the question who can fix my sin problem?

How Jesus suffered for you: Flogging A whip called a flagrum led to cutting and ripping of skin, tissue, and muscle as well as extreme loss of blood. Suffering In addition to the physical suffering, Jesus suffered from the weight of the world’s sins resting upon Him. He willingly gave Himself to redeem us. Spikes 7” spikes were nailed through wrists and feet; hanging on the cross put a tremendous strain on the wrists, arms, and shoulders, often resulting in dislocation of shoulders and elbows. Breathing Because of the awkward position on the cross, the victim’s rib cage was in a fixed position making it extremely difficult to exhale and impossible to take a full breath. Crossbar The victim was forced to carry a 100-pound crossbar. Dying The loss of blood and lack of oxygen would cause severe cramps, muscle contractions, and even unconsciousness. Ultimate cause of death was generally suffocation. God presented Him as a propitiation through faith in His blood, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His restraint God passed over the sins previously committed. Romans 3:25 Jesus took our punishment. THE QUESTION Who can fix my sin problem? Amanda Bynes Jep Robertson 1990s starred in the Nickelodeon shows “Figure It Out,” “All That” and “The Amanda Show” 1978 born in a Christian home with a family who loved the Lord and lived in obedience to Him 4 2012 received her first DUI when she sideswiped a police car 2 1996 when his family confronted him about his choices, he prayed to God, vowing to change his lifestyle 4 12/2013 completed inpatient rehabilitation and moved in with her parents as she continues to recover 3 2012 Duck Dynasty launches. He and his family begin sharing their faith on network television. 2010 appeared in Maxim magazine and announced her retirement from acting 1 1996 in his senior year of high school, began drinking excessively and tried pretty much every drug he was around 4 5/2013 arrested in New York for illegal drug use 1 2001 met his future wife, Jessica, through a group of friends who did Bible study together 5 Which road would you choose? Propitiation: Speaks of the appeasement of an offended party—specifically God—from wrath or anger. The work of Jesus on the cross that appeases the wrath and penalty of God in regard to sin. Salvation: (sal-vey-shuhn) Safety, deliverance from evil, eternal life (Isa. 2:2; Luke 19:9). Salvation comes only by God's grace and through Jesus Christ when a person accepts Christ as Lord and Savior (Acts 4:12; Titus 2:11). It begins on earth and finds completion at death or at Christ's return. 6 Jesus makes us right with God. God presented Him to demonstrate His righteousness at the present time, so that He would be righteous and declare righteous the one who has faith in Jesus. Romans 3:26 THE POINT Jesus solves the problem of sin. How can God forgive me? I promised God I would wait until marriage, but my boyfriend and I slept together last weekend. How could I have let this happen? I went back on a promise and disobeyed what I know is right. I don’t know if God will forgive me. It just seems like too big of a sin. Secret sins. If people knew the things I’ve done, they wouldn’t even believe me. I seem like the perfect church kid. I know all the right answers and I’m a leader in my youth group. But I’m a mess and I honestly don’t think anyone could forgive me if they really knew. I can’t even forgive myself. I really don’t believe in God. I live a pretty good life. I make good grades and don’t get into much trouble. I don’t do all the bad stuff other people my age do. I’m a really nice person and even help others out from time to time. I’m doing pretty well on my own. Why do I need God? Jesus paid the price. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. They are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Romans 3:21-24 K N O W N 0 2 1 0 2 0 © getty images/istockphoto © istockphoto

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Page 1: THE QUESTION Who can fix my sin problem? QUESTION . Who can fix my sin problem? Amanda Bynes. Jep Robertson. 1990s . starred in

How Jesus suffered for you:

Flogging•A whip called a flagrum led to cutting and ripping of skin, tissue, and muscle as well as extreme loss of blood.

•�Suffering In addition to the physical suffering, Jesus suffered from the weight of the world’s sins resting upon Him. He willingly gave Himself to redeem us.

•�Spikes 7” spikes were nailed through wrists and feet; hanging on the cross put a tremendous strain on the wrists, arms, and shoulders, often resulting in dislocation of shoulders and elbows.

