the real estate forecast post foreclosure crisis

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This presentation covers: * Emerging trends among existing & new players in real estate & home improvement: Which websites are consumers visiting when buying or selling homes? Is there an increased demand for Home Improvement & Do-It-Yourself categories? * Using keyword discovery to understand the consumer, predict trends & seasonality: Are consumers showing sign of confidence in the housing market? Identifying the SEM tactics being used & who is employing paid search as well as who is best optimized for organic search results. * Profiling & targeting the online real estate visitor: Who are the consumers visiting real estate websites, where are they located & which websites are the most credit worthy customers visiting?


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Online Trends in Real Estate

March 23, 2011

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Sometimes no news is good news….


Home prices in the United States declined by 5.7% between January 2010 and January 2011

About 11.1 million households, or 23.1 percent of all mortgaged homes, were underwater in Q4 2010, up from 22.5%, or 10.8 million households, in Q3 2010.

US Dept. of Commerce:

New-home sales slid 16.9% in Feb 2011 – the third straight month of decline. The median price of a new home dropped nearly 14% to $202,100, the lowest since Dec 2003.

New home prices are now 30% higher than of those being resold.

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CoreLogic HPI & Case-Shiller indices have returned to levels of 2000 & 2001

Source: Calculated Risk Blog

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Visits to Real Estate websites increased 27 % YoY

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Visits to Real Estate Portals & Aggregators increased 46% in January 2011 from previous month

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Search is the key driver of traffic to Real Estate websites

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Downstream traffic from Social Networks to Real Estate websites increased 61% YoY

Social Networking & Forums

Filtered to include only Real EstateFiltered to include only Real Estate

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Downstream traffic from Facebook to Real Estate websites increased 42% YoY

Filtered to include only Real EstateFiltered to include only Real Estate

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Generic search terms in Real Estate category reveal consumer demand for home & apt rental market

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Searches for ‘rent to own homes’ tend to include city or state locations

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Searches for ‘houses for rent’ continue to surpass ‘houses for sale’

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Visits to Home & Apt Rental Websites up 33% YoY

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Visitors to Home & Apt Rental websites are younger, with less income & creditworthiness

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Many visitors to Home & Apt Rental websites reside in DMAs where home values have declined

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New rental entrants are capturing search activity

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Heavy paid activity among searches for MLS listings

Filtered by Paid Clicks

Filtered by Organic Clicks

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Search variations of ‘mortgage calculator’ have declined but paid search is strong

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Visits to websites of Home Builders are down 51% compared to Feb 2009

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Search queries including ‘new homes’ and ‘home builders’ echo the lack of demand

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Tight credit markets limit new home interest to affluent HHs with high income & creditworthiness

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Consumers seeking opportunities from foreclosures

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Prospective home buyers are out there seeking first time buyer savings & opportunities with poor credit

Filtered to include ‘credit’

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Key Takeaways

Visits increased to the Real Estate category overall, but mostly driven by rental activity although there are opportunities for those hoping to capitalize on foreclosed homes.

Search is the key driver of traffic to Real Estate websites, however, a popular promotion can quickly gain momentum. Referrals from Social Networks, especially Facebook, have continued to increase along with the popularity of the category.

Visits continue to increase to Home & Apt Rental websites from younger, less affluent HH without access to credit. Many visitors to Home & Apt Rental websites reside in areas of the country where home values have declined such as Florida.

Both visits and searches for new homes and home builders have declined in the past year, mirroring recent housing data. However, there are some new buyers out there that are affluent & qualified for credit.

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