With-HAIRaiBALSAllM ~~O~ei~without chargea a beaul S ~w~PrAlutninum spectacleroc; toTheeGlobe OpticaloCo., is the originator ofp .nthe Oar ig H cae Sc r onbred ndSs wst over 13,- & Couhin OptetryW Buster At The - Will give a fiee entertainr ber 20. Everybody invitei see Buster and his dog Tig BIG CUT IN We have a few Patterii have cut the price almost I will not last long at the pri $1.50 Hats.- .- --. 3.50 Hats-.-. -- 5.00 Hats- -- 7.50 Hats- -- 10.00 Hats..-. .--..-- You can afford to buy We want to clean up o ber of sizes and colors. NV these suits were $8.50--w( Here is the best lot of sizes are regular and we c4 lot for-....-. _.. Here is a lot that will - fit. These suits are $17.5o Do your Christmas Sha departments many things come here to do your Xma: Heath Christmas at the Court Housi .All the county offices will I closed Christmas day and r Jpublic business will be transac ed. quietly until the noon hot Swhen he will do his full duty the festive board. Of course I does not expect to be alonei the engage.nent of the bount ful feast of good things, for h good wife and all his childre will share with him in the plea tiures of the day. Before the hol days are over he will v-sit h aged parents at Oalhou~n an cheer their hearts. .Auditor N. A. Christophe will also be at home with h family and will spend a quiu day. The day will be a we come one with him as it will a ford a rest from arduous dutie He will use it to husband h Jstrengthi for the task which,~ just ahead-taking tax return DTreasurer J. T. Richey wi spend the day in Columbi -- Mrs. Richey went down la week to remain through ti holidays and he till join h :hes there for one day only. I -At says he will be in his office i and day after ready to give you yoi at tax receipt. was Sheriff Roark of course w be be at home to his friends. the one expects him to leave tovw -de- that'day, and he earnestly hop the occasion will not arise f< m' him to be called away. He do r ornot care to have to make pr cm- vision for another boarder th; the day. mins Superintendent Hallum sa' ee-he has distributed the scho funds among the teachers ax made provision for them to e: joy Christmas, and that ther fore he does not think anythix will prevent him from spendir a quiet, peaceful day with lh family. Judge Newbery will be; home. Prospeetive brides ax Sfgrooms need not fear that t] yes judge-will be out of town. of you do not find him in his c ocal fice he can be easily found .ft. home and will have the nece ive sary blanks for you to sign. ~iful Supervisor Craig will be hed home. He thinks he has p ase. in time enough looking aft Dr. the i'oads and bridges of ti A. county to be permitted to enj< as., Christmas day with his fami ists, without criticism. At least 1 ille, talked like he was going to ri: it anyway, The scrape men, .guards ai mconvicts, and the old mules tc -will have this day of rest. T: convicts will be given a Chrit mas dinner as usual. The Real Brown an Big Store, ent in front of our store at 4 o I and the children have a speci e. MILLINERY EOR Hats to close and in order to ( talf in two. These Hats are ti ce they are going. .- 85c $2.00 at ..-81.50 3.00 Hats - 2.00 4.00 Hat - *.75 6.00 Hats - 4.75 8.50 ats - 6.75 L2.;) ats m extra hat at these prices. 3OAT SUIT SALI ur Coat Suit stock by January e have ten suits of Black and I will close this lot for all 8 Suits of assorted colors, E n fit all of you. 