the round tower · july 2020 the round tower 50p. st. mary with st. leonard broomfield vicar...

The Parish Magazine of St. Mary with St. Leonard Broomfield July 2020 THE ROUND TOWER 50p

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Page 1: THE ROUND TOWER · July 2020 THE ROUND TOWER 50p. St. Mary with St. Leonard Broomfield Vicar Rev’d. Carolyn Tibbott 440318 The Vicarage, 10 Butlers Close CM1 7BE

The Parish Magazine of

St. Mary with St. Leonard Broomfield

July 2020



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St. Mary with St. Leonard Broomfield

Vicar Rev’d. Carolyn Tibbott 440318 The Vicarage, 10 Butlers Close CM1 7BE [email protected]

Associate Rev’d. Anne Harvey 443871 Priest Ladyhope House, Mill Lane CM1 7BQ [email protected]

Curate Rev’d. Diana Garfield 443205 71 Pickwick Avenue CM1 4UR [email protected]

Church Sue Garwood 442820 Warden Woollards, Church Green CM1 7BD

Assistant Mike Harvey 443871 Church Ladyhope House, Mill Lane CM1 7BQ Warden

Other contact points Church Website email [email protected] or Tel 07464 321616 (duty phone number)

Please note:

Copy for the Round Tower should be with the Editor by the 10th of each month please.

The Round Tower is 50p per copy or £5.00 for an annual subscription (payable in advance). Cheques should be made payable to: St. Mary’s Broomfield PCC

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Contents Page

Prayer for the Month 2

Greetings from the Vicarage 3

Register of Services 4

Comment 5

Readings for July 6

Complaints received by a resort chain 8

Get Collecting crisp packets 8

Visit the C of E online page 9

A very special painting 10

Thank you from Kath Gilbey 13

Thank you from Joan Vine 13

Why did God make mothers? 13

Group Scout Leader wanted 14

New Archbishop of York 15

Having trouble sleeping? 16

Swuthin 17

People of the Bible 18

Calendar 20

Worship with us online 21

Online Book of Remembrance 22

Easyfundraising 24

Recycle and fundraise for Guide Dogs 25

Ecclesiastical home insurance 26

Crossword 28

Sudokus 30

Children’s Corner 36

Sudoku & crossword solutions 39

Index of Advertisers 40

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10th November

Prayer for the Month of July

Whenever I bring clouds over the Earth and my Rainbow appears in the skies, I

will remember my covenant with you.

Genesis 9v 12.

Red, the colour of Blood; blood of Martyrs and Saints who gave their lives for

the faith we often hold so lightly. We pray for the Church that nurtured both

them and us.

Lord of the rainbow, we pray for those who suffer daily for the sake of their faith

and values.

Orange, the colour of the Sun; for warmth and light that brings life to all

creatures of this world that we share.

Yellow, for smiles, friendship, love and family. We bring to your ever open

arms, those who feel deserted, abandoned and those to whom loneliness is a

heavy burden.

Green is for your Creation that surrounds us. So much beauty Lord! Yet we

abuse the privilege you have given us to take care of it.

Blue is for Sea and Sky that link the people of your world in friendship, help and

caring but why O God do we choose hatred, violence and war? Lord of the

Rainbow, help us to respect all who share your world with us.

Indigo is for all the shadows we have to pass through, often caused by greed and


Violet is for sorrow, present every day in some corner of this troubled world.

Lord of the rainbow we bring all these colours and thoughts to you, and open our hearts with love and compassion for all who suffer. May all these colours combine into the white light of your dazzling presence that

we may all come to the fulfilment of your eternal Kingdom.


Prayer by Chris Watson

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Greetings from the Vicarage

My dear friends,

Some weeks ago, we heard, first on the BBC news, that places of worship would

be able to open from the 15th of June for private, individual prayer. The

following day we received guidance from the Church of England and Bishop

Peter. The bottom line of the advice is that churches may open if they are able to

provide a clean and safe environment for people to come into church. Here in

Broomfield Parish Church we always have to ensure that there are two people in

the building if it is open; that is a requirement of our Insurance policy. It also

makes sense from both a Christian hospitality point of view and in regard to

Safeguarding, both of the public and our volunteers.

