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The PYP Coordinator

My experience

My role as PYP Coordinator

Other roles I play in the school

Today you should learn:The Main Featuresof PYP and what a Unit of Inquiry is

The curriculum is being improved

every day and is on the walls and the website for you to


Having all of our teachers’plans on the walls allows the

whole school community to see what we are studying.

This way, our teachers, MrFrost, coordinators, Dr Russell and our mums and dads can have a look and see how they

can best help us.

Class/grade: Grade 4 Age group: 9 -10 years

School: Concordian International School School code:

Title: NGOs

Teacher(s): Rick and Sally

Date: Tri-Semester Two Part One

Proposed duration: number of hours over number of weeks:

1. What is our purpose? To inquire into the following: transdisciplinary theme: How we Organize Ourselves An inquiry into: the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment. Central idea: Non Governmental Organizations provide a social support system for less privileged people of the world Summative assessment task(s): What are the possible ways of assessing students’ understanding of the central idea? What evidence will you look for? You are an education officer working for a Non Governmental Organization which helps people (not the environment or animals) of your choice. You have been asked to present to children in a Bilingual Chinese/English international school during a school assembly. You must prepare and present a short speech (lasting about 5 minutes) which describes how your NGO supports less privileged people and what the students at the school can do to help your cause. In addition to the speech, you must choose one or more aids to help your assembly presentation. Ideas could be pictures, posters, leaflets, songs, PowerPoint presentation etc.

Not Evident Emergent Proficient Mastery

Plight of less privileged people

Does not describe the plight of the individuals the NGO supports. The audience is not left with any feelings of


Describes the plight of the individuals the NGO supports giving one or no example of misfortune the individuals face. The audience is left

with slight feelings of empathy

Describe the plight of the individuals the NGO supports

giving some examples of misfortune the individuals face. The audience is left with feelings of empathy

Clearly describes the plight of the individuals the NGO

supports giving many examples of misfortune the

individuals face. The audience is left with strong

feelings of empathy

Systems in place NGO has

developed to help

Doesn’t describe ways which the NGO supports the people

of its cause

Describes one or two ways which the NGO supports the people in its cause (e.g. fund

raising, etc)

Describes with some examples a few ways which

the NGO supports the people in its cause (e.g. fund raising,

petitions, etc)

Clearly describes with many examples various ways

which the NGO supports the people in its cause (e.g. fund raising, petitions, volunteers,

education, loans, protest marches etc)

Ways students could take action

(this is not a measure of actual


Doesn’t describe ways students could take action

Describes with examples ways which students could

take action published by their NGO

Clearly describes (with examples) various ways

which students could take action published by their


Clearly describes (with examples) various ways

which students could take action published by their NGO and in addition their

own action ideas

Transdisciplinary Skills, Learner Profile and Attitudes Self Assessment:

To be perfectly honest I couldn’t care less

about the people my NGO serve. After this

unit is over I won’t give them a second thought

I really and truly care deeply about the

people my NGO serve. After this unit is over

these people will really be in my mind for a

very long time to come.

Criteria to be determined by


Criteria to be determined by


I chose any old NGO I didn’t think about any particular reason why

I chose my NGO after carefully collecting lots of facts about several organizations and thinking deeply about

2. What do we want to learn? What are the key concepts (form, function, causation, change, conresponsibility, reflection) to be emphasized within this inquiry?

Form Function RespoThe enduring understanding we want the students to grasp is one of responsibility we wunderstand the plight of others less fortunate than themselves, empathize and to understandand how they may take action through the work of NGOs (function)

What lines of inquiry will define the scope of the inquiry into the ce

• Type and range of NGOs (form) • Social support systems provided by NGOs (function) • Ways we can get involved (responsibility)

What teacher questions/provocations will drive these inquiries? • What is an NGO and how do they work? (form, function) • How can we can get involved? (responsibility)

Provocations will include lots of visual stimuli from various NGOs highlighting(pictures displayed e.g. victims of crime, victims of abuse etc)

Profile Focus Attitude Focus Tran


We want the students to feel empathy for the plight of others less fortunate than themselves


We want the students to feel empathy for the plight of others less fortunate than themselves




What is a unit of Inquiry?

a Unit of Inquiry is a theme or topicthrough which many of the traditional

subjects are taught and a range of skills and attitudes are acquired

What is taught within a Unit of Inquiry?

