the robinson round robin: generation one, part four


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Page 1: The Robinson Round Robin: Generation One, Part Four
Page 2: The Robinson Round Robin: Generation One, Part Four

Night had fallen over Pleasantview, and some of the teenagers had ventured out to spend time together.

“This must be the weirdest bunch of people I've sat round a camp fire with,” Alice commented, “I'm related to two of you.”

“Skip is my uncle.” Riley pointed out, giving the others reason to laugh.

“I'm almost an adult, it's not going to be weird for much longer,” Skip chuckled, “anyway, what do you guys want to talk about?”

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“We're not telling scary stories like last time.” Alice decided.

“Aw, did someone get scared?” Skip teased, cheerfully.

“No, it's just my life is a scary story.”

“Yeah, I forgot you have to live with Don. Must be scary seeing him without his make-up. Yikes.”

Alice couldn't help herself, and joined in with the laughter. She wanted to explain the real reasons why she hated it at home, but Skip made a joke out of everything. There was no point trying.

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Anthony was the opposite of Alice – he didn't want anyone to know, he didn't want to talk about it, he didn't want to think about it. He kept himself to himself.

Irritated that Alice had almost brought up their home situation, Anthony hissed at her, “Don't start, Alice.”

Alice glared at her brother, “Don't tell me what to do. You know why I'm worried.”

Both twins rose to their feet, furious.

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“Oh dear plumbbob, they're at it again.” Dimitri Goth sighed. Riley smiled at the flames.

“They do this often?” She asked, curiously.

“Often enough for us to grow intensely bored of it.” Dimitri answered, gravely. Riley looked at him, admiring him.

Dimitri rose to his feet, stretching and cursing that the Caliente siblings were fighting once again.

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“Don't let their fight get to you.” Riley said, suddenly, getting to her feet as well, “It's not worth it.”

Dimitri observed her for a moment, “It's just irritating how they only get along some of the time.”

“That's what siblings do!” Riley replied, with a smile. She suddenly noticed how handsome Dimitri was and promptly blushed.

“You're blushing. Why are you blushing?” Dimitri raised a teasing eyebrow, and grinned, “Is it me?”

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“I was wondering if you had a girlfriend, actually.” Riley responded, coolly.

“Nope,” Dimitri answered, “but you knew that already, Riley. This is Pleasantview. Everyone knows everything about everyone else.”

“Well, maybe,” Riley smiled. Not everybody knew everything, “I quite like my privacy. I'm pretty sure not all of Pleasantview knows my secrets. But anyway. Did you want to, y'know, go out with me one night?”

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“I'm too old for you, Riley. I'm only slightly younger than Skip.”

“There's no such thing as 'too old',” Riley laughed, “don't compare yourself against Skip, he's my uncle.”

Dimitri laughed, “You don't care that I'm older than you?”

“Does anyone?” Riley demanded. She didn't give him time to answer.

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Riley didn't even give Dimitri a chance to continue his 'but I'm too old for you' argument.

But after the kiss, he didn't want to, anyway.

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Clara's desk was a mess. A growing curiosity had encouraged her to find out who her real parents were, because she grew up in an orphanage in Sim City.

The facts hadn't looked good when Clara read them, and she learned something she wished she could forget.

“Clara?” Beau's voice called as he wandered over, “What's wrong?”

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“I found out I descend from travellers, Beau. We get to a certain age and just decide to pack up and leave.”

“Well, yeah, how else did you end up in Pleasantview?”

“But this means our children will leave us soon.”

Clara got up from the chair and looked at Beau, sadly.

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“It's a good thing, isn't it?” Beau asked, earning a stern look from Clara, “I mean, we'll miss them like crazy, and they'll never forget where home was, but they'll have the entire world to travel.”

“I suppose...” Clara sighed, “Wes is growing up soon, and I don't want to let them go...”

“But I think we might have to, Clara,” Beau replied, softly, “even if we're not ready, they might be.”

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Clara said nothing, and hugged her husband. The idea of their children wandering the world on their own wasn't a comforting one, but they both knew it would give their children many opportunities.