So the decision was not an easy one. Discussions with the Standing Committee

and the PCC were fruitful with many creative ideas of what we might be able to

offer. Taking into account the guidance on protecting the vulnerable from

Covid19, as a Church we decided that we could not safely open for Private

Prayer on a regular basis. We must not ask those over the age of 70 or those with

any underlying health conditions to open the church building; therefore we do

not have enough volunteers to make opening the church possible. Notices to this

effect have been placed on the church notice board and the church door. I have

also put these messages on our website and Facebook page.

The PCC is really pleased with the way our online worship has been received,

this is our main way of engaging with worship for the time being. We continue

with our regularly uploaded worship of Morning Prayer at 8.40am and Evening

Prayer at 5.30pm. I have live streamed via Facebook twice a week, and of course

we are putting a video for Sunday Worship online for people to follow.

If you would like to pray with someone over the phone do give one of the

Ministry Team a call, we are always happy to chat or to pray with you.

Other work continues to be carried out. The Churchyard Working Party continue

the mowing and weeding in the Churchyard on a Tuesday morning, now

bringing their own refreshments and keeping a social distance. David is doing a

sterling job of ensuring all the equipment is sanitised and kept in good order. If

you would like to spend some time working in the Churchyard to turn up on a

Tuesday with gardening gloves and let David know what you are able to do.

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We are also still working on the new Churchyard extension. We are ready to

order the notice board, the benches and the markers for the new burial of ashes

area up there. A new Churchyard rules booklet has been put together which

includes the new area.

I have been in touch with both of the Schools in the parish and with other

organisations offering them prayer support.

This year will be one we never forget, 2020 and lockdown will be with us for a

long time. Things will continue to change and I think the new normal will look

quite different from what we left behind. However, we can trust in our God who

is the same yesterday, today and always, to transform us and make us fit for the

tasks which we will face as we come out of lockdown.

I hope you continue to keep well, enjoy the summer months, the beauty of nature

and the warm balmy weather. Keep praying, keep safe.

With every blessing


From the Register of Services June 2020


9th June Timothy Clifford John Collins (aged 74) 17th June Dennis Hadgraft (aged 93)

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Dear Friends

There’s just a hint of the dawn of the new normal emerging over the horizon at

last. I’ve had cups of tea in the gardens of friends, taking my own flask. I’ve

been able to at least see my pregnant daughter and her partner in person; over

halfway through and the bump only just seen by us. It’s salutary to find what

joy there is in so much we have hitherto taken for granted.

Cancelled plans are feeling a little less painful too; helped by the full refunds

received this week for the Oberammergau pilgrim group. I’ve yet to have my

test match tickets refunded though....

And other plans are now gently moving ahead, having been paused. In

anticipation of no bumps in the road our house move is progressing again and

we are busy sorting and disposing of decades of clutter .

None of us will forget 2020, not least those who have been personally afflicted

by Covid 19 and those who have lost loved ones, jobs and homes as a result.

Having delivered a pile of coats to CHESS this week I learned that although all

the homeless were off the streets at the start of the lockdown, those who have

become homeless since are rising in number and no provision has been made

to date.

Changes and losses are deeply painful; but they are the beginning of a new

phase, new opportunities and new approaches. If you are finding that hard to

believe right now, have courage. Things didn’t look too hot on Good Friday

either. A new day will dawn.

With love in Christ

Rev’d. Anne

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Readings for July

Although we cannot meet to hear the word of God read in church, we can

commit to reading the passages set for each Sunday. Carolyn will put a sermon

on the website each week which relates to the readings listed.

