the san francisco call (san francisco) 1907-01-20 [p 1].8.899.683 pqbsas, \u25a0...

. 8.899.683 pQBSAs, \u25a0 t2-73. > t&» J statistical " table.. BlnoeT they:average 100 cherries '-totho-ponad^ only those; who can figure ' past 'the A bnHon \ point * can" count them. •- 'Citrus trtdts, the prize produce of the -erstwhile arid regions pt^the State, last year ''averaged '18,220.000 ' boxes. And thel«: »r» "tUl'immense tracts of land !sultable .'to the* cultivation* of orange and lemon I that" have not been touched >VVt' by the fruit, grower? " . //After-these stupendous-figures It Is ' almost rsurprlalng' that;. there* were -only 145,000 pounds; of: flgai^weighed* In," as ytoey,' say.' inTthe';packing-liouio; but as - there »are -ao v f &tt\ cares \u25a0* and * woo In v Calif o'rnla^:- these '' will 'doubtless *go ' round.', "A'Dg f for. care and a !flg for •woV. J' -' " - ; ,, s "\ .-'- '. As pears' had a< start' of:all other - fruits ~they:'}have been; abie^tcT hold \u25a0''their -own." 'Last-year's 'output-^ of 54*- ~3W,000 ' pounds :; would be "'enoagh *to make a building as large as" The "Call 4 building and 'fill the rooms solid 'with •> pears: [ r" ',;" \u25a0 ;,\u25a0 * -*_ " , ":" '\u25a0\u25a0 \lt v the r21,01i,000r21,0li,000 'pounds of'peae^ee were^ to ; be.equally ''divided*^anisig all * (Continued^ ojal Neirt-P«C«4 Mary Edith Griswold THE golfl hunter of '49, walking beside his fag-gred s ox team, en- veloped _ln. a';cloud of dust, saw ever the vision < of a paradise which he could purchase- with -ids' future gold. \u25a0 ' So ', on* lie pushed across the wide plains' and, over the high. Sierra* to California; the. fabled, land of promise. Inall Lis wlldeet- dreams' of wealth lie could not know^that this furthermost strip ,x>t ., land - in;', another . half century ' wouia produce all the luxuries he 'had -'.left -behind. . He did Ifnow that he hlrascll^ *wo'jld become a militant factor in this great consummation. >'As on lie Journeyed, his boul reached out and up ,aad he could ccc over tlie rim of* Puritanical preju- dice the V&reat, wide, beautiful, won- derful world." ' The man " changed. . The economical, provident son ol New England became the generous, tolerant, -successful man who planned large and' whose ".success \u25a0waa correepondlncly large In propor- - tlon to bJfl dreams. -The turbulont life: of tbe mining camp proved Mb «*trength, tbe excitement of finding ""tie first- "color" In his gold pan" ln«£f ased as the days saw the "dyst"^ stored, ln a^ baking-powder, tin grow,and, kr°w< un- ' til there were a*row of baking-powder _ ftnm tni*r Mi bunt Tbedlxsy 'social - •njtfyment «f tb« «amp; thVirtag-dance, tli* ribald horseplay, th* games *• c f cbfcae*. fell oeajbtn«d to. eaixclnat*. Ma nrtad- '' J.