the revelation of jesus christ copyright 1991-2009

Revelation of Jesus Chr Copyright 1991-200

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Page 1: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Copyright 1991-2009

Page 2: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Copyright 1991-2009

IntroductionTale of Three Cities?Key Terms 1Key Terms 2Key PlacesKey TransitionsKey CharactersOutline and overview

Page 3: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

A Tale of Three Cities?

Copyright 1991-2009

"...the great city...where also our Lord was crucified...." Rev. 11:8

Earthly Jerusalem?

Page 4: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

A Tale of Three Cities?

Copyright 1991-2009

"...that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth" Rev. 17:18


Page 5: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

A Tale of Three Cities?

Copyright 1991-2009

"...And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God...." Rev. 21:10

Heavenly Jerusalem

Page 6: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Copyright 1991-2009

The “Skeleton” Key

Page 7: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

"…things which must shortlycome to pass…” Revelation 1:1

The Purpose of the Revelation

Page 8: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

"…things which must shortlycome to pass…”

Revelation 1.1; 22.6

Page 9: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

“…the time is at hand…’

Revelation 1.3; 22.10

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Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

"Behold, I am coming quickly.“

Revelation 3.11Revelation 22.7Revelation 22.12Revelation 22.20

Page 11: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

Forty-two months - Rev. 11:2; 13.5

Page 12: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

One thousand two hundred sixty days – Rev. 11.3; 12.6

Page 13: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

42 months1,260 days

Same period of time

“Things which must shortly come to pass”

Page 14: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

42 months1,260 days

Each is 3 ½ years

Page 15: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

3 ½ years not literalSomething represented by it

Like the weeks of Daniel 9.24

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Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

3 ½ years not literalSomething represented by it

Exactly like…Daniel 7.25 “time, times, and half a


Page 17: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

“a time and times and half a time” of Revelation 12.14 same as…

Daniel 7.25 “time, times, and half a time…”

These are the SAME period of time

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Babylon (612-539 BC)

Medo-Persia (539-331)

Greece (331-168 BC)

Rome (168 BC-476 AD)

Daniel 2

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Babylon (Winged Lion)

Medo-Persia (Bear)

Greece (4 Winged Leopard)

Rome (Terrible Beast)

Daniel 7

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Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

The “things which must shortly come to pass” will take place within the

time period represented by:

42 months1,260 days

“time, times, and half a time…”

Page 21: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

The “things which must shortly come to pass” will take place within:

The reign of the fourth kingdomThe time of the fourth beast

The time of the Roman Empire

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Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

“thousand years”

Revelation 20.2-7

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Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

“Things which must shortly come to pass…”

“42 months”“1,260 days”

“time, times and half a time”

Revelation 4.1-19.21

“1000 years


Rev. 20.1-6

Last Battle


Rev. 20.7-


Page 24: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

42 months1,260 days

Time, times & half a time…

Revelation 4.1-19.21

“1000 years


Revelation 20.1-6

Last Battle


Rev. 20.7-


Page 25: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Places

Copyright 1991-2009

Patmos – Rev. 1.9Heaven – Rev. 4.1

Jerusalem – Rev. 11.1, 8Rome – Rev. 17.18

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Key Transitions

Copyright 1991-2009

From Earth to Heaven - Rev. 4.1

Page 27: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Transitions

Copyright 1991-2009

Attention directed to Jerusalem

Rev. 11.1-19

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Irenaeus’ Statement

Page 29: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

We will not, however, incur the risk of pronouncing positively as to the name of Antichrist; for if it were necessary that his name should be distinctly revealed in this present time, it would have been announced by him who beheld the apocalyptic vision. For that was seen no very long time since, but almost in our day, towards the end of Domitian's reign.

Irenaeus’ Statement

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Key Transitions

Copyright 1991-2009

Chapter 12

Introduction of Characters

Page 31: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Transitions

Copyright 1991-2009

Attention directed to Rome

Rev. 17.18

Page 32: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Transitions

Copyright 1991-2009

End of “things which must shortly come to pass”

Rev. 19.17-20.3

Page 33: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Transitions

Copyright 1991-2009

End of “thousand years” and The Judgment

Rev. 20

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The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Copyright 1991-2009

Page 35: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

“Things which must shortly come to pass…”

Revelation 4.1-19.21

“1000 years


Revelation 20.1-6

Last Battle


Rev. 20.7-


Page 36: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

42 months1,260 days

Time, times & half a time…

Revelation 4.1-19.21

“1000 years


Revelation 20.1-6

Last Battle


Rev. 20.7-


Page 37: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Places

Copyright 1991-2009

Patmos – Rev. 1.9Heaven – Rev. 4.1

Jerusalem – Rev. 11.1, 8Rome – Rev. 17.18

Page 38: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Transitions

Copyright 1991-2009

From Earth to Heaven - Rev. 4.1

Page 39: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Transitions

Copyright 1991-2009

Attention directed to Jerusalem

Rev. 11.1-19

Page 40: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Irenaeus’ Statement

Page 41: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

We will not, however, incur the risk of pronouncing positively as to the name of Antichrist; for if it were necessary that his name should be distinctly revealed in this present time, it would have been announced by him who beheld the apocalyptic vision. For that was seen no very long time since, but almost in our day, towards the end of Domitian's reign.

