the sacred dimensions of the christ the initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix the...

The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ Maitreya (newest version) We read in Infinity I: “The prayer uttered by Christ when leaving Earth was not heard by people. The prayer uttered by Buddha was not heard by people. The prayer that will be uttered by Maitreya knocks like lightning at the gates of the human spirit. Thus is Earth stratified and the consciousness of the spirit created.” i ii Abstract; This article is an attempt to research and explore the various dynamics substanding the Reappearance of the Christ. It will also attempt to show how an aspect of this extraordinary co-evolutionary event is built through the ability of incarnate disciples to recognize their subjective ashramic affiliations. As disciples around the world deepen their understanding of service from the viewpoint of the Soul in the ashram, a door is held open upon the buddhic plane. This door, opened by the transparency of ego, increases the viability of the soul-infused personality to experience the life of the Hierarchy. As the knowledge, love and sacrificial petals of the heart open, further recognition is gained of the Christ presence over-shadowing and overlighting the entire Hierarchial life. This subtle, yet persuasive experience, engages disciples in a new perspective of Divine radiation further empowering a spontaneous flow of love force into the world.

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Page 1: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ Maitreya (newest version)

We read in Infinity I:

“The prayer uttered by Christ when leaving Earth was not heard by people. The prayer uttered

by Buddha was not heard by people. The prayer that will be uttered by Maitreya knocks like

lightning at the gates of the human spirit. Thus is Earth stratified and the consciousness of the

spirit created.”i



This article is an attempt to research and explore the various dynamics substanding the

Reappearance of the Christ. It will also attempt to show how an aspect of this

extraordinary co-evolutionary event is built through the ability of incarnate disciples to

recognize their subjective ashramic affiliations. As disciples around the world deepen their

understanding of service from the viewpoint of the Soul in the ashram, a door is held open

upon the buddhic plane. This door, opened by the transparency of ego, increases the

viability of the soul-infused personality to experience the life of the Hierarchy. As the

knowledge, love and sacrificial petals of the heart open, further recognition is gained of the

Christ presence over-shadowing and overlighting the entire Hierarchial life. This subtle,

yet persuasive experience, engages disciples in a new perspective of Divine radiation

further empowering a spontaneous flow of love force into the world.

Page 2: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

As we are now in the fortuitous Age of the Forerunner (1975-2025), many new aspects of

discipleship are coming to be acknowledge as pertinent for our immediate engagement and

participation. One aspect has to do with our conscious and whole-hearted assistance with

that work the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul has referred to as ―the major incentive lying

back of all that I do‖- the Reappearance of the Christ. iii

This paper also explores how the World Teacher distributes energy and consciousness in

many ways and through various formats through his working disciplic groups.

The exploration of this dynamic will potentially reveal a contemporary subset of the Divine

Plan and how this applies to the transcendent practicality of our life as disciples.

Certain aspects of this work are more easily understood and have been previously written

about and broadcast. But certain other powerful occult methodologies and meditations

which support his reappearance are herein re-examined with the hope to further engage

the wider group‘s exploration and use. A dedicated and focused group of disciples are

powerful tools in the hands of the Hierarch and once engaged to meditationally align to the

powerful forces which they wield can be effective implementers and custodians of spiritual

fire into the three worlds. They in essence must implement in the worlds of form and the

personality an accurately empowered expression of those meditations carried forward

within Hierarch.

It is the authors‘ belief that certain Hierarchial incentives and guided meditations can, if

used correctly in group formation, activate certain spiritual energies which greatly assist in

the preparatory work of the reappearance. It can act as a ‗footstool‘ for the ashrams.

Who is the Christ

“The heart is an organ of fire… The Christ returns with a sword. Hierarchy externalises.

How can any of this be possible unless we, as souls, as part of the Christ life, lift our invisible

fingers into the current of electric fire and with our visible fingers take a firm grip on the

reigns.” iv

To arrive at some authentic definitive understanding of the Christ requires much more

than any of us can individually grasp or understand. Christ as the ‗…embodied soul of all

reality‘ and much more than any individualized state of being. It is the numinous monadic

core within each human being. v

Two thousand years ago a Buddha toke on the mantle of a Christ and exhibited a new

definitive expression of Human totality. In his life then he exemplified a living archetype of

the Solarized God Man —the Divine Principle in every human being. Even though it has

been said that we are all made in the image of God these words fall short in explaining to

ourselves the extraordinary legacy of human potential. Humanity needs these living

Avataric examples to comprehend its own definitive constitution. Embodied enlightened

Page 3: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

beings such as the Christ and Buddha witness to us that which we are capable of attaining

and of that which fully expresses our essential nature. That we are spiritual beings having a

human experience is more easily seen and understood in the enlightened for they alone are

capable of expressing the fully activated, embodied spectrum of human potentiality.

There is more to thees great Avataric Beings than any one religious framework can

adequately describe. For those of a Christian background the great Christ avatar made his

appearance 2000 years ago in Jerusalem as Jesus Christ. In the Orient this same being is

called the World Teacher and known as the Bodhisattva Lord Maitreya. He is also the One

looked for by the devout Mohammedan under the name of Iman Madhi. vi

Further knowledge on this aspect of the Christ is offered by Master John in Applied


“When I speak of the Christ I speak of the Lord Maitreya. I refer to the Lord Maitreya as the

Christ, because this is how you approach the Lord Maitreya…He… indwelling every single

human being incarnate upon this planet. And when I say “incarnate” I do not mean just in

physical form, but I mean incarnate here, in this planetary life and being on whatever plane of

manifestation this single being may be dwelling. Do you know what He is doing? He is, by

such indwelling, manifesting the evolutionary process for humanity. He is experiencing it in

all of its many stages. Think of this. He is experiencing it from the most primitive animal-man

of which you can conceive to the highest spiritual being on this planet.” vii

―Flesh of our flesh and spirit of our spirit‖, Christ is the exemplification of the human

evolutionary process. Having progressed through the human stage of life and having lived

as one of us, he knows intimately our path of joy and sorrow, of success and failure. This

profundity of Christ is the perfection of man, made visible.

Those closest to the authentic Hierarchial model of Apostolic Succession see Christ

Maitreya as the contemporary Avatar in which energy reaches Him direct from the heart

centre of the Planetary Logos via the heart of Sanat Kumara: ―He works by means of a

meditation centred within the heart. He is the World Teacher, the Master of the Masters,

and the Instructor of the Angels, and to Him is committed the guidance of the spiritual

destinies of men, and the development of the realisation within each human being that he is

a child of God and a son of the Most High.‖ viii

Another aspect of the Reappearance is in a sense contradictory to normal modalities of

logic and reason. Human incarnational periods last but a few score of years. But in

reference to members of Hierarchy their existential life spans an incarnation which may

last hundreds if not thousands of years. With this thought in mind we read from,

„Initiation-Human and Solar‟ , that the Christ still lives and resides in the world and in a

sense he has never left;

Page 4: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

“Ever since He left the earth, as related with approximate accuracy in the Bible story has He

stayed with the sons of men; never has He really gone, but only in appearance, and in a

physical body He can be found by those who know the way, dwelling in the Himalayas, and

working in close co-operation with His two great Brothers, the Manu and the Mahachohan.