Sunday 5th July Fourth Sunday after Trinity

10.30 am Online Eucharist and Homily Matthew 11: 16 – 10 and 25 – end 5.30 pm Evening Prayer online Psalm 56 Sunday 12th July Fifth Sunday after Trinity

10.30 am Online Eucharist and Homily Matthew 13: 1 – 9 and 18 – 23 5.30 pm Evening Prayer online Psalm 60 Sunday 19th July Sixth Sunday after Trinity

10.30 am Online Eucharist and Homily Matthew 13: 24 – 30 and 36 – 43 5.30 pm Evening Prayer online Psalm 67

Sunday 26th July Seventh Sunday after Trinity 10.30 am Online Eucharist and Homily Matthew 13: 31 – 33 and 44 – 52 5.30 pm Evening Prayer online Psalm 75

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Get collecting:

Empty Crisp packets of all types of crisps, printer ink

Cartridges, thick plastic which holds cans of drinks

together BUT NO popcorn packets, please.

Please bring your crisp packets to the church and Glynis will deliver them to the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association. They have a source which will give them money for all of these things. The plastic is turned into beach shoes and benches.

Actual complaints received by a resort chain

(before lockdown!)

On my holiday to India, I was disgusted to find that almost every restaurant

served curry. I don't like spicy food.

We booked an excursion to a water park, but no one told us we had to bring our

own swimsuits and towels. We assumed it would be included in the price.

The beach was too sandy. We had to clean everything when we returned to our


No one told us there would be fish in the water. The children were scared.

It took us nine hours to fly home from Jamaica to England. It took the Americans

only three hours to get home. This seems unfair.

We had to line up outside to catch the boat and there was no air-conditioning.

I was bitten by a mosquito. The brochure did not mention mosquitoes.


As you prepare for the school holidays, remember this: children are natural

mimics. They act like us in spite of all our attempts to teach them good manners.

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Visit the C of E online page

There is now a range of digital resources for to you connect with God at this

difficult time. These include:

Time to Pray app ( which

is free and has an accompanying daily audio offering on SoundCloud and


Mental health reflections (


Tips to tackle isolation (


Finally, there are the Church’s smart speaker apps, which provide a range of

Christian resources.

speaker-apps In March alone, the number of people using the Alexa app rose

by more than 70 per cent.

More details at:


For those without internet the C of E’s FREE phone number that provides a

24hr service/hymns etc is 0800 8048044 Daily Hope (see article below).

The queue

While waiting in a long queue early one morning for the supermarket to open for

us ‘seniors’, I was surprised to see a young man saunter along and try to cut in at

the front of the queue. A furious old lady waved her cane at him, and he quickly

backed away.

A moment later, the young man tried again. He managed to dodge the old lady,

but then two old men started shouting at him. Again, the young man backed


But he wasn’t giving up, and soon the young man approached the queue for the

third time. By now, all of us pensioners were ready for him, an angry wall of


The young man stood there for a moment, and then shrugged his shoulders. "If

you people won't let me unlock the door, none of you will ever get in to shop."

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A very special painting

Some of our readers may not be aware that the tower of our church in

Broomfield conceals an artistic treasure – a wall painting that is possibly the only

true fresco in an English church. In case you are not sure what the difference is

between a wall painting and a fresco, then I will explain – a “buon fresco” is

painted directly on to wet, fresh plaster. A wall painting may be painted on to a

dry wall.

The story of our fresco at St Mary’s is a fascinating one. It was painted during

the Second World War in 1941 by Rosemary Rutherford, daughter of the Rev’d.

John Rutherford, Vicar of Broomfield from 1930-1957. Rosemary was a

recognised artist of her time. She had become interested in fresco painting before

the war when there had been a resurgence of interest in it. At the end of the

nineteenth century frescos had been attempted in the new Houses of Parliament

building but these had been unsuccessful. The difficulty with frescos is getting

the paint to stick to the wall as it dries. Even the famous Leonardo Da Vinci

fresco in the monastery in Milan started to peel off the wall almost as soon as he

had finished it.

Rosemary was determined to create a successful fresco and somehow obtained

permission from her father to paint on the inside wall of the tower. No

permission was sought from the Diocese of Chelmsford authorities (a Faculty)

for the work. It seems to have been carried out in a rather clandestine fashion.

Rev’d. Rutherford apparently believed that he had sole authority over what went

on in the tower of his church.

