the real da vinci codex


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Post on 10-Aug-2015




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Da Vinci


THE REAL DA VINCI CODEX hidden records of visitors from other worlds? Avid readers of The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown which has been making headline news for selling some nine million copies, thanks to the mystery it creates around a legendary hidden code may not be aware that this hidden code is a reality, and the solution is tied in with Stonehenge and the pyramid mysteries. A new book titled The Hidden Records, which has been recently published by Wayne Herschel, will reveal all. Wayne Herschel a new author in the field of archaeo-astronomy (seen on the highly acclaimed South African television programme Carte Blanche last year) has just launched this long awaited very controversial book. Not only does the author propose a new solution to the ancient pyramid civilisations, but in his research of Stonehenge, he inadvertently stumbles on the Da Vinci code solution encrypted in this ancient monument. Herschel, who resides in South Africa is firmly of the opinion that Dan Browns basic research was very real. It must be reiterated at this point that Wayne Herschels The Hidden Records was not intentionally intended as a response to Dan Browns The Da Vinci Code. Herschels biggest concern is that if his own research which he claims has a tried and tested sound foundation does not get recognised for its true worth, humanity will dismiss the true value of this age-old codex as inconsequential or even worse, as sacrilege: Before the subject of the Da Vinci codex is ridiculed as fantasy, which may even result in this timeless code being given derogatory press the time has come to reveal the factual wonder of the sacred knowledge Leonardo Da Vinci may have kept as a tightly guarded secret. The most likely reason this knowledge may have remained hidden is because people during his time were very quick to prejudge and take action against blasphemers. Those who practised anything that was not clearly explained in the Biblical works were perceived to be evil.

The Virgin of the Rocks

Leonardo Da Vincis Virgin of the Rocks (shown above) is one painting that Dan Brown singles out in his book, The Da Vinci Code, as possibly holding a very profound secret. From his unconventional analysis of this particular painting, and several others like The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa, it is no wonder that mainstream religious thinking has dismissed his results as

sacrilege. Incidentally Wayne Herschel had studied the same painting in 1997. Herschel, from his research of all the ancient clues, had already deduced that the centre of the forehead and the navel, were considered sacred points of the human anatomy. He examined the Virgin of the Rocks with a fine tooth comb carefully looking for these most sacred points. For Herschel, the way in which the rod was clasped under the arm of the infant on the left, provided the clue. The almost out of place fashion in which it was rendered, immediately raised Herschels suspicions that this could be the key to unlocking the mystery. If one were to extend a line from both ends of the rod, one to the forehead of the female figure, the other to the navel of the infant in the lower part of the painting, and then extend a line from both these sacred points to the forehead of the figure on the right, a unique polygon emerges. Perhaps it was feared during Da Vincis time that some may have associated the polygon with an icon that had negative connotations the well known icon of the occult a PENTAGRAM? The question that must now be asked is: Does this polygon hold the clue to something monumental that will help decode an even greater mystery? Vitruvian Man The art piece that Herschel had the greatest affinity with in his research on Leonardo Da Vinci, is the one that is referred to as Vitruvian Man (shown above). To this very day, this great Renaissance artists portrayal of the human form has been considered to hold a hidden mathematical code, as well as the already deciphered Fibonacci ratio (more commonly known as the Golden Mean). Herschel believes Da Vinci intentionally left out some secret detail that defines extremely unique geometry beyond a mere square and a circle found in the human form, for reasons that the book explores. It was Stonehenge that would provide Herschel with the true solution to Vitruvian Man. In deciphering the layout of this monument of aeons gone by, what would emerge for him was the theme of a man mimicking a star inside a star hence the name star man as the author likes to refer to his discovery. When the human form mimics a star the unthinkable geometry is created.

