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  • 7/27/2019 The relationship between effective strategy and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems business processes: A






    W. Allen Huckabee Jr.

    JUDITH L. FORBES, PhD, Faculty Mentor and Chair

    CHARLOTTE NEUHAUSER, PhD, Committee Member

    DANIEL C. PARKER, PhD, Committee Member

    Barbara Butts Williams, PhD, Dean, School of Business

    A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment

    Of the Requirements for the Degree

    Doctor of Philosophy

    Capella University

    March 2013

  • 7/27/2019 The relationship between effective strategy and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems business processes: A


    W. Allen Huckabee Jr., 2013

  • 7/27/2019 The relationship between effective strategy and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems business processes: A



    Current research on enterprise resource planning (ERP) system success in creating a

    competitive advantage reveals a gap in linking ERP business processes to a competitive

    advantage. Previous research on building capabilities suggested that combining routines

    and practices, technology, and know-how allows a firm to create a capability of strategic

    importance. This study seeks to investigate the link between the information effect of

    business processes implemented in an ERP system and a component of total asset

    visibility (TAV) to determine whether the information effect could contribute to a

    strategic objective in maintaining a competitive advantage. Statistically significant

    correlations exist between the information effect of maintenance management business

    processes and the strategic capability of visibility of assets in maintenance at both the

    tactical and operational level of strategy, specifically Army strategy. Correlation and

    regression analysis were used to investigate a statistical dataset using purposive sampling

    to examine the relationship between effective strategy and the information effects of

    maintenance business processes. The statistically significant results of this study indicate

    that the information effect of ERP business processes provides organizational leaders

    with the information necessary to evaluate an organizations maintenance capabilities at

    the operational level, while providing the information to redirect repair parts to

    equipment that is more essential to the organizations mission than other equipment that

    is non-essential. This study suggests that if a public sector organization identifies, maps,

    and implements in an ERP the business processes that contribute to a strategic goal, the

    organization will perform better than other organizations.

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    I dedicate this to my wife, Dianna, and children Billy, Zachary, and Samantha.

    Without their support and understanding I could have not achieved what I have or

    pursued my education goals and aspirations, which culminated with this document and a

    PhD. Thank you all, and I love you all!

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    I acknowledge the following people for supporting me throughout the PhD

    learning process, as each of these individuals contributed assistance to my PhD journey.

    Mr. Jeffrey Bales, Mr. Howard (Lee) Dixon, Dr. Venkat Bommineni, MAJ Marcus

    Smoot, Dr. Randy Sherbs, and Ms. Robin Daniels all provided advice and support during

    the brain storming sessions. Mr. Jeffrey Bales, Mr. Lee Dixon, and MAJ Marcus Smoot

    were instrumental in providing motivation along this journey and helped to work out

    issues when I was stuck. Ms. Robin Daniels was instrumental in guiding me through the

    details of the statistics portion of Chapter 4. I also would like to acknowledge my Mentor,

    Dr. Judith Forbes, for providing superior support and advice throughout the dissertation

    process; thank you Dr. Forbes.

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    Table of Contents

    Acknowledgments iv

    List of Tables vii

    List of Figures viii


    Introduction to the Problem 5

    Background of the Study 9

    Statement of the Problem 10

    Purpose of the Study 12

    Rationale 13

    Research Questions 14

    Significance of the Study 15

    Definition of Terms 17

    Assumptions and Limitations 20

    Conceptual Framework 23

    Organization of the Remainder of the Study 26


    Total Asset Visibility (TAV) 29

    Visibility of Operational Inventories 34

    Visibility of Supplies in the Pipeline 35

    Visibility of Assets in Maintenance 35

    Army Maintenance and Logistics Processes 36

    Supporting Logistics Business Processes 40

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    Business Information 49

    Enterprise Resource Planning Systems 52

    Motivations for Using an ERP 53

    ERP Success and Failure 56

    Enterprise Success 58

    The Benefits of Using an ERP 60

    ERP Alignment and Fit 63

    ERP Effectiveness 65

    Integration 66

    Process Management 68

    Critical Success Factors 70

    Resource Based View of the Firm 78

    Resources 82

    Capabilities 84

    Core Capabilities 88


    Research Design 92

    Population and Sample 95

    Instrumentation and Measures 100

    Data Collection 101

    Data Analysis 102

    Validity and Reliability 103

    Ethical Considerations 103

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    Database Demographics 105

    Validity and Reliability 107

    Normality of Data 108

    Homogeneity of Variance 110

    Post-hoc Test 111

    Linear Regression 111

    Research Questions 112

    Summary of Results 115


    Summary of Research Findings 116

    Conceptual Framework 118

    Limitations 118

    Future Research 120



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    List of Tables

    Table 1. Logistics Information Systems with Strategic Orientation 3

    Table 2. Variables Relevant to this Study 36

    Table 3. Business Processes that Support the Four Core Maintenance Processes 41

    Table 4. Target Audience by User Role/Participant group 98

    Table 5. Study Demographics by User Role 99

    Table 6. Research Question, Hypothesis, and Data Element Matrix 102

    Table 7. Records Removed 106

    Table 8. Sample Demographics 107

    Table 9. Tests of Normality 109

    Table 10. Test of Homogeneity of Variance 110

    Table 11. Non-parametric Tests of Homogeneity of Variance 111

    Table 12. Equality of Means Test 111

    Table 13. Regression Model Summary 112

    Table 14. Model Coefficients 112

    Table 15. Correlations for Maintenance Non-supervisory Users 113

    Table 16. Correlations for General Leadership and Maintenance Supervisory 115Users

    Table A1. Mission Critical Function and Critical Mission Function Matrix 133

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    List of Figures

    Figure 1. Dataflow for Legacy Information Systems 4

    Figure 2. Conceptual Framework 26

    Figure 3. Literature Review Map 29

    Figure 4. Demographics by Employee Type 96

    Figure 5. Demographics by User Role 97

    Figure 6. Database Demographics 105

    Figure 7. Histogram and Q-Q Plot for the Dependent Variable 108

    Figure 8. Histogram and Q-Q plot for the Independent Variable 108

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    The Army is transforming its policies and methods of logistics sustainment on the

    battlefield to take advantage of technological advancements of the 21st Century. The

    primary reason for this change is the need to reduce costs, reduce the logistics footprint,

    shorten the logistics pipeline, and lighten the logistics load (Piggee, 2002). The new

    methods for improved battlefield logistics will need a just-in-time delivery system and

    innovative methods to monitor the logistics pipeline. To ensure military leaders will have

    the assets to win on the battlefield when and where needed, military leaders will need

    visibility of organizational assets in the logistics supply chain. The U.S. Army must build

    an improved capability to provide military leaders access to timelier and accurate

    logistics information about the location, movement, status, and identity of personnel,

    equipment, and supplies (Anderson, 2001, p. 2) in the logistics pipeline.

    The U.S. Army will need to overcome many challenges in order to build an

    effective TAV capability. For instance, the U.S. Army is employing over 16 logistics

    information systems (LIS) used specifically to manage the Armys logistics business

    processes. These LIS include a range of logistics business processes including, but not

    limited to, contract management, maintenance management, bulk fuel management,

    ammunition, repair parts, asset management, order fulfillment, inventory management,

    and financial processes. Butler and Latsko (1999) identified many of these systems built

    and implemented across the Army in the late 1980s. Over the years, many enhancements

    have been made to these systems to improve the Armys logistics business processes.

