the ram and the he goat daniel 8 the conflict emergence of greece the little horn of the east

The Ram and the He Goat The Ram and the He Goat Daniel 8 Daniel 8 The conflict The conflict Emergence of Greece Emergence of Greece The Little Horn of the East The Little Horn of the East

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The Ram and the He Goat Daniel 8 The conflict Emergence of Greece The Little Horn of the East. What it’s all about…. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The Ram and the He Goat Daniel 8 The conflict Emergence of Greece The Little Horn of the East

The Ram and the He GoatThe Ram and the He GoatDaniel 8Daniel 8

The conflictThe conflictEmergence of GreeceEmergence of Greece

The Little Horn of the EastThe Little Horn of the East

Page 2: The Ram and the He Goat Daniel 8 The conflict Emergence of Greece The Little Horn of the East

What it’s all about…What it’s all about…

In taking a general survey of the contents of the Book of Daniel, In taking a general survey of the contents of the Book of Daniel, it may be seen that two great powers are the principal subjects of it may be seen that two great powers are the principal subjects of its predictions. The one is styled "THE KINGDOM OF MEN" its predictions. The one is styled "THE KINGDOM OF MEN" (Dan 4:17) and the other, "THE KINGDOM OF GOD" (Dan 4:17) and the other, "THE KINGDOM OF GOD" (Dan 2:44) (Dan 4:3) (Dan 7:27).(Dan 2:44) (Dan 4:3) (Dan 7:27).

Page 3: The Ram and the He Goat Daniel 8 The conflict Emergence of Greece The Little Horn of the East

Daniel’s VisionsDaniel’s Visions


PersiaPersia The Breast The Breast and  Arms and  Arms of Silverof Silver

The BearThe Bear The RamThe Ram

GreeceGreece The Belly The Belly

and Thighs and Thighs of Brassof Brass

The The LeopardLeopard

The He The He GoatGoat

Page 4: The Ram and the He Goat Daniel 8 The conflict Emergence of Greece The Little Horn of the East

The Ram (Medes & Persians)The Ram (Medes & Persians)

Dan 8:20 The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia.

"did according to its will, and became great". The reason of this greatness is given in Dan 11:1, from which we learn that it was because the kings of the Ram dynasty were strengthened by an angel-prince devoted to the interests of Judah.

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The Persian KingdomThe Persian Kingdom

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The He Goat - GreeceThe He Goat - Greece

"behold, a He-Goat came from the west over the face of the whole earth"; that is, over the face of the whole Ram-empire; and nothing upon the earth smote (him), and the Goat had a conspicuous horn between his eyes".

"And the rough Goat is the kingdom of Grecia; and the Great Horn between his eyes is the first king"; and what is affirmed of them is thus explained in Dan 11:3, "And a mighty king shall stand up, that shall rule with great dominion, and do according to his will".

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The ConflictThe Conflict

(Dan 8:6-7) "And he came to the Ram, and ran unto him in the fury of his power; and he came close to him, and was moved with anger against him, and smote the Ram, and brake his two horns; and there was no power in the Ram to stand before him, but he cast him down to the ground, and stamped upon him; and there was none that could deliver the Ram out of his power".

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Alexander’s EmpireAlexander’s Empire

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The Death of AlexanderThe Death of Alexander

“when the Goat was strong, the Great Horn was broken”

that is, the power of the kingdom departed from the first king and his family

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The Dividing of Alexander’s EmpireThe Dividing of Alexander’s Empire

Alexander’s empire was divided amongst his four generals; Alexander’s empire was divided amongst his four generals; Ptolemy, Lysimachus, Seleucus, and Cassander.  They each Ptolemy, Lysimachus, Seleucus, and Cassander.  They each administered a separate part of the Grecian Empire as follows:administered a separate part of the Grecian Empire as follows:- The kingdom - The kingdom of the southof the south comprising Egypt, Libya, Arabia, Coele- comprising Egypt, Libya, Arabia, Coele-

syria and Palestine (administered by the Ptolimies).syria and Palestine (administered by the Ptolimies).- The kingdom of the north-west, comprising Thrace, Bithinya, or - The kingdom of the north-west, comprising Thrace, Bithinya, or

Thraco-Macedonia (established by Lysimachus).Thraco-Macedonia (established by Lysimachus).- The kingdom of the north-east, comprehending the rest of Asia, - The kingdom of the north-east, comprehending the rest of Asia,

including Babylon and its precincts, extending beyond the Euphrates to including Babylon and its precincts, extending beyond the Euphrates to the Indus. This was the Macedo-Babylonish kingdom of the Selucidae the Indus. This was the Macedo-Babylonish kingdom of the Selucidae (referred to as the (referred to as the king of the north)king of the north)..

