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The Psychic Report The Psychic Report Developing Psychic Powers Published by and Copyright © 2006 Mind Power Corporation Copyright and Unrestricted Distribution Notice This document may be freely distributed without limitation, permission or restriction providing always that it is fully maintained in this unmodified form. No part of this document may be extracted for use in any format or for any purpose without first obtaining the permission in writing of Mind Power Corporation [email protected] Published by Mind Power Corporation, Copyright © 2006 | 1

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Page 1: The Psychic Report - mindcontrol101.comThe Psychic Report The fact is, all of this is possible for everyone with the right knowledge, information and training, but one thing is certain;

The Psychic Report

The Psychic Report

Developing Psychic Powers

Published by and Copyright © 2006 Mind Power Corporation

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Page 2: The Psychic Report - mindcontrol101.comThe Psychic Report The fact is, all of this is possible for everyone with the right knowledge, information and training, but one thing is certain;

The Psychic Report

The Psychic Report

Disclaimer The telephone “psychic” industry has rapidly become a multi-billion dollar business, within which some operators of these “services” are making vast fortunes at the expense of often, desperate, vulnerable or bereaved people. The “psychic” and related industries will certainly not therefore appreciate what I am about to reveal to you within the pages of The Psychic Report. We hereby state therefore that what we are about to reveal to you is the result of our own extensive research, knowledge and resultant conclusions, and stated in full accordance with statutory freedom of speech. We do not necessarily claim that the information herein applies to all within the “psychic” and related industries, but rather to a very a significant proportion. Who does this report not apply to? The Psychic Report does not apply to those relatively few highly talented, giving, selfless people with genuine psychic and mediumship abilities, which for the most part are being used for valuable and selfless service to mankind. Such people might include those providing a valuable service within Spiritual churches, séance rooms and individual sittings. To those people, thank you. Who is this report exposing? This shocking report exists to expose the ever-increasing band of charlatans, fakes and sundry con-people, hiding behind dollars per minute, premium rate telephone numbers”, often misrepresenting themselves on Internet “psychic hotline” websites as “psychics”, “mediums”, “clairvoyants and similar. This report exposes these very same people, you know who you are, who prey on the desperate, vulnerable and recently bereaved and other sincere people who are most in need of genuine support, advice and understanding.

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The Psychic Report

Why am I writing this? The short answer is because I am simply no longer prepared to sit back and watch people being scammed, lied to and psychologically affected, often seriously by charlatans purporting to be “psychics” of one type or another. It is not in any way the intention of The Psychic Report to deny the freewill of telephone “psychics” to make a living in any way they choose, but rather to provide and thus empower those sincere people who seek the services “psychic hotline” services with all the information required to use such services in full knowledge of what to expect, and to accordingly be prepared. Do “psychic powers” really exist? Absolutely! Each and every person has latent “psychic” abilities. Are there people who can genuinely use their “psychic” powers for others? Yes there are; but the trick is in finding the genuine ones, and the fact is, genuine “psychics” are very rarely found online sitting at the other end of a premium rate telephone number charging for their services by the minute. It should be pointed out that this is not to say that there are no people with genuine psychic abilities on the end of psychic hotlines, because there may well be some. But even if this is the case the chances of contacting one from the many available is like purchasing a lottery ticket. There will be some genuine psychics on these numbers, but find one is another matter. “Psychic” abilities are latent in everyone, and can be developed by anyone and applied in very specific ways under very specific circumstances, usually relating to ones own situation and need for knowledge and information. “Psychic” abilities are God-given “tools” for progressing through life. However; this does not mean that our inherent “psychic” abilities can be summoned at will and applied for the benefit of another person sitting on the end of a telephone perhaps hundreds of miles away.

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The Psychic Report

It is true that some people have “psychic” abilities that enable them to “read the energy” of others, but these people are relatively few and far between, and locating one from the bewildering choice of “psychics” is a daunting. The long answer to the question of why I am writing this Psychic Power Report is this. I often receive messages from upset, confused and often bewildered people following encounters or a series of encounters with a “telephone “psychic”. These people are almost always in genuine need of help, experiencing a wide range of personal issues ranging from relationships, financial or health issues to being recently bereaved. These people were unwittingly sucked into the claims, glamour and hype surrounding the “telephone psychic” industry” and, after parting with a considerable amount of money that they often cannot afford, have been left to fend for themselves in a much worse state than ever. Unfortunately these innocent people have seen the “psychic medium” shows on TV and the glitzy websites full of pictures of “psychics” with mystical sounding names such as “Psychic” Sue”, “Clairvoyant Kate”, “Tarot Tom” and numerous other such contrived names, often wearing mystical looking clothes, pictured sitting with a pack of tarot cards, a crystal ball or other mystical regalia, and have been sucked in to all the hype out of desperation. It is very important to keep in mind that the “psychic industry” is a multi-billion dollar business, and the participants professionals with one objective; to part clients from as much money as possible, as often as possible. You will doubtlessly have noticed that there are many websites and services that act as the “platform” or “showcase” for “psychic services”. They provide each “psychic” with an area where they can describe themselves and their services and provide a photograph. There is usually a rating system and of course the means by which clients can leave their glowing testimonials. Each “psychic” is provided with a unique premium rate telephone number; which, when dialled by the client is then routed to the home of the “psychic” who will then stop washing the dishes or whatever other domestic work they

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The Psychic Report

were doing at the time, in order to do take the call and give the “psychic reading”. These premium rate “psychic telephone services” receive a percentage, often a very high percentage of the premium rate call revenues. It usually becomes apparent after a succession of “readings”, often over the course of months or even years, that many of these “psychics” are little more than charlatans, in business only to part honest people from their money. The “psychic” industry, which is totally unregulated, has become a massive multi-billion dollar per year business. However notwithstanding the inevitable reaction of those involved in this industry I am simply not prepared to sit back and watch more people become sucked into these scams if I am in a position to do something about it. Another motivation is the truth that every single one of us, without exception, is a Spiritual being with our own, genuine abilities to obtain answers to any question from within. We are all equal aspects of The Universe, The Divine, of God, Who cares equally for each and every one of us as unconditionally loved aspects of Him/Her Self, Who never, ever forsakes us, and has provided every one of us with the ability to communicate, obtain answers to any question, and with abilities beyond the wildest dreams of most people. There are of course times when people wish to use genuine “psychic” abilities for various reasons, by far the most important of which is to expand their own understanding of the greater realities and in particular such important questions as what happens immediately before, during and after the event which everyone will experience sooner or later known as “death”. Many people are wishing to make contact with and even visit people who have already “passed on” and are now residing in the “afterlife”.