Rosemary’s brother, John Alton Rutherford assisted her with the work, as

preparing a wall for fresco painting is fairly hard manual labour. Later, John

wrote about their work in the Broomfield magazine 1975. Here is his account of

the proceedings.

“Day after day we locked ourselves in and quietly chipped off the plaster

down to the flint wall over an area of approximately seven feet by five feet.

Each evening after dark I carried out buckets of rubble and hid them at the top

of the churchyard! Once down to the foundation we layered four layers of

lime mortar, allowing each one to dry before adding the next. The fifth layer

was of mortar made with lime and ground white marble, giving a beautiful

white surface, and each day we layed only as much as could be painted while

it was still wet. The earth colours then sank in and could not peel off. The

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blues have faded a bit, as the paint should have been mixed with egg, and

there were no fresh eggs.”

Rosemary and John’s hard work paid off and the fresco has survived in our

tower remarkably well. It is a large, powerful painting showing Christ stilling the

storm on Lake Galilee, surrounded by his frightened disciples. In 2003

restoration work was carried out on it and again this year, during May, we have

had a conservation expert in to check its condition. Fortunately the fresco seems

to be in reasonable condition although some cleaning and preservation work is

now necessary. The humidity in the tower is a problem and this is caused by the

holes made by the woodpeckers in the spire and the fact that the tower walls

need repointing. We urgently need to seek funding to repair this historic part of

our church and preserve this unique work of art.

The PCC and the Grant Application group are preparing a bid to the Heritage

Lottery Fund for the £150,000 needed to do this essential repair work. We are

hoping that the unique nature of the fresco will provide the key that unlocks the

necessary grant aid. Rosemary Rutherford also created our stained glass

windows in the chancel and the big East window over the altar, so we have a

special Rutherford interest in the church. We also have the Rutherford graves in

the churchyard beside the tower. Our thinking is that we can offer our

community and the artistic community a special insight into the post-war style of

art that Rosemary’s work exemplifies. We want too to increase access to the

fresco and encourage interest in all kinds of experimental church art in people of

all ages.

Do talk to PCC members about this project and share news about it around the

community. As soon as our church is open again we will be welcoming visitors

to come and look at the fresco and share their impressions of it. We want to

create an ongoing tribute to our own Broomfield artist, Rosemary Rutherford.

Rev’d. Diana

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Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for your messages of sympathy and the wonderful cards and

phone calls, and most of all for the prayers. I felt I was lifted up over the last

weeks of Cliff’s life when he struggled to do everything. We were pleased that

the hospital found a Christian nurse to sit with him, and that he died peacefully.

As soon as it is possible we hope to have a celebration of Cliff’s life in Church.

Many thanks and love to you all.

Kath Gilbey and Family


Following the death of my dear husband Alan in April, I would like to thank my

church family for all their cards, messages of sympathy and their prayers for my


Many thanks Joan Vine

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Why did God make mothers? Here are some of the answers seven-year-olds gave to the following questions…

Why did God give you your mother and not some other mum?

God knew she likes me a lot more than other kids' mums like me.

What kind of little girl was your mum?

I don't know because I wasn't there, but my guess would be pretty bossy.

What did your mum need to know about your dad before she married him?

His last name.

Why did your mum marry your dad?

She got too old to do anything else with him.

What's the difference between mums & dads?

Mum knows how to talk to teachers without scaring them.

What would it take to make your mum perfect?

On the inside she's already perfect. Outside, I think some kind of plastic surgery.

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New Archbishop of York to be confirmed

Bishop Stephen Geoffrey Cottrell will be confirmed as the 98th Archbishop of

York this month.

The service, at 11am on Thursday 9th July, will be broadcast entirely via video

conference due to the Coronavirus restrictions. The service, which had been

due to take place in York Minster, will be in two parts. A legal ceremony with

readings, prayers and music, will be followed by a film marking the start of

Bishop Stephen’s ministry as Archbishop of York.

Bishop Stephen Cottrell says: “I am looking forward to beginning my ministry

as the 98th Archbishop of York. This isn’t quite how I imagined it would

begin. It is certainly the first time an Archbishop’s election will have been

confirmed via video conference. But we’re all having to re-imagine how we

live our lives and how we inhabit the world.