'This quality i Mit every one's taste. We can , We will close for $15.00. A >pping early and avoid the rusi 5hat are suitable for Xmas Pres shopping. -Bruce-M OMPANI Leaders in Low PBrices. ~. . The Stores Decorated. e IThe decorations in all the o'store windows in Pickens yery forcibly remin~d us of the near- ness of Christmas. ~ s The Big Store has in one win- e dow a cozy, house-like fire place. ttractively arranged. The ,t artist, ens is to be con- ~e grtulated u ingenuity n of his display, and i knows a good thing, when it [s comes to a capable and trust- n worthy servant. s- The others are tastefully or- inamented with evergreens, is fruits, etc., which are very sug- d gestige and tempting. The Pickens Drug Co. has a rfine display of <very tempting is' and valuable !ne of toys, silver it! and..2olfire from which a 'selection can be made to please F. the most fastidious, sThe Keowee Pharmacy knows ihow to catch the younger set by iplacing in full view Nunnally's s. delightful candies. Every fel- 11 low, of'course, is expected to Igive his girl aboxo of~lian st for Christmas. eFolger, Thornley & Co., have ~r their windows flooded with all [kinds of pretty and useful arti- ecles. It is well known that this ir firm does not carry toys, but when it comes to the substantial things, they -are Johnny on the Lspot The toy emporium for this season in Pickens is Craig Bros. ~Tf you have not made your pur- >chases you should not wait an- as other day. A glance at their "~ windows, and in -you go: you it just can't help it. The other stores of the city rare keeping pace in decorations ol with those already mentioned, Ld but to elaborate on thsm would consume too much space. e- Moore, Mau!din- & Co., are ikept so busy with their Cotton .5 Carnival that their principle is decoration -are display signs of the great sale now on, it Parsons & Ashmore, the new id -fim, have not had time to dec- ie orate and will not be alile make [f much display, as they have f- been rushed every day since at they opened their doors. s- The other merchants have fine displays, and to fully appre- it ciate the beauty of these displays ia ersonal visit is necessary ie House and Lot for Sale. [y 1 I e. ik : to the hihiet bidder at the leCcur. |-- .u eo Sala~day in January 91,'. ning the leg.d hours for sale, the foli~wing leseribed real estate: All Iihat lot of land in the town of id Picken.'. ca JIagorod Stre-et. containing 0, one and a :';-third (lb; acre.= mare or less. die 'Ha-: 6 i-oom dwe llng, barn, parture with wader and cther imnprovetaents, knowngS the J. WV. Sheriff house and lot. ?~ Teross: One third cash, terms, On bewaice. iM. c- smTH, clock, Wednesday, .Decem; al invitation to come -a d- DECEMBER. -lean them up quickw ie latest styles and bey -....--.--- 12 .. 1.75 ..... 2.75 - 4.50 . 5.00 -7.50 1st. -We have a good'um ILe. The original price of lue, Gray and Black, the $12.5o. We will sell this give you a perfect tailor I snappy colors. i. You will find in' all our ents. It will pay you to ho Mfr. mg was near and holding his own, had his speechi, an 1 there w hopes of i recoVOery wound, .oee~ Is said very dge one0~ having gone head from the frot in there. CJhristmas at the The' Pickens CottonH close Saturday at 11:30 and will remain closed Wednesday- next. The intendant and many of thel ing operatives will spend so of the hold~ ihre ~ riday evn eIdf" School will have Chdsta 2 ercises consisting on~Ogs, reci-. tatations and posbysome speaking. A royal good tinme is anticipated as prepprations have been in progress Orsome time. It is hoped tha' all the people of the mill villeg~ will 'have a joyful, happy Chyistmas. All persons lIolding clis against the City~f Plnkens *ill please make oi an Itemized statement and pretthe sae for-paymenst, ~ same time we shall beglad treceive Pay- ment on all back licenses and city taxes. We ask you forthe above favors so that we may b3e .enabled to give y at a d statement January 1, 19 Thanlino; you fr prom1ptn, in the matter. w.e are Yo'urs truly, The City,Coiunca. .-Per Sam Craig, Maor. Mr. Aiken, of Greenvill.B a inPcesti week,a the Pickens Inn. Gus hi friends wouldn't thinkof Calling him anything else) is in the rev- enue service, and one of ,Ucle Sam's most -faithful ts.lC Mr. Aiken is a native of Tran - sylvania county, North Odori na, and the Old North StateyCn never forget the services hexen dered his people dungthethe terms he served in the Stateleg- - islature. He says he Is out of politics, but the writer believ es tha the Palmetto State wol find in him a'championl of the people's rights. SubsribeafO The Sentinel.

