the science of getting more respect for your b2b technology products/services

AL SHULTZ ADVERTISING | 1346 THE ALAMEDA, #7140 | SAN JOSE, CA 95126 | (408) 289-9555 | WWW.ALSHULTZ.COM The Science of Getting Tech Respect: Al Shultz President / Creative Director Al Shultz Advertising Smarter Marketing That Boosts Sales and Market Share For B2B Technology Companies

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Page 1: The Science of Getting More Respect for Your B2B Technology Products/Services

AL SHULTZ ADVERTISING | 1346 THE ALAMEDA, #7140 | SAN JOSE, CA 95126 | (408) 289-9555 | WWW.ALSHULTZ.COM

The Science of Getting Tech Respect: !

Al Shultz!President / Creative Director!Al Shultz Advertising!

Smarter Marketing That Boosts Sales and Market Share "For B2B Technology Companies !

Page 2: The Science of Getting More Respect for Your B2B Technology Products/Services

AL SHULTZ ADVERTISING | 1346 THE ALAMEDA, #7140 | SAN JOSE, CA 95126 | (408) 289-9555 | WWW.ALSHULTZ.COM 2!

First, we need to recognize one unpleasant little secret: "Most of today’s B2B tech marketing actually accomplishes very little…!

!  Most does NOT get serious attention from tech professionals!

!  Most is NOT seriously believed!

!  Most does NOT really change buying behavior!

!  Unfortunately, most of it is a waste of time, effort and money!

!  And mostly, that’s because it’s been badly done…!

Page 3: The Science of Getting More Respect for Your B2B Technology Products/Services

AL SHULTZ ADVERTISING | 1346 THE ALAMEDA, #7140 | SAN JOSE, CA 95126 | (408) 289-9555 | WWW.ALSHULTZ.COM 3!

But the good news is… "If done intelligently, B2B tech marketing can be extremely effective!

!  It CAN get very serious attention from technology professionals!

!  It CAN build serious credibility!

!  It CAN change buying behavior significantly!

!  It CAN definitely be the most powerful weapon in your selling arsenal!

!  But only if one understands some basic but little-known principles…!

Page 4: The Science of Getting More Respect for Your B2B Technology Products/Services

AL SHULTZ ADVERTISING | 1346 THE ALAMEDA, #7140 | SAN JOSE, CA 95126 | (408) 289-9555 | WWW.ALSHULTZ.COM 4!

Shultz Principle #1:"The real challenge for most B2B tech marketers is how to gain respect!

!  Just “getting your name out there” is not enough…!

!  Even after they learn about a new vendor, most companies will continue "

to buy from their current “tried and true” vendor…!

!  Unless they see something notably different and valuable in the new guy!

!  That “something special” is the beginning of your getting their respect!

!  So, establishing how you are different is the all-important first step…!

Page 5: The Science of Getting More Respect for Your B2B Technology Products/Services

AL SHULTZ ADVERTISING | 1346 THE ALAMEDA, #7140 | SAN JOSE, CA 95126 | (408) 289-9555 | WWW.ALSHULTZ.COM 5!

Yet most B2B tech marketing efforts do not gain respect — "And here’s why they usually fail…!

!  They tell their own story — but don’t differentiate from the competition!

!  They make broad claims — but don’t give enough reason to believe!

!  They talk in generalities — but don’t provide convincing specifics!

!  They list features and data — but don’t drive home a bottom-line point!

!  Which is why most B2B tech marketing is ignored as generic and pointless!

Page 6: The Science of Getting More Respect for Your B2B Technology Products/Services

AL SHULTZ ADVERTISING | 1346 THE ALAMEDA, #7140 | SAN JOSE, CA 95126 | (408) 289-9555 | WWW.ALSHULTZ.COM 6!

Shultz Principle #2:"We build respect by differentiating you — and making sense!

!  By focusing on what makes you special and one-of-a-kind!

!  By distinguishing you from the competition!

!  By eliminating everything that’s weak, generic or fluffy!

!  By distilling down to the most essential and convincing information!

!  By supporting the central message with clear and simple logic — "

the kind that tech professionals respect and believe!

