the sea wolf...from "the sea wolf" by jack london "we were talking about this...

Theplays and Mue tem Typhon Broeees B e On these chilly day, the Princess is all cozy in everything-PR IN C E SSProgram for W k Begini May 30, 1920. Music on at 8 P On these chilly days, the Princess is all cozy in everything-Program for Week Beginning May 30, 1920. Music on Wurhtzer at 8 P. SUNDAY D. W. Griffith Presents Clarine Seymour IN "The Idol Dancer" With Richard Bartheimess Come! Join our excursion to that "Ever Lovin' Land of Jazz"-the South Seas-where the swooning odor of Magnolia .blooms and rare personal- Wlies mingle to charm and delight the onlooker. Talk about entertainment! 'oull fall in love with the little Idol Pecer, who wouldn't wear clothes, bOcause they smelled missionary. l•ven the cocoanuts fell for her! Also Pathe Comedy Doors open at 4:30 p. m. ADMISSION, 5, 10 and 25c TOM.N:OORE-::-zn: Tobys Bow GOLDwYar PICTUREs Out of Town Folks Seen. In the Princess' Lobby Mr. J: C. Keller, from Eunice saw INorma Talmadge in "The Woman Gives," Friday evening. Mr. Keller, hase about completed his new $30,000 Aibetty Theatre, in Eunice. Dr. F. O. Pavy and family were in for "The Woman Gives. Mrs. Curry and daughter from Ville P latte, were among the large number .off ans who witnessed the great drama "Her Code of Honor," on Saturday. Mr. Burt King and wife, with Mr. •leesemmes, all of New Orleans, wit- mAseed the performance on Sunday night. 'Mr. King is general manager of the Vitagraph Film Co. Mr. Louis Derbes of Ville Platte heard Toot oJhnson play the feature 'production, "In Search of a Sinner," on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Darby of Arnaudville were in several nights last week. Mr. Voorhies and family from Ar- naudville were among the large num- ber of spectators who witnessed "In Search of a Sinner." Mr. Jess Thistlethwaite with his mother, motored over from Washing. ton several times last week. FROM "THE SEA WOLF" By Jack London "We were talking about this yes- terday," he said. "I held that life was I a ferment, a yeasty something which i devoured life that it may live and that E living was merely successful piggish-I' mess. Why, if there is anything in supply and demand, life is the cheap- eat thing in the world. There is only I aq much water, so much earth, so I mauch air; but the life that is demand- i tag to be born is limitless. Nature is i a spendthrift. Look at the fish, and 1 A First National Release MARSHALL NEILAN'S -Production- 1' z "The Rivers Endl" Seven Parts By James O. Curwood A thrilling story of a royal mounted in a chase after an outlaw across the frozen waste of the North. The fugitive returns to civilization, masquerading in the name of his pursuer, who dies of frost bitten lung- a strange love of sister of dead man, wwho mistakes outlaw for her brother-mysterious spell thrown over girl by Chinese, opium smuggler. Final climax -big fight in opium den! A story of love and God's country! A Drama of The North West Mounted Police! ALL STAR CAST Lewis Stone, Majory Daw, Jane Novak Wednesday, June 3rd PRINCESS THEATRE Home of Better Photoplays! Admission 10, 15 and 25c Doors Open 4:30 p. m. MONDAY The Great Western Star Buck Jones IN "Forbidden Trails" Is it good? Well we'll say it is. Its a story of the good old West. Just chuckfull of thrills, and pep. Buck Jones, well remembered for his won- derful work in "The Last Straw," is gain in a role that fits his versatile personality. Also Fox News Doors open at 4:30 p. m. ADMISSION, 5, 10 and 25c their millions of eggs. For that matte' look at me, look at you. In our loin: are the possibilities of millions o: lives. Could we but find, and oppor tunity and 'utilize the last bit anc every bit of the unborn life that is it us, we could become that fathers ol nations, of populate continues. Life, bah! It has no value. Of cheap things it is the cheapest. Everywhere it goes begging. Nature spills it oul with a lavish hand. Where there is room for one life, she sews, a thousand lives, and its life eats life till the strongest and most piggish life is left." Wolf Larsons philosophy to Hum. hries. It was the Wolf in him that I saw, and a mad wolf at that. He sprang for me with a half roar, gripping my arm. I had steeled myself to brazen it out, though I was tumbling inward; but the enormous strength of the man was too much for my fortitude. He had grpped me by the biceps wth his ingel hand, and when that grip tight- ened, I wilted and shrieked aloud. My feet went from under me. I simply could not stanl upright and endure %he agoney. The musles refused to work . The pain was too great. My bi- ceps were crushed completely. Humphries desrintion of a scene with,.Wolf Larsen, "The Sea Wolf." "My Womah, my one small wom- in," I said, my free hand petting her shoulder in the way, all lovers know :hough never learn in school. "My man," she said, looking at me 'or an instant with tremulus lids vhich fluttered down and veiled her ayes as she snuggled her head against ny breast wfth a happy little sigh. "One kiss, dear love." I whispered. Her lips met the press of mine, and )y that strange trick of imagination know not, the scene in the cabin of he ghost flashed upon me, when