the railway crossing project.docx

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  • 7/24/2019 The Railway Crossing Project.docx







    I& '"!* +u***#&" %+ #u!##&" +% ".# /$ %+ $#




    Nitin KushwahaAi!it Ra"#sh S$iastaa%$a##n Ku"a$ Ch&u'#(

    K&usta B&s#

    ) * P #




  • 7/24/2019 The Railway Crossing Project.docx



    I the undersigned solemnly declare that the report of the project work entitled Hydraulic

    Railway Barrier is based on our own work during the course of my study under thesupervision of Mr Manish Kumar

    I assert that the statement made and the conclusions drawn are an outcome of the project

    work. I further declare that the best of my knowledge and belief that the report does not

    contain any part of any work which has been submitted for the award of any other

    degreecertificatediploma in any other university.

    !itin Kushwaha

    Roll. !o. "#$"%$'%

    (nrolment !o. )K%*#*

    +rivastava )vijit Ramesh

    Roll. !o. "#$"%$#'

    (nrolment !o. )K%,%"

    -raveen Kumar houbey

    Roll. !o. "#$"%$&"&&

    (nrolment !o. ),#$*

    Koustav BoseRoll. !o. "#$"%$,%

    + * P #

  • 7/24/2019 The Railway Crossing Project.docx


    (nrolment !o. )K%'/"


    0his is to certify that the report of the project submitted is an outcome of the project work

    entitled 1Hydraulic Railway Barrier2 carried out by3 Nitin Kushwaha Roll. No.

    3013712057 (nrolment !o. )K%*#*3 Si!asta!a A!i"it Ra#$sh Roll. No. 3013712005

    (nrolment !o. )K%,%"3 %a!$$n Ku#a Chou&$' Roll. No. 3013712322(nrolment !o.

    ),#$*( Kousta! )os$ Roll. No. 30137120*7(nrolment !o. )K%'/"3 carried out under

    my guidance and supervision for the award of degree in )a+h$lo o, En-in$$in- in

    $+hani+al En-in$$in- of Chhattis-ah Swa#i /i!$anana T$+hni+al ni!$sit'

    )hilai( Inia

    0o the best of my knowledge the report

    $. (mbodies the work of the candidate himself3

    &. Has duly being completed3

    ". 4ulfils the re5uirement of the ordinances of the university and is upto the desired


    Mr Manish Kumar

    )sst. -rofessor

    Mechanical Branch

    Bhilai Institute of 0echnology

    0he -roject work as mentioned above is hereby recommended and forwarded for

    e6amination and evaluation.

    7+ignature of Head of 8epartment with +eal9

    * P #

  • 7/24/2019 The Railway Crossing Project.docx



    0his is to certify that the project work entitled

    4'auli+ Railwa' )ai$

    Su'"itt#- B(

    Na#$ Roll. No. Enol#$nt No.

    Nitin Kushwaha 3013712057 AK7606

    Si!asta!a A!i"it Ra#$sh 3013712005 AK7*73

    %a!$$n Ku#a Chou&$' 3013712322 AC*016

    Kousta! )os$ 30137120*7 AK753

    )s been e6amined by the undersigned as a part of the e6amination for the award of Bachelor

    of (ngineering 8egree in Mechanical (ngineering of hhattisgarh +wami :ivekananda

    0echnical ;niversity Bhilai



    . * P #

  • 7/24/2019 The Railway Crossing Project.docx


    I&"#&* E5!

    E5"#&* E5!

    D"# D"#


    0his dissertation would not have been possible without the guidance and the help of several

    Individuals who in one way or another contributed and e6tended their valuable assistance is

    the preparation and completion of study.

    4irst and foremost3 with gratitude to 8r. +.K

  • 7/24/2019 The Railway Crossing Project.docx


    33 33 33

    N!"!& 7u8./. S!8" A!:!"


    P##& 7u


    7%u8" B%8#

    S##8"# ;

  • 7/24/2019 The Railway Crossing Project.docx



    S'#&ol $anin-


    ,r2 Inner and ?uter Radius

    @ @ength ?f Barrier

    A @ength at section A

    A x )rea at section A

    Vx :olume at section A

    Mx Mass of section A

    Fx 4orce at section A

    Tx 0or5ue at section A


    ( (nergy

    - -ower

    K 4riction factor

    1 * P #

  • 7/24/2019 The Railway Crossing Project.docx



    %a-$ Nu#&$ Cont$nt

    $$ Rail accidents by category

    $& asualties from rail accidents

    $, ?perating characteristics of level crossing

    2 * P #

  • 7/24/2019 The Railway Crossing Project.docx



    Cont$nt %a-$ no.