- The kingdom of the west, embracing Macedonia and Greece - The kingdom of the west, embracing Macedonia and Greece (administered by Cassander).(administered by Cassander).

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Exposition of DanielExposition of Daniel

Of the four heads of the Leopard and the four horns of the Goat, Of the four heads of the Leopard and the four horns of the Goat, but two only figure in the prophecy of Daniel's book. The reason but two only figure in the prophecy of Daniel's book. The reason of this is, that the prophecy was not delivered to prefigure the of this is, that the prophecy was not delivered to prefigure the history of the Gentiles; but to foreshow how the international history of the Gentiles; but to foreshow how the international policy of some of them in its bearing upon Judah, the Holy Land, policy of some of them in its bearing upon Judah, the Holy Land, and the saints, would at length create such a situation of affairs in and the saints, would at length create such a situation of affairs in the end, as would favor the execution of the divine purpose of the end, as would favor the execution of the divine purpose of demolishing the powers of the Gentiles in the establishing of the demolishing the powers of the Gentiles in the establishing of the

Kingdom of God.Kingdom of God.

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Exposition of DanielExposition of Daniel

"The secret of Yahweh is with them that fear him." The matter is "The secret of Yahweh is with them that fear him." The matter is therefore revealed for the information of those that obey him that therefore revealed for the information of those that obey him that they may not be taken unawares. "The wise shall understand." they may not be taken unawares. "The wise shall understand." Let them know, then, that the policy of only two heads of the Let them know, then, that the policy of only two heads of the Leopard is foreshown, because they only of the four had to do Leopard is foreshown, because they only of the four had to do with Judah and the Holy Land; and were sufficient to connect the with Judah and the Holy Land; and were sufficient to connect the iron with the silver of the Image. iron with the silver of the Image.

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Exposition of DanielExposition of Daniel

Hence the individual dominion of Alexander was the Belly, and Hence the individual dominion of Alexander was the Belly, and these two heads also the two Thighs of brass; and therefore these two heads also the two Thighs of brass; and therefore continuous with the iron Roman leg; so that the brass and iron continuous with the iron Roman leg; so that the brass and iron limbs of the Image from hip to ankle represent the fourth form in limbs of the Image from hip to ankle represent the fourth form in its Graeco-Roman constitution. its Graeco-Roman constitution.

The two thighs and the two heads represent the Kingdom of the The two thighs and the two heads represent the Kingdom of the South, and the Kingdom of the North-east…South, and the Kingdom of the North-east…

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The Little HornThe Little Horn

Dan 8:23 Dan 8:23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand upand understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. .

Dan 8:24 Dan 8:24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy peoplepractice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people..

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From Elpis IsraelFrom Elpis Israel Now, in the latter time of these four Macedonian kingdoms, a Now, in the latter time of these four Macedonian kingdoms, a fifth power made its appearance among them, and subdued them fifth power made its appearance among them, and subdued them all. This is represented in all. This is represented in the visionthe vision by a Little Horn growing up by a Little Horn growing up out of one of the four horns; and in out of one of the four horns; and in the prophecy,the prophecy, as as "a king "a king doing according to his will"doing according to his will" (Dan 11:36). Though relatively small (Dan 11:36). Though relatively small in its beginnings, this fifth power in its beginnings, this fifth power "waxed exceeding great, "waxed exceeding great, toward the south, or Egypt; towards the east, or Euphrates; and toward the south, or Egypt; towards the east, or Euphrates; and

toward the pleasant land of Canaan."toward the pleasant land of Canaan."