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Page 1: The Sentilel The Real Buster BrownThe Lickens Sentilel jLoutL BREVITIRS t Some Thbn V01vn1ho and Some You Doit nokbot Our Towns, Oty& PoOPIe TheSentinelforce will spend Chlistmasday

The Lickens Sentilel


Some Thbn V01vn1ho and SomeYou Doit nokbot OurTowns, Oty& PoOPIe

The Sentinel force will spendChlistmas day at-bome.Squire M. A. Boggs, of Liber- I

ty, was seen on the streets hereyesterday. E

Mrs. Wi nnie Ohlin, of Albany,Oregon, is on a visit to the fami-ly of Maj. J. M. Stewart.

All the stores will be closed tChristmas day. No business of Cany kind will be transacted.Misses Inez Morris and May a

4 UMcFall, from Chicora college,re here for tht holidays.

IMessrs. R. B. Foster and Earloster were in the city Tuesdaying some Christmas shopping.

NLast week one of our stand--s, Mr. W. J. Kelly, called on

s aid piid his subscription a cvoar ahead.Our friend, Mr. R. H. Barkley <

paid us a pleasant call I uesday, a

and advanced his subscription a

to The Sentinel to 1913.

Mr. John D. Harris, of Green-unt, was in the city last

week the' guest of his brother,Mr. T. D. Harris.

Willie and John Harris, whoh:e been attending the South- tern Business College in Atlanta, tare at home for the holidays.The Baptist Sunday School v

will have some Christmas exer- rcises on the evening of the 25th s

inat, beginning at seven o'clock. e

Douglas Younge, who hasbeen taking a course in pharm-acy at the Charleston Medical r

College, is at home for the holi-, ~days.

Miss Floride Cary, who has t

been teaching school for two or

three months near Piedmont, is ,

spending her Christmas vacationat home.

-J. Mat. Murphree, frcom near 1Waihalla, was among his- oldfriends here last, week. Hfis islooks betrayed a longing to come iack to Pickens. c

Miss Mfaud Ashmore came in

from Atlanta last Thursday.She has been nursing constantlythe past fall ..and well deservesa rest with her home folks. r

Craig Bros store is full of nicethings for Christmas. Their 5cand 10c counters are very at-tractive, and there are dozensupon dozens of dolls of variousnationalities.In the distribution of our gifts,

let us not forget the great Giverof gifts and the need of means]to send the glad news that there<is a Savior to the uttermost 1

-aarts of the earth.

Mir-and Mrs. 0. H. Johnson,C~ohave until recently been

nninig the Mountain Viewhotel at Easley, have boughtproperty at Chester and willsoon move to that place.Can-our city fathers do any-

thing to relieve a safferingpeople? Unless something isdone to -improve the condition1of our streets and sidewalks, es-

pecially, they will soon be. im-

passable.Rev. B.E.Grandy is athomfe 1

for a few days. Besides his con-tracts in the southern part of1the state, he has closed one atSeneca.for building of a threestory store and also two othersat Elloree where he will build a

large hotel and a store.

4Invitations have bTeen issuedby Mrs. Mary Kennedy Mooretb the marriage of her daughter,1Miss Madolin, to Mr. Eric West1Hardy on the afternoon of Dp-cember the twenty-eighth at

after two o'clock at thetchurch.

vry sad death occurred .atey last week. The pastore Methodist Church, Rev..Best, was preparing to

lie for his new field of labor t

had removed all his house- t>' effects from the parsonage

en his wife took suddenly ill

'ddiedinafewmomentsfrom<z~eumnatism of the heart. Her I[tei.ains were carried to Darl- e

-ington for interment.Notice to Teachers.