    hapter I Introduction C

    hapter II @iterature Review $#

    hapter III -roblem Identification $$

    hapter I: )nalysis of accidents and power consumption in current

    crossing $&

    hapter : (6pected Results and 8iscussion &"

    hapter :I onclusion and +cope &,

    Bibliography &'

    3 * P #

  • 7/24/2019 The Railway Crossing Project.docx


    C4A%TER : I


    1.1 %o"$+t Intou+tion

    Railway crossing is very important part of railway network. It eases the traffic on both sides and

    facilitates the scheduled running of the trains. !ow todayDs design of railway crossing is very simple

    and risky also. 0here are so many cases which cannot be accounted for. +o there is need of changing

    the re5uired mechanism of the crossing of the railway rossing.

    -resently there are ""### level crossing across railway track on Indian 4or safe passage for road users

    out of which $/### are unmanned. Major accidents occur at the unmanned section of the levelcrossing.

    ?n Indian Railway3 @evel crossing contribute to about ,#E of onse5uential train accidents. Most of

    the accidents occur at the unmanned level crossing so unmanned level crossing are more vulnerable.

    In last five years3 %&" people were killed in accidents at level crossings. )round C' people were killed

    in accidents on unmanned crossings in $"F$, while $&, people lost their lives in $&F$".

    0he figure was , in $$F$&.

    )lso the power consumed in the current level crossing system is high and is very costly to

    Indian Railway. )n )verage level crossing consumes more power which costs more. Railway

    department has a limited amount of money which they can invest on these things. +o in a

    view to improve the level crossing system for less power consumption and reducing thenumber of accidents we are making this project.

    1.2 R$;ot Outlin$

    0he report starts with the analysis of the accidents which happened in the last year in the

    present level crossing. 0hen the project goes to ne6t section which deals with the amount of

    power consumed in the present system. 0he section has purely numerical data approach and

    contains pure mathematical analysis. 4urther moving to the report leads us to our design

    approach to improve this present system. 4urther we have calculation which brings about the

    benefit of implementing our design.

    4 * P #

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    C4A%TER : II


    0he major data used in this project has been taken from the website of INDIAN


    0he statistics related to number of accidents has been taken from 8ii;$ia. !o earlier

    research paper was available to us for this project. Hence major calculations and analysis has

    been done on our part.

    0he basic concepts of mechanics and principle of energy conservation has been used for

    which no direct data from Railways was available. Hence mass calculations were basically

    based on density relationships3 for which trivial data was obtained from the book of

    anu,a+tuin- S+i$n+$.

    0his idea3 being totally new as per our knowledge3 the e6tent we searched on the internet and

    associated journals3 the availability of relevant data was limited. Henceforth in the literature

    review section of this project we shall be unable to present e6travagant information.

    +) * P #

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    C4A%TER : III


    0he goal of this project is to improve the current level crossing system. 0he catch here is that

    the present one being old3 it consumes a lot of power and is more prone to accidents. +o our

    goal is to remove both of these unwanted problems and to provide a much better crossing

    system which is cost efficient plus safe. ) good project will lead to save both electricity and

    life thus providing a better solution for Railway to go with.

    =ith the e6isting design it is very easy for two wheelers and pedestrians to cross the road

    even when the barrier is down.(ven with introduction of alarm systems and signals at railwaycrossing people have not stopped in crossing the railway line even when the train is at an

    alarming distance. 0his indicates negligence on the part of general public.

    0hus this new design will eliminate this problem as we know cars donDt have feathers to fly

    over a barrier that will come from underground.

    ++ * P #

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    C4A%TER : I/


    Anal'sis o, A++i$nts

    0his report is based on rail occurrence reports provided by rail operators. 0hese occurrence

    reports cover accidents 7events that caused death3 injury or significant property damage9 and

    incidents 7events that placed3 or could have placed3 someone or something at risk of death3

    injury or significant property damage9. ?nly a relatively small number of occurrences result

    in injury or significant property damage. 0he less serious occurrences are useful for

    identifying potential safety issues. 0his report presents both the number of occurrences and

    the number of deaths and injuries from accidents. 0he report is truly based on accidents and

    contains the appro6imate analysis during the given period.

    (ach year number of accidents occur at the level crossing and no one asks for any change.

    0he current level crossing is not so appropriate for the safety of people. -eople in hurry

    breach the level crossing carelessly and die. 30 =un$ 2015 th$$ w$$?