If the arms of Vitruvian Man are moved into position directly over the head (shown below) unlike how Leornardo Da Vinci had painted him not only does his form mimic a star but a unique pentagon comes into play. Star man The human form fits very mathematically into the centre of the stone circle at Stonehenge with the head positioned above the altar stone (shown above and below). In a wider context the solution becomes even clearer because it turns out that Stonehenge and its surrounding monuments were designed as a star map of the heavens. A grouping of nearby manmade mounds replicates a prime star constellation explored in the authors book, while the outer stone circles geometry is suggestive of the outline of a star in conjunction with two smaller mounds mimicking planets in orbit (see Stonehenge page).

Herschel believes that because the shape of the human form is very ingeniously linked to the star that their pyramid star maps isolate (found also at two other ancient sites), it seems the ancient civilisations were trying to tell us that their ancestors the gods came from one and the same star. One cannot help asking: Is this star suggesting the place of origin of the human gene lineage? A lineage evolved somewhere else completely independent to any Earth evolving hominid? Universal design code? On a more elevated level, Herschel believes this codex seems to be spelling out one very pertinent universal truth: It is definitely not a PENTAGRAM, but an unusual elongated PENTAGON and in its own right seems so perfect, as if it is shouting out that the human form is not entirely a creature evolved by chance through natural selection. Logically speaking, there has to be is a design code that life conforms to a life force originating from the central nucleus of the universe the place where all matter was created. The place of the One we call God! One could of course ascribe this to coincidence but then why is this very

specific geometry encrypted into Stonehenge, Giza and the most awe inspiring place of all engineered into a five-sided man made mountain on Mars? When Wayne Herschel released aspects of his findings to a newspaper in South Africa in 1999, he referred to it as the Da Vinci Codex. Notice, by chance the term he coined is slightly different to the title chosen by Dan Brown for his book. Is this new codex part of a cosmic message?

Reasons for the code being kept a tightly guarded secret The secret that Da Vincis Virgin of the Rocks holds is blatantly obvious in this final image (shown above), once the altered Vitruvian man is superimposed into the unique pentagonal formation. The message conveyed by the painting seems to suggest that this sacred form is only part of an even deeper enigma. After all, why keep innocent mathematical geometry unique to the human form a secret? What if the geometry is part of a source of forbidden knowledge that did not fit at all into religious teaching during the renaissance era? Da Vinci seems to have guarded this secret for this very reason. However, this did not detract from the likelihood that he believed the code was of untold significance to humankind and should not be forgotten. Hence he ingeniously encoded it into some of his paintings. But why would this knowledge have been so shocking for its time? Perhaps it claimed evidence of the place of human origins evidence of which does seem to exist, gauging by what Wayne Herschel has stumbled on in his research of the ancient civilisations. If Da Vinci had exposed this phenomenal revelation, it would have defied the holy books of his time. Was it worth being burnt at the stake for doing so? Perhaps this knowledge Da Vinci had, claimed we were the descendant lineage from visitors of human form who came from the stars, who possessed powers that would very quickly be relegated to witchcraft. When in effect, what these beings that came from above possessed, was technology. Technology that was so advanced, it could be misconstrued as something evil by commoners but certainly not by a genius such as Da Vinci. If one goes by this train of reasoning, one cannot help but wonder if all of Da Vincis inventions were not really his inventions per se, but reproductions of what he had been privileged to bare witness to. Records of the hi-tech technology once used by those who visited from another world?

The secrecy surrounding the Da Vinci code now seems to be justifiable, as Wayne Herschels controversial book, The Hidden Records, which has just been released, extrapolates. Herschel reveals how this fingerprint of those who visited from another world, is encoded into the enigmatic monuments they built on Earth and even on Mars (which was not always a red planet). This would explain why the code had been covered up for centuries until today. The Hidden Records will reveal all! Not only does it offer proof that the star the ancient monuments isolate in their layout plans is indeed the star of the gods, but that it exists astronomically. The book will offer corroborating evidence that it is Sun-like and very close to our solar system. The operative word here is Sun-like because it would most likely have planets associated with it, conducive to life as we know it.