There will be a special teach- 1

ers examination on January 12,1912, commencing at 9 o'clock.The examination will be held inthe Court House.LBy order State Board Educa-

tion.1-R T. HALLUM,C/'So.pliain

A Joyous Christmas.We bring greetings to each of

)ur readers for a happy, peace-ul, joyous Christmas. Mayhere be nothing to mar or dis-;urb the true Christmas spiritnd felicity. May every heartn that glad day go up in a joy-us refrain and join in sentiment.nd feeling with the angelic hostof nearly two thousand years.go when they sang "Glory toxod in the highest, and on eartheace, and good will towardnen."And why should we not do

his? It should be the highestmbition of every Christian tooin in this acclaim. It shoulde considered the greatest priv-ege of any and all in this Chris-ian land to seek the full fruitionf such a condition.The phrase expresses t -e factnd desire that all should recog-

tize God's.goodness, the fullnessf His love-and His glory in theighest. To the uttermost, in the highest strain, is themitless conception of humanhought. in the highest heaveasnd in the highest degree. Why?3ecause in the coming of Hisnly son, Jesus Christ, it meanteace on earth; it meant that;od was so much concernedbout the welfare and happinessnd blessings of mankind that'He gave His only begottenon" to bring them into peace,nd love, and joy, and life ever-

asting.The peace which God bringso man through Christ is notnly the ideal, but the goaloward which men are moving,he holy city of God. Peace,eace, who is it that does notrant peace? Peace of mind,eace of soul, peace of con-cience. That peace which pass-th understanding; which therorld cannot give nor take.way. Oh, that that peace mayeign supreme and control theonduct of millions on earth thislessed Christmas day!This peace produces good willward men; it brings the rich-t blessings God can bestow,hich is manifested by His for-iing love, and will fit men fore highest life on earth and thelessedness of heaven.No wonder .Isaiah exclaimeda hcooked' thirough the mistyuture, "His name shall bealled"Wonderful,

Counsellor,The Mighty God,

The Everlasting Father,The Prince of Peace."

['heone who rules in such awayhat peace and love and joybide in His kingdom. It is in-xhaustible. There are no 'dis-urbing elements.And as we come to celebrate

hisOhristmas day let us thinkthis Prince of Peace, the

~reatest' gift of God to us celebrate it withur gifts of love and peace to theoor and to friends.More than in any age past weiave roason for celebrating the~oming Christ into the wrorld fornore than ever do we see theruits of that coming; we areiearcr the Golden age. "Mightyopes make us inen," said Ten-iyson, and assurances of a trans-~ormed world gives enthusiasmnd strength. There are noneo poor, so unworthy, so feeble,fut can show in deeds of kind-ess, expressions of sympathy,?Iords of love, cheer, hope and~ourage, and thereby bring tohe hearts of men this glad dayeace and good will.

Fair Notice to All..After the first day of January,.912,the subscription list of theentinel will be revised,and sub-cribers who are more than arearin arrears with their sub-~criptions will be chopped offnless they pay up and renew)ythat time.We are obliged to do this inrder to comply with the require-nents of the Postoffice Depart-nent,which forbids a newspaper

o carryi unpaid subscribers fornorethan a year.We further give notice thatifterthe first day ~of Januaryhe subscription price of the Sen-iel will remain as It is, oneollar per year, provided it is)aidin advance. If the sub-cription price of $1 is not paid

nadvance~ the price will be $1.25er year. 'We do this to induceubscribers to pay in advance,isour weekly bills for the blankaperon which the Sentinel is

)rinted is heavy and must be

Remember the Sentinel is $1er year if paid in advance; Ifiotpaid in advance $1.25; andhis will apply to all after Jan-ary 1, 1912.

