the role of education in the construction of the new era

The Role of Education in the Construction of the New Era… Claudia Nunes Bezerra de Menezes Miami January 2015

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The Role of Education in the Construction of the New Era…

Claudia Nunes

Bezerra de Menezes Miami

January 2015

Carl Gustave Jung

“ A Human being never perceives anything fully or comprehends anything completely. He can see, hear,

touch, and taste; but how far he sees, how well he hears, what his touch tells him, and what he testes depend upon the number and quality of his senses.

These limit his perception… By using scientific instruments he can partly compensate for the

deficiencies of his senses [but]… no matter what instruments he uses, at some point he reaches the

edge of certainty beyond which conscious knowledge cannot pass.”


What will we cover today?

• Progress x Evolution

• Law of Progress

• Education

• New Era

• Techniques


Progress X Evolution


• Progress is the motion that propels the being forward.


• Evolution is the constant or gradual transition from a state to another

Moral Laws

• Eternal and Unchangeable as God Himself.

– Adoration

– Labor

– Reproduction

– Preservation

– Destruction

– Social

– Progress

– Equality

– Liberty

– Justice, Love and Charity

– Perfection


Law of Progress

• Nature is on a primitive State. Civilization is incompatible with the state of nature, while the law of nature contributes to the progress of the human race.

• Mankind must progress continuously, and cannot return to the state of infancy.

• Spirits are set out to progress because it’s God’s will.

• Was the human race primitive at one point?



“A Spiritually Educated Child will be an adult that will raise oneself toward future happiness”.

“In these transition years that separate us from new Millennium Earth, it is essential to embrace, with commitment and hard work, the task of evangelization in the children's soul, so deficient in love and wisdom, however, receptive and conducive to the new teachings. And this, with the same enthusiasm and promptness with which a farmer wakes up early to cultivate the soil, preparing the sowing of his hopes for abundant harvest months to come.”

Bezerra de Menezes


Spiritist Education for Children and Youth is of utmost importance, as the children of today will be the new humanity of tomorrow. The youth of today will be called upon to perform tasks and meet the commitments whose results depend on the training that they will be given from now. Spiritism restores Jesus Christ’s thinking in a compatible manner with the achievements of modern knowledge – it’s obvious that the preparation of children and young minds in the light of Spiritist education is the best program for a happy and Christian society.

As stated by the Spiritual Benefactors, higher spirits reincarnate to hasten the "kingdom of God." Other more unfortunate spirits were trapped in areas of shadow and pain for a few centuries, so that they didn’t disturb the march of progress of mankind. They will also be reincarnating - as it’s already been happening. Therefore, we should aim to help the latter to open new paths for the Good and the Truth, aiding them to awake their responsibilities.

Joanna de Angelis

By Divaldo Franco

Aug 23rd, 1982


“The Spiritist Evangelization of Children and Youth represents the progress of mankind… the appeal of Jesus that still echoes, almost painfully, in our souls: ― the harvest is great, but the workers are few.”

Aureo – The Spirit

Hernani T. SaintAnna

1st Decade of the Permanent Campaign of Spiritist Youth Evangelization


Why is it that a campaign of such magnitude with so many possibilities in the field of moral transformation of men find so many difficulties to be held?

All human dignity proposal meets resistance in those who delight in error, in ignorance of the truth, in self-indulgence. Reacting against the factors that promote the freedom, receive a violent attack from the antagonists of the progress, brandishing the weapons of resentment and malice in order to hinder advancement.

Francisco Thiesen2nd Decade of the Permanent Campaign of Spiritist Youth

EvangelizationAugust 31st, 1996

What is Education?

• A permanent process of betterment of the Spirit.

• Awakening its potentialities (virtues)

• The gradual divinization of the Spirit throughout many reincarnations.

• Delivery to the student the responsibility of self-teaching developing it’s will to do it.

• Be in synergy with the Law of Evolution.

Principals of Education

• Love

• Freedom

• Equality with Individuality

• Naturality

• Action

• Integral Education


New Era

• Science and Religion = New Era

• Knowledge of God’s Laws and their relationship with the world of Matter.

• Spiritism will become a general belief and will mark a new era in the history of the human race, because it belongs to the natural order of things, and because the time has come for it to be ranked among the branches of human knowledge. It will nevertheless have to withstand a good amont of violet attacks… SB Q 798

New Era

• Ideas are only transformed in the long run, never suddenly.

• Spiritism’s progress will be more rapid than that of Christianity, because it is Christianity itself that opens the road for it furnishing its basis and support… Spiritism has only to build up.

SB Q 798

New Era

• "The Spiritist Education will be our contribution to the New world of Tomorrow, being at the same time our pay to the countries that have given us their men, their culture and their genius so we could grow under the lights of the Southern Cross.”

J. Herculano Pires



• Role Playing– Proposing skids is a great way to entice the child

to reflect, and understand why do others think differently.

• Play– Preparing a play, concentration, discipline, Team

work, patience and many more.

• Announcements– Allow youngsters to participate on this activities, it

includes teaching them responsibility.

Social Activity

• Caravan of Love

– Visit to the elderly homes gives them a sense that life is not only about playing, or parenting, there is much more they need to prepare and assist with.

• Feeding the Needy

– Another social activity that can be done by getting involved with other non-profit organizations in any area.

Real Stories

• Bring topics that are real and current to class.

• Be prepared to answer the questions related to the subject.

• Relate to their hero's and icons.

• Talk about issues that they raise up.

Cultivate Spirituality

• It is imperative to promote that we are spiritual beings.

• That once this spirit realizes that is eternal and understands its power, persistence and trust it will automatically work for its transcendence.

• The Idea of Divinity

• Immortality

• Moral understanding.


• Progress x Evolution

• Law of Progress

• Education

• New Era

• Techniques

“ Spiritist Pedagogy is not intended to take over the world, only to offer the world a renewed view of Education and Student.”

Herculano Pires