the saint paul, gl,oii3: sunday, may · 2017-12-15 · st. agatha's conservatory of music and...

WANTS MAY BE LEFT At the folio-wing locations for Inser- tion in tlic Daily and Sunday Globe, at the same rates us are charged by the main oflice. DAYTON'S BLUFF. Sever Westby 679 East ThlrV *t. ST. ANTHONY HILL. Em 11 Bull Grand ay. and St. Albans W. A. Frost & Co Sclby and Western ay. Straight Pros Rondo and Grotto sts. A. A. Campbell 235 Rondo st. A. T. Guernsey 171 Dale st. Bmckett's Victoria and Selby ay. MERRIAM PARK. A. Lr. Woolsey St. Antr.ony and Prior ays. ARLINGTON HILLS. C. R. Marelius Cor. Bedford and Decatur A. & G. A. Schumacher 954 Payne ay. LOWER TOWN.' William K. Collier Seventh and Slb.ey Joseph Argay ....Cor. Grove tind Jackson sts. 11. D. Merrill.... M 2 Broadway WEST SIDE. The Eclipse S. Robprt and Fairfield ay. Georee Marti Waliasha and Fairfield ay Concord Prescription Store. ..State & Concord A. T. Hall Cor. S. Wabasha dim Isabel WKST SEVENTH STREET. A. & G. A. Schumacher. .499 West Seventh St. J. J. Mullen.. ..Cor. James and West Seventh UNION PARK. C. A. Monchow University and Prior ays. UPPER Iv<WN. P. H. Reoves Moore Block. Se\en Corners C. T. Heller St. Peter and Tenth sts. B. J. Witte 29 East Seventh St. F. M. Crudden «5 R>e st - W E Lowe Robert and Twelfth sts. R. T. Wincott &C0...C0r. Rice & Islehart sts.. AUCTION SALES. Hubert Brown A l'». 2CO BICYCLES AT AUCTION— Wednesday next, 1-th. at 10 a. in. sharp we sell at auc- tion without reserve; by urder of Eastern manufacturers, 200 high-grade and strictly up to date ladies' and gents' bicycles in 1597 and lS9t> models. These are princi- pally high-gTade $75 and $100 wheels fitted With Morgan it Wright and single-tube Urea. Among them will be found the well-known Level! Diamonds and Excels, the beauti- ful $75 lyanhoe, the Eureka and other well- known makes. Manufacturer's guarantee poos with each wheel. We also sell at same time a few second-hand wheels and a good tandem. Hubert Bown & Co., Auctioneers, 44-lh Seventh st_ Minneapolis. Town Jlarkct Furniture Co. PONT GIVE YOUR SECOND-HAND HOUSB- hoU goods away; the Town Market Furni- ture company, i!" and 27 South Fifth St.. Minneapolis, "are paying the highest cash price in the city for quod goods. WANTED TO BUY. BICYCLE— Wanted, lady's second-hand bi- cycle; must be in good condition and a good bargain. Address R. W. C, 201 Bates ay. BICYCLE— Wanted, second-hand lady's bi- cycle; must be in good condition. Address F. F. G., Globe. CASH REGISTER— Wanted, National cash register: must be cheap for cash and in good condition. Q 42, Globe. Wanted, gas or gasoline bath heat- er; must be cheap. Address G 14. Globe. HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for all kinds or second-hand clothing; drop me a postal; I will call for goods. Hyrnan Fegelson, 415 Minnesota st. OFFICE DESK— Wanted, roll top office desk, in good order and cheap for cash. SS Union Block. PRINTING PRESS— Wanted, small second- hand printing press, about oxS, for cash. Address J 30. Globe. RANGE!—Wanted to buy, a steel range, in good condition; No. Sor 9. Address M., 764 Jackson rt. R. 0. STRONG, lteiil Kstute anil Loans, itOOl Jack- son Street. "WANT TO BUY for cash, 40 to 80 acres, with lake front, near the city. FIkANCIAIi. MOYEY I To loan on approved property in St. Paul or Minneapolis. « PElt tEXT, "OX OR BEFORE," In Sums to Suit. R. M. XEWPOB.T & SOX, Pioneer Press Building, Reeve Building, 9;. Paul. Minneapolis. MONEY TO LOAN on personal property of value furniture, pianos, seal c'oaks. bi- cycles, etc.; can be repaid by installments; strictly confidential; notes bought. Ohio In- vestment Co., 730 Globe Bldg.; take eleva- tor. MONEY TO LOAN on clothing, jewelry, furs and all goods of value. H. Fegelson, 415 Minnesota st. PERSONALS. HIGHLY ATTRACTIVE, interesting lady, 28, of unquestionable education and standing, ample means, longs for devotion and com- panionship of true gentleman in marriage. Mrs. Nelly, 209 East Fifty-seventh St., New York. LAIJIES, your bust enlarged six inches; failure impossible; results guaranteed; 1,000 testimonials; book and full particulars r sealed for 4 cents. Aurum Medicine Co., Dept. S, 55 State St., Chicago. WANT TO SEE Anna Wagner. H. S., Mar- tin st- - - WEALTHY FAMILY wants baby for adop- tion, not under six months; best of refer- ences. Address G 20, Globe. PIANOS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS repaired at An- drew Peterson's music store; sole agent for the Alpine standard bicycles. 317 East Seventh. PlAJfOS— Wanted, every one to know that I am now connected with the new music house of J. W. Wait, 24 West Sixth St., Grand opera house. All crders left there for tuning or any kind of work on pianos will receive prompt attention. Weber, Wheelock and Stuyvesant pianos now on sale. A. L. Win- ship. PIANO For sale, fine Decker Bros, square piano cheap. 1173 Shertmrne ay,_ MI SCEJLL V X E O OS. MONEY—Hon. Charles A. Towne, of Minne- sjta, contributes an article to the May num- ber of Money, ihc new non-partisan maga- zine "Is Independent Free Coinage of Sil- ver Practicable?" Other prominent writers disease currency, coinage and banking prob- lems. Send 10 cents for copy, or annual subscription of ?1 to The Money Publishing Company, Am. Tract Soc. Building, New York City. TO EXCHAXGE. __XEW GOODS exchanged for second-hand. i Cardoza Furniture & Exchange Co., 232 East Seventh st. WANTED horse or pony and outfit in ex- change for a. clear lot at Spring Park. (K. C. motor line.) Address G jii, Globe. X > SCHOOLS ASD COLLEGES. ST. AGATHA'S CONSERVATORY Of Music and Art. 26 East Exchange St., St. Paul. Piano, violin, guitar, banjo and mandolin taught. Lessons given in drawing and paint- Ing. Call or send f'x prospectus. CARPET CLEANING. CAitP-ET CLEANING Carpets cleaned nnd laid. Electric Cleaning Works, 201 Wait Seventh r,t. : telephone 1200. C \K PET CLEANING AND LAYlNG—Schroe- dcr &\u25a0 Dickinson. 16 Kast^Sisth st. ANXOtXCEMEXTS. ZACE3 AND LACE CURTAINS CLEANED; ostrioh feathers nrid fpath?r bcas cleaned and curled. 232 West Third Bt. Mrs. Hayes. THE SINGER MFG. CO.. makers of the cele- brated "Singer" Sewing Machine, have re- moved to 43 East gixth gt. »= PE.OFESSIOX.iI,. ASTROLOGIKT— The madame answers any questions or life. Call or aodress licom £01, ever Yerxii'a. DRESSMAKING. ijADAME ST. CLAlß— Corsets and -waists, ißude to order only. 318 Wabasha st. SITUATIONS OFKEIIED—MAI.K. AGENTS WANTED—NewIy Invented. Pocket Indelible Hank Check Perforator. Indelibly inks the perforations; a positive security against raising bank checks. Retails $3. Superior to all high-priced machines. Big wages guaranteed salesmen. Dep't 33, Forshee &. Co., Cincinnati, O. AGENTS WANTED in every town; brand new goous"; sell at sight; no experience re- quired; liberal terms; write for full infor- mation. Mutual Manufacturing Co., 126 Chambers St., New York. AGENTS for sign letters. Send stamp for samples of our new gold letters and figures for windows, etc. Any one can apply them; business legitimate, profitable and perma- nent. Write at once. Flexible Letter Co., 34 Church st.. New York. AGENTS—Reversible shirt bosom; very latest designs; eight changes; sample to agents, 25 cents. X-ray invention, mystifying, amus- ing; sample, 10 cents; now catalogue. Zenda Mfg. Co., 92 La Salle st., Chicago. AGENTS everywhere to advertise and take orders; $U5 monthly and up; full outfit to workers; great seller; new system ; send todiy. The Novelty Co., 100 Frankstown ay., _Pittsburg, Pa. AGENTS We can help you get rich; new goods, wonderful sellers; particulars free. National Illuminating Co., 239 Broadway, New York. AGENTS—Wanted, experienced agents for quick-selling article; bring references; 2 p. m. Monday. 221 Washburn Building. AGENTS everywhere; best thing out; every- body coining money; a fortune for you; particulars free. B. Ltnderman, 335 Broad- way, New York. AGENT—One of the heaviest book concerns in the country wants capable man as St. Paul agent to engage and manage canvas- sers; state experience. Address J 43, Globe. AGENTS— SIO daily guaranteed workers; "Revolving Shirt Bosom;" eight shirts in one; sample 25 cents. Particulars address Burgie Mfg Co.. Chicago. AGENTS wanted on salary, $40.00 to $60.00 per month. Ringer & Bond, Eighty-second st. and Railroad ay.. Chicago, 111. AGENTS— LocaI, $10 a day selling Nerve-U, saloons, soda fountains; beats bromo-seltzer. A. S. Evans, 1450 Roseoe St.. Chicago, 111. BARBERS Journeymen and bosses if you want to double your earnings send your address on postal to A. W. H., Box 363, La Crosse. Wis. BARBER— Wanted, a first-class colored bar- ber at 231 Rondo st. Call Monday. CARRIAGE PAINTERS— Wanted, immediate- ly, two carriage painters. Mitsch Wagon and Carriage Co., 52 to sti West Seventh st. TAlLOß— Wanted, a good, all-around tailor; married man preferred; must be steady. Apply to H. J. Bradford, Chatfield, Minn. THE BANKERS' LIFE ASSOCIATION, as- sets over $766,000; largest, strongest and best Minnesota Life Company, wants capa- ble agents, and gives to producers every facility and assistance. Address Douglas Putnam. Secretary, St. Paul, Minn. MANAGERS for branch office in every coun- ty. Experience and capital not required. Salary or commission. E. C, Box 1210, Chicago. MEN AND WOMEN— To work for us day or evening at their homes; pleasant work; no canvassing; experience unnecessary ; we pay salary; inclose stamp for particulars. Stan- dard'Mfg. Co., 142 West 23d St., New York. MEN who will work for $4 day, salary or commission, canvassing consumers and dealers. Clifton Soap and Mfg. Co., Cin- cinnati, O. MEN wanted to make $4.00 a day selling Economy Kerosene Gas Burner. Call Mon- day afternoon, 209 West Fourth st. PAPERHANGER— Wanted, first-class painter and paperhanger; steady work for steady man. Address George Hawley, Morris, Minn. PHOTOGRAPHER wanted with a five by seven or eight view outfit. W. W. Irwing, Minneapolis. s PICTURE MEN—Wanted, live picture men; must be hustlers; expenses guaranteed; Monday and Tuesday 8 to 10 a. m. 50 U nion Block, Fourth and Cedar, St. Paul. SALESMEN— SIO daily made selling our ma- chines for cooling refrigerators; guaranteed 75 per cent cheaper than ice; charged like a storage battery; keeps perishable articles indefinitely; ind.stiuctible, e\erlast:ng; every owner of a refrigerator buys them; exclu- sive agencies given good men. Address headquarters, Arctic- Refrigerator Co., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. .• ' AGENTS— Outfit free; no capital needed; one agent one day sold fifty bicycles; weekly sales pay big profits; we make a high grade bicycle as low as $22.50. Write quick, ex- clusive territory. Alpine Cycle Co., Cincin- . nati, O. SALESMEN—Wanted, six good salesmen, with good pay for workers; none others need apply. Call from 10 to 12 a. m. Monday, 203 Endicott Building. Gjertsen. SALESMEN— Wanted, five good active men to act as city salesmen; will pay salary and liberal commission to right parties. Apply between 9 and 10 a. m. at 48 East Sixth st. SALESMEN OR WHEELMEN—Big induce- ments; fast selling cycle sundry, just out. Peter&en Cycle Cleaning Machine Co., 32-34 Market St., Chicago. _ SALESMAN—SS a day. No canvassing. No deliveries. No collections. Samples free. Side line or exclusive. Mfrs., 3941 Market St., Philadelphia. SALESMAN School supplies; country work; $100 salary monthly, with liberal additional commissions. R. O. Evans & Co., Chicago. SALESMEN for cigars. Big pay. Experience unnecessary. Monopole Cigar Co., Gales- -1 ville, Wis. UPHOLSTERER First-class upholsterer wanted at 53 East Sixth st; come ready for work Monday morning. WANTED— Men to learn barber trade; only eight weeks required; full set of tools given each student free; constant practice; proper instructions; more learned in two months j than in shop in two years; interesting cata- logue mailed free; write. Meier Barber College, 223 Washington ay. south, Minne- apolis. WANTED An idea. Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your ideas; they may biir;g you wealth. Wrlta John Wed- lierburn & Co., Patent Attorneys, Washing- ion, D. C, for their $1,800 prize offer, and list of 1,000 inventions wanted. WANTED—Eright young men to prepare for examination soon to be held in St. Paul postofflce for Clerks and Carriers. Partic- ulars about all government positions free cf National Correspondence Institute, Wash- ington, D. C. WANTED—AGENTS— S7S per month and ex- penses paid active men if right; goods sold by sample only; samples, also horse and carriage furnished FREE. Address Jobber, Box 53CS. Boston, Mass. WANTED—Your address, if inventor, travel- irg salesman or agent; good news tor you. Address immediately Patent Market and Novelty Works, 279 Williams St., St. Paul, _ .Minn. \u25a0 _ WANTED Agents visiting hardware and de- partment stores to handle new patent pocket sample; side line. Address The Klebs Vegetable Cutter Co., 410 La Salle ay., Chi- cago,' 111. WANTED Experienced specialty salesman to ' devote exclusive attention to our line; high commissions; exclusive territory; no boys need apply. A. E. Ziefcme & Co., Chicago, 111. WANTED—SALESMEN— SI.JO to $300 per j month guaranteed; salary or salary and I commission; bond and references required. Address Equitable Mfg. Co., lowa City, 10. WANTED—Agents for "Princess" Asbestos I Clay Cake Pans; entirely new; only per- fect pan; wages ?2.75 to $4.75 daily: pay j weekly. Central Supply Co., Cincinnati, O. | WANTED Men evesywhere to act as private detectives under instructions. Experience unnecessary. Universal Detective Agency, Indianapolis, Ind. WANTED Inventors, save attorney's fees; "flow to Apply for Patent." $1; has com- plete cases, forms, instruction; for sample pages address H. F. Noyes, 5G Liberty St., New York. WANTED— Men to advertise "Klenz," the modern scouring soap. $10 per week and expenses not to exceed ?3 per day; enclose stamp. The Klenz Co., Station M, Chicago. WANTED—Catholic man to travel for old es- tablished house; must begin on low sal- ary. Address Catholic Truth, Lock Box 528, Chicago WANTED—Hustlers for circular distributing; $5.00 per I.COO. Address at once, S. A. A., _282 Piedmont ay., Atlanta, Ga. $25 TO ?40 WEEKLY salary paid cigar sales- men; experience unnecessary; permanent position. W. L. Kline Co.. St. Louis, Mo. WASTED TO HEXT. I HOUSE— Wanted, by June 1, eight or nine- room house, convenient for two families. Autireas Q 5, Globe. HOUSE— Wanted, to rent eight-room house, about ten minutes' walk from Pioneer Press building; state j/iice and exact location. Ad- dress G 29, Globe, SITUATIONS OFFERED— FEMALE. CLERK—Young lady, "Polish speaking," as clerk for dry goods and millinery; must understand the business and corns well rec r ommended. Armstrong's, 111 and 113 Cen- tral ay., Minneapolis. COOKS Thirty girl cooks, second and gener- al housework; good wages. Call at once. Mrs. Merryweather, 543 Wabasha st. FOUR LADIES and girls to take work home; call at once. Room 25, Union Block, after 10, Fourth and Cedar. HOUSEWORK^Wanted. a girl for general housework; must be neat and a good cook; no washing; wages $15; city references. Call 635 Dayton ay. _^_____ HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for light housework five hours per day; $1.00 per week; must live at home. 320 St. Peter st. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general housework; family of three; none but ex- __p_rienced_ girl need apply. 520 Summit ay. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, competent girl for general housework; good wages paid. Apply 739 Lincoln ay. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, young girl to help with housework; go home nights preferred. 284 Pleasant ay. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl for general housework; reference required. 569 Fuller st. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl for general housework; no washing. 265 East Ninth st. HOUSEWORK Wanted, girl for general housework. Apply 673 St. Peter st. HOUSEWORK— GirI wanted to assist in gen- eral housework. Call 530 Fuller st. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, good girl for gen- eral housework, at 795 Holly ay. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl to assist with housework. 312 Walnut st. LADIES WANTED TO TRY FOR $5,242.50 given away. We offer the above amount to the readers of this paper who can make the largest number of words from the word ENTHUSIASTIC. The first prize is a $700 Upright Piano; the second prize, a set of Century Dictionary; the third prize, a Wor- cester Bicycle; the fourth prize, a Monarch Bicycle; the fifth, a White Bicycle; the sixth, a Racycle (you have your choice of wheels ladies' or gentlemen's); the sev- enth, one set Standard Dictionary; the eighth, one Webster's International Diction- ary, and Four Hundred and Twenty-five Cash Prizes, and Four Hundred Dress Pat- terns, and IG7 Cameras— in all 1,000 prizes. We give these prizes to introduce our great popular ladies' paper, Woman's World and Jenness Miller Monthly. We will send it three mouths for 25 cents, and full rules and regulations how to make a list. Here is a chance to win a grand prize by a little effort. No canvassing. Why not send to- day and make a list for the piano or one of the bicycles? The awards will be made by Rev. Jos. Sanderson, D. D., LL. D., John Habberton and Horatio Alger Jr. If you will mention the name of the paper you see this advertisement in, and send 25 cents now for three months' subscription and for full rules and regulations, we will send you free, as an extra present, Robt. Louis Stevenson's great story, "Treasure Island," a 200-page book. Address, enclos- ing 25 cents in stamps or silver, Woman's World, Dept. C. A., 22 and 24 North Wil- liam St., New York. LAUNDRESS— Wanted, a first-class laundress and cook, at 156 West Fifth. "MISSING LINK," a skirt supporter; latest and best for shirt waists; 25 cents postpaid; agent wanted. J. M. Herron, Oskaloosa. 10. NURSE— Wanted, nurse girl; one that can go home nights preferred. 186 East Tenth st. WASHERWOMAN— Wanted, a woman to wash; call at 8 o'clock. May 6th, morning. 486 Dayton ay. WANTED Women to crochet at home even- ings or spare time during the day; we sup- ply materials and patterns and pay for finished work. L. White & Co., 209 State St., Chicago, 111. WANTED—Young lady to play piano; one who can read at sight popular music. Con- over Music Company. MEDICAL. BATHS Magnetic, medicated, Sranish, tub; manicuring; select massage. Anna Mack, from Chicago, 186 East Seventh_st. LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills (Diamond Brand) are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4 cents, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for La- dies" in letter by return mail. At drug- gists. Mention Globe. Chiohester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. MME. LAURETTA, formerly of Minneapolis, has opened first-class bath and massage parlors. 112 West Seventh st. CATO3PS TAIsS^pTiXS FOR I.ADIES Never Fail. Get the genuine and avoid failure. 81 all drussists or direct. R.F.Caton. Boston. Mass. MRS. DR. FREMONT, 303 Jackson St., newly furnished bath parlors; oil, vapor and medi- cated baths; electric, magnetic and massag? treatments a spp.clalty- MRS. DR. DE LAITTRE, scientific massag- ist, medicated and vapor treatment, re- moved to 56 East Seventh st. BUSINESS CHANCES. A RESPONSIBLE PARTY of some means to take sole control of our well-established disinfectant and disinfecting appliances for the state. Full particulars. West Disin- fecting Co., 206-208 East Fifty-seventh St., New York. AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER—The cele- brated and far-famed winery and cham- pagne manufactory of F. W. Brown, located four miles from Bay St. Louis, in the ever- healthful pinery, supplied with an abund- ance of salt air direct rrom the Gulf of Mexico. The healthiest place for invalids and persons afflicted with lung troubles, etc.; the place is close to three railroad stations, and is visited by thousands of people during the whole summer; an ideal place for winter and summer resort, hotel or sanitarium; no license needed to sell the product; reason for selling, old age and retirement. For particulars address F. W. Brown, Bay St. Louis, Miss. DESIRABLE BUSINESS MAN with $2,000 cash can have good local opening with Chi- cago company. Address Jos. Pierce, 125 Franklin St., Chicago. DOcJtOrT" HERE IS YOUR CHANCE—To any doctor who will buy my residence, which I will sell cheap and on easy terms, I will move out and give them a $3,001) practice in one of the best towns in South- ern Minnesota; good reasons for selling. Correspond with Dr. McDavitt, Secretary State Medical Board, St. Paul, Minn. DRUG STORE for sale; well located and a paying proposition; will bear closest in- vestigation. Novelty Drug Store, Taeoma, Wash. _ ENERGETIC MAN with $1,500 cash can leirn of a business that will net $4,000 to $8,000 in six months if taken promptly. Address N 23, Globe. . FOR SALE—WeII established cash dry goods business in Iowa; population 15,000; stock about $5, C00. Address this office and oblige. H. J. Schaper. HOTEL for rent, near the C. G. W. round- house, at Dubuque, 10. Inquire of Jacob Collins, 33G"> Pine st., Dubuque, 10. MAKE MONEY ON GRAIN, PROVISIONS and stocks. There never was a more favor- able time, as prices have been too low. There is no speculative center kjown that is better than Chicago lor conservative, profitable trading. Write us for our Daily and Weekly Market Letter and Booklet tell- ing how to trade on board of trade, all sent free. Write us at once. Dudenhaver & Co., 520 Consolidated Exchange Bldg., Chi- cago. offered~"to party" with some capi" tal, a position in electric manufacturing business, to take the place cf partner leav- ing tho city. Address J 5, Globe. STOCKS OF GOODS for sale or exchange— $2,200, $3,500 and $7,000 stocks of strictly first-class general country merchandise; r^rii exchange for property and some cash; also have stocks groceries, hardware and shoes to exchange. Write Mac Rae & Buxton, Merchandise Brokers, 533 Guaranty Bldg., Minneapolis. WANTED—Partner, with capital; have several first-class patents. AddTess P., Globe. $¥9iT3(PYOljir^dollars "wili^iake"dollars for you; that's the process by which wealth is amassed; the golden opportunity of thi3 year's events were never equaled for those of large or limited capital to realize an In- come which will enable them to enjoy lux- ury and lay by a competency; $391.30 real- l'/ed in one week; small investors realized in proportion; write for particulars. Con- den & Co., Boon Block, Covington, Ky. $200 INVESTED earns $80 weekly; no stock speculation or gold mine investment; you control capital; fifth successful year; par- ticulars free. Chase & Campbell, 12 Union Square. New York. $250 INVESTED under plan No. 3 shows profits over $1,000 past sixty days; "System of Turf Speculation" free; highest refer- ence*. Morris & Co., 119 Dearborn st., Chi- cago. 20 TO 50 PER CENT PER MONTH on sums of $10 to $200; write for free circular. Syn- dicate Investment Co., 617 Guaranty Loan, Minneapolis. DENTISTS. G. O. LAWTON, Dentist, has removed to Newspaper Row. Cor. Ithand Minnesota sts. SITUATIONS WANTE|)_ MA __ # BLACKSMITH— First-class \u25a0 D!m*smlth -wants position, with set of tools; also take oaro of any forging shop. L. G. X., 375. Toronto ay. COACHMAN— Experienced nia]7>Znr s work as coachman or drive for stiJnv or wholesale house: sober and thoroughly ''reliable; bast of city reference. Address 'NY S., 705 Haw- thorne st. ' ** COOK—Situation by single man as head cook; first-class city reference;. Htri.-tly sober. Ad- dress G. 8., 302 South vKourth at., Minne- apolis. \u25a0 DELIVERER— Wanted, situation by boy of nineteen years in store .\u25a0 or drying delivery wagon; well acquainted .wiilicity"; good ref- erences. Please call or address 63 East Seventh st. ;Room 9. j DRUG CLERK—Drug clerk wan"ts a situation; registered and capable of. taking full charge; best of references. flSraress Ph. G., 570 Canada st. '\_ EMPLOYMENT— A younft man wants work of any kind around ft store or factory where he can make himself, useful; is a good scholar and competent to do any kind of office work; will work cheap. Address 144 East Fourth st., city. EMPLOYMENT— Wanted, a place of any kind by a colored boy of nineteen; would like a few lawns; can furnish best of city references. Address E. H., 569 Rondo. EMPLOYMENT— Young man wants work of any kind. Address 1143 Lincoln ay. FIREMAN OR ENGINEER for small slide valve. Inquire General Delivery. Joseph Askin. JANITOR—Wanted, by a colored man, a place as janitor or indoor work; goad city references. Call or address 413 Franklin st. KALSOMINER—An experienced kalsominer, whitewasher and patcher wants work; rea- sonable charges. Address A. Pausette, 746 Jessie st. OFFICE BOY— A boy of 16 years would like a position as an office or errand boy, or work of some kind; can furnish good refer- ences; has worked before; well acquainted with the city. Please apply H. S.. 148 Fen- ton st., city. \u25a0 OFFICE WORK—Wanted —An experienced man wants a position either in an office, store or on the road: can furnish best of references. Address y Z 33, Globe. PHARMAClST— Registered assistant phar- macist, speaks the modern languages; best references; Wisconsin or Dakota preferred. Address Druggist, care A. Ahlen, 6SI Ot- sego ay., St.