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The Psychic Report

The fact is, all of this is possible for everyone with the right knowledge, information and training, but one thing is certain; seeking answers from “telephone “psychics” will very often only result in one thing; a lower balance in your bank account and no solutions to your issues. I would like to make it absolutely clear that I have nothing personally against the “psychic” industry”. I fully recognise the fact that everyone has an equal right to make a living in this material world. I also recognise the fact that there are genuine “psychic’s out there who have a real desire to provide a valuable, selfless, sincere service for mankind. However; many people who use the services of a “psychic” do so due to some personal situation for which they need genuine help. These people might be in serious financial trouble, have relationships issues, or recently bereaved, but whatever the circumstances help is usually required, and in these circumstances such people require genuine assistance. The result of this can be extremely damaging to the person who genuinely believed they were receiving help, only to later find this was not the case at all, and the only “help” they have received is in the form of increased telephone charges due to the cost of the premium rate call. I have written this document as a “survival guide” to anyone considering seeking the services of a “psychic”. With this guide you will be able to decide for yourself whether it is advisable to seek such services in the first place, and if you do what to expect and above all how to expose the “psychic” as a fake. We are all blessed by our Creator with freewill, and it is entirely your own decision and your money when picking up your phone in response to one of these mystically dressed people with an exotic, “psychic” sounding name that you have found on the pages of some brightly coloured website, but at least now you are fully equipped to take on these “psychics” on at their own game. It is most certainly not my intention to seek to discredit the “psychic” industry” for any ulterior motive. My main objective is rather that everyone is in possession of the true facts about the “psychic” industry in order that an informed decision can be made before using the services of a “telephone

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The Psychic Report

psychic”, what to expect, and above all how to determine that the “psychic” is one of those with genuine abilities and can therefore be of true service. At the final analysis however the “psychic” industry is a commercial business and is operated as a business, and as with any business the “psychic” will do whatever they need to do to keep the client coming back for more “readings”. One common ploy used for example is for a “psychic” to tell a client that something of great importance to the client will happen by a certain date. When this much anticipated event fails to happen, the, by now highly anxious or even desperate client, will phone the psychic on the same multi-dollars per minute telephone number to find out why, and to get the next predicted date for this “event”. And thus the “psychic” has the client hooked indefinitely. At the final analysis the “psychic” is relying on the fact that many people are extremely superstitious, and regardless of any “health warnings” the “psychic” might offer, will still absorb the information provided as fact. In making available this report all I can do is to present you with the facts; the choice of whether to pick up the phone and dial that $1+ per minute number must be entirely yours.

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The Psychic Report

Introduction ”Fortune telling” has existed for centuries as a form of entertainment where a person, for many reasons including curiosity, entertainment or perceived need, will seek the services of people claiming to possess some form of special “psychic” ability. Over the centuries these “psychic” service providers” have included a vast array of people including seers, mediums, clairvoyants, tarot card readers and of course the ubiquitous “fortune teller” often depicted as a kindly looking old lady dressed in “gypsy” clothing who will gaze into a crystal ball and tell you everything you want to know if you cross her palm with enough silver. Over the centuries “fortune telling” has been a respectable business often and quite rightly perceived as a bit of fun for example at the fairground. There has always however been a more serious side to fortune telling and “mediumship” whereby people, often desperate for information or a “glimpse into the future” will visit a medium or “fortune teller” in the vague hope of finding whatever it is they are seeking, often as a last resort. Until recent years fortune telling and mediumship has been a fairly low-key phenomena restricted to places of entertainment, and in particular private “readings” or “sittings” or “séance at the house of the psychic or medium. However, the rise of the Internet over the last decade has coincided with considerably more pressures in life generally, and with those pressures considerably more desperate people who will go to seemingly any lengths to discover the solutions to their problems, and in particular what the future holds in the hope of being able to change it in some way. Parallel to the Internet has been a considerable increase in the “psychic” entertainment” industry, usually performed by a “stage psychic” in a theatre or increasingly on television as well as increasingly by means of the Internet.

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The Psychic Report

Concurrent with this massively increased profile has been a corresponding increase in the number of people with serious issues that they are desperate to resolve, but are unable or unwilling to seek experienced, qualified advice. One of the biggest catalysts for the “psychic” industry is that very human emotion “curiosity”. Everyone wishes to know what the future holds, and the “telephone psychics” are most eager to provide all the answers; at a price, usually charged by the minute and often measured in dollars per minute. Not so long ago you would enter he tent of a “gypsy fortune teller” and if you “crossed her palm with silver” your “fortune” would be told. Now you simply pick up your phone, and dial a number that you know will cost dollars per minute, and be told exactly what you want to hear to keep you coming back. The “telephone “psychic” industry” is the ultimate scam due to the fact that it is impossible to prove or disprove in a court of law. A telephone “psychic” can say anything they like to you in the knowledge that as it purports to involve “intangible” forces it cannot be investigated. Telephone “psychics” are often therefore able to pull continue a con trick that in any other circumstances would be a criminal offence carrying a severe sentence. Many people of course will claim that the reading was “accurate” and sometimes even seemingly amazing, but the sad truth is that almost all telephone “psychics” are using nothing more than psychology, or more specifically an age-old technique known as “cold reading”, by which means they can convince almost anyone of their authenticity. The truth is; the “telephone psychics” you speak with when you dial that expensive premium rate number, usually costing dollars per minute, are often out-of-work actors and others who have been trained to make fortunes for their employers using “cold reading” techniques. This document has three main purposes; how to:

• Determine whether a “psychic” has genuine “psychic” abilities • Deal effectively deal with and expose fraudulent “psychics” • Utilise your own latent “psychic” abilities