-*'* . ' ' "'. ' " B<fr> o*,o»tu#»;eti&* tte'gpaclsh'' \u25a0nmjanTi me nmnttm\\9jl/in ! to' lsrtiry aad p«*o«. lobmw* b*rts ci ' 'oattl* •ad h»TMt fru«fl «b u»i rich nnt«». Hide* aad tallcw were tb« only p'rod- uots which- w"«fe with thY tr*fl«T» 1 9T the manufactures "6S Franco and England. " The beef was left for the vultures,' all but- the ' small por- : tlon which was consumed by tbe rancheros and their households; f^ Bui " when th* immense crowds of J fortune-" •eekiis came pouring In like a' tor- rent.;, with app*Utcs •' which: must^ appeascdi! the' fanner grandees^ found^; themselves utterly^ unable- to; mept' tlie r j' demands; made upon their hospotJtUty. And so it caniie . about tliat those who failed to make more than a fortune. ln. the iJiines , toon found that 'the > isifnple : \ pursuit of sericulture paid even :,b'etter r^ W'hije It lacked Jtlie eicltinar: charms; : ; of mining; "the gains \u25a0 were ••' surer and ; the returns, more certain. ;\u25a0.;\u25a0• * ;; Those ', first '\u25a0\u25a0; Californlan \u25a0 corpsj-twere - enormous. * and; r .therd^ i wM''^plentyv''if». dash icf ; . thosw :V «ar!y«. v^setaods^r;. of £ cuitlvatfdnt^ **' T*e. - w<>uld-b» fv« fariner<- 'epllced a' large eprtadlr.g braaci ot an •'; 'oak \u25a0 treel '-. to \ : : him - saddle ;-'\u25a0 horn,';'jaad^i gulfilng' bis b'acklnr broncho the b*»t et hls^abliity/j or'er the _' 'fl^Vbarr owj»4^ the "acres whlch^i wero ;. to^^be'^itoj^m!^ ' After rtbjit' ; be'"»catt«r*4 tlio gmtn-^nKn «; .his^saddlelb'iri aid 'mr*rr se«d^gT«w. : . ;..? *l/p-'*=>"' '»«\u25a0.: -.\u25a0' "' '•\u25a0 <!,. \u25a0<\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0.'••"\u25a0/*'* •ThcrSecbnid^Epbch "^ .- -' ' v V" Taut" b ttan'the Mocmfl •S6<ftilli vOail- was ti« ; \u25a0baajw '«%•*! -»taAi^*f r ; ' West,* "aad "IMt\rMV\C.T9«,MNI J b«rtel»^ ; wer*'produced," besldM l.Otfl.tec \u25a0 bushels ; of corn,'' 24,C00.0e« bushels of barley, ' C.tEO.C OO bushels of oats, and 8,000,000 tons ; 'of hajr/eaouir'h grata to hayi'tia^ed'-' ancient" Canaan over '\u25a0 %\u25a0. seven'^years' '-- ;- *famlne with' 'some . left for " the^home" " folks besides.^ j\n«Vtfcj* In n.'-^vjar -3rhVn : ; tva\* sfi ou-'iiltf^ls ' the" principal' industry.' ' * The" beans produced In California. list-* year 'would , supply all the : soldiers of . ;'thclrX*tapTe ; t oiSd; for^thifty-nlne* years'. ' :^But^^as t <^mmissary^^:V reystoncej remarked,^ rali}!«oMier« jdon't ;•. Tike 'j beaxu.-i.g ThVsraisiri rcrop?_of Vone hundred^"mUHoh'poundi '\u25a0; Would v;requlr« y" forty-one x - 'triljrhV; traiaii j-of:*.tblrty^twi(» %? '• pf ooe'sf ion ia!nWfpl«l aafl ; - Pjum j !>« Asjj: :'diai'i puiib|u»^ "thiirt|^ottidrd»iijrht|i^ rao« « of f»i*nt gourmets. v .* "' <•« - :; .•\u25a0 A, io ' Wa^^»t|T*i^jMt;'atteri lookdeiir; at}i ' 'th i^wo aderful tag*^ iirthir Burble ?f - 15 u' aeco mp 1! she d ., to . tnowa^g^i Vitijiw ;j.; - mi vfttwiwii findtfrilfcit «4* immSnglyr^ i b««y^«m £ th 4 ?»'«*• I\u25a0• \u25a0** .v-?*^-!^^ r prun Hml bfg ;'.*s r a _, pumpkin/* '^Hj 'Mr. - I ; Burb^k^'h*d -^ jwiuid^biji^ :': ' year \u25a0 ther i'j wouldn't 'be! barn* •\u25a0 en l oagbHn > poim&M ,cf 'pWiißfi JBlxades 1 of;Pi«' # 3Mo^- s w»^i^vi^bMftiy*^idieVi;f Tbsi*«fii»| jLo'- eijt»t '»«r oaplt»: dlstrtbutJon 'Ol :< 'prtraes to th« people of the State i would ' ftr* * Mch mn. wotua, and child 129- pounds of prunes , a' third of a pound ' tor"" «*oh^d»y s ta" the', ywarv t If ' cne' may * bo-"" : - ller* rth»T«ailysl»" [ot \ th*e food 'expert ' ! ' this ls s mi»r* v th*.Tii •^.