the project gutenberg ebook of the spy

8/10/2019 The Project Gutenberg eBook of the Spy 1/300 The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Spy, by James Fenimore Cooper #! in our series by James Fenimore Cooper Copyright "as are changing a"" o$er the or"%& Be sure to check the copyright "as for your country before %on"oa%ing or re%istributing this or any other Project Gutenberg eBook& This hea%er shou"% be the first thing seen hen $ieing this Project Gutenberg fi"e& P"ease %o not remo$e it& 'o not change or e%it the hea%er ithout ritten permission& P"ease rea% the ("ega" sma"" print,( an% other information about the eBook an% Project Gutenberg at the bottom of this fi"e& )nc"u%e% is important information about your specific rights an% restrictions in ho the fi"e may be use%& *ou can a"so fin% out about ho to make a %onation to Project Gutenberg, an% ho to get in$o"$e%& ++e"come To The or"% of Free P"ain -ani""a E"ectronic Te.ts++ ++eBooks /ea%ab"e By Both 0umans an% By Computers, Since !1++ +++++These eBooks ere Prepare% By Thousan%s of -o"unteers2+++++ Tit"e3 The Spy 4uthor3 James Fenimore Cooper /e"ease 'ate3 February, 5667 8EBook #!9:;< 8*es, e are more than one year ahea% of sche%u"e< 8This fi"e as first poste% on =ctober 5>, 566>< E%ition3 6 ?anguage3 Eng"ish Character set enco%ing3 )S=@99;!@ +++ ST4/T =F T0E P/=JECT GATEBE/G EB== T0E SP* +++ Pro%uce% by PG 'istribute% Proofrea%ing Team EC?ECT)C EG?)S0 C?4SS)CS T0E SP* 4 T4?E =F T0E EAT/4? G/=A' B* J4DES FE)D=/E C==PE/

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The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Spy, by James Fenimore Cooper#! in our series by James Fenimore Cooper

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Tit"e3 The Spy

4uthor3 James Fenimore Cooper

/e"ease 'ate3 February, 5667 8EBook #!9:;<8*es, e are more than one year ahea% of sche%u"e<8This fi"e as first poste% on =ctober 5>, 566><

E%ition3 6

?anguage3 Eng"ish

Character set enco%ing3 )S=@99;!@

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() be"ie$e ) cou"% rite a better story myse"f2( ith these or%s, sincebecome famous, James Fenimore Cooper "ai% asi%e the Eng"ish no$e" hichhe as rea%ing a"ou% to his ife& 4 fe %ays "ater he submitte% se$era"pages of manuscript for her appro$a", an% then sett"e% %on to the taskof making goo% his boast& )n o$ember, 956, he ga$e the pub"ic a no$e"in to $o"umes, entit"e% Precaution& But it as pub"ishe% anonymous"y,an% %ea"t ith Eng"ish society in so much the same ay as the a$erage

British no$e" of the time that its author as thought by many to be anEng"ishman& )t ha% no origina"ity an% no rea" merit of any kin%& *et itas the means of inciting Cooper to another attempt& 4n% this secon%no$e" ma%e him famous&

hen Precaution appeare%, some of Coopers frien%s proteste% againsthis eak %epen%ence on British mo%e"s& Their arguments stirre% hispatriotism, an% he %etermine% to rite another no$e", using thorough"y4merican materia"& 4ccor%ing"y he turne% to estchester County, here heas then "i$ing, a county hich ha% been the scene of much stirringaction %uring a goo% part of the /e$o"utionary ar, an% compose% TheSpy@@4 Ta"e of the eutra" Groun%& This no$e" as pub"ishe% in 95,an% as imme%iate"y popu"ar, both in this country an% in Eng"an%& Soonit as trans"ate% into French, then into other foreign "anguages, unti"it as rea% more i%e"y than any other ta"e of the century& Cooper ha%ritten the first 4merican no$e"& 0e ha% a"so struck an origina""iterary $ein, an% he ha% gaine% confi%ence in himse"f as a riter&

Fo""oing this pronounce% success in authorship, Cooper set to ork on athir% book an% continue% for the remain%er of his "ife to %e$ote most ofhis time to riting& 4"together he rote o$er thirty no$e"s an% as manymore orks of a misce""aneous character& But much of this riting has nointerest for us at the present time, especia""y that hich asoccasione% by the many contro$ersies in hich the rather be""igerentCooper in$o"$e% himse"f& 0is ork of permanent $a"ue after The Spyfa""s into to groups, the ta"es of i"%erness "ife an% the sea ta"es&Both these groups gre %irect"y out of his e.periences in ear"y "ife&

Cooper as born on September ;, 19!, in Bur"ington, e Jersey, buthi"e sti"" $ery young he as taken to Cooperston, on the shores of=tsego ?ake, in centra" e *ork& 0is father one% many thousan% acresof prime$a" forest about this $i""age, an% so through the years of afree boyhoo% the young Cooper came to "o$e the i"%erness an% to knothe characters of bor%er "ife& hen the $i""age schoo" as no "ongera%euate, he ent to stu%y pri$ate"y in 4"bany an% "ater entere% *a"eCo""ege& But he as not intereste% in the stu%y of books& hen, as ajunior, he as""e% from co""ege, he turne% to a career in the na$y&

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4ccor%ing"y in the fa"" of 967 he sai"e% on a merchant ship, theSter"ing, an% for the ne.t e"e$en months sa har% ser$ice before themast& Soon after this apprenticeship he recei$e% a commission as ami%shipman in the Anite% States na$y& 4"though it as a time of peace,an% he sa no actua" fighting, he gaine% consi%erab"e kno"e%ge from hisser$ice on ?ake =ntario an% ?ake Champ"ain that he put to goo% use"ater& Short"y before his resignation in Day, 9, he ha% marrie%, an%for se$era" years thereafter he "i$e% a"ong in a p"easant, "eisure"yfashion, part of the time in Cooperston an% part of the time inestchester County, unti" a"most acci%enta""y he broke into the ritingof his first no$e"& 4si%e from the pub"ication of his books, Coopers"ater "ife as essentia""y une$entfu"& 0e %ie% at Cooperston, onSeptember :, 9;&

The connection of Coopers best riting ith the "ife he kne at firsthan% is thus perfect"y p"ain& )n his no$e"s %ea"ing ith the i"%erness,popu"ar"y knon as the ?eatherstocking Ta"es, he %re %irect"y on hiskno"e%ge of the backoo%s an% backoo%smen as he gaine% it aboutCooperston& )n The Pioneers H95>I he %ea"t ith the scenes of hisboyhoo%, scenes hich "ay $ery c"ose to his heart an% in the other

$o"umes of this series, The ?ast of the Dohicans H957I, The PrairieH951I, The Pathfin%er H9:6I, an% The 'eers"ayer H9:I, hecontinue% to rite of the trappers an% frontiersmen an% outpostgarrisons an% )n%ians ho ma%e up the forest "ife he kne so e""&Simi"ar"y, in the sea ta"es, hich began ith The Pi"otH95>I an%inc"u%e% The /e% /o$erH959I, The To 4%mira"s H9:5I an% Theing@an%@ingH9:5I, he ma%e fu"" use of his e.periences before themast an% in the na$y& The nautica" accuracy of these ta"es of the seacou"% scarce"y ha$e been attaine% by a ("an%"ubber(& )t has muchpractica" significance, then, that Cooper chose materia" hich he kneintimate"y an% hich grippe% his on interest& 0is success came "ikeThackerays an% Ste$ensons an% Dark Tains@@ithout his ha$ing toreach to the other si%e of the or"% after his materia"&

)n consi%ering Coopers ork as a no$e"ist, nothing is more marke% thanhis origina"ity& )n these %ays e take no$e"s base% on 4merican historyan% no$e"s of the sea for grante%, but at the time hen Cooper pub"ishe%The Spy an% The Pi"ot neither an 4merican no$e" nor a sa"t@aterno$e" ha% e$er been ritten& So far as 4mericans before Cooper ha%ritten fiction at a"", ashington )r$ing ha% been the on"y one to ceasefrom a timi% imitation of British mo%e"s& But )r$ings materia" as"oca", rather than nationa"& )t as Cooper ho first to"% the story ofthe conuest of the 4merican continent& 0e caught the poetry an% theromantic thri"" of both the 4merican forest an% the sea he %are% tobreak aay from "iterary con$entions& 0is rear% as an imme%iate an%i%esprea% success, together ith a secure p"ace in the history of hiscountrys "iterature&

There as probab"y a to@fo"% reason for the success hich Coopersno$e"s on at home an% abroa%& )n the first p"ace, Cooper cou"% in$ent agoo% story an% te"" it e""& 0e as a master of rapi%, stirringnarrati$e, an% his ta"es ere e"ementa", not %eep or subt"e& Secon%"y,he create% interesting characters ho ha% the rest"ess energy, thepassion for a%$enture, the rugge% confi%ence, of our 4merican pioneers&First among these great characters came 0ar$ey Birch in The Spy, butCoopers rea" triumph as atty Bumppo, ho appears in a"" fi$e of the?eatherstocking Ta"es& This ski""e% trapper, faithfu" gui%e, bra$e

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fighter, an% home"y phi"osopher as (the first rea" 4merican infiction,( an important contribution to the or"%s "iterature& )na%%ition, Cooper create% the )n%ian of "iterature@@perhaps a "itt"e toonob"e to be entire"y true to "ife@@an% $arious simp"e, strong seamen&0is Chingachgook an% Ancas an% ?ong Tom Coffin just"y brought him a%%e%fame& )n these narrati$e gifts, as e"" as in the robustness of his oncharacter, Cooper as not un"ike Sir a"ter Scott& 0e once mo%est"yreferre% to himse"f as (a chip from Scotts b"ock( an% has freuent"ybeen ca""e% (the 4merican Scott&(

But, of course, Cooper ha% "imitations an% fau"ts& hen he steppe%outsi%e the %efinite boun%aries of the "ife he kne, he as unab"e tohan%"e character effecti$e"y& 0is omen are practica""y fai"ures, an%"ike his mi"itary officers essentia""y interchangeab"e& 0is humor isa"most in$ariab"y "abore% an% te%ious& 0e occasiona""y a""oe% "ongpassages of %escription or "ong speeches by some minor character to c"ogthe progress of his action& o an% then, in in$enting his p"ots, hestraine% his rea%ers cre%u"ity somehat& Fina""y, as a resu"t of hisrapi% riting, his ork is une$en an% ithout sty"e in the sense that acarefu" craftsman or a sensiti$e artist achie$es it& 0e is e$en gui"ty

of an occasiona" error in grammar or or% use hich the young pupi" inthe schoo"s can %etect& *et his "iterary poers easi"y outeigh a""these eaknesses& 0e is unuestionab"y one of 4mericas great no$e"istsan% one of the or"%s great romancers&

There is abun%ant reason, therefore, hy 4mericans of the present %ayshou"% kno James Fenimore Cooper& 0e has many a goo% story of thei"%erness an% the sea to te"" to those ho enjoy ta"es of a%$enture& 0egi$es a $i$i%, but faithfu" picture of 4merican frontier "ife for thoseho can kno its stirring e$ents an% its har%y characters on"y at secon%han%& 0e ho"%s a pecu"iar"y important p"ace in the history of 4merican"iterature, an% has %one much to e.ten% the reputation of 4mericanfiction among foreigners&

4AT0=/S )T/='ACT)=

The author has often been aske% if there ere any foun%ation in rea""ife for the %e"ineation of the principa" character in this book& 0e cangi$e no c"earer anser to the uestion than by "aying before his rea%ersa simp"e statement of the facts connecte% ith its origina" pub"ication&

Dany years since, the riter of this $o"ume as at the resi%ence of ani""ustrious man, ho ha% been emp"oye% in $arious situations of hightrust %uring the %arkest %ays of the 4merican /e$o"ution& The %iscourse

turne% upon the effects hich great po"itica" e.citement pro%uces oncharacter, an% the purifying conseuences of a "o$e of country, henthat sentiment is poerfu""y an% genera""y aakene% in a peop"e& 0e ho,from his years, his ser$ices, an% his kno"e%ge of men, as bestua"ifie% to take the "ea% in such a con$ersation, as the principa"speaker& 4fter %e""ing on the marke% manner in hich the great strugg"eof the nation, %uring the ar of 11;, ha% gi$en a ne an% honorab"e%irection to the thoughts an% practices of mu"titu%es hose time ha%former"y been engrosse% by the most $u"gar concerns of "ife, hei""ustrate% his opinions by re"ating an anec%ote, the truth of hich he

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cou"% attest as a persona" itness&

The %ispute beteen Eng"an% an% the Anite% States of 4merica, though notstrict"y a fami"y uarre", ha% many of the features of a ci$i" ar& Thepeop"e of the "atter ere ne$er proper"y an% constitutiona""y subject tothe peop"e of the former, but the inhabitants of both countries oe%a""egiance to a common king& The 4mericans, as a nation, %isa$oe% thisa""egiance, an% the Eng"ish choosing to support their so$ereign in theattempt to regain his poer, most of the fee"ings of an interna"strugg"e ere in$o"$e% in the conf"ict& 4 "arge proportion of theemigrants from Europe, then estab"ishe% in the co"onies, took part iththe cron an% there ere many %istricts in hich their inf"uence,unite% to that of the 4mericans ho refuse% to "ay asi%e theira""egiance, ga$e a %eci%e% prepon%erance to the roya" cause& 4merica asthen too young, an% too much in nee% of e$ery heart an% han%, to regar%these partia" %i$isions, sma"" as they ere in actua" amount, ithin%ifference& The e$i" as great"y increase% by the acti$ity of theEng"ish in profiting by these interna" %issensions an% it became %oub"yserious hen it as foun% that attempts ere ma%e to raise $arious corpsof pro$incia" troops, ho ere to be ban%e% ith those from Europe, to

re%uce the young repub"ic to subjection& Congress name% an especia" an%a secret committee, therefore, for the purpose of %efeating thisobject& =f this committee Dr&@@@@, the narrator of the anec%ote,as chairman&

)n the %ischarge of the no$e" %uties hich no %e$o"$e% on him, Dr&@@@@ha% occasion to emp"oy an agent hose ser$ices %iffere% but "itt"e fromthose of a common spy& This man, as i"" easi"y be un%erstoo%, be"onge%to a con%ition in "ife hich ren%ere% him the "east re"uctant to appearin so eui$oca" a character& 0e as poor, ignorant, so far as the usua"instruction as concerne% but coo", shre%, an% fear"ess by nature& )tas his office to "earn in hat part of the country the agents of thecron ere making their efforts to embo%y men, to repair to the p"ace,en"ist, appear Kea"ous in the cause he affecte% to ser$e, an% otheriseto get possession of as many of the secrets of the enemy as possib"e&The "ast he of course communicate% to his emp"oyers, ho took a"" themeans in their poer to counteract the p"ans of the Eng"ish, an%freuent"y ith success&

)t i"" rea%i"y be concei$e% that a ser$ice "ike this as atten%e% ithgreat persona" haKar%& )n a%%ition to the %anger of %isco$ery, there asthe %ai"y risk of fa""ing into the han%s of the 4mericans themse"$es,ho in$ariab"y $isite% sins of this nature more se$ere"y on the nati$esof the country than on the Europeans ho fe"" into their han%s& )n fact,the agent of Dr& @@@@ as se$era" times arreste% by the "oca"authorities an%, in one instance, he as actua""y con%emne% by hise.asperate% countrymen to the ga""os& Spee%y an% pri$ate or%ers to the

jai"er a"one sa$e% him from an ignominious %eath& 0e as permitte% toescape an% this seeming an% in%ee% actua" peri" as of great ai% insupporting his assume% character among the Eng"ish& By the 4mericans, inhis "itt"e sphere, he as %enounce% as a bo"% an% in$eterate Tory& )nthis manner he continue% to ser$e his country in secret %uring the ear"yyears of the strugg"e, hour"y en$irone% by %anger, an% the constantsubject of unmerite% opprobrium&

)n the year @@@, Dr& @@@@ as name% to a high an% honorab"e emp"oymentat a European court& Before $acating his seat in Congress, he reporte%

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to that bo%y an out"ine of the circumstances re"ate%, necessari"ysuppressing the name of his agent, an% %eman%ing an appropriation inbeha"f of a man ho ha% been of so much use, at so great risk& 4suitab"e sum as $ote% an% its %e"i$ery as confi%e% to the chairman ofthe secret committee&

Dr& @@@@ took the necessary means to summon his agent to a persona"inter$ie& They met in a oo% at mi%night& 0ere Dr& @@@@ comp"imente%his companion on his fi%e"ity an% a%roitness e.p"aine% the necessity oftheir communications being c"ose% an% fina""y ten%ere% the money& Theother %re back, an% %ec"ine% recei$ing it& (The country has nee% of a""its means,( he sai% (as for myse"f, ) can ork, or gain a "i$e"ihoo% in$arious ays&( Persuasion as use"ess, for patriotism as uppermost inthe heart of this remarkab"e in%i$i%ua" an% Dr& @@@@ %eparte%, bearingith him the go"% he ha% brought, an% a %eep respect for the man ho ha%so "ong haKar%e% his "ife, unreuite%, for the cause they ser$e%in common&

The riter is un%er an impression that, at a "ater %ay, the agent ofDr& @@@@ consente% to recei$e a remuneration for hat he ha% %one but it

as not unti" his country as entire"y in a con%ition to besto it&

)t is scarce"y necessary to a%%, that an anec%ote "ike this, simp"y butforcib"y to"% by one of its principa" actors, ma%e a %eep impression ona"" ho hear% it& Dany years "ater, circumstances, hich it isunnecessary to re"ate, an% of an entire"y a%$entitious nature, in%uce%the riter to pub"ish a no$e", hich pro$e% to be, hat he "itt"eforesa at the time, the first of a to"erab"y "ong series& The samea%$entitious causes hich ga$e birth to the book %etermine% its scenean% its genera" character& The former as "ai% in a foreign country an%the "atter embrace% a cru%e effort to %escribe foreign manners& henthis ta"e as pub"ishe%, it became matter of reproach among the authorsfrien%s, that he, an 4merican in heart as in birth, shou"% gi$e to theor"% a ork hich ai%e% perhaps, in some s"ight %egree, to fee% theimaginations of the young an% unpractice% among his on countrymen, bypictures %ran from a state of society so %ifferent from that to hichhe be"onge%& The riter, hi"e he kne ho much of hat he ha% %one aspure"y acci%enta", fe"t the reproach to be one that, in a measure, asjust& 4s the on"y atonement in his poer, he %etermine% to inf"ict asecon% book, hose subject shou"% a%mit of no ca$i", not on"y on theor"%, but on himse"f& 0e chose patriotism for his theme an% to thoseho rea% this intro%uction an% the book itse"f, it is scarce"y necessaryto a%%, that he took the hero of the anec%ote just re"ate% as the besti""ustration of his subject&

Since the origina" pub"ication of The Spy, there ha$e appeare% se$era"accounts of %ifferent persons ho are suppose% to ha$e been in the

authors min% hi"e riting the book& 4s Dr& @@@@ %i% not mention thename of his agent, the riter ne$er kne any more of his i%entity iththis or that in%i$i%ua", than has been here e.p"aine%& Both ashingtonan% Sir 0enry C"inton ha% an unusua" number of secret emissaries in aar that partook so much of a %omestic character, an% in hich theconten%ing parties ere peop"e of the same b"oo% an% "anguage, it cou"%scarce"y be otherise&

The sty"e of the book has been re$ise% by the author in this e%ition& )nthis respect, he has en%ea$ore% to make it more orthy of the fa$or ith

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hich it has been recei$e% though he is compe""e% to a%mit there arefau"ts so intero$en ith the structure of the ta"e that, as in the caseof a %ecaye% e%ifice, it ou"% cost perhaps "ess to reconstruct than torepair& Fi$e@an%@tenty years ha$e been as ages ith most thingsconnecte% ith 4merica& 4mong other a%$antages, that of her "iteraturehas not been the "east& So "itt"e as e.pecte% from the pub"ication ofan origina" ork of this %escription, at the time it as ritten, thatthe first $o"ume of The Spy as actua""y printe% se$era" months,before the author fe"t a sufficient in%ucement to rite a "ine of thesecon%& The efforts e.pen%e% on a hope"ess task are rare"y orthy of himho makes them, hoe$er "o it may be necessary to rate the stan%ar% ofhis genera" merit&

=ne other anec%ote connecte% ith the history of this book may gi$e therea%er some i%ea of the hopes of an 4merican author, in the firstuarter of the present century& 4s the secon% $o"ume as s"o"yprinting, from manuscript that as bare"y %ry hen it ent into thecompositors han%s, the pub"isher intimate% that the ork might gro toa "ength that ou"% consume the profits& To set his min% at rest, the"ast chapter as actua""y ritten, printe%, an% page%, se$era" eeks

before the chapters hich prece%e it ere e$en thought of& Thiscircumstance, hi"e it cannot e.cuse, may ser$e to e.p"ain the manner inhich the actors are hurrie% off the scene&

4 great change has come o$er the country since this book as origina""yritten& The nation is passing from the grist"e into the bone, an% thecommon min% is beginning to keep e$en pace ith the groth of the bo%ypo"itic& The march from -era CruK to De.ico as ma%e un%er the or%ers ofthat ga""ant so"%ier ho, a uarter of a century before, as mentione%ith honor, in the "ast chapter of this $ery book& G"orious as as thatmarch, an% bri""iant as ere its resu"ts in a mi"itary point of $ie, astri%e as then ma%e by the nation, in a mora" sense, that has hastene%it by an age, in its progress toar% rea" in%epen%ence an% highpo"itica" inf"uence& The guns that fi""e% the $a""ey of the 4Ktecs iththeir thun%er, ha$e been hear% in echoes on the other si%e of the4t"antic, pro%ucing eua""y hope or apprehension&

There is no no enemy to fear, but the one that resi%es ithin& Byaccustoming ourse"$es to regar% e$en the peop"e as erring beings, an% byusing the restraints that is%om has a%%uce% from e.perience, there ismuch reason to hope that the same Pro$i%ence hich has so e"" ai%e% usin our infancy, may continue to smi"e on our manhoo%&

C==PE/ST=, Darch 5!, 9:!&

8)""ustration3 D4P T= )??AST/4TE T0E ST=/* =F T0E SP*<

8The footnotes throughout are Coopers on&<

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  4n% though ami%st the ca"m of thought entire,  Some high an% haughty features might betray

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  4 sou" impetuous once@@tas earth"y fire  That f"e% composures inte""ectua" ray,  4s Etnas fires gro %im before the rising %ay&  @@Gertru%e of yoming&

)t as near the c"ose of the year 196 that a so"itary tra$e"er as seenpursuing his ay through one of the numerous "itt"e $a""eys ofestchester& 8Footnote3 4s each state of the 4merican Anion has its oncounties, it often happens that there are se$era" hich bear the samename& The scene of this ta"e is in e *ork, hose county of estchesteris the nearest a%joining to the city&< The easter"y in%, ith itschi""ing %ampness an% increasing $io"ence, ga$e unerring notice of theapproach of a storm, hich, as usua", might be e.pecte% to continue forse$era" %ays an% the e.perience% eye of the tra$e"er as turne% in$ain, through the %arkness of the e$ening, in uest of some con$enientshe"ter, in hich, for the term of his confinement by the rain thata"rea%y began to mi. ith the atmosphere in a thick mist, he mightobtain such accommo%ations as his purposes reuire%& othing hate$eroffere% but the sma"" an% incon$enient tenements of the "oer or%er ofthe inhabitants, ith hom, in that imme%iate neighborhoo%, he %i% not

think it either safe or po"itic to trust himse"f&

The county of estchester, after the British ha% obtaine% possession ofthe is"an% of e *ork, 8Footnote3 The city of e *ork is situate% onan is"an% ca""e% Danhattan3 but it is at one point separate% from thecounty of estchester by a creek of on"y a fe feet in i%th& The bri%geat this spot is ca""e% ings Bri%ge& )t as the scene of manyskirmishes %uring the ar, an% is a""u%e% to in this ta"e& E$eryDanhattanese knos the %ifference beteen (Danhattan )s"an%( an% the(is"an% of Danhattan&( The first is app"ie% to a sma"" 'istrict in the$icinity of Cor"aers 0ook, hi"e the "ast embraces the ho"e is"an% orthe city an% county of e *ork as it is terme% in the "as&< becamecommon groun%, in hich both parties continue% to act for the remain%erof the ar of the /e$o"ution& 4 "arge proportion of its inhabitants,either restraine% by their attachments, or inf"uence% by their fears,affecte% a neutra"ity they %i% not fee"& The "oer tons ere, ofcourse, more particu"ar"y un%er the %ominion of the cron, hi"e theupper, fin%ing a security from the $icinity of the continenta" troops,ere bo"% in asserting their re$o"utionary opinions, an% their right togo$ern themse"$es& Great numbers, hoe$er, ore masks, hich e$en tothis %ay ha$e not been thron asi%e an% many an in%i$i%ua" has gone%on to the tomb, stigmatiKe% as a foe to the rights of his countrymen,hi"e, in secret, he has been the usefu" agent of the "ea%ers of the/e$o"ution an%, on the other han%, cou"% the hi%%en repositories of%i$ers f"aming patriots ha$e been opene% to the "ight of %ay, roya"protections ou"% ha$e been %isco$ere% concea"e% un%er pi"es ofBritish go"%&

4t the soun% of the trea% of the nob"e horse ri%%en by the tra$e"er, themistress of the farmhouse he as passing at the time might be seencautious"y opening the %oor of the bui"%ing to e.amine the stranger an%perhaps, ith an a$erte% face communicating the resu"t of herobser$ations to her husban%, ho, in the rear of the bui"%ing, asprepare% to seek, if necessary, his or%inary p"ace of concea"ment in thea%jacent oo%s& The $a""ey as situate% about mi%ay in the "ength ofthe county, an% as sufficient"y near to both armies to make therestitution of sto"en goo%s no uncommon occurrence in that $icinity& )t

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is true, the same artic"es ere not a"ays regaine% but a summarysubstitute as genera""y resorte% to, in the absence of "ega" justice,hich restore% to the "oser the amount of his "oss, an% freuent"y ithno inconsi%erab"e a%%ition for the temporary use of his property& )nshort, the "a as momentari"y e.tinct in that particu"ar %istrict, an%justice as a%ministere% subject to the bias of persona" interests an%the passions of the strongest&

The passage of a stranger, ith an appearance of somehat %oubtfu"character, an% mounte% on an anima" hich, a"though unfurnishe% ith anyof the or%inary trappings of ar, partook "arge"y of the bo"% an%upright carriage that %istinguishe% his ri%er, ga$e rise to manysurmises among the gaKing inmates of the %ifferent habitations an% insome instances, here conscience as more than or%inari"y aake, to no"itt"e a"arm&

Tire% ith the e.ercise of a %ay of unusua" fatigue, an% an.ious toobtain a spee%y she"ter from the increasing $io"ence of the storm, thatno began to change its character to "arge %rops of %ri$ing rain, thetra$e"er %etermine%, as a matter of necessity, to make an app"ication

for a%mission to the ne.t %e""ing that offere%& 4n opportunity as not"ong anting an%, ri%ing through a pair of neg"ecte% bars, he knocke%"ou%"y at the outer %oor of a bui"%ing of a $ery humb"e e.terior,ithout uitting his sa%%"e& 4 fema"e of mi%%"e age, ith an outar%bearing but "itt"e more prepossessing than that of her %e""ing,appeare% to anser the summons& The start"e% oman ha"f c"ose% her %ooragain in affright, as she sa, by the g"are of a "arge oo% fire, amounte% man so une.pecte%"y near its thresho"% an% an e.pression ofterror ming"e% ith her natura" curiosity, as she reuire% his p"easure&

4"though the %oor as too near"y c"ose% to a%mit of a minute scrutiny ofthe accommo%ations ithin, enough ha% been seen to cause the horseman toen%ea$or, once more, to penetrate the g"oom, ith "onging eyes, insearch of a more promising roof, before, ith an i""@concea"e%re"uctance, he state% his necessities an% ishes& 0is reuest as"istene% to ith e$i%ent uni""ingness, an%, hi"e yet unfinishe%, itas eager"y interrupte% by the rep"y3

() cant say ) "ike to gi$e "o%gings to a stranger in these tick"ishtimes,( sai% the fema"e, in a pert, sharp key& ()m nothing but afor"orn "one bo%y or, hats the same thing, theres nobo%y but the o"%gent"eman at home but a ha"f mi"e farther up the roa% is a house hereyou can get entertainment, an% that for nothing& ) am sure ti"" bemuch con$enienter to them, an% more agreeab"e to me@@because, as ) sai%before, 0ar$ey is aay ) ish he% take a%$ice, an% "ea$e offan%ering hes e"" to %o in the or"% by this time an% he ought to"ea$e off his uncertain courses, an% sett"e himse"f, han%some"y, in

"ife, "ike other men of his years an% property& But 0ar$ey Birch i""ha$e his on ay, an% %ie $agabon% after a""2(

The horseman %i% not ait to hear more than the a%$ice to pursue hiscourse up the roa% but he ha% s"o"y turne% his horse toar%s the bars,an% as gathering the fo"%s of an amp"e c"oak aroun% his man"y form,preparatory to facing the storm again, hen something in the speech ofthe fema"e su%%en"y arreste% the mo$ement&

()s this, then, the %e""ing of 0ar$ey BirchL( he inuire%, in an

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in$o"untary manner, apparent"y checking himse"f, as he as about toutter more&

(hy, one can har%"y say it is his %e""ing,( rep"ie% the other, %rainga hurrie% breath, "ike one eager to anser (he is ne$er in it, or sose"%om, that ) har%"y remember his face, hen he %oes think it orth hishi"e to sho it to his poor o"% father an% me& But it matters "itt"e tome, )m sure, if he e$er comes back again, or not@@turn in the firstgate on your "eft@@no, ) care but "itt"e, for my part, hether 0ar$eye$er shos his face again or not@@not )(@@an% she c"ose% the %oorabrupt"y on the horseman, ho g"a%"y e.ten%e% his ri%e a ha"f mi"efarther, to obtain "o%gings hich promise% both more comfort an%greater security&

Sufficient "ight yet remaine% to enab"e the tra$e"er to %istinguish theimpro$ements 8Footnote3 )mpro$ements is use% by the 4mericans to e.presse$ery %egree of change in con$erting "an% from its state of i"%ernessto that of cu"ti$ation& )n this meaning of the or%, it is animpro$ement to fe"" the trees an% it is $a"ue% precise"y by thesuppose% amount of the cost&< hich ha% been ma%e in the cu"ti$ation,

an% in the genera" appearance of the groun%s aroun% the bui"%ing tohich he as no approaching& The house as of stone, "ong, "o, an%ith a sma"" ing at each e.tremity& 4 piaKKa, e.ten%ing a"ong thefront, ith neat"y turne% pi""ars of oo%, together ith the goo% or%eran% preser$ation of the fences an% outbui"%ings, ga$e the p"ace an aira"together superior to the common farmhouses of the country& 4fter"ea%ing his horse behin% an ang"e of the a"", here it as in some%egree protecte% from the in% an% rain, the tra$e"er thre his $a"iseo$er his arm, an% knocke% "ou%"y at the entrance of the bui"%ing fora%mission& 4n age% b"ack soon appeare% an% ithout seeming to think itnecessary, un%er the circumstances, to consu"t his superiors,@@firsttaking one prying "ook at the app"icant, by the "ight of the can%"e inhis han%,@@he acce%e% to the reuest for accommo%ations& The tra$e"eras shon into an e.treme"y neat par"or, here a fire ha% been "ighte%to cheer the %u""ness of an easter"y storm an% an =ctober e$ening& 4ftergi$ing the $a"ise into the keeping of his ci$i" atten%ant, an% po"ite"yrepeating his reuest to the o"% gent"eman, ho arose to recei$e him,an% paying his comp"iments to the three "a%ies ho ere seate% at orkith their nee%"es, the stranger commence% "aying asi%e some of theouter garments hich he ha% orn in his ri%e&

=n taking an e.tra han%kerchief from his neck, an% remo$ing a c"oak ofb"ue c"oth, ith a surtout of the same materia", he e.hibite% to thescrutiny of the obser$ant fami"y party, a ta"" an% e.treme"y gracefu"person, of apparent"y fifty years of age& 0is countenance e$ince% asett"e% composure an% %ignity his nose as straight, an% approaching toGrecian his eye, of a gray co"or, as uiet, thoughtfu", an% rather

me"ancho"y the mouth an% "oer part of his face being e.pressi$e of%ecision an% much character& 0is %ress, being suite% to the roa%, assimp"e an% p"ain, but such as as orn by the higher c"ass of hiscountrymen he ore his on hair, %resse% in a manner that ga$e ami"itary air to his appearance, an% hich as rather heightene% by hiserect an% conspicuous"y gracefu" carriage& 0is ho"e appearance as soimpressi$e an% so %eci%e%"y that of a gent"eman, that as he finishe%"aying asi%e the garments, the "a%ies arose from their seats, an%,together ith the master of the house, they recei$e% ane, an% returne%the comp"imentary greetings hich ere again offere%&

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The host as by se$era" years the senior of the tra$e"er, an% by hismanner, %ress, an% e$erything aroun% him, shoe% he ha% seen much of"ife an% the best society& The "a%ies ere, a mai%en of forty, an% tomuch younger, ho %i% not seem, in%ee%, to ha$e reache% ha"f thoseyears& The b"oom of the e"%er of these "a%ies ha% $anishe%, but her eyesan% fine hair ga$e an e.treme"y agreeab"e e.pression to her countenancean% there as a softness an% an affabi"ity in her %eportment, that a%%e%a charm many more ju$eni"e faces %o not possess& The sisters, for suchthe resemb"ance beteen the younger fema"es %enote% them to be, ere ina"" the pri%e of youth, an% the roses, so eminent"y the property of theestchester fair, g"oe% on their cheeks, an% "ighte% their %eep b"ueeyes ith that "uster hich gi$es so much p"easure to the beho"%er, an%hich in%icates so much interna" innocence an% peace& There as much ofthat feminine %e"icacy in the appearance of the three, hich%istinguishes the se. in this country an%, "ike the gent"eman, their%emeanor pro$e% them to be omen of the higher or%er of "ife&

4fter han%ing a g"ass of e.ce""ent Da%eira to his guest, Dr& harton,for so as the oner of this retire% estate ca""e%, resume% his seat by

the fire, ith another in his on han%& For a moment he pause%, as if%ebating ith his po"iteness, but at "ength thre an inuiring g"ance onthe stranger, as he inuire%,@@

(To hose hea"th am ) to ha$e the honor of %rinkingL(

The tra$e"er ha% a"so seate% himse"f, an% he sat unconscious"y gaKing onthe fire, hi"e Dr& harton spoke turning his eyes s"o"y on his hostith a "ook of c"ose obser$ation, he rep"ie%, hi"e a faint tingegathere% on his features,@@

(Dr& 0arper&(

(Dr& 0arper,( resume% the other, ith the forma" precision of that %ay,() ha$e the honor to %rink your hea"th, an% to hope you i"" sustain noinjury from the rain to hich you ha$e been e.pose%&(

Dr& 0arper boe% in si"ence to the comp"iment, an% he soon resume% theme%itations from hich he ha% been interrupte%, an% for hich the "ongri%e he ha% that %ay ma%e, in the in%, might seem a $erynatura" apo"ogy&

The young "a%ies ha% again taken their seats besi%e the orkstan%, hi"etheir aunt, Diss Jeanette Peyton, ith%re to superinten% thepreparations necessary to appease the hunger of their une.pecte%$isitor& 4 short si"ence pre$ai"e%, %uring hich Dr& 0arper asapparent"y enjoying the change in his situation, hen Dr& harton again

broke it, by inuiring hether smoke as %isagreeab"e to his companionto hich, recei$ing an anser in the negati$e, he imme%iate"y resume%the pipe hich ha% been "ai% asi%e at the entrance of the tra$e"er&

There as an e$i%ent %esire on the part of the host to enter intocon$ersation, but either from an apprehension of trea%ing on %angerousgroun%, or an uni""ingness to intru%e upon the rather stu%ie%taciturnity of his guest, he se$era" times hesitate%, before he cou"%$enture to make any further remark& 4t "ength, a mo$ement from Dr&0arper, as he raise% his eyes to the party in the room, encourage% him

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to procee%&

() fin% it $ery %ifficu"t,( sai% Dr& harton, cautious"y a$oi%ing atfirst, such subjects as he ishe% to intro%uce, (to procure that ua"ityof tobacco for my e$enings amusement to hich ) ha$e been accustome%&(

() shou"% think the shops in e *ork might furnish the best in thecountry,( ca"m"y rejoine% the other&

(hy@@yes,( returne% the host in rather a hesitating manner, "ifting hiseyes to the face of 0arper, an% "oering them uick"y un%er his stea%y"ook, (there must be p"enty in ton but the ar has ma%e communicationith the city, hoe$er innocent, too %angerous to be riske% for sotrif"ing an artic"e as tobacco&(

The bo. from hich Dr& harton ha% just taken a supp"y for his pipe as"ying open, ithin a fe inches of the e"bo of 0arper, ho took a sma""uantity from its contents, an% app"ie% it to his tongue, in a mannerperfect"y natura", but one that fi""e% his companion ith a"arm&ithout, hoe$er, obser$ing that the ua"ity as of the most appro$e%

kin%, the tra$e"er re"ie$e% his host by re"apsing again into hisme%itations& Dr& harton no fe"t uni""ing to "ose the a%$antage he ha%gaine%, an%, making an effort of more than usua" $igor, he continue%,@@

() ish from the bottom of my heart, this unnatura" strugg"e as o$er,that e might again meet our frien%s an% re"ati$es in peace an% "o$e&(

()t is much to be %esire%,( sai% 0arper, emphatica""y, again raising hiseyes to the countenance of his host&

() hear of no mo$ement of conseuence, since the arri$a" of our nea""ies,( sai% Dr& harton, shaking the ashes from his pipe, an% turninghis back to the other un%er the pretense of recei$ing a coa" from hisyoungest %aughter&

(one ha$e yet reache% the pub"ic, ) be"ie$e&(

()s it thought any important steps are about to be takenL( continue% Dr&harton, sti"" occupie% ith his %aughter, yet suspen%ing hisemp"oyment, in e.pectation of a rep"y&

()s it intimate% any are in agitationL(

(=h2 nothing in particu"ar but it is natura" to e.pect some neenterprise from so poerfu" a force as that un%er /ochambeau&(

0arper ma%e an assenting inc"ination ith his hea%, but no other rep"y,

to this remark hi"e Dr& harton, after "ighting his pipe, resume%the subject&

(They appear more acti$e in the south Gates an% Corna""is seem i""ingto bring the ar to an issue there&(

The bro of 0arper contracte%, an% a %eeper sha%e of me"ancho"y crosse%his features his eye kin%"e% ith a transient beam of fire, that spokea "atent source of %eep fee"ing& The a%miring gaKe of the younger of thesisters ha% bare"y time to rea% its e.pression, before it passe% aay,

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"ea$ing in its room the acuire% composure hich marke% the countenanceof the stranger, an% that impressi$e %ignity hich so conspicuous"y%enotes the empire of reason&

The e"%er sister ma%e one or to mo$ements in her chair, before she$enture% to say, in a tone hich partook in no sma"" measure oftriumph,@@

(Genera" Gates has been "ess fortunate ith the ear", than ith Genera"Burgoyne&(

(But Genera" Gates is an Eng"ishman, Sarah,( crie% the younger "a%y,ith uickness then, co"oring to the eyes at her on bo"%ness, sheemp"oye% herse"f in tumb"ing o$er the contents of her ork basket,si"ent"y hoping the remark ou"% be unnotice%&

The tra$e"er ha% turne% his face from one sister to the other, as theyha% spoken in succession, an% an a"most imperceptib"e mo$ement of themusc"es of his mouth betraye% a ne emotion, as he p"ayfu""y inuire% ofthe younger,@@

(Day ) $enture to ask hat inference you ou"% %ra from that factL(

Frances b"ushe% yet %eeper at this %irect appea" to her opinions upon asubject on hich she ha% incautious"y spoken in the presence of astranger but fin%ing an anser necessary, after some "itt"e hesitation,an% ith a goo% %ea" of stammering in her manner, she rep"ie%,@@

(=n"y@@on"y@@sir@@my sister an% myse"f sometimes %iffer in our opinionsof the proess of the British&( 4 smi"e of much meaning p"aye% on aface of infanti"e innocency, as she conc"u%e%&

(=n hat particu"ar points of their proess %o you %ifferL( continue%0arper, meeting her "ook of animation ith a smi"e of a"mostpaterna" softness&

(Sarah thinks the British are ne$er beaten, hi"e ) %o not put so muchfaith in their in$incibi"ity&(

The tra$e"er "istene% to her ith that p"ease% in%u"gence, ith hich$irtuous age "o$es to contemp"ate the ar%or of youthfu" innocence butmaking no rep"y, he turne% to the fire, an% continue% for some timegaKing on its embers, in si"ence&

Dr& harton ha% in $ain en%ea$ore% to pierce the %isguise of his guestspo"itica" fee"ings but, hi"e there as nothing forbi%%ing in hiscountenance, there as nothing communicati$e on the contrary it as

striking"y reser$e% an% the master of the house arose, in profoun%ignorance of hat, in those %ays, as the most materia" point in thecharacter of his guest, to "ea% the ay into another room, an% to thesupper tab"e& Dr& 0arper offere% his han% to Sarah harton, an% theyentere% the room together hi"e Frances fo""oe%, great"y at a "oss tokno hether she ha% not oun%e% the fee"ings of her fathers inmate&

The storm began to rage ith great $io"ence ithout an% the %ashingrain on the si%es of the bui"%ing aakene% that si"ent sense ofenjoyment, hich is e.cite% by such soun%s in a room of uiet comfort

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an% armth, hen a "ou% summons at the outer %oor again ca""e% thefaithfu" b"ack to the porta"& )n a minute the ser$ant returne%, an%informe% his master that another tra$e"er, o$ertaken by the storm,%esire% to be a%mitte% to the house for a she"ter through the night&

4t the first soun%s of the impatient summons of this ne app"icant, Dr&harton ha% risen from his seat in e$i%ent uneasiness an% ith eyesg"ancing ith uickness from his guest to the %oor of the room, heseeme% to be e.pecting something to procee% from this secon%interruption, connecte% ith the stranger ho ha% occasione% the first&0e scarce"y ha% time to bi% the b"ack, ith a faint $oice, to sho thissecon% comer in, before the %oor as thron hasti"y open, an% thestranger himse"f entere% the apartment& 0e pause% a moment, as theperson of 0arper met his $ie, an% then, in a more forma" manner,repeate% the reuest he ha% before ma%e through the ser$ant& Dr& hartonan% his fami"y %is"ike% the appearance of this ne $isitor e.cessi$e"ybut the inc"emency of the eather, an% the uncertainty of theconseuences, if he ere refuse% the %esire% "o%gings, compe""e% the o"%gent"eman to gi$e a re"uctant acuiescence&

Some of the %ishes ere rep"ace% by the or%ers of Diss Peyton, an% theeather@beaten intru%er as in$ite% to partake of the remains of therepast, from hich the party ha% just risen& Throing asi%e a roughgreatcoat, he $ery compose%"y took the offere% chair, an%unceremonious"y procee%e% to a""ay the cra$ings of an appetite hichappeare% by no means %e"icate& But at e$ery mouthfu" he ou"% turn anunuiet eye on 0arper, ho stu%ie% his appearance ith a c"oseness ofin$estigation that as $ery embarrassing to its subject& 4t "ength,pouring out a g"ass of ine, the necomer no%%e% significant"y to hise.aminer, pre$ious"y to sa""oing the "iuor, an% sai%, ith somethingof bitterness in his manner,@@

() %rink to our better acuaintance, sir ) be"ie$e this is the firsttime e ha$e met, though your attention ou"% seem to say otherise&(

The ua"ity of the ine seeme% great"y to his fancy, for, on rep"acingthe g"ass upon the tab"e, he ga$e his "ips a smack, that resoun%e%through the room an%, taking up the bott"e, he he"% it beteen himse"fan% the "ight, for a moment, in si"ent contemp"ation of its c"ear an%bri""iant co"or&

() think e ha$e ne$er met before, sir,( rep"ie% 0arper ith a s"ightsmi"e on his features, as he obser$e% the mo$e ments of the other butappearing satisfie% ith his scrutiny, he turne% to Sarah harton, hosat ne.t him, an% care"ess"y remarke%,@@

(*ou %oubt"ess fin% your present abo%e so"itary, after being accustome%

to the gayeties of the city&(

(=h2 e.cessi$e"y so,( sai% Sarah hasti"y& () %o ish, ith my father,that this crue" ar as at an en%, that e might return to our frien%sonce more&(

(4n% you, Diss Frances, %o you "ong as ar%ent"y for peace as yoursisterL(

(=n many accounts ) certain"y %o,( returne% the other, $enturing to

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stea" a timi% g"ance at her interrogator an%, meeting the samebene$o"ent e.pression of fee"ing as before, she continue%, as her onface "ighte% into one of its animate% an% bright smi"es of inte""igence,(but not at the e.pense of the rights of my countrymen&(

(/ights2( repeate% her sister, impatient"y (hose rights can bestronger than those of a so$ereign3 an% hat %uty is c"earer, than toobey those ho ha$e a natura" right to comman%L(

(one, certain"y,( sai% Frances, "aughing ith great p"easantry an%,taking the han% of her sister affectionate"y ithin both of her on, shea%%e%, ith a smi"e %irecte% toar%s 0arper,@@

() ga$e you to un%erstan% that my sister an% myse"f %iffere% in ourpo"itica" opinions but e ha$e an impartia" umpire in my father, ho"o$es his on countrymen, an% he "o$es the British,@@so he takes si%esith neither&(

(*es,( sai% Dr& harton, in a "itt"e a"arm, eying first one guest, an%then the other () ha$e near frien%s in both armies, an% ) %rea% a

$ictory by either, as a source of certain pri$ate misfortune&(

() take it, you ha$e "itt"e reason to apprehen% much from the *ankees,in that ay,( interrupte% the guest at the tab"e, coo""y he"ping himse"fto another g"ass, from the bott"e he ha% a%mire%&

(0is majesty may ha$e more e.perience% troops than the continenta"s,(ansere% the host fearfu""y, (but the 4mericans ha$e met ith%istinguishe% success&(

0arper %isregar%e% the obser$ations of both an%, rising, he %esire% tobe shon to his p"ace of rest& 4 sma"" boy as %irecte% to gui%e him tohis room an% ishing a courteous goo%@night to the ho"e party, thetra$e"er ith%re& The knife an% fork fe"" from the han%s of theune"come intru%er, as the %oor c"ose% on the retiring figure of 0arperhe arose s"o"y from his seat "istening attenti$e"y, he approache% the%oor of the room@@opene% it@@seeme% to atten% to the retreatingfootsteps of the other@@an%, ami%st the panic an% astonishment of hiscompanions, he c"ose% it again& )n an instant, the re% ig hichconcea"e% his b"ack "ocks, the "arge patch hich hi% ha"f his face fromobser$ation, the stoop that ha% ma%e him appear fifty years of age,%isappeare%&

(Dy father2@my %ear father2(@@crie% the han%some young man (an% you, my%earest sisters an% aunt2@@ha$e ) at "ast met you againL(

(0ea$en b"ess you, my 0enry, my son2( e.c"aime% the astonishe% but

%e"ighte% parent hi"e his sisters sank on his shou"%ers, %isso"$e%in tears&

The faithfu" o"% b"ack, ho ha% been reare% from infancy in the house ofhis master, an% ho, as if in mockery of his %egra%e% state, ha% beencomp"imente% ith the name of Caesar, as the on"y other itness of thisune.pecte% %isco$ery of the son of Dr& harton& 4fter recei$ing thee.ten%e% han% of his young master, an% imprinting on it a fer$ent kiss,Caesar ith%re& The boy %i% not reenter the room an% the b"ackhimse"f, after some time, returne%, just as the young British captain

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as e.c"aiming,@@

(But ho is this Dr& 0arperL@@is he "ike"y to betray meL(

(o, no, no, Dassa 0arry,( crie% the negro, shaking his gray hea%confi%ent"y () been to see@@Dassa 0arper on he knee@@pray to Go%@@nogemman ho pray to Go% te"" of goo% son, come to see o"% fa%er@@Skinner%o that@@no Christian2(

This poor opinion of the Skinners as not confine% to Dr& CaesarThompson, as he ca""e% himse"f@@but Caesar harton, as he as sty"e% bythe "itt"e or"% to hich he as knon& The con$enience, an% perhaps thenecessities, of the "ea%ers of the 4merican arms, in the neighborhoo% ofe *ork, ha% in%uce% them to emp"oy certain subor%inate agents, ofe.treme"y irregu"ar habits, in e.ecuting their "esser p"ans of annoyingthe enemy& )t as not a moment for fasti%ious inuiries into abuses ofany %escription, an% oppression an% injustice ere the natura"conseuences of the possession of a mi"itary poer that as uncurbe% bythe restraints of ci$i" authority& )n time, a %istinct or%er of thecommunity as forme%, hose so"e occupation appears to ha$e been that of

re"ie$ing their fe""o citiKens from any "itt"e e.cess of tempora"prosperity they might be thought to enjoy, un%er the pretense ofpatriotism an% the "o$e of "iberty&

=ccasiona""y, the ai% of mi"itary authority as not anting, inenforcing these arbitrary %istributions of or"%"y goo%s an% a pettyho"%er of a commission in the state mi"itia as to be seen gi$ing thesanction of something "ike "ega"ity to acts of the most un"icense%robbery, an%, not infreuent"y, of b"oo%she%&

=n the part of the British, the stimu"us of "oya"ty as by no meanssuffere% to s"eep, here so fruitfu" a fie"% offere% on hich it mightbe e.pen%e%& But their freebooters ere enro""e%, an% their efforts moresystematiKe%& ?ong e.perience ha% taught their "ea%ers the efficacy ofconcentrate% force an%, un"ess tra%ition %oes great injustice to theire.p"oits, the resu"t %i% no "itt"e cre%it to their foresight& Thecorps@@e presume, from their knon affection to that usefu" anima"@@ha%recei$e% the uaint appe""ation of (Coboys&(

Caesar as, hoe$er, far too "oya" to associate men ho he"% thecommission of George ))), ith the irregu"ar arriors, hose e.cesseshe ha% so often itnesse%, an% from hose rapacity, neither his po$ertynor his bon%age ha% suffere% e$en him to escape uninjure%& The Coboys,therefore, %i% not recei$e their proper portion of the b"acks censure,hen he sai%, no Christian, nothing but a (Skinner,( cou"% betray apious chi"%, hi"e honoring his father ith a $isit so fu"" of peri"&

C04PTE/ ))

  4n% many a ha"cyon %ay he "i$e% to see  Anbroken, but by one misfortune %ire,  hen fate ha% reft his mutua" heart@@but she  as gone@an% Gertru%e c"imbe% a i%oe% fathers knee&

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  @@Gertru%e of yoming&

The father of Dr& harton as a nati$e of Eng"an%, an% of a fami"y hosepar"iamentary interest ha% enab"e% them to pro$i%e for a younger son inthe co"ony of e *ork& The young man, "ike hun%re%s of others in thissituation, ha% sett"e% permanent"y in the country& 0e marrie% an% theso"e issue of his connection ha% been sent ear"y in "ife to recei$e thebenefits of the Eng"ish schoo"s& 4fter taking his %egrees at one of theuni$ersities of the mother country, the youth ha% been suffere% toacuire a kno"e%ge of "ife ith the a%$antages of European society& Butthe %eath of his father reca""e% him, after passing to years in thismanner, to the possession of an honorab"e name, an% a $ery amp"e estate&

)t as much the fashion of that %ay to p"ace the youth of certainfami"ies in the army an% na$y of Eng"an%, as the regu"ar stepping@stonesto preferment& Dost of the higher offices in the co"onies ere fi""e% bymen ho ha% ma%e arms their profession an% it as e$en no uncommonsight to see a $eteran arrior "aying asi%e the sor% to assume theermine on the benches of the highest ju%icia" authority&

)n conformity ith this system, the senior Dr& harton ha% inten%e% hisson for a so"%ier but a natura" imbeci"ity of character in his chi"%interfere% ith his ishes&

4 te"$emonth ha% been spent by the young man in eighing thecomparati$e a%$antages of the %ifferent c"asses of troops, hen the%eath of his father occurre%& The ease of his situation, an% theattentions "a$ishe% upon a youth in the actua" enjoyment of one of the"argest estates in the co"onies, interfere% great"y ith his ambitiousprojects& ?o$e %eci%e% the matter an% Dr& harton, in becoming ahusban%, cease% to think of becoming a so"%ier& For many years hecontinue% happy in his fami"y, an% sufficient"y respecte% by hiscountrymen, as a man of integrity an% conseuence, hen a"" hisenjoyments $anishe%, as it ere, at a b"o& 0is on"y son, the youthintro%uce% in the prece%ing chapter, ha% entere% the army, an% ha%arri$e% in his nati$e country, but a short time before the commencementof hosti"ities, ith the reinforcements the ministry ha% thought itpru%ent to thro into the %isaffecte% parts of orth 4merica& 0is%aughters ere just groing into "ife, an% their e%ucation reuire% a""the a%$antages the city cou"% affor%& 0is ife ha% been for some yearsin %ec"ining hea"th, an% ha% bare"y time to fo"% her son to her bosom,an% rejoice in the reunion of her fami"y, before the /e$o"ution burstforth, in a continue% b"aKe, from Georgia to Dassachusetts& The shockas too much for the feeb"e con%ition of the mother, ho sa her chi"%ca""e% to the fie"% to combat against the members of her on fami"y inthe South, an% she sank un%er the b"o&

There as no part of the continent here the manners of Eng"an% an% itsaristocratica" notions of b"oo% an% a""iances, pre$ai"e% ith more forcethan in a certain circ"e imme%iate"y aroun% the metropo"is of e *ork&The customs of the ear"y 'utch inhabitants ha%, in%ee%, b"en%e% in somemeasures, ith the Eng"ish manners but sti"" the "atter pre$ai"e%& Thisattachment to Great Britain as increase% by the freuentintermarriages of the officers of the mother country ith the ea"thieran% most poerfu" fami"ies of the $icinity, unti", at the commencementof hosti"ities, their unite% inf"uence ha% $ery near"y thron the co"onyinto the sca"e on the si%e of the cron& 4 fe, hoe$er, of the "ea%ing

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fami"ies espouse% the cause of the peop"e an% a sufficient stan% asma%e against the efforts of the ministeria" party, to organiKe, an%,ai%e% by the army of the confe%eration, to maintain an in%epen%entrepub"ican form of go$ernment&

The city of e *ork an% the a%jacent territory ere a"one e.empte% fromthe ru"e of the ne commonea"th hi"e the roya" authority e.ten%e% nofurther than its %ignity cou"% be supporte% by the presence of an army&)n this con%ition of things, the "oya"ists of inf"uence a%opte% suchmeasures as best accor%e% ith their %ifferent characters an%situations& Dany bore arms in support of the cron, an%, by theirbra$ery an% e.ertions, en%ea$ore% to secure hat they %eeme% to be therights of their prince, an% their on estates from the effects of the"a of attain%er& =thers "eft the country seeking in that p"ace theyemphatica""y ca""e% home, an asy"um, as they fon%"y hope%, for a seasonon"y, against the confusion an% %angers of ar& 4 thir%, an% a more aryportion, remaine% in the p"ace of their nati$ity, ith a pru%ent regar%to their amp"e possessions, an%, perhaps, inf"uence% by theirattachments to the scenes of their youth& Dr& harton as of this%escription& 4fter making a pro$ision against future contingencies, by

secret"y transmitting the ho"e of his money to the British fun%s, thisgent"eman %etermine% to continue in the theater of strife, an% tomaintain so strict a neutra"ity as to insure the safety of his "argeestate, hiche$er party succee%e%& 0e as apparent"y engrosse% in thee%ucation of his %aughters, hen a re"ation, high in office in the nestate, intimate% that a resi%ence in hat as no a British camp%iffere% but "itt"e, in the eyes of his countrymen, from a resi%ence inthe British capita"& Dr& harton soon sa this as an unpar%onab"eoffense in the e.isting state of things, an% he instant"y %etermine% toremo$e the %ifficu"ty, by retiring to the country& 0e possesse% aresi%ence in the county of estchester an% ha$ing been for many yearsin the habit of ith%raing thither %uring the heats of the summermonths, it as kept furnishe% an% rea%y for his accommo%ation& 0ise"%est %aughter as a"rea%y a%mitte% into the society of omen butFrances, the younger, reuire% a year or to more of the usua"

cu"ti$ation, to appear ith proper �c"at at "east so thought DissJeanette Peyton an% as this "a%y, a younger sister of their %ecease%mother, ha% "eft her paterna" home, in the co"ony of -irginia, ith the%e$ote%ness an% affection pecu"iar to her se., to superinten% thee"fare of her orphan nieces, Dr& harton fe"t that her opinions ereentit"e% to respect& )n conformity to her a%$ice, therefore, thefee"ings of the parent ere ma%e to yie"% to the e"fare ofhis chi"%ren&

Dr& harton ith%re to the ?ocusts, ith a heart rent ith the pain ofseparating from a"" that as "eft him of a ife he ha% a%ore%, but inobe%ience to a constitutiona" pru%ence that p"ea%e% "ou%"y in beha"f of

his or"%"y goo%s& 0is han%some ton resi%ence as inhabite%, in themeanhi"e, by his %aughters an% their aunt& The regiment to hichCaptain harton be"onge% forme% part of the permanent garrison of thecity an% the kno"e%ge of the presence of his son as no "itt"e re"iefto the father, in his unceasing me%itations on his absent %aughters& ButCaptain harton as a young man an% a so"%ier his estimate of characteras not a"ays the isest an% his propensities "e% him to imagine thata re% coat ne$er concea"e% a %ishonorab"e heart&

The house of Dr& harton became a fashionab"e "ounge to the officers of

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the roya" army, as %i% that of e$ery other fami"y that as thoughtorthy of their notice& The conseuences of this association ere, tosome fe of the $isite%, fortunate to more, injurious, by e.citinge.pectations hich ere ne$er to be rea"iKe%, an%, unhappi"y, to nosma"" number ruinous& The knon ea"th of the father an%, possib"y, thepresence of a high@spirite% brother, forba%e any apprehension of the"atter %anger to the young "a%ies3 but it as impossib"e that a"" thea%miration bestoe% on the fine figure an% "o$e"y face of Sarah hartonshou"% be thron aay& 0er person as forme% ith the ear"y maturity ofthe c"imate, an% a strict cu"ti$ation of the graces ha% ma%e her%eci%e%"y the be""e of the city& o one promise% to %ispute ith herthis fema"e so$ereignty, un"ess it might be her younger sister& Frances,hoe$er, ante% some months to the charme% age of si.teen an% the i%eaof competition as far from the min%s of either of the affectionategir"s& )n%ee%, ne.t to the con$ersation of Co"one" e""mere, thegreatest p"easure of Sarah as in contemp"ating the bu%%ing beauties ofthe "itt"e 0ebe, ho p"aye% aroun% her ith a"" the innocency of youth,ith a"" the enthusiasm of her ar%ent temper, an% ith no "itt"e of thearchness of her nati$e humor& hether or not it as oing to the factthat Frances recei$e% none of the comp"iments hich fe"" to the "ot of

her e"%er sister, in the often repeate% %iscussions on the merits of thear, beteen the mi"itary beau. ho freuente% the house, it is certaintheir effects on the sisters ere e.act"y opposite& )t as much thefashion then for the British officers to speak s"ighting"y of theirenemies an% Sarah took a"" the i%"e $aporing of her %ang"ers to betruths& The first po"itica" opinions hich reache% the ears of Francesere coup"e% ith sneers on the con%uct of her countrymen& 4t first shebe"ie$e% them but there as occasiona""y a genera", ho as ob"ige% to%o justice to his enemy in or%er to obtain justice for himse"f an%Frances became somehat skeptica" on the subject of the inefficiency ofher countrymen& Co"one" e""mere as among those ho %e"ighte% most ine.pen%ing his it on the unfortunate 4mericans an%, in time, Francesbegan to "isten to his e"ouence ith great suspicion, an% sometimesith resentment&

)t as on a hot, su"try %ay that the three ere in the par"or of Dr&hartons house, the co"one" an% Sarah seate% on a sofa, engage% in acombat of the eyes, ai%e% by the usua" f"o of sma"" ta"k, an% Francesas occupie% at her tambouring frame in an opposite corner of the room,hen the gent"eman su%%en"y e.c"aime%,@@

(0o gay the arri$a" of the army un%er Genera" Burgoyne i"" make thecity, Diss harton2(

(=h2 ho p"easant it must be,( sai% the thought"ess Sarah, in rep"y ()am to"% there are many charming omen ith that army as you say, iti"" make us a"" "ife an% gayety&(

Frances shook back the abun%ance of her go"%en hair, an% raise% hereyes, %ancing ith the ar%or of nationa" fee"ing then "aughing, ith aconcea"e% humor, she aske%,@@

()s it so certain that Genera" Burgoyne i"" be permitte% to reach thecityL(

(Permitte%2( echoe% the co"one"& (ho is there to pre$ent it, my prettyDiss FannyL(

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Frances as precise"y at that age hen young peop"e are most jea"ous oftheir station in society neither uite a oman, nor yet a chi"%& The(pretty Diss Fanny( as too fami"iar to be re"ishe%, an% she %roppe% hereyes on her ork again ith cheeks that g"oe% "ike crimson&

(Genera" Stark took the Germans into custo%y,( she ansere%, compressingher "ip (may not Genera" Gates think the British too %angerous to goat "argeL(

(=h2 they ere Germans, as you say,( crie% the co"one", e.cessi$e"y$e.e% at the necessity of e.p"aining at a"" (mere mercenary troops buthen the rea""y British regiments come in uestion, you i"" see a $ery%ifferent resu"t&(

(=f that there is no %oubt,( crie% Sarah, ithout in the "east partakingof the resentment of the co"one" to her sister, but hai"ing a"rea%y inher heart the triumph of the British&

(Pray, Co"one" e""mere,( sai% Frances, reco$ering her goo% humor, an%

raising her joyous eyes once more to the face of the gent"eman, (asthe ?or% Percy of ?e.ington a kinsman of him ho fought at Che$y ChaseL(

(hy, Diss Fanny, you are becoming a rebe",( sai% the co"one",en%ea$oring to "augh aay the anger he fe"t (hat you are p"ease% toinsinuate as a chase at ?e.ington, as nothing more than a ju%iciousretreat@@a@@kin% of@@(

(/unning fight,( interrupte% the goo%@humore% gir", "aying a greatemphasis on the first or%&

(Positi$e"y, young "a%y(@@Co"one" e""mere as interrupte% by a "aughfrom a person ho ha% hitherto been unnotice%&

There as a sma"" fami"y apartment a%joining the room occupie% by thetrio, an% the air ha% b"on open the %oor communicating beteen the to&4 fine young man as no seen sitting near the entrance, ho, by hissmi"ing countenance, as e$i%ent"y a p"ease% "istener to thecon$ersation& 0e rose instant"y, an% coming through the %oor, ith hishat in his han%, appeare% a ta"", gracefu" youth, of %ark comp"e.ion,an% spark"ing eyes of b"ack, from hich the mirth ha% not entire"y$anishe%, as he ma%e his bo to the "a%ies&

(Dr& 'unoo%ie2( crie% Sarah, in surprise () as ignorant of your beingin the house you i"" fin% a coo"er seat in this room&(

() thank you,( rep"ie% the young man, (but ) must go an% seek your

brother, ho p"ace% me there in ambusca%e, as he ca""e% it, ith apromise of returning an hour ago&( ithout making any furthere.p"anation, the youth boe% po"ite"y to the young omen, %istant"y an%ith hauteur to the gent"eman, an% ith%re& Frances fo""oe% him intothe ha"", an% b"ushing rich"y, inuire%, in a hurrie% $oice,@@

(But hy@@hy %o you "ea$e us, Dr& 'unoo%ieL 0enry must soon return&(

The gent"eman caught one of her han%s in his on, an% the sterne.pression of his countenance ga$e p"ace to a "ook of a%miration as he

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(*ou manage% him famous"y, my %ear "itt"e kinsoman ne$er@@no, ne$er,forget the "an% of your birth remember, if you are the gran%%aughter ofan Eng"ishman, you are, a"so, the gran%%aughter of a Peyton&(

(=h2( returne% the "aughing gir", (it ou"% be %ifficu"t to forget that,ith the constant "ectures on genea"ogy before us, ith hich e arefa$ore% by 4unt Jeanette but hy %o you goL(

() am on the ing for -irginia, an% ha$e much to %o&( 0e presse% herhan% as he spoke, an% "ooking back, hi"e in the act of c"osing the%oor, e.c"aime%, (Be true to your country@@be 4merican&( The ar%ent gir"kisse% her han% to him as he retire%, an% then instant"y app"ying itith its beautifu" fe""o to her burning cheeks, ran into her onapartment to hi%e her confusion&

Beteen the open sarcasm of Frances, an% the i""@concea"e% %is%ain ofthe young man, Co"one" e""mere ha% fe"t himse"f p"ace% in an akar%pre%icament but ashame% to resent such trif"es in the presence of his

mistress, he satisfie% himse"f ith obser$ing, superci"ious"y, as'unoo%ie "eft the room,@@

(Muite a "iberty for a youth in his situation a shop boy ith a bun%"e,) fancy&(

The i%ea of picturing the gracefu" Peyton 'unoo%ie as a shop boy cou"%ne$er enter the min% of Sarah, an% she "ooke% aroun% her in surprise,hen the co"one" continue%,@@

(This Dr& 'un@@'un@@(

('unoo%ie2 =h, no@@he is a re"ation of my aunt,( crie% the young "a%y,(an% an intimate frien% of my brother they ere at schoo" together, an%on"y separate% in Eng"an%, hen one ent into the army, an% the other toa French mi"itary aca%emy&(

(0is money appears to ha$e been thron aay,( obser$e% the co"one",betraying the sp"een he as unsuccessfu""y stri$ing to concea"&

(e ought to hope so,( a%%e% Sarah, ith a smi"e, (for it is sai% heinten%s joining the rebe" army& 0e as brought in here in a French ship,an% has just been e.change% you may soon meet him in arms&(

(e"", "et him@@) ish ashington p"enty of such heroes( an% he turne%to a more p"easant subject, by changing the %iscourse to themse"$es&

4 fe eeks after this scene occurre%, the army of Burgoyne "ai% %ontheir arms& Dr& harton, beginning to think the resu"t of the contest%oubtfu", reso"$e% to conci"iate his countrymen, an% gratify himse"f, byca""ing his %aughters into his on abo%e& Diss Peyton consente% to betheir companion an% from that time, unti" the perio% at hich ecommence% our narrati$e, they ha% forme% one fami"y&

hene$er the main army ma%e any mo$ements, Captain harton ha%, ofcourse, accompanie% it an% once or tice, un%er the protection ofstrong parties, acting in the neighborhoo% of the ?ocusts, he ha%

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enjoye% rapi% an% sto"en inter$ies ith his frien%s& 4 te"$emonth ha%,hoe$er, passe% ithout his seeing them, an% the impatient 0enry ha%a%opte% the %isguise e ha$e mentione%, an% unfortunate"y arri$e% on the$ery e$ening that an unknon an% rather suspicious guest as an inmateof the house, hich se"%om containe% any other than its regu"arinhabitants&

(But %o you think he suspects meL( aske% the captain, ith an.iety,after pausing to "isten to Caesars opinion of the Skinners&

(0o shou"% heL( crie% Sarah, (hen your sisters an% father cou"% notpenetrate your %isguise&(

(There is something mysterious in his manner his "ooks are too pryingfor an in%ifferent obser$er,( continue% young harton thoughtfu""y, (an%

his face seems fami"iar to me& The recent fate of 4n%r� has create% muchirritation on both si%es& Sir 0enry threatens reta"iation for his %eathan% ashington is as firm as if ha"f the or"% ere at his comman%& Therebe"s ou"% think me a fit subject for their p"ans just no, shou"% )be so un"ucky as to fa"" into their han%s&(

(But my son,( crie% his father, in great a"arm, (you are not a spy youare not ithin the rebe"@@that is, the 4merican "ines there is nothinghere to spy&(

(That might be %ispute%,( rejoine% the young man, musing& (Their picketsere as "o as the hite P"ains hen ) passe% through in %isguise& )t istrue my purposes are innocent but ho is it to appearL Dy $isit to youou"% seem a c"oak to other %esigns& /emember, sir, the treatment yourecei$e% not a year since, for sen%ing me a supp"y of fruit forthe inter&(

(That procee%e% from the misrepresentations of my kin% neighbors,( sai%

Dr& harton, (ho hope%, by getting my estate confiscate%, to purchasegoo% farms at "o prices& Peyton 'unoo%ie, hoe$er, soon obtaine% our%ischarge e ere %etaine% but a month&(

(e2( repeate% the son, in amaKement (%i% they take my sisters, a"soLFanny, you rote me nothing of this&(

() be"ie$e,( sai% Frances, co"oring high"y, () mentione% the kin%treatment e recei$e% from your o"% frien%, Dajor 'unoo%ie an% that heprocure% my fathers re"ease&(

(True but ere you ith him in the rebe" campL(

(*es,( sai% the father, kin%"y (Fanny ou"% not suffer me to go a"one&

Jeanette an% Sarah took charge of the ?ocusts, an% this "itt"e gir" asmy companion, in capti$ity&(