“These are difficult times. My hope is that through this service the love of

God that is given us in Jesus Christ will shine out, perhaps even to those who

while never attending a service in York Minster, might have a look online

Following in the footsteps of my many predecessors, I look forward to serving

our nation and bringing the love and peace of Christ to our world, especially

here in the north.”

The service will be available on the Church of England website. Arrangements

for Bishop Stephen’s enthronement service will be announced later in the


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Having Trouble Sleeping?

“You can go to bed without fear….lie down and sleep soundly” .

Proverbs 3:24 NLT

Insomnia is a miserable thing. At any given time it affects 30 to 50 per cent of

the population. You dread bedtime, toss and tumble all night and walk around

exhausted the next day. And when it continues for weeks or even months, it can

depress you and rob you of your joy. Is that what’s happening to you right now?

Then let God help you. His Word says “He gives rest to His loved ones” (Psalm

127: NLT ). His promise is, “ you can go to bed without fear; you will lie down

and sleep soundly.” And if you are addicted to sleeping pills, the Great Physician

can heal you. You could make this your prayer today:

“ Father, shine Your light on the root cause of my sleeplessness. Whatever

anxieties are stopping me from entering into a state of restorative slumber, I cast

them all on You as instructed, knowing You care for me ( 1 Peter 5:7). Calm my

racing thoughts and restless mind. Help me to be still and know You are my God

(Psalm 46:10). I submit to Your command not to worry about anything, but to

pray about everything instead. I bring my needs to You and thank you for all you

have already done. Your Word assures me that if I do this I’ll experience Your

peace, which is more wonderful than the human mind can understand, and it will

guard my heart and my mind ( Philippians 4: 6-7). By faith I will lie down

tonight without fear or anxiety and enjoy pleasant dreams. Yes, I will lie down in

peace and sleep because You Lord will keep me safe ( Psalm 4:8). In Jesus’

name I pray, Amen.”

Source: U.C.B. Word for Today

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Swithun (or Swithin)

saint for a rainy day

St Swithun is apparently the saint you can blame for rainy summers. It is said

that if it rains on his special day, 15th July, it will then rain for 40 days after that.

It all began when Swithun was made Bishop of Winchester in 852 by King

Ethelwulf of Wessex. It was an important posting: Winchester was the capital of

Wessex, and during the 10 years Swithun was there, Wessex became the most

important kingdom of England.

During his life, instead of washing out people’s summer holidays, and damping

down their spirits, Swithun seems to have done a lot of good. He was famous for

his charitable gifts and for his energy in getting churches built. When he was

dying in 862, he asked that he be buried in the cemetery of the Old Minster, just

outside the west door.

If he had been left there in peace, who knows how many rainy summers the

English may have been spared over the last 1000 years. But, no, it was decided

to move Swithun. By now, the 960s, Winchester had become the first monastic

cathedral chapter in England, and the newly installed monks wanted Swithun in

the cathedral with them. So finally, on 15 July 971, his bones were dug up and

Swithun was transferred into the cathedral.

That same day many people claimed to have had miraculous cures. Certainly

everyone got wet, for the heavens opened. The unusually heavy rain that day,

and on the days following, was attributed to the power of St Swithun. Swithun

was moved again in 1093, into the new Winchester cathedral. His shrine was a

popular place of pilgrimage throughout the middle ages. The shrine was

destroyed during the Reformation and restored in 1962. There are 58 ancient

dedications to Swithun in England.

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People of the Bible

Matthew the apostle – Gospel of Matthew When researching the apostle Matthew, I

learned a few things I didn’t know before.

The Gospel of Matthew was set in a style

befitting a man who had been a tax collector,

and had a keen interest in accounting.