Daily He pours out His blessing on the world, and daily He stands under the great pine in His

garden at the sunset hour with hands uplifted in blessing over all those who truly and

earnestly seek to aspire. To Him all seekers are known, and, though they may remain unaware

of Him, the light which He pours forth stimulates their desire, fosters the spark of struggling

life and spurs on the aspirant until the momentous day dawns when they stand face to face

with the One Who by being "lifted up" (occultly understood) is drawing all men unto Himself

as the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix

The Tide of Spiritual Life

“At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world an Exalted One named Maitreya, Fully

Awakened, abounding in wisdom and goodness, happy, with knowledge of the worlds,

unsurpassed as a guide to mortals willing to be led, a teacher for gods and men, an Exalted

One, a Buddha, even as I am now. He, by himself, will thoroughly know and see, as it were

face to face, this universe, with Its worlds of the spirits, Its Brahmas and Its Maras, and Its

world of recluses and Brahmins, of princes and peoples, even as I now, by myself, thoroughly

know and see them.” A prophecy attributed to Guatama Buddha x

Many prophecies have foretold about the reappearance of the Christ and the quote shown

above, is attributed to Guatama Buddha of the 6th

century B.C. He is a spiritual brother of

Maitreya Buddha, who is the contemporary now holding the office of the Christ. In their

own respective times and hemispheric locales they have revealed different aspects of Divine


It has been said the Christ is the embodied perfection of God‘s love and that he ―loves like

none before him.‖xi

He was the first to reveal to men the true nature of God. This great

Avatar expresses the ‗Human Form Divine‘ or the embodied Omnipresent Consciousness

and is that perfect human composite of God Immanent plus that tremendously expanded

awareness of God Transcendent. xii

The Christ as a tremendous evolutionary activator propels humans to move and liberate

through the human form and make direct contact with that indwelling consciousness in its

pure life or monadic spirit aspect. We are meant in due course of time and experience, to

become Christed Beings ourselves.

It is inevitable that the evolutionary forces of the logos will guide the fourth kingdom of

Humanity into the fifth Kingdom of Conscious Souls. First through one and then millions

Page 5: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

we will see that activation of the Human Archetype of the Christ Monadic Consciousness.

This is an important aspect in the fiery stead of the Divine Plan.

In 'Nature of the Soul' we find a clarifying quote;

"The Divine Plan is the combination or synthesis of Divine Purpose, Evolution, and

Activity that will finally manifest as the Christ in outer expression ". xiii

In the coming decades will be an expression into objective reality of the ashramic group

life. This group will be capable of holding, building and sustaining the vibratory

frequencies of the Soul‘s mysteries. As the tide of spiritual life on our planet grows globally

and exponentially, disciples will increasingly be able to introduce the mysteries into the

light of day. From this endeavor humanity will significantly be assisted into a new state of

consciousness and a new state of being. As an aspect of spiritual light, our Overshadowing

Souls will come into embodied form. The forecast result will be a transformation of

civilization as we know it.

Many of the world‘s religions prepare for the reappearance of the Christ as they see and

understand it. For some it is the reappearance or recognition of a state of spiritual Being as

explained above and for others it is the reappearance of a God Man- the Christ Buddha


The Date of the Reappearance

As to the exact date of the Reappearance maybe only He, the Christ, knows for sure. Yet in

consideration of the Hierarchial timetable, this momentous event may occur in our lifetime

or possibly in the 21st Century. While the ramifications for such an event cannot be fully

comprehended it will surely assist in preparing the initiation of humanity, as a species, into

the 5th

kingdom, the Kingdom of Souls. This will entail a dynamic tour-de-force by all

working disciples in the globalscape. As disciples embody the Divine force in their lives the

collective consciousness of Humanity is fueled with those vital ingredients needed by the

externalizing hierarchy.

It has also been confirmed that the Christ Maitreya is the first of the great world Teachers

to cover two zodiacal cycles - the Piscean and the Aquarian. It was in June, 1945, at the

time of the full moon that he definitely and consciously took over His responsibilities as the

Teacher and Leader during the Aquarian solar cycle.xiv

His decision to reappear is a

deliberate and loving act of affirmation involving all of Hierarchy. As a co-creative act it

results in such planetary transformations that it invokes a crisis. All the crystalized

structures which no longer serve humanities spiritual unfolding must be transmuted,

transformed and more efficiently aligned with the unfolding Divine Plan. As this new

planetary zeitgeist is recreated humanity will experience growing pains. This crisis of the

Page 6: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

externalization, will out of necessity, invoke a global restructuring in economic, religious

and political systems. Alice Bailey further adds: "Thus a great and new movement is

proceeding and a tremendously increased interplay and interaction is taking place. This

will go on until A.D. 2025." xv

But such a crisis also brings a day of opportunity and restitution, favouring further

integration and synthesis. As the Tibetan Master explains in ―The Reappearance of the


“Ever down the ages, and at every great human crisis, always in the hours of necessity, at the

founding of a new race, or in the awakening of a prepared humanity to a new and wider

vision, the Heart of God - impelled by the Law of Compassion - sends forth a Teacher, a world

Saviour, an Illuminator, an Avatar, a transmitting Intermediary, a Christ. He gives the

message which will heal, which will indicate the next step to be taken by the race of men,

which will illumine a dark world problem and give to man an expression of some hitherto

unrealized aspect of divinity.” xvi

The coordination of this dramatic phase of human history is generated through the

intermediary of the Christ, the Masters of the Wisdom, and invoked by us. As every great

instructor and Avatar of the past, the Christ will focus in the world a nucleus of spiritual

energy and a scintillating vortex of magnetic force enabling humanity to express more and

more evidently the constructive forces of Divine Love/Wisdom. This focal point will act

increasingly to transmit spiritual energy to every man and woman of goodwill. This in time

will favour the foundation of a new civilization with its accompanying culture,

governmental policies, educational processes and a one world religion.

The „Vibrational Signature‟ of the Christ- Our Personal Connection

It has been described in ‗Initiation- Human and Solar', how all disciples of the 1st and 2nd

degree have undergone a personal initiatory experience with the Christ Maitreya. At these

two initiations in the higher worlds, it was he who held the Rod which activated and

stabilized our centers into a higher vibrational frequency. Though our participation in this

event is usually hidden deep in the superconscious levels of consciousness, it nevertheless,

has resulted in guiding us on the path of discipleship. At some level there is still the

retention of this energetic happening even though it supercedes the paradigmatic logic of

memory, time and space. Even if it may have occurred lifetimes ago it is still ever-presently

alive and fresh in the omni-lateral Soul consciousness. Within our energetic structures we

have a 'knowing' of this specific and particular Christ vibrational signature.

As we work to bring this vibrational signature to the forefront of consciousness new aspects

of ashramic affiliations are highlighted. This vibratory tone can also serve as a portal to the

souls‘ reality within Hierarchy. With every vibratory recognition of this signature, we

become conscious ‗carriers of fire‘ into the 3 worlds of human evolution. It has been said

Page 7: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

one can recognize these subjective contacts and affiliations by the „radiatory sound‟

vibrating in our centers. xvii

Interdimensional lines of light and sound activate the disciples‘

senses so that he or she becomes cognizant of our simultaneity of existence within the 5th

Kingdom of Conscious Souls. A disciple is capable of carrying this recognition into the

worlds of form.