(4n% Fanny returne% from such a scene a greater rebe" than e$er,( crie%Sarah, in%ignant"y (one ou"% think the har%ships her father suffere%ou"% ha$e cure% her of such hims&(

(hat say you to the charge, my pretty sisterL( crie% the captain gay"y(%i% Peyton stri$e to make you hate your king, more than he%oes himse"fL(

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(Peyton 'unoo%ie hates no one,( sai% Frances, uick"y then, b"ushingat her on ar%or, she a%%e% imme%iate"y, (he "o$es you, 0enry, ) knofor he has to"% me so again an% again&(

*oung harton tappe% his sister on the cheek, ith a smi"e, as he aske%her, in an affecte% hisper, ('i% he te"" you a"so that he "o$e% my"itt"e sister FannyL(

(onsense2( sai% Frances an% the remnants of the supper@tab"e soon%isappeare% un%er her superinten%ence&

C04PTE/ )))

  Tas hen the fie"%s ere sept of 4utumns store,  4n% groing in%s the fa%ing fo"iage tore

  Behin% the ?omon hi"", the short@"i$e% "ight,  'escen%ing s"o"y, ushere% in the night  hen from the noisy ton, ith mournfu" "ook,  0is "one"y ay the meager pe%%"er took&  @@)?S=&

4 storm be"o the high"an%s of the 0u%son, if it be intro%uce% ith aneaster"y in%, se"%om "asts "ess than to %ays& 4ccor%ing"y, as theinmates of the ?ocusts assemb"e%, on the fo""oing morning, aroun% theirear"y breakfast, the %ri$ing rain as seen to strike in near"yhoriKonta" "ines against the in%os of the bui"%ing, an% forba%e thei%ea of e.posing either man or beast to the tempest& 0arper as the "astto appear after taking a $ie of the state of the eather, heapo"ogiKe% to Dr& harton for the necessity that e.iste% for histrespassing on his goo%ness for a "onger time& To appearances, the rep"yas as courteous as the e.cuse yet 0arper ore a resignation in his%eportment that as i%e"y %ifferent from the uneasy manner of thefather& 0enry harton ha% resume% his %isguise ith a re"uctanceamounting to %isgust, but in obe%ience to the comman%s of his parent& ocommunications passe% beteen him an% the stranger, after the firstsa"utations of the morning ha% been pai% by 0arper to him, in commonith the rest of the fami"y& Frances ha%, in%ee%, thought there assomething "ike a smi"e passing o$er the features of the tra$e"er, hen,on entering the room, he first confronte% her brother but it asconfine% to the eyes, seeming to ant poer to affect the musc"es of theface, an% as soon "ost in the sett"e% an% bene$o"ent e.pression hichreigne% in his countenance, ith a say but se"%om interrupte%& The eyes

of the affectionate sister ere turne% in an.iety, for a moment, on herbrother, an% g"ancing again on their unknon guest, met his "ook, as heoffere% her, ith marke% attention, one of the "itt"e ci$i"ities of thetab"e an% the heart of the gir", hich ha% begun to throb ith$io"ence, regaine% a pu"sation as tempere% as youth, hea"th, an% buoyantspirits cou"% a""o& hi"e yet seate% at the tab"e, Caesar entere%, an%"aying a sma"" parce" in si"ence by the si%e of his master, mo%est"yretire% behin% his chair, here, p"acing one han% on its back, hecontinue% in an attitu%e ha"f fami"iar, ha"f respectfu", a "istener&

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(hat is this, CaesarL( inuire% Dr& harton, turning the bun%"e o$er toe.amine its en$e"ope, an% eying it rather suspicious"y&

(The baccy, sir 0ar$ey Birch, he got home, an% he bring you a "itt"egoo% baccy from *ork&(

(0ar$ey Birch2( rejoine% the master ith great %e"iberation, stea"ing a"ook at his guest& () %o not remember %esiring him to purchase anytobacco for me but as he has brought it, he must be pai% forhis troub"e&(

For an instant on"y, as the negro spoke, %i% 0arper suspen% his si"entmea" his eye mo$e% s"o"y from the ser$ant to the master, an% again a""remaine% in impenetrab"e reser$e&

To Sarah harton, this inte""igence ga$e une.pecte% p"easure risingfrom her seat ith impatience, she ba%e the b"ack sho Birch into theapartment hen, su%%en"y reco""ecting herse"f, she turne% to thetra$e"er ith an apo"ogiKing "ook, an% a%%e%, ()f Dr& 0arper i"" e.cusethe presence of a pe%%"er&(

The in%u"gent bene$o"ence e.presse% in the countenance of the stranger,as he boe% a si"ent acuiescence, spoke more e"ouent"y than the nicestframe% perio%, an% the young "a%y repeate% her or%er, ith a confi%encein its truth that remo$e% a"" embarrassment&

)n the %eep recesses of the in%os of the cottage ere seats of pane"e%ork an% the rich %amask curtains, that ha% ornamente% the par"or inMueen Street, 8Footnote3 The 4mericans change% the names of many tonsan% streets at the /e$o"ution, as has since been %one in France& Thus,in the city of e *ork, Cron Street has become ?iberty Street ingStreet, Pine Street an% Mueen Street, then one of the most fashionab"euarters of the ton, Pear" Street& Pear" Street is no chief"y occupie%by the auction %ea"ers, an% the ho"esa"e %rygoo%s merchants, forarehouses an% counting@rooms&< ha% been transferre% to the ?ocusts, an%ga$e to the room that in%escribab"e air of comfort, hich so gratefu""yannounces the approach of a %omestic inter& )nto one of these recessesCaptain harton no thre himse"f, %raing the curtain before him insuch a manner as to concea" most of his person from obser$ation hi"ehis younger sister, "osing her natura" frankness of manner, in an air ofartificia" constraint, si"ent"y took possession of the other&

0ar$ey Birch ha% been a pe%%"er from his youth at "east so hefreuent"y asserte%, an% his ski"" in the occupation ent far to pro$ethe truth of the %ec"aration& 0e as a nati$e of one of the easternco"onies an%, from something of superior inte""igence hich be"onge% tohis father, it as thought they ha% knon better fortune in the "an% of

their nati$ity& 0ar$ey possesse%, hoe$er, the common manners of thecountry, an% as in no ay %istinguishe% from men of his c"ass, but byhis acuteness, an% the mystery hich en$e"ope% his mo$ements& Ten yearsbefore, they ha% arri$e% together in the $a"e, an%, purchasing thehumb"e %e""ing at hich 0arper ha% ma%e his unsuccessfu" app"ication,continue% e$er since peacefu" inhabitants, but "itt"e notice% an% but"itt"e knon& Anti" age an% infirmities ha% pre$ente%, the father%e$ote% himse"f to the cu"ti$ation of the sma"" spot of groun%be"onging to his purchase, hi"e the son pursue% ith a$i%ity his humb"ebarter& Their or%er"y uietu%e ha% soon gi$en them so much consi%eration

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in the neighborhoo%, as to in%uce a mai%en of fi$e@an%@thirty to forgetthe puncti"io of her se., an% to accept the office of presi%ing o$ertheir %omestic comforts& The roses ha% "ong before $anishe% from thecheeks of aty 0aynes, an% she ha% seen in succession, both her ma"e an%fema"e acuaintances forming the union so %esirab"e to her se., ith but"itt"e or no hope "eft for herse"f, hen, ith $ies of her on, sheentere% the fami"y of the Birches& ecessity is a har% master, an%, forthe ant of a better companion, the father an% son ere in%uce% toaccept her ser$ices but sti"" aty as not anting in some ua"itieshich ma%e her a $ery to"erab"e housekeeper& =n the one han%, she asneat, in%ustrious, honest, an% a goo% manager& =n the other, she asta"kati$e, se"fish, superstitious, an% inuisiti$e& By %int of using the"atter ua"ity ith consummate in%ustry, she ha% not "i$e% in the fami"yfi$e years hen she triumphant"y %ec"are% that she ha% hear%, or rathero$erhear%, sufficient to enab"e her to say hat ha% been the former fateof her associates& Cou"% aty ha$e possesse% enough of %i$ination topronounce upon their future "ot, her task ou"% ha$e been accomp"ishe%&From the pri$ate con$ersations of the parent an% chi"%, she "earne% thata fire ha% re%uce% them from competence to po$erty, an% at the same time%iminishe% the number of their fami"y to to& There as a tremu"ousness

in the $oice of the father, as he touche% "ight"y on the e$ent, hichaffecte% e$en the heart of aty but no barrier is sufficient to repe"$u"gar curiosity& She perse$ere%, unti" a $ery %irect intimation from0ar$ey, by threatening to supp"y her p"ace ith a fema"e a fe yearsyounger than herse"f, ga$e her afu" arning that there ere boun%sbeyon% hich she as not to pass& From that perio% the curiosity of thehousekeeper ha% been he"% in such sa"utary restraint, that, a"though noopportunity of "istening as e$er neg"ecte%, she ha% been ab"e to a%%but "itt"e to her stock of kno"e%ge& There as, hoe$er, one piece ofinte""igence, an% that of no "itt"e interest to herse"f, hich she ha%succee%e% in obtaining an% from the moment of its acuisition, she%irecte% her energies to the accomp"ishment of one object, ai%e% by the%oub"e stimu"us of "o$e an% a$arice&

0ar$ey as in the freuent habit of paying mysterious $isits in the%epth of the night, to the firep"ace of the apartment that ser$e% forboth kitchen an% par"or& 0ere he as obser$e% by aty an% a$ai"ingherse"f of his absence an% the occupations of the father, by remo$ingone of the hearthstones, she %isco$ere% an iron pot, g"ittering ith ameta" that se"%om fai"s to soften the har%est heart& aty succee%e% inrep"acing the stone ithout %isco$ery, an% ne$er %are% to trust herse"fith another $isit& From that moment, hoe$er, the heart of the $irgin"ost its ob%uracy, an% nothing interpose% beteen 0ar$ey an% hishappiness, but his on ant of obser$ation&

The ar %i% not interfere ith the traffic of the pe%%"er, ho seiKe% onthe go"%en opportunity hich the interruption of the regu"ar tra%e

affor%e%, an% appeare% absorbe% in the one gran% object of amassingmoney& For a year or to his emp"oyment as uninterrupte%, an% hissuccess proportionate but, at "ength, %ark an% threatening hints beganto thro suspicion aroun% his mo$ements, an% the ci$i" authority thoughtit incumbent on them to e.amine narro"y into his mo%e of "ife& 0isimprisonments, though freuent, ere not "ong an% his escapes from theguar%ians of the "a easy, compare% to hat he en%ure% from thepersecution of the mi"itary& Sti"" Birch sur$i$e%, an% sti"" hecontinue% his tra%e, though compe""e% to be $ery guar%e% in hismo$ements, especia""y hene$er he approache% the northern boun%aries of

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the county or in other or%s, the neighborhoo% of the 4merican "ines&0is $isits to the ?ocusts ha% become "ess freuent, an% his appearanceat his on abo%e so se"%om, as to %ra forth from the %isappointe% aty,in the fu""ness of her heart, the comp"aint e ha$e re"ate%, in herrep"y to 0arper& othing, hoe$er, seeme% to interfere ith the pursuitsof this in%efatigab"e tra%er, ho, ith a $ie to %ispose of certainartic"es for hich he cou"% on"y fin% purchasers in the $ery ea"thiestfami"ies of the county, ha% no bra$e% the fury of the tempest, an%$enture% to cross the ha"f mi"e beteen his on resi%ence an% the houseof Dr& harton&

)n a fe minutes after recei$ing the comman%s of his young mistress,Caesar reappeare%, ushering into the apartment the subject of theforegoing %igression& )n person, the pe%%"er as a man abo$e the mi%%"eheight, spare, but fu"" of bone an% musc"e& 4t first sight, his strengthseeme% uneua" to manage the unie"%y bur%en of his pack yet he threit on an% off ith great %e.terity, an% ith as much apparent ease as ifit ha% been fi""e% ith feathers& 0is eyes ere gray, sunken, rest"ess,an%, for the f"itting moments that they %e"t on the countenance ofthose ith hom he con$erse%, they seeme% to rea% the $ery sou"& They

possesse%, hoe$er, to %istinct e.pressions, hich, in a great measure,characteriKe% the ho"e man& hen engage% in traffic, the inte""igenceof his face appeare% "i$e"y, acti$e, an% f"e.ib"e, though uncommon"yacute if the con$ersation turne% on the or%inary transactions of "ife,his air became abstracte% an% rest"ess but if, by chance, the/e$o"ution an% the country ere the topic, his ho"e system seeme%a"tere%@@a"" his facu"ties ere concentrate%3 he ou"% "isten for agreat "ength of time, ithout speaking, an% then ou"% break si"ence bysome "ight an% jocu"ar remark, that as too much at $ariance ith hisformer manner, not to be affectation& But of the ar, an% of his father,he se"%om spoke an% a"ays from some $ery ob$ious necessity&

To a superficia" obser$er, a$arice ou"% seem his ru"ing passion@@an%,a"" things consi%ere%, he as as unfit a subject for the p"ans of aty0aynes as can be rea%i"y imagine%& =n entering the room, the pe%%"erre"ie$e% himse"f from his bur%en, hich, as it stoo% on the f"oor,reache% near"y to his shou"%ers, an% sa"ute% the fami"y ith mo%estci$i"ity& To 0arper he ma%e a si"ent bo, ithout "ifting his eyes fromthe carpet but the curtain pre$ente% any notice of the presence ofCaptain harton& Sarah ga$e but "itt"e time for the usua" sa"utations,before she commence% her sur$ey of the contents of the pack an%, forse$era" minutes, the to ere engage% in bringing to "ight the $ariousartic"es it containe%& The tab"es, chairs, an% f"oor ere soon co$ere%ith si"ks, crapes, g"o$es, mus"ins, an% a"" the stock of an itineranttra%er& Caesar as emp"oye% to ho"% open the mouth of the pack, as itshoar%s ere %ischarge%, an% occasiona""y he ai%e% his young "a%y, by%irecting her a%miration to some artic"e of finery, hich, from its

%eeper contrast in co"ors, he thought more orthy of her notice& 4t"ength, Sarah, ha$ing se"ecte% se$era" artic"es, an% satisfactori"yarrange% the prices, obser$e% in a cheerfu" $oice,@@

(But, 0ar$ey, you ha$e to"% us no nes& 0as ?or% Corna""is beaten therebe"s againL(

The uestion cou"% not ha$e been hear% for the pe%%"er, burying hisbo%y in the pack, brought forth a uantity of "ace of e.uisitefineness, an%, ho"%ing it up to $ie, he reuire% the a%miration of the

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young "a%y& Diss Peyton %roppe% the cup she as engage% in ashing, fromher han% an% Frances e.hibite% the ho"e of that "o$e"y face, hich ha%hitherto on"y suffere% one of its joyous eyes to be seen, beaming ith aco"or that shame% the %amask hich en$ious"y concea"e% her figure&

The aunt uitte% her emp"oyment an% Birch soon %ispose% of a "argeportion of his $a"uab"e artic"e& The praises of the "a%ies ha% %ran theho"e person of the younger sister into $ie an% Frances as s"o"yrising from the in%o, as Sarah repeate% her uestion, ith ane.u"tation in her $oice, that procee%e% more from p"easure in herpurchase, than her po"itica" fee"ings& The younger sister resume% herseat, apparent"y e.amining the state of the c"ou%s, hi"e the pe%%"er,fin%ing a rep"y as e.pecte%, ansere%,@@

(There is some ta"k, be"o, about Tar"eton ha$ing %efeate% Genera"Sumter, on the Tiger /i$er&(

Captain harton no in$o"untari"y thrust his hea% beteen the opening ofthe curtains into the room an% Frances, turning her ear in breath"esssi"ence, notice% the uiet eyes of 0arper "ooking at the pe%%"er, o$er

the book he as affecting to rea%, ith an e.pression that %enote% himto be a "istener of no or%inary interest&

()n%ee%2( crie% the e.u"ting Sarah (Sumter@@Sumter@@ho is heL )""not buy e$en a pin, unti" you te"" me a"" the nes,( she continue%,"aughing an% throing %on a mus"in she ha% been e.amining&

For a moment the pe%%"er hesitate% his eye g"ance% toar%s 0arper, hoas yet gaKing at him ith sett"e% meaning, an% the ho"e manner ofBirch as a"tere%& 4pproaching the fire, he took from his mouth a "argea""oance of the -irginian ee%, an% %epositing it, ith thesuperabun%ance of its juices, ithout mercy to Diss Peytons shiningan%irons, he returne% to his goo%s&

(0e "i$es somehere among the niggers to the south,( ansere% thepe%%"er, abrupt"y&

(o more nigger than be yourse"f, Dister Birch,( interrupte% Caesartart"y, %ropping at the same time the co$ering of the goo%s in high%isp"easure&

(0ush, Caesar@@hush ne$er min% it no,( sai% Sarah harton soothing"y,impatient to hear further&

(4 b"ack man so goo% as hite, Diss Sa""y,( continue% the offen%e%negro, (so "ong as he beha$e hese"f&(

(4n% freuent"y he is much better,( rejoine% his mistress& (But, 0ar$ey,ho is this Dr& SumterL(

4 s"ight in%ication of humor shoe% itse"f on the face of the pe%%"er,but it %isappeare%, an% he continue% as if the %iscourse ha% met ith nointerruption from the sensiti$eness of the %omestic&

(4s ) as saying, he "i$es among the co"ore% peop"e in thesouth(@@Caesar resume% his occupation@@(an% he has "ate"y ha% ascrimmage ith this Co"one" Tar"eton@@(

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(ho %efeate% him, of courseL( crie% Sarah, ith confi%ence&

(So say the troops at Dorrisania&(

(But hat %o you sayL( Dr& harton $enture% to inuire, yet speaking ina "o tone&

() repeat but hat ) hear,( sai% Birch, offering a piece of c"oth to theinspection of Sarah, ho rejecte% it in si"ence, e$i%ent"y %etermine% tohear more before she ma%e another purchase&

(They say, hoe$er, at the P"ains,( the pe%%"er continue%, firstthroing his eyes again aroun% the room, an% "etting them rest for aninstant on 0arper, (that Sumter an% one or to more ere a"" that erehurt, an% that the rig"ars ere a"" cut to pieces, for the mi"itia erefi.e% snug"y in a "og barn&(

(ot $ery probab"e,( sai% Sarah, contemptuous"y, (though ) make no %oubtthe rebe"s got behin% the "ogs&(

() think,( sai% the pe%%"er coo""y, again offering the si"k, (its uiteingenious to get a "og beteen one an% a gun, instea% of getting beteena gun an% a "og&(

The eyes of 0arper %roppe% uiet"y on the pages of the $o"ume in hishan%, hi"e Frances, rising, came forar% ith a smi"e in her face, asshe inuire%, in a tone of affabi"ity that the pe%%"er ha% ne$eritnesse% from her,@@

(0a$e you more of the "ace, Dr& BirchL(

The %esire% artic"e as imme%iate"y pro%uce%, an% Frances became apurchaser a"so& By her or%er a g"ass of "iuor as offere% to thetra%er, ho took it ith thanks, an% ha$ing pai% his comp"iments to themaster of the house an% the "a%ies, %rank the be$erage&

(So, it is thought that Co"one" Tar"eton has orste% Genera" SumterL(sai% Dr& harton, affecting to be emp"oye% in men%ing the cup that asbroken by the eagerness of his sister@in@"a&

() be"ie$e they think so at Dorrisania,( sai% Birch, %ry"y&

(0a$e you any other nes, frien%L( aske% Captain harton, $enturing tothrust his face ithout the curtains&

(0a$e you hear% that Dajor 4n%re has been hange%L(

Captain harton starte%, an% for a moment g"ances of great significanceere e.change% beteen him an% the tra%er, hen he obser$e%, ithaffecte% in%ifference, (That must ha$e been some eeks ago&(

('oes his e.ecution make much noiseL( aske% the father, stri$ing to makethe broken china unite&

(Peop"e i"" ta"k, you kno, suire&(

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()s there any probabi"ity of mo$ements be"o, my frien%, that i"" maketra$e"ing %angerousL( aske% 0arper, "ooking stea%i"y at the other, ine.pectation of his rep"y&

Some bunches of ribbons fe"" from the han%s of Birch his countenancechange% instant"y, "osing its keen e.pression in intent meaning, as heansere% s"o"y, ()t is some time since the rig"ar ca$a"ry ere out,an% ) sa some of 'e ?anceys men c"eaning their arms, as ) passe% theiruarters it ou"% be no on%er if they took the scent soon, for the-irginia horse are "o in the county&(

(4re they in much forceL( aske% Dr& harton, suspen%ing a"" emp"oymentin an.iety&

() %i% not count them&(

Frances as the on"y obser$er of the change in the manner of Birch, an%,on turning to 0arper, he ha% resume% his book in si"ence& She took someof the ribbons in her han%@@"ai% them %on again@@an%, ben%ing o$er thegoo%s, so that her hair, fa""ing in rich cur"s, sha%e% her face, she

obser$e%, b"ushing ith a co"or that suffuse% her neck,@@

() thought the Southern horse ha% marche% toar%s the 'e"aare&(

()t may be so,( sai% Birch () passe% the troops at a %istance&(

Caesar ha% no se"ecte% a piece of ca"ico, in hich the gau%y co"ors ofye""o an% re% ere contraste% on a hite groun%, an%, after a%miring itfor se$era" minutes, he "ai% it %on ith a sigh, as he e.c"aime%,(Berry pretty ca"ico&(

(That,( sai% Sarah (yes, that ou"% make a proper gon for your ife,Caesar&(

(*es, Diss Sa""y,( crie% the %e"ighte% b"ack, (it make o"% 'inah heart"eap for joy@@so berry gentee"&(

(*es,( a%%e% the pe%%"er, uaint"y, (that is on"y anting to make 'inah"ook "ike a rainbo&(

Caesar eye% his young mistress eager"y, unti" she inuire% of 0ar$ey theprice of the artic"e&

(hy, much as ) "ight of chaps,( sai% the pe%%"er&

(0o muchL( %eman%e% Sarah in surprise&

(4ccor%ing to my "uck in fin%ing purchasers for my frien% 'inah, youmay ha$e it at four shi""ings&(

()t is too much,( sai% Sarah, turning to some goo%s for herse"f&

(Donstrous price for coarse ca"ico, Dister Birch,( grumb"e% Caesar,%ropping the opening of the pack again&

(e i"" say three, then,( a%%e% the pe%%"er, (if you "ike that better&(

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(Be sure he "ike em better,( sai% Caesar, smi"ing goo%@humore%"y, an%reopening the pack (Diss Sa""y "ike a tree shi""ing hen she gi$e, an%a four shi""ing hen she take&(

The bargain as imme%iate"y conc"u%e% but in measuring, the c"othante% a "itt"e of the e""@knon ten yar%s reuire% by the %imensionsof 'inah& By %int of a strong arm, hoe$er, it gre to the %esire%"ength, un%er the e.perience% eye of the pe%%"er, ho conscientious"ya%%e% a ribbon of correspon%ing bri""iancy ith the ca"ico an% Caesarhasti"y ith%re, to communicate the joyfu" inte""igence to hisage% partner&

'uring the mo$ements create% by the conc"usion of the purchase, Captainharton ha% $enture% to %ra asi%e the curtain, so as to a%mit a $ie ofhis person, an% he no inuire% of the pe%%"er, ho ha% begun toco""ect the scattere% goo%s, at hat time he ha% "eft the city&

(4t ear"y ti"ight,( as the anser&

(So "ate"y2( crie% the other in surprise3 then correcting his manner, by

assuming a more guar%e% air, he continue%, (Cou"% you pass the picketsat so "ate an hourL(

() %i%,( as the "aconic rep"y&

(*ou must be e"" knon by this time, 0ar$ey, to the officers of theBritish army,( crie% Sarah, smi"ing knoing"y on the pe%%"er&

() kno some of them by sight,( sai% Birch, g"ancing his eyes roun% theapartment, taking in their course Captain harton, an% resting for aninstant on the countenance of 0arper&

Dr& harton ha% "istene% intent"y to each speaker, in succession, an%ha% so far "ost the affectation of in%ifference, as to be crushing inhis han% the pieces of china on hich he ha% e.pen%e% so much "abor inen%ea$oring to men% it hen, obser$ing the pe%%"er tying the "ast knotin his pack, he aske% abrupt"y,

(4re e about to be %isturbe% again ith the enemyL(

(ho %o you ca"" the enemyL( sai% the pe%%"er, raising himse"f erect,an% gi$ing the other a "ook, before hich the eyes of Dr& harton sankin instant confusion&

(4"" are enemies ho %isturb our peace,( sai% Diss Peyton, obser$ingthat her brother as unab"e to speak& (But are the roya" troops outfrom be"oL(

(Tis uite "ike"y they soon may be,( returne% Birch, raising his packfrom the f"oor, an% preparing to "ea$e the room&

(4n% the continenta"s,( continue% Diss Peyton mi"%"y, (are thecontinenta"s in the countyL(

0ar$ey as about to utter something in rep"y, hen the %oor opene%, an%Caesar ma%e his appearance, atten%e% by his %e"ighte% spouse&

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The race of b"acks of hich Caesar as a fa$orab"e specimen is becoming$ery rare& The o"% fami"y ser$ant ho, born an% reare% in the %e""ingof his master, i%entifie% himse"f ith the e"fare of those hom it ashis "ot to ser$e, is gi$ing p"ace in e$ery %irection to that $agrantc"ass hich has sprung up ithin the "ast thirty years, an% hosemembers roam through the country unfettere% by princip"es, an%uninf"uence% by attachments& For it is one of the curses of s"a$ery,that its $ictims become incompetent to the attributes of a freeman& Theshort cur"y hair of Caesar ha% acuire% from age a co"oring of gray,that a%%e% great"y to the $enerab"e cast of his appearance& ?ong an%in%efatigab"e app"ications of the comb ha% straightene% the c"ose cur"sof his forehea%, unti" they stoo% erect in a stiff an% forma" brush,that ga$e at "east to inches to his stature& The shining b"ack of hisyouth ha% "ost its g"istening hue, an% it ha% been succee%e% by a %ingybron& 0is eyes, hich stoo% at a most formi%ab"e %istance from eachother, ere sma"", an% characteriKe% by an e.pression of goo% fee"ing,occasiona""y interrupte% by the petu"ance of an in%u"ge% ser$ant they,hoe$er, no %ance% ith inar% %e"ight& 0is nose possesse%, in aneminent manner, a"" the reuisites for sme""ing, but ith the mostmo%est unobtrusi$eness the nostri"s being abun%ant"y capacious, ithout

thrusting themse"$es in the ay of their neighbors& 0is mouth ascapacious to a fau"t, an% as on"y to"erate% on account of the %oub"ero of pear"s it containe%& )n person Caesar as short, an% e shou"%say suare, ha% not a"" the ang"es an% cur$es of his figure bi% %efianceto anything "ike mathematica" symmetry& 0is arms ere "ong an% muscu"ar,an% terminate% by to bony han%s, that e.hibite% on one si%e a co"oringof b"ackish gray, an% on the other, a fa%e% pink& But it as in his "egsthat nature ha% in%u"ge% her most capricious humor& There as anabun%ance of materia" inju%icious"y use%& The ca"$es ere neither beforenor behin%, but rather on the outer si%e of the "imb, inc"ining forar%,an% so c"ose to the knee as to ren%er the free use of that joint asubject of %oubt& )n the foot, consi%ering it as a base on hich thebo%y as to rest, Caesar ha% no cause of comp"aint, un"ess, in%ee%, itmight be that the "eg as p"ace% so near the center, as to make itsometimes a matter of %ispute, hether he as not a"king backar%s& Buthate$er might be the fau"ts a statuary cou"% %isco$er in his person,the heart of Caesar Thompson as in the right p"ace, an%, e %oubt not,of $ery just %imensions&

4ccompanie% by his ancient companion, Caesar no a%$ance%, an% pai% histribute of gratitu%e in or%s& Sarah recei$e% them ith greatcomp"acency, an% ma%e a fe comp"iments to the taste of the husban%, an%the probab"e appearance of the ife& Frances, ith a face beaming ith a"ook of p"easure that correspon%e% to the smi"ing countenances of theb"acks, offere% the ser$ice of her nee%"e in fitting the a%mire% ca"icoto its future uses& The offer as humb"y an% gratefu""y accepte%&

4s Caesar fo""oe% his ife an% the pe%%"er from the apartment, an% asin the act of c"osing the %oor, he in%u"ge% himse"f in a gratefu"so"i"ouy, by saying a"ou%,@@

(Goo% "itt"e "a%y@@Diss Fanny@@take care of he fa%er@@"o$e to make agon for o"% 'inah, too&( hat e"se his fee"ings might ha$e in%uce% himto utter is unknon, but the soun% of his $oice as hear% some timeafter the %istance ren%ere% his or%s in%istinct&

0arper ha% %roppe% his book, an% he sat an a%miring itness of the

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scene an% Frances enjoye% a %oub"e satisfaction, as she recei$e% anappro$ing smi"e from a face hich concea"e%, un%er the traces of %eepthought an% engrossing care, the bene$o"ent e.pression hichcharacteriKes a"" the best fee"ings of the human heart&

C04PTE/ )-

  ()t is the form, the eye, the or%,  The bearing of that stranger "or%,  0is stature, man"y, bo"%, an% ta"",  Bui"t "ike a cast"es batt"e% a"",  *et mo"%e% in such just %egrees  0is giant strength seems "ightsome ease&  eather an% ar their rougher trace  0a$e "eft on that majestic face  But tis his %ignity of eye2

  There, if a supp"iant, ou"% ) f"y,  Secure, mi% %anger, rongs, an% grief,  =f sympathy, re%ress, re"ief@@  That g"ance, if gui"ty, ou"% ) %rea%  Dore than the %oom that spoke me %ea%&(  (Enough, enough2( the princess crie%,  (Tis Scot"an%s hope, her joy, her pri%e2(  @@4?TE/ SC=TT&

The party sat in si"ence for many minutes after the pe%%"er ha%ith%ran& Dr& harton ha% hear% enough to increase his uneasiness,ithout in the "east remo$ing his apprehensions on beha"f of his son&The captain as impatient"y ishing 0arper in any other p"ace than theone foe occupie% ith such apparent composure, hi"e Diss Peytoncomp"ete% the %isposa" of her breakfast euipage, ith the mi"%comp"acency of her nature, ai%e% a "itt"e by an inar% satisfaction atpossessing so "arge a portion of the tra%ers "ace Sarah as busi"yoccupie% in arranging her purchases, an% Frances as kin%"y assisting inthe occupation, %isregar%ing her on neg"ecte% bargains, hen thestranger su%%en"y broke the si"ence by saying,@@

()f any apprehensions of me in%uce Captain harton to maintain his%isguise, ) ish him to be un%ecei$e% ha% ) moti$es for betraying him,they cou"% not operate un%er present circumstances&(

The younger sister sank into her seat co"or"ess an% astonishe%& DissPeyton %roppe% the tea tray she as "ifting from the tab"e, an% Sarah

sat ith her purchases unhee%e% in her "ap, in speech"ess surprise& Dr&harton as stupefie% but the captain, hesitating a moment fromastonishment, sprang into the mi%%"e of the room, an% e.c"aime%, as hetore off the instruments of his %isguise,@@

() be"ie$e you from my sou", an% this tiresome imposition sha"" continueno "onger& *et ) am at a "oss to concei$e in hat manner you shou"%kno me&(

(*ou rea""y "ook so much better in your proper person, Captain harton,(

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sai% 0arper, ith a s"ight smi"e, () ou"% a%$ise you ne$er to concea"it in future& There is enough to betray you, if other sources of%etection ere anting&( 4s he spoke, he pointe% to a picture suspen%e%o$er the mante" piece, hich e.hibite% the British officer in hisregimenta"s&

() ha% f"attere% myse"f,( crie% young harton, ith a "augh, (that )"ooke% better on the can$as than in a masuera%e& *ou must be a c"oseobser$er, sir&(

(ecessity has ma%e me one,( sai% 0arper, rising from his seat&

Frances met him as he as about to ith%ra, an%, taking his han%beteen both her on, sai% ith earnestness, her cheeks mant"ing iththeir richest $ermi"ion, (*ou cannot@@you i"" not betray my brother&(

For an instant 0arper pause% in si"ent a%miration of the "o$e"y p"ea%er,an% then, fo"%ing her han%s on his breast, he rep"ie% so"emn"y, ()cannot, an% ) i"" not&( 0e re"ease% her han%s, an% "aying his on onher hea% gent"y, continue%, ()f the b"essing of a stranger can profit

you, recei$e it&( 0e turne%, an%, boing "o, retire%, ith a %e"icacythat as %u"y appreciate% by those he uitte%, to his on apartment&

The ho"e party ere %eep"y impresse% ith the ingenuous an% so"emnmanner of the tra$e"er, an% a"" but the father foun% imme%iate re"ief inhis %ec"aration& Some of the cast@off c"othes of the captain, hich ha%been remo$e% ith the goo%s from the city, ere pro%uce% an% youngharton, re"ease% from the uneasiness of his %isguise, began at "ast toenjoy a $isit hich ha% been un%ertaken at so much persona" risk tohimse"f& Dr& harton retiring to his apartment, in pursuance of hisregu"ar engagements, the "a%ies, ith the young man, ere "eft to anuninterrupte% communication on such subjects as ere most agreeab"e&E$en Diss Peyton as affecte% ith the spirits of her young re"ati$esan% they sat for an hour enjoying, in hee%"ess confi%ence, the p"easuresof an unrestraine% con$ersation, ithout ref"ecting on any %anger hichmight be impen%ing o$er them& The city an% their acuaintances ere not"ong neg"ecte% for Diss Peyton, ho ha% ne$er forgotten the manyagreeab"e hours of her resi%ence ithin its boun%aries, soon inuire%,among others, after their o"% acuaintance, Co"one" e""mere&

(=h2( crie% the captain, gay"y, (he yet continues there, as han%some an%as ga""ant as e$er&(

4"though a oman be not actua""y in "o$e, she se"%om hears ithout ab"ush the name of a man hom she might "o$e, an% ho has been connecte%ith herse"f by i%"e gossips, in the amatory rumor of the %ay& Such ha%been the case ith Sarah, an% she %roppe% her eyes on the carpet ith a

smi"e, that, ai%e% by the b"ush hich suffuse% her cheek, in no %egree%etracte% from her nati$e charms&

Captain harton, ithout hee%ing this %isp"ay of interest in his sister,imme%iate"y continue%, (4t times he is me"ancho"y@@e te"" him it mustbe "o$e&( Sarah raise% her eyes to the face of her brother, an% asconscious"y turning them on the rest of the party, hen she met those ofher sister "aughing ith goo% humor an% high spirits, as she crie%,(Poor man2 %oes he %espairL(

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(hy, no@@one ou"% think he cou"% not the e"%est son of a man ofea"th, so han%some, an% a co"one"&(

(Strong reasons, in%ee%, hy he shou"% pre$ai",( sai% Sarah, en%ea$oringto "augh (more particu"ar"y the "atter&(

(?et me te"" you,( rep"ie% the captain, gra$e"y, (a "ieutenantco"one"cy in the Guar%s is a $ery pretty thing&(

(4n% Co"one" e""mere a $ery pretty man,( a%%e% Frances&

(ay, Frances,( returne% her sister, (Co"one" e""mere as ne$er afa$orite of yours he is too "oya" to his king to be agreeab"e toyour taste&(

Frances uick"y ansere%, (4n% is not 0enry "oya" to his kingL(

(Come, come,( sai% Diss Peyton, (no %ifference of opinion about theco"one"@@he is a fa$orite of mine&(

(Fanny "ikes majors better,( crie% the brother, pu""ing her upon hisknee&

(onsense2( sai% the b"ushing gir", as she en%ea$ore% to e.tricateherse"f from the grasp of her "aughing brother&

()t surprises me,( continue% the captain, (that Peyton, hen he procure%the re"ease of my father, %i% not en%ea$or to %etain my sister in therebe" camp&(

(That might ha$e en%angere% his on "iberty,( sai% the smi"ing gir",resuming her seat& (*ou kno it is "iberty for hich Dajor 'unoo%ie isfighting&(

(?iberty2( e.c"aime% Sarah ($ery pretty "iberty hich e.changes onemaster for fifty&(

(The pri$i"ege of changing masters at a"" is a "iberty&(

(4n% one you "a%ies ou"% sometimes be g"a% to e.ercise,( crie% thecaptain&

(e "ike, ) be"ie$e, to ha$e the "iberty of choosing ho they sha"" bein the first p"ace,( sai% the "aughing gir"& ('ont e, 4unt JeanetteL(

(De2( crie% Diss Peyton, starting (hat %o ) kno of such things,chi"%L *ou must ask someone e"se, if you ish to "earn such matters&(

(4h2 you ou"% ha$e us think you ere ne$er young2 But hat am ) tobe"ie$e of a"" the ta"es ) ha$e hear% about the han%some DissJeanette PeytonL(

(onsense, my %ear, nonsense,( sai% the aunt, en%ea$oring to suppress asmi"e (it is $ery si""y to be"ie$e a"" you hear&(

(onsense, %o you ca"" itL( crie% the captain, gay"y& (To this hourGenera" Dontrose toasts Diss Peyton ) hear% him ithin the eek, at Sir

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0enrys tab"e&(

(hy, 0enry, you are as saucy as your sister an% to break in upon yourfo""y, ) must take you to see my ne home@ma%e manufactures, hich )i"" be bo"% enough to put in contrast ith the finery of Birch&(

The young peop"e rose to fo""o their aunt, in perfect goo% humor itheach other an% the or"%& =n ascen%ing the stairs to the p"ace of%eposit for Diss Peytons artic"es of %omestic economy, she a$ai"e%herse"f, hoe$er, of an opportunity to inuire of her nephe, hetherGenera" Dontrose suffere% as much from the gout as he ha% %one henshe kne him&

)t is a painfu" %isco$ery e make, as e a%$ance in "ife, that e$enthose e most "o$e are not e.empt from its frai"ties& hen the heart isfresh, an% the $ie of the future unsu""ie% by the b"emishes hich ha$ebeen gathere% from the e.perience of the past, our fee"ings are mostho"y3 e "o$e to i%entify ith the persons of our natura" frien%s a""those ua"ities to hich e ourse"$es aspire, an% a"" those $irtues eha$e been taught to re$ere& The confi%ence ith hich e esteem seems a

part of our nature an% there is a purity thron aroun% the affectionshich tie us to our kin%re% that after "ife can se"%om hope to seeuninjure%& The fami"y of Dr& harton continue% to enjoy, for theremain%er of the %ay, a happiness to hich they ha% "ong been strangersan% one that sprang, in its younger members, from the %e"ights of themost confi%ent affection, an% the e.change of the most %isintereste%en%earments&

0arper appeare% on"y at the %inner tab"e, an% he retire% ith the c"oth,un%er the pretense of some engagement in his on room& otithstan%ingthe confi%ence create% by his manner, the fami"y fe"t his absence are"ief for the $isit of Captain harton as necessari"y to be confine%to a $ery fe %ays, both from the "imitation of his "ea$e of absence,an% the %anger of a %isco$ery&

4"" %rea% of conseuences, hoe$er, as "ost in the p"easure of themeeting& =nce or tice %uring the %ay, Dr& harton ha% suggeste% a %oubtas to the character of his unknon guest, an% the possibi"ity of the%etection of his son procee%ing in some manner from his information butthe i%ea as earnest"y oppose% by a"" his chi"%ren e$en Sarah unitingith her brother an% sister in p"ea%ing arm"y in fa$or of the sinceritye.presse% in the outar% appearance of the tra$e"er&

(Such appearances, my chi"%ren,( rep"ie% the %espon%ing parent, (are buttoo often %eceitfu" hen men "ike Dajor 4n%re "en% themse"$es to thepurposes of frau%, it is i%"e to reason from ua"ities, much "esse.terna"s&(

(Frau%2( crie% his son uick"y& (Sure"y, sir, you forget that Dajor4n%re as ser$ing his king, an% that the usages of ar justifie%the measure&(

(4n% %i% not the usages of ar justify his %eath, 0enryL( inuire%Frances, speaking in a "o $oice, uni""ing to aban%on hat she thoughtthe cause of her country, an% yet unab"e to suppress her fee"ingsfor the man&

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(e$er2( e.c"aime% the young man, springing from his seat, an% pacingthe f"oor rapi%"y& (Frances, you shock me suppose it shou"% be my fate,e$en no, to fa"" into the poer of the rebe"s you ou"% $in%icate mye.ecution@@perhaps e.u"t in the crue"ty of ashington&(

(0enry2( sai% Frances, so"emn"y, ui$ering ith emotion, an% ith a facepa"e as %eath, (you "itt"e kno my heart&(

(Par%on me, my sister@@my "itt"e Fanny,( crie% the repentant youth,pressing her to his bosom, an% kissing off the tears hich ha% burst,spite of her reso"ution, from her eyes&

()t is $ery foo"ish to regar% your hasty or%s, ) kno,( sai% Frances,e.tricating herse"f from his arms, an% raising her yet humi% eyes tohis face ith a smi"e (but reproach from those e "o$e is most se$ere,0enry particu"ar"y@@here e@@e think@@e kno(@@her pa"enessgra%ua""y ga$e p"ace to the co"or of the rose, as she conc"u%e% in a "o$oice, ith her eyes %irecte% to the carpet, (e are un%eser$ing of it&(

Diss Peyton mo$e% from her on seat to the one ne.t her niece, an%,

kin%"y taking her han%, obser$e%, (*ou shou"% not suffer the impetuosityof your brother to affect you so much boys, you kno, are pro$erbia""yungo$ernab"e&(

(4n%, from my con%uct, you might a%% crue",( sai% the captain, seatinghimse"f on the other si%e of his sister& (But on the subject of the%eath of 4n%re e are a"" of us uncommon"y sensiti$e& *ou %i% not knohim3 he as a"" that as bra$e@@that as accomp"ishe%@@that asestimab"e&( Frances smi"e% faint"y, an% shook her hea%, but ma%e norep"y& 0er brother, obser$ing the marks of incre%u"ity in hercountenance, continue%, (*ou %oubt it, an% justify his %eathL(

() %o not %oubt his orth,( rep"ie% the mai%, mi"%"y, (nor his being%eser$ing of a more happy fate but ) cannot %oubt the propriety ofashingtons con%uct& ) kno but "itt"e of the customs of ar, an% ishto kno "ess but ith hat hopes of success cou"% the 4mericansconten%, if they yie"%e% a"" the princip"es hich "ong usage ha%estab"ishe%, to the e.c"usi$e purposes of the BritishL(

(hy conten% at a""L( crie% Sarah, impatient"y& (Besi%es, being rebe"s,a"" their acts are i""ega"&(

(omen are but mirrors, hich ref"ect the images before them,( crie% thecaptain, goo%@nature%"y& ()n Frances ) see the picture of Dajor'unoo%ie, an% in Sarah@@(

(Co"one" e""mere,( interrupte% the younger sister, "aughing, an%

b"ushing crimson& () must confess ) am in%ebte% to the major for myreasoning@@am ) not, 4unt JeanetteL(

() be"ie$e it is something "ike his "ogic, in%ee%, chi"%&(

() p"ea% gui"ty an% you& Sarah, ha$e not forgotten the "earne%%iscussions of Co"one" e""mere&(

() trust ) ne$er forget the right,( sai% Sarah, emu"ating her sister inco"or, an% rising, un%er the pretense of a$oi%ing the heat of the fire&

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othing occurre% of any moment %uring the rest of the %ay but in thee$ening Caesar reporte% that he ha% o$erhear% $oices in the room of0arper, con$ersing in a "o tone& The apartment occupie% by the tra$e"eras the ing at the e.tremity of the bui"%ing, opposite to the par"or inhich the fami"y or%inari"y assemb"e% an% it seems that Caesar ha%estab"ishe% a regu"ar system of espionage, ith a $ie to the safety ofhis young master& This inte""igence ga$e some uneasiness to a"" themembers of the fami"y but the entrance of 0arper himse"f, ith the airof bene$o"ence an% sincerity hich shone through his reser$e, soonremo$e% the %oubts from the breast of a"" but Dr& harton& 0is chi"%renan% sister be"ie$e% Caesar to ha$e been mistaken, an% the e$ening passe%off ithout any a%%itiona" a"arm&

=n the afternoon of the succee%ing %ay, the party ere assemb"e% in thepar"or aroun% the tea tab"e of Diss Peyton, hen a change in the eatheroccurre%& The thin scu%, that apparent"y f"oate% but a short %istanceabo$e the tops of the hi""s, began to %ri$e from the est toar%s theeast in astonishing rapi%ity& The rain yet continue% to beat against theeastern in%os of the house ith fury in that %irection the hea$ens

ere %ark an% g"oomy& Frances as gaKing at the scene ith the %esire ofyouth to escape from the te%ium of confinement, hen, as if by magic,a"" as sti""& The rushing in%s ha% cease%, the pe"ting of the stormas o$er, an%, springing to the in%o, ith %e"ight picture% in herface, she sa a g"orious ray of sunshine "ighting the opposite oo%& Thefo"iage g"ittere% ith the checkere% beauties of the =ctober "eaf,ref"ecting back from the moistene% boughs the richest "uster of an4merican autumn& )n an instant, the piaKKa, hich opene% to the south,as thronge% ith the inmates of the cottage& The air as mi"%, ba"my,an% refreshing in the east, c"ou%s, hich might be "ikene% to theretreating masses of a %iscomfite% army, hung aroun% the horiKon inafu" an% increasing %arkness& 4t a "itt"e e"e$ation abo$e the cottage,the thin $apor as sti"" rushing toar%s the east ith amaKing $e"ocityhi"e in the est the sun ha% broken forth an% she% his parting ra%ianceon the scene be"o, ai%e% by the fu""est richness of a c"ear atmospherean% a freshene% herbage& Such moments be"ong on"y to the c"imate of4merica, an% are enjoye% in a %egree proportione% to the su%%enness ofthe contrast, an% the p"easure e e.perience in escaping from theturbu"ence of the e"ements to the uiet of a peacefu" e$ening, an% anair sti"" as the softest mornings in June&

(hat a magnificent scene2( sai% 0arper, in a "o tone& (0o gran%2 hoafu""y sub"ime2@@may such a uiet spee%i"y aait the strugg"e in hichmy country is engage%, an% such a g"orious e$ening fo""o the %ay of hera%$ersity2(

Frances, ho stoo% ne.t to him, a"one hear% the $oice& Turning in

amaKement from the $ie to the speaker, she sa him stan%ing barehea%e%,erect, an% ith his eyes "ifte% to hea$en& There as no "onger the uiethich ha% seeme% their characteristic, but they ere "ighte% intosomething "ike enthusiasm, an% a s"ight f"ush passe% o$er his features&

There can be no %anger apprehen%e% from such a man, thought Francessuch fee"ings be"ong on"y to the $irtuous&

The musings of the party ere no interrupte% by the su%%en appearanceof the pe%%"er& 0e ha% taken a%$antage of the first g"eam of sunshine to

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hasten to the cottage& 0ee%"ess of et or %ry as it "ay in his path,ith arms singing to an% fro, an% ith his hea% bent forar% of hisbo%y se$era" inches, 0ar$ey Birch approache% the piaKKa, ith a gaitpecu"iar"y his on& )t as the uick, "engthene% pace of an itinerant$en%er of goo%s&

(Fine e$ening,( sai% the pe%%"er, sa"uting the party, ithout raisinghis eyes (uite arm an% agreeab"e for the season&(

Dr& harton assente% to the remark, an% inuire% kin%"y after the hea"thof his father& 0ar$ey hear% him, an% continue% stan%ing for some time inmoo%y si"ence but the uestion being repeate%, he ansere% ith as"ight tremor in his $oice,@@

(0e fai"s fast o"% age an% har%ships i"" %o their ork&( The pe%%"erturne% his face from the $ie of most of the fami"y but Frances notice%his g"istening eyes an% ui$ering "ip, an%, for the secon% time, 0ar$eyrose in her estimation&

The $a""ey in hich the resi%ence of Dr& harton stoo% ran in a

%irection from northest to southeast, an% the house as p"ace% on thesi%e of a hi"" hich terminate% its "ength in the former %irection& 4sma"" opening, occasione% by the rece%ing of the opposite hi"", an% thefa"" of the "an% to the "e$e" of the ti%e ater, affor%e% a $ie of theSoun% 8Footnote3 4n is"an% more than forty "eagues in "ength "iesopposite the coasts of e *ork an% Connecticut& The arm of the seahich separates it from the main is technica""y ca""e% a soun%, an% inthat part of the country par e.ce""ence, the Soun%& This sheet ofater $aries in its brea%th from fi$e to thirty mi"es&< o$er the tops ofthe %istant oo%s on its margin& The surface of the ater hich ha% so"ate"y been "ashing the shores ith boisterous fury, as a"rea%y "osingits ruff"e% %arkness in the "ong an% regu"ar un%u"ations that succee%e%a tempest, hi"e the "ight air from the southest as gent"y touchingtheir summits, "en%ing its feeb"e ai% in sti""ing the aters& Some %arkspots ere no to be %istinguishe%, occasiona""y rising into $ie, an%again sinking behin% the "engthene% a$es hich interpose% themse"$es tothe sight& They ere unnotice% by a"" but the pe%%"er& 0e ha% seate%himse"f on the piaKKa, at a %istance from 0arper, an% appeare% to ha$eforgotten the object of his $isit& 0is ro$ing eye, hoe$er, soon caughta g"impse of these ne objects in the $ie, an% he sprang up itha"acrity, gaKing intent"y toar%s the ater& 0e change% his p"ace,g"ance% his eye ith marke% uneasiness on 0arper, an% then sai% ithgreat emphasis@@

(The rig"ars must be out from be"o&(

(hy %o you think soL( inuire% Captain harton, eager"y& (Go% sen% it

may be true ) ant their escort in again&(

(Them ten ha"eboats ou"% not mo$e so fast un"ess they ere bettermanne% than common&(

(Perhaps,( crie% Dr& harton in a"arm, (they are@@they are continenta"sreturning from the is"an%&(

(They "ook "ike rig"ars,( sai% the pe%%"er, ith meaning&

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(?ook2( repeate% the captain, (there is nothing but spots to be seen&(

0ar$ey %isregar%e% his obser$ation, but seeme% to be so"i"ouiKing, ashe sai% in an un%ertone, (They came out before the ga"e@@ha$e "ai% onthe is"an% these to %ays@@horse are on the roa%@@there i"" soon befighting near us&( 'uring this speech, Birch se$era" times g"ance% hiseye toar%s 0arper, ith e$i%ent uneasiness, but no correspon%ingemotion betraye% any interest of that gent"eman in the scene& 0e stoo%in si"ent contemp"ation of the $ie, an% seeme% enjoying the change inthe air& 4s Birch conc"u%e%, hoe$er, 0arper turne% to his host, an%mentione% that his business ou"% not a%mit of unnecessary %e"ay heou"%, therefore, a$ai" himse"f of the fine e$ening to ri%e a fe mi"eson his journey& Dr& harton ma%e many professions of regret at "osing soagreeab"e an inmate but as too min%fu" of his %uty not to spee% theparting guest, an% or%ers ere instant"y gi$en to that effect&

The uneasiness of the pe%%"er increase% in a manner for hich nothingapparent cou"% account his eye as constant"y an%ering toar%s the"oer en% of the $a"e as if in e.pectation of some interruption fromthat uarter& 4t "ength Caesar appeare%, "ea%ing the nob"e beast hich

as to bear the eight of the tra$e"er& The pe%%"er officious"yassiste% to tighten the girths, an% fasten the b"ue c"oak an% $a"ise tothe mai"straps&

E$ery precaution being comp"ete%, 0arper procee%e% to take his "ea$e& ToSarah an% her aunt he pai% his comp"iments ith ease an% kin%ness buthen he came to Frances, he pause% a moment, hi"e his face assume% ane.pression of more than or%inary benignity& 0is eye repeate% theb"essing hich ha% before fa""en from his "ips, an% the gir" fe"t hercheeks g"o, an% her heart beat ith a uicker pu"sation, as he spokehis a%ieus& There as a mutua" e.change of po"ite courtesy beteen thehost an% his parting guest but as 0arper frank"y offere% his han% toCaptain harton, he remarke%, in a manner of great so"emnity,@@

(The step you ha$e un%ertaken is one of much %anger, an% %isagreeab"econseuences to yourse"f may resu"t from it in such a case, ) may ha$eit in my poer to pro$e the gratitu%e ) oe your fami"y for itskin%ness&(

(Sure"y, sir,( crie% the father, "osing sight of %e"icacy inapprehension for his chi"%, (you i"" keep secret the %isco$ery hichyour being in my house has enab"e% you to makeL(

0arper turne% uick"y to the speaker, an% then, "osing the sternnesshich ha% begun to gather on his countenance, he ansere% mi"%"y, ()ha$e "earne% nothing in your fami"y, sir, of hich ) as ignorantbefore but your son is safer from my kno"e%ge of his $isit than he

ou"% be ithout it&(

0e boe% to the ho"e party, an% ithout taking any notice of thepe%%"er, other than by simp"y thanking him for his attentions, mounte%his horse, an%, ri%ing stea%i"y an% gracefu""y through the "itt"e gate,as soon "ost behin% the hi"" hich she"tere% the $a""ey to thenorthar%&

The eyes of the pe%%"er fo""oe% the retiring figure of the horseman so"ong as it continue% ithin $ie, an% as it %isappeare% from his sight,

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he %re a "ong an% hea$y sigh, as if re"ie$e% from a "oa% ofapprehension& The hartons ha% me%itate% in si"ence on the character an%$isit of their unknon guest for the same perio%, hen the fatherapproache% Birch an% obser$e%,

() am yet your %ebtor, 0ar$ey, for the tobacco you ere so kin% as tobring me from the city&(

()f it shou"% not pro$e so goo% as the first,( rep"ie% the pe%%"er, a "ast an% "ingering "ook in the %irection of 0arpers route, (itis oing to the scarcity of the artic"e&(

() "ike it much,( continue% the other (but you ha$e forgotten to namethe price&(

The countenance of the tra%er change%, an%, "osing its e.pression of%eep care in a natura" acuteness, he ansere%,@@

()t is har% to say hat ought to be the price ) be"ie$e ) must "ea$e itto your on generosity&(

Dr& harton ha% taken a han% e"" fi""e% ith the images of Caro"us )))from his pocket, an% no e.ten%e% it toar%s Birch ith three of thepieces beteen his finger an% thumb& 0ar$eys eyes tink"e% as hecontemp"ate% the rear% an% ro""ing o$er in his mouth a "arge uantityof the artic"e in uestion, coo""y stretche% forth his han%, into hichthe %o""ars fe"" ith a most agreeab"e soun%3 but not satisfie% ith thetransient music of their fa"", the pe%%"er ga$e each piece in successiona ring on the stepping@stone of the piaKKa, before he consigne% it tothe safekeeping of a huge %eerskin purse, hich $anishe% from the sightof the spectators so %e.terous"y, that not one of them cou"% ha$e to"%about hat part of his person it as secrete%&

This $ery materia" point in his business so satisfactori"y comp"ete%,the pe%%"er rose from his seat on the f"oor of the piaKKa, an%approache% to here Captain harton stoo%, supporting his sisters oneither arm, as they "istene% ith the "i$e"y interest of affection tohis con$ersation&

The agitation of the prece%ing inci%ents ha% cause% such an e.pen%itureof the juices hich ha% become necessary to the mouth of the pe%%"er,that a ne supp"y of the ee% as reuire% before he cou"% turn hisattention to business of "esser moment& This %one, he aske% abrupt"y,@@

(Captain harton, %o you go in to@nightL(

(o2( sai% the captain, "aconica""y, an% "ooking at his "o$e"y bur%ens

ith great affection& (Dr& Birch, ou"% you ha$e me "ea$e such companyso soon, hen ) may ne$er enjoy it againL(

(Brother2( sai% Frances, (jesting on such a subject is crue"&(

() rather guess,( continue% the pe%%"er, coo""y, (no the storm is o$er,the Skinners may be mo$ing you ha% better shorten your $isit,Captain harton&(

(=h2( crie% the British officer, (a fe guineas i"" buy off those

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rasca"s at any time, shou"% ) meet them& o, no, Dr& Birch, here ) stayunti" morning&(

(Doney cou"% not "iberate Dajor 4n%re,( sai% the pe%%"er, %ry"y&

Both the sisters no turne% to the captain in a"arm, an% the e"%erobser$e%,@@

(*ou ha% better take the a%$ice of 0ar$ey rest assure%, his opinion insuch matters ought not to be %isregar%e%&(

(*es,( a%%e% the younger, (if, as ) suspect, Dr& Birch assiste% you tocome here, your safety, our happiness, %ear 0enry, reuires you to"isten to him no&(

() brought myse"f out, an% can take myse"f in,( sai% the captainpositi$e"y& (=ur bargain ent no further than to procure my %isguise,an% to "et me kno hen the coast as c"ear an% in the "atterparticu"ar, you ere mistaken, Dr& Birch&(

() as,( sai% the pe%%"er, ith some interest, (an% the greater is thereason hy you shou"% get back to@night the pass ) ga$e you i"" ser$ebut once&(

(Cannot you forge anotherL(

The pa"e cheek of the tra%er shoe% an unusua" co"or, but he continue%si"ent, ith his eyes fi.e% on the groun%, unti" the young man a%%e%,ith great positi$eness, (0ere ) stay this night, come hat i""&(

(Captain harton,( sai% the pe%%"er, ith great %e"iberation an% marke%emphasis, (beare a ta"" -irginian, ith huge hiskers he is be"o you,to my kno"e%ge the %e$i" cant %ecei$e him ) ne$er cou"% but once&(

(?et him beare of me,( sai% harton, haughti"y& (But, Dr& Birch, )e.onerate you from further responsibi"ity&(

(i"" you gi$e me that in ritingL( aske% the cautious Birch&

(=h2 cheerfu""y,( crie% the captain, ith a "augh& (Caesar2 pen, ink,an% paper, hi"e ) rite a %ischarge for my trusty atten%ant, 0ar$eyBirch, pe%%"er, etc&, etc&(

The imp"ements for riting ere pro%uce%, an% the captain, ith greatgayety, rote the %esire% ackno"e%gment in "anguage of his on hichthe pe%%"er took, an% carefu""y %epositing it by the si%e of the imageof his Catho"ic Dajesty, ma%e a seeping bo to the ho"e fami"y, an%

%eparte% as he ha% approache%& 0e as soon seen at a %istance, stea"inginto the %oor of his on humb"e %e""ing&

The father an% sisters of the captain ere too much rejoice% inretaining the young man to, or e$en entertain, the apprehensionshis situation might reasonab"y e.cite but on retiring to their e$eningrepast, a coo"er ref"ection in%uce% the captain to think of changing hismin%& Ani""ing to trust himse"f out of the protection of his fathers%omains, the young man %ispatche% Caesar to %esire another inter$ieith 0ar$ey& The b"ack soon returne% ith the une"come inte""igence

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that it as no too "ate& aty ha% to"% him that 0ar$ey must be mi"es onhis roa% to the northar%, (ha$ing "eft home at ear"y can%"e"ight ithhis pack&( othing no remaine% to the captain but patience, unti" themorning shou"% affor% further opportunity of %eci%ing on the best coursefor him to pursue&

(This 0ar$ey Birch, ith his knoing "ooks an% portentous arnings,gi$es me more uneasiness than ) am i""ing to on,( sai% Captainharton, rousing himse"f from a fit of musing in hich the %anger of hissituation ma%e no sma"" part of his me%itations&

(0o is it that he is ab"e to tra$e" to an% fro in these %ifficu"ttimes, ithout mo"estationL( inuire% Diss Peyton&

(hy the rebe"s suffer him to escape so easi"y, is more than ) cananser,( returne% the other (but Sir 0enry ou"% not permit a hair ofhis hea% to be injure%&(

()n%ee%2( crie% Frances, ith interest& ()s he then knon to Sir 0enryC"intonL(

(4t "east he ought to be&(

('o you think, my son,( aske% Dr& harton, (there is no %anger of hisbetraying youL(

(hy@@no ) ref"ecte% on that before ) truste% myse"f to his poer,(sai% the captain, thoughtfu""y& (0e seems to be faithfu" in matters ofbusiness& The %anger to himse"f, shou"% he return to the city, ou"%pre$ent such an act of $i""ainy&(

() think,( sai% Frances, a%opting the manner of her brother, (0ar$eyBirch is not ithout goo% fee"ings at "east, he has the appearance ofthem at times&(

(=h2( crie% his sister, e.u"ting, (he has "oya"ty, an% that ith me is acar%ina" $irtue&(

() am afrai%,( sai% her brother, "aughing, ("o$e of money is a strongerpassion than "o$e of his king&(

(Then,( sai% the father, (you cannot be safe hi"e in his poer@@for no"o$e i"" ithstan% the temptations of money, hen offere% to a$arice&(

(Sure"y, sir,( crie% the youth, reco$ering his gayety, (there must beone "o$e that can resist anything@@is there not, FannyL(

(0ere is your can%"e you keep your father up beyon% his usua" hour&(

C04PTE/ -

  Through So"ay san%s, through Taross moss,  B"in%fo"%, he kne the paths to cross3

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  By i"y turns, by %esperate boun%s,  0a% baff"e% Percys best b"oo%houn%s&  )n Eske, or ?i%%e", for%s ere none,  But he ou"% ri%e them, one by one  4"ike to him as time or ti%e,  'ecembers sno or Ju"ys pri%e  4"ike to him as ti%e or time,  Doon"ess mi%night or matin prime&  @@4?TE/ SC=TT&

4"" the members of the harton fami"y "ai% their hea%s on their pi""osthat night, ith a forebo%ing of some interruption to their or%inaryuiet& Aneasiness kept the sisters from enjoying their usua" repose, an%they rose from their be%s, on the fo""oing morning, unrefreshe%, an%a"most ithout ha$ing c"ose% their eyes&

=n taking an eager an% hasty sur$ey of the $a""ey from the in%os oftheir room, nothing, hoe$er, but its usua" serenity as to be seen& )tas g"ittering ith the opening bri""iancy of one of those "o$e"y, mi"%%ays, hich occur about the time of the fa""ing of the "eaf an% hich,

by their freuency, c"ass the 4merican autumn ith the most %e"ightfu"seasons of other countries& e ha$e no spring $egetation seems to "eapinto e.istence, instea% of creeping, as in the same "atitu%es of the ="%or"% but ho gracefu""y it retires2 September, =ctober, e$en o$emberan% 'ecember, compose the season for enjoyment in the open air theyha$e their storms, but they are %istinct, an% not of "ong continuance,"ea$ing a c"ear atmosphere an% a c"ou%"ess sky&

4s nothing cou"% be seen "ike"y to interrupt the enjoyments an% harmonyof such a %ay, the sisters %escen%e% to the par"or, ith a returningconfi%ence in their brothers security, an% their on happiness&

The fami"y ere ear"y in assemb"ing aroun% the breakfast tab"e an%Diss Peyton, ith a "itt"e of that minute precision hich creeps intothe habits of sing"e "ife, ha% p"easant"y insiste% that the absence ofher nephe shou"% in no manner interfere ith the regu"ar hours she ha%estab"ishe% conseuent"y, the party ere a"rea%y seate% hen thecaptain ma%e his appearance though the untaste% coffee sufficient"ypro$e% that by none of his re"ati$es as his absence %isregar%e%&

() think ) %i% much better,( he crie%, taking a chair beteen hissisters, an% recei$ing their offere% sa"utes, (to secure a goo% be% an%such a p"entifu" breakfast, instea% of trusting to the hospita"ity ofthat renone% corps, the Coboys&(

()f you cou"% s"eep,( sai% Sarah, (you ere more fortunate than Francesan% myse"f e$ery murmur of the night air soun%e% to me "ike the

approach of the rebe" army&(

(hy,( sai% the captain, "aughing, () %o ackno"e%ge a "itt"e inuietu%emyse"f@@but ho as it ith youL( turning to his younger an% e$i%ent"yfa$orite sister, an% tapping her cheek& ('i% you see banners in thec"ou%s, an% mistake Diss Peytons 4eo"ian harp for rebe""ious musicL(

(ay, 0enry,( rejoine% the mai%, "ooking at him affectionate"y, (much as) "o$e my on country, the approach of her troops just no ou"% gi$e megreat pain&(

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The brother ma%e no rep"y but returning the fon%ness e.presse% in hereye by a "ook of fraterna" ten%erness, he gent"y presse% her han% insi"ence hen Caesar, ho ha% participate% "arge"y in the an.iety of thefami"y, an% ho ha% risen ith the %an, an% kept a $igi"ant atch onthe surroun%ing objects, as he stoo% gaKing from one of the in%os,e.c"aime% ith a face that approache% to something "ike the hues of ahite man,@@

(/un@@Dassa 0arry@@run@@if he "o$e o"% Caesar, run@@here come a rebe"horse&(

(/un2( repeate% the British officer, gathering himse"f up in mi"itarypri%e& (o, Dr& Caesar, running is not my tra%e&( hi"e speaking, hea"ke% %e"iberate"y to the in%o, here the fami"y ere a"rea%yco""ecte% in the greatest consternation&

4t the %istance of more than a mi"e, about fifty %ragoons ere to beseen, in%ing %on one of the "atera" entrances of the $a""ey& )na%$ance, ith an officer, as a man attire% in the %ress of a

countryman, ho pointe% in the %irection of the cottage& 4 sma"" partyno "eft the main bo%y, an% mo$e% rapi%"y toar%s the object of their%estination&

=n reaching the roa% hich "e% through the bottom of the $a""ey, theyturne% their horses hea%s to the north&

The hartons continue% chaine% in breath"ess si"ence to the spot,atching their mo$ements, hen the party, ha$ing reache% the %e""ing ofBirch, ma%e a rapi% circ"e aroun% his groun%s, an% in an instant hishouse as surroun%e% by a %oKen sentine"s&

To or three of the %ragoons no %ismounte% an% %isappeare% in a feminutes, hoe$er, they returne% to the yar%, fo""oe% by aty, fromhose $io"ent gesticu"ations, it as e$i%ent that matters of no trif"ingconcern ere on the carpet& 4 short communication ith the "ouacioushousekeeper fo""oe% the arri$a" of the main bo%y of the troop, an% thea%$ance party remounting, the ho"e mo$e% toar%s the ?ocusts ithgreat spee%&

4s yet none of the fami"y ha% sufficient presence of min% to %e$ise anymeans of security for Captain harton but the %anger no became toopressing to a%mit of "onger %e"ay, an% $arious means of secreting himere hasti"y propose% but they ere a"" haughti"y rejecte% by the youngman, as unorthy of his character& )t as too "ate to retreat to theoo%s in the rear of the cottage, for he ou"% una$oi%ab"y be seen, an%,fo""oe% by a troop of horse, as ine$itab"y taken&

4t "ength his sisters, ith tremb"ing han%s, rep"ace% his origina"%isguise, the instruments of hich ha% been carefu""y kept at han% byCaesar, in e.pectation of some su%%en emergency&

This arrangement as hasti"y an% imperfect"y comp"ete%, as the %ragoonsentere% the "an an% orchar% of the ?ocusts, ri%ing ith the rapi%ity ofthe in% an% in their turn the hartons ere surroun%e%&

othing remaine% no, but to meet the impen%ing e.amination ith as much

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in%ifference as the fami"y cou"% assume& The "ea%er of the horse%ismounte%, an%, fo""oe% by a coup"e of his men, he approache% theouter %oor of the bui"%ing, hich as s"o"y an% re"uctant"y opene% forhis a%mission by Caesar& The hea$y trea% of the trooper, as he fo""oe%the b"ack to the %oor of the par"or, rang in the ears of the fema"es asit approache% nearer an% nearer, an% %ro$e the b"oo% from their faces totheir hearts, ith a chi"" that near"y annihi"ate% fee"ing&

4 man, hose co"ossa" stature manifeste% the possession of $aststrength, entere% the room, an% remo$ing his cap, he sa"ute% the fami"yith a mi"%ness his appearance %i% not in%icate as be"onging to hisnature& 0is %ark hair hung aroun% his bro in profusion, though staine%ith po%er hich as orn at that %ay, an% his face as near"y hi% inthe hiskers by hich it as %isfigure%& Sti"", the e.pression of hiseye, though piercing, as not ba%, an% his $oice, though %eep an%poerfu", as far from unp"easant& Frances $enture% to thro a timi%g"ance at his figure as he entere%, an% sa at once the man from hosescrutiny 0ar$ey Birch ha% arne% them there as so much to beapprehen%e%&

(*ou ha$e no cause for a"arm, "a%ies,( sai% the officer, pausing amoment, an% contemp"ating the pa"e faces aroun% him& (Dy business i""be confine% to a fe uestions, hich, if free"y ansere%, i""instant"y remo$e us from your %e""ing&(

(4n% hat may they be, sirL( stammere% Dr& harton, rising from hischair an% aiting an.ious"y for the rep"y&

(0as there been a strange gent"eman staying ith you %uring the stormL(continue% the %ragoon, speaking ith interest, an% in some %egreesharing in the e$i%ent an.iety of the father&

(This gent"eman@@here@@fa$ore% us ith his company %uring the rain, an%has not yet %eparte%&(

(This gent"eman2( repeate% the other, turning to Captain harton, an%contemp"ating his figure for a moment unti" the an.iety of hiscountenance ga$e p"ace to a "urking smi"e& 0e approache% the youth ithan air of comic gra$ity, an% ith a "o bo, continue%, () am sorry forthe se$ere co"% you ha$e in your hea%, sir&(