- Paul. PRINTER— Wanted by two-thirder, a position in printing office; a good all-around hand in composing room. Address T. M. J., 497 St. Clair st. PORTER— Wanted, by a colored man, place as porter or janitor, with good city refer- ences. Call or address 304 East Seventh, corner Broadway.. ;~ . SITUATIONS WASTED—FEMALE. A~~wiDOW~WITH~CHiIS wifiheiTsituation ; home more an object tpaa wjages. Address E 12. Globe. , a ., ._> CHAMBER WORK—Woman wants chamber work; all or part of #ay. Please address Mrs. M. Feald. general delivery, city. DRESSMAKER - Experienced i' dressmaker wishes work at home, or 'will work in shop. Call or address IS9 East-University ay. DRESSMAKER— First-clas,^ dressmaker, good fitter, desires dressmaking in families; ref- erence. M 28, Globe. ., ' .. EMPLOYMENT— Wanted, day woik by a lady; wages, 75 cents per dai". (Jail or address 468 Temperance st. ; Room 3. HOUSEKEEPER— A widow-with a child WJuld with her; home more an'objept than wages; no objection to leaving eiVy. Address E 12, __G lobe. HOUSEKEEPER— Wanted, by a woman with one child, position as housekeeper; will work for small compensation ; home more of an object. Address Mrs. W., 226 East Univer- sity ay. HOUSEKEEPER— Wanted, a situation as housekeeper or companion for gentleman of means. Address Delia Russell, General De- livery, City. HOUSEKEEPER— A competent woman. -with a child IV2 years old wishes a situation as housekeeper. Call at 555 Wabasha St. HOUSEKEEPER— Situation wanted by a widow lady as housekeejier; no gbjex-tion to leaving the city:. r C6l'..Hai:."i.>an "av ______ HOUSEWORK— A strong young" Irish girl, just arrived, wants a situation in a private family. Address _S iBA; Globe. __ HOUSEWORK— A gfrl 16 years old" would like a. place to do general housework; wagea, $7 a month". Call at 254 East Fourteenth st. STENOGRAPHER— Lady stenographer, de- sires a position; has experience In law and general office work; will work for moderate salary. Address 77 Tilton st. STENOGRAPHER— Rapid and accurate lady stenographer desires a position ; five years' experience; good references; moderate sal- ary. Address Stenographer, 50 West Fifth st. ' STENOGRAPHER— Lady stenographer desires a position: has experience in general offlcs work; also has a typewriter, and willing to work for a moderate salary. Address 411 Fort st. WASHING Woman wishes to do washing and housecleaning. 335 University ay. WASHING A woman would like to go out washing, ironing or housecleaning. Call or address 413 East Fifth St.. WASHING—Woman goes out washing, iron- ing and housecleaning. Inquire at 452 St. Peter St.; bakery. WASHING, in and out of home; prices reason- able. 149 East Thirteenth st., Mrs. Maguire. , WASHING— Wanted, washing by the day or housecleaning. Call or address 541 Robert _st. - ' WASHING A woman would like to go out washing, ironiu-g or housecleaning. Please call or address 129% Valley st. WASHING Wanted, to go out washing, ironing and cleaning. "Call 6il Charles st. WORK—A woman would. 'like to get work of any kind by the day. Call, at 49 West Fourth st., side door. I,OST APTD FOUND. CUFF PIN LOST— Lost, cuft" pin with dia- mond setting, Wednesday afternoon. Re- ward if returned to N 18, Globe. LOST—Those keys, but Ptacek & Zikmund are expert locksmiths and bicycle repairers, and can supply you keys of every descrip- tion. 438 Jackson St., near Seventh. POCKETBOOK LOST— A pocketbook contain- ing railroad passes. Please return to the Globe office. \u25a0'" PIN LOST—Lost, gold lace pin, in vicinity of Ryan hotel, Friday evening. Return to 173 West Fourth and receive reward. SPECTACLES LOST^fcteW girl's spectacles, on Western or Dayton ay. Finder pltase re- turn to room 301, Dispatch, and receive re- ward. . ' HORSES AND CARRIAGES. BUGGY—Wanted, one light single buggy, must be in good repair. \u25a0 Call 330 East Seventh st. 'V CARRIAGE—FamiIy carriage, in good order, for sale. Apply to 179 East Fourteenth st. FOR SAL-E—Twelve good, young horses; one buggy; cash or on time; you can buy if you have not got the money. 211 East Ninth st. . FOR SALE—Black mare with foal. Call at Schwartz's Livery, corner Eighth and Wa- couta sts. FOR SALE—Open business buggy, in good order, $20. Inquire W. H. .Brpmley Livery, West Third st. , j j FOR SALE CHEAP— Black; mam, suitable for ladies to drive; harness, Concord buggy, cart and cutter. Inquirt at S2U Robert st. FOR SALE—Phaeton, just painted, a;most new; cheap. Inquire 426 JRice st. FOR SALE—Two cheap wagon horses, weight 1,050 and 1,100 lbs. 117 Bates. FOR SALE—Stylish two-seat.trap and harness, cheap. 660 East Third st; HARD TIME'S HARNESSTgHOIJ 544 Rice st., is the place to buy your lap-dusters for summer. We have them from o0 cents up. We received first premium at state fair 1596. HORSES, HORSES— At Barrett & Zimmer- man's horse auction andTconinjJssion stable, Midway Minnesota Transfer, St. Paul, Minn. Auction every Wednesday and Saturday, private sales daily. From 200 to 300 head con- stantly on hand; part time given if de- sired. ONE OR TWO HORSES~for~their keeping. Address 156 Snelling ay. north, corner Selby ay. TWO-SEATED SPRING WAGON for sale, cheap. Call 253 Iglehart st. TWO LARGE IMPORTED STALLIONS for . sale very cheap at Barrett & Zimmerman's horse auction &nd commission stables, Min- nesota Transfer. St. Paul. Minn. WANTED—The use of a gentle carriage horse for Its keeping. 162 College. THE SAINT PAUL, Gl,Oii3: SUNDAY, MAY 9,, 1897. FOR RENT. Houses. WILLIAMC. READ'S LIST. :t()l Plulneer Press liiiihllnp.. 53fi ASHLAND AY. 12 ROOMS, EN- TIRELY MODERN $50.00 737 DAYTON AY. 10 ROOMS, EN- TIRELY MODERN 40.00 748 GOODRICH AV.—lO ROOMS, EN- TIRELYMODERN, AND BARN 40.00 262% SELBY AY. 10 ROOMS, EN- TIRELY MODERN 25.00 727 RONDO ST.—B ROOMS, FURNACE AND BATH 25.00 621 JACKSON ST.— 7 ROOMS, WATER AND BATH 18.00 FLAT, 541 MISSISSIPPI ST.— 5 ROOMS, WATER AND BATH 12.00 FLAT, 683 MISSISSIPPI ST.—5 ROOMS, WATER AND BATH 12.03 FLAT, 587 MISSISSIPPI ST.—5 ROOMS, WATER AND BATH 10.00 39 WEST FIFTH ST.—9 ROOMS, OP- POSITE WINDSOR HOTEL 40.00 89 WESTERN AV.—B ROOMS, MOD- ERN 30.00 99 WESTERN AY.— FURNISHED, MUST HAVE REFERENCES. 279 EAST TENTH ST.—9 ROOMS, EN- TIRELY MODERN 20.00 WILLIAM C. READ, 304 PIONEER PRESS. A. STQLPESTAD, !'•:;Pioneer Tress Unildlne. NO. 383 EAST NINTH ST., 10- room house, $30; No. 87 Summit ay., 8 rooms, $15; 702 Mississippi St., 6 rooms, ?10; 1066 Ross St., 5 rooms, $10; 400 Hollyay.. 8 rooms, $25; 353 Case St., 8 rooms, modern, $20; 1072 Payne ay., 5 rooms, $8; 730 Jessamine St., down stairs, $7; 49 Manitoba ay.-, 8 rooms and $21—805 HAGUE AY.— Seven rooms, bath, gas and barn; very comfortable and warm in- side; will be painted outside and other im- provements made. $10—559 Whitall St.; six rooms. $4.50— 004 Whitall St.; five rooms. $9 806 Fauqu'er st. ; seven rooms. $7—612 Orleans St.; six rooms. Five acres of fine garden land near Cort- land, west of Maryland. W. F. Moritz, Plo- ueer Press Building. Houses. COTTAGE—For rent, 387 East Eighth St., eight rooms; modern improvements; $15.0;) per mouth. D Bergman & Co., 186 East Third. . CARPETS, RUGS, ETC., cleaned, refitted and laid at Twin City Carpet Cleaning Works, IS2 West Fourth st. TeI.JL499. $25.CO—EIGHT-ROOM DETACHED HOUSE AND BARN, LARGE LOT, NEW PLUMB- ING, DECORATIONS AND PAINT. NEAR- LY A NEW HOUSE; ON PAVEMENT; 755 DAYTON AY. J. W. SHEPARD, 94 EAST FOURTH ST. HAVE HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY, AND ESPECIALLY ON ST. AN- THONY HILL, TO LET. G. S. HERON, 101 EAST FOURTH ST., GROUND FLOOR. HOUSE—For rent, 940 Lombard ay., $12.50; ten-room house with barn, furnace, bath and gas, gas range and fixtures for sale, all connected. $12.50, seven-room house with barn, 1015 St. Clair st. Inquire E. T. Slay- ton, 950 St. Clair st. HOUSE—For rent, dwelling house. No. 534 Laurel ay., between Mackubin and Kent sts.; all modern conveniences; rent reason- able. S. E. Day, Globe Building._ $20.00— TWO PRESSED BRICK FRONT MOD- ERN HOUSES, WITH LAUNDRY AND HARDWOOD FINISH, IN EXCELLENT CONDITION, CORNER EAST FOURTH ST. AND MARIA AY. J. W. SIIEPARD, 94 EAST FOURTH ST. HOUSE— 24O Goodrich ay., near high bridge, cottage of 4 rooms, summer kitchen, city and soft water free, dry cellar, nice yard, stone walk, $12. Key, 236 Gcodrich ay. HOUSE—For rent, five-roam house in good order; Arkwright street, near Lafayette cars; $5 to good tenant. Smith & Taylor, Manhattan Building. HOUSE—Eight-room house, handsomely fur- nished; gas stove and all other conveni- ences; centrally located; price less than rental. Address N 39, Globe. HOUSE E:ght-room house, with gas, bath and furnace; also three rooms, with bath, for light housekeeping. Corner Canada and East University. j'HOUSE—For rent, furnished house for the I summer, very cheap, elegant location, hand- j some lawn. 4Sj Portland. i $27.50— EIGHT-ROOM MODERN, HARD- I WOOD FINISH, HANDSOMELY DECORAT- ED HOUSE, 729 MARSHALL AY. J. W. _ SHEPARD, 94 EAST FOURTH ST. HOUSE For rent, eight-rooia house; bath, water and sower; good yard. 614 Bates ay.; key next door. IHOUSE For rent, ten-room house; modern. \u25a0 N-o. 201 East Tenth. Apply in rear to Ssibert Bros. IIORSNELL'S RENTING AGENCY, Over Yerxa's Houses, stores, offices; good repair. HOUSES— For rent, 818 Beech st., 381 Bates ay. J. I. Jeliett, 152 East Sixth st. $2oTOO—AT MERRIAM PArlc—EITHER OF TWO HOUSES, WITH VERY LARGE GROUNDS AND BARN: EXCELLENT CONDITION; HANDSOME DECORATIONS. KEYS AT 1031 IGLEHART ST. J. W. SHEPARD, 94 EAST FOURTH ST. HOUSE For rent, house of nine rooms, bath, gas and furnace. Inquire 682 Olive st. HOUSE— For rent, No. 896 Beech st. D. D. Smith, 220 Endicott Building. HOUSE For rent, dwelling, stable, large grounds. 429 Ashland ay. HOUSE— For rent, dwelling. 405 Ashland ay. $40.00 OR LESS FOR HANDSOMELY FIN- ISHED PRESSED BRICK FRONT HOUSE. HARDWOOD FLOORS AND FINISH. TEN ROOMS AND LAUNDRY.J. W. SHEPARD, 94 EAST FOURTH ST. J. W. SHEPARD. 94 EAST FOURTH ST., RENTS HOUSES, STORES. OFFICES, STEAM-HEATED APARTMENTS; COL- LECTS RENTS: ACTS AS OWNERS' AGT. MANNING'S RENTING AGENCY, V ••idsoa Blk., Corner Fourth and Jackson H'uses, flats and stores for rent in all parts ( ? tha city. __. UPHOLSTERERS— Schroeder & Dickinson, 18 East Sixth st. $30.c6^THOROUGHLY MODERN DETACH- ED FRAME HOUSE ON CORNER EAST SIXTH AND EICHBNWALD STS. HARD- WOOD FINISH, LAUNDRY, ETC. J. W. SHEPARD, 94 EAST FOURTH ST. Flats. CATHCART & COMPANY, ISS East Sixth Street. FLAT of three rooms, 388 Smith ay., $7.00 per month. 259 DAYTON AY. Twelve rooms and bath, all modern conveniences, newly papered and painted, $60.00 per month. FLATS— Neat furnished flat, 3 rooms, com- plete for housekeeping, 515 St. Peter &v. $16; another, $13; key, room 9. 176 West Fourth st., flat, 4 rooms, second floor, $12. Houses, flats, rooms; all prices. Schram's Renting Agency, 320 and 322 Manhattan Building. FLAT— Furnished flat for rent for the sum- mer, second floor. 223 Arundel st., $60 per month; servants if desired. Henry R. Cur- tis, 355 Minnesota st. FLAT— FIat of eight rooms, all modern im- provements; third floor, 170 West Ninth st. ' ApPly rear house. FLAT— For rent, all or part of furnished flat for the summer. Apply Flat 31, No. 63 Col- lege ay. west. FLAT— Jackson St., 762— Five-room fiat, on second floor; city water; good condition; near Viola St.; also car line. FOR RENT—The fine eleven-room tenement, 149 Pleasant ay. Inquire at book store, 385 St. Peter st. ONE FOUR-ROOM FLAT IN "THE HOL- LAND." THIS IS O. K. IN THE MOST MODERN BUILDING IN THE CITY. GAS RANGE, PORCELAIN BATH, ETC.; $27.50; NICE BACHELOR QUARTERS; ALSO 4 AND 6-ROOM APARTMENTS IN PRE- MIER, GIRARD, BEIFELD, LAUER AND OTHERS, FROM $15 TO $10. J. W. SHEPARD, 04 EAST FOURTH ST. TWIN CITY CARPET CLEANING WORKS- -182 West Fourth st. Tel. 1499. Office*. THE WASHBURN BUILDING, 15-19 East Fifth st.; a few good offices at a low rental. FOR RENT. Suburban. COTTAGE— For rent, cottage at Lake Elmo; four large rooms completely furnished; Ice house; vegetable garden; well and bath house; cottage faces lake shore; $125 for tho season. Bayard, Deuel & Co., 602 Pioneer Press. COTTAGE— For rent, at Ramsden park (Bald Eagle Lake), new eight-room lake-front cot- tage; has screened porches, fireplace and windmill. Inquire Mrs. F. J. Ramsden, 154 East Third st., room 2. COTTAGE—For rent, a first-class lake front cottage, furnished,- at White Bear; bath and boat house. Ross Clarke, 914 Pioneer Press _B|d| ! COTTAGES— Two lake front cottages at Mah- tomedl, partly furnished. J. I. Jellett, 152 _East Sixth st COTTAGES at Mahtomedi, White Boar Lake. Inquire 313 Wabasha Bs.". DELLWOOD CLUB HOUSE for rent; suita- ble for two or three families or boardors; fine fishing and boating. Address Georgo Summers, Dellwood, White Bear Lake. FOR RENT—S6O for the Season— A pleasant six-room house; large grounds; furnished. A good cottage at Lake Shore station, only $33 for the season. We have a good list of property for sale or rent at and around White Bear lake. Some special bargains. M. E. KOST & CO., Corner Third and Robert sts. Rooms. CANADA ST., 578— Furnished front room with _gas, suitable for two gentlemen. COLLEGEAV., 131 WEST— Nicely furnished double parlor, also single room; fine loca- tion; large porch and yard; shade trees; pleasant In summer; >^n minutes' walk from court house. CENTRAL, 82, WEST— Suite of three large rooms, first floor, and suite of four rooms, second floor, for housekeeping. CHARLES ST., 209—For rent, four clean, bright rooms, up stairs; no children. DAYTON AY., 606—For rent, thre2 nicely furnished rooms, suitab'e for light house- keeping; references required. EIGHTH ST., 315 EAST—For rent, two fur- nished rooms for light housekeeping, with city water. ' EIGHTH ST., 229—For rent, largo, pleasant furnished front room for gentlemen; reason- able rent; references required. FOR RENT— Upper half of 716 Ravine street, fitted for housekeeping, has six rooms, city water and bath. FIFTH ST., 105 EAST—Two rooms, furnished for light housekeeping, cheap; also fur- nished rooms, $8 and upwards. GOODRICH AY., 169—Two furnished rooms, with or without board; terms very reason- able. GROVE ST., 212—For . rent, two furnished rooms; reasonable. IRVINE PARK, 3—Furnished or unfurnished rooms, central, modern conveniences, oppo- site park; terms reasonable; references ex- changed. NINTH ST., 156 WEST—Fine furnished front room, ground floor, for rent cheap. PLEASANT AY., IS;,—For rent, furnished front parlor and side room, with board if required. RICE ST., 251— Corner College Ay.