Cupid Busy.As stated last week the effec

of Cupid's arrows would becommore and more visible as th.holidays approached. This 1i

being verified almost daily, fothere ape few days now thaJudge Newbery is not applied t(for a license and is frequent:called upon to perform the cet

emony.On the 14th inst. the Judg

was called u ion to join thhearts and lives. of Miss BertiHolder and Mr. Mace Medlin.On the same day in the after

noon some young people wer

seen making their way from th

depot after the train came ir

from Easley toward the courthouse. It soon transpired wv'ha

their business was, and in z

short time Miss Velma Hughebecame the wife of Mr. J.B.Morgan. Both of these young peop!live at Easley and have hosts o

friends who join in congratulations.On Sunday, the 17th inst., a

the home of the bride's parentsMr. and Mrs. W. C. Cater, MisLola Cater and Mr. CharliKing were happily marriedRev. W. C. Seaborn performethe ceremony. They, too, hamnumerous friends who exten<hearty congratulations forlong, happy and prosperous journev through life.On Sunday, 17 inst., Miss Liz

zie Jewell and Mr. D. A. Barklev were happily married alClemson College. This ipopulaiyoung couple surprised many oftheir friends in this step theyhave taken for life, but showenof congratulations and gooiwishes for a long, happy andprosperous journey is theirs.Let joy be unconfined and

love abound; may .he work ofCupid continue, for thus we art

promised it will be as in the dayof Noe until the end shall comeMarried on Sunday, Decem

ber 10, 1911, at residence of offlciating Notary Winchester, MrSamuel Ellenberg and Miss Floa Gilsti-ap, all of this countyThe happy couple have the bes'wishes of their many friends.

School Will Close.The graded school here wil

close Thursday for the holidaysand will remain closed untiJanuary 2d. Prof. and MrsBallentine will spend a part o:the time with relatives an<friends at Leesville. The othe:teachers will be at their respective homes, Miss Miller will g<to Laurens, Miss Martin to Donalds, Miss McDonald to Bethuneand Misses Craig and Ashmor,will remain in Pickens.Are you satisfied with you

school? Have your childreimade the progress they shouldHow many times:have you visIted the school this year? Hovmany times have you spoken ti

the teacher about your child'advancement?' After Ithe holidays are over, let us yisit thschool more and learn Imorabout the work. The teacherwill gladly welcome you ani

give any information you ma'desire, and gladly accept an:suggestion you may offer alongthe lines of advancement. Altogether for a better school!May these, our teachers, spent

a most joyous Christmas anireturn to their work with renewed energy and strength.

Folger, Thornley & Co.This firm is known far an<

near. It is one of the oldesbusiness firms in Pickens, having begun business here wheithe town was quite young amismall; and as the years havgone by they have increase4their business, addin g department after department and linafter line until' now they raniamong the foremost of the Piedmont section. They are kin<and accommodating to thecustomers, and always keepfresh, up-to-date stock of goodsRecently they have added automobiles to their business, and ni

doubt will be as successful i1disposing of them as they havbeen in other lines of businessAlthough many are cryig harntimes, they say their busineshas been as good this year a

they could have expected.

Commnends the Act.

Dear Sentinel:-In reading The Sentinel of th

7th inst., I notice the good an

charitable act of Miss Miller an

others, in visiting the poor houswith gifts for its inmates. Thespoor creatures are not criminalkbut unfortunates, demandmnour charities. I hope that misMiller's act will gather for hegreat popularity. I commenher and those friends to God ftreward, and to the rehigiouworld for example, BH

DeN1 .H

- The Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has beenin use for over 30 years, has borne the signature ofa &and has beenmade under his per-

sonal supervision since its infancy.Allowno one to deceive youin this.

Al Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are butExperiments that trifle with and endanger the health ofInfants and Children-Experience against Experiment.

What is CASTORIACastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare.gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Itcontains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcoticsubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Wormsand allays Feverishmess. It cures Diarrhoa and WindColic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipationand Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates theStomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.The Children's Panacea,-The Mother's Friend.

CENUMNE CASTORIA ALWAYe' cars the Signature of

The Kid 1.011 Have Always BoughIn Use For Over 30 Years.



