the scool of our dreams - made by students of inova


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Presented on the 2nd meeting of the multilateral school partnership Our TRESAURES in Portugal (Feb, 2011) THE SCHOOL OF OUR DREAMS – What a great topic – The School of Our Dreams! As always when students are asked to give suggestions and ideas of how to improve schools, the list is endless. In accordance, in our Dream School there would be no examinations and no pressure of studies from parents and relatives. That way all students could develop their creative talents and engage them in a variety of extra-curricular activities which they would enjoy driven by their own curiosity and goals. This way we would learn to be responsible for our own education and future. In our Dream School every student would be a successful one due to an interactive and individual approach assuring thus personal development at our own pace, following our own interests. Our Dream School would be a democratic community where teachers and students would have an equal vote in building a community where members are free to do as they please so long as our actions do not cause any harm to others. However, the point of our Dream School is not avoiding our duties and obligations, but providing choices and opportunities. What do you think would happen to the world if all young people were given the freedom to be creative, curious and collaborative learners?


Page 1: The Scool of Our Dreams - made by students of Inova

Private Economics High School INOVA

Theme 2Theme 2


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Private Economics High School INOVA

......moving towards more and more testingtesting, examinationsexaminations, qualificationsqualifications

Modern trend Modern trend – assessment and examination define education

CONSEQUENTLY,CONSEQUENTLY, students dream about schools with no tests, no pressure of studies from parents and teachers; they dream of schools where school hours would be turned into leisure hours

EEducationducation Today Today

Page 3: The Scool of Our Dreams - made by students of Inova

Private Economics High School INOVA

shorter duration of our classes (30 minute classes)

2 hour lunch break – proper meal

examinations and tests – last year of secondary school

motivating and encouraging students to engage in extra-curricular activities

Our Dream School...Our Dream School...


Page 4: The Scool of Our Dreams - made by students of Inova

Private Economics High School INOVA

ActivityActivity CentreCentre –– sports field & gym

TV room – TV room – half an hour of watching TV per day

Emphasizing the importance of self -self -disciplinediscipline

Learning to consciously make choices what to do with free free time &time & personal energypersonal energy

...Our Dream School...Our Dream School

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Private Economics High School INOVA

““Green School”Green School”






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Private Economics High School INOVA

Teaching ecologyTeaching ecology






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Private Economics High School INOVA

3 main areas: scsciienceence social sciencesocial science humanitieshumanities

We want to be recognized and acknowledged for active engagement in our education


School subjectsSchool subjects



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Private Economics High School INOVA

Choose subjects in accordance with their:

interest goals ability curiosity

Learning to be responsible for their own




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Private Economics High School INOVA

professional capabilities strengthened

better prepared for university education

free to choose their own paths and discover their unique skills unique skills – more purposeful and more purposeful and ultimately successful peopleultimately successful people


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Private Economics High School INOVA



Internships-Internships- in cooperation with companies real world experience

Educational Educational programsprograms




Page 11: The Scool of Our Dreams - made by students of Inova

Private Economics High School INOVA

CCharity workharity work

AActivities, projects & partnerships ctivities, projects & partnerships with community members and stakeholders – improving education system through active involvement in school beside just formal curricula

Creative programsCreative programs......

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Private Economics High School INOVA

IInteractive nteractive & & individual approach individual approach in education ensures:

success according to abilities

developing Education Plan Education Plan in cooperation with a teacher – monitoring plan’s implementation

......Creative programsCreative programs

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Private Economics High School INOVA


Not only defined by academic achievement but by students’ own definition of SUCCESSSUCCESS based on personal development at their own own pacepace, following their own interestsown interests and goals

Schools need to be modernmodern, sensiblesensible and with a sustainable approach to educationsustainable approach to education


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Private Economics High School INOVA

Students definingdefining who they are and what they want to be

We dislikedislike being valued worthy or not depending on how good our grades are

DevelopingDeveloping our own personality – showing who we really are

FFriendly riendly EEnvironmentnvironment

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Private Economics High School INOVA

Democratic SchoolDemocratic School......


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Private Economics High School INOVA

Teaching us tools to cope with:

pressing social needspressing social needsprejudiceprejudiceviolenceviolenceecological devastationecological devastationsocioeconomic inequitiessocioeconomic inequities

Enabling us to live in the information age of the 21st century

......Democratic SchoolDemocratic School


Page 17: The Scool of Our Dreams - made by students of Inova

Private Economics High School INOVA

Training us to know how to discuss our problems through:

opennessopenness democracydemocracy social actionsocial action

ASASall members of the community, regardless of age, are equal in their:

rightsrights dutiesduties obligationsobligations

......Democratic SchoolDemocratic School


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Private Economics High School INOVA

be confident and at ease when speakingbe confident and at ease when speaking

feelfeel equal to everyoneequal to everyone

not be afraid to asknot be afraid to ask

understand there are no “important people”understand there are no “important people”

This This WWayay We We Would... Would...

Page 19: The Scool of Our Dreams - made by students of Inova

Private Economics High School INOVA

EEqual vote qual vote in building community with members free to do as they please if actions do not cause any harm to others

We would like shared decision shared decision making among students and teachers on matters concerning living, working and learning together

TTeachers & eachers & SStudentstudents......

Page 20: The Scool of Our Dreams - made by students of Inova

Private Economics High School INOVA

EEqual partners qual partners in educational process actively involved in discussing and proposing changes leading to better learning outcomes

Open communication Open communication between students, parents, teachers & principal

All school related issues All school related issues – solved within school

No need No need for homework or additional instructions

...T...Teachers & eachers & SStudentstudents

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Private Economics High School INOVA

Our Dream School Dream School – not avoiding duties & obligations but providing choices and opportunities to be responsible for having freedom to be ourselves

What do you think would happen to the world What do you think would happen to the world if all young people were given the freedom to if all young people were given the freedom to be creative, curious and collaborative be creative, curious and collaborative learners?learners?

In the endIn the end......
