the sandy valley advocate: 1860-08-22 - internet archive · 2015. 12. 1. · cha|ipiil...

VOLUil K TI. 'WnOLU NO. Gi. CATI.ETTSliUEG, BOYD COUNIT, ICY., AYEDNE 8 DAY, AUGUST 22, 1860. NUMBER lO.' i). ^ibocatc; T-UBI.ISHEI) EVERY WEDNESn.VY AT CATLETrsiiniiG. BOYD fOUNTY, KY. BY J. J. MILLER. p I ’.opr:ssTON',\ r . c.\ ui )s. TKItns OF SUIIsrniFTlON : THE SVNDV V VM.EY ADVOC V'l’E ‘Vt!,L BE MAILKII TO M/ li.C II I B t BS .VT THE rOt- l.mvrs'o KATKS : 0 le ropy, one year if paid in adrnnce, 00 One ropy, one year, after nil ninnlks, $2 oU One ropy, one year, at end of Ihr year, 43 Oil :nt o T I c 111 . SINGLETON srUIGG, nlTTO I*. IT Z/.f II’, W II.I. practiro in this Court. Ohio, aaii V'iri;inia. Ol*lco on I'rnnt street, nnxi door to William Campbell, Esq. [00-tf] SINGLEfOV Sl’RIC.G. Kiiuts of .Vilrei'tiMiis. Ono square, ol ten lines or less, for One wool! Two weeks j ;f. Ono month ' two mouths 0 Throe months Six months Twelvo m-nths I",',"" " . Each ajailiiinal square (less than hall a column, and publishoJ for a shorter time than 3 months) charg- ed in the same proportion. One Cnlnmn ono‘month $20 00 T)R.\CTICE8 .. Throe months ,1n ,m ^ up and Bawr Six months '.Jp O'' Twelvt! -j " JOHN WILSON. JOHN KIRKPATRICK VVILSO.N & KIRKP \TH1CK, nlTTOMS.VE\'S .IT C.VrUKTTSBimo. KY. W IT.L practicp in Hovtl and adjoining counties in K'*ntuckv ami th*» bordorins counties in Ohio and Virginia. Special attention paid to the collection of claims. RK FK R KN'C ks. ' lion. C. Hayden. Editor Western Faa w MonthI V , Clevelanil, Ohio ; Hon. L. NV An- dri-ws. ri.»inin{»sburj». Kv: Alonzo Cushing’, GnIUpo* lis, Ohio; Andrew Park, Ks-^., Charleston, Va; f*t\arles Moure, Point IMeas.t lit \^i. » CROOKE' ELECTaiO OII- CROOKE’S NEVER FAIL! The Great Remedies now in Use! C -tURE mere sutleringhninanity.a nd in a shortor ,1 timo than all "''"‘t hLT"’,'!?,'’,'';,. , < UOO!vi;’S l.I.l.t, 1 KIC. OIL. The cures performed by it are so wonjeifnl and instant-ineous, so satislact .ry and mitigating ol ill. as to call upon public liinclioiiaries, and those havirg charge of public ® Sit K A.Yi) St n i-niM., to look well into the well att.isind iii •rits, the simple elHcacv of this Electric Oil. Us ellects are so as- t^^shmg as to res, Ml, hi those miiaculotis cures in sneient fillies, spoken of in the Scriptures, as per- I xen ;d by annoiou-'x WILLIA.M BOvX’LlNG. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, (^r:t).''Oi>. Carter <'ounl>, Uv* in the Co III tn ol Caru r, Boyd, Or'^pn- iip Miul laavvrenc^ rountii»8, KfiitucUy. [-Ib-l v ppcial an I prompt n'tfntion givx*i; to collnctinn** \.\ri:, Gcm.^’ 7 L t A National Song. THE BELL OF TENNESSEE ! By A NOUTII CAROLI.VIAN. Hear the Tenncsi?4*an Boll! The “iiation’d” Bell ! I’lie jieoplo— all ! the people know lu intonations wdi ! Vos, its notes, so full and clear, Have ivached the “nation's car!" Then let it ring I Let it swing ! With a hearty ' clii:g-ga-Un^,'* Ali'J with glee! 0 ! to every L'ltiou 'Tis a wvlconie, glad pa^an I Thivugiiout this glorious land Ol Uic iree ! Then strike this "Moyal Bell,” Till all “pal riot Inisiuns" swell ! Let it tell ! tell I tell ! Its “U nion’* iliyines ! Let it ring ! ring ! ring ! Willi a inciry ' cling-ya ling !** And till* jH.*ople they icili liiUn To its chimes. CI)L.S. 1). Slibflfiitc. JAlffTs J. miller, editor. and in ordering CNases fiYaa liis Court transferi'cd to Boyd, has given the Supplemental Act the appro- 1 Boyd County—Its Organization. We can certainly refer to om* course in n*gard to the division of the county, as well as the proceed- ings wliich have been hadin regard lo tlie organi- zation of the county of Boyd, ns proof thatweliave taken no p;’.it in the sectional strife which it has | excited, as to the division of Greenup or the location county seat. We regarded the ]>eo ;’le as beihg •ntirdy com])eteiit to arrange uiattcrs suit theiusclv<.«i. ] The iN^cint vote given by the ]>eople of Boyd inj I regard to the tax imposed on Boyd by the Suj^ple- j nicntal A( , rs it i.s known, has induced us to ex- ^^xtem j amine niore fully the history of the Legislative pro- } p^^sed county Treasury about half as much ns the debt we incur under the Supplemental Act. What an hation of his opmion as a constitutional act. We, advantage is this ! By reference to the aeU of th** also, refer to the lawyers who are engaged in the | late Leeislature it will be seen that the acU creat- casos transferred ; they made no objection. Had j ing McL^^nn. Wd»ster, and Wolf countit’s, denies they doubted the constilutiouality of the Supple- ; to them the present years tax arising from tithes, nientayAct, they would never have coni*eiitod to i it being colUcted and p.aid over to lhe'-cou»iiies the traiibLr of their cases to a county, wheiv they Lfroni which they were taken as if no act creaCi.’^ had no constitutional authority to hold .a Ciicuit ' the new counties had Uken effect. Nor is tliis all^ Court. Among these lawyers were many distin- tlie ]>ortions of Carter and Lawrence whicli ai-e now guished members of the bar. As we b arn, no r ' a part of Boyd county, are under no moral obiiga n a^ ' the. AaRxCT^r.TU RAI ^. Dy among Farmers. It D 0 . iii ioriMiH fuel that, in.ligi jtim r.revBib more exlemiivtly among th« fannimr .,o.,..Lt.v~ - f tlie est thi»n a»n’»n<; other ion of WI 13 ' is this ? They e.-1-uinly take M,y re.-isomahL amSunt Ilf e.x rcise. anil that loo m J,a rq.c-a ,iii-. and in the broad saiiliMht. i h^ir hmmHsare well veiuilatcJ, and bv their nolal-d situatiim fr.;; iVu;,, the ^unh^althy inllu<.*nces of a pi?nt np effy. We Ihiiik if our fannei-s will paii<.! for a moment inu look tills ninlier grav^lj* ' me many , r* b 'tl.w . ! Vclrt.' I' 3tnd Boyd. '•’srix oi jrwrpn''(*, .TobnKon Special actention given to the coll'»clionol cl«in;s. The f.ict that I am rlork of the Superior and Coun. tv (Courts of bawrence county, and also ina.'»ler com- mis.siotier, doex not prevent me from aitendin;,: to all business before the Quatteily Court of that countv, nor before all the couits in tho other coutiries in which I practice. [45 !y J th'* people bear ;; nion <0 ch'ar. . , r llicy swell I «kJ id. I “Union (><*11 s. w HENDERSON, 4 I t o r II V y nt L n w, Ashland^ K v- ill practice in the counties of Boyd. Greenup, Carlor, Lawrence, and Lewis, an l also in the Pourt of Appeals and Federal Courts at Frankfort, Xy. A. A. TOMLINSON. Alto r El <• Va 4 L a w r.-i TLi-: rr'-i n unn. ky. no. 4 1 with oil . .CuboKE'S ELECTRIC OIL ^^T^ILL practice in the comt'. of Boyd. Greenup. For These' * S ^ \ From tir Ar#?;r fear ! Tliey will livurkcn to its penU They will buckle on their shields Tlicy will Tuiiiipu in tho battle— M hieh is near ! Aye ! let it strike ! sti ike ! strike ! For its “Union lone" we like ! iVal it lomler! with a will ! Strike it liiirdor ! harder still I And wiili glee ! For the hiirder yon van st.'ike it, The hit/vr wo slmll like it! Then iiLUUAii for the Blll O f Tonnuss.-,. j eee.ling, f h\* which I izc l jl'le. .1 us thoaeof tlio p<*opleof the county j trj w h*ce, they will *as li.adc hut by one, which ohjoction tions to pay any portion of onr debt to Gro n u , not [tf utoM. maiadie**! fimoirg th wollmr 1 Oth#revidencesti*ongercoulii having derived any ndvnnU^r^s therc.Toi*; they } 1 Llienonstant n^eof saltmeat, particularly salt p<»rk. jt is well known thar th! iistitutif-nahty of the act. however, have interpi-st d no objecUon in being ns- >5 t, The legal t.ahnt in the sessed fortheirpart. This, to the extent vr hich iheiy ^ ng whom wore D.ivid Morri rews. Tlios. P. Porter, F. F. ec|uaHv eminent. A majority »n, and the minority whoop in and eo operated in all busj acting under their oaths, Iho - . - . , . . * abominable s Lv d in Its own filtliy grease, consti- T c 111 S'Uif <’f life in nearly every farniljouse rHiev^s us uf so iimch.aiid lessens, oi courj-j. .„ ifce Mi-sissi,,|.i vail.y. Hom and 'hominv are the amount we would have had to pay had we i>- housuliuM goJ.s. and. according to tlie Hocisicr’s mained in Greenup or were we logo back. -*^*-'* ^ exi'i^nee. So tliat in every aspect of the case we should [ j cH’sC, be Mion 13 iKtc^ ^ as the I county JUA onn*y has lioen created and crgaii- | could have « Ad no doubt, of the constitutional pow' ut dic-inting to U"’ Cpiirt orlh^* poo j or of the L to do bu*>iiiess. or ihoy woul L tv t... . !l thcatlenlir. ^f W th ! have n-t : l r^ny a<» w,dl ;i5 cj, yoir*' l!- .\.II K.T. as w - 'JO, tTT'* ^ X ;r\'on i*.«- t of the jieople as well ' b}' whk'h pormahenev^ of our he ficcured and the advantages claimed by its friends « cun*«l to its citizens. M'c do not for a moment undertake to instruct the Court; lliO}- have no douht full}’ investigated m i.'S'**’ -i,..! : l^aj ] ki .th thl^ counf-r^Mut rfilv HlTv*^ ir, and nodoubtl liigl.i ,»t h'gal autttiorifies in tlw Stale, fije tion of the const itinrt^onal power of the Logisl( ture, after the ext^ nsiotT^ the usual time, does effect alone the act creating Boyd. The most im- quesj the suhjeet, and the I'clerc-ncc of the tax clause to l^rtant Laws of the session were passed after the tlie people was to omibh* tlie Hon. Judge to ascor- I *'^th of Felinmry, viz: A hill appropriating $-19, tain the 8<*ntimont of tho |ieopler AVe, however. ' for repairing the State Peiiitentiaiy ; th take the lib'.Tty of reciting, as we understand it, j Apportionment Bill; the general Appropriatkil a Ikistory of all the jn'oceedings, »otIi legl.'ihitive, ' Ihll ; a bill for theexpenses of the Legisl.atun*, (to] luewf c“jTk>. Thefaitliinl Wenernhouse- , , 1 4 **^ *‘‘'* ''^ *1- np Vetroiig «ud good.’- m«>miiur noon congratulate ours- Ives on the favorable terms and *id night. Rcioler. Just think of it the vilest of conditions on which we have obtained a county. washed into the 6tonn<*h three times a and cheerfullv comply with all the requirements ol' f '.i“ nar-Nirie |ioi‘;<pn I the act. and that at once. There should be no se.: Tv '' ® ^’''member that f-t.ii:) , in ^ii:'« li i; n.uU*>r ofj'!* •*f*. V,’(* h v: a t,ridd in *L ^ ever bcliev. iij.- I J. , jsober ihuught will, convince lh'>se wlio voten against tho tav that they did wi-Ai'i-, and wo ui; believe, from what wc cun learn, that if tlie vote were* taken over there would be a very different r :>«lL The duty of tlie county of Boyd, we think, it) ^pluin. If the Court of Claims provides for the ! ».»tn it-i UH*'id catinig. ...... i,,-;'. ,-,,,.l j. ,1 h^iuy.M li^altiiy liii'-.lum. If we iind n-ixxnrds I :ii-,Mi bwa.'.nw oiir f.~.d .. . ] Jeeke " ' '-« > . •• ^ A-.-4t, u.ii i;. , >/nftcti ow:i, wcrkfUvl ‘hai Sitlu it ^ - -iuns of d-.-riibiv an.: du. ii-.'in the af^* fff ncid?ty. ht adache. sense d.‘ Wvjglit over e \vlj"le man, irritable teinpLT. des;x)n»iency . etc. Onr tarn). ?rs svlJotn »j>ond more Uinn ten or tif- teen minutes at a meal, ami then g«j iiuinediately hn the field and engage in the most lahorioiis work. one hour 6 h<iuld be spent after eacli meal la repose of Itolli b<nlv and inin<i. it »uspoinl 8 tlic question until tlie next of| t^e sUmei, to collect to iVselii so til I’l'ica^^^ Claims, and in the meantime, if doubt exislsias to } 7 >anu;\- of bh*fid. out of wliicli to elaborate the tlie constiUitionnlit 3 - of the act, we obtain TT.-T l&GO. .\ch“ Carter and Lawrence countie.s. I tenlion given to t!ic collection of claims cures ^ (JROOKE'S ELKCI'RIC OIL CROOKE '6 ELEOTIUC OIL rnr.”< S(n'** f’ •' CROOKE’3 ELEUTRIO OIL •nr... I )l I >1'!' CROOKE'.S ELECTRIC OIL t ure-i I' r “I’ CKOOKE’3 ELECTRIO OIL I- Ut e.s Su :< '«l 1 1 **4tl. OROOKE'S ELEC'l'RlC OIL Cll-.' . I•l ..1' II" CROOKE S ELECTRIC OIL V tl I'HS lit 'I i **' 'O. CROOKE S ELECTRIC OIL CUV I *• r CROOKE'S ELEC TRIC OIL . uv.*’* GIi.M'^ CROOKE'S ELECTRIC OIL . uv*- B'li- CROOKE S ELECTRIC OIL CUl‘ 1'8 S.'aIiL. CROOKE S ELECTRIC OIL i ur<-N Pil'**. CROOKE'S ELECTRIC OIL SmI II Son.., CROOKE'S ELECTRIC OIL lun-. C .lUr . 1-'. CROOKE'S ELECTRIC OIL i*ur.».'i Scv.ilehi'S. CROOKE'S ELECTRIC OIL »11 Flesli Wmiiiiiiu.ij CuMiieoiis Lmiitioin in ins 1 or bea t. r thieo will cure the worx- llaiij, ,lr li»3 110 siiiiennr loi Cha|ipiil r*-.i':. Ior‘*i'1ui>3. .N'othiiiq 13 belt.-r X. .,,.'.3* It WJ. ho eqii"' fi.r 'le'ter II, ,. J „n 1 "i'. It '"•'•'•i- eel- / \ 1- l-.U.x Ti y II ; pre IVoiiipl at (39. i a. .M. TIIOMIS, Atioriiey A ^'oiin^eSlor •‘itBjaw 1 flHrii'bur^. bf'wih ciumty, Ky. P R.\rTICKi^ in thu courts of b *wis and a<!joininj; counties, and in CouiT o.C.'sppr-aU. Particular «t- t'»ntion vU-».n to coliectiuh of .-laims. ‘23- 1 v- \\ and tlms*‘had by the |K?ople, osp'cially, that th* bj f'*rn^^h CiMinty Judges with public Imoki^ ®P*‘**®i* the Court of Appeals, or the Legi.<lature people may read for tlK inselvos, believing, that if tin act to r< gnlate the time of lidding tlie Circuit^'^^y P®®® which will relieve the whole tliey full\* understood it, they would have done Cunrts of the various Districts in the State ; th- otherwise than imlieated at the late election. i common school law ; an act for ivgnlattng pay for acceptance of the proyiaions of the Supyle- At tlic last se.ssiun of tlie Gcreral Assembly of 1 Grand and Pt-uit Jun»rs ; an act to increase tax for j >neiitnl Act i^olves no rc.sponsibilitv* but the pay- Kviitucky a bill was p.assed estnbli.shing thccoiinty i public schools ; an act concerning free iu*groe 5 ; an ' <>f th** first S'dof), and it secures and makes of Boy*l out of pai-ts of tlie etunlies of Greenup, ' ^^t establishing AVfbster and AVolf counties, which ! pi^rmanent tlic couiitv of Boyd fur all time to come, oting ami 'I’hos J lla^alip S -civ-taiv****'* Lawrence, which was apju'oved on the have gone into operation ; the MiHtia Law ; also | 1 hen is it not I he safest cours-: at once to accept and 'i'he chairman stated Uie oljvct of thclnecting in iClIi of Fi-hruary . IcGO, and was to lake effect on ! in relation to the Mayfield branoh of the . for payment, leaving all questions 1 .. I 1 .. . . . ,x - ' of constitutionality to higher tribunals. Oi’YA.viKari;, Va., Aug. 15 Kmtor S.^ndy Valli.v Advo* \tk : At a largi* and omhusiastic iijc<*ting of the citi- zens of (riiyanJolte, Galu-ll Co., Va., hcM at the 'fown Hall, on Monday, evening the 13lh inst., for * j the purpose of lorming a Bell ami Kwrett Clul), S. M. Unssell, Esq., was app<nnte.l chainiinn of the a spirited a Itlivs* lycummomling the format ion of a the 1st ot May following. No qiiesUon is made ns Bank of Ashland, and various others. If the Sup- IJill an.) Evmtl clnb in eaeU M.aMiahi-ial district t,,j, plemcntal-Bill to the act!,inj Boyd Com. in llie Cunnty, nn»i that saiu clUbs should ci»rre>- - - . 16-ly. ? Two ( p<»d LipH. Ol' >n tur Hui fis'or S- .»'• Kin 'tvoi n:^*u 1 Jl ' - hm. ;a .\dsms' otfice. \V. cnilGL.ANI), A 4 4 o i* II <‘ V a 4 ffj a Ga-ENUPSBURG. K.Y. \\TlLl4 piicticii in ilu* Couit%ol Giv'-nup. ' V vV. C. Ii'cliMid wid coiUiiMM* -to pvTcTIce !>Uo in the adjoining counties ot Luwronce, C»itei Yiid Le.wi.s. Jiul romi uf .X ppcals. I G - 1 y. El). F. DUL1N\ ^ Attorney at A a yv , Gi'et*niip>hiii:;* iiv. ITT I M, attend pi omptli to .i \\ of his proft'ssion. r> ust "\v. 0 . i! ..rrploX" pond w iUi each other, and also with tin* Oentral Columiltce of the Slate, ami use nil lawful im*nns I lo I lomoto the election of Beil and Eveivlt in No- vvinber m xt. i> i- . i , , , I On nii.liii.n, E. A. Siuitli. .Too. N.-ssmilli nn.I 1). I "" ‘'*'.1''®’''“" grounds tbiit D. Smith, wer«.* np[Kiintcd a coniniittec dratt and j '^bs not pas.-^ed by a G<>nstitiitiunal L''gi^l^lture. By the pn'visions of tlii-i net die county of Boyd '”'f; . ,, , . ,, , jisamiexed lo the 11 lli Judicial Di.-;trict, and li.xes DumiL' the absence of the committei*, 1). 1). llol- ^ i,- ^i /n- ^ . t , .l. rl.y. Ks.i., was|.,i„lly culled Ibr, and in ,v»i.mibC '""® I'-e Cirourt Court. It a’s.. rc- to tliecall, ^Ir. Hol'U rl»v pn-s-'iited his vi*'ws of d"”' ’3 that the oounlv of Boyrl -hall at each Court tlie secliomilism of the KepuUieaii party, ami the ^ of Claims fur suifl county, annually levy the sum 1 by their liu:idre<l andJTOT he had but n 41 collecti*<l M. WADSWOUril. A4ioruc'y<^ iAOBun.-c'ISoral Law Ma\ sv ille^ {% V* I 'jU.UrTICLS in the conrlu of M.ison, Lewi>< anp Gm-nup cOtiiitie- >ml ?i -o in C'ointol Appealg.^oy ' import, resolutions for the consideration of itie meet- li. J. AkCOM.XS. A i t oV n V y a t L a \r , <.r|.|.|iii p-btii t:. K I . T)U.\('TirK8 in Gii‘i‘iuip, l.awuiicc, f.cwis ami 1 CaiM.i- counties. Ollicc in liont roo.Ti ol Judge ; Tli« s.xiue L. yi-lntiiie pa.csid wli.nt is called n ! D" is unconsli..itiim«l, all the acts above referred I Supidcmeiitiil .\et tetlicactesti'disliingthecounlj- j Le null niul yi.M. I of Boyd, wliieh wns a]. proved i'cbruarv 25, Itbil. Violent cxeixiee cnlU the blood to other paru of the body, and thus robs the stomach. Applon for Feeding. Forc.ntth , sweet apples are found to he an ex- cellent siihstitiitc for roots— promoting both growth iin ! health. For swine, nothing equals nii apple pie, eitlier for relish, or for fittenlng power. The j pig is not very ilainty about his pie, liowever. If I you Iii. ivly Cook the appl.-s.und stirin a little bran, ^ he w.Mi’t refuse the dish ; siil.ditutc shorts, oreorn- nnl coh !.i.-al, ,.r ground oats, or buckwheat, and j it \tiH ^nit liis pul.itu, and pilcun the fat amazing- >'• Aii.l, tor fiiitsliing up a piece of iKti-k, an np li kins ly. _ . . pie pu IdiiH^. tliiekeiicd With g«iod corn-ineal, is as far alK-a-I of har-i corn Ji 3 Ih-.* cum is of raw puiiip- addressed tli.. ''‘'V’' f"''*'' """.'••."'it'' «PI' 1 '?8 's ."weetor, and quite eiuzen, of Mnysville. Although wc do no, agiv,: ' ^hJ^: "uonlUr;;!;;:;;^ with 5Ir. Jlust jwlitlcall}’ on all pt'ints, and ]*or- apph s for fee*lin <»uld il be profilalile U> raise sweet to cattle urswine?" AltogetU- Iwo wings of 1 he Deinocrn<*v as n*p:*e.5'-!ilcd platforms. Of tlie KeimMican party he 1 i;. 4l X _ 1 r . 1 1 . . d' 1 to ill doUars, which shall iittb* to s i}*, knoiviri 2! I'ns h-. sni.l't tiuit M.e citizens P«‘'' tl.eAirt«t.|p Cuuiil) Cohrl.f+ Ol C.aliel Ct 1 11 y, we e o wdl v rse I in tlie fmliticnl levy bj- ilm Bu^nI County Court, shall con- workings, uiins, an 1 .obp-efs^ofXTat pariv. to re- tinue until tlu-re is paid !»v the county of Boy.l a Lqili^aav cmiuifenl from him on that sulv e;; tiu.t t'o what II.; d.'bt of tlie Mild Jiartyis nMi-i ly opposed t.. tin- iiiatituiiuim of^ * >• n ' oi un 1 lie South . is stjlfici<*nt ground for anv IT nion **' Greenup was .'it the last Court of Claims, ing man. South of 51asoii and Dixon's lirn*. to u4^P( 1)^ proportion that Boyd conniy is to shall ilivir iiit.'ivst and eiidi-utors to .lefeat their eamli bear the same relation to tho debt that the mimher late fi r the rivsuleiiev, Abe Liiieoiii oi Illiii.iie. . , ,, ilr Uobh rliy then made some remarks in r, g.-.r I | ‘f , '’P^emip and ineln.led in Imsiness in tho line 1 '* 'Le Dmigla.s wing of the U.imocracv as.-nierlaiii- . 11"}'"* Lvors to the remaining iiuniher of titlu s in usteil lo'his care. lu views rather suhver.ive of the rigli s of the tlie eouniy of Crocimp in the year IMIJ— IVum'aW I ^'iidi. ami showed emielusivelv, that, <d the plat tl,r act creating the eounty of Hand nluill he rout Lgal obligations, but oiir County stands, and furiiis ol till- two nioeralic i»arties, the Brcckin- / ,? i nil ,»o i i i r .\44oriaov ACoi.llM-IIOS'at I.JMV ri.lge iHaiform, to the South, was umiuestiomiMy H'e county of Ihyd accepts the proeisions „/l a»t» '‘re h gal and ... force * l'at!oH-l>ui u, Ky. llie mo?-t prehTuMe. 'I'lio Cominittcv- on Kesoln- this Supplnnrntal Act. s his piofe>>i» serv.cus the public, j ti'Uis b* ing iN*ady to |epol•l, the speak . t concluded . By ivf. ivnce tlie 2d voluineof \ i •<»« tic«.' in die O-uii.s ut Ko»‘'J, Greenup, j his n inarKS, ami tw«^ his seat, iiniid tl^mendous ' * Hon. H. M. Rust. Tliis gentlk'man.on the 2d inst., T he extension of a L<*gislatur? I t’ a majorily is not without a pr.-oodent, ns we understand itoc-, - . . , - - - eurix*.] un<b‘r the administrations of Gov. Mor^diead his present relations to the extreme ; marki-t much and Cov. |•ow.ll. Noque-dimi was raised, and none Southern paiiy, whose leaders we are compelle 1 b. can doubt the eminent legal ability of these ge„. " ''L Jisunion sentiments, yet his fir.nness tiemen. I'lieri f,.- r il. . ' nnoes.and vLalleiige our admiratron. Our " a c. , \, r ' ,, qjiciiceB, '''8*' Personal reg.ird also is such for Mr. Rust the jieo- affords us the highest gratification to learn dre )>ost- I IiPTYiThUy growing in favor with his braach 'd tlie)i party, as well as in public estim.ation as an orator and man of talent.s. M e extract fiMni a cor- n:oix- tlian they cost to feed the htmians on l' True It Uike.;^ tuno lo start an orchard and bring it iirfo bill then ihe outlay .is small, and tho bearirt^, trt^nihJ may I>e i>rofitnblr u.scd forothercrops while ilie trues are growing. >Vhen once in bearing con- wiiat othereivp w ill pny wHi as apples ? bur awinc, tin-y may liC iq.ide to savehulf the corn ustMi 111 faltering pork. For cattle tliey are worlh nearly or quite as much ns roots. Plant out tho anple frees ; they must prove profiublc.— C?e«rxce t armer. 'h.i, 1 C lil t to accept at U.e act, leaving , '®si'0 "Jvnl «f the Louisville Courier a notice of his stnul ujtj tile question, should ever one arise us to its const! tutionality, to the highest tribunal, that ilecision. lot it l>e what it may. Then itcoiild in no wise ef feet us. If decided cOn.stitutioiial we would have to paj’ over $251) lo Greenup which we regard un- der any circumstances W’c ai’C legally nn«l morally i>ouiid to do. if uoteoiistitutional we are reL-ased speed I : The meeting was a'l|ourne<l from Col. Slack’s oods, to the city of Mn 3 'sville, where the speak- fiigwas resumed at niglit by Hon. IL nry M. Kii-.t. ‘t Greenup county. Deinocraiic Elector for the inth Congressional District. His speech wusone Iniongst the most powerful, logical, ami convinc- ing efforts we cv<*rhnd ihegCKxl fortuneof listening Colic ill Horses* ^ ciiiTosmjndent of the Farmeds Advocate, (R. ^ IMnl|is.Jr ) gives tlio following recipe for colic in horses : “I knew a Iiorse taken witlicoLc while on a tread -wlu»el to a carding machine, so that the owiKT thought he could not lire. He got,lhreo veterimuT surgeons, and they did what tli .y could, and nil decid**d lln* hoisc must die. The man’s >• t limO, , , IT» *>"lo' <o iu v.*rv p in C4S << O. Ih.i wh.iii all <*lh-*r^r»*in, ii woiici-.*r:ul i l it^ > ' Y T'' •'••li ylrt Kr.’ " 'p .i!iti««. it fja-p I'.'Oiff An may lake it 1 prpaspl aUention i'il’-*d. without the |. - 'H» ivs'ji relmi jn;AU* ui'l ewruuntlnn paw, Ur.- F:i tel V i.‘ llt'dfO 1 V ;t . M, y sit '.1 f p^ 'tS as \val«*r for th I m d 'liuat# into iti st<im irli. r- znoil Jdicat * » . n pl.» POT Y ui «Nf vv'i»'>»auf tnuojance C'ROOKi; S NKA Iril fail , fio»' CROOKE'riNF.VEK I’-kIL 111 i'psj',.r- CROOKE'S NEVER F.VIL : r.-iultini'tii*. . CROOKE’S NEVER FAIL - m, CUV -s -I IV t^e. CROOKE’S NEVER F.UL , CROOKE'S N E\ KR F-VIU cui'C'* Ipf’-’PiMlfrl i- ni CROOKE’S NKA eh fail rtiVY > * CROOKk'S nevEr/aiu , Cniiv ^ CROOKE’S NEVE^TFAIL CROOWS NEVER F^ATL' cm*'* -i I * I V . CUO'OKF/s FAILl cnie-. Si; ,jl -aHich**. CROOKE'p NEVER r-WL Tures .11 jch,-. .ii<l._iM.ui! in sWvt.w nme th.n any thin . els« liiitfpSii th-iAljl.;.-!. MiMioa. It cur ia tho r.intha 'h ^ on^^nuU- ; Upache iii_ two miniltos; .10 1 livi- .-p,ur.ilRic 4 iii't^jn inimn •. .V dpic ta^ pi nuvard.y cures iho Colic, Sicii ll*?-i«Ufltl<^etC ,,‘in very short ^' xiie fri;htful%ilcerait:‘: r^t%UX with surprising rapidity to th** inilnenciT.ol » C’l-ooki-’.s While all aches and pains ^vjies^ Prr;,apt AiL. o ; 'lil in%r»» ^ J * L U'Slor at Law »'g. Biy., \ y^^!. contm ue lo r *ciii « in t hi- Circuit Court « V? ml l)i>*r.tucky, 4Til I nttontCpromptly to >11; 4)uGneSs Out inny he ii*!niste<l to Iuf carv: special | ilbr* given to coll<*etions. >" 11 i?* to thAoffico of Pn»siding Judge ’the County <’ourt * in ' •Court, does not interfere w illlhis practice in thej Cf^cuit ''ouits. no 1-Iy I (Staniniitj eilitfo'T ih*' iransccndniil inh-r-st plv-i'Jentiul vb-etioii. - . 3 ' *2 . ITT' TI ; _ nnamna .* WiiKi:,^.In vie-i. lnvolv«'d in the nppri gro\v“'ii;i uu* of thv* cuiitiiiUMi agitation ol l!i**sln- uerv <|Ut-sii.ji,, un*l«r 8iui£-i.._iivf Uenmerntic ad-J minisiruii<-;i3. an*I which hw' ivsulted in the final] disr.-^olution W’tli*- demo-, ratie | nrtv. and the organ frien the ranks uf the onC' and in view <pf tli fact that the iijee.’s'* (pf dih- r of th^ op|K)sing se ^ ./- ir "! tional incii' iis of ihHIatc Xalional Democracy would’ ^ •• i) \\iiI)k'ON, I be Irauulit witii danger, to the pvae’, happliie.-;r; A B cAL'WIB Bov a t Law i '‘"‘i ealely^of the UepuMie, .'iiooml only in deiiivv j' iC ks-: \ C' EBG q KV. j to the diingei io tlie eounlry which would follow k l^Vl^ jivoinpl ait^tivii tA all l)-.»siiip>s entriiH ed the eli'ctiun of llit-Mv publican eamliila:*-, p\ TAo hl« rai --; esp(^»Uy to tho collet lion of laitns. Thtrejort Uc4.ihcd. '1 hat is tlieiluty t»f patriotic He prartires in aildi^pu fh-'tli*' courts )t Greenup Union Igxin*/ men llii*ougln*ul the country, r*-- ro nn*ies. ^ * v* ^rdlc^ of I'uHy U**s ami as.'-ociarions, and in deli J'F sS S ti -C O U* I' I tlieself aHvumied *iietalion of former lead< rs, *'. # H . t ami parll.^an journuU to manifest t heir ilevofion to A liOi* a I flja W nine and inl-'O-sts of all. and admiiiist< r a tr-” inco ol i'n»sifling Judge . ...a.v , Judge ol tho QujitcrlN ‘^J^Gon ol opj-osinu- loico Innn I with his practice in the i NiilMiial demoeraey. >*= r - ' lU.V ft sJmB he . ••^5 a different time Is L to the pro\Ui(in of t.*., ..c.. v.. - it di*I not Utkp; effect until the of .'lay, I Mi I. No lime was fix<‘d by (he Legulature when the '‘’upplemenUl Ao! .dionU take effect. consei|Uemly, in two months from the 25(,h of Feb ruary, it had its foivc, and on tho 2(jth of April foiiow ing it was a law. The qm-sti*)ii is, Independent of; con-ideraiioiis, the prosperity of the County 'Is that the qiiosliun Ik? settle*!. The sooner pn nn-1 sectional feeling ei^.a^cs, tho »oop ! uT'CO'u.l. t (hose ha<sfy»auggcs‘don8 inayT)0 , we Ivni with no view lo intTfeii! with tlie]>ro ' avcnnliiig to lie I'urma of tliat iiistriliuOil. loci Ilia rogativ - of the Court or (he will „f the ,.eo,.Ie. Imt i <-f <Hmri J.-ri.ig unti l, I t I V . .. . * . . iffcnts proposed theix'lo, I he doctrine ol Sguafter ineivly fo call their attcirtion lo tin' mfitler, ami ask »S'orrm'yr//y. In* sni<l. wonbl V-.a*! to the sain€^ ix- their s»*rtrnis consi*b*ration to the consequences ; bt-causeihe Hlaek JG-pnblicans coubi a s e'ff- - which may en.-u*j unless there be prompt and im- ! Gudlv aceuHtp].;,h their objeet ot ineveiitiiig any mediate action. ft", r.irsiiing a line of argument enti.viy ditiereiit | wife, who l-licved ami iMT.ctiee.l hygifne from the from tli,..c who had preceded him. and to some e.x - 1 time the horse was inlien, tried to persuade her lit diireiviit fismi any thing we ever hoard before, husband to use a wet haiidag-, bat he insisted it .,e walk.d into the Republiean camp, exposed to; wmild do no good. AO-r all had given up Uiat ublic view the ulUmate object ami de*i«n of lliai th.- l»nr!«.- coi:l,I n,. lou^- Jive, by h* r cutf^atfes arty—^ieh v .i:- a total J. wtrueU.m insti- doebir saying it eunl.l do no gou<l or hurt Iio utiun <pt •biverv ;hr«<»tri«»m thv* O-afeJeraev. bv took a^jhicl: l>.;d-comfuiiec bouuJ it found in [po.s.'cssion of\\ (’ni-viitn. liojlin - ‘'Ji * v frc4' States. noc<*Ksarv to miable ll -i, cp.nmd tbe ur- It' '*nn fifr* . n immite^ fr^fifthcirmo^ h'.- eommcm*cd the watering 1>k:(*63 the lun'SO.Ar^ up and <-adi.g, t<> ti.. .givat surprijcof the liurs^ ihicLo.’, who knew Ik* coubl not live. 9'hc horse <lnl gfxj*! service aticrwards. This recipe I gaf<3 yeats ag<p. and it wa< #**.pioJ into most—us 1 Wii3 told by an eilitor—<!»f Hi*- agricultural, and man\ other papers^of the Unite.l S:ates. Many 1 county, in Hm>c Attorsu'v , < t ni<*n p'-uin u, 1 )U.\C*r(CKS ill all tliociouu^ . •oinin^romuie^ in K< uttic.v^ .4pp6als. i’aya c U inis. a 4 Law l\V. f Gn*ennp a nd ad- in K' A*.80 , in court ol i “ecial ktteniion to coMociion of i 3. tv. j mure Stiit. s froni cw into the Uni.m, by | have trie.1 and V'ot'ed il. Try it, brother farmei'. ! Sovereignly pr. v«i| as tli-y eonid by Cangreseionnl v, rm.x tx rnr P. vltuv Hoc«L-.-I,7^din.- your egis at.oi. to piMhib.t the .,.. ruduet,o„ of slaves , i„.t number. 1 noticed a piece about hen-lieo” 'and t Bv refjeiii- to the result of (he vuU' at the re- "'C I iiiwd |»tal s, il that thinking iJiul 1 euiild giie a little information ' , . . ®"““1-* 6ettl-*d policy of ih*.* Gov- : r...rHi- i fn Ilu. .r »1 cent election 111 oitrcoiiiily it will be fmiiid that orninent. In either event, it would produce a d_U "'Hiat.on ol these ihcro is a majority of 3-13 against making the levy solution of th** Union. Or, if it *U«l not. * * - the subject alone in an ecuMomi«^al point act t'!-' ')« iFslruetion of that spieies ^ i.i„ji„g bv good trestmentThcycan i. of laUir thi-oiigliout tlie Union would bo terrible !„• mn,li> tu inv I ; i civ:ilingp.iyd eounty. It is conceded that there and <b*3olatinLMn the c.xtreme to tlie workimr . . . i was uot tho original and Suj>plcim*niul bill ilic law Vote on the Tax in the .Supplemental Bill on the Ki uf May, provid*-*! th*-y he oonsli- tutionai' Admit uttliir. point, for the sake of argn- i ment, tl5: constitutionality of b<ith ori«;innl and Supplemental nets ; they were both in force on the I 1st of May. On tlie 1st Satinday in May. in ac- eordance with tlio law, the citizens within the ' I^".vd county. It is conceded that there and <b*3olating in the c.xtrenie to tlie working |Kq bonn<li pn scribed by tho net erentin'o: Boy*! couiit 3 *, j r*'* I**g;tl.furee in this vote because there is no law ulation every vvlnuv, fnnn tUe cotion planlati»ms t" * ; Ik’M an election for tlie officers of tlie county as ! antliorizing it. It is regarded only us an unolHeial t hikes, as it would t* iid lo increase the price of ' cotton. r:c‘*, aiul sugar (tliese rn’ccssary urticles m troublesoine Last fall, hav- Ho pay fh^ .$259 per annum to Greenup eounty, ] provi'l-’fi ^br in the Supplemoiital Act to the vermin. I take the liberty to reply _ vi**w imr irfTved a sln-rt distance froin'the oitr. and tak- vi-'w, ,„g,| ,a„ev to hens. I purchns<*<l two liciis ami a have ing rebuk" At poU^ di-sunionism and .vvetion- ; "" ‘‘"^cers or uie county as | niisni, by rHllyin-r W the sAipport of Bell and Kv dm-ctHlly the act, wlm have been only elected his honor, Judge Russ, tliat lie might er.-lt, g.-atl -men of umim sHoned patnotism. of e.x | nnd*enf;?red on the <luties of tliidr office. Wc re- I Ihe result a.s a test ot public sentiment, and thus j t-very family) over four fMd, whilst labor in t alted public airi private \ irlues, and liic c-nlight apcctfully submit w In-lhcr the election of officers I I'Mieve him, in some iiKiisuro, of the responsibility j States above tlie cotton region w oub.l lx* iner* a** be iiia-le to pay, 1 have since increased (iiirtv- Ila ving a barrel t»f lime which 1 liad no l«>r, I ihouglil it might boa good idea to sprinkle a little on the ffiM.rof my coop to make it white . I - 1 4 . *1 1 'I ' * s* » «»»d chan. !>ut I have siiiee found that it not ouly i l'"'’ -f .ones Umt ,.m-,,n,.v, but ollu-ts. It ;n.rifies the at A 4 4 o c I'B.i: r ILL aitcml to Com III 1 n J. D. A)N KS, I- >2 V V n I w Cfiun ics: and m ateutLoa^.voii to t'aa cnll< ^')U o( cl.viuis. 3.1y \v f. a ir liV prom'’"! n^H I business in tin* , Carter and Ln wionce rl of appoads l’iirlli«'nar * INNFLL. n 4 I. a w , VATl.hyrTtiBViUi. KY. - UACTr(,'E$ in^^Crfiiii-. <>t lluyd, Uioumip, C.r- tor .mj l.awr *T^ ^iiiuteg; and Court of Apf cals drffW altontiui civen to the ;oHec- V..-1 lepre^.-ura! iv4'S of t!ie only ivmaining party ; , , . . which can jneily lay claim t*> Nat'umality. ! ^ *C organization of tlie county weiv not an ao- Jli’solr.fil, Tlml for the suce.ess of the Gonslitu j coptaiiee of tin- law' in rcganl to lh\yd countv, it ! Ill Uiiiim lifki'l wu utmuM. individual. I,«i„g nit in furcp at (hat timo, and whether the , and aituciated etfurli, and to timt end - i. . - , t -i ,• ! Ke,nolv<d. Thufwv huvby urgamz.i unrselve.s 1... 1 f" ' ' n'l" tumt. b, the^e ,.n, are nut - to an a^sueialiou to lie culled the Giiyaiidotle Bell j LiRy eomiuitU" 1 to all the ]*rovisions of the Suji- uiid I'Neivtt Chib, rile iitiie. rs of raid elnb to ideineiitaT ns well ns original acts in ivferenee to in deeidinji -SO irnjKirtunt a question. IVhat intlu- bnt a trillo over what il now is. 11 c took U|l the ' ; Iiiosphere, keetis ihe coop white and clean, iindla.-t, ' ' hut not least, I tliiiik 1 euii sale A 4 '4 iTl!* n c V CROOKE’S ’^EVER'FAIL, DU - yii'ticuUr tnd pro" itii III J i^ubsido by j tion of rlaitrr^. r. II. Ti. iiusi', *' . rHLi'.\iu:n nv A 4 4 o y ij e .V SI 4 5. a w , <• . (I it O (.X IC T; ; , «;ieei#lii>Kl»mg, Jiy. St. ThiiJ Stiifet, Loitisv;lfe;*lCy. j 'yVT'lLTi prai^o-e iii In (.monies hi Greenup, Cor- Ani Fohl bv ill iLialiirs in aii^v ine. » t r, lipi^I^bawrenc^aiid Lew is. and al>-i th. wholesslu l)ru>si,i, in'l,u|ii.sviiIF, K^-. Sonnii.list- j Couit of Appeals, Ke.Wal Coiuls at Fi.,i.:.iorl luttiijiirg, Kv-. bv KIv i Co. VV ! ^ ^ ' )’• At \ c rv V I P : L. T. . Mount. G.W.GAi-xtn. M.VRONIU, iMOpirF-tt^ALLUP, €i r ee il If l> ^ ,®"j1>Attorneys ani C^i^sellbrs at Law irs the iirst^il^ay ,n I.^tiwr7Vj-"r»>''“V, K v., , a’li. tf. M. i consj^lof Pn-sM.* iit. Y'icji Pre.^-ident and Secretary, livHol r.rd , That 1 lic incinlier.s pb dge llo-ir Zealous i cu uperatiufi. igi UiCxUiUd ineeting.s of Uic Club, fcv- ! eiy Jf*-r<lay cv^^itig, and at .‘^ubli other times ns may Ih- de* nied advisaTde, noil publicly ordered by the Ppi’sidont. ! Hrsnlrfd. That tli*' Secix-tary is hereby autlior- ! izrd h* neeivo egUtributione. fi> m members an«l i fri<*n‘]s of file patriotic cause in which we are en-, I gaged, and if *1 t*» '«pen a (H*r:e*pon»)rnc‘.‘ I w ilh the i hdirui;.’! oi Hu t.’oi:«tiluliomff Union t'om I luitlee Klfrlnnoild, fm* the procurement of suilu ble I'apers, rlueuinvdits, Kc, lo be used in the cam, I l‘^‘‘'i’»- iinolrcd] 'Uiat .S. JI. Rrissell be appointed Pr* ; 1 idem ; S. Vice PiN-ijideiit ; aii'i TliyS. * the creation of B(»yd countv, whetluT th*-v lx* nc- ccpt.sMi- or otherwise. If not satisfied with H»e provisions of the Supplemental Act, we think we slionM failed to organized tlie new county. ^ At the first election tlicre -wasa firll vote of the rcouniy, tints n*eognizing the existence of a county aiyl nl.--ua tlt-^irc lo accept all Hie piMvisions creat- ihgit. 7*);c officers oh cted wCre all qualine*! and j enteiv'l on their dufivs. Tlie Stat«*, from Hu s facts, h. V- .''nrnishcil tii ' officers of th** county wIH» a full anfTc'unplHe set o^ocf»r>l Inxiks. an*l also i Deinoei;.ilii* platform nn*l tihowcl that (Ik* d*'cirine. ence Hu recent vole iniiy have on the Court wc are coiit,uine<l in it w as Ilu* only constitutional doctrine ' bens in ivgani to lice or unable to say, nor Tlo we desiiv in any w ise to in- ! wliich recognize*! the Eqiulily of the States and tni ie our^o-lvip** on 'Jie Court. Our object is to | equal rights of tin* citizens of all the States in ; ut roeo - Hian Ay say that it keeps ll»e poultry Ik»iisc li^v^fiimi all vermin, for since I have used it, I have not had any Lix)uble wilU my otiier Vermin. In flying fn>m the roosts or nests it g*'U iii amongst tlmip is toi »"• miizi-ns Ol an me otates i,i : tVath.i-s, whieh keeps them" healtl.y and in Rood 11 4i .M .• 4*si 1 «• T> 1. .1 a- .. the common domain, lie hud the immense ci-ow. ; ° call the nmiifun ol (be people of Boyd to tbe eliect ^ n,,. l,, . | of their roccm vote on the Tux question (as it is ulmo#t hrcaHiK-s^ silence fur ovr an hour. Allnc-i a..:. ,i n . /-* *m called) imivide.l it was of legal force. AVe cannot | knowlc^iged the force onusargumentand the power ^ tlie f-dlowItig'^W-cipIv H^^sny^ As believe tlu r<’ is a voter who seriously reflected on j genius. ^ | the w arm weather is with us, w'c begin U) tliink of the Coi.«’‘qu*'nccs of his vote against tlie tux, if if i ** | ix-tn-bUing drinks. 1 h-ive u famed ix-cij>e which I ,ctre of iejnl force. Tbii S«ppl..m..,.tal Act sava I Br.LL an.. Evou.^t PxPsas tx G,Nm,x.x.m.-Two| |t,vc. lU drink but far betu-r new' pa[»er.s have been started in Cincinnati, the yon *lu not have to n:.w 1? t> i t .t /-*• .• n { drink f"r v*iur nionev’.s worlli. 'I he effervescence C, Ev.-nms Post an.I tbe Ctneinnnt. Con 1 of tbks aid,- Now wbat is tbe principal provisio'n l"n.ter a pernmnent entab- , two n Is of wbite sn«ar, tbejui-eof half n lent- r^ i. t in n'*hni*nl , and the latter a cainpaign paper. Botli ' on. ami Ihr* * pints *»f w.-uer. B*»il together five of this net? It is tlmtthe Court of Claims shall an- , , , ,, i.iiniU/v^ V'h .n n.-irl v ..r l 1 .. i i e , r A.To 1*1 I 11 V 1 ' IL !l and Kverett an*1 tlm Lnion county VM nmnrl\ tyj, u...| ttic whites of nunlly I'-vv the. sum of $2ou, which sIiuU be e*)l- , thix-'c eggs well b.*u:--n, w iHi lialf a chd of flour* 1 . i ’i 1 * *1 ri ^“'' tickets. Me exLeml to them our best' ^i.n - - . « 1‘ CLe.l and paid to the (»lvenup C 0111113 * Gourt , an.» ,.n Ann which h-yv bv the Bov»l G*mit\' Court, shall eon- “t!ie act creating the count y of Ikyd shall Ik* v unless tic* eounty of Boyd accepts the provisiens m KKTS in (Jrecmipsbi’.r y month. J. Davihsom 45 - 1 yj ?KC. B. GU.B 11 IlAYf J I>. WI.N yt'ERsTj. \V._ ’Tr I 'nR.VrriGE ii'i^a .J^ Boyd, Groncup, 1^ iM^^cky, aiul Wayny iiaii»in the Coavt of Administratrix Ifatice! .Aftorsi pP£ 2 ftnsind>*btui^^Mik Isaac If. ilnysIip,.S(*crc'arv of thi.^ Association. Uesiilref/, Tliul tlie pr«)eeuding8 of this meeting be sciii to tlH* iiiehmom] Vfhig, Saiuh' ynl)cy Au- vecute, and the Kun; 4 wha R-qnibUcun fo^* publica M' l.*a\vrence. Farter. Lion. K1 •'id. Bath and Movg 11 in > On im>lion, D. D. noldtib 3 *. Br.,M’Ri. Abdcswortli »i:d Cabell in Vir^'inis , . ami II. Kvrr- 1 ». wen- n*)puiu!ed ft Coimui tWre (*» if Kentucky. M-tl i draft a Iwi au-1 dy L*?^ fur P. -CAlfV N. . ;,n.^t,ofU.r-. * tk 4. II *|^i£v ii J G »• a 4 Ia n Ir. library worth not less- tlian .$709^ 'Mio County ! tinue until tluTC is pai*! 63 * the countv* of Boyd a. Court has aceeptod a Jot ns a donation on which j sum equal in pr»*portion to what the d*:bt of the 1 the public buildiugsmvjo be erected, valued nt$2,- | county* of Greenup was at the last Court of Claims, | fluff, ar.d apj <^te<l Odni'i i si* n'M’s to receive l*i*ls ! itc.. 5Ve exLeml to them our wibitcs with Uie hope that their efforts may liecnii-. n**ntly succos.sfiil for tlic cause of the Union and the Constitution. ami hull un oun.-e of 0r*'*-neeof winter-green. lk*t- lle, and ku:p it in a cold place. 'J’ake two tahle- spoon.«^fuUof lids svrup for a tumbhr of water, anti adi,l i*ne quartci' of a t**ftspoonful of soda. the go; ern fefa aju] . Land Mk.vsi iu. -K vciy far.ner sliMil'l have a A Curious People. j g*H>d me.a^un’. u liglir, »tiiT |N.k*. sixiemi and a half , . -/el- . . South ol Kaffa and Su>a there is a ver 3 * feet long, for meai^nring lan*l. 1»3’ a lUllo prac^ce (or biiibliiig the sam*'. TIk i* s of Grcyqup, j Now will !>* the effect of a ivjvctlon by th&; tjnhrv and humid counuy with many baniboi' I ho can learn to step u rod in live steps, wliicl) will - 1. <*J tp take Cog- I Coujt of this provision? C**rtainlv that the nctcix*- w’oo'ls inhabit***! bv tlm race culle*l Dokus. wlioor*- j an.-'wer v--py well for or.rin.'irv ihr.n work. As^r- m tnk.'n offl aCn-.' BovI e'omtv sball Iw Are tb<> p.-opb> I Lik'K- Loys of t.-n yen.-i oM ; tbat is, ruily i l.iin tlie iinmlKT of r„is in wijtli nn.J lenotii .ft' , . .1 font 1 . .t bit-'b. Ibcvbaic a ilark. oliv.- color. R, iot v<’U .i. oi ., 011 too I* May , .i. _ i»* lbM rcnlt. Au.l sbottU tho (.-onrt br , oinpHi'^i^nna Uvv in a Oon.plv**,!^' ,a- ,^i.^.,. «^,i ' „1. •i -Sjic.ib jAv fr;- - -y. iy-'- Jt/J'''’'* v* f tu-Li't* ^,.,V dr’ .-.rail ti.o onin.-rs of tr. v noiy o,ryo.-uail(\s t .i | ' (“-jnjts..rn. ton'. . * 1. -n- like of « ^‘^Trr b -lnb- ealle*! >* V in ifioiiient'; if V* r- '.eued:;« ->-' : n. Lawrence, and Carter, hav.- - y nizngHhiir.X'r tj^o.-^poiiww** v to form B- A^, has i'‘.’irnft-»w-d txr 1-1 mn*H]*ls’ on-' \ and (•'"J alKWt Ib'i, or*l Circuit Courr o-\.«*s which w**re p*?n*ling in hi-tl^’eur'* repraUi' whom .\i* t\* they ,.lf; into tlie II. L ftioi \ tni l.ftv « ^ r**r 11 ial. The hohiing of the Boyd CircuiP Com t , any *lesijvs any* such stab? of things? is no when* ]*rovided f.jr but in the SuppKnncptal V. car^'^aH^fied tlu-re is not.Mul we c*7ncUide that the Act. Fn*m this statement of flirts ifwill lie^^en i vote think ^nd wo seas •amlioais ^iHi all it Fl progress Ol fands <»f the assoiiibled HU bull) lb uts.J^^Kors tcachni^ incy : feet. Hi 1^ vours] d on Hi licncli knaster monosyl there a vi’t'^-r'in the enmity, wlio, un«li. prav- not in an tr*ct posture, but ix-v*r?ed, _ . ^ ^ ,? the'head on the gr-.mi.l un*l the bet siJiq«'i-;e*l iq*- j Mriro.v as .\n Auth u. ok Fo u- —The e J •'Ifht against a *jve or st»>nw. Jii nrav '-r the)- eny, ( Agriculturist say^. ‘*Wi- m*Mn t.i rep -at a thivrt^n.l vohj|Jvas€.T»t without due consideration if theconse- ! , ^ V^dn'no* hir'V inll I ***“'"’ ^ sonieeff ct that the question is fine of serions moment U. tw ar qnences n bicb .aigbt ensue Are tbe )Mtople jr, pare 1 . ciot'bins, for we live ' on s. rp? ntC ants, and | jljicy riiHon'eT.' u" ImlfX cost of I a coimTy, and lo many individuallv, of sucli infi- to vote tlie county of Bc 3 *d go back to Hieurigi- 'mice. Thou hast made us ; wh 3 * dost tiioii pt-rmit i tlie same quantity of p**rk ; tliat it is infinitely nitc importance that nota shade of dojibt shouM | nal eounff^s fii'm w’hich it wai taken, and thus pi*c- uiiiler f*-ot? The D- kos |niw j h,..Htliier foo-1, <*S])*cinllv in Hi** summer season, , ,, , , •• e no chief, no laws, no weapons ; tlun* do not him! * ' •* . . . .cut to the wmrl.i the humiliating i>u..ti*>n of iv- . ^ fiVe s d-lvon fruits kkUs, fu-iing a eOunty which tiiej have struggled so hard j jniee, serpents, ants, hum*y ami tlie like, elimbin^ to obtain, ami witich we hive boasted will be of i the tr»*cs ami gathering the fruits like moiik'-ys ; those Ijoth sexes go completely naked. They have be |H*rnntled to remain as to our acceptance of the Suppleincutal Act. If rejt-cted, we have a territoiy in onr State with- out dul 3 consiituled officf^rs, except those wlio ar.- elcctc'l b 3 <nir towns in Ihrir corporate capacity ; such infinite advantage and convenience to I living wdtiiin its lioundaries, beeanse we are 1 ^ a^d and imjxirtance. and no pnndsion ma*le for hold- ing Circuit Court, no Grand Juryan<lno means fi>r supt'cessing and pnnisliing crime since May last, and the whole pr(*cecding of our courts, and nil nets of its nflicers since that, a faixie. If it is hereafter decided by tJ»e highest tribunal in the Suite as unconstitutional, then, wc are relea.'«e*i fc- ; gaily fi*om the payment of tlie tax of $250 ; Imt if well your part ' our county i*emains, tlie Legislature can then adopt y w hat is instrue- guch other provisions as will supply anv defiticn- otudy semnee i of the world. mav* need in the full organization of our m. Become ns J Courts, <fcc. In the meantime all will goon and occupation 3 'ou have full force and effect. In any aspect there can Lke The ^UdT^for ^ disadvtntnge in a full and immediate ix-cog until our fiortion of a debt which we justly owe*! wlien in Oreonup count}*, and which we would linve had to pay if wc had remained in Grcvunp j thick, protru. ling lips, flat noses, an*l small ey*'s ; ; Hie hair is n.»t woollv. and is wmi b}* the women over the shmild*.Ms. Tlie nails on llic hamls and foot are allowed to grow like th*.’ talons of vulture?, and are used in digging for ants and in tearing t** pieces the serpents winch the}* devour raw, for they are unacquainted with fire. The spin'iof tin- count}*, and which we must pay if we go bnck'M snake is the <iiily ornament worn around the luck, C**itainly we think not. We cannot hut acknowl- but tliey pierce the ears with a sharp i>ointeu piece edge we owe Greenup our propodion of the origi- ^ have no nal county debt, and we should at once | f^^gulur marriages, tlie intercourse of Hjc sexes' our willingness to pay it. ! hading to no settle*! home, each in perfect in*J* - Our share of tbe debt is. we believe, estimated pcmlence coinp wliither faiic^- !• ads. The mother u,,« : r;r.- Jhe i*rovisions of the hill compel us only to pay it penU; ami a^ s*>on as the child can h^lp iU**lf, the in installments of $250 per annum, anrf this icRA- luotlier lets it depart whither it pleases. It can oui irt/crcs/, giving us some 12 or 15 years to pav it be docidcil whether these D*»kos are t!ie p>g^ X- Til t vk 41 ,. imes who, according to Hei*odotus. wei’p discovered p.Kc U.e ...o.c . 0. I*"' ^-otl'ing could have fteen more liberal than „ear a gr< at river in the vicinity of Ccntr.d Africa 'with its teachings, "'t'O" of tbe legality and force of the Supplemental | these terms. Greenup was unwilling to part with by two youths dispaicbed l>y fiteareb, Kiiip; of the llom and (irospcrily ' Act. In eveiy proceeding so far, where it has been | us, but in consenting she certainly evinced no desire Oasis ot Ammon. Krapf’a J’ravels in Africa. f As you grow ill stat | necessary for parties to act, the constitulionalitv of to oppress the new county. This is not all; we by . ; . " * ; , rln "acavft™,''irfirm^ i Ly high authority. We | the act receive the amount due from tho titfies for : BVck'*i>rT.l"e h "belrl’nVwn^ ha"s”K.7u [ve u> be usvf'ul, and we lo the action of the Gircuit Judge of the present year, amounting to notices thaa$J,6 I'‘. ! Tsep^diated yy a majority of tl)irty thousand. Eis . Greenup County, who is the ezpoutider of the Thus it will be c^n that we lavs left in the ' own State is the first to repudiate him; and Hi>-Sf wiiu o.*ii it luicu.nt inoie muscular, and can do moiv w«ii-k, wiHi givntcr cast- lo ihcLuselves, tliuii lh*»'i-.* wli*, eat fat pork. W<i know nothing more delicious than .«moko<l mutton bams, of the Southdown breed of nlK*cp.’* M’ortu Knowing 1 ransplanting Tauns If the ctirnmis^ioncr of the Central Fark would give strict onier.-* to mark tb** north side of .frees with red ehftlk before Tliey ar»; taken up, and when set^ut to liave the tree put in thr go»nml it? iK*rtb 6i*Ip to ihti iiortii in it« untural pusitioii, a lnrgv.r 'I'l'opor- lion would Jive. Ignoring this law ot nature, is the cans*.* of .so many iraii-q'l.mtoJ tn.'vs dvin]g. If Hie north sid*? i* exposed to tli^ tomb, tlu* h'-afc of the sun is too giiTat rot tliat si lv of the tree to bear, and therefore it npaiiil decays. Blacksmith's kor PKacu i luus.— Al»out two years i-g.i 1 arda m*ig!)hor say tha\ he had found a grf'ftt benefit in usiiitr the scale fn»« Iffack- 's anvils mtniiii uis (icaeh tr.cs ] had s v- cr.-il that had been It.adly ir.jmrdby worms, aivuii'I wliich I I'lAC'.'d ihe seal*-. Since that Uric I liave not l>e*'n hI>]c to find a worm, and the t-r^s hvavcrc- covi;r*i*l their given healthy appearance.—C. H. CllL’t.V. * ^ Iron* a Gcrb for C.uii, papi'rs sta’.e tliat iimr!:ed monia in Fra:;cu w*.ve co day: wi:.i .r Uiot 1-Hie fvireign rd case of the plwuropneu^ comrdei'-!}* c*-rcd yoar .1^