In Applied Wisdom we read;

"A disciple is one who is a brother to the Christ. He recognizes the Christ within each man

and accepts him as his brother, realizing that they are both endowed with the same

heritage and have, therefore, the same rights. He endeavors to work with, not against, his

brother, and lets Love direct that work. His will is the will to good, his Love the Love of

God, and his activities become the living example of Truth, the fruits by which he is

known." xviii

The Art and Science of Ashramic Alignment -

Developing Continuity of Consciousness

Entering the Sacred Dimensions of the Christ Maitreya follows on entering into the Soul

consciousness of the Ashramic Group Life. This consciousness links us with the Hierarchial

life and with the Masters of the Wisdom. Becoming aware of the ashramic group life is an

experience in consciousness.

Supporting information has been supplied by the Spanish disciple, Vicente Beltrán


“there is a mysterious telepathic rapport among each and every member of the Ashram. The

communications are transmitted from mind to mind, although there is what may be called the

Master‟s Voice and the attentive ear of the disciples. This may sound contradictory but it is not

so when you realize that “things” in the subjective planes are “objective” when you achieve

some control over them.” xix

Master R via his disciple, Lucille Cedercrans, has indicted that the Over Shadowing

Spiritual Soul is 7 octaves higher than the incarnate persona. With this consideration the

disciple must rebuild the antahkarana and bridge the gap. xx

We read further in 'A Treatise on White Magic';

'... Full expression and consciousness on each and every plane is the objective, remembering

that each plane with its varying states of consciousness is equally a part of the divine Life.

What is lacking as yet with the majority of aspirants is a synthetic consciousness and the

capacity to hold and register continuity." xxi

Continuity of Consciousness is something that must not only be developed but it must

above all, be 'recognized'. Only a radioactive, intuitive mind-heart can apprehend such a

transfinite reality. Fiery tension is necessary. It makes the flame rise and touch higher

Page 8: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

strata. The fire that burns on High is drawn down and from the fusion of the fiery streams,

veils are dissolved.

Via the Intuition, continuity of consciousness allows us to visit the inner Ashram. It allows

us to perceive inter-dimensionally. It guides us in objectifying the Ashramic group Life in

our daily lives and in our service functions as disciples. The acculturation of vibratory

reality must be developed for it has been said; "The Ashrams exist upon the plane of

buddhi or of the intuition." xxii

The paradoxical clarification of this conundrum must be researched and explored

personally to forge a new synthesis of perceptual empowerment. We read a point worthy

of note in Mercury by Bruce Lyon;

"The point here is that he does not suddenly become active upon the buddhic sphere, he rather

becomes aware of the activity that he is already performing upon that plane. He does this

through identification with a higher aspect of himself."xxiii

Buddhic consciousness occurs as the etheric body takes on the Buddhic atoms and absorbs

them into the bio-field of the brain. This is an act of radiatory substitution. We exchange

lower vibrational matter for higher. Under the usual duress of transformation, our

consciousness expands proportionally and we enter the meditation of the Soul. We enter

into a new stream of 'revelatory knowing'. An awakened fiery heart provides the natural

link between the visible and invisible worlds.

Further objectification of this work to be accomplished by disciples was given by Alice

Bailey in her Friday Evening Class, of March of 1943, in which she reveals;

'We have to learn to use intuition because the Master‟s ashram is not on the mental plane.

The plane on which we shall someday eventually work is not the mental plane. One of the

things we have to learn to do in this new era is to get off the mental plane with all the

knowledge and detail and technicalities that we have so painstakingly acquired and begin to

develop that something that we call the intuition, which is the source of illumination...'

March 5, 1943, Friday Evening Address by Alice Bailey

The Buddha and His nine hundred Arhats –

The Christ and his nine thousand Arhats

“The Buddha and His 900 arhats struck the first blow at the world glamour when He

promulgated His Four Noble Truths. The Christ struck the second blow with His teaching of

the nature of individual responsibility and of brotherhood. The next blow will be struck by the

New Group of World Servers, acting under the direction of Christ and His disciples,

symbolically described as "Christ and His 9000 initiates." xxiv

Page 9: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

Humanity stands upon an unprecedented threshold. As the Maitreya draws closer to

humanity there will be a tremendous boost of Christ consciousness in the world which will

have many effects. This increased stimulation will enable many of His disciples to take one

initiation or another and to enter into deeper phases of spiritual awareness. xxv

Many will

experience the first initiation or "birth of the Christ" in the heart. Others will take the

second initiation for these two initiations are preparatory to true service. Many also are

ready to take the third and fourth initiations.

Those First and Second Degree initiates, who are taking the initiations of the threshold, will

be able to work on the periphery of an ashram and on occasion enter consciously into the

ashramic life. Their consciousness is typically polarized on the astral plane with an

increasing ability to become identified with the mental plane. In ascending order, a Third

Degree initiate has his consciousness identified with the mental plane and a Fourth Degree

has one with the buddhic. This gives the fourth degree arhats, who are liberated from the

three worlds of the persona, a much more extensive and pervasive understanding of the

ashramic dynamics. Fourth Degree initiates have been called the Master ministers for

internal and external affairs. The Third Degree initiates bring more of the creative work of

the ashram into the three worlds. xxvi

Together all aspirants, disciples and initiates, in one degree or another, conduit the electric

soularized fires of the higher worlds into humanity. By ‗radiatory substitution‘ their

vehicles offers less resistance in responding to ashramic group work. Disciples, by their

very nature, are transducers of spiritual light exchanging energetic substance between the

planes and also between souls. In ascending order, the 3rd

and 4th

degree initiates maintain

a viable continuity of consciousness into the subjective reality of the ashram. By degree

they are aware of the synchronous meditative processes held within Hierarchy. By

‗intuitive vibrational continuity‘ they are capable of sensing the radiatory center of the

Hierarchy in a more direct manner. By an elevated embodied sentience as they are able to

bring into synchronous relationship an antahkarana of fire registered from the highest

formless world to the lowest world. Their realization of this deeper synthesis has

simultaneous effects on both their consciousness and their brains.

The Seventh Ray brings them back to earth in an emerging bio-synthetic relationship

between the higher and lower chakras. A balanced optimization is reached as all seven

operate as one system under the direction of the soul. Only through such a balance is a

unified field developed. By the continued escalation of Soular and Monadic fire they are so

charged and empowered that they are able to return and more fully express through the

personality vehicles. Now responsively awake to spiritual realities they have the capacity to

express and demonstrate these realities onto the physical plane. The lower chakras in turn,

now directed by the heart center, energize the vehicles for service. A new radiatory aura is

promulgated. This effectively allows the threefold instrumentality of disciples to ground

spiritual light, fire and radiation into the phenomenal worlds. xxvii

Page 10: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

As a living bridge of the antahkarana is more substantiality built in initiates and arhats,

they naturally have a greater finesse in creating thoughtforms which organically manifest.