Though neither of them were willing to let go yet, neither of them were willing to deny Riley and Wes opportunities.

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The next day, Riley was extremely happy.

“Hooray! I got a date with Dimitri Goth! Dimitri Goth! I got a date with Dimitri Goth!” Riley sang, boldly dancing after she had taken out the rubbish. Her singing voice was not all that unpleasant.

Far behind her, someone was contemplating her cheerfulness...

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“She's got a date with my son?” Don wondered, aloud, “Maybe I can work this information...”

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Later that evening, Riley sat with her younger brother, while waiting until Dimitri pulled up.

“I can't believe you're going out,” Wes said, sulkily, “especially after the Don thing.”

“We're safe now, right?” Riley shrugged, “They don't need to know what I heard at Alice's party.”

“I still think they do.”

Riley shook her head, dismissively.

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“You'll understand when you're my age.” Riley stated, cheerfully. She checked the clock, “I better get outside.”

Wes watched her leave in silence.

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“I don't think I'll ever understand teenagers.” Wes decided, with a hint of a smile, and picked up a book.

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Outside, Riley was getting into Dimitri's car, excited. Lucy Burb was wandering by, conveniently.

“So Don was right. She is dating his son.”

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As the car pulled away with the young sweethearts inside it, Lucy looked at the bin she had knocked over, contemplatively.

“Everything is falling into place.” She murmured, before continuing on her walk round the block.

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“If you don't get caught, you haven't broken the rules.” Riley told herself with a smile as she wandered into the house.

“Riley Robinson, where have you been?”

Riley sighed, irritated, and wandered into the living room, where the voice had come from.

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“How about we sit down and talk about this, hmm?” Clara asked, with a smile, gesturing to the empty space on the sofa.

Riley rolled her eyes and reluctantly sat down.

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“Let me guess,” Riley smiled, “don't ever leave the house at a stupid hour again, don't trust any male completely, don't-”

“Don't get smart with me, Riley,” Clara shook her head, “the thing is, I don't want you making too many connections.”

“Why?” Riley demanded, “You must have had boyfriends at my age!”

“Maybe. But that's not why I'm having this conversation with you, Riley.”

“Then explain why.”

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“Everyone moves away in our family, eventually,” Clara said, quickly, “I was only a little older than you are now.”

“That's silly...I'm not going anywhere...” Riley realised how appealing the idea of a fresh start was to her.

“You doubt that, and you know it,” Clara replied, firmly, “and you can't take Dimitri with you. He had the Goth legacy to maintain.”

“I'm not giving him up. Not yet, anyway,” Riley answered, “Anyway...I'm going to bed.”

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Soon, it was time for Wesley's birthday, and while Riley was still contemplating the idea of leaving, she put it aside for his birthday.

“Aren't our children growing fast?” Clara smiled, nervously, at Beau. She knew this was going to be the last birthday party they would hold.

Beau sympathised, feel slightly sad their youngest was going to grow up, “Let's get dressed for the party.”

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Eventually, it was time for cake, after the arrival of the usual guests – Lilith and her family, Brandi and Skip jr. Broke, Alice Caliente and Dimitri Goth.

Wes was ready to step into his teenage years, regardless of how many people were watching.

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“Everything about this is cool.” Wes decided, turning round to face his friends and family.

Every except his outfit, maybe.

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Wes grew into a handsome young man of the romance aspiration.

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Later that evening, Riley sat down on the couch next to her brother. “So how's the new teenager?” She asked, with a grin.

“What, not hanging out with Dimitri tonight?”

“Nope. He has to see his Dad, anyway.” Thinking of Don, Riley pulled a face, “You didn't answer me, Wes.”

“It's pretty cool.” Wes smiled.

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Riley was about to reply, when the siblings heard a noise from outside. Exchanging a confused look, Riley moved to get to her feet.

“Riley...don't go outside.” Wes warned.

“Relax. I'm only going to go have a look.”