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The “psychic” cold reading scam

“Cold reading” is an art form that has been around for centuries in various forms and which has been used for numerous purposes that go far beyond the “psychic” industry. For example, cold reading is a tactic frequently used by sales people who are taught this technique to gain the trust and confidence of potential customers in order to secure their business. Here is the official dictionary definition of “cold reading” "Cold reading is a technique used by salespeople, interrogators, hypnotists, psychics, graphologists, palmists, astrologers, con-men etc. to convince another person that they know more about them than they actually do. Generally, the cold reader will make a series of vague statements, will observe the subject's reactions, and then will refine the original statements according to those reactions. The technique is sometimes applied in order to falsely convince an audience that the reader possesses psychic abilities"

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And the dictionary goes on to say about cold reading:

1. Predictions almost always use vague terms and do not lend themselves to falsification. Therefore, the prediction is never wrong, but a person's interpretation of it can always be wrong.

2. Confirmation bias predisposes people to look for cases where predictions can be interpreted as accurate more than they look to find inaccurate ones.

3. Consumers of fortune-telling services may also fail to realise that statements made about them might reflect reality, but would equally apply to most other people (for instance, the statement "you fought with your parents sometimes as a teenager" applies to a large majority of people). This is the Forer effect.

4. Fortune-tellers usually exhibit skills at reading people and telling them what they wish to hear (the technique of "cold reading").

5. A person who performs a divination for himself or herself may be using his or her reactions to the arbitrary stimuli (such as tarot cards) as a way of mentally organizing his or her own thoughts.

6. Predictions can be a source of amusement and diversion.

7. Predictions can reduce anxiety about the uncertain future.

8. When making a decision based on incomplete information, the fortune teller or oracle can reduce the anxiety associated with guessing.

9. It can be an external source of authority to invoke in support of a decision to be made, or in defense of a decision that was made.

10. The predictions themselves can cause the subject to alter his or her behaviour in a way that makes the predictions become true, see self-fulfilling prophecy.

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11. Fortune-telling in the context of an individual's belief system has a good chance of being believed In some states of America fortune telling is actually against the law. For example: Fortune telling is a class B misdemeanor in the state of New York. New York State law, S 165.35: “A person is guilty of fortune telling when, for a fee or compensation which he directly or indirectly solicits or receives, he claims or pretends to tell fortunes, or holds himself out as being able, by claimed or pretended use of occult powers, to answer questions or give advice on personal matters or to exorcise, influence or affect evil spirits or curses; except that this section does not apply to a person who engages in the aforedescribed conduct as part of a show or exhibition solely for the purpose of entertainment or amusement.” There are many different types of cold reading depending on the “client”. Such clients include, but are certainly not limited to people with problems, people who are recently bereaved, and of course people merely seeking an alternative form of entertainment or experience or simply out of curiosity. Most “psychic readings” these days are conducted over the telephone, increasingly by Internet “messenger” services or even by email. It is much less common a “psychic” to agree to be seen in person, unless they are genuine, because they could not handle a one-to-one reading situation, and of course they cannot appear to be “mystical” in person. The exception to this are the genuine “psychics” who will usually agree to a one to one “sitting”. Indeed this is the preferred method for a genuine “psychic” who has nothing to hide. There are also the “psychic” stage performers who prefer to relieve people of their money “en masse” by performing on a stage at a theatre, on television or some other public place where they can charge for their services. The type of cold reading used by “stage psychics” is usually of the “fortune telling” type,

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The Psychic Report

but are also “mediumistic” in that they claim to contact “the dead” and relay messages from them to members of the audience. Other types of reading include tarot, crystal ball, clairvoyance, aura readings, palm reading, to the more off-beat methods such as “tea leaf reading”. I should point out that some of these methods are potentially possible; clairvoyance, crystal gazing and mediumship being examples, but all the performer is usually doing is to borrow these impressive sounding terms and all they represent in order to support their cold reading scam. One of the main ploys used by Internet “psychic” sites is to have pages of “ratings” etc. from “satisfied” customers. We will see later in this document exactly how these people were conned into providing such ratings, comments, reviews etc.. Nevertheless, these are a powerful marketing ploy on the part of the “psychic” service sites, and why so many feature them. “Psychic” readers who conduct personal one-to-one readings with the client present use a vast array of conditions, props and ploys to take in their clients, but this document is for the most part about this most recent of phenomena the “telephone psychic hotline”. It is a strange characteristic of the Internet telephone “psychic” industry that, unlike other forms of “psychic” reading, the “psychic” reader never usually prepares themselves for a reading. In fact they very often do not know when the telephone will ring and they will be called upon for a reading, often when they are doing domestic work or some other totally unrelated activity! The technology used by these telephone “psychic” sites usually involves dialling a unique telephone number displayed against the “psychic” of your choice, which automatically routes your call to the home of the “psychic”. The exception to this are “psychic call centers” which are manned by teams of people trained in the art of cold reading, often out of work actors. In the case of the “psychics” who work from home they are often going about their daily activities such as cleaning the house, washing the dishes, caring

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for their children if they have them etc., and when the phone rings they immediately have to drop whatever they are doing, and let us hope that it is not a child, and place themselves into “psychic cold reading” mode. It should be pointed out here that any true “psychic” abilities involves dedicated preparation including the right conditions, deep physical relaxation, often a meditative or trance state, and often with other “sitters” present. In the case of a telephone “psychic”, going instantly from the stress of perhaps dealing with the tantrum of a child or other stressful situation, to the conditions required for a “psychic” reading when the phone rings is farcical! Many “psychics” will commence a reading by endeavouring to establish their own credentials in order to gain the confidence of the caller. Keep in mind of course that as you are paying dollars per minute for your “reading”, your valuable time should be spent for your own benefit not in listening to the “psychic” convincing you, and themselves as to how good they are. The “psychic” will then engage in some friendly banter aimed at putting the client at ease and into a receptive mood. Many people on the end of “psychic hotlines”, some of whom are out of work actors and others with acting experience, are trained in all of these techniques to capture the confidence of the client as well as in cold reading itself. Of course; due to the fact the client is paying dollars per minute for the call, the longer the “psychic” can drag these preliminaries out, the more money they will make for themselves and their employers. It is also worth noting that the “psychic” often only receives a small fraction of the money received from the telephone psychic reading, their employer taking the lions share of it to provide the “infrastructure” and marketing. In many ways this is similar to the “prostitution” industry where the pimp will take the majority of the profit, while the prostitute, the “service provider” will receive only a small percentage.