•\u25a0^-«I»nt/ to «nitaln > •ii>> ;A; ; ; V'v fy;^;- \u25a0 :.;S>:3S>s^ '* It 'wo'uli! be; rather a ' larVe/under.^ \ takins ' r for. ' one j nia'n* .'* to 'pick '*['\u25a0 these I prunes." '\u25a0 If .' he i. picked -" thirty boxes* a ' rday,^ and'-picked: SJSS Atflaya < In f the - year .. (c^^i^e|theJJ9b\7;:An prtinijplck^rj^iio^ iwonid' pick^ iaitiyea'r^i \u25a0 cr«p and: hav» ;'it:f : ready.:; fpr^-»ark«t;^Jaauarjr,.:;J|^vl9oji,^ 5 wauld^bavef^bSMi S^to 'Zi b'egia \u25a0\u25a0?.Jooo>!y«*Tae' " '\u25a0 \u25a0* It I thß s'prttßO* ; irtrung:•' t osjetne r, .> wopU : hwi'd«wn'u teuoipt'.limi. \u25a0 of r prtckly ;: p««Tfc^«^yith^.^««| ;««»•>\u25a0 tad»y.?*» fgrowaj on ? suunrXinmjr^ : hiilstde»?rfor^^-wltoy^^maJdni.'^ Plant«4" prlnTir fly ' for' tt i mamif actiirej of (saor!- 1 ' I 'fll:"l»i^ne*to^ej'usedjon>jfh^^ :•' toi tV-. bop«d s *ffi M VthVrei was^sona a c left \ ;iover*'f "or^tfie^hif^yJpadreß. f\ TheTwlne ' t- ma^ r f r'omTthe^ergrarfcs} hVsi a^p^cuHar^. "\u25a0'wild s " flavor* wb'icliVß'macks sof rlch.^ '\u25a0 Forty-one '; million \u25a0 ; fallons r of ' •^Jn'e^w§rVpinadeVto r ;CaUfornla;;ln\ : W ;arid :; ,73j224;opfl^pounda of :grapes "were \u25a0^soidfkreeri; ?'-,*"T;\~ |- J"? ">; '\u25a0>^ : '" f^Xild^tb" ; £h^e7fl«ur« 8 : the -tb« ; >4,070,99^ s«&c^K'of IbrandT^mader from |a^a^ot?wm?^^ta^ins^guVe^^ fiV»oottat4tb,«Jcbainpagne>produced;-be-^ Tstandby',*' tiie'- appie.^waSEfliriili Ifbij^p^ lvna»Q«d?Skinner ; started |^t^, J A3 --he^r^ lastt applet hi Cate* In ? the '^breaßt t poßket r o f ; '^hlst flannel;; shlrt*>'He' fjcarrlefl'ltbTe^ * : plains^ and^'over.^tlie^ ; mountains^;*.- The •VV t aked ! bis '-^mlnli l g rciato^»fai|t o * plant !'ti&olw? ? appie?,fsee"d^ sflonrl&fua^M4^tn'e?ftit;{6icftbis^tre"e' t became ' Imo wn ) all over the ' coast as ''Skinner's /seedling.: '"This applaV«veJV on'o-'of : -tho favor He /varieties ; *of .c'bast-'apples and "a;.iarse_ : peTcexkta.g«- 'grown*! ln^Caiif or"nla"|Vere the fruit ; of 'j\ thVprogeny" of Hhls first apple' tree. ; ; v The 'apricoV may be called one of:th'a d f /'exciußivc'j * f rlifts* ": of ~ 4 Cailf orntaT^be- : V c^useT»"i?-wjri^npt**EroW?'. bat rf ew .V-favbreiV'spo^' Santa 'CTara'i Valley '.ls tife'seSv Hidden ' away i la /the ' anna t;ot^thtyCoast^l^TiVe;Mb*TOtalni^wltnla J 'touch^fof-thVfUd^watera^ojr^^niFran^ iicisco'Bay its'cnnjate;in'summe'r^l3 ; tenii £pered s byYthy^^ i^/rlirht^ temperature f *f or^ this "; rare *«pd £ r deU^e;|frult.* :AThe?:'output : ''of 'Scots'* yfo^^o*6^M^s33,o66.iMyu'nd3.'- " . V ;*7; *7%When?cherri«a *are «Vipe -It ' is the-sca- iVson^-^h^/a^yVunKfman's* fancy ll lightly I ?\u25a0 turns i touch's cryj lips/ ?. Sprtn g is ; inT-Its i^fiil^gioj?y l >'ana^the'eap' t U*in f tho limb. i ' Then; the * young " m«n * p'.ck - the ' fruit*; lnT i - the; leafy*. branches while the' girls pack' [ I lt'^ Into .boxes un'derfopen airsheds* In i^'thi^cleaxlnff^'lU^teVn^Wpers^need'jnot i 3 fear/ tbW(tbere ' may /not"be'fa ; cherry^ in rSiyery •^cockUU? y th_is ; iJ yeir. v *- : Nearly, The San Francisco Sunday Call. Magazine Section Part I. California Produced in 1906 the TReasures for Which all Nations Strive