Christmas :- Goodsfor Pickens county. Call and see and decide for your-self.

We hav the goods for the little folks. Santa Clauscanfin afull supply for the Xmas stockings, such as

rDolls and Toyrs.

THtEN---For the grown-nups and near grown-ups: Chinaware,

'Cut Glass. Toilet Sets, Xmas CandygFancy Basketsandi Boxes. Srationery in Beautiful Pa~kgsdkaetn Pens. Shaving Sets, Ladies' Hand Bags, Desk

Sets, Cigars in Small Boxes, Meerschaum Pipes, Ko-

Which we arc very proud of, you will find the fol-Ulowing: Rings, Bracelets; Lockets, Locket Chains,.XStick'Pins, Brooches, Tie Clasps, Cuff Buttons, Pen-- dants, Waist Sets, Belt Pins, Fobs-both Ladies andIGent's-Beauty Pins, Collar Pins, solid gold and gold

filled. In gold filled goods, we have Watch Chains,WCollar Buttons, etc., etc.rIN SILVERWARE

. Spoons, Forks, Knives, Ladles, Carving Sets, SpoonHolders, Suzar Dishes. Syrup Pitchers, etc.. .Many(of these articles, are Sterling. Our silverware corn-osed of Community, Rodgers. Wallace and Reliable

brands, all known and guaranteed by us and the man-rufacturer, and not tio peddler's kind. We can not

nme all we have. Just come and see.



1 A $2,000 .Chicken. Notice to Churches.

jThere are quite a nnmbier of To the Pastors and Chur<chicken lovers and chicken of the Pickens Association:-cranks around Pickens but none a meeting of the executiveso far gone ;e to iV willing to laymen's committees heldpay 82,000 for a roo.4 er. And Pickens on the 15th inst., itit appears to us the man who decided that this methodwould do suich a thing has more taken to notify and informmoney than he can rightly use. pastors and churches if theyThe press dispratches from At- sired to have a Layman's]-lanta say: sionary Rally, or Laym:1The record price for pouliti y in meeting of any kind, in an'

Atlanta was prob~ably, paidl when all the churches during the o

Aa G. Chandler. Jr., gave a ing year, to notify one ofcheck for $3,500 for the chickens undersigned, and arrangemi

exhibited at the Southern Inter- would be made for such a mi

national Poultry show by Will- ing. J. T. TAYLOR,iam Cook & 5ons of Scotch J. C. GARRETT,

- Plins.N. jJ. T. ABERCRollBIE,In the auditorium, at the back C.

T. RoBINUM,rofthe stage, there were several Layman's Commrittecoops Saturday night, and on -

three of these were great sizns-in white and red. The first, FATHER, MOTHEBplaced over a coop inhabited by E'a big, iniposing looking Black GK DOHOrpington, simply set forth the hatwl emd apstatement: "Sold to Asa G. yowilpervthrChandler. Jr.. for $2,000." ygvn hmapiThe other, over two pens con- Krpo Insbl Bi

>tainina families of Orpingtons. glsefoaChitsone black, the other family Wteahpiweilwhite, simply stated that Asa wtotcagabaG. Chandler, Jr., was the pur- $oo ebsd poi

chaser. The price paid was $1,- Auiu pcal500. TeGoeOtclC.The firmi which made the sale AaoA.OoFe,

e o brnd anha wn oer 3, iheCoutig Opadetppe 000 first prizewsll peserv theirstc.MsncTmlG e

S stoyptok Invpurchased.PARKRSs enatistma

With-HAIRaiBALSAllM~~O~ei~without chargea a beaulS ~w~PrAlutninum spectacleroc;

toTheeGlobe OpticaloCo.,isthe originatorofp.nthe Oar ig H cae Sc ronbred ndSs wstover 13,- & Couhin OptetryW

BusterAt The -

Will give a fiee entertainrber 20. Everybody inviteisee Buster and his dog Tig

BIG CUT INWe have a few Patterii

have cut the price almost Iwill not last long at the pri$1.50 Hats.- .- --.