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The principle is the same in both cases; keep the “service provider”, in this case the “telephone psychic” short of money so they need to work longer, harder and more effectively in order to make a modest living wage. The “psychic” will also often provide excuses for possible failures before the “reading” even starts. Such excuses might be along the lines that “conditions are not ideal today” or any one of a number of similar standard excuses. Once these preliminaries have been completed, at the clients expense of course, the reading proper will commence. As mentioned before, it is very important for the “psychic” to maintain the confidence and attention of the client in order to keep the reading going for as long as possible, thereby earning more money for the “psychic” and their service provider. One of the most effective ways of accomplishing this is to flatter the client and make them feel good; in other words to appeal directly to their ego. The “psychic” will therefore commence with words such as “I sense you are a very kind, considerate, sensitive person who cares deeply about others”. Just in case the personality of the client is in reality too far from this opening statement, the “psychic” will cover themselves by adding: “but I also sense that sometimes you can be somewhat selfish, but this is not very often”. So the “psychic” has now accounted for both possibilities. There are numerous other combinations of these “openers” which are designed to give the “psychic” plenty of leeway during the forthcoming “reading”.

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Of course the “psychic” knows that the client will only take in the positive statements and discard the negative statements that they do not want to hear. The “psychic” will then go on to make more specific statements, again sounding convincing while taking account of all eventualities. For example the “psychic” might say, “I sense that you are you are generally a tidy sort of a person, but, and how can I put his nicely, you also have an untidy streak in you from time to time”. Here the “psychic” has again accounted for all eventualities while establishing the fact that they are prepared to be honest; thus gaining more confidence from the client. Again there are numerous other such statements which might be used by the “psychic” which we will not go into here, but suffice it to say they are all very general, could apply to most people, and are designed to gain the confidence, trust and of course the money of the client. When the client responds positively the “psychic” will often respond with a reward to keep the momentum going. For example; “I feel very strongly that you are a most kind, loving and generous person, more so in fact than with most people I encounter”. This is analogous to giving a show-jumping horse a slice of apple after jumping well. The horse, or in this case the client associates the slice of apple, the compliment with doing well; in this case in saying the right things. Cold reading relies heavily on human psychology, and accordingly many “psychics”, especially those trained in “cold reading” are also trained in human psychology to the extent necessary to conduct effective cold readings. All the time the “psychic” is sucking the client further and further into his or her confidence, thereby extending the session, resulting in more profit. Another common ploy is to prime the client to be receptive to the information being offered. This is accomplished by flattering the client by telling them

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they are for example “open-minded”, and this “open-mindedness” is excellent to keep the flow of “psychic energy” moving. If the “psychic” encounters resistance or scepticism, they will counter it with statements along the lines of “I feel that you are blocking the flow by feelings of apprehension or defensiveness. The indications are that if only you are able to open up more and be more accepting, it would be to your benefit in that you would be more likely to receive answers”. Again, the wording will vary considerably from “psychic” to “psychic”, but the objective is always the same, being fundamentally designed to convince the client. At this point the “psychic” might start the client asking questions of themselves by sowing seeds of doubt, intrigue or even frustration. For example; the “psychic” might say “I am getting the strong impression that deep within yourself you have much more potential in certain areas than you have been able to actually realise, and this is making you feel frustrated”. It should be noted at this stage that all statements made by the “psychic” could easily apply to anyone at all. “Psychic’s know that there are numerous conditions that statistically apply to a very high percentage of the population. For example, the vast majority of people have some unfulfilled ambition; there is nothing “psychic” about that. As already mentioned, good “telephone psychics” are really pseudo-psychologists. By getting into the minds of their clients they can guide the reading in any direction, telling the client what they want to hear, to prolong the session, keep them coming back for more dollars per minute, and of course so they provide excellent recommendations both on the website and to friends and family. At this stage the “psychic” might employ the emotion of hope. It is human nature to be dissatisfied with current circumstances and to wish for more; this of course being a major reason why the client is there in the first place. The “psychic” might make use of this with a statement such as “I foresee advancement for you resulting in the material success that I see you deserve”.

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The “psychic” needs to be careful not to make everything look too rosy, so they might throw in a qualifying statement such as “but at the same time I sense a desire for more security in your life; to you money and material things are not everything”. This is a clever ruse by the “psychic”. They have stated something that the client knows to be true, impressing them, but at the same time they have been assured that they are not materialistic, and that security is also important.

Of course the “psychic” will always tailor these statements to the type of client. Statements that apply to a businessman or a charity worker for example, would not apply to a home-maker or a hospital worker or a doctor. So the “psychic” needs, at an early stage in the cold reading, to evaluate the client by observation, and by asking the searching questions that will provide the basis for the remainder of the reading. Some clients are immediately identifiable as being part of an “institution” such as a housewife; which after all applies to numerous women and has a high likelihood of being correct; especially if she has already confirmed it to the “psychic”. This scenario will give the “psychic” plenty to work with from the outset and might go something like this: “I sense you have a strong affinity to the home which means much to you”. Now this of course has a very high chance of being correct. Many women of course might not be content in this environment and wish for more, and so assuming the “psychic” has received a positive response they could follow this up with a statement such as: “I am getting that you are not entirely satisfied with your current domestic situation and often crave for more”. Again, this statement could very easily apply to many housewives. If the housewife does not make a positive response to this statement, the “psychic” can easily follow it up with something like:

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“But I sense for the most part you are happy in the home, and that any such feelings of wishing for more are usually short lived”. Thus accounting for most possibilities. The “psychic” can then go on to make a flattering statement such as: “I sense great potential in you to pursue a professional career and become very successful. I also sense that you have the strength to take this step in the next couple of years”. Now notice the “psychic” is stating that they “have the strength” to take this step; not they actually will do so. And so the reading will progress with the “psychic” subtly asking the right questions in order to determine what response to make in order to sound convincing. Another frequently used ploy by “psychics” is “generic character statement” such as: “You feel a need for your abilities to be fully recognised” “You feel that you are not always given due credit for your work” “Some of your objectives tend to be unrealistic” And numerous combinations of statements of this kind that could apply to absolutely anyone, but at the same time to the client seem unique. For example, in one experiment a number of people were given individual “horoscopes” based upon their star sign; i.e. their date of birth. The majority of these people rated their readings as being “highly accurate”. In fact each of these people had been given an identical horoscope!