()2( e.c"aime% the captain, in surprise () ha$e no co"% in my hea%&(

() fancie% it then, from seeing you ha% co$ere% such han%some b"ack"ocks ith that ug"y o"% ig& )t as my mistake you i"" p"ease topar%on it&(

Dr& harton groane% a"ou% but the "a%ies, ignorant of the e.tent oftheir $isitors kno"e%ge, remaine% in tremb"ing yet rigi% si"ence& Thecaptain himse"f mo$e% his han% in$o"untari"y to his hea%, an% %isco$ere%that the trepi%ation of his sisters ha% "eft some of his natura" haire.pose%& The %ragoon atche% the mo$ement ith a continue% smi"e, hen,seeming to reco""ect himse"f, turning to the father, he procee%e%,@@

(Then, sir, ) am to un%erstan% there has not been a Dr& 0arper here,ithin the eekL(

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(Dr& 0arper,( echoe% the other, fee"ing a "oa% remo$e% from his heart,(yes, ) ha% forgotten but he is gone an% if there be anything rong inhis character, e are in entire ignorance of it to me he as a tota"stranger&(

(*ou ha$e but "itt"e to apprehen% from his character,( ansere% the%ragoon %ry"y& (But he is gone@@ho@@hen@@an% hitherL(

(0e %eparte% as he arri$e%,( sai% Dr& harton, gathering renee%confi%ence from the manner of the trooper (on horseback, "ast e$ening,an% he took the northern roa%&(

The officer "istene% to him ith intense interest, his countenancegra%ua""y "ighting into a smi"e of p"easure, an% the instant Dr& hartonconc"u%e% his "aconic rep"y he turne% on his hee" an% "eft theapartment& The hartons, ju%ging from his manner, thought he as aboutto procee% in uest of the object of his inuiries& They obser$e% the%ragoon, on gaining the "an, in earnest an% apparent"y p"ease%con$ersation ith his to suba"terns& )n a fe moments or%ers ere gi$ento some of the troops, an% horsemen "eft the $a""ey, at fu"" spee%, by

its $arious roa%s&

The suspense of the party ithin, ho ere a"" high"y intereste%itnesses of this scene, as short"y terminate%3 for the hea$y trea% ofthe %ragoon soon announce% his secon% approach& 0e boe% again po"ite"yas he reentere% the room, an% a"king up to Captain harton, sai%, ithcomic gra$ity,@@

(o, sir, my principa" business being %one, may ) beg to e.amine theua"ity of that igL(

The British officer imitate% the manner of the other, as he %e"iberate"yunco$ere% his hea%, an% han%ing him the ig, obser$e%, () hope, sir, itis to your "iking&(

() cannot, ithout $io"ating the truth, say it is,( returne% the%ragoon& () prefer your ebony hair, from hich you seem to ha$e combe%the po%er ith great in%ustry& But that must ha$e been a sa% hurt youha$e recei$e% un%er this enormous b"ack patch&(

(*ou appear so c"ose an obser$er of things, ) shou"% "ike your opinionof it, sir,( sai% 0enry, remo$ing the si"k, an% e.hibiting the cheekfree from b"emish&

(Apon my or%, you impro$e most rapi%"y in e.terna"s,( a%%e% thetrooper, preser$ing his musc"es in inf"e.ib"e gra$ity& ()f ) cou"% butpersua%e you to e.change this o"% surtout for that han%some b"ue coat by

your si%e, ) think ) ne$er cou"% itness a more agreeab"e metamorphosis,since ) as change% myse"f from a "ieutenant to a captain&(

*oung harton $ery compose%"y %i% as as reuire% an% stoo% ane.treme"y han%some, e""@%resse% young man& The %ragoon "ooke% at himfor a minute ith the %ro""ery that characteriKe% his manner, an% thencontinue%,@@

(This is a necomer in the scene it is usua", you kno, for strangersto be intro%uce% ) am Captain ?aton, of the -irginia horse&(

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(4n% ), sir, am Captain harton, of his Dajestys 76th regiment offoot,( returne% 0enry, boing stiff"y, an% reco$ering hisnatura" manner&

The countenance of ?aton change% instant"y, an% his assume% uaintness$anishe%& 0e $iee% the figure of Captain harton, as he stoo% prou%"yse""ing ith a pri%e that %is%aine% further concea"ment, an% e.c"aime%ith great earnestness,@@

(Captain harton, from my sou" ) pity you2(

(=h2 then,( crie% the father in agony, (if you pity him, %ear sir, hymo"est himL 0e is not a spy nothing but a %esire to see his frien%sprompte% him to $enture so far from the regu"ar army in %isguise& ?ea$ehim ith us there is no rear%, no sum, hich ) i"" notcheerfu""y pay&(

(Sir, your an.iety for your frien% e.cuses your "anguage,( sai% ?aton,haughti"y (but you forget ) am a -irginian, an% a gent"eman&( Turning

to the young man, he continue%, (ere you ignorant, Captain harton,that our pickets ha$e been be"o you for se$era" %aysL(

() %i% not kno it unti" ) reache% them, an% it as then too "ate toretreat,( sai% harton su""en"y& () came out, as my father hasmentione%, to see my frien%s, un%erstan%ing your parties to be atPeekski"", an% near the 0igh"an%s, or sure"y ) ou"% not ha$e $enture%&(

(4"" this may be $ery true but the affair of 4n%re has ma%e us on thea"ert& hen treason reaches the gra%e of genera" officers, Captainharton, it behoo$es the frien%s of "iberty to be $igi"ant&(

0enry boe% to this remark in %istant si"ence, but Sarah $enture% tourge something in beha"f of her brother& The %ragoon hear% her po"ite"y,an% apparent"y ith commiseration but i""ing to a$oi% use"ess an%embarrassing petitions, he ansere% mi"%"y,@@

() am not the comman%er of the party, ma%am Dajor 'unoo%ie i"" %eci%ehat must be %one ith your brother at a"" e$ents he i"" recei$enothing but kin% an% gent"e treatment&(

('unoo%ie2( e.c"aime% Frances, ith a face in hich the roses conten%e%for the mastery ith the pa"eness of apprehension& (Thank Go%2 then0enry is safe2(

?aton regar%e% her ith a ming"e% e.pression of pity an% a%mirationthen shaking his hea% %oubting"y, he continue%,@@

() hope so an% ith your permission, e i"" "ea$e the matter for his%ecision&(

The co"or of Frances change% from the pa"eness of fear to the g"o ofhope& 0er %rea% on beha"f of her brother as certain"y great"y%iminishe% yet her form shook, her breathing became short an%irregu"ar, an% her ho"e frame ga$e tokens of e.traor%inary agitation&0er eyes rose from the f"oor to the %ragoon, an% ere again fi.e%immo$ab"y on the carpet@@she e$i%ent"y ishe% to utter something but as

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uneua" to the effort& Diss Peyton as a c"ose obser$er of thesemo$ements of her niece, an% a%$ancing ith an air of feminine %ignity,inuire%,@@

(Then, sir, e may e.pect the p"easure of Dajor 'unoo%ies companyshort"yL(

()mme%iate"y, ma%am,( ansere% the %ragoon, ith%raing his a%miringgaKe from the person of Frances& (E.presses are a"rea%y on the roa% toannounce to him our situation, an% the inte""igence i"" spee%i"y bringhim to this $a""ey un"ess, in%ee%, some pri$ate reasons may tomake a $isit particu"ar"y unp"easant&(

(e sha"" a"ays be happy to see Dajor 'unoo%ie&(

(=h2 %oubt"ess he is a genera" fa$orite, Day ) presume on it so far asto ask "ea$e to %ismount an% refresh my men, ho compose a part of hissua%ronL(

There as a manner about the trooper that ou"% ha$e ma%e the omission

of such a reuest easi"y forgi$en by Dr& harton, but he as fair"yentrappe% by his on eagerness to conci"iate, an% it as use"ess toithho"% a consent hich he thought ou"% probab"y be e.torte% hetherefore ma%e the most of necessity, an% ga$e such or%ers as ou"%faci"itate the ishes of Captain ?aton&

The officers ere in$ite% to take their mornings repast at the fami"ybreakfast tab"e, an% ha$ing ma%e their arrangements ithout, thein$itation as frank"y accepte%& one of the atchfu"ness, hich as sonecessary to their situation, as neg"ecte% by the ary partisan&Patro"s ere seen on the %istant hi""s, taking their protecting circuitaroun% their comra%es, ho ere enjoying, in the mi%st of %anger, asecurity that can on"y spring from the atchfu"ness of %iscip"ine an%the in%ifference of habit&

The a%%ition to the party at Dr& hartons tab"e as on"y three, an%they ere a"" of them men ho, un%er the rough e.terior in%uce% byactua" an% ar%uous ser$ice, concea"e% the manners of gent"emen&Conseuent"y, the interruption to the %omestic pri$acy of the fami"y asmarke% by the obser$ance of strict %ecorum& The "a%ies "eft the tab"e totheir guests, ho procee%e%, ithout much superf"uous %iffi%ence, to %oproper honors to the hospita"ity of Dr& harton&

4t "ength Captain ?aton suspen%e% for a moment his $io"ent attacks onthe buckheat cakes, to inuire of the master of the house, if there asnot a pe%%"er of the name of Birch ho "i$e% in the $a""ey at times&

(4t times on"y, ) be"ie$e, sir,( rep"ie% Dr& harton, cautious"y& (0e isse"%om here ) may say ) ne$er see him&(

(That is strange, too,( sai% the trooper, "ooking at the %isconcerte%host intent"y, (consi%ering he is your ne.t neighbor he must be uite%omestic, sir an% to the "a%ies it must be somehat incon$enient& )%oubt not that that mus"in in the in%o seat cost tice as much as heou"% ha$e aske% them for it&(

Dr& harton turne% in consternation, an% sa some of the recent

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purchases scattere% about the room&

The to suba"terns strugg"e% to concea" their smi"es but the captainresume% his breakfast ith an eagerness that create% a %oubt, hether hee$er e.pecte% to enjoy another& The necessity of a supp"y from the%ominion of 'inah soon, hoe$er, affor%e% another respite, of hich?aton a$ai"e% himse"f&

() ha% a ish to break this Dr& Birch of his unsocia" habits, an% ga$ehim a ca"" this morning,( he sai%& (0a% ) foun% him ithin, ) shou"%ha$e p"ace% him here he ou"% enjoy "ife in the mi%st of society, for ashort time at "east&(

(4n% here might that be, sirL( aske% Dr& harton, concei$ing itnecessary to say something&

(The guar%room,( sai% the trooper, %ry"y&

(hat is the offense of poor BirchL( aske% Diss Peyton, han%ing the%ragoon a fourth %ish of coffee&

(Poor2( crie% the captain& ()f he is poor, ing George is a ba%paymaster&(

(*es, in%ee%,( sai% one of the suba"terns, (his Dajesty oes him a%uke%om&(

(4n% congress a ha"ter,( continue% the comman%ing officer commencingane on a fresh supp"y of the cakes&

() am sorry,( sai% Dr& harton, (that any neighbor of mine shou"% incurthe %isp"easure of our ru"ers&(

()f ) catch him,( crie% the %ragoon, hi"e buttering another cake, (hei"" %ang"e from the "imbs of one of his namesakes&(

(0e ou"% make no ba% ornament, suspen%e% from one of those "ocustsbefore his on %oor,( a%%e% the "ieutenant&

(e$er min%,( continue% the captain () i"" ha$e him yet before )m amajor&(

4s the "anguage of the officers appeare% to be sincere, an% such as%isappointe% men in their rough occupations are but too apt to use, thehartons thought it pru%ent to %iscontinue the subject& )t as no neinte""igence to any of the fami"y, that 0ar$ey Birch as %istruste% an%great"y harasse% by the 4merican army& 0is escapes from their han%s, no

"ess than his imprisonments, ha% been the con$ersation of the country intoo many instances, an% un%er circumstances of too great mystery, to beeasi"y forgotten& )n fact, no sma"" part of the bitterness e.presse% byCaptain ?aton against the pe%%"er, arose from the unaccountab"e%isappearance of the "atter, hen intruste% to the custo%y of to of hismost faithfu" %ragoons&

4 te"$emonth ha% not yet e"apse%, since Birch ha% been seen "ingeringnear the hea%uarters of the comman%er in chief, an% at a time henimportant mo$ements ere e.pecte% hour"y to occur& So soon as the

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information of this fact as communicate% to the officer hose %uty itas to guar% the a$enues of the 4merican camp, he %ispatche% Captain?aton in pursuit of the pe%%"er&

4cuainte% ith a"" the passes of the hi""s, an% in%efatigab"e in the%ischarge of his %uty, the trooper ha%, ith much troub"e an% toi",succee%e% in effecting his object& The party ha% ha"te% at a farmhousefor the purposes of refreshment, an% the prisoner as p"ace% in a roomby himse"f, but un%er the keeping of the to men before mentione% a""that as knon subseuent"y is, that a oman as seen busi"y engage% inthe emp"oyments of the househo"% near the sentine"s, an% asparticu"ar"y attenti$e to the ants of the captain, unti" he as %eep"yengage% in the emp"oyments of the supper tab"e&

4fterar%s, neither oman nor pe%%"er as to be foun%& The pack, in%ee%,as %isco$ere% open, an% near"y empty, an% a sma"" %oor, communicatingith a room a%joining to the one in hich the pe%%"er ha% beensecure%, as ajar&

Captain ?aton ne$er cou"% forgi$e the %eception his antipathies to his

enemies ere not $ery mo%erate, but this as a%%ing an insu"t to hispenetration that rank"e% %eep"y& 0e sat in portentous si"ence, broo%ingo$er the e.p"oit of his prisoner, yet mechanica""y pursuing the businessbefore him, unti", after sufficient time ha% passe% to make a $erycomfortab"e mea", a trumpet su%%en"y broke on the ears of the party,sen%ing its martia" tones up the $a""ey, in start"ing me"o%y& Thetrooper rose instant"y from the tab"e, e.c"aiming,@@

(Muick, gent"emen, to your horses there comes 'unoo%ie,( an%, fo""oe%by his officers, he precipitate"y "eft the room&

ith the e.ception of the sentine"s "eft to guar% Captain harton, the%ragoons mounte%, an% marche% out to meet their comra%es&

one of the atchfu"ness necessary in a ar, in hich simi"arity of"anguage, appearance, an% customs ren%ere% pru%ence %oub"y necessary,as omitte% by the cautious "ea%er& =n getting sufficient"y near,hoe$er, to a bo%y of horse of more than %oub"e his on number, to%istinguish countenances, ?aton p"unge% his roe"s into his charger,an% in a moment he as by the si%e of his comman%er&

The groun% in front of the cottage as again occupie% by the horse an%obser$ing the same precautions as before, the ne"y arri$e% troopshastene% to participate in the cheer prepare% for their comra%es&

C04PTE/ -)

  4n% "et conuerors boast  Their fie"%s of fame@@he ho in $irtue arms  4 young arm spirit against beautys charms,  ho fee"s her brightness, yet %efies her thra"",  )s the best, bra$est conueror of them a""&

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The "a%ies of the harton fami"y ha% co""ecte% about a in%o, %eep"yintereste% in the scene e ha$e re"ate%&

Sarah $iee% the approach of her countrymen ith a smi"e of contemptuousin%ifference for she e$en un%er$a"ue% the persona" appearance of menhom she thought arraye% in the unho"y cause of rebe""ion& Diss Peyton"ooke% on the ga""ant sho ith an e.u"ting pri%e, hich arose in theref"ection that the arriors before her ere the chosen troops of hernati$e co"ony hi"e Frances gaKe% ith a sing"eness of interest thatabsorbe% a"" other consi%erations&

The to parties ha% not yet joine%, before her uick eye %istinguishe%one horseman in particu"ar from those aroun% him& To her it appeare%that e$en the stee% of this youthfu" so"%ier seeme% to be conscious thathe sustaine% the eight of no common man3 his hoofs but "ight"y touche%the earth, an% his airy trea% as the curbe% motion of ab"oo%e% charger&

The %ragoon sat in the sa%%"e, ith a firmness an% ease that shoe% himmaster of himse"f an% horse,@@his figure uniting the just proportions ofstrength an% acti$ity, being ta"", roun%, an% muscu"ar& To this officer?aton ma%e his report, an%, si%e by si%e, they ro%e into the fie"%opposite to the cottage&

The heart of Frances beat ith a pu"sation near"y stif"ing, as he pause%for a moment, an% took a sur$ey of the bui"%ing, ith an eye hose %arkan% spark"ing g"ance cou"% be seen, notithstan%ing the %istance& 0erco"or change%, an% for an instant, as she sa the youth thro himse"ffrom the sa%%"e, she as compe""e% to seek re"ief for her tremb"ing"imbs in a chair&

The officer ga$e a fe hasty or%ers to his secon% in comman%, a"ke%rapi%"y into the "an, an% approache% the cottage& Frances rose from herseat, an% $anishe% from the apartment& The %ragoon ascen%e% the steps ofthe piaKKa, an% ha% bare"y time to touch the outer %oor, hen it opene%to his a%mission&

The youth of Frances, hen she "eft the city, ha% pre$ente% hersacrificing, in conformity to the customs of that %ay, a"" her nati$ebeauties on the a"tar of fashion& 0er hair, hich as of a go"%enrichness of co"or, as "eft, untorture%, to fa"" in the natura" ring"etsof infancy, an% it sha%e% a face hich as g"oing ith the unite%charms of hea"th, youth, an% art"essness her eyes spoke $o"umes, buther tongue as si"ent her han%s ere inter"ocke% before her, an%, ai%e%by her taper form, ben%ing forar% in an attitu%e of e.pectation, ga$e a

"o$e"iness an% an interest to her appearance, that for a moment chaine%her "o$er in si"ence to the spot&

Frances si"ent"y "e% the ay into a $acant par"or, opposite to the onein hich the fami"y ere assemb"e%, an% turning to the so"%ier frank"y,p"acing both her han%s in his on, e.c"aime%,@@

(4h, 'unoo%ie2 ho happy, on many accounts, ) am to see you2 ) ha$ebrought you in here, to prepare you to meet an une.pecte% frien% in theopposite room&(

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() %o,( interrupte% the so"%ier, ith fer$or but motioning for si"enceshe continue%, in a $oice that tremb"e% ith her fears,@@

('o you think ) can thro myse"f into the arms of a man hose han%s arestaine% ith the b"oo% of my on"y brother2(

(Frances, you ring my $ery heart2( Then pausing, to strugg"e ith hisfee"ings, he en%ea$ore% to force a smi"e, as he a%%e%, (But, after a"",e may be torturing ourse"$es ith unnecessary fears, an% 0enry, hen )kno the circumstances, may be nothing more than a prisoner of ar inhich case, ) can "iberate him on paro"e&(

There is no more %e"usi$e passion than hope an% it seems to be thehappy pri$i"ege of youth to cu"" a"" the p"easures that can be gathere%from its in%u"gence& )t is hen e are most orthy of confi%enceourse"$es, that e are "east apt to %istrust others an% hat e thinkought to be, e are prone to think i"" be&

The ha"f@forme% e.pectations of the young so"%ier ere communicate% tothe %espon%ing sister, more by the eye than the $oice, an% the b"oo%

rushe% again to her cheek, as she crie%,@@

(=h, there can be no just groun%s to %oubt it& ) kno@@)kne@@'unoo%ie, you ou"% ne$er %esert us in the hour of our greatestnee%2( The $io"ence of her fee"ings pre$ai"e%, an% the agitate% gir"foun% re"ief in a f"oo% of tears&

The office of conso"ing those e "o$e is one of the %earest prerogati$esof affection an% Dajor 'unoo%ie, a"though but "itt"e encourage% by hison momentary suggestion of re"ief, cou"% not un%ecei$e the "o$e"y gir",ho "eane% on his shou"%er, as he ipe% the traces of her fee"ing fromher face, ith a tremb"ing, but re$i$ing confi%ence in the safety of herbrother, an% the protection of her "o$er&

Frances, ha$ing sufficient"y reco$ere% her reco""ection to comman%herse"f, no eager"y "e% the ay to the opposite room, to communicate toher fami"y the p"easing inte""igence hich she a"rea%y concei$e%so certain,

'unoo%ie fo""oe% her re"uctant"y, an% ith forebo%ings of the resu"tbut a fe moments brought him into the presence of his re"ati$es, an% hesummone% a"" his reso"ution to meet the tria" ith firmness&

The sa"utations of the young men ere cor%ia" an% frank, an%, on thepart of 0enry harton, as co""ecte% as if nothing ha% occurre% to%isturb his se"f@possession&

The abhorrence of being, in any manner, au.i"iary to the arrest of hisfrien% the %anger to the "ife of Captain harton an% theheart@breaking %ec"arations of Frances, ha%, hoe$er, create% anuneasiness in the bosom of Dajor 'unoo%ie, hich a"" his efforts cou"%not concea"& 0is reception by the rest of the fami"y as kin% an%sincere, both from o"% regar%, an% a remembrance of former ob"igations,heightene% by the anticipations they cou"% not fai" to rea% in thee.pressi$e eyes of the b"ushing gir" by his si%e& 4fter e.changinggreetings ith e$ery member of the fami"y, Dajor 'unoo%ie beckone% tothe sentine", hom the ary pru%ence of Captain ?aton ha% "eft in

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charge of the prisoner, to "ea$e the room& Turning to Captain harton,he inuire% mi"%"y,@@

(Te"" me, 0enry, the circumstances of this %isguise, in hich Captain?aton reports you to ha$e been foun%, an% remember@@remember@@Captainharton@@your ansers are entire"y $o"untary&(

(The %isguise as use% by me, Dajor 'unoo%ie,( rep"ie% the Eng"ishofficer, gra$e"y, (to enab"e me to $isit my frien%s, ithout incurringthe %anger of becoming a prisoner of ar&(

(But you %i% not ear it, unti" you sa the troop of ?atonapproachingL(

(=h2 no,( interrupte% Frances, eager"y, forgetting a"" the circumstancesin her an.iety for her brother& (Sarah an% myse"f p"ace% them on himhen the %ragoons appeare% an% it as our akar%ness that has "e% tothe %isco$ery&(

The countenance of 'unoo%ie brightene%, as turning his eyes in fon%ness

on the speaker, he "istene% to her e.p"anation&

(Probab"y some artic"es of your on,( he continue%, (hich ere at han%,an% ere use% on the spur of the moment&(

(o,( sai% harton, ith %ignity, (the c"othes ere orn by me from thecity they ere procure% for the purpose to hich they ere app"ie%, an%) inten%e% to use them in my return this $ery %ay&(

The appa""e% Frances shrank back from beteen her brother an% "o$er,here her ar%ent fee"ings ha% carrie% her, as the ho"e truth g"ance%o$er her min%, an% she sank into a seat, gaKing i"%"y on the young men&

(But the pickets@@the party at the P"ainsL( a%%e% 'unoo%ie, turningpa"e&

() passe% them, too, in %isguise& ) ma%e use of this pass, for hich )pai% an%, as it bears the name of ashington, ) presume it is forge%&(

'unoo%ie caught the paper from his han%, eager"y, an% stoo% gaKing onthe signature for some time in si"ence, %uring hich the so"%iergra%ua""y pre$ai"e% o$er the man hen he turne% to the prisoner, ith asearching "ook, as he aske%,@@

(Captain harton, hence %i% you procure this paperL(

(This is a uestion, ) concei$e, Dajor 'unoo%ie has no right to ask&(

(*our par%on, sir my fee"ings may ha$e "e% me into an impropriety&(

Dr& harton, ho ha% been a %eep"y intereste% au%itor, no so farconuere% his fee"ings as to say, (Sure"y, Dajor 'unoo%ie, the papercannot be materia" such artifices are use% %ai"y in ar&(

(This name is no counterfeit,( sai% the %ragoon, stu%ying thecharacters, an% speaking in a "o $oice (is treason yet among usun%isco$ere%L The confi%ence of ashington has been abuse%, for the

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fictitious name is in a %ifferent han% from the pass& Captain harton,my %uty i"" not suffer me to grant you a paro"e you must accompany meto the 0igh"an%s&(

() %i% not e.pect otherise, Dajor 'unoo%ie&(

'unoo%ie turne% s"o"y toar%s the sisters, hen the figure of Francesonce more arreste% his gaKe& She ha% risen from her seat, an% stoo%again ith her han%s c"aspe% before him in an attitu%e of petitionfee"ing himse"f unab"e to conten% "onger ith his fee"ings, he ma%e ahurrie% e.cuse for a temporary absence, an% "eft the room& Francesfo""oe% him, an%, obe%ient to the %irection of her eye, the so"%ierreentere% the apartment in hich ha% been their first inter$ie&

(Dajor 'unoo%ie,( sai% Frances, in a $oice bare"y au%ib"e, as shebeckone% to him to be seate% her cheek, hich ha% been of a chi""inghiteness, as f"ushe% ith a suffusion that crimsone% her ho"ecountenance& She strugg"e% ith herse"f for a moment, an% continue%, ()ha$e a"rea%y ackno"e%ge% to you my esteem e$en no, hen you mostpainfu""y %istress me, ) ish not to concea" it& Be"ie$e me, 0enry is

innocent of e$erything but impru%ence& =ur country can sustain norong&( 4gain she pause%, an% a"most gaspe% for breath her co"orchange% rapi%"y from re% to hite, unti" the b"oo% rushe% into her face,co$ering her features ith the brightest $ermi"ion an% she a%%e%hasti"y, in an un%ertone, () ha$e promise%, 'unoo%ie, hen peace sha""be restore% to our country, to become your ife& Gi$e to my brother his"iberty on paro"e, an% ) i"" this %ay go ith you to the a"tar, fo""oyou to the camp, an%, in becoming a so"%iers bri%e, "earn to en%ure aso"%iers pri$ations&(

'unoo%ie seiKe% the han% hich the b"ushing gir", in her ar%or, ha%e.ten%e% toar%s him, an% presse% it for a moment to his bosom thenrising from his seat, he pace% the room in e.cessi$e agitation&

(Frances, say no more, ) conjure you, un"ess you ish to break myheart&(

(*ou then reject my offere% han%L( she sai%, rising ith %ignity, thoughher pa"e cheek an% ui$ering "ip p"ain"y shoe% the conf"ictingpassions ithin&

(/eject it2 0a$e ) not sought it ith entreaties@@ith tearsL 0as it notbeen the goa" of a"" my earth"y ishesL But to take it un%er suchcon%itions ou"% be to %ishonor both& e i"" hope for better things&0enry must be acuitte% perhaps not trie%& o intercession of minesha"" be anting, you must e"" kno an% be"ie$e me, Frances, ) am notithout fa$or ith ashington&(

(That $ery paper, that abuse of his confi%ence, to hich you a""u%e%,i"" stee" him to my brothers case& )f threats or entreaties cou"% mo$ehis stern sense of justice, ou"% 4n%re ha$e suffere%L( 4s Francesuttere% these or%s she f"e% from the room in %espair&

'unoo%ie remaine% for a minute near"y stupefie% an% then he fo""oe%ith a $ie to $in%icate himse"f, an% to re"ie$e her apprehensions& =nentering the ha"" that %i$i%e% the to par"ors, he as met by a sma""ragge% boy, ho "ooke% one moment at his %ress, an% p"acing a piece of

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paper in his han%s, imme%iate"y $anishe% through the outer %oor of thebui"%ing& The bei"%ere% state of his min%, an% the su%%enness of theoccurrence, ga$e the major bare"y time to obser$e the messenger to be acountry "a%, mean"y attire%, an% that he he"% in his han% one of thosetoys hich are to be bought in cities, an% hich he no apparent"ycontemp"ate% ith the conscious p"easure of ha$ing fair"y purchase%, bythe performance of the ser$ice reuire%& The so"%ier turne% his eyes tothe subject of the note& )t as ritten on a piece of torn an% soi"e%paper, an% in a han% bare"y "egib"e, but after some "itt"e "abor, he asab"e to make out as fo""os@@

(The rig"ars are at han%, horse an% foot&( 8Footnote3 There %ie% a feyears since, in Be%for%, estchester, a yeoman name% E"isha 0@@@ Thisperson as emp"oye% by ashington as one of his most confi%entia" spies&By the con%itions of their bargain, 0@@@ as ne$er to be reuire% to%ea" ith thir% parties, since his risks ere too imminent& 0e asa""oe% to enter a"so into the ser$ice of Sir 0enry C"inton, an% so muchconfi%ence ha% ashington in his "o$e of country an% %iscretion, that heas often intruste% ith the minor mi"itary mo$ements, in or%er that hemight enhance his $a"ue ith the Eng"ish genera", by communicating them&

)n this manner 0@@@ ha% continue% to ser$e for a "ong perio%, henchance brought him into the city Hthen he"% by the BritishI at a momenthen an as about to uit it, to go against a sma"" postestab"ishe% at Be%for%, his nati$e $i""age, here the 4mericans ha% a%epot of pro$isions& 0@@@ easi"y ascertaine% the force an% %estinationof the %etachment or%ere% on this ser$ice, but he as at a "oss in hatmanner to communicate his information to the officer in comman% atBe%for%, ithout betraying his on true character to a thir% person&There as not time to reach ashington, an% un%er the circumstances, hefina""y reso"$e% to haKar% a short note to the 4merican comman%ant,stating the %anger, an% naming the time hen the attack might bee.pecte%& To this note he e$en $enture% to affi. his on initia"s, E 0,though he ha% %isguise% the han%, un%er a be"ief that, as he knehimse"f to be suspecte% by his countrymen, it might ser$e to gi$e moreeight to his arning& 0is fami"y being at Be%for%, the note astransmitte% ith faci"ity an% arri$e% in goo% season, 0@@@ himse"fremaining in e *ork& The 4merican comman%ant %i% hat e$ery sensib"eofficer, in a simi"ar case, ou"% ha$e %one& 0e sent a courier ith thenote to ashington, %eman%ing or%ers, hi"e he prepare% his "itt"e partyto make the best %efense in his poer& The hea%uarters of the 4mericanarmy ere, at that time, in the 0igh"an%s& Fortunate"y, the metashington, on a tour of obser$ation, near their entrance& The note asgi$en to him, an% he rea% it in the sa%%"e, a%%ing, in penci", (Be"ie$ea"" that E 0 te""s you& George ashington( 0e returne% it to thecourier, ith an injunction to ri%e for "ife or %eath& The courierreache% Be%for% after the British ha% ma%e their attack& The comman%antrea% the rep"y, an% put it in his pocket& The 4mericans ere %efeate%,

an% their "ea%er ki""e%& The note of 0@@@, ith the "ine ritten on itby ashington, as foun% on his person& The fo""oing %ay 0@@@ assummone% to the presence of Sir 0enry C"inton& 4fter the "atter ha% putse$era" genera" uestions, he su%%en"y ga$e the note to the spy, an%aske% if he kne the han%riting, an% %eman%e% ho the E 0 as ()t isE"ijah 0a%%en, the spy you hange% yester%ay at Po"es 0ook&( Therea%iness of this anser, connecte% ith the fact that a spy ha$ing thesame initia"s ha% been e.ecute% the %ay before, an% the coo"ness of0@@@@, sa$e% him& Sir 0enry C"inton a""oe% him to uit his presence,an% he ne$er sa him afterar%s&<

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'unoo%ie starte% an%, forgetting e$erything but the %uties of aso"%ier, he precipitate"y "eft the house& hi"e a"king rapi%"y toar%sthe troops, he notice% on a %istant hi"" a $i%ette ri%ing ith spee%&Se$era" pisto"s ere fire% in uick succession an% the ne.t instant thetrumpets of the corps rang in his ears ith the en"i$ening strain of (Toarms2( By the time he ha% reache% the groun% occupie% by his sua%ron,the major sa that e$ery man as in acti$e motion& ?aton as a"rea%y inthe sa%%"e, eying the opposite e.tremity of the $a""ey ith theeagerness of e.pectation, an% crying to the musicians, in tones but"itt"e "oer than their on,@@

(Soun% aay, my "a%s, an% "et these Eng"ishmen kno that the -irginiahorse are beteen them an% the en% of their journey&(

The $i%ettes an% patro"s no came pouring in, each making in successionhis hasty report to the comman%ing officer, ho ga$e his or%ers coo""y,an% ith a promptitu%e that ma%e obe%ience certain& =nce on"y, as hehee"e% his horse to ri%e o$er the groun% in front, %i% 'unoo%ie trusthimse"f ith a "ook at the cottage, an% his heart beat ith unusua"

rapi%ity as he sa a fema"e figure stan%ing, ith c"aspe% han%s, at ain%o of the room in hich he ha% met Frances& The %istance as toogreat to %istinguish her features, but the so"%ier cou"% not %oubt thatit as his mistress& The pa"eness of his cheek an% the "anguor of hiseye en%ure% but for a moment "onger& 4s he ro%e toar%s the inten%e%batt"e groun%, a f"ush of ar%or began to sho itse"f on his sunburntfeatures an% his %ragoons, ho stu%ie% the face of their "ea%er, as thebest in%e. to their on fate, sa again the onte% f"ashing of the eyes,an% the cheerfu" animation, hich they ha% so often itnesse% on the e$eof batt"e& By the a%%itions of the $i%ettes an% parties that ha% beenout, an% hich no ha% a"" joine%, the ho"e number of the horse asincrease% to near"y to hun%re%& There as a"so a sma"" bo%y of men,hose or%inary %uties ere those of gui%es, but ho, in cases ofemergency, ere embo%ie% an% %i% %uty as foot so"%iers these ere%ismounte%, an% procee%e%, by the or%er of 'unoo%ie, to "e$e" the fefences hich might interfere ith the inten%e% mo$ements of the ca$a"ry&The neg"ect of husban%ry, hich ha% been occasione% by the ar, "eftthis task comparati$e"y easy& Those "ong "ines of hea$y an% %urab"ea""s, hich no seep through e$ery part of the country, forty yearsago ere unknon& The s"ight an% tottering fences of stone ere thenuse% more to c"ear the "an% for the purposes of cu"ti$ation than aspermanent barriers, an% reuire% the constant attention of thehusban%man, to preser$e them against the fury of the tempests an% thefrosts of inter& Some fe of them ha% been bui"t ith more careimme%iate"y aroun% the %e""ing of Dr& harton but those hich ha%intersecte% the $a"e be"o ere no genera""y a pi"e of ruins, o$erhich the horses of the -irginians ou"% boun% ith the f"eetness of the

in%& =ccasiona""y a short "ine yet preser$e% its erect appearance butas none of those crosse% the groun% on hich 'unoo%ie inten%e% to act,there remaine% on"y the s"ighter fences of rai"s to be thron %on&Their %uty as hasti"y but effectua""y performe% an% the gui%esith%re to the post assigne% to them for the approaching fight&

Dajor 'unoo%ie ha% recei$e% from his scouts a"" the inte""igenceconcerning his foe, hich as necessary to enab"e him to make hisarrangements& The bottom of the $a""ey as an e$en p"ain, that fe"" itha s"ight inc"ination from the foot of the hi""s on either si%e, to the

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"e$e" of a natura" mea%o that oun% through the country on the banks ofa sma"" stream, by hose aters it as often inun%ate% an% ferti"iKe%&This brook as easi"y for%e% in any part of its course an% the on"yimpe%iment it offere% to the mo$ements of the horse, as in a p"acehere it change% its be% from the estern to the eastern si%e of the$a""ey, an% here its banks ere more steep an% %ifficu"t of access thancommon& 0ere the highay crosse% it by a rough oo%en bri%ge, as it %i%again at the %istance of ha"f a mi"e abo$e the ?ocusts&

The hi""s on the eastern si%e of the $a""ey ere abrupt, an% freuent"yobtru%e% themse"$es in rocky prominences into its bosom, "essening thei%th to ha"f the usua" %imensions& =ne of these projections as but ashort %istance in the rear of the sua%ron of %ragoons, an% 'unoo%ie%irecte% Captain ?aton to ith%ra, ith to troops, behin% its co$er&The officer obeye% ith a kin% of sur"y re"uctance, that as, hoe$er,somehat "essene% by the anticipations of the effect his su%%enappearance ou"% make on the enemy& 'unoo%ie kne his man, an% ha%se"ecte% the captain for this ser$ice, both because he feare% hisprecipitation in the fie"%, an% kne, hen nee%e%, his support ou"%ne$er fai" to appear& )t as on"y in front of the enemy that Captain

?aton as hasty at a"" other times his %iscernment an% se"f@possessionere consummate"y preser$e% but he sometimes forgot them in hiseagerness to engage& =n the "eft of the groun% on hich 'unoo%ieinten%e% to meet his foe, as a c"ose oo%, hich skirte% that si%e ofthe $a""ey for the %istance of a mi"e& )nto this, then, the gui%esretire%, an% took their station near its e%ge, in such a manner as ou"%enab"e them to maintain a scattering, but effectua" fire, on thea%$ancing co"umn of the enemy&

)t cannot be suppose% that a"" these preparations ere ma%e unhee%e% bythe inmates of the cottage on the contrary, e$ery fee"ing hich canagitate the human breast, in itnessing such a scene, as acti$e"ya"i$e& Dr& harton a"one sa no hopes to himse"f in the termination ofthe conf"ict& )f the British shou"% pre$ai", his son ou"% be "iberate%but hat ou"% then be his on fate2 0e ha% hitherto preser$e% hisneutra" character in the mi%st of trying circumstances& The fact of hisha$ing a son in the roya", or, as it as ca""e%, the regu"ar army, ha%$ery near"y brought his estates to the hammer& othing ha% ob$iate% thisresu"t, but the poerfu" interest of the re"ation ho he"% a highpo"itica" rank in the state, an% his on $igi"ant pru%ence& )n hisheart, he as a %e$ote% "oya"ist an% hen the b"ushing Frances ha%communicate% to him the ishes of her "o$er, on their return from the4merican camp the prece%ing spring, the consent he ha% gi$en, to herfuture union ith a rebe", as as much e.tracte% by the increasingnecessity hich e.iste% for his obtaining repub"ican support, as by anyconsi%erations for the happiness of his chi"%& Shou"% his son no berescue%, he ou"%, in the pub"ic min%, be unite% ith him as a p"otter

against the free%om of the States an% shou"% he remain a capti$e an%un%ergo the impen%ing tria", the conseuences might be sti"" more%rea%fu"& Duch as he "o$e% his ea"th, Dr& harton "o$e% his chi"%renbetter an% he sat gaKing on the mo$ements ithout, ith a "ist"ess$acancy in his countenance, that fu""y %enote% his imbeci"ity ofcharacter& Far %ifferent ere the fee"ings of the son& Captain hartonha% been "eft in the keeping of to %ragoons, one of hom marche% to an%fro on the piaKKa ith a measure% trea%, an% the other ha% been %irecte%to continue in the same apartment ith his prisoner& The young man ha%itnesse% a"" the mo$ements of 'unoo%ie ith a%miration ming"e% ith

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fearfu" anticipations of the conseuences to frien%s& 0e particu"ar"y%is"ike% the ambush of the %etachment un%er ?aton, ho cou"% be%istinct"y seen from the in%os of the cottage, coo"ing his impatience,by pacing on foot the groun% in front of his men& 0enry harton threse$era" hasty an% inuiring g"ances aroun%, to see if no means of"iberation ou"% offer, but in$ariab"y foun% the eyes of his sentine"fi.e% on him ith the atchfu"ness of an 4rgus& 0e "onge%, ith thear%or of youth, to join in the g"orious fray, but as compe""e% toremain a %issatisfie% spectator of a scene in hich he ou"% socheerfu""y ha$e been an actor& Diss Peyton an% Sarah continue% gaKingon the preparations ith $arie% emotions, in hich concern for the fateof the captain forme% the most prominent fee"ing, unti" the moment ofshe%%ing of b"oo% seeme% approaching, hen, ith the timi%ity of theirse., they sought the retirement of an inner room& ot so Frances shereturne% to the apartment here she ha% "eft 'unoo%ie, an%, from one ofits in%os, ha% been a %eep"y intereste% spectator of a"" hismo$ements& The hee"ings of the troops, the %ea%"y preparations, ha% a""been unnotice% she sa her "o$er on"y, an% ith ming"e% emotions ofa%miration an% %rea% that near"y chi""e% her& 4t one moment the b"oo%rushe% to her heart, as she sa the young arrior ri%ing through his

ranks, gi$ing "ife an% courage to a"" hom he a%%resse% an% the ne.t,it cur%"e% ith the thought that the $ery ga""antry she so much $a"ue%might pro$e the means of p"acing the gra$e beteen her an% the object ofher regar%& Frances gaKe% unti" she cou"% "ook no "onger&

)n a fie"% on the "eft of the cottage, an% at a short %istance in therear of the troops, as a sma"" group, hose occupation seeme% to %ifferfrom that of a"" aroun% them& They ere in number on"y three, being tomen an% a mu"atto boy& The principa" personage of this party as a man,hose "eanness ma%e his rea""y ta"" stature appear e.cessi$e& 0e orespectac"es@@as unarme%, ha% %ismounte%, an% seeme% to be %i$i%ing hisattention beteen a cigar, a book, an% the inci%ents of the fie"% beforehim& To this party Frances %etermine% to sen% a note, %irecte% to'unoo%ie& She rote hasti"y, ith a penci", (Come to me, Peyton, if itbe but for a moment( an% Caesar emerge% from the ce""ar kitchen, takingthe precaution to go by the rear of the bui"%ing, to a$oi% the sentine"on the piaKKa, ho ha% $ery ca$a"ier"y or%ere% a"" the fami"y to remainhouse%& The b"ack %e"i$ere% the note to the gent"eman, ith a reuestthat it might be forar%e% to Dajor 'unoo%ie& )t as the surgeon of thehorse to hom Caesar a%%resse% himse"f an% the teeth of the 4fricanchattere%, as he sa %isp"aye% upon the groun% the se$era" instrumentshich ere in preparation for the anticipate% operations& The %octorhimse"f seeme% to $ie the arrangement ith great satisfaction, as he%e"iberate"y raise% his eyes from his book to or%er the boy to con$eythe note to his comman%ing officer, an% then %ropping them uiet"y onthe page he continue% his occupation& Caesar as s"o"y retiring, as thethir% personage, ho by his %ress might be an inferior assistant of the

surgica" %epartment, coo""y inuire% (if he ou"% ha$e a "eg taken offL(This uestion seeme% to remin% the b"ack of the e.istence of those"imbs, for he ma%e such use of them as to reach the piaKKa at the sameinstant that Dajor 'unoo%ie ro%e up, at ha"f spee%& The brany sentine"suare% himse"f, an% poise% his sor% ith mi"itary precision as hestoo% on his post, hi"e his officer passe% but no sooner ha% the %oorc"ose%, than, turning to the negro, he sai%, sharp"y,@@

(0arkee, b"ackee, if you uit the house again ithout my kno"e%ge, )sha"" turn barber, an% sha$e off one of those ebony ears ith

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this raKor&(

Thus assai"e% in another member, Caesar hasti"y retreate% into hiskitchen, muttering something, in hich the or%s (Skinner,( an% (rebe"rasca",( forme% a principa" part of speech&

(Dajor 'unoo%ie,( sai% Frances to her "o$er as he entere%, () may ha$e%one you injustice if ) ha$e appeare% harsh@@(

The emotions of the agitate% gir" pre$ai"e%, an% she burst into tears&

(Frances,( crie% the so"%ier ith armth, (you are ne$er harsh, ne$erunjust, but hen you %oubt my "o$e&(

(4h2 'unoo%ie,( a%%e% the sobbing gir", (you are about to risk your"ife in batt"e remember that there is one heart hose happiness isbui"t on your safety bra$e ) kno you are3 be pru%ent@@(

(For your sakeL( inuire% the %e"ighte% youth&

(For my sake,( rep"ie% Frances, in a $oice bare"y au%ib"e, an% %roppingon his bosom&

'unoo%ie fo"%e% her to his heart, an% as about to speak, as a trumpetsoun%e% in the southern en% of the $a"e& )mprinting one "ong kiss ofaffection on her unresisting "ips, the so"%ier tore himse"f from hismistress, an% hastene% to the scene of strife&

Frances thre herse"f on a sofa, burie% her hea% un%er its cushion, an%ith her sha" %ran o$er her face, to e.c"u%e as much of soun% aspossib"e, continue% there unti" the shouts of the combatants, theratt"ing of the firearms, an% the thun%ering trea% of the horsesha% cease%&

C04PTE/ -))

  The games afoot  Fo""o your spirit&


The rough an% unimpro$e% face of the country, the freuency of co$ers,together ith the great %istance from their on country, an% the

faci"ities affor%e% them for rapi% mo$ements to the %ifferent points ofthe ar, by the un%ispute% comman% of the ocean, ha% unite% to %eter theEng"ish from emp"oying a hea$y force in ca$a"ry, in their ear"y effortsto sub%ue the re$o"te% co"onies&

=n"y one regiment of regu"ar horse as sent from the mother country,%uring the strugg"e& But "egions an% in%epen%ent corps ere forme% in%ifferent p"aces, as it best accor%e% ith the $ies of the roya"comman%ers, or suite% the e.igency of the times& These ere notunfreuent"y compose% of men raise% in the co"onies, an% at other times

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%rafts ere ha% from the regiments of the "ine, an% the so"%iers erema%e to "ay asi%e the musket an% bayonet, an% taught to ie"% the saberan% carbine& =ne particu"ar bo%y of the subsi%iary troops as inc"u%e%in this arrange ment, an% the 0essian yagers ere transforme% into acorps of hea$y an% inacti$e horse&

=ppose% to them ere the har%iest spirits of 4merica& Dost of theca$a"ry regiments of the continenta" army ere "e% an% officere% bygent"emen from the South& The high an% haughty courage of the comman%ersha% communicate% itse"f to the pri$ates, ho ere men se"ecte% ith carean% great attention to the ser$ice they ere inten%e% to perform&

hi"e the British ere confine% to their empty conuests in thepossession of a fe of the "arger tons, or marche% through countiesthat ere sept of e$erything "ike mi"itary supp"ies, the "ight troopsof their enemies ha% the range of the ho"e interior&

The sufferings of the "ine of the 4merican army ere great beyon%e.amp"e but possessing the poer, an% fee"ing themse"$es engage% in acause hich justifie% se$erity, the ca$a"ry officers ere $igi"ant in

pro$i%ing for their ants, an% the horse ere e"" mounte%, e"" fe%,an% conseuent"y eminent"y effecti$e& Perhaps the or"% cou"% notfurnish more bra$e, enterprising, an% resist"ess corps of "ight ca$a"ry,than a fe that ere in the continenta" ser$ice at the time of hiche rite&

'unoo%ies men ha% often trie% their proess against the enemy, an%they no sat panting to be "e% once more against foes hom they se"%omcharge% in $ain& Their ishes ere soon to be gratifie% for theircomman%er ha% scarce"y time to regain his seat in the sa%%"e, before abo%y of the enemy came seeping roun% the base of the hi"", hichintersecte% the $ie to the south& 4 fe minutes enab"e% the major to%istinguish their character& )n one troop he sa the green coats of theCoboys, an% in the other the "eathern he"mets an% oo%en sa%%"es of theyagers& Their numbers ere about eua" to the bo%y un%er hisimme%iate or%ers&

=n reaching the open space near the cottage of 0ar$ey Birch, the enemyha"te% an% %re up his men in "ine, e$i %ent"y making preparations fora charge& 4t this moment a co"umn of foot appeare% in the $a"e, an%presse% forar% to the bank of the brook e ha$e a"rea%y mentione%&

Dajor 'unoo%ie as not "ess %istinguishe% by coo"ness an% ju%gment,than, here occasion offere%, by his %aunt"ess intrepi%ity& 0e at oncesa his a%$antage, an% %etermine% to profit by it& The co"umn he "e%began s"o"y to retire from the fie"%, hen the youthfu" German, hocomman%e% the enemys horse, fearfu" of missing an easy conuest, ga$e

the or% to charge& Fe troops ere more har%y than the Coboys theysprang eager"y forar% in the pursuit, ith a confi%ence create% by theretiring foe an% the co"umn in their rear the 0essians fo""oe% mores"o"y, but in better or%er& The trumpets of the -irginians no soun%e%"ong an% "i$e"y they ere ansere% by a strain from the party in ambushthat ent to the hearts of their enemies& The co"umn of 'unoo%iehee"e% in perfect or%er, opene%, an%, as the or% to charge as gi$en,the troops of ?aton emerge% from their co$er, ith their "ea%er ina%$ance, a$ing his saber o$er his hea%, an% shouting, in a $oice thatas hear% abo$e the c"angor of the martia" music&

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The charge threatene% too much for the refugee troop& They scattere% ine$ery %irection, f"ying from the fie"% as fast as their horses, thechosen beasts of estchester, cou"% carry them& =n"y a fe ere hurtbut such as %i% meet the arms of their a$enging countrymen ne$ersur$i$e% the b"o, to te"" ho struck it& )t as upon the poor $assa"sof the German tyrant that the shock fe""& 'iscip"ine% to the most e.actobe%ience, these i""@fate% men met the charge bra$e"y, but they eresept before the mett"e% horses an% ner$ous arms of their antagonists"ike chaff before the in%& Dany of them ere "itera""y ri%%en %on, an%'unoo%ie soon sa the fie"% ithout an opposing foe& The pro.imity ofthe infantry pre$ente% pursuit, an% behin% its co"umn the fe 0essiansho escape% unhurt sought protection&

The more cunning refugees %isperse% in sma"" ban%s, taking $arious an%%e$ious routes back to their o"% station in front of 0ar"em& Dany asthe sufferer, in catt"e, furniture, an% person, that as create% by thisrout for the %ispersion of a troop of Coboys as on"y the e.tensionof an e$i"&

Such a scene cou"% not be e.pecte% to be acte% so near them, an% theinmates of the cottage take no interest in the resu"t& )n truth, thefee"ings it e.cite% per$a%e% e$ery bosom, from the kitchen to thepar"or& Terror an% horror ha% pre$ente% the "a%ies from beingspectators, but they %i% not fee" the "ess& Frances continue% "ying inthe posture e ha$e mentione%, offering up fer$ent an% incoherentpetitions for the safety of her countrymen, a"though in her inmost heartshe ha% personifie% her nation by the gracefu" image of Peyton'unoo%ie& 0er aunt an% sister ere "ess e.c"usi$e in their %e$otionsbut Sarah began to fee", as the horrors of ar ere thus brought home toher senses, "ess p"easure in her anticipate% triumphs&

The inmates of Dr& hartons kitchen ere four, name"y, Caesar an% hisspouse, their gran%%aughter, a jet@b"ack %amse" of tenty, an% the boybefore a""u%e% to& The b"acks ere the remnants of a race of negroeshich ha% been entai"e% on his estate from Dr& hartons materna"ancestors, ho ere %escen%e% from the ear"y 'utch co"onists& Time,%epra$ity, an% %eath ha% re%uce% them to this sma"" number an% the boy,ho as hite, ha% been a%%e% by Diss Peyton to the estab"ishment, as anassistant, to perform the or%inary ser$ices of a footman& Caesar, afterfirst using the precaution to p"ace himse"f un%er the co$er of an ang"ein the a"", for a screen against any ro$ing bu""et hich might betra$ersing the air, became an amuse% spectator of the skirmish& Thesentine" on the piaKKa as at the %istance of but a fe feet from him,an% he entere% into the spirit of the chase ith a"" the ar%or of atrie% b"oo%houn%& 0e notice% the approach of the b"ack, an% hisju%icious position, ith a smi"e of contempt, as he suare% himse"f

toar%s the enemy, offering his unprotecte% breast to any %angers hichmight come&

4fter consi%ering the arrangement of Caesar, for a moment, ithineffab"e %is%ain, the %ragoon sai%, ith great coo"ness,@@

(*ou seem $ery carefu" of that beautifu" person of yours, Dr& B"ueskin&(

(4 bu""et hurt a co"ore% man as much as a hite,( muttere% the b"ack,sur"i"y, casting a g"ance of much satisfaction at his rampart&

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(Suppose ) make the e.periment,( returne% the sentine"& 4s he spoke, he%e"iberate"y %re a pisto" from his be"t, an% "e$e"e% it at the b"ack&Caesars teeth chattere% at the appearance of the %ragoon, a"though hebe"ie$e% nothing serious as inten%e%& 4t this moment the co"umn of'unoo%ie began to retire, an% the roya" ca$a"ry commence% their charge&

(There, Dister ?ight@0orseman,( sai% Caesar eager"y, ho be"ie$e% the4mericans ere retiring in earnest (hy you rebe"s %ontfight@@see@@see ho ing Georges men make Dajor 'unoo%ie run2 Goo%gent"eman, too, but he %ont "ike to fight a rig"ar&(

('amn your regu"ars,( crie% the other, fierce"y& (ait a minute,b"ackey, an% you"" see Captain Jack ?aton come out from behin% yon%erhi"", an% scatter these Coboys "ike i"% geese ho$e "osttheir "ea%er&(

Caesar suppose% the party un%er ?aton to ha$e sought the she"ter of thehi"" from moti$es simi"ar to that hich ha% in%uce% him to p"ace thea"" beteen himse"f an% the batt"e groun% but the fact soon $erifie%

the troopers prophecy, an% the b"ack itnesse% ith consternation thetota" rout of the roya" horse&

The sentine" manifeste% his e.u"tation at the success of his comra%esith "ou% shouts, hich soon brought his companion, ho ha% been "eft inthe more imme%iate charge of 0enry harton, to the open in%o ofthe par"or&

(See, Tom, see,( crie% the %e"ighte% trooper, (ho Captain ?aton makesthat 0essians "eather cap f"y an% no the major has ki""e% theofficers horse@@Koun%s, hy %i%nt he ki"" the 'utchman an% sa$ethe horseL(

4 fe pisto"s ere %ischarge% at the f"ying Coboys, an% a spent bu""etbroke a pane of g"ass ithin a fe feet of Caesar& )mitating the postureof the great tempter of our race, the b"ack sought the protection of theinsi%e of the bui"%ing, an% imme%iate"y ascen%e% to the par"or&

The "an in front of the ?ocusts as hi%%en from the $ie of the roa% bya c"ose "ine of shrubbery, an% the horses of the to %ragoons ha% been"eft, "inke% together, un%er its she"ter, to aait the mo$ements oftheir masters&

4t this moment to Coboys, ho ha% been cut off from a retreat to theiron party, ro%e furious"y through the gate, ith an intention ofescaping to the open oo% in the rear of the cottage&

The $ictorious 4mericans presse% the retreating Germans unti" they ha%%ri$en them un%er the protection of the fire of the infantry an%fee"ing themse"$es, in the pri$acy of the "an, re"ie$e% from anyimme%iate %anger, the pre%atory arriors yie"%e% to a temptation thatfe of the corps ere e$er knon to resist@@opportunity an% horsef"esh&ith a har%ihoo% an% presence of min% that cou"% on"y from "ongpractice in simi"ar scenes, they ma%e toar%s their inten%e% priKes, byan a"most spontaneous mo$ement& They ere busi"y engage% in separatingthe fastenings of the horses, hen the trooper on the piaKKa %ischarge%his pisto"s, an% rushe%, sor% in han%, to the rescue&

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The entrance of Caesar into the par"or ha% in%uce% the ary %ragoonithin to turn his attention more c"ose"y on his prisoner but this neinterruption %re him again to the in%o& 0e thre his bo%y out of thebui"%ing, an% ith %rea%fu" imprecations en%ea$ore%, by his threats an%appearance, to frighten the marau%ers from their prey& The moment asenticing& Three hun%re% of his comra%es ere ithin a mi"e of thecottage unri%%en horses ere running at "arge in e$ery %irection, an%0enry harton seiKe% the unconscious sentine" by his "egs, an% thre himhea%"ong into the "an& Caesar $anishe% from the room, an% %re a bo"tof the outer %oor&

The fa"" of the so"%ier as not great, an% reco$ering his feet, heturne% his fury for a moment on his prisoner& To sca"e the in%o in theface of such an enemy, as, hoe$er, impossib"e, an% on tria" he foun%the main entrance barre%&

0is comra%e no ca""e% "ou%"y upon him for ai%, an% forgetfu" ofe$erything e"se, the %iscomfite% trooper rushe% to his assistance& =nehorse as instant"y "iberate%, but the other as a"rea%y fastene% to the

sa%%"e of a Coboy, an% the four retire% behin% the bui"%ing, cuttingfurious"y at each other ith their sabers, an% making the air resoun%ith their imprecations& Caesar thre the outer %oor open, an% pointingto the remaining horse, that as uiet"y biting the fa%e% herbage of the"an, he e.c"aime%,@@

(/un@@no@@run@@Dassa 0arry, run&(

(*es,( crie% the youth as he $au"te% into the sa%%"e, (no, in%ee%, myhonest fe""o, is the time to run&( 0e beckone% hasti"y to his father,ho stoo% at the in%o in speech"ess an.iety, ith his han%s e.ten%e%toar%s his chi"% in the attitu%e of bene%iction, an% a%%ing, (Go% b"essyou, Caesar, sa"ute the gir"s,( he %ashe% through the gate ith therapi%ity of "ightning&

The 4frican atche% him ith an.iety as he gaine% the highay, sa himinc"ine to the right, an% ri%ing furious"y un%er the bro of some rocks,hich on that si%e rose perpen%icu"ar"y, %isappear behin% a projection,hich soon hi% him from $ie&

The %e"ighte% Caesar c"ose% the %oor, pushing bo"t after bo"t, an%turning the key unti" it ou"% turn no more, so"i"ouiKing the ho"etime on the happy escape of his young master&

(0o e"" he ri%e@@teach him goo% %ea" myse"f@@sa"ute a young"a%y@@Diss Fanny ou"%nt "et o"% co"ore% man kiss a re% cheek&(

hen the fortune of the %ay as %eci%e%, an% the time arri$e% for theburia" of the %ea%, to Coboys an% a -irginian ere foun% in the rearof the ?ocusts, to be inc"u%e% in the number&

0appi"y for 0enry harton, the searching eyes of his captors eree.amining, through a pocket g"ass, the co"umn of infantry that sti""he"% its position on the bank of the stream, hi"e the remnants of the0essian yagers ere seeking its frien%"y protection& 0is horse as ofthe best b"oo% of -irginia, an% carrie% him ith the siftness of thein% a"ong the -a""ey an% the heart of the youth as a"rea%y beating

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tumu"tuous"y ith p"easure at his %e"i$erance, hen a e""@knon $oicereache% his start"e% ear, crying a"ou%,@@

(Bra$e"y %one, captain2 'ont spare the hip, an% turn to your "eftbefore you cross the brook&(

harton turne% his hea% in surprise, an% sa, sitting on the point of ajutting rock that comman%e% a bir%s@eye $ie of the $a""ey, his formergui%e, 0ar$ey Birch& 0is pack, much %iminishe% in siKe, "ay at the feetof the pe%%"er, ho a$e% his hat to the youth, e.u"ting"y, as the"atter f"e by him& The Eng"ish captain took the a%$ice of thismysterious being, an% fin%ing a goo% roa%, hich "e% to the highay,that intersecte% the $a""ey, turne% %on its %irection, an% as soonopposite to his frien%s& The ne.t minute he crosse% the bri%ge, an%stoppe% his charger before his o"% acuaintance, Co"one" e""mere&

(Captain harton2( e.c"aime% the astonishe% comman%er of the Eng"ishtroops, (%resse% in mohair, an% mounte% on a rebe" %ragoon horse2 4reyou from the c"ou%s in this attire, an% in such a sty"eL(

(Thank Go%2( crie% the youth, reco$ering his breath, () am safe, an%ha$e escape% from the han%s of my enemies but fi$e minutes since an% )as a prisoner, an% threatene% ith the ga""os&(

(The ga""os, Captain harton2 sure"y those traitors to the king ou"%ne$er %are to commit another mur%er in co"% b"oo% is it not enough thatthey took the "ife of 4n%reL herefore %i% they threaten you ith asimi"ar fateL(

(An%er the pretense of a simi"ar offense,( sai% the captain, brief"ye.p"aining to the group of "isteners the manner of his capture, thegroun%s of his persona" apprehensions, an% the metho% of his escape& Bythe time he ha% conc"u%e% his narration, the fugiti$e Germans ereco""ecte% in the rear of the co"umn of infantry, an% Co"one" e""merecrie% a"ou%,@@

(From my sou" ) congratu"ate you, my bra$e frien% mercy is a ua"ityith hich these traitors are unacuainte%, an% you are %oub"y fortunatein escaping from their han%s uninjure%& Prepare yourse"f to grant meyour assistance an% ) i"" soon affor% you a nob"e re$enge&(

() %o not think there as %anger of persona" outrage to any man, Co"one"e""mere, from a party that Dajor 'unoo%ie comman%s,( returne% youngharton, ith a s"ight g"o on his face& (0is character is abo$e theimputation of such an offense neither %o ) think it a"together pru%entto cross this brook into the open p"ain, in the face of those -irginianhorse, f"ushe% as they must be ith the success they ha$e just


('o you ca"" the rout of those irregu"ars an% these s"uggish 0essians a%ee% to boast ofL( sai% the other ith a contemptuous smi"e& (*ou speakof the affair, Captain harton, as if your boaste% Dr& 'unoo%ie, formajor he is none, ha% %iscomfite% the bo%yguar%s of your king&(

(4n% ) must be a""oe% to say, Co"one" e""mere, that if the bo%yguar%sof my king ere in yon fie"%, they ou"% meet a foe that it ou"% be%angerous to %espise& Sir, my boaste% Dr& 'unoo%ie is the pri%e of

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ashingtons army as a ca$a"ry officer,( crie% 0enry ith armth&

('unoo%ie, 'unoo%ie2( repeate% the co"one" s"o"y, (sure"y ) ha$e metthe gent"eman before&(

() ha$e been to"% you once sa him for a moment, at the ton resi%enceof my sisters,( rep"ie% harton, ith a "urking smi"e&

(4h2 ) %o remember me of such a youth an% %oes the most potent congressof these rebe""ious co"onies intrust their so"%iers to the "ea%ing ofsuch a arrior2(

(4sk the comman%er of yon 0essian horse, hether he thinks Dajor'unoo%ie orthy of the confi%ence&(

Co"one" e""mere as far from anting that kin% of pri%e hich makes aman bear himse"f bra$e"y in the presence of his enemies& 0e ha% ser$e%in 4merica a "ong time, ithout e$er meeting ith any but ne raise%"e$ies, or the mi"itia of the country& These ou"% sometimes fight, an%that fear"ess"y, but they as often chose to run aay ithout pu""ing a

trigger& 0e as too apt to ju%ge from e.terna"s, an% thought itimpossib"e for men hose gaiters ere so c"ean, hose trea% so regu"ar,an% ho hee"e% ith so much accuracy, to be beaten& )n a%%ition to a""these, they ere Eng"ishmen, an% their success as certain& Co"one"e""mere ha% ne$er been kept much in the fie"%, or these notions, hichhe ha% brought ith him from home, an% hich ha% been great"y increase%by the $aporing of a garrisone% ton, ou"% ha$e "ong since $anishe%& 0e"istene% to the arm rep"y of Captain harton ith a superci"ious smi"e,an% then inuire%,@@

(*ou ou"% not ha$e us retire, sir, before these boaste% horsemen,ithout %oing something that may %epri$e them of part of the g"ory hichyou appear to think they ha$e gaine%2(

() ou"% ha$e you a%$ise%, Co"one" e""mere, of the %anger you are aboutto encounter&(

('anger is but an unseem"y or% for a so"%ier,( continue% the Britishcomman%er ith a sneer&

(4n% one as "itt"e %rea%e% by the 76th, as any corps ho ear the roya""i$ery,( crie% 0enry harton, fierce"y& (Gi$e but the or% to charge,an% "et our actions speak&(

(o again ) kno my young frien%,( crie% e""mere, soothing"y (but ifyou ha$e anything to say before e fight, that can in any manner he"p usin our attack, e"" "isten& *ou kno the force of the rebe"s are there

more of them in ambushL(

(*es,( rep"ie% the youth, chafing sti"" un%er the others sneers, (inthe skirt of this oo% on our right are a sma"" party of foot theirhorse are a"" before you&(

(here they i"" not continue "ong,( crie% e""mere, turning to the feofficers aroun% him& (Gent"emen, e i"" cross the stream in co"umn, an%%ep"oy on the p"ain beyon%, or e"se e sha"" not be ab"e to entice these$a"iant *ankees ithin the reach of our muskets& Captain harton, )

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c"aim your assistance as an ai%@%e@camp&(

The youth shook his hea% in %isapprobation of a mo$ement hich his goo%sense taught him as rash, but prepare% ith a"acrity to perform his%uty in the impen%ing tria"&

'uring this con$ersation, hich as he"% at a sma"" %istance in a%$anceof the British co"umn, an% in fu"" $ie of the 4mericans, 'unoo%ie ha%been co""ecting his scattere% troops, securing his fe prisoners, an%retiring to the groun% here he ha% been poste% at the first appearanceof his enemy& Satisfie% ith the success he ha% a"rea%y obtaine%, an%be"ie$ing the Eng"ish too ary to gi$e him an opportunity of harassingthem further, he as about to ith%ra the gui%es an%, "ea$ing a strongparty on the groun% to atch the mo$ements of the regu"ars, to fa"" backa fe mi"es, to a fa$orab"e p"ace for taking up his uarters for thenight& Captain ?aton as re"uctant"y "istening to the reasoning of hiscomman%er, an% ha% brought out his fa$orite g"ass, to see if no openingcou"% be foun% for an a%$antageous attack, hen he su%%en"y e.c"aime%,@@

(0os this2 a b"uecoat among those scar"et gentryL 4s ) hope to "i$e to

see o"% -irginia, it is my masuera%ing frien% of the 7oth, thehan%some Captain harton, escape% from to of my best men2(

0e ha% not %one speaking hen the sur$i$or of these heroes joine% histroop, bringing ith him his on horse an% those of the Coboys hereporte% the %eath of his comra%e, an% the escape of his prisoner& 4sthe %ecease% as the imme%iate sentine" o$er the person of youngharton, an% the other as not to be b"ame% for %efen%ing the horses,hich ere more particu"ar"y un%er his care, his captain hear% him ithuneasiness but ithout anger&

This inte""igence ma%e an entire change in the $ies of Dajor 'unoo%ie&0e sa at once that his on reputation as in$o"$e% in the escape of hisprisoner& The or%er to reca"" the gui%es as counterman%e%, an% he nojoine% his secon% in comman%, atching as eager"y as the impetuous?aton himse"f, for some opening to assai" his foe to a%$antage&

But to hours before, an% 'unoo%ie ha% fe"t the chance hich ma%e 0enryharton his capti$e, as the se$erest b"o he ha% e$er sustaine%& o hepante% for an opportunity in hich, by risking his on "ife, he mightrecapture his frien%& 4"" other consi%erations ere "ost in the goa%ingsof a oun%e% spirit, an% he might ha$e soon emu"ate% ?aton inhar%ihoo%, ha% not e""mere an% his troops at this moment crosse% thebrook into the open p"ain&

(There,( crie% the %e"ighte% captain, as he pointe% out the mo$ementith his finger, (there comes John Bu"" into the mousetrap, an% ith

eyes i%e open&(

(Sure"y,( sai% 'unoo%ie eager"y, (he i"" not %ep"oy his co"umn on thatf"at& harton must te"" him of the ambush& But if he %oes@@(

(e i"" not "ea$e him a %oKen soun% skins in his batta"ion,(interrupte% the other, springing into his sa%%"e&

The truth as soon apparent for the Eng"ish co"umn, after a%$ancing fora short %istance on the "e$e" "an%, %ep"oye% ith an accuracy that

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ou"% ha$e %one them honor on a fie"% %ay in their on 0y%e Park&

(Prepare to mount@mount2( crie% 'unoo%ie the "ast or% being repeate%by ?aton in a tone that rang in the ears of Caesar, ho stoo% at theopen in%o of the cottage& The b"ack recoi"e% in %ismay, ha$ing "osta"" his confi%ence in Captain ?atons timi%ity for he thought he yetsa him emerging from his co$er an% a$ing his sor% on high&

4s the British "ine a%$ance% s"o"y an% in e.act or%er, the gui%esopene% a ga""ing fire& )t began to annoy that part of the roya" troopshich as nearest to them& e""mere "istene% to the a%$ice of the$eteran, ho as ne.t to him in rank, an% or%ere% to companies to%is"o%ge the 4merican foot from their hi%ing p"ace& The mo$ement create%a s"ight confusion an% 'unoo%ie seiKe% the opportunity to charge& ogroun% cou"% be more fa$orab"e for the maneu$ers of horse, an% theattack of the -irginians as irresistib"e& )t as aime% chief"y at thebank opposite to the oo%, in or%er to c"ear the 4mericans from the fireof their frien%s ho ere concea"e% an% it as comp"ete"y successfu"&e""mere, ho as on the "eft of his "ine, as o$erthron by theimpetuous fury of his assai"ants& 'unoo%ie as in time to sa$e him from

the impen%ing b"o of one of his men, an% raise% him from the groun%,ha% him p"ace% on a horse, an% %e"i$ere% to the custo%y of his or%er"y&The officer ho ha% suggeste% the attack upon the gui%es ha% beenintruste% ith its e.ecution, but the menace as sufficient for theseirregu"ars& )n fact, their %uty as performe%, an% they retire% a"ongthe skirt of the oo%, ith intent to regain their horses, hich ha%been "eft un%er a guar% at the upper en% of the $a""ey&