Page 7: The Science of Getting More Respect for Your B2B Technology Products/Services

AL SHULTZ ADVERTISING | 1346 THE ALAMEDA, #7140 | SAN JOSE, CA 95126 | (408) 289-9555 | WWW.ALSHULTZ.COM 7!

Shultz Principle #3:"We also win respect by the way we convey the message!

!  By making it interesting, compelling and very important!

!  By making it notably attractive and professional!

!  By making it stand out as one-of-a-kind!

!  By making it ring true!

!  Integrating all the above is the Shultz science of tech marketing…!

Page 8: The Science of Getting More Respect for Your B2B Technology Products/Services

AL SHULTZ ADVERTISING | 1346 THE ALAMEDA, #7140 | SAN JOSE, CA 95126 | (408) 289-9555 | WWW.ALSHULTZ.COM 8!

And here’s the bottom line: "The Shultz brand of tech respect turbo-charges your sales…!

!  Getting you greater attention across the industry!

!  Giving you clearer differentiation from the competition !

!  Making you the top-of-mind choice whenever customers have a need!

!  Getting you more requests for quotes!

!  Giving you preferred-vendor position in competitive run-offs!

!  Helping you close sales more quickly and easily!

!  Building your total sales, market share and profitability!!

Page 9: The Science of Getting More Respect for Your B2B Technology Products/Services

AL SHULTZ ADVERTISING | 1346 THE ALAMEDA, #7140 | SAN JOSE, CA 95126 | (408) 289-9555 | WWW.ALSHULTZ.COM 9!

But remember, everything hinges on knowing how to do it right. "This agency knows how…!

!  In 30+ years of tech marketing focus — we’ve turned it into a science!

!  Delivering B2B marketing exclusively for technology companies!

!  Serving clients large and small, in a spectrum of technologies!

!  Across the country and around the world!

!  Taking care of all types of B2B marketing needs…!

Page 10: The Science of Getting More Respect for Your B2B Technology Products/Services

AL SHULTZ ADVERTISING | 1346 THE ALAMEDA, #7140 | SAN JOSE, CA 95126 | (408) 289-9555 | WWW.ALSHULTZ.COM 10!

Covering the full spectrum of B2B marketing efforts…!

!  Product push, corporate branding, positioning, strategy development!

!  Online and print advertising!

!  Websites, email, direct mail, brochures, collateral!

!  Tradeshows, PR, logos and virtually everything else!

!  Handling everything, from concept to creative to production!

!  As much or as little as you might need!

Page 11: The Science of Getting More Respect for Your B2B Technology Products/Services

AL SHULTZ ADVERTISING | 1346 THE ALAMEDA, #7140 | SAN JOSE, CA 95126 | (408) 289-9555 | WWW.ALSHULTZ.COM 11!

Plus, we make it a simple, easy turnkey process — "taking responsibility for everything, start to finish!

!  Developing the smartest competitive strategy!

!  Developing the strongest creative concepts!

!  Handling all the writing and design!

!  Getting all the necessary photos, graphics, etc.!

!  Putting it all together to look professional and fantastic!

!  Getting it printed or online or wherever else it needs to be!

!  Making sure everything is done right — all the way through!

Page 12: The Science of Getting More Respect for Your B2B Technology Products/Services

AL SHULTZ ADVERTISING | 1346 THE ALAMEDA, #7140 | SAN JOSE, CA 95126 | (408) 289-9555 | WWW.ALSHULTZ.COM 12!

And we’ve worked in a broad range of technologies — "So, chances are, we can handle yours, too!!

!  From semiconductor equipment to gas analysis!

!  From analytical labs to contract manufacturing!

!  From biomed equipment to solar systems!

!  From photonics to chemicals to ICs!

!  And a great deal in between…!

Page 13: The Science of Getting More Respect for Your B2B Technology Products/Services

AL SHULTZ ADVERTISING | 1346 THE ALAMEDA, #7140 | SAN JOSE, CA 95126 | (408) 289-9555 | WWW.ALSHULTZ.COM 13!

The science of getting tech respect is what makes our marketing effective. "To learn more about it…!

!  Go to the Al Shultz Advertising website at !

!  Or just contact Al directly…!

! !Call: 408-289-9555!

! !Or email: [email protected]!

! !!

! !And let’s talk about your marketing opportunities!!