— For rent, nicely furnished front room. ROOM For rent, nicely furnished room, s'.eam-heated, with bath and gas and all modern conveniences; rent reasonable. Call _at 234 West Fifth st., second floor. ROOMS— Three or four furnished rooms, com- plete for housekeeping; city water and sewerage; $3 a room. Inquire at 823 East Third st., up stairs. ROOM For rent, newly furnished room, steam heated and all modern convenience. _Call at 166' /3 West College ay. ROOM Furnished room, suitable for a gentle- man. 60 Ease Summit ay. and Central Park, flat 7. ROOM For rent, front room with alcove and bath. Inquire 336 Van Slyke court. RONDO ST., 233—For rent, two rooms unfur- nished. ROBERT ST., 519—Corner of Tenth— For rent, pleasant rooms, with or, without board, a ; , ROBERT ST., 535— For rent, two neatly fur- nished front rooms; complete for ho.usekeep- \u25a0 ing, bath. - SELBY AY., 239—For rent, a large, newly furnished, front roam; location central and pleasant; family private; no children. SEVENTH ST., 151, EAST—Nicely furnished j rooms in suite or single, from $1 per week SEVENTH ST., .231 EAST—For rent, three un- furnished rooms. SEVENTH ST., 275. WEST—Five rooms for light housekeeping; bath and all modern ! conveniences. SHERBURNE AY., SS—For rent, four unfur- nished rooms, within ton minutes' walk of center of city; use of bath. SHERBURNE AY., 164—Near Rice St.—For rent, furnished room, with alcove and closet, reasonable. Inquire up stairs. ST. PETER ST.. C 46—Furnished front alcove i room: modern conven ences: central location; I rent reasonable. SPRUCE ST., 225—Furnished room, $4 a month; large front reom on first floor for rent cheap. SMITH AY., 137—Pleasant furnished room, with all modern conveniences, in private i family; near cable. j SUMMIT AY., C4—For rent, nicely furnished room; all modern conveniences; board if de- sired; central location. | THIRD ST., 630 EAST—For rent, three rooms, furnished or unfurnished, for housekeeping; first floor. ; THIRTEENTH ST., 310 EAST—For rent, 1 four rooms; madern conveniences; up | stairs. I WABASHA ST., 689—Second Floor— For rent, two furnished rooms complete for light housekeeping, $12 per month. WABASHA ST., 32?— For rent, a nicely fur- I nished front room; rent reasonable. Call | Room 21. , WABASHA ST., 477— Newly furnished rooms; , prices mnqcratc-. HOUSES FOR SALE. FOR SALE BY OWNER— Eight-room house and barn, lot 50 x 150; hot water heat, gas, etc.; $1,5C0 cash required. Apply 2030 Day- ton ay. HOUSE—The best moderate-priced house in St. Paul; just finished; see it today if you j want a good, modern and cheap home. Lo- | catcd at 782 Osceola ay.. east of Avon. THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES are offered i for sale cheap on easy terms, or for rent, ] by the State Savings Bank, Germania Life j building, Fourth and Minnesota sts.; 877 Fuller St.— Lot, 40x120; two-story house, with all modern improvements, and barn. 269 Jay St.—Lot, 31x100; one and a naif-story | cottage; city water. 918 Juno St.—Corner lot. 38x1.0; one and a j half-story six-room house; city water. 936 Earl St., Corner Sims St.— Eight-room I house, suitable for two families; city water. 752 Payne Ay. Two fix-room flats: city water. | BOARD OFFERED. ABBOTT "HOME" COTTAGE, White Bear; lake front; rooms and meals by day or week. For terms address Mrs. E. Flint, White Bear, or 284 Pleasant ay. \ BOARD— Large alcove room and board, gas ! and use of bath ifdesired. 147 Pleasant ay. j BOARD Rooms and board: all modern con- , veniences. 252 West Fifth st, BOARD AND ROOMS—Ladies, $3.00; gents, $4. C0 per week. 59 East Tenth st. KIRKLAND HOTEL, Sibloy st.. between' Ninth and Tenth sts. You can get first-class rooms and board at reduced rates for tho summer; large lawn and shade trees; cen- tral location; all modern conveniences. IXSTKLCTIO.\. ACTUAL BUSINESS TAUGHT from start to finish at Globe Business College. Endicott Building. Night school all summer. Begin now. DANCING You can still learn to dance by taking private lessons of William H. Baker, Litt's hall. _ ST. PAUL BUSINESS COLLEGE hasTcom^ pleto facilities for educating for the best positions in commercial We, assisting its graduates in obtaining them. Maguire I'.ro-s., 93 East Sixth. » j FARM LANDS. FOR SALE—At Jensen, Fla,. eight acre 3 fino pineapple land, four acies in bearing plants; fine location for winter home, on the famous Indian River & Florida East Coast rail- road; will pay 40 cr 50 per ccjit on bearing acreage. Apply or write to Martin Hants, i Pensacola. Fi*. I 21 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. THIS EIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE can be built for $1,900, or without modern im- provements for $1,250. I make a specialty of these modern cot- tage homes" have a great variety of new plans, which will repay the trouble taken in looking ;hem over. Come in and see me. Shall be pleased to talk building with you; or send for my new book, containing floor plans, elevations, dimensions and prices ol thirty beautifully designed, modern, up-to- date cottages. Price $1.00. If you Intend to build this book will save you money, I am always pleased to answer inquiries. THEODORE F. CURTIS, 713, 714 anil 715 Phoenix Balldlnjft Minneapolis, Minn. M. E. KOST & CO., Corner Third nn<] Robert Sin. A HANDSOME and thoroughly well-built twelve-room house; cherry and oak finish; all modern improvements; in a desirable and central location; only ten minutes' walk from the postoflice; ifyou are looking for a complete home, walking distance from business, don't fail to call; for sale cheap, or will take a modern seven or eight-room house on the hill as j art pay. $3.500— A GOOD eight-room house and barn , on Grove st., near Canada; a pleasant and central home; will sell on monthly pay- ments. A GOOD HOUSE and two fine lots, half-block from, car line (West side), unincunibt-red, to exchange for acre property, close to St. Paul. WE HAVE several customers for eight-room modern houses, St. Anthony hill district, price not to exceed $3,000; if you have bar- gains to offer ligt them with us. 17 ACRES of good land only a short distance from Phalen Park, commanding a fine view of the city, for sale very cheap, and terms to suit. WHITS: BEAR LAKE— We have several bar- gains in desirable lake properties; also a number of cottages .to rent cheap. FARM LANDS— Some choice Minnesota lands at $12, $14 and $20 per acre; terms to suit at 6 per cent interest. M. E. Kost & Co. Third and Robert sts. Miscellaneous. LOTS FOR SALE in block 36, Summit Park by owner. 323 Jackson st. \u25a0 BICYCLES FROM FACTORY-Save the prof- its of all dealers by purchasing direct from factory. No other firm can possibly sell at our rrices. Send for elegant catalogue. New 1897 guaranteed tandem, $75. Bank reference. Lincoln's Home Cycle Co., _Springfleld, 111. BICYCLES— '9C Remington racer for sale cheap; never been used; also opener makes at your own figures. Andrae Cycle House 84 East Fifth st. BICYCLE A '96 Damascus separable tan- dem, new. $90 cash. T. I. McDermott, 76 East Fifth st. BlCYCLE—Ladies' '96 Damascus, in good re- pair, only ?25. T. I. McDermott, 76 East Fifth st. HIGH GRADE PICYCLES at half pric^ don't fail to see and compare them with any wheel on the market; our price for ladies' or gents' wheel $17.50; why pay \u25a0 _more? J!2S Robert, corter Fourth, Room 8, FOR SALE—BICYCLES— A lady's an 1 geifs' high grade v.heel at half price; never been ; used. 3i'S Robert, corner Fourth, Room' S. THE PATEE BICYCLE is a winner: rids one if you want to get there quick: sold bf Twin City Bicycle House. 43ti Jackson st.., St. Paul. Minn. YOUR TIRES REPAIRED FREE of chargs , on Wednesday and Friday at Damascus Cyc'.e Repair Shop. 76 East Fifth. FOR SALE. i ALL MAKES cf sewing machines for sale at your price and terms; see them. Room - ,200, Globe Building. BICYCLE SUIT, sweater and lantern, in gooi condition, for sale very cheap. Address A __42,_Globe. BUY odorless ana smokeless Jewel gasoline stoves. Decker's sell them. 347 Jackson si., St. Paul. PIANO—A Fischer upright piano; only $115, 14 ffci>t Six'h st. ' COW AND CALF— A fino. fresh milk cow and calf for sale cheap. 1173 Sherburne. EGGS for hatching from prize-winning" White Plymouth Rocks. 800 Watson ay. ; end of West Seventh car iine, near Adams school. ENGINE For sale, seven-horse power, double cylinder, reversible builder's engine an 1 material elevator; nearly new, price, $40J. Address X 32, Globe. FELT! FELT! FELT!—Harness-makers, iaundrymen and mechanics using felt, call and see us; we make felt of every descrip- tion at lowest prices. S:. Paul Felt Works, 286 East Sixth st. FOR SALE—A double-door refrigerator, oak parlor writing desk, oak hall tree, oak side- board, two mahogany rockers and center table, for sale at your own price; cash or payments. Room 200, Globe Building. GAS RANGE—For sale, gas range, six-hole; reliable; double oven, hot water back; good condition; $10; call forenoons. 220 Nelson ay. MATTRESS RENOVATING— Schrocder & Dickinson, 16 East Sixth St. NOTICE— IO,OOO pansies of the choicfst'colors, large flowering, at 2oc per dozen, for one week only, at Henry Puvogel's, 1021 Sum- mit ay ORGAN—A fine organ; cost. $?",, for $18. it ! called for at once. 14 West Sixth st. PIANO A fine, handsomely carved square piano; cost, $G00; only $50. Call at 14 West Sixth st. STORE FRONT—For sale, store -. front. 23 College ay. east. WATCH LOST— Sliver watch attached to sil- ver chatelaine. Return to Globe office. Address J, 34, Globe. WELL. THIS WEEK just ended has. bean a very busy one for us, goods coming in and going out all the time; for this week we have some fine bargains to offer in carpois, rugs, bedroom suits, odd parlor pieces, folding beds, sideboards, dininj; room in : I bles, two sets of solid mahogany dining room chairs, with leather goats, very fine; one solid mahogany side table, one antique rug, 10-6x14 feef; fancy cludn and rockers, broksases. china closets, hair mattresses, feather pillows, a large consignment of toi- let ware, one fine organ, one upright pi- ano, several fine ranges and -cook stoves, etc., etc. The above goods go on sale Mon- day morning. May 10, and will be closcl out at very low prices. Kavanagh & Co., 187 and 189 East Sixth St., between Sibley and Jackson. BUSINESS PEBSOXAL. AUTHORS and Writers' Union. Chariton, 10. Cash prizes: best serial, $25; short story, $15; poem, $10; inclose return postage. GRAY HEADS—Go to M. M. MitcheHV 318 Wabasha St., for Mack's Hair Tonic. She is our authorized representative in St. Paul. The Wright Med. Co. MARRY—The Denver Corresponding Club has members worth $500 to $50,000. Send 1C« for large private list. Box 1600. Denver, Col. tlTe~helps carpet cleaning works— 115-117 West University ay. aAinVOYANT, ALWAYS RELIABLE—Madame Teitsworth; prices reduced; thirty-five years' experi- ence. 13 Eighth st. MRS. FANNIE BOWEN— Tranco medium; magnetic treatment. _tj3o Wabasha sL MRS. DR.HAYES, clairvoyant and massagist. 03 East Seventh Et.; Room 9. PROFESSIONAL. MISS HULL removes superfluous hair. mole 3, etc., by electricity; only positive and per- manent remedy; references given. 307 Mer- i rill Block, corner Fifth and St. Peter sts.