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So flexible are the use of “generic character statements” that an entire reading can be based upon them, appearing to the client to be amazingly accurate. The next ploy used by the charlatan “psychic” is the “vague facts” approach. Vague facts are statements phrased in such a way, they are generally readily accepted by the client as being true; at least to some extent. In the case of a client based in Britain for example, a vague statement might proceed along the lines of: “I see a connection with a warmer climate; possible the USA or a location with similar weather”. Now many know people in the USA, and if not the USA it could be southern Europe, South Africa, South America or any one of a large number of places with a warm climate. Now this obviously includes a significant percentage of the world. The client might then react with “could this include Australia?” The “psychic” can then make use of this volunteered information by going on to say “yes it could; I sense that the connection has a distinct colonial ring to it”. And then the “psychic” might say; “do you know of anyone living in Australia”. When the client confirms that they do, the “psychic” can then convincingly pursue that line of conversation.

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In this way these “vague statements” can be fashioned into something much more solid and seemingly impressive to the client, even though they client has actually provided the information themselves. It will be apparent by this stage that the main mode of operation of the “psychic” is to casually ask a range of very general questions as an information gathering exercise, and based upon the answers received from the client they can re-cycle the information to present to client as arriving from a “psychic” origin. The psychology of the situation is such that the client will forget the information that has been subtly extracted from them, focussing instead on what seems to be information provided by the use of “psychic powers”. It should be pointed out here that the “psychic” is not being paid dollars per minute to tell the client what they already know. By this time it might already have cost the client $10 or more to provide the “psychic” with the information they need to suck the client even further into the charade. The “vague fact” approach can be applied by the “psychic” in many other ways, for example medical conditions. In this case instead of delving for information regarding geographical locations, it would be parts of the body. For example, the “psychic” might endeavour to ascertain how a person “passed over” if it is of interest to the client, by guessing at the parts of the body involved. The “psychic” might say for example, “I am getting the impression that a pain in the chest area was involved”. Of course many people do pass on due to heart problems. If the client reacts positively the “psychic” will pursue this route. If the client however indicates some other area of the body involved, the “psychic” will link that area of the body with another statement such as “yes, I am getting the strong message that it was a circulatory issue, also involving the kidneys”. And so the “psychic” will always win by twisting the information received from the client to make it seem to be original. Another common ploy used by the “psychic reader” is the “lucky guess”.

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In the “lucky guess” approach the “psychic” will use the laws of average and take a “calculated guess” at revealing some piece of information pertaining to the client. If they happen to guess correctly then the information provided seems “miraculous” to the client, and strengthens the hold the “psychic” has over the client from that point. If the “lucky guess” is not correct, the “psychic” will simply dismiss it as being due to “conditions” and move onto another guess or the next approach. The “lucky guess” might go something like this; the “psychic” might say: “I see that the name John means something to you”. Now in this case there is a good chance of the client knowing someone by the name of “John”. If not, the client may actually know someone by the similar name of “Jack” or “James” or “Joe”, and be happy to accept the statement as significant. The “psychic” can then develop the line of conversation based upon the real name provided by the client after further questioning, thus building up a more complete picture that the “psychic” can later string together into what seems to an accurate, “psychically” obtained “reading”. Again it should be pointed out that the client is paying the so called “psychic” dollars per minute to be told something new, useful or even profound, and not to pay the “psychic” dollars per minute for guessing at things the client already knows so they can re-cycle it and present it as original information. Another commonly used cold reading approach is the “trivia statement”. Here the “psychic” will offer information about something a piece of “trivia” that could again apply to a large percentage of the population. Many people will have similar items in their homes that the “psychic” will have compiled a list of over the years. For example; they might have a collection of photographs that have never been formally sorted and placed into an album. They might have food or medicine that is past the “use by date” and never been disposed of. Many people have kept toys as a memory of their childhood. Many if not most people have jewellery or similar items that have been passed down to them by a deceased relative.

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The “psychic” will mention these in the knowledge that there is a very high likelihood of being correct on at least one of more of these options. When the “psychic” scores a hit, they will then develop that line of attack by associating the item with “messages” from the deceased relative concerned. Other such trivia items might include a game with one or more pieces missing. Old books or magazines on hobbies, interests or pastimes that are no longer pursued by the client, a broken watch or jewellery no longer used. And so the reading would progress, with the “psychic” drawing from a wide range of “industry ploys”, utilising the ones most applicable to the client and the manner in which the reading progresses. There are a wide range of such ploys that are beyond the scope of this report, but are so extensive that a complete book could be written about them. At the final analysis this aspect of the “psychic reading” is based upon developing a line of “attack” based upon a series of carefully constructed statements, questions and lucky guesses, all carefully brought together to produce what will seem like a coherent “psychic reading”. In addition psychology is used by the experienced “psychic”, who will analyse the “client” and steer the direction of “reading” accordingly. Again though, and this cannot be stressed enough; the “psychic” is being paid to provide the client with original and useful information of value, and not to spend dollars per minute of the clients money guessing at what they already know in an attempt to impress them thereby justifying the cost of the reading. In other words the “psychic reading” is really for the benefit of the “psychic reader” and their bank account, but carefully made to look as if it is for the benefit of the client. The next aspect of the tricks of the trade of a “psychic reading” we will look at are methods of extracting information from the client by asking questions; information which will then be re-processed and integrated into the reading.