she lad pressed her fingers against my lot lips and said, "Hush, hush." TUESDAY Tom Moore IN "Toby's Bow" This is a pleasing comedy-drama, imbued with a touch of pretty senti- ment and a good deal of quaint hu- mor. Tom Moore, as good looking as ever! Also Prizma, Natural Color And Burton Holmes Travel Doors open at 4:30 p. m. ADMISSION, 5, 10 and 25c BRITISH RANK NAZIMOVA AS WORLD'S BEST "MARVELOUS VERSATILITY WILL REMAIN INDELIBLE MEMORY" WRITES ONE In her first appearances recently be- fore the British public as a screen star, Nazimova achieved a triumph of the first magnitude according to a consensus of the opinion of the lead- ing British dramatic and photoplay critics. The phenomenal 'Russian actress, now appearing in "The Heart of a Child," carried England by storm; even more completely, to judge by the enthusiastic eulogies of discrimnating English reviewers, than she has tri- umphed in this country, A survey of prominent British jour- nals, including the London Times, the Pall Mall Gazette, the London Even- r ing News the "Sketch," the Daily Tele- graph, the Daily Herald and the Daily Mail, reaching here from the other side, reveals that the English critics and public as well went wild over the incomparable art of Nazimova. f A reviewer in the Pall Mall Ga- "zette for instance, said that "Nazi- 5 mova is the first actress who is likely t to win a place analogous to that of t Sarah Bernhardt or Ellen Terry," s while the Evening News proclaimed I her to be "the greatest film artist of the world." Loud in Praise Richard A. Rowland, president of Metro Pictures Corporation and Screen Classics, Inc., is in possession of a voluminous assortment of Eng- lish journals ,all loud and unreserved in their praise of Nazimova's art. Col- lected by Jury's Imperial Pictures, Ltd., the English picture firm, headed by Sir William Jury, the "movie king" of England, which has acquired for $2,500,000 the rights to the Nazimova Productions for the next two years, these journals reached Mr. Rowland shortly after his return from his ten week's European trip. Mr. Rowland sailed for England last May taking with him five Nazimova productions. These pictures, released by Metro and representing the high water mark of ppresent-day production were "Revelation," "Eye for Eye," j"Toys of Fate," "Out of the Fog" and "The Red Lantern." Shown at a ser- ies of special previews in the London Pavilion, their effect was instanta- neous. The critics were united in their recognition of Nazimova's unpreced- ented art. Panther-Like Form What is most interesting, probably; about the opinions of the British crit-. 4 ics is their extraordinary variety. No 4 two of the London reviewers were captured by precisely the same things. To some it was Nazimova's beauty- the haunting witchery of her face and eyes, together with her lithe panther- like form; while to others it was the 4 weirdly fascinating quality of her ges- 4 tures, each so invocative of her mood, 4 whether merry or gay, whether trag- ! ical or sad. Always it was something different for each, out of "the in- i finite variety" of this phenomenal Rus- sian artiste of the screen, and to each it left nothing to be desired. Some solution of this may be found; perhaps in a statement by the' critic of the London Times: "Nazimova is quite unlike any other woman who has acted for the screen. She makes naught of nationalities." Right here appears to be the crux of the matter. "She makes naught of nationalities," or, in other words, it is the univer- sality of her genius and of her art that makes her belong to no place no time, but rather to all time, to all ' ages. j Greatest in World The Evening News, in designating: Nazimova as "the greatest film artist of the world," mentioned the appro-1 priate character of her picture stories. and the hand-in-glove fits of the parts I she plays. As the News put it: "The productions as works of art: match her in every way. They give full play to her genius; they offer the: fullest scope for the utmost expres- sion of every enliotion. Her marvel- ous versatility will remain an indelible memory. Whether she walks, or run, crawls, or rolls on the floor, she in- vests her movements with poetic grace. A movement of her little fin- ger reveals her thoughts; her hands and arms are expressive eloquence; a score of moods will pass across her face in as many seconds. She doesn't act; she is." jA WEDNESDAY Marshall Neilan Presents "The Rivers End" By James Oliver Curwood On the edge of civilization there are no traditions. Men meet life with all the strength of soul within them. That is why the greatest stories have been written, not of the atrophied emo- tions of society, but of the virile peo- ple nearest the great out doors. There men may be good-or bad-but what ever they are, they are strong. A pulsating story of the mounted Po- lice. Also Comedy and Review Doors open at 3:30 p. m. ADMISSION, 5, 15 and 25c PICTURE EFFECT ON YOUTH OF LAND "WHOLLY GOOD," SAYS JUDGE' LINDSEY Judge Ben B. Lindsey, founder of the famous juvenile court in Denver, and one of the foremost authorities on the American boy, who,-.incidentally, is appearing in a five-part feature writ- ten by Julia Crawford Ivers, entitled "The Boy" which