They have learned to build and work from the heavens downward. xxviii

As an ashramic

group force responding to the divine circulatory flow they are more consciously in support

of the Divine Plan. They are conscious citizens of a vibratory reality where Christ is a

presence that can at times can be seen and felt and intuited by them as an elder brother of

infinite wisdom and love. The omni-present Christ Maitreya is aware of them as His

radiatory aura impregnates the entire hierarchial sheath.

In continuing to explore the increased internal vibratory and radiatory influence of the

Arhats, we see that they also perform an important function of maintaining the divine

circulatory flow between the fourth and fifth kingdoms. As buddhi is related to the theme

of spiritual vision, the ashrams are like great 'eyes' through which the events in the three

worlds can be perceived by Hierarchy. One of the functions of those who are Conscious

Embodied Souls in the three worlds—and therefore part of Hierarchy—is to keep the outer

rings of the eye functioning. This quote of „Group Initiation‟ explains further;

“The Third Degree initiates, as outer workers of the ashram, focus the eye through

their manifested work in the three worlds. When they teach, write and express the energy of

Hierarchy they create a double channel for the flowing in of Hierarchical power and

simultaneously a 'window' through which the Masters can perceive. It is the Will of the Fifth

Degree initiates wielding atma from the atmic plane that is able to penetrate through the

ashramic eye, held open by the Fourth degree initiates and then focused through the work of

the Third Degree initiates in the world.” xxix

Third Degree initiates are the living bridge between the worlds. As Conscious Souls

Incarnate they realize in a more palpable sense that the two worlds of soul and personality

are not two but one. The energetic impact of a Third Degree on those of lesser degree can

be summed up in the words 'vocational arousal'. The energies radiating from their causal

fields stimulate the causal bodies of others in such a way that the indwelling consciousness

feels a call to awaken to soul purpose. xxx

They inspire, they ignite, and they shine a light on

the path we all walk. They bring to the aspirant and probationer disciples a more authentic

sense of the Christ Divine consciousness.

The New Science of Group Telepathic Communication and

Intuitional Telepathy

“Those…who are working along this line are the nurturers of the seed of the future

intuitional civilisation, which will come to its full glory in the Aquarian Age. The intuition is

the infallibly sensitive agent, latent in every human being; it is based…upon direct knowledge,

Page 11: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

unimpeded by any instrument normally functioning in the three worlds. Of this intuitional

future age, Christ is the Seed Man, for „He knew what was in man.” xxxi

Upon the Path of Discipleship and one of the most valued fruits of authentic meditation and

service is the development of 'intuitional telepathy'. As the higher centers become activated

they also become receptive to impression from higher sources. The extensive and radiatory

power of the Christ consciousness is that it is, as revealed in the quote above, capable of

releasing human awareness from the circumscribed parameters of the persona. By the

intuitive faculty we are becoming interdimensional human beings.

Higher telepathic activity, which is highly sought after, comes from either the Soul in the

ashram, or even from higher spiritual sources. It was the telepathic receptivity that Alice

Bailey had that enabled the Master DK to beacon in on her in 1919. It was also the

telepathic activity that HPB had, when she was a dedicated 20 years old, that the Master

Morya discovered her. It‘s telepathic receptivity that enabled Lucille Cedercrans to receive

higher impression and guidance from Master R. It is the viability of this telepathic contact

that allows a disciple to become a ‗disciple on the thread‘ and be able to stand clearly and

responsibly in the Masters aura.

In Ashramic Projections further information is given to clarify this function;

“His relationship with the Master is intuitive. He intuits the purpose and the plan which the

Master is focusing. And insofar as he is capable, he carries that which he intuits into outer

manifestation as a service to humanity.

A senior disciple is one who is functioning in direct contact with the Master on his own level as a monadic

focus. He is referred to as a disciple on the thread…He may or may not carry out that function within the

three worlds of human endeavor as an obvious intermediary between a Master and his disciples. His

particular function and relationship may be entirely esoteric and unknown to any other than himself and

those who function with him at this particular level.” xxxii

A Contemporary Vision of Hierarchial Conclaves

“Each human soul is a Master already, and yet very few are cognisant of that fact in time and


It is a known fact by most disciples that only a part of themselves exists in the worlds of

form. Understanding this, many pursue a path of awakening their inherent multi-

dimensionality. By acculturated meditational development and the awakening intuitive

faculty it is quite possible for disciples to gain an experience of their simultaneity of

existence. Essentially through a developmental access to a higher polarized consciousness, it

is possible for disciples to gain an awareness of their Over-Shadowing Spiritual Souls.

Continuing on this path disciples begin to recognize that at times they are overlighted and

instructed by advanced telepathic resonances within the Ashramic group life. By the

Page 12: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

continued magnetic receptivity of the auric field, they also by ascension can become more

directly involved with the Hierarchial life. In time they become more adept at calibrating

their perceptions to the frequency of higher supermundane consciousness. As telepathic

impressions become further clarified, there begins a more conscious recognition of the

dialogues between souls. They begin to realize that telepathy is the modus operandi of

Hierarchial life.

The activated intuition and the concurrent increase in telepathic rapport extends our vision

of supermundane reality. In time, and with experience, subtle doors open into subjective

reality. A dear friend of mine recently shared a spiritual experience he had over the

Christmas Holidays in which a similar interior door opened for him. Spontaneously, and

for a short, but very meaningful duration, an inner vision opened up for him a window into

a contemporary Hierarchial ceremony. Gifted by grace and activated buddhi, he saw for a

short time a living ceremony involving the Christ and the Masters of the Wisdom. Having

known him for years, as an impeccable student of discipleship, I was neither perplexed nor

put off by his extraordinary and revealing story.

He had traveled with his family to Florida to visit his Mother. On Christmas day he woke

with deep feelings of love and joy and felt as if the petals in his heart chakra were opening.

Not wanting to lose this feeling he purposely maintained a relaxed feeling as they all started

off to a large Catholic Church. When they arrived, already a few hundred attendees were

seated. As he sat there, hymnal in hand, singing Christmas carols, he offered a deep and

sincere prayer of thanksgiving and joy. He began to feel a pressure pushing down on his

crown chakra and to his surprise and without expectation his inner vision opened up.

While he looked upon the altar and observed the physical occurring mass ceremony, he

also witnessed, subtlety highlighted, a hyper-dimensional ceremony of August beings

leading a much higher vibrational Gathering. He could intuitively „see‟ like a moving

hologram a ritualized ceremony of what appeared to be the Christ Maitreya and the

Master Jesus. Attending Masters and Angelic/Devic beings were also present. Back and

forth he shifted perception from the mundane into the supermundane realms as if guided

by some force or intelligence beyond his conscious control. Remaining blissfully aware the

scene reminded him of those transparency projectors where one view is overlaid upon

another. In this ceremony he could see the Christ working closely with the Master Jesus

and that together they were performing a ceremony to reconfigure and channel spiritual

energy into the Christian population now celebrating Christmas the entire world over. The

hierarchial ceremony was occultly powerfully and orchestrated scientifically by their use of

ritualized sound, light and vibrational magic. Various parts of the ceremonial mass taking

place in the Church corresponded loosely and sometimes accurately to hierarchial

protocols. To my friend the experience flowed and was felt as much as seen. He explained

meaning was inferred directly, effortlessly and he ‗knew‘ without thinking. He understood

the birth of the newborn child Jesus upon the manger corresponded to the birth of Christ

in the heart. A feeling of this symbolic birth was transferred via etherealized vibratory

light from the hierarchy, downward. At some level, he explained, this birth indicated the

first initiation and birth of Humanities Soul.

