the secrets that bind, the silence that devides

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  • 7/31/2019 The Secrets That Bind, The Silence That Devides


    You could cut the tension with a knife as the car zoomed down the road at a rather

    unsafe speed. Jason Ravenwood shifted in his seat behind his father taking a quick peek

    over the back of the drivers seat at the speedometer. The needle hovered over the 110

    mph mark as his father David gripped the steering wheel tighter showing the white of his

    knuckles. Relaxing back into his seat Jason surveyed his fellow passengers. He could see

    his mother Evelyn in the front passenger seat sitting as rigid as a statue while trying to

    wring the life out of her favourite handkerchief. Next to him sat his sister Sarah looking

    out of the window and holding onto the door handle as if she was clinging onto a safety

    rail in the middle of a tornado. Turning his attention back to his own window Jason

    contemplated the turn of events that lead to this not so relaxing drive to his


    It was just another lazy Saturday afternoon, as Jason sat veging in front of the TV. Home

    for the weekend from college the 19 year old enjoyed the restful sense of familiarity that

    came with being home. Letting his concentration drift away from the TV for a bit, just

    enough to pick up the sound of his mother bustling around the kitchen and the faint yet

    irritating whine of his father applying his power tools to yet another of his intricate yet

    pointless projects emanating from the garage. Jason was startled out of his thoughts by

    the sudden ringing of the phone. A second latter the ringing stopped as his mother

    answered. Jason could hear his mother having a hurried conversation with whoever was

    on the other end of the line but being too far away to hear the exact content of it.

    Barely a second after hearing his mother hang up the phone she came hurrying down the


    Hurry and get yourself ready, we are going to your grandmothers! his mother exclaimed

    when she spotted him lounging on the sofa.

    Why do we need to go to grandmas?

    Never mind why! Just get yourself ready! she shouted over her shoulder alreadyhurrying out of the room.

    Resigned Jason got up and headed to his room to get dressed, hearing his mother repeat

    the conversation they just had with his sister before heading out to the garage.

    Back to the present Jason could just see the tree tops peeking out above the high wall

    surrounding the heavily wooded grounds of his grandmothers estate as his father

    navigated the neglected roads of the small town. Jason always found it funny how out of

    place the family estate looked nestled in the small farming town. But then again strange

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    was normal for his family or at least for the rest of his family because unlike the rest of

    his family Jason was not privy to the great family secret, or at least so they thought.

    You see Jasons family was none other than a family of sorcerers descendant from a long

    line of sorcerers. His father was from the Ravenwood family of sorcerers and his mother

    from the Croft family. The reason as to why Jason has never been officially allowed to be

    privy to this secret is that as far as his family knew Jason was a normal never having

    developed any magical power or at least that is what they thought. The sorcerers law

    stated that only those with the gift of magic are allowed to know of magic.

    In magic families like theirs when a child is born a ritual is performed to detect whether

    they possess the gift of magic. If they have the gift of magic they are watched for when it

    manifests and then raised to use it. But in instances like Jason where a child shows no

    potential for magic they are kept in the dark and raised normal children by normal loving

    parents. The concept was laughable to Jason. How could they not see the shear

    impossibility of it? In all honesty it had caused great resentment during his childhood.

    When his sister who was two years younger turned four her powers manifested.

    Suddenly his parents would take turns spending time with her in the basement, a room

    he had been barred from entering as long as he could remember. Although he never felt

    unloved by his parents it was different from the smiles with pride in their eyes they

    showed her when they would emerged from the basement. The worst part of it all was

    that Jason knew what they were doing. He had often peeked through the small

    basement widow outside seeing them practise that special thing called magic.

    Over the next three years Jasons resentment towards his family grew. His anger over

    their secrecy caused him to avoid them preferring his own company. But it all changed

    one day when he was nine. Once again Jason was playing in his room alone with his

    Legos one of his favourite pastimes that allowed him to avoid his family. He had been

    building a pirate ship when he noticed the next piece he needed was just out of reach.