The "eft of the British "ine as outf"anke% by the 4mericans, ho%oub"e% in their rear, an% thus ma%e the rout in that uarter tota"& Butthe secon% in comman%, percei$ing ho the batt"e ent, prompt"y hee"e%his party, an% thre in a hea$y fire on the %ragoons, as they passe%him to the charge ith this party as 0enry harton, ho ha%$o"unteere% to assist in %ispersing the gui%es& 4 ba"" struck his bri%"earm, an% compe""e% him to change han%s& 4s the %ragoons %ashe% by them,ren%ing the air ith their shouts, an% ith trumpets soun%ing a "i$e"ystrain, the charger ri%%en by the youth became ungo$ernab"e@@he p"unge%,reare%, an% his ri%er being unab"e ith his oun%e% arm, to manage theimpatient anima", 0enry harton foun% himse"f, in "ess than a minute,uni""ing"y ri%ing by the si%e of Captain ?aton& The %ragooncomprehen%e% at a g"ance the "u%icrous situation of his ne comra%e, butha% on"y time to cry a"ou%, before they p"unge% into the Eng"ish "ine,@@

(The horse knos the righteous cause better than his ri%er& Captainharton, you are e"come to the ranks of free%om&(

o time as "ost, hoe$er, by ?aton, after the charge as comp"ete%, in

securing his prisoner again an% percei$ing him to be hurt, he %irecte%him to be con$eye% to the rear&

The -irginian troopers %ea"t out their fa$ors, ith no gent"e han%s, onthat part of the roya" foot ho ere thus "eft in a great measure attheir mercy& 'unoo%ie, obser$ing that the remnant of the 0essians ha%again $enture% on the p"ain, "e% on in pursuit, an% easi"y o$ertakingtheir "ight an% ha"f@fe% horses, soon %estroye% the remain%er of the%etachment&

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)n the meanhi"e, great numbers of the Eng"ish, taking a%$antage of thesmoke an% confusion in the fie"%, ere enab"e% to get in the rear of thebo%y of their countrymen, hich sti"" preser$e% its or%er in a "inepara""e" to the oo%, but hich ha% been ob"ige% to ho"% its fire, fromthe fear of injuring frien%s as e"" as foes& The fugiti$es ere%irecte% to form a secon% "ine ithin the oo% itse"f, an% un%er co$erof the trees& This arrangement as not yet comp"ete%, hen Captain?aton ca""e% to a youth, ho comman%e% the other troop "eft ith thatpart of the force hich remaine% on the groun%, an% propose% chargingthe unbroken "ine of the British& The proposa" as as prompt"y accepte%as it ha% been ma%e, an% the troops ere arraye% for the purpose& Theeagerness of their "ea%er pre$ente% the preparations necessary to insuresuccess, an% the horse, recei$ing a %estructi$e fire as they a%$ance%,ere thron into a%%itiona" confusion& Both ?aton an% his more ju$eni"ecomra%e fe"" at this %ischarge& Fortunate"y for the cre%it of the-irginians, Dajor 'unoo%ie reentere% the fie"% at this critica"instant he sa his troops in %isor%er at his feet "ay e"tering inb"oo% George Sing"eton, a youth en%eare% to him by number"ess $irtues,an% ?aton as unhorse% an% stretche% on the p"ain& The eye of theyouthfu" arrior f"ashe% fire& /i%ing beteen this sua%ron an% the

enemy, in a $oice that reache% the hearts of his %ragoons, he reca""e%them to their %uty& 0is presence an% or% acte% "ike magic& The c"amorof $oices cease% the "ine as forme% prompt"y an% ith e.actitu%e thecharge soun%e% an%, "e% on by their comman%er, the -irginians septacross the p"ain ith an impetuosity that nothing cou"% ithstan%, an%the fie"% as instant"y c"eare% of the enemy those ho ere not%estroye% sought a she"ter in the oo%s& 'unoo%ie s"o"y ith%re fromthe fire of the Eng"ish ho ere co$ere% by the trees, an% commence% thepainfu" %uty of co""ecting his %ea% an% oun%e%&

The sergeant charge% ith con%ucting 0enry harton to a p"ace here hemight procure surgica" ai%, set about performing his %uty ith a"acrity,in or%er to return as soon as possib"e to the scene of strife& They ha%not reache% the mi%%"e of the p"ain, before the captain notice% a manhose appearance an% occupation forcib"y arreste% his attention& 0ishea% as ba"% an% bare, but a e""@po%ere% ig as to be seen,ha"f@concea"e%, in the pocket of his breeches& 0is coat as off, an% hisarms ere nake% to the e"bo b"oo% ha% %isfigure% much of his %ress,an% his han%s, an% e$en face, bore this mark of his profession in hismouth as a cigar in his right han% some instruments of strangeformation, an% in his "eft the remnants of an app"e, ith hich heoccasiona""y re"ie$e% the %uty of the before@mentione% cigar& 0e asstan%ing, "ost in the contemp"ation of a 0essian, ho "ay breath"essbefore him& 4t a "itt"e %istance ere three or four of the gui%es,"eaning on their muskets, an% straining their eyes in the %irection ofthe combatants, an% at his e"bo stoo% a man ho, from the imp"ements inhis han%, seeme% an assistant&

(There, sir, is the %octor,( sai% the atten%ant of 0enry $ery coo""y&(0e i"" patch up your arm in the tink"ing of an eye( an% beckoning tothe gui%es to approach, he hispere% an% pointe% to his prisoner, an%then ga""ope% furious"y toar%s his comra%es&

harton a%$ance% to the si%e of this strange figure, an% obser$inghimse"f to be unnotice%, as about to reuest his assistance, hen theother broke si"ence in a so"i"ouy3@@

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(o, ) kno this man to ha$e been ki""e% by Captain ?aton, as e"" asif ) ha% seen him strike the b"o& 0o often ha$e ) stro$e to teach himthe manner in hich he can %isab"e his a%$ersary, ithout %estroying"ife2 )t is crue" thus unnecessari"y to cut off the human race, an%furthermore, such b"os as these ren%er professiona" assistanceunnecessary it is in a measure treating the "ights of science ith%isrespect&(

()f, sir, your "eisure i"" a%mit,( sai% 0enry harton, () must beg yourattention to a s"ight hurt&(

(4h2( crie% the other, starting, an% e.amining him from hea% to foot,(you are from the fie"% be"o& )s there much business there, sirL(

()n%ee%,( ansere% 0enry, accepting the offer of the surgeon to assistin remo$ing his coat, (tis a stirring time&(

(Stirring2( repeate% the surgeon, busi"y emp"oye% ith his %ressings(you gi$e me great p"easure, sir for so "ong as they can stir theremust be "ife an% hi"e there is "ife, you kno, there is hope but here

my art is of no use& ) %i% put in the brains of one patient, but )rather think the man must ha$e been %ea% before ) sa him& )t is acurious case, sir ) i"" take you to see it@@on"y across the fencethere, here you may percei$e so many bo%ies together& 4h2 the ba"" hasg"ance% aroun% the bone ithout shattering it you are fortunate infa""ing into the han%s of an o"% practitioner, or you might ha$e "ostthis "imb&(

()n%ee%2( sai% 0enry, ith a s"ight uneasiness& () %i% not apprehen% theinjury to be so serious&(

(=h, the hurt is not ba%, but you ha$e such a pretty arm for anoperation the p"easure of the thing might ha$e tempte% a no$ice&(

(The %e$i"2( crie% the captain& (Can there be any p"easure in muti"atinga fe""o creatureL(

(Sir,( sai% the surgeon, ith gra$ity, (a scientific amputation is a$ery pretty operation, an% %oubt"ess might tempt a younger man, in thehurry of business, to o$er"ook a"" the particu"ars of the case&(

Further con$ersation as interrupte% by the appearance of the %ragoons,s"o"y marching toar%s their former ha"ting p"ace, an% ne app"icationsfrom the s"ight"y oun%e% so"%iers, ho no came ri%ing in, making hasty%eman%s on the ski"" of the %octor&

The gui%es took charge of harton, an%, ith a hea$y heart, the young

man retrace% his steps to his fathers cottage&

The Eng"ish ha% "ost in the se$era" charges about one thir% of theirfoot, but the remain%er ere ra""ie% in the oo% an% 'unoo%ie,percei$ing them to be too strong"y poste% to assai", ha% "eft a strongparty ith Captain ?aton, ith or%ers to atch their motions, an% to

seiKe e$ery opportunity to harass them before they re�mbarke%&

)nte""igence ha% reache% the major of another party being out, by theay of the 0u%son, an% his %uty reuire% that he shou"% ho"% himse"f in

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rea%iness to %efeat the intentions of these a"so& Captain ?atonrecei$e% his or%ers ith strong injunctions to make no assau"t on thefoe, un"ess a fa$orab"e chance shou"% offer&

The injury recei$e% by this officer as in the hea%, being stunne% by ag"ancing bu""et an% parting ith a "aughing %ec"aration from the major,that if he again forgot himse"f, they shou"% a"" think him moremateria""y hurt, each took his on course&

The British ere a "ight party ithout baggage, that ha% been sent outto %estroy certain stores, un%erstoo% to be co""ecting for the use ofthe 4merican army& They no retire% through the oo%s to the heights,an%, keeping the route a"ong their summits, in p"aces unassai"ab"e byca$a"ry, commence% a retreat to their boats&

C04PTE/ -)))

  ith fire an% sor% the country roun%  as aste% far an% i%e  4n% many a chi"%ing mother then,  4n% ne@born infant, %ie%  But things "ike these, you kno, must be  4t e$ery famous $ictory&  @@S=AT0E*&

The "ast soun%s of the combat %ie% on the ears of the an.ious "istenersin the cottage, an% ere succee%e% by the sti""ness of suspense& Francesha% continue% by herse"f, stri$ing to e.c"u%e the uproar, an% $ain"yen%ea$oring to summon reso"ution to meet the %rea%e% resu"t& The groun%here the charge on the foot ha% taken p"ace as but a short mi"e fromthe ?ocusts, an%, in the inter$a"s of the musketry, the cries of theso"%iers ha% e$en reache% the ears of its inhabitants& 4fter itnessingthe escape of his son, Dr& harton ha% joine% his sister an% e"%est%aughter in their retreat, an% the three continue% fearfu""y aiting fornes from the fie"%& Anab"e "onger to remain un%er the painfu"uncertainty of her situation, Frances soon a%%e% herse"f to the uneasygroup, an% Caesar as %irecte% to e.amine into the state of thingsithout, an% report on hose banners $ictory ha% a"ighte%& The fatherno brief"y re"ate% to his astonishe% chi"%ren the circumstance an%manner of their brothers escape& They ere yet in the freshness oftheir surprise, hen the %oor opene%, an% Captain harton, atten%e% by acoup"e of the gui%es, an% fo""oe% by the b"ack, stoo% before them&

(0enry@@my son, my son,( crie% the agitate% parent, stretching out hisarms, yet unab"e to rise from his seat (hat is it ) see are you againa capti$e, an% in %anger of your "ifeL(

(The better fortune of these rebe"s has pre$ai"e%,( sai% the youth,en%ea$oring to force a cheerfu" smi"e, an% taking a han% of each of his%istresse% sisters& () stro$e nob"y for my "iberty but the per$ersespirit of rebe""ion has e$en "ighte% on their horses& The stee% )mounte% carrie% me, great"y against my i"", ) ackno"e%ge, into the$ery center of 'unoo%ies men&(

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(4n% you ere again capture%,( continue% the father, casting a fearfu"g"ance on the arme% atten%ants ho ha% entere% the room&

(That, sir, you may safe"y say this Dr& ?aton, ho sees so far, ha% mein custo%y again imme%iate"y&(

(hy you no ho"% em in, Dassa 0enryL( crie% Caesar, pettish"y&

(That,( sai% harton, smi"ing, (as a thing easier sai% than %one, Dr&Caesar, especia""y as these gent"emen( Hg"ancing his eyes at the gui%esI(ha% seen proper to %epri$e me of the use of my better arm&(

(oun%e%2( e.c"aime% both sisters in a breath&

(4 mere scratch, but %isab"ing me at a most critica" moment,( continue%the brother, kin%"y, an% stretching out the injure% "imb to manifest thetruth of his %ec"aration& Caesar thre a "ook of bitter animosity on theirregu"ar arriors ho ere thought to ha$e ha% an agency in the %ee%,an% "eft the room& 4 fe more or%s suffice% to e.p"ain a"" that Captain

harton kne re"ati$e to the fortune of the %ay& The resu"t he thoughtyet %oubtfu", for hen he "eft the groun%, the -irginians ere retiringfrom the fie"% of batt"e&

(They ha% tree% the suirre",( sai% one of the sentine"s abrupt"y, (an%%i%nt uit the groun% ithout "ea$ing a goo% houn% for the chase henhe comes %on&(

(4ye,( a%%e% his comra%e %ry"y, ()m thinking Captain ?aton i"" countthe noses of hat are "eft before they see their ha"eboats&(

Frances ha% stoo% supporting herse"f, by the back of a chair, %uringthis %ia"ogue, catching, in breath"ess an.iety, e$ery sy""ab"e as it asuttere% her co"or change% rapi%"y her "imbs shook un%er her unti",ith %esperate reso"ution, she inuire%,@@

()s any officer hurt on@@the@@on either si%eL(

(*es,( ansere% the man, ca$a"ier"y, (these Southern youths are so fu""of mett"e, that its se"%om e fight but one or to gets knocke% o$erone of the oun%e%, ho came up before the troops, to"% me that CaptainSing"eton as ki""e%, an% Dajor 'unoo%ie@@(

Frances hear% no more, but fe"" "ife"ess in the chair behin% her& Theattention of her frien%s soon re$i$e% her hen the captain, turning tothe man, sai% fearfu""y,@@

(Sure"y Dajor 'unoo%ie is unhurtL(

(e$er fear him,( a%%e% the gui%e, %isregar%ing the agitation of thefami"y& (They say a man ho is born to be hange% i"" ne$er be %rone%if a bu""et cou"% ki"" the major, he ou"% ha$e been %ea% "ong ago& )as going to say, that the major is in a sa% taking because of thecaptains being ki""e% but ha% ) knon ho much store the "a%y set byhim, ) ou"%nt ha$e been so p"ain@spoken&(

Frances no rose uick"y from her seat, ith cheeks g"oing ith

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confusion, an%, "eaning on her aunt, as about to retire, hen 'unoo%iehimse"f appeare%& The first emotion of the agitate% gir" as una""oye%happiness in the ne.t instant she shrank back appa""e% from the unusua"e.pression that reigne% in his countenance& The sternness of batt"e yetsat on his bro his eye as fi.e% an% se$ere& The smi"e of affectionthat use% to "ighten his %ark features on meeting his mistress, assupp"ante% by the "oering "ook of care his ho"e sou" seeme% to beabsorbe% in one engrossing emotion, an% he procee%e% at once tohis object&

(Dr& harton,( he earnest"y began, (in times "ike these, e nee% notstan% on i%"e ceremony3 one of my officers, ) am afrai%, is hurtmorta""y an%, presuming on your hospita"ity, ) ha$e brought him toyour %oor&(

() am happy, sir, that you ha$e %one so,( sai% Dr& harton, at oncepercei$ing the importance of conci"iating the 4merican troops& (Thenecessitous are a"ays e"come, an% %oub"y so, in being the frien% ofDajor 'unoo%ie&(

(Sir, ) thank you for myse"f, an% in beha"f of him ho is unab"e toren%er you his thanks,( returne% the other, hasti"y& ()f you p"ease, ei"" ha$e him con%ucte% here the surgeon may see an% report upon hiscase ithout %e"ay&( To this there cou"% be no objection an% Francesfe"t a chi"" at her heart, as her "o$er ith%re, ithout casting aso"itary "ook on herse"f&

There is a %e$ote%ness in fema"e "o$e that a%mits of no ri$a"ry& 4"" theten%erness of the heart, a"" the poers of the imagination, are en"iste%in beha"f of the tyrant passion an% here a"" is gi$en, much is "ooke%for in return& Frances ha% spent hours of anguish, of torture, onaccount of 'unoo%ie, an% he no met her ithout a smi"e, an% "eft herithout a greeting& The ar%or of her fee"ings as unabate%, but thee"asticity of her hopes as eakene%& 4s the supporters of the near"y"ife"ess bo%y of 'unoo%ies frien% passe% her, in their ay to theapartment prepare% for his reception, she caught a $ie of thisseeming ri$a"&

0is pa"e an% ghast"y countenance, sunken eye, an% %ifficu"t breathing,ga$e her a g"impse of %eath in its most fearfu" form& 'unoo%ie as byhis si%e an% he"% his han%, gi$ing freuent an% stern injunctions to themen to procee% ith care, an%, in short, manifesting a"" the so"icitu%ethat the most ten%er frien%ship cou"%, on such an occasion, inspire&Frances mo$e% "ight"y before them, an%, ith an a$erte% face, she he"%open the %oor for their passage to the be% it as on"y as the majortouche% her garments, on entering the room, that she $enture% to raiseher mi"% b"ue eyes to his face& But the g"ance as unreturne%, an%

Frances unconscious"y sighe% as she sought the so"itu%e of her onapartment&

Captain harton $o"untari"y ga$e a p"e%ge to his keepers not to attemptagain escaping, an% then procee%e% to e.ecute those %uties on beha"f ofhis father, hich ere thought necessary in a host& =n entering thepassage for that purpose, he met the operator ho ha% so %e.terous"y%resse% his arm, a%$ancing to the room of the oun%e% officer&

(4h2( crie% the %iscip"e of 4escu"apius, () see you are %oing e"" but

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stop ha$e you a pinL o2 here, ) ha$e one you must keep the co"% airfrom your hurt, or some of the youngsters i"" be at ork at you yet&(

(Go% forbi%,( muttere% the captain, in an un%ertone, attenti$e"ya%justing the ban%ages, hen 'unoo%ie appeare% at the %oor, impatient"ycrying a"ou%,@@

(0asten, Sitgrea$es, hasten or George Sing"eton i"" %ie from "oss ofb"oo%&(

(hat2 Sing"eton2 Go% forbi%2 B"ess me@@is it George@@poor "itt"eGeorgeL( e.c"aime% the surgeon, as he uickene% his pace ith e$i%entconcern, an% hastene% to the si%e of the be%& (0e is a"i$e, though, an%hi"e there is "ife there is hope& This is the first serious case ) ha$eha% to@%ay, here the patient as not a"rea%y %ea%& Captain ?atonteaches his men to strike ith so "itt"e %iscretion@@poor George@@b"essme, it is a musket bu""et&(

The youthfu" sufferer turne% his eyes on the man of science, an% ith afaint smi"e en%ea$ore% to stretch forth his han%& There as an appea" in

the "ook an% action that touche% the heart of the operator& The surgeonremo$e% his spectac"es to ipe an unusua" moisture from his eyes, an%procee%e% carefu""y to the %ischarge of his %uty& hi"e the pre$iousarrangements ere, hoe$er, making, he ga$e $ent in some measure to hisfee"ings, by saying,@@

(hen it is on"y a bu""et, ) ha$e a"ays some hopes there is a chancethat it hits nothing $ita"& But, b"ess me, Captain ?atons men cut soat ran%om@@genera""y se$er the jugu"ar or the caroti% artery, or "et outthe brains, an% a"" are so %ifficu"t to reme%y@@the patient most"y %yingbefore one can get at him& ) ne$er ha% success but once in rep"acing amans brains, a"though ) ha$e trie% three this $ery %ay& )t is easy tote"" here ?atons troops charge in a batt"e, they cut so at ran%om&(

The group aroun% the be% of Captain Sing"eton ere too much accustome%to the manner of their surgeon to regar% or to rep"y to his so"i"ouybut they uiet"y aaite% the moment hen he as to commence hise.amination& This no took p"ace, an% 'unoo%ie stoo% "ooking theoperator in the face, ith an e.pression that seeme% to rea% his sou"&The patient shrank from the app"ication of the probe, an% a smi"e sto"eo$er the features of the surgeon, as he muttere%,@@

(There has been nothing before it in that uarter&( 0e no app"ie%himse"f in earnest to his ork, took off his spectac"es, an% thre asi%ehis ig& 4"" this time 'unoo%ie stoo% in fe$erish si"ence, ho"%ing oneof the han%s of the sufferer in both his on, atching the countenanceof 'octor Sitgrea$es& 4t "ength Sing"eton ga$e a s"ight groan, an% the

surgeon rose ith a"acrity, an% sai% a"ou%,@@

(4h2 there is some p"easure in fo""oing a bu""et it may be sai% tomean%er through the human bo%y, injuring nothing $ita" but as forCaptain ?atons men@@(

(Speak,( interrupte% 'unoo%ie (is there hopeL@@can you fin% the ba""L(

()ts no %ifficu"t matter to fin% that hich one has in his han%, Dajor'unoo%ie,( rep"ie% the surgeon, coo""y, preparing his %ressings& ()t

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took hat that "itera" fe""o, Captain ?aton, ca""s a circumben%ibus,a route ne$er taken by the sor%s of his men, notithstan%ing themu"tip"ie% pains ) ha$e been at to teach him ho to cut scientifica""y&o, ) sa a horse this %ay ith his hea% ha"f se$ere% from his bo%y&(

(That,( sai% 'unoo%ie, as the b"oo% rushe% to his cheeks again, an% his%ark eyes spark"e% ith the rays of hope, (as some of my han%iork )ki""e% that horse myse"f&(

(*ou2( e.c"aime% the surgeon, %ropping his %ressings in surprise, (you2But you kne it as a horse2(

() ha% such suspicions, ) on,( sai% the major, smi"ing, an% ho"%ing abe$erage to the "ips of his frien%&

(Such b"os a"ighting on the human frame are fata",( continue% the%octor, pursuing his business& (They set at naught the benefits hichf"o from the "ights of science they are use"ess in a batt"e, for%isab"ing your foe is a"" that is reuire%& ) ha$e sat, Dajor 'unoo%ie,many a co"% hour, hi"e Captain ?aton has been engage%, an% after a""

my e.pectation, not a sing"e case orth recor%ing has occurre%@@a""scratches or %eath oun%s& 4h2 the saber is a sa% eapon in unski""fu"han%s2 *es, Dajor 'unoo%ie, many are the hours ) ha$e thron aay inen%ea$oring to impress this truth on Captain John ?aton&(

The impatient major pointe% si"ent"y to his frien%, an% the surgeonuickene% his mo$ements&

(4h2 poor George, it is a narro chance but(@@he as interrupte% by amessenger reuiring the presence of the comman%ing officer in the fie"%&'unoo%ie presse% the han% of his frien%, an% beckone% the %octor tofo""o him, as he ith%re&

(hat think youL( he hispere%, on reaching the passage& (i"" he "i$eL(

(0e i""&(

(Thank Go%2( crie% the youth, hastening be"o&

'unoo%ie for a moment joine% the fami"y, ho ere no co""ecting in theor%inary par"or& 0is face as no "onger anting in smi"es, an% hissa"utations, though hasty, ere cor%ia"& 0e took no notice of the escapean% capture of 0enry harton, but seeme% to think the young man ha%continue% here he ha% "eft him before the encounter& =n the groun% theyha% not met& The Eng"ish officer ith%re in haughty si"ence to ain%o, "ea$ing the major uninterrupte% to make his communications&

The e.citement pro%uce% by the e$ents of the %ay in the youthfu"fee"ings of the sisters, ha% been succee%e% by a "anguor that kept themboth si"ent, an% 'unoo%ie he"% his %iscourse ith Diss Peyton&

()s there any hope, my cousin, that your frien% can sur$i$e his oun%L(sai% the "a%y, a%$ancing toar%s her kinsman, ith a smi"e ofbene$o"ent regar%&

(E$erything, my %ear ma%am, e$erything,( ansere% the so"%iercheerfu""y& (Sitgrea$es says he i"" "i$e, an% he has ne$er

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%ecei$e% me&(

(*our p"easure is not much greater than my on at this inte""igence& =neso %ear to Dajor 'unoo%ie cannot fai" to e.cite an interest in thebosom of his frien%s&(

(Say one so %eser$e%"y %ear, ma%am,( returne% the major, ith armth&(0e is the beneficent spirit of the corps, eua""y be"o$e% by us a"" somi"%, so eua", so just, so generous, ith the meekness of a "amb an%the fon%ness of a %o$e@@it is on"y in the hour of batt"e that Sing"etonis a "ion&(

(*ou speak of him as if he ere your mistress, Dajor 'unoo%ie,(obser$e% the smi"ing spinster, g"ancing her eye at her niece, ho satpa"e an% "istening, in a corner of the room&

() "o$e him as one,( crie% the e.cite% youth& (But he reuires care an%nursing a"" no %epen%s on the attention he recei$es&(

(Trust me, sir, he i"" ant for nothing un%er this roof&(

(Par%on me, %ear ma%am you are a"" that is bene$o"ent, but Sing"etonreuires a care hich many men ou"% fee" to be irksome& )t is atmoments "ike these, an% in sufferings "ike this, that the so"%ier mostfin%s the ant of fema"e ten%erness&( 4s he spoke, he turne% his eyes onFrances ith an e.pression that again thri""e% to the heart of hismistress she rose from her seat ith burning cheeks, an% sai%,@@

(4"" the attention that can ith propriety be gi$en to a stranger, i""be cheerfu""y bestoe% on your frien%&(

(4h2( crie% the major, shaking his hea%, (that co"% or% propriety i""ki"" him he must be fostere%, cherishe%, soothe%&(

(These are offices for a sister or a ife&(

(4 sister2( repeate% the so"%ier, the b"oo% rushing to his on facetumu"tuous"y (a sister2 0e has a sister an% one that might be hereith to@morros sun&( 0e pause%, muse% in si"ence, g"ance% his eyesuneasi"y at Frances, an% muttere% in an un%ertone, (Sing"eton reuiresit, an% it must be %one&(

The "a%ies ha% atche% his $arying countenance in some surprise, an%Diss Peyton no obser$e% that,@@

()f there ere a sister of Captain Sing"eton near them, her presenceou"% be g"a%"y reueste% both by herse"f an% nieces&(

()t must be, ma%am it cannot e"" be otherise,( rep"ie% 'unoo%ie,ith a hesitation that but i"" agree% ith his former %ec"arations& (Shesha"" be sent for this $ery night&( 4n% then, as if i""ing tochange the subject, he approache% Captain harton, an% continue%,mi"%"y,@@

(0enry harton, to me honor is %earer than "ife but in your han%s )kno it can safe"y be confi%e%& /emain here unatche% unti" e "ea$e thecounty, hich i"" not be for some %ays&(

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The %istance in the manner of the Eng"ish officer $anishe%, an% takingthe offere% han% of the other, he rep"ie% ith armth, (*our generousconfi%ence, Peyton, i"" not be abuse%, e$en though the gibbet on hichyour ashington hung 4n%re be rea%y for my on e.ecution&(

(0enry, 0enry harton,( sai% 'unoo%ie reproachfu""y, (you "itt"e knothe man ho "ea%s our armies, or you ou"% ha$e spare% him thatreproach but %uty ca""s me ithout& ) "ea$e you here ) cou"% ish tostay myse"f, an% here you cannot be ho""y unhappy&(

)n passing Frances, she recei$e% another of those smi"ing "ooks ofaffection she so much priKe%, an% for a season the impression ma%e byhis appearance after the batt"e as forgotten&

4mong the $eterans that ha% been impe""e% by the times to aban%on theuiet of age for the ser$ice of their country, as Co"one" Sing"eton& 0eas a nati$e of Georgia, an% ha% been for the ear"ier years of his "ifea so"%ier by profession& hen the strugg"e for "iberty commence%, heoffere% his ser$ices to his country, an% from respect to his character

they ha% been accepte%& 0is years an% hea"th ha%, hoe$er, pre$ente% his%ischarging the acti$e %uties of the fie"%, an% he ha% been kept incomman% of %ifferent posts of trust, here his country might recei$e thebenefits of his $igi"ance an% fi%e"ity ithout incon$enience to himse"f&For the "ast year he ha% been intruste% ith the passes into the0igh"an%s, an% as no uartere%, ith his %aughter, but a short %aysmarch abo$e the $a""ey here 'unoo%ie ha% met the enemy& 0is on"y otherchi"% as the oun%e% officer e ha$e mentione%& Thither, then, themajor prepare% to %ispatch a messenger ith the unhappy nes of thecaptains situation, an% charge% ith such an in$itation from the "a%iesas he %i% not %oubt ou"% spee%i"y bring the sister to the couch ofher brother&

This %uty performe%, though ith an uni""ingness that on"y cou"% makehis former an.iety more perp", 'unoo%ie procee%e% to the fie"%here his troops ha% ha"te%& The remnant of the Eng"ish ere a"rea%y tobe seen, o$er the tops of the trees, marching a"ong the heights toar%stheir boats, in compact or%er an% ith great atchfu"ness& The%etachment of the %ragoons un%er ?aton ere a short %istance on theirf"ank, eager"y aaiting a fa$orab"e moment to strike a b"o& )n thismanner both parties ere soon "ost to $ie&

4 short %istance abo$e the ?ocusts as a sma"" ham"et here se$era"roa%s intersecte% each other, an% from hich, conseuent"y, access tothe surroun%ing country as easy& )t as a fa$orite ha"ting p"ace of thehorse, an% freuent"y he"% by the "ight parties of the 4merican army%uring their e.cursions be"o& 'unoo%ie ha% been the first to %isco$er

its a%$antages, an% as it as necessary for him to remain in the countyunti" further or%ers from abo$e, it cannot be suppose% he o$er"ooke%them no& To this p"ace the troops ere %irecte% to retire, carryingith them their oun%e% parties ere a"rea%y emp"oye% in the sa% %utyof interring the %ea%& )n making these arrangements, a ne object ofembarrassment presente% itse"f to our young so"%ier& )n mo$ing throughthe fie"%, he as struck ith the appearance of Co"one" e""mere, seate%by himse"f, broo%ing o$er his misfortunes, uninterrupte% by anything butthe passing ci$i"ities of the 4merican officers& 0is an.iety on beha"fof Sing"eton ha% hitherto banishe% the reco""ection of his capti$e from

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the min% of 'unoo%ie, an% he no approache% him ith apo"ogies for hisneg"ect& The Eng"ishman recei$e% his courtesies ith coo"ness, an%comp"aine% of being injure% by hat he affecte% to think as theacci%enta" stumb"ing of his horse& 'unoo%ie, ho ha% seen one of hison men ri%e him %on, an% that ith $ery "itt"e ceremony, s"ight"ysmi"e%, as he offere% him surgica" assistance& This cou"% on"y beprocure% at the cottage, an% thither they both procee%e%&

(Co"one" e""mere2( crie% young harton in astonishment as they entere%,(has the fortune of ar been thus crue" to you a"soL But you are e"cometo the house of my father, a"though ) cou"% ish the intro%uction toha$e taken p"ace un%er more happy circumstances&(

Dr& harton recei$e% this ne guest ith the guar%e% caution that%istinguishe% his manner, an% 'unoo%ie "eft the room to seek thebe%si%e of his frien%& E$erything here "ooke% propitious, an% heacuainte% the surgeon that another patient aite% his ski"" in the roombe"o& The soun% of the or% as enough to set the %octor in motion, an%seiKing his imp"ements of office, he ent in uest of this neapp"icant& 4t the %oor of the par"or he as met by the "a%ies, ho ere

retiring& Diss Peyton %etaine% him for a moment, to inuire into thee"fare of Captain Sing"eton& Frances smi"e% ith something of natura"archness of manner, as she contemp"ate% the grotesue appearance of theba"%@hea%e% practitioner but Sarah as too much agitate%, ith thesurprise of the une.pecte% inter$ie ith the British co"one", toobser$e him& )t has a"rea%y been intimate% that Co"one" e""mere as ano"% acuaintance of the fami"y& Sarah ha% been so "ong absent from thecity, that she ha% in some measure been banishe% from the remembrance ofthe gent"eman but the reco""ections of Sarah ere more $i$i%& There isa perio% in the "ife of e$ery oman hen she may be sai% to bepre%ispose% to "o$e it is at the happy age hen infancy is "ost inopening maturity@@hen the gui"e"ess heart beats ith thoseanticipations of "ife hich the truth can ne$er rea"iKe@@an% hen theimagination forms images of perfection that are copie% after its onunsu""ie% $isions& 4t this happy age Sarah "eft the city, an% she ha%brought ith her a picture of futurity, faint"y impresse%, it is true,but hich gaine% %urabi"ity from her so"itu%e, an% in hich e""mere ha%been p"ace% in the foregroun%& The surprise of the meeting ha% in somemeasure o$erpoere% her, an% after recei$ing the sa"utations of theco"one", she ha% risen, in comp"iance ith a signa" from her obser$antaunt, to ith%ra&

(Then, sir,( obser$e% Diss Peyton, after "istening to the surgeonsaccount of his young patient, (e may be f"attere% ith the e.pectationthat he i"" reco$er&(

(Tis certain, ma%am,( returne% the %octor, en%ea$oring, out of respect

to the "a%ies, to rep"ace his ig (tis certain, ith care an%goo% nursing&(

()n those he sha"" not be anting,( sai% the spinster, mi"%"y&(E$erything e ha$e he can comman%, an% Dajor 'unoo%ie has %ispatche%an for his sister&(

(0is sister2( echoe% the practitioner, ith a meaning "ook& ()f themajor has sent for her, she i"" come&(

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(0er brothers %anger ou"% in%uce her, one ou"% imagine&(

(o %oubt, ma%am,( continue% the %octor, "aconica""y, boing "o, an%gi$ing room to the "a%ies to pass& The or%s an% the manner ere not"ost on the younger sister, in hose presence the name of 'unoo%ie asne$er mentione% unhee%e%&

(Sir,( crie% 'r& Sitgrea$es, on entering the par"or, a%%ressing himse"fto the on"y coat of scar"et in the room, () am a%$ise% you are in antof my ai%& Go% sen% tis not Captain ?aton ith hom you came incontact, in hich case ) may be too "ate&(

(There must be some mistake, sir,( sai% e""mere, haughti"y& ()t as asurgeon that Dajor 'unoo%ie as to sen% me, an% not an o"% oman&(

(Tis 'r& Sitgrea$es,( sai% 0enry harton, uick"y, though ith%ifficu"ty suppressing a "augh& (The mu"titu%e of his engagements,to@%ay, has pre$ente% his usua" attention to his attire&(

(*our par%on, sir,( a%%e% e""mere, $ery ungracious"y procee%ing to "ay

asi%e his coat, an% e.hibit hat he ca""e% a oun%e% arm&

()f, sir,( sai% the surgeon %ry"y, (the %egrees of E%inburgh@@a"kingyour ?on%on hospita"s@@amputating some hun%re%s of "imbs@@operating onthe human frame in e$ery shape that is arrante% by the "ights ofscience, a c"ear conscience, an% the commission of the Continenta"Congress, can make a surgeon, ) am one&(

(*our par%on, sir,( repeate% the co"one" stiff"y& (Captain harton hasaccounte% for my error&(

(For hich ) thank Captain harton,( sai% the surgeon, procee%ing coo""yto arrange his amputating instruments, ith a forma"ity that ma%e theco"one"s b"oo% run co"%& (here are you hurt, sirL hat2 is it thenthis scratch in your shou"%erL )n hat manner might you ha$e recei$e%this oun%, sirL(

(From the sor% of a rebe" %ragoon,( sai% the co"one", ith emphasis&

(e$er& E$en the gent"e George Sing"eton ou"% not ha$e breathe% on youso harm"ess"y&( 0e took a piece of sticking p"aster from his pocket, an%app"ie% it to the part& (There, sir that i"" anser your purpose, an%) am certain it is a"" that is reuire% of me&(

(hat %o you take to be my purpose, then, sirL(

(To report yourse"f oun%e% in your %ispatches,( rep"ie% the %octor,

ith great stea%iness (an% you may say that an o"% oman %resse% yourhurts@@for if one %i% not, one easi"y might2(

(-ery e.traor%inary "anguage,( muttere% the Eng"ishman&

0ere Captain harton interfere% an%, by e.p"aining the mistake ofCo"one" e""mere to procee% from his irritate% min% an% pain of bo%y, hein part succee%e% in mo""ifying the insu"te% practitioner, ho consente%to "ook further into the hurts of the other& They ere chief"y bruisesfrom his fa"", to hich Sitgrea$es ma%e some hasty app"ications,

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an% ith%re&

The horse, ha$ing taken their reuire% refreshment, prepare% to fa""back to their inten%e% position, an% it became incumbent on 'unoo%ie toarrange the %isposa" of his prisoners& Sitgrea$es he %etermine% to "ea$ein the cottage of Dr& harton, in atten%ance on Captain Sing"eton&0enry came to him ith a reuest that Co"one" e""mere might a"so be"eft behin%, un%er his paro"e, unti" the troops marche% higher into thecountry& To this the major cheerfu""y assente% an% as a"" the rest ofthe prisoners ere of the $u"gar her%, they ere spee%i"y co""ecte%,an%, un%er the care of a strong guar%, or%ere% to the interior& The%ragoons soon after marche% an% the gui%es, separating in sma""parties, accompanie% by patro"s from the horse, sprea% themse"$es acrossthe country, in such a manner as to make a chain of sentine"s from theaters of the Soun% to those of the 0u%son& 8Footnote3 The scene of thista"e is beteen these to aters, hich are but a fe mi"es fromeach other&<

'unoo%ie ha% "ingere% in front of the cottage, after he pai% hisparting comp"iments, ith an uni""ingness to return, that he thought

procee%e% from his so"icitu%e for his oun%e% frien%s& The heart hichhas not become ca""ous, soon sickens ith the g"ory that has beenpurchase% ith a aste of human "ife& Peyton 'unoo%ie, "eft to himse"f,an% no "onger e.cite% by the $isions hich youthfu" ar%or ha% keptbefore him throughout the %ay, began to fee" there ere other ties thanthose hich boun% the so"%ier ithin the rigi% ru"es of honor& 0e %i%not a$er in his %uty, yet he fe"t ho strong as the temptation& 0isb"oo% ha% cease% to f"o ith the impu"se create% by the batt"e& Thestern e.pression of his eye gra%ua""y ga$e p"ace to a "ook of softnessan% his ref"ections on the $ictory brought ith them no satisfactionthat compensate% for the sacrifices by hich it ha% been purchase%&hi"e turning his "ast "ingering gaKe on the ?ocusts, he remembere% on"ythat it containe% a"" that he most $a"ue%& The frien% of his youth as aprisoner, un%er circumstances that en%angere% both "ife an% honor& Thegent"e companion of his toi"s, ho cou"% thro aroun% the ru%eenjoyments of a so"%ier the gracefu" mi"%ness of peace, "ay a b"ee%ing$ictim to his success& The image of the mai% ho ha% he"%, %uring the%ay, a %ispute% so$ereignty in his bosom, again rose to his $ie ith a"o$e"iness that banishe% her ri$a", g"ory, from his min%&

The "ast "agging trooper of the corps ha% a"rea%y %isappeare% behin% thenorthern hi"", an% the major uni""ing"y turne% his horse in the same%irection& Frances, impe""e% by a rest"ess inuietu%e, no timi%"y$enture% on the piaKKa of the cottage& The %ay ha% been mi"% an% c"ear,an% the sun as shining bright"y in a c"ou%"ess sky& The tumu"t, hichso "ate"y %isturbe% the $a""ey, as succee%e% by the sti""ness of %eath,an% the fair scene before her "ooke% as if it ha% ne$er been marre% by

the passions of men& =ne so"itary c"ou%, the co""ecte% smoke of thecontest, hung o$er the fie"% an% this as gra%ua""y %ispersing, "ea$ingno $estige of the conf"ict abo$e the peacefu" gra$es of its $ictims& 4""the conf"icting fee"ings, a"" the tumu"tuous circumstances of thee$entfu" %ay, appeare% "ike the %eceptions of a troub"e% $ision& Francesturne%, an% caught a g"impse of the retreating figure of him ho ha%been so conspicuous an actor in the scene, an% the i""usion $anishe%&She recogniKe% her "o$er, an%, ith the truth, came other reco""ectionsthat %ro$e her to the room, ith a heart as sa% as that hich 'unoo%iehimse"f bore from the $a""ey&

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"i$es as a cat2(

(Faith,( sai% the suba"tern, smi"ing in his turn, (the "og may yet besp"it, an% grima"kin "ose his "i$es, if you often charge as ma%"y as you%i% this morning& hat think you of many raps from such a beet"e as "ai%you on your back to@%ayL(

(4h2 %ont mention it, my goo% Tom the thought makes my hea% ache,(rep"ie% the other, shrugging up his shou"%ers& ()t is hat ) ca""foresta""ing night&(

(The night of %eathL(

(o, sir, the night that fo""os %ay& ) sa myria%s of stars, thingshich shou"% hi%e their faces in the presence of the "or%"y sun& ) %othink nothing but this thick cap sa$e% me for your comfort a "itt"e"onger, mauger the cats "i$es&(

() ha$e much reason to be ob"ige% to the cap,( sai% Dason %ry"y& (Thator the sku"" must ha$e ha% a reasonab"e portion of thickness, ) a%mit&(

(Come, come, Tom, you are a "icense% joker, so )"" not feign anger ithyou,( returne% the captain, goo%@humore%"y& (But Sing"etons "ieutenant,) am fearfu", i"" fare better than yourse"f for this %ays ser$ice&(

() be"ie$e both of us i"" be spare% the pain of recei$ing promotionpurchase% by the %eath of a comra%e an% frien%,( obser$e% Dason kin%"y&()t as reporte% that Sitgrea$es sai% he ou"% "i$e&(

(From my sou" ) hope so,( e.c"aime% ?aton& (For a bear%"ess face, thatboy carries the stoutest heart ) ha$e e$er met ith& )t surprises me,hoe$er, that as e both fe"" at the same instant, the men beha$e%so e""&(

(For the comp"iment, ) might thank you,( crie% the "ieutenant ith a"augh (but mo%esty forbi%s& ) %i% my best to stop them, butithout success&(

(Stop them2( roare% the captain& (ou"% you stop men in the mi%%"e of achargeL(

() thought they ere going the rong ay,( ansere% the suba"tern&

(4h2 our fa"" %ro$e them to the right aboutL(

()t as either your fa"", or apprehensions of their on unti" the majorra""ie% us, e ere in a%mirab"e %isor%er&(

('unoo%ie2 the major as on the crupper of the 'utchman&(

(4h2 but he manage% to get off the crupper of the 'utchman& 0e came in,at ha"f spee%, ith the other to troops, an% ri%ing beteen us an% theenemy, ith that imperati$e ay he has hen rouse%, brought us in "inein the tink"ing of an eye& Then it as,( a%%e% the "ieutenant, ithanimation, (that e sent John Bu"" to the bushes& =h2 it as a seetcharge@@hea%s an% tai"s, unti" e ere upon them&(

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(The %e$i"2 hat a sight ) misse%2(

(*ou s"ept through it a""&(

(*es,( returne% the other, ith a sigh (it as a"" "ost to me an% poorGeorge Sing"eton& But, Tom, hat i"" Georges sister say to thisfair@haire% mai%en, in yon%er hite bui"%ingL(

(0ang herse"f in her garters,( sai% the suba"tern& () oe a properrespect to my superiors, but to such ange"s are more than just"y fa""sto the share of one man, un"ess he be a Turk or a 0in%oo&(

(*es, yes,( sai% the captain, uick"y, (the major is e$er preachingmora"ity to the youngsters, but he is a s"y fe""o in the main& 'o youobser$e ho fon% he is of the cross roa%s abo$e this $a""eyL o, if )ere to ha"t the troops tice in the same p"ace, you ou"% a"" searthere as a petticoat in the in%&(

(*ou are e"" knon to the corps&(

(e"", Tom, a s"an%erous propensity is incurab"e@@but,( stretchingforar% his bo%y in the %irection he as gaKing, as if to ai% him in%istinguishing objects through the %arkness, (hat anima" is mo$ingthrough the fie"% on our rightL(

(Tis a man,( sai% Dason, "ooking intent"y at the suspicious object&

(By his hump tis a %rome%ary2( a%%e% the captain, eying it keen"y&hee"ing his horse su%%en"y from the highay he e.c"aime%, (0ar$eyBirch2@@take him, %ea% or a"i$e2(

Dason an% a fe of the "ea%ing %ragoons on"y un%erstoo% the su%%en cry,but it as hear% throughout the "ine& 4 %oKen of the men, ith the"ieutenant at their hea%, fo""oe% the impetuous ?aton, an% their spee%threatene% the pursue% ith a su%%en termination of the race&

Birch pru%ent"y kept his position on the rock, here he ha% been seen bythe passing g"ance of 0enry harton, unti" e$ening ha% begun to shrou%the surroun%ing objects in %arkness& From this height he ha% seen a""the e$ents of the %ay, as they occurre%& 0e ha% atche% ith a beatingheart the %eparture of the troops un%er 'unoo%ie, an% ith %ifficu"tyha% curbe% his impatience unti" the obscurity of night shou"% ren%er hismo$ing free from %anger& 0e ha% not, hoe$er, comp"ete% a fourth of hisay to his on resi%ence, hen his uick ear %istinguishe% the trea% ofthe approaching horse& Trusting to the increasing %arkness, he%etermine% to perse$ere& By crouching an% mo$ing uick"y a"ong thesurface of the groun%, he hope% yet to escape unseen& Captain ?aton as

too much engrosse% ith the foregoing con$ersation to suffer his eyes toin%u"ge in their usua" an%ering an% the pe%%"er, percei$ing by the$oices that the enemy he most feare% ha% passe%, yie"%e% to hisimpatience, an% stoo% erect, in or%er to make greater progress& Themoment his bo%y arose abo$e the sha%o of the groun%, it as seen, an%the chase commence%& For a sing"e instant, Birch as he"p"ess, his b"oo%cur%"ing in his $eins at the imminence of the %anger, an% his "egsrefusing their natura" an% necessary office& But it as on"y for amoment& Casting his pack here he stoo%, an% instincti$e"y tighteningthe be"t he ore, the pe%%"er betook himse"f to f"ight& 0e kne that by

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bringing himse"f in a "ine ith his pursuers an% the oo%, his formou"% be "ost to sight& This he soon effecte%, an% he as straininge$ery ner$e to gain the oo% itse"f, hen se$era" horsemen ro%e by himbut a short %istance on his "eft, an% cut him off from this p"ace ofrefuge& The pe%%"er thre himse"f on the groun% as they came near him,an% as passe% unseen& But %e"ay no became too %angerous for him toremain in that position& 0e accor%ing"y rose, an% sti"" keeping in thesha%o of the oo%, a"ong the skirts of hich he hear% $oices crying toeach other to be atchfu", he ran ith incre%ib"e spee% in a para""e""ine, but in an opposite %irection, to the march of the %ragoons&

The confusion of the chase ha% been hear% by the ho"e of the men,though none %istinct"y un%erstoo% the or%er of ?aton but those hofo""oe%& The remain%er ere "ost in %oubt as to the %uty that asreuire% of them an% the aforesai% cornet as making eager inuiriesof the trooper near him on the subject, hen a man, at a short %istancein his rear, crosse% the roa% at a sing"e boun%& 4t the same instant,the stentorian $oice of ?aton rang through the $a""ey, shouting,@@

(0ar$ey Birch@@take him, %ea% or a"i$e2(

Fifty pisto"s "ighte% the scene, an% the bu""ets hist"e% in e$ery%irection roun% the hea% of the %e$ote% pe%%"er& 4 fee"ing of %espairseiKe% his heart, an% in the bitterness of that moment he e.c"aime%,@@

(0unte% "ike a beast of the forest2(

0e fe"t "ife an% its accompaniments to be a bur%en, an% as about toyie"% himse"f to his enemies& ature, hoe$er, pre$ai"e%& )f taken,there as great reason to apprehen% that he ou"% not be honore% iththe forms of a tria", but that most probab"y the morning sun ou"%itness his ignominious e.ecution for he ha% a"rea%y been con%emne% to%eath, an% ha% on"y escape% that fate by stratagem& Theseconsi%erations, ith the approaching footsteps of his pursuers, rouse%him to ne e.ertions& 0e again f"e% before them& 4 fragment of a a"",that ha% ithstoo% the ra$ages ma%e by ar in the a%joining fences ofoo%, fortunate"y crosse% his path& 0e har%"y ha% time to thro hise.hauste% "imbs o$er this barrier, before tenty of his enemies reache%its opposite si%e& Their horses refuse% to take the "eap in the %ark,an% ami% the confusion of the rearing chargers, an% the e.ecrations oftheir ri%ers, Birch as enab"e% to gain a sight of the base of the hi"",on hose summit as a p"ace of perfect security& The heart of thepe%%"er no beat high ith hope, hen the $oice of Captain ?aton againrang in his ears, shouting to his men to make room& The or%er asobeye%, an% the fear"ess trooper ro%e at the a"" at the top of hishorses spee%, p"unge% the roe"s in his charger, an% f"e o$er theobstac"e in safety& The triumphant hurrahs of the men, an% the

thun%ering trea% of the horse, too p"ain"y assure% the pe%%"er of theemergency of his %anger& 0e as near"y e.hauste%, an% his fate no"onger seeme% %oubtfu"&

(Stop, or %ie2( as uttere% abo$e his hea%, an% in fearfu" pro.imity tohis ears&

0ar$ey sto"e a g"ance o$er his shou"%er, an% sa, ithin a boun% of him,the man he most %rea%e%& By the "ight of the stars he behe"% theup"ifte% arm an% the threatening saber& Fear, e.haustion, an% %espair

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seiKe% his heart, an% the inten%e% $ictim fe"" at the feet of the%ragoon& The horse of ?aton struck the prostrate pe%%"er, an% bothstee% an% ri%er came $io"ent"y to the earth&

4s uick as thought, Birch as on his feet again, ith the sor% of the%iscomfite% %ragoon in his han%& -engeance seems but too natura" tohuman passions& There are fe ho ha$e not fe"t the se%ucti$e p"easureof making our injuries recoi" on their authors an% yet there are someho kno ho much seeter it is to return goo% for e$i"&

4"" the rongs of the pe%%"er shone on his brain ith a %aKK"ingbrightness& For a moment the %emon ithin him pre$ai"e%, an% Birchbran%ishe% the poerfu" eapon in the air in the ne.t, it fe"" harm"esson the re$i$ing but he"p"ess trooper& The pe%%"er $anishe% up the si%eof the frien%"y rock&

(0e"p Captain ?aton, there2( crie% Dason, as he ro%e up, fo""oe% by a%oKen of his men (an% some of you %ismount ith me, an% search theserocks the $i""ain "ies here concea"e%&(

(0o"%2( roare% the %iscomfite% captain, raising himse"f ith %ifficu"tyon his feet& ()f one of you %ismount, he %ies& Tom, my goo% fe""o, youi"" he"p me to stra%%"e /oanoke again&(

The astonishe% suba"tern comp"ie% in si"ence, hi"e the on%ering%ragoons remaine% as fi.e% in their sa%%"es, as if they compose% part ofthe anima"s they ro%e&

(*ou are much hurt, ) fear,( sai% Dason, ith something of con%o"ence inhis manner, as they reentere% the highay, biting off the en% of acigar for the ant of a better ua"ity of tobacco&

(Something so, ) %o be"ie$e,( rep"ie% the captain, catching his breath,an% speaking ith %ifficu"ty& () ish our bonesetter as at han%, toe.amine into the state of my ribs&(

(Sitgrea$es is "eft in atten%ance on Captain Sing"eton, at the house ofDr& harton&(

(Then there ) ha"t for the night, Tom& These ru%e times must abri%geceremony besi%es, you may remember the o"% gent"eman professe% akinsmans regar% for the corps& ) can ne$er think of passing so goo% afrien% ithout a ha"t&(

(4n% ) i"" "ea% the troop to the Four Corners if e a"" ha"t there, esha"" bree% a famine in the "an%&(

(4 con%ition ) ne$er %esire to be p"ace% in& The i%ea of that gracefu"spinsters cakes is no ba% so"ace for tenty@four hours in thehospita"&(

(=h2 you ont %ie if you can think of eating,( sai% Dason, ith a"augh&

() shou"% sure"y %ie if ) cou"% not,( obser$e% the captain, gra$e"y&

(Captain ?aton,( sai% the or%er"y of his troop, ri%ing to the si%e of

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his comman%ing officer, (e are no passing the house of the pe%%"erspy is it your p"easure that e burn itL(

(o2( roare% the captain, in a $oice that start"e% the %isappointe%sergeant& (4re you an incen%iaryL ou"% you burn a house in co"% b"oo%L?et but a spark approach, an% the han% that carries it i"" ne$er"ight another&(

(Ooun%s2( muttere% the s"eepy cornet in the rear, as he as no%%ing onhis horse, (there is "ife in the captain, notithstan%ing his tumb"e&(

?aton an% Dason ro%e on in si"ence, the "atter ruminating on theon%erfu" change pro%uce% in his comman%er by his fa"", hen theyarri$e% opposite to the gate before the resi%ence of Dr& harton& Thetroop continue% its march but the captain an% his "ieutenant%ismounte%, an%, fo""oe% by the ser$ant of the former, they procee%e%s"o"y to the %oor of the cottage&

Co"one" e""mere ha% a"rea%y sought a retreat in his on room Dr&harton an% his son ere c"osete% by themse"$es an% the "a%ies ere

a%ministering the refreshments of the tea tab"e to the surgeon of the%ragoons, ho ha% seen one of his patients in his be%, an% the otherhappi"y enjoying the comforts of a seet s"eep& 4 fe natura" inuiriesfrom Diss Peyton ha% opene% the sou" of the %octor, ho kne e$eryin%i$i%ua" of her e.tensi$e fami"y connection in -irginia, an% ho e$enthought it possib"e that he ha% seen the "a%y herse"f& The amiab"espinster smi"e% as she fe"t it to be improbab"e that she shou"% e$erha$e met her ne acuaintance before, an% not remember hissingu"arities& )t hoe$er great"y re"ie$e% the embarrassment of theirsituation, an% something "ike a %iscourse as maintaine% beteen themthe nieces ere on"y "isteners, nor cou"% the aunt be sai% to bemuch more&

(4s ) as obser$ing, Diss Peyton, it as mere"y the no.ious $apors ofthe "o"an%s that ren%ere% the p"antation of your brother an unfitresi%ence for man but ua%rupe%s ere@@(

(B"ess me, hats thatL( sai% Diss Peyton, turning pa"e at the report ofthe pisto"s fire% at Birch&

()t soun%s pro%igious"y "ike the concussion on the atmosphere ma%e bythe e.p"osion of firearms,( sai% the surgeon, sipping his tea ith greatin%ifference& () shou"% imagine it to be the troop of Captain ?atonreturning, %i% ) not kno the captain ne$er uses the pisto", an% that he%rea%fu""y abuses the saber&(

(Dercifu" pro$i%ence2( e.c"aime% the agitate% mai%en, (he ou"% not

injure one ith it, certain"y&(

()njure2( repeate% the other uick"y& ()t is certain %eath, ma%am themost ran%om b"os imaginab"e a"" that ) can say to him i"" ha$e noeffect&(

(But Captain ?aton is the officer e sa this morning, an% is sure"yyour frien%,( sai% Frances, hasti"y, obser$ing her aunt to be serious"ya"arme%&

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() fin% no fau"t ith his ant of frien%ship the man is e"" enough ifhe ou"% "earn to cut scientifica""y& 4"" tra%es, ma%am, ought to bea""oe% to "i$e but hat is to become of a surgeon, if his patients are%ea% before he sees them2(

The %octor continue% haranguing on the probabi"ity an% improbabi"ity ofits being the returning troop, unti" a "ou% knock at the %oor ga$e nea"arm to the "a%ies& )nstincti$e"y "aying his han% on a sma"" sa, thatha% been his companion for the ho"e %ay, in the $ain e.pectation of anamputation, the surgeon, coo""y assuring the "a%ies that he ou"% stan%beteen them an% %anger, procee%e% in person to anser the summons&

(Captain ?aton2( e.c"aime% the surgeon, as he behe"% the trooper"eaning on the arm of his suba"tern, an% ith %ifficu"ty crossing thethresho"%&

(4h2 my %ear bonesetter, is it youL *ou are here $ery fortunate"y toinspect my carcass but %o "ay asi%e that rasca""y sa2(

4 fe or%s from Dason e.p"aine% the nature an% manner of his captains

hurts, an% Diss Peyton cheerfu""y accor%e% the reuire% accommo%ations&hi"e the room inten%e% for the trooper as getting rea%y, an% the%octor as gi$ing certain portentous or%ers, the captain as in$ite% torest himse"f in the par"or& =n the tab"e as a %ish of more substantia"foo% than or%inari"y a%orne% the afternoons repast, an% it soon caughtthe attention of the %ragoons& Diss Peyton, reco""ecting that they ha%probab"y ma%e their on"y mea" that %ay at her on tab"e, kin%"y in$ite%them to c"ose it ith another& The offer reuire% no pressing, an% in afe minutes the to ere comfortab"y seate%, an% engage% in anemp"oyment that as on"y interrupte% by an occasiona" ry face from thecaptain, ho mo$e% his bo%y in e$i%ent pain& These interruptions,hoe$er, interfere% but "itt"e ith the principa" business in han% an%the captain ha% got happi"y through ith this important %uty, before thesurgeon returne% to announce a"" things rea%y for his accommo%ation inthe room abo$e stairs&

(Eating2( crie% the astonishe% physician& (Captain ?aton, %o you ishto %ieL(

() ha$e no particu"ar ambition that ay,( sai% the trooper, rising, an%boing goo% night to the "a%ies, (an%, therefore, ha$e been pro$i%ingmateria"s necessary to preser$e "ife&(

The surgeon muttere% his %issatisfaction, hi"e he fo""oe% Dason an%the captain from the apartment&

E$ery house in 4merica ha%, at that %ay, hat as emphatica""y ca""e%

its best room, an% this ha% been a""otte%, by the unseen inf"uence ofSarah, to Co"one" e""mere& The %on counterpane, hich a c"ear frostynight ou"% ren%er e.treme"y gratefu" o$er bruise% "imbs, %ecke% theEng"ish officers be%& 4 massi$e si"$er tankar%, rich"y embosse% iththe harton arms, he"% the be$erage he as to %rink %uring the nighthi"e beautifu" $esse"s of china performe% the same office for the to4merican captains& Sarah as certain"y unconscious of the si"entpreference she ha% been gi$ing to the Eng"ish officer an% it is eua""ycertain, that but for his hurts, be%, tankar%, an% e$erything but thebe$erage ou"% ha$e been matters of in%ifference to Captain ?aton, ha"f

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of hose nights ere spent in his c"othes, an% not a fe of them in thesa%%"e& 4fter taking possession, hoe$er, of a sma"" but $erycomfortab"e room, 'octor Sitgrea$es procee%e% to inuire into the stateof his injuries& 0e ha% begun to pass his han% o$er the bo%y of hispatient, hen the "atter crie% impatient"y,@@

(Sitgrea$es, %o me the fa$or to "ay that rasca""y sa asi%e, or ) sha""ha$e recourse to my saber in se"f@%efense the sight of it makes myb"oo% co"%&(

(Captain ?aton, for a man ho has so often e.pose% "ife an% "imb, youare unaccountab"y afrai% of a $ery usefu" instrument&(

(0ea$en keep me from its use,( sai% the trooper, ith a shrug&

(*ou ou"% not %espise the "ights of science, nor refuse surgica" ai%,because this sa might be necessaryL(

() ou"%&(

(*ou ou"%2(

(*es you sha"" ne$er joint me "ike a uarter of beef, hi"e ) ha$e "ifeto %efen% myse"f,( crie% the reso"ute %ragoon& (But ) gro s"eepy areany of my ribs brokenL(


(4ny of my bonesL(


(Tom, )"" thank you for that pitcher&( 4s he en%e% his %raft, he $ery%e"iberate"y turne% his back on his companions, an% goo%@nature%"ycrie%, (Goo% night, Dason goo% night, Ga"en&(

Captain ?aton entertaine% a profoun% respect for the surgica" abi"itiesof his comra%e, but he as $ery skeptica" on the subject ofa%ministering interna""y for the ai"ings of the human frame& ith a fu""stomach, a stout heart, an% a c"ear conscience, he often maintaine% thata man might bi% %efiance to the or"% an% its $icissitu%es& aturepro$i%e% him ith the secon%, an%, to say the truth, he stro$e manfu""yhimse"f to keep up the other to reuisites in his cree%& )t as afa$orite ith him, that the "ast thing %eath assai"e% as theeyes, an% ne.t to the "ast, the jas& This he interprete% to be a c"eare.pression of the intention of nature, that e$ery man might regu"ate, byhis on $o"ition, hate$er as to be a%mitte% into the sanctuary of his

mouth conseuent"y, if the guest pro$e% unpa"atab"e, he ha% no one tob"ame but himse"f& The surgeon, ho as e"" acuainte% ith these $iesof his patient, behe"% him, as he ca$a"ier"y turne% his back on Dasonan% himse"f, ith a commiserating contempt, rep"ace% in their "eathernrepository the phia"s he ha% e.hibite%, ith a species of care that asa""ie% to $eneration, ga$e the sa, as he conc"u%e%, a hir" of triumph,an% %eparte%, ithout con%escen%ing to notice the comp"iment of thetrooper& Dason, fin%ing, by the breathing of the captain, that his ongoo% night ou"% be unhear%, hastene% to pay his respects to the"a%ies@@after hich he mounte% an% fo""oe% the troop at the top of his

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horses spee%&


  =n some fon% breast the parting sou" re"ies,  Some pious %rops the c"osing eye reuires,  Een from the tomb the $oice of nature cries,  Een in our ashes "i$e their onte% fires&  @@G/4*&

The possessions of Dr& harton e.ten%e% to some %istance on each si%e ofthe house in hich he %e"t, an% most of his "an% as unoccupie%& 4 fescattere% %e""ings ere to be seen in %ifferent parts of his %omains,but they ere fast fa""ing to %ecay, an% ere untenante%& The pro.imityof the country to the conten%ing armies ha% near"y banishe% the pursuitsof agricu"ture from the "an%& )t as use"ess for the husban%man to

%e$ote his time an% the "abor of his han%s, to obtain o$erf"oinggarners, that the first foraging party ou"% empty& one ti""e% theearth ith any other $ie than to pro$i%e the scanty means ofsubsistence, e.cept those ho ere p"ace% so near to one of the a%$erseparties as to be safe from the inroa%s of the "ight troops of the other&To these the ar offere% a go"%en har$est, more especia""y to such asenjoye% the benefits of an access to the roya" army& Dr& harton %i% notreuire the use of his "an%s for the purposes of subsistence an% hei""ing"y a%opte% the guar%e% practice of the %ay, "imiting hisattention to such artic"es as ere soon to be consume% ithin his ona""s, or cou"% be easi"y secrete% from the prying eyes of theforagers& )n conseuence, the groun% on hich the action as fought ha%not a sing"e inhabite% bui"%ing, besi%es the one be"onging to the fatherof 0ar$ey Birch& This house stoo% beteen the p"ace here the ca$a"ryha% met, an% that here the charge ha% been ma%e on the partyof e""mere&

To aty 0aynes it ha% been a %ay fruitfu" of inci%ents& The pru%enthousekeeper ha% kept her po"itica" fee"ings in a state of rigi%neutra"ity her on frien%s ha% espouse% the cause of the country, butthe mai%en herse"f ne$er "ost sight of that important moment, hen, "ikefema"es of more i""ustrious hopes, she might be reuire% to sacrificeher "o$e of country on the a"tar of %omestic harmony& 4n% yet,notithstan%ing a"" her sagacity, there ere moments hen the goo% omanha% grie$ous %oubts into hich sca"e she ought to thro the eight ofher e"ouence, in or%er to be certain of supporting the cause fa$ore% bythe pe%%"er& There as so much that as eui$oca" in his mo$ements an%

manner, that often, hen, in the pri$acy of their househo"%, she asabout to offer a phi"ippic on ashington an% his fo""oers, %iscretionsea"e% her mouth, an% %istrust beset her min%& )n short, the ho"econ%uct of the mysterious being she stu%ie% as of a character to%istract the opinions of one ho took a more en"arge% $ie of men an%"ife than came ithin the competency of his housekeeper&

The batt"e of the P"ains ha% taught the cautious ashington thea%$antages his enemy possesse% in organiKation, arms, an% %iscip"ine&These ere %ifficu"ties to be mastere% by his on $igi"ance an% care&

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'raing off his troops to the heights, in the northern part of thecounty, he ha% bi%%en %efiance to the attacks of the roya" army, an% Siri""iam 0oe fe"" back to the enjoyment of his barren conuest@@a%eserte% city& e$er afterar%s %i% the opposing armies make the tria"of strength ithin the "imits of estchester yet har%"y a %ay passe%,that the partisans %i% not make their inroa%s or a sun rise, that theinhabitants ere spare% the re"ation of e.cesses hich the prece%ing%arkness ha% ser$e% to concea"& Dost of the mo$ements of the pe%%"erere ma%e at the hours hich others a""otte% to repose& The e$ening sunou"% freuent"y "ea$e him at one e.tremity of the county, an% themorning fin% him at the other& 0is pack as his ne$er@fai"ing companionan% there ere those ho c"ose"y stu%ie% him, in his moments of traffic,an% thought his on"y purpose as the accumu"ation of go"%& 0e ou"% beoften seen near the 0igh"an%s, ith a bo%y ben%ing un%er its "oa% an%again near the 0ar"em /i$er, tra$e"ing ith "ighter steps, ith his facetoar%s the setting sun& But these g"ances at him ere uncertain an%f"eeting& The interme%iate time no eye cou"% penetrate& For months he%isappeare%, an% no traces of his course ere e$er knon&

Strong parties he"% the heights of 0ar"em, an% the northern en% of

Danhattan )s"an% as brist"ing ith the bayonets of the Eng"ishsentine"s, yet the pe%%"er g"i%e% among them unnotice% an% uninjure%&0is approaches to the 4merican "ines ere a"so freuent but genera""yso con%ucte% as to baff"e pursuit& Dany a sentine", p"ace% in the gorgesof the mountains, spoke of a strange figure that ha% been seen g"i%ingby them in the mists of the e$ening& These stories reache% the ears ofthe officers, an%, as e ha$e re"ate%, in to instances the tra%er ha%fa""en into the han%s of the 4mericans& The first time he ha% escape%from ?aton, short"y after his arrest but the secon% he as con%emne%to %ie& =n the morning of his inten%e% e.ecution, the cage as opene%,but the bir% ha% f"on& This e.traor%inary escape ha% been ma%e from thecusto%y of a fa$orite officer of ashington, an% sentine"s ho ha% beenthought orthy to guar% the person of the comman%er in chief& Briberyan% treason cou"% not be impute% to men so e"" esteeme%, an% theopinion gaine% groun% among the common so"%iery, that the pe%%"er ha%%ea"ings ith the %ark one& aty, hoe$er, a"ays repe""e% this opinionith in%ignation for ithin the recesses of her on bosom, thehousekeeper, in ruminating on the e$ents, conc"u%e% that the e$i"spirit %i% not pay in go"%& or, continue% the ary spinster in hercogitations, %oes ashington paper an% promises ere a"" that the"ea%er of the 4merican troops cou"% %ispense to his ser$ants& 4fter thea""iance ith France, hen si"$er became more abun%ant in the country,a"though the scrutiniKing eyes of aty ne$er "et any opportunity ofe.amining into the %eerskin purse pass unimpro$e%, she as ne$er ab"e to%etect the image of ?ouis intru%ing into the presence of the e""@knoncountenance of George )))& )n short, the secret hoar% of 0ar$eysufficient"y shoe% in its contents that a"" its contributions ha% been

recei$e% from the British&

The house of Birch ha% been atche% at %ifferent times by the 4mericans,ith a $ie to his arrest, but ne$er ith success the repute% spypossessing a secret means of inte""igence, that in$ariab"y %efeate%their schemes& =nce, hen a strong bo%y of the continenta" army he"% theFour Corners for a ho"e summer, or%ers ha% been recei$e% fromashington himse"f, ne$er to "ea$e the %oor of 0ar$ey Birch unatche%&The comman% as rigi%"y obeye%, an% %uring this "ong perio% the pe%%"eras unseen the %etachment as ith%ran, an% the fo""oing night Birch

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rea% in him to 'inah no an% %en&(

(*ou are right, Caesar& The Bib"e is the best of books, an% one thatrea%s it as often as 0ar$eys father shou"% ha$e the best of reasons forso %oing& This is no more than common sense&(

She rose from her seat, an% stea"ing soft"y to a chest of %raers in theroom of the sick man, she took from it a "arge Bib"e, hea$i"y boun%, an%secure% ith strong c"asps of brass, ith hich she returne% to thenegro& The $o"ume as eager"y opene%, an% they procee%e% instant"y toe.amine its pages& aty as far from an e.pert scho"ar, an% to Caesarthe characters ere abso"ute"y strangers& For some time the housekeeperas occupie% in fin%ing out the or% Datthe, in hich she ha% no soonersuccee%e% than she pointe% out the or%, ith great comp"acency, to theattenti$e Caesar&

(Berry e"", no "ook him trough,( sai% the b"ack, peeping o$er thehousekeepers shou"%er, as he he"% a "ong "ank can%"e of ye""o ta""o,in such a manner as to thro its feeb"e "ight on the $o"ume&

(*es, but ) must begin ith the $ery beginning of the book,( rep"ie% theother, turning the "ea$es carefu""y back, unti", mo$ing to at once,she "ighte% upon a page co$ere% ith riting& (0ere,( sai% thehousekeeper, shaking ith the eagerness of e.pectation, (here are the$ery or%s themse"$es no ) ou"% gi$e the or"% itse"f to kno hom hehas "eft the big si"$er shoe buck"es to&(