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The direct question is often used by the “psychic” as a useful way of extracting information that can be used later in the reading. For example; the “psychic” might ask something like “please tell me what is on your mind right now”. They ask this in the knowledge that almost everyone has something on their mind. It may well be that the client opens up immediately with an outpouring of woes that the “psychic” can then use as the basis for the “reading”. If the “psychic” thinks that, due to the attitude of the client this might be a too direct method of attack, they might ask the same question in a much more subtle way by casually asking the client how they can help them, thus hoping the client will open up to the “psychic”, telling them what is on their mind. The “psychic” might for example ask questions such as: “are you currently involved in a committed relationship?” Or: “are you satisfied with your career and income, or do you feel there is room for improvement?” Or perhaps: “Is there anyone special that has already passed over that you would like to hear from today?” The “psychic” can then proceed on the basis of these answers. This line of attack is not always appropriate due to the fact the client might be more astute than to be taken in by this unsubtle approach. The “psychic” will make a judgement on this soon after speaking with the client for the first time. In addition to the direct question, the “psychic” can also throw in incidental or veiled questions when the opportunity arises. Such a question might arise by the “psychic” saying something like: “I am starting to get an impression here. It is still a bit vague but I get the feeling that it could be involved with travel. Does this make sense to you?” Now this is clearly a vague statement in the form of a thinly veiled question. If the client responds positively the “psychic” can proceed with that line of attack. If the client responds negatively or seems unsure or unconvinced, then the “psychic” can move quickly on to the next “guess”.

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There are many variations on this line of attack, and the “psychic” will make a judgement based on their evaluation of the client and the answers received so far. Again it should be pointed out that the “psychic” should be pro-actively delivering useful, original information, not telling the client what they already know in a different way, because the client has already mentioned it earlier in the reading. There are numerous variations on the “question and answer” approach, but always with the same objective; to gain pieces of information that can either be recycled and “revealed” as a seemingly amazing prediction later, or to use as further insight into the life of the client. For example, if the “psychic” can determine that the client participates in sports, they can reasonably deduce that health and fitness are of importance to the client, and probably does not smoke cigarettes or partake in anything else known to be damaging to health. So the “psychic” can later “recycle” the piece of information relating to sport as a revelation such as: “I sense that health and fitness is very important to you”. Such a statement, made some time after the original sport information would seem impressive to the client. There are other ways of phrasing questions that the “psychic” might use to good effect. One of these is the “negative” statement, for example the “psychic” might say “you are not self-employed are you?” The client might then respond by saying “no I do not work for myself”. The “psychic” will then make a patronising response designed to gain the confidence of the client such as “I sensed as much; I also sense that you are not the type of person to be tempted by such an egotistical lifestyle”. And the “psychic” can file that away to be recycled later in the form of another amazing revelation.

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Now had the client responded by saying “well yes; actually I do own my own successful business”. The “psychic” can counter this by saying something like “yes I thought as much; I sense that you are very astute and successful, and place great importance on your financial freedom”. And by the subtle use of flattery the “psychic” can further gain the confidence of the client as well as further information that can be recycled and revealed in another form later in the “reading. And so the early part of the “reading” will proceed, ostensibly as an “information gathering” exercise in order that the “psychic” can “fine tune” the “reading”, and later produce “amazing revelations” that the client will not associate with the previous information subtly extracted by the “psychic”. Another way that the “psychic” can gain the confidence of the client fairly early in the session is by making predictions of various types. These predictions are usually fairly general and could apply to almost anyone at all, but as the client is by now “tuned” into the “psychic” and the reading generally, they are psychologically more likely to accept it as a “psychic” revelation such as: “later this year you will be involved in a long journey or holiday”. Or the “psychic” might even be more specific, for example; “in September you will be involved in a celebration”. The vague prediction approach works in a similar way to the horoscope you might read in the daily newspaper. If it is vaguely accurate it stands out in the mind of the person reading it. The other 99.9% of “readings” provided in the horoscope, or in this case the “vague prediction” will be irrelevant and soon forgotten, so the client selectively only remembers the very small fraction of the “prediction” that was anything like correct. Of course people tend to talk about those predictions that came true to other people, while, like the party game of “Chinese whispers” embellishing it each time it is told, until finally it becomes an “amazing prediction”. People hearing of this amazing prediction will then of course wish to avail themselves of the services of the same “psychic”, and that is how the “reputation” of a “psychic” will spread, notwithstanding the fact that the

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“psychic” was actually 99.9% wrong most of the time. It is human nature to remember what suits a person, and to conveniently discard the rest. There are various types of “predictions” varying from the lucky guess, through vague predictions to predictions based upon known facts all the way to self-fulfilling predictions. The self-fulfilling prediction can actually be very powerful. If a client is told for example that “within the next few weeks you will feel healthier and find yourself with more friends”, the client is often so desperate for this to become true that they start eating healthier, taking more exercise and taking more time to socialise thereby meeting more people. Of course to the client the prediction by the “psychic” was amazingly accurate, when in fact all the client has done is to accept the prediction and make it come true. Another type of prediction is the “unverifiable” prediction. This is a type of prediction that sounds very plausible and convincing to the client, but cannot be verified. For example the “psychic” might say; “one of your friends is, unbeknown to you, feeling animosity towards you”. Now this is a type of prediction that can sound very plausible and convincing, but can never really be verified. So the client will accept it as yet another “amazing prediction”. So these are some of the main elements that the “psychic” might use in the course of a reading. Some “psychics” might use just a few of these “tricks of the trade”, others might use almost all of them depending on the circumstances, the type of client, and the time available. During the course of the reading the “psychic” will inevitably need to deal with negative responses from the client, and turn those responses to their own advantage. There are many approaches to dealing with this situation, and each “psychic” will have their own favourites compiled over time. One of the main approaches used is an aggressive type approach in a friendly sort of way. If the client responds negatively, the “psychic” will continue to push the statement strongly implying that the client is mistaken.

