the redux


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Post on 28-Mar-2016




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Uncle Remus


Page 1: The Redux


Page 2: The Redux

WHERE [IT] THE THING COME FROM OR A BLACK (STATE)MENT --we are bodies responding differently, a (total) force, like against you

Amiri Baraka —and then one stands as one was born , unbreakable, tense, ready for something more difficult.

Freidrich Nietzsche

somewhere lost in placenta river sowebegin drifting as anima through protean wilderness. glassless window. landscape where to the edge voices sing to convey equatorial light—: never trust objects on the other side of “scene” amid time’s foudroyant shudder. nomadic (us) always already —: the bending down standing up blooming off cotton branches we be memory. the not-shapeness of strat(us). suspended field holler is rem(us) —: wooly haired sowebegin ]here[ questioning what good comes from man’s conceit—:

Page 3: The Redux

(A)FLOATING (DIS)COURSE stolen as modern art for art’s survival the old man became intricate patterns swept up in the current’s fabric of (us). a false awakening into another dream the old man became intricate patterns of reds and blues: he did not know color .or. the preamble that time is an illusion, backward neck. a phoenix, awkward, of reds and blues: he did not know color, a cerulean ocean cresting on the plane .or. every exit is an entrance somewhere to reenter universal through epiphany—: a cerulean ocean cresting on the plane in a drunken rage. the light went blank—: inside his cranium, secreted as the secret through plate glass sky another world in a drunken rage. the light went blank—: (us) don’t exist as we think (us) do the old man will tell you, shed your skin of the shuck & jive. the song and dance is that (us) don’t exist as (us) think we do & then a drop chord bulb burned brilliant.

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A DREAM STATE WITH A LIL’DIALECT en dey plays dem kinder chunes wat moves you the old man recalled. awakening atavistically against that which is deficient of actual sound an aesthetic emerged from the f:i:el:d:h:o:l:l:a echoing early dogon, that rough grated human. en dey plays dem kinder chunes wat moves you, dialectical speech (hip-switch or bowleg) sleep walking while (a)wake, to get unchained against that which is deficient of actual sound: find the self & kill the self. at infinity plus one there is new sound, new symbolism, new (us’) that will play dem kinder chunes wat moves you from one entranceway to another. then through—: watch the shedding of construction. of language: against that which is deficient of actual sound call it adorno’s aesthetic beauty. call it irony the gray-haired man looking like remus said (en dey plays dem kinder chunes wat moves you) against that which is deficient of actual sound.

Page 5: The Redux

NO ZIPPITY DOO DA w’en i shets my eyes en dozes, dey comes & dey plays so spoke the scraggly old man in the bootleg light secreted by (a)historical erasure. a shadow, the [self]— forced down in a basement to be invisible man he cohabitates with the wattle weasel & brer rabbits. w’en i shets my eyes en dozes, dey comes & dey plays bye-n-bye, he will tell you sho nuff, color contains— how white is the default & black a marked construct secreted by (a)historical erasure. a shadow, the [self] the transnational echoes hollering. he once heard inside his head he knew of olodumare’s messenger. w’en i shets my eyes en dozes, dey comes & dey plays, he will tell you it’s all about (re)memory, how we disorder & chaos to create forever, a way of seeing secreted by (a)historical erasure. a shadow, the [self] he knew the stories handed down through arwhoolies the fiddler, the drummer in the briar patch, he says w’en i shets my eyes en dozes, dey comes & dey plays secreted by (a)historical erasure. a shadow, the [self]—

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ENTERING THE FIGURATIVE just at & outside the superficial of what folks seldom see

his body construction once beautiful. now a museum the innocent betrayal of adolescence complete. & the city too

is it a machine the old man asked does it have teeth? for years slender avenues scuttled his frame alongside darkness each oscillatory star a linkage to (man)made circles

spinning obliquely the cogs & wheels of progress. why it swallowed whole—: him clearly atypical within serrated architecture

when the machine chews do cringe for the old man today—: always relative to where you be at he is

a million miles from now against evening hemline. between night and day there is a fracture a sanctuary slithering into the void. the old man invisible—: where

like the protagonist from ellison’s novel he could live down in a basement’s bootleg light fighting to un-erase arms legs the body. to become visible one must survive

daily indigestions of what this world spits out—

Page 7: The Redux

~ consider—: one nation under a groove. consider groove. who is under? say groove is (them). say one stands for (us). a parenthetical nation in assemblage—: the throat releasing forever cry—: scream—: it’s renegade writing itself into & outside

restricted margins. an erratic melody of the imagined—: fugitive on the run. it’s the open-endedness of a political act. backlash of the lash: disturbances inside words —: (us) last & the beginning of another. strangely original—: idea modified—: echoes twirling—: under construction—: morality’s ugly. (us) more than a nation. say—: a tune bent & shaped out of constrictions—: the inerasable residue.