(/ea% em,( sai% Caesar, "aconica""y&

(4n% the b"ack a"nut %raers for 0ar$ey cou"% ne$er ant furniture ofthat ua"ity, as "ong as he is a bache"or2(

(hy he no ant em as e"" as he fa%erL(

(4n% the si. si"$er tab"espoons 0ar$ey a"ays uses the iron2(

(Prap he say, ithout so much ta"k,( returne% the sententious b"ack,pointing one of his crooke% an% %ingy fingers at the open $o"ume&

Thus repeate%"y a%$ise%, an% impe""e% by her on curiosity, aty beganto rea%& 4n.ious to come to the part hich most intereste% herse"f, she%ippe% at once into the center of the subject&

(Chester Birch, born September st, 1;;,(@@rea% the spinster, ith a%e"iberation that %i% no great honor to her scho"arship&

(e"", hat he gib himL(

(4bigai" Birch, born Ju"y 5th, 1;1,( continue% the housekeeper, inthe same tone&

() tink he ought to gib her e spoon&(

(June st, 176& =n this afu" %ay, the ju%gment of an offen%e% Go%"ighte% on my house&( 4 hea$y groan from the a%joining room ma%e thespinster instincti$e"y c"ose the $o"ume, an% Caesar, for a moment, shookith fear& either possesse% sufficient reso"ution to go an% e.amine the

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con%ition of the sufferer, but his hea$y breathing continue% as usua"&aty %are% not, hoe$er, reopen the Bib"e, an% carefu""y securing itsc"asps, it as "ai% on the tab"e in si"ence& Caesar took his chairagain, an% after "ooking timi%"y roun% the room, remarke%,@@

() tought he time ar come2(

(o,( sai% aty, so"emn"y, (he i"" "i$e ti"" the ti%e is out, or thefirst cock cros in the morning&(

(Poor man2( continue% the b"ack, nest"ing sti"" farther into the chimneycorner, () hope he "ay uiet after he %ie&(

(Tou"% be no astonishment to me if he %i%nt for they say an unuiet"ife makes an uneasy gra$e&(

(Johnny Birch a berry goo% man in he ay& 4"" mankin% cant be aminister for if he %o, ho ou"% be a congregationL(

(4h2 Caesar, he is goo% on"y ho %oes goo%& Can you te"" me hy honest"y

gotten go"% shou"% be hi%%en in the boe"s of the earthL(

(Grach2@@) tink it must be to keep te Skinner from fin%in him if hekno here he be, hy %ont he %ig him upL(

(There may be reasons not comprehensib"e to you,( sai% aty, mo$ing herchair so that her c"othes co$ere% the charme% stone, un%erneath hich"ay the secret treasures of the pe%%"er, unab"e to refrain from speakingof hat she ou"% ha$e been $ery uni""ing to re$ea" (but a roughoutsi%e often ho"%s a smooth insi%e&( Caesar stare% aroun% the bui"%ing,unab"e to fathom the hi%%en meaning of his companion, hen his ro$ingeyes su%%en"y became fi.e%, an% his teeth chattere% ith affright& Thechange in the countenance of the b"ack as instant"y percei$e% by aty,an% turning her face, she sa the pe%%"er himse"f, stan%ing ithin the%oor of the room&

()s he a"i$eL( aske% Birch, tremu"ous"y, an% seeming"y afrai% to recei$ethe anser&

(Sure"y,( sai% aty, rising hasti"y, an% officious"y offering her chair&(0e must "i$e ti"" %ay, or ti"" the ti%e is %on&(

'isregar%ing a"" but the fact that his father sti"" "i$e%, the pe%%"ersto"e gent"y into the room of his %ying parent& The tie hich boun% thefather an% son as of no or%inary kin%& )n the i%e or"% they ere a""to each other& 0a% aty but rea% a fe "ines further in the recor%, sheou"% ha$e seen the sa% ta"e of their misfortunes& 4t one b"o

competence an% kin%re% ha% been sept from them, an% from that %ay tothe present hour, persecution an% %istress ha% fo""oe% their an%eringsteps& 4pproaching the be%si%e, 0ar$ey "eane% his bo%y forar%, an%, ina $oice near"y choke% by his fee"ings, he hispere% near the ear ofthe sick,@@

(Father, %o you kno meL(

The parent s"o"y opene% his eyes, an% a smi"e of satisfaction passe%o$er his pa""i% features, "ea$ing behin% it the impression of %eath,

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more afu" by the contrast& The pe%%"er ga$e a restorati$e he ha%brought ith him to the parche% "ips of the sick man, an% for a feminutes ne $igor seeme% imparte% to his frame& 0e spoke, but s"o"y,an% ith %ifficu"ty& Curiosity kept aty si"ent ae ha% the same effecton Caesar an% 0ar$ey seeme% har%"y to breathe, as he "istene% to the"anguage of the %eparting spirit&

(Dy son,( sai% the father in a ho""o $oice, (Go% is as mercifu" as 0eis just if ) thre the cup of sa"$ation from my "ips hen a youth, 0egracious"y offers it to me in mine age& 0e has chastise% to purify, an%) go to join the spirits of our "ost fami"y& )n a "itt"e hi"e, mychi"%, you i"" be a"one& ) kno you too e"" not to foresee you i"" bea pi"grim through "ife& The bruise% ree% may en%ure, but it i"" ne$errise& *ou ha$e that ithin you, 0ar$ey, that i"" gui%e you arightperse$ere as you ha$e begun, for the %uties of "ife are ne$er to beneg"ecte% an%(@@a noise in the a%joining room interrupte% the %yingman, an% the impatient pe%%"er hastene% to "earn the cause, fo""oe% byaty an% the b"ack& The first g"ance of his eye on the figure in the%ooray to"% the tra%er but too e"" his erran%, an% the fate thatprobab"y aaite% himse"f& The intru%er as a man sti"" young in years,

but his "ineaments bespoke a min% "ong agitate% by e$i" passions& 0is%ress as of the meanest materia"s, an% so ragge% an% unseem"y, as togi$e him the appearance of stu%ie% po$erty& 0is hair as premature"yhitene%, an% his sunken, "oering eye a$oi%e% the bo"%, forar% "ook ofinnocence& There as a rest"essness in his mo$ements, an% an agitationin his manner, that procee%e% from the orkings of the fou" spiritithin him, an% hich as not "ess offensi$e to others than %istressingto himse"f& This man as a e""@knon "ea%er of one of those gangs ofmarau%ers ho infeste% the county ith a semb"ance of patriotism, an%ho ere gui"ty of e$ery gra%e of offense, from simp"e theft up tomur%er& Behin% him stoo% se$era" other figures c"a% in a simi"ar manner,but hose countenances e.presse% nothing more than the in%ifference ofbruta" insensibi"ity& They ere e"" arme% ith muskets an% bayonets,an% pro$i%e% ith the usua" imp"ements of foot so"%iers& 0ar$ey kneresistance to be $ain, an% uiet"y submitte% to their %irections& )n thetink"ing of an eye both he an% Caesar ere strippe% of their %ecentgarments, an% ma%e to e.change c"othes ith to of the fi"thiest of theban%& They ere then p"ace% in separate corners of the room, an%, un%erthe muKK"es of the muskets, reuire% faithfu""y to anser suchinterrogatories as ere put to them&

(here is your packL( as the first uestion to the pe%%"er&

(0ear me,( sai% Birch, tremb"ing ith agitation (in the ne.t room is myfather, no in the agonies of %eath& ?et me go to him, recei$e hisb"essing, an% c"ose his eyes, an% you sha"" ha$e a""@@aye, a""&(

(4nser me as ) put the uestions, or this musket sha"" sen% you to keepthe o"% %ri$e"er company3 here is your packL(

() i"" te"" you nothing, un"ess you "et me go to my father,( sai% thepe%%"er, reso"ute"y&

0is persecutor raise% his arm ith a ma"icious sneer, an% as about toe.ecute his threat, hen one of his companions checke% him&

(hat ou"% you %oL( he sai%& (*ou sure"y forget the rear%& Te"" us

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here are your goo%s, an% you sha"" go to your father&(

Birch comp"ie% instant"y, an% a man as %ispatche% in uest of thebooty he soon returne%, throing the bun%"e on the f"oor, searing itas as "ight as feathers&

(4ye,( crie% the "ea%er, (there must be go"% somehere for hat it %i%contain& Gi$e us your go"%, Dr& Birch e kno you ha$e it you i"" nottake continenta", not you&(

(*ou break your faith,( sai% 0ar$ey&

(Gi$e us your go"%,( e.c"aime% the other, furious"y, pricking thepe%%"er ith his bayonet unti" the b"oo% fo""oe% his pushes in streams&4t this instant a s"ight mo$ement as hear% in the a%joining room, an%0ar$ey crie%,@@

(?et me@@"et me go to my father, an% you sha"" ha$e a""&(

() sear you sha"" go then,( sai% the Skinner&

(0ere, take the trash,( crie% Birch, as he thre asi%e the purse, hichhe ha% contri$e% to concea", notithstan%ing the change in his garments&

The robber raise% it from the f"oor ith a he""ish "augh&

(4ye, but it sha"" be to your father in hea$en&(

(Donster2 ha$e you no fee"ing, no faith, no honestyL(

(To hear him, one ou"% think there as not a rope aroun% his necka"rea%y,( sai% the other, "aughing& (There is no necessity for yourbeing uneasy, Dr& Birch if the o"% man gets a fe hours the start ofyou in the journey, you i"" be sure to fo""o him before noonto@morro&(

This unfee"ing communication ha% no effect on the pe%%"er, ho "istene%ith gasping breath to e$ery soun% from the room of his parent unti" hehear% his on name spoken in the ho""o, sepu"chra" tones of %eath&Birch cou"% en%ure no more, but shrieking out,@@

(Father2 hush@@father2 ) come@@) come2( he %arte% by his keeper an% asthe ne.t moment pinne% to the a"" by the bayonet of another of theban%& Fortunate"y, his uick motion ha% cause% him to escape a thrustaime% at his "ife, an% it as by his c"othes on"y that he as confine%&

(o, Dr& Birch,( sai% the Skinner, (e kno you too e"" to trust you

out of sight@@your go"%, your go"%2(

(*ou ha$e it,( sai% the pe%%"er, rithing ith agony&

(4ye, e ha$e the purse, but you ha$e more purses& ing George is aprompt paymaster, an% you ha$e %one him many a piece of goo% ser$ice&here is your hoar%L ithout it you i"" ne$er see your father&(

(/emo$e the stone un%erneath the oman,( crie% the pe%%"er,eager"y@@(remo$e the stone&(

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(0e ra$es2 he ra$es2( sai% aty, instincti$e"y mo$ing her position to a%ifferent stone from the one on hich she ha% been stan%ing& )n a momentit as torn from its be%, an% nothing but earth as seen beneath&

(0e ra$es2 *ou ha$e %ri$en him from his right min%,( continue% thetremb"ing spinster& (ou"% any man in his senses keep go"% un%era hearthL(

(Peace, babb"ing foo"2( crie% 0ar$ey& (?ift the corner stone, an% youi"" fin% that hich i"" make you rich, an% me a beggar&(

(4n% then you i"" be %espisab"e,( sai% the housekeeper bitter"y& (4pe%%"er ithout goo%s an% ithout money is sure to be %espisab"e&(

(There i"" be enough "eft to pay for his ha"ter,( crie% the Skinner,ho as not s"o to fo""o the instructions of 0ar$ey, soon "ightingupon a store of Eng"ish guineas& The money as uick"y transferre% to abag, notithstan%ing the %ec"arations of the spinster, that her %uesere unsatisfie%, an% that, of right, ten of the guineas ere

her property&

'e"ighte% ith a priKe that great"y e.cee%e% their e.pectations, theban% prepare% to %epart, inten%ing to take the pe%%"er ith them, inor%er to gi$e him up to the 4merican troops abo$e, an% to c"aim therear% offere% for his apprehension& E$erything as rea%y, an% they ereabout to "ift Birch in their arms, for he reso"ute"y refuse% to mo$e aninch, hen a form appeare% in their mi%st, hich appa""e% the stoutestheart among them& The father ha% arisen from his be%, an% he tottere%forth at the cries of his son& 4roun% his bo%y as thron the sheet ofthe be%, an% his fi.e% eye an% haggar% face ga$e him the appearance of abeing from another or"%& E$en aty an% Caesar thought it as the spiritof the e"%er Birch, an% they f"e% the house, fo""oe% by the a"arme%Skinners in a bo%y&

The e.citement hich ha% gi$en the sick man strength, soon $anishe%, an%the pe%%"er, "ifting him in his arms, recon$eye% him to his be%& Thereaction of the system hich fo""oe% hastene% to c"ose the scene&

The g"aKe% eye of the father as fi.e% upon the son his "ips mo$e%, buthis $oice as unhear%& 0ar$ey bent %on, an%, ith the parting breath ofhis parent, recei$e% his %ying bene%iction& 4 "ife of pri$ation, an% ofrongs, embittere% most of the future hours of the pe%%"er& But un%er nosufferings, in no misfortunes, the subject of po$erty an% ob"ouy, theremembrance of that b"essing ne$er "eft him it constant"y g"eame% o$erthe images of the past, she%%ing a ho"y ra%iance aroun% his sa%%esthours of %espon%ency it cheere% the prospect of the future ith the

prayers of a pious spirit an% it brought the seet assurance of ha$ingfaithfu""y %ischarge% the sacre% offices of fi"ia" "o$e&

The retreat of Caesar an% the spinster ha% been too precipitate to a%mitof much ca"cu"ation yet they themse"$es instincti$e"y separate% fromthe Skinners& 4fter f"eeing a short %istance they pause%, an% the mai%encommence% in a so"emn $oice,@@

(=h2 Caesar, as it not %rea%fu" to a"k before he ha% been "ai% in hisgra$e2 )t must ha$e been the money that %isturbe% him they say Captain

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i%% a"ks near the spot here he burie% go"% in the o"% ar&(

() ne$er tink Johnny Birch hab such a big eye2( sai% the 4frican, histeeth yet chattering ith the fright&

()m sure tou"% be a botherment to a "i$ing sou" to "ose so muchmoney& 0ar$ey i"" be nothing but an utter"y %espisab"e,po$erty@stricken retch& ) on%er ho he thinks ou"% e$en be hishousekeeper2(

(Daybe a spook take aay 0ar$ey, too,( obser$e% Caesar, mo$ing sti""nearer to the si%e of the mai%en& But a ne i%ea ha% seiKe% theimagination of the spinster& She thought it not improbab"e that thepriKe ha% been forsaken in the confusion of the retreat an% after%e"iberating an% reasoning for some time ith Caesar, they %etermine% to$enture back, an% ascertain this important fact, an%, if possib"e, "earnhat ha% been the fate of the pe%%"er& Duch time as spent in cautious"yapproaching the %rea%e% spot an% as the spinster ha% sagacious"y p"ace%herse"f in the "ine of the retreat of the Skinners, e$ery stone ase.amine% in the progress in search of aban%one% go"%& But a"though the

su%%enness of the a"arm an% the cry of Caesar ha% impe""e% thefreebooters to so hasty a retreat, they graspe% the hoar% ith a ho"%that %eath itse"f ou"% not ha$e "oosene%& Percei$ing e$erything to beuiet ithin, aty at "ength mustere% reso"ution to enter the %e""ing,here she foun% the pe%%"er, ith a hea$y heart, performing the "ast sa%offices for the %ea%& 4 fe or%s suffice% to e.p"ain to aty the natureof her mistake but Caesar continue% to his %ying %ay to astonish thesab"e inmates of the kitchen ith "earne% %issertations on spooks, an%to re"ate ho %irefu" as the appearance of that of Johnny Birch&

The %anger compe""e% the pe%%"er to abri%ge e$en the short perio% that4merican custom "ea$es the %ecease% ith us an%, ai%e% by the b"ack an%aty, his painfu" task as soon en%e%& Caesar $o"unteere% to a"k acoup"e of mi"es ith or%ers to a carpenter an%, the bo%y being habite%in its or%inary attire, as "eft, ith a sheet thron %ecent"y o$er it,to aait the return of the messenger&

The Skinners ha% f"e% precipitate"y to the oo%, hich as but a short%istance from the house of Birch, an% once safe"y she"tere% ithin itssha%es, they ha"te%, an% mustere% their panic@stricken forces&

(hat in the name of fury seiKe% your coar% heartsL( crie% their%issatisfie% "ea%er, %raing his breath hea$i"y&

(The same uestion might be aske% of yourse"f,( returne% one of theban%, su""en"y&

(From your fright, ) thought a party of 'e ?anceys men ere upon us&=h2 you are bra$e gent"emen at a race2(

(e fo""o our captain&(

(Then fo""o me back, an% "et us secure the scoun%re", an% recei$e therear%&(

(*es an% by the time e reach the house, that b"ack rasca" i"" ha$ethe ma% -irginian upon us& By my sou" ) ou"% rather meet fifty Coboys

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than that sing"e man&(

(Foo",( crie% the enrage% "ea%er, (%ont you kno 'unoo%ies horse areat the Corners, fu"" to mi"es from hereL(

() care not here the %ragoons are, but ) i"" sear that ) sa Captain?aton enter the house of o"% harton, hi"e ) "ay atching anopportunity of getting the British co"one"s horse from the stab"e&(

(4n% if he shou"% come, ont a bu""et si"ence a %ragoon from the Southas e"" as from o"% Eng"an%L(

(4ye, but ) %ont choose a hornets nest about my ears rase the skin ofone of that corps, an% you i"" ne$er see another peaceab"e nightsforaging again&(

(e"",( muttere% the "ea%er, as they retire% %eeper into the oo%, (thissottish pe%%"er i"" stay to see the o"% %e$i" burie% an% though ecannot touch him at the funera" Hfor that ou"% raise e$ery o"% omanan% priest in 4merica against usI, he"" ait to "ook after the

mo$ab"es, an% to@morro night sha"" in% up his concerns&(

ith this threat they ith%re to one of their usua" p"aces of resort,unti" %arkness shou"% again gi$e them an opportunity of marau%ing on thecommunity ithout %anger of %etection&

C04PTE/ N)

  = o2 = ofu", ofu", ofu" %ay2  Dost "amentab"e %ay most ofu" %ay,  That e$er, e$er, ) %i% yet beho"%2  = %ay2 = %ay2 = %ay2 = hatefu" %ay2  e$er as seen so b"ack a %ay as this  = ofu" %ay2 = ofu" %ay2  @@S04ESPE4/E&

The fami"y at the ?ocusts ha% s"ept, or atche%, through a"" the%isturbances at the cottage of Birch, in perfect ignorance of theiroccurrence& The attacks of the Skinners ere a"ays ma%e ith so muchpri$acy as to e.c"u%e the sufferers, not on"y from succor, butfreuent"y, through a %rea% of future %epre%ations, from thecommiseration of their neighbors a"so& 4%%itiona" %uties ha% %ran the"a%ies from their pi""os at an hour somehat ear"ier than usua" an%

Captain ?aton, notithstan%ing the sufferings of his bo%y, ha% risen incomp"iance ith a ru"e from hich he ne$er %eparte%, of s"eeping but si.hours at a time& This as one of the fe points, in hich the care ofthe human frame as in$o"$e%, on hich the trooper an% the surgeon ofhorse ere e$er knon to agree& The %octor ha% atche%, %uring thenight, by the si%e of the be% of Captain Sing"eton, ithout once c"osinghis eyes& =ccasiona""y he ou"% pay a $isit to the oun%e% Eng"ishman,ho, being more hurt in the spirit than in the f"esh, to"erate% theinterruptions ith a $ery i"" grace an% once, for an instant, he$enture% to stea" soft"y to the be% of his obstinate comra%e, an% as

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near succee%ing in obtaining a touch of his pu"se, hen a terrib"e oath,sorn by the trooper in a %ream, start"e% the pru%ent surgeon, an%arne% him of a trite saying in the corps, (that Captain ?aton a"ayss"ept ith one eye open&( This group ha% assemb"e% in one of the par"orsas the sun ma%e its appearance o$er the eastern hi"", %ispersing theco"umns of fog hich ha% en$e"ope% the "o"an%&

Diss Peyton as "ooking from a in%o in the %irection of the tenementof the pe%%"er, an% as e.pressing a kin% an.iety after the e"fare ofthe sick man, hen the person of aty su%%en"y emerge% from the %enseco$ering of an earth"y c"ou%, hose mists ere scattering before thecheering rays of the sun, an% as seen making hasty steps toar%s the?ocusts& There as that in the air of the housekeeper hich bespoke%istress of an unusua" nature, an% the kin%@hearte% mistress of the?ocusts opene% the %oor of the room, ith the bene$o"ent intention ofsoothing a grief that seeme% so o$erhe"ming& 4 nearer $ie of the%isturbe% features of the $isitor confirme% Diss Peyton in her be"iefan%, ith the shock that gent"e fee"ings e$er e.perience at a su%%en an%en%"ess separation from e$en the meanest of their associates, she sai%hasti"y,@@

(aty, is he goneL(

(o, maam,( rep"ie% the %isturbe% %amse", ith great bitterness, (he isnot yet gone, but he may go as soon as he p"eases no, for the orst is%one& ) %o $eri"y be"ie$e, Diss Peyton, they ha$ent so much as "eft himmoney enough to buy him another suit of c"othes to co$er his nake%ness,an% those he has on are none of the best, ) can te"" you&(

(0o2( e.c"aime% the other, astonishe%, (cou"% anyone ha$e the heart top"un%er a man in such %istressL(

(0earts,( repeate% aty, catching her breath& (Den "ike them ha$e noboe"s( at a""& P"un%er an% %istress, in%ee%2 hy, maam, there ere inthe iron pot, in p"ain sight, fifty@four guineas of go"%, besi%es hat"ay un%erneath, hich ) cou"%nt count ithout han%"ing an% ) %i%nt"ike to touch it, for they say that anothers go"% is apt to stick@@so,ju%ging from that in sight, there asnt "ess than to hun%re% guineas,besi%es hat might ha$e been in the %eerskin purse& But 0ar$ey is "itt"ebetter no than a beggar an% a beggar, Diss Jeanette, is the mostafu""y %espisab"e of a"" earth"y creatures&(

(Po$erty is to be pitie%, an% not %espise%,( sai% the "a%y, sti"" unab"eto comprehen% the e.tent of the misfortune that ha% befa""en herneighbor %uring the night& (But ho is the o"% manL 4n% %oes this "ossaffect him muchL(

The countenance of aty change%, from the natura" e.pression of concern,to the set form of me"ancho"y, as she ansere%,@@

(0e is happi"y remo$e% from the cares of the or"% the chinking of themoney ma%e him get out of his be%, an% the poor sou" foun% the shock toogreat for him& 0e %ie% about to hours an% ten minutes before the cockcroe%, as near as e can say&( She as interrupte% by the physician,ho, approaching, inuire%, ith much interest, the nature of the%isor%er& G"ancing her eye o$er the figure of this ne acuaintance,aty instincti$e"y a%justing her %ress, rep"ie%,@@

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(Tas the troub"es of the times, an% the "oss of property, that broughthim %on he aste% from %ay to %ay, an% a"" my care an% an.iety ere"ost for no 0ar$ey is no better than a beggar, an% ho is there to payme for hat ) ha$e %oneL(

(Go% i"" rear% you for a"" the goo% you ha$e %one,( sai% Diss Peyton,mi"%"y&

(*es,( interrupte% the spinster hasti"y, an% ith an air of re$erencethat as instant"y succee%e% by an e.pression that %enote% more ofor"%"y care (but then ) ha$e "eft my ages for three years past in thehan%s of 0ar$ey, an% ho am ) to get themL Dy brothers to"% me, againan% again, to ask for my money but ) a"ays thought accounts beteenre"ations ere easi"y sett"e%&(

(ere you re"ate%, then, to BirchL( aske% Diss Peyton, obser$ing her topause&

(hy,( returne% the housekeeper, hesitating a "itt"e, () thought e ere

as goo% as so& ) on%er if ) ha$e no c"aim on the house an% gar%enthough they say, no it is 0ar$eys, it i"" sure"y be confiscate%&(Turning to ?aton, ho ha% been sitting in one posture, ith hispiercing eyes "oering at her through his thick bros, in si"ence,(Perhaps this gent"eman knos@@he seems to take an interest inmy story&(

(Da%am,( sai% the trooper, boing $ery "o, (both you an% the ta"e aree.treme"y interesting(@@aty smi"e% in$o"untari"y@@(but my humb"ekno"e%ge is "imite% to the setting of a sua%ron in the fie"%, an%using it hen there& ) beg "ea$e to refer you to 'r& 4rchiba"%Sitgrea$es, a gent"eman of uni$ersa" attainments an% unboun%e%phi"anthropy the $ery mi"k of human sympathies, an% a morta" foe to a""in%iscriminate cutting&(

The surgeon %re up, an% emp"oye% himse"f in hist"ing a "o air, as he"ooke% o$er some phia"s on a tab"e but the housekeeper, turning to himith an inc"ination of the hea%, continue%,@@

() suppose, sir, a oman has no %oer in her husban%s property, un"essthey be actua""y marrie%&(

)t as a ith 'r& Sitgrea$es, that no species of kno"e%ge as tobe %espise% an%, conseuent"y, he as an empiric in e$erything but hisprofession& 4t first, in%ignation at the irony of his comra%e kept himsi"ent but, su%%en"y changing his purpose, he ansere% the app"icantith a goo%@nature% smi"e,@@

() ju%ge not& )f %eath has anticipate% your nuptia"s, ) am fearfu" youha$e no reme%y against his stern %ecrees&(

To aty this soun%e% e"", a"though she un%erstoo% nothing of itsmeaning, but (%eath( an% (nuptia"s&( To this part of his speech, then,she %irecte% her rep"y&

() %i% think he on"y aite% the %eath of the o"% gent"eman before hemarrie%,( sai% the housekeeper, "ooking on the carpet& (But no he is

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nothing more than %espisab"e, or, hats the same thing, a pe%%"erithout house, pack, or money& )t might be har% for a man to get a ifeat a"" in such a pre%icary@@%ont you think it ou"%, Diss PeytonL(

() se"%om troub"e myse"f ith such things,( sai% the "a%y gra$e"y&

'uring this %ia"ogue Captain ?aton ha% been stu%ying the countenancean% manner of the housekeeper, ith a most "u%icrous gra$ity an%,fearfu" the con$ersation ou"% cease, he inuire%, ith an appearance ofgreat interest,@@

(*ou think it as age an% %ebi"ity that remo$e% the o"% gent"eman at"astL(

(4n% the troub"esome times& Troub"e is a hea$y pu"" %on to a sick be%but ) suppose his time ha% come, an% hen that happens, it matters but"itt"e hat %octors stuff e take&(

(?et me set you right in that particu"ar,( interrupte% the surgeon& (emust a"" %ie, it is true, but it is permitte% us to use the "ights of

science, in arresting %angers as they occur, unti"@@(

(e can %ie secun%em artem,( crie% the trooper&

To this obser$ation the physician %i% not %eign to rep"y but, %eemingit necessary to his professiona" %ignity that the con$ersation shou"%continue, he a%%e%,@@

(Perhaps, in this instance, ju%icious treatment might ha$e pro"onge% the"ife of the patient& ho a%ministere% to the caseL(

(o one yet,( sai% the housekeeper, ith uickness& () e.pect he hasma%e his "ast i"" an% testament&(

The surgeon %isregar%e% the smi"e of the "a%ies, an% pursue% hisinuiries&

()t is %oubt"ess ise to be prepare% for %eath& But un%er hose care asthe sick man %uring his in%ispositionL(

(An%er mine,( ansere% aty, ith an air of a "itt"e importance& (4n%care thron aay ) may e"" ca"" it for 0ar$ey is uite too %espisab"eto be any sort of compensation at present&(

The mutua" ignorance of each others meaning ma%e $ery "itt"einterruption to the %ia"ogue, for both took a goo% %ea" for grante%, an%Sitgrea$es pursue% the subject&

(4n% ho %i% you treat himL(

(in%"y, you may be certain,( sai% aty, rather tart"y&

(The %octor means me%ica""y, ma%am,( obser$e% Captain ?aton, ith aface that ou"% ha$e honore% the funera" of the %ecease%&

() %octore% him most"y ith yarbs,( sai% the housekeeper, smi"ing, as ifconscious of error&

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(ith simp"es,( returne% the surgeon& (They are safer in the han%s ofthe un"ettere% than more poerfu" reme%ies but hy ha% you no regu"aratten%antL(

()m sure 0ar$ey has suffere% enough a"rea%y from ha$ing so muchconcerns ith the rig"ars,( rep"ie% the housekeeper& (0e has "ost hisa"", an% ma%e himse"f a $agabon% through the "an% an% ) ha$e reason torue the %ay ) e$er crosse% the thresho"% of his house&(

('r& Sitgrea$es %oes not mean a rig"ar so"%ier, but a regu"arphysician, ma%am,( sai% the trooper&

(=h2( crie% the mai%en, again correcting herse"f, (for the best of a""reasons there as none to be ha%, so ) took care of him myse"f& )fthere ha% been a %octor at han%, ) am sure e ou"% g"a%"y ha$e ha% himfor my part, ) am c"ear for %octoring, though 0ar$ey says ) am ki""ingmyse"f ith me%icines but ) am sure it i"" make but "itt"e %ifferenceto him, hether ) "i$e or %ie&(

(Therein you sho your sense,( sai% the surgeon, approaching thespinster, ho sat ho"%ing the pa"ms of her han%s an% the so"es of herfeet to the genia" heat of a fine fire, making the most of comfort ami%a"" her troub"es& (*ou appear to be a sensib"e, %iscreet oman, an% someho ha$e ha% opportunities of acuiring more correct $ies might en$yyou your respect for kno"e%ge an% the "ights of science&(

4"though the housekeeper %i% not a"together comprehen% the othersmeaning, she kne he use% a comp"iment, an% as such as high"y p"ease%ith hat he sai%& ith increase% animation, therefore, she crie%, ()tas a"ays sai% of me, that ) ante% nothing but opportunity to makeuite a physician myse"f so "ong as before ) came to "i$e ith 0ar$eysfather, they ca""e% me the petticoat %octor&(

(Dore true than ci$i", ) %are say,( returne% the surgeon, "osing sightof the omans character in his a%miration of her respect for thehea"ing art& ()n the absence of more en"ightene% counse"ors, thee.perience of a %iscreet matron is freuent"y of great efficacy inchecking the progress of %isease un%er such circumstances, ma%am, it is%rea%fu" to ha$e to conten% ith ignorance an% obstinacy&(

(Ba% enough, as ) e"" kno from e.perience,( crie% aty, in triumph&(0ar$ey is as obstinate about such things as a %umb beast one ou"%think the care ) took of his be%ri%%en father might "earn him betterthan to %espise goo% nursing& But some %ay he may kno hat it is toant a carefu" oman in his house, though no ) am sure he is too%espisab"e himse"f to ha$e a house&(

()n%ee%, ) can easi"y comprehen% the mortification you must ha$e fe"t inha$ing one so se"f@i""e% to %ea" ith,( returne% the surgeon, g"ancinghis eyes reproachfu""y at his comra%e& (But you shou"% rise superior tosuch opinions, an% pity the ignorance by hich they are engen%ere%&(

The housekeeper hesitate% a moment, at a "oss to comprehen% a"" that thesurgeon e.presse%, yet she fe"t it as both comp"imentary an% kin%therefore, suppressing her natura" f"o of "anguage a "itt"e, sherep"ie%,@@

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() te"" 0ar$ey his con%uct is often con%emnab"e, an% "ast night he ma%emy or%s goo% but the opinions of such unbe"ie$ers is not $eryconseuentia" yet it is %rea%fu" to think ho he beha$es at times3 no,hen he thre aay the nee%"e@@(

(hat2( sai% the surgeon, interrupting her, (%oes he affect to %espisethe nee%"eL But it is my "ot to meet ith men, %ai"y, ho are eua""yper$erse, an% ho sho a sti"" more cu"pab"e %isrespect for theinformation that f"os from the "ights of science&(

The %octor turne% his face toar%s Captain ?aton hi"e speaking, butthe e"e$ation of the hea% pre$ente% his eyes from resting on the gra$ecountenance maintaine% by the trooper& aty "istene% ith a%miringattention, an% hen the other ha% %one, she a%%e%,@@

(Then 0ar$ey is a %isbe"ie$er in the ti%es&(

(ot be"ie$e in the ti%es2( repeate% the hea"er of bo%ies inastonishment& ('oes the man %istrust his sensesL But perhaps it is the

inf"uence of the moon that he %oubts&(

(That he %oes2( e.c"aime% aty, shaking ith %e"ight at meeting ith aman of "earning, ho cou"% support her opinions& ()f you as to hear himta"k, you ou"% think he %i%nt be"ie$e there as such a thing as amoon at a""&(

()t is the misfortune of ignorance an% incre%u"ity, ma%am, that theyfee% themse"$es& The min%, once rejecting usefu" information, insensib"y"eans to superstition an% conc"usions on the or%er of nature, that arenot "ess preju%icia" to the cause of truth, than they are at $arianceith the first princip"es of human kno"e%ge&(

The spinster as too much ae@struck to $enture an un%igeste% rep"y tothis speech an% the surgeon, after pausing a moment in a kin% ofphi"osophica" %is%ain, continue%,@@

(That any man in his senses can %oubt of the f"u. of the ti%es is morethan ) cou"% ha$e thought possib"e yet obstinacy is a %angerous inmateto harbor, an% may "ea% us into any error, hoe$er gross&(

(*ou think, then, they ha$e an effect on the f"u.L( sai% thehousekeeper, inuiring"y&

Diss Peyton rose an% beckone% her nieces to gi$e her their assistance inthe a%joining pantry, hi"e for a moment the %ark $isage of theattenti$e ?aton as "ighte% by an animation that $anishe% by an effort,

as poerfu" an% as su%%en, as the one that %re it into being&

4fter ref"ecting hether he right"y un%erstoo% the meaning of the other,the surgeon, making %ue a""oance for the "o$e of "earning, acting upona ant of e%ucation, rep"ie%,@@

(The moon, you mean many phi"osophers ha$e %oubte% ho far it affectsthe ti%es but ) think it is i""fu""y rejecting the "ights of sciencenot to be"ie$e it causes both the f"u. an% ref"u.&(

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4s ref"u. as a %isor%er ith hich aty as not acuainte%, she thoughtit pru%ent to be si"ent yet burning ith curiosity to kno the meaningof certain portentous "ights to hich the other so often a""u%e%, she$enture% to ask,@@

()f them "ights he spoke of ere hat as ca""e% northern "ights inthese partsL(

)n charity to her ignorance, the surgeon ou"% ha$e entere% into ane"aborate e.p"anation of his meaning, ha% he not been interrupte% by themirth of ?aton& The trooper ha% "istene% so far ith great composurebut no he "aughe% unti" his aching bones remin%e% him of his fa"", an%the tears ro""e% o$er his cheeks in "arger %rops than ha% e$er been seenthere before& 4t "ength the offen%e% physician seiKe% an opportunity ofa pause to say,@@

(To you, Captain ?aton, it may be a source of triumph, that anune%ucate% oman shou"% make a mistake in a subject on hich men ofscience ha$e "ong been at $ariance but yet you fin% this respectab"ematron %oes not reject the "ights@@%oes not reject the use of proper

instruments in repairing injuries sustaine% by the human frame& *ou maypossib"y remember, sir, her a""usion to the use of the nee%"e&(

(4ye,( crie% the %e"ighte% trooper, (to men% the pe%%"ers breeches&(

aty %re up in e$i%ent %isp"easure, an% prompt to $in%icate hercharacter for more "ofty acuirements, she sai%,@@

(Tas not a common use that ) put that nee%"e to@@but one of muchgreater $irtue&(

(E.p"ain yourse"f, ma%am,( sai% the surgeon impatient"y, (that thisgent"eman may see ho "itt"e reason he has for e.u"tation&(

Thus so"icite%, aty pause% to co""ect sufficient e"ouence to garnishher narrati$e& The substance of her ta"e as, that a chi"% ho ha% beenp"ace% by the guar%ians of the poor in the keeping of 0ar$ey, ha%, inthe absence of its master, injure% itse"f ba%"y in the foot by a "argenee%"e& The offen%ing instrument ha% been carefu""y grease%, rappe% inoo"en, an% p"ace% in a certain charme% nook of the chimney hi"e thefoot, from a fear of eakening the incantation, as "eft in a state ofnature& The arri$a" of the pe%%"er ha% a"tere% the ho"e of thisa%mirab"e treatment an% the conseuences ere e.presse% by aty, as sheconc"u%e% her narrati$e, by saying,@@

(Tas no on%er the boy %ie% of a "ockja2(

'octor Sitgrea$es "ooke% out of the in%o in a%miration of thebri""iant morning, stri$ing a"" he cou"% to a$oi% the basi"isks eyes ofhis comra%e& 0e as impe""e%, by a fee"ing that he cou"% not conuer,hoe$er, to "ook Captain ?aton in the face& The trooper ha% arrange%e$ery musc"e of his countenance to sympathy for the fate of thepoor chi"% but the e.u"tation of his eyes cut the astoun%e% man ofscience to the uick he muttere% something concerning the con%ition ofhis patients, an% retreate% ith precipitation&

Diss Peyton entere% into the situation of things at the house of the

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pe%%"er, ith a"" the interest of her e.ce""ent fee"ings she "istene%patient"y hi"e aty recounte%, more particu"ar"y, the circumstances ofthe past night as they ha% occurre%& The spinster %i% not forget to%e"" on the magnitu%e of the pecuniary "oss sustaine% by 0ar$ey, an% inno manner spare% her in$ecti$es, at his betraying a secret hich mightso easi"y ha$e been kept&

(For, Diss Peyton,( continue% the housekeeper, after a pause to takebreath, () ou"% ha$e gi$en up "ife before ) ou"% ha$e gi$en up thatsecret& 4t the most, they cou"% on"y ha$e ki""e% him, an% no a bo%y maysay that they ha$e s"ain both sou" an% bo%y or, hats the same thing,they ha$e ma%e him a %espisab"e $agabon%& ) on%er ho he thinks ou"%be his ife, or ho ou"% keep his house, For my part, my goo% name istoo precious to be "i$ing ith a "one man though, for the matter ofthat, he is ne$er there& ) am reso"$e% to te"" him this %ay, that staythere a sing"e oman, ) i"" not an hour after the funera" an% marryhim ) %ont think ) i"", un"ess he becomes stea%ier an% more of ahome bo%y&(

The mi"% mistress of the ?ocusts suffere% the e.uberance of the

housekeepers fee"ings to e.pen% itse"f, an% then, by one or toju%icious uestions, that %enote% a more intimate kno"e%ge of thein%ings of the human heart in matters of Cupi% than might fair"y besuppose% to be"ong to a spinster, she e.tracte% enough from aty to%isco$er the improbabi"ity of 0ar$eys e$er presuming to offer himse"f,ith his broken fortunes, to the acceptance of atharine 0aynes& Shetherefore mentione% her on ant of assistance in the present state ofher househo"%, an% e.presse% a ish that aty ou"% change her resi%enceto the ?ocusts, in case the pe%%"er ha% no further use for her ser$ices&4fter a fe pre"iminary con%itions on the part of the ary housekeeper,the arrangement as conc"u%e% an% making a fe more piteous"amentations on the eight of her on "osses an% the stupi%ity of0ar$ey, unite% ith some curiosity to kno the future fate of thepe%%"er, aty ith%re to make the necessary preparations for theapproaching funera", hich as to take p"ace that %ay&

'uring the inter$ie beteen the to fema"es, ?aton, through %e"icacy,ha% ith%ran& 4n.iety took him to the room of Captain Sing"eton& Thecharacter of this youth, it has a"rea%y been shon, en%eare% him in apecu"iar manner to e$ery officer in the corps& The singu"ar"y mi"%%eportment of the young %ragoon ha% on so many occasions been pro$e% notto procee% from ant of reso"ution that his a"most feminine softness ofmanner an% appearance ha% fai"e% to bring him into %isrepute, e$en inthat ban% of partisan arriors&

To the major he as as %ear as a brother, an% his easy submission tothe %irections of his surgeon ha% ma%e him a marke% fa$orite ith 'r&

Sitgrea$es& The rough usage the corps often recei$e% in its %aringattacks ha% brought each of its officers, in succession, un%er thetemporary keeping of the surgeon& To Captain Sing"eton the man ofscience ha% %ecree% the pa"m of %oci"ity, on such occasions, an% Captain?aton he ha% fair"y b"ackba""e%& 0e freuent"y %ec"are%, ithunconuerab"e simp"icity an% earnestness of manner, that it ga$e himmore p"easure to see the former brought in oun%e% than any officer inthe sua%ron, an% that the "atter affor%e% him the "east a comp"imentan% con%emnation that ere usua""y recei$e% by the first of the partiesith a uiet smi"e of goo% nature, an% by the "ast ith a gra$e bo of

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thanks& =n the present occasion, the mortifie% surgeon an% e.u"tingtrooper met in the room of Captain Sing"eton, as a p"ace here theycou"% act on common groun%& Some time as occupie% in joint attentionsto the comfort of the oun%e% officer, an% the %octor retire% to anapartment prepare% for his on accommo%ation here, ithin a feminutes, he as surprise% by the entrance of ?aton& The triumph of thetrooper ha% been so comp"ete, that he fe"t he cou"% affor% to begenerous, an% commencing by $o"untari"y throing asi%e his coat, hecrie% care"ess"y,@@

(Sitgrea$es, a%minister a "itt"e of the ai% of the "ights of science tomy bo%y, if you p"ease&(

The surgeon as beginning to fee" this as a subject that asinto"erab"e, but $enturing a g"ance toar%s his comra%e, he sa ithsurprise the preparations he ha% ma%e, an% an air of sincerity abouthim, that as unusua" to his manner hen making such a reuest& Changinghis inten%e% burst of resentment to a tone of ci$i" inuiry, he sai%,@@

('oes Captain ?aton ant anything at my han%sL(

(?ook for yourse"f, my %ear sir,( sai% the trooper mi"%"y& (0ere seem tobe most of the co"ors of the rainbo, on this shou"%er&(

(*ou ha$e reason for saying so,( sai% the other, han%"ing the part ithgreat ten%erness an% consummate ski""& (But happi"y nothing is broken&)t is on%erfu" ho e"" you escape%2(

() ha$e been a tumb"er from my youth, an% ) am past min%ing a fe fa""sfrom a horse but, Sitgrea$es,( he a%%e% ith affection, an% pointing toa scar on his bo%y, (%o you remember this bit of orkL(

(Perfect"y e"", Jack it as bra$e"y obtaine%, an% neat"y e.tracte%but %ont you think ) ha% better app"y an oi" to these bruisesL(

(Certain"y,( sai% ?aton, ith une.pecte% con%escension&

(o, my %ear boy,( crie% the %octor, e.u"tant"y, as he busie% himse"fin app"ying the reme%y to the hurts, (%o you not think it ou"% ha$ebeen better to ha$e %one a"" this "ast nightL(

(Muite probab"e&(

(*es, Jack, but if you ha% "et me perform the operation of ph"ebotomy nhen ) first sa you, it ou"% ha$e been of infinite ser$ice&(

(o ph"ebotomy,( sai% the other, positi$e"y&

()t is no too "ate but a %ose of oi" ou"% carry off the humorsfamous"y&(

To this the captain ma%e no rep"y, but grate% his teeth, in a ay thatshoe% the fortress of his mouth as not to be assai"e% ithout areso"ute resistance an% the e.perience% physician change% the subjectby saying,@@

()t is a pity, John, that you %i% not catch the rasca", after the %anger

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an% troub"e you incurre%&(

The captain of %ragoons ma%e no rep"y an%, hi"e p"acing some ban%ageson the oun%e% shou"%er, the surgeon continue%,@@

()f ) ha$e any ish at a"" to %estroy human "ife, it is to ha$e thep"easure of seeing that traitor hange%&(

() thought your business as to cure, an% not to s"ay,( sai% thetrooper, %ry"y&

(4ye2 but he has cause% us such hea$y "osses by his information, that )sometimes fee" a $ery unsophistica" temper toar%s that spy&(

(*ou shou"% not encourage such fee"ings of animosity to any of yourfe""o creatures,( returne% ?aton, in a tone that cause% the operatorto %rop a pin he as arranging in the ban%ages from his han%& 0e "ooke%the patient in the face to remo$e a"" %oubts of his i%entity fin%ing,hoe$er, it as his o"% comra%e, Captain John ?aton, ho ha% spoken, hera""ie% his astonishe% facu"ties, an% procee%e% by saying,@@

(*our %octrine is just, an% in genera" ) subscribe to it& But, John, my%ear fe""o, is the ban%age easyL(


() agree ith you as a ho"e but as matter is infinite"y %i$isib"e, sono case e.ists ithout an e.ception& ?aton, %o you fee" easyL(


()t is not on"y crue" to the sufferer, but sometimes unjust to others,to take human "ife here a "ess punishment ou"% anser the purpose&o, Jack, if you ere on"y@@mo$e your arm a "itt"e@@if you ere on"y@@)hope you fee" easier, my %ear frien%L(


()f, my %ear John, you ou"% teach your men to cut ith more %iscretion,it ou"% anser you the same purpose@@an% gi$e me great p"easure&(

The %octor %re a hea$y sigh, as he as enab"e% to get ri% of hat asnearest to the heart an% the %ragoon coo""y rep"ace% his coat, sayingith great %e"iberation as he retire%,@@

() kno no troop that cut more ju%icious"y they genera""y sha$e fromthe cron to the ja&(

The %isappointe% operator co""ecte% his instruments, an% ith a hea$yheart procee%e% to pay a $isit to the room of Co"one" e""mere&

C04PTE/ N))

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  This fairy form contains a sou" as mighty,  4s that hich "i$es ithin a giants frame  These s"en%er "imbs, that tremb"e "ike the aspen  4t summer e$enings sigh, upho"% a spirit,  hich, rouse%, can toer to the height of hea$en,  4n% "ight those shining in%os of the face  ith much of hea$ens on ra%iance&


The number an% character of her guests ha% great"y a%%e% to the cares ofDiss Jeanette Peyton& The morning foun% them a"" restore%, in somemeasure, to their former ease of bo%y, ith the e.ception of theyouthfu" captain of %ragoons, ho ha% been so %eep"y regrette% by'unoo%ie& The oun% of this officer as se$ere, though the surgeonperse$ere% in saying that it as ithout %anger& 0is comra%e, e ha$eshon, ha% %eserte% his couch an% 0enry harton aoke from a s"eep thatha% been un%isturbe% by anything but a %ream of suffering amputationun%er the han%s of a surgica" no$ice& 4s it pro$e%, hoe$er, to benothing but a %ream, the youth foun% himse"f much refreshe% by his

s"umbers an% 'r& Sitgrea$es remo$e% a"" further apprehensions byconfi%ent"y pronouncing that he ou"% be a e"" man ithin a fortnight&

'uring a"" this time Co"one" e""mere %i% not make his appearance hebreakfaste% in his on room, an%, notithstan%ing certain significantsmi"es of the man of science, %ec"are% himse"f too much injure% to risefrom his be%& ?ea$ing him, therefore, en%ea$oring to concea" his chagrinin the so"itu%e of his chamber, the surgeon procee%e% to the moregratefu" task of sitting an hour by the be%si%e of George Sing"eton& 4s"ight f"ush as on the face of the patient as the %octor entere% theroom, an% the "atter a%$ance% prompt"y an% "ai% his fingers on the pu"seof the youth, beckoning to him to be si"ent, hi"e he muttere%,@@

(Groing symptoms of a febri"e pu"se@@no, no, my %ear George, you mustremain uiet an% %umb though your eyes "ook better, an% your skin hase$en a moisture&(

(ay, my %ear Sitgrea$es,( sai% the youth, taking his han%, (you seethere is no fe$er about me "ook, is there any of Jack ?atonshoarfrost on my tongueL(

(o, in%ee%,( sai% the surgeon, c"apping a spoon in the mouth of theother, forcing it open, an% "ooking %on his throat as if %ispose% to$isit the interior in person& (The tongue is e"", an% the pu"se beginsto "oer again& 4h2 the b"ee%ing %i% you goo%& Ph"ebotomy is a so$ereignspecific for southern constitutions& But that ma%cap ?aton abso"ute"yrefuse% to be b"oo%e% for a fa"" he ha% from his horse "ast night& hy,

George, your case is becoming singu"ar,( continue% the %octor,instincti$e"y throing asi%e his ig& (*our pu"se e$en an% soft, yourskin moist, but your eye fiery, an% cheek f"ushe%& =h2 ) must e.aminemore c"ose"y into these symptoms&(

(Soft"y, my goo% frien%, soft"y,( sai% the youth, fa""ing back on hispi""o, an% "osing some of that co"or hich a"arme% his companion& ()be"ie$e, in e.tracting the ba"", you %i% for me a"" that is reuire%& )am free from pain an% on"y eak, ) %o assure you&(

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(Captain Sing"eton,( sai% the surgeon, ith heat, (it is presumptuous inyou to preten% to te"" your me%ica" atten%ant hen you are free frompain& )f it be not to enab"e us to %eci%e in such matters, of hat a$ai"the "ights of scienceL For shame, George, for shame2 E$en that per$ersefe""o, John ?aton, cou"% not beha$e ith more obstinacy&(

0is patient smi"e%, as he gent"y repu"se% his physician in an attempt toun%o the ban%ages, an% ith a returning g"o to his cheeks, inuire%,@@

('o, 4rchiba"%,(@@a term of en%earment that se"%om fai"e% to soften theoperators heart,@@(te"" me hat spirit from hea$en has been g"i%ingaroun% my apartment, hi"e ) "ay preten%ing to s"eepL(

()f anyone interferes ith my patients,( crie% the %octor, hasti"y, ()i"" teach them, spirit or no spirit, hat it is to me%%"e ith anothermans concerns&(

(Tut@@my %ear fe""o, there as no interference ma%e, nor any inten%e%&See,( e.hibiting the ban%ages, (e$erything is as you "eft it,@@but itg"i%e% about the room ith the grace of a fairy an% the ten%erness of

an ange"&(

The surgeon, ha$ing satisfie% himse"f that e$erything as as he ha% "eftit, $ery %e"iberate"y resume% his seat an% rep"ace% his ig, as heinuire%, ith a bre$ity that ou"% ha$e honore% ?ieutenant Dason,@@

(0a% it petticoats, GeorgeL(

() sa nothing but its hea$en"y eyes@@its b"oom@@its majestic step@@itsgrace,( rep"ie% the young man, ith rather more ar%or than his surgeonthought consistent ith his %ebi"itate% con%ition an% he "ai% his han%on his mouth to stop him, saying himse"f,@@

()t must ha$e been Diss Jeanette Peyton@@a "a%y of fine accomp"ishments,ith@@hem@@ith something of the kin% of step you speak of@@a $erycomp"acent eye an% as to the b"oom, ) %are say offices of charity cansummon as fine a co"or to her cheeks, as g"os in the faces of her moreyouthfu" nieces&(

(iecesL 0as she nieces, thenL The ange" ) sa may be a %aughter, asister, or a niece,@@but ne$er an aunt&(

(0ush, George, hush your ta"king has brought your pu"se up again& *oumust obser$e uiet, an% prepare for a meeting ith your on sister, hoi"" be here ithin an hour&(

(hat, )sabe""a2 4n% ho sent for herL(

(The major&(

(Consi%erate 'unoo%ie2( murmure% the e.hauste% youth, sinking again onhis pi""o, here the comman%s of his atten%ant compe""e% him toremain si"ent&

E$en Captain ?aton ha% been recei$e% ith many an% courteous inuiriesafter the state of his hea"th, from a"" the members of the fami"y, henhe ma%e his morning entrance but an in$isib"e spirit presi%e% o$er the

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(e ought to be gratefu" that none of the patients it contains are%earer to us&(

(*our brother is one&(

(True, true,( interrupte% Frances, b"ushing to the eyes (but he "ea$eshis room, an% thinks his oun% "ight"y purchase% by the p"easure ofbeing ith his frien%s& )f,( she a%%e%, ith a tremu"ous "ip, (this%rea%fu" suspicion that is affi.e% to his $isit ere remo$e%, ) cou"%consi%er his oun% of "itt"e moment&(

(*ou no ha$e the fruits of rebe""ion brought home to you a brotheroun%e% an% a prisoner, an% perhaps a $ictim your father %istresse%,his pri$acy interrupte%, an% not improbab"y his estates torn from him,on account of his "oya"ty to his king&(

Frances continue% her a"k in si"ence& hi"e facing the northernentrance to the $a"e, her eyes ere uniform"y fastene% on the pointhere the roa% as su%%en"y "ost by the inter$ention of a hi"" an% ateach turn, as she "ost sight of the spot, she "ingere% unti" an

impatient mo$ement of her sister uickene% her pace to an e$en motionith that of her on& 4t "ength, a sing"e horse chaise as seen makingits ay carefu""y among the stones hich "ay scattere% o$er the countryroa% that oun% through the $a""ey, an% approache% the cottage& Theco"or of Frances change% as the $ehic"e gra%ua""y %re nearer an% henshe as enab"e% to see a fema"e form in it by the si%e of a b"ack in"i$ery, her "imbs shook ith an agitation that compe""e% her to "ean onSarah for support& )n a fe minutes the tra$e"ers approache% the gate&)t as thron open by a %ragoon ho fo""oe% the carriage, an% ho ha%been the messenger %ispatche% by 'unoo%ie to the father of CaptainSing"eton& Diss Peyton a%$ance% to recei$e their guest, an% the sistersunite% in gi$ing her the kin%est e"come sti"" Frances cou"% ith%ifficu"ty ith%ra her truant eyes from the countenance of their$isitor& She as young, an% of a "ight an% fragi"e form, but ofe.uisite proportions& 0er eyes ere "arge, fu"", b"ack, piercing, an%at times a "itt"e i"%& 0er hair as "u.uriant, an% as it as ithoutthe po%er it as then the fashion to ear, it fe"" in ra$en b"ackness&4 fe of its "ocks ha% fa""en on her cheek, gi$ing its chi""inghiteness by the contrast a more %ea%"y character& 'r& Sitgrea$essupporte% her from the chaise an% hen she gaine% the f"oor of thepiaKKa, she turne% an e.pressi$e "ook on the face of the practitioner&

(*our brother is out of %anger an% ishes to see you, Diss Sing"eton,(sai% the surgeon&

The "a%y burst into a f"oo% of tears& Frances ha% stoo% contemp"atingthe action an% face of )sabe""a ith a kin% of uneasy a%miration, but

she no sprang to her si%e ith the ar%or of a sister, an% kin%"y%raing her arm ithin her on, "e% the ay to a retire% room& Themo$ement as so ingenuous, so consi%erate, an% so %e"icate, that e$enDiss Peyton ithhe"% her interference, fo""oing the youthfu" pair ithon"y her eyes an% a smi"e of comp"acency& The fee"ing as communicate%to a"" the spectators, an% they %isperse% in pursuit of their usua"a$ocations& )sabe""a yie"%e% to the gent"e inf"uence of Frances ithoutresistance an%, ha$ing gaine% the room here the "atter con%ucte% her,ept in si"ence on the shou"%er of the obser$ant an% soothing gir",unti" Frances thought her tears e.cee%e% the emotion natura" to the

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occasion& The sobs of Diss Sing"eton for a time ere $io"ent an%uncontro""ab"e, unti", ith an e$i%ent e.ertion, she yie"%e% to a kin%obser$ation of her companion, an% succee%e% in suppressing her tears&/aising her face to the eyes of Frances, she rose, hi"e a smi"e ofbeautifu" ra%iance passe% o$er her features an% making a hasty apo"ogyfor the e.cess of her emotion, she %esire% to be con%ucte% to the roomof the in$a"i%&

The meeting beteen the brother an% sister as arm, but, by an efforton the part of the "a%y, more compose% than her pre$ious agitation ha%gi$en reason to e.pect& )sabe""a foun% her brother "ooking better, an%in "ess %anger than her sensiti$e imagination ha% "e% her to suppose&0er spirits rose in proportion from %espon%ency, she passe% tosomething "ike gayety her beautifu" eyes spark"e% ith reno$ate%bri""iancy an% her face as "ighte% ith smi"es so fascinating, thatFrances, ho, in comp"iance ith her earnest entreaties, ha% accompanie%her to the sick chamber, sat gaKing on a countenance that possesse% soon%erfu" $ariabi"ity, impe""e% by a charm that as beyon% her contro"&The youth ha% thron an earnest "ook at Frances, as soon as his sisterraise% herse"f from his arms, an% perhaps it as the first g"ance at the

"o$e"y "ineaments of our heroine, hen the gaKer turne% his eyes fromthe $ie in %isappointment& 0e seeme% bei"%ere%, rubbe% his forehea%"ike a man aaking from a %ream, an% muse%&

(here is 'unoo%ie, )sabe""aL( he sai%& (The e.ce""ent fe""o is ne$ereary of kin% actions& 4fter a %ay of such ser$ice as that of yester%ay,he has spent the night in bringing me a nurse, hose presence a"one isab"e to raise me from my couch&(

The e.pression of the "a%ys countenance change% her eye ro$e% aroun%the apartment ith a character of i"%ness in it that repe""e% thean.ious Frances, ho stu%ie% her mo$ements ith unabate% interest&

('unoo%ie2 )s he then not hereL ) thought to ha$e met him by the si%eof my brothers be%&(

(0e has %uties that reuire his presence e"sehere the Eng"ish are sai%to be out by the ay of the 0u%son, an% they gi$e us "ight troops but"itt"e rest& Sure"y nothing e"se cou"% ha$e kept him so "ong from aoun%e% frien%& But, )sabe""a, the meeting has been too much for youyou tremb"e&(

)sabe""a ma%e no rep"y she stretche% her han% toar%s the tab"e hichhe"% the nourishment of the captain, an% the attenti$e Francescomprehen%e% her ishes in a moment& 4 g"ass of ater in some measurere$i$e% the sister, ho as enab"e% to say,@@

('oubt"ess it is his %uty& Tas sai% abo$e, a roya" party as mo$ing onthe ri$er though ) passe% the troops but to mi"es from this spot&( The"atter part of the sentence as har%"y au%ib"e, an% it as spoken morein the manner of a so"i"ouy, than as if for the ears of her companions&

(=n the march, )sabe""aL( eager"y inuire% her brother&

(o, %ismounte%, an% seeming"y at rest,( as the rep"y&

The on%ering %ragoon turne% his gaKe on the countenance of his sister,

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ho sat ith her eye bent on the carpet in unconscious absence, butfoun% no e.p"anation& 0is "ook as change% to the face of Frances, ho,start"e% by the earnestness of his e.pression, arose, an% hasti"yinuire% if he ou"% ha$e any assistance&

()f you can par%on the ru%eness,( sai% the oun%e% officer, making afeeb"e effort to raise his bo%y, () ou"% reuest to ha$e Captain?atons company for a moment&(

Frances hastene% instant"y to communicate his ish to that gent"eman,an% impe""e% by an interest she cou"% not contro", she returne% again toher seat by the si%e of Diss Sing"eton&

(?aton,( sai% the youth, impatient"y, as the trooper entere%, (hear youfrom the majorL(

The eye of the sister as no bent on the face of the trooper, ho ma%ehis sa"utations to the "a%y ith ease, b"en%e% ith the frankness ofa so"%ier&

(0is man has been here tice,( he sai%, (to inuire ho e fare% in the"aKaretto&(

(4n% hy not himse"fL(

(That is a uestion the major can anser best but you kno the re%coatsare abroa%, an% 'unoo%ie comman%s in the county these Eng"ish must be"ooke% to&(

(True,( sai% Sing"eton, s"o"y, as if struck ith the others reasons&(But ho is it that you are i%"e, hen there is ork to %oL(

(Dy sor% arm is not in the best con%ition, an% /oanoke has but ashamb"ing gait this morning besi%es, there is another reason ) cou"%mention, if it ere not that Diss harton ou"% ne$er forgi$e me&(

(Speak, ) beg, ithout %rea% of my %isp"easure,( sai% Frances, returningthe goo%@humore% smi"e of the trooper, ith the archness natura" to heron seet face&

(The o%ors of your kitchen, then,( crie% ?aton b"unt"y, (forbi% myuitting the %omains, unti" ) ua"ify myse"f to speak ith morecertainty concerning the fatness of the "an%&(

(=h2 4unt Jeanette is e.erting herse"f to %o cre%it to my fathershospita"ity,( sai% the "aughing gir", (an% ) am a truant from her"abors, as ) sha"" be a stranger to her fa$or, un"ess ) proffer my


Frances ith%re to seek her aunt, musing %eep"y on the character an%e.treme sensibi"ity of the ne acuaintance chance ha% brought tothe cottage&

The oun%e% officer fo""oe% her ith his eyes, as she mo$e%, ithinfanti"e grace, through the %oor of his apartment, an% as she $anishe%from his $ie, he obser$e%,@@

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(Such an aunt an% niece are se"%om to be met ith, Jack this seems afairy, but the aunt is ange"ic&(

(*ou are %oing e"", ) see your enthusiasm for the se. ho"%s its on&(

() shou"% be ungratefu" as e"" as insensib"e, %i% ) not bear testimonyto the "o$e"iness of Diss Peyton&(

(4 goo% mother"y "a%y, but as to "o$e, that is a matter of taste& 4 feyears younger, ith %eference to her pru%ence an% e.perience, ou"%accor% better ith my fancy&(

(She must be un%er tenty,( sai% the other, uick"y&

()t %epen%s on the ay you count& )f you begin at the hee" of "ife,e"" but if you reckon %onar%, as is most common, ) think she isnearer forty&(

(*ou ha$e mistaken an e"%er sister for the aunt,( sai% )sabe""a, "ayingher fair han% on the mouth of the in$a"i%& (*ou must be si"ent2 *our

fee"ings are beginning to affect your frame&(

The entrance of 'r& Sitgrea$es, ho, in some a"arm, notice% the increaseof fe$erish symptoms in his patient, enforce% this man%ate an% thetrooper ith%re to pay a $isit of con%o"ence to /oanoke, ho ha% beenan eua" sufferer ith himse"f in their "ast nights somersau"t& To hisgreat joy, his man pronounce% the stee% to be eua""y con$a"escent iththe master an% ?aton foun% that by %int of rubbing the anima"s "imbsse$era" hours ithout ceasing, he as enab"e% to p"ace his feet in hathe ca""e% systematic motion& =r%ers ere accor%ing"y gi$en to be inrea%iness to rejoin the troop at the Four Corners, as soon as his masterha% share% in the bounty of the approaching banuet&

)n the meantime, 0enry harton entere% the apartment of e""mere, an% byhis sympathy succee%e% in restoring the co"one" to his on goo% graces&The "atter as conseuent"y enab"e% to rise, an% prepare% to meet ari$a" of hom he ha% spoken so "ight"y, an%, as the resu"t ha% pro$e%,ith so "itt"e reason& harton kne that their misfortune, as they bothterme% their %efeat, as oing to the others rashness but he forboreto speak of anything e.cept the unfortunate acci%ent hich ha% %epri$e%the Eng"ish of their "ea%er, an% to hich he goo%@nature%"y ascribe%their subseuent %iscomfiture&

()n short, harton,( sai% the co"one", putting one "eg out of be%, (itmay be ca""e% a combination of untoar% e$ents your on ungo$ernab"ehorse pre$ente% my or%ers from being carrie% to the major, in season tof"ank the rebe"s&(

(-ery true,( rep"ie% the captain, kicking a s"ipper toar%s the be%&(0a% e succee%e% in getting a fe goo% fires upon them in f"ank, eshou"% ha$e sent these bra$e -irginians to the right about&(

(4ye, an% that in %oub"e@uick time,( crie% the co"one", making theother "eg fo""o its companion& (Then it as necessary to rout thegui%es, you kno, an% the mo$ement ga$e them the best possib"eopportunity to charge&(

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(*es,( sai% the other, sen%ing the secon% s"ipper after the first, (an%this Dajor 'unoo%ie ne$er o$er"ooks an a%$antage&(

() think if e ha% the thing to %o o$er again,( continue% the co"one",raising himse"f on his feet, (e might a"ter the case $ery materia""y,though the chief thing the rebe"s ha$e no to boast of is my capturethey ere repu"se%, you sa, in their attempt to %ri$e us fromthe oo%&(

(4t "east they ou"% ha$e been, ha% they ma%e an attack,( sai% thecaptain, throing the rest of his c"othes ithin reach of the co"one"&

(hy, that is the same thing,( returne% e""mere, beginning to %resshimse"f& (To assume such an attitu%e as to intimi%ate your enemy, is thechief art of ar&(

('oubt"ess, then, you may remember in one of their charges they erecomp"ete"y route%&(

(True@@true,( crie% the co"one", ith animation& (0a% ) been there to

ha$e impro$e% that a%$antage, e might ha$e turne% the tab"e on the*ankees( saying hich he %isp"aye% sti"" greater animation incomp"eting his toi"et an% he as soon prepare% to make his appearance,fu""y restore% to his on goo% opinion, an% fair"y persua%e% that hiscapture as oing to casua"ties abso"ute"y beyon% the contro" of man&

The kno"e%ge that Co"one" e""mere as to be a guest at the tab"e in no%egree %iminishe% the preparations hich ere a"rea%y making for thebanuet an% Sarah, after recei$ing the comp"iments of the gent"eman,an% making many kin% inuiries after the state of his oun%s, procee%e%in person to "en% her counse" an% taste to one of those "abore%entertainments, hich, at that %ay, ere so freuent in country "ife,an% hich are not entire"y banishe% from our %omestic economy at thepresent moment&

C04PTE/ N)))

  ) i"" stan% to an% fee%,  4"though my "ast&


The sa$or of preparation hich ha% been notice% by Captain ?aton began

to increase ithin the a""s of the cottage certain seet@sme""ingo%ors, that arose from the subterranean territories of Caesar, ga$e tothe trooper the most p"easing assurances that his o"factory ner$es,hich on such occasions ere as acute as his eyes on others, ha%faithfu""y performe% their %uty an% for the benefit of enjoying thepassing seets as they arose, the %ragoon so p"ace% himse"f at a in%oof the bui"%ing, that not a $apor charge% ith the spices of the Eastcou"% e.ha"e on its passage to the c"ou%s, ithout first gi$ing itsincense to his nose& ?aton, hoe$er, by no means in%u"ge% himse"f inthis comfortab"e arrangement, ithout first making such preparations to

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%o meet honor to the feast, as his scanty ar%robe ou"% a""o& Theuniform of his corps as a"ays a passport to the best tab"es, an% this,though somehat tarnishe% by faithfu" ser$ice an% unceremonious usage,as proper"y brushe% an% %ecke% out for the occasion& 0is hea%, hichnature ha% ornamente% ith the b"ackness of a cro, no shone ith thehiteness of sno an% his bony han%, that so e"" became the saber,peere% from beneath a ruff"e ith something "ike mai%en coyness& Theimpro$ements of the %ragoon ent no further, e.cepting that his bootsshone ith more than ho"i%ay sp"en%or, an% his spurs g"ittere% in therays of the sun, as became the pure ore of hich they ere compose%&

Caesar mo$e% through the apartments ith a face charge% ith animportance e.cee%ing e$en that hich ha% accompanie% him in hisme"ancho"y task of the morning& The b"ack ha% ear"y returne% from theerran% on hich he ha% been %ispatche% by the pe%%"er, an%, obe%ient tothe comman%s of his mistress, prompt"y appeare% to gi$e his ser$iceshere his a""egiance as %ue so serious, in%ee%, as his %uty nobecoming, that it as on"y at o%% moments he as enab"e% to impart tohis sab"e brother, ho ha% been sent in atten%ance on Diss Sing"eton tothe ?ocusts, any portion of the on%erfu" inci%ents of the momentous

night he ha% so "ate"y passe%& By ingenious"y using, hoe$er, suchoccasions as acci%enta""y offere%, Caesar communicate% so many of thehea%s of his ta"e, as ser$e% to open the eyes of his $isitor to theirfu""est i%th& The gusto for the mar$e"ous as innate in these sab"eorthies an% Diss Peyton foun% it necessary to interpose her authority,in or%er to postpone the resi%ue of the history to a more befittingopportunity&

(4h2 Diss Jinnett,( sai% Caesar, shaking his hea%, an% "ooking a"" thathe e.presse%, (tas afu" to see Johnny Birch a"k on a feet hen he"ie %ea%2(

This conc"u%e% the con$ersation though the b"ack promise% himse"f thesatisfaction, an% %i% not fai" to enjoy it, of ha$ing many a gossip onthe subject at a future perio%&

The ghost thus happi"y "ai%, the %epartment of Diss Peyton f"ourishe%an% by the time the afternoons sun ha% tra$e"e% a to hours journeyfrom the meri%ian, the forma" procession from the kitchen to the par"orcommence%, un%er the auspices of Caesar, ho "e% the $an, supporting aturkey on the pa"ms of his ithere% han%s, ith the %e.terity of aba"ance master&

e.t fo""oe% the ser$ant of Captain ?aton, bearing, as he marche%stiff"y, an% a"king i%e, as if a""oing room for his stee%, a ham oftrue -irginian f"a$or a present from the spinsters brother in 4ccomac&The supporter of this sa$ory %ish kept his eye on his trust ith

mi"itary precision an% by the time he reache% his %estination, it mightbe %ifficu"t to say hich containe% the most juice, his on mouth or the4ccomac bacon&

Thir% in the "ine as to be seen the $a"et of Co"one" e""mere, hocarrie% in either han% chickens fricassee% an% oyster patties&

4fter him marche% the atten%ant of 'r& Sitgrea$es, ho ha% instincti$e"yseiKe% an enormous tureen, as most resemb"ing matters he un%erstoo%, an%fo""oe% on in p"ace, unti" the steams of the soup so comp"ete"y