    Not wanting to accidentally ruin his progress Jason had stretched out his arm hoping to

    get the block when it suddenly jumped from where it laid on the carpet and into his hand.

    Even now Jason could remember the shock he had felt back then. For almost an hour

    afterwards he had just sat there looking at the small block nestled in the palm of his

    hand. After the shock had worn of he had spent the rest of the day trying to repeat what

    had happened with the block. Even after his parents had tucked him into bed he had

    snuck out and continued by torch light. It was after midnight before Jason had

    successfully replicated the amazing flying block trick at will. When he finally crawled back

    into bed it was with tears of happiness in his eyes as he realized that he also had the gift

    of magic.

  • 7/31/2019 The Secrets That Bind, The Silence That Devides


    The next morning as Jason got up for school it was with a smile on his face. He rushed

    through the his usual routine, even greeting his parent with a big smile which took them

    aback as it is something he hadnt done in a long time. Even as he was rushing out the

    front door to catch the bus to school Jason was formulating his plans for that afternoonwhen his parents was home from work and how best to shock and awe them with his

    new found power. All through school his imagination ran wild with thoughts of how they

    could finally be a real family. How they would spend time together practising magic and

    being taught alongside his sister finally seeing those soft smiles full of silent pride turned

    towards him.

    The moment the bell rang to announce the end of the school day Jason was up and out

    the door like a shot. The journey home on the bus was almost unbearable for him and

    the moment the bus arrived at his stop the pent up energy exploded as he sprinted for

    his house. But the moment he arrived at the drive way a tiny sliver of apprehension

    settled on his heart, there standing in the garage was his mothers car. Hoping that it

    didnt mean what he thought it did he made his way inside the house. But in the kitchen

    he found what he had feared since the moment he saw his mothers car. There on the

    kitchen table was a note from his mother telling him that she and his father along with his

    sister had gone to his grandmas. And as usual that they would be home late and had left

    him money for a pizza.

    Jason sank to the floor, the energy that he had fought to contain all through school gone

    as suddenly as it had appeared the previous night. All he could do was cry, the pain in his

    heart too great to express in any other way but a torrent of tears. All he could think of is

    how could they? As if he didnt know what it meant when they took his sister to their

    grandmas while he at school just to avoid had to answer his inevitable questions as to

    why they are going or worse him wanting to go along. It was always the same when they

    excluded him, magic of course. Either the family would be gathered to celebrate some

    magic festival or his sister had to complete some magical test. Jason knew because when

    he was too young to be left at home alone regardless of his families efforts to keep him in

    the dark he would find a way to secretly watch them, all the time wishing from the

    bottom of his young heart that he could be a part of it. And here it is finally on the one

    day that he thought he would finally be able to join them, the one day that he had wished

    and prayed for since he had discovered the secret of his family had arrived and once

    again he finds himself shoved to the side.

    Jason struggled to contain the stabbing pain in his heart at the memory of that day as

    their car slowly made its way up the long driveway to their grandmothers house. It was

    dark outside before Jason had cried himself out and was able to pick himself up from the

    kitchen floor. As anger replaced sadness the young Jason made a decision. That he didnt

    want to be part of a family that would exclude him just because he didnt possess similar

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    abilities. That night he ordered his usual pizza and snuck into the basement, and using

    the copier in his fathers office to duplicate some of the magic books and manuscripts

    that his parents kept there and hid them in his room so that he could learn how to

    control his powers in secret. And so over the following years he dedicated every freemoment to developing his powers without anyones knowledge.

    Now at nineteen Jason had not only mastered his own powers, but far surpassed every

    other family member, even his extremely powerful grandmother. Even now in the car

    Jason could the sense the sparks of magical energy radiating from his father, mother and

    sister, but when he compared the magical energy coming from them to his own it felt like

    comparing a drop of water in a glass to the ocean. Even his grandmother, the matriarch

    of the entire Croft family would in this case measure as no more than a small lake. The

    thought brought a smile to Jasons face as they got out of the car and made their way up

    to the old oak front doors. The sheer irony of the matter was that the first thing Jason

    looked into when he stated developing his own power was how to hide them from others

    since only those who have magic powers can sense them in others, but that none of his

    family would want to learn such a skill since it is pointless to hide their magical power

    from those they dont want to know as they cant sense it in the first place. So over the

    years it was just too easy for Jason to gauge his progress by comparing to what he sensed

    from his family.