    However, one significant limitation remains; these systems are still not integrated. The

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    Government Accounting Office (2007) reiterated this point in an investigations findings

    and suggested the issues that plague TAV programs are nonintegrated legacy information

    systems, which contain redundant data (Government Accounting Office, 2007).

    These legacy LIS are placed in combat, combat support, and combat service

    support organizations to automate logistics processes, including supply, maintenance,

    and logistics management business processes. For instance, the Standard Army

    Maintenance Information System 1 (Enhanced) (SAMS-1E) automates portions of The

    Army Maintenance Management Systems (TAMMS) business processes. The Standard

    Army Retail Supply System (SARSS) automates the Armys supply processes below the

    national level. These systems are employed at various levels of the Armys hierarchy and

    send, receive, and store logistics and transactional data to aid decision makers in

    measuring the logistics readiness of Army organizations. Table 1 lists the common LIS

    found in tactical and operational Army organizations that conduct maintenance and

    logistics operations with their strategic orientations. These LIS are included in the

    systems the Army plans to replace with the implementation of GCSS-Army.

    These legacy LIS are not integrated, as illustrated in Figure 1. Each system sends

    and receives batch logistics and transaction data files for roll-up to different levels in the

    hierarchy through manual processes (removable media) or through secure file transport

    protocol (SFTP) communications. For example, SAMS-1E processes maintenance and

    maintenance supply related data files and transactions. SARSS processes supply data and

    transactions to national vendors when repair parts are needed and not stocked in

    inventories in any tactical supply support activity (SSA). National vendors return supply

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    Table 1. Logistics Information Systems with Strategic Orientation

    Logistics Information Systems Strategic Orientation

    Standard Army Maintenance System Enhanced (SAMS-E) Tactical/Operational

    Standard Army Maintenance System 1 Enhanced (SAMS-1E)a Tactical/Operational/Strategic

    Standard Army Maintenance System 2 Enhanced (SAMS-2E)a Operational/Strategic

    Standard Army Retail Supply Systems (SARSS) Tactical/Operational

    Note. Tactical orientation means that the system is used in an organization to perform and managemaintenance operations that deploy with combat forces. Operational orientation means that the system isused by field operating units that deploy with combat forces that support tactical level organizations.Strategic orientation means that the system is used mostly at the strategic level of operations, which meansthat these systems are operated by organizations that provide support to operational forces in both peacetime and during times of war and can deploy. Additionally, operational and strategic oriented organizationsprovide back-up maintenance support to both tactical and operational organizations in peace time, and

    rarely deploy. It is also possible to see a system used in a deploying organization that has a strategicorientation, such as at the theater sustainment command, brigade, or division headquarters; theseorganizations help to cross level maintenance activities to sustain combat power in a theater of combatoperations.a. In some organizations, SAMS-1 and SAMS-2 have been combined into a single system SAMS-1E andSAMS-2E, respectively. These systems will be found in organizations until they are completely subsumed.b. Denotes systems that are not part of the study because they were not part of the IOT&E event, but areprovided here for awareness.

    status to SARSS in batch transactions, which are then sent to SAMS-1E in batch to

    update these systems.

    National vendors route these same data to the Army Material Commands

    Logistics Support Activity (LOGSA). LOGSA then reconfigures the data and uploads

    and stores the data in a series of databases for retrieval by military users (Butler &

    Latsko, 1999), which connects the operational Army to the National logistics pipeline.

    Military logisticians then retrieve visibility information from LOGSAs database to view

    the logistics pipeline, but this information is often outdated and error laden. Also, because

    these systems lack integration, no system exists on the battlefield that provides military

    leaders with asset visibility information in near-real time that is accurate and reliable.

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    Figure 1. Dataflow for legacy information systems.

    To overcome these challenges, the Army is collapsing over 16 legacy LIS into an

    enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, the Global Combat Support System Army

    (GCSS-Army). This ERP is perhaps the largest ERP implementation in a public

    organization serving over 160,000 logistics personnel and military leaders on a global

    footprint with a $3 billion budget. Implementing an ERP will be the first real attempt at

    integrating the Armys tactical and operational logistics business processes into a single

    system. Once completed, the ERP has the potential to create a promising TAV capability

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    and serving as a springboard for future improvements in its logistics capability (Al-

    Mashari, Al-Mudimigh, & Zari, 2003).

    Introduction to the Problem

    For over 20 years the US Army, and its parent, the Department of Defense (DoD)

    have been trying build an effective TAV Capability. For its part, the Army has developed

    several information systems and databases to improve the TAV capability. So far, the

    issues that plague TAV programs are the LIS used to manage the Armys logistics

    business processes. Anderson (2001) described many of the information systems the

    Army has developed, which must interface with, and provide asset data to, various

    databases to provide this capability, among them is GCSS-Army (p. 9). Further,

    Anderson suggested that this will be challenging because improving the TAV

    capability will require the Army to make significant changes to its information

    technology (IT) infrastructure to create an improved TAV capability. One significant

    change currently underway is the implementation of an ERP to integrate its logistics


    The Government Accounting Office (GAO) (2007) reported that even though the

    Army is well on its way to implementing an ERP to integrate its disparate legacy LIS and

    create a TAV capability, the Army still lacks an integrative method for performing TAV

    of its assets, which exceed $140 billion. In fact, the GAO reported that by continuing the

    use of ineffective automated logistics information systems with antiquated business

    processes, the Army will fail to improve its TAV capability and gain control over its

    assets. GAO also reported that if the Army continues to use ineffective information

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    systems and business processes, the agency is in danger of creating a system that (a) will

    not provide the desired level of capability (b) does not interoperate with other agencies

    efficiently (c) is stovepiped in its functionality and (d) will not contain efficient and

    effective business processes. The GAO addressed many challenges in its 2007 Report,

    such as those listed above. However, this study addresses two of the issues identified in

    the Report, ineffective business processes and capabilities with regard to creating a TAV


    The use of effective business processes in creating a sustained advantage has been

    an ongoing discussion in academic literature for some time (Day 1994; Hammer and

    Champy, 2001; Sullivan, Kelly, & Olson, 1999). Lockamy and Smith (1997) described

    effective business process as those processes that are tied to an organizations strategy.

    For example, Lockamy and Smith suggest that processes must support the achievement

    of a competitive advantage (p. 149), increase value for the customer, and result in

    superior business performance. Hammer (1996) suggested that for an organization to

    improve its efficiency and quality, leaders must focus on customer needs and the

    business processes that create value for them (p. 191). This is because the overall

    performance of a firm in its environment depends on the net effect of the firms business

    processes (Ray, Barney, & Muhanna, 2007, p. 24). Nah, Lau, and Kuang (2001)

    stipulated that when implementing an ERP, molding legacy business process to fit the

    system (p. 293) is critical to the success of an ERP, so that when implemented, the

    organizations routines and practices are aligned with the systems functionality, thus

    creating an advantage over competitors. This analysis suggests that business processes

    may be one of the keys to developing a viable TAV strategy for the Army.

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    Capabilities have been a point of discussion among researchers since the early

    1980s. Researchers such as Wernerfelt (1984) discussed using the firms resources in

    creating capabilities that can establish enduring strategic advantages over competitors. A

    firm must look internally to assess the strengths and weaknesses that the firm may have,

    which forces the firm to look at resources as a way to compete and to build competitive

    advantages. Nelson and Winter (1997) suggested that skills, organization, and

    technology among other resources are often organized in a manner as to create a

    capability that cannot be emulated, thereby creating a competitive advantage. They

    suggested that using resources in a competitive environment creates a recipe of

    productive capability (p. 89), because competitors cannot easily break down a capability

    into its components and replicate them.