3.50 Hats-.-. --

5.00 Hats- --

7.50 Hats- --

10.00 Hats..-. .--..--

You can afford to buy

We want to clean up ober of sizes and colors. NVthese suits were $8.50--w(

Here is the best lot ofsizes are regular and we c4lot for-....-. _..

Here is a lot that will- fit. These suits are $17.5o

Do your Christmas Shadepartments many thingscome here to do your Xma:

HeathChristmas at the Court Housi.All the county offices will Iclosed Christmas day and r

Jpublic business will be transaced.

quietly until the noon hotSwhen he will do his full dutythe festive board. Of course Idoes not expect to be aloneithe engage.nent of the bountful feast of good things, for hgood wife and all his childrewill share with him in the pleatiures of the day. Before the holdays are over he will v-sit haged parents at Oalhou~n ancheer their hearts..Auditor N. A. Christophe

will also be at home with hfamily and will spend a quiuday. The day will be a wecome one with him as it will aford a rest from arduous dutieHe will use it to husband h

Jstrengthi for the task which,~just ahead-taking tax returnDTreasurer J. T. Richey wispend the day in Columbi

--Mrs. Richey went down laweek to remain through tiholidays and he till join h

:hesthere for one day only. I-Atsays he will be in his office iandday after ready to give you yoi

at tax receipt.was Sheriff Roark of course w

be be at home to his friends.the one expects him to leave tovw-de-that'day, and he earnestly hop

the occasion will not arise f<m'him to be called away. Hedor ornot care to have to make pr

cm- vision for another boarder th;the day.minsSuperintendent Hallum sa'

ee-he has distributed the scho

funds among the teachers axmade provision for them to e:joy Christmas, and that therfore he does not think anythixwill prevent him from spendira quiet, peaceful day with lhfamily.Judge Newbery will be;

home. Prospeetive brides axSfgrooms need not fear that t]

yes judge-will be out of town.of you do not find him in his c

ocalfice he can be easily found.ft.home and will have the nece

ive sary blanks for you to sign.~ifulSupervisor Craig will behedhome. He thinks he has time enough looking aft

Dr. the i'oads and bridges of tiA. county to be permitted to enj<as., Christmas day with his famiists, without criticism. At least 1ille, talked like he was going to ri:

it anyway,The scrape men, .guards ai

mconvicts, and the old mules tc-will have this day of rest. T:convicts will be given a Chritmas dinner as usual.

The Real

Brown an

Big Store,ent in front of our store at 4 oI and the children have a specie.

MILLINERY EORHats to close and in order to (

talf in two. These Hats are tice they are going..- 85c $2.00 at..-81.50 3.00 Hats- 2.00 4.00 Hat- *.75 6.00 Hats- 4.75 8.50 ats- 6.75 L2.;) ats

m extra hat at these prices.

3OAT SUIT SALIur Coat Suit stock by Januarye have ten suits of Black and Iwill close this lot for

all 8 Suits of assorted colors, En fit all of you. 'This quality i

Mit every one's taste. We can,We will close for $15.00. A

>pping early and avoid the rusi5hat are suitable for Xmas Presshopping.

-Bruce-MOMPANILeaders in Low PBrices.

~. .The Stores Decorated.

e IThe decorations in all theo'store windows in Pickens yery

forcibly remin~d us of the near-ness of Christmas. ~

s The Big Store has in one win-e dow a cozy, house-like fire place.

ttractively arranged. The,t artist, ens is to be con-~e grtulated u ingenuityn of his display, andiknows a good thing, when it[s comes to a capable and trust-

n worthy servant.s- The others are tastefully or-

inamented with evergreens,is fruits, etc., which are very sug-d gestige and tempting.