    Jasons mother had hardly reached for the door knocker when the door swung open to

    reveal a dishevelled Audry Croft, matriarch of the Croft and Sarah and Jasons

    grandmother. Her sweat was matted down with sweat, her clothing clinging to her. It

    shocked Jason to see his normally very formal grandmother in such a dishevelled state.

    Whatever was going on was much more serious than he had originally expected. Quickly

    she ushered them in and closed the door behind them.

    Why did you bring him along?she hurriedly asked Jasons mother while looking at him.

    Sorry. During the rush to .

    Well never mind that, we can take care of him later but for now we have to hurry.

    What happened? How is Cassie?

    She awakened this morning and her power went out of control. Currently she is in the

    advanced stages of magic fever. But forget that for now, we can talk later. At the

    moment we need everyones help to get it under control. was all his grandma said

    before hurry away out the patio and into the back garden followed by Jasons father and


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    Stay away from the back garden. was all that his mother said, her words carrying the

    echo of power before following the others. The voice of power was one of the most

    basic of skills for sorcerers that involved imbuing a persons own voice with magic. If a

    command is uttered in this way to a normal, it becomes impossible to disobey and withenough power even other sorcerers can fall under its spell. But Jason had already been

    far beyond his mothers ability to command since he was eleven and never had a need to

    use it on before then.

    Jason waited a few moments before he made his way out the patio doors. There in the

    middle of the clearing little Cassie was laid out naked on the remaining trunk of huge tree

    that had been cut down before he had been born and was regularly used as a table at

    family gatherings. Several other family members along with his parents and sister had

    gathered around little Cassie. From his vantage point Jason could see the skin of the little

    girls legs and arms were already burnt black. Jason had read about magic fever, it was

    the single greatest risk to a child with power right before and after awakening. Normally

    a persons magic is passive like the electricity in a battery waiting to be used, and when

    that magic is then used it is like using that battery in a flashlight in which case the

    electricity is turned into light. But in the case magic fever it is like short circuiting, were

    the magic becomes active but without being channelled towards a purpose it remains in

    the body, burning it effectively from the inside out.

    Jason could feel the power that everyone was directing towards his little cousin in order

    to forcefully return her magic to its passive state. But just as he could feel the power that

    his family was directing towards his cousin, Jason could also sense that the power raging

    in little Cassie was barely subsiding. At this pace even his familys combined power would

    not be enough to save the girls life.

    As is Jason faced a conundrum, it would be easy to supress the relative miniscule amount

    of magic of his cousin with the power he possessed, but in doing so would most likely

    reveal his power to his family and break the vow he had made to himself all those years

    ago. Just moments ago his grandmother had resented his presence there because as far

    as she knew he did not possess any magic and therefore did not belong here, even hismother had without a second thought used a magic that had he truly not possess any

    power would have virtually enslaved him to follow the command. Even thinking of it

    brought all the resentment of the past back. But seeing little Cassie laying there in pain

    also made his heart ache for the little girl. Jason knew that he could not blame the seven

    year old girl for the wrongs committed against him by the adults.

    Maybe it is time to confront this was all he mumbled to himself as he focused his

    concentration to the task at hand. Gathering the magic necessary Jason basked in the

    rush as the power formed inside him ready to do his bidding. When he had gathered

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    enough he sent it out towards the girl like a small stream. As his power joined the others

    he instructed it, concentrating on the single thought; heal. Closing his eyes in

    concentration Jason steadily increased the amount of magic flowing towards the girl

    turning the little stream in to a raging river of power. Through the link Jason could feellittle Cassies magic return to its normal state and the burn and injuries to her little body


    Opening his eyes after he could feel the last of the girls injuries disappear Jason found

    himself looking at eleven shocked faces standing around his peacefully sleeping cousin.