    It is generally accepted that capabilities are built using tangible and intangible

    resources and that resources in a firm can be defined as anything described as a firms

    strength of weakness (Wernerfelt, 1984, p. 172) and can include both tangible and

    intangible resources (p. 172). Further, he identified intangible resources as in-house

    knowledge of technology and brand-names and tangible resources as human capital,

    trade contracts, machinery, and capital (p. 172). Resources can also include the use of

    technology (IT systems, communications networks, etc.), technical and functional

    expertise, regulatory guidance, and other resources.

    Day (1994) proposed a link between business processes and capabilities. For

    example, to create an effective capability, Day advocated that an organization can

    combine routines and practices, technology, and know-how, etc. in such a way as to

    create a sustaining advantage. Day recommended that to determine the effectiveness of a

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    capability driven strategy, the firm must look at the output of a business process to judge

    the success of a capability. Because of Days proposed link, this study recognizes that

    organizational capabilities are dependent on effective business processes combined with

    other organizational resources.

    Total asset visibility is a capability that provides leaders with timely and accurate

    information on the status, location, movement, identity of units, personnel, equipment,

    and supplies and having the ability to act on that information (GAO, 2007, p. 2). The

    DoD defines TAV differently. In defining TAV, the DoD excludes unit and personnel

    identity because such information cannot be contained in an unclassified information

    system. Therefore, the DoD (2003) defined TAV as a capability to provide visibility of

    all assets in process, that is, assets being acquired, in maintenance, in storage, or in

    transit (p. 18). This definition focuses on equipment (trucks, weapon systems, sets kits,

    and outfits, etc.) assigned to an organization or is in use by the owning organization. This

    definition also includes equipment in a maintenance status, or stored in inventory.

    However, the Army includes force structure and authorizations in this definition, which

    includes units and personnel (Department of the Army, 2007a). Finally, inventory

    includes the stocks of equipment and repair parts stored in inventory by all three

    components of the U.S. Army as well as those stocks the Army stores in prepositioned

    stocks around the world.

    The evidence above suggests several variations of the definition of TAV. This

    study defines TAV as capability to provide visibility of all assets in process, that is,

    assets being acquired, in maintenance, in storage, or in transit (Department of Defense,

    2003, p. 18). A TAV capability is built using Army resources that are tangible and

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    intangible in nature, such as logistics and maintenance expertise, established logistics

    policies and procedures, the use of technology, human capital, communications networks,

    and refined business processes embedded in an enterprise resource planning system. This

    study seeks to use the Army as an example of the same issues seen in other industries in

    creating a strategic capability.

    Background of the Study

    To improve its logistics capabilities, the Army is implementing three enterprise

    resource planning (ERP) systems; GCSS-Army, the Logistics Modernization Program

    (LMP), and the General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS). These systems focus

    on different parts of the Armys logistics pipeline, but together, they significantly

    transform the way the Army conducts logistics sustainment operations, which the

    Government Accounting Office (2007) called the factory to foxhole (p. 9) logistics

    chain of the Army. For instance, the focus of LMP is on the wholesale portion of the

    Armys logistics chain. It connects the Army to the National Economy and its

    manufacturing capacity. GCSS-Army is the retail, or tactical portion, of the Armys

    logistics system. The tactical system is much like a retail store, like Wal-Mart or Advance

    Auto Parts, because logisticians can go direct to these organizations to receive equipment

    and repair parts as a source of supply. Retail supply organizations are found around the

    world in the many sustainment organizations that provide organic logistics capabilities to

    the warfighter; the number of retail supply support activities (SSAs) approaches 300. The

    services an SSA provide combat organizations are supply, resupply, and retrograde

    logistics (the removal of unserviceable assets from the battlefield). The final component

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    is GFEBS, which provides the financial visibility (Government Accounting Office,

    2007, p. 9) of the Armys $140 billion in assets.

    After its one year investigation, the GAO (2007) suggested that even with

    implementing these ERPs, the Army is only achieving incremental improvements (p.

    21) in its TAV capabilities. According to the Agency, this is because the Army is not

    taking full advantage of, and adopting, enterprise processes. Further, the Agency reported

    the processes implemented in the ERPs are a copy of those found in many of the 16

    stovepiped legacy systems (p. 11) and are cumbersome and ineffective (p. 6). Finally,

    the Agency advocated the Army will diminish its ability to achieve TAV and improve

    accountability over its assets (p. 22). The Program Manager (PM) implementing the

    ERP disagrees. In the overview of the program, the PMs website stipulates that GCSS-

    Army will provide the Army with improved visibility (PM GCSS-Army, 2013).

    Statement of the Problem

    Total Asset Visibility has received much attention in recent years by many

    defense organizations. For example, the United States Armed Forces and Canadian

    Armed Forces are researching TAV capabilities as a way to improve logistics

    responsiveness and reduce logistics costs (Miksa & Carlson, 2007). The United States

    Armed Forces are transforming their logistics capabilities because of fiscal constraints

    and the need to rapidly deploy forces to hot spots around the world. To enable rapid

    deployment, a Military organization must have the ability to sustain its forces with a

    reduced logistics footprint. For rapid deployments to be successful, commanders must

    have timely and accurate information of the supply chain so that timely and accurate

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    deployment decisions can be made. Accurate and timely logistics information increases

    leaderships confidence that the logistics chain will provide the necessary assets to enable

    victory on the battlefield when and where needed. The PM suggests the GCSS-Army

    ERP will provide universal asset visibility, although the GAO report would suggest


    Because of the multiple components associated with TAV, this study examined

    the effectiveness of logistics and maintenance business processes in delivering a

    component of TAV, that is, visibility over the organizations maintenance processes and

    the assets affected by them. To examine this phenomenon, this study investigated the

    relationship between the information effect of effective maintenance management

    business processes and the capability of visibility of assets in maintenance. In this study,

    business processes, defined in the view of the user population, are effective when a user

    completes a logistics or maintenance management business process and the output is

    correct allowing the user to perform his or her job, which in this study is considered to be

    the information effect of the maintenance business processes.

    To investigate this phenomenon, this study used a database generated from

    computer-assisted self-reporting task performance and survey data taken by the U.S.

    Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC) to measure the suitability, effectiveness,

    and sustainability of GCSS-Army in an operational environment. The data were captured

    during an initial operational test and evaluation (IOT&E) event from September 1, 2011

    to October 20, 2012. To assist ATEC in gathering data during the IOT&E, the Army

    provided an independent third party data collection agency, the Operational Test

    Command (OTC), which employed data collection observer/controllers to assist users in

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    completing task performance forms that recorded tasks performed during the IOT&E

    event (Army Test and Evaluation Command, 2011).

    Purpose of the Study

    How does the resource based view of the firm explain the relationship between

    visibility of assets in maintenance (dependent variable) and the information effective of

    maintenance business processes (independent variables)? The statistical model used to

    test the hypothesis is correlation and regression analysis using a purposefully selected

    sample of ERP logistics users taken from a statistical database. Specifically, this

    quantitative study analyzed the relationship of the information effect of specific mission

    critical functions (MCFs), critical mission functions (CMFs), and the Armys strategic

    objective of TAV to investigate the GAOs claim that the Armys TAV capabilities have

    been diminished with the implementation of GCSS-Army. This study utilized a statistical

    database of survey and task performance data taken from an operational test event

    conducted by the United States Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC) from one

    of two GCSS-Army ERP implementations. The first implementation was completed in

    September 2010 and the second implementation was completed in October 2011. The

    goal of this study is to determine whether effective business processes developed within

    the ERP have diminished the Armys visibility over its assets in the maintenance process

    by using a critical factor matrix, Mission Critical Function (MCF)/Critical Mission

    Function (CMF) Matrix, developed by the researcher and used by ATEC in the

    evaluation of GCSS-Army during the operational test event.