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p I ’.opr:ssTON',\ r . c.\ ui )s.




‘Vt!,L BE MAILKII TO M/ li.C II I B t BS .VT THE rOt-l.mvrs'o KATKS :

0 le ropy, one year if paid in adrnnce, 00

One ropy, one year, after nil ninnlks, $2 oU

One ropy, one year, at end of Ihr year, 43 Oil

:nt o T I c 111



nlTTO I*.IT Z/.f II’,

W II.I. practiro in this Court. Ohio, aaii V'iri;inia.

Ol*lco on I'rnnt street, nnxi door to WilliamCampbell, Esq. [00-tf] SINGLEfOV Sl’RIC.G.

Kiiuts of .Vilrei'tiMiis.

Ono square, ol ten lines or less, for

One wool!

Two weeksj


Ono month '

two mouths 0

Throe monthsSix monthsTwelvo m-nths I",',""



Each ajailiiinal square (less than hall a column, and

publishoJ for a shorter time than 3 months) charg-

ed in the same proportion.

One Cnlnmn ono‘month $20 00 ' T)R.\CTICE8 ..

Throe months,1n ,m

^ up and Bawr

Six months'.Jp


Twelvt! -j"


nlTTOMS.VE\'S .ITC.VrUKTTSBimo. KY.W IT.L practicp in Hovtl and adjoining counties in

K'*ntuckv ami th*» bordorins counties in Ohio

and Virginia. Special attention paid to the collection

of claims.

R K FK R KN'C ks. —' lion. C. Hayden. Editor Western

Faa w MonthI V , Clevelanil, Ohio ;Hon. L. NV An-

dri-ws. ri.»inin{»sburj». Kv: Alonzo Cushing’, GnIUpo*lis, Ohio; Andrew Park, Ks-^., Charleston, Va; f*t\arles

Moure, Point IMeas.t lit \^i. »



NEVER FAIL!The Great Remedies now in Use!

C-tURE mere sutleringhninanity.a nd in a shortor

,1 timo than all "''"‘t hLT"’,'!?,'’,'';,. ,

< UOO!vi;’S l.I.l.t, 1 KIC. OIL.

The cures performed by it are so wonjeifnl and

instant-ineous, so satislact .ry and mitigating ol

ill. as to call upon public liinclioiiaries, and those

havirg charge of public® Sit K A.Yi) St n i-niM.,

to look well into the well att.isind iii •rits, the simple

elHcacv of this Electric Oil. Us ellects are so as-

t^^shmg as to res, Ml, hi those miiaculotis cures in

sneient fillies, spoken of in the Scriptures, as per-

I xen ;d by annoiou-'x

WILLIA.M BOvX’LlNG.Attorney and Counsellor at Law,

(^r:t).''Oi>. Carter <'ounl>, Uv*in the Co III tn ol Caru r, Boyd, Or'^pn-

iip Miul laavvrenc^ rountii»8, KfiitucUy. [-Ib-l v

ppcial an I prompt n'tfntion givx*i; to collnctinn**

\.\ri:, Gcm.^’ 7 Lt —


National Song.



Hear the Tenncsi?4*an Boll!

The “iiation’d” Bell !

I’lie jieoplo—all ! the people knowlu intonations wdi !

Vos, its notes, so full and clear,

Have ivached the “nation's car!"Then let it ring I

Let it swing !

With a hearty ' clii:g-ga-Un^,'*

Ali'J with glee!

0 ! to every L'ltiou

'Tis a wvlconie, glad pa^an I

Thivugiiout this glorious landOl Uic iree !

Then strike this "Moyal Bell,”

Till all “pal riot Inisiuns" swell !

Let it tell ! tell I tell !

Its “U nion’* iliyines !

Let it ring ! ring ! ring


Willi a inciry ' cling-ya ling !**

And till* jH.*ople they icili liiUn

To its chimes.

CI)L.S. 1). Slibflfiitc.

JAlffTs J. miller, editor.

and in ordering CNases fiYaa liis Court transferi'cd to

Boyd, has given the Supplemental Act the appro-


Boyd County—Its Organization.We can certainly refer to om* course in n*gard to

the division of the county, as well as the proceed-

ings wliich have been hadin regard lo tlie organi-

zation of the county of Boyd, ns proof thatweliave

taken no p;’.it in the sectional strife which it has|

excited, as to the division of Greenup or the

location county seat. We regarded the ]>eo

;’le as beihg •ntirdy com])eteiit to arrange uiattcrs'

suit theiusclv<.«i.]

The iN^cint vote given by the ]>eople of Boyd inj

I regard to the tax imposed on Boyd by the Suj^ple-


nicntal A( ,rs it i.s known, has induced us to ex- ^^xtem


amine niore fully the history of the Legislative pro-}


county Treasury about half as much ns the debt


we incur under the Supplemental Act. What an

hation of his opmion as a constitutional act. We, advantage is this ! By reference to the aeU of th**

also, refer to the lawyers who are engaged in the|

late Leeislature it will be seen that the acU creat-

casos transferred ; they made no objection. Hadj

ing McL^^nn. Wd»ster, and Wolf countit’s, denies

they doubted the constilutiouality of the Supple-; to them the present years tax arising from tithes,

nientayAct, they would never have coni*eiitod toi it being colUcted and p.aid over to lhe'-cou»iiies

the traiibLr of their cases to a county, wheiv they Lfroni which they were taken as if no act creaCi.’^

had no constitutional authority to hold .a Ciicuit' the new counties had Uken effect. Nor is tliis all^

Court. Among these lawyers were many distin-, tlie ]>ortions of Carter and Lawrence whicli ai-e now

guished members of the bar. As we b arn, no f» r '

a part of Boyd county, are under no moral obiiga

n a^'



Dy among Farmers.It D 0. iii ioriMiH fuel that, in.ligi jtim r.revBibmore exlemiivtly among th« fannimr .,o.,..Lt.v~ - f

tlie est thi»n a»n’»n<; otherion of

WI13' isthis ? They e.- 1-uinly take M,y re.-isomahL amSuntIlf e.x rcise. anil that loo m J,a rq.c-a ,iii-. and in thebroad saiiliMht. i h^ir hmmHsare well veiuilatcJ,and bv their nolal-d situatiim fr.;; iVu;,, the^unh^althy inllu<.*nces of a pi?nt np effy.We Ihiiik if our fannei-s will paii<.! for a moment

inu look tills ninlier grav^lj*'

me many

, r* b



! Vclrt.' I' 3tnd Boyd.'•’srix oi jrwrpn''(*, .TobnKon

Special actention given to the

coll'»clionol cl«in;s.

The f.ict that I am rlork of the Superior and (Courts of bawrence county, and also ina.'»ler com-mis.siotier, doex not prevent me from aitendin;,: to all

business before the Quatteily Court of that countv,nor before all the couits in tho other coutiries in

which I practice. [45 !y


th'* people bear

;;nion <0 ch'ar.

. , rllicy swell I

«kJ id. I “Union (><*11”



HENDERSON,4 I t o r II V y nt L n w,

Ashland^ K v-ill practice in the counties of Boyd. Greenup,Carlor, Lawrence, and Lewis, an l also in the

Pourt of Appeals and Federal Courts at Frankfort,Xy.

A. A. TOMLINSON.Alto r El <• V a 4 L a w

r.-i TLi-: rr'-i n unn. ky.



with oil


.CuboKE'S ELECTRIC OIL^^T^ILL practice in the comt'. of Boyd. Greenup.

ForThese' *

S ^\

From tir

Ar#?;r fear !

Tliey will livurkcn to its penU

They will buckle on their shields

Tlicy will Tuiiiipu in tho battle—M hieh is near !

Aye ! let it strike ! sti ike ! strike !

For its “Union lone" we like !

iVal it lomler! with a will


Strike it liiirdor ! harder still I

And wiili glee !

For the hiirder yon van st.'ike it,

The hit/vr wo slmll like it!

Then iiLUUAii for the BlllO f Tonnuss.-,. •



f h\* which


izc l


.1 us thoaeof tlio p<*opleof the countyj


w h*ce, they will

*as li.adc hut by one, which ohjoction tions to pay any portion of onr debt to Gro n u , not [tf utoM. maiadie**! fimoirg thwollmr

1 Oth#revidencesti*ongercoulii: having derived any ndvnnU^r^s therc.Toi*; they }

1 Llienonstant n^eof saltmeat, particularly saltp<»rk. jt is well known thar th!iistitutif-nahty of the act. however, have interpi-st d no objecUon in being ns-


>5 t, The legal t.ahnt in the sessed fortheirpart. This, to the extent vr hich iheiy^

ng whom wore D.ivid Morri

rews. Tlios. P. Porter, F. F.

ec|uaHv eminent. A majority

»n, and the minority whoopin and eo operated in all busj

acting under their oaths, Iho

- . - .,

. .* abominable

s Lv d in Its own filtliy grease, consti-

T c 111 'S'Uif <’f life in nearly every farniljouse

rHiev^s us uf so iimch.aiid lessens, oi courj-j. .„ ifce Mi-sissi,,|.i vail.y. Hom and 'hominv arethe amount we would have had to pay had we i>- housuliuM goJ.s. and. according to tlie Hocisicr’smained in Greenup or were we logo back. -*^*-'* ^ exi'i^nee.

So tliat in every aspect of the case we should[


cH’sC, be

Mion 13 iKtc^

^ as the


county JUA

onn*y has lioen created and crgaii-|

could have « Ad no doubt, of the constitutional pow'

ut dic-inting to U"’ Cpiirt orlh^* pooj

or of the L to do bu*>iiiess. or ihoy woul

L tv t... . !l thcatlenlir. ^f W th !have n-t :

• l r^ny a<» w,dl ;i5 cj,

yoir*' l!-

.\.II w - 'JO, tTT'* ^ X

;r\'on i*.«- t of the jieople as well ' ‘

b}' whk'h pormahenev^ of our

he ficcured and the advantages claimed

by its friends « cun*«l to its citizens.

M'c do not for a moment undertake to instruct

the Court; lliO}- have no douht full}’ investigated

m i.'S'**’ -i,..!: l^aj


ki .th thl^ counf-r^Mut rfilv


ir, and nodoubtl

liigl.i ,»t h'gal autttiorifies in tlw Stale, fije

tion of the const itinrt^onal power of the Logisl(

ture, after the ext^ nsiotT^ the usual time, does

effect alone the act creating Boyd. The most im-


the suhjeet, and the I'clerc-ncc of the tax clause to ‘ l^rtant Laws of the session were passed after the

tlie people was to omibh* tlie Hon. Judge to ascor- I*'^th of Felinmry, viz: A hill appropriating $-19,

tain the 8<*ntimont of tho |ieopler AVe, however. ' for repairing the State Peiiitentiaiy; th

take the lib'.Tty of reciting, as we understand it,j

Apportionment Bill; the general Appropriatkil

a Ikistory of all the jn'oceedings, »otIi legl.'ihitive, ' Ihll; a bill for theexpenses of the Legisl.atun*, (to]

luewf c“jTk>. Thefaitliinl Wenernhouse-, , 1 4

**^ *‘‘'* ''^ *1- np Vetroiig «ud good.’- m«>miiur nooncongratulate ours- Ives on the favorable terms and *id night. Rcioler. Just think of it the vilest ofconditions on which we have obtained a county. washed into the 6tonn<*h three times aand cheerfullv comply with all the requirements ol' f '.i“

nar-Nirie |ioi‘;<pn I

the act. and that at once. There should be no se.: Tv ''® ^’''member that

f-t.ii:), in ^ii:'« li i; n.uU*>r ofj'!*

•*f*. V,’(* h v: a t,ridd in *L ^ ever

bcliev. iij.-I



jsober ihuught will, convince lh'>se wlio voten


against tho tav that they did wi-Ai'i-, and wo ui;

believe, from what wc cun learn, that if tlie vote

were* taken over there would be a very different r


The duty of tlie county of Boyd, we think, it)

^pluin. If the Court of Claims provides for the !

».»tn it-i

UH*'id catinig.

...... i,,-;'. ,-,,,.l j. ,1 „

h^iuy.M li^altiiy liii'-.lum. If we iind n-ixxnrdsI :ii-,Mi bwa.'.nw oiir f.~.d .. . ] Jeeke" ' '-« > .


^ A-.-4t, u.ii i;., >/nftcti

ow:i, wcrkfUvl ‘hai Sitlu it

^ --iuns of d-.-riibiv an.: du. ii-.'in the

af^* fff ncid?ty. ht adache. sense d.‘ Wvjglit overe \vlj"le man, irritable teinpLT. des;x)n»iency

. etc.Onr tarn).?rs svlJotn »j>ond more Uinn ten or tif-

teen minutes at a meal, ami then g«j iiuinediatelyhn the field and engage in the most lahorioiis work.

one hour 6 h<iuld be spent after eacli mealla repose of Itolli b<nlv and inin<i.

it »uspoinl 8 tlic question until tlie next of| t^e sUmei, to collect to iVselii so til I’l'ica^^^

Claims, and in the meantime, if doubt exislsias to}

’7 >anu;\- of bh*fid. out of wliicli to elaborate thetlie constiUitionnlit3

- of the act, we obtain TT.-T



Carter and Lawrence countie.s.

