the roles and relationship between teachers, paraprofessionals (ea’s) and students with special...

The Roles and Relationship between Teachers, Paraprofessionals (EA’s) and students with special needs A vague overview

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Page 1: The Roles and Relationship between Teachers, Paraprofessionals (EA’s) and students with special needs A vague overview

The Roles and Relationship between Teachers, Paraprofessionals (EA’s) and students with

special needs

A vague overview

Page 2: The Roles and Relationship between Teachers, Paraprofessionals (EA’s) and students with special needs A vague overview

Section 18 of The School Act

• (1) Boards may employ persons other than teachers to assist teachers in carrying out their responsibilities and duties under this Act and Regulations

• (2) Persons employed under subsection (1) shall work under the general supervision of a teacher or administrative officer

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Key Points

• An education assistant must always work under the direction of a teacher or the principal.

• The teacher’s role is to manage the classroom.• Teachers must fulfill their responsibility for diagnosing

learning needs, for selecting and implementing appropriate educational programs, and for assessing educational results.

• The assistant’s role is to carry out the work that has been planned and developed by the teacher, either with an individual student or a small group.

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Special Needs

• “The teacher responsible for a student with special needs is responsible for designing and supervising and assessing the educational program for that student” (B.7)

• “Teacher assistants play a key role in the many programs for students with special needs, performing functions which range from personal care to assisting the teacher with instructional programs” (B.8)

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Teachers’ and Teacher Assistants’ Joint Working Relationship

• Develop a positive working relationship• Meet standards of professional and ethical

conduct in relation to: students, parents, teachers• Advocate for conditions of success for students

with special needs• Advocate protection of legal and human rights for

students and families• Follow guidelines established by the school/district

to protect safety and wellbeing of youth

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Designing programs and planning and organizing learning experiences for students with special needs

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Teacher Shared Teacher Assistants-Design Instructional programs which meet the required outcomes and support students with IEPs- Identify responsibilities of network of student support (i.e. Involving everyone in an IEP to implement/monitor)

Discuss students strengths and weaknesses, attend program planning meetings, Pro D Etc. Assists in development of education plan for students with special needs

Shares relevant information about performances and individual learners to support IEP and program design

Plan Learning Activities Discuss objectives and goals -clarify how teacher assistants can assist the teacher with instructional goals

Gathers relevant information through working with students and provides feedback

Determine appropriate modifications

Work together to adapt/modify based on observations

Adapt strategies to accommodate individual learners needs

-Provide instructional resources-monitor and advocate for resources

Collaborate in setting priorities for learning resource development

Assist with the development of instructional learning resources

Review and reinforce learning concepts and skill development

Review learning resources together to clarify and share experiences and expectations

Review and reinforce learning activities using lesson plans and learning strategies developed by the teacher to help students learn concepts and skills

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Cont…Teacher Shared Teacher assistant

Develop School Based learning goals for individuals and groups

Plan activities to meet goals -Assist students with learning activities and or independent study activities- Monitor and report on the implementation of the program

Designs learning and skill development goals for worksites and community based settings

-Plan activities to meet goals- Share resource concerns

Support learning and skill development activities

Establishes work plan Priorities

Review plan daily and weekly Follow priority planUpdates teacher on implementation of program

Provides teacher assistant with the requisite information regarding the classroom management structure discipline plan and expectations for students

Discuss and clarify classroom management structure

Carries out work within developed structure plan being consistent with expectations and IEP

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Implementing Programs

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Teacher Shared Teachers Assistant

Instructs, Supervises and Facilitates student learning

Discuss successful Practice Facilitates student learning individually and in small groups

-Develops individualized, appropriate behavioral program-Models techniques for teachers assistant to use in providing instructional and behavioral assistance

Discuss specific philosophy, techniques strategies and appropriate language

- Implements the techniques and strategies as demonstrated

- Documents monitors and reports on program

Define the use of specific techniques and strategies and appropriate language as required in situations

“ “ Implements specific techniques, strategies, languages

Seeks assistance of administrative officer to provide a workplace for the teacher assistant

Discuss workplace settings Monitors effectiveness of workplace settings and reports changes to teacher/admin

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Assessing, Evaluating and Reporting Student Progress

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Teacher Shared Teachers Assistant

Ensures assessments and learner profiles are current

-discuss information -Carries out functional (informal) assessment activities to assist the teacher

Convenes/attends meetings of student support team

Discuss relevant info/observations with support team

Attends meetings of specific support team during the school day

Evaluates Progress according to goals of IEP

Exchanges information -Observes and documents learners strengths and weakness-Assists in collection of data for purpose of evaluating progress

Reports to parenting Discuss relevant and confidential info

Provides information to teacher for home/school communications

Maintains required school, district and provincial records

Clarify data requirements Assist in maintaining learner records required by school, district and province