William D. Taylor is directing for Famous Player-Lasky corporation, has to say relative to the influence of motion picture on the children of the country: "You cannot preach in a motion pic- ture. But you can get your story over without preaching. The audience will catch the spirit of it. "That is the way motion pictures are having their beneficial effect on the public, old and young. The audi- ence catches the spirit of the picture. Motion pictures are doing a very great work-I am speaking of the better class of pictures, you must understand -and their influence in the future will be even more sweeping than it is now. r ~~ it YAM, `>:JANE NOlQ v'noE RIl~ Princess Theatre, W ednesday, June 2nd. .AxAAAAA A A A ~ a A Real Moving Picture Treat GEORGE MELFORD'S GREAT PRODUCTION JACK LONDON'S "The Sea Wolf" A PARAMOUNT-ARTCRAFT PICTURE--8 GREAT ACTS Jack London's mighty story crashes against the emo tions like the Raging Surf! It is a moving panorama of life, with scene upon scene of primitive emotion a nd the clash of fighting forces. And around it all is the clamor and might of the Sea. The Wolf, coward, and the girl come to life before you, and their vital drama will make a lasting im- pression upon you memory. An all-star cast! OF COURSE YOU REMEMBER THE STORY How the society weakling Humphries, shipwreck, is rescued by "The Wolf," the same day, the brutal captain, "Wolf" Larsen rescues, a girl. The strange drama. The thrilling fights. The arguments be- .. tween Wolf Larsen and Humphries, the final awakening of manhood in Humphries. All, will enthrall and thrill you. YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS THIS ONE! Friday and Saturday, June 4th and 5th. D ON PRINCESS THEATRE Doors O 4p.m. 10, 20 and The Home of Better Photoplays! Saturday, 3:30 p.m. x" TYPHOON BREEZES THAT'LL MAKE YOU THINK OF THE SEA! THURSDAY A Metro Classic! Emma Dunn IN "Old Lady, 31" What, Home, Sweet Home, is to th musical world, "Old Lady 31," is to th literary world. For over fifty year: it has been considered a classic. I is a story of yesterday, with a loy story, as sweet, as an old fashioner lullaby. Also William Duncan in "THE SILENT AVENGER" Going Great-Start Now! Doors open at 4:30 p. m. ADMISSION, 5, 15 and 25c "You ask me what I deem the ef- fct of motion pictures on the youth of the land? I believe it to be wholly good. There may have been isolated instances wher the effect was bad, of course. Undoubtedly some boys have played hookey to see a motion picture. But that is not the fault of motion pictures. "I have heard people complain that boys learn to commit crimes from see- ing them done on the screen. In all my experience, I do not recall any boy telling me that he did wrong be- cause of a motion picture. But I re- call many instances of boys-and girls -telling me they did wrong because of what they read in the daily papers. "Is it reasonable to think that a motion picture is a .menace to the youth of the land because it may de- pict crime? Should newspapers be called a menace because they print the news of crime? Should every book every stage play, every magazine that tells of crime be called a menace? "I belive that many motion pictures have not been what they should be. I FRIDAY SATURDAY GEORGE MELFORD OFFERS Jack London's Great Story, "THE SEA WOLF" he A Paramount-Artcraft Picture-8 Reels. Jack London's mighty story crashes against the emotions like the suf. It is a moving panorama of li e, with scene upon scene of prim de emotion and the clash of fighting forces; and around it all the clamor O-W might of the sea. The Wolf, the coward, and the girl come to life fore you, and their vital drama will live long in your memory. Aa star cast. Also Fox News Doors open at 4 If. m. Daily : ADMISSION, 10, 20 and 35c tI MA LJNN IN o.. L.ADY 3` Princess Theatre, Th ursday, June 3rd. am glad that the standard has been raised so high and feel that it will be raised even higher. But as pic- tures are now, the general effect is entirely good." The Pan By Charlie Murray There are a lot of things in life some people conveniently forget. Always try to be a champion. A lot of people threaten to be friend- ly. Life is a problem a pencil can not solve. Critics should be good judges of diamonds-all some do is pick flaws. A man is foolish to dig the gold out of his teeth at the dinner table. Gamblings and drinking are near neighbors. Feeding gold fish is a banker's past- time. You have got to be human to get anywhere. A scale maker carries a lotA - weight. Some folks preach -one thing, practice another. The Income Tax is not to be a at. A mail man is generally letter fect. A' dirtctor's life is just one after another. Fake oil companies are as numerous as Mexican bandit One touch of nature makes whole world kin-But it won't the mortgage. HUNT SCHOOL KIDDIES The cities of Los Angeles and lywood were scoured for days, school teachers aiding in the for the more tha na hundred children of proper types used in 'of the scenes from "The Jack Man," King Victor's second lnd dent production for release First National Exhibitors Circust, r Wallacb Reid plays a saxapheb he is also an expert dancer, oU latest role, "The Dancin Fool" cates. Playing opposite him is Daniels.