Itenlion given to t!ic collection of claims



CROOKE '6 ELEOTIUC OILrnr.”< S(n'** f’


CROOKE’3 ELEUTRIO OIL•nr... I )l I >1'!' “


CKOOKE’3 ELECTRIO OILI- Ut e.s Su :< '«l 1



OROOKE'S ELEC'l'RlC OILCll-.' . I•l ..1' II"








CROOKE'S ELECTRIC OILlun-. C .lUr . 1-'.

CROOKE'S ELECTRIC OILi*ur.».'i Scv.ilehi'S.


»11 Flesli Wmiiiiiiu.ij CuMiieoiis Lmiitioin in

ins 1 or bea t.

r thieo will cure the worx-

llaiij, ,lr li»3 110 siiiiennr loi Cha|ipiil

r*-.i':. Ior‘*i'1ui>3. .N'othiiiq 13 belt.-r

X. .,,.'.3* It WJ. ho eqii"' fi.r 'le'ter

II, ,. J „n 1 "i'. It '"•'•'•i- eel- / \ 1- l-.U.x

Ti y :


IVoiiipl at


i a. .M. TIIOMIS,Atioriiey A ^'oiin^eSlor •‘itBjaw


flHrii'bur^. bf'wih ciumty, Ky.

P R.\rTICKi^ in thu courts of b *wis and a<!joininj;

counties, and in CouiT o.C.'sppr-aU. Particular «t-

t'»ntion vU-».n to coliectiuh of .-laims. ‘23-1 v-


and tlms*‘had by the |K?ople, osp'cially, that th* bj f'*rn^^h CiMinty Judges with public Imoki^ ®P*‘**®i* the Court of Appeals, or the Legi.<lature

people may read for tlK inselvos, believing, that if tin act to r< gnlate the time of lidding tlie Circuit^'^^y P®®® which will relieve the whole

tliey full\* understood it, they would have done Cunrts of the various Districts in the State ;th-

otherwise than imlieated at the late election. icommon school law ; an act for ivgnlattng pay for acceptance of the proyiaions of the Supyle-

At tlic last se.ssiun of tlie Gcreral Assembly of1

Grand and Pt-uit Jun»rs ; an act to increase tax forj

>neiitnl Act i^olves no rc.sponsibilitv* but the pay-

Kviitucky a bill was p.assed estnbli.shing thccoiinty i

public schools;an act concerning free iu*groe 5

;an ' <>f th** first S'dof), and it secures and makes


of Boy*l out of pai-ts of tlie etunlies of Greenup, ' ^^t establishing AVfbster and AVolf counties, which !

pi^rmanent tlic couiitv of Boyd fur all time to come,

oting ami 'I’hos J lla^alip S -civ-taiv****'*Lawrence, which was apju'oved on the (

have gone into operation; the MiHtia Law ; also


1 hen is it not I he safest cours-: at once to accept and

'i'he chairman stated Uie oljvct of thclnecting in iClIi of Fi-hruary. IcGO, and was to lake effect on !

in relation to the Mayfield branoh of the .

for payment, leaving all questions1 .. I 1 .. . . . I ,x -

' of constitutionality to higher tribunals.

Oi’YA.viKari;, Va., Aug. 15Kmtor S.^ndy Valli.v Advo* \tk :

At a largi* and omhusiastic iijc<*ting of the citi-

zens of (riiyanJolte, Galu-ll Co., Va., hcM at the'fown Hall, on Monday, evening the 13lh inst., for


the purpose of lorming a Bell ami Kwrett Clul),


S. M. Unssell, Esq., was app<nnte.l chainiinn of the

a spirited a Itlivs* lycummomling the format ion of a, the 1st ot May following. No qiiesUon is made ns

' Bank of Ashland, and various others. If the Sup-IJill an.) Evmtl clnb in eaeU M.aMiahi-ial district

j t,,j, plemcntal-Bill to the act!,inj Boyd llie Cunnty, nn»i that saiu clUbs should ci»rre>-

- - .



Two (


LipH. Ol' >n

tur Hui fis'or S- .»'•

Kin 'tvoi n:^*u 1 Jl'

- hm. ;a

.\dsms' otfice.

\V. cnilGL.ANI),A 4 4 o i* II <‘ V a 4 ffj a

Ga-ENUPSBURG. K.Y.\\TlLl4 piicticii in ilu* Couit%ol Giv'-nup.' V vV. C. Ii'cliMid wid coiUiiMM* -to pvTcTIce

!>Uo in the adjoining counties ot Luwronce, C»itei

Yiid Le.wi.s. Jiul romi uf .X ppcals. I





El). F. DUL1N\^

Attorney at A a yv ,

Gi'et*niip>hiii:;* iiv.

ITT I M, attend pi omptli to .i

\ \ of his proft'ssion. - r> ust

"\v. 0 . i! ..rrploX"

• pond w iUi each other, and also with tin* OentralColumiltce of the Slate, ami use nil lawful im*nns

I loIlomoto the election of Beil and Eveivlt in No-

' vvinber m xt.i> • i- .

• • • i , , ,

I On nii.liii.n, E. A. Siuitli. .Too. N.-ssmilli nn.I 1). I

"" ‘'*'.1''®’''“" grounds tbiit

D. Smith, wer«.* np[Kiintcd a coniniittec dratt andj

'^bs not pas.-^ed by a G<>nstitiitiunal L''gi^l^lture.

By the pn'visions of tlii-i net die county of Boyd

'”'f; . ,, , . ,, ,jisamiexed lo the 1 1 lli Judicial Di.-;trict, and li.xes

DumiL' the absence of the committei*, 1). 1). llol- ^ i,- ^i /n- • ^ . t ,

.l. rl.y. Ks.i., was|.,i„lly culled Ibr, and in ,v»i.mibC'""® I'-e Cirourt Court. It a’s.. rc-

to tliecall, ^Ir. Hol'U rl»v pn-s-'iited his vi*'ws of d"”' ’3 that the oounlv of Boyrl -hall at each Courttlie secliomilism of the KepuUieaii party, ami the


of Claims fur suifl county, annually levy the sum1 by their liu:idre<l andJTOT

he had but n 4. 1collecti*<l

M. WADSWOUril.A4ioruc'y<^ iAOBun.-c'ISoral Law

Ma\ sv ille^ {% V*

I'jU.UrTICLS in the conrlu of M.ison, Lewi>< anpGm-nup cOtiiitie- >ml ?i -o in C'ointol Appealg.^oy ' import, resolutions for the consideration of itie meet-

li. J. AkCOM.XS.A i t o V n V y a t L a \r

,<.r|.|.|iii p-btii t:. K I


T)U.\('TirK8 in Gii‘i‘iuip, l.awuiicc, f.cwis ami1 CaiM.i- counties. Ollicc in liont roo.Ti ol Judge


Tli« s.xiue L. yi-lntiiie pa.csid wli.nt is called n !D" is unconsli..itiim«l, all the acts above referred


Supidcmeiitiil .\et tetlicactesti'disliingthecounlj-j

Le null niul yi.M.


of Boyd, wliieh wns a].proved i'cbruarv 25, Itbil.

Violent cxeixiee cnlU the blood toother paru of the body, and thus robs the stomach.

Applon for Feeding.Forc.ntth

, sweet apples are found to he an ex-cellent siihstitiitc for roots—promoting both growthiin ! health. For swine, nothing equals nii applepie, eitlier for relish, or for fittenlng power. The


pig is not very ilainty about his pie, liowever. If


you Iii. ivly Cook the appl.-s.und stirin a little bran,


he w.Mi’t refuse the dish ; siil.ditutc shorts, oreorn-


nnl coh !.i.-al, ,.r ground oats, or buckwheat, andj

it \tiH ^nit liis pul.itu, and pilcun the fat amazing->'• Aii.l, tor fiiitsliing up a piece of iKti-k, an np

liI kins

ly._ . .

pie pu IdiiH^. tliiekeiicd With g«iod corn-ineal, is asfar alK-a-I of har-i corn Ji 3 Ih-.* cum is of raw puiiip-

addressed tli.. :

''‘'V’' f"''*''""".'••."'it'' «PI' 1 '?8 's ."weetor, and quite

eiuzen, of Mnysville. Although wc do no, agiv,:' ^hJ^: "uonlUr;;!;;:;;^

with 5Ir. Jlust jwlitlcall}’ on all pt'ints, and ]*or- apph s for fee*lin

<»uld il be profilalile U> raise sweetto cattle urswine?" AltogetU-

Iwo wings of 1 he Deinocrn<*v as n*p:*e.5'-!ilcd

platforms. Of tlie KeimMican party he 1

i;. 4 l X _ — 1 r . 1 • 1 . • • .

d' 1 to

. ill'

doUars, which shall

iittb* to s i}*, knoiviri 2!I'ns h-. sni.l't tiuit M.e citizens P«‘'' tl.eAirt«t.|p Cuuiil) Cohrl.f+

Ol C.aliel Ct 1 11 y, we e o wdl v rse I in tlie fmliticnl levy bj- ilm Bu^nI County Court, shall con-workings, uiins, an 1 .obp-efs^ofXTat pariv. to re- tinue until tlu-re is paid !»v the county of Boy.l a

Lqili^aav cmiuifenl from him on that sulv e;;'o what II.; d.'bt of tlieMild Jiartyis nMi-i ly opposed t.. tin- iiiatituiiuim of^

* >• n'

oi un

1 lie South . is stjlfici<*nt ground for anv IT nion **' Greenup was .'it the last Court of Claims,

ing man. South of 51asoii and Dixon's lirn*. to u4^P( 1)^ proportion that Boyd conniy is to shallilivir iiit.'ivst and eiidi-utors to .lefeat their eamli bear the same relation to tho debt that the mimherlate fi r the rivsuleiiev, Abe Liiieoiii oi Illiii.iie. . , ,,

ilr Uobh rliy then made some remarks in r, g.-.r I

| ‘f ,

'’P^emip and ineln.led in

Imsiness in tho line 1

'* 'Le Dmigla.s wing of the U.imocracv as.-nierlaiii- .

11"}'"* Lvors to the remaining iiuniher of titlu s in

usteil lo'his care. lu ! views rather suhver.ive of the rigli s of the tlie eouniy of Crocimp in the year IMIJ—IVum'aWI

^'iidi. ami showed emielusivelv, that, <d the plat tl,r act creating the eounty of Hand nluill he rout Lgal obligations, but oiir County stands, andI furiiis ol till- two D« nioeralic i»arties, the Brcckin- / ,?

’i nil ,»o i i i r

.\44oriaov ACoi.llM-IIOS'at I.JMV ri.lge iHaiform, to the South, was umiuestiomiMy H'e county of Ihyd accepts the proeisions „/l a»t» '‘re h gal and ... force

* l'at!oH-l>ui u, Ky. llie mo?-t prehTuMe. 'I'lio Cominittcv- on Kesoln- this Supplnnrntal Act.

s his piofe>>i» serv.cus I® the public,j

ti'Uis b* ing iN*ady to |epol•l, the speak .


concluded . By ivf. ivnce U» tlie 2d voluineof • \ i•<»«

tic«.' in die O-uii.s ut Ko»‘'J, Greenup,j

his n inarKS, ami tw«^ his seat, iiniid tl^mendous'


Hon. H. M. Rust.Tliis gentlk'man.on the 2d inst.,

T he extension of a L<*gislatur? I t’ a majorily is

not without a pr.-oodent, ns we understand itoc-, - ..


- - - • —eurix*.] un<b‘r the administrations of Gov. Mor^diead '

his present relations to the extreme;

marki-t muchand Cov. |•ow.ll. Noque-dimi was raised, and none

Southern paiiy, whose leaders we are compelle 1 b.

can doubt the eminent legal ability of these ge„.' " ''L Jisunion sentiments, yet his fir.nness

tiemen. I'lieri f,.- r il..

' nnoes.and vLalleiige our admiratron. Our" a c. , •

\, r ' ,, qjiciiceB,'''8*' Personal reg.ird also is such for Mr. Rust

the jieo-affords us the highest gratification to learn

dre )>ost- I

IiPTYiThUy growing in favor with his braach

'd tlie)iparty, as well as in public estim.ation as an

orator and man of talent.s. M e extract fiMni a cor-

n:oix- tlian they cost to feed the htmians on l' TrueIt Uike.;^ tuno lo start an orchard and bring it iirfo

bill then ihe outlay .is small, and thobearirt^,

trt^nihJ may I>e i>rofitnblr u.scd forothercrops whileilie trues are growing. >Vhen once in bearing con-

wiiat othereivp w ill pny a« wHi as apples ?bur awinc, tin-y may liC iq.ide to savehulf the cornustMi 111 faltering pork. For cattle tliey are worlhnearly or quite as much ns roots. Plant out thoanple frees

; they must prove profiublc.—C?e«rxcet armer.

'h.i, 1

C lil t to accept at U.e act, leaving,

'®si'0"Jvnl «f the Louisville Courier a notice of hisstnul ujtj

tile question, should ever one arise us to its const!

tutionality, to the highest tribunal, that ilecision.

lot it l>e what it may. Then itcoiild in no wise ef

feet us. If decided cOn.stitutioiial we would haveto paj’ over $251) lo Greenup which we regard un-

der any circumstances W’c ai’C legally nn«l morally

i>ouiid to do. if uoteoiistitutional we are reL-ased

speed I


The meeting was a'l|ourne<l from Col. Slack’soods, to the city of Mn3'sville, where the speak-

fiigwas resumed at niglit by Hon. IL nry M. Kii-.t.

‘t Greenup county. Deinocraiic Elector for theinth Congressional District. His speech wusone

Iniongst the most powerful, logical, ami convinc-ing efforts we cv<*rhnd ihegCKxl fortuneof listening

Colic ill Horses*

^ciiiTosmjndent of the Farmeds Advocate, (R.

^ IMnl|is.Jr) gives tlio following recipe for colic

in horses : “I knew a Iiorse taken witlicoLc whileon a tread -wlu»el to a carding machine, so that theowiKT thought he could not lire. He got,lhreoveterimuT surgeons, and they did what tli .y could,and nil decid**d lln* hoisc must die. The man’s

>• t limO,, , ,

IT» *>"lo'

<o iu v.*rv pin C4S << O. Ih.i

wh.iii all <*lh-*r^r»*in,

ii woiici-.*r:ul i l it^ >

' Y T''•'••li ylrt Kr.’


.i!iti««. it fja-p

I'.'Oiff An may lake it1

prpaspl aUentioni'il’-*d. without the |.

-’ 'H»

ivs'ji relmi

jn;AU* ui'l ewruuntlnn paw,• Ur.- F:i tel V i.‘ llt'dfO 1


;t . M, y sit '.1 f p^ 'tS as \val«*r for

th I m d 'liuat#

into iti st<im irli. r- „znoil Jdicat * »

. n pl.» POT Y ui «Nf vv'i»'>»auf tnuojance

C'ROOKi; S NKA Iril fail,

fio»' •


111 i'psj',.r-





CUV -s -I ‘ IV t^e.


CROOKE'S N E\ KR F-VIUcui'C'* Ipf’-’PiMlfrl i- ni •

CROOKE’S NKA eh failrtiVY >


CROOKk'S nevEr/aiu, Cniiv ^



cm*'* -i I * I V .

CUO'OKF/s FAILlcnie-. Si; ,jl -aHich**.

CROOKE'p NEVER r-WLTures .11 jch,-. .ii<l._iM.ui! in sWvt.w nme th.n any

thin . els« liiitfpSii th-iAljl.;.-!. MiMioa.

It cur ia tho r.intha 'h^ on^^nuU- ;Upache iii_

two miniltos; .10 1 livi- .-p,ur.ilRic

4 iii't^jn inimn •. .V dpic ta^ pi nuvard.y

cures iho Colic, Sicii ll*?-i«Ufltl<^etC ,,‘in very short

^'xiie fri;htful%ilcerait:‘: r^t%UX with

surprising rapidity to th** inilnenciT.ol »

C’l-ooki-’.sWhile all aches and pains

^vjies^ Prr;,apt


; 'lil in%r»»‘ ^ J *

L U'Slor at Law»'g. Biy.,

\ y^^!. contm ue lo r *ciii « in t hi- Circuit Court


V ? ml l)i>*r.tucky, 4Til I nttontCpromptly to >11;4)uGneSs Out inny he ii*!niste<l to Iuf carv: special


ilbr* given to coll<*etions.>" 11 i?* to thAoffico of Pn»siding Judge

’the County <’ourt * in' ‘

•Court, does not interfere w illlhis practice in thejCf^cuit ''ouits. no 1-Iy

I(Staniniitj eilitfo'T

ih*' iransccndniil inh-r-st

plv-i'Jentiul vb-etioii.

- . 3 .

' *2 .


TI; _

’ nnamna .*

• WiiKi:,^.—In vie-i.

lnvolv«'d in the npprigro\v“'ii;i uu* of thv* cuiitiiiUMi agitation ol l!i**sln-

uerv <|Ut-sii.ji,, un*l«r 8iui£-i.._iivf Uenmerntic ad-J

minisiruii<-;i3. an*I which hw' ivsulted in the final]

disr.-^olution W’tli*- demo-, ratie|nrtv. and the organ

frien the ranks uf the onC'

and in view <pf tli

fact that the iijee.’s'* (pf dih- r of th^ op|K)sing se

^ ./- ir"! tional incii' iis of ihHIatc Xalional Democracy would’

^•• i) \\iiI)k'ON,

Ibe Irauulit witii danger, to the pvae’, happliie.-;r;

‘ A B cAL'WIB Bov a t Law i'‘"‘i ealely^of the UepuMie, .'iiooml only in deiiivv

j' iC ks-: \ C' EBG q KV.j

to the diingei io tlie eounlry which would follow

k l^Vl^ jivoinpl ait^tivii tA all l)-.»siiip>s entriiH ed the eli'ctiun of llit-Mv publican eamliila:*-,

p\ TAo hl« rai --; esp(^»Uy to tho collet lion of laitns. Thtrejort Uc4.ihcd. '1 hat is tlieiluty t»f patrioticHe prartires in aildi^pu fh-'tli*' courts )t Greenup Union Igxin*/ men llii*ougln*ul the country, r*--

ro nn*ies. ^ * v*[

^rdlc^ of I'uHy U**s ami as.'-ociarions, and in deli

J'F sS S ti -C O U* I' I

tlieself aHvumied *iietalion of former lead< rs,

*'. # H .t ami parll.^an journuU to manifest t heir ilevofion to

A liOi* a I fljaW nine and inl-'O-sts of all. and admiiiist< r a tr-”

inco ol i'n»sifling Judge .,


Judge ol tho QujitcrlN ‘^J^Gon ol opj-osinu- loico Innn I

with his practice in the i

NiilMiial demoeraey.

• >*=

r - ' —lU.V ft sJmB he .

••^5 a different time Is

L to the pro\Ui(in of t.*., ..c.. v..


it di*I not Utkp; effect until the of.'lay, I Mi I. No lime was fix<‘d by (he Legulaturewhen the '‘’upplemenUl Ao! .dionU take effect.

consei|Uemly, in two months from the 25(,h of February, it had its foivc, and on tho 2(jth of

April foiiow ing it was a law. The qm-sti*)ii is,

Independent of;

con-ideraiioiis, the prosperity of the County'Is that the qiiosliun Ik? settle*!. The sooner

pn nn-1 sectional feeling ei^.a^cs, tho »oop

! uT'CO'u.l.

t (hose ha<sfy»auggcs‘don8 inayT)0 ,we

Ivni with no view lo intTfeii! with tlie]>ro' avcnnliiig to lie I'urma of tliat iiistriliuOil. loci Ilia

rogativ - of the Court or (he will „f the ,.eo,.Ie. Imt i

<-f <Hmri J.-ri.ig unti l, I

t I V „ . .. .* . . I

iffcnts proposed theix'lo, I he doctrine ol Sguafterineivly fo call their attcirtion lo tin' mfitler, ami ask »S'orrm'yr//y. In* sni<l. wonbl V-.a*! to the sain€^ ix-

their s»*rtrnis consi*b*ration to the consequences;

bt-causeihe Hlaek JG-pnblicans coubi a s e'ff-


which may en.-u*j unless there be prompt and im- !

Gudlv aceuHtp].;,h their objeet ot ineveiitiiig any

mediate action.

ft", r.irsiiing a line of argument enti.viy ditiereiit|wife, who l-licved ami iMT.ctiee.l hygifne from thefrom tli,..c who had preceded him. and to some e.x -


time the horse was inlien, tried to persuade herlit diireiviit fismi any thing we ever hoard before, husband to use a wet haiidag-, bat he insisted it

.,e walk.d into the Republiean camp, exposed to; wmild do no good. AO-r all had given up Uiatublic view the ulUmate object ami de*i«n of lliai th.- l»nr!«.- coi:l,I n,. lou^- Jive, by h* r cutf^atfesarty—^ieh v .i:- a total J. wtrueU.m insti- doebir saying it eunl.l do no gou<l or hurt Iioutiun <pt •biverv ;hr«<»tri«»m thv* O-afeJeraev. bv took a^jhicl: l>.;d-comfuiiec bouuJ it

found in [po.s.'cssion of\\ (’ni-viitn. liojlin- ‘'Ji

* v frc4' States. noc<*Ksarv to miable ll -i,

cp.nmd tbe

ur- It' '*nn fifr* . n immite^ fr^fifthcirmo^h'.- eommcm*cd the watering |»1>k:(*63 the lun'SO.Ar^up and <-adi.g, t<> ti.. .givat surprijcof the liurs^ihicLo.’, who knew Ik* coubl not live. 9'hc horse<lnl gfxj*! service aticrwards. This recipe I gaf<3 yeats ag<p. and it wa< #**.pioJ into most—us1 Wii3 told by an eilitor—<!»f Hi*- agricultural, andman\ other papers^of the Unite.l S:ates. Many


county, in Hm>c •


,< t ni<*n p'-uin u,

1)U.\C*r(CKS ill all tliociouu^. •oinin^romuie^ in K< uttic.v^

.4pp6als. i’ayac U inis.

a 4 Lawl\V.f Gn*ennp a nd ad-

in K' A*.80 , in court ol i

“ecial ktteniion to coMociion of i

3. tv.


mure Stiit. s froni cw into the Uni.m, by|

have trie.1 and V'ot'ed il. Try it, brother farmei'.

! Sovereignly pr. v«i| as tli-y eonid by Cangreseionnl, v, rm.x tx rnr P. vltuv Hoc«L-.-I,7^din.- youregis at.oi. to piMhib.t the .,.. ruduet,o„ of slaves, i„.t number. 1 noticed a piece about hen-lieo” 'and

t Bv refjeiii- to the result of (he vuU' at the re-"'C I iiiwd |»tal s, il that thinking iJiul 1 euiild giie a little information


, . .I

®"““1-* 6ettl-*d policy of ih*.* Gov- : r...rHi- i fn Ilu. .r »1cent election 111 oitrcoiiiily it will be fmiiid that

! orninent. In either event, it would produce a d_U"'Hiat.on ol these

ihcro is a majority of 3-13 against making the levy solution of th** Union. Or, if it *U«l not.* * -

the subject alone in an ecuMomi«^al point

act .

t'!-' ')« iFslruetion of that spieies ^ i.i„ji„g bv good trestmentThcycani. I

of laUir thi-oiigliout tlie Union would bo terrible !„• mn,li> tu inv I ; i

civ:ilingp.iyd eounty. It is conceded that there and <b*3olatinLMn the c.xtreme to tlie workimr . . . i

was uot tho original and Suj>plcim*niul bill ilic law Vote on the Tax in the .Supplemental Bill

on the Ki uf May, provid*-*! th*-y he oonsli-

,tutionai' Admit uttliir. point, for the sake of argn-

iment, tl5: constitutionality of b<ith ori«;innl and

Supplemental nets;they were both in force on the

I1st of May. On tlie 1st Satinday in May. in ac-


eordance with tlio law, the citizens within the' I^".vd county. It is conceded that there ' and <b*3olating in the c.xtrenie to tlie working |Kq

bonn<li pn scribed by tho net erentin'o: Boy*! couiit3*,


r*'* I**g;tl.furee in this vote because there is no law|

ulation every vvlnuv, fnnn tUe cotion planlati»ms t"

*; Ik’M an election for tlie officers of tlie county as ! antliorizing it. It is regarded only us an unolHeial


hikes, as it would t* iid lo increase the price of'

‘ cotton. r:c‘*, aiul sugar (tliese rn’ccssary urticles


Last fall, hav-

Ho pay fh^ .$259 per annum to Greenup eounty,


provi'l-’fi ^br in the Supplemoiital Act to the

vermin. I take the liberty to reply _vi**w imr irfTved a sln-rt distance froin'the oitr. and tak-

vi-'w, ,„g,| ,a„ev to hens. I purchns<*<l two liciis ami a

haveing rebuk" At poU^ di-sunionism and .vvetion- ;

"" ‘‘"^cers or uie county as|

niisni, by rHllyin-r W the sAipport of Bell and Kv dm-ctHlly the act, wlm have been only elected his honor, Judge Russ, tliat lie mighter.-lt, g.-atl -men of umim sHoned patnotism. of e.x


nnd*enf;?red on the <luties of tliidr office. Wc re- IIhe result a.s a test ot public sentiment, and thus


t-very family) over four fMd, whilst labor in t

alted public airi private \ irlues, and liic c-nlight ‘ apcctfully submit w In-lhcr the election of officers I

I'Mieve him, in some iiKiisuro, of the responsibilityj

States above tlie cotton region w oub.l lx* iner* a**

be iiia-le to pay, 1 have since increased i

(iiirtv- Ila ving a barrel t»f lime which 1 liad l«>r, I ihouglil it might boa good idea to sprinklea little on the ffiM.rof my coop to make it white

I . I - 1 4 • . *1 1 'I' • *

s* »«»»d chan. !>ut I have siiiee found that it not ouly

i l'"'’-f .ones Umt ,.m-,,n,.v, but ollu-ts. It ;n.rifies the at

A 4 4 oc I'B.i: r

ILL aitcml to


1 n

J. D. A)N KS,

I- >2 V V n I

wCfiun ics: and mateutLoa^.voii to t'aa cnll< ^')U o( cl.viuis. 3.1y


f. a irliV

prom'’"! n^H I business in tin*

, Carter and Ln wioncerl of appoads l’iirlli«'nar

*INNFLL.n 4 I. a w

,VATl.hyrTtiBViUi. KY. -

UACTr(,'E$ in^^Crfiiii-. <>t lluyd, Uioumip, C.r-tor .mj l.awr *T^ ^iiiuteg; and Court of Apf cals

drffW altontiui civen to the ;

V..-1 lepre^.-ura! iv4'S of t!ie only ivmaining party; , ,

. .

I which can jneily lay claim t*> Nat'umality. !

^ *C organization of tlie county weiv not an ao-

‘ Jli’solr.fil, Tlml for the suce.ess of the Gonslituj

coptaiiee of tin- law' in rcganl to lh\yd countv, it

! Ill Uiiiim lifki'l wu utmuM. individual. I,«i„g nit in furcp at (hat timo, and whether the,

and aituciated etfurli, and to timt end— - i. . - , t -i ,•

! Ke,nolv<d. Thufwv huvby urgamz.i unrselve.s 1...1f"

'' n'l" tumt. b, the^e ,.n, are nut

- to an a^sueialiou to lie culled the Giiyaiidotle Bellj

LiRy eomiuitU" 1 to all the ]*rovisions of the Suji-

uiid I'Neivtt Chib, rile iitiie. rs of raid elnb to|

ideineiitaT ns well ns original acts in ivferenee to

in deeidinji -SO irnjKirtunt a question. IVhat intlu-bnt a trillo over what il now is. 11c took U|l the



Iiiosphere, keetis ihe coop white and clean, iindla.-t,'


hut not least, I tliiiik 1 euii sale

A 4'4 iTl!* n c V



- I

yii'ticuUr tnd pro"

itii III J i^ubsido byj

tion of rlaitrr^. r.

II. Ti. iiusi',*'


rHLi'.\iu:n nv A 4 4 o y ij e .V SI 4 5. a w,

<• . (I it O (.X IC T; ; ,i «;ieei#lii>Kl»mg, Jiy.

St. ThiiJ Stiifet, Loitisv;lfe;*lCy.j

'yVT'lLTi prai^o-e iii In • (.monies hi Greenup, Cor-

Ani Fohl bv ill iLialiirs in aii^v ine. » t r, lipi^I^bawrenc^aiid Lew is. and al>-i th.

wholesslu l)ru>si,i, in'l,u|ii.sviiIF, K^-. Sonnii.list-j

Couit of Appeals, Ke.Wal Coiuls at Fi.,i.:.iorl

luttiijiirg, Kv-. bv KIv i Co. VV! ^ ^ ' )’•


At \ c rv V I P : L. T. .Mount. G.W.GAi-xtn.M.VRONIU, iMOpirF-tt^ALLUP,€i r e e il If l> ^ ,®"j1>Attorneys ani C^i^sellbrs at Law

irs the iirst^il^ay ,nI.^tiwr7Vj-"r»>''“V, K v.,


a’li. tf. M.

iconsj^lof Pn-sM.* iit. Y'icji Pre.^-ident and Secretary,




That 1 lic incinlier.s pb dge llo-ir Zealous

i cu uperatiufi. igi UiCxUiUd ineeting.s of Uic Club, fcv-

! eiy Jf*-r<lay cv^^itig, and at .‘^ubli other times ns mayIh- de* nied advisaTde, noil publicly ordered by the


!Hrsnlrfd. That tli*' Secix-tary is hereby autlior-

! izrd h* neeivo egUtributione. fi> m members an«l

i fri<*n‘]s of file patriotic cause in which we are en-,

I gaged, and if *1 t*» '«pen a (H*r:e*pon»)rnc‘.‘


w ilh the i hdirui;.’! oi Hu t.’oi:«tiluliomff Union t'om


luitlee Klfrlnnoild, fm* the procurement of suilu


ble I'apers, rlueuinvdits, Kc, lo be used in the cam,




iinolrcd] 'Uiat .S. JI. Rrissell be appointed Pr*



; S. Vice PiN-ijideiit ; aii'i TliyS. *

the creation of B(»yd countv, whetluT th*-v lx* nc-

ccpt.sMi- or otherwise. If not satisfied with H»e

provisions of the Supplemental Act, we think weslionM failed to organized tlie new county.

^ At the first election tlicre -wasa firll vote of the

rcouniy, tints n*eognizing the existence of a county

aiyl nl.--ua tlt-^irc lo accept all Hie piMvisions creat-

ihgit. 7*);c officers oh cted wCre all qualine*! and


enteiv'l on their dufivs. Tlie Stat«*, from Hu s

facts, h. V- .''nrnishcil tii ' officers of th** county wIH»

a full anfTc'unplHe set o^ocf»r>l Inxiks. an*l also


Deinoei;.ilii* platform nn*l tihowcl that (Ik* d*'cirine.ence Hu recent vole iniiy have on the Court wc are coiit,uine<l in it w as Ilu* only constitutional doctrine '

bens in ivgani to lice orunable to say, nor Tlo we desiiv in any w ise to in-


wliich recognize*! the Eqiulily of the States and

tni ie our^o-lvip** on 'Jie Court. Our object is to|

equal rights of tin* citizens of all the States in;

ut roeo

- Hian

Ay say that it keepsll»e poultry Ik»iisc li^v^fiimi all vermin, for since Ihave used it, I have not had any Lix)uble wilU my

otiier Vermin. In flyingfn>m the roosts or nests it g*'U iii amongst tlmip

is toi»"• miizi-ns Ol an me otates i,i

: tVath.i-s, whieh keeps them" healtl.y and in Rood11 4i .M .• 4*si 1 «• T> 1 . .1 a- .. the common domain, lie hud the immense ci-ow. ;

°call the nmiifun ol (be people of Boyd to tbe eliect


n,,. l,, .|

of their roccm vote on the Tux question (as it is ulmo#t hrcaHiK-s^ silence fur ovr an hour. Allnc-i a..:. • ,i n . /-* *m

called) imivide.l it was of legal force. AVe cannot|

knowlc^iged the force onusargumentand the power^

tlie f-dlowItig'^W-cipIv H^^sny^ Asbelieve tlu r<’ is a voter who seriously reflected on


genius.^ |

the w arm weather is with us, w'c begin U) tliink of

the Coi.«’‘qu*'nccs of his vote against tlie tux, if if i


ix-tn-bUing drinks. 1 h-ive u famed ix-cij>e which I

,ctre of iejnl force. Tbii S«ppl..m..,.tal Act sava I

Br.LL an.. Evou.^t PxPsas tx G,Nm,x.x.m.-Two| |t,vc. lU drink but far betu-r

new' pa[»er.s have been started in Cincinnati, the ;

yon *lu not have to' n:.w 1? t> i t .t /-*• • .• n {

drink f"r v*iur nionev’.s worlli. 'I he effervescenceC, Ev.-nms Post an.I tbe Ctneinnnt. Con


of tbks aid,- Now wbat is tbe principal provisio'n ’

l"n.ter a pernmnent entab-,two


Is of wbite sn«ar, tbejui-eof half n lent-

r^ i. t • in I

n'*hni*nl, and the latter a cainpaign paper. Botli ' on. ami Ihr* * pints *»f w.-uer. B*»il together five

of this net? It is tlmtthe Court of Claims shall an-, , „ , ,, i.iiniU/v^ V'h .n n.-irl v ..r l 1 .. i i e

, r A.To 1*1 I 11 V 1' IL !l and Kverett an*1 tlm Lnion county

VM nmnrl\ tyj, u...| ttic whites ofnunlly I'-vv the.sum of $2ou, which sIiuU be e*)l-

i ,i thix-'c eggs well b.*u:--n, w iHi lialf a chd of flour*

1 . i ’i • 1 * *1 ri 1

^“'' tickets. Me exLeml to them our best' ^i.n - - . «

1‘ CLe.l and paid to the (»lvenup C 0111113* Gourt ,!

an.» ,.n Ann

which h-yv bv the Bov»l G*mit\' Court, shall eon-

“t!ie act creating the count y of Ikyd shall Ik* v

unless tic* eounty of Boyd accepts the provisiens

mKKTS in (Jrecmipsbi’.r

y month.

J. Davihsom45 - 1 yj

?KC.B. GU.B11 IlAYfJ I>. WI.Nyt'ERsTj. \V._



'nR.VrriGE ii'i^a.J^ Boyd, Groncup, 1^iM^^cky, aiul Wayny

iiaii»in the Coavt of

Administratrix Ifatice!.Aftorsi


2ftnsind>*btui^^Mik Isaac If.

ilnysIip,.S(*crc'arv of thi.^ Association.

Uesiilref/, Tliul tlie pr«)eeuding8 of this meetingbe sciii to tlH* iiiehmom] Vfhig, Saiuh' ynl)cy Au-vecute, and the Kun;4wha R-qnibUcun fo^* publica

M' l.*a\vrence. Farter. Lion.

K1 •'id. Bath and Movg 11 in>

On im>lion, D. D. noldtib3*. Br.,M’Ri. Abdcswortli

»i:d Cabell in Vir^'inis ,. ami II. Kvrr- 1 ». wen- n*)puiu!ed ft Coimui tWre (*»

if Kentucky. M-tl i draft a Iwi au-1 dy L*?^ fur

P. -CAlfV N. .


* tk 4. 4» II *|^i£v iiJG »• a 4 Ian‘ Ir.

library worth not less- tlian .$709^ 'Mio County ! tinue until tluTC is pai*! 63* the countv* of Boyd a.

Court has aceeptod a Jot ns a donation on whichj

sum equal in pr»*portion to what the d*:bt of the 1

the public buildiugsmvjo be erected, valued nt$2,-|

county* of Greenup was at the last Court of Claims,|

fluff, ar.d apj <^te<l Odni'i i si* n'M’s to receive l*i*ls!itc.. !