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Developing Supportive Environments: For Learners, Families, School and District

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Teachers Shared Teacher Assistants

Document and share workplace concerns

Discuss concerns to facilitate early problem solving through informal and regular meetings

Document and share workplace concerns

Remain current in school, district and provincial procedures Review and monitor policies and procedures Share Information

Follow guidelines established by the school/district to protect the safety and wellbeing of youth and staff

-Remain current in school, district and provincial procedures -Review and monitor policies and procedures Share Information

Shares current student relation information on behavioral, social, emotional and physical heath on an as need basis

-Maintain confidentiality Support occupational and physiotherapists, speech, language, pathologists, vision, hearing etc. -Follow established protocol and collective agreements regarding administering of medicine and or medial procedures

-Carries out personal and health care routines as directed -Carries out specific procedures only if appropriate training has been provided-Follows all established reporting procedures

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BCTF Special Ed Policy: Special Needs Categories

• E.1 Considerations for Reporting 40 • E.2 Intellectual Disabilities 41 • E.3 Learning Disabilities 47 • E.4 Gifted53 • E.5 Behavioral Needs or Mental Illness 56 • E.6 Physically Dependent 63 • E.7 Deaf & Blind 67 • E.8 Physical Disabilities or Chronic Health Impairments 70• E.9 Visual Impairments 74• E.10 Deaf or Hard of Hearing 79 • E.11 Autism Spectrum Disorder 85

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(Ex. Physically Depenant)

Teachers Assistants- Teachers’ assistants who work in classrooms with students with dependent needs should have sufficient skills and training for the duties they are assigned, including: • an understanding of the social, emotional, and educational implications of dependent needs; • functional life skills and career development• technological support.

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Section 106.3 (5) of the School Act provides the legal authority for special needs funding.

• Level 1– includes students with multiple needs who are Dependent Handicapped or DeafBlind • Level 2– includes students with Moderate/Profound Intellectual Disabilities, with Physical Disabilities or Chronic Health Impairments, with Visual Impairments, with Autism Spectrum Disorder, or students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing • Level 3– includes students requiring Intensive Behavior Interventions or students with Serious Mental Illness

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Allocation of Resources

• As part of the funding formula school districts will receive:

• Level 1 supplementary funding- $36,600 per full time equivalent (FTE).

• Level 2 supplementary funding- $18,300 per FTE.

• Level 3 supplementary funding- $9,200 per FTE.

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District Based Allocation

• Currently, School districts are responsible for the hiring and allocation of EA’s through out schools in their district

• The process of allocating resources is “formula based” – roughly it translates to (x) amount of students assigned 1, 2 or 3 = (y) amount of dollars/number of students per school with students with specific needs

• Districts can assign EA’s to schools based on the number of students with specific needs

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• The formula based allocation of Educational Assistants is sort of always “in transition” – currently there is a push for school based assessment of needs through team based evaluation of SPECIFIC needs with admin, faculty and special ed departments to facilitate students with special needs through scheduling, using presently available resources and creating an all encompassing support network for students with special needs.

• When this evaluation and assessment of needs in place, schools can then draft a proposal for funding to address specific needs and issues within their school that are not addressed by doing the above stated

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National Average pay of EA• National Hourly Rate Data Hourly Rate• C$13.45 - C$24.09 • Overtime• C$0.00 - C$34.27 • National Annualized Data • Bonus• C$0.00 - C$197.27 • Total Pay

• C$22,617 - C$49,542

• National Average: C$37,000

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Special Education VS Educational Assistants

• Educators trained in Special Education Practices are qualified to work with students with specific educational challenges due to moderate to severe disabilities

• Educational assistants, while able to help facilitate the role of special educators, do not fill these specialized roles.

• Ridge Meadows College special education program (Maple Ridge)

• VIU Masters of Special Education

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Langara College Description of Educational Assistant

• Works under the direction of teachers, administrators, or other professionals;• Assists in the development and implementation of individualized or group

communication skills, behavioral support, learning support, life-skills development, and work experience;

• Assists in the modification and adaptation of curriculum to meet the individual learning needs of students;

• Attends to and provides personal assistance to students who require assistance with toileting, positioning, diapering, mobility, feeding, grooming, and dressing;

• Transfers and assists students moving to/from wheelchairs, desks, and work areas;• Supervises students in a variety of community-based activities;• Attends and participates in school-based team meetings (and other meetings) as

required by the support teachers or school administrators;• Participates in parent-teacher meetings where required; and• Performs other related work as required.

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• Educational assistants play a critical role within the classroom, especially pertaining to assisting students with special needs. A working relationship and good communication practices between teachers and educational assistants can greatly facilitate learning for students with special needs.