the really smelly prince


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Post on 16-Jan-2015




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Page 1: The Really Smelly Prince


Page 2: The Really Smelly Prince

Once upon a time in the great city of Mohenjo-Daro there lived a great king. He loved everyone in his kingdom and every one in the kingdom loved him. People loved him so much they would give him offerings of gratitude. The king didn’t like taking these gift but the people insisted. Sculptors usually made sculptures of him as their gifts. There was one the king especially loved it was given to him by the great Michelangelo who had lived in the city for awhile. It was a statue was of the king’s head and it was beautiful and the king loved it. He put it in a special vault where no one could get it and where it would be safe.

Page 3: The Really Smelly Prince

Their was one thing that the king loved above all else and it was his son Adhiraj. Adhiraj was a trouble maker and every day he would sneak out of the palace and go to the farmers’ fields and dive in the mud. Then he would sit in the sun and let the mud dry. Finally he would casually walk back into the palace. The king was naturally upset but he loved his son so much he built him a giant bath so at least when his son came into the house he wouldn't be muddy.

Page 4: The Really Smelly Prince

One day when Adhiraj was going to the field he didn’t realize that the farmers recently put manure on the field and forgot to tell him. So unsuspecting Adhiraj went jumping into the manure. By the time his nostrils started to sting, and the fowl stench told him it wasn’t mud, it was far too late. Poor Adhiraj stared to cry and ran franticly through town to the bath to get the manure off him. As the people saw him running down the street crying they ran to him because they thought he injured himself in the mud.

Page 5: The Really Smelly Prince

As the first person reached the boy the scent was too power full for him and he died. People started dying as they got close to the boy, other people witnessing this thought he was possessed by a demon and grabbed what they could and ran from the town. Adhiraj didn’t know why people were running away and all the people dying around him made him run even faster to the bath.

Page 6: The Really Smelly Prince

Finally Adhiraj made it to the bath and franticly cleaned himself. By the time the king got down to the bath the smell was no longer deadly and the king approach his son without harm. Adhiraj collapsed into his fathers arms and told him what had happened.

Page 7: The Really Smelly Prince

As the king and his son walked down the street they saw nobody still alive. Everyone who didn’t die fled the town because they though it was taken over by a demon. The king decided they should gather their things and leave too. The king and his son brought every thing they could carry but in the wake of the disaster the king forgot his beloved statue.