the river nile evolution of cooperationevolution of...

Workshop on Climate ChangeThe River Nile Evolution Of Cooperation Evolution Of Cooperation BY Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisor Nile Water SectorAdvisor , EGYPT Alexandria, Egypt Mar. 31 st -1 st Apr., 2010

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Page 1: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

Workshop on “Climate Change”

The River NileEvolution Of CooperationEvolution Of Cooperation

BYAhmed Fahmy

Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT

Alexandria, Egypt, gypMar. 31st-1st Apr., 2010

Page 2: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

Area : about 3.0 million square km.Area : about 3.0 million square km.

Area of Lakes is 81500 square km.

Area of swamps is 70000 square km.

Length : more than 6000 km.

Length of Rivers and Tributaries is 37500 km.

10 Riparian States with 250 million people

5 States are among the Ten Poorest in World.

Page 3: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

Extreme Poverty


Rapid Population Growth

Environmental degradationEnvironmental degradation

Natural disasters (Floods, Droughts, ….etc.)

Complicated hydrology of Basin

Low Specific Yield

Equitable Use and no harm Principle

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River is least developed in upper reaches.

Potentialities are great (Water savingPotentialities are great. (Water saving, Agriculture, Power pooling, ….etc)

Great chance for win-win solutions.

Serious steps taken for cooperation is anSerious steps taken for cooperation is an incentive for donors.

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Potential In Nile Basin

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Potentialities in the Nile BasinPotentialities in the Nile Basin

1. Surface and Ground WaterTotal Rainfall on the Basin is about 2100 BCM.Annual Yield of the Nile is Estimated as 84 BCM.Ratio of the Annual Yield is 5% of the Potential.Lost Potential:• Rainfed Agriculture• EvaporationEvaporation• Evapotranspiration• Recharge of Ground Water

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Cont Potentialities in the Nile BASIN

3-Land for Irrigation

Cont.Potentialities in the Nile BASIN

CountryIrrigation potential Area already under


(Ha) (Ha)Burundi 80000 0

Egypt 4420000 3078000

Eritrea 150000 15124

Ethiopia 2220000 23160

Kenya 180000 6000

Rwanda 150000 2000

Sudan 2750000 1935200

Tanzania 30000 10000

Uganda 202000 9120

Zaire 10000 0

Total 10192000 5078604

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Page 9: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

Nile hydropower Energy potential

60000 Potential Generation



Developed Generation





Total Potentialis 140,000 GWh/year





B r ndi Eg pt Ethiopia Ken a R anda S dan Tan ania UgandaBurundi Egypt Ethiopia Kenya Rwanda Sudan Tanzania Uganda

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Nile Riparian - Hydropower Potential Tapped




N AmericaEurope


Egypt TanzaniaUganda




DRC Ethiopia




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Nile Basin Lightingg g

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Evolution Of Cooperationf p

Page 13: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

☺ Agreements and Treaties☺ Agreements and Treaties.

☺ The Hydrometeological Survey of EquatorialL k (HYDROMET 1967 1992)Lakes (HYDROMET 1967-1992).

☺ Technical Cooperation Committee forPromotion of the Development andEnvironmental Promotion of the Nile BasinProject (TECCONILE 1992 1998)Project (TECCONILE 1992-1998).

☺ Transition period (D3 project, Nile 2002).

☺ Nile Basin Initiative (NBI).

Page 14: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

•First Phase: (1967-1972)

Data collection, analysis and publication,Data collection, analysis and publication,hydrometeorological network training.

• Second Phase: (1975-1981)( )

Development a Mathematical model of EquatorialLakes (Rainfall – Runoff, Lake Regulation, ChannelRouting, Water Quality).

* Third Phase: (1981-1992)

Continuation of The Activities of Phase 1 and Use TheMathematical Model in Different Applications.

Page 15: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

OBJECTIVES D l i N t l W t M t Pl d I t tiDeveloping Natural Water Master Plans and IntegrationInto a Nile Basin Development Action Plan.

Developing The Infrastructure, Capacity Building andDeveloping The Infrastructure, Capacity Building andTechniques for Management of Water Resources.

To Assist The Countries in The Development, Conservationp ,and Use of The Nile Basin Water Resources in an IntegratedSustainable Way Through Basin-Wide Cooperation for TheBenefit of AllBenefit of All.