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Page 1: The Sea Wolf...FROM "THE SEA WOLF" By Jack London "We were talking about this yes-terday," he said. "I held that life was I a ferment, yeasty something which i devoured life that it

Theplays and Mue tem Typhon Broeees B eOn these chilly day, the Princess is all cozy in everything-PR IN C E SSProgram for W k Begini May 30, 1920. Music on at 8 POn these chilly days, the Princess is all cozy in everything-Program for Week Beginning May 30, 1920. Music on Wurhtzer at 8 P.

SUNDAYD. W. Griffith Presents

Clarine SeymourIN

"The Idol Dancer"With Richard Bartheimess

Come! Join our excursion to that"Ever Lovin' Land of Jazz"-theSouth Seas-where the swooning odorof Magnolia .blooms and rare personal-Wlies mingle to charm and delight theonlooker. Talk about entertainment!

'oull fall in love with the little IdolPecer, who wouldn't wear clothes,bOcause they smelled missionary.l•ven the cocoanuts fell for her!

Also Pathe Comedy

Doors open at 4:30 p. m.

ADMISSION, 5, 10 and 25c

TOM.N:OORE-::-zn: Tobys BowGOLDwYar PICTUREs

Out of Town FolksSeen. In the Princess' Lobby

Mr. J: C. Keller, from Eunice sawINorma Talmadge in "The WomanGives," Friday evening. Mr. Keller,hase about completed his new $30,000Aibetty Theatre, in Eunice.

Dr. F. O. Pavy and family were infor "The Woman Gives.

Mrs. Curry and daughter from VilleP latte, were among the large number

.off ans who witnessed the great drama"Her Code of Honor," on Saturday.

Mr. Burt King and wife, with Mr.•leesemmes, all of New Orleans, wit-mAseed the performance on Sunday

night. 'Mr. King is general managerof the Vitagraph Film Co.

Mr. Louis Derbes of Ville Platteheard Toot oJhnson play the feature

'production, "In Search of a Sinner,"on Sunday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Darby of Arnaudvillewere in several nights last week.

Mr. Voorhies and family from Ar-naudville were among the large num-ber of spectators who witnessed "InSearch of a Sinner."