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be%imme% the spectac"es he ore, as a ba%ge of office, that, on arri$ingat the scene of action, he as compe""e% to %eposit his freight on thef"oor, unti", by remo$ing the g"asses, he cou"% see his ay through thepi"es of reser$e% china an% p"ate armers&

e.t fo""oe% another trooper, hose %uty it as to atten% on CaptainSing"eton an%, as if apportioning his appetite to the feeb"e state ofhis master, he ha% contente% himse"f ith con$eying a pair of %ucks,roaste%, unti" their tempting fragrance began to make him repent hisha$ing so "ate"y %emo"ishe% a breakfast that ha% been pro$i%e% for hismasters sister, ith another prepare% for himse"f&

The hite boy, ho be"onge% to the house, brought up the rear, groaningun%er a "oa% of sun%ry %ishes of $egetab"es, that the cook, by ay ofc"ima., ha% unitting"y heape% on him&

But this as far from a"" of the preparations for that %ays feastCaesar ha% no sooner %eposite% his bir%, hich, but the eek before, ha%been f"ying amongst the high"an%s of 'utchess, "itt"e %reaming of sosoon hea%ing such a goo%"y assemb"age, than he turne% mechanica""y on

his hee", an% took up his "ine of march again for the kitchen& )n thise$o"ution the b"ack as imitate% by his companions in succession, an%another procession to the par"or fo""oe% in the same or%er& By thisa%mirab"e arrangement, ho"e f"ocks of pigeons, certain be$ies ofuai"s, shoa"s of f"atfish, bass, an% sun%ry oo%cock, foun% their ayinto the presence of the company&

4 thir% attack brought suitab"e uantities of potatoes, onions, beets,co"%s"a, rice, an% a"" the other minutiae of a goo%"y %inner&

The boar% no fair"y groane% ith 4merican profusion, an% Caesar,g"ancing his eye o$er the sho ith a most appro$ing conscience, afterrea%justing e$ery %ish that ha% not been p"ace% on the tab"e ith hison han%s, procee%e% to acuaint the mistress of the re$e"s that histask as happi"y accomp"ishe%&

Some ha"f hour before the cu"inary array just recor%e% took p"ace, a""the "a%ies %isappeare%, much in the same unaccountab"e manner thatsa""os f"ee the approach of inter& But the springtime of their returnha% arri$e%, an% the ho"e party ere co""ecte% in an apartment that, inconseuence of its containing no si%e tab"e, an% being furnishe% ith achintK co$er"et settee, as terme% a ith%raing@room&

The kin%@hearte% spinster ha% %eeme% the occasion orthy, not on"y ofe.traor%inary preparations in the cu"inary %epartment, but ha% seenproper to %eck her on person in garments suite% to the guests hom itas no her happiness to entertain&

=n her hea% Diss Peyton ore a cap of e.uisite "an, hich asornamente% in front ith a broa% bor%er of "ace, that sprea% from theface in such a manner as to a%mit of a %isp"ay of artificia" f"oers,c"ustere% in a group on the summit of her fine forehea%&

The co"or of her hair as "ost in the profusion of po%er ith hich itas co$ere% but a s"ight cur"ing of the e.tremities in some %egreere"ie$e% the forma"ity of its arrangement, an% ga$e a "ook of femininesoftness to the features&

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0er %ress as a rich, hea$y si"k, of $io"et co"or, cut "o aroun% thebust, ith a stomacher of the same materia", that fitte% c"ose to thefigure, an% e.hibite% the form, from the shou"%ers to the aist in itstrue proportions& Be"o, the %ress as fu"", an% sufficient"y shoe%that parsimony in attire as not a foib"e of the %ay& 4 sma"" "oop%isp"aye% the beauty of the fabric to a%$antage, an% ai%e% in gi$ingmajesty to the figure&

The ta"" stature of the "a%y as heightene% by shoes of the samemateria" ith the %ress, hose hee"s a%%e% more than an inch to the"ibera"ity of nature&

The s"ee$es ere short, an% c"ose to the "imb, unti" they fe"" off atthe e"bos in "arge ruff"es, that hung in rich profusion from the armhen e.ten%e% an% %up"icates an% trip"icates of "an, trimme% ith'res%en "ace, "ent their ai% in gi$ing %e"icacy to a han% an% arm thatyet retaine% their hiteness an% symmetry& 4 treb"e ro of "arge pear"sc"ose"y encirc"e% her throat an% a han%kerchief of "ace partia""yconcea"e% that part of the person that the si"k ha% "eft e.pose%, but

hich the e.perience of forty years ha% arne% Diss Peyton shou"% nobe $ei"e%&

Thus attire%, an% stan%ing erect ith the "ofty grace that %istinguishe%the manners of that %ay, the mai%en ou"% ha$e "ooke% into nothingness abe$y of mo%ern be""es&

The taste of Sarah ha% kept e$en pace ith the %ecorations of her auntan% a %ress, %iffering in no respect from the one just %escribe%, butin materia" an% tints, e.hibite% her imposing form to eua" a%$antage&The satin of her robe as of a pa"e b"uish co"or& Tenty years %i% not,hoe$er, reuire the screen that as pru%ent in forty, an% nothing butan en$ious bor%er of e.uisite "ace hi%, in some measure, hat the satin"eft e.pose% to $ie& The upper part of the bust, an% the fine fa"" ofthe shou"%ers, ere b"aKing in a"" their nati$e beauty, an%, "ike theaunt, the throat as ornamente% by a treb"e ro of pear"s, to correspon%ith hich ere rings of the same ua"ity in the ears& The hea% asithout a cap, an% the hair %ran up from the countenance so as to gi$eto the eye a"" the "o$e"iness of a forehea% as po"ishe% as marb"e an% ashite as sno& 4 fe stragg"ing cur"s fe"" gracefu""y on the neck, an% abouuet of artificia" f"oers as a"so p"ace%, "ike a coronet, o$erher bro&

Diss Sing"eton ha% resigne% her brother to the a%$ice of 'r& Sitgrea$es,ho ha% succee%e% in getting his patient into a %eep s"eep afteruieting certain fe$erish symptoms that fo""oe% the agitation of theinter$ie& The sister as persua%e%, by the obser$ant mistress of the

mansion, to make one of the party, an% she sat by the si%e of Sarah,%iffering but "itt"e in appearance from that "a%y, e.cept in refusingthe use of po%er on her ra$en "ocks, an% that her unusua""y highforehea% an% "arge, bri""iant eyes ga$e an e.pression of thoughtfu"nessto her features, that as possib"y heightene% by the pa"eness ofher cheek&

?ast an% "east, but not the most un"o$e"y, in this %isp"ay of fema"echarms, as the youngest %aughter of Dr& harton& Frances, e ha$ea"rea%y mentione%, "eft the city before she ha% attaine% to the age of

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fashionab"e omanhoo%& 4 fe a%$enturous spirits ere a"rea%y beginningto make inroa%s in those customs hich ha% so "ong in$a%e% the comfortsof the fair se. an% the youthfu" gir" ha% $enture% to trust her beautyto the height hich nature ha% bestoe%& This as but "itt"e, but that"itt"e as a masterpiece& Frances se$era" times ha% %etermine%, in thecourse of the morning, to besto more than usua" pains in the %ecorationof her person& Each time in succession, as she forme% this reso"ution,she spent a fe minutes in "ooking earnest"y toar%s the north, an% thenshe as in$ariab"y change% it&

4t the appointe% hour, our heroine appeare% in the %raing@room, c"othe%in a robe of pa"e b"ue si"k, of a cut an% fashion much "ike that orn byher sister& 0er hair as "eft to the i"% cur"s of nature, itse.uberance being confine% to the cron of her hea% by a "ong, "o comb,ma%e of "ight tortoise she"" a co"or bare"y %istinguishab"e in thego"%en hue of her tresses& 0er %ress as ithout a p"ait or a rink"e,an% fitte% the form ith an e.actitu%e that might "ea% one to imaginethe arch gir" more than suspecte% the beauties it %isp"aye%& 4 tucker ofrich 'res%en "ace softene% the contour of the figure& 0er hea% asithout ornament but aroun% her throat as a neck"ace of go"% c"aspe%

in front ith a rich corne"ian&

=nce, an% once on"y, as they mo$e% toar%s the repast, %i% ?aton see afoot thrust itse"f from beneath the fo"%s of her robe, an% e.hibit its"itt"e beauties encase% in a s"ipper of b"ue si"k, c"aspe% c"ose to theshape by a buck"e of bri""iants& The trooper caught himse"f sighing ashe thought, though it as goo% for nothing in the stirrup, hoenchanting"y it ou"% grace a minuet&

4s the b"ack appeare% on the thresho"% of the room, making a "ore$erence, hich has been interprete% for some centuries into (%inneraits,( Dr& harton, c"a% in a %ress of %rab, be%ecke% ith enormousbuttons, a%$ance% forma""y to Diss Sing"eton, an% ben%ing his po%ere%hea% near"y to the "e$e" of the han% he e.ten%e%, recei$e% hersin return&

'r& Sitgrea$es offere% the same homage to Diss Peyton, an% met itheua" fa$or the "a%y first pausing to %ra on her g"o$es&

Co"one" e""mere as honore% ith a smi"e from Sarah, hi"e performing asimi"ar %uty an% Frances ga$e the en%s of her taper fingers to Captain?aton ith mai%en bashfu"ness&

Duch time, an% some troub"e ere e.pen%e% before the ho"e party ere,to the great joy of Caesar, comfortab"y arrange% aroun% the tab"e, ithproper attention to a"" points of etiuette an% prece%ence& The b"acke"" kne the $ian%s ere not impro$ing an% though abun%ant"y ab"e to

comprehen% the %isa%$antage of eating a co"% %inner, it great"y e.cee%e%his poers of phi"osophy to eigh a"" the "atent conseuences to societyhich %epen% on socia" or%er&

For the first ten minutes a"" but the captain of %ragoons foun%themse"$es in a situation much to their "iking& E$en ?aton ou"% ha$ebeen perfect"y happy, ha% not e.cess of ci$i"ity on the part of his hostan% Diss Jeanette Peyton kept him from the more agreeab"e occupation oftasting %ishes he %i% ant, in or%er to %ec"ine those he %i% not& 4t"ength, hoe$er, the repast as fair"y commence%, an% a %e$ote%

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app"ication to the $ian%s as more e"ouent than a thousan% or%s infa$or of 'inahs ski""&

e.t came %rinking ith the "a%ies but as the ine as e.ce""ent, an%the g"asses amp"e, the trooper bore this interruption ith consummategoo% nature& ay, so fearfu" as he of gi$ing offense, an% of omittingany of the nicer points of puncti"io, that ha$ing commence% thiscourtesy ith the "a%y ho sat ne.t him, he perse$ere% unti" not one ofhis fair companions cou"%, ith justice, reproach him ith partia"ity inthis particu"ar&

?ong abstemiousness from anything "ike generous ine might p"ea% thee.cuse of Captain ?aton, especia""y hen e.pose% to so strong atemptation as that no before him& Dr& harton ha% been one of a set ofpo"iticians in e *ork, hose principa" e.p"oits before the ar ha%been to assemb"e, an% pass sage opinions on the signs of the times,un%er the inspiration of certain "iuor ma%e from a grape that gre onthe south si%e of the is"an% of Da%eira, an% hich foun% its ay intothe co"onies of orth 4merica through the me%ium of the est )n%ies,sojourning ahi"e in the estern 4rchipe"ago, by ay of pro$ing the

$irtues of the c"imate& 4 "arge supp"y of this cor%ia" ha% been %ranfrom his storehouse in the city, an% some of it no spark"e% in a bott"ebefore the captain, b"ushing in the rays of the sun, hich ere passingob"iue"y through it, "ike amber&

Though the meat an% $egetab"es ha% ma%e their entrance ith perfector%er an% propriety, their e.eunt as effecte% much in the manner of aretreat of mi"itia& The point as to c"ear the boar% something after thefab"e% practice of the harpies, an% by %int of scramb"ing, tossing,breaking, an% spi""ing, the remnants of the o$erf"oing repast%isappeare%& 4n% no another series of processions commence%, by $irtueof hich a goo%"y %isp"ay of pastry, ith its usua" accompaniments,garnishe% the tab"e&

Dr& harton poure% out a g"ass of ine for the "a%y ho sat on his righthan%, an%, pushing the bott"e to a guest, sai% ith a "o bo,@@

(e are to be honore% ith a toast from Diss Sing"eton&(

4"though there as nothing more in this mo$ement than occurre% e$ery %ayon such occasions, yet the "a%y tremb"e%, co"ore%, an% gre pa"e again,seeming"y en%ea$oring to ra""y her thoughts, unti", by her agitation,she ha% e.cite% the interest of the ho"e party hen by an effort, an%in a manner as if she ha% stri$en in $ain to think of another, )sabe""asai%, faint"y,@@

(Dajor 'unoo%ie&(

The hea"th as %runk cheerfu""y by a"" but Co"one" e""mere, ho et his"ips, an% %re figures on the tab"e ith some of the "iuor heha% spi""e%&

4t "ength Co"one" e""mere broke si"ence by saying a"ou% to Captain?aton,@@

() suppose, sir, this Dr& 'unoo%ie i"" recei$e promotion in the rebe"army, for the a%$antage my misfortune ga$e him o$er my comman%&(

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The trooper ha% supp"ie% the ants of nature to his perfectsatisfaction an%, perhaps, ith the e.ception of ashington an% hisimme%iate comman%er, there as no morta" hose %isp"easure he regar%e% atitt"e& First he"ping himse"f, therefore, to a "itt"e of his fa$oritebott"e, he rep"ie% ith a%mirab"e coo"ness,@@

(Co"one" e""mere, your par%on Dajor 'unoo%ie oes his a""egiance tothe confe%erate% states of orth 4merica, an% here he oes it he paysit& Such a man is no rebe"& Promote% ) hope he may be, both because he%eser$es it, an% because ) am ne.t in rank in the corps an% ) kno nothat you ca"" a misfortune, un"ess you %eem meeting the -irginiahorse as such&(

(e i"" not %iffer about terms, sir,( sai% the co"one", haughti"y& ()spoke as %uty to my so$ereign prompte% but %o you not ca"" the "oss ofa comman%er a misfortune to a partyL(

()t certain"y may be so,( sai% the trooper, ith emphasis&

(Diss Peyton, i"" you fa$or us ith a toastL( crie% the master of thehouse, an.ious to stop this %ia"ogue&

The "a%y boe% her hea% ith %ignity, as she name% (Genera" Dontrose(an% the "ong@absent b"oom sto"e "ight"y o$er her features&

(There is no term more %oubtfu" than that or% misfortune,( sai% thesurgeon, regar%"ess of the nice maneu$ers of the host& (Some %eem onething a misfortune, others its opposite misfortune begets misfortune&?ife is a misfortune, for it may be the means of en%uring misfortunean% %eath is a misfortune, as it abri%ges the enjoyments of "ife&(

()t is a misfortune that our mess has no such ine as this,( interrupte%the trooper&

(e i"" p"e%ge you a sentiment in it, sir, as it seems to suit yourtaste,( sai% Dr& harton&

?aton fi""e% to the brim, an% %rank, (4 spee%y peace, or a stirringar&(

() %rink your toast, Captain ?aton, though ) great"y %istrust yourconstruction of acti$ity,( sai% the surgeon& ()n my poor ju%gment,ca$a"ry shou"% be kept in the rear to impro$e a $ictory, an% not sent infront to gain it& Such may be sai% to be their natura" occupation, ifthe term can be use% in reference to so artificia" a bo%y for a""history shos that the horse ha$e %one most hen he"% in reser$e&(

This %issertation, uttere% in a sufficient"y %i%actic manner, as a hintthat Diss Peyton %i% not neg"ect& She arose an% retire%, fo""oe% byher juniors&

ear"y at the same moment, Dr& harton an% his son ma%e an apo"ogy fortheir absence, hich as reuire% on account of the %eath of a nearneighbor, an% ith%re&

The retreat of the "a%ies as the signa" for the appearance of the

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surgeons cigar, hich, being estab"ishe% in a corner of his mouth, in acertain knoing ay, cause% not the s"ightest interruption to his%iscourse&

()f anything can seeten capti$ity an% oun%s, it must be the happinessof suffering in the society of the "a%ies ho ha$e "eft us,( ga""ant"yobser$e% the co"one", as he resume% his seat after c"osing the %oor&

(Sympathy an% kin%ness ha$e their inf"uence on the human system,(returne% the surgeon, knocking the ashes from his cigar, ith the tip ofa "itt"e finger, in the manner of an a%ept& (The connection is intimatebeteen the mora" an% physica" fee"ings but sti"", to accomp"ish acure, an% restore nature to the hea"thy tone it has "ost from %isease oracci%ent, reuires more than can f"o from ungui%e% sympathies& )n suchcases, the "ights@@( the surgeon acci%enta""y caught the eye of thetrooper an% he pause%& Taking to or three hasty puffs, he essaye% tofinish the sentence, ()n such cases, the kno"e%ge that f"os fromthe "ights@@(

(*ou ere saying, sir,( sai% Co"one" e""mere, sipping his ine,@@

(The purport of my remark ent to say,( continue% Sitgrea$es, turninghis back on ?aton, (that a brea% pou"tice ou"% not set a broken arm&(

(Dore is the pity,( crie% the trooper, (for ne.t to eating, thenourishment cou"% not be more innocent"y app"ie%&(

(To you, Co"one" e""mere,( sai% the surgeon, (as a man of e%ucation, )can ith safety appea"&( The co"one" boe%& (*ou must ha$e obser$e% the%rea%fu" ha$oc ma%e in your ranks by the men ho ere "e% by thisgent"eman( the co"one" "ooke% gra$e, again (ho, hen b"os "ighte% ontheir frames, "ife as in$ariab"y e.tinguishe%, beyon% a"" hope ofscientific reparation ho certain yaning oun%s ere inf"icte%, thatmust set at %efiance the art of the most e.perience% practitioner no,sir, to you ) triumphant"y appea", therefore, to kno hether your%etachment ou"% not ha$e been as effectua""y %efeate%, if the men ha%a"" "ost a right arm, for instance, as if they ha% a"" "osttheir hea%s&(

(The triumph of your appea" is somehat hasty, sir,( sai% e""mere&

()s the cause of "iberty a%$ance% a step by such inju%icious harshnessin the fie"%L( continue% the surgeon, bent on the fa$orite princip"eof his "ife&

() am yet to "earn that the cause of "iberty is in any manner a%$ance%by the ser$ices of any gent"eman in the rebe" army,( rejoine%

the co"one"&

(ot "iberty2 Goo% Go%, for hat then are e conten%ingL(

(S"a$ery, sir yes, e$en s"a$ery you are putting the tyranny of a mobon the throne of a kin% an% "enient prince& here is the consistency ofyour boaste% "ibertyL(

(Consistency2( repeate% the surgeon, "ooking about him a "itt"e i"%"y,at hearing such seeping charges against a cause he ha% so "ong

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thought ho"y&

(4ye, sir, your consistency& *our congress of sages ha$e pub"ishe% amanifesto, herein they set forth the eua"ity of po"itica" rights&(

(Tis true, an% it is %one most ab"y&(

() say nothing of its abi"ity but if true, hy not set your s"a$es at"ibertyL( This argument, hich is thought by most of the co"one"scountrymen a triumphant anser to a thousan% e"ouent facts, "ost noneof its eight by the manner in hich it as uttere%&

E$ery 4merican fee"s humb"e% at the necessity of $in%icating his countryfrom the apparent inconsistency an% injustice of the "as a""u%e% to&0is fee"ings are much "ike those of an honorab"e man ho is compe""e% toe.onerate himse"f from a %isgracefu" charge, a"though he may kno theaccusation to be fa"se& 4t the bottom, Sitgrea$es ha% much goo% sense,an% thus ca""e% on, he took up the cu%ge"s of argument in%onright earnest&

(e %eem it a "iberty to ha$e the %eci%ing $oice in the counci"s byhich e are go$erne%& e think it a har%ship to be ru"e% by the king ofa peop"e ho "i$e at a %istance of three thousan% mi"es, an% ho cannot,an% ho %o not, fee" a sing"e po"itica" interest in common ithourse"$es& ) say nothing of oppression the chi"% as of age, an% asentit"e% to the pri$i"eges of majority& )n such cases, there is but onetribuna" to hich to appea" for a nations rights@@it is poer, an% eno make the appea"&(

(Such %octrines may suit your present purposes,( sai% e""mere, ith asneer (but ) apprehen% it is oppose% to a"" the opinions an% practicesof ci$i"iKe% nations&(

()t is in conformity ith the practices of a"" nations,( sai% thesurgeon, returning the no% an% smi"e of ?aton, ho enjoye% the goo%sense of his comra%e as much as he %is"ike% hat he ca""e% (his me%ica"ta"k&( (ho ou"% be ru"e% hen he can ru"eL The on"y rationa" groun% totake is, that e$ery community has a right to go$ern itse"f, so that inno manner it $io"ates the "as of Go%&(

(4n% is ho"%ing your fe""o creatures in bon%age in conformity to those"asL( aske% the co"one", impressi$e"y&

The surgeon took another g"ass, an% hemming once, returne% to thecombat&

(Sir,( sai% he, (s"a$ery is of $ery ancient origin, an% it seems to ha$e

been confine% to no particu"ar re"igion or form of go$ernment e$erynation of ci$i"iKe% Europe %oes, or has he"% their fe""o creatures inthis kin% of %uresse&(

(*ou i"" e.cept Great Britain,( crie% the co"one", prou%"y&

(o, sir,( continue% the surgeon, confi%ent"y, fee"ing that he as nocarrying the ar out of his on country, () cannot e.cept Great Britain&)t as her chi"%ren, her ships, an% her "as, that first intro%uce% thepractice into these states an% on her institutions the ju%gment must

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fa""& There is not a foot of groun% be"onging to Eng"an%, in hich anegro ou"% be usefu", that has not its s"a$e& Eng"an% herse"f has none,but Eng"an% is o$erf"oing ith physica" force, a part of hich she isob"ige% to maintain in the shape of paupers& The same is true of France,an% most other European countries& So "ong as e ere content to remainco"onies, nothing as sai% of our system of %omestic s"a$ery but no,hen e are reso"ute to obtain as much free%om as the $icious system ofmetropo"itan ru"e has "eft us, that hich is Eng"an%s gift has becomeour reproach& i"" your master "iberate the s"a$es of his subjectsshou"% he succee% in sub%uing the ne states, or i"" he con%emn thehites to the same ser$itu%e as that in hich he has been so "ongcontent to see the b"acksL )t is true, e continue the practice but emust come gra%ua""y to the reme%y, or create an e$i" greater than thathich e en%ure at present& 'oubt"ess, as e a%$ance, the manumission ofour s"a$es i"" accompany us, unti" happi"y these fair regions sha"", ithout a sing"e image of the Creator that is he"% in a statehich %isua"ifies him to ju%ge of that Creators goo%ness&(

)t i"" be remembere% that 'octor Sitgrea$es spoke forty years ago, an%e""mere as unab"e to contra%ict his prophetic assertion&

Fin%ing the subject getting to be knotty, the Eng"ishman retire% to theapartment in hich the "a%ies ha% assemb"e% an%, seate% by the si%e ofSarah, he foun% a more p"easing emp"oyment in re"ating the e$ents offashionab"e "ife in the metropo"is, an% in reca""ing the thousan% "itt"eanec%otes of their former associates& Diss Peyton as a p"ease%"istener, as she %ispense% the bounties of the tea tab"e, an% Sarahfreuent"y boe% her b"ushing countenance to her nee%"eork, as her faceg"oe% at the f"attering remarks of her companion&

The %ia"ogue e ha$e re"ate% estab"ishe% a perfect truce beteen thesurgeon an% his comra%e an% the former ha$ing pai% a $isit toSing"eton, they took their "ea$e of the "a%ies, an% mounte% the formerto $isit the oun%e% at the encampment, an% the "atter to rejoin histroop& But their mo$ements ere arreste% at the gate by an occurrencethat e sha"" re"ate in the ne.t chapter&

C04PTE/ N)-

  ) see no more those hite "ocks thin"y sprea%  /oun% the ba"% po"ish of that honore% hea%3  o more that meek, that supp"iant "ook in prayer,  or that pure faith that ga$e it force, are there3

  But he is b"est, an% ) "ament no more,  4 ise goo% man, contente% to be poor&  @@C/4BBE&

e ha$e a"rea%y sai% that the customs of 4merica "ea$e the %ea% but ashort time in sight of the mourners an% the necessity of pro$i%ing forhis on safety ha% compe""e% the pe%%"er to abri%ge e$en this briefspace& )n the confusion an% agitation pro%uce% by the e$ents e ha$erecor%e%, the %eath of the e"%er Birch ha% occurre% unnotice% but asufficient number of the imme%iate neighbors ere hasti"y co""ecte%, an%

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the or%inary rites of sepu"ture ere no about to be pai% to the%ecease%& )t as the approach of this humb"e procession that arreste%the mo$ements of the trooper an% his comra%e& Four men supporte% thebo%y on a ru%e bier an% four others a"ke% in a%$ance, rea%y tore"ie$e their frien%s from their bur%en& The pe%%"er a"ke% ne.t thecoffin, an% by his si%e mo$e% aty 0aynes, ith a most %etermine% aspectof oe, an% ne.t to the mourners came Dr& harton an% the Eng"ishcaptain& To or three o"% men an% omen, ith a fe stragg"ing boys,brought up the rear& Captain ?aton sat in his sa%%"e, in rigi% si"ence,unti" the bearers came opposite to his position, an% then, for the firsttime, 0ar$ey raise% his eyes from the groun%, an% sa the enemy that he%rea%e% so near him& The first impu"se of the pe%%"er as certain"yf"ight but reco$ering his reco""ection, he fi.e% his eye on the coffinof his parent, an% passe% the %ragoon ith a firm step but se""ingheart& The trooper s"o"y "ifte% his cap, an% continue% unco$ere% unti"Dr& harton an% his son ha% mo$e% by, hen, accompanie% by the surgeon,he ro%e "eisure"y in the rear, maintaining an inf"e.ib"e si"ence&

Caesar emerge% from the ce""ar kitchen of the cottage, an% ith a faceof sett"e% so"emnity, a%%e% himse"f to the number of the fo""oers of

the funera", though ith a humb"e mien an% at a most respectfu" %istancefrom the horsemen& The o"% negro ha% p"ace% aroun% his arm, a "itt"eabo$e the e"bo, a napkin of unsu""ie% hiteness, it being the on"y timesince his %eparture from the city that he ha% enjoye% an opportunity ofe.hibiting himse"f in the garniture of ser$i"e mourning& 0e as a great"o$er of propriety, an% ha% been a "itt"e stimu"ate% to this %isp"ay bya %esire to sho his sab"e frien% from Georgia a"" the %ecencies of ae *ork funera" an% the ebu""ition of his Kea" ent off $ery e"",pro%ucing no other resu"t than a mi"% "ecture from Diss Peyton at hisreturn, on the fitness of things& The atten%ance of the b"ack asthought e"" enough in itse"f but the napkin as %eeme% a superf"uouse.hibition of ceremony, at the funera" of a man ho ha% performe% a""the menia" offices in his on person&

The gra$eyar% as an inc"osure on the groun%s of Dr& harton, hich ha%been fence% ith stone an% set apart for the purpose, by thatgent"eman, some years before& )t as not, hoe$er, inten%e% as a buria"p"ace for any of his on fami"y& Anti" the fire, hich rage% as theBritish troops took possession of e *ork, ha% "ai% Trinity in ashes, agoo%"y gi"%e% tab"et on its a""s proc"aime% the $irtues of his %ecease%parents, an% beneath a f"ag of marb"e, in one of the ais"es of thechurch, their bones ere "eft to mo"%er in aristocratica" repose&Captain ?aton ma%e a mo$ement as if he as %ispose% to fo""o theprocession, hen it "eft the highay, to enter the fie"% hich containe%the gra$es of the humb"e %ea%, but he as reca""e% to reco""ection by ahint from his companion that he as taking the rong roa%&

(=f a"" the $arious metho%s hich ha$e been a%opte% by man for the%isposa" of his earth"y remains, hich %o you prefer, Captain ?atonL(sai% the surgeon, as they separate% from the "itt"e procession& ()n somecountries the bo%y is e.pose% to be %e$oure% by i"% beasts in othersit is suspen%e% in the air to e.ha"e its substance in the manner of%ecomposition in other regions it is consume% on the funera" pi"e, an%,again, it is inhume% in the boe"s of the earth e$ery peop"e ha$e theiron particu"ar fashion, an% to hich %o you gi$e the preferenceL(

(4"" are agreeab"e,( sai% the trooper, fo""oing the group they ha% "eft

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ith his eyes (though the spee%iest interments gi$e the c"eanestfie"%s& =f hich are you an a%mirerL(

(The "ast, as practice% by ourse"$es, for the other three are%estructi$e of a"" the opportunities for %issection hereas, in the"ast, the coffin can "ie in peacefu" %ecency, hi"e the remains are ma%eto subser$e the usefu" purposes of science& 4h2 Captain ?aton, ) enjoycomparati$e"y but fe opportunities of such a nature, to hat ) e.pecte%on entering the army&(

(To hat may these p"easures numerica""y amount in a yearL( sai% thecaptain, ith%raing his gaKe from the gra$eyar%&

(ithin a %oKen, upon my honor my best picking is hen the corps is%etache% for hen e are ith the main army, there are so many boys tobe satisfie%, that ) se"%om get a goo% subject& Those youngsters are asastefu" as pro%iga"s, an% as gree%y as $u"tures&(

(4 %oKen2( echoe% the trooper, in surprise& (hy, ) furnish you thatnumber ith my on han%s&(

(4h2 Jack,( returne% the %octor, approaching the subject ith greatten%erness of manner, (it is se"%om ) can %o anything ith yourpatients you %isfigure them oefu""y& Be"ie$e me, John, hen ) te"" youas a frien% that your system is a"" rong you unnecessari"y %estroy"ife, an% then you injure the bo%y so that it is unfit for the on"y usethat can be ma%e of a %ea% man&(

The trooper maintaine% a si"ence, hich he thought ou"% be the mostprobab"e means of preser$ing peace beteen them an% the surgeon,turning his hea% from taking a "ast "ook at the buria", as they ro%earoun% the foot of the hi"" that shut the $a""ey from their sight,continue% ith a suppresse% sigh,@@

(=ne might get a natura" %eath from that gra$eyar% to@night, if thereas but time an% opportunity2 The patient must be the father of the "a%ye sa this morning&(

(The petticoat %octor2@@she ith the aurora borea"is comp"e.ion,( sai%the trooper, ith a smi"e, that began to cause uneasiness to hiscompanion& (But the "a%y as not the gent"emans %aughter, on"y hisme%ico@petticoat atten%ant an% the 0ar$ey, hose name as ma%e to rimeith e$ery or% in her song, is the renone% pe%%"er spy&(

(hatL 0e ho unhorse% youL(

(o man e$er unhorse% me, 'r& Sitgrea$es,( sai% the %ragoon, gra$e"y& ()

fe"" by mischance of /oanoke ri%er an% beast kisse% the earthtogether&(

(4 arm embrace, from the "o$e spots it "eft on your cutic"e tis athousan% pities that you cannot fin% here the tatt"ing rasca""ies hi%&(

(0e fo""oe% his fathers bo%y&(

(4n% you "et him pass2( crie% the surgeon, checking his horse& (?et us

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(The sun has just "eft the top of the eastern hi"" my time presses me3here is the %ee% for the house an% "ot e$erything is %one accor%ingto "a&(

The other took the paper, an% conne% its contents ith a %e"iberationthat procee%e% part"y from his caution, an% part"y from the un"uckycircumstance of his e%ucation ha$ing been much neg"ecte% hen a youth&The time occupie% in this te%ious e.amination as emp"oye% by 0ar$ey ingathering together certain artic"es hich he inten%e% to inc"u%e in thestores that ere to "ea$e the habitation ith himse"f& aty ha% a"rea%yinuire% of the pe%%"er hether the %ecease% ha% "eft a i"" an% shesa the Bib"e p"ace% in the bottom of a ne pack, hich she ha% ma%efor his accommo%ation, ith a most stoica" in%ifference but as the"$er spoons ere "ai% carefu""y by its si%e, a su%%en tinge of herconscience objecte% to such a pa"pab"e aste of property, an% shebroke si"ence&

(hen you marry, 0ar$ey, you may miss those spoons&(

() ne$er sha"" marry&(

(e"", if you %ont theres no occasion to make rash promises, e$en toyourse"f& =ne ne$er knos hat one may %o, in such a case& ) shou"% "iketo kno, of hat use so many spoons can be to a sing"e man for my part,) think it is a %uty for e$ery man ho is e"" pro$i%e%, to ha$e a ifean% fami"y to maintain&(

4t the time hen aty e.presse% this sentiment, the fortune of omen inher c"ass of "ife consiste% of a co, a be%, the "abors of their onhan%s in the shape of %i$ers pi""ocases, b"ankets, an% sheets, ith,here fortune as unusua""y kin%, a ha"f %oKen si"$er spoons& Thespinster herse"f ha% obtaine% a"" the other necessaries by her onin%ustry an% pru%ence, an% it can easi"y be imagine% that she sa theartic"es she ha% "ong counte% her on $anish in the enormous pack, itha %issatisfaction that as in no %egree %iminishe% by the %ec"arationthat ha% prece%e% the act& 0ar$ey, hoe$er, %isregar%e% her opinions an%fee"ings, an% continue% his emp"oyment of fi""ing the pack, hich soongre to something "ike the or%inary siKe of the pe%%"ers bur%en&

()m rather timersome about this con$eyance,( sai% the purchaser, ha$ingat "ength a%e% through the co$enants of the %ee%&

(hy soL(

()m afrai% it ont stan% goo% in "a& ) kno that to of the neighbors"ea$e home to@morro morning, to ha$e the p"ace entere% forconfiscation an% if ) shou"% gi$e forty poun%s, an% "ose it a"",

tou"% be a %ea% pu"" back to me&(

(They can on"y take my right,( sai% the pe%%"er& (Pay me to hun%re%%o""ars, an% the house is yours you are a e""@knon hig, an% you at"east they ont troub"e&( 4s 0ar$ey spoke, there as a strangebitterness of manner, ming"e% ith the shre% care he e.presse%concerning the sa"e of his property&

(Say one hun%re%, an% it is a bargain,( returne% the man, ith a grinthat he meant for a goo%@nature% smi"e&

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(4 bargain2( echoe% the pe%%"er, in surprise& () thought the bargaina"rea%y ma%e&(

(othing is a bargain,( sai% the purchaser, ith a chuck"e, (unti"papers are %e"i$ere%, an% the money pai% in han%&(

(*ou ha$e the paper&(

(4ye, an% i"" keep it, if you i"" e.cuse the money& Come, say onehun%re% an% fifty, an% ) ont be har% here@@here is just the money&(

The pe%%"er "ooke% from the in%o, an% sa ith %ismay that the e$eningas fast a%$ancing, an% kne e"" that he en%angere% his "ife byremaining in the %e""ing after %ark yet he cou"% not to"erate the i%eaof being %efrau%e% in this manner, in a bargain that ha% a"rea%y beenfair"y ma%e he hesitate%&

(e"",( sai% the purchaser, rising, (mayhap you can fin% another man totra%e ith beteen this an% morning, but if you %ont, your tit"e ont

be orth much afterar%s&(

(Take it, 0ar$ey,( sai% aty, ho fe"t it impossib"e to resist a ten%er"ike the one before her for the purchase money as in Eng"ish guineas&0er $oice rouse% the pe%%"er, an% a ne i%ea seeme% to strike him&

() agree to the price,( he sai% an%, turning to the spinster, he p"ace%part of the money in her han%, as he continue%, (0a% ) other means topay you, ) ou"% ha$e "ost a"", rather than suffer myse"f to be%efrau%e% of part&(

(*ou may "ose a"" yet,( muttere% the stranger, ith a sneer, as he rosean% "eft the bui"%ing&

(*es,( sai% aty, fo""oing him ith her eyes, (he knos your fai"ing,0ar$ey he thinks ith me, no the o"% gent"eman is gone, you i"" anta carefu" bo%y to take care of your concerns&(

The pe%%"er as busie% in making arrangements for his %eparture, an% hetook no notice of this insinuation, hi"e the spinster returne% again tothe attack& She ha% "i$e% so many years in e.pectation of a terminationto her hopes, so %ifferent from that hich no seeme% "ike"y to occur,that the i%ea of separation began to gi$e her more uneasiness than sheha% thought herse"f capab"e of fee"ing, about a man so %estitute an%frien%"ess&

(0a$e you another house to go toL( inuire% aty&

(Pro$i%ence i"" pro$i%e me ith a home&(

(*es,( sai% the housekeeper, (but maybe ti"" not be to your "iking&(

(The poor must not be %ifficu"t&(

()m sure )m anything but a %ifficu"t bo%y,( crie% the spinster, $eryhasti"y (but ) "o$e to see things becoming, an% in their p"aces yet )ou"%nt be har% to persua%e to "ea$e this p"ace myse"f& ) cant say )

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a"together "ike the ays of the peop"e hereabouts&(

(The $a""ey is "o$e"y,( sai% the pe%%"er, ith fer$or, (an% the peop"e"ike a"" the race of man& But to me it matters nothing a"" p"aces areno a"ike, an% a"" faces eua""y strange&( 4s he spoke he %roppe% theartic"e he as packing from his han%, an% seate% himse"f on a chest,ith a "ook of $acant misery&

(ot so, not so,( sai% aty, sho$ing her chair nearer to the p"ace herethe pe%%"er sat& (ot so, 0ar$ey, you must kno me at "east my facecannot be strange to you&(

Birch turne% his eyes s"o"y on her countenance, hich e.hibite% more offee"ing, an% "ess of se"f, than he ha% e$er seen there before he tookher han% kin%"y, an% his on features "ost some of their painfu"e.pression, as he sai%,@@

(*es, goo% oman, you, at "east, are not a stranger to me you may %o mepartia" justice hen others re$i"e me possib"y your fee"ings may "ea%you to say something in my %efense&(

(That ) i"" that ) ou"%2( sai% aty, eager"y& () i"" %efen% you,0ar$ey, to the "ast %rop "et me hear them that %are to re$i"e you2 *ousay true, 0ar$ey, ) am partia" an% just to you hat if you %o "ike thekingL ) ha$e often hear% it sai% he as at the bottom a goo% man buttheres no re"igion in the o"% country, for e$erybo%y a""os theministers are %esperate ba%2(

The pe%%"er pace% the f"oor in e$i%ent %istress of min% his eyes ha% a"ook of i"%ness that aty ha% ne$er itnesse% before, an% his step asmeasure%, ith a %ignity that appa""e% the housekeeper&

(hi"e my father "i$e%,( murmure% 0ar$ey, unab"e to smother hisfee"ings, (there as one ho rea% my heart, an% oh2 hat a conso"ationto return from my secret marches of %anger, an% the insu"ts an% rongsthat ) suffere%, to recei$e his b"essing an% his praise but he isgone,( he continue%, stopping an% gaKing i"%"y toar%s the corner thatuse% to ho"% the figure of his parent, (an% ho is there to %ome justiceL(

(hy, 0ar$ey2 0ar$ey2(

(*es, there is one ho i"", ho must kno me before ) %ie2 =h2 it is%rea%fu" to %ie, an% "ea$e such a name behin% me&(

('ont ta"k of %ying, 0ar$ey,( sai% the spinster, g"ancing her eyearoun% the room, an% pushing the oo% in the fire to obtain a "ight from

the b"aKe&

The ebu""ition of fee"ing in the pe%%"er as o$er& )t ha% been e.cite%by the e$ents of the past %ay, an% a $i$i% perception of his sufferings&)t as not "ong, hoe$er, that passion maintaine% an ascen%ency e$er thereason of this singu"ar man an% percei$ing that the night ha% a"rea%ythron an obscurity aroun% objects ithout %oors, he hasti"y thre hispack o$er his shou"%ers, an% taking aty kin%"y by the han%, in"ea$etaking,@@

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()t is painfu" to part ith e$en you, goo% oman,( he sai%, (but thehour has come, an% ) must go& hat is "eft in the house is yours to meit cou"% be of no use, an% it may ser$e to make you more comfortab"e&Faree""@@e sha"" meet hereafter&(

()n the regions of %arkness2( crie% a $oice that cause% the pe%%"er tosink on the chest from hich he ha% risen, in %espair&

(hat2 another pack, Dr& Birch, an% so e"" stuffe% so soon2(

(0a$e you not %one e$i" enoughL( crie% the pe%%"er, regaining hisfirmness, an% springing on his feet ith energy& ()s it not enough toharass the "ast moments of a %ying man@@to impo$erish me hat moreou"% you ha$eL(

(*our b"oo%2( sai% the Skinner, ith coo" ma"ignity&

(4n% for money,( crie% 0ar$ey, bitter"y& (?ike the ancient Ju%as, youou"% gro rich ith the price of b"oo%2(

(4ye, an% a fair price it is, my gent"eman fifty guineas near"y theeight of that carcass of yours in go"%&(

(0ere,( sai% aty, prompt"y, (here are fifteen guineas, an% these%raers an% this be% are a"" mine if you i"" gi$e 0ar$ey but onehours start from the %oor, they sha"" be yours&(

(=ne hourL( sai% the Skinner, shoing his teeth, an% "ooking ith a"onging eye at the money&

(But a sing"e hour here, take the money&(

(0o"%2( crie% 0ar$ey& (Put no faith in the miscreant&(

(She may %o hat she p"eases ith her faith,( sai% the Skinner, ithma"ignant p"easure, (but ) ha$e the money in goo% keeping as for you,Dr& Birch, e i"" bear your inso"ence, for the fifty guineas that areto pay for your ga""os&(

(Go on,( sai% the pe%%"er, prou%"y (take me to Dajor 'unoo%ie he, at"east, may be kin%, a"though just&(

() can %o better than by marching so far in such %isgracefu" companythis Dr& 'unoo%ie has "et one or to Tories go at "arge but the troopof Captain ?aton is uartere% some ha"f mi"e nearer, an% his receipti"" get me the rear% as soon as his majors& 0o re"ish you the i%eaof supping ith Captain ?aton, this e$ening, Dr& BirchL(

(Gi$e me my money, or set 0ar$ey free,( crie% the spinster in a"arm&

(*our bribe as not enough, goo% oman, un"ess there is money in thisbe%&( Thrusting his bayonet through the ticking an% ripping it for some%istance, he took a ma"icious satisfaction in scattering its contentsabout the room&

()f,( crie% the housekeeper, "osing sight of her persona" %anger in carefor her ne"y@acuire% property, (there is "a in the "an%, ) i""

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be righte%2(

(The "a of the neutra" groun% is the "a of the strongest but yourtongue is not as "ong as my bayonet you ha%, therefore, best not setthem at "oggerhea%s, or you might be the "oser&(

4 figure stoo% in the sha%o of the %oor, as if afrai% to be seen in thegroup of Skinners but a b"aKe of "ight, raise% by some artic"es thronin the fire by his persecutors, shoe% the pe%%"er the face of thepurchaser of his "itt"e %omain& =ccasiona""y there as some hisperingbeteen this man an% the Skinner nearest him, that in%uce% 0ar$ey tosuspect he ha% been the %upe of a contri$ance in hich that retch ha%participate%& )t as, hoe$er, too "ate to repine an% he fo""oe% theparty from the house ith a firm an% co""ecte% trea%, as if marching toa triumph, an% not to a ga""os& )n passing through the yar%, the "ea%erof the ban% fe"" o$er a bi""et of oo%, an% recei$e% a momentary hurtfrom the fa"" e.asperate% at the inci%ent, the fe""o sprang on hisfeet, fi""ing the air ith e.ecrations&

(The curse of hea$en "ight on the "og2( he e.c"aime%& (The night is too

%ark for us to mo$e in thro that bran% of fire in yon pi"e of to, to"ight up the scene&(

(0o"%2( roare% the specu"ator (you"" fire the house&(

(4n% see the farther,( sai% the other, hur"ing the bran% in the mi%stof the combustib"es& )n an instant the bui"%ing as in f"ames& (Come on"et us mo$e toar%s the heights hi"e e ha$e "ight to pick our roa%&(

(-i""ain2( crie% the e.asperate% purchaser, (is this yourfrien%ship@@this my rear% for ki%napping the pe%%"erL(

(Tou"% be ise to mo$e more from the "ight, if you mean to entertainus ith abuse, or e may see too e"" to miss our mark,( crie% the"ea%er of the gang& The ne.t instant he as as goo% as his threat, buthappi"y misse% the terrifie% specu"ator an% eua""y appa""e% spinster,ho sa herse"f again re%uce% from comparati$e ea"th to po$erty, by theb"o& Pru%ence %ictate% to the pair a spee%y retreat an% the ne.tmorning, the on"y remains of the %e""ing of the pe%%"er as the hugechimney e ha$e a"rea%y mentione%&

C04PTE/ N-

  Trif"es, "ight as air,  4re to the jea"ous confirmations strong  4s proofs of ho"y rit&


The eather, hich ha% been mi"% an% c"ear since the storm, no change%ith the su%%enness of the 4merican c"imate& Toar%s e$ening the co"%b"asts poure% %on from the mountains, an% f"urries of sno p"ain"yin%icate% that the month of o$ember ha% arri$e% a season hose

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temperature $aries from the heats of summer to the co"% of inter&Frances ha% stoo% at the in%o of her on apartment, atching the s"oprogress of the funera" procession, ith a me"ancho"y that as too %eepto be e.cite% by the spectac"e& There as something in the sa% officethat as in unison ith her fee"ings& 4s she gaKe% aroun%, she sa thetrees ben%ing to the force of the in%, that sept through the $a""eyith an impetuosity that shook e$en the bui"%ings an% the forest, thatha% so "ate"y g"ittere% in the sun ith its $ariegate% hues, as fast"osing its "o$e"iness, as the "ea$es ere torn from the branches, an%ere %ri$ing irregu"ar"y before the e%%ies of the b"ast& 4 fe of theSouthern %ragoons, ho ere patro""ing the passes hich "e% to theencampment of the corps, cou"% be %istinguishe% at a %istance on theheights, ben%ing to their pomme"s as they face% the keen air hich ha%so "ate"y tra$erse% the great fresh@ater "akes, an% %raing their atchcoats about them in tighter fo"%s&

Frances itnesse% the %isappearance of the oo%en tenement of the%ecease%, as it as s"o"y "oere% from the "ight of %ay an% the sighta%%e% to the chi""ing %reariness of the $ie& Captain Sing"eton ass"eeping un%er the care of his on man, hi"e his sister ha% been

persua%e% to take possession of her room, for the purpose of obtainingthe repose of hich her "ast nights journeying ha% robbe% her& Theapartment of Diss Sing"eton communicate% ith the room occupie% by thesisters, through a pri$ate %oor, as e"" as through the or%inary passageof the house this %oor as part"y open, an% Frances mo$e% toar%s it,ith the bene$o"ent intention of ascertaining the situation of herguest, hen the surprise% gir" sa her hom she ha% thought to bes"eeping, not on"y aake, but emp"oye% in a manner that banishe% a""probabi"ity of present repose& The b"ack tresses, that %uring the %innerha% been %ran in c"ose fo"%s o$er the cron of the hea%, ere no"oosene%, an% fe"" in profusion o$er her shou"%ers an% bosom, impartinga s"ight %egree of i"%ness to her countenance the chi""ing hite ofher comp"e.ion as strong"y contraste% ith eyes of the %eepest b"ack,that ere fi.e% in roote% attention on a picture she he"% in her han%&Frances har%"y breathe%, as she as enab"e%, by a mo$ement of )sabe""a,to see that it as the figure of a man in the e""@knon %ress of theSouthern horse but she gaspe% for breath, an% instincti$e"y "ai% herhan% on her heart to ue"" its throbbings, as she thought she recogniKe%the "ineaments that ere so %eep"y seate% in her on imagination&Frances fe"t she as improper"y prying into the sacre% pri$acy ofanother but her emotions ere too poerfu" to permit her to speak, an%she %re back to a chair, here she sti"" retaine% a $ie of thestranger, from hose countenance she fe"t it to be impossib"e toith%ra her eyes& )sabe""a as too much engrosse% by her on fee"ingsto %isco$er the tremb"ing figure of the itness to her actions, an% shepresse% the inanimate image to her "ips, ith an enthusiasm that %enote%the most intense passion& The e.pression of the countenance of the fair

stranger as so changeab"e, an% the transitions ere so rapi%, thatFrances ha% scarce"y time to %istinguish the character of the emotion,before it as succee%e% by another, eua""y poerfu" an% eua""yattracti$e& 4%miration an% sorro ere hoe$er the prepon%eratingpassions the "atter as in%icate% by "arge %rops that fe"" from hereyes on the picture, an% hich fo""oe% each other o$er her cheek atsuch inter$a"s, as seeme% to pronounce the grief too hea$y to a%mit ofthe or%inary %emonstrations of sorro& E$ery mo$ement of )sabe""a asmarke% by an enthusiasm that as pecu"iar to her nature, an% e$erypassion in its turn triumphe% in her breast& The fury of the in%, as it

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hist"e% roun% the ang"es of the bui"%ing, as in consonance ith thosefee"ings, an% she rose an% mo$e% to a in%o of her apartment& 0erfigure as no hi% from the $ie of Frances, ho as about to rise an%approach her guest, hen tones of a thri""ing me"o%y chaine% her inbreath"ess si"ence to the spot& The notes ere i"%, an% the $oice notpoerfu", but the e.ecution e.cee%e% anything that Frances ha% e$erhear% an% she stoo%, en%ea$oring to stif"e the soun%s of her on gent"ebreathing, unti" the fo""oing song as conc"u%e%3@@

  Co"% b"o the b"asts oer the tops of the mountain,  4n% bare is the oak on the hi""  S"o"y the $apors e.ha"e from the fountain,  4n% bright g"eams the ice@bor%ere% ri""  4"" nature is seeking its annua" rest,  But the s"umbers of peace ha$e %eserte% my breast&

  ?ong has the storm poure% its eight on my nation,  4n% "ong ha$e her bra$es stoo% the shock  ?ong has her chieftain ennob"e% his station,  4 bu"ark on "ibertys rock

  An"icense% ambition re" its toi",  *et b"ighte% affection represses my smi"e&

  4broa% the i"% fury of inter is "oering,  4n% "eaf"ess an% %rear is the tree  But the $ertica" sun of the south appears pouring  )ts fierce, ki""ing heats upon me3  ithout, a"" the seasons chi"" symptoms begin@@  But the fire of passion is raging ithin&

Frances aban%one% her ho"e sou" to the suppresse% me"o%y of the music,though the "anguage of the song e.presse% a meaning, hich, unite% ithcertain e$ents of that an% the prece%ing %ay, "eft a sensation ofuneasiness in the bosom of the arm@hearte% gir", to hich she ha%hitherto been a stranger& )sabe""a mo$e% from the in%o as her "asttones me"te% on the ear of her a%miring "istener, an%, for the firsttime, her eye reste% on the pa""i% face of the intru%er& 4 g"o of fire"ighte% the countenance of both at the same instant, an% the b"ue eye ofFrances met the bri""iant b"ack one of her guest for a sing"e moment,an% both fe"" in abashe% confusion on the carpet they a%$ance%,hoe$er, unti" they met, an% ha% taken each others han%, before either$enture% again to "ook her companion in the face&

(This su%%en change in the eather, an% perhaps the situation of mybrother, ha$e unite% to make me me"ancho"y, Diss harton,( sai%)sabe""a, in a "o tone, an% in a $oice that tremb"e% as she spoke&

(Tis thought you ha$e "itt"e to apprehen% for your brother,( sai%Frances, in the same embarrasse% manner& (0a% you seen him hen he asbrought in by Dajor 'unoo%ie@@(

Frances pause%, ith a fee"ing of conscious shame, for hich she cou"%not account an%, in raising her eyes, she sa )sabe""a stu%ying hercountenance ith an earnestness that again %ro$e the b"oo% tumu"tuous"yto her temp"es&

(*ou ere speaking of Dajor 'unoo%ie,( sai% )sabe""a, faint"y&

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(0e as ith Captain Sing"eton&(

('o you kno 'unoo%ieL 0a$e you seen him oftenL(

=nce more Frances $enture% to "ook her guest in the face, an% again shemet the piercing eyes bent on her, as if to search her inmost heart&(Speak, Diss harton is Dajor 'unoo%ie knon to youL(

(0e is my re"ati$e,( sai% Frances, appa""e% at the manner of the other&

(4 re"ati$e2( echoe% Diss Sing"eton (in hat %egreeL@@speak, Dissharton, ) conjure you to speak&(

(=ur parents ere cousins,( faint"y rep"ie% Frances&

(4n% he is to be your husban%L( sai% the stranger, impetuous"y&

Frances fe"t shocke%, an% a"" her pri%e aakene%, by this %irect attackupon her fee"ings, an% she raise% her eyes from the f"oor to her

interrogator a "itt"e prou%"y, hen the pa"e cheek an% ui$ering "ip of)sabe""a remo$e% her resentment in a moment&

()t is true2 Dy conjecture is true2 Speak to me, Diss harton ) conjureyou, in mercy to my fee"ings, to te"" me@@%o you "o$e 'unoo%ieL( Thereas a p"ainti$e earnestness in the $oice of Diss Sing"eton that %isarme%Frances of a"" resentment, an% the on"y anser she cou"% make as tohi%e her burning face beteen her han%s, as she sank back in a chair toconcea" her confusion&

)sabe""a pace% the f"oor in si"ence for se$era" minutes, unti" she ha%succee%e% in conuering the $io"ence of her fee"ings, hen sheapproache% the p"ace here Frances yet sat, en%ea$oring to e.c"u%e theeyes of her companion from rea%ing the shame e.presse% in hercountenance, an%, taking the han% of the other, she spoke ith ane$i%ent effort at composure&

(Par%on me, Diss harton, if my ungo$ernab"e fee"ings ha$e "e% me intoimpropriety the poerfu" moti$e@@the crue" reason(@@she hesitate%&Frances no raise% her face, an% their eyes once more met they fe"" ineach others arms, an% "ai% their burning cheeks together& The embraceas "ong@@as ar%ent an% sincere@@but neither spoke an% on separating,Frances retire% to her on room ithout further e.p"anation&

hi"e this e.traor%inary scene as acting in the room of Diss Sing"eton,matters of great importance ere agitate% in the %raing@room& The%isposition of the fragments of such a %inner as the one e ha$e

recor%e% as a task that reuire% no "itt"e e.ertion an% ca"cu"ation&otithstan%ing se$era" of the sma"" game ha% nest"e% in the pocket ofCaptain ?atons man, an% e$en the assistant of 'r& Sitgrea$es ha%ca"cu"ate% the uncertainty of his remaining "ong in such goo% uarters,sti"" there as more "eft unconsume% than the pru%ent Diss Peyton kneho to %ispose of to a%$antage& Caesar an% his mistress ha%, therefore,a "ong an% confi%entia" communication on this important business an%the conseuence as, that Co"one" e""mere as "eft to the hospita"ityof Sarah harton& 4"" the or%inary topics of con$ersation eree.hauste%, hen the co"one", ith a "itt"e of the uneasiness that is in

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some %egree inseparab"e from conscious error, touche% "ight"y on thetransactions of the prece%ing %ay&

(e "itt"e thought, Diss harton, hen ) first sa this Dr& 'unoo%ie inyour house in Mueen Street, that he as to be the renone% arrior hehas pro$e% himse"f,( sai% e""mere, en%ea$oring to smi"e aayhis chagrin&

(/enone%, hen e consi%er the enemy he o$ercame,( sai% Sarah, ithconsi%eration for her companions fee"ings& (Tas unfortunate, in%ee%,in e$ery respect, that you met ith the acci%ent, or %oubt"ess the roya"arms ou"% ha$e triumphe% in their usua" manner&(

(4n% yet the p"easure of such society as this acci%ent has intro%uce% meto, ou"% more than repay the pain of a mortifie% spirit an% oun%e%bo%y,( a%%e% the co"one", in a manner of pecu"iar softness&

() hope the "atter is but trif"ing,( sai% Sarah, stooping to hi%e herb"ushes un%er the prete.t of biting a threa% from the ork on her knee&

(Trif"ing, in%ee%, compare% to the former,( returne% the co"one", in thesame manner& (4h2 Diss harton, it is in such moments that e fee" thefu"" $a"ue of frien%ship an% sympathy&(

Those ho ha$e ne$er trie% it cannot easi"y imagine hat a rapi%progress a arm@hearte% fema"e can make in "o$e, in the short space ofha"f an hour, particu"ar"y here there is a pre%isposition to the%istemper& Sarah foun% the con$ersation, hen it began to touch onfrien%ship an% sympathy, too interesting to $enture her $oice ith arep"y& She, hoe$er, turne% her eyes on the co"one", an% sa him gaKingat her fine face ith an a%miration that as uite as manifest, an% muchmore soothing, than any or%s cou"% make it&

Their t�te@�@t�te as uninterrupte% for an hour an% a"though nothingthat ou"% be ca""e% %eci%e%, by an e.perience% matron, as sai% by the

gent"eman, he uttere% a thousan% things that %e"ighte% his companion,ho retire% to her rest ith a "ighter heart than she ha% fe"t since thearrest of her brother by the 4mericans&

C04PTE/ N-)

  4n% "et me the canakin c"ink, c"ink,  4n% "et me the canakin c"ink&

  4 so"%iers a man  4 "ifes but a span  hy, then, "et a so"%ier %rink&  @@=the""o&

The position he"% by the corps of %ragoons, e ha$e a"rea%y sai%, as afa$orite p"ace of ha"ting ith their comman%er& 4 c"uster of some ha"f%oKen sma"" an% %i"api%ate% bui"%ings forme% hat, from the circumstanceof to roa%s intersecting each other at right ang"es, as ca""e% the$i""age of the Four Corners& 4s usua", one of the most imposing of these

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e%ifices ha% been terme%, in the "anguage of the %ay, (a house ofentertainment for man an% beast&( =n a rough boar% suspen%e% from thega""os@"ooking post that ha% supporte% the ancient sign, as, hoe$er,ritten in re% cha"k, (E"iKabeth F"anagan, her hote",( an ebu""ition ofthe it of some of the i%"e ags of the corps& The matron, hose nameha% thus been e.a"te% to an office of such une.pecte% %ignity,or%inari"y %ischarge% the %uties of a fema"e sut"er, asheroman, an%,to use the "anguage of aty 0aynes, petticoat %octor to the troops& Sheas the i%o of a so"%ier ho ha% been ki""e% in the ser$ice, an% ho,"ike herse"f, as a nati$e of a %istant is"an%, an% ha% ear"y trie% hisfortune in the co"onies of orth 4merica& She constant"y migrate% iththe troops an% it as se"%om that they became stationary for to %aysat a time but the "itt"e cart of the bust"ing oman as seen %ri$inginto the encampment "oa%e% ith such artic"es as she concei$e% ou"%make her presence most e"come& ith a ce"erity that seeme% a"mostsupernatura", Betty took up her groun% an% commence% her occupation&Sometimes the cart itse"f as her shop at others the so"%iers ma%e hera ru%e she"ter of such materia"s as offere% but on the presentoccasion she ha% seiKe% on a $acant bui"%ing, an%, by %int of stuffingthe %irty breeches an% ha"f@%rie% "inen of the troopers into the broken

in%os, to e.c"u%e the co"%, hich ha% no become se$ere, she forme%hat she herse"f ha% pronounce% to be (most i""igant "o%gings&( The menere uartere% in the a%jacent barns, an% the officers co""ecte% in the(0ote" F"anagan,( as they facetious"y ca""e% hea%uarters& Betty ase"" knon to e$ery trooper in the corps, cou"% ca"" each by hisChristian or nickname, as best suite% her fancy an%, a"thoughabso"ute"y into"erab"e to a"" hom habit ha% not ma%e fami"iar ith her$irtues, as a genera" fa$orite ith these partisan arriors& 0er fau"tsere, a trif"ing "o$e of "iuor, e.cessi$e fi"thiness, an% a tota"%isregar% of a"" the %ecencies of "anguage her $irtues, an unboun%e%"o$e for her a%opte% country, perfect honesty hen %ea"ing on certainknon princip"es ith the so"%iery, an% great goo% nature& 4%%e% tothese, Betty ha% the merit of being the in$entor of that be$erage hichis so e"" knon, at the present hour, to a"" the patriots ho make ainters march beteen the commercia" an% po"itica" capita"s of thisgreat state, an% hich is %istinguishe% by the name of (cocktai"&(E"iKabeth F"anagan as pecu"iar"y e"" ua"ifie%, by e%ucation an%circumstances, to perfect this impro$ement in "iuors, ha$ing been"itera""y brought up on its principa" ingre%ient, an% ha$ing acuire%from her -irginian customers the use of mint, from its f"a$or in a ju"epto its height of renon in the artic"e in uestion& Such, then, as themistress of the mansion, ho, reck"ess of the co"% northern b"asts,shoe% her b"ooming face from the %oor of the bui"%ing to e"come thearri$a" of her fa$orite, Captain ?aton, an% his companion, her masterin matters of surgery&

(4h2 by my hopes of promotion, my gent"e E"iKabeth, but you are

e"come2( crie% the trooper, as he thre himse"f from his sa%%"e& (This$i""ainous fresh@ater gas from the Cana%as has been hist"ing among mybones ti"" they ache ith the co"%, but the sight of your fierycountenance is as cheery as a Christmas fire&(

(o sure, Captain Jack, yes a"ays fu"" of your comp"imentaries,(rep"ie% the sut"er, taking the bri%"e of her customer& (But hurry in forthe "ife of you, %ar"ing the fences hereabouts are not so strong as inthe 0igh"an%s, an% theres that ithin i"" arm both so" an% bo%y&(

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(So you ha$e been "aying the rai"s un%er contribution, ) see& e"", thatmay %o for the bo%y,( sai% the captain coo""y (but ) ha$e ha% a pu"" ata bott"e of cut g"ass ith a si"$er stan%, an% ) %oubt my re"ish foryour hisky for a month to come&(

()f its si"$er or goo"% that yere thinking of, its but "itt"e ) ha$e,though )$e a trif"ing bit of the continenta",( sai% Betty, ith a "ookof humor (but theres that ithin thats fit to be put in $issi"s of%imon%s&(

(hat can she mean, 4rchiba"%L( aske% ?aton& (The anima" "ooks as if itmeant more than it says2(

(Tis probab"y a an%ering of the reasoning poers, create% by thefreuency of into.icating %rafts,( obser$e% the surgeon, as he%e"iberate"y thre his "eft "eg o$er the pomme" of the sa%%"e, an% s"i%%on on the right si%e of his horse&

(Faith, my %ear jee" of a %octor, but it as this si%e ) as e.pictingyou the ho"e corps come %on on this si%e but yeerse"f,( sai% Betty,

inking at the trooper (but )$e been fee%ing the oun%e%, in yeerabsence, ith the fat of the "an%&(

(Barbarous stupi%ity2( crie% the panic@stricken physician, (to fee% men"aboring un%er the e.citement of fe$er ith poerfu" nutriment& oman,oman, you are enough to %efeat the ski"" of 0ippocrates2(

(Pooh2( sai% Betty, ith infinite composure, (hat a botheration ye makeabout a "itt"e hisky there as but a ga""on beti.t a goo% %oKen ofthem, an% ) ga$e it to the boys to make them s"eep asy sure, jist ass"umbering %rops&(

?aton an% his companion no entere% the bui"%ing, an% the firstobjects hich met their eyes e.p"aine% the hi%%en meaning of Bettyscomfortab"e %ec"aration& 4 "ong tab"e, ma%e of boar%s torn from the si%eof an outbui"%ing, as stretche% through the mi%%"e of the "argestapartment, or the barroom, an% on it as a $ery scanty %isp"ay ofcrockery are& The steams of cookery arose from an a%joining kitchen,but the principa" attraction as in a %emijohn of fair proportions,hich ha% been ostentatious"y p"ace% on high by Betty as the object mostorthy of notice& ?aton soon "earne% that it as teeming ith the rea"amber@co"ore% juice of the grape, an% ha% been sent from the ?ocusts, asan offering to Dajor 'unoo%ie, from his frien% Captain harton of theroya" army&

(4n% a roya" gift it is,( sai% the grinning suba"tern, ho ma%e thee.p"anation& (The major gi$es us an entertainment in honor of our

$ictory, an% you see the principa" e.pense is borne as it shou"% be, bythe enemy& Ooun%s2 ) am thinking that after e ha$e prime% ith suchstuff, e cou"% charge through Sir 0enrys hea%uarters, an% carry offthe knight himse"f&(

The captain of %ragoons as in no manner %isp"ease% at the prospect ofterminating so p"easant"y a %ay that ha% been so agreeab"y commence%& 0eas soon surroun%e% by his comra%es, ho ma%e many eager inuiriesconcerning his a%$entures, hi"e the surgeon procee%e%, ith certainuakings of the heart, to e.amine into the state of his oun%e%&

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Enormous fires ere snapping in the chimneys of the house, superse%ingthe necessity of can%"es, by the bright "ight hich as thron from theb"aKing pi"es& The group ithin ere a"" young men an% trie% so"%iersin number they ere rather more than a %oKen, an% their manners an%con$ersation ere a strange mi.ture of the b"untness of the partisanith the manners of gent"emen& Their %resses ere neat, though p"ainan% a ne$er@fai"ing topic amongst them as the performance an% ua"ityof their horses& Some ere en%ea$oring to s"eep on the benches hich"ine% the a""s, some ere a"king the apartments, an% others ereseate% in earnest %iscussion on subjects connecte% ith the business oftheir "i$es& =ccasiona""y, as the %oor of the kitchen opene%, thehissing soun%s of the frying pans an% the in$iting sa$or of the foo%create% a stagnation in a"" other emp"oyments e$en the s"eepers, atsuch moments, ou"% open their eyes, an% raise their hea%s, toreconnoiter the state of the preparations& 4"" this time 'unoo%ie satby himse"f, gaKing at the fire, an% "ost in ref"ections hich none ofhis officers presume% to %isturb& 0e ha% ma%e earnest inuiries ofSitgrea$es after the con%ition of Sing"eton, %uring hich a profoun% an%respectfu" si"ence as maintaine% in the room but as soon as he ha%en%e%, an% resume% his seat, the usua" ease an% free%om pre$ai"e%&

The arrangement of the tab"e as a matter of but "itt"e concern to Drs&F"anagan an% Caesar ou"% ha$e been sa%"y scan%a"iKe% at itnessing theinforma"ity ith hich $arious %ishes, each bearing a on%erfu"resemb"ance to the others, ere p"ace% before so many gent"emen ofconsi%eration& )n taking their p"aces at the boar%, the strictestattention as pai% to prece%ency for, notithstan%ing the free%om ofmanners hich pre$ai"e% in the corps, the points of mi"itary etiuetteere at a"" times obser$e%, ith something approaching to re"igious$eneration& Dost of the guests ha% been fasting too "ong to be in any%egree fasti%ious in their appetites but the case as %ifferent ithCaptain ?aton he fe"t an unaccountab"e "oathing at the e.hibition ofBettys foo%, an% cou"% not refrain from making a fe passing commentson the con%ition of the kni$es, an% the c"ou%e% aspect of the p"ates&The goo% nature an% the persona" affection of Betty for the offen%er,restraine% her, for some time, from ansering his innuen%oes, unti"?aton, ha$ing $enture% to a%mit a piece of the b"ack meat into hismouth, inuire%, ith the affectation of a spoi"e% chi"%,@@

(hat kin% of anima" might this ha$e been hen "i$ing, Drs& F"anaganL(

(Sure, captain, an% asnt it the ou"% coL( rep"ie% the sut"er, ith aarmth that procee%e% part"y from %issatisfaction at the comp"aints ofher fa$orite, an% part"y from grief at the "oss of the %ecease%&

(hat2( roare% the trooper, stopping short as he as about to sa""ohis morse", (ancient Jenny2(

(The %e$i"2( crie% another, %ropping his knife an% fork, (she ho ma%ethe campaign of the Jerseys ith usL(

(The $ery same,( rep"ie% the mistress of the hote", ith a piteousaspect of oe (a gent"e baste, an% one that cou"% an% %i% "i$e on "essthan air, at nee%& Sure, gent"emen, tis afu" to ha$e to eat sitch anou"% frien%&(

(4n% has she sunk to thisL( sai% ?aton, pointing ith his knife, to the

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remnants on the tab"e&

(ay, captain,( sai% Betty, ith spirit, () sou"% to of her uarters tosome of your troop but %i$i" the or% %i% ) te"" the boys hat an ou"%frin% it as they ha% bought, for fear it might %amage their appetites&(

(Fury2( crie% the trooper, ith affecte% anger, () sha"" ha$e my fe""osas "imber as supp"e@jacks on such fare afrai% of an Eng"ishman as a-irginian negro is of his %ri$er&(

(e"",( sai% ?ieutenant Dason, %ropping his knife an% fork in a kin% of%espair, (my jas ha$e more sympathy than many mens hearts& Theyabso"ute"y %ec"ine making any impression on the re"ics of their o"%acuaintance&(

(Try a %rop of the gift,( sai% Betty, soothing"y, pouring a "argea""oance of the ine into a bo", an% %rinking it off as taster to thecorps& (Faith, tis but a ishy@ashy sort of stuff after a""2(