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    In this study, a MCF is generally defined as a high-level logistics capability an

    Army organization needs to be successful on the battlefield. The capability reflects a

    process that is system agnostic, meaning the processes can be performed manually or by

    information systems (IS) developed with no specific vendor in mind. A CMF is generally

    defined as a high-level business process, such as work order management, configuration

    management, issuing supplies, or conducting an inspection or inventory. Each CMF is

    supported by one or many subprocesses, or more generally, the process steps required in

    completing a business process. Information effect is generally defined as the information

    produced by the subprocesses within each CMF, such as an output used as input to new

    processes or the output used to produce maintenance reports.


    The rationale for selecting these concepts came from a literature search on ERP

    success and critical success factors (CSF), which are used to determine the success of

    ERP systems in meeting the goals and objectives of the implementing organization. This

    researcher developed a critical factor MCF and CMF methodology to help ATEC

    quantify the success of the enterprise logistics system in mission based test and

    evaluation (MBT&E) activities. This methodology is significant because GCSS-Army is

    the first ERP to undergo MBT&E using a critical factor approach and the first to receive

    a positive review from the Secretary of Defenses Director, Operational Test &

    Evaluation (DOT&E). The MCF and CMF methodology used for this study makes a

    significant contribution to ERP literature because the IOT&E event was the first

    successful operational evaluation of an ERP in the Army. Accordingly, it is postulated

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    the MCF and CMF methodology would provide a link between business processes and

    strategic capabilities as defined by an organizations strategic objectives. Overall, the

    model contains 5 MCFs with 20 CMFs (see Appendix A for the complete model) with

    194 subprocesses identified to measure the systems success at meeting the operational

    needs (capabilities) for logistics management in the Army. This research project used a

    statistical database containing survey and task performance data collected by ATEC to

    investigate whether a specific capability, such as TAV, has been diminished.

    Research Questions

    Focusing on the information effect of the maintenance management business

    processes developed in the ERP at the tactical and operational level of strategy, this

    research study seeks to determine whether GCSS-Army will diminish the Armys

    capability to achieve TAV and improve accountability over its assets (GAO, 2007, p.

    22). This leads to the following research questions:

    Research question #1: Is there a correlation between the information effect of

    maintenance management business processes and the visibility of assets in maintenance

    at the tactical level?

    Research question #2: Is there a correlation between the information effect of

    maintenance management business processes and the visibility of assets in maintenance

    at the operational level?

    H1o: An increase in the effectiveness of a TAV capability (dependent variable) at

    the tactical level is not related to the information effect (independent variable) of

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    correctly developed maintenance management critical mission functions (CMFs)

    (independent variable) developed in the solution.

    H1a: An increase in the effectiveness of a TAV capability (dependent variable) at

    the tactical level is related to the information effect (independent variable) of correctly

    developed maintenance management critical mission functions (CMFs) (independent

    variable) developed in the solution.

    H2o: An increase in the effectiveness of a TAV capability (dependent variable) at

    the operational level is not related to the information effect (independent variable) of

    correctly developed maintenance management critical mission functions (CMFs)

    developed in the solution.

    H2a: an increase in the effectiveness of a TAV capability (dependent variable) at

    the operational level is related to the information effect (independent variable) of

    correctly developed maintenance management critical mission functions (CMFs)

    developed in the solution.

    Significance of the Study

    Finney and Corbett (2007) conducted a study on critical success factors (CSFs) of

    ERPs and revealed 23 CSFs that could potentially increase the success of an ERP

    implementation, however, the study focused on the stakeholders perspective. One

    significant finding from this study was that most research on CSFs used secondary

    sources (p. 340), such as literature reviews. Al-Mashari (2003) identified this as a

    problem too when he suggested that more empirical studies are needed on ERP

    implementations and that the gap in this area of research is huge (p. 22). Further, he

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    investigated the literature gap and developed a taxonomy identifying 24 areas where

    research on ERP is lacking. He suggested that a critical factor approach to investigating

    ERP implementation would be interesting (p. 22). This study closes this gap by using a

    critical factor approach to investigate the strategic implications of using an ERP in a

    public sector organization, which are three areas in Al-Masharis taxonomy.

    Esteves (2007) reviewed over 600 ERP journal articles and conference

    proceedings. Esteves developed an extensive bibliography of articles related to eight

    categories of enterprise systems topic areas, such as general, ERP adoption, ERP

    acquisition, ERP implementation (p. 390). Further, Finney and Corbett (2007) suggested

    critical success factor research has concentrated on a specific aspect of an ERP

    implementation or a particular critical success factor. The researchers also suggest that

    this research in this area has failed to encompass all significant critical success factor

    considerations. One finding is that none of the articles took the approach of measuring

    ERP success from a critical mission function perspective or using the resource based

    view (RBV) using a capabilities perspective. Johansson and Helstrom (2007) also add

    that academic research on asset visibility is scarce (p 801). This research study adds to

    this academic knowledge base by using a statistical database containing primary data

    taken from an ERP implementation to study the relationship between the effectiveness of

    the Armys strategic capability of asset visibility and business processes using a critical

    factor approach.

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    Definition of Terms

    SAP security audit log is a log that lists the transactions that a user completed in

    the ERP. Each transaction completed in the system is identified by a unique user

    identification code, the SAP transaction code, time and date the transaction was

    completed, and whether the transaction was successful.

    Business process is a mixture of resources that a firm combines in an efforts to

    accomplish its business objectives (Ray, Barney, & Muhanna, 2004).

    Capability is the capacity of an organization to execute its activities in a

    predictive, efficient, and a repetitive manner (Smith, 2008).

    Critical Mission Function (CMF) is a high-level business process that must be

    completed successfully for an organization to create an effective business capability.

    Dependent (outcome) variable is a variable that depends on the independent

    variables manipulation to provide the outcome or results of the study (Creswell, 2009).

    Doctrine defines how the Army operates; it facilitates communication among all

    personnel by providing a common language and understanding of how the Army

    conducts operations.

    Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a system that is multi-dimensional in

    nature and is based on predefined business models as designed by the manufacturer.

    These systems assist firms in planning, control, and resource optimization (Jarrar, Al-

    Mudimigh, & Zairi, 2002).

    Field Manuals are manuals that instruct Soldiers on all aspects of Army life

    (, n.d, para. 1).

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    GCSS-Army is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) built on a SAP platform

    to automate logistics business processes to enable an organization to perform logistics.

    Implementation is defined as a mixture of project management, business process

    reengineering, organizational change management, information systems (IS)

    development, and user training tasks that enable an ERP to be used within an

    organization (Esteves, Pastor, & Casanovas, 2002).

    Independent (predictor) variable is a variable that could cause, influence, or

    affect (Creswell, 2009, p. 50) the outcome of a study.

    Information effectis the ability of an enterprise resource planning system to store

    and process data from the output of one or more business processes and organize and

    disseminate information from a business process to organizational users for decision

    making (Karim, Somers, & Bhattacherjee, 2007).

    Information systems (IS) are business and IT systems that encapsulate the

    existing business processes, organizational structures, culture, and information

    technology (Allen, Kern, & Havenhand, 2002, p. 3065).