Irenaeus’ Statement

Page 42: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Transitions

Copyright 1991-2009

Chapter 12

Introduction of Characters

Page 43: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Transitions

Copyright 1991-2009

Attention directed to Rome

Rev. 17.18

Page 44: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Transitions

Copyright 1991-2009

End of “things which must shortly come to pass”

Rev. 19.17-20.3

Page 45: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Transitions

Copyright 1991-2009

End of “thousand years” and The Judgment

Rev. 20

Page 46: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Copyright 1991-2009

Page 47: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Characters

Copyright 1991-2009

The Dragon

Identified – Rev. 12.3-17Gave power to beast – Rev. 13.2

Was worshipped – Rev. 13.4Bound for 1000 years – Rev. 20.2

Thrown into lake of fire – Rev. 20.10

Page 48: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Characters

Copyright 1991-2009

The Beast

Power from dragon – Rev. 13.2Was worshipped – Rev. 13.4

Number of a man 666 – Rev. 13.18Seat of harlot Rome – Rev. 17.3

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Key Characters

Copyright 1991-2009

The Beast

Seven hills – Rev. 17.9

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Seven hills of Rome – Rev. 17.9

Page 51: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Characters

Copyright 1991-2009

The Beast

Seven hills – Rev. 17.9Thrown into lake of fire – 19.20

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The Fourth KingdomThe Fourth Kingdom – – RomeRome

First of the CaesarsJulius

(July 13, 100- March 15, 44 BC)

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The Fourth KingdomThe Fourth Kingdom – – RomeRome

The “legs of iron…feet partly of iron

and partly of clay”

Daniel 2.33

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The Fourth KingdomThe Fourth Kingdom – – RomeRome

The “fourth beast,dreadful and


Daniel 7.7

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The Fourth KingdomThe Fourth Kingdom – – RomeRome

The saints would be“given into his hand

for a time, timesand half a time.”

Daniel 7.25

Page 56: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

The Fourth KingdomThe Fourth Kingdom – – RomeRome

The “prince who isto come…will

destroy the cityand sanctuary”

Daniel 9.26

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Key Characters

Copyright 1991-2009

The Second Beast

Serves 1st Beast – Rev. 13.11-17False prophet – Rev. 16.13

Cast into lake of fire – Rev. 19.20

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The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Copyright 1991-2009

Page 59: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

Forty-two months - Rev. 11:2; 13.5

Page 60: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

One thousand two hundred sixty days – Rev. 11.3; 12.6

Page 61: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

“a time and times and half a time” - Revelation 12.14

Page 62: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

42 months1,260 days

“time, times and half a time”Same period of time

Page 63: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

42 months1,260 days

Each is 3 ½ years

Page 64: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

3 ½ years and “time, times and half a time” are referring to the same


Page 65: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

“a time and times and half a time” of Revelation 12.14 same as…

Daniel 7.25 “time, times, and half a time…”

These are the SAME period of time

Page 66: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Terms

Copyright 1991-2009

42 months - 1,260 days - “a time and times and half a time”

of Revelation same as…

Daniel 7.25 “time, times, and half a time…”

These are the SAME period of time

Page 67: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

What was to happen in this time?

Daniel 7.25 – the saints will be given into the hands of the fourth beast

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What was to happen in this time?

Rev. 11.2 – Gentiles would tread upon the “holy city”

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What was to happen in this time?

Rev. 11.3 – the “two witnesses” would prophesy and the beast from the bottomless pit would make war with and kill them

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What was to happen in this time?

Rev. 12.6 – the “woman” would be sheltered from the Dragon

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What was to happen in this time?

Rev. 12.14 – the “woman” would be nourished for a “time, times and half a time” from the presence of

the serpent

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What was to happen in this time?

Rev. 13.5-8 – the “beast” would be allowed to continue for 42

months and make war with the saints and overcome them

Page 73: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Characters

Copyright 1991-2009

The Beast

Power from dragon – Rev. 13.2Was worshipped – Rev. 13.4

Number of a man 666 – Rev. 13.18Seat of harlot Rome – Rev. 17.3

Page 74: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Key Characters

Copyright 1991-2009

The Beast

Seven hills – Rev. 17.9Thrown into lake of fire – 19.20

Page 75: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Revelation Overview

Copyright 1991-2009

“Things which must shortly come to pass…”

“42 months”“1,260 days”

“time, times and half a time”

Revelation 4.1-19.21

“1000 years


Rev. 20.1-6

Last Battle


Rev. 20.7-


Page 76: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009

Pompey 63BCJulius 47-44BCAugustus 27BC-AD14Tiberius AD14-37Caligula 37-41Claudius 41-54Nero 54-68

Galba 68-69Otho 69Vitellius 69Vespasian 69-79Titus 79-81Domitian 81-96 *Nerva 96-98Trajan

Roman Rulers

*By the end of 1st century it was illegal to profess Christ.

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Roman Rulers

Decius 249-251Valerian 253-260Diocletian 284-305 Last official persecution

Constantine 306-337 First “Christian” Emperor

Julian 361-363 Last Pagan EmperorTheodosius I 379-395 Last Emperor of E & W

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PatmosModern Seljuk, Turkey – Ancient Ephesus

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Copyright 1991-2009

32. aggelos, ang'-el-os; from aggello …

(to bring tidings); a messenger; esp. an "angel"; by impl. a pastor:--

angel, messenger.

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Page 82: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Copyright 1991-2009