5Ve exLeml to them our

wibitcs with Uie hope that their efforts may liecnii-.

n**ntly succos.sfiil for tlic cause of the Union and

the Constitution.

ami hull un oun.-e of 0r*'*-neeof winter-green. lk*t-

lle, and ku:p it in a cold place. 'J’ake two tahle-

spoon.«^fuUof lids svrup for a tumbhr of water,anti adi,l i*ne quartci' of a t**ftspoonful of soda.

the go; ern

fefa aju]

. Land Mk.vsi iu. —-Kvciy far.ner sliMil'l have aA Curious People.j

g*H>d me.a^un’. u liglir, »tiiT |N.k*. sixiemi and a half

, . -/el- . . •South ol Kaffa and Su>a there is a ver3

* feet long, for meai^nring lan*l. 1»3’ a lUllo prac^ce(or biiibliiig the sam*'. TIk i* s of Grcyqup,


Now will !>* the effect of a ivjvctlon by th&; tjnhrv and humid counuy with many baniboi'I ho can learn to step u rod in live steps, wliicl) will


1. <*J tp take Cog-I

Coujt of this provision? C**rtainlv that the nctcix*- ’ w’oo'ls inhabit***! bv tlm race culle*l Dokus. wlioor*-j

an.-'wer v--py well for or.rin.'irv ihr.n work. As^r-

m tnk.'n offl aCn-.' BovI e'omtv sball Iw Are tb<> p.-opb> I

Lik'K- Loys of t.-n yen.-i oM;tbat is, ruily i l.iin tlie iinmlKT of r„is in wijtli nn.J lenotii .ft' ,

, . .1 ’ font 1 . .t bit-'b. Ibcvbaic a ilark. oliv.- color. R, iot v<’U .i. oi

., 011 too I* May,

.i. _ i»* lbM rcnlt. Au.l sbottU tho (.-onrt br, oinpHi'^i^nna Uvv in a Oon.plv**,!^' ,a- ,^i.^.,. «^,i


•i -Sjic.ib jAv fr;- - -y. iy-'- Jt/J'''’'* v* ‘ ‘

• f tu-Li't* ^,.,V dr’ .-.rail ti.o onin.-rs of tr. v noiy o,ryo.-uail(\s t .i|

' (“-jnjts..rn. ton'.

. * 1.• • -n- like of « ^‘^Trr b -lnb- ealle*! >*

V in ifioiiient'; if V* r- '.eued:;« ->-' : n.

Lawrence, and Carter, hav.-• - y

nizngHhiir.X'r tj^o.-^poiiww** v

to form B-

A^, has i'‘.’irnft-»w-d txr

1-1 mn*H]*ls’ on-'

\ and

(•'"J alKWt Ib'i,

or*l Circuit Courr

o-\.«*s which w**re p*?n*ling in hi-tl^’eur'* ’ repraUi'

' whom. .\i* t\* they


into tlie



.ftioi \ tni l.ftv



r**r 11 ial. The hohiing of the Boyd CircuiP Com t, any *lesijvs any* such stab? of things? -

is no when* ]*rovided f.jr but in the SuppKnncptal V. car^'^aH^fied tlu-re is not.Mul we c*7ncUide that the

Act. Fn*m this statement of flirts ifwill lie^^en i vote

think^nd wo



^iHi all it

Fl progress Ol

fands <»f theassoiiibled

HU bull)

lb uts.J^^Korstcachni^ incy

: feet. Hi1^ vours]

d on Hi ‘ licncli

knaster monosyl

there a vi’t'^-r'in the enmity, wlio, un«li. prav-—not in an tr*ct posture, but ix-v*r?ed, _ . ^ ^

,? the'head on the gr-.mi.l un*l the bet siJiq«'i-;e*l iq*-j

Mriro.v as .\n Auth u. ok Fo u- —The Amerie.ane


•'Ifht against a *jve or st»>nw. Jii nrav '-r the)- eny, ( Agriculturist say^. ‘*Wi- m*Mn t.i rep -at a thivrt^n.l

vohj|Jvas€.T»t without due consideration if theconse- !

, ^‘ V^dn'no* hir'V inll I

***“'"’‘ ^

sonieeff ct

that the question is fine of serions moment U. tw ar qnences n bicb .aigbt ensue Are tbe )Mtople jr, pare 1. ciot'bins, for we live ' on s. rp? ntC ants, and


jljicy riiHon'eT.'u" ImlfX cost of

Ia coimTy, and lo many individuallv, of sucli infi- to vote tlie county of Bc3*d go back to Hieurigi- 'mice. Thou hast made us ;

wh 3* dost tiioii pt-rmit i tlie same quantity of p**rk

;tliat it is infinitely

initc importance that nota shade of dojibt shouM

|nal eounff^s fii'm w’hich it wai taken, and thus pi*c-

uiiiler f*-ot? The D- kos |niwj h,..Htliier foo-1, <*S])*cinllv in Hi** summer season,

, ,, , , •• e no chief, no laws, no weapons;

tlun* do not him! * ' •* . . .•

.cut to the wmrl.i the humiliating i>u..ti*>n of iv-. ^ fiVe s d-lvon fruits kkUs,

fu-iing a eOunty which tiiej have struggled so hardj

jniee, serpents, ants, hum*y ami tlie like, elimbin^

to obtain, ami witich we hive boasted will be ofithe tr»*cs ami gathering the fruits like moiik'-ys


those Ijoth sexes go completely naked. They have

be |H*rnntled to remain as to our acceptance of the

Suppleincutal Act.

If rejt-cted, we have a territoiy in onr State with-


out dul3’ consiituled officf^rs, except those wlio ar.-


elcctc'l b3‘ <nir towns in Ihrir corporate capacity;

such infinite advantage and convenience to


living wdtiiin its lioundaries, beeanse we are

1^ ’

a^dand imjxirtance. and no pnndsion ma*le for hold-

ing Circuit Court, no Grand Juryan<lno meansfi>r supt'cessing and pnnisliing crime since Maylast, and the whole pr(*cecding of our courts, andnil nets of its nflicers since that, a faixie. If it

is hereafter decided by tJ»e highest tribunal in the

Suite as unconstitutional, then, wc are relea.'«e*i fc-


gaily fi*om the payment of tlie tax of $250 ; Imt if

well your part— ' our county i*emains, tlie Legislature can then adopty w hat is instrue-

i guch other provisions as will supply anv defiticn-otudy semnee


of the world. w« mav* need in the full organization of our

m. Become nsJ

Courts, <fcc. In the meantime all will goon andoccupation 3'ou have full force and effect. In any aspect there can

Lke The ^UdT^for^ disadvtntnge in a full and immediate ix-cog

until our fiortion of a debt which we justly owe*!

wlien in Oreonup count}*, and which we would

linve had to pay if wc had remained in Grcvunp

jthick, protru.ling lips, flat noses, an*l small ey*'s ;

;Hie hair is n.»t woollv. and is wmi b}* the womenover the shmild*.Ms. Tlie nails on llic hamls andfoot are allowed to grow like th*.’ talons of vulture?,

and are used in digging for ants and in tearing t**

pieces the serpents winch the}* devour raw, for

they are unacquainted with fire. The spin'iof tin-

count}*, and which we must pay if we go bnck'M snake is the <iiily ornament worn around the luck,

C**itainly we think not. We cannot hut acknowl- but tliey pierce the ears with a sharp i>ointeu piece

edge we owe Greenup our propodion of the origi-^

have nonal county debt, and we should at once

|f^^gulur marriages, tlie intercourse of Hjc sexes'

our willingness to pay it. ! hading to no settle*! home, each in perfect in*J* -

Our share of tbe debt is. we believe, estimated pcmlence coinp wliither faiic^- !• ads. The mother

u,,«: r;r.-

Jhe i*rovisions of the hill compel us only to pay it ’ penU; ami a^ s*>on as the child can h^lp iU**lf, the

in installments of $250 per annum, anrf this icRA- luotlier lets it depart whither it pleases. It can

oui irt/crcs/, giving us some 12 or 15 years to pav it be docidcil whether these D*»kos are t!ie p>g^X- • Til t vk 41 ,.

imes who, according to Hei*odotus. wei’p discovered

p.Kc U.e ...o.c .0 . I*"'^-otl'ing could have fteen more liberal than

„ear a gr< at river in the vicinity of Ccntr.d Africa

'with its teachings, "'t'O" of tbe legality and force of the Supplemental|

these terms. Greenup was unwilling to part with by two youths dispaicbed l>y fiteareb, Kiiip; of the

llom and (irospcrily ' Act. In eveiy proceeding so far, where it has been|

us, but in consenting she certainly evinced no desire Oasis ot Ammon.

Krapf’a J’ravels in Africa.

fAs you grow ill stat| necessary for parties to act, the constitulionalitv of

;to oppress the new county. This is not all; we by I

. ; .

" *;


rln "acavft™,''irfirm^i

Ly high authority. We|

the act receive the amount due from tho titfies for: BVck'*i>rT.l"e h "belrl’nVwn^ ha"s”K.7u

[ve u> be usvf'ul, and we •lo the action of the Gircuit Judge of


the present year, amounting to notices thaa$J,6 I'‘.! Tsep^diated yy a majority of tl)irty thousand. Eis

.Greenup County, who is the ezpoutider of the Thus it will be c^n that we lavs left in the ' own State is the first to repudiate him;

and Hi>-Sf wiiu o.*ii it luicu.nt inoie muscular, andcan do moiv w«ii-k, wiHi givntcr cast- lo ihcLuselves,

tliuii lh*»'i-.* wli*, eat fat pork. W<i know nothingmore delicious than .«moko<l mutton bams, of theSouthdown breed of nlK*cp.’*

M’ortu Knowing

1 ransplanting Tauns —If thectirnmis^ioncr of the Central Fark would give strict

onier.-* to mark tb** north side of .frees with redehftlk before Tliey ar»; taken up, and when set^utto liave the tree put in thr go»nml it? iK*rtb 6i*Ip toihti iiortii in it« untural pusitioii, a lnrgv.r 'I'l'opor-

lion would Jive. Ignoring this law ot nature, is

the cans*.* of .so many iraii-q'l.mtoJ tn.'vs dvin]g. If

Hie north sid*? i* exposed to tli^ tomb, tlu* h'-afc ofthe sun is too giiTat rot tliat si lv of the tree to bear,

and therefore it npaiiil decays.

Blacksmith's kor PKacu i luus.—Al»outtwo years i-g.i 1 h« arda m*ig!)hor say tha\ he hadfound a grf'ftt benefit in usiiitr the scale fn»« Iffack- 's anvils mtniiii uis (icaeh tr.cs ] had s v-

cr.-il that had been It.adly ir.jmrdby worms, aivuii'I

wliich I I'lAC'.'d ihe seal*-. Since that Uric I liave

not l>e*'n hI>]c to find a worm, and the t-r^s hvavcrc-

covi;r*i*l their given healthy appearance.—C. H.CllL’t.V.

* ^

Iron* a Gcrb for C.uii,papi'rs sta’.e tliat iimr!:ed

monia in Fra:;cu w*.ve coday: wi:.i .r


1-Hie fvireign

rd case of the plwuropneu^

comrdei'-!}* c*-rcd yoar


Page 2: The Sandy Valley advocate: 1860-08-22 - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 1. · Cha|ipiil r*-.i':.Ior‘*i'1ui>3..N'othiiiq 13belt.-r X..,,.'.3* ItWJ.hoeqii"'fi.r'le'ter II,,.J„n1


Investment in Coal Iiands.

The invested in the cusl lands of Penn

sjivania i« «»>d 1° bn nearly $^24,000,000. The

cnnsl# and slaek water contained a-ithin the An-

Ashland Items.

Coal On. M'obks.—Messrs. Thomas and James

Greer, of Covington, Kenlncky, having become the

purchasers of the Kentucky Coal Oil Manufactory,


tbrarite coal trade measures 815 miles in length . are now making preparations, by the addition of

a»d cost $40,000,000. We call attention to this [new and improved machinery, for the extensive

statement in order that we may form some idea of; manufacture of Cannel Coal Oil of the most supe-


the immense revenue which the raining of coal rior quality. Thescgentlemenhavealsoalargees-

,must produce on such an immense investment to tahlisliment for the manufacture of Crude Oil on

Natioual Union Presldantlai Ticket,



I make it profitable

(inslly invested in

What are the 321 millions orig

lands then unimproved to the

the Kanawha, the products of which will Iw ship-

ped to Ashland to be refined. From the business

I value of the same lends now ? It is a remarkable|

qualifications, energy and capital of the Messrs.


fact that the more fully coal lands are developed|

Greer, we may be assured that this establishment



Electoral Ticket,FOE THF BTATE AT LARGE.

triLLlA.V !l WADSWORTH, of Maaoii.

E. L. Vanwinkle, of Wuyne.

1$t.— E. P BAtaova,Sn l— L. L Laavill,



m. SAursox,4/h —W. A. Hosxi.'S,

6/A —Phil. Lae,


(i/A.—W. M. FplkkesoI7/A,—W. C. Bullock, I

8/A.—.Toiin M. HablaiI9/A.—Joiix B. HustosJ10/A—W. S. Ravkin.s.


The“ The Union, the




Enforcement of the Laws.suid the;


Tiicfttiont intcnd*'d for insertion in this papor, aid

letters connected with the business of the ofti^alJrmust be addressed U) the “Sandy ValUv Advocat

^ Judge Simpson.

It is feigned regret that we announce^

disapiH in the estimati we formed of i

citizens of^hia AppoHute District. Wedoubted that, from their intelligence, and as

thought, their just appreciation of the high,

pified and ri'sponsiblfl position of the Jodiciar

they could be induced by party considerations

and worked the Dtore valuable they become. Our

limits will not p«'rmit us to go into a history of

the coal trade of Pennaylvania. It shows a greater

appreciation in land than that produced by any

other mineral, and also the fact that there has been

no better investment. The largest fortunes made

in the city of Philadelphia and throughout Penn

sylraniahave been by invcslments in coal lands.

We introduce this subject in order that we may'

will now be so conducted as to secure a large and

praHtable business.

The Darlinton Coal Oil Works are also in suc-

cessful operation, producing an Oil of very supe-

rior quality, and, as we hope, making the invest-

ment a pn>iilAble one tO|the enterprising proprietor.

Ashland Hotil.—This extensive establishment

has recently been leased by A. J. Bell, Esq., whohas refitted and furnished it. It cannot now fail to

convey some idea of the immense intrinsic value:

secure to its patrons every comfort. The building

of the coal field in the volley of the Big Sandy.— Ivery large, built expressly for, and odmirabiy

It bears favorable comparison with any coal fieldj

adapted to, the purjwses of a Hotel. 1 present

in the Union in quantity as well as quality, and^

host and his lady, as we are inforri^

only needs to a very limited extent the means byj

qualified to manage it, and w^which it can be developed and transported to mar- ' accommodate the public wiP

ket. The great advantages whieh nature has con-1

couragement which U»ey mel

ferred on our coal field invests it witli inducemenu|

Lkxinoton and Bio Sandy ^

to capitalists which no other iwsscsses, the chief **** Conimissid -- j-

of which is the short distance it lies from the Ohio i

Court, took place at >

river, and the comparativel}* small expense a*^®**^'inst. Hugh Means ^***1


which constant Jiavigation by Locks and Damsl^®n* »®^ ^®**^***^»

Spirit of the Campaign.Bell and EvtaEir Mef.tino at Xf.w Orleans.

—Xew Orleans. August ‘i.—A meeting of thefriends of Bell and Evei'ett was held here last evening. and was largely attended. Twelve 8 fH*echesw'ere dclivei'ed, and much enthusiasm manifested.

Bell and Evfrftt in MissiHsim —At a meetingof the \ntionn1 Union Executive Committee, heldthe l 8Ui insl., in Jackson. Miss., a series of in*so-

lutions w'ore adopted declaring a strong faith intlie

ability to carry that State for Bell atd Everett,

and ivcoinmending the formation of clubs in everyCounty, and the careful circulation of cainj»aign


las and Johnson regularly nominated, and denounc-ing the Administration.

Charlottesville, Va., August 17—P. M.

ED. F. DULIN,Attorney at Law

tireeiiiiiiNbiirg, Ky.A resolution w’As offered in the Convention tliis| \^71LL»ttend proropUvto »I 1 business in the line

afU'rmxin, to instruct the Electors that, if necessa- > Y of hU prol*^ 8sion, cntrusled to his care. 16

ry to prevent a Republican triumph, they cast the „ ~

vote of the State for eitlier of the otlier candidates.' iMntlPP tn I iPTI I VD AVG

A resolution was adopUHi reaffirming the Charles-tU 1 11 tl cii/ LUX b«

ton Platform, except as regards Cuba and the F*a- 1 )ROPOSaLS will be receiv’d! ar tho store of Johncjfic Railroad.


1 D- Mims in Calielt/ibui'g, Boyd Co.. Ky.. fo»-

Senator Hunter the Convention to- nigh t i

*^”i*hii*g building maierala »nd completing a Court

and Senator Mason tomorrow.t

county in U tieti.burg. according to

Charlottesville, August 17

At a meeting of the friends of Bell and Everettlounty

i ndopiRtiolofd, That as the Republican party is mak

ing a direct war. Uf»on the most vital hiter» sts of

the South; and as the Democratic fTffftyhas, hyits division at this critical |>cnod, all chanceof successfully opf>osing Kepuhlicanistn', it Ivehooves

us. as friends of the Union, to rally to the 6 np|H»rt

of the only national and constitutional pa^ty nowin the field.

Resolved, That we therefore pledge our party cor

dial and unwavering support to those well tried

conservative statesmen, Bell and Everett, and will

use every honorahle means to secure theirelection,

l>dieving that therein lies the only hope for therescue of our country from tlie j»erils that now sur- i

round her.

An Anti' to-day. The report •

one of tliree plans whicti will be shown to any puMondesiring to contract by Mr. Mi ns. The Kpecitication»

Doiiglns spirit is deei.ledly inanif.-sted I

“f «<* P'*”* “> •l«« be »e.;n ,t the

lie report of llie Committed on Reeolu- ,


in Tippah county. Miasiesippi, the following rcao- tions «a« ^ad and nnaniinoualy adopted.[

j„ „.ch p.rt. as p^ron's^nl^rd to Tomr^ci f«lotions were adopted :

J h<- first declares in favor of the slavery scelion p,.rson. who ni.y wi«h to put in .r« re-of the National I latforni; the second provides for quested to do so on or before the Ssiuid.v previousthe organization of a central execulive committee,; to the 4ih Monday in AngiMt. as the undersigned areof a central ticket, the fourth calls for a county or- !

required to report to the Boyd County Cnm t on thegani/.ation. the fifth requests Messrs. Wise, Hunter, last named dayMason and Smith to canvass the State


1 he Convention repudiates the Pacific Railroad,illouglihy Newlin made a viident disunion

spoi’cli. whicli was iveeivod with much applauseMr. Smith, from the Confvivnco, r\»porte'

o’clock, that no arrangement had lieen made atStaunton; but that the Douglas Convention hadap)H>inted a ConnnitUte of five to correspond withthe Committee of this Conventiou.

, ^The proposition ol each individua.

shall not be sticrject to ihe inspection of any one nn-til reported to the Court. PinposaU will also be r»*-

ccivedat the tamo place for building a Jail for saidcounty according to plan which ma y bo seen at the

‘ J D. MIMSU>pinw9C. ,

i Btfour

July 98 18G0-B9 4t] D K WKI 8 ,

COLEMAN’SM ti t e r ti a t i o it a I Hotel

Col. A. P. Hall of Benton is in town.

can be made through the Big Sandy river to th«

Ohio, thus bringing it 350 miles nearer market]

than the coal fields of Pittslvurg, with more con-

stant and safer Navigation in Uih Ohio. These arc^

facts to which.we havs freque;ij^' adverted anj_

which ara H^-V^owledged ^The dcvelv made ^^^veral large roininj

,r' companies on Our riverhavMully tested not oiil;

Uhe quantity but the quality, proving conclusively!


by comparison with the best coal brought to tin

ities of Cincinnati and Louisville, that for manui

[The purchase includes Uie road, ita pn



,000 .



favorable repnirts from that Dvmocratie 8trongh*^1

He refH>rtt» that a portion of the Democrats in IfOcounty will vole for Bell and Ever»‘lt, ns theydisgusted with iheirown candidat**s. The Cub ^is in fine health and spirits.—Carre/ Patriot, Tenn

A Bell and Everett Sentinel on the NorthEastern Boundrv.—Mr. D. N. Clark, a patriotic

Union man of Eastport. Maine, has raised a Bell

Stavnton, Va., August 17.

The Convention has transacted but little business

He brings! to day, beyond ap|>ointingaConference Committee,i'hicli is confi'rring with regnnl to thecinnpi^uni^e;lit it is the general impression that, there is nothe slighU'st ciinnce of a reconcilliation. TheJouglas Convention will probably frame a clear

uglas ticket to-night.

Stau.nton, Va., August 18.

/I>ate last night the Douglas Electoral ticket wasadopted, AS follows : Geo. Blow, H. S. Hopkins, J.

and Everett flag on a staff seventy feet high, situ 1 B. Stoo<*all, Jas. Garland. Benj. Randolpli. G. ’ll_._1 .1 A. .. TT.«^ 4 ..J 1 ^ « n v... .. ... ww ’ ’land francliise. A\ e learn from lourcea|aled on the nionteastero jHiint of land in tlieUnited

jCox, J. B. EUwortli, C. H. Rowe, O. W. Brent,

tliat tlie road was bought for a company in Ken- Slates. Tlio flag is iiisuribed wiil^®e names of ; Robinson. J, .4.. Leggett. G. P. Hodge, 0. 4V.

fitiential and

a meet-


fcWacturi ng as well as domestic purposes it is eq

discard from their service one of the best, wisest jin quality to any. Oiip hills contain, as a geneFl

and most competent men who has ewr sat on the|

thing, from 5 to 7 strata varying from 3 to 7 f.'ci

highest legal tribunal of their St-ate. one who Jas oons#qhently we have a greater quantity than ii

for years served tham with a faithfulness and coal field of Pittsburg. We need only the im-

ity which challenges the bitterest ]>artisan to offur provenientof tho river to which we have referred

even oneobjection to tlie inanuer in which he has

discharged his duties. We have been mistaken in

our estimate. Iiowevcr, of the wisdom and discre-

tion of the people of this Ap|>ellaU* District. The

returns show that a majority are willing to sacrifice

the purest and most able man l>ecausc of a differ

ence of political sentiment, and from this f»»rth to

drag even the pure ermine of justice in the dirt

«nd mire of parly politics.

We do not wish to s|>eak of Judge Simpsons

competitor as we do not know him personally.

Tais much, however, we learn from public sent

Bwnt, that in qualifications in any respect, there is

no comparison, and that in the defeat of Judge

Simpson the Stale has suffered a great puMie loss,

one which will be severely felt not only by the as-

sociate Judges on the bench of tlie Court of Appeals,

but by every citizen having business in that high

tribunal, as well ns the whole bar of the State.

We think it due to Judge Simpson to state that

he peremptorily refused to become a candidate of a

party or to accept the nomination of any j»olilical

eonvention, regarding the dignity of the high po-

eitiou he has filled so long with credit to himself

and his State, as too exalted to be brought in con-

tact with party. He consented to serve if the peo-

ple should desire it, and only ns a candidate inde-

pendent of party was he presented, leaving thecan

vass in the hands of tlie friends of an independent

and pure Judiciar}', taking no part himself.—

He remained at home willing to abide the result

lot it be what it might. Is there a man in the

District who most not, on solier reflection, approve

of his course and condemn tliat of his opponent,

Mr. Pofer«, who was not only the candidate of a

political party, (the Democracy) but stumped the

District, urging the peo|>lo to regard hit claims on

lit parly could Iwve inducc<1 any irtin to hav-'

given him the preference ov»t Judg-; Simpson.

Our regrets are not so rruch for Judge Simpson

personally, although his private worth and eminent

abilities entitle him to the place in the gift

of the j>eople of Kentucky, they are more because

the pc(tpTe of this District have consented to the

establishment of a principle dangerous in its ten-

dency, and if carried out, snbscrsive of the rights

of the people. What will be the condition of af-

fairs, should we]have a partisan Judiciary, who can

measure the influence which party may exercise

over it, when j)Ower is conferred alone from party

eonsideration. Should there not be one branch of

our Governincut to wdiich w’e can appeal, assured,

that there, at least, the bitter prejudices of party

cannot eflect our rights ?

We feel that we may congratulate Jtrdge Simp-

son even in his defeat. Uo has the consciousness

while in office of having discharged faithfully his

d-uty, and during the past canvass his course has

met the cordial approval, aotonly of his conscience

but of the purest and best men of his district. In

fetiring from the bench he carries with him the

gratitude, admiration and affection of the best and

ablest men in the First Appillate District, those

who greatly prefer his defeat and the deprivation

of his services, than that he should have loaned his

iufluence to the cstablishmentuf a principle, which

would degrade the Judiciary to the level of the

lowest political office. What man, who has a just

appreciation of the dignified and responsible |K>si

tion of a seat on the highest legal tribunal of our

State, would not now prefer the positi'Ui of Judge

Simpson with the principles which governed him,

to the man who hy party uomiuation and party ap

pliances defeated him ?

to enable us to compete with Pennsylvania or an

other coal field, not at a cost of 40 or 50 millioj

but it can le effected by the expenditure of a ft

hundred thousand dollars, a sum, when compandw’ith the advance which w’ould at once lake place

ucky, among w’hom are manealthy gentlemen. The |nire

g after th^ sale ted 19*^

- with the Lovt0 vilIe and .nrdJlu

'^'V^oi^i^liiftrterms they w«’^d complete the

ad tiv^fft. Sterling. We beli^W, from the sale,

nd tlie deep interest in th<i^6mpletion of tlie road

by the present owners* lh<tt a great portion will

soon be finished, and the entire route at do distant

day. We also understand that there is a desire to

extend that portion which runs out from Ashland

immediately, so as to reach the large coal and iron

interests in that vicinity. Our county, as w’cll as

11 North Eastern Kentucky, are deeply interested

n the completion of this road. There is no im-

provement which will develope a richer portion

of Kentucky or tend more to advance our lands,

and we trust we can tiow with confidence look, at

an early day, to tlie enjoyment of the benefits

in our lanjg, wouM be a, nothing. Wo do' not |

'""’Pletion ^lUoufer.

speak extravagantly. What are the prices of coali ^13 • T, 1 -Of a-aa 4 /maaa’ Democratic Convention,

lands now in Pennsylvania ? from $o00 to $1000

per aero. iramon.* ..rice i. obtained bocauso,The Douglas Democracy met in Convention, at

of the value of the coal and the faeilitie, of trail-


'‘T delegate..

.[Kirting it to market. We a.k uhy .ueh re.ult.,L'g'*'.v .even countie, wei-e repre.ente,’. From the

... r -4 I I 3-4 _ .1 A Louisville Democrat we learn it was one of thewith infiniteK* less expenditure, may not be secured

to our gntat valley. It i. then, not‘ thatConvention, ever ...embled in Kctilucky.

Sieving, a. we do. that wc haveoneof theriche.t[

endorsing Doiigla, and

coal field, in the Union, and one which, if fully

develo|>od, would make our valley the richest |>or-

tioQ of Kentucky, that we should devote so much

space to the ndvmjacy of a plan by which our

mineral resources can be developed and transported

to markeL It is most surprising to us tbat our

people should need one word more to induce them

to appreciate the sources of weaMi by which they

are surrounded, and determine, at any sacrifice, to

have the facilities by which they can be conveyed

to market.

The advantages which we need arc now within

our reach, if we do what we can to assist ^eNavigation Compan}'. Do our j>art, and we wjl

have ournver improved by Locks and Dam^will have constant Navigation—a large amount%» f

capital and enterprise introduced—our minerals

veloped—an avenue to market aflopded—a reven

of millions per annum—<lemand for our lands ci

ated—and at prices as high as those of any oti,

coal fielld. We are not to wait for others to ooin an<l do this work which is to confer on us S’

great benefits. We must *ot ourselves, do <

part, accept the piop»*>al of the Navigation Cdlany. which Uextrcaielv liberal, and jvroveto **>>

rv# we appY«^iat4‘ tAeu ffb4.4Mi.4j 4.^3


Gallant Boyd and the Union.

We take the liberty of publishing the followingi

and the distinctive principles of this

Itranch of D**mocrac3\ Hon. J. C. Mason, of Balh.

and the Hon. Arch. Dixon, of Henderson, were ap-

pointed Electors fi»r the State at large.


L. S. Trimble, of McCrnkeii.2

E. D. Walker, of Ohio.


John A. Finn, of Simpson.F. W4*ue,^_Q££5aL


E. A. Graves, of Marion^~


7 heopliilus Garrard, of Clay.


Marion C. Taylor, of Shelby.8

John Jackson, of Fayette.3— alter Chiles, of Montgomery*.10—G. Clay Smith, of Kenton

A large ntinil>er of AssisUint Electors were nom-inated in each District. D. K. Weis, Esq., of Ash-land, is the Assistant Elector for this |x>rtion of the

9th District. A !>etter appointment in the partycould not have l>cen made, as we know no one whowill discharge his duties with more zeal and abil-

ity. Great enthusiasm and spirit prevailed with

a determination to make no terms witli the Breck-inridge wing.

Oil _J hose spriiigt.'Tiit* uaiij mow a* tentiow

in the valley of Sandy., We learn iyt»inir>me gen-

tlemen who have been u|>on Taint crock, in Johnson county, for the pup|>ose of making an invest-

“Helvand Everett.




arge niimi*cr*vi men who ha|noting with Kvpublioans, repudiateand will vote for au4 iVorreefer

Times. ^Another Accrsaiox in Alabama.—The Messen-

ger, ]iublislied St Livingston, Ala , has hoisted th

Constitutional Union flag, and entered thccampaigwith energy nni zeal.

PoLiTrcAi. Mofementsin North Carolina.—HonHunry W. Millfr, n< m»*cralic Elector for the M'akeDistrict in Norlli Carolina, has declined and wil

support Bvll and Everett. North CanJina is giodfop the Union sandidates by a handeoine majt*rity. fyn •

The Hon, Oorge E. Badger deliveied a sf>eech

recently at Rairigh, io which he declared himselffur Boll and E*crcit.

The Goldsl>cro’ Independent has laid aside its;

neutrality an«l come out for Ih'll and Everett. Soalso, the Scotlasd Neck (Ilaliflix) News.

Kf-ntickt.—Eon. John. J. Crittenden made a

glorious rallying s)>ccch at ShrlhyTille, Ky., lately.

Messrs. Mallory. Bullock and Whitenkersf>oke du-ring the day. Tie enthusiasm aroused was of the

most cheering cljamcter.

The billowing t'xtract from a letter of J. F. Bab-!»it, A Douglas desiocrnt, ap|>ear8 in the Cincinnati

Evening Times (lnde|»enilent :)

“I think Kentucky will go for Bell and Everett

I will sell $5,0(K worth of n*al estate for$l if

Breckinridge carries Kentucky, or $10,000 if hedon't. If anylKxiy wants to back Breckinridge's

chances A»r Kentiiekv, he can get any amount here,

fnun $100 to $10(MH>0.”

The I^ouisville Journal remarks that Ib*ll andEverett have an important advantagi' in bc*ing the

second choice of a.! the other parties. This is true

as iTgards the frieitisof Douglas and Lincoln ;and

ihoiigh the friemlsof Breckinridge seoivtly prefer

Lincoln and Hamlin to the Uniun candidates they

dare not avow il ; but would go for Bell and Everett as second choice.

Good News fR^m Ki:NTrcKT.

Bloomfield, Ky ,

July, 25, i860.—The j*ooplc of tiiis State are fully

aroused to the givat importance of securing the

cKction of Bell and Everett.. 7'hc disunion faction

of the Dcniocralic pnrfv are now greatly alarmed


for it looks at ]>resctit as if Douglas would b^||^Breckinridge even in hU own Stale

;and no 41R

dutibta but Bell will carry this StaU by a large

majority—at least 20,fMK). The Douglas and Breck

inndge men are pitied against each otJier in earn

est. 'Flie}* have deadly hativds towards each oth

er. Each side say they would vote for Ihdl before

they would fur each other's candi«lates. The in

dicutions are at present that Bell will carry the en-

tire South, w'itfi tlie exception of tlic ll.e-oaling

State of Simtli Carolina.

If the North would do half as well ik the Soutli

for B‘*ll, he woolO ^1<4qu>J by the by an

fllLRAi^irn.—Tlie Mompliis Ap|

ggett, it.

[Hopkins, 0. T. Stuart ana W. O. Brown,

jCllARI.OTTt:avlLLE, U.v., August 18.

In the Breet^/ i*'lge an.] Liiirt-w.’

‘b .* mollifying theSenator Hunter

Irom ourtimintry

ilierto bw-n, yesterday, a resolution was ado[

Lincoln. t«KH>r4«es) I i.-*> and ap| i*in'iti

) Run


W A I\ T E D .

VSITU.tTIO.'^ by a young m»n at clerk. Hathad ^•‘vmal year.s experience boih as saleaman

and Book Keeper. Will go to any part of the couatry.A line addrca«ed to J. J. Miller, Editor Sandy YalloyAdvocate, will receive prompt attention.August 15, IHGU.

.m.\(;aha rAi.LJs'pHlS fine Molel is now ready to receive the travel-


I ing public. In addition to the imurovenier.tii ' nii.riii public. In addition to the improvenier.tiimade last year Gas haa been introduced in everyroom. Hot and Cold Baths. A splundid Saloon hasbeen built in which Philan's very beat tables arebeing placed and arrangementa made for Ladies Endof tho vxercine and pleasure of Billiards to enjoyih nnselve*, which with the high ceilinga oI thehoiise.porlert ventilation and beautiinl grounds makeshouseeverv wav desirable and attractive. 6U

llECiUr.AliPortsmouth& Parkersburg Packet

NTE l.TIER .^EEllO^E.CAPT. J, S. IIURD. S. P. SliMl’SO.V. Clkkk.W ILL leave PortHmouth for Farker.-i-

burg every Monday and Friday at12 o’clock. M., pasKing Big Sandy at 6in. Hciurnitig lea\ ea Parkcivbtirg every Sunday andThursday at 9 o’clock. A. M.. passing Big Sandy at!!F.M. Connect at PortAmoMth w: ith Ro»tona forCincinnati and at Parkersburg with Wheeling packet*.Freight and passengers taken through to Pittsburgand Cincinnati. J. N. LODWICK & SON.

Agents. Portsmouth.

... :isroTioDL\ 1.1. por.oni^re lier-by wirni-d Irom piirchiiing 4

1 V Bill of Exchan-o for #330 00. dited LouiaTille,Ky. April 7tli, 18/iO driarn by Davi,. Waller,Kvana S; Co.. upon Henry Bradley, of Gatlettabiirf;',Ky.. Ibe same beinq pa yable aix month, from date toIheorderof lire drawers , at the Bank of Aahland,Ashland, Ky.. Said Bill of Kxctiange having beenpaid all fulurue transfers will be st Ihe peril 01 th*pnrrhisers. WILSON & KIRKPATRICK,GO 3i] General Collecting Agents and Attorneys.

Baltimore Advertifsernents.

18 3 0 ,


N<» 11 \ouTU iio\vaim)stui;i;t,thix! Two doors Northof the Howard Jlouse. BnttimersI Ij- 'I'llE undersigned, having msde laiae idditiona to

X theirstock, are prepared to fuinith House Keep.era, Country .Morchanta and others, with such ar-tides as they wsnt, on the very best teims Rriisb.

I M M E N SE S b C C E S S


‘•e Crvsm Fivezeis. Rel

4*d patronagp th«

ami Mason, vx-OtH’orn >r Wisti, and Messrs. Smith 1

***** inlroduclion oi

and Uussoll as olvetors., . . ,

NEW SYSTEM.A re.dntion wits niso njopted inslriidinpr the|

,hey en.bled tn otL.r such inducement, a, cannotelectomls if Bivckinritigv cannot !k» elcct«*d to vote equaled bv any Gilt Bonk Concern in the world,as a unit SO as to f)i*event the election of Mr. Lin I'VI'HYIiODV UKUrrHS


sending to Henry E. Hoy! 5t C*. for books, from tlmjlacl that til who send to them are sure of being

The following is the advertisement for Salt . foirly dealt with,iiver which appe-ared in yesterday’s PVnnkfort' The Now Method nf Diatributing Gifts SEOTRF.S'om moil wealth, on a whole side of the paper. We 1 TO TH F. PU RCH A.<ER superior advantages. Jt f>.

compress its t}*jK; but cannot compress its spirit of io/act, the ordy straigkt-foiwai d and impartial Sys-' tern inexistenre-

ALL AHE S ATLSriri).No matter whether yon visit the store of Henry E

Hoyt L Co. in person, or send your order from a dis-

tance, you will receive tho sanie attention and the

SAJn: niA.M i:

for tlio vahuble ariicles.

XTRemember t hi - wh*n ordering Books _C<Special attention ia called to p^gca 4 and 5 of 11. EHoyt & Co’s New caislogito, in which it

will be seen that they otter better indiicemeuts andthe largest per centage to persons who will

ACT AS \r;ENTS roKTIlFU.Pt'isotis out of employm«^nt v\ ho are desirous of

n ENKYE. HOYT4t CO,, Propneloraof iheGreatj

tors, upright ami chest — the most approved kinda*Souiboio p^tablishinent. No 41 Bal- jCoolers, in Wood or Metal. 7in and Wire

limor«» Street, B-^timoiH', Maryla^, wpiild «a v to Sstofc A »*hur*« ^yl^ihcr moat sprroved Fruit and' -%.

• pjT.' -- > - bJf.< 7 -s ;

.^•t urcorwemien/e of the Unequal- Block Tin. HMlttmia and V\%it |»« len hesfoned upon them since

»»-- - •

‘ heir



For Salt River.




r> T s XT I o :nt

3'hi Ware,ated Ws*e.