    Initial operational test & evaluation (IOT&E) is a test Department of Defense

    organizations conduct to measure the effectiveness of weapon systems in an operational

    environment using scenarios that are as realistic as possible. The goal of the operational

    test is to identify operational deficiencies and operations and support costs related to the

    lifecycle of the system being tested. This activity also helps the Army to refine the

    systems logistics support requirements and training, tactics, techniques, and doctrinal

    needs for increasing a systems effectiveness on the battlefield (Claxton, Cavoli, &

    Johnson, 2005).

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    Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) is the specialty that a member of the

    military holds. This translates to a specific combat or business function, such as a supply

    clerk or warehouse clerk. For example, a 92A is an Automated Logistical Specialist, who

    operates a maintenance information system. This MOS performs maintenance

    management related tasks in a maintenance activity or maintenance section within an

    organization. The civilian counterpart would be a parts or service representative in an

    auto dealership.

    Mission based test and evaluation (MBT&E) is a test method that focuses test and

    evaluation (T&E) activities on the capabilities developed and provided to the warfighter.

    It provides a framework and procedures to link the materiel system attributes to the

    operational capabilities of the system implemented to mission based scenarios and

    requirements (Department of the Army, 2010).

    Mission Critical Function is a business capability that an organization must

    accomplish successfully to perform its business strategy. A combination of mission

    critical functions can be used to create a specific capability.

    Operational strategy is a level of strategy designed and employed at the brigade

    and below. Operational strategy provides brigade sized elements and below with

    direction, and the command and control necessary to conduct combat operations and win

    on the battlefield in a regional area.

    Reliability is the degree to which a measure is consistent with what it is supposed

    to measure (Swanson & Holton, 2005).

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    SAPis an enterprise resource planning solution that provides a means to

    automate and improve existing business processes such as logistics execution and finance

    and accounting, among others. SAP is the ERP solution the Army chose as a tool to

    transform its logistics and financial business processes (SAP, n.d.).

    Support Level Maintenance (sustainment maintenance) is a level of maintenance

    in which an organization conducts maintenance on a customers equipment. The

    equipment being maintained by this organization is not maintained in the SAMS-1E

    equipment table (PM LIS, 2005).

    Systems Integratoris the contractor developing the ERP solution for the customer,

    the U.S. Army.

    Unit Level Maintenance (field maintenance) is a level of maintenance in which a

    unit owns organic equipment. This equipment is maintained in the SAMS-1E equipment

    table in the owning organization (PM LIS, 2005).

    Visibility of Assets in Maintenance is the use of information generated from the

    enterprise resource planning systems, which increases the effectiveness of decision

    making with regard to resource utilization, waste reduction and responsiveness to

    customer demands, and improved quality.

    Assumptions and Limitations


    The Army selected SAP R/3 as the enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform

    as its baseline for reengineering its logistics capabilities. The ERP platform represents an

    effective fit between the Armys organizational structure, culture, and business processes.

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    Seddon, Calvert, and Yang (2010) defined fit as the match between the organizations

    needs and the internal configuration of the enterprise system. They suggested the greater

    the fit the more effective and efficient the organizations processes will be (p. 312).

    Morton and Hu (2008) suggested in order to implement an ERP, a firm will have to

    reengineer its business processes to fit the internal processes of the enterprise system,

    which required requires the organization to move from a functional based organization

    structure to a process-oriented structure (p. 391). According to these researchers, the

    fit between the organization and the design of the system is critical to the success of an

    information system. This fit is important because commercial off the shelf software

    products are not typically aligned to the firms structures or processes, which will require

    significant organizational changes to adapt to an ERP. Also, since ERPs have different

    configurations and are known by different names, such as MRP, and supply chain

    management (SCM) (Tsai, Chen, Hwang, & Hsu, 2010, p. 26) this study focuses on the

    configuration and implementation rather than the name of the ERP solution.

    The business processes developed in the ERP are effective. The Army conducted

    a test to measure the effectiveness, suitability, and survivability of the ERP in an

    operational (tactical) environment. Twenty critical mission functions (business processes)

    were evaluated during this event with approximately 300 participants, who completed

    task performance forms containing quantitative and qualitative data to measure the

    effectiveness of each business process. The outcome of the test event suggested that all

    20 business processes were effective.

    Since this study used a database containing statistical data taken from a unique

    operational test event, the assumption is that this database is valid and accurate. This

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    assumption is supported by the fact that a Data Authentication Group (DAG) employed

    by ATEC authenticated each data element as valid before the data elements were entered

    into the database. Further, it was assumed that the database had not been sufficiently

    analyzed to answer the research questions proposed in this study, because the database

    was used in the IOT&E to access the systems effectiveness, survivability, and

    sustainability in performing logistics on the battlefield. A secondary analysis of the

    dataset is necessary, performed at the level of the business process, to determine if

    business processes can contribute to a firms strategic capabilities, such as TAV. Finally,

    Hakim (1983) suggested that this methodology would be a good fit for the analysis of

    administrative data by applying a somewhat different perspective (p. 503) to the topic

    at hand, which is to achieve a different outcome.


    This study was designed to use a database of existing primary observational data

    taken from an operational test event. Using this database may impose a limitation due to

    the age of the database. However, since the business processes under investigation are

    sufficiently complex and no changes or enhancements have been introduced to the

    business processes since the test event, it is assumed that the age of the database would

    not affect the findings or the studys outcome. Also, system logs could be used to

    evaluate inflated process counts identified in the database, which could be considered by

    some to be subjective and introduce bias, and this fact is identified as a limitation in this

    study. However, Hakim (1983) recognized this possibility and suggests that having

    knowledge of this bias does not invalidate the data (p. 509). Having this knowledge

    provides justification for a somewhat different interpretation of the findings (p. 509).

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    This study also used the original instruments used in the operational test event to

    serve as a point of departure to identify the data elements contained in the database to be

    included in the study. The original instruments contained in the database includes a Task

    Performance Form used to record MCF and CMF transactions completed by the users

    and verified by data collection/observers from the Operational Test Command (OTC).

    This documentation also includes an End of Record Test Survey instrument that was

    developed by ATEC with some participation from this researcher and a committee of

    logistics management specialists. These instruments were administered to the participants

    by OTC and ATEC without participation from this researcher. The validity and reliability

    of the instruments used by ATEC and OTC to collect data during the IOT&E event

    cannot be determined, and therefore constitute a limitation of this study.

    A final limitation is whether the data recorded in the database were designed by

    ATEC to fit some research methodology. It could be assumed that since the data

    collection was based on the mission critical function and critical mission function

    methodology, some form of methodology was associated with the data collection, and

    recording activities and would not impose any limitations to this studys outcome. Hakim

    (1983) suggested that the connection of a post hoc (p. 505) methodology still allows

    the researcher to draw conclusions from the dataset under analysis.

    Conceptual Framework

    This study employed an extract of a conceptual framework designed by the

    researcher to guide ATEC in quantifying the operational effectiveness, operational

    suitability, and operational survivability of the ERP during the operational event (see

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    Appendix A for the complete framework). The conceptual framework developed for the

    test event links business processes within an information system (IS) being developed to

    specific capabilities within an organizations enterprise architecture (EA) that defines a

    high-level strategic objective. In this case, the Army is trying to improve a high-level

    strategic capability to provide operational level commanders and decision makers with

    visibility of assets owned by an organization in the logistics pipeline.

    To achieve this capability, the ERP being developed must include business

    processes that contribute successfully to a business capability. The conceptual framework

    presented in this study identifies the business process areas as critical mission functions

    (CMFs). These are the business processes that must be successfully executed for the

    Army to achieve minimum effectiveness in five specific business areas, which are

    maintenance, retail supply, finance, logistics management, and property book and unit

    supply. Each business capability must be executed successfully for the Army to achieve

    its strategy of logistics management. These five business capabilities are identified in the

    complete conceptual framework (see Appendix A for the complete framework) as

    mission critical functions (MCF).