The Pickens Drug Co. has arfine display of <very tempting

is' and valuable !ne of toys, silverit! and..2olfire from which a'selection can be made to please

F. the most fastidious,sThe Keowee Pharmacy knows

ihow to catch the younger set byiplacing in full view Nunnally's

s. delightful candies. Every fel-11 low, of'course, is expected toIgive his girlaboxoof~lian

st for Christmas.eFolger, Thornley & Co., have

~r their windows flooded with all[kinds of pretty and useful arti-ecles. It is well known that this

ir firm does not carry toys, butwhen it comes to the substantialthings, they -are Johnny on the

LspotThe toy emporium for this

season in Pickens is Craig Bros.~Tf you have not made your pur->chases you should not wait an-

as other day. A glance at their"~ windows, and in -you go: you

it just can't help it.The other stores of the city

rare keeping pace in decorationsol with those already mentioned,Ld but to elaborate on thsm would

consume too much space.e- Moore, Mau!din- & Co., areikept so busy with their Cotton

.5 Carnival that their principleis decoration -are display signs of

the great sale now on,it Parsons & Ashmore, the newid -fim, have not had time to dec-ie orate and will not be alile make[f much display, as they havef- been rushed every day sinceat they opened their doors.

s- The other merchants havefine displays, and to fully appre-it ciate the beauty of these displays

ia ersonal visit is necessaryie House and Lot for Sale.

[y 1I e.ik : to the hihiet bidder at theleCcur. |-- .ueo Sala~day in January91,'.ning the leg.d hours for sale, the

foli~wing leseribed real estate:All Iihat lot of land in the town ofid Picken.'. ca JIagorod Stre-et. containing

0, one and a :';-third (lb; acre.= mare or less.die 'Ha-: 6 i-oom dwe llng, barn, parture

with wader and cther imnprovetaents,knowngS the J. WV. Sheriff house andlot. ?~

Teross: One third cash, terms, On

bewaice. iM. c- smTH,

clock, Wednesday, .Decem;al invitation to come-a d-

DECEMBER.-lean them up quickwie latest styles and bey

-....--.--- 12.. 1.75

.....2.75- 4.50

. 5.00-7.50

1st.-We have a good'umILe. The original price of

lue, Gray and Black, the$12.5o. We will sell this

give you a perfect tailorIsnappy colors.

i. You will find in' all ourents. It will pay you to


holding his own, hadhis speechi, an 1 there whopes of i recoVOerywound, .oee~ Is saidvery dge one0~having gonehead from the frotin there.

CJhristmas at theThe' Pickens CottonH

close Saturday at 11:30and will remain closedWednesday- next. Theintendant and many of theling operatives will spend soof the hold~ ihre

~riday evn eIdf"School will have Chdsta 2ercises consisting on~Ogs, reci-.tatations and posbysomespeaking. A royal good tinme isanticipated as prepprationshavebeen in progress Orsome time.It is hoped tha' all the people

of the mill villeg~will 'have ajoyful, happy Chyistmas.

All persons lIolding clisagainst the City~f Plnkens *illplease make oi an Itemizedstatement and pretthe saefor-paymenst, ~ same timewe shallbegladtreceive Pay-ment on all back licenses andcity taxes. We ask you fortheabove favors so that we may b3e.enabled to give y at a d

statement January 1, 19Thanlino; you fr prom1ptn,inthe matter. w.e are

Yo'urs truly,The City,Coiunca.

.-Per Sam Craig, Maor.

Mr. Aiken, of Greenvill.B ainPcesti week,athe Pickens Inn. Gus hifriends wouldn't thinkof Callinghim anything else) is in the rev-enue service, and one of ,UcleSam's most -faithful ts.lCMr. Aiken is a native of Tran -

sylvania county, North Odorina, and the Old North StateyCnnever forget the services hexendered his peopledungthetheterms he served in the Stateleg- -

islature. He says he Is out ofpolitics, but the writer believestha the Palmetto State wolfind inhima'championl of thepeople's rights.

SubsribeafO The Sentinel.