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From Elpis IsraelFrom Elpis Israel

The Little Horn, then, is representative of the dragon's power in The Little Horn, then, is representative of the dragon's power in the East -- that is, of the Roman; which was planted on the the East -- that is, of the Roman; which was planted on the Assyro-Macedonian Horn B.C. 65, when it became a province of Assyro-Macedonian Horn B.C. 65, when it became a province of the dragon empire. It continued to wax exceeding great in these the dragon empire. It continued to wax exceeding great in these countries until it established its dominion over Syria, Palestine, countries until it established its dominion over Syria, Palestine, part of Arabia, and Egypt. The tenth, eleventh, and twelfth verses part of Arabia, and Egypt. The tenth, eleventh, and twelfth verses of the 8th chapter represent the part it was to enact in the of the 8th chapter represent the part it was to enact in the overthrow of the Jewish State; and the twenty-fifth, outlines its overthrow of the Jewish State; and the twenty-fifth, outlines its ecclesiastical policy, and its exaltation against the Prince of ecclesiastical policy, and its exaltation against the Prince of princes in "the last end of the indignation," when it princes in "the last end of the indignation," when it "shall be "shall be broken without hand"broken without hand" -- that is, -- that is, by the Stone of Israel when he by the Stone of Israel when he smites the Image on the feetsmites the Image on the feet. .

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The Little Horn: Chapter 8The Little Horn: Chapter 8Verse 9Verse 9

- It grew out of one of the Grecian kingdoms - It grew out of one of the Grecian kingdoms - It waxed exceeding great toward south and east and to the - It waxed exceeding great toward south and east and to the

pleasant land. Its origin was north and west and it invaded pleasant land. Its origin was north and west and it invaded Palestine Palestine

Verse 10Verse 10 It opposed God’s people (the host of heaven) and overthrew Jewish It opposed God’s people (the host of heaven) and overthrew Jewish rulers (stars)rulers (stars)

Verse 11Verse 11- It opposed the prince of the host (the Messiah)- It opposed the prince of the host (the Messiah)- It took away the sacrificial system and cast down the sanctuary- It took away the sacrificial system and cast down the sanctuary

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The Little Horn: Chapter 8The Little Horn: Chapter 8Verse 12 and 24Verse 12 and 24

God was using it in these judgments because of the transgression of God was using it in these judgments because of the transgression of His peopleHis people

Verse 23Verse 23It is described as a king of fierce countenance and understanding It is described as a king of fierce countenance and understanding

dark sentencesdark sentences

Verse 25Verse 25- It causes craft to prosper- It causes craft to prosper- It finally meets its end at the hands of the Prince of Princes (the - It finally meets its end at the hands of the Prince of Princes (the


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Verse 24Verse 24

Messiah comes at the end of seventy weeks, but is “cut off”.Messiah comes at the end of seventy weeks, but is “cut off”.

Verse 26Verse 26The destruction of God’s people follows this by the people of the The destruction of God’s people follows this by the people of the

prince (see God shall send forth his armies, Matt. 22:7)prince (see God shall send forth his armies, Matt. 22:7)City and sanctuary are destroyed and desolations followCity and sanctuary are destroyed and desolations follow

Verse 27Verse 27Desolations continue till the judgment on the desolatorDesolations continue till the judgment on the desolator

The Little Horn: Chapter 9The Little Horn: Chapter 9

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Verse 36Verse 36

- The king is willful and exalts himself above every God- The king is willful and exalts himself above every God- Speaks marvelous things against the God of gods - Speaks marvelous things against the God of gods - He continues until God’s indignation against His people ends - He continues until God’s indignation against His people ends

Verse 37Verse 37He shall not regard the god of his fathers; nor the desire of women: He shall not regard the god of his fathers; nor the desire of women:

he magnifies himself above all he magnifies himself above all

The Little Horn: Chapter 11The Little Horn: Chapter 11

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Verse 38Verse 38

He honors the god of forcesHe honors the god of forces

Verse 39Verse 39In this interest the land is divided for gain.In this interest the land is divided for gain.

The final conflicts, which end in its overthrow, are described.The final conflicts, which end in its overthrow, are described.

The Little Horn: Chapter 11The Little Horn: Chapter 11

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There is but one answer— Rome, to whom the Kingdom of There is but one answer— Rome, to whom the Kingdom of Babylon had passed from the successors of Seleucus, one of Babylon had passed from the successors of Seleucus, one of Alexander’s generals who is represented by the northern horn.Alexander’s generals who is represented by the northern horn.