    In this study, TAV is concerned with the visibility of assets in maintenance,

    which is in line with the DoDs definition of TAV. One mission critical function

    (capability) that contributes to the effectiveness of visibility of assets in maintenance is

    maintenance management. The mission critical function of maintenance management

    contains six critical mission functions (business processes), which are (a) update

    equipment record (b) manage platform configuration (c) manage work orders (d) manage

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    scheduled maintenance (e) manage configuration and maintenance and (f) manage

    maintenance supply transactions.

    For visibility of assets in maintenance to be effective and contribute to the Armys

    strategic objective of TAV, each critical mission function must work as designed and

    provide the information required for organizational users to make informed decisions

    about maintenance capacity and equipment readiness. This is the information effect of the

    business processes, which means that each of the process steps in a critical mission

    function must provide the ERP user with the accurate, timely, and usable output desired.

    If each process step in a critical mission function is working as designed, the critical

    mission function would add to a capability. For example, if the critical mission function

    of work order management is working as designed, the informational output from the

    process can be used in accomplishing specific strategic goals.

    In this study, visibility of assets in maintenance is a strategic capability that

    allows management to support combat operations by assessing and predicting equipment

    readiness based on current equipment configuration and maintenance status (equipment

    in maintenance) and future maintenance needs (scheduled maintenance). For example, if

    all process steps within the critical mission functions of work order management and

    manage scheduled maintenance are working as designed, management at higher levels of

    the Army hierarchy can use the information produced by these business processes to

    determine current maintenance requirements across the organizations maintenance

    facilities, current maintenance status, and plan for future preventative maintenance such

    as when an equipment item is due for a service. This visibility facilitates maintenance

    capacity and load planning to ensure equipment readiness rates meet mission

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    requirements. Figure 2 provides a partial mapping of the mission critical function (MCF)

    and critical mission function (CMF) matrix, which serves as the conceptual framework

    for this study.

    Figure 2. Conceptual framework describing an ERP with several business modules

    with a proposed relationship between information effect of CMFs and visibility of


    Organization of the Remainder of the Study

    Chapter 2 provides a review of the scholarly knowledge base on total asset

    visibility, Army maintenance and logistics processes, enterprise resource planning

    systems, process management, critical success factors, and the resource based view of the


    Chapter 3 discusses the quantitative methodology chosen for this study. This

    chapter also presents statistical analysis procedures that were used to investigate the

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    relationship between the effectiveness of total asset visibility and the processes the ERP

    uses to contribute to the capability.

    Chapter 4 provides a detailed discussion of the analysis procedures, significant

    including statistical results with all necessary charts and graphs.

    Chapter 5 discusses the results, implications, and areas for future research.

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    Government agencies are implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP)

    platforms as a way to improve cost effectiveness and develop improved capabilities. The

    Army is just one example of a Government agency that is transforming its logistics

    business processes using an ERP to reduce costs to build improved warfighting support

    capabilities, such as total asset visibility. To investigate this phenomenon, this study

    presents an exhaustive literature review that crosses many bodies of knowledge. Figure 3

    presents a graphical representation of the topics found in this literature review. Four main

    knowledge areas were investigated. These topics include total asset visibility, enterprise

    resource planning systems, critical success factors, and the resource based view of the

    firm. Figure 3 also provides an indication of the supporting topic areas that are discussed

    in this literature review, which includes topics such as ERP integration and process


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    Figure 3. Literature Review Map

    Total Asset Visibility (TAV)

    Total asset visibility (TAV) is an important concept for an agile and mobile

    military force. This is especially true in the post-cold war era where conflict is

    characterized by small hot spots scattered around the world requiring swift military

    action. Swift action requires military logisticians to develop innovative methods to move

    personnel and equipment rapidly to these hot spots. Simon (2001) suggested that moving

    an agile force requires a military to develop and implement just-in-time supply chain

    processes, which is postulated to generate a significant advantage over adversaries. Such

    a system will require a military force to develop and implement a capability that provides

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    an organization a common view of its assets in the logistics pipeline. Such a capability is

    not limited to military organizations; corporate organizations have a need for TAV as


    Corporate organizations also find TAV to be an important capability. For

    instance, Johansson and Helstrom (2007) suggested that in corporate organizations, TAV

    can be more important than having visibility over its products (p. 801). Currie, Heminger,

    Pohlen, and Vaughan (1996) defined the commercial version of TAV as total supply

    chain visibility (p. 23), which provides organizations visibility of assets in the logistics

    pipeline from the distribution center to the point of sale.

    Simon (2001) defined TAV as a capability allowing military leaders to assess

    operational and logistics situations on the battlefield. This includes (a) the operational

    readiness of material and equipment (b) the ability to rapidly acquire, pack, and ship

    supplies and equipment to maintain supply levels (c) the ability to predict equipment

    failures using forecasting and simulation (p. 64) and (d) the ability to monitor and

    enhance the movement of unserviceable material and equipment from the battlefield to

    repair facilities. Such a capability is critical to ensure that combat forces have the

    equipment and material necessary to conduct combat operations decisively. Not knowing

    where material and equipment are in the logistics pipeline could lead to poor decisions

    that could alter the outcome of a campaign.

    Joint Warfare Center (2000) suggested that visibility systems are capability

    enablers. These enablers increase combat effectiveness by providing leaders accurate and

    timely information to increase battlefield effectiveness. For example, TAV is an

    important component of distribution operations because it provides a means to increase

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    the responsiveness of the Army logistics systems to meet the customers needs through

    the use of timely and accurate supply chain information. This component increases

    combat effectiveness by providing leaders a common view of the overall distribution

    enterprise from source of supply to the user on the battlefield. However, the lens through

    which the Joint Warfare Center defined TAV is the transportation communitys view of

    visibility. This view considers assets that are in the transportation pipeline. This includes

    port to port visibility, where a units assets and cargo conveyed from one point on the

    globe to another.

    In principle, the differing definitions above align to the same goal, which is to

    provide the information necessary to provide logistics support to the combat commander.

    This support enables logistics organizations to help sustain combat power through

    increased control and reliability of the logistics pipeline. It is postulated that a TAV

    capability will increase Army leaderships confidence in the logistics system. Confidence

    can be increased by providing near-real time information about the material and

    equipment in the logistics pipeline that is usable and accurate (Currie, Heminger, Pohlen,

    & Vaughan, 1996; Simon, 2001).

    Significant limitations in the past have limited the Armys ability to create a TAV

    capability. One of the limitations is the LIS currently used to automate the Armys

    logistics processes. Simon (2001) provided a detailed discussion of high-level limitations

    at the DoD level. However, Simon suggested the Army has found it difficult to develop a

    TAV capability in part because of the use of outdated information systems that are

    incompatible with internal and external agencies, and contain redundant data and

    antiquated logistics processes. The use of stovepiped systems significantly limits

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    Armys visibility of the logistics pipeline; this limits the Armys ability to conduct rapid

    replanning and redirection (p. 64) of material and equipment required to support the

    responsiveness needed by combat forces. Simons view of the limitations in developing a

    TAV capability aligns with the GAOs (2007) findings.

    Also, antiquated logistics processes that have not maintained pace with current

    technology advances is another limitation, which prevents the creation of a TAV

    capability. For instance, the Armys concept for TAV is stated inArmy Regulation (AR)

    710-2 (2008). This regulation defines the Armys supply policy at the operational level.