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Page 1: The San Francisco Call (San Francisco) 1907-01-20 [p 1].8.899.683 pQBSAs, \u25a0 t2-73.>t&»Jstatistical " table.. BlnoeT they:average 100 cherries '-totho-ponad^only those; who can

. 8.899.683 pQBSAs, \u25a0 t2-73. > t&»J statistical"table.. BlnoeT they:average 100 cherries

'-totho-ponad^ only those; who can figure'

past 'the A bnHon\point*can" count them.

•-'Citrus trtdts, the prize produce of the-erstwhile arid regions pt^the State, last

year ''averaged '18,220.000'boxes. And

thel«:»r» "tUl'immense tracts of land

!sultable .'to the* cultivation* of orange

and lemonIthat"have not been touched

>VVt'by•the fruit,grower? "

. //After-these stupendous-figures ItIs'almost rsurprlalng' that;. there* were -only

145,000 pounds; of:flgai^weighed* In," as

ytoey,' say.' inTthe';packing-liouio; •but as-there »are -ao vf&tt\cares \u25a0* and *woo In

v Califo'rnla^:- these''will 'doubtless *go

'round.', "A'Dgffor. care and a !flg for

•woV.J' -' " - ;,, s "\ .-'- '.

As pears' had a< start' of:all other- fruits ~they:'}have been; abie^tcT •hold\u25a0''their -own." 'Last-year's 'output-^ of 54*-~3W,000 'pounds :; would be "'enoagh *to

make a building as large as" The "Call4building and 'fill the rooms solid 'with•>pears: [r" ',;" \u25a0 ;,\u25a0

* -*_ ",":"

'\u25a0\u25a0 \ltv the r21,01i,000r21,0li,000 'pounds of'peae^ee

were^ to;be.equally ''divided*^anisig all• *

(Continued^ ojalNeirt-P«C«4

Mary Edith Griswold

THEgolfl hunter of '49, walking

beside his fag-greds ox team, en-

veloped _ln.a';cloud of dust, sawever the vision < of a paradise

which he could purchase- with -ids'future gold. \u25a0

'So ', on*lie pushed across

the wide plains' and, over the high.

Sierra* to California; the. fabled, landof promise. Inall Lis wlldeet- dreams'of wealth lie could not know^that thisfurthermost strip ,x>t., land - in;',another .half century

'wouia produce all the

luxuries he 'had -'.left -behind..He did Ifnow that he hlrascll^ *wo'jld

become a militant factor in this great

consummation. >'As on lie Journeyed, his

boul reached out and up ,aad he couldccc over tlie rim of*Puritanical preju-

dice the V&reat, wide, beautiful, won-derful world."


The man " changed. . The economical,provident son ol New England becamethe generous, tolerant, -successful manwho planned large and' whose ".success\u25a0waa correepondlncly large In propor-

-tlon to bJfl dreams. -The turbulont life:of tbe mining camp proved Mb «*trength,

tbe excitement of finding""tie first-

"color" In his gold pan" ln«£fased as

the days saw the "dyst"^ stored, ln a^baking-powder, tin grow,and, kr°w< un-


til there were a*row of baking-powder _ftnm tni*r Mi bunt Tbedlxsy 'social

-•njtfyment «f tb« «amp; thVirtag-dance,tli* ribald horseplay, th* games *•

c f

cbfcae*. fell oeajbtn«d to. eaixclnat*.Ma nrtad-

''J.-*'* . ' '

"'. ' "

B<fr> o*,o»tu#»;eti&* tte'gpaclsh''\u25a0nmjanTi me nmnttm\\9jl/in !to'lsrtiry

aad p«*o«. lobmw* b*rts ci''oattl*

•ad h»TMt fru«fl «b u»i rich nnt«».

Hide* aad tallcw were tb« only p'rod-

uots which- w"«fe with thYtr*fl«T»19T the manufactures "6S Franco

and England."

The beef was left for

the vultures,' all but- the'small por-:

tlon which was consumed by tberancheros and their households;


when th* immense crowds ofJfortune-"•eekiis came pouring In like a' tor-

rent.;, with app*Utcs•' which: must^

appeascdi! the' fanner grandees^ found^;themselves utterly^ unable- to;mept' tlierj'demands; made upon their hospotJtUty.