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Page 1: THE SAINT PAUL, Gl,Oii3: SUNDAY, MAY · 2017-12-15 · ST. AGATHA'S CONSERVATORY Of Music and Art. 26 East Exchange St., St. Paul. Piano, violin, guitar, banjo and mandolin taught


At the folio-wing locations for Inser-tion in tlic Daily and Sunday Globe,

at the same rates us are charged by

the main oflice.DAYTON'S BLUFF.

Sever Westby 679 East ThlrV *t.

ST. ANTHONY HILL.Em 11 Bull Grand ay. and St. AlbansW. A. Frost & Co Sclby and Western ay.

Straight Pros Rondo and Grotto sts.

A. A. Campbell 235 Rondo st.A. T. Guernsey 171 Dale st.Bmckett's Victoria and Selby ay.

MERRIAM PARK.A. Lr. Woolsey St. Antr.ony and Prior ays.

ARLINGTON HILLS.C. R. Marelius Cor. Bedford and DecaturA. & G. A. Schumacher 954 Payne ay.

LOWER TOWN.'William K. Collier Seventh and Slb.ey

Joseph Argay ....Cor. Grove tind Jackson sts.

11. D. Merrill.... M2Broadway

WEST SIDE.The Eclipse S. Robprt and Fairfield ay.

Georee Marti Waliasha and Fairfield ay

Concord Prescription Store. ..State & ConcordA. T. Hall Cor. S. Wabasha dim Isabel

WKST SEVENTH STREET.A. & G. A. Schumacher. .499 West Seventh St.

J. J. Mullen.. ..Cor. James and West Seventh

UNION PARK.C. A. Monchow University and Prior ays.

UPPER Iv<WN.P. H. Reoves Moore Block. Se\en CornersC. T. Heller St. Peter and Tenth sts.B. J. Witte 29 East Seventh St.F. M. Crudden «5 R>e st

-W E Lowe Robert and Twelfth sts.

R. T.Wincott &C0...C0r. Rice &Islehart sts..


Hubert Brown A l'».


next, 1-th. at 10 a. in. sharp we sell at auc-tion without reserve; by urder of Easternmanufacturers, 200 high-grade and strictly

up to date ladies' and gents' bicycles in

1597 and lS9t> models. These are princi-

pally high-gTade $75 and $100 wheels fittedWith Morgan it Wright and single-tube Urea.Among them willbe found the well-knownLevel! Diamonds and Excels, the beauti-ful$75 lyanhoe, the Eureka and other well-known makes. Manufacturer's guaranteepoos with each wheel. We also sell at sametime a few second-hand wheels and a goodtandem. Hubert Bown & Co., Auctioneers,

44-lh Seventh st_ Minneapolis.

Town Jlarkct Furniture Co.

PONT GIVE YOUR SECOND-HAND HOUSB-hoU goods away; the Town Market Furni-ture company, i!" and 27 South Fifth St..Minneapolis, "are paying the highest cashprice in the city for quod goods.


BICYCLE—Wanted, lady's second-hand bi-cycle; must be in good condition and a goodbargain. Address R. W. C, 201 Bates ay.

BICYCLE—Wanted, second-hand lady's bi-cycle; must be in good condition. AddressF. F. G., Globe.

CASH REGISTER— Wanted, National cashregister: must be cheap for cash and ingood condition. Q 42, Globe.

Wanted, gas or gasoline bath heat-er; must be cheap. Address G 14. Globe.

HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for all kinds orsecond-hand clothing; drop me a postal; Iwillcall for goods. Hyrnan Fegelson, 415

Minnesota st.

OFFICE DESK—Wanted, roll top office desk,in good order and cheap for cash. SS UnionBlock.

PRINTING PRESS— Wanted, small second-hand printing press, about oxS, for cash.Address J 30. Globe.

RANGE!—Wanted to buy, a steel range, ingood condition; No. Sor 9. Address M., 764Jackson rt.

R. 0. STRONG,lteiil Kstute anil Loans, itOOl Jack-

son Street."WANT TO BUY for cash, 40 to 80 acres,

with lake front, near the city.


I To loan on approved property in St.Paul or Minneapolis.


InSums to Suit.R. M. XEWPOB.T & SOX,

Pioneer Press Building, Reeve Building,9;. Paul. Minneapolis.

MONEY TO LOAN on personal property ofvalue

—furniture, pianos, seal c'oaks. bi-

cycles, etc.; can be repaid by installments;strictly confidential; notes bought. Ohio In-vestment Co., 730 Globe Bldg.; take eleva-tor.

MONEY TO LOAN on clothing, jewelry, fursand all goods of value. H. Fegelson, 415Minnesota st.


HIGHLY ATTRACTIVE, interesting lady, 28,of unquestionable education and standing,ample means, longs for devotion and com-panionship of true gentleman in marriage.Mrs. Nelly, 209 East Fifty-seventh St., New

York.LAIJIES, your bust enlarged six inches;

failure impossible; results guaranteed;1,000 testimonials; book and full particulars

r sealed for 4 cents. Aurum Medicine Co.,Dept. S, 55 State St., Chicago.

WANT TO SEE Anna Wagner. H. S., Mar-tin st-

--WEALTHY FAMILY wants baby for adop-

tion, not under six months; best of refer-ences. Address G 20, Globe.


MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS repaired at An-drew Peterson's music store; sole agent forthe Alpine standard bicycles. 317 EastSeventh.

PlAJfOS—Wanted, every one to know that Iam now connected withthe new music houseof J. W. Wait, 24 West Sixth St., Grandopera house. Allcrders left there for tuningor any kind of work on pianos will receiveprompt attention. Weber, Wheelock andStuyvesant pianos now on sale. A. L. Win-ship.


For sale, fine Decker Bros, squarepiano cheap. 1173 Shertmrne ay,_


MONEY—Hon. Charles A. Towne, of Minne-sjta, contributes an article to the May num-ber of Money, ihc new non-partisan maga-zine

—"Is Independent Free Coinage of Sil-

ver Practicable?" Other prominent writersdisease currency, coinage and banking prob-lems. Send 10 cents for copy, or annualsubscription of ?1 to The Money PublishingCompany, Am. Tract Soc. Building, NewYork City.


__XEW GOODS exchanged for second-hand.iCardoza Furniture & Exchange Co., 232

East Seventh st.


horse or pony and outfit in ex-change for a. clear lot at Spring Park. (K.• C. motor line.) Address G jii,Globe.




26 East Exchange St., St. Paul.Piano, violin, guitar, banjo and mandolin

taught. Lessons given in drawing and paint-Ing. Call or send f'x prospectus.



Carpets cleaned nndlaid. Electric Cleaning Works, 201 WaitSeventh r,t.: telephone 1200.

C \KPET CLEANINGAND LAYlNG—Schroe-dcr &\u25a0 Dickinson. 16 Kast^Sisth st.


ZACE3 AND LACE CURTAINS CLEANED;ostrioh feathers nrid fpath?r bcas cleanedand curled. 232 West Third Bt.Mrs. Hayes.

THE SINGER MFG. CO.. makers of the cele-brated "Singer" Sewing Machine, have re-moved to 43 East gixth gt.


ASTROLOGIKT—The madame answers any

questions or life. Call or aodress licom £01,ever Yerxii'a.


ijADAME ST. CLAlß—Corsets and -waists,ißude to order only. 318 Wabasha st.


AGENTS WANTED—NewIy Invented. PocketIndelible Hank Check Perforator. Indeliblyinks the perforations; a positive securityagainst raising bank checks. Retails $3.Superior to all high-priced machines. Bigwages guaranteed salesmen. Dep't 33,Forshee &. Co., Cincinnati, O.

AGENTS WANTED in every town; brandnew goous"; sell at sight; no experience re-quired; liberal terms; write for full infor-mation. Mutual Manufacturing Co., 126Chambers St., New York.

AGENTS for sign letters. Send stamp forsamples of our new gold letters and figuresfor windows, etc. Any one can apply them;business legitimate, profitable and perma-

nent. Write at once. Flexible Letter Co.,34 Church st.. New York.

AGENTS—Reversible shirt bosom; very latestdesigns; eight changes; sample to agents,25 cents. X-ray invention, mystifying, amus-ing; sample, 10 cents; now catalogue. ZendaMfg. Co., 92 La Salle st., Chicago.

AGENTS everywhere to advertise and takeorders; $U5 monthly and up; full outfit toworkers; great seller; new system ; sendtodiy. The Novelty Co., 100 Frankstown ay.,

_Pittsburg, Pa.AGENTS

—We can help you get rich; new

goods, wonderful sellers; particulars free.National Illuminating Co., 239 Broadway,New York.

AGENTS— Wanted, experienced agents forquick-selling article; bring references; 2 p.m. Monday. 221 Washburn Building.

AGENTS everywhere; best thing out; every-body coining money; a fortune for you;particulars free. B. Ltnderman, 335 Broad-way, New York.

AGENT—One of the heaviest book concernsin the country wants capable man as St.Paul agent to engage and manage canvas-sers; state experience. Address J 43, Globe.

AGENTS— SIO daily guaranteed workers;"Revolving Shirt Bosom;" eight shirts in

one; sample 25 cents. Particulars addressBurgie Mfg Co.. Chicago.

AGENTS wanted on salary, $40.00 to $60.00 permonth. Ringer & Bond, Eighty-second st.and Railroad ay.. Chicago, 111.

AGENTS—LocaI, $10 a day selling Nerve-U,saloons, soda fountains; beats bromo-seltzer.A. S. Evans, 1450 Roseoe St.. Chicago, 111.


Journeymen and bosses—

if youwant to double your earnings send youraddress on postal to A. W. H.,Box 363, LaCrosse. Wis.

BARBER—Wanted, a first-class colored bar-ber at 231 Rondo st. Call Monday.

CARRIAGE PAINTERS— Wanted, immediate-ly, two carriage painters. Mitsch Wagonand Carriage Co., 52 to sti West Seventh st.

TAlLOß—Wanted, a good, all-around tailor;married man preferred; must be steady.Apply to H. J. Bradford, Chatfield, Minn.

THE BANKERS' LIFE ASSOCIATION, as-sets over $766,000; largest, strongest andbest Minnesota Life Company, wants capa-ble agents, and gives to producers everyfacility and assistance. Address DouglasPutnam. Secretary, St. Paul, Minn.

MANAGERS for branch office in every coun-ty. Experience and capital not required.Salary or commission. E. C, Box 1210,Chicago.

MEN AND WOMEN—To work for us day orevening at their homes; pleasant work; nocanvassing; experience unnecessary ; we pay

salary; inclose stamp for particulars. Stan-dard'Mfg. Co., 142 West 23d St., New York.

MEN who will work for $4 day, salary orcommission, canvassing consumers anddealers. Clifton Soap and Mfg. Co., Cin-cinnati, O.

MEN wanted to make $4.00 a day sellingEconomy Kerosene Gas Burner. Call Mon-day afternoon, 209 West Fourth st.

PAPERHANGER— Wanted, first-class painterand paperhanger; steady work for steadyman. Address George Hawley, Morris,Minn.

PHOTOGRAPHER wanted with a five byseven or eight view outfit. W. W. Irwing,Minneapolis. s

PICTURE MEN—Wanted, live picture men;must be hustlers; expenses guaranteed;Monday and Tuesday 8 to 10 a. m. 50Union Block, Fourth and Cedar, St. Paul.

SALESMEN— SIO daily made selling our ma-chines for cooling refrigerators; guaranteed75 per cent cheaper than ice; charged likea storage battery; keeps perishable articlesindefinitely; ind.stiuctible, e\erlast:ng; everyowner of a refrigerator buys them; exclu-sive agencies given good men. Addressheadquarters, Arctic- Refrigerator Co., Cin-cinnati, Ohio. .•


AGENTS—Outfit free; no capital needed; oneagent one day sold fifty bicycles; weeklysales pay big profits; we make a high gradebicycle as low as $22.50. Write quick, ex-clusive territory. Alpine Cycle Co., Cincin-

. nati, O.SALESMEN—Wanted, six good salesmen, with good pay for workers; none othersneed apply. Call from 10 to 12 a. m. Monday,

203 Endicott Building. Gjertsen.

SALESMEN— Wanted, five good active men toact as city salesmen; will pay salary andliberal commission to right parties. Applybetween 9 and 10 a. m. at 48 East Sixth st.