    According to the Regulation, the capability for visibility of assets resides in the

    Logistics Integrated Database (p. 98) (LIDB) maintained by the Army Material

    Commands (AMC) Logistics Support Agency (LOGSA). However, it can be postulated

    that the capability provided by the LIDB is limited because it does not provide real time

    logistics data. This is because LIS systems send daily, weekly, and monthly data to

    LOGSA, who then uploads and stores the data in the LIDB. This sporadic uploading of

    data cannot provide a real-time view of logistics data; it is accurate only as to the last

    update received from LIS.

    Rhodes (2004) suggested that systems such as the LIDB provide a limited TAV

    capability because of the lack of integration among the legacy systems. This issue is

    compounded by the many organizations that have developed homegrown information

    systems that retrieve, upload, and manipulate logistics and financial data from databases

    such as the LIDB to create a TAV capability with logistics and finance data that are often

    outdated. He provided an example of the Financial and Logistical Interface Program

    (FINLOG) (p. 7) that Forces Command built to compensate for the Armys inability to

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    furnish the data necessary to supply up-to-date logistics and financial data. Additionally,

    this tool combines logistics data with financial data from financial systems of record with

    supply data from LIS and LOGSA. It is important to note that current Army legacy LIS

    contain no financial data. They contain only logistics transactional data that have to be

    reconciled with standalone financial systems such as the Standard Army Financial

    Information System (STANFINS), which is being replaced by GFEBS. Even with the

    replacement of STANFINS, LIS transactional data will still require reconciliation with

    GFEBS, which is time consuming and often creates data errors. When fully implemented,

    GCSS-Army will provide journal-level financial data to GFEBS on a daily basis through

    interfaces, which eliminates the need to reconcile transactional level data with financial

    systems of record.

    Also, AR 710-2(2008) suggested the use of TAV and automatic identification

    technology will increase the effectiveness of the Armys redistribution processes.

    Redistribution processes facilitate the redistribution of assets in inventory during an

    emergency situation (p. 98) to units in critical need of material and equipment. For

    example, if an organization is taking on considerable battle losses, the Army can redirect

    material and equipment that is due in to other organizations to the organization taking

    losses to maintain the organizations combat effectiveness.

    The TAV capability as described above includes several components. These

    components include (a) visibility of material and equipment maintained in operational

    inventories (b) visibility of material and equipment in the logistics pipeline, and (c)

    visibility of assets (material and equipment) in repair. Investigating supplies in

    operational inventory and in the logistics pipeline is outside the scope of this study.

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    However, because the TAV capability is composed of several parts, a basic discussion of

    visibility of supplies in operational inventories and in the logistics pipeline appears here

    to facilitate a basic understanding of the complete capability.

    Visibility of Operational Inventories

    The Army suggests the visibility of assets in operational inventories includes

    material and equipment in inventory, moving in a warehouse, and moving throughout an

    organization. Included are the quantities of material on-hand, due-in, and due-out to

    customers. This also includes visibility of when a material condition code or ownership

    or purpose code for a material has changed or when the stockage code or requesting

    objective is changed. When movement of property assets (tools, trucks, tent, diagnostic

    equipment, etc.) are involved, visibility over these assets provide leaders with

    notifications when equipment arrives at the retail supply activity and when an issue or

    receipt transaction occurs. Otherwise, Property Accountable Officers prepare and submit

    a manual report to the LOGSA for input into the LIDB to update asset records

    (Department of the Army, 2008).

    The Armys TAV capability as currently designed provides logistics managers

    with visibility of excess material, which affords Item Managers nationally a capability to

    redistribute the excess material according to operational needs. Finally, it is suggested

    that this capability is still in development. For example, it is envisioned that as the

    TAV/LIDB is fully developed and implemented that it would create the data required to

    fulfill this objective (Department of the Army, 2008, p. 102).

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    Visibility of Supplies in the Pipeline

    Visibility of supplies in the pipeline is provided by what Estevez (2005) described

    as radio frequency identification (RFID) (p. 24). The use of RFID promises to increase

    the visibility of the material stored in warehouses, and of its movements internal to the

    warehouse, and increase the accuracy of inventories. It also promises to provide areas for

    increased productivity as well as methods of integrating information into end-to-end

    processes. As hinted to in this study, the information provided by the RFID capability is

    integrated into an enterprise system, which complements the TAV capability and

    facilitates further enhancements to the transformation of the Armys logistics processes.

    Finally, RFID is not contained within current LIS, third party servers gather and store

    RFID data, which is fed to the LIDB and other LIS, providing a limited, albeit functional,

    in-transit visibility (ITV) to support decision making.

    Visibility of Assets in Maintenance

    The last component of TAV, and the focus of this study, is the visibility of assets

    in the maintenance process. The LIDB contains a maintenance module (Department of

    the Army, 2010-2011, p. 94), which provides maintenance managers historical equipment

    maintenance data generated by maintenance organizations. The historical data contained

    in the module are generated from equipment maintenance work orders sent to LOGSA by

    the Armys standard Army management information systems (STAMIS) from different

    levels of the organizational hierarchy. These LIS provide maintenance managers with

    data to measure performance at different levels of the maintenance hierarchy. This

    includes mean-time-to-repair, repair parts consumption, and reasons for maintenance

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    action (p. 94), etc. However, this data does not provide visibility of equipment status in

    repair. Much like the other visibility components discussed so far, these LIS provide

    maintenance data to the LIDB for historical research and other purposes required by

    higher level Department of the Army organizational needs. Finally, to establish a

    foundation for the research on the capability of TAV and using this capability to establish

    a competitive advantage, Table 2 provides a list of variables that are relevant to this


    Table 2. Variables Relevant to This Study

    Variable Description Variable Type Prior Research

    Visibility of assets inmaintenance (VISMNT)

    Dependent Department of the Army, 2007b, 2008, 2010-2011;Estevez, 2005; Johansson & Helstrom, 2007;Rhodes, 2004; Simon, 2001

    Information Effect(INFEFF)

    Independent Crow, 2002; Department of the Army, 2005, 2008;Gattiker & Goodhue, 2000; Karim, Somers, &Bhattacherjee, 2007; Ng, Ip, & Lee, 1999; PM LIS,2005; Pettit & Beresford, 2009; Trkman, 2010;Uemura, Oiki, Oka, & Nishioka, 2006

    Army Maintenance and Logistics Processes

    The Army has four core maintenance processes, which are (a) performance

    observation (b) equipment services (c) fault repair and (d) a single-standard repair

    (Department of the Army, 2011, p. 1-2). Every organization in the Army that owns and

    operates equipment follows these four maintenance processes. All maintenance

    information generated by these maintenance processes is recorded and stored in LIS in

    each organization (see Figure 1). The first three processes are of particular interest to this

    study, because it is postulated that efficiencies created in these processes through process

    improvements can increase the effectiveness of visibility of assets in maintenance. These

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    processes allow management at all levels to manage the Army Maintenance Management

    System (TAMMS) to ensure equipment readiness is maintained to meet Army standards.

    In general, these core processes allow maintenance managers and logisticians to plan,

    prioritize, conduct, and record maintenance transactions.

