the secret garden party teatime wonder game

TEATIME WONDER GAME for the THE SECRET GARDEN PARTY 31 st January 2015 London SlowART presents

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Page 1: The secret garden party teatime wonder game



31st January 2015 London

SlowART presents

Page 2: The secret garden party teatime wonder game

Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

- 2 -Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:



Page 3: The secret garden party teatime wonder game

Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

- 3 -Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

A table sits alone surrounded by empty chairs. The table is dressed for the occasion, lacy white tablecloths, delicate teacups, proud teapots and lickering candlelight. But the tablecloths are stained, cold dregs of tea loat in the teacups and the lowers are withered and dried. It looks like the party has inished but its only just beginning...



Page 4: The secret garden party teatime wonder game

Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

- 4 -Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

Page 5: The secret garden party teatime wonder game

Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

- 5 -Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

Experience a taste of the surreal in a performance that draws upon an eclectic and bizarre mix of sourced material: slices of Alice in Wonderland, a splash of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, a lump or two of Dali’s surrealism, a pinch of Peter Pan - all brewed together with a teaspoonful or two of Monty Pythons’ Circus.

Page 6: The secret garden party teatime wonder game

Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

- 6 -Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

Be immersed in a dreamland and a secret tea party, play a game with unexpected rules or even, as it may sometimes seem, no rules at all!

Page 7: The secret garden party teatime wonder game

Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

- 7 -Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

The audience is invited to join the bizarre and surrealistic tea party and sit around a table set out with a traditional white tablecloth and a cornucopia of crockery and table vessels in all kinds of styles, forms and shapes, with half burned out candles, tired fllowers and attractive but worn and chipped tea pots and table ware.

Volunteers are taken from the crowd and seated around the table, becoming live ‘game pieces’, the table is the ‘game board’, and the game ‘stations’ are plates and cups, which contain different messages and tasks. The hidden messages discovered by the players trigger various ‘happenings’ and the entertaining elements of the performance. These could be: an explosion of a confetti, the appearance of a mysterious creature behind a curtain, a live music performance - or a song, a dance or someone stepping on the table and bursting into a raucous folk song in an obscure language.


Page 8: The secret garden party teatime wonder game

Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

- 8 -Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

There will also be challenging tasks: like - for example - testing specialities from the witty Crone’s pantry, following an obscure tiny, scribbled treasure map to uncover a buried pearl, or bubble ight.

Tasks could be simple colouring (with a twist), standing up and singing a song (remember when adults used to made us do it?), inishing a gigantic plate of vegetables before you can get up from the table or building a pillow fort. Perhaps a competition who last the longest on a Game Boy?



Page 9: The secret garden party teatime wonder game

Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

- 9 -Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:


Page 10: The secret garden party teatime wonder game

Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

- 10 -Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:


Page 11: The secret garden party teatime wonder game

Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

- 11 -Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

So, if you sit in front of the tea cup inscribed ‘drink me’ - do it! risk it! And at the bottom of the cup perhaps, you may fiind a secret message which may in turn trigger a melee of incidents.... or you may f ind yourself behaving sillier and more childish than you thought you could.

As different tasks are completed the participants of the game move around the table visiting the ‘game stations’ obtaining points as they go. If the participants refuse a task or fail to ful il it and lose all their points they forfeit the game thus freeing up their place for someone else to join in. The aim of the Teatime Wonder Game is to eradicate all the participants until one remains, they will win the Secret Treasure.



Page 12: The secret garden party teatime wonder game

Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

- 12 -Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

The performance aims to detach the audience and participants from the rush of their everyday lives, leave worries about the future and regrets of the past behind and be in the here and now and experience their surroundings with all their senses. Just like we all used to do when we were kids. We want to help people re-connect to their inner child, unconstrain themselves. The participants are offered costumes, encouraged to be who they want to be at that very moment, just to rediscover something they forgot a long time ago... and most of all have lot’s silly fun!

Page 13: The secret garden party teatime wonder game

Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

- 13 -Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

Secret Garden Party Submission Form

Website/Social media links *Please give us some information on previous projects, shows, festival involvements, etc., that you and your team have been a part of.. What can you bring to The Garden ... what is your ethos?


Explanation of piece *Please detail in 150 words what your show/piece is all about. Remember Childish Things is this years

Art & Expression theme.

Teatime Wonder Game is an interactive performance game involving singing, dancing and story telling happening around table dressed with tablecloths, teacups and teapots. Volunteers are taken from the crowd and seated around the table, becoming live ‘game pieces’, the table is the ‘game board’, and the game ‘stations’ are plates and cups, which contain different tasks. The hidden messages discovered by the players trigger various ‘happenings’. Tasks could be simple colouring (with a twist), standing up and singing a song (remember when adults made us do it?), finishing a gigantic plate of vegetables before you can get up from the table or building a pillow fort. Perhaps a competition who last the longest on a Game Boy? So, if you find yourself in front of the tea cup inscribed “drink me’ - do it! Be childish, curious and loud. Well, unless there is a story time then please everyone be quiet!