Jaf an-Alba Is

le Hrene


Block Tin. Iwitonia andFo/ksand SpoouH. Urns. Coltow OjiU *1 #>, iv.i.

!v’'XihShns, Knives and*

Waifle Ironi. Sauce Pana, Scales and Weishta CoHp.Mills. 'l'«hle Csstei-s, Old Dominion Cnllee PolsMiovelsnd I^ong,. N„rK« Lamps. Toilet Seis. Koot

Cleaners, Wire Dish CsversI Able Mats, logelhei « uh a isrii tv of snirle. ns..’tut and necessary to lioiMe-Ueepers'. Rohr t Dsvi,'Patent Excelsior Wishing Machines. We invitemerchants and others visiting our city Io an exsinins.lion of onr stock. JBO A .MILLS A CO.CHAU. CV BHOOKS, „ O. HonOKB.rJAMtS KOI.TON. „ _

BROOKS. FULTOs\ & COW lif> lo«,> h» l)e»)i ra inBOOTS, SITOTJS,

HATS. CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS•No. 3»« ILilliiiiore M., liiiltimuie.

O I'll exleiisivo stock enables US to oiler great in-dncemenls to the Kentucky trade and we invite

their Hpocial att«-ntioii.

J. WKHi)k;iiAUui{, o. r>. COOK, e

11. J. w Ei;ui-:r,.-\uGH

[50.1 y

/ a. RAMSAY.

& ^0.(huccenaors lo W eidehaugh. Smith Ic Co.N--^

Importers, and !)*-» h ra i''

37" ftno y C3-o o ci

Henrv K. Hoyt « Co dblribute a be'tor class ofGilts, all of which are

A\D V Alel'AIM.K.No worthless Gifts ate presented lo purchtaers.

See pages (>, / and 8 in regular catalogue.Henry E. Ho>t & Co. alloi% purcha<«ers to select

from a large and magniliceiil a(oi.k of Books, amongwhich may be found

Captaia- - - -JcHN C. BRECKINRIDGE. .h.;y;nrdTng*L*;,"' 'c.Ve?niiy .elected

His sold St the regularadverli»ed prices.

Mate JOSEPH M LANE Books of Fact.


Bo.»kk of Fiction.

.. .CLINTON Mi CLAriTV,; ntu oTAtiTe'in" nt..Kl UNFI. 'N RODFRT «. 1 HORD ' Books for Ike Old Folks.Di»?tiON.\RV Forrfstlii. of tliej Books for ths Young Folks.Maysviiie Express. Rooks for noy.**. Books aoout Sailois.

PILOTS—WM. L. VANCV, of tlie Soutlierk ^ Books for Girls. Bookasbout Soljieis.

Cunfederaev. >Bo >ka for leovers. Booka abmil Indiaun.

HLNHY A. WISE, of Gizzard Foot, i

fl“^*** Jiook»i about M uuieri.

ENGINEERS— UrniAii MAnorrix. . Books lor Wives. Books about Heroea.

eng.giiig iiisii honorable and I rolitable business will,

TT.,:._„ c,, j rr •

6S ,

piMso Hosiery, Gloves and 'rriramings generallyni'IAK THIS «> ;ti I3il>. halUmort St., Corner «/ Slmrij. UaUimore

•• .... 50-ly.

Will atari on her first trip to the head -waters of

S-nlt River fn>in the Clerk of the Court of Api'eals

Office, in Frankfort, on Si'ptcmlier the 12th, 18G'J

This vessel is pewter bottomed, aud well secim*dby “BOLTS ’’




extract from a private letter from a friend in ihel "’®"‘ p'* S|>rings, that the efforts of

Religious Soi vices.

The Rev. Mr. Tompkins, Rector of the 2d Epis

Hinkley and Gillfillen havelieen successful, havingstruck a vein of Oil at the distance of 130 feet.

Geo. R. Dixon d: Co., anotlier firm, came to a goodrein at the distAnce of 100 feet. This adds in-

creased value to the resources of the Sandy valley.

It also makes more evident the importance of the

proposed improvement of the Bie S.nndy river.

Willi the improvement of our river by X»cks andDiiins, capital and enterprise would S4>on fill ourvalley, our resources would be developed and it

w ould be tlie richest portion of Kentucky.

Editorial Change,Thomas M. Green, formerly editor of (he Frank-

fort Commonw*ealth, has purchased the MaysvilleF.agle, and in connexion with Wm. K. Tremble,Esq., will conduct the editorial department.

The liigh reputation of Mr. Green for talent, lit-

erary taste, as w<dl as a thorough acquaintance with

the ixilitics of our country, will incix?ase the influ

enco of this venerable and popular JJurnal. Wewelcome Mr. Green into the 9th Congressional Dis-

rict, feeling assur>‘d that his efforts in connexionof ’76, would ever entertain the idea of a sundei ing| with our friend Tremble will accomplish much forof the Union of onp glorious States, and trailing 4i,« 4 j • 4i

theflagof lheUnion*^in themud.dirtand filth oft^'**^*:**^ °^ thelnion party, during the present

nullification and Disunion. Kentuckians may dif-j


for as to the |x)Iicy of the nation, but never as to• •

its unity—never w ill our Stale agree to a sej*nrn-i Communicated,lion ana dismemU-mvnlofiMir bloAxe.! Conl'e.Ie^^ Mb. Editor : A fvw daysoifo I vi.itedonr nm-gh..ley. Tho luck of .John C. BrookinridRO ooul.l' boring town. A.lilnml, niid Iwka ride tlirotielitliencyer sustain him when hi* princi|> v, load U. a f„i, pounds. I was aware of the natural tx auty ofrapid disruption of the Lnion. By his course ho

; ti,e put had not the least idea of the e’r. ntIS now prostrated, and I pre.iiiiic. forever—althoiigli

,improvenunts made witliin the lust month or two

tliefnvoriWof fortune he has permitted his iiiihal-. whnt was lieaulifiil hy nature has, with industry

blue grass portion of our State. From it will be

seen that the efforts of gallant little Boyd are ap-

pn^ciated by the friends of the Union io other {>or

tions of the State, and also that the same motives

which governed us pervaded the State in the recent

election, a devotion to the Union and a determina-

tion to sacrifice party and all other consideratioos

for its perpetuity:

Mount Sterling, Kt., -\ug. 11, 1860.

Mt Dear Sir : Hurra fop Boyd county! again I

say, hurra for Boyd county ! ! ! 335 mq;ori/y. Godbless Boyd and hvr people. I know they love theUnion and will never bow to Northern fanaticismnor lo Southern. Yance}*, Bi*eckinridge. Fire-eatingDisunionists. Lincoln and Breckinridge, section-alisls and 1>oih tending to the same result. Nowonder the Black Republicans in Ohio and otherfree States, issuvd oniers for all of their followersin Kentucky to vote for the Southern sectional fac-

tion. Extremes meet and they both agrve in seekinga dismemberment of our b)ood bought, gloriousUnion. It was mad fur any sane man to have im-agined for a moment, that our people, the glorious,

patriotic sons of the hardy pion«*er8 of the darkand bloody ground, who so gallantly, in the warof 1812, cimilaUvl tlieir anecsturs of tlie revolution

lowed amhiiion to lend him so near to thet bis countryWell, let him

, . ... doom ofj^n^^ ta*le, Ijofn made one of the handsomest faira traitor to his country Uiat his •.•.unlrymen will i„ K.ntiicky. The track is aliout thnx-harilly ever parJoii him AVdl, let him go dow n f„unhs of a mile in lAiisth, and wide enon«li for

, - ,.4. 4 4 Ito Silence and solilnde—hi* country, after he shall

, cnrriiicros Al»reA«t An.nM>«i/!4>ii lir>ino^eopal Church, of P^rtemoirth, cnmtneneod a *»cries

| «ut the <*ffiees bo whieh he has ht»on .4 i ®i i 4

* ' ^ k. i 1 s ^ing smooth1

* riave servui out ine <»nKes lo wnirn i»e nns rM»en is so nearly level as ti» offvr no impediment tolheof rchgiouB services m mir town, on Fnday even- elected, will let him, in relircnicnl and scclu.sion, a|>ced of h(»rses. There will l»e stalls prepared to

ing Inst, which was continuedon Satnrdaycvcning! rill his death, the doom which he designed hurscs in over night, and wator in nlmn-

The Sneranirot of Ihei ^ '"f 1 ?''«H dance the last of which is oftou difftoult to get“

!fnll—his doom he richly deserves and such a doom at fairs. * ®


awaits his partisans.j

Insiilc the track is a large area and covered with

^ most Ikenutiful shade trees in w hieh tho FloralKentnekv Agricultural JTa^ri. i H-.liia »K i nr ar.^-ud. \\> considci a

and during the Sabbath.

Lord’s Supper was adininisb*red on Salibath mommg. Mr. Tompkin.s visited our tA'^^n ni the solici i

a fow persons «riio wcrt Ef 'scopsft^^


-tiivd rown-ci i-**

so.^b wrtt 1^' 1 br*^^h of^Uit Pfot**stant chnit’b.

ho*.g their mm.ilff would l>c found sufficient or

the organization of a Farish. A meeting of tLe

members of the church andUiose who feft an in-

terest in the cstablishmcnl of /me in fhis place, xvas

held on Monday last, which resulted in an organi-

rjition with the appointment of all the v.arions of-

ficers. The Parish is lo be called Si. John’s

Parish, and is to include this place and Ashland.

The services were attended hy the members of

all denominations. The crowded chureli, the

nolemnity nnd respect manifested by all, evinced a

spirit of cliarity whieh is truly clirislian. The

great fundamental principles of true religion ar.-

the same in all evangelical deiiuiiiiiiations. M'e

xnay honestly differ ns to fonn* nnd eeremonies.

These mo mwetersof taste and should he no cause

fbr jealousy or contention among elirrstians. All

should regard themselves allies in the great work

of the world's roformalion and consequently can

oonsistcntly unite io this great work.

The Rev. Mr. Tompkins, both in his social inter-

oours« as well as in the discharge of his ministerial

duties, has left the most pleasing impressions ju

our community. May he have the satisfaction of

knowing, in day* to come, that his labors here have

been blest, nnd that they have proven as seed sown

on good ground.

XLtCTiON's—Nearly nil the counties of the Appellal* Distriot have been heard from. From the

returns Judge Peters will receive a majority of from

700 to BOO.

The majority of Gen. Xaislie Combs, may be put

doim at aboot 1/6,000.

1/*XS e*A^i ... 7‘ .' .nfneAW-oh

Tuesday, the 15ih inst. That of Clarke County is

held this week, the following kre only partof those

to be held in the State, take place during the fall.

Days.NORTH-EASTER N. . Ashland Sept. IB—


Ky. Ag it Mech. Ass..Ta.'xington. . . .Sept. 11—


Boiirlion county Paris Sopt. 4—


Cliristinn county Hopkinsville. .Oct. 10—4Central Kentucky ... .Pnnvilic Sept. 4—


Daviess county Owensboro. .. Oct. 9—


Harrison county Cynthiana. . . .Sept. IB—


Madison county Richmond. . . ..Aug. 14—


North Kentucky Florence Aug. 11—


Owen county. ...... . New LilK.rty.Oct. 2—5Slate Society Bowlinggreen.Sep. 18—


Salvisa Stock Mi-rccr Co. . . .Oct. .3—


Shelby county Shelby ville. . . Aiig. 28—4South-western Ijouisvillc. . , .Sept. 25—5

We hope the citizens of Boyd nn.l siirrotinding

counties, will note s|Kcinlly that only a few weeks

will inleryenc before our Fair nt Ashland will be

held. We cannot expect, ns this is our first exhi-

bition, to compete successfully with those which

have Iwen longer established, but we should feel

a pride in doing all in our power to make the ex

hibitioD one which will do credit to our iiiouninin

region. ATI things must have a beginning. Let

each farmer have sometlring to contribute, although

It may not have been brought to that perfection

which he desires. By the comparison with that

which his neighbor presents, a spirit of improve-,

ment will thus be created, nnd at each succiKiling

Fair onr exhibitions will impiFove. until we maychallenge coiniKtitios from any portion of ihe Slate.

I'he preparation of the Fair Grounds at A«hlnniT,

and the spirit and lils-rality of .X.zricullural -SiKie-

ty, inert! ibe highest <o nine' d •.lion, and shimbi

soeuix' for it the inteiost and support of every citi

zen in this, Greenup, Lawreiice aud Carter counties,

and wc hope it will.

rvM*U>»l. >> «* con

s^tion of Kentucky nnn if

contains ihc fuUowintt


liirLET, MiifS. Juljyb. 1861)^

Below T send you the n»snU of tlu* iWtc taken ;

Hambleton’s l>eat in this county (Tippah.) F<]

the Inst few \*ears it has voted DvDiocratic.

Bell. 60

Dmijflas, 47

Bryckiiiridge, 15

The Defeat or the Breckinridge Disr.viONisTj

IN. Alabama AT THE Late Election.—On the fi

Monday of Aui'iist an election was held in manif not nil. the counties of Alahama for county offi

cers. In Ihe present excite*! condition of the fH»p

ulnr inin*l on |»oUtical lopics^ihcy wore of course

warmly cont«'slcd. an*l afF*»rd nn indication of howthe State will vote in NoreniUT. The .Mi'nlgomery

(Ala.) Confederation, of the 9th inst., says :

"In this Cotigr-ssionnl District, as far as heard

from, the Sece*l»T8 are utterly routed in even* toiinty.

except Autauga, where there was no te4. 'Lhey

were !>cnt one hundred ami twenty in this (Mont-

Uomerv) county; one hundred and twenty five in

.Macon; one hilndrci in Chambers; and fifty or

sixty in Russell. Was there ever such an ihglori-

ous and rediciilous l)*'gining f*>r a party thatchiim

,e<l nearly all thr votes in Alabama; and mind 3'ou,

here in tins district was ami is their sirongliold’

La*1 the Douglas men herald it that here, in tlie

ci»adel of their 8ti\mgih. they ran not carry a sinyle

county in this Congressional District ! Poor fellows!”

It is now' reduce*! almost to a certainty that flic

only Slate in tlie L^iion that will chooss Breckin-

ri«!irc electors will l>e the old disunion Stale of

South Caix^lina. She would Imi carried apainst

him if the people could vote, hut in thatstroni'hoM

of the Bkdlers the people arc not allowed to A'ote

for Pn-si.lentor for State officers. The I^^islalure

takes that business off tlieir hands !—Ginciiinati

Enquirer. ABell Avn Everett Movements — A meeting »>f

vounj^ men. fnvfii'nlde lo the election of Bell aiul

'Everett, is to l>e held on M*mJay eveiiin;;. for il

pur|K>se of creating n live nnd |*ermanent oi-jjan

zation to do the ncliv<^ work of the cainpalijn -

From whnt we ran b-arn, the organization will 1

of a novel character, an«l will be apt "To create

stir during the enmpah^n.On Tm's.lav next, the Bell and Everett men *

tlie Twelfth War-l will cr«'ct n beautiful libertl-

|*ole <»n Central avenue, iH-tweeti Bank and Dayton|

Af»4^r the pole is ericle*l, in tlio OA’cning, thci-e will

In- speaking. All the Bell and Everett Clubs of

tJ»e city have been invited to participaU^—Ciactn-nali Times. .


BAR KEEPERS—A. G. Talb*.tt.Overton P Hogan.


Gnat G aither. Jr.

BOOT BL.VCK—Jam^s Gordon IU,>.nett.


REPORTER .lAMKS P. MrTCALKE.CHAM^oKs maids—j \)phLr.r.




«' NrnTfkc,



ENGINE GREASER—SAM PIKE, of the NinthL*gion.


DECK H.\NDS—Ky. Bn*ckinri«lgc Denu’cracv.

FRKKHIT—IJUMPHUEY MARSHALL.This craft will make her first trip ns al>ove, and

hersecon*! on the first Tiicsdiiy in N*iveml>*T next

For passage appl^* to Tim. Craven.** or Geouue B.

Hodge, (Xneml 1 icket Agents. Col. Jas U. GarHARD also an Agent for the General Agents.

For further iutormatiim apply on Inwinl or to Jas.

B. Beck. Wm E Simms, II. C. Burxett, and oUicr

Yanceyile orator* in Kcnlncky.All nl*oard I Cast of tliat head line. Haul in

that plnnk. Give liera turnon Ihe larboard wlieel.

“O. fare you well, evorylimly.” Boo-hoo-u-o o.

“We are off for Salt liiver.” B*h> hoo o o o o.

Ilooktf foi ilu/ibanJ^. Book* about P.<liiota.

Banka for Farmers.Booka for Mt-chanica.

Book- for MtMch*nt-,Books for Khyaiciana.Bonks foi I^wycta.Books tor Statesmen.

Ilonka of Humor.Rixika Pm?ti y.Hooka of 'I’ravel.

Booka of Hriiorv.


JjEAN, CR.ABBE & CO.U*hol**4>»lo Dealers inDRV GOODS,

Ao. Belt, more St . bet Uanoter and OharlctH VI/rniiiKI;.\\ L,peci.lly invii«ilu.|t.dool Kprtiickv lo vx-» * «ii.lim our exlcnsivR • ocL. foilii.g conlidvnt wo oiler Kiicli iiiduccuicnn i> w ill in.ko il Ihoir in-Irie.tlobuy.

60 I y


^plMS 6iie housp h», bu..n rut,.d up in a vp1 ing ii.aunvl and i, i:. f„;| liJe „| rpt.iat,„„,

lidiet ap.itmi-iila panic,ilarlv agioo.blc.houaca aiidei Ibv ppi -niial aupi'i \ iaiuii nf

ItOIiKi: r B. COI.KM \.N & SO.V,Laloorihv A.tol llouac ai.d M, irnlol.

OF... W. MOWAHl), ZOHN |I C 0 Lk|••>«. a; cr 'KK.,iK. hkvuv V. .ciicr.aiAxK.

OLD. W. HOWARD & CO.Importura and

liolfsnle DfiiliTh in Foreign «ml D/niiestic

HOUSE,ry plea^-



Gm-pci’sHulwt'r’i* Nov**ls.

IHcken*’ Nov*d.'«.

VVaveily Nova

\rfL«r**i Popular Tales.!J. T. Ls urea’s RevohTrW'ii i v t-toi ie»r

Cecil B Kaitl«*> iM4t>t*>rcblinf; Biographies

! tV. Gilmore lli«t>ViraI R>>rnMuc(iou^B* v*id Taylor'J Travels an*i .VJ^^nturea

^ i Hooka fcit Jiiusrai.

lwsi»Uu)Kt u Irv

DRY GOODS,Mark rf and 69 Street, h

IX LEt> constantly o!» b i»d a (till a>»o» line

;IV Goiyjs

Bv/t mom *.f l>i

of lillk


Old Age —Beautiful is ll e old age of the right-

eous, beautiful as the slow, «liXK>ping. niell*»w ar.-

tunin of A rich, glorious summer, in th** old man,nature has fulfiHe*! her work

;she 1oa«U him with

t!ie fruits of a well si>ent lif**. and 8urroun*led byhis well trained, olx'dieiit ehiblren, and Ids chil-

dren’s children, she rocks him awAy softly to the

grave, to which he is followed by blessings.

The Union la*lies of the inleriorof Kentucky are

having Bell and EvereU printed on their bonnetstrings.


WMoi >*-ai r tt>'Ai.)-H IK

/Ml the writings Ilf everv alaiulai’il aiillior in evurv|

-L.V -ft. J ^3Jeparlment of liieralurojn ev4’ry klylo ol bindfog. HatS, CapS, -BoiinetS audatihe pnblikher’t lowobt^icrs.


h rontlt., PortMnouth. Ol.ioIt V(TU N«-e a hook \ on m lit, piihli«heu. no matter

.eliere or by w hoin. -**nd to Henry F.. Moyt & Co., 41


Baltimore a^ti’p»*t, IGllimtse, M a ryU nd, and by re-

turn mail you will receive it ami a

ii.%!\n!«o:Ti i: rBy sending vour uideia to Henry E. Ho)t S: Co.

you never loose—VOt* AB-W.%VM 43AI>T.

Comply with pag-'N 4 aad 5 Of tnoi. i'ata1ot;tio and,perfect satisfaction if giisranteed. So (here is not ajpoaaibilitv for any p<rraon to lose b\ patronizire lbe| ^ ^

Grest Southern|

.V H * S V MB O O Ij .

GIFT BOOK STORE. rUHE suhsriiber a^raduate of collep** proiorra to

.} 1 ( pen a arhoul in the Academy in t; atleitsburgon the Ut.Mon*hlv in Softembi-r re-xt. The comi»o


AV’INO now in yfoie an ininionse stork of Sra-aonshle Spline aod Siimtnei Goods. I would in.

vUe th** atlenttou i-f iaer/4ianls lo the >ame. Paitietwho iiiak** Oieir main purlha^es Fast, will find it

conrenu-nt to replenish as they may need, at abortnot ICO.

Orders fill“d lo bc>>l advantage, and <

Leiiiia aa if the purchaaei were pieaenl.

J F. TOWELL.Portsmouth, O., >fa v '9. 18B0.13.| v.


- a f'l

chance their fH-oducl^Md stock will^‘'V?*«re fn^

vornbly with those portion oLCertainly great cre*lit is due to the cill^*land for tliis handsome improvement.Not the least attractive object in the place

is tlie Mammoth H<*tel which is in«ler tlie Q^oprie-

torshipof John Bidl, Esq, just the rigiit luah tTi

have charge of that elegant buihling. From ourown knowledge wc san say that he kseps a first

class hotel—in the true sense of the phrase.

hether or not he is in any wise connected withJohn Bell of Tennessee we are nnnbU to sav


are we informed that he is "sound on the goose.”but we are sure of one thing, that contrary to the{lopulur sayiipi^ he can keep a hotel. Alva.

Constitutional Union State Convention in Indi-

ana.—3’he In*linnnpo)is Sentim*! of Thurs*lay c<*n-

tains the proceedingsof the BELLand Everett StaleCiinveiition held in that city on the day* previous. It

says :

“The State Convention of the Union Partt.

The State Convention of the friends of Bell andEverett assembled at the Metropolitan Hnll in this

city yesterday. There were several hundred dele-

gates present, representing every Congressional dis-

trict in this State. The delegates were a fine-look-

ing l>ody of men, and dnring the proceedings of

the Convention mnnifosteil much earnestness andenthusiasm for the cause in which they w'cre en-

gaged. A full electoral ticket was nominated, andthe resolutions and address to the people of theState manifest a determination to make a gallantfight for their Presidential nominees."

PrvNjiYi.VANiA Coming.—-The following new Boll

and I’.voiTft journals are aliout to l>e issue*!


Constitution. I,anca8tcr. Pa. The Union Bell,

Newvillo, Cumlieriau*! Co., Pa. « Blair County.Vnff’riean, Altoona. Pa, • Tyrone Star, 7'yi‘ouc

City, Pa. Montgomery Presse, (German) Norris-

town. Pa. Andknown. Thoae marked '

pai*or at Rending, name not|Mr. Dtuiglas to visit Virginia;

ked • Rre alr*-adyMsaucd. affirming the Fnltimore platfo

Virginia Democratic Copve^Th# » Lkfiiy**

« M Btate 1 .invent: wJT o.. *yT'* r

Pr^ekinri<lge wing nt 1^'hnrhit^viUe. -it'd th«* iMoug

la^t Staunton. We*^ have received no .tvV details

of tike pn*ceedings. We annex some dispatches

ye have taken from tho Cincinnati Times. From

riiffioations,thet^ is no probability of an union of

Hie Democracy of the Old Dominion.

Ch.^rlottsville, Va., Atrgnst 17.

A dispatch to the Herald «nv8 nothingof import

ance was done yesterday in tlie Br*'oki«ri«lg' Con-


vention, save the a*loptfon of a nis<udulion, off* re*l

by Hon. William C. Smith, appointing a Committee

to conimunicat.e with Ihe Stannlon

the subject of a compriunise, an

for such compromise, ahoubl that

a willingness to enter into negotiations

puriwse. A Staunton dispamli says the Doutf^Convention will not offer any compromise, but will

take into considerathm any that are ma*le fro'

CharlotUvillc. Fusion is imjxjssible, except

their terms.

A s|»ecial dispatch to the Alexandria Gazette,

Staunton, says at the afternoon session, sever;

pro)H>sitions for a compromise were made, but weoverwhelmingly njecled.

I’he Covention has adjourned till to-day

Duncan McRae, of S. C., s{K)ke to a large crowdlast night.

Richmond^ August 17.

A telegraphic dispatch to the Whig says that

when Uie messago from Cnarlottsvllle was received

at Staunton forn Committee of Conference, a feel

ing prevailed that the Breckinri*lge men should

come to tht'm if they w ishe*l to settle differences,

A disp.'itcli to the I'nquiiNT says that such a

pix*p(*sition will not be entci*tainoJ by the Bi\*ckin-

riilge men.

Staunton, Va., August 17.

The Convention has adopted a d nolution inviting

: nlio ft resolution rc-

^’Ifttform declaring Doug

Two Bad Cases of Scrofula Cured.New York, Jiin« 10, 1859.

My daughter, two and a lialf yoars old. sufl»»red.

sinco her biith. fiem MCiofula, boils, oppreA^ion of

(he stomach, and loa-i of appetite. I ha vo been using

ervt*/an Syrup In her case and I am happy to say

she i<( I’Hstoid to health.

Till* fcsmo wjs wit»i mv vou»t»est boy, Rudolph,

eight mouth* oU. Ho sutT^vod Ivom scrofula: his*

ears were '«or«. and he had on d.llorent parts of hi>. «v ii t 'r Xllf

body. «cabs of a diUg«rou* character. I used (he|


IVriki I, Syrup t«o week, .ndmr profy boy i.Gold " • iDk!, « o.lh

piTfectly well ; hi.4 ears are sound, and hi* entire

body is iree from acahs, etc.

K WIKCZORK. D. D-, 59 West 4lst St.

The writer of the above ia an inl^ligent Germanclergyman, and is highly esioemed by hia people

“Peruvian Syrup is a Solution of Protoxide

Iron, a new discovery in «nedic»n». and atrikes

n»ot of diaeafie bv-Toducing /ieo/f5.V the sou

It is a capital wav m g* t a good Book aud actuallymake mon**y by tho operation.

H E Hovi it Ci>, ha v« distributed Gold and ^ilvei

Watchea. lx)ckel»,*cha in*. ^iU*er Pjat***l VVaie, Sevv-

iug Machiniis, Crape Sliawlx. I.a^e collars. Silk Drea-aoa.Muaical Iiialrumi nU. Engravings, &c., &c., to

the amount of

ONE MILLION OF DOLLARSsince theircomnioiicomeBt in 1864.

.Nearly 8ft«0,000worth of ptoperlv g Henry K. Hoyl St

Co. during tho laat \car.

lVtl\T VOI' HlXriVKfrom Henry E Hoyl k Co,, Baltimo.iv, Md-

Firs/ — Every purchaser feceiv<*#a valuable Bookworth the money inveafod.

Srr^d^AW ptirchaaera— whether at the Store

themselves or ordering from a dtttancc—rereivc wi h

each Book a Gift \ arying in va ItTe from Fi ktv cent a

TO OvK lluviiRKn DoLi.An*. icithout rztio ehaigeThird—TheGifis inatl rasen accompany the Hui*Ua.

F*)ui7^--.\ written ceitiilcate tecoHipanies every

Order, by which those md»*ring or ^nbscribu'g to the

1 Agents may learn lh«* r**«ult |h«'lr inv**.atinenla and

I receive their Books and Prizes without the slightest




- c-M'i VII*; I lie iimzM. I I’M H , i,M > ai* lu q ua i ii

charactoiv & C.. ivill be during in y abxtween iWa fuJlhe 1*1 ojSepUujibei*. lj'('‘4

ref»*r lo Mr. .bwve \V»dlm?n. For the intoir


: ofFT« Foaisi1 1t tel $'.'o to

\S atches worth to $'?5.

Ladi**a, (}eiit|h.and MisK0*f»»>ld chains,

Worth fit! •*25.

of all vitality Wrte hum*n nn^anUm. For aale byall Druggista.’’ Agent*. it Q a (lettaburg.

Gold i^Klteta worth from $2 50 to$^Gold Bracelela, ^ Lava Set,

' Gold Thimbles, f * (‘ameo Seta,

de of Watch Keys an! HAoVa,. ^ Seta,

at thej Simla and lerve r4 tons, Jet Seta,

ource I Pena and Pencils, <

Gents' Pins,

LadieafFi*-'-^*P* Sh*Avla.‘

' U’^.sk. .

Coral SatH,

Miniature Setl.

/ Worthj^vom ??5jot»0. R L Ai^ W O K S T E DLadifts Rich L*j-^ colUra, SleC\*e^aud cajfc, ^

li.*. cent* ami 41

of inatimHon will be thorough inclmitng all ihohigh»T hrafiches^T Knglihh as well «.* claa-ic.

'Perm*', pavanlo one half middle acaaion and re*maiiuler at the close:

For the pfima ry branches of Fnclif h for termof five months $5 oO

Fiiat preparati9n lor five moniha jn 00A* adfiTiiCVourse “ •• J6 (HI

I„atiit and Gre*4< extra 7 00An additional ton of 60*'ents per each scholar for

incidenta 1 ex pcDsft ^Keh*rcn*?<* the most sati>ractoi v as to qualifications,

* '‘ *ce nee be-‘pectfullvm.uaffrof

those at a distance ] will state tliat boarding can 1 •obtained in private *^'l'<*ll*^^ mad*erale prices. [finti] ^ W, H, I’YE.

I)ELA]\^D i GOSSAGE;7 J- dt 7 6

"WT'ejs’t lEPourtli S't.,A A* maw olfering (heir .splendid slock of

SlhM^l VAi J) II ESS (iOODS!. AFAfoall y I educed prices.

B .V#{ E O i’'. D R E S S (} O 0 D S !

A *' 12. 20.2.1 AM> 37{ *'i:\TS.•FREyc/k,4XV ENfil.lSH ItAIiEOE ROBES

AT W *li. Si-, ill). fl2. »I4 .AMI *U>.

RIQH GRENADINE ROBES'.A l' iiu, J/3 AM) $3«.

Elo^it Gr.'niulinc Dress Goods!Uy ib*.rxtx*.,t SI , ti.* * 23 AVurlhftI M*.n4$2,

^ barege GOODSV lt»i. v*>3— tull v/T-A-tv.


l&SS* rjQO*




V I cCapt A. W.


X Victor NoJat Cincinnati, fwill ply regulal

ping at interms"



and leave

POMEROY evervlFRIDAY at 7 oJShippers and pas|

commodations and aJSpecial attention

the line, ao th'it retij


Page 3: The Sandy Valley advocate: 1860-08-22 - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 1. · Cha|ipiil r*-.i':.Ior‘*i'1ui>3..N'othiiiq 13belt.-r X..,,.'.3* ItWJ.hoeqii"'fi.r'le'ter II,,.J„n1



C'orner of .Tlnrkct (**i*f<'roni '

1 u v 'i YM A Y b \M L L K . K tv

a^HIS esUblishment. so long sncc, ^to the travelioKConitminily. **.’ing”p,7,ed “oto

the heads of the eubacribers, they |,a metl^dof making it known to the P«l»l»c»en«raliy. Th»advantages of lliis House as a

allVarious. -Dailv Stages leave the do (o«



- . .

in the interior: the Steamboat L>ndinJ“mmediat"lv .? ..’iadjoining and theprincipsl Business i^^pjcity are situated close at hand. All <1 accnniinodatioiis of the house are of a superior s,.jcter. andevery elfort of the proprietors being di^j^j

comfort and pleasure of their guests, th.|gg|

'nay favor


BJent of their ability to please all who,them with their paironag'*.


13 L U il & K A H N ,

Wholesale and Retail

C 1 o t h i Cl ^Corner of 2d ami Market Sts. Mavsvile, K

1 ) CSPFaCTKULLY inform their friendji ai,

JLV public genera Ity that they ha ve recently gjpa very heavy and deRirabloirnporlation ofseasott^Iegoods for Oiyntlemen's wear they haveon hani^ and complete* assortment ofUeiitly .>lade Clothina: for Kali & WinlrrNow in the market—and leel confident that theyprepared to give their customers a better bar^i^than can he obuinej In this city It is iinnecessa


to p.inicnlari'/e our stock, but we will jjay, that it

new. fAshioiuble and well selected, and will be solat prices iinennaMed ! - . - r. .

Our stock of.Shirts. Drawers, Handkerchiefs Gloves ‘*‘**‘^«»*‘* ^rom beds that gu.ago 203 bii>hel. I 5 ad-

Suspenders. Hals and Caps. Trunks, &c., is very f.ili^'<*'hr heap. We cheerl.illy recommend it •"

attractive and cheap. We invite special attention toour stock.

iI:^Wo have in our employ an excolent CUTTER,and are at all times prepared to make Clothing mthe be^tstyle. Big Sandy trade solicited. 13-tf

V liV MYKE’SPATENT ORE ROASTER.^PHE undei-signed, patentee of this valuable im-

L pvovemrnt in the manufacture of Iron, respect-

fully informs the public that ho has made arrange-

inentsto furnish to Furnaces and others, the Patent

Ore Roaster. It has been in successful operation at

Kacooon. .Steam, and Butralo Furnaces in GreenupThe great advantai,#^ which this im>


^ to 13 per cent in coal, but a great improvementIhe quility of the Iron, as well as the work of the

Fnrnice. I subjoin the following certiiicates fromFurnaces above named.

Kentucky Steam Furkace, June 14. 1860.

This is to certify that we have been using on a newhearth for about 2U Jays, A. C. Van Dyke's Patent

Ore Hester, and have been using very seldom overseven loads (200 bushels) coal, and have been makingregularly from 10 to 1* tons of better Iron than wehave ever made heretofore. I am w*eil .satisfied

that it has improved the quality ef our Iron and

think it an excellent filling pio:ess and a saving in

charcoal. Respectfully, J. S. JONES,for Wurts, Spalding & Co.

I certiry that we have used Van Dyke’s Patent

Ore Heater and lind it to be a great.saving of luel.—

From the same ore we forinorlv used 22 bushels ot

coal to the chaig<* and carried about 750 lbs of ore.—Since wo have put up the Heater we have carried

as much as lOfiO lbs un 18 bushel or that is what wehave estimated it at. In putting up the Ore Heater

we had to cliange our coal wagon so as to take oH

one bushel of coal. For 1st 30 da vs blowing time weused 175 G 7 biish«»ls per ton. including heating up

Furnace, getting up st'^am 3 limes, fi ve barrels; and


LEVICK, RASIN & CO.Boot ttntl Shoe IWirehoHne

AND MANUFACTORY,•505 marketSl • North side, above 5th str^eG43-4m PHILADELPHIA.

IV c w E i r 111 •


ABERGEM.VN reipecttuUy announces to his for-

• tner/rionds and cu:>toineis, that he has formed apAi'tnjrship with G Landgrsf. aj^4 will atili crtniinuebuHinnss at the Old 8tand of .\tp*i*s & B' op.posiite Farmers Dankul Kn.iaeky , SecondMrect.Maysvi^. Ky

. ^Clolli-s, Urt.s.simeres. Vestiug «ibd tic nts’ Kiir-

nishlng; Goods,Which will bo sold tor Cash Cheaper than any

other place in (he City, and upon such tormsas cannotfail to please.

VVo are prepared to M.ike Up, on a short notice,

the neatest %nd most Fanhionablo stylesof Clothing.

Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. 13‘tl.


iiousi;11 AM [[.TO“sWKOI.F.AI.K DKALKIl

GROCERIES.l*ni’c OIU EIdui’Iioii Wliisky,TXTlNES.all kind-i Koroign and f)ome;^tic EiquursVV Prompt atlention G»v«*n to Forwarding and Com-

mis.sion Business, Corner of Sutton & Second Streets,

Maysville. Kv. [I3 t/'.

Tl^II \l Al'lXESri n~i>ottLes.‘"IA Baskets chainpaigne. “ileidseicK & co;”

i Lf lU B ixes Sparkling calawba;

great saving of fuel and al-o think it l« a great ini-

rovement in the regular working ot the Fuinare,

Accoo.v Furnace, B.\nn, McGIlEW &, CO.

Greenup CO., Ky. Wm. 11. McGrew ,Manager, S^c.

have made arrangements with Clarke, Ricker &0*., of Ironlon, to manufacture any number that

bo ordered. For further pavticiilari or infor-

niaton address, A. C. V.\N DYKE,63(f Buffalo Furnace, Oreenupco., Ky.

Plula<lelp]iia dvei^tLsement^ .