    $%%, reported occurrences3 resulting in ' deaths ,& injuries

    $ death in level crossing accidents

    & injuries in level crossing accidents

    , deaths in person on track accidents

    $ injury in person on track accidents

    # deaths in operating and other accidents

    "C injuries in operating and other accidents

    +o from above data we found that more than thousand cases are found. 0hough the number of

    deaths is ' but if we leave this as a simple analysis then we may have more number of deaths

    in coming years. 0he deaths which had occurred due to man on track is more crucial because

    this is totally a clear breach. If we have a proper railway crossing then there should not be

    this type of case. 4urther the report also tells us that the number of injuries in operating and

    other accidents are more than e6pected and thus is a clear point to improve the current system

    of level crossing.

    + * P #

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    4or clearer picture of the rail road accidents we have below the chart analysis of the cyclist

    and pedestrians who are injured and killed at the level crossing during breaching it and

    crossing it.

    N u#&$s o, ;$$stians an +'+lists ill$ an in"u$ at l$!$l +ossin-s

    200> 2004 200? 2006 200< 200@

    2009 2010 2011 2012 201> 2014

    0he above bar chart shows us the accidents at years #"3 #,3 #'3 #*3 #% .

    $#3 $$3 $&3 $"3 and $,. )nd for the bar chart we find that the number of accidents

    for the pedestrians is more than the number of accidents for pedal cyclist. Hence the breach is

    more by the pedestrians then the pedal cyclist. But both accidents marks are not lower for any

    case. 0his suggest us that the breach done is the main cause of accidents and need to be

    improved. 4urther from the bar chart we can see that the number of accidents in recent year is

    less as compared to previous years so we have more and more chances of reducing the

    number of accidents which happen at the level crossing by implementing a wholly new

    design and testing it.

    +. * P #

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    )ctually the number of accidents which occur related to railways are of different category

    and are more in some other cases. +o letDs have a look at the cumulative accident analysis.

    0he table below shows the accidents from all the possible fields related to railway.

    0he above tabulated data is about rail accidents by category. 0he different categories are

    ollisions3 8erailments3 4ires3 @evel rossing3 ?bstruction3 ?perating3 -erson on track3

    +hunting3 :andalism3 ?ther. +o from all these different category we have in our list of

    interest 1@evel rossing2 which covers about /E in Gan Gune $' and about CE in Gul

    $, Gun $'. +o we can see that the accidents due to level crossing is a major concern.

    @etDs again have a look at another tabulated data which gives us the appro6imate figures of

    the casualties from rail accidents which will give a clearer picture about the accident analysis

    and the need to improve the level crossing. )fter this analysis we are about to conclude the

    accident profile. 0he casualties from rail accidents analysis we find that out of ' deaths in

    $' form Ganuary to Gune we have about E deaths due to level crossing and from $, to

    $' Gune we have appro6imately &"E deaths. )nd talking about the injuries we can see that

    the figure is very low and which shows us that percentage of people killed is more than the

    percentage of people injured.

    +/ * P #

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    +o from this section we have observed that the number of deaths at level crossing is more

    significant figure to deal with. 0hus a more lifesaving system needs to be implemented and

    need more care towards life of people.

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    @evel crossings are provided on the railway lines to pass the road traffic across the track. )sthe road traffic passes at the same level on that of the railway track3 the crossing is termed as

    level crossing. ?ther type of crossings are Road over Bridge 7R?B9 or Road under Bridge

    7R;B93 where the road traffic passes over or under the railway track.

    lassification of @evel crossingF

    a9 +pecial.for roadsJ0:;s '####b9 lass L)D.for roads FFFF 0:;s "#### but '####

    c9 lass LBD.for roads FFFF 0:;s ###

    d9 lass LD.for roads FFFF )ll other @FAing for roads not covered above

    e9 lass L8D .4or attle rossing

    9at$s an Lo+in- Aan-$#$nts

    9at$s F0hese may be in the form of chains3 @ifting barriers3 or movable gates of approveddesign.

    $9 Lo+in- Aan-$#$nt F @ifting type barriers3 swing gates or chains whenclosed against road traffic shall be securely locked. =hen the locking arrangement is

    of the hasp and staple type with padlocks3 two spare chains with loops at both ends

    should be provided for locking the gates when the locking arrangement goes out of

    order. In the case of all manned level crossings3 two long spare chains with loops at

    both the ends3 should be kept as a reserve for use as an alternate to the barriergate3 incase of damage to them. 0wo discs painted red with the words NstopN with

    arrangements for fi6ing them to the ground should also form part of the spare

    e5uipment. +eparate rail posts should be erected near the gate3 so that the chains can

    be fi6ed on them.