Page 13: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

The hierarchial ceremony was woven through with participation from the Angelic


As both kingdoms worked together in flawless, perfect synchrony, a Christ monadic

frequency of perfect love was radiated worldwide from the 5th

Kingdom. Color-coded

multi-spectrumed light and sound was projected into the etheric web of the planet. Millions

of people were subtly gifted an inner authentic feeling and experience of Christ

consciousness and divine love.

Transpersonal experiences such as this are the exception to the rule, yet highlight an innate

potential for all human beings. My friend, who related the experience written above,

understood implicitly how the Christ and the Masters works tirelessly for the benefit for all

sentient beings. He maintained that this peak experience was both powerfully and indelibly

imprinted into his very cells of his atomic structure.

Seeking to understand my friend‘s experience I found further clarification in „Mercury‟ by

Bruce Lyon;

"The point here is that he does not suddenly become active upon the buddhic sphere, he

rather becomes aware of the activity that he is already performing upon that plane. He

does this through identification with a higher aspect of himself."

As explained in this quote, continuity of consciousness is something that must not only be

developed but above all, be 'recognized'. Only a radioactive, intuitive mind-heart can

apprehend such a transfinite reality. Fiery tension is necessary. It makes the flame rise and

touch higher strata. The fire that burns on High is drawn down and from the fusion of the

fiery streams, veils are dissolved. As such, buddhic Knowledge and synthetic

understanding is the prerogative of the soul and impresses the brain directly.

The “energetic architecture” of this level can be felt, sensed and even heard as energy makes

impression upon the substance of the bodies. Buddhic consciousness occurs as the etheric

body takes on the higher vibrational Buddhic atoms and absorbs them into the bio-field of

the brain. This is an act of radiatory substitution. Once our consciousness expands by this

resonance we enter into a new stream of 'knowing'. An awakened fiery heart provides the

natural link between the visible and invisible worlds. Touching upon the archetypal

substratum we exhilarate centers of life beyond the reach of language, coercion and reason.

We read further in 'A Treatise on White Magic',

“... Full expression and consciousness on each and every plane is the objective, remembering

that each plane with its varying states of consciousness is equally a part of the divine Life.

What is lacking as yet with the majority of aspirants is a synthetic consciousness and the

capacity to hold and register continuity." xxxiv

The value of recognized continuity cannot be underestimated for upon it hinges valued and

important steps in the manifestation of hierarchial planning and the externalization. Those

who are receptive and responsive to the Soul‘s life in the Hierarchy are also in turn

responding to the radiatory influences of the Christ Maitreya. To believe in Christ is one

thing, to know Christ is another.

Page 14: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

The Development of Continuity of Consciousness

Two sources of energy empower advanced disciples and world initiates. One of these

sources pours into the human frame from the soul via the highest centre at the top of the

head. As this stream of illumination pours into the brain via the sutratma or silver cord a

new generation of thought chitta or mind stuff is invoked. Buddhic Knowledge is conveyed

by impression directly and the brain becomes cognizant of what the soul knows. The

“energetic architecture” of this level can be felt, sensed and even heard as energy makes

impression upon the substance of the bodies. As in the case of all evolutionary development

the whole process is one of development, use and transference.

The Buddhic sphere introduces the disciple to an energy matrix of relationships and

vibrational patterns. These energetic structures are invisible to the 3D five phenomenal

senses yet become apparent when one has reached a certain integrated level of

multidimensional ―sight‖ and sensory perception.

In actuality there is nothing solid in the universe at all and the intuition reveals that

Consciousness itself is a vibrational pattern.

A valuable contribution in understanding the basis of dimensional consciousness was once

explained to Alice Bailey by a young Swedish thinker.

"The fourth dimension is the ability to see through and around a thing. The fifth dimension

is the ability, for instance, to take an eye, and by means of that eye to put oneself en rapport

with all other eyes in the solar system. To see in the sixth dimension might be defined as the

power to take a pebble off the beach, and by means of it to put oneself in accord with the

entire planet. Now in the fifth dimension, where you took the eye, you were limited to a

particular line of manifestation, but in the case of the sixth dimension, where you took a

pebble, you were put in touch with the entire planet." This is something very far ahead of

us, but it is interesting to speak about, and holds a promise for each and all. 24


The transformational development of the higher centers is ever a work in progress and

does not happen in a step by step linear sequence. It involves a series of lives and being

synthetic changes are occurring simultaneously. For Consciousness to respond to

Consciousness which is an aspect of the Soul's telepathy we must arrive at a new point in

space-time. We must free ourselves from the illusion that we are solely 3 dimensional

beings as the engagement of the superconscious introduces 5 dimensional spherical time.

This liberation allows the inclusion of buddhi and the immediacy of the intuition in straight

majestic knowledge. We learn to see ourselves as a foci within the group Ashramic Body.

A valuable point of reference is in this quote by Lucille Cedercrans;

'... the Head Center constitutes that center in etheric substance of your instrumentality, which

is in the same vibratory realm as your home, so to speak, in the Ashram. This is a secret little

known - an Occult fact - its revelation brings the realization that continuity between the Soul

in the Ashram and the Conscious Soul Incarnate is but a matter of utilization of these two

Page 15: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

centers, their alignment, the gradual growth of a magnetic field between them and eventually

their mergence into one another, until the thousand-petal lotus is manifest as the physical

materialization or manifestation of the Spiritual Soul in the Ashram.

This is only the beginning...' 26

There is a wealth of information within this quote. The head center which is a vortex of

etheric substance vibrates at a frequency which tunes it in to the higher energies and

frequencies of the Overshadowing Spiritual Soul. This is also a gateway for the

Overshadowing Spiritual Soul's extension of its Consciousness and Life Thread into its

lower instrumentality. The Head center also functions as our own personal stargate,

allowing us to move from the dimensions of space-time to time-space. The rate is reflected

downward into the head center as the result of the evolutionary processes. We should

understand that both the human entity and the Soul on its own plane of existence are

concurrently developing.

We read from Rule One; "The Solar Angel collects himself, scatters not his force but, in

meditation deep, communicates with his reflection." xxxv

On the path of discipleship this relationship is investigated and understood. Building this

'Rainbow Bridge or antahkarana' (Sanskrit) allows the disciple to make safe and conscious

use of the higher head centers. This is an act of procreation and the more these centers are

consciously used and honored the stronger they become.

In advance disciples the head center is located approximately six inches above the head but

in the case of the beginner disciple it is 3 inches above the head. As the center reflects itself

it comes down in a funnel shape into the center of the head. It creates within this space the

cave center. It is in this place where the incarnate consciousness focuses itself as the

Spiritual Soul. The cave or synthesis center reflects and is part of the head center and

working together they hold the vibratory frequencies of the Conscious Soul. Identification

as the Conscious Soul Incarnate is within the cave center. This developmental training of

the centers creates certain changes in the personality vehicles by the imposition of a new

rhythm via the impact of a new frequency. Conscious utilization of he centers sets into

motion a transformation of new energy, force and substance. What develops is a new birth

of consciousness from Soul levels into the personality.