To Determine The Equitable Entitlement of Each Riparian.

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The Nile River Basin Action Plan (NRBAP)Preparing of 22 ProjectsPreparing of 22- Projects.Budget Estimated is US $ 100,000.

The Main Themes of The PlanThe Main Themes of The PlanA. Integrated Water Resources Planning and

Management (5 Projects).B. Capacity Building (8 Projects).C. Training (1 Project).D. Regional Cooperation (5 Projects).E. Environmental Protections (3 Projects).

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To attain a regional cooperative framework acceptableObjective

to all Basin countries in order to promote Basin-widecooperating in integrated water resources planning

ComponentsLegal Principals :g p

a) General principals

b) Rights & obligations

Institutional Arrangements.

Data and Information (Technical Resources)

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Out put 1: Recommendations for appropriatep pp pmulti-disciplinary framework for legal andinstitutional arrangements for water resources

development of the Nile Basindevelopment of the Nile Basin.

Out put 2 : Recommendations for processOut put 2 : Recommendations for process,methodology and activities which lead to thedetermination of equitable and legitimate rights of

i h i iwater use in each riparian country.

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Putting the Putting the Shared VisionShared VisionPutting the Putting the

Shared VisionShared VisionShared Vision Shared Vision into actioninto action

Shared Vision Shared Vision into actioninto action

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Page 21: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

Wh t i NBI?What is NBI?

The NBI brings all Nile Basin countries to work together to develop the resources of

the Nile Basin for the benefit of all.

It is a mechanism to begin implementation of the vision which weimplementation of the vision which we

have for the future

Page 22: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

Wh i th NBI?Why is the NBI?

Recognizing that the basin has aRecognizing that the basin has a shared past and a shared future.

Urgent need for development and g pthe eradication of poverty.

Page 23: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,


To develop the water resources of the Nile BasinTo develop the water resources of the Nile Basinin a sustainable and equitable way to ensureprosperity, security and peace for all its peoples.To ensure efficient water management and theoptimal use of the resources.To ensure cooperation and joint action betweenTo ensure cooperation and joint action betweenthe riparian countries, seeking win-win gains.To target poverty eradication and promoteeconomic integration.To ensure that the program results in a movefrom planning to actionfrom planning to action.

Page 24: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

Th NBI St tThe NBI StructureCouncil of Ministers


Technical Advisory Committee Nile-TAC

NBI Secretariat - Nile-SEC

Page 25: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

Nile Basin InitiativeProgramsPrograms

NBINile Basin Initiative

S SAPSSVPShared Vision Program

SAPSSubsidiary Action Program

NELSAPNile Equatorial Lakes

ENSAPE t NilNile Equatorial Lakes

Subsidiary ActionProgram

Eastern NileSubsidiary Action


Page 26: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

SVP Project Portfolio

Common Elements

Function Type



1 Nile Transboundary Environmental ActionElements• Basin-wide engagement and dialogue


1. Nile Transboundary Environmental Action2. Nile Basin Regional Power Trade3. Efficient Water Use for Agricultural g

•Dev. Strategic & analytical frameworks



4. Water Resources Planning & Management

•Dev. Best practical tools & demost.


5. Confidence Building & Stakeholder InvolvementA li d T i i

•Stakeholder involvement

H &


6. Applied Training

7. Socio-Economic Development & Benefit Sh i

8. SVP Coordination

•Human & institutional capacity



Page 27: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

International Nile DiscourseInternational Nile DiscourseInternational Nile DiscourseInternational Nile DiscourseInternational Nile DiscourseInternational Nile DiscourseInternational Nile DiscourseInternational Nile Discourse