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Wes insisted on going outside before Riley, and smiled at her, as she exited into the warmth of the summer night.

“See, Riley? Nothing out-”

“Dimitri!” Riley gasped, and Wes followed her gaze.

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Dimitri was sat, possibly injured, at his father's feet, while Lucy smiled. Things were going to work out this time. No more failures.

“There's the dog that's claiming to date my son.” Don scowled, and aimed a kick at Dimitri.

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“Dimitri!” Riley cried again, trembling as she looked at him. Wes said nothing, his eyes firmly locked on Don and Lucy.

“Riley?” Dimitri croaked, earning himself a kick from Don. Riley could stand it no longer, and she ran to Dimitri's side.

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Riley sat on the pavement, opposite Dimitri, furious at Don as she looked at him, bruised from his father's blows.

“Riley, why did you do that?” Dimitri whispered, “They wanted you to do that.”

Riley's eyes widened as Don and Lucy shifted their positions.

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“I did that because I can't bear to see you in pain.” Riley smiled warmly, and Dimitri managed to smile a little back.

In the background, Wes began to move closer, unsure of what he should do.

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Don made up Wes's mind. He kicked at Riley, and both Lucy and Dimitri looked away, unable to bear it. If they didn't see it, it didn't happen.

Wes did what everyone expected him to. He ran to his sister's side.

“Lucy!” Don commanded, “Go inside and do what you need to do!”

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“Riley!” Wes said, urgently, “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

“You idiot. We both came running over here. Who is going to wake up Mum and Dad?”

Wes tried to answer, but couldn't, and he didn't get an opportunity to. Don insisted they were to be silent.

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Lucy, meanwhile, ran up the stairs, following Don's directions to the room she needed.

This was it. Everything was going to work.

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Lucy woke the couple with her entrance, and the pair of them rose slowly, Lucy observing Beau in his underwear. It was a sight she hadn't seen in a while.

“We can never have a normal night, can we?” Clara questioned, “If Wes isn't bloody up all night, some weirdo has wandered into room.”

“Only in Pleasantview.” Beau muttered.

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The couple wandered over to Lucy, frowning in confusion. Clara was too tired for politeness, “What do you want, Lucy?”

“I want my husband back,” she responded, simply, “Beau, come home to your true wife.”

Beau looked at Clara, “I live with my true wife. I live with my true love.”

Lucy looked disgusted, and took a step towards them.

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Downstairs in the garden, Nina and Alice were hiding behind a wall, Nina trying to smile while anxiously pulling at the clothes.

“We're too late, aren't we? I knew we were too late...” Nina worried.

“We're not too late,” Alice said, grimly, “just not on time.”

Nina glanced round the corner, and nodded, “Stick to the plan.”

“I promise I will.”

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“Don?” Nina called, walking towards him. He automatically grew suspicious.

“What do you want, Nina?”

“Oh, just to talk,” Nina smiled, warmly, “we used to talk all the time, Don.”

“I don't remember much talking in our relationship.”

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“How could I help myself?” Nina asked him, playfully, “You're such good shape.”

Baffled, Don looked from Nina to himself and back again, “I guess I am. I completely forgot I liked to work out.”

“It's what obsession does, love, it ruins our minds.” Nina took another step towards him.

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“I am not obsessed about anything!” Don insisted, anger rising.

“Of course not, sweetie. You've just forgotten some things.”

“Like what?” Don demanded, moodily.

“Me, Don,” Nina sighed, straightening up, “you forgot me.”

Knowing Nina had Don's full attention, Alice was able to slip round and get to the group of teenagers sit on the path.

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“Right guys,” Alice murmured, “move as quick and as quietly as you can into the house. We'll call the police. Don't draw attention to yourselves and-”

“We're saved!” Wes whispered, grinning.

Alice shot him a stern look, “None of that. We have to get moving.”

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And so the teenagers disappeared silently into the house, while Nina continued her discussion with Don.

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Upstairs, Clara and Beau were still experiencing some problems.