Matthew’s gospel is considered by biblical scholars to be very orderly and

concise. Such was his skill in writing that Matthew’s ability to record a person’s

words through a type of shorthand means that he could give a fairly accurate

account of many of Christ’s sermons. As an example, Christ’s, ‘Sermon on the

Mount’ in chapters 5-7 is considered to be an almost perfect recording of that

amazing message. Matthew probably wrote his gospel around fifty years after

Jesus’ Ascension into heaven a time when the majority of Christians were

Jewish converts.

Matthew needed to prove to the early Christians, the people he loved and was

most concerned about, that Jesus Christ was the Messiah they had all be waiting

for, and to enhance his message he often quotes the Old Testament to show how

Jesus had fulfilled the word of the Jewish prophets. And believe it or not,

St Matthew is the patron saint of accountants!

Point: Well… you might have known about Matthew being the patron saint of

accountants but I didn’t.

Opinion: I don’t think that anyone could imagine what really happened to the

disciples after the shocking capture, death and resurrection of their leader. How

did the disciples really feel after the loss of their Lord? Perhaps some of them

felt that they had been dreaming a dream all this time. Was it the Holy Spirit who

inspired Matthew to pen his gospel after such a long time…What do you think?

e: [email protected]

Bible Study: If you want to know more about bible classes here at St Mary’s

speak to any of the clergy team.

Joan Vine e:[email protected]

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Church Calendar

July 2020

As I write this in the middle of June we are being advised that the church

may be able to be opened for Private Prayer from the 15th of June. A risk

assessment will be carried out and details will be published on the website if

this is possible. There is no mention yet of Public worship. So it is with

disappointment, but a duty to protect all those who usually attend church

that I publish this calendar.

If this situation changes between publishing this magazine and the beginning

of July I will contact all those on the electoral roll by email and put details

on the website:

We are still regularly uploading worship on to our website and our

Facebook page. Every Sunday there will be worship provided through these


Please do email a member of the ministry team if you have any pastoral

needs, or if you just fancy a chat. We will continue to serve you in whatever

way we can, whilst ensuring that we follow both Government and Church of

England Guidance.

Sunday 5th July Fourth Sunday after Trinity

10.30 am Eucharist and Homily online

5.30 pm Evening Prayer online

Sunday 12th July The Fifth Sunday after Trinity

10.30 am Eucharist and Homily online

5.30 pm Evening Prayer online

Sunday 19th July The Sixth Sunday after Trinity

10.30 am Eucharist and Homily online

5.30 pm Evening Prayer online

Sunday 26th July The Seventh Sunday after Trinity

10.30 am Eucharist and Homily online

5.30 pm Evening Prayer online

for more details visit our website

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Online book of remembrance

opened at St Paul’s

St Paul’s Cathedral has launched Remember Me, an online book of remembrance

for all those who have been living in the UK who have died as a result of the

COVID-19 pandemic. People of all faiths, beliefs or none are invited to

contribute to Remember Me.

HRH The Prince of Wales, who recorded a video message, said: “This virtual

book of remembrance is here not just to recall our loss and sorrow, but also to be

thankful for everything good that those we have loved brought into our lives.”

Family, friends and carers of those who have died can submit, free of charge, the

name, photograph and a short message in honour of a deceased person via

the Remember Me website. The deceased person must have been living in the

UK. Remember Me will be open for entries for as long as needed. It is intended

that the Remember Me site will become a physical memorial at the Cathedral.

Some thoughts:

We forget that we do not inherit the earth from our parents, but we borrow it

from our children. This world is not ours to despoil and destroy. It is the gift of

God, and through its fecundity and beauty, is one of the chief ways in which God

speaks to all nations. - Andrew Dotchin

Here are two things I have learned: There is a God. And I’m not Him. - Anon

Science can add years to your life, but only Christ can add life to your years. -


Page 25: THE ROUND TOWER · July 2020 THE ROUND TOWER 50p. St. Mary with St. Leonard Broomfield Vicar Rev’d. Carolyn Tibbott 440318 The Vicarage, 10 Butlers Close CM1 7BE


K BOND BUILDING DESIGN Architectural Services for Residential Properties.

Plans designed for Planning permission and Building Regulation approvals.