SALESMEN OR WHEELMEN—Big induce-ments; fast selling cycle sundry, just out.Peter&en Cycle Cleaning Machine Co., 32-34Market St., Chicago. _

SALESMAN—SS a day. No canvassing. Nodeliveries. No collections. Samples free. Sideline or exclusive. Mfrs., 3941 Market St.,Philadelphia.


School supplies; country work;$100 salary monthly, with liberal additionalcommissions. R. O. Evans & Co., Chicago.

SALESMEN for cigars. Big pay. Experienceunnecessary. Monopole Cigar Co., Gales-

-1 ville, Wis.UPHOLSTERER

—First-class upholsterer

wanted at 53 East Sixth st; come ready forwork Monday morning.

WANTED— Men to learn barber trade; onlyeight weeks required; full set of tools giveneach student free; constant practice; properinstructions; more learned in two months jthan in shop in two years; interesting cata-logue mailed free; write. Meier BarberCollege, 223 Washington ay. south, Minne-apolis.


An idea. Who can think of somesimple thing to patent? Protect your ideas;they may biir;gyou wealth. Wrlta John Wed-lierburn & Co., Patent Attorneys, Washing-ion, D. C, for their $1,800 prize offer, andlist of 1,000 inventions wanted.

WANTED—Eright young men to prepare forexamination soon to be held in St. Paulpostofflce for Clerks and Carriers. Partic-ulars about all government positions freecf National Correspondence Institute, Wash-ington, D. C.

WANTED—AGENTS—S7S per month and ex-penses paid active men if right; goods soldby sample only; samples, also horse andcarriage furnished FREE. Address Jobber,Box 53CS. Boston, Mass.

WANTED—Your address, if inventor, travel-irg salesman or agent; good news tor you.Address immediately Patent Market andNovelty Works, 279 Williams St., St. Paul,_ .Minn. \u25a0 _


Agents visiting hardware and de-partment stores to handle new patent pocketsample; side line. Address The KlebsVegetable Cutter Co., 410 La Salle ay., Chi-cago,' 111.


Experienced specialty salesman to'devote exclusive attention to our line; highcommissions; exclusive territory; no boysneed apply. A. E. Ziefcme & Co., Chicago,111.

WANTED—SALESMEN— SI.JO to $300 per jmonth guaranteed; salary or salary and Icommission; bond and references required.Address Equitable Mfg. Co., lowa City, 10.

WANTED—Agents for "Princess" Asbestos IClay Cake Pans; entirely new; only per-fect pan; wages ?2.75 to $4.75 daily: pay jweekly. Central Supply Co., Cincinnati, O. |


Men evesywhere to act as privatedetectives under instructions. Experienceunnecessary. Universal Detective Agency,Indianapolis, Ind.

WANTED—Inventors, save attorney's fees;

"flow to Apply for Patent." $1; has com-plete cases, forms, instruction; for samplepages address H. F. Noyes, 5G Liberty St.,New York.

WANTED—Men to advertise "Klenz," themodern scouring soap. $10 per week andexpenses not to exceed ?3 per day; enclosestamp. The Klenz Co., Station M, Chicago.

WANTED—Catholic man to travel for old es-tablished house; must begin on low sal-ary. Address Catholic Truth, Lock Box 528,Chicago

WANTED—Hustlers for circular distributing;$5.00 per I.COO. Address at once, S. A. A.,

_282 Piedmont ay., Atlanta, Ga.$25 TO ?40 WEEKLY salary paid cigar sales-

men; experience unnecessary; permanentposition. W. L.Kline Co.. St. Louis, Mo.


IHOUSE— Wanted, by June 1, eight or nine-room house, convenient for two families.Autireas Q 5, Globe.

HOUSE— Wanted, to rent eight-room house,about ten minutes' walk from Pioneer Pressbuilding; state j/iice and exact location. Ad-dress G 29, Globe,


CLERK—Young lady, "Polish speaking," asclerk for dry goods and millinery; mustunderstand the business and corns well rec rommended. Armstrong's, 111 and 113 Cen-tral ay., Minneapolis.


Thirty girl cooks, second and gener-al housework; good wages. Call at once.Mrs. Merryweather, 543 Wabasha st.

FOUR LADIES and girls to take work home;

call at once. Room 25, Union Block, after10, Fourth and Cedar.

HOUSEWORK^Wanted. a girl for generalhousework; must be neat and a good cook;

no washing; wages $15; city references. Call635 Dayton ay.


HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for lighthousework five hours per day; $1.00 perweek; must live at home. 320 St. Peter st.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for generalhousework; family of three; none but ex-

__p_rienced_ girl need apply. 520 Summit ay.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, competent girl forgeneral housework; good wages paid. Apply739 Lincoln ay.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, young girl to helpwith housework; go home nights preferred.

284 Pleasant ay.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl for generalhousework; reference required. 569 Fuller st.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl for generalhousework; no washing. 265 East Ninth st.


Wanted, girl for generalhousework. Apply 673 St. Peter st.

HOUSEWORK— GirI wanted to assist in gen-eral housework. Call 530 Fuller st.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, good girl for gen-eral housework, at 795 Holly ay.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl to assist withhousework. 312 Walnut st.

LADIES WANTED TO TRY FOR $5,242.50given away. We offer the above amount tothe readers of this paper who can makethe largest number of words from the wordENTHUSIASTIC. The first prize is a $700Upright Piano; the second prize, a set ofCentury Dictionary; the third prize, a Wor-cester Bicycle; the fourth prize, a MonarchBicycle; the fifth, a White Bicycle; thesixth, a Racycle (you have your choice ofwheels

—ladies' or gentlemen's); the sev-

enth, one set Standard Dictionary; theeighth, one Webster's International Diction-ary, and Four Hundred and Twenty-fiveCash Prizes, and Four Hundred Dress Pat-terns, and IG7 Cameras— in all 1,000 prizes.We give these prizes to introduce our greatpopular ladies' paper, Woman's World andJenness Miller Monthly. We will send itthree mouths for 25 cents, and full rulesand regulations how to make a list. Hereis a chance to win a grand prize by a littleeffort. No canvassing. Why not send to-day and make a list for the piano or oneof the bicycles? The awards will be madeby Rev. Jos. Sanderson, D. D., LL.D., JohnHabberton and Horatio Alger Jr. If youwill mention the name of the paper yousee this advertisement in, and send 25cents now for three months' subscriptionand for full rules and regulations, we willsend you free, as an extra present, Robt.Louis Stevenson's great story, "TreasureIsland," a 200-page book. Address, enclos-ing 25 cents in stamps or silver, Woman'sWorld, Dept. C. A., 22 and 24 North Wil-liam St., New York.

LAUNDRESS— Wanted, a first-class laundressand cook, at 156 West Fifth.

"MISSING LINK,"a skirt supporter; latestand best for shirt waists; 25 cents postpaid;agent wanted. J. M. Herron, Oskaloosa. 10.

NURSE— Wanted, nurse girl; one that cango home nights preferred. 186 East Tenth st.

WASHERWOMAN— Wanted, a woman towash; call at 8 o'clock. May 6th, morning.486 Dayton ay.


Women to crochet at home even-ings or spare time during the day; we sup-ply materials and patterns and pay forfinished work. L. White & Co., 209 StateSt., Chicago, 111.

WANTED—Young lady to play piano; onewho can read at sight popular music. Con-over Music Company.



Magnetic, medicated, Sranish, tub;manicuring; select massage. Anna Mack,from Chicago, 186 East Seventh_st.

LADIES! Chichester's English PennyroyalPills (Diamond Brand) are the best. Safe,reliable. Take no other. Send 4 cents,stamps, for particulars. "Relief for La-dies" in letter by return mail. At drug-gists. Mention Globe. Chiohester ChemicalCo., Philadelphia. Pa.

MME. LAURETTA, formerly of Minneapolis,has opened first-class bath and massageparlors. 112 West Seventh st.

CATO3PS TAIsS^pTiXS FOR I.ADIESNever Fail. Get the genuine and avoid failure.81all drussists or direct. R.F.Caton. Boston. Mass.

MRS. DR. FREMONT, 303 Jackson St., newlyfurnished bath parlors; oil, vapor and medi-cated baths; electric, magnetic and massag?treatments a spp.clalty-

MRS. DR. DE LAITTRE,scientific massag-ist, medicated and vapor treatment, re-moved to 56 East Seventh st.


to take sole control of our well-establisheddisinfectant and disinfecting appliances forthe state. Full particulars. West Disin-fecting Co., 206-208 East Fifty-seventh St.,New York.

AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER—The cele-brated and far-famed winery and cham-pagne manufactory of F. W. Brown, locatedfour miles from Bay St. Louis, in the ever-healthful pinery, supplied with an abund-ance of salt air direct rrom the Gulf ofMexico. The healthiest place for invalidsand persons afflicted with lung troubles,etc.; the place is close to three railroadstations, and is visited by thousands ofpeople during the whole summer; an idealplace for winter and summer resort, hotelor sanitarium; no license needed to sellthe product; reason for selling, old age andretirement. For particulars address F. W.Brown, Bay St. Louis, Miss.

DESIRABLE BUSINESS MAN with $2,000cash can have good local opening with Chi-cago company. Address Jos. Pierce, 125Franklin St., Chicago.

DOcJtOrT" HERE IS YOUR CHANCE— Toany doctor who will buy my residence,which Iwill sell cheap and on easy terms,Iwill move out and give them a $3,001)practice in one of the best towns in South-ern Minnesota; good reasons for selling.Correspond with Dr. McDavitt, SecretaryState Medical Board, St. Paul, Minn.

DRUG STORE for sale; well located and apaying proposition; will bear closest in-vestigation. Novelty Drug Store, Taeoma,Wash. _

ENERGETIC MAN with $1,500 cash can leirnof a business that will net $4,000 to $8,000in six months if taken promptly. AddressN 23, Globe. .

FOR SALE—WeII established cash dry goodsbusiness in Iowa; population 15,000; stockabout $5, C00. Address this office and oblige.H. J. Schaper.

HOTEL for rent, near the C. G. W. round-house, at Dubuque, 10. Inquire of JacobCollins, 33G"> Pine st., Dubuque, 10.

MAKE MONEY ON GRAIN, PROVISIONSand stocks. There never was a more favor-able time, as prices have been too low.There is no speculative center kjown thatis better than Chicago lor conservative,profitable trading. Write us for our Dailyand Weekly Market Letter and Booklet tell-ing how to trade on board of trade, all sentfree. Write us at once. Dudenhaver &Co., 520 Consolidated Exchange Bldg., Chi-cago.

offered~"to party" with some capi"tal, a position in electric manufacturingbusiness, to take the place cf partner leav-ing tho city. Address J 5, Globe.

STOCKS OF GOODS for sale or exchange—$2,200, $3,500 and $7,000 stocks of strictlyfirst-class general country merchandise; r^riiexchange for property and some cash; alsohave stocks groceries, hardware and shoesto exchange. Write Mac Rae & Buxton,Merchandise Brokers, 533 Guaranty Bldg.,Minneapolis.

WANTED—Partner, with capital; have severalfirst-class patents. AddTess P., Globe.

$¥9iT3(PYOljir^dollars "wili^iake"dollars foryou; that's the process by which wealth isamassed; the golden opportunity of thi3year's events were never equaled for thoseof large or limited capital to realize an In-come which will enable them to enjoy lux-ury and lay by a competency; $391.30 real-l'/ed in one week; small investors realizedin proportion; write for particulars. Con-den & Co., Boon Block, Covington, Ky.

$200 INVESTED earns $80 weekly; no stockspeculation or gold mine investment; youcontrol capital; fifth successful year; par-ticulars free. Chase & Campbell, 12 UnionSquare. New York.

$250 INVESTED under plan No. 3 showsprofits over $1,000 past sixty days; "Systemof Turf Speculation" free; highest refer-ence*. Morris & Co., 119 Dearborn st., Chi-cago.

20 TO 50 PER CENT PER MONTH on sumsof $10 to $200; write for free circular. Syn-dicate Investment Co., 617 Guaranty Loan,Minneapolis.


G. O. LAWTON, Dentist, has removed toNewspaper Row. Cor. Ithand Minnesota sts.


BLACKSMITH—First-class \u25a0 D!m*smlth -wantsposition, with set of tools; also take oaroof any forging shop. L. G. X., 375. Torontoay.

COACHMAN—Experienced nia]7>Znrs work ascoachman or drive for stiJnv or wholesalehouse: sober and thoroughly ''reliable; bastof city reference. Address 'NY S., 705 Haw-thorne st.

' **COOK—Situation by single man as head cook;

first-class city reference;. Htri.-tlysober. Ad-dress G. 8., 302 South vKourth at., Minne-apolis. \u25a0

DELIVERER—Wanted, situation by boy ofnineteen years in store .\u25a0 or drying deliverywagon; well acquainted .wiilicity"; good ref-erences. Please call or address 63 EastSeventh st.;Room 9. j

DRUG CLERK— Drug clerk wan"ts a situation;registered and capable of. taking full charge;best of references. flSraress Ph. G., 570Canada st. '\_

EMPLOYMENT—A younft man wants workof any kind around ft store or factorywhere he can make himself, useful; is agood scholar and competent to do any kindof office work; will work cheap. Address144 East Fourth st., city.