    His mother only stood another moment before rushing towards him.

    How did you do that! she shouted before she had even reached him.

    Does it matter?

    Of course, tell me how you did that! What did you use?! How are you even out here?!

    even now standing right in front of him she continued to shout the expression of shock

    on her face turning to one of anger.

    Over the years Jason often fantasized about what his familys reaction would be like if

    they ever found out about his power. But not once was anger among the many reactions

    he had envisioned. By this time the rest of his family had moved closer, his uncle carrying

    his now once again healthy and sleeping daughter in his arms. His mother was just about

    to shout something else when his grandmothers hand descended on her shoulder.

    Calm down Evelyn my dear, lets go inside and talk. Im sure Jason will explain


    Jason followed his grandmother and parents in to the study followed by his sister Sarah

    while the rest of the family went to further tend to little Cassie.

    His grandmother stopped Sarah before she could enter the study. Sarah, honey why

    dont you go make everyone a cup of tea. Im sure that everyone could use a nice

    relaxing cup. Jason could see his sisters expression darken for a moment before sheresigned herself to the fact that she would not be privy to the conversation that was

    about to take place.

    Closing the door his grandmother waited for everyone to take a seat before turning her

    attention towards him.

    Jason why dont you tell us how were you able to use magic out there?

    Surveying the room it was interesting to Jason to compare the expressions. His

    grandmother looked calm and collected completely focused on him. His mother Evelyn

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    showed barely controlled rage bubbling just under the surface. His fathers expression

    was the most surprising to Jason of all, showing true concern.

    Before I answer anything, give me a reason why I should? Jason finally replied.

    Answer the question! his mother shouted from her seat, the echo of power creeping

    into to her voice.

    Dont interrupt again daughter! his grandmother scolded, anger at her daughters

    behaviour creeping into her expression.

    Turning her attention back towards Jason, calmness once again restored. What do you

    mean dear with give you a reason.

    I mean in the nineteen years since I was born not once have any of you shared yoursecret with me. Even though I was born into this family, raised by this family not once did

    you allow me to be family. So give me one good reason why I should tell you

    anything! Jason retorted unable to contain the years of repressed anger any longer.

    Jason could see guilt flash across the three faces staring at him.

    Jason you have to understand there are laws that people like us have to follow. We

    couldnt tell you. It is our first and greatest law. this time it was his father that spoke


    Only those with power may know of it. Jason quoted the words he had read about the

    laws governing magic, his voice quavering with anger. I know!

    None of us including your parents knew you possessed the gift. When you were born I

    personally tested you for magic and it showed nothing. So if you know about the laws

    surely you can understand why we could not tell you? his grandmother asked.

    Are all of you really that stupid?! Even if I understand it now, do any of you realize what

    it is like for a child to be raised in such an atmosphere! To watch as his parents secretively

    talk and spend time with his sister only to stop as he walks into the room! To watch as he

    is excluded while his sister accepted!

    But we love, even if we couldnt tell you we still loved you. Not once did me or your

    father ever, even for a moment consider you as anything but our precious son. Jasons

    mother answered in a quavering voice, her face tear streaked and the anger from a

    moment ago having vanished.

    That is the worst part. Knowing that you are loved and regardless of everything loving

    back. And still feeling isolated and alone. this time it was his own voice quavering, tears

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    threatening at the corners of his eyes for the first time since that day on the kitchen floor

    so long ago.

    Before Jason had even realized his grandmother had enfolded him in a hug, her own eyes

    showing the sparkle of suppressed tears shortly followed by his mother and father.

    It was his mother that finally spoke up as they broke the hug. Im sorry, bottom of my

    heart Im sorry that we heart you honey. How about we start over. Let all of us go have a

    nice hot cup of tea while our son tells his family his magical story?

    And so a silence broken, a secret shared.