Tel: 01245 248395 Mob: 07770 558622 E-mail: [email protected]

Page 26: THE ROUND TOWER · July 2020 THE ROUND TOWER 50p. St. Mary with St. Leonard Broomfield Vicar Rev’d. Carolyn Tibbott 440318 The Vicarage, 10 Butlers Close CM1 7BE


Booking your holiday on the net, changing your car or house insurance,

or just considering a little retail therapy?

• If you are then please consider using the easyfundraising route. It is easy,

there’s no cost to yourself and you will give the church’s finances a

significant boost.

• So far over 31 members of us have signed up and together we have now

raised nearly £1,200. Holiday bookings have been known to raise in the

order of £30!

• If you are interested in helping church finances in this way please contact me

and we’ll soon have you up and spending.

• Congratulations and thank you to all those members of the congregation who have used this method of raising money for the church. Give yourself a pat on the back. We have now raised nearly £1,200 just by adding a few extra clicks of the mouse when doing on-line shopping,

Alun Powell

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Recycled material may be dropped off with Glynis and Brian Worboys (leave by

front door), 5 Butlers Close, Broomfield, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 7BE 01245


Please flatten any packets rather than screw them up, as it would be a great help,

but no need to separate the items.

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Are you thinking of changing your home insurance provider? If so, you might

like to consider looking at the Ecclesiastical Insurance Group. If they suit your

needs and you swap to them the company is willing to give the church £130. The

group have recently re-introduced this scheme which will run until the end of


St Mary’s church buildings and contents are insured with the EIG as are,

probably, all of the parishes in the Diocese. One member of the congregation did

swap to the EIG when the scheme was last run and, as far as I am aware, have

been happy with the result.

It is important, however, as with any financial agreement, that proper

consideration is given to the details of the EIG scheme compared with your

current provider.

Alun Powell

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Local Electrician

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Call Steve on:

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Page 30: THE ROUND TOWER · July 2020 THE ROUND TOWER 50p. St. Mary with St. Leonard Broomfield Vicar Rev’d. Carolyn Tibbott 440318 The Vicarage, 10 Butlers Close CM1 7BE


Crossword (answers on page 39) Across

Across 1 ‘I pray that out of his glorious — he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit

in your inner being’ (Ephesians 3:16) (6)

4 ‘Saul’s father Kish and — father Ner were sons of Abiel’ (1 Samuel 14:51) (6)

7 ‘Praise the Lord, O my — ’ (Psalm 103:1) (4)

8 See 5 Down

9 Laws (1 Kings 11:33) (8)

13 ‘Who of you by worrying can — a single hour to his life?’ (Luke 12:25) (3)

16 Artistry (Exodus 31:5) (13)

17 ‘Your young men will see visions, your — men will dream dreams’ (Acts 2:17) (3)

19 How David described his Lord (Psalm 19:14) (8)

24 ‘If this city is built and its — — restored, you will be left with nothing in

Trans-Euphrates’ (Ezra 4:16) (5,3)

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25 ‘The holy Scriptures, which are able to make you — for salvation through faith in

Christ Jesus’ (2 Timothy 3:15) (4)

26 Intended destination of arrows (Lamentations 3:12) (6)

27 Eve hit (anag.) (6)


1 ‘For I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find — for your souls’

(Matthew 11:29) (4)

2 Where Peter was when he denied Christ three times (Luke 22:55) (9)

3 Remarkable early 20th-century Indian evangelist, a convert from Hinduism, — Sundar

Singh (5)

4 ‘Now the king had put the officer on whose — — leaned in charge of the gate’ (2

Kings 7:17) (3,2)

5 and 8 Across The Lover describes this facial feature of the Beloved thus: ‘Your

— is like the tower of Lebanon looking towards — ’ (Song of Songs 7:4) (4,8)

6 ‘Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled — your waist’ (Ephesians 6:14) (5)

10 Trout (anag.) (5)

11 Easily frightened (1 Thessalonians 5:14) (5)

12 The ability to perceive (Ecclesiastes 10:3) (5)

13 One of the clans descended from Benjamin (Numbers 26:38) (9)

14 “It is one of the Twelve,” he replied, “one who — bread into the bowl with

me”’ (Mark 14:20) (4)

15 Resound (Zephaniah 2:14) (4)

18 Traditional seat of the Dalai Lama (5)

20 Precise (John 4:53) (5)

21 Build (Ezekiel 4:2) (5)

22 Beat harshly (Acts 22:25) (4)

23 Darius, who succeeded Belshazzar as king of the Babylonians, was one (Daniel 5:31)


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Try our July Sudokus (solutions on page 39)



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RHP Sports & Social (Bowls) Club Invites You to take a look at what we have and what we do.