Acceleration of the head centers and the concurring continuity of consciousness is the

prime objective for ashramic workers. Their life, their service, their meditations is the

outer expression and fulfillment of this endeavor. The movement of their assemblage point

creates a hyper-dimensional interchange.

A wonderful quote by Lucille Cedercrans illuminates this point;

“Some have had the experience of becoming the body of light within the cave. It is like a sun,

the group point of light within a greater light. This is another way the consciousness registers

the oneness and becomes one to such a degree that in the cave itself you are not only the

Page 16: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

conscious Soul in your own cave, but you are that in every cave. It is a 4th dimensional thing,

you escape the form into the oneness which indwells all forms.”

As a golden radiant sun, the cave center reveals the body of light as a group point of light

within a greater light. In this light, in this consciousness, in this ashramic field, the xxxvi

individual becomes the group. The consciousness registers this oneness to such a degree

that you experience the Conscious Soul in your own cave center but now it is

holographically expanded so that you are in every cave. This is buddhi; this is the escape

from the limitations of form identification and the entering into 4th and 5th dimensional

consciousness. This reaffirms that the Soul is group conscious. This prepares the way for a

disciple to become conscious of his higher aspect residing in the 5th


Meditation as a Ritual of Vibrational Substitution and


In the future decades it has been anticipated that more and more disciples will begin to

consciously work with the divine template of Hierarchial meditations. Such an endeavor

can only be forged in the fiery crucible of direct experience. Incarnate groups, if suitably

impressed, guided and prepared, can be custodians of the fire supernal. They must also

have been by degrees subjected to a frequency based reality of a much higher vibratory

constitution. The Masters can direct the higher fires from the spiritual planes through the

energy centers of the group members, only if, they both prepared and sensitive to the

frequencies. Such a group can serve as a 'point of entry' for dynamical energies to reach

humanity and stimulate human progress. These energies are conditioned by the focused

minds of the Masters who are sending them, and who know where they are most needed,

and in what precise balance and potency to bring about the desired effects.

With the onset of the Aquarian Age and the increasing inflow of the Seventh Ray,

meditations of synthesis are being explored. New groups capable for sustaining the

tremendous vortex of hierarchial energy into the three worlds are undergoing training

now. These groups, by necessity, must be capable of actuating a synchronistic meditation

ritual with their overshadowing spiritual souls. Via the aligning of the group centers as one

synthesized unit the group becomes a potent outpost for the work of the Spiritual

Hierarchy. They can use such a group by stimulation and impression to do certain work

which any individual Master may have as a part of His specific area of the Plan. Such a

significant and propitious endeavor is hinged on individual disciples developing their own

chakra systems. The perceptual empowerment which results is not solely built on following

the meditation formatted words, but instead, the attainment of the pure nature of


In Applied Wisdom we have an exceptional personal experience described by Lucille

Cedercrans of what this ashramic consciousness is like;

"You link up with the consciousness within the instrument. You become identified as the

Conscious Soul Incarnate within your own cave. You know that every member of the group

has done the same. Then as you link up, you link up with that center of identified

Page 17: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world


Realize that above the form separativeness is lost. The center of group consciousness is first

above the form…Consider the Ashram. Each one is aligned with that Ashram via his head

center. While the Ashram is composed of individual Souls, each with an instrumentality,

nonetheless, the instrument of each Soul within the Ashram is so perfect a vehicle for group

consciousness that it does not limit. On that level within the Ashram, each is conscious and

aware of that consciousness. Talk about telepathic interplay! They all think together

and feel together and move together and meditate together. They are one in a meditative life.

This, to me, is a group life, where each individual moves up into a higher alignment, moves up

into a one life. From there we can focus it down here.

Some have had the experience of becoming the body of light within the cave. It is like a sun,

the group point of light within a greater light. This is another way the consciousness registers

the oneness and becomes one to such a degree that in the cave itself you are not only the

Conscious Soul in your own cave, but you are that in every cave. It is a fourth dimensional

thing, you escape the form into the oneness which indwells all forms."

As we bring the alignment from the head center to cave, into the tone of the soul in the

ashram, we are working from the buddhic sphere. From this intuitive center of consciousness

within the quality of it's frequency we work and bring the ashramic frequency into the

incarnate - our focus is consciousness. As a Soul we bring the higher frequencies and change

the lower frequencies into the ashramic frequencies because that is where we live, move and

have our being.”xxxvii

Dr. Viola Petitt Neal has given us an accurate description of her experience which is valued

because it highlights the ascended modality of working consciously with and developing the

higher centers;

''-when I make contact with the Ashram ---I pull into a central point in the center of my head

which must be about where the pineal gland is, and is a pinpoint of focus or pinhead of focus-

-a short point of focus. In this case, I simply seemed to move in consciousness inside my head,

and to a chamber inside the head, or a cave in the head rather than a point of focus. Maybe it

was a large area which I was pulling into focus.'' xxxviii

Alignments for the Reappearance of the Christ:

In Lesson 40 of Nature of the Soul we read;

“When this group consciousness and its instrumentality can be integrated into a focal point or

centre, its invocative and evocative strength will be sufficient to bring in the Reappearance of

The Christ. Consider such a group in meditation upon one seed-thought having to do with

some specific aspect of the Plan in the world of affairs.

Such a meditation would result in the rapid manifestation of those events necessary to bring

the specific aspect of the Plan under consideration into appearance in the light of day. Here is

the answer to the solution of the world‟s problems.” xxxix

Page 18: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

Certain 7th ray aspects of the Reappearance of the Christ are the result of disciples

performing various meditations of alignment. If such work is done conscientiously the

incarnate spiritual group can become a potent outpost for the work of the Spiritual

Hierarchy. Preparation for the Second Coming of the Christ is hence the responsibility of

"attuned" human beings. Those who know about this Coming are to help create conditions

of "spiritual alignment" which will ultimately draw the Christ forth into our midst.

Without this, the Christ is impotent to act.

The Ancient Wisdom also teaches that if the Hierarchy and humanity can stand together

with massed intent, the Avatar of Synthesis can descend to the mental plane to transmit

this cosmic energy and thereby sound out aloud the note of the new civilization. xl

Power Potential for the New Group of World Servers

It has been estimated that one-sixteenth (475 million, 2012) of the world‘s population are

now probationer disciples. This group which is now receiving Hierarchial attention has the

karmic right of opportunity, during this crisis in human affairs, to consciously restore

God‘s plan on earth. As a group totality they form a vast state of consciousness of potential

power sufficient to turn the tide of human affairs. Affiliated with the externalizing

ashramic group life they can move humanity in whatsoever direction they choose. This New

Group of World Servers is now a voice heard and seen to be taking action over the entire

globalscape. They carry the vibrational impulse or archetypal seed of Humanities

incarnating Soul.