EMPLOYMENT—Wanted, a place of any kindby a colored boy of nineteen; would likea few lawns; can furnish best of cityreferences. Address E. H., 569 Rondo.

EMPLOYMENT—Young man wants work ofany kind. Address 1143 Lincoln ay.

FIREMAN OR ENGINEER for small slidevalve. Inquire General Delivery. JosephAskin.

JANITOR—Wanted, by a colored man, aplace as janitor or indoor work; goad cityreferences. Call or address 413 Franklin st.

KALSOMINER—An experienced kalsominer,whitewasher and patcher wants work; rea-sonable charges. Address A. Pausette, 746Jessie st.

OFFICE BOY—A boy of 16 years would likea position as an office or errand boy, orwork of some kind; can furnish good refer-ences; has worked before; well acquaintedwith the city. Please apply H. S.. 148 Fen-ton st., city. \u25a0

OFFICE WORK— Wanted —An experiencedman wants a position either in an office,store or on the road: can furnish best ofreferences. Address yZ 33, Globe.

PHARMAClST—Registered assistant phar-macist, speaks the modern languages; bestreferences; Wisconsin or Dakota preferred.Address Druggist, care A. Ahlen, 6SI Ot-sego ay., St.- Paul.

PRINTER— Wanted by two-thirder, a positionin printing office; a good all-around handin composing room. Address T. M. J., 497St. Clair st.

PORTER— Wanted, by a colored man, placeas porter or janitor, with good city refer-ences. Call or address 304 East Seventh,corner Broadway.. ;„

~ .


A~~wiDOW~WITH~CHiIS wifiheiTsituation;home more an object tpaa wjages. AddressE 12. Globe. ,a., ._>

CHAMBER WORK— Woman wants chamberwork; all or part of #ay. Please addressMrs. M. Feald. general delivery, city.

DRESSMAKER - Experienced i' dressmakerwishes work at home, or 'will work in shop.Call or address IS9 East-University ay.

DRESSMAKER— First-clas,^ dressmaker, goodfitter, desires dressmaking in families; ref-erence. M 28, Globe. ., ' ..

EMPLOYMENT—Wanted, day woik by a lady;wages, 75 cents per dai". (Jail or address468 Temperance st.;Room 3.

HOUSEKEEPER— A widow-with a child WJuldwith her; home more an'objept than wages;no objection to leaving eiVy. Address E 12,

__G lobe.

HOUSEKEEPER— Wanted, by a woman withone child, position as housekeeper; willworkfor small compensation ; home more of anobject. Address Mrs. W., 226 East Univer-sity ay.

HOUSEKEEPER— Wanted, a situation ashousekeeper or companion for gentleman ofmeans. Address Delia Russell, General De-livery, City.

HOUSEKEEPER— A competent woman. -with achild IV2 years old wishes a situation ashousekeeper. Call at 555 Wabasha St.

HOUSEKEEPER— Situation wanted by awidow lady as housekeejier; no gbjex-tion toleaving the city:. rC6l'..Hai:."i.>an "av ______

HOUSEWORK— A strong young" Irish girl,just arrived, wants a situation in a privatefamily. Address _S iBA; Globe. __

HOUSEWORK— A gfrl 16 years old" wouldlike to do general housework; wagea,

$7 a month". Call at 254 East Fourteenth st.

STENOGRAPHER— Lady stenographer, de-sires a position; has experience In law andgeneral office work; will work for moderatesalary. Address 77 Tilton st.

STENOGRAPHER— Rapid and accurate ladystenographer desires a position ; five years'experience; good references; moderate sal-ary. Address Stenographer, 50 West Fifthst.


STENOGRAPHER— Lady stenographer desiresa position: has experience in general offlcswork; also has a typewriter, and willingto work for a moderate salary. Address411 Fort st.


Woman wishes to do washingand housecleaning. 335 University ay.


A woman would like to go outwashing, ironing or housecleaning. Call oraddress 413 East Fifth St..

WASHING— Woman goes out washing, iron-ing and housecleaning. Inquire at 452 St.Peter St.; bakery.

WASHING, in and out of home; prices reason-able. 149 East Thirteenth st., Mrs.Maguire. ,

WASHING— Wanted, washing by the day orhousecleaning. Call or address 541 Robert

_st. - '


A woman would like to go outwashing, ironiu-g or housecleaning. Pleasecall or address 129% Valley st.

WASHING -» Wanted, to go out washing,ironing and cleaning. "Call 6il Charles st.

WORK—A woman would. 'like to get workof any kind by the day. Call, at 49 WestFourth st., side door.


CUFF PIN LOST—Lost, cuft" pin with dia-mond setting, Wednesday afternoon. Re-ward ifreturned to N 18, Globe.

LOST—Those keys, but Ptacek & Zikmundare expert locksmiths and bicycle repairers,

and can supply you keys of every descrip-tion. 438 Jackson St., near Seventh.

POCKETBOOK LOST— A pocketbook contain-ing railroad passes. Please return to theGlobe office. \u25a0'"

PIN LOST— Lost, gold lace pin, in vicinityof Ryan hotel, Friday evening. Return to

173 West Fourth and receive reward.SPECTACLES LOST^fcteW girl's spectacles,

on Western or Dayton ay. Finder pltase re-turn to room 301, Dispatch, and receive re-ward. . '


BUGGY—Wanted, one light single buggy,must be in good repair. \u25a0 Call 330 EastSeventh st. 'V

CARRIAGE—FamiIy carriage, in good order,for sale. Apply to 179 East Fourteenth st.

FOR SAL-E—Twelve good, young horses; onebuggy; cash or on time; you can buy ifyou have not got the money. 211 East Ninthst. .

FOR SALE—Black mare with foal. Call atSchwartz's Livery, corner Eighth and Wa-couta sts.

FOR SALE—Open business buggy, in goodorder, $20. Inquire W. H..Brpmley Livery,West Third st. , jj

FOR SALE CHEAP—Black; mam, suitable forladies to drive; harness, Concord buggy,cart and cutter. Inquirt at S2U Robert st.

FOR SALE—Phaeton, just painted, a;mostnew; cheap. Inquire 426 JRice st.

FOR SALE—Two cheap wagon horses, weight1,050 and 1,100 lbs. 117 Bates.

FOR SALE—Stylish two-seat.trap and harness,cheap. 660 East Third st;

HARD TIME'S HARNESSTgHOIJ 544 Rice st.,is the place to buy your lap-dusters forsummer. We have them from o0 cents up.We received first premium at state fair 1596.

HORSES, HORSES— At Barrett & Zimmer-man's horse auction andTconinjJssion stable,Midway Minnesota Transfer, St. Paul, Minn.Auction every Wednesday and Saturday,private sales daily. From 200 to 300 head con-stantly on hand; part time given if de-sired.

ONE OR TWO HORSES~for~their keeping.Address 156 Snelling ay. north, cornerSelby ay.

TWO-SEATED SPRING WAGON for sale,cheap. Call 253 Iglehart st.

TWO LARGE IMPORTED STALLIONS for. sale very cheap at Barrett & Zimmerman'shorse auction &nd commission stables, Min-nesota Transfer. St. Paul. Minn.

WANTED—The use of a gentle carriage horsefor Its keeping. 162 College.

THE SAINT PAUL, Gl,Oii3: SUNDAY, MAY 9,, 1897.



WILLIAMC. READ'S LIST.:t()l Plulneer Press liiiihllnp..






262% SELBY AY.—












A. STQLPESTAD,!'•:;Pioneer Tress Unildlne.

NO. 383 EAST NINTH ST., 10- room house,$30; No. 87 Summit ay., 8 rooms, $15; 702Mississippi St., 6 rooms, ?10; 1066 Ross St.,5 rooms, $10; 400 Hollyay.. 8 rooms, $25;353 Case St., 8 rooms, modern, $20; 1072 Payneay., 5 rooms, $8; 730 Jessamine St., downstairs, $7; 49 Manitoba ay.-, 8 rooms and

$21—805 HAGUE AY.—Seven rooms, bath, gasand barn; very comfortable and warm in-side; willbe painted outside and other im-provements made.

$10— 559 Whitall St.; six rooms.$4.50— 004 Whitall St.; five rooms.$9

—806 Fauqu'er st. ; seven rooms.

$7—612 Orleans St.; six rooms.Five acres of fine garden land near Cort-

land, west of Maryland. W. F. Moritz, Plo-ueer Press Building.


COTTAGE—For rent, 387 East Eighth St.,eight rooms; modern improvements; $15.0;)per mouth. D Bergman & Co., 186 EastThird. .

CARPETS, RUGS, ETC., cleaned, refittedand laid at Twin City Carpet CleaningWorks, IS2 West Fourth st. TeI.JL499.






HOUSE— For rent, 940 Lombard ay., $12.50;ten-room house with barn, furnace, bath andgas, gas range and fixtures for sale, allconnected. $12.50, seven-room house withbarn, 1015 St. Clair st. Inquire E. T. Slay-ton, 950 St. Clair st.

HOUSE— For rent, dwelling house. No. 534Laurel ay., between Mackubin and Kentsts.; all modern conveniences; rent reason-able. S. E. Day, Globe Building._


HOUSE— 24O Goodrich ay., near high bridge,cottage of 4 rooms, summer kitchen, cityand soft water free, dry cellar, nice yard,stone walk, $12. Key, 236 Gcodrich ay.

HOUSE— For rent, five-roam house in goodorder; Arkwright street, near Lafayettecars; $5 to good tenant. Smith & Taylor,Manhattan Building.

HOUSE—Eight-room house, handsomely fur-nished; gas stove and all other conveni-ences; centrally located; price less thanrental. Address N 39, Globe.


E:ght-room house, with gas, bathand furnace; also three rooms, with bath,for light housekeeping. Corner Canada andEast University.

j'HOUSE—For rent, furnished house for theI summer, very cheap, elegant location, hand-j some lawn. 4Sj Portland.



—For rent, eight-rooia house; bath,

water and sower; good yard. 614 Bates ay.;key next door.


For rent, ten-room house; modern.\u25a0 N-o. 201 East Tenth. Apply inrear to Ssibert


Yerxa's—Houses, stores, offices; good repair.

HOUSES— For rent, 818 Beech st., 381 Batesay. J. I. Jeliett, 152 East Sixth st.



For rent, house of nine rooms, bath,gas and furnace. Inquire 682 Olive st.

HOUSE— For rent, No. 896 Beech st. D. D.Smith, 220 Endicott Building.


For rent, dwelling, stable, largegrounds. 429 Ashland ay.

HOUSE—For rent, dwelling. 405 Ashland ay.



MANNING'S RENTING AGENCY, V ••idsoaBlk., Corner Fourth and Jackson

—H'uses,flats and stores for rent in all parts (? thacity. __.

UPHOLSTERERS— Schroeder & Dickinson, 18East Sixth st.




FLAT of three rooms, 388 Smith ay., $7.00 permonth.


Twelve rooms and bath,all modern conveniences, newly paperedand painted, $60.00 per month.

FLATS—Neat furnished flat, 3 rooms, com-plete for housekeeping, 515 St. Peter &v.$16; another, $13; key, room 9. 176 WestFourth st., flat, 4 rooms, second floor, $12.Houses, flats, rooms; all prices. Schram'sRenting Agency, 320 and 322 ManhattanBuilding.

FLAT—Furnished flat for rent for the sum-mer, second floor. 223 Arundel st., $60 permonth; servants if desired. Henry R. Cur-tis, 355 Minnesota st.

FLAT—FIat of eight rooms, all modern im-provements; third floor, 170 West Ninthst.

'ApPly rear house.

FLAT—For rent, all or part of furnished flatfor the summer. Apply Flat 31, No. 63 Col-lege ay. west.

FLAT—Jackson St., 762—Five-room fiat, onsecond floor; city water; good condition;near Viola St.; also car line.

FOR RENT—The fine eleven-room tenement,149 Pleasant ay. Inquire at book store, 385St. Peter st.


TWIN CITY CARPET CLEANING WORKS--182 West Fourth st. Tel. 1499.


THE WASHBURN BUILDING, 15-19 EastFifth st.; a few good offices at a low rental.



COTTAGE—For rent, cottage at Lake Elmo;four large rooms completely furnished; Icehouse; vegetable garden; well and bathhouse; cottage faces lake shore; $125 for thoseason. Bayard, Deuel & Co., 602 PioneerPress.

COTTAGE—For rent, at Ramsden park (BaldEagle Lake), new eight-room lake-front cot-tage; has screened porches, fireplace andwindmill. Inquire Mrs. F. J. Ramsden, 154

East Third st., room 2.COTTAGE—For rent, a first-class lake front

cottage, furnished,- at White Bear; bath andboat house. Ross Clarke, 914 Pioneer Press

_B|d|!COTTAGES— Two lake front cottages at Mah-

tomedl, partly furnished. J. I. Jellett, 152_East Sixth stCOTTAGES at Mahtomedi, White Boar Lake.

Inquire 313 Wabasha Bs.".DELLWOOD CLUB HOUSE for rent; suita-

ble for two or three families or boardors;fine fishing and boating. Address GeorgoSummers, Dellwood, White Bear Lake.

FOR RENT—S6O for the Season— A pleasantsix-room house; large grounds; furnished.

A good cottage at Lake Shore station, only $33for the season.

We have a good list of property for sale orrent at and around White Bear lake. Somespecial bargains.