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For example, this would be a typical situation of this type: the “psychic” will say something like “I sense the name “Mike”, does that name mean anything to you?” If the client responds negatively for example “no, I am not familiar with anyone of that name” then the “psychic” will then push the point hard saying something like “are you absolutely certain?” I am getting the name “Mike” coming through very strongly indeed.” At this point the “psychic”, determined to be correct, will keep pushing until the client eventually makes the connection, however vague for example; “oh yes; now I remember meeting someone by that name about 4 years ago at a social function”. So the “psychic” gets their own way yet again, appearing to have made another amazing “psychic” prediction. If the client is more “awkward” and stands by their original answer, the “psychic” may well increase the pressure by saying something like “are you saying that you definitely do not know someone by the name of Mike, or that you might know someone with a similar sounding name such as “Mick” or “Michael” for example?” In this way the “psychic” will either sooner or later get the client to make a connection, however vague”, or convince the client that they are suffering from amnesia! Another ploy used by the “psychic” in these situations, is to make the connection one person removed from the client. For example; they might say “could Mike be connected to a relative?” Of course the client might not know the answer to this question, and would simply accept what the “psychic” is saying as factual. Yet another ploy used by the “psychic” is to imply that even if their statement is wrong now it will be correct in the future. For example, on the question of “Mike” which initially brought a negative response from the client, the “psychic” would respond with something like “ah, but even though you do not know Mike now, you will know him in the near future”. So here the “psychic” has to be correct in the eyes of the client, because they have no way of knowing otherwise unless they can see into the future. There are many other variations that the “psychic” can use when the client initially responds negatively, in order to ensure that sooner or later, one way

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or the other they are ultimately correct in the eyes of the client who will then accept this as another “amazing prediction”. Whatever happens, an experienced “psychic” expert in “cold reading”, will always be able to take any negative response and turn it into what will seem like an accurate and often amazing prediction in the eyes of the client. In addition therefore to the actual question and answer aspect of the reading, the “psychic” must also steer the reading in the required direction for them. Again, as with the questions and aspects aspect of the reading, there are many ploys the “psychic” can use. It is important for the “psychic” to encourage feedback in order to have plenty of information to work with. The first way a “psychic” can do this is by establishing the right “atmosphere”. This is much more applicable to a personal reading where the client and “psychic” are in the same room where the “psychic” will make full use of all the “props” such as lighting, incense burning and of course the “psychic” wearing mystical looking clothes, much like the typical “gypsy fortune teller”. Other props might include the tools of the trade such as crystal ball, pack of tarot cards and books with mystical looking symbols on the cover. Of course many of these “atmosphere” setting ploys are not applicable to a telephone “psychic” reading which this report is mostly about. They are worth keeping in mind however should you encounter a “psychic” in person. Telephone “psychics” rely more on creating an atmosphere conducive to setting the client at ease. Of course, the picture of the “psychic” on the website will typically portray a “mystical” air, often to match the mystical sounding name such as “Psychic Sue” or “Clairvoyant Kate” or “Tarot Tom” etc.. Also on “psychic” websites there is a trend for “psychics” to specialise in various areas such as “Family Psychic” or “Relationship Psychic” or “Financial Abundance Psychic” etc.. This gives the client much more confidence in that they believe their reading will be performed by a “psychic” with special “psychic powers” in these particular areas of interest to the client.

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It should also be pointed out that sometimes, even frequently, the picture of the “psychic” depicted on the “psychic hotline” website is not even their own! They will often use an image of a person who “looks the part”, looks younger, looks more glamorous, and generally fits the expectation of the client the best, designed only to gain the confidence of the potential client. Other ploys used include having suitable music playing in the background, and to speak with a mystical, often soft “fortune teller” type of voice. So before the reading even starts, the “psychic” is setting the client up and establishing the odds as much in the favour of the “psychic” as possible. These are just a few of the ploys used by the skilled “psychic reader” in the course of convincing the client, keep them coming back to the dollars per minute premium rate number, and to recommend their services to others. Of course it is not always plain sailing for the “psychic”, and they sometimes encounter “difficult”, “awkward” or “sceptical” clients. So part of the training of a “psychic” will be to deal with this particular group of clients. In order to pre-empt this possibility the “psychic” will also often offer a “disclaimer” that might go something like this: “I would like to advise you that I make no firm claims as to the accuracy of any information I provide. What I can tell you however is that millions of people have psychic readings every year, and most find it was useful to them. Of course there are many psychic influences that are beyond our control. For example, the alignment of the planets might be such that obtaining the right psychic currents is not as easy as usual. All I ask is that you remain open-minded, and I am sure you will find this reading to me most useful” What the psychic has subtly done here is to pre-empt any possible objections, scepticism or major inaccuracies, and at the same time conveyed an attitude of responsibility.

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How To Thwart the Charlatan “Psychic”

In this section we will take a look at how to thwart the tricks of the cold reading trade being used by these “psychics” while exposing them for what they really are and having fun at the same time. It should be stated from the outset that this information is to be used exclusively to protect your own interests. It should never be used in a malicious manner designed only to cause the “psychic” suffering in any way. First of all it is important to clarify with the “psychic” whether they are asking you a question or making a statement. As we have already discussed, a “psychic” will often make a tentative statement in order to gauge your response which is then used later in the reading to produce “facts” that seem to have been “psychically” obtained. So when the “psychic” makes a statement clearly designed to extract information from you, ask them outright whether they are “making a statement or asking a question”. If they are asking a question, don’t answer it. The “psychic” is being paid to provide you with unique information that you do not already know. You are not there to provide the “psychic” with information for them to later re-process and relate back to you as messages originating from “psychic” sources. If the “psychic” is genuine they will have the ability to receive original, accurate, relevant information, either as a medium communicating with a non-physical person, or by sensing and interpreting your “energy”. So make it absolutely clear as soon as possible after the session commences that you will not be answering any leading questions, only those necessary for the client to indicate what they wish to discover during the session. Also make it absolutely clear that you are not there to answer questions but rather to receive accurate information on matters that are important to you.