    Performance Observation Process

    The purpose of the performance observation process is the foundation

    (Department of the Army, 2011, p. 1-2) of the Armys maintenance program. This

    process is mostly a manual process, but is supported by information systems, diagnostic

    equipment, and in the future, on-board sensors to record equipment faults and

    deficiencies. For example, every equipment item must be inspected by the operator

    before, during, and after the equipment is operated. This is known as the preventive

    maintenance checks and services (PMCS) (p. 1-2). All PMCS operations are recorded

    on the maintenance and inspection worksheet or Department of the Army (DA) Form

    5988-E. When no fault exists, the operator annotates the date the inspection was

    completed on the form, where it is maintained in the equipment file with the vehicle

    while in operation. When the vehicle is returned, the operator annotates the equipment

    record with usage information, fuel and oil added, and the form is returned to the LIS

    operator, who enters the data into the SAMS-1E system. Finally, when a fault is noted

    during operation, the operator annotates the fault on the equipments maintenance

    inspection worksheet. Upon returning to the organization, the worksheet is returned to the

    LIS operator, who records the fault on the equipment record in the LIS (Department of

    the Army, 2006).

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    Fault Repair Process

    The fault repair process is used to restore equipment to original specifications,

    including any deficiency that would prevent equipment from performing as designed, and

    includes any attached components, radio and communications equipment, and weapons.

    Fault repair can be performed by the equipment operator or crew, the organizations

    maintenance personnel, or support maintenance personnel. For example, if an operator

    found a broken light bulb during a preoperative inspection, the operator would request a

    light bulb from the organizations SAMS-1E operator, and then install the light bulb. If

    the light bulb did not correct the fault, the operator notes the fault on the equipments DA

    Form 5988-E. The operator then presents the form to the SAMS-1E operator, who

    presents the form to the maintenance supervisor for assessment. The maintenance

    supervisor presents the form to a maintenance technician to verify the fault. Once

    verified, the maintenance form is returned to the maintenance supervisor, who directs the

    SAMS-1E operator to record a fault on the equipments equipment record in the LIS,

    which then generates a work order to correct the fault (Department of the Army, 2006).

    Equipment Service Process

    The purpose of the equipment service process is to maintain and extend the

    operational life of material and equipment and to increase equipment readiness

    (Department of the Army, 2007, p. 14). Services are maintenance actions performed on

    equipment at some predetermined interval. Intervals range from operation time in miles

    and hours to specific intervals such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or other

    predetermined intervals as defined by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). The

    LIS captures and stores all service related data for future analysis until purged. Based on

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    the service requirements, services are conducted locally. For example, most equipment

    services are conducted in the maintenance facility of the owning organization. Once a

    service is completed, the LIS operator annotates the completed service on the equipment

    record in the SAMS-1E. Next, the LIS operator updates the equipment record in SAMS-

    1E with the next service due. Also, the DA Form 5988-E contains a list of all service

    related information, which is updated regularly following regulatory guidance

    (Department of the Army, 2006).

    Single-Standard Repair

    The single-standard repair is not a process but the policies and procedures

    followed by all maintenance personnel. Every equipment item has a technical manual

    (TM) developed by the OEM and adapted to fit the single-standard repair process for the

    Army. For example, each TM lists the before, during, and after inspection items that all

    operators must visually inspect while utilizing equipment. The TM also lists the

    maintenance allocation chart (MAC) that describes the levels of maintenance required to

    correct a fault. The TM also provides a list of procedures and tools needed to correct a

    fault at the different levels of maintenance. For example, if an alternator was found to be

    broken, the TM would describe the procedures to remove and replace the defective

    alternator, and the level of repair. To support the single-standard repair process, the Army

    established four different levels of technical manuals. For example, equipment operators

    use the -10, or operators manual to perform operator level maintenance. Organizational

    level maintenance activities use the -20 manual for component replacement (on-platform

    repair). Support and depot level organizations follow the -30 and -40 level manuals for

    component repair (off-platform repair) (Department of the Army, 2006).

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    Finally, the four core maintenance processes assist maintenance personnel in

    managing the Armys maintenance program. These processes, initially manual, were

    automated over the past 20 years in the LIS to streamline maintenance processes to create

    efficiencies in managing maintenance. However, these processes do not provide visibility

    of asset in maintenance to support decision making. To enable visibility of assets in

    maintenance activities, seven supporting processes performed in an ERP are postulated to

    increase the visibility over these core maintenance processes.

    Supporting Logistics Business Processes

    To support decision making and provide visibility over the core maintenance

    processes, legacy LIS allowed users to record daily logistics transactions in individual

    disconnected information systems through automated business processes. At

    predetermined time intervals, these transactions are rolled up and sent to the next

    organizational maintenance echelon, where an LIS compiles and sends the data to the

    LIDB at LOGSA for retrieval, analysis, and decision making.

    GCSS-Army dramatically improves legacy LIS supporting business processes

    through business process reengineering (BPR). In GCSS-Army, the logistics and

    maintenance management module provides six supporting maintenance business

    processes, which enhance the Armys maintenance and logistics business capabilities.

    These business capabilities are identified in this study as being a mission critical function

    (MCF). A combination of mission critical functions can be used to create a specific

    capability. For example, by combining MCFs of retail supply, property book/unit supply,

    maintenance, and logistics management, the Army has created a logistics capability

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    within an ERP that enables its combat service support function on the battlefield. Table 3

    lists the business processes implemented in GCSS-Army that support the four core

    maintenance processes.

    Update Equipment Record Process

    Legacy LIS contains an equipment record for every equipment item owned by a

    unit. LOGSAs material master data file (MMDF) provides the equipment record to LIS.

    Once data is input into the LIS, the LIS operator builds an equipment record on each

    equipment item authorized for and maintained by an organization. The equipment record

    contains the details on the equipment such as any warranty, the equipment registration

    number, serial number, current usage reading, equipment category code, and equipment

    readiness code. The equipment record also identifies the equipments assigned operator

    and his or her supervisor, and facilitates readiness reporting. For example, if an

    equipment item or component on an equipment item is not available for administrative

    Table 3. Business Processes that Support the Four Core Maintenance Processes

    Maintenance MCF Process Description

    Update equipment record process Allows a user to update equipment records.

    Manage platform configuration process Allows a user to update equipment configuration.

    Work order management process Allows a user to create, update, and closemaintenance work orders.

    Manage scheduled maintenance process Allows a user to manage equipment scheduledmaintenance activities.

    Configuration & maintenance management process Allows a user to maintain the equipments masterdata.

    Maintenance supply process Allows a user to order repair parts to correct faults.

    Note: MCF = mission critical function

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    purposes or is inoperative, SAMS-1E assigns the equipment a status. Equipment status

    ratings include fully mission capable, partially mission capable, or non-mission capable.

    This process allows a user to update the status of equipment when its status changes.

    Creating an equipment record manually in each LIS for each equipment item introduces

    data inconsistencies propagated in each LIS as data files are transferred (Department of

    the Army, 2005).

    GCSS-Army is subsuming the MMDF and will become the authoritative data

    source (ADS) for all equipment records. Additionally, since the ERP is integrated, data

    conversion activities will ensure equipment record master data, such as serial number,

    model number, and other master data inconsistencies are investigated and resolved, and

    an enterprise equipment record is created in GCSS-Army, which is aligned to an asset

    number obtained from GFEBS. This provides an initialized data set for the equipment

    record. Since GCSS-Army will become the ADS for equipment master data, this process

    is expected to provide the user with more reliable data and timelier status updates. In fact,

    Uemura, Oiki, Oka, and Nishioka (2006) provided evidence that standardized equipment

    records contained in an ERP contribute to standardization, improved efficiencies, and

    timelier equipment status updates. According to the researchers, standardized equipment

    records provide an organization with improved visibility of equipment status throughout

    an organization in near real-time. It is proposed that the enhancements made to this

    process increase the effectiveness of visibility of assets in maintenance.

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