By the absorption of the northern kingdom into the Roman By the absorption of the northern kingdom into the Roman empire, a union was formed between it and the Graeco-empire, a union was formed between it and the Graeco-Babylonian power of the Seleucidae; so that as these were heirs Babylonian power of the Seleucidae; so that as these were heirs of Alexander's kingdom of Babylon, the Romans inherited it of Alexander's kingdom of Babylon, the Romans inherited it from them. Hence the power peculiar to this territory, styled "the from them. Hence the power peculiar to this territory, styled "the whole earth", may very properly be called the Romano-Greek whole earth", may very properly be called the Romano-Greek Babylonian; or the Latino-Greek Babylonian.Babylonian; or the Latino-Greek Babylonian.

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Rome and JudahRome and Judah

This advance of the Roman power eastward was preparatory to This advance of the Roman power eastward was preparatory to the use Yahweh was going to make of them in the crucifixion of the use Yahweh was going to make of them in the crucifixion of Jesus, the punishment of Judah, and the abolition of the Mosaic Jesus, the punishment of Judah, and the abolition of the Mosaic system, as predicted in the eighth chapter, and the prophecy of system, as predicted in the eighth chapter, and the prophecy of the Seventy Weeks.the Seventy Weeks.

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Christ’s ProphecyChrist’s Prophecy

Christ’s prophecy of the approach of the Roman arms, and his Christ’s prophecy of the approach of the Roman arms, and his allusion to the reason of their permitted triumph (Matt. 24; allusion to the reason of their permitted triumph (Matt. 24; Luke 21), furnish the finishing evidence of the identity of the Luke 21), furnish the finishing evidence of the identity of the little horn of the goat with the Roman power, whose outlined little horn of the goat with the Roman power, whose outlined mission is not yet accomplished. It is nearly so but not quite.” mission is not yet accomplished. It is nearly so but not quite.” Having destroyed Jerusalem in a.d. 70, it “cast down the truth to Having destroyed Jerusalem in a.d. 70, it “cast down the truth to the ground.”the ground.”

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Cast Down the TruthCast Down the Truth

First, under the Pagan Cæsars, it persecuted the witnesses of First, under the Pagan Cæsars, it persecuted the witnesses of Christ’s resurrection, and employed its power against all who Christ’s resurrection, and employed its power against all who received their testimonyreceived their testimony

Secondly, when the Pagan form of Rome’s Government was Secondly, when the Pagan form of Rome’s Government was overthrown, and Christianity became nominally the religion of overthrown, and Christianity became nominally the religion of the State, it nullified New Testament Christianity by the State, it nullified New Testament Christianity by promulgating fables in its name, and persecuting and destroying promulgating fables in its name, and persecuting and destroying to the ground all that opposed its corrupt doctrine, and contended to the ground all that opposed its corrupt doctrine, and contended for “the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ.” for “the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ.”

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Against the Prince of PrincesAgainst the Prince of Princes

The “kings of the earth” that oppose Christ are the “ten kings,” The “kings of the earth” that oppose Christ are the “ten kings,” and the ten kings are the Roman kings, the kings of the Roman and the ten kings are the Roman kings, the kings of the Roman earth as shown by the ten horses appearing on the head of the earth as shown by the ten horses appearing on the head of the Roman dragon. In their last essay, they are headed up under the Roman dragon. In their last essay, they are headed up under the pontifical power of Rome. Rome thus, in its last appearance on pontifical power of Rome. Rome thus, in its last appearance on the stage, “stands up against the Prince of Princes.”the stage, “stands up against the Prince of Princes.”

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2,400 Years2,400 Years

It is 2,400 years ago since the Persian ram appeared on the It is 2,400 years ago since the Persian ram appeared on the historic arena. We are, therefore, close under the shadow of the historic arena. We are, therefore, close under the shadow of the finishing event of the vision, which is thus announced, then shall finishing event of the vision, which is thus announced, then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.the sanctuary be cleansed.

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So, in this 8th chapter, we see the connection with Jesus, which So, in this 8th chapter, we see the connection with Jesus, which leads us directly to his presence at his coming in power and great leads us directly to his presence at his coming in power and great glory. It supplies us with the historic framework to which that glory. It supplies us with the historic framework to which that event is related. It connects the times and events in which we event is related. It connects the times and events in which we ourselves are embraced with the greatest of all events in which ourselves are embraced with the greatest of all events in which God’s plan with the earth has its issue. God’s plan with the earth has its issue.