And so it caniie .about tliat those whofailed to make more than a fortune. ln.the iJiines , toon found that 'the >isifnple :\pursuit of sericulture paid even :,b'etterr^W'hije It lackedJtlie eicltinar: charms; :

;of mining;"the gains \u25a0 were ••'surer and ;

the returns, more certain. ;\u25a0.;\u25a0•* „ ;;

Those ', first '\u25a0\u25a0; Californlan • \u25a0 corpsj-twere -enormous.

*and; r.therd^iwM''^plentyv''if».dash icf;.thosw :V«ar!y«. v^setaods^r;. of£cuitlvatfdnt^ **'T*e.

-w<>uld-b» fv«fariner<-

'epllced a' large eprtadlr.g braaci ot an •';

'oak \u25a0 treel ' \::him-

saddle ;-'\u25a0horn,';'jaad^igulfilng'bis b'acklnr broncho t« the b*»tet hls^abliity/jor'er the _''fl^Vbarrowj»4^the "acres whlch^iwero ;.to^^be'^itoj^m!^'Afterrtbjit';be'"»catt«r*4 tlio gmtn-^nKn «;.his^saddlelb'iri aid 'mr*rr se«d^gT«w. :.;..? *l/p-'*=>"' '»«\u25a0.: -.\u25a0'

"''•\u25a0 <!,. \u25a0<\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0.'••"\u25a0/*'*•ThcrSecbnid^Epbch "^ .- -' 'v

V"Taut"b ttan'the Mocmfl •S6<ftillivOail-

was ti«;\u25a0baajw '«%•*!-»taAi^*f.%.tfr;'West,* "aad "IMt\rMV\C.T9«,MNIJb«rtel»^;wer*'produced," besldM l.Otfl.tec \u25a0bushels ;of corn,'' 24,C00.0e« bushels of barley,


C.tEO.C OO bushels of oats, and 8,000,000

tons;'of hajr/eaouir'h grata to hayi'tia^ed'-'ancient" Canaan over '\u25a0 %\u25a0. seven'^years' '--;-*famlne with' 'some .left for

" the^home" "

folks besides.^ j\n«Vtfcj* Inn.'-^vjar -3rhVn :;tva\* sfi ou-'iiltf^ls

'the" principal' industry.' '* The"beans produced InCalifornia. list-*

• year 'would ,supply all the :soldiers of.

;'thclrX*tapTe;toiSd; for^thifty-nlne*years'.'

:^But^^as t<^mmissary^^:V

reystoncej remarked,^ rali}!«oMier« jdon't ;•.Tike'jbeaxu.-i.g ThVsraisiri rcrop?_of Vonehundred^"mUHoh'poundi '\u25a0; Would v;requlr« y"forty-one

x-'triljrhV;traiaii j-of:*.tblrty^twi(»%?

'•pfooe'sf ion • ia!nWfpl«l aafl;-Pjum j!>«Asjj::'diai'ipuiib|u»^"thiirt|^ottidrd»iijrht|i^rao« «off»i*ntgourmets.

v .*"'<•«-:;

.•\u25a0 A,io'Wa^^»t|T*i^jMt;'atterilookdeiir;at}i'

'thi^woaderful tag* iirthir Burble ?f-15u' aeco mp1!she d.,to .tnowa^g^i Vitijiw;j.;- mivfttwiwiifindtfrilfcit«4*immSnglyr^

ib««y^«m £ th4?»'«*• I\u25a0• \u25a0**.v-?*^-!^^

rprun•Hmlbfg;'.*s ra_,pumpkin/*


:':'year \u25a0 ther i'jwouldn't 'be! barn* •\u25a0 enloagbHn >

poim&M,cf 'pWiißfi JBlxades1of;Pi«'

#3Mo^-s w»^i^vi^bMftiy*^idieVi;fTbsi*«fii»|

• • jLo'-eijt»t '»«r oaplt»: dlstrtbutJon 'Ol:<

'prtraes to th« people of the State i would'


Mch mn. wotua, and child 129-

pounds of prunes ,a'third of a pound'tor""

«*oh^d»y s ta" the', ywarv tIf'cne' may

*bo-"":-ller*rth»T«ailysl»"[ot\ th*e food 'expert

'!'this lssmi»r*vth*.Tii•^.•\u25a0^-«I»nt/ to «nitaln >

•ii>> ;A;;; V'v fy;^;- \u25a0 :.;S>:3S>s^'*It'wo'uli! be; rather a


\ takins'r for.