C M BOMF'»-i!-KR.Tsnpa»"t*'»’ and Wliol*- •• i>'**tertn

AV A T t II E !», JE iVEI.K V


WATCH TOOLS,.5fatrrial.«, Cilassi's, Fancy Good*!, &c.,43-1 v) iV« 33! Mxrhct St . beln^B \th. PhitaiJe'.phia

11. Guiteiman. Win. Y. Agard. 1. Woll.

.A G /\ [[[) «k CO..Wholosalo Dealers in

H«vts, 37'xxi-s,Straw Good'-, IJt>M net'-, \ rf iliclal KIower^ A.c43-6mJ No. 335 ytxrket .v/. Philadctph*a

Still « iio;

claret. “St J-ilien;’’

Sparuliug Hock;Old Bolt;

Old Pmu Brandy:

Jo25 do10 do

ID do _ ^

Together with all other kiudxof Wines, Old BourbonWhisky of all ag'H from ! to 7 year.^ ol.


ilies and Gin, and other Liquors, on hand and for sale



•ysvill,/, Ky , Juno 1 . 1860-51 -il.

a‘>AA Kegi Nails, ‘ Wheeling brands;”

^'J\) IGU Bags prime Kio c «llee;

60 Half chotiti Fresh Teas;4 ) Butt! che\viiig rob.tcco, “assortet.brands,’,

and a go.->d stock of Gioceri*‘S geu.*ially, on hand, andgood bargains ofl'i-red by II.AMILTON GU.VY.

May>ville, K V-. June 1 , IS6U .51 II

Il:ii*divar(‘ ;md flroii !

A.XUERSON & ANnRl-:Wii, GOr- MAY.-iVlI.I.E. WY. Clp ^

T MI'ORTEH.S and Wholewaledealersineverv

rjlj ('••weriplionof Foreign and Domestic H.arJ-.^war # Cutlery , Guns and Sad«1l *ry, t’arpentev’s. Coop-

er’* and Bl ick*innn’s Tools, Iron, Plow Wing-i, Steel

and Nails, Springs. Axle* &c.Through our correspon in the E»st au*l Europe

wo ar.* and will conlmuo to bo in cons'anl receipt of

goods from the mauvj'urtu riband fii'.t Aanr/tt ol



Publishers, Stationers,AND

BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS.Dealers m liiigli->h, Kiciicli x American

Slalionerv, Wintlow, Wi ilii.g,

(•rttcr anti Wriippiii? Papers, Ciillery, A:c..Manufacturers of .Masonic & Odd Fellows' R>>gaUa,430 dI:iiK**t Street tintl 42> llerchtiiit Street*[581y] PHILADELPHIA.

these countries.

r>»ap>-ctlull V a-ik

A & A.

Oiir !*lock is now very full and weromthe TAKDi-i an <»\amination of it.

23 & 22 Market -r., Feh. 17, i860. 13-tf.


110 13 CRT [<’. AH.vIU,t>fi»ORrf;u or

S9 Vi f rh es <lr €iold ,Je icelri/sKC*.Mi aiAYSVii.i.K, kt

\V A T C II .M A K J-: ll K S D JEWELER,• Lli Kind* •»!' a«<t Time* PiKes carefully

Rtpairwi an^teaiiRili warranted. Bei-<*rh* want'


aol tboy will »a:ne bexst. Giveme a call. tf R F. ADA IR



Brandies, ii'ines, Wjiquors,L80, Foreign Fruits, (.igars, and Oy>l..*rs Sar-

line.*. Nuts, Preserve*, and Fancy Groceries Gen-erally. No . t6, Mnket St. Mavsville

, Ky.






Blarana A' Bfomestic Vicars,T 0 B .A C C 0 . S N U K F . c .

\V hole'^ale atul Ketail,I3y] No. 12 MARKET SI'. MAYSVIM.E, KY.

•SE.ITW.X, .^a.VJU’E ,V €«.,SuUou Street, a leu' dixirs above Lee liou.>c,


n \V E recently made la rg« addition* to their stockot Drugs, .Modi' ine*, Paints, Oils, Class, &c., and

are prepared lo supply Diuggi.-»ts, M.*rehants, Phys-ic i*n;» and others, upon teiTiis ttiat cannot fa il to please

HigheMt market prices given tor Ginseng, Bees-wax. Mustard and FUx Se.-d, Fealliers and R»gs. 13s



i\o. 80*.i Cho.stuait .SI., Pliila.(first DOOR ABOVE IlGIITtl STRLKT,)

\Vould most respectiully ask the attontionof citizensand strangers to their large, cheap, and W’ell selected•<‘ork of

Hold and Silver ii*atches,JEWELRY. Sn.VER.y I’LATED WARE, '

CON.MS1 INO IN RAKT OYGold HnnGng Lever watches, full jeweled, 18carat |4Q 00

Gold Lover watcheu, opr*n face, full jeweled,18 carat case, 30 00

Gold Lopine watches, open face, full jeweled,18 carat rase, 22 00

Silver Lever watches, Hunting case, full jew-eled. 18 00

“'ilver Lever watches, open face, full jeweled, 14 00St(v«»r Lepine watches. Hunting case, 14 00Silver Lepine watches, open face, 9 OUGold gtuid chain.*, 12 OtI

Gold Ve^tand Fob chains Kt tHt

Gold Pen Holder with Pen and Pencil, 4 00Gold Bencils, 1 50Gold Pens with silver Holders, I Olt

Silver Table .spoons, per set, 14 00Silvm- Tea spoons, 6 00Gold 3 tK)

With a largo assortment of silver. T.*blo and TeaForks and,-poons ; l)ps«ert, Mustard, and salt spoons;Pita. cake, a nd Ic » cream Knives

;sugar spoons ;

Pre-serve spoons; Pickle Knives and Forks, &c.

jftrAlso. constantly on hand a magnilicetit assort-meiu o( JeweVrv. constating in part of Braceht'!.Krea-tpin*. l-'.ar Kings. Finger Rings and Miniaturecases; Gold cruases. Children's Armlets, and t-verv

Jthin; Kthe.fjMv/-'.- Ku# ^ t.i„*t - » V-prored ~


Gold ami^ityefr ThimhVsr U’ .Iding Rings at aMorietts. Ltdi<*t^lntfilaino.s.^V 'M w-t«rh Key* ao/»seal* ; ^lud* an^steove Btittoh* ; Opera glasses, &.c.

A Iways on ha ml, a spflendid assorm-'nl of Di* mondlewelry. .Also, Diamonils mounted in the most beau-ti»ul manner, equal to any work in the United moderate prices.

Silver Plated Tea sets silver Plated Knives andOl ks— boa util 11 1 goods, and look equal to real silver.

descriptions ot Hair Je^'elry. such asBreastpins. Ear Rings, Bracelet*, chains, charms,&c., made to order in the mo>t beautiful style. Oldwatches and Jewelry taken in exchange.Weean send by mail, with p- rfect safety, watch-

es or Jewelry to any part of the Uniteil States. Allorder* must be accompanied with the cash. No good*sent unless the money is Prst received. Call or ad-dress LEWIS LADOMUSa: CO.58 6m. 80J Che*tnut st., Philadelphia.


N. CU.-^TTAN MURFHY.Late of Murphy, Tieriiaii & Co, and X* G.

Murphydi; Hro. Pittsburg* l*a*NOW WITH

M. WILLI.AMSON .AND CO.,Whol-esale Dealers and Jobbers in

]> K Y GOO 1> .S

425 Market and 414 Commerce 2its.

M.Bet. 4ih & 5th North side.

0. H. WILSON, f


IT will afford N. G. Murphy great pleasure to re-

new, in the city of Brotherly Love, hisacquain-tance with his old Eastern Kcntuckv friends, and he

will make it theirintevesUo buy a bill of him. 37 -9l


E. E. W.VKKEA Jt €0.,3MC c-nufcto t \x X*©rs


BOOTS AND SHOES,For the Mountain Trade,

No. CIO .Uuiii St., opposite Louisville Hotel,LOUiSVlLI.E. KY.


New York or Pliiladelphia prices duplicsted-ders promptly and carelully filled. [2|.


(Successor lo Hnopes Jk Davis)Maniifartiirer and Wholesale Deal-r in

Hats, Caps A' Straw Hoods,rVo .>17 .Ylarliet

C. llallowell. [5S ly] PJlIL.iOELl’UIA.


Grocers and Commission Merchants,Dealer.* in

Indijjo, Madder, Tea««, Wiiipy, THqnoris, JLf.No. 514. old number IHO, Ms rket alroel, *

43-1 y PHILADKL PHIA44 llai’tl Times no .Tloi'c.”

VNY Lady or Gentleman in the United States, pos-

sessing from 43 to $7, can enter into an easy aad

respectable business by which from In $10 per

dr y can be rea liznd. For particulars address, with

stamp, W. a. ACTON & CO., No. 37 (old 41) NorthSixth Street, Philadelphia [58-6m.

Geo. P. Ru*.soB. Wm. Schott. E. K. Denniston

RUSSELL, SCHOTT AND CO.‘ lmpo< !e» s nf

D r 11 (( M/' & <' Il p 111 i c a 1 s,

41U Market aiid 4t35 Mu'' Mlreeta,43-6m PJI I J,A Di: L IMI

Jno H Shortri'lge. C. W- Shortridge. Jas.S Young.SHORI RIDGE, BROTHER dc CO.

Importer* and Wholesale Dealers in

A . CRAIG.Mtnufaclurer and VV'hole.aln Dealnrin

Hat*, Cap*, &: Straw Good*,4 19 .Uuiu tsl. 'A Uiiur:* tibnve Louisville liutej.

i^l-ly] ^L'lSVlL LL, K V.

W M . K E N dITi C K ,

Dealer in


Masonic Jewels and Ke^'alia,No 71 ?d St. Bet A^a in 6b Market

, 3d house from Marketeastside, Louisvill. Ky. Watches & Jewelry repair-ed. Silver- VVare made to order. [38 ly

HrNo. 429 Market street,

and Nos, 4 IB and 4 16 Merchant st* PhiPaN. B.—A full stock con.staiitly on liand selected ex

pres*Iy with a view to the interests of cash andprompt short credit dealers. [43 ly

Benjamin V. Marsh, Henrv Henderson,Lewis W. Hayward, Richard Wood,Edward Y • Town*i*nd, Alfred H. Foster.

R. WOOD. MARSH AND IIAYA'aRD.(Successors to Wood, Bapon & Co.)

Importers and tVhol«*<ale Dealer* in

DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING,So. >liirk,.i Sirept,



Quaker City Publishing House


THE OLDEST PUBLI8U1KO HOUSE IN ASIF.RICAConducting the Gilt Book Business !

llUOliS .ViVM )* S IT1

.\ .M now receiving direct tromm y stock for Fa 1 1 Trad'>. and am (>na bled lo off<*r an

a.ssorlm'jnt of School and .Mf*cellaneou.* Books, L<^T*ter. Cap and Note l*a|)ttr«3. Ilnvnlopes. HlaiikHtfou*, MeiiiorHiutiini ftimks. Staple Ac i-'ancy•Slationcrv, Sec* Equal in quality and variety, to

any in the West. To punctual time or cash buyers.i^G >od.H at as low pric.*« a.* they can obtain ii,

CincTTiuati. (13-tf.] G W. Rl. AT I’ER M \ N.

Maysville Cotton Mills.

M ANUF.AC rURLi both Pound and dozen Yarns,also Carpel Chain. Twine, Candlewick. Baling

and Collnn Cord»g'?, from i to 1 inchRope; wo workbest material; all our goods Avartanted of very be*tquality, %'nd will .sell aslow aa they «an be had atCincinnati or eUewhi're, for good* of eqiia) ^qnlity o'ours. J.ANUAUY& U'OOO, Prnpriefo**,,

13-1y. John D. Mnns, Agent, Callettsburg. Ky.

Everybody to Use

K S E N \V E IN’Slo.vEKi.iTai’ and Wood Naptha(ho ha 'tern cilie*.





R U M S E Y ,

Wholesale Dealer in

I^'oTcign i Domestic Dry Goods,HATS, CAPS. BONNETS.

(tloves and Notions,CAIU’ETS, on, cLOTH A L'MIUIELLAS,

Second .St., near .Xiirkel l*ert!.mauii,,^M,io.

K IL\TT f itY T'I^\TK IL

'j'lIE Proprietor and Inventor of this truly valuableI remedy, ru.spectfiilly calls the atlentiim of thePublic lo its wontioilul curative properties. The'-^aluof il steadily inci'easett. and every trial gainstor it new rriend*. The univers.*il testimony is thatil i* the Best of all K-me-ijes for Disease* of the1 hi'oat a nd Chest. All that is asked is a lair trial,being convinced that on examination it will be foundthe bo^l article in

I'lie Proprietor confidently p’tces it before thePublic, re I \ ing on iu meriJs to win I heir confidence..\sthtiia. Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Bleeding ot theLungs. Cou ;hs and Golds, Catarrh, Whooping Cough,[hfficully in Breathing, Croup, Palpitation ol the^'s»rt. Pain in the Chest or Side, are all xpoodilycured. This article i.a prompt in its action and picas-ant to the taste. But a small dose is required, andmay be given to the most tender inlant with perfecttafoty. *

Be careful to ask for E.senwcin’s Tar and WoodNaptha Pectoral, and uko no other. Price Fiftycents per Bottle. ^


llarruburg, Feb.* 10, 1800. JDr^^. EaKKwttiK


.V Afrequently trsed your “Tarand

V\ood Naptha Pectoral,”! tod freeio^av I know ofno remedy that can bear compartsoverv iustaoce.

* *“ '


READY FOR DISTRIBUTION.Superior iiitliMeiuenis lo the l*ubi ic !

I'OK t»«'-T’ A new and sur»» plan lor obtaining Gold and

Silver Watches. and other valuable Prizes. Full par-ticulars giv'Piiin Catalogues, which will be sent freeto all U|>on application.

Valuable Gifts, woith from 50 cents to ^100. guar-anteed to each purchaser. $10't,000 in Gilts havebeen di.*trihuted to my patrons within the past sixmonths— iJ150,DUO to be distributed during the nextsix months.

The inducement* off(‘red Agents are more liberal4han those of any other Iioiihh iu the business.

Having baim in the Publishing and Booksellingbusiness for the laal eight y<-ars, mv exporieureenables me to conduct the Gift Enterprise with thegreatest saiisfactum lo a < 1.

lO* Agents wau'ed in every Town and county.For full particulars addro''*

DUANE RULISON,Quaker CUy Publishing House,

43-1 y] 33 South Third St., Philadelphia. Pa.

UPPINCOTT, HUNTE11~& SCOTTM, nilfartncer* an«l Jobber* of

03L.O'a?nii>arc3-,4 -4 .M *rk»*t M<>ichaut htrofU,

43-q>}HE\Vy»nd .^..jfiiHte line of machine m*4«*

ky v..^« I Ml <iie nest manuractiired


CilAiMHERLh\&TAPP.Importers and Wholesale Dealers in

n*lBBn\iKE, ei TEEBYAND FANCY GOODS,.\o. 4.34 .Uuiii st.. Itviweeii I'llth uiiU Sixth.45-

1 y) . LOUI^YILLK^KYJ. Geo. Dodee, Geo C. .4lb>ii»h. jis. E. il»7dv

J. G. DODGE & CO.Dealers inH Til) PI P::!

M \ N U i* aC 1 GitKltS of Dodge'. Keniucky blockBell, «olo agent, lor J. Loiiia & Bro ’a Oil Stpne

A „iks ; Kor.ylh & Co 'a Scale VVorUa; and for tlie

Quarry ol the unrivalled Ijke Ilnron GrinJatone —oUl ,3lain atreet, between Third and Fourth, Lnuia.ville, Ky. 411.1 y.



^Mhiu ^^^ouisiville« Kve

Y\/L T.«8C>ti to call lh#;aUunUun of n*^%*hiirRir» * througliOiit (he 8late to o\ir large aiid*^ geu^ral

stock ol -Staple and Fancy Dry Gooda, wliich we offerto punctual and responsible dealers atav ^o^e prireaasthny can be sold in any marketEAST or W'est.

Our facilities are equal to tbo*e ot any other Jobbingestablishment and oui city aflord.* unusual facilitiesin every department of trade. Terms libera 1. Weinviteyour atleniiun to our ma rkoi.

d.avis, waller, evans & co.

WRIGHT & ketgiium7Wholesale Deateis in

French, German. Kiisitsh tk AmericanEanctf and Parietn Hoods,HOoll'itY. gloves, Cli.AV.ATo, SHIItlS, ic.

\M ERICA N, S wBs and Engliab watches, Jewelry,Bt^lh Thomas’ Clock.*, ot every style, by the case

441 Sonthside of Main st*

rille. Ky.



Manulaclurer of

c p) Y .WhoioHale Dealer in


OYSTERS. Sardines, Wines, Cordials, Syrups. To-bacco, Fire Works. Codfectioss, Fruits. Nuts.

Pretiei'ves. Pickels, Sauces, .MaccaroDi, VermicoUi.&C..&C. Importer of Havana Cigars, No 881 Mainst., bet 6th and 7th, one door bo low Louisville Ho-tel, Louisville, Ky 38 ly.

LOW & W’ilfT.YEY,IMC zt Ii VI.fza.o t XII-e I- js


BOOTS AND SHOES,Main St., bet. 5th and 6th

XjiOXTisythliILie;, isly.C

t ALL the special attention of the trade ol the vat-/ ley of Sandy and of N. E. Kentucky to their ex-

tensive, stock of Boots' and ^ho('8. They keep a largestock of such as are desirable for the Furnace trade.Our term* will bo liberal and prices as low as in anycity. WeaHkacill from purchasers. 64-ly

BOOK and st at tone ay TRADE.Piickey, Mallory & Co.

p ubeishejrs,Wholesale ISooksellers*

STATIONERS AND IMPORTERS.Uiothcis and U. Appleton A Co., >ph- York•73 SToxii-tli &.xx<SL la 33ol5Lei*

(rike 8 Opera Huuse BuildUiL'^,)

. oiasroxTSTig-^rri,\\l OULD invite •ttention to their uuequ.lled .lock ol L»w

,Meuic.,, .\li..cellaueou, and School BoOka and

*T Staiione“" ' ' ‘

articles usual.

Siaiinnery. comprUinc all the standard Publication, of En^li.h and .Ainuii. an PuUi.hcra, and’all theilytoBudina Siationeia .lock, .inong which may bo louud ll.. follmv inc ; Blank fiookt. Mem-orandum Books, Giaviea of all aizes, Blauk Notes «ud Grail., Wi ii inj P, pn , ,,|

EDWIN MORRLS.\Phot e s at e B r u gg i s t


Nu. 434 .Main Street, between i'li'tli andSixth Streets, Louisville* Ky.

IH.KVKalwayson hand a large and well assortedstock o! Drugs, Patent Medicines, Oils, Paints.

DyeStulfj. Perl'umevy, Tobacco, Segars. Ac., whichI ollVrto ,-iajnpt dealers on six months credit as lowas tlK<v ksn be purchased in Cincinnati orelsewhere.I guaranteg my goods to be of first quality.All kindiTofcotintry produce received in exchange

for goods or debts due at the highest market price21-Gm.

u ^ X- i.i w te- j * vaiifety.cau, Letter.Bath, commercial and Billet Note, t lat cap, Deiiiy and Medium. Piavitig cauls. Viiling caidl. Printingcards of all vai -ties, Envelopes of every gi-de and patieiu, S^alu*, square and e>al Fiames, by the case ordozen. Bonnet Boards. V\ rapping and Manilla Papors, Tisane and Lloulng Papers ; Inks. LutUr’s, Arnold sand others, .Mucilage, and a complete variety ot Staple and K*ncy bUliouei) geueially.Lawyers. Piiysicians, Teacher.*. BookselJeis, DiUggi«.(s^ CouLiry M*-ic)hiiiis and others trinting abvtbina

in_^r line, will find the best assoi tiuenl st our store that can be louud in West, a ftd s t the lowest p'ncM?J^Mail orders ti led on as favorable t »nn i *.i .( preid-U m per,au. Send for ca taloeties lor full descriptions.DCr Orders handed to auy of (ho regular packet* will receive prompt attention, and be roturoed bv thesame conveyance. RIGKEV, MaLLORV It CO.,

Jobbers of Law, Medical, and School Books and Stationery^ Oincinnatl, Ohio*

J A :M E S LOW & CO.,Importels and Jobbers of

IS G o o n,


OC^Brown Sheetings and American Prints for ca.hniy. 38 ly

II s


iV A R I


. C U T L E R y , it CB. SEMPLE & SONS,

and Maiif streets, Louisville,rters Direct aVd Dealer* in

B**MJ£E,*y-Cib«ina. Anvils. VIcmb. tMec.

JT TooH, and overy variety of Goods embraced inalarge and fiilkstock in our line of bu.sinoss. We so-licit the custom of all reliable and prompt dealers,and will sell at lowest possible ptice.

Feb.27, G0381v. A. B 8KMPLE fit SONS.

W I Ii L. I A .11 XV I L .<!> « .Y .TI CORE W ,


a n u f it c t ti r € r s a n tl B e ti I e r s in J e w e I r y •

\ N elegant stock of Diantond, Pearl. Coral. Camee and other Jeweh v a 1 wa v t on ha nj, a U o 8ilvei VS «ien of the hevl quality and styles. All of which will be sold st ver\ Vw pices. Watches and Jewelrycarefully repaired. 1 especially invite the citizens and trade of Kentucky and Viigioia visiting Cincinnatito exam me m y stock. I keep the best goods, and wil I wai rant every n rlicio as repronented, lean appealto ray many customeis in these States, as well as elsewhere, forthe truth of this assertion. Fail not tocall and see before you purchase. 49-ly.



Importers ol' Fine P*;rt'umcry, Connietics,

Soaps, Hair, A* Tooth Brushes, Fancy A' Toilet HoodSfA ll selected with groat care trom the Best Maiiufucturers iu the world. Dealers in all Qenuino Popu-

lar Family Medicines. Articles purchased ire ni us wairanted in all cases~

Sparkling, and Pure Soda Water, draturc, Ag^ .Tts tor Dljlia Lick Water, Congress Wa

purchased ire ni us wairanted in all cases as represented. Cold,n from Glass;^^'ounlains with choice 8yiups of our own Manufue-

teif '»d Bedtord Water.

oiTxr o40.1y.


J. M. Robinson. 0- T. Sulfield. B. F. Kaisnor.

JOHN M. ROBINSON & CO.,Wholesale Dealers In

Silks aV Fancy Bry Hoods38 Iv] 44G .Main st., Loui.wiile, Ky.

3d door West of 6th, Louis-38-

1 y



Tl e e 11Ll Ki- t; IX TV a E ©<Hnss, and 4riiin«a, Cutlery*

WAITLU.S. mtlTT.A.MA HAKF.. Ac.,No 534 Main St. IxOuiNvillc, Jiy.

TT7E have alwa vs on hand the largest a.ssortmentM of wares suited to the wants of the countrymerchant kept in the West. An experience of overthirty years in the businessgives us many advantages in the selection of suitable goods. We have nowin store,

300 crates of Queensware.460 Boxes or Glass.40easkschina.

Which ire all new shapes and good styles. W'ecan off. r lhi*m as low as Cincinnati or St. l*ouis hous-es, and can offer many indiicemonts to customers.(Country merchants are re*pectfu lv requested io callSlid aee our stock. CASSEDAY S: HOPKI.NS,2l-6m.] 634 Ma in Street.


the cmmtrV^also at all s**ason* of the war a lioavystock and Mill variety of common to medium goods.

Wholesale Hardware IIoiisc-


ImportorKand Derlers in Foreign and Domestic

Blarcl'n nr<‘, Cutlery, CJiia* Ac.No. I I Norlli Fouilh >1., FailnJelpliia.

R F.SPKCTFl’LLY invites tlie attention of mer-chants to their large and woll selected stock.

43 6in.



WII0 LKSAL 1-: ('LOT II ING,yj No. 32fi st., Philadelphia



George ScluffV»r. George H. Roberts.

SCII.^FFERA ROBER'rS,Importf»r* and Jobbers of

IETcD53lex*y, OIo'yt-os,SiiiiiW Wares <'omb''* Hiii’sties^ Lookiii;r

Gla»jsesy iiermun A: I'reiich Fancy <«ood^«43-1 y] 429 Market St , Phdadrlph ia





TRtYK -ll.Y.WFACTORY,No. 427 Main Siroet. Louisville, Ky,

M .XNUFAC'I'URFR and Wholu'-ale and RetailDealer in all kinds of Trunks, Valises, carpel

Bags. Ladies’ Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Tacking Trunks.&c. &c. My present Slock i* very entensive. comprising every variety of article maiuifaclured in myline, all ol the best materials, and in point of elegance. durability and thorough workmanship, equalto any manufactured in the United States.

Coiistai>il V on hand a lino assortment of GentlM-1 sole-leather Trunks, with improved steel'm-Hons desirous of ibe

p^V'^hashiud ui.'np.»rcenl lower than those of any olheincity. Country .Merchants will bear in

ast mentioned item.

men’s so


menlboToiihpiiso in

mind the

*aluable Tavern PropertyF O K S Y L i: .

rOFFER for sale that valuable Tavern Propertyin Catlettsburg. now occupied by myself situated

Oil the corner ol I.<oui6a and Franklin streets, aboulthe cenier of (he town and directly opposite the lot

on which (he Court House and public buildings a

to be erected.

The lots rn which the House stands are 150 feetfront running back 100 feet to an alley. The houis 90 by 28 feet with w ing containing 18 rooms, a dining room 40 by 14 feel with airy chambers and in ill

other respects well and conveniently constructed fora Tavern House, there is a large stable and othernecessary out buildings, with garden in tvhkh thereis 'ruit &c.

In view of the erection of the Court House o[ posite to it, this mav be regarded as the most desirableproperty *or * Public House in the town, and will beoffered st «riv»te sale until the first of October. Thetei m* will be easy. For further particulars addresor inquire persona lly of the subscriber on the promises. [59lf] R. M. WEDDINGTON

I. 0. O. F.

C'<x(le(t*l)iir^ r/odg-c,

M EETS at the Ma.sonic Hall, in (/'atleMsbiirg, ^y^ryThursday evening. R. OHMSTEAD, N. G.

juHN Klaudkr. Sec. 36-6m.

HAPPY HOME DIVISION•Vo. 77, Sons of Temperance

CATLETTSBURd. KY.A pKETS in their 11.11, every Salurciav evening,.U 7o’clock. A. C. I1.41LEY, W. P.

I). A. Mims. R. S. [21-Iy.

Cincinnati .Advertisement s.

Wheeler and Wilson’s

All Work Wairanted. 38

Tie f\yjis ! TR l\X'RS ! !At the National Triiok Lm poritiiiiy

Nor(h-Ea*t cor. of Main and4;h sis, Louisville, Ky-'j’lJE Undersigned, Manufactnrerof, and Wholesale1 poalciin Trunks, Carpet-Bags, BonnetBoxes and

J'aliHe*, begs leave to call the attention of countrynfierchants and others to an ir.spection of his large anddesirable atock of the above mentioned articles,whichcannot bo surpassed for boautv. durability andcheapness by any other house in ihe United States.

It^Large stock constantly on hand.J M. McCLEARY.

B. P. William*. Samuel Williams.


BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE,Nu. I** South Ftiinfh streut,



JOHN TEKRY & CO.,W hole*ale fiJrocers,Forwarding and Commission Merchants,

No* 40iiMuiii St.. oppoKitc Louisville HotelLOt'ISVILLn, KY.

SOLE Agents for Lippeucott & Barr's celebratedfire-]i-prorf safes.



Importers of


PHILADELPHIA\T’’’E respectfully ask the trade trom North Eastern

Kentucky and Western V irginU to exam ine ourstock beloi\e buying, as they will always find it com-pleinandat lowest prices. 60-ly

21-IyJ^J. O. JACK, U. W. JACK,

Late Fielder & Jack New Orleans.

JACK & BROTHER.Successors to Fielder & Jack,

XX’ Il o I e * u I c IiJ r o c c r s,1)KOVISION and Orninission Merchants, alsodeal-

1. ers in Pork. B.icon and Lard. Country Producetaken in exch»ng<> for groceries. No 618 North sideMain, bet 3d and 4lh streets, Louisville, Ky. [381y

Maxwell &Booksellers and Stationers,


38y] 461 Main st. Near Filth, Louisville, Ky.

'ES E Iff .X*« .11,1 V Ml T.XFl'incipal Office No 77 West 4th street,

PlK’p’k Opera ito(i*e, riiiciiiiiHti, Ohio,\ \7 E offer lo the public the Wheeler & Wilson SewT 1 ing Machine, with important improvements, and

to meet (he demand for a good, low-priced V'amilyMachine, have introduced a now style, working uponthe same principle,and making the same stitch, thoughnot so highly fini*hpd, at

Kifty lire l>ollnr«.The elogancp. speed, noiselessnoss and simplicity

of the Machine, the beauty and strength 6f stitch, being alike on both sides, impossible to ravel, and leaving no chain or ridge on the under side the economyof (bread, and adaptability to the thickest or thinnoslia*^ric8 hasrf>nJered this the mo.*t succes*ful andpopular Family Sewing Machine now made.At our various offices we sellat New York prices

and give instructions free of charge, to enable pnrchasers to sew ordinary seams, hem, fell, quilt, g»ther, bind and luck, all on tlie same ma^^ino, and warrant it for three years.JCrSend orcall for a circular conraining full par

(iculars, prices, to.*timoniala, etc,

58-ly. WM. SUMNER & CO

IX. E3 3VE O XT" ^ Xj

TURNBULL. ALLEN i CO.Importers and VVholeaale Dealers in

C h i n a A' Queen s w a r e,Nos.23aiul25 ''onlh Komih street.

Between Market and Chestnut streets. Philadelphia.riTTsnino agency.

{^Glass open or by the package at manufacturorsprees. 43-Cm

f .ouisvillo AdvertisQm^ts.CHENOAVEIH A/.'0..


VV. H. STOKES(Successor to E.& W. 11. Stokes.)

Importer and Dealer in

Co.'icliJL Saddlory IB.ardxrnrc.Old Esinblished S.iiiilleiy Warehouse,

No. 435 Main St., bot 6th andfith. Louisville, Ky..Merchants and Manufacturets would find it to

their intorcat to examine my atock before makingtheir purchases and orders from a distance will be at-

tended to as il made in person. 38-6m)


,/'t ILT Famex, Gilt and Bra»| Cornices, French and

VjTAinerican Window GU'S. Ktograph stock, .4

and Enaliah Enofc.\il ajI’^atecx^pRuU.y i*".lt9rfti*p e I

' States that th4y

fd 1844.



FStraw andfills. Rtil-nlers, chain

^ generally.--Hydraulic

5tc . Horseflowing Ma-



sent by



fa M. Carter


Iv; Chemicnls,

Ind Glassware,lory, Acc.

y'e. KyfTcal Work*.

.Ymbrotype and Pho-f*ts Mat«>ri«i*, French. American

apl<ii^*d0il Paintings, lie. -

Theaut^rrihor* w<a*»ld reapertitizons of iP^ntticky and adjacent

,are now in receipt of the largest,

ino*C varied, and complete assortment of SpringGoods ever imported by any one house In the W»-stIn Wall Paper alone, they are prepared to exhibit a

stock of tvventy five ih tisandvorth Strangers visit

ing lyOtiisviUe are invited to their establishment, andhaving a fine Pictiiro Gallery attached replete withrlioice Oil Faintiogti they will find it a pleasant placeof resort. UEGA N & F-SCOTT.38-ly 475 Main st., Louisville, Ky


MICLODEON BUILDING,N. W\ Corner Fourth nnd Wuliiut*Sts


nave elegantly fitted up their new establiHlimenand are amply prepared to fill the orders i

their many old patrons and as many new ones i

every article of a gentleman's wardrobe.Their supply of Spring and Summer Styles is com-

plete and choice. 6G-lf


Whole.snle Dealers in

Staple ani Fancy Dry GoodsNo. 440 Noi^h tide Main street, betw.on Fifth sndSixth, Louisville, Ky. 38. ly-]



Copper t Tin <t Sheet Iron Manufactory,3Syl And Dealer* in

Tin-Plate. Copper. PIOrk- Tin. Z'nr. Ff^tre,&c.Tinners* Tools nnd lYlncbines,

West side 6th st., one door below Main, Louisville,

J. T- McCombs. A. T. Howden. R. A . McCombsJOHNT. .McCOMBScC-CO.


Nos. 27 & 29* Ciir. Smitlifield JkSec. Sts.IMTT.SBURG, PA.

Also, iron, Nails, Glass. Cotton Yarns, and Pitts-

burg Manufactures generally. *J7 ly.


R. A. ROBINSON & CO.Importer* and Wholesale Dealers in

Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stud*Pamis, OilSf Window Class, Glass Ware, To-

bacco, 8nuff, Cigars, &c.

38-ly] 429 Main Street, Li^iivUle, Ky



JLSnCES, SIIEIllfFS, E\ECLWS,Cin.-ii-diariF!. Etc.

JJKENTUCKV.I M'HE ; have n coHr-9 of pTiblicationX work by irtie lion R. II. Stanton, of Maysville,Kentucky .deigned lo be a complete practical guidefor olficrrs^ iho State of Kentucky, to-wii f JuaticGsof the Peare,"‘,Sherirt's. Con*ublcs, Coroners, Execulova, AdminisuUtora, Guardians, Assessors, Processinners, etcThe work will not only contain a lucid and clear

statement of the laws regulating the duties of eachofficer, but full instruction* as to the manner of pro-ceeding, and ail necessary pra tical fornia. It w'ill

be complete and comprehensive upon all the dutiesof the otficers above-named, and will be found highlyuseful not only to them but to the l^gal profession,and ail oth^ra having business with such olficers.

The work willcontain aboutfiOU page*, printed onfine paper, with clear type, and superior law binding.



pproved and and adopted by the Oeneral AsSembly, 1851 and 1852, and in lore© from July 1 . 1852.

with all the amendments subsequently enacted, andnotes of the decisions of the Court of Appeals ol

Kentucky. By Hon. Richard II. Stanton VVith Sup-plement, embracing (he Acts of a general nature,

passed by the Legislature of 1859 CO. Two Volumes*royal 8vo. Price $10.90. Made authority in all

courts in Kentucky, bv .4et of General .\ssembly.ROBERT CLARKK & CO.,

Law Publishers, Booksellers, .•stationers & Importers,38 ly j No 53 West Fourth stroot. Cincinnati. O.


TV'liolesale (3frocersAND

Commission 9llerehanfs^No 25 31aii» Street.

Next door to JIailisoii House, C incinnati, O.Orders from the trade respectfully solicited. 47-ly

PETER NEFfTn D SONS.TmoorCer'i and VVhoie*aIn D>'aleis ia

1 40y] No \)3 Pearls t. bet Vine & Face sts, Ciociacati'

2 4 P E A R I. 8 T R E E T.

JAMES I>. SMITII. & CO.ME RCH.^N rS and MILLINERS vi-itinsj Cii.cinnaii will find our selections belter and

prices lower than they can be had in this market.


S. HOL.VjES tir SON, I C. U. WxTvrks. Kben DoddManufacturers ana Importers of

| CH.'\.S. H. WATERS & CO.J* a P € r 11 a n g i n g S

,Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in

No 65 West 4th st, Cincinnati, adjoinintPiiio's Opoia i ~\\T' „ „ ~\TT"House.

‘ ^ Ny,..Q.Pue 11 W ax*e.Special attention p* id to orders. 4t^-lyl ^OltpAGK, Wuluw Wara Brooms Bnuauea,

_ Twinos, Copper Ware, Zinc , Washboards, Meat-

HATS AND CAPS,Palm Leaf and Straw Goods

ures. Seivea, .Matche«,&c., &c., Nos. 4 *MainSt. and3 Public La nding. Cincinnati Ohio.


Wholesale DeaWrs inDRY GOODS.I

No. 89 Pearl Street. Cincinnati, Ohio.

Merchants will find a Urge stock of choice, fresh] C ^ T*T F T*Dods, of the npwest atvlo*^: inH prices low. V_y —j .1, k_7 JLGoods, of the npwest atvlo*^: and priceBOBB A' CO.

WHOLESALE HAT DEALERS,44-tf 144 .Main Street*


T. J. Williams. James Ford.

WILLIAMS & FORD,Wholo«aU Dealer* in

HATS, CAPS, LADIES’ FANCY FURS,I Buifaio Robes. Straw Goods. Children's Fancy40y] Hats. Gaps, &c.. 123 Main at, Cincinnati.


Tea and Tobacco XX’ai*clioii*c,AND CU.VlMlSfclON MERCHANTS,

38y] No 27 Pearl streat. Oincinnati, Ohio.

[Volume I, Number 8, One Year]

J. Wilder. L. D. Robinson, W. K. Bellows,

WILDER. ROBINSON & CO.Manufactaier« and Dealers in ^

OLg-riciiitiiral linplcincui^AND M.ACHINERY,

aR-4lN,Grass. Field & Garden seeds, Fruit andOrnamental Trees, &c. Threshers. Wheat Fans.