The ice once broken, hoe$er, a c"ear g"ass of ine as han%e% to

'unoo%ie, ho, boing to his companions, %rank the "iuor in the mi%stof a profoun% si"ence& For a fe g"asses there as much forma"ityobser$e%, an% sun%ry patriotic toasts an% sentiments ere %u"y notice%by the company& The "iuor, hoe$er, performe% its onte% office an%before the secon% sentine" at the %oor ha% been re"ie$e%, a""reco""ection of the %inner an% their cares as "ost in the presentfesti$ity& 'r& Sitgrea$es %i% not return in season to partake of Jenny,but he as in time to recei$e his fair proportion of Captainhartons present&

(4 song, a song from Captain ?aton2( crie% to or three of the party ina breath, on obser$ing the fai"ure of some of the points ofgoo%@fe""oship in the trooper& (Si"ence, for the song ofCaptain ?aton&(

(Gent"emen,( returne% ?aton, his %ark eyes simming ith the bumpers heha% finishe%, though his hea% as as impenetrab"e as a post () am notmuch of a nightinga"e, but, un%er the fa$or of your goo% ishes, )consent to comp"y ith the %eman%&(

(o, Jack,( sai% Sitgrea$es, no%%ing on his seat, (remember the air )taught you, an%@@stop, ) ha$e a copy of the or%s in my pocket&(

(Forbear, forbear, goo% %octor,( sai% the trooper, fi""ing his g"assith great %e"iberation () ne$er cou"% hee" roun% those har% names&Gent"emen, ) i"" gi$e you a humb"e attempt of my on&(

(Si"ence, for Captain ?atons song2( roare% fi$e or si. at once henthe trooper procee%e%, in a fine, fu"" tone, to sing the fo""oing or%sto a e""@knon bacchana"ian air, se$era" of his comra%es he"ping himthrough the chorus ith a fer$or that shook the craKy e%ifice theyere in3@@

  o push the mug, my jo""y boys,  4n% "i$e, hi"e "i$e e can  To@morros sun may en% your joys,  For briefs the hour of man&

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  4n% he ho bra$e"y meets the foe  0is "ease of "ife can ne$er kno&  ="% mother F"anagan  Come an% fi"" the can again2  For you can fi"", an% e can si"",  Goo% Betty F"anagan&

  )f "o$e of "ife per$a%es your breast,  =r "o$e of ease your frame,  Muit honors path for peacefu" rest,  4n% bear a coar%s name  For soon an% "ate, e %anger kno,  4n% fear"ess on the sa%%"e go&  ="% mother, etc&

  hen foreign foes in$a%e the "an%,  4n% i$es an% seethearts ca"",  )n free%oms cause e"" bra$e"y stan%  =r i"" as bra$e"y fa""  )n this fair home the fates ha$e gi$en

  e"" "i$e as "or%s, or "i$e in hea$en&  ="% mother, etc&

4t each appea" ma%e to herse"f, by the unite% $oices of the choir, Bettyin$ariab"y a%$ance% an% comp"ie% "itera""y ith the reuest containe% inthe chorus, to the infinite %e"ight of the singers, an% ith no sma""participation in the satisfaction on her account& The hostess aspro$i%e% ith a be$erage more suite% to the high seasoning to hich sheha% accustome% her pa"ate, than the taste"ess present of Captainharton by hich means Betty ha% manage%, ith to"erab"e faci"ity, tokeep e$en pace ith the e.hi"araton of her guests& The app"ause recei$e%by Captain ?aton as genera", ith the e.ception of the surgeon, horose from the bench %uring the first chorus, an% pace% the f"oor, in af"o of c"assica" in%ignation& The bra$os an% bra$issimos %rone% a""other noises for a short time but as they gra%ua""y cease%, the %octorturne% to the musician, an% e.c"aime% ith heat,@@

(Captain ?aton, ) mar$e" that a gent"eman, an% a ga""ant officer, canfin% no other subject for his muse, in these times of tria", than insuch beast"y in$ocations to that notorious fo""oer of the camp, thefi"thy E"iKabeth F"anagan& Dethinks the go%%ess of ?iberty cou"% furnisha more nob"e inspiration, an% the sufferings of your country a morebefitting theme&(

(0ey%ay2( shoute% the hostess, a%$ancing toar%s him in a threateningattitu%e (an% ho is it that ca""s me fi"thyL Daster Suirt2Daster Popgun@@(

(Peace2( sai% 'unoo%ie, in a $oice that as e.erte% but a "itt"e morethan common, but hich as succee%e% by the sti""ness of %eath& (oman,"ea$e the room& 'r& Sitgrea$es, ) ca"" you to your seat, to ait theor%er of the re$e"s&(

(Procee%, procee%,( sai% the surgeon, %raing himse"f up in an attitu%eof %ignifie% composure& () trust, Dajor 'unoo%ie, ) am not unacuainte%ith the ru"es of %ecorum, nor ignorant of the by@"as ofgoo%@fe""oship&( Betty ma%e a hasty but somehat %e$ious retreat to her

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on %ominions, being unaccustome% to %ispute the or%ers of thecomman%ing officer&

(Dajor 'unoo%ie i"" honor us ith a sentimenta" song,( sai% ?aton,boing to his "ea%er, ith the co""ecte% manner he so e"" kne hoto assume&

The major hesitate% a moment, an% then sang, ith fine e.ecution, thefo""oing or%s3@@

  Some "o$e the heats of southern suns,  heres "ifes arm current ma%%ening runs,  )n one uick circ"ing stream  But %earer fars the me""o "ight  hich tremb"ing shines, ref"ecte% bright  )n ?unas mi"%er beam&

  Some "o$e the tu"ips gau%ier %yes,  here %eepening b"ue ith ye""o $ies,  4n% gorgeous beauty g"os

  But happier he, hose bri%a" reath,  By "o$e entine%, is foun% to breathe  The seetness of the rose&

The $oice of 'unoo%ie ne$er "ost its authority ith his inferiors an%the app"ause hich fo""oe% his song, though by no means so riotous asthat hich succee%e% the effort of the captain, as much moref"attering&

()f, sir,( sai% the %octor, after joining in the p"au%its of hiscompanions, (you ou"% but "earn to unite c"assica" a""usions ith your%e"icate imagination you ou"% become a pretty amateur poet&(

(0e ho criticiKes ought to be ab"e to perform,( sai% 'unoo%ie ith asmi"e& () ca"" on 'r& Sitgrea$es for a specimen of the sty"ehe a%mires&(

('r& Sitgrea$es song2 'r& Sitgrea$es song2( echoe% a"" at the tab"eith %e"ight (a c"assica" o%e from 'r& Sitgrea$es2(

The surgeon ma%e a comp"acent bo, took the remnant of his g"ass, an%ga$e a fe pre"iminary hems, that ser$e% huge"y to %e"ight three or fouryoung cornets at the foot of the tab"e& 0e then commence% singing, in acracke% $oice, an% to anything but a tune, the fo""oing %itty3@@

  0ast thou e$er fe"t "o$es %art, %earest,  =r breathe% his tremb"ing sigh@@

  Thought him, afar, as e$er nearest,  Before that spark"ing eyeL  Then hast thou knon hat tis to fee"  The pain that Ga"en cou"% not hea"&

(0urrah2( shoute% ?aton& (4rchiba"% ec"ipses the Duses themse"$es hisor%s f"o "ike the sy"$an stream by moon"ight, an% his me"o%y is acrossbree% of the nightinga"e an% the o"&(

(Captain ?aton,( crie% the e.asperate% operator, (it is one thing to

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%espise the "ights of c"assica" "earning, an% another to be %espise% foryour on ignorance2(

4 "ou% summons at the %oor of the bui"%ing create% a %ea% ha"t in theuproar, an% the %ragoons instincti$e"y caught up their arms, to beprepare% for the orst& The %oor as opene%, an% the Skinners entere%,%ragging in the pe%%"er, ben%ing beneath the "oa% of his pack&

(hich is Captain ?atonL( sai% the "ea%er of the gang, gaKing aroun%him in some "itt"e astonishment&

(0e aits your p"easure,( sai% the trooper %ry"y&

(Then here ) %e"i$er to your han%s a con%emne% traitor& This is 0ar$eyBirch, the pe%%"er spy&(

?aton starte% as he "ooke% his o"% acuaintance in the face, an%,turning to the Skinner ith a "oering "ook, he aske%,@@

(4n% ho are you, sir, that speak so free"y of your neighborsL But,(

boing to 'unoo%ie, (your par%on, sir here is the comman%ing officerto him you i"" p"ease a%%ress yourse"f&(

(o,( sai% the man, su""en"y, (it is to you ) %e"i$er the pe%%"er, an%from you ) c"aim my rear%&(

(4re you 0ar$ey BirchL( sai% 'unoo%ie, a%$ancing ith an air ofauthority that instant"y %ro$e the Skinner to a corner of the room&

() am,( sai% Birch, prou%"y&

(4n% a traitor to your country,( continue% the major, ith sternness&('o you kno that ) shou"% be justifie% in or%ering your e.ecutionthis nightL(

(Tis not the i"" of Go% to ca"" a sou" so hasti"y to 0is presence,(sai% the pe%%"er ith so"emnity&

(*ou speak truth,( sai% 'unoo%ie (an% a fe brief hours sha"" be a%%e%to your "ife& But as your offense is most o%ious to a so"%ier, so iti"" be sure to meet ith the so"%iers $engeance& *ou %ie to@morro&(

(Tis as Go% i""s&(

() ha$e spent many a goo% hour to entrap the $i""ain,( sai% the Skinner,a%$ancing a "itt"e from his corner, (an% ) hope you i"" gi$e me acertificate that i"" entit"e us to the rear% tas promise% to be

pai% in go"%&(

(Dajor 'unoo%ie,( sai% the officer of the %ay, entering the room, (thepatro"s report a house to be burne% near yester%ays batt"e groun%&(

(Tas the hut of the pe%%"er,( muttere% the "ea%er of the gang& (eha$e not "eft him a shing"e for she"ter ) shou"% ha$e burne% it monthsago, but ) ante% his she% for a trap to catch the s"y fo. in&(

(*ou seem a most ingenious patriot,( sai% ?aton& (Dajor 'unoo%ie, )

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secon% the reuest of this orthy gent"eman, an% cra$e the office ofbestoing the rear% on him an% his fe""os&(

(Take it an% you, miserab"e man, prepare for that fate hich i""sure"y befa"" you before the setting of to@morros sun&(

(?ife offers but "itt"e to tempt me ith,( sai% 0ar$ey, s"o"y raisinghis eyes, an% gaKing i"%"y at the strange faces in the apartment&

(Come, orthy chi"%ren of 4merica2( sai% ?aton, (fo""o, an% recei$eyour rear%&(

The gang eager"y accepte% the in$itation, an% fo""oe% the captaintoar%s the uarters assigne% to his troop& 'unoo%ie pause% a moment,from re"uctance to triumph o$er a fa""en foe, before he procee%e%&

(*ou ha$e a"rea%y been trie%, 0ar$ey Birch an% the truth has pro$e% youto be an enemy too %angerous to the "iberties of 4merica to besuffere% to "i$e&(

(The truth2( echoe% the pe%%"er, starting, an% raising himse"f in amanner that %isregar%e% the eight of his pack&

(4ye2 the truth you are charge% ith "oitering near the continenta"army, to gain inte""igence of its mo$ements, an%, by communicating themto the enemy, to enab"e him to frustrate the intentions of ashington&(

(i"" ashington say so, think youL(

('oubt"ess he ou"% e$en the justice of ashington con%emns you&(

(o, no, no,( crie% the pe%%"er, in a $oice an% ith a manner thatstart"e% 'unoo%ie& (ashington can see beyon% the ho""o $ies ofpreten%e% patriots& 0as he not riske% his a"" on the cast of a %ieL )f aga""os is rea%y for me, as there not one for him a"soL o, no, no,no@@ashington ou"% ne$er say, ?ea% him to a ga""os&(

(0a$e you anything, retche% man, to urge to the comman%er in chief hyyou shou"% not %ieL( sai% the major, reco$ering from the surprisecreate% by the manner of the other&

Birch tremb"e%, for $io"ent emotions ere conten%ing in his bosom& 0isface assume% the ghast"y pa"eness of %eath, an% his han% %re a bo. oftin from the fo"%s of his shirt he opene% it, shoing by the act thatit containe% a sma"" piece of paper& =n this %ocument his eye as for aninstant fi.e%@@he ha% a"rea%y he"% it toar%s 'unoo%ie, hen su%%en"yith%raing his han% he e.c"aime%,@@

(o@@it %ies ith me& ) kno the con%itions of my ser$ice, an% i"" notpurchase "ife ith their forfeiture@@it %ies ith me&(

('e"i$er that paper, an% you may possib"y fin% fa$or,( crie% 'unoo%ie,e.pecting a %isco$ery of importance to the cause&

()t %ies ith me,( repeate% Birch, a f"ush passing o$er his pa""i%features, an% "ighting them ith e.traor%inary bri""iancy&

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(SeiKe the traitor2( crie% the major, (an% rest the secret from hishan%s&(

The or%er as imme%iate"y obeye% but the mo$ements of the pe%%"er eretoo uick in an instant he sa""oe% the paper& The officers pause% inastonishment but the surgeon crie% eager"y,@@

(0o"% him, hi"e ) a%minister an emetic&(

(Forbear2( sai% 'unoo%ie, beckoning him back ith his han%& ()f hiscrime is great, so i"" his punishment be hea$y&(

(?ea% on,( crie% the pe%%"er, %ropping his pack from his shou"%ers, an%a%$ancing toar%s the %oor ith a manner of incomprehensib"e %ignity&

(hitherL( aske% 'unoo%ie, in amaKement&

(To the ga""os&(

(o,( sai% the major, recoi"ing in horror at his on justice& (Dy %uty

reuires that ) or%er you to be e.ecute%, but sure"y not so hasti"ytake unti" nine to@morro to prepare for the afu" change&(

'unoo%ie hispere% his or%ers in the ear of a suba"tern, an% motione%to the pe%%"er to ith%ra& The interruption cause% by this scenepre$ente% further enjoyment aroun% the tab"e, an% the officers %isperse%to their se$era" p"aces of rest& )n a short time the on"y noise to behear% as the hea$y trea% of the sentine", as he pace% the froKen groun%in front of the 0ote" F"anagan&

C04PTE/ N-))

  There are, hose changing "ineaments each gui"e"ess passion of the breast  here ?o$e, an% 0ope, an% ten%er@hearte% Pity  4re seen ref"ecte%, as from a mirrors face  But co"% e.perience can $ei" these hues  ith "ooks, in$ente% shre%"y to encompass  The cunning purposes of base %eceit&


The officer to hose keeping 'unoo%ie ha% committe% the pe%%"er

transferre% his charge to the custo%y of the regu"ar sergeant of theguar%& The gift of Captain harton ha% not been "ost on the youthfu""ieutenant an% a certain %ancing motion that ha% taken possession ofobjects before his eyes, ga$e him arning of the necessity of recruitingnature by s"eep& 4fter a%monishing the noncommissione% guar%ian of0ar$ey to omit no atchfu"ness in securing the prisoner, the youthrappe% himse"f in his c"oak, an%, stretche% on a bench before a fire,soon foun% the repose he nee%e%& 4 ru%e she% e.ten%e% the ho"e "engthof the rear of the bui"%ing, an% from off one of its en%s ha% beenpartitione% a sma"" apartment, that as inten%e% as a repository for

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many of the "esser imp"ements of husban%ry& The "a"ess times ha%,hoe$er, occasione% its being strippe% of e$erything of $a"ue an% thesearching eyes of Betty F"anagan se"ecte% this spot, on her arri$a", asthe storehouse for her mo$ab"es an% a sanctuary for her person& Thespare arms an% baggage of the corps ha% a"so been %eposite% here an%the unite% treasures ere p"ace% un%er the eye of the sentine" hopara%e% the she% as a guar%ian of the rear of the hea%uarters& 4 secon%so"%ier, ho as statione% near the house to protect the horses of theofficers, cou"% comman% a $ie of the outsi%e of the apartment an%, asit as ithout in%o or out"et of any kin%, e.cepting its %oor, theconsi%erate sergeant thought this the most befitting p"ace in hich to%eposit his prisoner unti" the moment of his e.ecution& Se$era"in%ucements urge% Sergeant 0o""ister to this %etermination, among hichas the absence of the asheroman, ho "ay before the kitchen fire,%reaming that the corps as attacking a party of the enemy, an%mistaking the noise that procee%e% from her on nose for the bug"es ofthe -irginians soun%ing the charge& 4nother as the pecu"iar opinionsthat the $eteran entertaine% of "ife an% %eath, an% by hich he as%istinguishe% in the corps as a man of most e.emp"ary piety an% ho"inessof "ife& The sergeant as more than fifty years of age, an% for ha"f

that perio% he ha% borne arms& The constant recurrence of su%%en %eathsbefore his eyes ha% pro%uce% an effect on him %iffering great"y fromthat hich as the usua" mora" conseuence of such scenes an% he ha%become not on"y the most stea%y, but the most trustorthy so"%ier in histroop& Captain ?aton ha% rear%e% his fi%e"ity by making himits or%er"y&

Fo""oe% by Birch, the sergeant procee%e% in si"ence to the %oor of theinten%e% prison, an%, throing it open ith one han%, he he"% a "anternith the other to "ight the pe%%"er to his prison& Seating himse"f on acask, that containe% some of Bettys fa$orite be$erage, the sergeantmotione% to Birch to occupy another, in the same manner& The "antern asp"ace% on the f"oor, hen the %ragoon, after "ooking his prisonerstea%i"y in the face, obser$e%,@@

(*ou "ook as if you ou"% meet %eath "ike a man an% ) ha$e brought youto a spot here you can tranui""y arrange your thoughts, an% be uietan% un%isturbe%&(

(Tis a fearfu" p"ace to prepare for the "ast change in,( sai% 0ar$ey,gaKing aroun% his "itt"e prison ith a $acant eye&

(hy, for the matter of that,( returne% the $eteran, (it can reckon but"itt"e in the great account, here a man para%es his thoughts for the"ast re$ie, so that he fin%s them fit to pass the muster of anotheror"%& ) ha$e a sma"" book here, hich ) make it a point to rea% a"itt"e in, hene$er e are about to engage, an% ) fin% it a great

strengthener in time of nee%&( hi"e speaking, he took a Bib"e from hispocket, an% offere% it to the pe%%"er& Birch recei$e% the $o"ume ithhabitua" re$erence but there as an abstracte% air about him, an% aan%ering of the eye, that in%uce% his companion to think that a"arm asgetting the mastery of the pe%%"ers fee"ings accor%ing"y, he procee%e%in hat he concei$e% to be the offices of conso"ation&

()f anything "ies hea$y on your min%, no is the best time to get ri% ofit@@if you ha$e %one any rong to anyone, ) promise you, on the or% ofan honest %ragoon, to "en% you a he"ping han% to see them righte%&(

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(There are fe ho ha$e not %one so,( sai% the pe%%"er, turning his$acant gaKe once more on his companion&

(True@@tis natura" to sin but it sometimes happens that a man %oeshat at other times he may be sorry for& =ne ou"% not ish to %ie ithany $ery hea$y sin on his conscience, after a""&(

0ar$ey ha% by this time thorough"y e.amine% the p"ace in hich he as topass the night, an% sa no means of escape& But as hope is e$er the "astfee"ing to %esert the human breast, the pe%%"er ga$e the %ragoon more ofhis attention, on his sunburne% features such searching "ooks,that Sergeant 0o""ister "oere% his eyes before the i"% e.pressionhich he met in the gaKe of his prisoner&

() ha$e been taught to "ay the bur%en of my sins at the feet of mySa$ior,( rep"ie% the pe%%"er&

(hy, yes@@a"" that is e"" enough,( returne% the other& (But justiceshou"% be %one hi"e there is opportunity& There ha$e been stirring

times in this country since the ar began, an% many ha$e been %epri$e%of their rightfu" goo%s ) oftentimes fin% it har% to reconci"e e$en my"afu" p"un%er to a ten%er conscience&(

(These han%s,( sai% the pe%%"er, stretching forth his meager, bonyfingers, (ha$e spent years in toi", but not a moment in pi"fering&(

()t is e"" that it is so,( sai% the honest@hearte% so"%ier, (an%, no%oubt, you no fee" it a great conso"ation& There are three great sins,that, if a man can keep his conscience c"ear of, hy, by the mercy ofGo%, he may hope to pass muster ith the saints in hea$en3 they arestea"ing, mur%ering, an% %esertion&(

(Thank Go%2( sai% Birch, ith fer$or, () ha$e ne$er yet taken the "ifeof a fe""o creature&(

(4s to ki""ing a man in "afu" batt"e, that is no more than %oing ones%uty& )f the cause is rong, the sin of such a %ee%, you kno, fa""s onthe nation, an% a man recei$es his punishment here ith the rest of thepeop"e but mur%ering in co"% b"oo% stan%s ne.t to %esertion as a crimein the eye of Go%&(

() ne$er as a so"%ier, therefore ne$er cou"% %esert,( sai% the pe%%"er,resting his face on his han% in a me"ancho"y attitu%e&

(hy, %esertion consists of more than uitting your co"ors, though thatis certain"y the orst kin% a man may %esert his country in the hour

of nee%&(

Birch burie% his face in both his han%s, an% his ho"e frame shook thesergeant regar%e% him c"ose"y, but goo% fee"ings soon got the better ofhis antipathies, an% he continue% more mi"%"y,@@

(But sti"" that is a sin hich ) think may be forgi$en, if sincere"yrepente% of an% it matters but "itt"e hen or ho a man %ies, so thathe %ies "ike a Christian an% a man& ) recommen% you to say your prayers,an% then to get some rest, in or%er that you may %o both& There is no

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hope of your being par%one% for Co"one" Sing"eton has sent %on themost positi$e or%ers to take your "ife hene$er e met you& o,no@@nothing can sa$e you&(

(*ou say the truth,( crie% Birch& ()t is no too "ate@@) ha$e %estroye%my on"y safeguar%& But he i"" %o my memory justice at "east&(

(hat safeguar%L( aske% the sergeant, ith aakene% curiosity&

(Tis nothing,( rep"ie% the pe%%"er, reco$ering his natura" manner, an%"oering his face to a$oi% the earnest "ooks of his companion&

(4n% ho is heL(

(o one,( a%%e% 0ar$ey, an.ious to say no more&

(othing an% no one can a$ai" but "itt"e no,( sai% the sergeant, risingto go& (?ay yourse"f on the b"anket of Drs& F"anagan, an% get a "itt"es"eep ) i"" ca"" you betimes in the morning an% from the bottom of mysou" ) ish ) cou"% be of some ser$ice to you, for ) %is"ike great"y to

see a man hung up "ike a %og&(

(Then you might sa$e me from this ignominious %eath,( sai% Birch,springing to his feet, an% catching the %ragoon by the arm& (4n%, oh2hat i"" ) not gi$e you in rear%2(

()n hat mannerL( aske% the sergeant, "ooking at him in surprise&

(See,( sai% the pe%%"er, pro%ucing se$era" guineas from his person(these are nothing to hat ) i"" gi$e you, if you i"" assist meto escape&(

(ere you the man hose picture is on the go"%, ) ou"% not "isten tosuch a crime,( sai% the trooper, throing the money on the f"oor ithcontempt& (Go@@go, poor retch, an% make your peace ith Go% for it is0e on"y that can be of ser$ice to you no&(

The sergeant took up the "antern, an%, ith some in%ignation in hismanner, he "eft the pe%%"er to sorrofu" me%itations on his approachingfate& Birch sank, in momentary %espair, on the pa""et of Betty, hi"ehis guar%ian procee%e% to gi$e the necessary instructions to thesentine"s for his safe@keeping&

0o""ister conc"u%e% his injunctions to the man in the she%, by saying,(*our "ife i"" %epen% on his not escaping& ?et none enter or uit theroom ti"" morning&(

(But,( sai% the trooper, (my or%ers are, to "et the asheroman pass inan% out, as she p"eases&(

(e"", "et her then but be carefu" that this i"y pe%%"er %oes not getout in the fo"%s of her petticoats&( 0e then continue% his a"k, gi$ingsimi"ar or%ers to each of the sentine"s near the spot&

For some time after the %eparture of the sergeant, si"ence pre$ai"e%ithin the so"itary prison of the pe%%"er, unti" the %ragoon at his %oorhear% his "ou% breathings, hich soon rose into the regu"ar ca%ence of

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one in a %eep s"eep& The man continue% a"king his post, musing on anin%ifference to "ife hich cou"% a""o nature its customary rest, e$enon the thresho"% of the gra$e& 0ar$ey Birch ha%, hoe$er, been a nametoo "ong he"% in %etestation by e$ery man in the corps, to suffer anyfee"ings of commiseration to ming"e ith these ref"ections of thesentine" for, notithstan%ing the consi%eration an% kin%ness manifeste%by the sergeant, there probab"y as not another man of his rank in theho"e party ho ou"% ha$e %isco$ere% eua" bene$o"ence to the prisoner,or ho ou"% not ha$e imitate% the $eteran in rejecting the bribe,a"though probab"y from a "ess orthy moti$e& There as something of%isappointe% $engeance in the fee"ings of the man ho atche% the %oorof the room on fin%ing his prisoner enjoying a s"eep of hich he himse"fas %epri$e%, an% at his e.hibiting such ob$ious in%ifference to theutmost pena"ty that mi"itary rigor cou"% inf"ict on a"" his treason tothe cause of "iberty an% 4merica& Dore than once he fe"t prompte% to%isturb the repose of the pe%%"er by taunts an% re$i"ings but the%iscip"ine he as un%er, an% a secret sense of shame at the bruta"ity ofthe act, he"% him in subjection&

0is me%itations ere, hoe$er, soon interrupte% by the appearance of

the asheroman, ho came staggering through the %oor that communicate%ith the kitchen, muttering e.ecrations against the ser$ants of theofficers, ho, by their aggery, ha% %isturbe% her s"umbers before thefire& The sentine" un%erstoo% enough of her ma"e%ictions to comprehen%the case but a"" his efforts to enter into con$ersation ith theenrage% oman ere use"ess, an% he suffere% her to enter her roomithout e.p"aining that it containe% another inmate& The noise of herhuge frame fa""ing on the be% as succee%e% by a si"ence that as sooninterrupte% by the renee% respiration of the pe%%"er, an% ithin a feminutes 0ar$ey continue% to breathe a"ou%, as if no interruption ha%occurre%& The re"ief arri$e% at this moment&

The sentine", ho fe"t nett"e% at the contempt of the pe%%"er, aftercommunicating his or%ers, hi"e he as retiring, e.c"aime% to hissuccessor,@@

(*ou may keep yourse"f arm by %ancing, John the pe%%"er spy has tune%his fi%%"e, you hear, an% it i"" not be "ong before Betty i"" strikeup, in her turn&(

The joke as fo""oe% by a genera" "augh from the party, ho marche% onin performance of their %uty& 4t this instant the %oor of the prison asopene%, an% Betty reappeare%, staggering back again toar% herformer uarters&

(Stop,( sai% the sentine", catching her by her c"othes (are you surethe spy is not in your pocketL(

(Cant you hear the rasca" snoring in my room, you %irty b"ackguar%L(sputtere% Betty, her ho"e frame shaking ith rage& (4n% is it so yeou"% sar$e a %acent fama"e, that a man must be put to s"eep in the roomi% her, ye rapsca""ionL(

(Pooh2 'o you min% a fe""o hos to be hange% in the morningL *ou seehe s"eeps a"rea%y to@morro he"" take a "onger nap&(

(0an%s off, ye $i""ain,( crie% the asheroman, re"inuishing a sma""

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bott"e that the trooper ha% succee%e% in resting from her& (But )""go to Captain Jack, an% kno if its or%ers to put a hang@ga""os spy inmy room aye, e$en in my i%oe% be%, you tief2(

(Si"ence, o"% JeKebe"2( sai% the fe""o ith a "augh, taking the bott"efrom his mouth to breathe, (or you i"" ake the gent"eman& ou"% you%isturb a man in his "ast s"eepL(

()"" aake Captain Jack, you reprobate $i""ain, an% bring him here tosee me righte% he i"" punish ye a"", for imposing on a %acent i%oe%bo%y, you marau%er2(

ith these or%s, hich on"y e.torte% a "augh from the sentine", Bettystaggere% roun% the en% of the bui"%ing, an% ma%e the best of her aytoar%s the uarters of her fa$orite, Captain John ?aton, in search ofre%ress& either the officer nor the oman, hoe$er, appeare% %uring thenight, an% nothing further occurre% to %isturb the repose of thepe%%"er, ho, to the astonishment of the %ifferent sentine"s, continue%by his breathing to manifest ho "itt"e the ga""os cou"% affecthis s"umbers&

C04PTE/ N-)))

  4 'anie" come to ju%gment yea, a 'anie"2  = ise young ju%ge, ho ) %o honor thee2

  @@Derchant of -enice&

The Skinners fo""oe% Captain ?aton ith a"acrity, toar%s the uartersoccupie% by the troop of that gent"eman& The captain of %ragoons ha% ona"" occasions manifeste% so much Kea" for the cause in hich he asengage%, as so regar%"ess of persona" %anger hen oppose% to the enemy,an% his stature an% stern countenance contribute% so much to ren%er himterrific, that these ua"ities ha%, in some measure, procure% him areputation %istinct from the corps in hich he ser$e%& 0is intrepi%ityas mistaken for ferocity an% his hasty Kea", for the natura" "o$e ofcrue"ty& =n the other han%, a fe acts of c"emency, or, more proper"yspeaking, of %iscriminating justice, ha%, ith one portion of thecommunity, acuire% for 'unoo%ie the character of un%ue forbearance& )tis se"%om that either popu"ar con%emnation or popu"ar app"ause fa""s,e.act"y in the uantities earne%, here it is merite%&

hi"e in the presence of the major the "ea%er of the gang ha% fe"t

himse"f un%er that restraint hich $ice must e$er e.perience in thecompany of ackno"e%ge% $irtue but ha$ing "eft the house, he at onceconcei$e% that he as un%er the protection of a congenia" spirit& Thereas a gra$ity in the manner of ?aton that %ecei$e% most of those ho%i% not kno him intimate"y an% it as a common saying in his troop,that (hen the captain "aughe%, he as sure to punish&( 'raing near hiscon%uctor, therefore, the "ea%er commence% a confi%entia" %ia"ogue&

(Tis a"ays e"" for a man to kno his frien%s from his enemies,( sai%the ha"f@"icense% freebooter&

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To this prefatory obser$ation the captain ma%e no other rep"y than asoun% hich the other interprete% into assent&

() suppose Dajor 'unoo%ie has the goo% opinion of ashingtonL(continue% the Skinner, in a tone that rather e.presse% a %oubt thanaske% a uestion&

(There are some ho think so&(

(Dany of the frien%s of Congress in this county,( the man procee%e%,(ish the horse as "e% by some other officer& For my part, if ) cou"%on"y be co$ere% by a troop no an% then, ) cou"% %o many an importantpiece of ser$ice to the cause, to hich this capture of the pe%%"erou"% be a trif"e&(

()n%ee%2 such as hatL(

(For the matter of that, it cou"% be ma%e as profitab"e to the officeras it ou"% be to us ho %i% it,( sai% the Skinner, ith a "ook of the

most significant meaning&

(But hoL( aske% ?aton, a "itt"e impatient"y, an% uickening his stepto get out of the hearing of the rest of the party&

(hy, near the roya" "ines, e$en un%er the $ery guns of the heights,might be goo% picking if e ha% a force to guar% us from 'e ?anceys8Footnote3 The partisan corps ca""e% Coboys in the par"ance of thecountry, as comman%e% by Co"one" 'e ?ancey& This gent"eman, for such heas by birth an% e%ucation, ren%ere% himse"f $ery o%ious to the4mericans by his fancie% crue"ty, though there is no e$i%ence of hisbeing gui"ty of any acts unusua" in this species of arfare& Co"one" 'e?ancey be"onge% to a fami"y of the highest conseuence in the 4mericanco"onies, his unc"e ha$ing %ie% in the a%ministration of the go$ernmentof that of e *ork& 0e shou"% not be confoun%e% ith other gent"emen ofhis name an% fami"y, many of hom ser$e% in the roya" army& 0is cousin,Co"one" ="i$er 'e ?ancey, as, at the time of our ta"e, a%jutant genera"of the British forces in 4merica, ha$ing succee%e% to the unfortunate4n%re& The Coboys ere sometimes ca""e% /efugees, in conseuence oftheir ha$ing taken refuge un%er the protection of the cron&< men, an%to co$er our retreat from being cut off by the ay of ings Bri%ge&(

() thought the /efugees took a"" that game to themse"$es&(

(They %o a "itt"e at it but they are ob"ige% to be sparing among theiron peop"e& ) ha$e been %on tice, un%er an agreement ith them3 thefirst time they acte% ith honor but the secon% they came upon us an%

%ro$e us off, an% took the p"un%er to themse"$es&(

(That as a $ery %ishonorab"e act, in%ee% ) on%er that an honorab"eman i"" associate ith such rasca"s&(

()t is necessary to ha$e an un%erstan%ing ith some of them, or e mightbe taken but a man ithout honor is orse than a brute& 'o you thinkDajor 'unoo%ie is to be truste%L(

(*ou mean on honorab"e princip"esL(

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(Certain"y you kno 4rno"% as thought e"" of unti" the roya" majoras taken&(

(hy, ) %o not be"ie$e 'unoo%ie ou"% se"" his comman% as 4rno"% ishe%to %o neither %o ) think him e.act"y trustorthy in a %e"icate business"ike this of yours&(

(Thats just my notion,( rejoine% the Skinner, ith a se"f@appro$ingmanner that shoe% ho much he as satisfie% ith his on estimate ofcharacter&

By this time they ha% arri$e% at a better sort of farmhouse, the $erye.tensi$e outbui"%ings of hich ere in to"erab"e repair, for the times&The barns ere occupie% by the men of the troop, hi"e the horses erearrange% un%er the "ong she%s hich protecte% the yar% from the co"%north in%& The "atter ere uiet"y eating, ith sa%%"es on their backsan% bri%"es thron on their necks, rea%y to be bitte% an% mounte% at theshortest arning& ?aton e.cuse% himse"f for a moment, an% entere% hisuarters& 0e soon returne%, ho"%ing in his han% one of the common,

stab"e "anterns, an% "e% the ay toar%s a "arge orchar% that surroun%e%the bui"%ings on three si%es& The gang fo""oe% the trooper in si"ence,be"ie$ing his object to be faci"ity of communicating further on thisinteresting topic, ithout the %anger of being o$erhear%&

4pproaching the captain, the Skinner renee% the %iscourse, ith a $ieof estab"ishing further confi%ence, an% of gi$ing his companion a morefa$orab"e opinion of his on inte""ects&

('o you think the co"onies i"" fina""y get the better of the kingL( heinuire%, ith a "itt"e of the importance of a po"itician&

(Get the better2( echoe% the captain ith impetuosity& Then checkinghimse"f, he continue%, (o %oubt they i""& )f the French i"" gi$e usarms an% money, e i"" %ri$e out the roya" troops in si. months&(

(e"", so ) hope e sha"" soon an% then e sha"" ha$e a freego$ernment, an% e, ho fight for it, i"" get our rear%&(

(=h2( crie% ?aton, (your c"aims i"" be in%isputab"e hi"e a"" these$i"e Tories ho "i$e at home peaceab"y, to take care of their farms,i"" be he"% in the contempt they merit& *ou ha$e no farm, ) supposeL(

(ot yet@@but it i"" go har% if ) %o not fin% one before the peace isma%e&(

(/ight stu%y your on interests, an% you stu%y the interests of your

country press the point of your on ser$ices, an% rai" at the Tories,an% )"" bet my spurs against a rusty nai" that you get to be a countyc"erk at "east&(

('ont you think Pau"%ings 8Footnote3 The author must ha$e inten%e%some a""usion to an in%i$i%ua", hich is too "oca" to be un%erstoo% bythe genera" rea%er& 4n%re, as is e"" knon, as arreste% by threecountrymen, ho ere on the "ookout for pre%atory parties of the enemythe principa" man of this party as name% Pau"%ing& The %isintereste%manner in hich they refuse% the offers of their capti$e is matter of

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history&< party ere foo"s in not "etting the roya" a%jutant genera"escapeL( sai% the man, thron off his guar% by the free%om of thecaptains manner&

(Foo"s2( crie% ?aton, ith a bitter "augh& (4ye, foo"s in%ee% ingGeorge ou"% ha$e pai% them better, for he is richer& 0e ou"% ha$e ma%ethem gent"emen for their "osses& But, thank Go%2 there is a per$a%ingspirit in the peop"e that seems miracu"ous& Den ho ha$e nothing, act asif the ea"th of the )n%ies %epen%e% on their fi%e"ity a"" are not$i""ains "ike yourse"f, or e shou"% ha$e been s"a$es to Eng"an%years ago&(

(0o2( e.c"aime% the Skinner, starting back, an% %ropping his musket tothe "e$e" of the others breast (am ) betraye%, an% are you my enemyL(

(Discreant2( shoute% ?aton, his saber ringing in its stee" scabbar%, ashe struck the musket of the fe""o from his han%s, (offer but again topoint your gun at me, an% )"" c"ea$e you to the mi%%"e&(

(4n% you i"" not pay us, then, Captain ?atonL( sai% the Skinner,

tremb"ing in e$ery joint, for just then he sa a party of mounte%%ragoons si"ent"y encirc"ing the ho"e party&

(=h2 pay you@@yes, you sha"" ha$e the fu"" measure of your rear%& Thereis the money that Co"one" Sing"eton sent %on for the captors of thespy,( throing a bag of guineas ith %is%ain at the others feet& (Butgroun% your arms, you rasca"s, an% see that the money is tru"y to"%&(

The intimi%ate% ban% %i% as they ere or%ere% an% hi"e they ereeager"y emp"oye% in this p"easing a$ocation, a fe of ?atons menpri$ate"y knocke% the f"ints out of their muskets&

(e"",( crie% the impatient captain, (is it rightL 0a$e you the promise%rear%L(

(There is just the money,( sai% the "ea%er (an% e i"" no go to ourhomes, ith your permission&(

(0o"%2 so much to re%eem our promise@@no for justice e pay you fortaking a spy, but e punish you for burning, robbing, an% mur%ering&SeiKe them, my "a%s, an% gi$e each of them the "a of Doses@@fortysa$e one&(

This comman% as gi$en to no uni""ing "isteners an% in the tink"ingof an eye the Skinners ere strippe% an% fastene%, by the ha"ters of theparty, to as many of the app"e trees as ere necessary to furnish one toeach of the gang& Sor%s ere uick"y %ran, an% fifty branches ere cut

from the trees, "ike magic from these ere se"ecte% a fe of the mostsupp"e of the tigs, an% a i""ing %ragoon as soon foun% to ie"% eachof the eapons& Captain ?aton ga$e the or%, humane"y cautioning hismen not to e.cee% the %iscip"ine prescribe% by the Dosaic "a, an% theuproar of Babe" ( commence% in the orchar%& The cries of the "ea%erere easi"y to be %istinguishe% abo$e those of his men a circumstancehich might be accounte% for, by Captain ?atons remin%ing hiscorrector that he ha% to %ea" ith an officer, an% he shou"% rememberan% pay him unusua" honor& The f"age""ation as e.ecute% ith greatneatness an% %ispatch, an% it as %istinguishe% by no irregu"arity,

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e.cepting that none of the %iscip"inarians began to count unti" they ha%trie% their hips by a %oKen or more b"os, by the ay, as they sai%themse"$es, of fin%ing out the proper p"aces to strike& 4s soon as thissummary operation as satisfactori"y comp"ete%, ?aton %irecte% his mento "ea$e the Skinners to rep"ace their on c"othes, an% to mount theirhorses for they ere a party ho ha% been %etache% for the purpose ofpatro""ing "oer %on in the county&

(*ou see, my frien%,( sai% the captain to the "ea%er of the Skinners,after he ha% prepare% himse"f to %epart, () can co$er you to somepurpose, hen necessary& )f e meet often, you i"" be co$ere% ithscars, hich, if not $ery honorab"e, i"" at "east be merite%&(

The fe""o ma%e no rep"y& 0e as busy ith his musket, an% hastening hiscomra%es to march hen, e$erything being rea%y, they procee%e% su""en"ytoar%s some rocks at no great %istance, hich ere o$erhung by a %eepoo%& The moon as just rising, an% the group of %ragoons cou"% easi"ybe %istinguishe% here they ha% been "eft& Su%%en"y turning, the ho"egang "e$e"e% their pieces an% %re the triggers& The action as notice%,an% the snapping of the "ocks as hear% by the so"%iers, ho returne%

their futi"e attempt ith a "augh of %erision, the captaincrying a"ou%,@@

(4h2 rasca"s, ) kne you, an% ha$e taken aay your f"ints&(

(*ou shou"% ha$e taken aay that in my pouch, too,( shoute% the "ea%er,firing his gun in the ne.t instant& The bu""et graKe% the ear of ?aton,ho "aughe% as he shook his hea%, saying, (4 miss as as goo% as ami"e&( =ne of the %ragoons ha% seen the preparations of the Skinner@@hoha% been "eft a"one by the rest of his gang, as soon as they ha% ma%etheir aborti$e attempt at re$enge@@an% as in the act of p"unging hisspurs into his horse as the fe""o fire%& The %istance to the rocks asbut sma"", yet the spee% of the horse compe""e% the "ea%er to aban%onboth money an% musket, to effect his escape& The so"%ier returne% ithhis priKes, an% offere% them to the acceptance of his captain but?aton rejecte% them, te""ing the man to retain them himse"f, unti" therasca" appeare% in person to c"aim his property& )t ou"% ha$e been abusiness of no sma"" %ifficu"ty for any tribuna" then e.isting in thene states to ha$e enforce% a restitution of the money for it asshort"y after most euitab"y %istribute%, by the han%s of Sergeant0o""ister, among a troop of horse& The patro" %eparte%, an% the captains"o"y returne% to his uarters, ith an intention of retiring to rest&4 figure mo$ing rapi%"y among the trees, in the %irection of the oo%hither the Skinners ha% retire%, caught his eye, an%, hee"ing on hishee", the cautious partisan approache% it, an%, to his astonishment, sathe asheroman at that hour of the night, an% in such a p"ace&

(hat, Betty2 a"king in your s"eep, or %reaming hi"e aakeL( crie% thetrooper& (4re you not afrai% of meeting ith the ghost of ancient Jennyin this her fa$orite pastureL(

(4h, sure, Captain Jack,( returne% the sut"er in her nati$e accent, an%ree"ing in a manner that ma%e it %ifficu"t for her to raise her hea%,(its not Jenny, or her ghost, that )m saaking, but some yarbs for theoun%e%& 4n% its the $artue of the rising moon, as it jist touchesthem, that ) ant& They gro un%er yon rocks, an% ) must hasten, or thecharm i"" "ose its poer&(

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(Foo", you are fitter for your pa""et than for an%ering among thoserocks a fa"" from one of them ou"% break your bones besi%es, theSkinners ha$e f"e% to those heights, an% shou"% you fa"" in ith them,they ou"% re$enge on you a soun% f"ogging they ha$e just recei$e% fromme& Better return, o"% oman, an% finish your nap e march inthe morning&(

Betty %isregar%e% his a%$ice, an% continue% her %e$ious route to thehi""si%e& For an instant, as ?aton mentione% the Skinners, she ha%pause%, but imme%iate"y resuming her course, she as soon out of sight,among the trees&

4s the captain entere% his uarters, the sentine" at the %oor inuire%if he ha% met Drs& F"anagan, an% a%%e% that she ha% passe% there,fi""ing the air ith threats against her tormentors at the (0ote",( an%inuiring for the captain in search of re%ress& ?aton hear% the man inastonishment@@appeare% struck ith a ne i%ea@@a"ke% se$era" yar%stoar%s the orchar%, an% returne% again for se$era" minutes he pace%rapi%"y to an% fro before the %oor of the house, an% then hasti"y

entering it, he thre himse"f on a be% in his c"othes, an% as soon in aprofoun% s"eep&

)n the meantime, the gang of marau%ers ha% successfu""y gaine% thesummit of the rocks, an%, scattering in e$ery %irection, they burie%themse"$es in the %epths of the oo%& Fin%ing, hoe$er, there as nopursuit, hich in%ee% ou"% ha$e been impracticab"e for horse, the"ea%er $enture% to ca"" his ban% together ith a hist"e, an% in a shorttime he succee%e% in co""ecting his %iscomfite% party, at a point herethey ha% but "itt"e to apprehen% from any enemy&

(e"",( sai% one of the fe""os, hi"e a fire as "ighting to protectthem against the air, hich as becoming se$ere"y co"%, (there is an en%to our business in estchester& The -irginia horse i"" make the countytoo hot to ho"% us&(

()"" ha$e his b"oo%,( muttere% the "ea%er, (if ) %ie for it the ne.tinstant&(

(=h, you are $ery $a"iant here, in the oo%,( crie% the other, ith asa$age "augh& (hy %i% you, ho boast so much of your aim, miss yourman, at thirty yar%sL(

(Tas the horseman that %isturbe% me, or ) ou"% ha$e en%e% thisCaptain ?aton on the spot besi%es, the co"% ha% set me a@shi$ering,an% ) ha% no "onger a stea%y han%&(

(Say it as fear, an% you i"" te"" no "ie,( sai% his comra%e ith asneer& (For my part, ) think ) sha"" ne$er be co"% again my back burnsas if a thousan% gri%irons ere "ai% on it&(

(4n% you ou"% tame"y submit to such usage, an% kiss the ro% that beatyouL(

(4s for kissing the ro%, it ou"% be no easy matter& Dine as brokeninto so sma"" pieces, on my on shou"%ers, that it ou"% be %ifficu"t tofin% one big enough to kiss but ) ou"% rather submit to "ose ha"f my

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skin, than to "ose the ho"e of it, ith my ears in the bargain& 4n%such i"" be our fates, if e tempt this ma% -irginian again& Go%i""ing, ) ou"% at any time gi$e him enough of my hi%e to make a pairof jack boots, to get out of his han%s ith the remain%er& )f you ha%knon hen you ere e"" off, you ou"% ha$e stuck to Dajor 'unoo%ie,ho %ont kno ha"f so much of our e$i" %oings&(

(Si"ence, you ta"king foo"2( shoute% the enrage% "ea%er (your pratingis sufficient to %ri$e a man ma%& )s it not enough to be robbe% an%beaten, but e must be tormente% ith your fo""yL 0e"p to get out thepro$isions, if any is "eft in the a""et, an% try an% stop your mouthith foo%&(

This injunction as obeye%, an% the ho"e party, ami%st sun%ry groansan% contortions, e.cite% by the %isor%ere% state of their backs, ma%etheir arrangements for a scanty mea"& 4 "arge fire of %ry oo% asburning in the c"eft of a rock, an% at "ength they began to reco$er fromthe confusion of their f"ight, an% to co""ect their scattere% senses&Their hunger being appease%, an% many of their garments thron asi%e forthe better opportunity of %ressing their oun%s, the gang began to p"ot

measures of re$enge& 4n hour as spent in this manner, an% $ ere propose% but as they a"" %epen%e% on persona" proessfor their success, an% ere atten%e% by great %anger, they ere ofcourse rejecte%& There as no possibi"ity of approaching the troops bysurprise, their $igi"ance being e$er on the atch an% the hope ofmeeting Captain ?aton aay from his men, as eua""y for"orn, for thetrooper as constant"y engage% in his %uty, an% his mo$ements ere sorapi%, that any opportunity of meeting ith him, at a"", must %epen%great"y on acci%ent& Besi%es, it as by no means certain that such aninter$ie ou"% resu"t happi"y for themse"$es& The cunning of thetrooper as notorious an% rough an% broken as as estchester, thefear"ess partisan as knon to take %esperate "eaps, an% stone a""sere but s"ight impe%iments to the charges of the Southern horse&Gra%ua""y, the con$ersation took another %irection, unti" the gang%etermine% on a p"an hich shou"% both re$enge themse"$es, an% at thesame time offer some a%%itiona" stimu"us to their e.ertions& The ho"ebusiness as accurate"y %iscusse%, the time fi.e%, an% the mannera%opte% in short, nothing as anting to the pre$ious arrangement forthis %ee% of $i""ainy, hen they ere arouse% by a $oiceca""ing a"ou%,@@

(This ay, Captain Jack@@here are the rasca"s ating by a fire@@thisay, an% mur%er the tie$es here they sit@@uick, "a$e your horsesan% shoot your pisto"s2(

This terrific summons as enough to %isturb a"" the phi"osophy of thegang& Springing on their feet, they rushe% %eeper into the oo%, an%

ha$ing a"rea%y agree% upon a p"ace of ren%eK$ous pre$ious"y to theirinten%e%, they %isperse% toar%s the four uarters of thehea$ens& Certain soun%s an% %ifferent $oices ere hear% ca""ing on eachother, but as the marau%ers ere e"" traine% to spee% of foot, theyere soon "ost in the %istance&

)t as not "ong before Betty F"anagan emerge% from the %arkness, an%$ery coo""y took possession of hat the Skinners ha% "eft behin% themname"y, foo% an% %i$ers artic"es of %ress& The asheroman %e"iberate"yseate% herse"f, an% ma%e a mea" ith great apparent satisfaction& For an

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Comprehen%ing, in an instant, the %anger of his situation, an%%is%aining to imp"ore mercy or to retreat, ha% the "atter been possib"e,the youth crie% firm"y,@@

()f ) am to be mur%ere%, fire2 ) i"" ne$er become your prisoner&(

(o, Dajor 'unoo%ie,( sai% Birch, "oering his musket, (it is neithermy intention to capture nor to s"ay&(

(hat then ou"% you ha$e, mysterious beingL( sai% 'unoo%ie, har%"yab"e to persua%e himse"f that the form he sa as not a creature of theimagination&

(*our goo% opinion,( ansere% the pe%%"er, ith emotion& () ou"% isha"" goo% men to ju%ge me ith "enity&(

(To you it must be in%ifferent hat may be the ju%gment of men for youseem to be beyon% the reach of their sentence&(

(Go% spares the "i$es of 0is ser$ants to 0is on time,( sai% the

pe%%"er, so"emn"y& (4 fe hours ago ) as your prisoner, an% threatene%ith the ga""os no you are mine but, Dajor 'unoo%ie, you are free&There are men abroa% ho ou"% treat you "ess kin%"y& =f hat ser$iceou"% that sor% be to you against my eapon an% a stea%y han%L Takethe a%$ice of one ho has ne$er harme% you, an% ho ne$er i""& 'o nottrust yourse"f in the skirts of any oo%, un"ess in companyan% mounte%&(

(4n% ha$e you comra%es, ho ha$e assiste% you to escape, an% ho are"ess generous than yourse"fL(

(o@@no, ) am a"one tru"y@@none kno me but my Go% an% him&(

(4n% hoL( aske% the major, ith an interest he cou"% not contro"&

(one,( continue% the pe%%"er, reco$ering his composure& (But such isnot your case, Dajor 'unoo%ie you are young an% happy there are thosethat are %ear to you, an% such are not far aay@@%anger is near them you"o$e most@@%anger ithin an% ithout@@%oub"e your atchfu"ness@@strengthen your patro"s@@an% be si"ent& ith your opinion of me, shou"%) te"" you more, you ou"% suspect an ambush& But remember an% guar%them you "o$e best&(

The pe%%"er %ischarge% the musket in the air, an% thre it at the feetof his astonishe% au%itor& hen surprise an% the smoke a""oe% 'unoo%ieto "ook again on the rock here he ha% stoo%, the spot as $acant&

The youth as arouse% from the stupor, hich ha% been create% by thisstrange scene, by the tramp"ing of horses, an% the soun% of the bug"es&4 patro" as %ran to the spot by the report of the musket, an% thea"arm ha% been gi$en to the corps& ithout entering into any e.p"anationith his men, the major returne% uick"y to his uarters, here he foun%the ho"e sua%ron un%er arms, in batt"e array, impatient"y aaiting theappearance of their "ea%er& The officer hose %uty it as to superinten%such matters, ha% %irecte% a party to "oer the sign of the 0ote"F"anagan, an% the post as a"rea%y arrange% for the e.ecution of thespy& =n hearing from the major that the musket as %ischarge% by

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himse"f, an% as probab"y one of those %roppe% by the Skinners Hfor bythis time 'unoo%ie ha% "earne% the punishment inf"icte% by ?aton, butchose to concea" his on inter$ie ith BirchI, his officers suggeste%the propriety of e.ecuting their prisoner before they marche%& Anab"e tobe"ie$e that a"" he ha% seen as not a %ream, 'unoo%ie, fo""oe% bymany of his officers, an% prece%e% by Sergeant 0o""ister, ent to thep"ace hich as suppose% to contain the pe%%"er&

(e"", sir,( sai% the major to the sentine" ho guar%e% the %oor, ()trust you ha$e your prisoner in safety&(

(0e is yet as"eep,( rep"ie% the man, (an% he makes such a noise, ) cou"%har%"y hear the bug"es soun% the a"arm&(

(=pen the %oor an% bring him forth&(

The or%er as obeye% but to the utter amaKement of the honest $eteranho entere% the prison, he foun% the room in no "itt"e %isor%er@@thecoat of the pe%%"er here his bo%y ought to ha$e been, an% part of thear%robe of Betty scattere% in %isor%er on the f"oor& The asheroman

herse"f occupie% the pa""et, in profoun% menta" ob"i$ion, c"a% as hen"ast seen, e.cepting a "itt"e b"ack bonnet, hich she so constant"yore, that it as common"y thought she ma%e it perform the %oub"e %utyof both %ay an% night cap& The noise of their entrance, an% thee.c"amations of their party, aoke the oman&

()s it the breakfast thats antingL( sai% Betty, rubbing her eyes&(Faith, ye "ook as if ye ou"% ate myse"f@@but patience, a "itt"e,%ar"ings, an% ye"" see sich a fry as ne$er as&(

(Fry2( echoe% the sergeant, forgetfu" of his re"igious phi"osophy, an%the presence of his officers& (e"" ha$e you roaste%, JeKebe"2@@you$ehe"pe% that %amne% pe%%"er to escape&(

(JeKebe" back agin in your on teeth, an% %amne% pi%%"er too, Dr&Sargeant2( crie% Betty, ho as easi"y rouse%& (hat ha$e ) to %o ithpi%%"ers, or escapesL ) might ha$e been a pi%%"ers "a%y, an% ore mysi"ks, if )% ha% Sany DTi"", instea% of tagging at the hee"s of aparce" of %ragooning rapsca""ions, ho %ont kno ho to trate a "onebo%y ith %acency&(

(The fe""o has "eft my Bib"e,( sai% the $eteran, taking he book fromthe f"oor& ()nstea% of spen%ing his time in rea%ing it to prepare forhis en% "ike a goo% Christian, he has been busy in "aboring to escape&(

(4n% ho ou"% stay an% be hange% "ike a %ogL( crie% Betty, beginning tocomprehen% the case& (Tisnt e$eryone thats born to meet ith sich an

in%@@"ike yourse"f, Dr& 0o""ister&(

(Si"ence2( sai% 'unoo%ie& (This must be inuire% into c"ose"y,gent"emen there is no out"et but the %oor, an% there he cou"% not pass,un"ess the sentine" conni$e% at his escape, or as as"eep at his post&Ca"" up the guar%&(

4s these men ere not para%e%, curiosity ha% a"rea%y %ran them to thep"ace, an% they one an% a"", ith the e.ception of him before mentione%,%enie% that any person ha% passe% out& The in%i$i%ua" in uestion

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ackno"e%ge% that Betty ha% gone by him, but p"ea%e% his or%ers injustification&

(*ou "ie, you tief@@you "ie2( shoute% Betty, ho ha% impatient"y"istene% to his"pation& (ou"% ye s"an%eriKe a "one oman, bysaying she a"ks a camp at mi%nightL 0ere ha$e ) been s"aping the "ongnight, saat"y as the sucking babe&(

(0ere, sir,( sai% the sergeant, turning respectfu""y to 'unoo%ie, (issomething ritten in my Bib"e that as not in it before for ha$ing nofami"y to recor%, ) ou"% not suffer any scribb"ing in the sacre% book&(

=ne of the officers rea% a"ou%3 (These certify, that if suffere% to getfree, it is by Go%s he"p a"one, to hose %i$ine ai% ) humb"y riccommin%myse"f& )m force% to take the omans c"othes, but in her pocket is aricompinse& itness my han%@@0ar$ey Birch&(

(hat2( roare% Betty, (has the tief robbe% a "one oman of her a""20ang him@@catch him an% hang him, major if theres "a or justice inthe "an%&(

(E.amine your pocket,( sai% one of the youngsters, ho as enjoying thescene, care"ess of the conseuences&

(4h2 faith,( crie% the asheroman, pro%ucing a guinea, (but he is ajee" of a pi%%"er2 ?ong "ife an% a brisk tra%e to him, say ) he isi"come to the %u%s@@an% if he is e$er hange%, many a bigger roguei"" go free&(

'unoo%ie turne% to "ea$e the apartment, an% he sa Captain ?atonstan%ing ith fo"%e% arms, contemp"ating the scene ith profoun%si"ence& 0is manner, so %ifferent from his usua" impetuosity an% Kea",struck his comman%er as singu"ar& Their eyes met, an% they a"ke%together for a fe minutes in c"ose con$ersation, hen 'unoo%iereturne%, an% %ismisse% the guar% to their p"ace of ren%eK$ous& Sergeant0o""ister, hoe$er, continue% a"ong ith Betty, ho, ha$ing foun% noneof her $estments %isturbe% but such as the guinea more than pai% for,as in high goo% humor& The asheroman ha% for a "ong time "ooke% onthe $eteran ith the eyes of affection an% she ha% %etermine% ithinherse"f to remo$e certain %e"icate objections hich ha% "ong embarrasse%her pecu"iar situation, as respecte% the corps, by making the sergeantthe successor of her "ate husban%& For some time past the trooper ha%seeme% to f"atter this preference an% Betty, concei$ing that her$io"ence might ha$e mortifie% her suitor, as %etermine% to make him a""the amen%s in her poer& Besi%es, rough an% uncouth as she as, theasheroman ha% sti"" enough of her se. to kno that the moments ofreconci"iation ere the moments of poer& She therefore poure% out a

g"ass of her morning be$erage, an% han%e% it to her companion as apeace offering&

(4 fe arm or%s beteen frin%s are a trif"e, ye must be knoing,sargeant,( sai% the asheroman& ()t as Dichae" F"anagan that ) e$erca"umnate% the most hen ) as "o$ing him the best&(

(Dichae" as a goo% so"%ier an% a bra$e man,( sai% the trooper,finishing the g"ass& (=ur troop as co$ering the f"ank of his regimenthen he fe"", an% ) ro%e o$er his bo%y myse"f %uring the %ay& Poor

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fe""o2 he "ay on his back, an% "ooke% as compose% as if he ha% %ie% anatura" %eath after a years consumption&(

(=h2 Dichae" as a great consumer, an% be sartin to such as us make%rea%fu" inroa%s in the stock, sargeant& But yere a sober, %iscrateman, Dister 0o""ister, an% ou"% be a he"pmate in%ee%&(

(hy, Drs& F"anagan, )$e tarrie% to speak on a subject that "ies hea$yat my heart, an% ) i"" no open my min%, if you$e "eisure to "isten&(

()s it "istenL( crie% the impatient oman (an% )% "isten to you,sargeant, if the officers ne$er ate another mouthfu"& But take a secon%%rop, %ear ti"" encourage you to spake free"y&(

() am a"rea%y bo"% enough in so goo% a cause,( returne% the $eteran,rejecting her bounty& (Betty, %o you think it as rea""y the pe%%"er spythat ) p"ace% in this room the "ast nightL(

(4n% ho shou"% it be e"se, %ar"ingL(

(The e$i" one&(

(hat, the %i$i"L(

(4ye, e$en Bee"Kebub, %isguise% as the pe%%"er an% them fe""os ethought to be Skinners ere his imps&(

(e"" sure, sargeant %ear, yere but "itt"e out this time, anyay forif the %i$i"s imps go at "arge in the county estchester, sure it isthe Skinners, themse"$es&(

(Drs& F"anagan, ) mean in their incarnate spirits the e$i" one knethere as no one e ou"% arrest sooner than the pe%%"er Birch, an% hetook on his appearance to gain a%mission to your room&(

(4n% hat shou"% the %i$i" be anting of meL( crie% Betty, tart"y& (4n%isnt there %i$i"s enough in the corps a"rea%y, ithout ones comingfrom the bottom"ess pit to frighten a "one bo%yL(

(Tas in mercy to you, Betty, that he as permitte% to come& *ou see he$anishe% through the %oor in your form, hich is a symbo" of your fate,un"ess you men% your "ife& =h2 ) notice% ho he tremb"e% hen ) ga$e himthe goo% book& ou"% any Christian, think you, my %ear Betty, rite in aBib"e in this ay un"ess it might be the matter of births an% %eaths,an% such "afu" chronic"esL(

The asheroman as p"ease% ith the softness of her "o$ers manner, but

%rea%fu""y scan%a"iKe% at his insinuation& She, hoe$er, preser$e% hertemper, an% ith the uickness of her on countrys peop"e, rejoine%,(4n% ou"% the %i$i" ha$e pai% for the c"othes, think yeL@@aye, an%o$erpai%&(

('oubt"ess the money is base,( sai% the sergeant, a "itt"e staggere% atsuch an e$i%ence of honesty in one of hom, as to genera"s, he thoughtso mean"y& (0e tempte% me ith his g"ittering coin, but the ?or% ga$e mestrength to resist&(

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(The goo"% "ooks e"" but )"" change it, anyay, ith Captain Jack,the %ay& 0e is ni$er a bit afear% of any %i$i" of them a""2(

(Betty, Betty,( sai% her companion, (%o not speak so %isre$erent"y ofthe e$i" spirit he is e$er at han%, an% i"" oe you a gru%ge, for your"anguage&(

(Pooh2 if he has any boe"s at a"", he ont min% a fi""ip or to from apoor "one oman )m sure no other Christian ou"%&(

(But the %ark one has no boe"s, e.cept to %e$our the chi"%ren of men,(sai% the sergeant, "ooking aroun% him in horror (an% its best to makefrien%s e$eryhere, for there is no te""ing hat may happen ti"" itcomes& But, Betty, no man cou"% ha$e got out of this p"ace, an% passe%a"" the sentine"s, ithout being knon& Take afu" arning from the$isit therefore@@(

0ere the %ia"ogue as interrupte% by a peremptory summons to the sut"erto prepare the mornings repast, an% they ere ob"ige% to separate theoman secret"y hoping that the interest the sergeant manifeste% as more

earth"y than he imagine% an% the man, bent on sa$ing a sou" from thefangs of the %ark spirit that as pro"ing through their camp in uestof $ictims&

'uring the breakfast se$era" e.presses arri$e%, one of hich broughtinte""igence of the actua" force an% %estination of the that as out on the 0u%son an% another, or%ers to sen%Captain harton to the first post abo$e, un%er the escort of a bo%y of%ragoons& These "ast instructions, or rather comman%s, for they a%mitte%of no %eparture from their "etter, comp"ete% the sum of 'unoo%iesuneasiness& The %espair an% misery of Frances ere constant"y before hiseyes, an% fifty times he as tempte% to thro himse"f on his horse an%ga""op to the ?ocusts but an uncontro""ab"e fee"ing pre$ente%& )nobe%ience to the comman%s of his superior, an officer, ith a sma""party, as sent to the cottage to con%uct 0enry harton to the p"ace%irecte% an% the gent"eman ho as intruste% ith the e.ecution of theor%er as charge% ith a "etter from 'unoo%ie to his frien%, containingthe most cheering assurances of his safety, as e"" as the strongestp"e%ges of his on unceasing e.ertions in his fa$or& ?aton as "eftith part of his on troop, in charge of the fe oun%e% an% as soon asthe men ere refreshe%, the encampment broke up, the main bo%y marchingtoar%s the 0u%son& 'unoo%ie repeate% his injunctions to Captain ?atonagain an% again@@%e"t on e$ery or% that ha% fa""en from the pe%%"er,an% can$asse%, in e$ery possib"e manner that his ingenuity cou"% %e$ise,the probab"e meaning of his mysterious arnings, unti" no e.cuseremaine% for %e"aying his on %eparture& Su%%en"y reco""ecting, hoe$er,that no %irections ha% been gi$en for the %isposa" of Co"one" e""mere,

instea% of fo""oing the rear of the co"umn, the major yie"%e% to his%esires, an% turne% %on the roa% hich "e% to the ?ocusts& The horse of'unoo%ie as f"eet as the in%, an% scarce"y a minute seeme% to ha$epasse% before he gaine% sight, from an eminence, of the "one"y $a"e, an%as he as p"unging into the bottom "an%s that forme% its surface, hecaught a g"impse of 0enry harton an% his escort, at a %istance,%efi"ing through a pass hich "e% to the posts abo$e& This sight a%%e%to the spee% of the an.ious youth, ho no turne% the ang"e of the hi""that opene% to the $a""ey, an% came su%%en"y on the object of hissearch& Frances ha% fo""oe% the party hich guar%e% her brother, at a

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%istance an% as they $anishe% from her sight, she fe"t %eserte% by a""that she most priKe% in this or"%& The unaccountab"e absence of'unoo%ie, ith the shock of parting from 0enry un%er suchcircumstances, ha% entire"y sub%ue% her fortitu%e, an% she ha% sunk on astone by the roa%si%e, sobbing as if her heart ou"% break& 'unoo%iesprang from his charger, thre the reins o$er the neck of the anima",an% in a moment he as by the si%e of the eeping gir"&

(Frances@@my on Frances2( he e.c"aime%, (hy this %istressL ?et not thesituation of your brother create any a"arm& 4s soon as the %uty ) am noon is comp"ete%, ) i"" hasten to the feet of ashington, an% beg hisre"ease& The Father of his Country i"" ne$er %eny such a boon to one ofhis fa$orite pupi"s&(

(Dajor 'unoo%ie, for your interest in beha"f of my poor brother, )thank you,( sai% the tremb"ing gir", %rying her eyes, an% rising ith%ignity (but such "anguage a%%resse% to me, sure"y, is improper&(

()mproper2 are you not mine@@by the consent of your father@@youraunt@@your brother@@nay, by your on consent, my seet FrancesL(

() ish not, Dajor 'unoo%ie, to interfere ith the prior c"aims thatany other "a%y may ha$e to your affections,( sai% Frances, strugg"ing tospeak ith firmness&

(one other, ) sear by 0ea$en, none other has any c"aim on me2( crie%'unoo%ie, ith fer$or& (*ou a"one are mistress of my inmost sou"&(

(*ou ha$e practice% so much, an% so successfu""y, Dajor 'unoo%ie, thatit is no on%er you e.ce" in %ecei$ing the cre%u"ity of my se.,(returne% Frances, attempting a smi"e, hich the tremu"ousness of hermusc"es smothere% at birth&

(4m ) a $i""ain, Diss harton, that you recei$e me ith such "anguageLhen ha$e ) e$er %ecei$e% you, FrancesL ho has practice% in this manneron your purity of heartL(

(hy has not Dajor 'unoo%ie honore% the %e""ing of his inten%e% fatherith his presence "ate"yL 'i% he forget it containe% one frien% on a be%of sickness, an% another in %eep %istressL 0as it escape% his memorythat it he"% his inten%e% ifeL =r is he fearfu" of meeting more thanone that can "ay a c"aim to that tit"eL =h, Peyton@@Peyton, ho ha$e )been %ecei$e% in you2 ith the foo"ish cre%u"ity of my youth, ) thoughtyou a"" that as bra$e, nob"e, generous, an% "oya"&(

(Frances, ) see ho you ha$e %ecei$e% yourse"f,( crie% 'unoo%ie, hisface in a g"o of fire& (*ou %o me injustice ) sear by a"" that is

most %ear to me, that you %o me injustice&(

(Sear not, Dajor 'unoo%ie,( interrupte% Frances, her fine countenance"ighting ith the "uster of oman"y pri%e& (The time is gone by for meto cre%it oaths&(

(Diss harton, ou"% you ha$e me a co.comb@@make me contemptib"e in myon eyes, by boasting ith the hope of raising myse"f in yourestimationL(

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(F"atter not yourse"f that the task is so easy, sir,( returne% Frances,mo$ing toar%s the cottage& (e con$erse together in pri$ate for the"ast time but@@possib"y@@my father ou"% e"come my mothers kinsman&(

(o, Diss harton, ) cannot enter his %e""ing no ) shou"% act in amanner unorthy of myse"f& *ou %ri$e me from you, Frances, in %espair& )am going on %esperate ser$ice, an% may not "i$e to return& Shou"%fortune pro$e se$ere, at "east %o my memory justice remember that the"ast breathings of my sou" i"" be for your happiness&( So saying, heha% a"rea%y p"ace% his foot in the stirrup, but his youthfu" mistress,turning on him an eye that pierce% his sou", arreste% the action&

(Peyton@@Dajor 'unoo%ie,( she sai%, (can you e$er forget the sacre%cause in hich you are en"iste%L 'uty both to your Go% an% to yourcountry forbi%s your %oing anything rash"y& The "atter has nee% of yourser$ices besi%es(@@but her $oice became choke%, an% she as unab"eto procee%&

(Besi%es hatL( echoe% the youth, springing to her si%e, an% offering totake her han% in his on& Frances ha$ing, hoe$er, reco$ere% herse"f,

co"%"y repu"se% him, an% continue% her a"k homear%&

()s this our parting2( crie% 'unoo%ie, in agony& (4m ) a retch, thatyou treat me so crue""yL *ou ha$e ne$er "o$e% me, an% ish to concea"your on fick"eness by accusations that you i"" not e.p"ain&(