The power potential of such a group if unified and appropriately focused will be

instrumental in the work of the reappearance. This is most significant and auspicious. In

Lesson 40 of Nature of the Soul we read;

“When this group consciousness and its instrumentality can be integrated into a focal point or

centre, its invocative and evocative strength will be sufficient to bring in the Reappearance of

The Christ. Consider such a group in meditation upon one seed-thought having to do with

some specific aspect of the Plan in the world of affairs. Such a meditation would result in the

rapid manifestation of those events necessary to bring the specific aspect of the Plan under

consideration into appearance in the light of day. Here is the answer to the solution of the

world‟s problems.‖ xli

The Radiation of Synchronous Vibration

Preparation for the Second Coming is, hence in no small part, the responsibility of millions

"attuned" human disciples. Those who know about this Coming are to help create

conditions of "spiritual alignment" which will ultimately draw the Christ forth into our

midst. Without this, the Christ is impotent to act.

Certain newer 7th ray aspects of the Reappearance are the result of disciples performing

certain occult meditational alignments which invoke power and unrelenting spiritual light.

Page 19: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

Some of these meditations are designed to prepare a Group to align directly to the Christ

Maitreya Himself. Specifically, certain meditations assist the birth of the Christ love

frequency into our world. Certain other mediations invoke a descent of electric and soular

fire into the causal field of the group. The templates of Hierarchial meditations are

archetypally designed and can be scientifically orchestrated by the Masters on the inner


It has been stated; ‗The group establishes a synchronous meditative process forming an

entity on abstract mental levels—the group soul.‘ xlii

Some of the newer advanced meditational practices working with a clear focus in and

through the higher centers guide the group to the substanding field of fire linking soul to

soul. These adapt the vehicles to higher and higher doses of spiritual light. At this level the

circuitry of the higher fire bodies become uniquely responsive and forms some structural

basis for the biosynthesis of the Soul into matter. It assist in substanding the etheric

vibratory field of the group with new energy, force and substance.

In time, as group practitioners become acquainted with the science of the centers, they can

consciously use them as lenses to subjectively see and enter into those frequency levels of

Vibrational Synchronization with the Hierarchial membership. The context of such

meditational practices opens the Inner Group up to the Ashram of the Christ — the entire

Hierarchy. The value of having advanced practitioners and initiates involved in group

meditations is that they are capable of holding the door open, so to speak, into buddhi.

They have substanded and ‗tuned‘ the etheric vibratory field of their vehicles to the higher

dimensions. Because of their increased vibratory frequency and higher polarization,

advanced practitioners have attained a more refined degree of receptivity and thus able to

recognize the causal sources of vibrational impacts and the non-dual, holographic

constitution of the buddhic field.

This process of group work calls upon us to enter a ‗sphere of fire‘; ―…imagine the fusion

process as a as a spontaneous flowing outwards of fire between your causal bodies forming a

sphere of fire which is the group field. If this flow is blocked in any way or meets resistance in

the abstract mental field it will result in 'thought'. Thought in this context, when you are

meditating or rather 'communing' together, should be seen as an indication that some part

of your consciousness has 'contracted' or begun to concretize itself in layers of mental matter.

You may counter this by refusing to take whatever you find yourself thinking seriously. xliii

By the preparatory group work of radiatory substitution the Masters and also the Christ

himself, may direct energies from the spiritual planes into and through the energy centers

of the group. As an ‗ashramic footstool‘, they then can serve as a 'point of entry' for new

stimulating energies. Such a group can assist an individual Master or Masters with their

specific part of the Divine Plan.

A Suggested Group Meditation

Page 20: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

The following meditation shown below is meant to assist and attune the individual to the

deep silence of the group soul. To ‗witness‘ and participate in this manner is a precursor

for ashramic group work for incarnate disciples. Without pretence or judgement, we can

allow ourselves to experience something new. Let the Call go out from our Souls to the

Hierarchy. Let the Inner group be present and let their downward-directed vortex of light

makes its appearance at the center of the Group. It would be worthy of note to state that

groups which have facilitated this meditation as one synchronized body have co-created

those energetic structures which substand a living, immediate and substantial expression of

the Hierarchy in their midst. It has been the observation of this author and others, that a

bridge can be built linking our two kingdoms. A suitably prepared group of practioners are

capable of utilizing a flashing concourse of causal fire to impregnate the field. A similar

scenario was allegorically stated in the old movie ‗Field of Dreams‘ by Kevin Costner -

―Build it and they will come‖.

The potential power of this group meditation is built on the ability of those intimately

involved to hold the requisite frequencies of alignment. It is necessary and essential that

the prescribed sequential order is followed through the centers. The experiential use of the

centers as conscious lenses falls under the prerogatives of the soul infused persona. For the

duration of this endeavour we seek to become ‗overlighted‘. The soul, in such a case, can

use the three fold instrumentality as a vehicle for service.

“Focus the consciousness in the cave and identify as Soul. Link up with one another,

including all members of the overall group life, to form a center of Soul life within the body of

humanity. Visualize your own humanity as a part of that larger body.

Contemplate the meaning of such an identification, a group identification, a center of Soul

life within the body of humanity. Realize that as such a center you are a focal point for the

Soul life of humanity. Contemplate this alignment and relationship, become consciously

aware on the one hand of the Soul life of humanity, your own identification as a focal point of

that Soul life, and on the other hand, humanity itself, of which your humanity is a part.

Now link up through the head center with the Ashramic Group Life, and through its focal

point, with the Christ.

Become receptive as the Soul life of humanity, a center within that larger Soul life, becoming

receptive to the Light, Love, and the Power of the Christ. Become receptive to the Divine Plan

for humanity, as He, the Christ, has formulated it, as He knows it. Become ever more

conscious of His Love and receptive to His Grace. Consciously identified as humanity in all of

its many levels of development; from the focal point of Soul, enter into the act of the following

Affirmation, directing the Affirmation, the aspiration, upward to the overshadowing Christ.

Disciple‟s Affirmation

I thank the Power of God flowing through me for holding me ever true to Divine Purpose, by

revealing my mistakes, by correcting my course when I have taken a wrong turn, and ever

illumining the path before me. I thank the Love of God fountaining through my heart for the

Wisdom of the Soul born within my mind, for the Compassion of Christ active within my

Page 21: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

brain, and for the loving understanding of my fellow man, demanding my life of service.

I thank the Intelligence of God indwelling the substance of my bodies for the perfect Design,

the Plan of Love and Light, sown and grown, revealed and released within every human

being, and now being aided through the humanity which I consciously Am.

I thank the Christ residing deep within me for the Grace of His Blessings pouring forth upon

all whom I meet.


Return the attention to the cave in the center of the head. Maintain Soul identification,

recognition of yourself as a human being, and therefore as humanity. Center that Soul

identification as Heart, within the very core of human being-ness which you are.

Relax attention and return to the normal focus." xliv

In Conclusion

Under the great wave of spiritual inspiration sweeping the planet today there is an

emerging sense of divine expectancy. The respected, enlightened and cultured people on the

planet are voicing a new sense of compassion and implementing the spirit of fresh

enlightenment. For some this hinges on one of the various 2012 Prophecies and for others it

is seen as a new spiritual revelation streaming in from the galactic center. For disciples it is

an important cue to abide in their inner faith and acknowledgement that we are facing an

unprecedented influx of Hierarchial energy. It is up to us to recognize that we are

responding to the sweeping new stimulation in the reappearance of the Christ.