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Nothing more …Nothing more …

… … appeals powerfully to human motive than the certainty that appeals powerfully to human motive than the certainty that human life will shortly come under the review of an unerring and human life will shortly come under the review of an unerring and omnipotent judge whom God has ordained to omnipotent judge whom God has ordained to “give to every man “give to every man according as his work shall be.”according as his work shall be.”

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Nothing more…Nothing more…

… … powerfully nerves a man to the endurance of the hardships of powerfully nerves a man to the endurance of the hardships of a faithful service than the prospect of Christ’s approbation of that a faithful service than the prospect of Christ’s approbation of that service, and his practical recognition of it in the promotion of the service, and his practical recognition of it in the promotion of the faithful servant to a position of honor and love among myriads of faithful servant to a position of honor and love among myriads of the Father’s perfected sons in a day of power and gladness.the Father’s perfected sons in a day of power and gladness.

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Nothing more…Nothing more…

… … thoroughly enables a man to cheerfully resign himself to the thoroughly enables a man to cheerfully resign himself to the position of a stranger in the earth abdicating political privileges position of a stranger in the earth abdicating political privileges and foregoing political benefits and distinctions than the and foregoing political benefits and distinctions than the conviction that not only are all human politics ultimately vain, conviction that not only are all human politics ultimately vain, but that there waits at the door with Christ, the solution of every but that there waits at the door with Christ, the solution of every problem that affects the well-being of man, whether problem that affects the well-being of man, whether physiological, social, spiritual or political.physiological, social, spiritual or political.

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Visions Shown to DanielVisions Shown to Daniel

- All this spiritual comfort and moral power comes with faith in - All this spiritual comfort and moral power comes with faith in the visions shown to Daniel.the visions shown to Daniel.

- They are the authentic exhibition of God’s purpose—a purpose - They are the authentic exhibition of God’s purpose—a purpose to bring order out of confusion, good out of evil, well being to bring order out of confusion, good out of evil, well being and glory out of the affliction that has lain heavily on the and glory out of the affliction that has lain heavily on the human lot since human life appeared upon the earth.human lot since human life appeared upon the earth.

- They present the holy land and people as the pivot of - They present the holy land and people as the pivot of operations, concurrently with “the truth” sent to them which operations, concurrently with “the truth” sent to them which Rome has “cast down to the ground.”Rome has “cast down to the ground.”

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We pray for the peace of JerusalemWe pray for the peace of Jerusalem

Psalm 137: Psalm 137: “If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand “If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its cunning. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue forget its cunning. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I prefer not Jerusalem above cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy.”my chief joy.”

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Christ our PassoverChrist our Passover

Are these things disconnected with “Christ our Passover?” On the Are these things disconnected with “Christ our Passover?” On the contrary, they all converge in him. They are all grouped around contrary, they all converge in him. They are all grouped around that table at which he said that table at which he said “I will drink no more of the fruit of the “I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine till that day that I drink it new with you in my Father’s vine till that day that I drink it new with you in my Father’s Kingdom.”Kingdom.” He himself is the center of all the things shown to He himself is the center of all the things shown to Daniel and of all the hopes outlined in his glorious visions.Daniel and of all the hopes outlined in his glorious visions.

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The VictoryThe Victory

"Make a joyful noise to Yahweh, all the earth; make a loud noise, "Make a joyful noise to Yahweh, all the earth; make a loud noise, and rejoice and sing praise. Sing unto Yahweh with the harp; and rejoice and sing praise. Sing unto Yahweh with the harp; with the harp and the voice of a psalm. With trumpets and sound with the harp and the voice of a psalm. With trumpets and sound of cornets make a joyful noise before Yahweh, the King. Let the of cornets make a joyful noise before Yahweh, the King. Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof; the world and they that dwell sea roar, and the fulness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein. Let the floods clap their hands; let the hills be joyful therein. Let the floods clap their hands; let the hills be joyful together before Yahweh; for he cometh to rule the earth; with together before Yahweh; for he cometh to rule the earth; with righteousness shall he rule the world, and with equity the righteousness shall he rule the world, and with equity the peoples". Psalm 98:4-9peoples". Psalm 98:4-9