the scientific method. what is science? the goal of science is to investigate and understand the...

The Scientific Method

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Page 1: The Scientific Method. What is Science? The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information

The Scientific Method

Page 2: The Scientific Method. What is Science? The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information

What is Science?

The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world.

Scientists collect and organize information in a careful, orderly way, looking for patterns and connections between events.

Scientists propose explanations that can be tested by examining evidence.

Page 3: The Scientific Method. What is Science? The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information

How is Science Done?

Science begins with an observation.

An observation is any use of the senses to gather information.

Data is the information gathered from making observations.

Page 4: The Scientific Method. What is Science? The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information

Two Types of DataQuantitative Data


Numbers obtained by either counting or measuring

Example: A ball rolls 2 meters

Qualitative Data Quality

Descriptions and characteristics that cannot be counted

Example: The liquid turned orange.

Page 5: The Scientific Method. What is Science? The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information

The Scientific Method

The scientific method is a series of steps used by scientists to solve a problem or answer a question.

The Steps to the Scientific Method

1. Ask a question2. Form a hypothesis3. Test the hypothesis (experiment)4. Analyze the results5. Draw conclusions6. Communicate results

Page 6: The Scientific Method. What is Science? The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information

Ask a Question

What do you want to know or explain? Use observations you have made to

write a question that addresses the problem you want to investigate.

Example: You walk into your house at night,

turn on the light switch, but the light doesn’t turn on.

Why is the light not coming on?

Page 7: The Scientific Method. What is Science? The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information

Form a Hypothesis

What do you think will happen? Predict the answer to your question or the

outcome of the experiment A hypothesis must be stated in a way that

makes it testable The hypothesis is just a possible answer to a

question, and it must be thoroughly tested

The light will not turn on because the power is out.

Page 8: The Scientific Method. What is Science? The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information

Test the Hypothesis Plan and carry out a controlled experiment

Only one variable is changed at a time All other variables should be unchanged or


I will go to another room and turn

on the light switch to see if the light

will come on.

Page 9: The Scientific Method. What is Science? The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information

Control vs. Experimental Group

An experiment is based on the comparison between a control group with an experimental group.

• Two groups are identical except for one factor

• The control group serves as the comparison

• It is the same as the experimental group, except that the one variable that is being tested is removed

• The experimental group shows the effect of the variable that is being tested

Page 10: The Scientific Method. What is Science? The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information

Independent vs. Dependent Variable

The independent variable is the variable that is deliberately changed by the scientist.

The dependent variable is the one observed during the experiment.

The dependent variable is the data we collect during the experiment. This data is collected as a result of changing the independent variable.

Page 11: The Scientific Method. What is Science? The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information

ExampleIn order to test the effectiveness of a new vaccine, 50 volunteers are selected and divided into two groups. One group will be the control group and the other will be the experimental group. Both groups are given a pill to take that is identical in size, shape, color and texture.

Describe the control group. Describe the experimental group. What variables are kept constant?  What variable is being changed?

Group that doesn’t receive the vaccine.

Group that receives the vaccine.

The size, shape, color, and texture of the pill.

Whether or not the pill contains the vaccine.

Page 12: The Scientific Method. What is Science? The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information

Example, continued.

What was the independent variable? (What was changed?)

It is the addition of the vaccine to the pills that were given to the volunteers.

What was the dependent variable? (Effects?)

The observed health of the people receiving the pills.

Page 13: The Scientific Method. What is Science? The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information

Analyze the Results

Hypothesis unsupported: You flip the light switch in the next room,

and the light comes on. Hypothesis supported:

You flip the light switch in the next room, and the light does not come on.

Scientists create tables and graphs to organize data and observations.

Does your data support your hypothesis?

Page 14: The Scientific Method. What is Science? The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information

More on Analyzing Is the data reliable?

Yes… Draw a conclusion

No… Is your data or experiment flawed?

Yes… Modify the experiment to address the

flaws in the original experiment No…

Draw a conclusion

Page 15: The Scientific Method. What is Science? The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information

More on Analyzing

What are some reasons the data could be incorrect?

Light bulb is burnt out in both rooms, so the power really isn’t off.

How would you modify the experiment?

Turn on all light switches in the house.

It is OKAY if your hypothesis is proven wrong!!!

Page 16: The Scientific Method. What is Science? The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information

Draw a Conclusion

Write a conclusion that summarizes the important parts of your experiment and results.

Scientists must conclude whether their hypothesis was supported or not supported.

Repeat to check for errors or ask new questions.

The power is out in my house because I turned on two light switches in two different rooms and neither light turned on.

Page 17: The Scientific Method. What is Science? The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information

Communicate the Results

Scientists share what they have learned so others can repeat the investigation to see if they get the same results

Results can be published in scientific journals or reported during presentations

Page 18: The Scientific Method. What is Science? The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information

Theory vs. Hypothesis

A theory may be formed after the hypothesis has been tested many times and is supported by much evidence.

A theory is an explanation for a broad range of hypotheses and observations.

Page 19: The Scientific Method. What is Science? The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information

The Scientific Method Song

Theme Song

Page 20: The Scientific Method. What is Science? The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information

The Scientific Method Song

State the problemForm a hypothesis

Plan and carry out an ex-per-imentCollect all the data

And draw a con-clu-sion