the purge' opening sequence analysis

Analysis of Similar Media Products Genre: Horror-Thriller Media Text 1: The Purge (2013) Dir. James DeMonaco The film opens with text, which reads: America. 2022. Unemployment is at 1%. Crime is at an all-time low. Violence barely exists. With one exception. This text immediately informs the audience that this film in set in near-future (only 9 years from now) and in America. The statements listed connote that the country has entered a time of peace and prosperity, however the very last sentence implies that this new ‘utopia’ has been obtained at a cost. The audience understand that this ‘exception’ [to the absence of violence] is going to be witnessed in the film. The next shot displays more text, which reads: “Blessed be the New Founding Fathers for letting us Purge and cleanse our souls, Blessed be America, a nation reborn.”

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Page 1: The Purge' Opening Sequence Analysis

Analysis of Similar Media ProductsGenre: Horror-ThrillerMedia Text 1: The Purge (2013) Dir. James DeMonaco

The film opens with text, which reads:

America. 2022.

Unemployment is at 1%.Crime is at an all-time low.Violence barely exists.

With one exception.

This text immediately informs the audience that this film in set in near-future (only 9 years from now) and in America. The statements listed connote that the country has entered a time of peace and prosperity, however the very last sentence implies that this new ‘utopia’ has been obtained at a cost. The audience understand that this ‘exception’ [to the absence of violence] is going to be witnessed in the film.

The next shot displays more text, which reads:

“Blessed be the New Founding Fathers for letting us Purge and cleanse our souls, Blessed be America, a nation reborn.”

The text is italicised and within speech marks, connoting that it is a quote. The language used also helps to imply certain things about the America of the future that the movie is going to take place in. The idea that there are ‘new’ founding fathers and America has been ‘reborn’ – suggests that we aren’t just seeing the future, but we are seeing a completely new era. The language used seems to have biblical connotations - ‘blessed be’. This could connote that there is a kind of unity among the whole of the country now, the use of the plurals – ‘us’, ‘cleanse our souls’ – emphasising this.

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The opening credits, listing key cast and crew members over what appears to be CCTV footage. The surveillance footage depicts images of violence. This seems to contrast with the statement ‘violence barely exists’ shown in the opening shot. The non-diegetic sound, a classical piece of music, is asynchronous, contrasting with the vicious acts of violence being shown on screen. The use of a pleasant piece of music with definitely unpleasant images of brutality could connote that this violence is not viewed as wrong or horrifying by the general public/society of the future America. The use of this certain tone of music could further connote that people find some sort of twisted beauty in these sadistic acts of cruelty.

The time-stamps on all of the shots, all display the words purge feed. Slowly, we are being given hints as to what ‘the Purge’ actually is. The number of different shots we are shown, and the different locations displayed in the time-stamps, connotes that this is something akin to an event, and that it takes place all over the country – not just in one area. Furthermore, the dates on the time-stamps change as the opening credits progress. The very first shot is dated 2017 (just 4 years from our current time) and the dates continue up to 2021 (the year before the movie takes place. Additionally, we understand that ‘the Purge’ is an annual event, as all the feeds are taken on the same days – the 21st of March. This informs the audience that they will witness this years’ annual ‘Purge’.

Additonally, the shots depicting the carange are often grainy or even out of focus. This increases versilmilitude: making the audience believe they are truly seeing recorded events from survaillence

cameras. This helps to shock and engage the

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audience from the instance. The poor quality of the footage could signify a kind of distancing, people are chosing to not fully acknowledge the horror the audience are seeing on their screens. They do not clearly see the savagery of their actions. Speaking of this images being ‘savage’ there is an almost primal tone to the images shown in the opening sequence – people ruthlessly wreaking carnage without abandon. This could connote a depature from civilised, evolved being. Perhaps the people of this future America are beginning to loose themselves to anamilistic tendencies? This could be supported by the numerouse images we are shown of people almost forming packs, attacking one individual.

Also, there is a distinct lack of diegetic sound – we cannot hear any gun shots, screams, etc. – combined with the wide framing of shots and overhead angles: all help to make the audience feel distanced from what is going on onscreen. This could connote how the general public feel detachment from the violence that transpires during the Purge.

Over the end of the very last shot of the opening credits, we hear the non-diegetic sound of a man’s voice; the next shot being close-up showing the character James Sanders. He is in his car and speaking whit someone on the phone. Mise-en-scene elements, especially his costume – the suit and the sunglasses – connote that this particular character is quite affluent and probably very wealthy.

This image juxtaposed with the previous images of violence and savagery creates a great contrast. The framing of the shots is also different, whilst during the opening credits, wide-shots from high angles were more common; these convey a sense of not only detatchment but a loss of control. However, the

shots used here to show James, are often close-ups – tightly framed. These concentrate solely on his character, emphasising his importance. This suggests that he will be the protagonist of the film, and the narrative will focus on him: as he is the focus of the opening sequence. The tighter framing could connote that he is a man of control or even paranoia. This is further connoted by the numerous cutaways to James looking in the rearview mirror: it suggests he is constantly watching his back.

This idea of James being paticularly affluent is confirmed by the diegetic dialogue the man (James) has on the telephone with a woman called Susan. When she answers the phone she immediately responds with ‘Jame Sander’s office’, implying she is his assistant. This conveys, to the audience, James’ high status as he has his own officer and personal assistant. The low-angle shot, makes James appear superior and in-control; further emphasising his status.

The conversation between James and his assistant Susan, also conveys to the audience, key personality traits. For example he seems affable, he insists Susan takes credit for them ‘coming out on top.’ We also get the sense that he is rather oppurtunistic – a stereotypical trait in a ‘buisnessman’ character.

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