Previous Experiences/Shows *We performed Teatime Wonder Game at the following venues/ festivals:Vibe Gallery 2013Chelsea Fringe 2013 (Battersea Power Station)The Phoenix Artist Club 2013Bermondsey Street Festival 2013Chelsea Fringe 2014 (Tea House Theatre)Lambeth Country Show 2014London Bridge Festival 2014

Can you please post links here to photos/videos/showreel of yourself/group *!documentary/ck0q

Please detail where your show will be best situated *

Walkabout On a Stage At night time In the day time In a tree On a lake At the Gate Around a fire Kids Area Other: in the evening in between the trees

Please detail any production requirements below *LX,SFX,costume, storage, etc

Services requirements are: - Power source no. 8 outdoor sockets to connect outdoor speakers/ microphones and spotlights.(we would prefer to use outdoor speakers and spotlights for enhanced and greater effect however if the outdoor sockets are unavailable we are able to use portable amplifier and natural source of light)- water source – we need a tap water to boil it to make to tea – after all it is a teaparty.- Storage – we have foldable table and chairs and boxes of crockery, props for games and music equipment. So we really would appreciate a secure lock up. The dimensions required are about 1.5w x 1.5l x 2.2h m.- Dressing room – we have great costumes and make ups and it takes time to put them on (up 1 hour)

Page 14: The secret garden party teatime wonder game

Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

- 14 -Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

We also require min. 1 hour to set up and 1 hour to pack up.- space required – approximately 4m x 3m- parking for one car

How long is the piece? *How many times a day, per day is it able to be performed?

The whole performance lasts about 2 hours and can be performed once a day.

Funding Please note that if selected this number will be agreed after the interview process, funds are pretty limited as we do not have any branding or sponsorship....

How much grant money do imagine you require for the piece? *


Please offer a breakdown of what the money will be spent on *

Transport cost Car with two people and props return cost - £120 (assumptions: travel distance 80 miles)Four people to travel by train - £200 (estimated cost of National Railway tickets if booked in advance)

Accommodation contribution£200 – we would like to get a big (second hand) tent to fit us all in.

Technical Equipmentno. 3 outdoor speakers lead extension to speakers ect.smoke machine no. 2 LED spotlights no. 20 lanterns/ torches/ candles to provide directional and mood lighting bobble machine PROVIDED

Costumes & make up for 6 performersPROVIDED

Propsno. foldable table - – PROVIDEDno. 10 Chairs REQUIRED - £110

Table dressing including tablecloth, plates, tea cups, tea pots, flower vases, clocks ect. – PROVIDED Food and drinks for the table – PROVIDED

Game props – pillows, paper & pens, ropes, bubble sticks, ping pong balls, peanut butter, lollypops - PROVIDED

Do you have access to external funding? *If so who from, how much?

We are prepared to get any necessary additional funding through a crowd funding campaign. We have carried out a successful campaign in the past – see our profile on KickStarter

Anything Else? *Please tell us here if there is any other information that you believe will be beneficial to the success of your application

Please see below selected examples of our previous work.

Page 15: The secret garden party teatime wonder game

Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

- 15 -Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

Relevant experience

FIGMENTATION by SlowART, London, 2012Multimedia art collaboration performance created was inspirited by improvisation and connection. It involved live music, sound and lighting effect and choreography. The piece was set to appear from different, often unexpected corners of the gallery space making the audience feel they are surrounded by the sounds and happenings, that they are in the middle of the performance and further that they are part of it. The show was thought to be very organic and change depending on the public response. It was deeply based on the connection and understanding between the all the artist by Anoushka and Tomasz Brajter

Page 16: The secret garden party teatime wonder game

Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

- 16 -Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

Relevant experience

UNFINISHED DREAM by LIFT and SlowART, London 2012The show commissioned by Institute of Contemporary Art as part of LIFT (London International Festival of Theatre), a poetic storytelling and inventive promenade performance, revelled the hidden, moving stories of refugees and local residents in one of London’s most contrasting boroughs; all within the concrete confines of a Croydon car park. Kasia and Sebastian created an episode performance which was a crucial part of the show. It was based on Edward Stachura song and accompanied by live music it ‘gave hope’ through out the floors of unruly concrete car park. It sometimes took form of song or a dance or at some cases a personalised message whispered to audience member ear. by Dominic Geis

Page 17: The secret garden party teatime wonder game

Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

- 17 -Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

Relevant experience

THE PATH Dark Soul Dance Theatre London, 2012Kasia was one of the three dancers performing a contemporary body theatre dance show involving body painting and singing. The performance was played to live drumming performed by Sebastian. It was created as a collaboration of varied forms of art and envisaged to generate different “art-products” in the same project. The initial idea and its evolution was expressed and experienced in many ways. by Anoushka

Page 18: The secret garden party teatime wonder game

Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

- 18 -Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

Relevant experience

Weltschmerz Art and Urban Myth EXHIBITION, London 2011An Interactive exhibition of paintings and photography held throughout a large labyrinth like gallery in a central London venue. Included performances with musicians, theatre and dance. The event created an opportunity to explore possibilities for manipulating mood and sensations of visitors and participants through the complimentary use of various art media; music, dance, painting and performance. by Greg Osbourne & Anna Galanou

Page 19: The secret garden party teatime wonder game

Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

- 19 -Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:


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Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

- 20 -Teatime Wonder Game by SlowART contact Kasia Kaszowska T: 07879404722 E: [email protected] W:

Do you feel like playing?