    &9 S$w l$!$l +ossin-s? : )llroads should preferably cross the railway line at rightangles. In special cases when modification is re5uired to suit the road approaches the

    angle of crossing should not be less than ,' degree and at all level crossings3 the gate

    posts shall be fi6ed s5uare to the road.

    +1 * P #

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    T';$ Rat$ /olta-$ An Cu$nt@ow :oltage &,: 8 *F/ )mps. 4or boom length up to

    / m. /F$& )mps for boom length above / m.

    High :oltage $$#)3 '#H>3 single phase3 & )mps

    %ow$ Consu#;tion Cal+ulations0he power consumption if lifting the lifting barrier mainly depends upon the load to be lifted

    and for how much time it is to be lifted. 0hus for calculating power consumption we need to

    look at two things

    a9 @oad to be lifted

    b9 0ime for which load to be lifted

    c9 Mechanism used

    d9 0he motor used

    +o the load mainly is of lifting barrier. 0he lifting barrier is made from )luminium )lloys

    and the design of the lifting barrier wither has s5uare or rectangular profile. 0he lifting barrieris made hollow and has varying cross sectional areas so as to concentrate the loads on the

    motor side. 0his helps to easily raise the lifting barrier with lower power. 0he appro6imate

    length of the lifting barrier is ' meters and has thickness appro6imately e5ual to 'mm to


    @etDs take the density of )luminium alloy e5ual to density of aluminium appro6imately e5ual

    to &/## Kgm"

    0hus =eight of the lifting barrier considering circular cross section and hollow with thickness

    e5ual to *mm. 0he variation the cross section along the length is represented by the e5uation

    A= r2 3 and




    L x

    @O 7' metres9

    r1=0.06m @ong ircular ross section @ifting Barrier r2=0.035m

    +2 * P #

  • 7/24/2019 The Railway Crossing Project.docx


    !ow the value of area changes from 6O# to 6O@. 0he e5uation of area is given by

    A x=(r1+r1r2L

    x )2

    +o the volume of the material

    Vx= r2L=(r





    !ow we find the mass of the lifting barrier as

    Density()= mass (m )Volume (V)

    +o putting the values we get.




    !ow in the above e6pression we have not considered the thickness of the cross section. +o

    for accommodating the thickness which is e5ual to * mm 7appro6.9 we multiply the value of

    mass by #.,/ so as to obtain the re5uired mass of the barrier so3

    ?n integrating for the entire length we have the appro6imate mass of the lifting barrier as



    mx dx

    m=245kg ( . )

    !ow to lift this much mass to appro6imately 80 from hori>ontal level the amount of

    work needed to be done is

    Force need e a!!lied=mx 9.81

    Fx= 2800



    x )2



    +o 0or5ue re5uired to lift this varying force

    +3 * P #

  • 7/24/2019 The Railway Crossing Project.docx


    Tx=r F

    !ow r O distance from centre of gravity

    0aking the value of 1r2 appro6.


    2 we have3






    x )2



    S%, T.# E R#u!#$ !8 !#& b T #





    L x)





    S% A''%5!"# *u# %+ E R#u!#$ !8

    $=8389.6231 %oules


    S% +% %&* *!+"!& ".# b!# ".# '%/# #u!#$ !8 9 7 &$ "!& ".#

    '%/# +% *%/#!& ".# b!# #u* "% % +%u". %+ ".!8 *u# ".# '%/#

    #u!#$ +% *%/#!& ".# b!# +% % "!# !8 9 22? 112? 7

    N%/ *#" ".!8 /.%*# '%=#88 "#8 < 8#=%&$8 ".#& P%/# C%&8u#$ !8 #u*



    N%/ %& & ## ".# b!# !8 *!+"#$ &$ *%/##$ 6 "!#8 !& & .%u 8%

    +% % $ ".!8 #u*8 144 "!#8 ".#& ".# '%/# #u!#$ !8


    &=70.78K' I8 #u!#$ /.!=. !8 # *#

    A'" +% ".!8 ".# '%/# #u!#$ "% %#=%# +!="!%& &$ %".# +%=#8

    *8% $$ 8%,

    &total=&Li(ting+& (riction=70.78+& (riciton 7 !& % $

    S%, &%/ +% =*=u*"!& ".# +!="!%&* +%=#8 /.!=. # #$#$ "% %#=%#

    /# #$ "% &%/ /.## +!="!%& !8 #u!#$ T.# +%**%/!& # =!"!=* #8

    1 B#*" &$ Pu**#2 S.+"

    +4 * P #

  • 7/24/2019 The Railway Crossing Project.docx


    > B#!&8 (%& Ou")

    S% +% =*=u*"!& '%/# *%8" !& +!="!%&* #8!8"&=# /# u8# ''%5

    #*"!%& 8

    &(riction=K 57.14K'

    Pu" 7 (+!="!%& +="%) 0? "% 0@ /# .#,




    +o -ower onsumed in one day by one crossing of circular cross section is e5ual to $$$ K=.