How do we start a unit?First we ‘tune in’ we find out what the children

already know about the subject we call this a‘pre-assessment’

Examples could be:



Listing questions

We also explain to the (older) children the main objectives of the unit of inquiry

I can see here in advance what I am going to learn about! Ms Candy

always reminds us what is coming up during the unit.

I can tell my mum and dad

I can go and get books from the library and start looking at


Next we feed the children with information and stimuli about the subject. This ‘springboards’ their

interest and sparks questions and inquiry from the students

Once we have the children’s interest we let them know exactly

what they are going to be assessed on right at the end. We show them

the summative assessment.

Our assessments are put on the wall so we know in advance what we need to


That reminds me I need to ask Mr. Savage how to write a good introduction for my

brochure as I’m still not sure I understand properly.

Miss Penn and Miss Yvonne make it very clear what they expect a good assignment to look like. They write it on the wall and we discuss it often.

I can see from this chart that I need to produce a key for my map. What on Earth’s a map key I wonder?! I had

better ask Ms Penn tomorrow!!

You are an education officer working for a Non Governmental Organization which helps people (not the environment or animals) of your choice. You have been asked to present to children in a Bilingual Chinese/English international school during a school assembly. You must prepare and present a short speech (lasting about 5 minutes) which describes how your NGO supports less privileged people and what the students at the school can do to help your cause. In addition to the speech, you must choose one or more aids to help your assembly presentation. Ideas could be pictures, posters, leaflets, songs, PowerPoint presentation etc.

Not Evident Emergent Proficient Mastery

Plight of less privileged


Does not describe the plight of the individuals the NGO supports. The audience is not left with any feelings of empathy

Describes the plight of the individuals the NGO supports giving one or

no example of misfortune the

individuals face. The audience is left with

slight feelings of empathy

Describe the plight of the individuals the NGO

supports giving some examples of misfortune

the individuals face. The audience is left

with feelings of empathy

Clearly describes the plight of the individuals

the NGO supports giving many examples

of misfortune the individuals face. The audience is left with strong feelings of


Systems in place NGO has

developed to help

Doesn’t describe ways which the NGO

supports the people of its cause

Describes one or two ways which the NGO supports the people in

its cause (e.g. fund raising, etc)

Describes with some examples a few ways

which the NGO supports the people in

its cause (e.g. fund raising, petitions, etc)

Clearly describes with many examples various

ways which the NGO supports the people in

its cause (e.g. fund raising, petitions,

volunteers, education, loans, protest marches


Ways students could take

action(this is not a measure of

actual action)

Doesn’t describe ways students could take


Describes with examples ways which students could take action published by

their NGO

Clearly describes (with examples) various

ways which students could take action

published by their NGO

Clearly describes (with examples) various

ways which students could take action

published by their NGO and in addition their

own action ideas

To be perfectly honest I couldn’t care less

about the people my NGO serve. After this

unit is over I won’t give them a second thought

I really and truly care deeply about the people

my NGO serve. After this unit is over these people will really be in

my mind for a very long time to come.

Criteria to be determined by


Criteria to be determined by students

I chose any old NGO I didn’t think about any particular reason why

I chose my NGO after carefully collecting lots of facts about several organizations and thinking deeply about which cause I wanted to support

Why do we do this?

This is a fundamental life skill! At university, MYP, or in the workplace.

This is what the real world is like!

Together the student and teacher work their way and accumulate the skills and knowledge necessary to complete the assessment and all

the objectives on the planner.

This process is structured closely by the teacher. But, if children do

have ideas or questions we incorporate them into our teaching.

Often the teacher models the particular research skill (e.g. using a search engine) and the students then practise and apply

the skill to find an answer.


Towards the end of the unit it is hoped that the child will react to his/her new found

learning and be moved into authentic, self initiated ACTION. การปฏิบตัิ

This is one way which proves the student has learned what we wanted him/her to.