“I can't believe you just walked in here and expected Beau to leave with you!” Clara yelled.

“We have your kids,” Lucy said, matter-of-factly, “you have no choice! My life was perfect until you wandered into Pleasantview!”

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“I cannot believe you're blaming me for everything that is wrong with your life!” Clara exclaimed, disgusted. Beau watched his wife carefully, before looking at Lucy.

Lucy said nothing, just letting the tears build up and fall from her eyes. Clara stalked away, and looked out the window.

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Beau smiled at Lucy, “I'm recommending you leave.”

“Why should I?” Lucy sniffed, before adding, “Not without you, Beau.”

“Because,” Clara answered, from the window, “the police just pulled up.”

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Downstairs, Nina still had Don's attention.

“Don, baby, you're not angry with me,” Nina whispered, “come on, you know you're not angry with me.”

Don's scowl loosened into a peaceful expression, “I'm not angry with you, Nina. I never have been.”

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That's when the police car pulled up.

In between kisses, Don breathed, “Marry me, marry me, Nina.”

“No, Don.” Nina replied, quietly.

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Nina watched as the policewoman subdued Don, ignoring his remarks concerning handcuffs, not responding to any of his advances.

Lucy, Nina noted, left via the back door. Lucy knew she was in the wrong. She knew she needed to fix things. So she went in peace.

Nina decided not to follow it up. Instead, she watched Don leave, this time, for good.

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“Goodbye, Don.” She said, finally.

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Inside, the teens celebrated, Wes by hugging his mother, while Riley hugged her boyfriend. No permanent damage had been done.

Nina and Beau entered, smiling at the happy atmosphere present in the room.

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Clara smiled at Nina, “How can I ever thank you enough?”

“You don't have to,” Nina returned the smile, “now, I heard your kids will probably leave when they reach a certain age?”

“How did you...” Clara let her question trail off, “Pleasantview gossip?”

Nina's smile broadened, “Beau told Lilith who told me...That's not the point. The point is, I think the kids should get going sooner, rather than later.”

“I agree,” Beau said, “but for tonight, I think we all need to rest.”

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The early morning sunshine arrived with mixed feelings in Pleasantview that morning, eagerness, excitement, promises and goodbyes.

It was time for the Robinson children to move on.

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Riley Robinson was discovering that she hated goodbyes, “You won't forget me, will you?”

Dimitri laughed, “Is it even possible to forget you, Riley? Of course I won't.”

“You know I'll never forget you.”

“I know.” Dimitri grinned, “There's always a home here in Pleasantview for know...if you choose to come back.”

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Riley didn't bother pointing out that she couldn't come back. She wasn't comfortable with the idea of returning to where she was from.

Instead, she kissed him, before beginning another set of final goodbyes.

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Meanwhile, Wes was chatting to Alice, cheerfully accepting that it was time to go.

“Hey Alice,” he grinned, “how about a kiss for the road?”

“Oh, Wes.” Alice laughed.

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“Why is your son kissing my daughter?” Nina demanded, grumpily.

“Relax, Nina, she can't be young forever,” Beau grinned, “besides, it's not like we can ever be in-laws.”

Nina gradually came to see the funny side, and Beau looked at his children, “Come on, it's time you got moving. Don't want to hit traffic.”

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“Shouldn't we have given them some advice?” Beau asked, as Riley and Wes got into the pick-up truck.

“Like what? Don't leave your girlfriend at the alter?” Clara replied, playfully.

“Or 'don't sleep with the first man you meet'?” Beau laughed.

“Harsh,” Clara chuckled, “nah, we'll let them figure it all out on their own.”

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“You ready for this?” Wes asked, quietly.

“Nope,” Riley answered, boldly and truthfully, “but let's do it anyway.”

With that, they backed the car out of the driveway, and drove down the road, the road that headed out of Pleasantview, and into the unknown.

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That's it from me and Pleasantview! Beth is going to take over, from Riverblossom Hills! I'm sure you're excited as I am to see what's going to happen next.

Thanks for reading, and all of your comments. :)