•�Breathing Because of the awkward position on the cross, the victim’s rib cage was in a fixed position making it extremely difficult to exhale and impossible to take a full breath.

Crossbar• The victim was forced to carry a 100-pound crossbar.

•�Dying The loss of blood and lack of oxygen would cause severe cramps, muscle contractions, and even unconsciousness. Ultimate cause of death was generally suffocation.

God presented Him as a propitiation through faith in His blood, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His restraint God passed over the sins previously committed. Romans 3:25

Jesus took our punishment.

THE QUESTION Who can fix my sin problem?

Amanda Bynes Jep Robertson

1990s starred in the Nickelodeon

shows “Figure It Out,” “All That” and

“The Amanda Show”

1978 born in a Christian home with a family who loved

the Lord and lived in obedience to Him 4

2012 received her first DUI

when she sideswiped a police car 2

1996 when his family

confronted him about his choices, he prayed to God, vowing to change

his lifestyle 4

12/2013 completed inpatient

rehabilitation and moved in with her parents as she

continues to recover 3

2012Duck Dynasty launches. He and his family begin sharing their faith on network television.

2010 appeared in Maxim

magazine and announced her retirement from acting 1

1996 in his senior year of high school, began drinking excessively and tried

pretty much every drug he was around 4

5/2013 arrested in New York for

illegal drug use 1

2001met his future wife,

Jessica, through a group of friends who did Bible

study together 5

Which road would you choose?

Propitiation: Speaks of the appeasement of an offended party—specifically God—from wrath or anger. The work of Jesus on the cross that appeases the wrath and penalty of God in regard to sin.

Salvation: (sal-vey-shuhn)Safety, deliverance from evil, eternal

life (Isa. 2:2; Luke 19:9). Salvation comes only by God's grace and

through Jesus Christ when a person accepts Christ as Lord

and Savior (Acts 4:12; Titus 2:11). It begins on earth and

finds completion at death or at Christ's return.6

Jesus makes usright with God.God presented Him to demonstrate His righteousness at the present time, so that He would be righteous and declare righteous the one who has faith in Jesus. Romans 3:26

THE POINT Jesus solves the problem of sin.

How can God forgive me?I promised God I would wait until marriage, but my boyfriend and I slept together last weekend. How could I have let this happen? I went back on a promise and disobeyed what I know is right. I don’t know if God will forgive me. It just seems like too big of a sin.

Secret sins.If people knew the things I’ve done, they wouldn’t even believe me. I seem like the perfect church kid. I know all the right answers and I’m a leader in my youth group. But I’m a mess and I honestly don’t think anyone could forgive me if they really knew. I can’t even forgive myself.

I really don’t believe in God.I live a pretty good life. I make good grades and don’t get into much trouble. I don’t do all the bad stuff other people my age do. I’m a really nice person and even help others out from time to time. I’m doing pretty well on my own. Why do I need God?

Jesuspaid the price.For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. They are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Romans 3:21-24






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Page 2: THE QUESTION Who can fix my sin problem? QUESTION . Who can fix my sin problem? Amanda Bynes. Jep Robertson. 1990s . starred in

THE POINT You must repent and trust Christ.

THE QUESTION How can my sin problem be solved?

Admitthere is nothingyou can do.

What are some things you can’t do on your own?

If you have not yet admitted that you need God to forgive you of your sin, what questions do you still have?

Read Romans 10:6-8a.Christ has already come to us from heaven; Christ has already been raised from the dead. There is nothing else that needs to be done.

Believe &trust inChrist.

Read Romans 10:8b-13.What are you to believe in your heart to be saved?

Why is knowing facts about Jesus not enough for salvation?

Confess &follow Jesusas Lord.

Read Romans 10:8b-13 again.In addition to believing that God raised Jesus from the dead, what else must we do to solve our sin problem?



What are some choices you make every day?

What are some important decisions you have to make in the coming years? We can afford some wrong choices in this life, but one choice must be made correctly.

Memorize: If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)