Burundi Rwanda


KenyaEritrea Egypt

Nile Equatorial Lakes

Eastern Nile

yEritrea gyp

DRC Uganda

Nile BasinNile BasinNile BasinNile BasinNile BasinNile BasinNile BasinNile Basin

Page 28: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

ENSP Projects


Fast Track Multipurpose

Flood preparednessWatershed Management

EN Power tradeIrrigation and Drainageg

Ethio.-Sudan Transm. Inter.Planning Math. Model

g gBaro-Akobo IWRMJoint Multipurpose

Page 29: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

NELSAP Projects

إنشاء وحدة للتنسيق بين الجنوبى النيل مشروعات

مشروع رفع ودعم اإلنتاجية وبىالزراعية ج يل ا رو ا

مشروع اإلدارة المتكاملة ض ل ة ائ ال د ا لل

مشروع اإلدارة التعاونية ھ ن ض ل ة ائ ال د ا لل

ي زرا ا

للموارد المائية لحوض نھـــــــر الكاجيرا

مشروع مقاومة نبات مشروع اإلدارة المتكاملة

للموارد المائية لحوض نــــھرمارا

الھايسنت بحوض نھر الكاجيرا

يات ل أ ة ا د ع ش ة الكھ الطاقة د ل ت ع ش

للموارد المائية لحوض نھر سيو– ماالبا – مالكيس

مشروع دراسة أولويات مشروعات الطاقة الكھربية

مشروع توليد الطاقة الكھربيةمن مساقط روسومو

مشروع الربط الكھربى الداخلى بين رواندا وبورندى والكنغو الديمقراطية و اغندا

مشروع تقوية الربط الكھربى الداخلى بين كينيا واوغندا

Page 30: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

NELSAP Projects

Fisheries of lake Albert and Edward

Enhanced agriculture Albert and Edward

Kagera river basin integrated water

Management of t f

ag cu tu eproductivity

integrated water resources management

Water hyacinth Management of water f M l ki i

water resources of Mara river basin

yabatement in

Kagera river basin

Ranking and R F ll

resources of Malakisi -Malaba- Sio river basins

Ranking and feasibility of (HEP) in NEL-SAP region

Rusumo Falls Hydropower development

Interconnection between Rwanda and

DRC, Burundi & Uganda

Interconnection between Kenya

and Uganda

Page 31: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

Funding Status (SVP, SAP’s)



SVP 30











Total 197 152 45

Page 32: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

General Trends of Cooperation

1. There is evidence that cooperation is1. There is evidence that cooperation is and has been the key to sustainable development of shared water resources.

2. Minimum level of cooperation should be information exchange, consultation, and monitoring.

3. Technical information has continues tol i l l iplay a crucial role in water resources

decision making.

Page 33: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

General Trends of Cooperation

4 There is shift from deterministic4. There is shift from deterministic future and having a shared vision and shared holders participationand shared holders participation.

5 Th Ri h ld b l k d t5. The River should be looked at as one hydrologic unit, where

ti i l tcooperative regional assessment can be designed and implemented.

Page 34: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

General Trends of Cooperation

6. Public awareness and stakeholders6. Public awareness and stakeholders participation campaign will foster cooperation among riparian states.

7. Negotiations and mediations are the best mechanism to solve international water disputes.

8. Sharing of benefits of joint win – win l i i i l h h isolution is more practical than sharing

of water, specially in early stages of cooperationcooperation.

Page 35: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

General Recommendations

Cooperation among the riparian states is theCooperation among the riparian states is the only way to develop an international river.

The spirit of transparency and good will must prevail among riparian states to achieve the p g pwin-win solution.

The existing treaties, conventions, and rules and principles of international law should be respected.

Page 36: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

General RecommendationsGeneral Recommendations

Each country is entitled to an equitable sharey qfrom the river, without causing appreciable harmto other riparian states and it should be done in acooperative manner and with prior consultationscooperative manner and with prior consultations.

Negotiations and mediation for sharing benefitsg gand costs should be the base for cooperation andshould not be affected by political crisis.

Establishment of a legal and institutionalframework is essential to implement thepsustainable development plan of the River Basin.

Page 37: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

Achievements Of Cooperative FrameworkCooperative Framework

The Cooperation framework mostly completedThe Cooperation framework mostly completed except following Items.

The existing Agreements.

prior Notification.p o Not cat o .

Still under Negotiation

Page 38: The River Nile Evolution Of CooperationEvolution Of · Ahmed Fahmy Nile Water SectorAdvisorNile Water SectorAdvisor, EGYPT Alexandria,,

Achievements Of SVP

2009Projects listed are terminated In Dec.,

1. Nile Transboundary Environmental Action

2 Effi i t W t U f A i lt l2. Efficient Water Use for Agricultural Production

3. Confidence Building & Stakeholder Involvement

4. Applied Training

5. Socio-Economic Development & Benefit5. Socio Economic Development & Benefit Sharing

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Achievements Of SAPS

Eastern NileEastern Nile– Irrigation And Drainage

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