Mr. Jess Thistlethwaite with hismother, motored over from Washing.ton several times last week.


By Jack London

"We were talking about this yes-terday," he said. "I held that life was Ia ferment, a yeasty something which idevoured life that it may live and that Eliving was merely successful piggish-I'mess. Why, if there is anything insupply and demand, life is the cheap-eat thing in the world. There is only Iaq much water, so much earth, so Imauch air; but the life that is demand- itag to be born is limitless. Nature is ia spendthrift. Look at the fish, and 1

A First National Release

MARSHALL NEILAN'S-Production- 1' z

"The Rivers Endl"Seven Parts

By James O. Curwood

A thrilling story of a royal mounted in a chase afteran outlaw across the frozen waste of the North. Thefugitive returns to civilization, masquerading in thename of his pursuer, who dies of frost bitten lung-a strange love of sister of dead man, wwho mistakesoutlaw for her brother-mysterious spell thrownover girl by Chinese, opium smuggler. Final climax-big fight in opium den! A story of love and God'scountry!

A Drama of The North West Mounted Police!ALL STAR CAST

Lewis Stone, Majory Daw, Jane NovakWednesday, June 3rd

PRINCESS THEATREHome of Better Photoplays!

Admission 10, 15 and 25c Doors Open 4:30 p. m.

MONDAYThe Great Western Star

Buck JonesIN

"Forbidden Trails"

Is it good? Well we'll say it is. Itsa story of the good old West. Justchuckfull of thrills, and pep. BuckJones, well remembered for his won-derful work in "The Last Straw," is

gain in a role that fits his versatilepersonality.

Also Fox News

Doors open at 4:30 p. m.

ADMISSION, 5, 10 and 25c

their millions of eggs. For that matte'look at me, look at you. In our loin:are the possibilities of millions o:lives. Could we but find, and opportunity and 'utilize the last bit ancevery bit of the unborn life that is itus, we could become that fathers olnations, of populate continues. Life,bah! It has no value. Of cheap thingsit is the cheapest. Everywhere itgoes begging. Nature spills it oulwith a lavish hand. Where there isroom for one life, she sews, a thousandlives, and its life eats life till thestrongest and most piggish life is left."Wolf Larsons philosophy to Hum.hries.

It was the Wolf in him that I saw,and a mad wolf at that. He sprangfor me with a half roar, gripping myarm. I had steeled myself to brazenit out, though I was tumbling inward;but the enormous strength of the manwas too much for my fortitude. Hehad grpped me by the biceps wth his

ingel hand, and when that grip tight-ened, I wilted and shrieked aloud. My

feet went from under me. I simplycould not stanl upright and endure

%he agoney. The musles refused towork . The pain was too great. My bi-ceps were crushed completely.

Humphries desrintion of a scenewith,.Wolf Larsen, "The Sea Wolf."

"My Womah, my one small wom-in," I said, my free hand petting hershoulder in the way, all lovers know:hough never learn in school.

"My man," she said, looking at me'or an instant with tremulus lidsvhich fluttered down and veiled herayes as she snuggled her head againstny breast wfth a happy little sigh.

"One kiss, dear love." I whispered.Her lips met the press of mine, and)y that strange trick of imaginationknow not, the scene in the cabin of

he ghost flashed upon me, when shelad pressed her fingers against mylot lips and said, "Hush, hush."


Tom Moore


"Toby's Bow"

This is a pleasing comedy-drama,imbued with a touch of pretty senti-ment and a good deal of quaint hu-mor. Tom Moore, as good looking asever!

Also Prizma, Natural Color

And Burton Holmes Travel

Doors open at 4:30 p. m.