    +o from this analysis we find that the power re5uired is high and needs to be reduced.

    0hus in our 8esign we have mainly eliminated the following problems

    $. )ccidents

    &. -ower onsumption is optimum according to the new system implemented.

    ?ne of the values needed to be compromised and we have compromised with power

    re5uirement which will be slightly high. Reason behind this simply is to reduce the accidents

    and increase the safety which we think is more important than saving power. =e believe

    saving life is more important. +o we have our design which will reduce the accidents and will

    have optimum power consumption.

    ) * P #

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    In our design of railway crossing we have removed the lifting barrier and we have

    implemented a new structure. By removing the lifting barrier we have a hollow cuboidal

    section which will popFup from ground to the standard height. 0his will not allow the

    pedestrians and cyclists to breach the crossing as it acts as wall. +o this will save people fromdying also the power consumption is optimum with this design. 0he Mechanism used for this

    thing is 5uite different from the used currently. =e have thought to use hydraulics to lift the

    barrier instead of motor system. Because motor system consumes more power. Hydraulics

    uses less power and is more efficient. 4urther the lowering of the barrier is 5uite easy.

    0he figure below shows the barrier we use


    + * P #

    H%**%/ Cub%!$* S#="!%&

    M"#!* A*u!&!u A**% ($#&8!" 2@00>

    T.!=X %+ 8.##" u8#$ ?

  • 7/24/2019 The Railway Crossing Project.docx




    !ow for analysis purpose we assume the values of re5uired parameters

    @ O ' metres3 w O #.#/ metres3 h O $ metre

    +o now we calculate the volume of the whole barrier as

    +ince the section is hollow so we calculate for each face the volume and then

    we add to get the total volume.

    +o total volume

    : O 0.0548m3

    +o total mass is calculated as

    m= V=28000.0548=154kg( .)

    0hus the total mass is also reduced. In previous case the mass was e5ual to &,' kg

    here we have mass e5ual to $', kg. ) net difference of C$ kg saves a lot of energy.

    +o the weight to be lifted is e5ual to


    !ow to lift the weight to height appro6. e5ual to &.' metres3 we need energy e5ual to

    hange in potential energy of the system thus

    $nergy *e+uired=-ange&otential $nergy=& . $2& . $


    $nergy *e+uired=1.62.5=4K%oules

    !ow energy re5uired in lowering be taken e5ual to one fourth so total energy re5uired

    in raising and lowering the load one time e5uals


    !ow let this process takes % seconds then3 -ower onsumed is e5ual to3


    * P #

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    !ow if this crossing is opened for $,, times a day power consumed is

    &=0.71428 144=102.85K'

    +ince we use hydraulics the effect of viscosity is less so here we found that the net

    power re5uirement is $#&./' K= in one day.

    In previous analysis we found that the power used was $$$ K= which C K= more

    than this one.

    +o3 in our design we have improved the railway crossing system to a much more

    accurate and better system.

    . * P #

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    C4A%TER : /


    =ith the proper implementation of this project after due corrections and modifications we

    will be successful in reducing collisions between automobiles and railways at crossings. 0hus

    saving precious lives. )lso computerisation and automi>ation of this system will reduce man

    power load on the part of railways and will increase overall safety of commuters. -roper

    digitisation of this project will remove this overall concept of manned and unmanned

    crossings because in the absence of train the road will be unmanned and upon its arrival the

    road will be automatically guarded by this barrier.

    / * P #

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    C4A%TER : /I

    =ith the proper implementation of this project after due corrections and modifications we

    will be successful in reducing collisions between automobiles and railways at crossings. 0hus

    saving precious lives. )lso computerisation and automi>ation of this system will reduce man

    power load on the part of railways and will increase overall safety of commuters. -roper

    digitisation of this project will remove this overall concept of manned and unmanned

    crossings because in the absence of train the road will be unmanned and upon its arrival the

    road will be automatically guarded by this barrier.

    0 * P #

  • 7/24/2019 The Railway Crossing Project.docx




    Manufacturing science :ol. I by 8r. -.!.Rao

    0heroy of Machines by +.+.Rattan