Corn Sholleri, Straw C^utLers. Plows, Harrows. RakesSic. VVarehouse, 239 Walnut $t., bet. 6th & 6th Sts..

Cincinnati, Ohio. Consignments solicited of all kindsof Grain. Grass and Field Seeds.

VV I LLI.\MS. M. D.. North West corner of 4thJl J* and Race streets. Cincinnati, O., devotes hisexclusive attention to the medical and surgicaltreatment of diseases of the Eye and Ear. Officehoui'b from 10 to 12.\. .M . and 5 lo 6 P, M.

Artificial eves inieited. 12-tf.

B A LPiroT' M cGR a"CKE N";

Fashionable Shirt Manufacturer,

VNUdealer in Vine Linens and Gents’ Furnish-ing Goods, No 19 West 4ih street, Opposite

steeple with Qol i Hand, Cincinnati, Ohio.ItCr Shirts made lo order by measurement and war*

ranted to fit. 12-ly.

0£0. r. DAVrS. a. jubson oavxs .


XX’bolcsnlc l*rovi*oii I>caler»

A nd curerof Extra Fa mi ly Hants. With an expe*rience of Twenty-one year* in theProvisiontradoi

m this city, and with ainplefacilities foi curing andsmoking meat, we are prerated to furnish all articles inthe trade atloweut current rates lor a fine quality. 14y^

(Calvin Babbitt. John Good. Edmund R Ciardodr*BABBITT, GOOD A CO..

Wholesale Grocers,^

Liguor Dealers

commission"ivierchants.No*. IS JL l!> Ciiblic l.uiiiltii^ iiPiii' Sycamore

I4 ly] Slrecl, Cinciiiiiiiti, Ohio.


Drashcars. J. H. Laws. C. A. M’Laughlin.

G. brashears & CO..

.Muctioneers and t'ommis.sion.llcrchants.

Nos. 57 and 59, Mam 8t bet. Pearl & Columbia Sts.,

Cincinnati, Ohio.

K eep constantly on hand. Boots and Shoes, Gro-ceries. and otner Merchandise. Have regular

Hales every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday in

[?ach week.Make liberal cash advanceson all consignments,

lor public or private sale.

ED rVARD D. HILL,(Successor to 8. V. Hill & Son,)

Importer ami Wholesale (•eulcr in

Tobacco a II (I C i ^ a r * ,No. 5 Main at,one doorabove Front. Cincinnati.AM receiving at all limes direct from the manu-facturers in Richmond and Danville, Va., large

locks of all grade*, styles and varieties of Tobaccos.Also, keep constantly on hand an extensiveassortmentof cigars of all kitid.^ and varietu^s. Also, Pipe.*,

Snuff. Smoking Tobacco, together withe vet y thing pertaining to the Tobacco trade. I respectfully invitethe atUnlion'of the trade of Catlett*burg, BigSandv


and vicinity, feeling satisfied that 1 can suit and'

please them both as regards quality and price. Alli

my goods wairanted to give satUraclionEDWARD D. HILL.


BURDSAL & BROTH EB,Importers and Wholesale Dealers in

D I* II,T a i 11 t H

,O i I <«


)V'E Stuffs. GU-ss and Glassware, Family andPatent Medicines, Medical VVines and Brandies,

Groc<»rie8, Spices and Notions, Tobacco and Cigars.Noith West Corner Alain and V'ront Streets, Cincin-nati, Ohio.


BuotH, Slioi-s, Hals Ac LeatheriVo. 81, PJorth iVc'i cor. Muin and Pearl sfj »


Beg leave to present to purchaser* visiting Clo-ciunati a few fact* worthy of notice. The senior

partner who purchase* for the house has been in theshoe business for more than Twenty consecutiveyears, and being a practical shoe inanufartiirfer give*them advantages superior to, and possessed by few,if any other houses inlhe West.Thoirstock is large and complete, comprising a

great variety of Men’s Boys' Youth’s, and <;hildren‘iBoots and Brogans, Women’s Misses’ and Children’*Shoes of all de.^^irable stylos, in great variety, also agreat variety of city made anj custom work, togetherwith an assortment of Men's snd Boys' latest styles


Hals and Caps in great variety.I Merchants visitingCincinnati are respectfully snd.especially solicited to call and examine their stock[previous to makingtheir purchase.*, as they are de-termined to present to dealer* advantageous terms,and satisfactory prices. J. SIMPKINSON & CO.,

N W. corner Main and Pearl,^^incinnati. Sept. 12,1859. 14-ly-


alley flasketsAND MAKVrACTURFKS OF

WOOD tk Will 0 w ware14y] S:ilosrooms |9 .Main .Si, Ciiiciiiiiali.


Bonnets, Ribbons, Artificial Flowers,MHUUlDERl V^S Silks, Millinery. White Good*

.J and Trtmmioga, 56 Poarl street Between Wal-nut and Vinn, Cincinnati. O.iio, To whnch we inviteihfl'Tia-eof Sandy Valley, Particular Attentionapid to Orders. Il-ly.


A.R.Clak, 1 r P.M.CAnn,|

Formerly of Ironton, > ^Formerly of A.hliiid,

Lawrenco Co. O. ) ( Crooniip Co. Ky.CLARK & CARR,

Wholesale dealers in

Cii*ocericH and Pi’oviMion$i,

VND Commission Merchant*, for the sale of all

kind* of Country Produce, including Ginseng,eathers. Rags, Tar, Cooperage, Wheat, Oat*, Corn,

,1acon, Lard* Beet-wax. Tallow. Honey, &c.» &.»**.

29 irlnctotlall, OTTlo'.


A. & J. TROUNSTINE & CO..Importer* of. and d«*alers in

ClotliH, Cassiliiercs, X'estinss,

And other goods adapted to the Clothiers trad«^

with Ready .Made Clothing, of every grade, of

their own manufacture. No 75 8. E. corner of Pearl

Vine sts., Gincii. nati, Ohio.

li.E N a H Aftr.XN'UFAC'; VMKP OF

Cabinet Furniture, Chairs and14-ly] WHUI.KSALK AMJ> JIKTAIL,No. 2G Sycamore St.. I>et. Front A: See*,

<*I.NC1N.\.1TI, OHIO.RESPECTFULLY solicits trade Sandy V^alley.

]) U H M K & CO.,Maniifarturi>rs. WholosGe and Rolatl Dealers in

n'.lTFHES .E^'B VEOVKSJEWELRY, Silver Ware. Silver Plated Good.*,

SpecUe len. &C-. &c. A largo stock of Jobbingmaterials and Tools always on hand Watebea. ra*

w-«t-^rirTTTr TCA Vial Mveet*,. Cincinnati, O. Th«> above i* the largest and best’ in the West and solleheap for can*' 14-ly.

B. Moores. James C. Moores


Saddle, llariicsH, Triinli andCollar Manufacturers,

No. 89 Main St., hot. P«arl and Third, Cincinnati, O.


Importers of !

n^atc he s A* J e w e l r y ,


North West corner of .Main & P^^arl, Gincinnaii O. I

ormerly of No 19 Main st, Madison House building|

Dealers in watches and Jewelry would do well

to examine their stock before purchasing as

they keep constantly on hand a lai^e stock A the

bove g«ods including clocks, silver ware, watch!Masses, watch Tools and watch msierials st prices;

that cannot fail to suit. Watches repsirod by tl>e be**t|

of workmen on short notice.j

John Swasoy. Allen Collier.

’ake Hubb#*!!. Joseph T. Swasey.

JOHN SWASEY ANDCO.Wholnsale Dealers in

Groceries, Liquors & Foreign FRl ITS,Nos. 23, 25 and 27 Sycamore st. between b r- ut

40-’y] snd Colombia. Cincinnati. O.




T h Ej finn ol & Co. have openedout in llieir New Iron From Store,

Soulll-ea.^t corner Vine and 4ili Siieois, with

ilie lijrirpM am! most splendid stock of


Goods for Men’s Wear over displayed in iho


The slock of Piece Goods lo make to

Measnro is large .md varieil. We have a

New Corps ol Cutters from Pliiladolpbia

who profess lo understand the an of culling

slyli.-li garmr-nu to order. For past favors

»e return many iliBiiks, and Impe to merit

future pain nage. The finest ready m.ade

work always on hand ami i qual to any cus-

tom woik. 'J'riily, SPR.-\GUE & CO.Cincinnati. Sept., ’859- 14 Iv.

JO fl N~lD. PARK,;^

W holesale a nd Retail Dealt-r in

Family MedicinesD RUGGt.^TS’ Aiticle*. C-atawba Wines. Imper-

tor of Fsney Good*, Camba, Brushes, Purses,Hoi le- Mono* Sac-*, Perfumerv; Soaps, Drci'singCa^e*, Work Box»*s noHk>. Fan*-, (^rdCa>es, Garters,Hair Pin*. Ci^ar (‘ases, Meerschetm Pi; ef snd Smok-ers. Podket Cutlery. Coral, Amber ard Fancy Bfad*,Han ‘-Mirrors, aod Variety Good*. John D. Park.

14-ly N. E. cor. Foiirih and Walnut *(*

Al rjie C'^hm



MACKDavid Mack

CO..wfi«i.,:sAi,K DKAi.rna ih

F O n K 1 G N .1 -N D AMERICAN

"BroadwayJOSEPH H. CROMWELL, Piop’r,

CI.N’CINNATI.OIIIO. i r» n f NT CA- H «HIS popular Hotel ii sitiiited on corner Bvm drvay


-L CT XA ^ V_A v 7 ay jv?,

and 2.1 RU.convenionl to the Steamboat I-ai dmp. • t Gf.M-.R .\I. assorlmont of TalJors Tvinimiega

.tall the Railroad Depots! Also near all fins neaa1J \ and GantT t orm-nin- Good-, ^o. SO Pearl rt .

Houses, Banka, and place, of Amuaement. Broa 'aai or.? .loer Ue,i of Vine. Cincinnati, Ohio. Are now

for early Trains at five o’clpek. Oiaaibu, lor ^11 1 ri . ejmiR ihoir fall stock, and invite the slteiUot of

Traini leaving the ci-v. y S- ody aedadJoSaiig co,.a'.ry.



Page 4: The Sandy Valley advocate: 1860-08-22 - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 1. · Cha|ipiil r*-.i':.Ior‘*i'1ui>3..N'othiiiq 13belt.-r X..,,.'.3* ItWJ.hoeqii"'fi.r'le'ter II,,.J„n1


——gTm~TriTi at

c’ouTy.iJt. Djuitfl School Go;no*iaaionei' loi* iloy»



L, J. Hampton, Aaa BoUovr and M. T. Bolt appoiutcc:

’Proc<?'jf1otHfi*« ot Unds in Hoyd «;o«nty.

Tha presiding Ju.lj'e and a m»jority of tho Ju?‘tice>

of said cotrt li- il is ordered th»’

Lois Xo 1, 2, 3, 4. y. K», n ^nd 12 lying oa l*unoL

»tr<?ot; Fiaa',{Uii »n I L »uisa ^trn^*t» iu Sq«»-ra Noin th'pUu of th • t ‘'vn of C ill •ttsh.irg, be, i»t> l I'.f

aame tipreby s'dtV'lRd <rs a iHt'UhIn lot of f;i'0'->a.

upon whieh to eroct th ! n''c^*';s ry j» i lie building

of Ihia county.Ordered, t'lat T^-'vi J. H uiipton. BrvMi Fssuln m

Mahlon LnvriA bo. aa I t'l >v -tv* liUfby ap.' iT't'-l

Com inb»siaib*r.' t.) di* i tl a a lif « ol • p 1 « n s a 1 m i c»• 'Sli-

mitesof cost fo'.' th > public l*ail lin.> ami ta-iitn v**-

port to this coiii't at ii> Xov- ni lor enuaty i-'urt orUims.

Ordered l'j«t th' o omi/ Qj.nt*r!y aal c;»- tn

courts of this c '-.i v b • h ‘M .«v 111 .* t«- •.m e h 'u >*? <•!

Ban . Diirk a j.i r i oo Lv *. y»? jblc, « .'d n '>» to be*

as aclerk%otn •a-iiiithj pubic biiljiags of Jiir

county c:< a b*« n. ^ci.-d

It ii Qi'd.'rod !•’ liM’ic-* of ' |\»n( <* in llov«'

county shiU h *M n •• v.m ;'f.i tlv» (»’a1 o* cl\-il raiM.-s

in h is Oistti.'t in !:s nn.v bv h'w loi

holding the Jn r*.j t a ad ih -l ;.«* IujI j »); «

on the I'oHovviti ; j• « ii •»i I :iu»nih. and roniina

his conrl fi'-m ‘h i .! * y ua il h** di-p.^ ol * i*i

H^iriPss r *tur»«»*d *> him for 'i in 1 ri«;


Harare Heaters,Agent, UrojuUvai, *Ncu i'oik,


A*\l> MVSiC IIOO]i$,T-si.-^,.JDe.'ilei iu Fumos,

1‘^ii } r^:t rt lbdeons, Alexandre Orga as ,H*i V y j dOigan Accordooas, Martin'su ^ J

colebratt'd and other Guitars, Violins, Violiacelos\ccoibeons. Flutiaas, Flutes, Fifes. ClaiionoU, Tri-

. agios, Timing Forks, Pipes, and llammois. Violindo.vs, beat Italba Strings, U ass lasUuaients, for

latuN. PiAno y'toois and covers, and all kinds of Mu*.ical Instremonta.Sl»r*rt .llu>ic. from all the publishers in theU. S ;

J..'rtim’s, Hunt in's and Modern School, i»nd all kinds ' .^cngnis by llu^mutn can visit U.\!ii more, Philad«*Iphia

»' l.i.,truction books for the above inslraments;j

Xew Vorit and. Boston, at the costof a ticket lo Boston

'll arch .Music Books ; Music eleganti y Round;Mn.sic alone by other liiie.s. Thiough Tickets to the lu stern

.'ajMT.and all kinds of Music Merchandise,

at /Ac * ciiics ca n Uc purcliased via Wa.vhinglon City at an

•o'.rr.yf price . iadditional chat gi> of ^2. Time as ijuicU and Faro as

\r\v l*iano'‘. at 175.200, 225, 250, and up to 800

sr K 1 > < ; A K HA X ( ; I .-^1 1 : x r— i huoEyUlijJtore r.i:<!

IS. ai n .Ulvii HI l&oult;.^I^ERMINATb^b at Vv ashi.igton and Baltimore on

A the Fast, and Wheeling, Bv.*nwoodand Parkersburgon the W(»$t. at which places it unites withHailrosds,btoaipcrs. &c., tor and trom sllpoints in the

VVe.'-t, South west and Xorth\ve?*f.TwoTraiiia leave Wheeling daily at 3;3U p. M.,

and 9.50 r. m. One train leaves Parkersburg daily

at 3:40 . UiroctcounectionK are made by thesetrains

For all Hie Fasieru t itics«This is the only route to Washington City. Pas*

ojtr.ivNUP (x>. coLTjn's. ] i-onton Advei tis^emeiits^.

|!o\v as by any (dher route. t»Li:rpiKo cak at-' TACIIKD TO Al.i, XI OH 1' THAI VS. Id.juire fOI* (ickris

I via tlie Baltiinoie & Ohio Railroad, at any of the

* principal Railroad OlHccs in the Wc.>t. J. 11. Suli.i*

VAX. Gen oral Western Agent, Cincinnati,Ohio. W.?>.MtTir. Masln’cf 'rranspmtation. L. M. Colk,

• 29-ly.

C^iMlriel. X'o 1


G^pvgftT' Bur^•^v -k int M HiJa V.

Martin K'*ys**r - 'Pn ' lir.Nt Mondiy.j

K> i -« 1 1- i o .


James Prichard • v\ ‘-itnu-J i y alt.- liho first M >nd.i v|

Bryan Fannin — Fri L v *li**i» t':i ‘ lir-il .Mond.i y.j

f>] -«l riel, -Xo. Ifi.

Asa R jllow— ;on 1 \lon-.L\.

Mihlon — Tiie.^dav aifor t’'<» second M>n<la v I

l>i<«lrict. T<o. i.

V\'m. W.ivJ— W'.*.h» *-day aftei ‘i»<‘ -ioc-’n*! Mm lay.JJohu .Miller—T inv- !i V aft<»r til • second Momliv

' "

IloHar>; second hand Pianos from 25 upto IGO dollar:


N'ew MiJudeons, 4’), 60, 75, 100, and up to 2U0 dollars;' •''cond hand Meloiloons from 30 to SO dollars ; Alexan-Iro Organs, with live slops. Ibtt dollars; nine stops,

i lV> a^id V’.!5 dollars; thirti'on stops. 250, 2j5and3O0lullavs; IPtvcn stops, 320 and 375 dollars. A liberal Gmi 'ia I Ticket Ag**nt, lUltiinniv, Md.

liscounl t(f CliM’gvinen, Ghuvehes. Sabbath Schools.

Sf.uiiiarios :«nd i’cai hi vs. The Trade Mipplied at the

:tual iiade discounts.

I'estiiiiotiiaU of t!»e Horace VVnteis Pianosand .Ueludeuti'*’.

•‘The Piano came to ha id, and in first rate order.

It is a beautil’.J instillment and no mistake.”—


kk &j

Jj K <i’ C M A P .M A N,•VArKK*. Pi-UaJ. Ii hu.

I PORTSMOUTH OHIO.Join. Uy;vut. ol ( >C'V ^mk,«hn had

j Ayhol.s.!.- and K. lail ad of•)neol the Horace V\atci%Puno8. wiiusas loHows: cTTT.'.t t-i* • i • t t

•'A triond of mine wishes me to purchase a piano W J11L6 irlllC X ajUIUDCX'•or her. She likes the one you sold me in December, eifhoi Dms'^od or Pongli ,^Uo,IS56. .My piano is becoming popular in this place, 13QO.KS J -Jl Xi )S AX I ) S \SI Iiiul I t'.iink 1 can introduce one or two moie; they will


wlii. h wilt be soldat loweai^ prices.*more popnlai than any other make.”

^ ^ ^

Orders tilled with promptness and sent bv return

! Poi‘t.«iiKji itli Advei'tif=ements.


Wehave twoof Waters' Pianos in inourSemi*nary, due of whi.h ha ^ been severely tested for three

boat. OllicconGth Stioet near the Court House.LKKT& CHAPMAN.

Porlsiuouth, April 24. l8G0-45*tr.Tl.o., nuh^l, "--Vnir. V a!"r 't'.'j aocoi.J M,.nda v. 1 > 7” "if"" «/><>'

n. A. Poi"«— riiil M'.nlav. ' liability. —U oo . & Gii Kooii y, Mmiiil Call oil 1 II. ]

.\o. O. - II. W'ati RS. Dear Mr; Having of

RichirdScou— W-‘di» *s luV ati.M- the third MonJ.nv * vo^r Pianofortes for two years past. I have found it!

C, J.lian.pton--Tl,,l,-,d.y aft., tl:otl.,rJ Mona.,

..a., ooa... .a

lA’ ’7 J- T •‘n,,a.,aarOy.d,iv..d I -lobligcd/ -f.M.SO-

1.011 s. Id ceiilyml 1.1 M- s.,,o. -r,.„a lor a1, ^ f,„. ymi r I il.oral diacno.i II d.-;.ll I can for Tfcfi

[ Voiir I’i.ino pleases us well. It is the best one in .I oit.niotilli, Ohio.

-T„os..A. Latham r.,,nphrllton, Ga.; \\^O'ave now on h.nd . Ia,;;e assortment of

chtlAP fol; ca;si i :

New"our county.'

r U K S E L L N I) GORDO *N,

IMPOJiTF.KHa\.M> bK.\l.l r.S I.N

jS/rI canTor it e: i t ,ta. \W.;V*. ^Vx\D .‘SILVER FL.A ! ^

Coininoiiw cnlth of Koninrkv

\T a County (ouri held tui* Gieonup County, attheCeurt Hou-'e in the town of GrOi nupbburgi a->..TTo.i • .. ,• .. •. ,.

on the Gth day ol Juno, 1869, Present Hon. J,i/^-ILLS (heir attention to his stock ol Drugs

Adams, Piealdiug Judge. Jl is oideicd that laadjj ,


Ju.iiceot the P.ace in Greenup County *hall hold „,

» complete assoitment. and ol the

JOiS. i*. &H.AVV,tl 'holesatcA' Ilrtail Ht'tsgg

To hib Kc iiliu ky Iriends giee.ting:


Modiof wtiich he

couit. (lor theliial of cival causes) in hU df'trictinthe months now Gxed by' law, for holding Uie justicescourt; and that ho hold (hn same on the (oHowingdays in said months and continue his court Iroin daytoday until ho disposes of all thebUbinc^s returnedbefore him, viz:

I)i«tviirt No. 1.

.John E. Wixy.— M edne>‘Uy after first Moinlay'.

J . B. PuriiUi F.-TrXhursda y after first Monda y.

irt No. 2.Oa:oRGK VV. M’Lavk.—


rida y slier fust Monda y*

JoiiX Baory.—


itturilay alt> r the fir.fl Monday.Distrii’l a\o. 3. —


Jb<he Aj.exandkk. -becoiid Monday.S- Smith.—


uesday after the second Monday.No. I.

Ai.kxius Rifu.—WednesdaN aMerthe second M- nday.CiiAs. pKAitCK.—Thur.sday alter the second Monday.

District N'4>.

J vrv. Kkatox,—


iiday alter the second Monday.Jacor WiLRis.—S.i»urda\ aftei the secoud Monday'.

l)istri<’t .No. «.—'Inird Monday.—Tuendav alter third Monday'.

District No. 7..Tamks Rouse.—


uilnesda v alter the third Monday.II- A. PoAoi-:.

—'Phutsday alter ih<* tliird .Mond.iy.

It is further ordsied this oivt-r blali no takecllecl until alter the f«rst Monday in .lulv next.

A Copy Attest;— WlLU.V.Nf COhU'.M, CrerKJuly 2, 1859 3. tf. GKKrxrp Cou.m y Coui’.t.

Okejcnui* Coumy.Ky.TheOroenup County Cn urt Is holden in Green nps-

burg on the first onday in every month a nd contin-ues (rom day to d.iy, if necesbary. J. G. AoAais,u3i)) Wm. ConuM, CVctA*. Vrc.sidmgJti-igc-

Giu:r:xrp Quautkrj.y Court.Tl'.e Greenup Quarteilv Couit roinmences en

the Fourth Monday.s in Aft/rrA, Jane. Seplcr.ihcr

and December, and contir.nob at eartuefr . un«i( the

iisiig' of the Court is dispo-s'-dnf. Jda.Mei up Co. (nf-O.

Oest quality; and assuios those wiio may xeei> med-

icines, thi.! their prescriptions bhail be carefully com-pounded of the purest medicines. Afllu* old standol Moxley & Barbel above the Kail Koad, 2d streetlronlon,0, 4U-if

l^'iutfatv Hapcrl100 bolts glaziMl Green.lOt ilo FiRHich dolUO yds. H<>llai.d do

Together with a la r»e stork of Figured Blinds. ai

J. Davidson’s Book Moie, h.mton. 40 t

f^aliap’s Hotel.'^I’lIIS well-know n Hotel bta ndson the bank of theX river, near the btea mboat landing, on Main street,in Louiba, and lus passed into the hands of Geo. W.Gallup, who has fitted it up in superior style for theaccommodation of travelers. Every tiling will bedone to make liis guests comfortable. He hopes for'a liberal share ot public patronage,

42-lf* GLO. W. GALLUP.

LJ'IK irOTTRli'.1 rout iiy.

<M r s. A. M. J U K K M A IS. Propiieires.?,ST.%4^ r: on-'icrc

I^''OR Paris, I.exiugton; Fb'iniug’^burg. Sharpsburg,

.Mt Sterling ; (»«*rmantow n ; Alt. Carmel ; Poplar

II. a\i;\\ M.iNManulacturf-rs cfW a ^ o la M a II <i S® 1 o « s !


VRE now CKti n-:i vely eng .gnj in the Mamifactureof Wagons, Plows. \VIm*o 1 barrows. Cart.s and all

the various Agricultural irnploinmits.w ilh theIHack^niitli Itu'-iiirvs

in all it- bran, ln-h, and aio piepan d to ff! I ordersinmi the BicJ^.'iidN Fanners, and all othev-a.s cheap a-s

they can be g 'tt uiauy wuero. tlieyask their friends onSandy to send them their orders. nl3-l v

subscribers re^pi^ctfull y imdnn Iho public that

L they have opr»nprla large slock of ...» Is in lh‘'

homo in this place fuiiTi »rly occupied bv Dr. II imp-ton, consisting of Drv G J *.l •-. Gro 'orl *s. Il'rJ.vatv.

(Jueonswar*, Ro^t.s, S u)»s. ll.i’'*, t'lothin^. &<* .ire .

ii> f*®t everythin.' I* » found in * fir-r M ^ su>i


Gar HtO!A wis r.‘‘*ii‘Iv pw ‘)u%Mlin tn»cityo!Pluladelohia, un l-»r the trMit t.4 vo-.t b’.e . ivi ;i*nitin

CCS Mid f.'cl asm ol w' rsn «>'V*v .h greit iudn -

rvents can b«» found ii t'-.-s c*v;».i'rv. AM w o'

wish to purclu^a aiv invit toc»U. Couefry pro.

diico of ev**rv des'rlptbii tike.a in cv fo»

goOiks nn 1 high?:H prices given.n50-ly n 0 O'MGVt? ^ rn

Wo ar«' very much oblig(*d to you fo» having .ent

such a finein.Ntrunient for S250, and wc sliail tal<

QueenaWjre and Glass, embracing the latest

and most elegant sty les. and of u 'surpassed quality,

ft'golher with allgiades of mediunt and commimpains to recommend it.”—


uaxk, 11 eld & Co. , BuP- ..... c t' \ /ri i

n m .V tware. Wehav<*a large as^<•^‘ment of Coal Oil and

‘•Thci'lor'Ace W.tors'PUno.ire known a s ,mo..g V'"! ’- *


kimh of Lain,,

- . - . . ® riimnungs. \\ e unite attention to our slock, and

O \l M S r K A \) A- 0 o(Su''i e''S )rs Vt S- t rilr-v.)

w if om;s a t.k i> V



ttroccriei, 8®r?>i!ijri', &c..Ol.i stan.l of R )ss 'Mlrov.

rponi StiTHt. Cji*.H'U*'b:t r:: Kv.


^Vh!l^ evpi yhoily Wiini.

THF. S\3^Wf£jV• yr Ai V I


ffPOr TiiU


the very best. Wo are enabled to speak of these

stvuinents w it)i confidence, from persona! Irnowlcdge

of their excellent tono and durable quality.”—W.

Y. Knva^cli't.••Weeanspeak oftho meritsofthc Horace Waters’

Pianos. iro:u personal knowlotl'e, as being of the

very' best quality.”— Christian IntelUgenrer.“ pile lloraco Waters’Pi.ano>arebuiU of the be^t

t.»d most thoroughly seasoned material. We hat%no doubt that buy err. can do as w<‘ll p(‘rl.a ps bettor.

:il this than at any other house i n the Union.”—-Ad-vocatvand Jonrual.

•‘ Water-.*!’ ia nos and Melodeons challenge compar-ison with the finest made anywhore int he country.’'

Homo Journal.•’Horace Waters’Piano-Fortes'areof full, rich. &

L» v-‘n t(/no . and po werf'til .”— A'. V. Mn.sira / Rr uiVto.’ “Ourfriends willfind at Mr. Waters’ store the

• very best asAortmont of Music and Pianos to be|ff)iMid in tho Uuitec^Sfta loband we urge our southern^ 1 western friend* to give him a call wheneverrliov 'O to N«w -Yor’rf^

thuihfjm*' Magazine.

;n .iutuoord^H nin khoaowav, nkh

I VOUli.21,1859. ll-lv-

iTilK Sibbain-Scliooi IL-11.--Seventy Thousand is-,

**'i»*J in -.even months. The unpreci*Jf*ntcd 5a le of ll»is '

SIM PLE HEM EDI iv*'. L VS LY VKD.FOR| has induced me publisher to add 39 newTHE CURE OF DISJi^ASJ' L*. ALf/ FORMS,

jTunes and Hymns to its present size, withoi

ill wan ant satisfaction to « 1 1 wt'O lavor us witha call. In vegoul to pi iccb, we will just say that wewill not bo undeiMfld. *• ‘CU-46-ly

.P. W . B IJ S K I Ii K ,

\VhoU-saI«» Dealer in

<,;ko<.i;b5Ii:s sc b»e80I>i c i:.

laucke) c* iilock. J'l out St., l*oi iMiiouih, O.TEAS.

HALF chests Imperi. l Tea:do Young liy&on 'Tea

20 do Bluck do30 do Gunpowder tlo

75 Caddy Boxes assorted doA. W.BUSKIUK.

TuK.^'ceO.BUTTS Sutlierlin's Star.

!0 •* James' pounds.

5t> “ Fhirence Hugheij’ Long lO.i.

75 Caddy boxes prime Chicken.20 Butts I'loia 'Tcmi'l'*;

25 Kegs Gedge 5: Bro.’s Six Tw ist


20 (ir. S. B Willliuna’ Fine (,'ul chewing.GO Bbls. c^ueen City Cut and Dry ;

40 Ilf. bhls. do doA. W. BUSKIRK.



F.OVE.AFrench Work— bv, Michelet.

Grace Truman;

- Or Lore and Prinriiile- bv Mrs. bailie U. Ford.



The of Faith.

At J. DavjilbOi/n Jlo"k Sioro.

E®aj>t-i* !

yy in (low Sli<ut (•'•..Fii I'liiiii 1*11 .N ew Stj 1 (*•*

3-ly.) .\t J. Da\‘i j'-on’?' Book Store.

7 fieiblcik,I.) ANOING in price Irom One Dollar up to Fifteen,i V. Call and SCO th'^m at J. Davidson’^ Boo'u Store.3y

Warrennj inic^aal J. DaridvrmX

MTDICAL.t)r,. Y5^mpton.



Plains and Owingsvillc. 13-lv.


BiCKis iTOuaii;,J-'r4tvf Sf I »•< /,


PORTSMOUTH, OHIO.!?• ^10NTGuAii:.itV A.; SON. Pi uni'ietors.


B I B X V. r II o r K,

< invimiati, Oliio.

I' HIS well know n Houm? siluatcU in the mfdsl ol the

lll‘avie^t bu^ines!» luin.'*es o* the cilv and in close;i»o\iniity to the IbHi Olfice, Custom House, United^tatrii l uurt, Opera House, ^c., Itaspab-’o-d into thehands of Johimon. SaiideisS: Co., undei a long lease, o'l'riVu t>it t cjwho a re d''voting their ]>ersona 1 attention to every de-^'*^'

-HAAii 1 UA & x XL<l.<o x* U Jv

iiiniMit. Tlie (.iiblic m,y bo a-.uiod every il.iiig will FEMALE IVEAKNESSESbe done lor their coniioit. 14-1 y.



The Best

The BEST^ri'ET'c,

7'ue BE»y^*rHrTic,

The Bw R'iiiETic,

7’iie p/ DimiTir,

7’„E pT DllIlITIC,

j-he'ESI Dihiltic,


The Best Dilketic',

7’ue Bi-st Diluktic,-

The Best DanETio^

7’he Best DiEiiLTir,

7’iie Bist Diuhetic,

7'he Best Djeretic,

The Best Dieuetic,

di{/ampton's pills for gravel,





fil i: \ R It il O 1 s t,Third Su ett. .Near Main, uincinnali. OhioOXE DOLL AH PER day.

.lA.Ull.S UAl.SffN.

A T 1 it A A l>

old>'b b(*'l qi

ett.H, of AU>iizesS^MFPPARDb b(*'l quality, aiand Hy ‘ ^

/ -Oii::.

Gieenup^buig. G

GnvrKri* ('n (\ •in-, iSoD.

,Ti)h’f,> S«aton u the StojVa m 4 |» V the Ube nt V Coin bo ilv the ac-[ 7count- ol Kxecut«,rs. Adminis traiora an,! tJuavdims fSa ! Ka«« IforiheGiecniipromiM f eint Am-si. J r "Ams. , . i,v „f rags

n301 Pres, Mgr for <!^'pr,m,,ty. \\ ,,,,vhich school bonk: will hegu.i-n, at.®

OFrl’.FNUn^ ( ’O. <'>Fj'’ICi:HS.I 19., f.JOHN H .yl).\.M>,l'resKliiigJii(igf loi GreemipCoim-


ii onion, uiiio


G. NEWBKRCLH,A loUliei* A .tlt’rt’hacit TaiBor,(

llnifPii filnck. I i oMton, Ohio.

K FKI’S constantivon h.ind aivl makes to olderevery variety of men’s wear, w ith a generalas-

aorfme »t uf q^'nilemen’a furnishing goodN whi 'h wil* be

GF.OnOK F. ROK, County Attorney.W H.Taf M CORFM. Cb-rk of the Count v Court.ALKXANDKH S.Mini. Depniv Clerk,

GFORGi: W. n.UMMXTON, Sheiill


S. H. W(M.(M)TT. Surveyor and Processioner.JOHXBKnX.'=i. \.s*fissor. --IKRF.MI A n DA Y([)SOX,SchQ )1 Co*n misslmer.

S. H. WOl.COTT, Commissioner abuve Lit

tl-' SandvJE8SK ALUXANDl'R, do. do. below do. lo.


He invit-2s tlie Big S. njy and K(^ntiicky


JOIINO. ADAMS, Judgeof the Greenup Quaiterlyf'oin t.


I>i‘*tiirt Orticcis.Hon.F. C. Pin<TKR. Ju-lge.

Hon. 1?. M. S'r.VNTOX.Commonwealth’aAtlornoy.WIT.UAM fiORUM. Clerk.ALFaXAXDKRSMl HI, epufv Clerk.GKORGi: DAULIXTOX. Sherifi'.


J. DAVIDSON,Wholesale and II -tail d»*.\ler in

^rSiOoi A II i.<>('cIEaEti’«c]:« RaoksiO rA'riONKUY, Wall Pap.n’ and Musical Instni-k 7 mcMit.H. Serond Sr'»‘*t, ironlon, Ohio. 3


DR. J. p.


orris.^Vholp^ale and Retail

C Bi o III I s ( an d 1^ rIroiitiiM, Oilio.

K FF.PS con«tantl V <.n lunda large stock of Drugs,Al •Jicinvs, Clinmifals. Oil ., Pain'-i, l)*.-p StnH''S.

iwith ev.Tv olh'*!- arlici-* {r*ur. ; in fii>t claso l>i ug)Slum, which will hu sol 1 low asth“v can he boughtanvwhvre II - esperiallyasks the att'>ntion of Mor-chants and I’hyslcian-s, as he wairant-s all artich*'

fno 8. 1-v


Cor. of Maitland 4lh Ftroets, Louisville,^I''H1> Hotel situated in tile centre ol iheKi^inesaJ pail ol the cit«? convoiii.* nt to the Raiho/d, Tele-graph ami Lxpif' i-s, (he Ba nk, Boat ^Jlfico andida -rOsuJ and within ot" thepri.'lCV’! Thq pnipiielora havejiiqt icluiiiL>l*oU r»*o a atylo equal tt-'any House in '

* MPI’OX’^ PH T ^ FORr+T-f»»tm4rr.andtO'<hut o rnuinni iy


tonU-biUllpfiauiis I isiting the t Ily lor bu.iim*s»or pT»*asuru it of- |

'’er.s evei N inducejnent for paiionage. Teiina $1,50per da y. CS-I y.








PltOFF-iSOH m:\KY s

It Tells Vo

r vYt.or: .13 d

It Tells Von

It Tells Y»>ti

It Tells You

It Tell.s You

ft Tells Yo:i

11 w to altff.d upon the '•i andlio’.v to co'ik for rh'- .1 ; ho r lo pro-paru Drinka, PoultiofS. A


b*w t> gu«rd ayiin-it infectionfrom con’igi.uM D -n * • < •'-l

O f the vari >n i dii »a>ca t»f .-hildraoilgiv.'s flic c«*?*t “ind snnplns1110 li of tr • itin i»nt during T»*'^th-

ing, convnl-.Ion?, Vacchution.Wliooping-cong’i, M'a.ale.s,

’r>i'» J*ympt)fni of criup, choleraI if.uUnm, coll- Ditrrlv.-i. WormiScallo I iLj.i 1, Uin^wor-tn.f’hickoti-pox, &c.. and givf's you the bestr !m.*dia» (or their mr ».

T'le symeloms of Fov »r and Ague,an! BiUo'.i'. Y'*’K)’V, 'rv;-!iiM,

Scirl"** tnd itluM* F->v -r.-i.and ^ivesvon th? bestand si;jipU*s( remediesfji* thr-ii <*ur.».