ADMISSION, 5, 10 and 25c




In her first appearances recently be-fore the British public as a screenstar, Nazimova achieved a triumphof the first magnitude according to aconsensus of the opinion of the lead-ing British dramatic and photoplaycritics. The phenomenal 'Russianactress, now appearing in "The Heartof a Child," carried England by storm;even more completely, to judge by theenthusiastic eulogies of discrimnatingEnglish reviewers, than she has tri-umphed in this country,

A survey of prominent British jour-nals, including the London Times, thePall Mall Gazette, the London Even-

r ing News the "Sketch," the Daily Tele-graph, the Daily Herald and the DailyMail, reaching here from the otherside, reveals that the English criticsand public as well went wild over theincomparable art of Nazimova.

f A reviewer in the Pall Mall Ga-"zette for instance, said that "Nazi-5 mova is the first actress who is likely

t to win a place analogous to that oft Sarah Bernhardt or Ellen Terry,"

s while the Evening News proclaimedI her to be "the greatest film artist of

the world."Loud in Praise

Richard A. Rowland, president ofMetro Pictures Corporation andScreen Classics, Inc., is in possessionof a voluminous assortment of Eng-lish journals ,all loud and unreservedin their praise of Nazimova's art. Col-lected by Jury's Imperial Pictures,Ltd., the English picture firm, headedby Sir William Jury, the "movie king"of England, which has acquired for$2,500,000 the rights to the NazimovaProductions for the next two years,these journals reached Mr. Rowlandshortly after his return from his tenweek's European trip.

Mr. Rowland sailed for England lastMay taking with him five Nazimovaproductions. These pictures, releasedby Metro and representing the highwater mark of ppresent-day productionwere "Revelation," "Eye for Eye,"

j"Toys of Fate," "Out of the Fog" and"The Red Lantern." Shown at a ser-ies of special previews in the LondonPavilion, their effect was instanta-neous. The critics were united in theirrecognition of Nazimova's unpreced-ented art.

Panther-Like FormWhat is most interesting, probably;

about the opinions of the British crit-. 4ics is their extraordinary variety. No 4two of the London reviewers werecaptured by precisely the same things.To some it was Nazimova's beauty-the haunting witchery of her face andeyes, together with her lithe panther-like form; while to others it was the 4weirdly fascinating quality of her ges- 4tures, each so invocative of her mood, 4whether merry or gay, whether trag- !ical or sad. Always it was somethingdifferent for each, out of "the in- ifinite variety" of this phenomenal Rus-sian artiste of the screen, and to eachit left nothing to be desired.

Some solution of this may be found;perhaps in a statement by the' criticof the London Times: "Nazimova isquite unlike any other woman whohas acted for the screen. She makesnaught of nationalities." Right hereappears to be the crux of the matter."She makes naught of nationalities," or, in other words, it is the univer-sality of her genius and of her artthat makes her belong to no place no

time, but rather to all time, to all '

ages. jGreatest in World

The Evening News, in designating:Nazimova as "the greatest film artistof the world," mentioned the appro-1priate character of her picture stories.and the hand-in-glove fits of the parts Ishe plays. As the News put it:

"The productions as works of art:match her in every way. They givefull play to her genius; they offer the:fullest scope for the utmost expres-sion of every enliotion. Her marvel-ous versatility will remain an indeliblememory. Whether she walks, or run,crawls, or rolls on the floor, she in-vests her movements with poeticgrace. A movement of her little fin-ger reveals her thoughts; her handsand arms are expressive eloquence; ascore of moods will pass across herface in as many seconds. She doesn'tact; she is." jA


Marshall NeilanPresents

"The Rivers End"By James Oliver Curwood

On the edge of civilization there areno traditions. Men meet life with allthe strength of soul within them. Thatis why the greatest stories have beenwritten, not of the atrophied emo-tions of society, but of the virile peo-ple nearest the great out doors. Theremen may be good-or bad-but whatever they are, they are strong. Apulsating story of the mounted Po-lice.

Also Comedy and Review

Doors open at 3:30 p. m.

ADMISSION, 5, 15 and 25c



Judge Ben B. Lindsey, founder ofthe famous juvenile court in Denver,and one of the foremost authorities onthe American boy, who,-.incidentally,is appearing in a five-part feature writ-ten by Julia Crawford Ivers, entitled"The Boy" which William D. Tayloris directing for Famous Player-Laskycorporation, has to say relative to theinfluence of motion picture on thechildren of the country:

"You cannot preach in a motion pic-ture. But you can get your story overwithout preaching. The audience willcatch the spirit of it.

"That is the way motion picturesare having their beneficial effect onthe public, old and young. The audi-ence catches the spirit of the picture.Motion pictures are doing a very greatwork-I am speaking of the betterclass of pictures, you must understand-and their influence in the futurewill be even more sweeping than it isnow.