'one j nia'n*.'*to 'pick '*['\u25a0 these Iprunes." '\u25a0 If.'he i.picked -" thirty boxes* a


rday,^ and'-picked: SJSS Atflaya < Inf the- year..

(c^^i^e|theJJ9b\7;:An prtinijplck^rj^iio^iwonid' pick^iaitiyea'r^i \u25a0 cr«p and: hav» ;'it:f:ready.:; fpr^-»ark«t;^Jaauarjr,.:;J|^vl9oji,^5 wauld^bavef^bSMi S^to 'Zib'egia \u25a0\u25a0?.Jooo>!y«*Tae'

"'\u25a0 \u25a0*ItIthß s'prttßO* ;irtrung:•' tosjetne r,.>

wopU:hwi'd«wn'u teuoipt'.limi.

\u25a0 ofrprtckly;:p««Tfc^«^yith^.^««|;««»•>\u25a0 tad»y.?*» fgrowaj on ? suunrXinmjr^:hiilstde»?rfor^^-wltoy^^maJdni.'^ Plant«4"•prlnTirfly'for'tti• mamifactiirej of(saor!- 1'I'fll:"l»i^ne*to^ej'usedjon>jfh^^

:•' toitV-.bop«d s*ffiMVthVrei was^sona a c left\;iover*'f"or^tfie^hif^yJpadreß. f\TheTwlne


t- ma^rfr'omTthe^ergrarfcs} hVsi a^p^cuHar^."\u25a0'wild s"flavor*wb'icliVß'macks sof

•rlch.^ '\u25a0 Forty-one '; million\u25a0 ;fallons r of'

•^Jn'e^w§rVpinadeVto r;CaUfornla;;ln\:W;arid:;,73j224;opfl^pounda of:grapes "were\u25a0^soidfkreeri; ?'-,*"T;\~ |- J"? ">; '\u25a0>^ :


f^Xild^tb";£h^e7fl«ur« 8 :the-tb«;>4,070,99^

s«&c^K'ofIbrandT^mader from


Tstandby',*' tiie'- appie.^waSEfliriili

Ifbij^p^lvna»Q«d?Skinner ;

started |^t^,J A3--he^r^lasttapplet hiCate* In? the

'^breaßt tpoßket rof;'^hlstflannel;; shlrt*>'He'fjcarrlefl'ltbTe^*:plains^ and^'over.^tlie^ ;mountains^;*.- The

•VVtaked !bis '-^mlnlilgrciato^»fai|t o*plant


tbecame'Imown)all over the

'coast as

''Skinner's /seedling.: '"This applaV«veJVon'o-'of :

-tho favorHe /varieties ;

*of.c'bast-'apples and "a;.iarse_ :peTcexkta.g«-

'grown*!ln^Caiifor"nla"|Vere the fruit;of'j\thVprogeny" ofHhls first apple' tree. ;; v The 'apricoV may be called one of:th'adf/'exciußivc'j


~4CailforntaT^be- :

V c^useT»"i?-wjri^npt**EroW?'. bat rfew.V-favbreiV'spo^' Santa 'CTara'i Valley '.ls

tife'seSv Hidden'awayila/the


t;ot^thtyCoast^l^TiVe;Mb*TOtalni^wltnlaJ'touch^fof-thVfUd^watera^ojr^^niFran^iicisco'Bay its'cnnjate;in'summe'r^l3 ;tenii£pered sbyYthy^^i^/rlirht^temperature f*for^this ";rare *«pd£rdeU^e;|frult.* :AThe?:'output :''of•'Scots'*yfo^^o*6^M^s33,o66.iMyu'nd3.'- "

. V;*7;*7%When?cherri«a *are«Vipe-It

'is the-sca-

iVson^-^h^/a^yVunKfman's* fancy lllightly

I?\u25a0 turnsitouch's cryjlips/ ?. Sprtng•is;inT-Its

i^fiil^gioj?yl>'ana^the'eap' tU*inf tho limb.i

'Then; the

*young"m«n *p'.ck


'fruit*;lnTi-the; leafy*.branches while the' girls pack'

[Ilt'^Into.boxes un'derfopen airsheds* Ini^'thi^cleaxlnff^'lU^teVn^Wpers^need'jnoti3 fear/ tbW(tbere

'may /not"be'fa ;cherry^ in

rSiyery •^cockUU? yth_is;iJyeir.v*-:Nearly,

The San Francisco Sunday Call.Magazine Section Part I.

California Producedin 1906the TReasures for Whichall Nations Strive