Whether you are male or female, whatever your age, why not give us a try: Green Bowls, Carpet Bowls, Varied Social Programme

If interested then contact either. Ian 01245 349212 Andrea 01245 269836 or John 01245 357177

Canterbury Way, St Fabians Drive CM1 2XN.

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Treasure discovered In Saxon Way!


Found at the end of the road


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Children's Corner

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Can you get out of this maze?

Children's Corner

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CHIROPODIST/PODIATRIST Andrew Marlow MSSCh MBChA Treatment in the comfort of your own home

Mobile 07754 700950 [email protected]

Page 41: THE ROUND TOWER · July 2020 THE ROUND TOWER 50p. St. Mary with St. Leonard Broomfield Vicar Rev’d. Carolyn Tibbott 440318 The Vicarage, 10 Butlers Close CM1 7BE


The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have issued advice that all public worship be suspended until further notice.


if you are on the rota to act as Sidesperson until further notice.


Answers to crossword on page 28. ACROSS: 1, Riches. 4, Abner’s. 7, Soul. 8, Damascus. 9, Statutes. 13, Add. 16, Craftsmanship. 17, Old. 19, Redeemer. 24, Walls are. 25, Wise. 26, Target. 27, Thieve. DOWN: 1, Rest. 2, Courtyard. 3, Sadhu. 4, Arm he. 5, Nose. 6, Round. 10, Tutor. 11, Timid. 12, Sense. 13, Ashbelite. 14, Dips. 15, Echo. 18, Lhasa. 20, Exact. 21, Erect. 22, Flog. 23, Mede.

Solution to Sudokus on page 30

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Index of Advertisers Page

Andrew Marlow - Chiropodist/Podiatrist 38

Barry Horne Painter and Decorator 38

B P Window & Sons 31

Broomfield Cottage Gardeners’ Society 34

Broomfield Village Hall 35

Chelmsford Foot Clinic 32

Do you love singing? 32

Glazeme 23

Jim’s Décor & Maintenance 38

K Bond Building Design 23

The Lilac Garden 38

Lynda’s Celebration Cakes 34

Main Style - Hairdressing 33

Moulsham Appliance Repairs (MAR) 23

MT Electrical Contractors 19

N J Fleming Plastering 31

Phoenix Cars - Car Hire 33

RHP Sports and Social (Bowls) Club 31

Robertson Plumbing 23

The Royal British Legion 35

Steve (electrician) 27

Tony’s Barbershop 34

Tower Upholstery 29

Treble 8 Cabs 31

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CONTACTS Hon Secretary Carol Knott 443363 25 Church Green CM1 7BD

Hon Treasurer Alun Powell 442842 14 Butlers Close CM1 7BE

Safeguarding Officer Lisbeth Hardy 440443

Free Will Margaret Powell 442842 Offering Sec.

Organists Jill Parkin 460056

Fun Faith

Little Lambs Margaret Deacon 901413

St Mary’s Sue Cole 441157 Ladies Group

Bible Reading Margaret Ginn 440688 Fellowship

Bellringers Linda Clements 422013

Flowers Margaret Pinkerton 440226

Choir Jill Parkin 460056 Magazine Committee Editor Rev’d. Carolyn Tibbott 440318 Assistant editor Alun Powell 442842 Committee Peter Watson (advertisements) 440174 Margaret Ginn Margaret Clarke Trudy Stevens

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The Church of St. Mary with St. Leonard, serving God and the people of Broomfield

yesterday, today and tomorrow

for more details visit our website