~~ itYAM,


v'noE RIl~

Princess Theatre, W ednesday, June 2nd.

.AxAAAAA A A A ~ a




Jack London's mighty story crashes against the emo tions like the Raging Surf! It is a moving panoramaof life, with scene upon scene of primitive emotion a nd the clash of fighting forces. And around it all isthe clamor and might of the Sea.

The Wolf, coward, and the girl come to life before you, and their vital drama will make a lasting im-pression upon you memory. An all-star cast!

OF COURSE YOU REMEMBER THE STORYHow the society weakling Humphries, shipwreck, is rescued by "The Wolf," the same day, the brutalcaptain, "Wolf" Larsen rescues, a girl. The strange drama. The thrilling fights. The arguments be-.. tween Wolf Larsen and Humphries, the final awakening of manhood in Humphries. All, will enthralland thrill you.


Friday and Saturday, June 4th and 5th.

D ON PRINCESS THEATRE Doors O 4p.m.10, 20 and

The Home of Better Photoplays! Saturday, 3:30 p.m.x" TYPHOON BREEZES THAT'LL MAKE YOU THINK OF THE SEA!

THURSDAYA Metro Classic!

Emma DunnIN

"Old Lady, 31"What, Home, Sweet Home, is to th

musical world, "Old Lady 31," is to thliterary world. For over fifty year:it has been considered a classic. Iis a story of yesterday, with a loystory, as sweet, as an old fashionerlullaby.

Also William Duncan in


Going Great-Start Now!

Doors open at 4:30 p. m.

ADMISSION, 5, 15 and 25c

"You ask me what I deem the ef-

fct of motion pictures on the youth

of the land? I believe it to be wholly

good. There may have been isolatedinstances wher the effect was bad, ofcourse. Undoubtedly some boys haveplayed hookey to see a motion picture.But that is not the fault of motionpictures.

"I have heard people complain thatboys learn to commit crimes from see-ing them done on the screen. In allmy experience, I do not recall anyboy telling me that he did wrong be-cause of a motion picture. But I re-call many instances of boys-and girls-telling me they did wrong becauseof what they read in the daily papers.

"Is it reasonable to think that amotion picture is a .menace to theyouth of the land because it may de-pict crime? Should newspapers becalled a menace because they printthe news of crime? Should every bookevery stage play, every magazine thattells of crime be called a menace?

"I belive that many motion pictureshave not been what they should be. I


Jack London's Great Story,

"THE SEA WOLF"he A Paramount-Artcraft Picture-8 Reels.

Jack London's mighty story crashes against the emotions like thesuf. It is a moving panorama of li e, with scene upon scene of primde emotion and the clash of fighting forces; and around it all the clamor O-W

might of the sea. The Wolf, the coward, and the girl come to lifefore you, and their vital drama will live long in your memory. Aastar cast.

Also Fox News

Doors open at 4 If. m. Daily :

ADMISSION, 10, 20 and 35c

tI MA LJNN IN o.. L.ADY 3`Princess Theatre, Th ursday, June 3rd.

am glad that the standard has beenraised so high and feel that it willbe raised even higher. But as pic-tures are now, the general effect isentirely good."

The Pan

By Charlie Murray

There are a lot of things in lifesome people conveniently forget.

Always try to be a champion.

A lot of people threaten to be friend-ly.

Life is a problem a pencil can notsolve.

Critics should be good judges ofdiamonds-all some do is pick flaws.

A man is foolish to dig the gold outof his teeth at the dinner table.

Gamblings and drinking are nearneighbors.

Feeding gold fish is a banker's past-time.

You have got to be human to getanywhere.

A scale maker carries a lotA -


Some folks preach -one thing,practice another.

The Income Tax is not to be aat.

A mail man is generally letterfect.

A' dirtctor's life is just oneafter another.

Fake oil companies areas numerous as Mexican bandit

One touch of nature makeswhole world kin-But it won'tthe mortgage.


The cities of Los Angeles andlywood were scoured for days,school teachers aiding in thefor the more tha na hundredchildren of proper types used in'of the scenes from "The Jack

Man," King Victor's second lnddent production for releaseFirst National Exhibitors Circust, r

Wallacb Reid plays a saxaphebhe is also an expert dancer, oUlatest role, "The Dancin Fool"cates. Playing opposite him isDaniels.