Tie .sy-m»tofn< oflnV.i nza, con-* im.ition, Dviieep.sia, A’Uhmi.

- Drq:*y, Goat. Ivo-.i liam . Lmn.

out extra

lurg.* ux''opt on ilie cheap edition.

0 Uiiful Tnneii and Hymns added may bn found. ”1

Miglil to Love ni y Mother,” “Oh. I'll he a good Child.

!iid«»ed I will.” and “>i->trr and 1.” The:,e and eight i

• I’.Iieis from the original Bell were sung a( the .-\nni-


v'lTsary of the New- York city aunday srliool society[

of the M. E. church .at the Acad‘*my of Music, with I

•mat applause. The Bell contains nearly 20o Tunes|

and Hymns, and is one of the best collections ever*l’ricel2c; $ 10 pel 100

;post.ige,2r . Bound. i

2dc ; $I5 per IU3. Elegantly bound, embs?sedgilt, 2oc;|

jJO per lOO; postage, 4c each.|

The Bull is also published in small numbers cnliimdJ

\ nniver^ary and Sunday-s< hool Music Books. Nos. I,

2,3 and 4, isi order to accommodate the miilion;price _

3<’ and 4c each, or $2 and$3 p^T lOO. postage Ic each,j

.More than 300,000 ef ti.c above books have been sold|

^the pa»it eighteen months, and the demand is rapidly


HORACE W.VTER:?, Agent, Publisher, I

ll-lv. No. 333 Broadway, New-A’ork •

. ,tjUXDHlES.Among the manv


lav b.i found. -‘I rr, BOXES P. m So,p.I O 4i( “ “ No I Soap.

60 German do.40 “ Fancy do.^

BO “ and half boxes Stai Candles.100 boxes Tallow Candles;75 keg-i Bi-Carbonate of Soda ;

ICO do/.en assoitt'd Bv imis;70 bales No 1 and 2 Balling:SOU reams a&.soiled Wrapping-Paper;5U boxes Starch;75 boxes assoitid Candy;60 bags “ Shot.75 bales Bar Lead. A.W BUSKIRK.

iM A OK LULL.BBLS. No. I Mackerel;30 hf bbls.

40 bbla. No. 2 Mackerel;

25 hf bbls.

25 bbls. No 3 Mackerel ;

26 Kits No. I Large Mackerel


25 ’• *• 2 do.2 drums Cobti>h. AAV. PUSKIRK.

PIANOS, Melodeons and Organs.—The Horacej

Waters L’iaiios and Melodeons, tor depth, puritv of;

.**me and durabilitv, are unsurpassed. Prices rea.sona-


bio. So'iuJ-hand Pianos and Melodeons from 26 to. HA MS ^biso. you

l G::;;:VeEO^Ku^l.,Su.;aTC.aLdC.^»j,W^

tun br»-:t reiH-di-'s i jr ihidr .-'u *.! as among the very best.'*— Evangelist. “Weeanspeak

' v V " “

T': ‘ syni; :* -in / of uhrdora M h-Iimh, 1 of th dr 'ncrAs fro::: personal knowle Ige” Christian N .* 1 LS.M ilign.i3it oli,»ler.i .^;ii illpHX. D ys- 1 Inhjl Ii ’oncer. “Waters’s Pianos and Melodeons chal-


Bid!.-til.) belt ri-med:G8 for »hi*ir mro,

ft Tells Y o;i Til • .symptom- of Pl-mrisy, Mumps,Nniralgia, .tpoplnxy. Paralysis,I'lO VJii.iU.-b Di.i'.ayos ol ti* •

Till•o.^t. T s’th. Kirand Eye, andtil'} b*»'t rom:»dles Cor ti'jir cure.

Il Tells A'o'J T.i } syinplo-ns of, Jaun-db;H,Piies,Ruptur .•,D‘.s-3 s o! I'l


H ‘ur:, U '.n.-j.-rlia 'o, V.Mi Di-i-

c a :ij 11 / .Iroph ibu , and go es

t‘ii b.js: roiiKvIi-s for I’ujir «*ure.

It Tells A'oil Tin bast and simpl tre.itm.-'Mt forVV ovnids, Bro'von Hl Dislnc.'i-

It*). IS, Sprains. * w, ’.V* i: lo v;>

F.*ver Sor.)s. Boil-*, B.u iu, Ulcers.\Y oti S.V'.dli.igs, S-’urvy, a ulSuorula.

It Tells You Ol th'* various -Usi'i SOS of ’.Vomen,of chiM-biith. and of M -'i-tnu*tinn: Whit ’s. ID rr *jiiiush,


x--.. •

au4 gives th-} h -ji andrem -diH-i ioi- (ij dr cure.

Tin work is written in plain Do'utg', free fiomme.Uca I t'M’ui i, so a'» to ho e .fil y u » I w-*to.) I

Its siinph* re.Mp-‘s uisv save v-u rn^nv li-n.*s t

coit of On b 10 {. (t is print. *'l in’ a cl.*ar and ..pentvpe ; il ill'i -trit *d w;lli ippropri Uu en^ra % ii»:*s. andwill brt fwrward.'J t > vo’ir

ciamp, Di«*asi.i of the|liugecompaiison with the finest made anywhere in the

Kidi'ysan l l.iver. and[.’ouiilry — Homo Journal

KF.GS assorted NaiU.CM v.

N 1-: W MUSIC.A' a r a h .i a tt r Fee.

SONG AND CHORUS.VERY beautiful ihuving easy melody, willi ar-

co!iipaniments,can besuiig by cbildren as well as

adults, ned will soon become ono of the most popular

songs of the day. 8entim'’iils of words excellent.-

Price 25 cents mailpd free. Just pnhlished by Horack\Ya ( ;ths, Agent. 333. Broadvva V, N. A*.

I'ew and Popular ’l^ocal Music.piu} Ang».*L loM me So,” “Grave

200Kt LIV l.l> i»vr S. B. J-.inpiie

Y New Orleans300 Bblspiirne Molasses.lUI) half Bbls. do

. BU^KIRK.UJiecl liom


Fxtra Family Flour.


YKCF.IVKD per Rail RoadY/ 50 Bbls F\tra White Wheat Flour.

Portsmouth. March 16. ‘60. A. W. BU8KTRK.


Wholesale Maiinlacturers aud Dealers in

postage pt i J, on receipt of ’ll 03.

e i(in.O \ V ll' \ !•?c'l '’Smi.l'by.'nti'r-

0 • V X i i V i V pri-«ir*;r t»very-whore, in ^e^i^lg tii’* ahovo work, i.> «iur inJiiconiLMit'

ill .siuh M'O V u’v lib -n I.

Forsio'’.* r>pi f.'' ili'i nr f.r t -r ms t-j

agents, wit'i ••'t. I inform -ti >>. ^n-tly tn or a lir.->

JO. IV i:. !• ) rN » i> ; 7 S i nsorn str -.»t. li D. 1.6 o Ida . !’a

“Kind Word,of Rosabel.”“VViMs of tho Wo^t,*’ “Give me back my ISOOTSJ'ilSWESMountain Home,” “Thoughts ol God,” “I m with the ^ Heather jiiid l’iiidiiig>.still,’ “W a ke, La dy, W ake.’ “1 m leaving tli**p in For- Xo. 3 F.ii Buildings, l'*ronl St , I’ortmoutli, O.row, Annie,” “Ever of riiee,” and “Old Nassau,’

| ) i-xL :y CO., keep con-tantl v on liaml a general as-;.nd sung the Students of Piincelon college. ITaco i j-) . he above named aiticles at WIIOLK-•25 cent.-* each. ihAl.K ONLY, lo which they invite tfie attention ol

New and Popular Instruniontal, the trade. They maiiufactnix* goo.Js of the best quali-*‘Pal.jC(* Garil.-n I’oika ignette, ’ •‘Lmpiro or ly. »nd ha vc made to tlieir ow'ii order by the best ma n-


R>ifk’s Qiudj ill 'S.”a new dance, price 40 cents each.i,'|aetuver s East,and will at all times duplicat bills

’Piccooh.mliii Polkad’ Swinging Schott isch,’’ “ rhos;ij,e bei»tJobbing Houses of hiastern Cities, with the


B’'k<‘r Scholti->h,” all with \ ignoltvs; ”1‘ ew ILbci man

, and F.xc liangy They are alsowlul.' Quadi-ilh.s.” 35 cents each; “CrinoHno Waltz^,’ "Dan- Jam.ntu ['dv Wheeler tit Wiisun'.s Sewing Machine*.—-

villo Ma /.oiirka ‘•.\rahiin \\ ar erv March,^ ’I'hv best and most reliable Machines in use, aud

ing Polka,” ••V’t*ry La>t \ .ir-»nvianne, ’ ^old a t the (at lory prices,and \Va nanted. [nlSlfB«iika ,” and “Alin ira Polka Maxurka,” price 23 cents

oss.nvatly bonn land loach. U tv. NEW AUCIVAL- MODE COMING!

schcdnhj of prices and imonia Is wliich will satisfy

anv one. r-'l ? n I e\a mine thenv. fneHlf

What lO'. '.'ryhad y \V':nit«.


COUNSELLOn INHV l it \ y ii ( !!

OK T H K ! HI I. A D I' H I .V U A K

It tells Y .u iL>w to draw i;,. P.rtii ;r.'bi,>

an \ gives g''iu'ral f u*m-t i.»r

m'Diti of .'ll kills,, Bills off,ei^f»s ar.! P 'tJtlons

d' a'l 1 M.ntof Vt

1>ERSON8 wishing to purchase Pianos. Melodeons. MtS. Fltzpatrick and MlS. B I 0 “W Tl .

or .Mu-'ir, c:»n no’.v order thvonch the editor ot the . RK. ju>-t receiving a splemlid stock ol Now (ioods,.\dvocatc»,” as ho is agent for Mr. \V a tei«, a iid has

! ;\ PNnlor cing Straw (»oods, Ribbons. B.-*nnets. Flow-ers, a ml all the very la test >1 \ lea o( Milliiu i y : a Iso

Dress-making done on the shoiti*st iioHce, and the

mo‘‘t sati-sraclory terms. Give us a call.

Court slieot. East side, first door fromthe corner of 1‘ront.

ALL C IL K A P Jd O Jl C A S Jl .

Mrs. J. FITZPATRICK,nl3 Iv. Mrs. H. BROWN-


‘Ciucinnati & Big; San cl •y Packet.STEAViErl BOSTON.

iW V HONSIlKLI,.,l/ivro-. .Marsh Gi.ark, Clerk.^ 1^11 IS (d«*ga nt ;-.te liner leaves Calletl.s-

n» * burg, nmnrdi of Big Sanely rivei\eviMyJ^wt25Monday ami Thnradav morning- On herreturn leaves Ciiirinniti everv rue»uay and Friday


evenln>•^ at 5 P. M.. taking passengers and freight at

• all int‘'r!iiodi.»te points. 'I'he accommodations and

It tslls Youi -

It tells You

It tells You

Ji tells You

It tolls You

It tells You

U 0 O Iv S AND S T A T I O N K U '4.

JAMES STIM’HEXSON.m)ooKsi:Li,i;ij,sr.\'i’io.M;i5,

A N J)

Blniili Alooli llnitiilarliircr., . ,

No. 4. Buckeye Block, Front St. I'mtsmouth, O.\;/r»»e.


capacity n| this Splendid steamer are un«-urpassed on' irj¥ band a complete assortment of Miscella-

1 ^Ale* f(he We.stcin w »ters. Rates of freight and pa'-sage^ as _L noons, La w. Medical. Cominon (School and Clas-


low a.-* arty other boat. 33-;f sical Books. Also, a lirgee .stuck of Cop, !.*’lti‘r andNo e Paper, Enveh*pe.-i, j;teel Pent, It.k'*, Memoian-dums, Tiino Books, &c , Wall Papers, Cm tains, Bor-

IMIi; Olno No 3. t»ft. ^ i>'iJ '’‘‘'g Slates by the Cane o.

1 IUy_... le.v,., Mi.u.tta eveiy’'"fanicol'a,' attention given lo tho m. nufartnre of

t(. o -lock.A. M.^ jia^^I, r County ollicc, LoJk-v,. &c.

P 1 O N K i; K LINK.$$9iio :\(). ii, nnd Ohio .'\o.

iit'w bteamv‘ 1” Ohio No 3, Uapt. flrrr


It tells You How t'l tin w 113 Bg^go , A-fi Grit-, 1*0 V "-;

torney, N >t an l Bt:!-*

C'Ding*. R -ipf- • n -• .<»|

Too fiT ’.vs fur t!i a i >l I.m-' Imii .a 5'i ) -Lr .


wl'.ii l-i-* .<t4!ut.-- iti ,•

* a n 1 - ,,.3 ^I’W (ram E\ -Gution in o\ o- ?

Sta lc‘.

Il ).v to in.iko an'.V^sigmn j);Oj;«r-

ly. \N ilh forms fur C*'upu; t: *u

with civJit.r-', an I to* I i-..

l.avvi of 4.*\'. rv S' *t**.

It tells You liO log il rt'hitinn < e -<i h’( i.i; '>»t v • -u

Gu irdian .tiii W.»rJ. .M*,t*r an:A iprenticf, anJ (^m poid an


.iC'hoiff €oal fi.nmiH S-'orW .iat cno'^titutoiL.helanl patK-or.! , u K F


for sale, that d.-,i,ahle travt ol Land.*

’*!u Vi''f ‘‘n- iI oii'vhii h I rebido, on B:g Bandy ITv-it, known as

Dowor, tho \\ tie '< u\ [ r 'pur-^ (be Eall.'i of Tn.u. an<l oonl.iiningOno Thousand Acres,

t -', Div'or'*e ard Uimduy.^ .

lying “n both iiilex <vf tlieriver. There .lie 15 Oarresit* hi -.vs tor M -.-h loic * (J-*ns in

, «vi! and in a lii.e ,i,\to of cu! ti vation, whlrh forc."»r ’ Mate, a i! the Nat-iri i/j

. fMrmingi .^nnc*l be excelled in tho Sandy Valley.tiou Laws of t.ns cou iir,', an i p'.i. i niprovenionts uro two largo Frame "lio V to comply wiili th * s uu

; -K-arlv new, Store llouso, Barn, and allTn*Liw conLorn'ii’' PonG'tn. an-:


„,,t builJin.;*'.ho'v It) oliCtin o io, and t in Prv . 'puere i’l im tract on the river which: present sL nutDHi Lx .Vt. 'o Pijblit; I. m is. ;;reater indue -i'lnents lor mining coal. Tlmre isa rein

Tn-a L\ .V tor i’al‘*t.t.s. wi’ b tn .» Jo of -,f upwards of lour fuel of nio>-t Euperioi'coa 1, a 1 read vpr’»L*’-dnrn in obtaining oik-, with


.ipvn. and ready for operation also, on (h« tract UInt'*r; *r«mr *s, Assign. is. *nt-< and I cmnnel coal, with Hoveral other bituminous veins,'I iblo cd h.*es.


and these being belowthe Falls, with more than a

It tells You "* ' W.ll, and h-%w »o| ml • river front pr-'sent s« giv^ai advantagoi

.\ll tlio r*-w and stAodaid loa^ons in s*ver\

"iliett'^bni’g evi'i’V f'l iday at -1 iT'clof/tf, e. ^|

br»n«’h of Liferijtui e u-..L»\ r.; as ^ .tul.i -

The sloimerOhio jNo‘i. Capl. Suvro, leave-. Mari-!

vL'S » »g<?»cy 5eii.^pf

.tt.eveiv I’^dda V- to 0‘clokA.M.: passing Catletts-Ptmiisheis prices,

ion cevorvSatmdavrt 4 o’clock V. M. Up~Loave« Booksrd lers^ ( eunti > Dealei- ^ch^S^. Acadyniie>

'^o. inoa'i'evevyMomhvatSfi’cloc k. P. .M .pa.vMng P'ivate Librauos supplied on Ino^t liberal

Catlett burg every Tuesday at () o’clock, P. M. p.*r- _ . .j... . !


sovs coming out of Big Sandy River on tlio

w’ill c-Diinec l with the-..* fur* s'voamfr.s. IG-lf.;


lion sesnecessary

. w'lth I'l Thrt water power is tho bo*t on Sandy liiver and

E . II . CL A R K ,

Front ftt..?}et. Mo rkrt avd Court '^td , L^orttmoufh. 0 .

D E.VI.KU in Watches, (’locks. Jewelry and SilveRWare, invitgs attention to his stock, having on

liandandfbr sale constantly such an assoitniei.t a*-

cannot fa H to please.

Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired at shortest

notice. He solicits the trade especially of tlieboidei

counties of Eastern Kenluckv and U»g ^andy Vallt-y.' 33-1 y

WhoIe*‘ale and Retail Fuiiviture Ho'.ics,

.r. u. N I CK i: I. Ls.F ri5 A I T I IC 11 I AFTOICV,Corner Market and Thi d Sfieeft, Poifcmouth. O

TA M now manufa ctuiiiig a nd ha vo a I w a y on hand a

full stock of I*arlor, ]]oiis(*hold A: OfliceI'll I'll itu re, such as plain and fa nc v Bedsteads, Bu-reaus. Sofas. Ciiairs. Stands, Hook-Cases . Desks. Ta-bles, &c., drc. M.X'rTRESSES of all kinds, Safes

.0 investmpnt would pay b.-llor than (Imervclion of “h".."”'''. '‘"I''’ " ..a mill at this place. It i, also aepod point for a'

" i“ (liobt's iiiitl 1‘iaiio Stools. I’ath.vt Mk-

atore. Altog.lber, this tract of land may be ;

T-'i-'C,»oniAL Casks & t'ASk-KTa.ofall sl/.es. styles

.\ i nini-al'r o.i an K-t1 1 -V ml th’» r-'q.iire-o -m.-, t.iure

in (-very Siait*.

5t tells You rii.^n-ai.ii.j ..f l.iwlmmsi, ,,Aner- - cous.u-. , . , . . ,

• .. j i.'alu.-, rail lo on t . L>v 'd the most desirable inthe V'. Iley of Sanev — “'»l Underlakim; promptly lo.

1, -..isl.liv.. Ex.cutive and Ju ii Th-. price, and termswiil be moderate, (pan taken'Everything in the 1- urnllure line generally needed

cial 1-OW..V...1 b.lli ihj General : in goods if desired) Verroiis desiring further infei-

*'>"''» '«>"5C, will hefoiindalmyeslabllshinent.-

aiid Si It > G ivrn nents.j

in itinnwill appiv tn .lames J. Miller. Catleltshiirg• cvpontof La w, by .diowmg


Kv.. or to tho subscribor whose post 0 II 1 C3 is “FallsI > do yoni b.iiln »jii loa.allv. of Tug.” Wayne county, Va.

no 1 Ttf

It tolls You llo.V tl

ll'^ Jt I •>in».5i icg.-illy,

th n . >x (It


V I -st il mou n t ot pr lo-

oilv. un i vux;i'i.iui iili^xlUm* byliN ti r.'dy consn^'ati'in.

Single copies win be R'*nt by tn ill. postas-' pai l,

to Every Fann'M-. Kvow 5fi‘« !i>ni<', Kv *ry .Man ofBusine^H, and Evt*cvB>|y in K,.m’v on re-ceipt of $( 6-1 »* in »•» V '( vl‘* of bln li-ig i if

S 1 0f)0.

.V Y K V R r„*fovorywnsre, in s.-lliog t!'.® above w.'fk, as oiiv in-ducements to ail iu -tl are very

For single copie. of the l!ook. or for terms toagent, ’'v'th other intorin 11 ion. appiv lnorad t,.3^,JOHN r. p<>i r>;;t. T-nbii«h(M-, - '

' .el Cm; Ns. eiT Sinsom atreol, piliiad Iphia Pa


B R K .


Hrif fmooelH, hirorrrirs, A'r.'ity l'’^•oal C'n t Ity.


Fnrnaremeii and country Merchants vvili be suppliedon fair terni:<. e.^ppcia H v

THE TRADE OF BIG SANDY.5:^ Pig-Iron, Lumber, &e., taken at market prices,

for all articles in in V line. nl3-lv.

Dr. J. M. ^irACKi.RVORr). f>Av‘r.. R. Sriiv

SHACKLEFORD & SPRY.Successsors to Shackleford kt Crichton.W II o I <- s a I <- E> r II ;; ;; i K 1 *!>

AND apothecaries.

The propriotor.s und ninnufaofui’cv«of IlOS-TLTTLiKjj (’LI.KBUATKD 'M.\< II LIT-TLU.S CUM with perfect ctJ.lKence to

jihys^ician.' nml citi/iTiS goiicruiiy u‘ iho I.Tiitcd

Eiaicfj. lu'cnuso llie nnicle has nKaim**! a repu-l.Tiion hcreiotf'i'c ji. A f« w fiicts upon(I(i- J'uint will speak it:fve j-owvrlully liiaii

Y(il'.i?ucs of 1; irc a*-, c-rii, jj (.y M tr.oningjuR'ery.

1‘he no.-uiiip:ion of l!«..<icnor’s* Siumadi l»it-

((•rs for iKo hi'-t anioiu.icil to over a half-

million bottles, airl from its manifest sfeadyiijciea*' in lime® joist, it is cviilei.t that duringthe coming year ilie consumjitioii will i -acli

near one iniilion bonle.->. This iininvn.'-o aim untcould never Jiavo I'ccn foM ln;i for liic raremedicinal

ji .jicrtiv'j contained in the j»rcp(i>‘a-

tion, and the sanction of ilie niostj.oinini-nt

j’hysici ins in thoio seriitnis of (lie countrywhore the nrlicK* is best known, wljo not onlyrecbmmeml the BiHci.s to their j*aii nt.s, butme ready at all tinio l'> e teslimon'al- to its

efficacy in’-vs of ‘l'*nia',hic derai^cincnlsand lltedisca^'' r-JtiDing (iierrfiom.

.•! ar\ j)-ij-ulai it

. ..f lUc Biitai':’^ Lv,

csiiinatioii of an invr’inUc imdivine.

dt '•lined to be as enduring as lime ii.

Ilustelter’s Stomach Jliitcrs Inive j.roved

a Giulsend to regions wlierc T ver and agueami various other biUous ocmplaint.H liavc

coujiled their victims by hundreds. To heable to .‘•(ate confidently that the “Initers”

arc a certain cure for the Dy.'^ju p.sia ami like

diseases, is lo the projirietor.s a s>mrce of mi-

alloyed pleasure. It icniove.s all morhid matter^

from (lie stomich, jnnifics tlie blood, nmlimpart .> renewed vitality in tlie nervous system,

giving it that (one and energy indi.-j en'uble

for tlio restoration of hcallli. It opcrnies njion

ihcKMinach. liver, and other digestive organs,

mildA* liut jmwcHully, and soon re.stnrrs (licm

ton condition cs.«eniial lo tl:e lie:tliJiy uiselnngc

of (lie functi'-ns of nature.

Jdderly j'Crsoiis mar use ihc Bitters daily an

per directions on tlic Imirle, and they will find

in it nsiiimilaiit ]‘cculiar!y adapted to comfovt

declining years, as it is pleasant to the j'alale,

invigorating to the bowels, cseellcnt as a ionic,

ami rejuvenaiing generally. IVe liave tlie evi-

dence of tlionsauds of aged men and womenwho )mvo exj'ericnccd the benefit of using lids

j»reparatiiui while fcuir.*ring from sloma**h de-

rangements and general del>ility : acting under(he advice of pliy>ieiaiis, they Imvc aband-au’d

all deleterious drugs and fairly u-toAl the

merits of this nriirlc. A lew words lo tlie

gentler sox. There arc certain j'oriods whentlieir cares are so hnra.'^-ing tliat many of themsink untler tl;e trial, 'flic relation of niuiber

and chiM is so absorbingly tender, that tho

mother, c.specially if ilie he youiig, is apt

forget her own lienlth in her extreme niixiety

for her infant. Should the period of maternityarrive during (lie summer season, the wear of

body and mind is {jeticrally* 1. Hero,

then, is a ncco.s^ily f«-*r a ,'-:iiniulam to reenpe-

ralc the energies of the sysleni. and enable the

moHier to bear up under her cxhimsiing trials

and rcspoiisibilides. Nur.-ing lU'Khers gene-

rally prefer till* Biii»rr'< to all other imig«»r.a-

tors that receive the imlnv^emeuf of jdiysi-

eiaiis, it i.s agreeable lo the ta>ti* as

well ns certain to give a periuuncnt increase

of bodi’y strength.

All poisons, to whom we have pavtieii-

larly referred above, lo wit: siin'erers fromfever and ague, canned by malaria, dianha-a,dysentery, indigestion, h-'- <*f npjieliic, andall diseases or devangement:- of tlie stoinavJ^

sup .rannualed inyaUUs, pci t!,s of ’•'dontaiy.

o, n*‘d .... ^iU^oii’-u'

their u»vn jdiyiie d weifarq^^^‘ - *•

tctlerks Celehrat'^ ^ti'innclTBi

KTlnN.—IVe caution ti..,*

using any of the many imifalivi

feits, hut ask fur IIosti.tti u'-

Sto.m.acii Bitti'.ks. nml sec t-hat

the words “ Dr. J. lIo-tctter‘s Stomach Idi'lers*’

blown on llie s.dc of the bottle, and staL’j-e<l

on the metallic cap covering the coik, andobserve that our autograph signature is ui the

label.- Prepared and sold by ITOSTETTEE &

SMITH, Pittsburgh, l^a., and sold by all

druggist.s, grocers, and Qea.ers generallythroughout the United Stales, South Ame-rica, and Germany.

Ton SALE BYET.Y & CO , C»tlf*u>biirg, Ky.;JOH N O N (JR R18. Ceredo. \\ a vne co , VaJOHN .M. RICE Mud UriJg.* ;

M’. a. .MILLER & CO , and J. A. OOX, CabC. II . Va.;MtC \ LLI:5TFR 5c W!IEF.LER,Huruc»n Bridge,VaC M. I'KRIAT Butfalo. V.»

EH A n P 1' A B9 O I' S E,

4'.vtm:ti‘.sici it<;, kv.stibscrihei has Ilur lo infoi.rilds

1 numerous triciids and the pub lie g-'nera It v, thatthis idd cstablislied l.ouai* has recently umlorgonc a

thorougl) i’(‘paii, ami is now in comloiiable order for

the reception oltravclois. Every thing will bo done• o inako his guests comfortable- Attached to the

Hotel is a Livery Stable. Iioin whicli (he public canbe* Mipplied on tlio shortest notice with saicHoraes,Carriage'-! and Buggies, and caretui diiucrs.

He hopes his etforts to accomrnodaiu lie publicwill socuro lor him a share of the [uiblio patK.nagu.nol-ly) O. W MARTIN

W i'ffii Bi :T3 A \ Bl O B‘ « K .

i'l Oilt i'nc Ky. "

Opposite W'hmJ Ui'ut-'I'^IIlS e.sUbli.ilt:iiont has undei gono ihroughrcpair.oX and is now in complete ordiT tor the recej'lion

of Ira veler.i. 'The. jiroprictui s promiac louse theiriiest endeavors to make theli patrons coinrorlablui'heie is Ht<ached to the Hotel a,\vhi«'h issiip-

i'lied with choicest Liwiois and Wines, Cigars, &.c.

\Do. a Livery SRaMe. tWi ‘ve Cai t iagei*. nuggi<*8, andIIorsA'.s can be had at «nv lime. 'Tliey h*>pt» luia full

-hare of the generoiispatronage ot ihepublir.


DiKKicvLTy OF RrsrmATioN/















THE PLANTER.Ttii-i c«-l-tfmf<‘-l 1ia5 nn (•xt'‘ri«U^ *alo In th©

>V*->1 li.-in.' r thftroKgli'Iy uduptuU tol!)owiint.iof tii« lu'oplf. ^




.\ N K FA Cl (JR K ILS ol a supei ii,i- 41 ti( fa <»(' I 'in* >

Hli . HAM 1 1 ON S PI LLS,

nMv'T:,r“: I

coxtaix xeither balsam oh mercury.•ountry.conNlstiog of the following kimhin pail, vi/: BUT AUK PUKKLY VEGETABLEIbilling Mill Brick all bhaueb ai.d '-t\ leij.

r.’upalo ' mnace " “ *• bi/'-s. IN THEIU COMPOSmONR'a-tt •* •* Inwalls, Bosh and Hearths made


T< nnr{v,il.-.l in its "'.4 tT!— . ffmrgdiM'Ml'ility, itiiil - J oj-Mty lii.oin^od llrH €\<*u u cbiidcan uiidcislaml its u.-w.

THE PLANTERIh »in«nrpv»sed in quick atnl ll»'-rontrh baking, andIrj.- /IK. It:! t-e..|i«tiMy in fn«-i \mI1 souo r«'iMytti- piinrt* i-’-r, ;uel It^ fxi’f*ll«*nt brojliiig arrange,uu-iiti without smoko, ia a comlort Ih cveij family.

THE PLANTERla inaiie very lianvy, of t>*-.t Kentucky Iron, and snj><*-

rier ill cveiy way to Noritiern siov*-.-. It i« aoM nt

rf.t'«*n;i!*l • pri''--. tie? biiyi-r not being tuxvd wilbenorrn''U3 fifight fn»;n iho*Nortbcin citifS,

THE PLASTTERIh tho re«nlt of a long exp«*rtcnoo wiil» (be wanta ofS-Mtthrni nmi >4 nmnufautured exclusively bythe aolo propi'iet'iis and j-aif-itf*'*-**.

a. \y. as.ii.r. At Co.,At Itioir Stove Works, < ‘••vington, Ky.

OtHceund Wari.dMiu-.o, 3:J and 21 Binlu i»t,, Cincin-oati, und tor m\c by

WIT.’il.AN UliOTlIKRS. C.MleUsb.iri;, Ky. [40 Iv

(0 lioti'

si ovE, FIN, .v siii:i:r ikg.s \va ju:

AT a, uri Ta c < ii iv *

<'«’i’4*<lo, Vii.« and I'n I l<‘l iMbii rj;, SCy.f’l"'!!!:* und«*rsigned would inO't respO'-’ljully in'brm1 the pnbl ic that th *y aretnlly prepaiifd lofurnislt

any article in their line on a.-,-n vurable term- as anveAt-ibii^hmeid in thu Kaslern or Wentern cities.

Particular attention paid to -obbing of .1 II kinds.

We ha ve always on luinl the latest a nd ^<*<r1 pattern-o* Fruit Ca (is ; a


ao of Cou I m n<l \Voi>cl C'ooK i n


Stove". ABo. I*arlor, Hall, and Olliuo Slaves,Grates, Fronts and Hollow-ware, cl.-.. 4*lc.

nol-ly] M’lTM \NJH?qTHFB8.

A. P. BORDEIi.S,anl Commission Ilerchant,

^jCiikTLETTSBURG, K VI‘F'M/t,Y in!ornj-5 llj»* public llu't be lia

lo suit any Furnace.•Salt KuriM CO and Brick-<(i*amboal Furnace 'files every si/e.

leal Oil “ *• and Ujtuil Bed Tiles.'»as “ “ •* •*

Reif-rt protectors.: ‘oolcing -<tove and r.inge Tiles.Orate 'I’ile.s and Backa to suit size of Grate.Olay PuinpH for welU and ci-iteins.

(’lav Di-.Tining 'filr-, all si^?s, fur wc-t lands.Ground I'iie Brick cement.Gioun J Fire cla v alwa

js on h.'ind.

H (*v ing procured an experienced hand for eachlep.*r(ini'n*. of wrrk Irom tlip K .Tvt.vve are preparedto fill <.id*'i.' promptly rnd of a Miperior qii.ilitv,

much iM'tter than wa - i.vcr bad ii. lbi.> n gien. 01 can->e manuUctiired by any i-ftabii^l ni'-ud in this conn-try,

— Mnr-.* . k. Robiusoo, I,ouiNville.

j » . :r -: vr r-^l.ji


y.. r STtJJ.L .M;in-.g<*r,

A^fifand V*^nfi.frc anc! Kirr-

.\.!il.-ui'L Bov.) 1- 0 .. K Mai-<-h QH, IHlifl -G Iv.


Milh Hit I’uoiirT I.\ Action'.






MALE OR ri'iJlAl.E.

AIALE nil EE.MAJ.j;,

CIlK AI-i-l.-ST! It I-:-, I'Mmi

' a VS fov Tuition in Single and Double Kntrv Book-.V(*eping, Writing, CotMinercial .\r:t!unetic and Luc-•U i’- •


HuarvI 8 wovUs ?i20, StiUitmrrv 7, Tuition3*>, n;ti re ev pi'Uscs (52.

Uiual time from 6 lo 10 w(‘ekx. Kvery Student,

tpon graduating, is guaranteed crmpeti-nt to manageII'* book.^ of any busineb!*, and qua ilied to earn z sal-

ir V of from8-5()0 to S10O0.

Students enter at any lime—No vacalion--Ke\iewIt pleasure.First Premiums for Be^t Bu^lnes.s Wii’ing fov 1^.59.

received at iTltsburg, PtiilaJeljd ia and (Jhio State

Fairs. .Mso, atthe principal L'airsol the Union fur

the past four y t-ara.

j)tlr MinisteVb’ Sons received at half price.

F'*r Circulars, .specimens and F.inbi'llished View>f t ie college, iiicK'^''* live letter slanp-. tt»

15] K. W- JKNKINS, Pittubnrg. Pa .



fianilw(‘t.iiiitv. >V«?st(*rii Virginin

^ l''H K subscriber oilers for sale, in lots to huil pui

i chasers , at|

t ic«’s» rangingI'roiii S2.0O lo t^-S.OO prr aero.

Iii‘- Lands, in Wa \ m* and Cabell counties. Va ..are

situated principally upon the waters of llm'rwelvel^ole and Big Sandy Rivers, and fininlhree to twenty

jmiles bark from i!\e new cit v of Ceredo.j

The t it les to sa id land are indisputable. The soil iaj

rich a nd productive , and abounds in 1 ron, Coal , andTimber. SAM’I« SaNDKRS. [no2

n . M . C 11 I L I) .s

. I

Forwardin?^ and Commission Merchant,M litirf ICoat. tf'atfettnbui*;;, K< iiiiiC'Ky.



I Vh.S prompt attoulion lu tho recepiKHi **e-j

X shipmt*n{ o{ all consignments loJ»is cave. 1-ly.i

Ask Foil Dn. II.vmi'ton’s I’li.i.s

Ask Foil Dii. IIamito.n’.s ITi.i.s


















:! die ngMin.‘‘f !

.' ' (.'oumer- '

1 'rt rr.i! \Tr.i>

neh hoMic hns'

v>- I I'l B».it at



ill V Iviud I tfO G3. CBNU.





This prppavition is proscnlo^ to tlie Public with

t-rne ntmoTt confidcnc in it, cHivsey »nd lus been

: the result of m»ny years ot study, observation and


Wliolessal**A. SMITH,ak ISf-tiiH WrotH‘1’

lo-.vO'-t prices, and invltos persons who wish to huy Window Glass, Patent Medicines, Perfumery. FmcyW'-IL JAMES FR.\2!ER. [Articles, fee. ,41) order, promptlv answered, Wei

Louisa. Ky., Mby 1, isoiicit a share of ibetradeof (ho Sandy Valley 13-ly

ANi) I) a: A I KH i.v

IIARD\V,\I!E.CU I'l.KUV. G .A.«SWAI.K, &c.CHiyaiulotlc .Sit., a Di.-iiv heton- Jliiilu'i*.

«;i V VM>O r i'l-:.4 A. fll-lv.1 1 1 Ii illtlN of Con 11 1 r, l*i uilii, c lnl.eil ill cx-

fov 4>c«MiH.


Aud <'oiiiiiii:4s<gonSteamboat >geul and Wharf B".-*! I’vopvietor,

Pa rk I* T'-lm iff, V i 'Z i u ia.H K F f: R r o

C. BROOKS. F»q. Kx-PresidentB. &0. R. R. Co.

Col. B F. KKLLKV. Freight Ag’LB. \\ . f Otaf.Y. L'»q. Mayor ofG.A AT H HALL.R. SMn H, Ctuhier N. \V. Bank.Hon. F.Ll TH AYKtt, M.Cel. JOHN DILS, [‘^l-ly.]

Thdtern iH

h A ej


Our in<;^in the shlTlipful

of bookaKnglis

Patent LLadies’ L'^'

Dt-tach'*d j

T,epine ^

(Inld L'.


Lacies' a|all pal^e^’

Gold WA great'’

Drep^a t Can ’

tina . &c ^

Gold RrtcqThe List

TlaUiircre, Md.|atandard worlPiiila .‘elphia., interesting to \\

Covington, K V. ( « cat'^logue. <1Baltimore, Md.. Apply to

Parkersburg. Va. i

AVorre'ter, Afa-s.

Piketon, Ivy. C. W. UlurI