M. E. KOST & CO.,Corner Third and Robert sts.


CANADA ST., 578—Furnished front room with_gas, suitable for two gentlemen.COLLEGEAV., 131 WEST— Nicely furnished

double parlor, also single room; fine loca-tion; large porch and yard; shade trees;pleasant In summer; >^nminutes' walk fromcourt house.

CENTRAL, 82, WEST— Suite of three largerooms, first floor, and suite of four rooms,second floor, for housekeeping.

CHARLES ST., 209—For rent, four clean,bright rooms, up stairs; no children.

DAYTON AY., 606—For rent, thre2 nicelyfurnished rooms, suitab'e for light house-keeping; references required.

EIGHTH ST., 315 EAST—For rent, two fur-nished rooms for light housekeeping, withcity water.


EIGHTH ST., 229—For rent, largo, pleasantfurnished front room for gentlemen; reason-able rent; references required.

FOR RENT—Upper half of 716 Ravine street,fitted for housekeeping, has six rooms, citywater and bath.

FIFTH ST., 105 EAST—Two rooms, furnishedfor light housekeeping, cheap; also fur-nished rooms, $8 and upwards.

GOODRICH AY., 169—Two furnished rooms,with or without board; terms very reason-able.

GROVE ST., 212—For . rent, two furnishedrooms; reasonable.

IRVINE PARK, 3— Furnished or unfurnishedrooms, central, modern conveniences, oppo-site park; terms reasonable; references ex-changed.

NINTH ST., 156 WEST— Fine furnished frontroom, ground floor, for rent cheap.

PLEASANT AY., IS;,—For rent, furnishedfront parlor and side room, with board ifrequired.

RICE ST., 251— Corner College Ay.—For rent,nicely furnished front room.


For rent, nicely furnished room,s'.eam-heated, with bath and gas and allmodern conveniences; rent reasonable. Call

_at 234 West Fifth st., second floor.ROOMS— Three or four furnished rooms, com-

plete for housekeeping; city water andsewerage; $3 a room. Inquire at 823 EastThird st., up stairs.


For rent, newly furnished room,steam heated and all modern convenience.

_Call at 166' /3 West College ay.


Furnished room, suitable for a gentle-man. 60 Ease Summit ay. and Central Park,flat 7.


For rent, front room with alcove andbath. Inquire 336 Van Slyke court.

RONDO ST., 233—For rent, two rooms unfur-nished.

ROBERT ST., 519— Corner of Tenth—For rent,pleasant rooms, with or, without board, a ;,

ROBERT ST., 535—For rent, two neatly fur-nished front rooms; complete for ho.usekeep- \u25a0

ing, bath.-

SELBY AY., 239—For rent, a large, newlyfurnished, front roam; location central andpleasant; family private; no children.

SEVENTH ST., 151, EAST—Nicely furnished jrooms in suite or single, from $1 per week

SEVENTH ST., .231 EAST—For rent, three un-furnished rooms.

SEVENTH ST., 275. WEST—Five rooms forlight housekeeping; bath and all modern !conveniences.

SHERBURNE AY., SS—For rent, four unfur-nished rooms, within ton minutes' walk ofcenter of city; use of bath.

SHERBURNE AY., 164—Near Rice St.—Forrent, furnished room, with alcove and closet,reasonable. Inquire up stairs.

ST. PETER ST.. C46—Furnished front alcove iroom: modern conven ences: central location; Irent reasonable.

SPRUCE ST., 225—Furnished room, $4 amonth; large front reom on first floor forrent cheap.

SMITH AY., 137—Pleasant furnished room,with all modern conveniences, in private ifamily; near cable. j

SUMMIT AY., C4—For rent, nicely furnishedroom; all modern conveniences; board if de-sired; central location. |

THIRDST., 630 EAST—For rent, three rooms,furnished or unfurnished, for housekeeping;first floor. ;

THIRTEENTH ST., 310 EAST—For rent, 1four rooms; madern conveniences; up |stairs. I

WABASHA ST., 689— Second Floor—For rent,two furnished rooms complete for lighthousekeeping, $12 per month.

WABASHA ST., 32?— For rent, a nicely fur-Inished front room; rent reasonable. Call |Room 21. ,

WABASHA ST., 477—Newly furnished rooms; ,prices mnqcratc-.


FOR SALE BY OWNER— Eight-room houseand barn, lot 50 x150; hot water heat, gas,etc.; $1,5C0 cash required. Apply 2030 Day-ton ay.

HOUSE—The best moderate-priced house inSt. Paul; just finished; see it today if you jwant a good, modern and cheap home. Lo- |catcd at 782 Osceola ay.. east of Avon.

THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES are offered ifor sale cheap on easy terms, or for rent, ]by the State Savings Bank, Germania Life jbuilding,Fourth and Minnesota sts.;

877 Fuller St.— Lot, 40x120; two-story house,with all modern improvements, and barn.

269 Jay St.—Lot, 31x100; one and a naif-story |cottage; city water.

918 Juno St.— Corner lot. 38x1.0; one and a jhalf-story six-room house; city water.

936 Earl St., Corner Sims St.—Eight-room Ihouse, suitable for two families; city water.

752 Payne Ay.—

Two fix-room flats: city water. |


ABBOTT "HOME" COTTAGE, White Bear;lake front; rooms and meals by day orweek. For terms address Mrs. E. Flint,White Bear, or 284 Pleasant ay. \

BOARD—Large alcove room and board, gas !and use of bath ifdesired. 147 Pleasant ay. j


Rooms and board: all modern con- ,veniences. 252 West Fifth st,

BOARD AND ROOMS—Ladies, $3.00; gents,$4. C0 per week. 59 East Tenth st.

KIRKLAND HOTEL, Sibloy st.. between'Ninth and Tenth sts.

—You can get first-class

rooms and board at reduced rates for thosummer; large lawn and shade trees; cen-tral location; all modern conveniences.


ACTUAL BUSINESS TAUGHT from start tofinish at Globe Business College. EndicottBuilding. Night school all summer. Beginnow.


You can still learn to dance bytaking private lessons of William H. Baker,Litt's hall. _

ST. PAUL BUSINESS COLLEGE hasTcom^pleto facilities for educating for the bestpositions in commercial We, assisting itsgraduates in obtaining them. Maguire I'.ro-s.,93 East Sixth. » j


FOR SALE—At Jensen, Fla,. eight acre 3finopineapple land, four acies in bearing plants;fine location for winter home, on the famousIndian River & Florida East Coast rail-road; will pay 40 cr 50 per ccjit on bearingacreage. Apply or write to Martin Hants,

i Pensacola. Fi*. • I



THIS EIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE canbe built for $1,900, or without modern im-provements for $1,250.Imake a specialty of these modern cot-

tage homes" have a great variety of newplans, which will repay the trouble taken inlooking ;hem over. Come in and see me.Shall be pleased to talk building with you;or send for my new book, containing floorplans, elevations, dimensions and prices olthirty beautifully designed, modern, up-to-date cottages. Price $1.00.Ifyou Intend to build this book will save

you money,Iam always pleased to answer inquiries.

THEODORE F. CURTIS,713, 714 anil 715 Phoenix Balldlnjft

Minneapolis, Minn.

M. E. KOST & CO.,Corner Third nn<] Robert Sin.

A HANDSOME and thoroughly well-builttwelve-room house; cherry and oak finish;all modern improvements; in a desirableand central location; only ten minutes'walk from the postoflice; ifyou are lookingfor a complete home, walking distance frombusiness, don't fail to call; for sale cheap,or will take a modern seven or eight-roomhouse on the hill as jart pay.

$3.500— A GOOD eight-room house and barn ,on Grove st., near Canada; a pleasant andcentral home; will sell on monthly pay-ments.

A GOOD HOUSE and two fine lots, half-blockfrom, car line (West side), unincunibt-red,to exchange for acre property, close to St.Paul.

WE HAVE several customers for eight-roommodern houses, St. Anthony hill district,price not to exceed $3,000; if you have bar-gains to offer ligt them with us.

17 ACRES of good land only a short distancefrom Phalen Park, commanding a fine viewof the city, for sale very cheap, and termsto suit.

WHITS: BEAR LAKE—We have several bar-gains in desirable lake properties; also anumber of cottages .to rent cheap.

FARM LANDS—Some choice Minnesota landsat $12, $14 and $20 per acre; terms to suitat 6 per cent interest. M. E. Kost & Co.Third and Robert sts.

Miscellaneous.LOTS FOR SALE in block 36, Summit Parkby owner. 323 Jackson st.\u25a0

BICYCLES FROM FACTORY-Save the prof-its of all dealers by purchasing direct fromfactory. No other firm can possibly sell atour rrices. Send for elegant catalogue.New 1897 guaranteed tandem, $75. Bankreference. Lincoln's Home Cycle Co.,

_Springfleld, 111.

BICYCLES— '9C Remington racer for salecheap; never been used; also opener makesat your own figures. Andrae Cycle House84 East Fifth st.


A '96 Damascus separable tan-dem, new. $90 cash. T. I. McDermott, 76East Fifth st.

BlCYCLE—Ladies' '96 Damascus, in good re-pair, only ?25. T. I. McDermott, 76 EastFifth st.

HIGH GRADE PICYCLES at half pric^don't fail to see and compare them withany wheel on the market; our price forladies' or gents' wheel $17.50; why pay

\u25a0 _more? J!2S Robert, corter Fourth, Room 8,

FOR SALE—BICYCLES— A lady's an 1 geifs'high grade v.heel at half price; never been ;

used. 3i'S Robert, corner Fourth, Room' S.THE PATEE BICYCLE is a winner: ridsone if you want to get there quick: sold bf

Twin City Bicycle House. 43ti Jackson st..,St. Paul. Minn.

YOUR TIRES REPAIRED FREE of chargs ,on Wednesday and Friday at DamascusCyc'.e Repair Shop. 76 East Fifth.


ALL MAKES cf sewing machines for sale atyour price and terms; see them. Room-

,200, Globe Building.

BICYCLE SUIT, sweater and lantern, ingooicondition, for sale very cheap. Address A

__42,_Globe.BUY odorless ana smokeless Jewel gasoline

stoves. Decker's sell them. 347 Jackson si.,St. Paul.

PIANO—A Fischer upright piano; only $115,14 ffci>t Six'h st.


COW AND CALF—A fino. fresh milk cow andcalf for sale cheap. 1173 Sherburne.

EGGS for hatching from prize-winning" WhitePlymouth Rocks. 800 Watson ay.; end ofWest Seventh car iine, near Adams school.


For sale, seven-horse power, doublecylinder, reversible builder's engine an1material elevator; nearly new, price, $40J.Address X 32, Globe.

FELT! FELT! FELT!—Harness-makers,iaundrymen and mechanics using felt, calland see us; we make felt of every descrip-tion at lowest prices. S:. Paul Felt Works,286 East Sixth st.

FOR SALE—A double-door refrigerator, oakparlor writingdesk, oak hall tree, oak side-board, two mahogany rockers and centertable, for sale at your own price; cash orpayments. Room 200, Globe Building.

GAS RANGE—For sale, gas range, six-hole;reliable; double oven, hot water back; goodcondition; $10; call forenoons. 220 Nelsonay.

MATTRESS RENOVATING—Schrocder &Dickinson, 16 East Sixth St.

NOTICE—IO,OOO pansies of the choicfst'colors,large flowering, at 2oc per dozen, for oneweek only, at Henry Puvogel's, 1021 Sum-mit ay

ORGAN—A fine organ; cost. $?",, for $18. it !called for at once. 14 West Sixth st.


A fine, handsomely carved squarepiano; cost, $G00; only $50. Call at 14 WestSixth st.

STORE FRONT—For sale, store -. front. 23College ay. east.

WATCH LOST— Sliver watch attached to sil-ver chatelaine. Return to Globe office.Address J, 34, Globe.

WELL. THIS WEEK just ended has. bean avery busy one for us, goods coming in andgoing out all the time; for this week wehave some fine bargains to offer in carpois,rugs, bedroom suits, odd parlor pieces,folding beds, sideboards, dininj; room in: Ibles, two sets of solid mahogany diningroom chairs, with leather goats, very fine;one solid mahogany side table, one antiquerug, 10-6x14 feef; fancy cludn and rockers,broksases. china closets, hair mattresses,feather pillows, a large consignment of toi-let ware, one fine organ, one upright pi-ano, several fine ranges and -cook stoves,etc., etc. The above goods go on sale Mon-day morning. May 10, and will be closclout at very low prices. Kavanagh & Co.,187 and 189 East Sixth St., between Sibleyand Jackson.


AUTHORS and Writers' Union. Chariton, 10.Cash prizes: best serial, $25; short story,$15; poem, $10; inclose return postage.

GRAY HEADS—Go to M. M. MitcheHV 318Wabasha St., for Mack's Hair Tonic. Sheis our authorized representative in St. Paul.The Wright Med. Co.

MARRY—The Denver Corresponding Club hasmembers worth $500 to $50,000. Send 1C«for large private list. Box 1600. Denver, Col.

tlTe~helps carpet cleaning works—115-117 West University ay.


ALWAYS RELIABLE—Madame Teitsworth;prices reduced; thirty-five years' experi-ence. 13 Eighth st.

MRS. FANNIE BOWEN— Tranco medium;magnetic treatment. _tj3o Wabasha sL

MRS. DR.HAYES, clairvoyant and massagist.03 East Seventh Et.; Room 9.


MISS HULL removes superfluous hair. mole3,etc., by electricity; only positive and per-

manent remedy; references given. 307 Mer-i rillBlock, corner Fifth and St. Peter sts.