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Another effective ploy you can use if the “psychic” asks you a question is to respond with another question. For example; if the “psychic” asks “who is Dave”, you can respond by saying something like “I never mentioned a Dave, so how am I to know who Dave is; you are the psychic after all”. Let us once again be absolutely clear about this. When you pay a “psychic” for a “reading”, all you should need to do is tell them what you would like to know, sit back and listen to the information provided. The “psychic” might justifiably ask you what you would like to know, in which case you can justifiably provide them with an appropriate answer, but do not provide the “psychic” with any specific information that they can use. Once the “psychic” realises they are in trouble, they might endeavour to ascertain whether they are moving in the right direction by making a leading statement in the form of a question such as: “and what I have just relayed to you means something to you doesn’t it?” To a question like this, disguised as a statement of fact and an obvious prompt for information; you can respond by saying that you are “not sure without thinking about it”. You can then ask the “psychic” to continue the reading of the information they are receiving from non-physical sources. Taking this to the next level you can move on to exposing the “psychic” as a charlatan by trapping them with their own cold reading methods. To do this you provide the “psychic” with the feedback they are looking for and watch what they do with the information. So when the “psychic” makes a statement clearly designed to obtain information, appear to be surprised and respond by saying something like: “Wow, that’s really amazing!” “What else can you tell me?” This is exactly the sort of reaction the “psychic” hopes for. To the “psychic” this is like hitting the jackpot; a real home run!

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The “psychic” will then usually seize upon this theme and pursue it vigorously. As the “psychic” pursues the theme you can react enthusiastically as they roll out more and more amazing “psychic revelations” It will be a source of amusement while at the same proving conclusively that the “psychic” is a fraud, really only developing a line of information they obtained from you, but re-cycled to make it looks as if it is of psychic origin. You might be wondering by now whether this practice is really ethical. The fact is, you are paying a substantial sum of money, often by the minute, to someone who purports to be able to help you with information you are seeking based upon special “psychic abilities”. If you are paying there is a contract between you and the “psychic” that obliges them to provide a genuine service, as with any other profession. You are not paying dollars per minute to be subtly interrogated and told what you already know. There is also a much more serious aspect to this. While some people might contact a “telephone psychic” out of fun, or perhaps curiosity, other people, perhaps even the majority, contact a “telephone psychic” because they have a genuine need and are seeking professional assistance. Many of these people have severe personal issues, are recently bereaved, are suffering from ill health and much more, and have turned to a “psychic” in the hope of receiving much needed, accurate information they cannot obtain elsewhere. Unfortunately therefore being the victim of a psychic cold reading scam can compound the already serious issues these people are experiencing, making things much worse than they were before. Continuing with your session, give the “psychic” just enough rope by providing positive reactions to statements, and just generally going along with the “psychic” until they have been given enough rope to prove their fraudulence, and then confront them; in the nicest possible way of course. For example; the “psychic” might have been providing “information” about, or relaying messages from a deceased husband or wife. You can now say to

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the “psychic” words to the effect; “in fact I am not even married and never have been; so how were you able to provide information about my spouse?” This same principle works for any line the “psychic” was pursuing; e.g. your new house when you still live with your parents; your new job when you are a home maker etc.. At this point the “psychic” will most likely do one of two things; Either back-peddle and make an excuse along the lines of “conditions not being right” or make an excuse to terminate the session. They will do this without hesitation knowing that there is easier prey waiting on the next call.

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The “psychic” industry has become a multi-billion dollar industry where money and profit is the primary motive rather then genuinely helping people. For the most part these people on the end of dollars per minute “psychic hotlines” are not true “psychics” or “mediums” at all, they are rather nothing more than modern day, “high-tech fortune tellers”. There are indeed people with genuine psychic abilities, but such people will rarely be found on the end of a premium rate telephone number, with glitzy, mystical sounding names, charging dollars per minute. Genuine psychics and mediums are usually sensitive, generous, responsible people, who will often provide a sitting for little or no cost if the client cannot afford it out of a genuine feeling of service to others. Finding such genuine psychics however can be difficult, and the only real way to find one that can be trusted is by means of a personal recommendation from someone that you know and trust or often through a Spiritual church. However; and this is most important; every single person, without exception, has latent psychic abilities of all types that can be developed for your own purposes with the right information and commitment.

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By developing your own natural psychic abilities you will know, beyond any doubt the accuracy of the information or impressions received, without ever running the very high risk of being scammed by a cold reading charlatan on the end of a dollars per minute telephone line, who’s only concern is to prolong the call for as long as possible, to keep you coming back for more. As with all psychic, metaphysical and other inner abilities, once you experience these natural abilities for yourself, you will never be left in any doubt whatsoever as to the truth, reality and absolute value of the experience. You will know, beyond any possible doubt that you have the God-given ability to make maximum use of these powers to help you in your current life, your evolution, and in understanding what awaits you once your current life on Earth draws to a close. You can live life in power, happiness and freedom.

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Page 37: The Psychic Report - mindcontrol101.comThe Psychic Report The fact is, all of this is possible for everyone with the right knowledge, information and training, but one thing is certain;

The Psychic Report

Developing Your Own Psychic Powers It will be apparent by now that the “psychic industry” is at best a considerable risk, and at worst an outright scam, unless you approach it as a bit of fun, just as you would a “fortune teller”. Fortune telling, of which psychic readings are a part, is also illegal in many states of America and anyone engaging in that activity is committing an offence that is punishable by law. The good news is that every single person has natural, latent Psychic Powers that can be easily developed, as the Universe intended, for your own use. With your own Psychic Powers you can acquire many valuable abilities, many of which might seem amazing to most people, but which are in fact inherent in everyone with the right knowledge, training and commitment. Once you have developed your psychic powers never again will you need to pay dollars per minute only to be subjected to a worthless “cold reading”. You will have the ability to acquire absolutely everything you need for free. Psychic Power Secrets, Clairvoyance Power Secrets and Telekinesis Power Secrets are without question the most powerful course of books that have ever been made available to develop your own Psychic Powers.

To Learn How To Develop Your Own Genuine Psychic Powers, Visit:

Developing Psychic Powers

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Page 38: The Psychic Report - mindcontrol101.comThe Psychic Report The fact is, all of this is possible for everyone with the right knowledge, information and training, but one thing is certain;

The Psychic Report

The Psychic Report

Developing Psychic Powers

Published by and Copyright © 2006 Mind Power Corporation

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