An enlightening expose‘ of this process is taken from Applied Wisdom;

“The Hierarchy, who has been preparing for this moment each year from festival to festival in

turn, gathers into itself the aspiration of the disciples and that aspiration is used as a direct

invocation to the Christ. When the time comes that the aspiration of the masses is great

enough and disciples are able to focus that aspiration and it can be lifted up by the Hierarchy

as a direct invocation to the Christ, the reappearance of the Christ in the life and affairs of the

human family will be possible. Through this process, the vibratory frequency of race mind

consciousness is increased.

Each year a higher frequency has been attained and as a result of the increased frequency,

energies of a more potent nature have been released into the etheric body of the human

family; when that frequency has been so increased and stabilized, that entry into race mind

consciousness via the embodiment in the Christ aspect in human form will be possible, without

shattering the etheric body of the human entity.” xlv

The magnetic pull of the Christ radiatory Presence, when sought and contacted, can also

transform and uplift the entire body of humanity. We read from Supermundane of the

purifying impact of the Christ presence:

―Great is His luminosity in the Subtle World, and He loves to descend into the lower

spheres so that His prana may purify the dark realms. It is not easy even for Him to

Page 22: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

descend, and one should appreciate all the more this example of His selfless healing of those

who suffer there.‖xlvi

And most importantly we anticipate and honor the hope that we too will see the Christ in

our lifetime:

“The appearance of the Christ among men will do the same thing for humanity as a whole,

not in any vicarious sense but through the livingness of His Presence, stimulating the Christ

principle in every human heart.” xlvii

Page 23: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world


i Helena Roerich, Infinity I, (New York: Agni Yoga Society, 1930), p. 151.

ii, (accessed

November 11, 2008). iii

LUCIS TRUST Newsletter, September 2010

iv, (accessed November

1, 2011).

v A. Bailey, Esoteric Healing (New York: Lucis Trust Pub. Co., 1953), p 174


Alice A. Bailey, Initiation: Human and Solar(New York: Lucis Publishing Company,

1922), p 43


Lucille Cedercrans, Applied Wisdom (Whittier: Wisdom Impressions, 2007), p.229-230


Initiation: Human and Solar, p 43-4


Ibid., p 43-4


Digha Nikaya, 26-A prophecy attributed to Guatama Buddha

xi Bruce Lyon, Mercury, (White Stone Publishing, NZ, 2003), p 26


Alice A, Bailey, The Externalization of the Hierarchy (New York: Lucis Publishing

Company, 1976), Page 595


Lucille Cedercrans, Nature of the Soul (Whittier: Wisdom Impressions, 1993), p.19


Alice A. Bailey, The Reappearance of the Christ, Lucis, 1948, (Chapter IV)


The Externalization of the Hierarchy, p 281


The Reappearance of the Christ, p. 10



Applied Wisdom, p 155

Page 24: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world



Lucille Cedercrans, Creative Thinking (Whittier: Wisdom Impressions, 2001), p 469


Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic(1934; reprint; New York: Lucis Publishing Company, 1979), p 374


Alice A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, vol. II (1955; reprint. New York: Lucis Publishing Company, 1972), 105


Mercury, p 102


Alice A. Bailey, Glamour: A World Problem (1950; reprint; New York: Lucis Publishing Company, 1973), p. 21


Alice A. Bailey, The Reappearance of the Christ, (Lucis Trust Pub., NY, 1948), p 37

xxvi Bruce Lyon, Group Initiation (White Stone Publishing, NZ, 2005), p.107

xxvii, (accessed November 21,



Group Initiation, 284


Group Initiation, 54


Bruce Lyon, Agni (White Stone Publishing, NZ), p 59


Alice A. Bailey, Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, (New York: Lucis Publishing

Company, 1950), p.33-5


Lucille Cedercrans, Ashramic Projections (Whittier: Wisdom Impressions, 2004), p 103


Mercury, p 108


Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic (1934; reprint; New York: Lucis Publishing Company, 1979), p 374


A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire (1925; reprint; New York: Lucis Publishing Company, 1973), p 513 xxxvi

Newsletter from Pam Nissen, 10/11/11 CSI.2, Master R/lucille:


Applied Wisdom, p, 266

Page 25: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world


Viola Petitt Neal and S. Karagulla, Through the Curtain (Camarillo: DeVorss and Co.,

1983), 61.


Nature of the Soul, p 491



Nature of the Soul, p. 491 xlii

Group Initiation, Page 129, BL xliii

Group Initiation, Page 125 xliv

Applied Wisdom, p. 1737

Meditation for Christ, #1, Wesak Booklet, Wisdom Impressions

This particular subject is one about which there is little clarification.

There are great cycles of approach, now entered into. In those cycles there are lesser cycles.

During any one of these lesser cycles, manifestation is possible, depending on the power of

humanity to invoke the appearance. There is choice. That entity has choice. When he has

reached the place he will accept the higher concept, he will himself invoke the appearance.

We are entering the period in which a lesser cycle such as the Wesak Festival could result

in the reappearance of the Christ.

This period has nothing to do with the form aspect; it deals entirely with the consciousness

aspect. It is the period where there is a closer affinity in states of consciousness between the

Hierarchy and humanity and higher than the Hierarchy.

The reappearance of the Christ will not be during the Wesak Festival. A cause is set into

motion and that cause manifests appearance. The factor of time is involved.

Please enter into a period of subjective work. Align with the World Group of disciples,

become the focus for aspiration and as humanity, aspire to the Hierarchy.

Become physically relaxed and comfortable, emotionally calm and serene, mentally poised

and alert, focus the consciousness in the ajna center and integrate the three-fold persona

via the sounding of the OM.

Upon a line of light withdraw the consciousness into the cave in the center of the head and

identify as the Soul.

Via a line of light upward through the head center, become receptive to an inflow of

energies from Hierarchial levels, projecting these energies outward through the ajna center

into the body of humanity as you receive them.

Now lift the consciousness from the cave in the center of the head to the head center and

visualize yourself as a sphere of blue-white Christ light.

Become receptive to the precipitating energies of the Divine Plan, radiating these energies

in an ever widening sphere of light into the body of humanity on mental, astral and etheric


Make the descent into the cave in the center of the head and repeat the following:

Page 26: The Sacred Dimensions of the Christ the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” ix The Tide of Spiritual Life “At that period, brethren, there will arise in the world

―As a unit of the One Life, I take my stand with all forces of light to serve the Divine Plan

for humanity in this time and place. May Christ return to earth.‖

Move outward to the ajna center and sound the OM.

For a few moments, as the Soul within the personality, radiate Love to all your Brothers.

Relax the attention and return to your normal focus.

My Peace is With You.


Applied Wisdom, Wesak Booklet, Lucille Cedercrans xlvi

Helena Roerich, Supermundane I , (New York: Agni Yoga Society, 1994), Sloka 150


The Reappearance of the Christ, Page 136