Frances stoppe% short in her a"k, an% turne% on him a "ook of so muchpurity an% fee"ing, that, heart@stricken, 'unoo%ie ou"% ha$e kne"t ather feet for par%on but motioning him for si"ence, she oncemore spoke3@@

(0ear me, Dajor 'unoo%ie, for the "ast time3 it is a bitter kno"e%gehen e first %isco$er our on inferiority but it is a truth that )ha$e "ate"y "earne%& 4gainst you ) bring no charges@@make noaccusations no, not i""ing"y in my thoughts& ere my c"aims to yourheart just, ) am not orthy of you& )t is not a feeb"e, timi% gir", "ikeme, that cou"% make you happy& o, Peyton, you are forme% for great an%g"orious actions, %ee%s of %aring an% renon, an% shou"% be unite% to asou" "ike your on one that can rise abo$e the eakness of her se.& )shou"% be a eight to %rag you to the %ust but ith a %ifferent spiritin your companion, you might soar to the $ery pinnac"e of earth"y g"ory&To such a one, therefore, ) resign you free"y, if not cheerfu""y an%pray, oh, ho fer$ent"y %o ) pray2 that ith such a one you maybe happy&(

(?o$e"y enthusiast2( crie% 'unoo%ie, (you kno not yourse"f, nor me& )tis a oman, mi"%, gent"e, an% %epen%ent as yourse"f, that my $ery

nature "o$es %ecei$e not yourse"f ith $isionary i%eas of generosity,hich i"" on"y make me miserab"e&(

(Faree"", Dajor 'unoo%ie,( sai% the agitate% gir", pausing for amoment to gasp for breath (forget that you e$er kne me@@remember thec"aims of your b"ee%ing country an% be happy&(

(0appy2( repeate% the youthfu" so"%ier, bitter"y, as he sa her "ightform g"i%ing through the gate of the "an, an% %isappearing behin% itsshrubbery, (*es, ) am happy, in%ee%2(

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Throing himse"f into the sa%%"e, he p"unge% his spurs into his horse,an% soon o$ertook his sua%ron, hich as marching s"o"y o$er the hi""yroa%s of the county, to gain the banks of the 0u%son&

But painfu" as ere the fee"ings of 'unoo%ie at this une.pecte%termination of the inter$ie ith his mistress, they ere but "ightcompare% ith those hich ere e.perience% by the fon% gir" herse"f&Frances ha%, ith the keen eye of jea"ous "o$e, easi"y %etecte% theattachment of )sabe""a Sing"eton to 'unoo%ie& 'e"icate an% retiringherse"f, it ne$er cou"% present itse"f to her min% that this "o$e ha%been unsought& 4r%ent in her on affections, an% art"ess in theire.hibition, she ha% ear"y caught the eye of the young so"%ier but itreuire% a"" the man"y frankness of 'unoo%ie to court her fa$or, an%the most pointe% %e$otion to obtain his conuest& This %one, his poeras %urab"e, entire, an% engrossing& But the unusua" occurrences of thefe prece%ing %ays, the a"tere% mien of her "o$er %uring those e$ents,his unonte% in%ifference to herse"f, an% chief"y the romantic i%o"atryof )sabe""a, ha% arouse% ne sensations in her bosom& ith a %rea% ofher "o$ers integrity ha% been aakene% the ne$er@fai"ing concomitant of

the purest affection, a %istrust of her on merits& )n the moment ofenthusiasm, the task of resigning her "o$er to another, ho might bemore orthy of him, seeme% easy but it is in $ain that the imaginationattempts to %ecei$e the heart& 'unoo%ie ha% no sooner %isappeare%, thanour heroine fe"t a"" the misery of her situation an% if the youth foun%some re"ief in the cares of his comman%, Frances as "ess fortunate inthe performance of a %uty impose% on her by fi"ia" piety& The remo$a" ofhis son ha% near"y %estroye% the "itt"e energy of Dr& harton, horeuire% a"" the ten%erness of his remaining chi"%ren to con$ince himthat he as ab"e to perform the or%inary functions of "ife&


  F"atter an% praise, commen%," their graces,  Though neer so b"ack, say they ha$e ange"s faces,  That man ho hath a tongue ) say is no man,  )f ith that tongue he cannot in a oman&  @@To Gent"emen of -erona&

)n making the arrangements by hich Captain ?aton ha% been "eft, ithSergeant 0o""ister an% te"$e men, as a guar% o$er the oun%e%, an%hea$y baggage of the corps, 'unoo%ie ha% consu"te% not on"y theinformation hich ha% been con$eye% in the "etter of Co"one" Sing"eton,

but the bruises of his comra%es bo%y& )n $ain ?aton %ec"are% himse"ffit for any %uty that man cou"% perform, or p"ain"y intimate% that hismen ou"% ne$er fo""o Tom Dason to a charge ith the a"acrity an%confi%ence ith hich they fo""oe% himse"f his comman%er as firm, an%the re"uctant captain as compe""e% to comp"y ith as goo% a grace as hecou"% assume& Before parting, 'unoo%ie repeate% his caution to keep aatchfu" eye on the inmates of the cottage an% especia""y enjoine% him,if any mo$ements of a particu"ar"y suspicious nature ere seen in theneighborhoo%, to break up from his present uarters, an% to mo$e %onith his party, an% take possession of the %omains of Dr& harton& 4

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$ague suspicion of %anger to the fami"y ha% been aakene% in the breastof the major, by the "anguage of the pe%%"er, a"though he as unab"e torefer it to any particu"ar source, or to un%erstan% hy it as to beapprehen%e%&

For some time after the %eparture of the troops, the captain as a"kingbefore the %oor of the (0ote",( inar%"y cursing his fate, thatcon%emne% him to an ing"orious i%"eness, at a moment hen a meeting iththe enemy might be e.pecte%, an% rep"ying to the occasiona" ueries ofBetty, ho, from the interior of the bui"%ing, e$er an% anon %eman%e%,in a high tone of $oice, an e.p"anation of $arious passages in thepe%%"ers escape, hich as yet she cou"% not comprehen%& 4t this instanthe as joine% by the surgeon, ho ha% hitherto been engage% among hispatients in a %istant bui"%ing, an% as profoun%"y ignorant ofe$erything that ha% occurre%, e$en to the %eparture of the troops&

(here are a"" the sentine"s, JohnL( he inuire%, as he gaKe% aroun%ith a "ook of curiosity, (an% hy are you here a"oneL(

(=ff@@a"" off, ith 'unoo%ie, to the ri$er& *ou an% ) are "eft here to

take care of a fe sick men an% some omen&(

() am g"a%, hoe$er,( sai% the surgeon, (that Dajor 'unoo%ie ha%consi%eration enough not to mo$e the oun%e%& 0ere, you Drs& E"iKabethF"anagan, hasten ith some foo%, that ) may appease my appetite& ) ha$ea %ea% bo%y to %issect an% am in haste&(

(4n% here, you Dister 'octor 4rchiba"% Sitgrea$es,( echoe% Betty,shoing her b"ooming countenance from a broken in%o of the kitchen,(you are e$er a@coming too "ate here is nothing to ate but the skin ofJenny, an% the bo%y yere mentioning&(

(oman2( sai% the surgeon, in anger, (%o you take me for a canniba",that you a%%ress your fi"thy %iscourse to me, in this mannerL ) bi% youhasten ith such foo% as may be proper to be recei$e% into thestomach fasting&(

(4n% )m sure its for a popgun that ) shou"% be taking you sooner thanfor a cannon ba"",( sai% Betty, inking at the captain (an% ) te"" yethat its fasting you must be, un"ess ye"" "et me cook ye a steak fromthe skin of Jenny& The boys ha$e ate me up intire"y&(

?aton no interfere% to preser$e the peace, an% assure% the surgeonthat he ha% a"rea%y %ispatche% the proper persons in uest of foo% forthe party& 4 "itt"e mo""ifie% ith this e.p"anation, the operator soonforgot his hunger, an% %ec"are% his intention of procee%ing tobusiness at once&

(4n% here is your subjectL( aske% ?aton&

(The pe%%"er,( sai% the other, g"ancing a "ook at the signpost& () ma%e0o""ister put a stage so high that the neck ou"% not be %is"ocate% bythe fa"", an% ) inten% making as han%some a ske"eton of him as there isin the states of orth 4merica the fe""o has goo% points, an% hisbones are e"" knit& ) i"" make a perfect beauty of him& ) ha$e "ongbeen anting something of this sort to sen% as a present to my o"% auntin -irginia, ho as so kin% to me hen a boy&(

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(The %e$i"2( crie% ?aton& (ou"% you sen% the o"% oman a %ea% mansbonesL(

(hy notL( sai% the surgeon& (hat nob"er object is there in nature thanthe figure of a man@@an% the ske"eton may be ca""e% his e"ementaryparts& But hat has been %one ith the bo%yL(

(=ff too&(

(=ff2 4n% ho has %are% to interfere ith my peruisitesL(

(Sure, jist the %i$i",( sai% Betty (an% ho"" be taking yeerse"f aaysome of these times too, ithout asking yeer "a$e&(

(Si"ence, you itch2( sai% ?aton, ith %ifficu"ty suppressing a "augh&()s this the manner in hich to a%%ress an officerL(

(ho ca""e% me the fi"thy E"iKabeth F"anaganL( crie% the asheroman,snapping her fingers contemptuous"y& () can remimber a frin% for a year

an% %ont forgit an inimy for a month&(

But the frien%ship or enmity of Drs& F"anagan as a"ike in%ifferent tothe surgeon, ho cou"% think of nothing but his "oss an% ?aton asob"ige% to e.p"ain to his frien% the apparent manner in hich itha% happene%&

(4n% a "ucky escape it as for ye, my jee" of a %octor,( crie% Betty,as the captain conc"u%e%& (Sargeant 0o""ister, ho sa him face to face,as it might be, says its Bee"Keboob, an% no pi%%"er, un"ess it may bein a sma"" matter of "ies an% thefts, an% sich icke%ness& o a prettyfigure ye ou"% ha$e been in cutting up Bee"Keboob, if the major ha%hange% him& ) %ont think its $ery asy he ou"% ha$e been un%eryeer knife&(

Thus %oub"y %isappointe% in his mea" an% his business, Sitgrea$essu%%en"y %ec"are% his intention of $isiting the ?ocusts, an% inuiringinto the state of Captain Sing"eton& ?aton as rea%y for the e.cursionan% mounting, they ere soon on the roa%, though the surgeon as ob"ige%to submit to a fe more jokes from the asheroman, before he cou"% getout of hearing& For some time the to ro%e in si"ence, hen ?aton,percei$ing that his companions temper as somehat ruff"e% by his%isappointments an% Bettys attack, ma%e an effort to restore thetranui""ity of his fee"ings&

(That as a charming song, 4rchiba"%, that you commence% "ast e$ening,hen e ere interrupte% by the party that brought in the pe%%"er,( he

sai%& (The a""usion to Ga"en as much to the purpose&(

() kne you ou"% "ike it, Jack, hen you ha% got the fumes of the ineout of your hea%& Poetry is a respectab"e art, though it ants theprecision of the e.act sciences, an% the natura" beneficence of thephysica"& Consi%ere% in reference to the ants of "ife, ) shou"% %efinepoetry as an emo""ient, rather than as a succu"ent&(

(4n% yet your o%e as fu"" of the meat of it&(

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(=%e is by no means a proper term for the composition ) shou"% term ita c"assica" ba""a%&(

(-ery probab"y,( sai% the trooper& (0earing on"y one $erse, it as%ifficu"t to c"ass the composition&(

The surgeon in$o"untari"y hemme%, an% began to c"ear his throat,a"though scarce"y conscious himse"f to hat the preparation ten%e%& Butthe captain, ro""ing his %ark eyes toar%s his companion, an% obser$inghim to be sitting ith great uneasiness on his horse, continue%,@@

(The air is sti"", an% the roa% so"itary@@hy not gi$e the remain%erL )tis ne$er too "ate to repair a "oss&(

(Dy %ear John, if ) thought it ou"% correct the errors you ha$eimbibe%, from habit an% in%u"gence, nothing cou"% gi$e me morep"easure&(

(e are fast approaching some rocks on our "eft the echo i"" %oub"e mysatisfaction&(

Thus encourage%, an% somehat impe""e% by the opinion that he both sangan% rote ith taste, the surgeon set about comp"ying ith the reuestin sober earnest& Some "itt"e time as "ost in c"earing his throat, an%getting the proper pitch of his $oice but no sooner ere these topoints achie$e%, than ?aton ha% the secret %e"ight of hearing hisfrien% commence@@

  (0ast thou e$er(@@

(0ush2( interrupte% the trooper& (hat rust"ing noise is that among therocksL(

()t must ha$e been the rushing of the me"o%y& 4 poerfu" $oice is "ikethe breathing of the in%s&

  (0ast thou e$er(@@

(?isten2( sai% ?aton, stopping his horse& 0e ha% not %one speaking,hen a stone fe"" at his feet, an% ro""e% harm"ess"y across the path&

(4 frien%"y shot, that,( crie% the trooper& (either the eapon, nor itsforce, imp"ies much i"" i""&(

(B"os from stones se"%om pro%uce more than contusions,( sai% theoperator, ben%ing his gaKe in e$ery %irection in $ain, in uest of thehan% from hich the missi"e ha% been hur"e%& ()t must be meteoric there

is no "i$ing being in sight, e.cept ourse"$es&(

()t ou"% be easy to hi%e a regiment behin% those rocks,( returne% thetrooper, %ismounting, an% taking the stone in his han%& (=h2 here is thee.p"anation a"ong ith the mystery&( So saying, he tore a piece of paperthat ha% been ingenious"y fastene% to the sma"" fragment of rock hichha% thus singu"ar"y fa""en before him an% opening it, the captain rea%the fo""oing or%s, ritten in no $ery "egib"e han%3 (4 musket bu""eti"" go farther than a stone, an% things more %angerous than yarbs foroun%e% men "ie hi% in the rocks of estchester& The horse may be goo%,

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but can he mount a precipiceL(

(Thou sayest the truth, strange man,( sai% ?aton& (Courage an% acti$ityou"% a$ai" but "itt"e against assassination an% these rugge% passes&(/emounting his horse, he crie% a"ou%, (Thanks, unknon frien% yourcaution i"" be remembere%&(

4 meager han% as e.ten%e% for an instant o$er a rock, in the air, an%afterar%s nothing further as seen, or hear%, in that uarter, bythe so"%iers&

(Muite an e.traor%inary interruption,( sai% the astonishe% Sitgrea$es,(an% a "etter of $ery mysterious meaning&(

(=h2 tis nothing but the it of some bumpkin, ho thinks to frightento of the -irginians by an artifice of this kin%,( sai% the trooper,p"acing the bi""et in his pocket& (But "et me te"" you, Dr& 4rchiba"%Sitgrea$es, you ere anting to %issect, just no, a %amne%honest fe""o&(

()t as the pe%%"er@@one of the most notorious spies in the enemysser$ice an% ) must say that ) think it ou"% be an honor to such a manto be %e$ote% to the uses of science&(

(0e may be a spy@@he must be one,( sai% ?aton, musing (but he has aheart abo$e enmity, an% a sou" that ou"% honor a so"%ier&(

The surgeon turne% a $acant eye on his companion as he uttere% thisso"i"ouy, hi"e the penetrating "ooks of the trooper ha% a"rea%y%isco$ere% another pi"e of rocks, hich, jutting forar%, near"yobstructe% the highay that oun% %irect"y aroun% its base&

(hat the stee% cannot mount, the foot of man can o$ercome,( e.c"aime%the ary partisan& Throing himse"f again from his sa%%"e, an% "eaping aa"" of stone, he began to ascen% the hi"" at a pace hich ou"% soonha$e gi$en him a bir%s@eye $ie of the rocks in uestion, together itha"" their cre$ices& This mo$ement as no sooner ma%e, than ?aton caughta g"impse of the figure of a man stea"ing rapi%"y from his approach, an%%isappearing on the opposite si%e of the precipice&

(Spur, Sitgrea$es@@spur,( shoute% the trooper, %ashing o$er e$eryimpe%iment in pursuit, (an% mur%er the $i""ain as he f"ies&(

The former part of the reuest as prompt"y comp"ie% ith, an% a femoments brought the surgeon in fu"" $ie of a man arme% ith a musket,ho as crossing the roa%, an% e$i%ent"y seeking the protection of thethick oo% on its opposite si%e&

(Stop, my frien%@@stop unti" Captain ?aton comes up, if you p"ease,(crie% the surgeon, obser$ing him to f"ee ith a rapi%ity that baff"e%his horsemanship& But as if the in$itation containe% ne terrors, thefootman re%oub"e% his efforts, nor pause% e$en to breathe, unti" he ha%reache% his goa", hen, turning on his hee", he %ischarge% his muskettoar%s the surgeon, an% as out of sight in an instant& To gain thehighay, an% thro himse"f into his sa%%"e, %etaine% ?aton but amoment, an% he ro%e to the si%e of his comra%e just as the figure%isappeare%&

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(hich ay has he f"e%L( crie% the trooper&

(John,( sai% the surgeon, (am ) not a noncombatantL(

(hither has the rasca" f"e%L( crie% ?aton, impatient"y&

(here you cannot fo""o@@into that oo%& But ) repeat, John, am ) nota noncombatantL(

The %isappointe% trooper, percei$ing that his enemy ha% escape% him, noturne% his eyes, hich ere f"ashing ith anger, upon his comra%e, an%gra%ua""y his musc"es "ost their rigi% compression, his bro re"a.e%,an% his "ook change% from its fierce e.pression, to the co$ert "aughterhich so often %istinguishe% his countenance& The surgeon sat in%ignifie% composure on his horse his thin bo%y erect, an% his hea%e"e$ate% ith the in%ignation of one conscious of ha$ing beenunjust"y treate%&

(hy %i% you suffer the $i""ain to escapeL( %eman%e% the captain& (=nce

ithin reach of my saber, an% ) ou"% ha$e gi$en you a subject for the%issecting tab"e&(

(Tas impossib"e to pre$ent it,( sai% the surgeon, pointing to thebars, before hich he ha% stoppe% his horse& (The rogue thre himse"f onthe other si%e of this fence, an% "eft me here you see nor ou"% theman in the "east atten% to my remonstrances, or to an intimation thatyou ishe% to ho"% %iscourse ith him&(

(0e as tru"y a %iscourteous rasca" but hy %i% you not "eap the fence,an% compe" him to a ha"tL *ou see but three of the bars are up, an%Betty F"anagan cou"% c"ear them on her co&(

The surgeon, for the first time, ith%re his eyes from the p"ace herethe fugiti$e ha% %isappeare%, an% turne% his "ook on his comra%e& 0ishea%, hoe$er, as not permitte% to "oer itse"f in the "east, as herep"ie%,@@

() humb"y concei$e, Captain ?aton, that neither Drs& E"iKabethF"anagan, nor her co, is an e.amp"e to be emu"ate% by 'octor 4rchiba"%Sitgrea$es& )t ou"% be but a sorry comp"iment to science, to say that a%octor of me%icine ha% fracture% both his "egs by inju%icious"y strikingthem against a pair of barposts&( hi"e speaking, the surgeon raise% the"imbs in uestion to a near"y horiKonta" position, an attitu%e hichrea""y appeare% to bi% %efiance to anything "ike a passage for himse"fthrough the %efi"e but the trooper, %isregar%ing this ocu"ar proof ofthe impossibi"ity of the mo$ement, crie% hasti"y,@@

(0ere as nothing to stop you, man ) cou"% "eap a p"atoon through, bootan% thigh, ithout pricking ith a sing"e spur& Psha2 ) ha$e oftencharge% upon the bayonets of infantry, o$er greater %ifficu"tiesthan this&(

(*ou i"" p"ease to remember, Captain John ?aton, that ) am not theri%ing master of the regiment@@nor a %ri"" sergeant@@nor a craKy cornetno, sir@@an% ) speak it ith a %ue respect for the commission of theContinenta" Congress@@nor an inconsi%erate captain, ho regar%s his on

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"ife as "itt"e as that of his enemies& ) am on"y, sir, a poor humb"e manof "etters, a mere %octor of me%icine, an unorthy gra%uate ofE%inburgh, an% a surgeon of %ragoons nothing more, ) %o assure you,Captain John ?aton&( So saying, he turne% his horses hea% toar%s thecottage, an% recommence% his ri%e&

(4ye, you speak the truth,( muttere% the %ragoon& (0a% ) but the meanestri%er of my troop ith me, ) shou"% ha$e taken the scoun%re", an% gi$enat "east one $ictim to the "as& But, 4rchiba"%, no man can ri%e e""ho stra%%"es in this manner "ike the Co"ossus of /ho%es& *ou shou"%%epen% "ess on your stirrup, an% keep your seat by the poer ofthe knee&(

(ith proper %eference to your e.perience, Captain ?aton,( returne% thesurgeon, () concei$e myse"f to be no incompetent ju%ge of muscu"araction, hether in the knee, or in any other part of the human frame&4n% a"though but humb"y e%ucate%, ) am not no to "earn that the i%erthe base, the more firm is the superstructure&(

(ou"% you fi"" a highay, in this manner, ith one pair of "egs, hen

ha"f a %oKen might pass together in comfort, stretching them abroa% "ikethe scythes of the ancient chariot hee"sL(

The a""usion to the practice of the ancients somehat softene% thein%ignation of the surgeon, an% he rep"ie%, ith rather "ess hauteur,@@

(*ou shou"% speak ith re$erence of the usages of those ho ha$e gonebefore us, an% ho, hoe$er ignorant they ere in matters of science,an% particu"ar"y that of surgery, yet furnishe% many bri""iant hints toour on impro$ements& o, sir, ) ha$e no %oubt that Ga"en has operate%on oun%s occasione% by these $ery scythes that you mention, a"though ecan fin% no e$i%ence of the fact in contemporary riters& 4h2 they mustha$e gi$en %rea%fu" injuries, an%, ) %oubt not, cause% great uneasinessto the me%ica" gent"emen of that %ay&(

(=ccasiona""y a bo%y must ha$e been "eft in to pieces, to puKK"e theingenuity of those gentry to unite& *et, $enerab"e an% "earne% as theyere, ) %oubt not they %i% it&(

(hat2 unite to parts of the human bo%y, that ha$e been se$ere% by ane%ge% instrument, to any of the purposes of anima" "ifeL(

(That ha$e been rent asun%er by a scythe, an% are unite% to %o mi"itary%uty,( sai% ?aton&

(Tis impossib"e@@uite impossib"e,( crie% the surgeon& ()t is in $ain,Captain ?aton, that human ingenuity en%ea$ors to baff"e the efforts of

nature& Think, my %ear sir in this case you separate a"" thearteries@@injure a"" of the intestines@@se$er a"" of the ner$es an%sines, an%, hat is of more conseuence, you@@(

(*ou ha$e sai% enough, 'r& Sitgrea$es, to con$ince a member of a ri$a"schoo"& othing sha"" e$er tempt me i""ing"y to submit to be %i$i%e% inthis irretrie$ab"e manner&(

(Certes, there is "itt"e p"easure in a oun% hich, from its nature, isincurab"e&(

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() shou"% think so,( sai% ?aton, %ry"y&

(hat %o you think is the greatest p"easure in "ifeL( aske% the operatorsu%%en"y&

(That must great"y %epen% on taste&(

(ot at a"",( crie% the surgeon (it is in itnessing, or ratherfee"ing, the ra$ages of %isease repaire% by the "ights of sciencecooperating ith nature& ) once broke my "itt"e finger intentiona""y, inor%er that ) might re%uce the fracture an% atch the cure3 it as on"yon a sma"" sca"e, you kno, %ear John sti"" the thri""ing sensatione.cite% by the knitting of the bone, ai%e% by the contemp"ation of theart of man thus acting in unison ith nature, e.cee%e% any otherenjoyment that ) ha$e e$er e.perience%& o, ha% it been one of the moreimportant members, such as the "eg, or arm, ho much greater must thep"easure ha$e been2(

(=r the neck,( sai% the trooper but their %esu"tory %iscourse as

interrupte% by their arri$a" at the cottage of Dr& harton& o oneappearing to usher them into an apartment, the captain procee%e% to the%oor of the par"or, here he kne $isitors ere common"y recei$e%& =nopening it, he pause% for a moment, in a%miration at the scene ithin&The person of Co"one" e""mere first met his eye, ben%ing toar%s thefigure of the b"ushing Sarah, ith an earnestness of manner thatpre$ente% the noise of ?atons entrance from being hear% by either ofthe parties& Certain significant signs hich ere embrace% at a g"anceby the prying gaKe of the trooper, at once ma%e him a master of theirsecret an% he as about to retire as si"ent"y as he ha% a%$ance%, henhis companion, pushing himse"f through the passage, abrupt"y entere% theroom& 4%$ancing instant"y to the chair of e""mere, the surgeoninstincti$e"y "ai% ho"% of his arm, an% e.c"aime%,@@

(B"ess me2@@a uick an% irregu"ar pu"se@@f"ushe% cheek an% fieryeye@@strong febri"e symptoms, an% such as must be atten%e% to&( hi"espeaking, the %octor, ho as much a%%icte% to practicing in a summaryay,@@a eakness of most me%ica" men in mi"itary practice,@@ha% a"rea%ypro%uce% his "ancet, an% as making certain other in%ications of hisintentions to procee% at once to business& But Co"one" e""mere,reco$ering from the confusion of the surprise, arose from his seathaughti"y, an% sai%,@@

(Sir, it is the armth of the room that "en%s me the co"or, an% ) ama"rea%y too much in%ebte% to your ski"" to gi$e you any further troub"e&Diss harton knos that ) am uite e"", an% ) %o assure you that )ne$er fe"t better or happier in my "ife&(

There as a pecu"iar emphasis on the "atter part of this speech, that,hoe$er it might gratify the fee"ings of Sarah, brought the co"or to hercheeks again an% Sitgrea$es, as his eye fo""oe% the %irection of thoseof his patient, %i% not fai" to obser$e it&

(*our arm, if you p"ease, ma%am,( sai% the surgeon, a%$ancing ith abo& (4n.iety an% atching ha$e %one their ork on your %e"icate frame,an% there are symptoms about you that must not be neg"ecte%&(

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innocence, an% a strong re"iance on 'unoo%ies e.ertions in his beha"f,an% the "atter aiting ith impatience the inte""igence, that as hour"ye.pecte%, of a conf"ict, an% their or%ers to %epart& Captain ?aton,hoe$er, aite% for both these e$ents in $ain& ?etters from the major

announce% that the enemy, fin%ing that the party hich as to co�perateith them ha% been %efeate%, an% as ith%ran, ha% retire% a"so behin%the orks of Fort ashington, here they continue% inacti$e, threateningconstant"y to strike a b"o in re$enge for their %isgrace& The trooperas enjoine% to $igi"ance, an% the "etter conc"u%e% ith a comp"iment tohis honor, Kea", an% un%oubte% bra$ery&

(E.treme"y f"attering, Dajor 'unoo%ie,( muttere% the %ragoon, as hethre %on this epist"e, an% sta"ke% across the f"oor to uiet hisimpatience& (4 proper guar% ha$e you se"ecte% for this ser$ice3 "et mesee@@) ha$e to atch o$er the interests of a craKy, irreso"ute o"% man,ho %oes not kno hether he be"ongs to us or to the enemy four omen,three of hom are e"" enough in themse"$es, but ho are not immense"yf"attere% by my society an% the fourth, ho, goo% as she is, is on therong si%e of forty some to or three b"acks a ta"kati$e housekeeper,that %oes nothing but chatter about go"% an% %espisab"es, an% signs an%

omens an% poor George Sing"eton& e"", a comra%e in suffering has ac"aim on a man,@@so )"" make the best of it&(

4s he conc"u%e% this so"i"ouy, the trooper took a seat an% began tohist"e, to con$ince himse"f ho "itt"e he care% about the matter, hen,by throing his boote% "eg care"ess"y roun%, he upset the canteen thathe"% his ho"e stock of bran%y& The acci%ent as soon repaire%, but inrep"acing the oo%en $esse", he obser$e% a bi""et "ying on the bench, onhich the "iuor ha% been p"ace%& )t as soon opene%, an% he rea%3 (Themoon i"" not rise ti"" after mi%night@@a fit time for %ee%s of%arkness&( There as no mistaking the han% it as c"ear"y the samethat ha% gi$en him the time"y arning against assassination, an% thetrooper continue%, for a "ong time, musing on the nature of these to

notices, an% the moti$es that cou"% in%uce the pe%%"er to fa$or animp"acab"e enemy in the manner that he ha% "atter"y %one& That he as aspy of the enemy, ?aton kne for the fact of his con$eyinginte""igence to the Eng"ish comman%er in chief, of a party of 4mericansthat ere e.pose% to the enemy as pro$e% most c"ear"y against him onthe tria" for his "ife& The conseuences of his treason ha% beena$oi%e%, it is true, by a "ucky or%er from ashington, hich ith%rethe regiment a short time before the British appeare% to cut it off, butsti"" the crime as the same& (Perhaps,( thought the partisan, (heishes to make a frien% of me against the e$ent of another capture but,at a"" e$ents, he spare% my "ife on one occasion, an% sa$e% it onanother& ) i"" en%ea$or to be as generous as himse"f, an% pray that my%uty may ne$er interfere ith my fee"ings&(

hether the %anger, intimate% in the present note, threatene% thecottage or his on party, the captain as uncertain but he inc"ine% tothe "atter opinion, an% %etermine% to beare ho he ro%e abroa% in the%ark& To a man in a peaceab"e country, an% in times of uiet an% or%er,the in%ifference ith hich the partisan regar%e% the impen%ing %angerou"% be inconcei$ab"e& 0is ref"ections on the subject ere more%irecte% toar%s %e$ising means to entrap his enemies, than to escapetheir machinations& But the arri$a" of the surgeon, ho ha% been to payhis %ai"y $isit to the ?ocusts, interrupte% his me%itations& Sitgrea$esbrought an in$itation from the mistress of the mansion to Captain

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kin% of confuse% astonishment, to ra""y his senses&

(John,( hispere% the surgeon, ith aakene% curiosity, (hat means thisfesti$a"L(

(That your ig an% my b"ack hea% ou"% "ook the better for a "itt"e ofBetty F"anagans f"our but it is too "ate no, an% e must fight thebatt"e arme% as you see&(

(=bser$e, here comes the army chap"ain in his fu"" robes, as a 'octor'i$initatis hat can it meanL(

(4n e.change,( sai% the trooper& (The oun%e% of Cupi% are to meet an%sett"e their accounts ith the go%, in the ay of p"ighting faith tosuffer from his archery no more&(

The surgeon "ai% a finger on the si%e of his nose, an% he began tocomprehen% the case&

()s it not a crying shame, that a sunshine hero, an% an enemy, shou"%

thus be suffere% to stea" aay one of the fairest p"ants that gro inour soi",( muttere% ?aton (a f"oer fit to be p"ace% in the bosomof any man2(

()f he be not more accommo%ating as a husban% than as a patient, John, )fear me that the "a%y i"" "ea% a troub"e% "ife&(

(?et her,( sai% the trooper, in%ignant"y (she has chosen from hercountrys enemies, an% may she meet ith a foreigners $irtues inher choice&(

Further con$ersation as interrupte% by Diss Peyton, ho, a%$ancing,acuainte% them that they ha% been in$ite% to grace the nuptia"s of here"%est niece an% Co"one" e""mere& The gent"emen boe% an% the goo%aunt, ith an inherent "o$e of propriety, ent on to a%%, that theacuaintance as of an o"% %ate, an% the attachment by no means a su%%enthing& To this ?aton mere"y boe% sti"" more ceremonious"y but thesurgeon, ho "o$e% to ho"% con$erse ith the $irgin, rep"ie%,@@

(That the human min% as %ifferent"y constitute% in %ifferentin%i$i%ua"s& )n some, impressions are $i$i% an% transitory in others,more %eep an% "asting3 in%ee%, there are some phi"osophers ho preten%to trace a connection beteen the physica" an% menta" poers of theanima" but, for my part, ma%am, ) be"ie$e that the one is muchinf"uence% by habit an% association, an% the other subject a"together tothe pecu"iar "as of matter&(

Diss Peyton, in her turn, boe% her si"ent assent to this remark, an%retire% ith %ignity, to usher the inten%e% bri%e into the presence ofthe company& The hour ha% arri$e% hen 4merican custom has %ecree% thatthe $os of e%"ock must be e.change% an% Sarah, b"ushing ith a$ariety of emotions, fo""oe% her aunt to the %raing@room& e""meresprang to recei$e the han% that, ith an a$erte% face, she e.ten%e%toar%s him, an%, for the first time, the Eng"ish co"one" appeare% fu""yconscious of the important part that he as to act in the approachingceremony& 0itherto his air ha% been abstracte%, an% his manner uneasybut e$erything, e.cepting the certainty of his b"iss, seeme% to $anish

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at the b"aKe of "o$e"iness that no burst on his sight& 4"" arose fromtheir seats, an% the re$eren% gent"eman ha% a"rea%y opene% the sacre%$o"ume, hen the absence of Frances as notice%2 Diss Peyton ith%re insearch of her youngest niece, hom she foun% in her on apartment,an% in tears&

(Come, my "o$e, the ceremony aits but for us,( sai% the aunt,affectionate"y entining her arm in that of her niece& (En%ea$or tocompose yourse"f, that proper honor may be %one to the choice ofyour sister&(

()s he@@can he be, orthy of herL(

(Can he be otheriseL( returne% Diss Peyton& ()s he not a gent"emanL@@aga""ant so"%ier, though an unfortunate oneL an% certain"y, my "o$e, oneho appears e$ery ay ua"ifie% to make any oman happy&(

Frances ha% gi$en $ent to her fee"ings, an%, ith an effort, sheco""ecte% sufficient reso"ution to $enture to join the party be"o& Butto re"ie$e the embarrassment of this %e"ay, the c"ergyman ha% put sun%ry

uestions to the bri%egroom one of hich as by no means ansere% tohis satisfaction& e""mere as compe""e% to ackno"e%ge that he asunpro$i%e% ith a ring an% to perform the marriage ceremony ithoutone, the %i$ine pronounce% to be canonica""y impossib"e& 0is appea" toDr& harton, for the propriety of this %ecision, as ansere%affirmati$e"y, as it ou"% ha$e been negati$e"y, ha% the uestion beenput in a manner to "ea% to such a resu"t& The oner of the ?ocusts ha%"ost the "itt"e energy he possesse%, by the b"o recent"y recei$e%through his son, an% his assent to the objection of the c"ergyman as aseasi"y obtaine% as ha% been his consent to the premature proposa"s ofe""mere& )n this stage of the %i"emma, Diss Peyton an% Francesappeare%& The surgeon of %ragoons approache% the former, an% as hehan%e% her to a chair, obser$e%,@@

()t appears, ma%am, that untoar% circumstances ha$e pre$ente% Co"one"e""mere from pro$i%ing a"" of the %ecorations that custom, antiuity,an% the canons of the church ha$e prescribe%, as in%ispensab"e to enterinto the honorab"e state of e%"ock&(

Diss Peyton g"ance% her uiet eye at the uneasy bri%egroom, an%percei$ing him to be a%orne% ith hat she thought sufficient sp"en%or,a""oing for the time an% the su%%enness of the occasion, she turne% her"ook on the speaker, as if to %eman% an e.p"anation&

The surgeon un%erstoo% her ishes, an% procee%e% at once to gratifythem&

(There is,( he obser$e%, (an opinion pre$a"ent, that the heart "ies onthe "eft si%e of the bo%y, an% that the connection beteen the membersof that si%e an% hat may be ca""e% the seat of "ife is more intimatethan that hich e.ists ith their opposites& But this is an error hichgros out of an ignorance of the organic arrangement of the human frame&)n obe%ience to this opinion, the fourth finger of the "eft han% isthought to contain a $irtue that be"ongs to no other branch of that%igitate% member an% it is or%inari"y encirc"e%, %uring theso"emniKation of e%"ock, ith a cincture or ring, as if to chain thataffection to the marriage state, hich is best secure% by the graces of

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the fema"e character&( hi"e speaking, the operator "ai% his han%e.pressi$e"y on his heart, an% he boe% near"y to the f"oor hen he ha%conc"u%e%&

() kno not, sir, that ) right"y un%erstan% your meaning,( sai% DissPeyton, hose ant of comprehension as sufficient"y e.cusab"e&

(4 ring, ma%am@@a ring is anting for the ceremony&(

The instant that the surgeon spoke e.p"icit"y, the akar%ness of thesituation as un%erstoo%& She g"ance% her eyes at her nieces, an% in theyounger she rea% a secret e.u"tation that somehat %isp"ease% her butthe countenance of Sarah as suffuse% ith a shame that the consi%erateaunt e"" un%erstoo%& ot for the or"% ou"% she $io"ate any of theobser$ances of fema"e etiuette& )t suggeste% itse"f to a"" the fema"es,at the same moment, that the e%%ing ring of the "ate mother an% sisteras reposing peacefu""y ami% the rest of her jee"ry in a secretreceptac"e, that ha% been pro$i%e% at an ear"y %ay, to secure the$a"uab"es against the pre%atory inroa%s of the marau%ers ho roame%through the county& )nto this hi%%en $au"t, the p"ate, an% hate$er as

most priKe%, ma%e a night"y retreat, an% there the ring in uestion ha%"ong "ain, forgotten unti" at this moment& But it as the business ofthe bri%egroom, from time immemoria", to furnish this in%ispensab"e toe%"ock, an% on no account ou"% Diss Peyton %o anything thattranscen%e% the usua" reser$e of the se. on this so"emn occasioncertain"y not unti" sufficient e.piation for the offense ha% been ma%e,by a %ue portion of troub"e an% %isuiet& This materia" fact, therefore,as not %isc"ose% by either the aunt consu"ting fema"e propriety thebri%e yie"%ing to shame an% Frances rejoicing that an embarrassment,procee%ing from a"most any cause, shou"% %e"ay her sisters $o& )t asreser$e% for 'octor Sitgrea$es to interrupt the akar% si"ence&

()f, ma%am, a p"ain ring, that once be"onge% to a sister of my on@@( 0epause% an% hemme%@@()f, ma%am, a ring of that %escription might bea%mitte% to this honor, ) ha$e one that cou"% be easi"y pro%uce% from myuarters at the Corners, an% ) %oubt not it ou"% fit the finger forhich it is %esire%& There is a strong resemb"ance beteen@@hem@@beteenmy "ate sister an% Diss harton in stature an% anatomica" figure an%,in a"" e"igib"e subjects, the proportions are apt to be obser$e%throughout the ho"e anima" economy&(

4 g"ance of Diss Peytons eye reca""e% Co"one" e""mere to a sense ofhis %uty, an% springing from his chair, he assure% the surgeon that inno ay cou"% he confer a greater ob"igation on himse"f than by sen%ingfor that $ery ring& The operator boe% a "itt"e haughti"y, an% ith%reto fu"fi"" his promise, by %ispatching a messenger on the erran%& Theaunt suffere% him to retire but uni""ingness to a%mit a stranger into

the pri$acy of their %omestic arrangements in%uce% her to fo""o an%ten%er the ser$ices of Caesar, instea% of those of Sitgrea$es man, hoha% $o"unteere% for this %uty& aty 0aynes as accor%ing"y %irecte% tosummon the b"ack to the $acant par"or, an% thither Diss Peyton an% thesurgeon repaire%, to gi$e their se$era" instructions&

The consent to this su%%en union of Sarah an% e""mere, an% especia""yat a time hen the "ife of a member of the fami"y as in such imminentjeopar%y, as gi$en from a con$iction that the unsett"e% state of thecountry ou"% probab"y pre$ent another opportunity to the "o$ers of

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meeting, an% a secret %rea% on the part of Dr& harton, that the %eathof his son might, by hastening his on, "ea$e his remaining chi"%renithout a protector& But notithstan%ing Diss Peyton ha% comp"ie% ithher brothers ish to profit by the acci%enta" $isit of a %i$ine, sheha% not thought it necessary to b"aKon the inten%e% nuptia"s of herniece to the neighborhoo%, ha% e$en time been a""oe% she thought,therefore, that she as no communicating a profoun% secret to thenegro, an% her housekeeper&

(Caesar,( she commence%, ith a smi"e, (you are no to "earn that youryoung mistress, Diss Sarah, is to be unite% to Co"one" e""merethis e$ening&(

() tink ) see him afore,( sai% Caesar, chuck"ing& (="% b"ack man cante"" hen a young "a%y make up he min%&(

(/ea""y, Caesar, ) fin% ) ha$e ne$er gi$en you cre%it for ha"f theobser$ation that you %eser$e but as you a"rea%y kno on hat emergencyyour ser$ices are reuire%, "isten to the %irections of this gent"eman,an% obser$e them&(

The b"ack turne% in uiet submission to the surgeon, ho commence% asfo""os3@@

(Caesar, your mistress has a"rea%y acuainte% you ith the importante$ent about to be so"emniKe% ithin this habitation but a cincture orring is anting to encirc"e the finger of the bri%e a custom %eri$e%from the ancients, an% hich has been continue% in the marriage forms ofse$era" branches of the Christian church, an% hich is e$en, by aspecies of typica" e%"ock, use% in the insta""ation of pre"ates, as you%oubt"ess un%erstan%&(

(Praps Dassa 'octor i"" say him o$er agin,( interrupte% the o"%negro, hose memory began to fai" him, just as the other ma%e soconfi%ent an a""usion to his poers of comprehension& () tink ) get himby heart %is time&(

()t is impossib"e to gather honey from a rock, Caesar, an% therefore )i"" abri%ge the "itt"e ) ha$e to say& /i%e to the Four Corners, an%present this note to Sergeant 0o""ister, or to Drs& E"iKabeth F"anagan,either of hom i"" furnish the necessary p"e%ge of connubia" affectionan% return forthith&(

The "etter hich the surgeon put into the han%s of his messenger, as hecease%, as concei$e% in the fo""oing terms3@@

()f the fe$er has "eft in%er, gi$e him nourishment& Take three ounces

more of b"oo% from atson& 0a$e a search ma%e that the oman F"anaganhas "eft none of her jugs of a"coho" in the hospita"& /ene the%ressings of Johnson, an% %ismiss Smith to %uty& Sen% the ring, hich ispen%ent from the chain of the atch, that ) "eft ith you to time the%oses, by the bearer&

(4/C0)B4?' S)TG/E4-ES, D& '&(,(Surgeon of 'ragoons&(

(Caesar,( sai% aty, hen she as a"one ith the b"ack, (put the ring,

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hen you get it, in your "eft pocket, for that is nearest your heartan% by no means en%ea$or to try it on your finger, for it is un"ucky&(

(Try um on he fingerL( interrupte% the negro, stretching forth his bonyknuck"es& (Tink a Diss Sa""ys ring go on o"% Caesar fingerL(

(Tis not conseuentia" hether it goes on or not,( sai% thehousekeeper (but it is an e$i" omen to p"ace a marriage ring on thefinger of another after e%"ock, an% of course it may be%angerous before&(

() te"" you, aty, ) neber tink to put um on a finger&(

(Go, then, Caesar, an% %o not forget the "eft pocket be carefu" to takeoff your hat as you pass the gra$eyar%, an% be fornothing, ) am certain, can be more trying to the patience, than thus tobe aiting for the ceremony, hen a bo%y has fu""y ma%e up her min%to marry&(

ith this injunction Caesar uitte% the house, an% he as soon firm"y

fi.e% in the sa%%"e& From his youth, the b"ack, "ike a"" of his race,ha% been a har% ri%er but, ben%ing un%er the eight of si.ty inters,his 4frican b"oo% ha% "ost some of its nati$e heat& The night as %ark,an% the in% hist"e% through the $a"e ith the %reariness of o$ember&hen Caesar reache% the gra$eyar%, he unco$ere% his griKK"e% hea% ithsuperstitious ae, an% thre aroun% him many a fearfu" g"ance, inmomentary e.pectation of seeing something superhuman& There assufficient "ight to %iscern a being of earth"y mo"% stea"ing from amongthe gra$es, apparent"y ith a %esign to enter the highay& )t is in $ainthat phi"osophy an% reason conten% ith ear"y impressions, an% poorCaesar as e$en ithout the support of either of these frai" a""ies& 0eas, hoe$er, e"" mounte% on a coach horse of Dr& hartons an%,c"inging to the back of the anima" ith instincti$e ski"", he aban%one%the rein to the beast& 0i""ocks, oo%s, rocks, fences, an% houses f"eby him ith the rapi%ity of "ightning, an% the b"ack ha% just begun tothink hither an% on hat business he as ri%ing in this hea%"ongmanner, hen he reache% the p"ace here the roa%s met, an% the (0ote"F"anagan( stoo% before him in its %i"api%ate% simp"icity& The sight of acheerfu" fire first to"% the negro that he ha% reache% the habitation ofman, an% ith it came a"" his %rea% of the b"oo%y -irginians his %utymust, hoe$er, be %one, an%, %ismounting, he fastene% the foaming anima"to a fence, an% approache% the in%o ith cautious steps, toreconnoiter&

Before a b"aKing fire sat Sergeant 0o""ister an% Betty F"anagan,enjoying themse"$es o$er a "ibera" potation&

() te"" ye, sargeant %ear,( sai% Betty, remo$ing the mug from her mouth,(tis no rasonab"e to think it as more than the pi%%"er himse"f sureno, here as the sme"" of su"phur, an% the ings, an% the tai", an%the c"o$en footL Besi%es, sargeant, its no %acent to te"" a "one fama"ethat she ha% Bee"Keboob for a be%fe""o&(

()t matters but "itt"e, Drs& F"anagan, pro$i%e% you escape his ta"onsan% fangs hereafter,( returne% the $eteran, fo""oing the remark by ahea$y %raft&

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Caesar hear% enough to con$ince him that "itt"e %anger from this pairas to be apprehen%e%& 0is teeth a"rea%y began to chatter, an% the co"%ithout an% the comfort ithin stimu"ate% him great"y to enter& 0e ma%ehis approaches ith proper caution, an% knocke% ith e.treme humi"ity&The appearance of 0o""ister ith a %ran sor%, rough"y %eman%ing hoas ithout, contribute% in no %egree to the restoration of hisfacu"ties but fear itse"f "ent him poer to e.p"ain his erran%&

(4%$ance,( sai% the sergeant, throing a "ook of c"ose scrutiny on theb"ack, as he brought him to the "ight (a%$ance, an% %e"i$er your%ispatches& 0a$e you the countersignL(

() %ont tink he kno hat %at be,( sai% the b"ack, shaking in hisshoes, (%ough massa %at sent me gib me many tings to carry, %at he"itt"e un%erstan%&(

(ho or%ere% you on this %uty, %i% you sayL(

(e"", it ar he %octor, hese"f, so he come up on a ga""op, as he a"ays%o on a %octors erran%&(

(Tas 'octor Sitgrea$es he ne$er knos the countersign himse"f& o,b"ackey, ha% it been Captain ?aton he ou"% not ha$e sent you here,c"ose to a sentine", ithout the countersign for you might get a pisto"bu""et through your hea%, an% that ou"% be crue" to you for a"thoughyou be b"ack, ) am none of them ho thinks niggers ha$e no sou"s&(

(Sure a nagur has as much so" as a hite,( sai% Betty& (Come hither,ou"% man, an% arm that shi$ering carcass of yeers by the b"aKe of thisfire& )m sure a Guinea nagur "o$es hate as much as a so"%ier "o$eshis %rop&(

Caesar obeye% in si"ence, an% a mu"atto boy ho as s"eeping on a benchin the room, as bi%%en to con$ey the note of the surgeon to thebui"%ing here the oun%e% ere uartere%&

(0ere,( sai% the asheroman, ten%ering to Caesar a taste of the artic"ethat most %e"ighte% herse"f, (try a %rop, smooty, ti"" arm the b"ackso" ithin your craKy bo%y, an% be gi$ing you spirits as you are goinghomear%&(

() te"" you, E"iKabeth,( sai% the sergeant, (that the sou"s of niggersare the same as our on ho often ha$e ) hear% the goo% Dr& hitefie"%say that there as no %istinction of co"or in hea$en& Therefore it isreasonab"e to be"ie$e that the sou" of this here b"ack is as hite as myon, or e$en Dajor 'unoo%ies&(

(Be sure he be,( crie% Caesar, a "itt"e tart"y, hose courage ha%re$i$e% by tasting the %rop of Drs& F"anagan&

()ts a goo% so" that the major is, anyay,( returne% the asheroman(an% a kin% so"@@aye, an% a bra$e so" too an% ye"" say a"" thatyeerse"f, sargeant, )m thinking&(

(For the matter of that,( returne% the $eteran, (there is =ne abo$e e$enashington, to ju%ge of sou"s but this ) i"" say, that Dajor 'unoo%ieis a gent"eman ho ne$er says, Go, boys@@but a"ays says, Come, boys

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an% if a poor fe""o is in ant of a spur or a martinga"e, an% the"eather@hack is gone, there is ne$er anting the rea" si"$er to make upthe "oss, an% that from his on pocket too&(

(hy, then, are you here i%"e hen a"" that he ho"%s most %ear are in%angerL( crie% a $oice ith start"ing abruptness& (Dount, mount, an%fo""o your captain arm an% mount, an% that instant"y, or you i"" betoo "ate2(

This une.pecte% interruption pro%uce% an instantaneous confusion amongstthe tipp"ers& Caesar f"e% instincti$e"y into the firep"ace, here hemaintaine% his position in %efiance of a heat that ou"% ha$e roaste% ahite man& Sergeant 0o""ister turne% prompt"y on his hee", an% seiKingbig saber, the stee" as g"ittering by the fire"ight, in the tink"ingof an eye but percei$ing the intru%er to be the pe%%"er, ho stoo%near the open %oor that "e% to the "ean@to in the rear, he began to fa""back toar%s the position of the b"ack, ith a mi"itary intuition thattaught him to concentrate his forces& Betty a"one stoo% her groun%, bythe si%e of the temporary tab"e& /ep"enishing the mug ith a "argea%%ition of the artic"e knon to the so"%iery by the name of

(choke@%og,( she he"% it toar%s the pe%%"er& The eyes of theasheroman ha% for some time been simming ith "o$e an% "iuor, an%turning them goo%@nature%"y on Birch, she crie%,@@

(Faith, but yere i"come, Dister Pi%%"er, or Dister Birch, or DisterBee"Keboob, or hats yeer name& *ere an honest %i$i" anyay, an% )mhoping that you foun% the pitticoats con$anient& Come forar%, %ear, an%fa"e the fire Sergeant 0o""ister ont be hurting you, for the fear ofan i"" turn you may be %oing him hereafter@@i"" ye, sargeant %earL(

('epart, ungo%"y man2( crie% the $eteran, e%ging sti"" nearer to Caesar,but "ifting his "egs a"ternate"y as they scorche% ith the heat& ('epartin peace2 There is none here for thy ser$ice, an% you seek the oman in$ain& There is a ten%er mercy that i"" sa$e her from thy ta"ons&( Thesergeant cease% to utter a"ou%, but the motion of his "ips continue%,an% a fe scattering or%s of prayer ere a"one au%ib"e&

The brain of the asheroman as in such a state of confusion that she%i% not c"ear"y comprehen% the meaning of her suitor, but a ne i%eastruck her imagination, an% she broke forth,@@

()f its me the man saaks, heres the matter, prayL 4m ) not a i%oe%bo%y, an% my on propertyL 4n% you ta"k of tin%erness, sargeant, butits "itt"e ) see of it, anyay& ho knos but Dr& Bee"Keboob here isfree to speak his min%L )m sure it is i""ing to hear ) am&(

(oman,( sai% the pe%%"er, (be si"ent an% you, foo"ish man, mount@@arm

an% mount, an% f"y to the rescue of your officer, if you are orthy ofthe cause in hich you ser$e, an% ou"% not %isgrace the coat youear&( The pe%%"er $anishe% from the sight of the bei"%ere% trio, itha rapi%ity that "eft them uncertain hither he ha% f"e%&

=n hearing the $oice of an o"% frien%, Caesar emerge% from his corner,an% fear"ess"y a%$ance% to the spot here Betty ha% reso"ute"ymaintaine% her groun%, though in a state of utter menta" confusion&

() ish 0ar$ey stop,( sai% the b"ack& ()f he ri%e %on a roa%, ) shou"%

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"ike he company ) %ont tink Johnny Birch hurt he on son&(

(Poor, ignorant retch2( e.c"aime% the $eteran, reco$ering his $oiceith a "ong@%ran breath (think you that figure as ma%e of f"eshan% b"oo%L(

(0ar$ey aint f"eshy,( rep"ie% the b"ack, (but he berry c"ebber man&(

(Pooh2 sargeant %ear,( e.c"aime% the asheroman, (ta"k rason for once,an% min% hat the knoing one te""s ye ca"" out the boys an% ri%e a bitafter Captain Jack remimber, %ar"ing, that he to"% ye, the %ay, to bein rea%iness to mount at a moments arning&(

(4ye, but not at a summons from the fou" fien%& ?et Captain ?aton, or?ieutenant Dason, or Cornet Skipith, say the or%, an% ho is uickerin the sa%%"e than )L(

(e"", sargeant, ho often is it that ye$e boaste% to myse"f that thecorps asnt a bit afear% to face the %i$i"L(

(o more are e, in batt"e array, an% by %ay"ight but its foo"har%yan% irre$erent to tempt Satan, an% on such a night as this& ?isten hothe in% hist"es through the trees an% hark2 there is the ho"ing ofe$i" spirits abroa%&(

() see him,( sai% Caesar, opening his eyes to a i%th that might ha$eembrace% more than an i%ea" form&

(hereL( interrupte% the sergeant, instincti$e"y "aying his han% on thehi"t of his saber&

(o, no,( sai% the b"ack, () see a Johnny Birch come out of hegra$e@@Johnny a"k afore he burie%&(

(4h2 then he must ha$e "e% an e$i" "ife in%ee%,( sai% 0o""ister& (Theb"esse% in spirit "ie uiet unti" the genera" muster, but icke%ness%isturbs the sou" in this "ife as e"" as in that hich is to come&(

(4n% hat is to come of Captain JackL( crie% Betty, angri"y& ()s it yeeror%ers that ye ont min%, nor a arning gi$enL )"" jist git my cart,an% ri%e %on an% te"" him that yere afear% of a %ea% man an%Bee"Keboob an% it isnt succor he may be e.picting from ye& ) on%erho"" be the or%er"y of the troop the morro, thenL@@his name ont be0o""ister, anyay&(

(ay, Betty, nay,( sai% the sergeant, "aying his han% fami"iar"y on hershou"%er (if there must be ri%ing to@night, "et it be by him hose %uty

it is to ca"" out the men an% set an e.amp"e& The ?or% ha$e mercy, an%sen% us enemies of f"esh an% b"oo%2(

4nother g"ass confirme% the $eteran in a reso"ution that as on"ye.cite% by a %rea% of his captains %isp"easure, an% he procee%e% tosummon the %oKen men ho ha% been "eft un%er his comman%& The boyarri$ing ith the ring, Caesar p"ace% it carefu""y in the pocket of hisaistcoat ne.t his heart, an%, mounting, shut his eyes, seiKe% hischarger by the mane, an% continue% in a state of comparati$einsensibi"ity, unti" the anima" stoppe% at the %oor of the arm stab"e

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hence he ha% starte%&

The mo$ements of the %ragoons, being time% to the or%er of a march, eremuch s"oer, for they ere ma%e ith a atchfu"ness that as inten%e% toguar% against surprise from the e$i" one himse"f&

C04PTE/ NN))

  Be not your tongue thy on shames orator,  ?ook seet, speak fair, become %is"oya"ty,  4ppare" $ice "ike $irtues harbinger&  @@Come%y of Errors&

The situation of the party in Dr& hartons %e""ing as sufficient"yakar%, %uring the hour of Caesars absence for such as theastonishing rapi%ity %isp"aye% by his courser, that the four mi"es of

roa% as gone o$er, an% the e$ents e ha$e recor%e% ha% occurre%,somehat ithin that perio% of time& =f course, the gent"emen stro$e tomake the irksome moments f"y as sift"y as possib"e but preme%itate%happiness is certain"y of the "east joyous kin%& The bri%e an%bri%egroom are immemoria""y pri$i"ege% to be %u"", an% but fe of theirfrien%s seeme% %ispose%, on the present occasion, to %ishonor theire.amp"e& The Eng"ish co"one" e.hibite% a proper portion of uneasiness atthis une.pecte% interruption of his fe"icity, an% he sat ith a $aryingcountenance by the si%e of Sarah, ho seeme% to be profiting by the%e"ay to gather fortitu%e for the so"emn ceremony& )n the mi%st of thisembarrassing si"ence, 'octor Sitgrea$es a%%resse% himse"f to DissPeyton, by hose si%e he ha% contri$e% to procure a chair& (Darriage,ma%am, is pronounce% to be honorab"e in the sight of Go% an% man an% itmay be sai% to be re%uce%, in the present age, to the "as of nature an%reason& The ancients, in sanctioning po"ygamy, "ost sight of thepro$isions of nature, an% con%emne% thousan%s to misery but ith theincrease of science ha$e gron the ise or%inances of society, hichor%ain that man shou"% be the husban% of but one oman&(

e""mere g"ance% a fierce e.pression of %isgust at the surgeon, thatin%icate% his sense of the te%iousness of the others remarks hi"eDiss Peyton, ith a s"ight hesitation, as if fearfu" of touching onforbi%%en subjects, rep"ie%,@@

() ha% thought, sir, that e ere in%ebte% to the Christian re"igionfor our mora"s on this subject&(

(True, ma%am, it is somehere pro$i%e% in the prescriptions of theapost"es, that the shou"% henceforth be on an eua"ity in thisparticu"ar& But in hat %egree cou"% po"ygamy affect ho"iness of "ifeL)t as probab"y a ise arrangement of Pau", ho as much of a scho"ar,an% probab"y ha% freuent conferences, on this important subject, ith?uke, hom e a"" kno to ha$e been bre% to the practice of me%icine@@(

There is no te""ing ho far the %iscursi$e fancy of Sitgrea$es mightha$e "e% him, on this subject, ha% he not been interrupte%& But ?aton,ho ha% been a c"ose though si"ent obser$er of a"" that passe%, profite%

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by the hint to ask abrupt"y,@@

(Pray, Co"one" e""mere, in hat manner is bigamy punishe% in Eng"an%L(

The bri%egroom starte%, an% his "ip b"anche%& /eco$ering himse"f,hoe$er, on the instant, he ansere% ith a sua$ity that became sohappy a man,@@

('eath2@@as such an offense merits,( he sai%&

('eath an% %issection,( continue% the operator& ()t is se"%om that "a"oses sight of e$entua" uti"ity in a ma"efactor& Bigamy, in a man, is aheinous offense2(

(Dore so than ce"ibacyL( aske% ?aton&

(Dore so,( returne% the surgeon, ith un%isturbe% simp"icity& (=ne horemains in a sing"e state may %e$ote his "ife to science an% thee.tension of kno"e%ge, if not of his species but the retch hoprofits by the constitutiona" ten%ency of the fema"e se. to cre%u"ity

an% ten%erness, incurs the icke%ness of a positi$e sin, heightene% bythe baseness of %eception&(

(/ea""y, sir, the "a%ies are infinite"y ob"ige% to you, for attributingfo""y to them as part of their nature&(

(Captain ?aton, in man the anima" is more nob"y forme% than in oman&The ner$es are en%oe% ith "ess sensi bi"ity the ho"e frame is "essp"iab"e an% yie"%ing is it therefore surprising, that a ten%ency tore"y on the faith of her partner is more natura" to oman than to theother se.L(

e""mere, as if unab"e to "isten ith any %egree of patience to soi""@time% a %ia"ogue, sprang from his seat an% pace% the f"oor in%isor%er& Pitying his situation, the re$eren% gent"eman, ho aspatient"y aaiting the return of Caesar, change% the %iscourse, an% afe minutes brought the b"ack himse"f& The bi""et as han%e% to 'r&Sitgrea$es for Diss Peyton ha%"y enjoine% Caesar not toimp"icate her, in any manner, in the erran% on hich he as %ispatche%&The note containe% a summary statement of the se$era" subjects of thesurgeons %irections, an% referre% him to the b"ack for the ring& The"atter as instant"y %eman%e%, an% prompt"y %e"i$ere%& 4 transient "ookof me"ancho"y c"ou%e% the bro of the surgeon, as he stoo% a moment, an%gaKe% si"ent"y on the baub"e nor %i% he remember the p"ace, or theoccasion, hi"e he mournfu""y so"i"ouiKe% as fo""os3@@

(Poor 4nna2 gay as innocence an% youth cou"% make thee as thy heart,

hen this cincture as forme% to grace thy nuptia"s but ere the hourha% come, Go% ha% taken thee to 0imse"f& *ears ha$e passe%, my sister,but ne$er ha$e ) forgotten the companion of my infancy2( 0e a%$ance% toSarah, an%, unconscious of obser$ation, p"acing the ring on her finger,continue%, (She for hom it as inten%e% has "ong been in her gra$e, an%the youth ho bestoe% the gift soon fo""oe% her sainte% spirit takeit, ma%am, an% Go% grant that it may be an instrument in making you ashappy as you %eser$e2(

Sarah fe"t a chi"" at her heart, as this burst of fee"ing escape% the

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surgeon but e""mere offering his han%, she as "e% before the %i$ine,an% the ceremony began& The first or%s of this imposing office pro%uce%a %ea% sti""ness in the apartment an% the minister of Go% procee%e% tothe so"emn e.hortation, an% itnesse% the p"ighte% troth of theparties, hen the in$estiture as to fo""o& The ring ha% been "eft,from ina%$ertency an% the agitation of the moment, on the finger hereSitgrea$es ha% p"ace% it the s"ight interruption occasione% by thecircumstance as o$er, an% the c"ergyman as about to procee%, hen afigure g"i%ing into the mi%st of the party, at once put a stop to theceremony& )t as the pe%%"er& 0is "ook as bitter an% ironica", hi"e afinger, raise% toar%s the %i$ine, seeme% to forbi% the ceremony to goany further&

(Can Co"one" e""mere aste the precious moments here, hen his ife hascrosse% the ocean to meet himL The nights are "ong, an% the moon brighta fe hours i"" take him to the city&(

4ghast at the su%%enness of this e.traor%inary a%%ress, e""mere for amoment "ost the comman% of his facu"ties& To Sarah, the countenance ofBirch, e.pressi$e as it as, pro%uce% no terror but the instant she

reco$ere% from the surprise of his interruption, she turne% her an.iousgaKe on the features of the man to hom she ha% just p"e%ge% her troth&They affor%e% the most terrib"e confirmation of a"" that the pe%%"eraffirme% the room hir"e% roun%, an% she fe"" "ife"ess into the arms ofher aunt& There is an instincti$e %e"icacy in oman, that seems toconuer a"" other emotions an% the insensib"e bri%e as imme%iate"ycon$eye% from sight, "ea$ing the room to the so"e possession of theother se.&

The confusion enab"e% the pe%%"er to retreat ith a rapi%ity that ou"%ha$e baff"e% pursuit, ha% any been attempte%, an% e""mere stoo% ithe$ery eye fi.e% on him, in ominous si"ence&

(Tis fa"se@@tis fa"se as he""2( he crie%, striking his forehea%& ()ha$e e$er %enie% her c"aim nor i"" the "as of my country compe" me toackno"e%ge it&(

(But hat i"" conscience an% the "as of Go% %oL( aske% ?aton&

(Tis e"", sir,( sai% e""mere, haughti"y, an% retreating toar%s the%oor, (my situation protects you no but a time may come@@(

0e ha% reache% the entry, hen a s"ight tap on his shou"%er cause% himto turn his hea% it as Captain ?aton, ho, ith a smi"e of pecu"iarmeaning, beckone% him to fo""o& The state of e""meres min% as such,that he ou"% g"a%"y ha$e gone anyhere to a$oi% the gaKe of horror an%%etestation that g"are% from e$ery eye he met& They reache% the stab"es

before the trooper spoke, hen he crie% a"ou%,@@

(Bring out /oanoke2(

0is man appeare% ith the stee% caparisone% for its master& ?aton,coo""y throing the bri%"e on the neck of the anima", took his pisto"sfrom the ho"sters, an% continue%, (0ere are eapons that ha$e seen goo%ser$ice before to@%ay@@aye, an% in honorab"e han%s, sir& These ere thepisto"s of my father, Co"one" e""mere he use% them ith cre%it in thears ith France, an% ga$e them to me to fight the batt"es of my country

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4 freshening of the in% afte% the trea% of a horse %on the $a""ey,hich, by its spee%, ga$e assurance of a ri%er go$erning its motion&

(These traine% horses a"ays stop hen the ri%er fa""s,( obser$e% one ofthe gang&

(Then,( crie% the "ea%er, striking his musket on the groun% in a rage,(the fe""o is safe2@@to your business at once& 4 short ha"f hour i""bring %on that canting sergeant an% the guar% upon us& Ti"" be "uckyif the guns %ont turn them out& Muick, to your posts, an% fire thehouse in the chambers smoking ruins are goo% to co$er e$i" %ee%s&(

(hat is to be %one ith this "ump of earthL( crie% another, pushing thebo%y that yet "ay insensib"e, here it ha% been hur"e% by the arm of?aton (a "itt"e rubbing ou"% bring him to&(

(?et him "ie,( sai% the "ea%er, fierce"y& (0a% he been ha"f a man, that%ragooning rasca" ou"% ha$e been in my poer enter the house, ) say,an% fire the chambers& e cant go amiss here there is p"ate an% moneyenough to make you a"" gent"emen@@an% re$enge too&(

The i%ea of si"$er in any ay as not to be resiste% an%, "ea$ing theircompanion, ho began to sho faint signs of "ife, they rushe%tumu"tuous"y toar%s the %e""ing& e""mere a$ai"e% himse"f of theopportunity, an%, stea"ing from the stab"e ith his on charger, he asab"e to gain the highay unnotice%& For an instant he hesitate%, hetherto ri%e toar%s the point here he kne the guar% as statione%, an%en%ea$or to rescue the fami"y, or, profiting by his "iberty an% thee.change that ha% been effecte% by the %i$ine, to seek the roya" army&Shame, an% a consciousness of gui"t, %etermine% him to take the "attercourse, an% he ro%e toar%s e *ork, stung ith the ref"ection of hison baseness, an% harasse% ith the apprehension of meeting ith anenrage% oman, that he ha% marrie% %uring his "ate $isit to Eng"an%,but hose c"aims, as soon as his passion as sate%, he ha% reso"$e%ne$er i""ing"y to a%mit& )n the tumu"t an% agitation of the moment, theretreat of ?aton an% e""mere as but "itt"e notice% the con%ition ofDr& harton %eman%ing the care an% conso"ation of both the surgeon an%the %i$ine& The report of the firearms at first rouse% the fami"y to thesense of a ne %anger, an% but a moment e"apse% before the "ea%er, an%one more of the gang, entere% the room&

(Surren%er2 you ser$ants of ing George,( shoute% the "ea%er, presentinghis musket to the breast of Sitgrea$es, (or ) i"" "et a "itt"e toryb"oo% from your $eins&(

(Gent"y@@gent"y, my frien%,( sai% the surgeon& (*ou are %oubt"ess moree.pert in inf"icting oun%s than in hea"ing them the eapon that you

ho"% so in%iscreet"y is e.treme"y %angerous to anima" "ife&(

(*ie"%, or take its contents&(

(hy an% herefore shou"% ) yie"%L@@) am a noncombatant& The artic"es ofcapitu"ation must be arrange% ith Captain John ?aton though yie"%ing,) be"ie$e, is not a subject on hich you i"" fin% him particu"ar"ycomp"ying&(

The fe""o ha% by this time taken such a sur$ey of the group, as

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con$ince% him that "itt"e %anger as to be apprehen%e% from resistance,an%, eager to seiKe his share of the p"un%er, he %roppe% his musket, an%as soon busy ith the assistance of his men, in arranging %i$ersartic"es of p"ate in bags& The cottage no presente% a singu"arspectac"e& The "a%ies ere gathere% aroun% Sarah, ho yet continue%insensib"e, in one of the rooms that ha% escape% the notice of themarau%ers& Dr& harton sat in a state of perfect imbeci"ity, "isteningto, but not profiting by, the meaning or%s of comfort that fe"" fromthe "ips of the c"ergyman& Sing"eton as "ying on a sofa, shaking ith%ebi"ity, an% inattenti$e to surroun%ing objects hi"e the surgeon asa%ministering restorati$es, an% "ooking at the %ressings, ith acoo"ness that mocke% the tumu"t& Caesar an% the atten%ant of CaptainSing"eton, ha% retreate% to the oo% in the rear of the cottage, an%aty 0aynes as f"ying about the bui"%ing, busi"y emp"oye% in forming abun%"e of $a"uab"es, from hich, ith the most scrupu"ous honesty, sherejecte% e$ery artic"e that as not rea""y an% tru"y her on&

But to return to the party at the Four Corners& hen the $eteran ha% gothis men mounte% an% un%er arms, a rest"ess %esire to participate in theg"ory an% %angers of the came o$er the asheroman& hether

she as impe""e% to the un%ertaking by a %rea% of remaining a"one, or aish to hasten in person to the re"ief of her fa$orite, e i"" not$enture to assert but, as 0o""ister as gi$ing the or%ers to hee" an%march, the $oice of Betty as hear%, e.c"aiming,@@

(Stop a bit, sargeant %ear, ti"" to of the boys get out the cart, an%)"" jist ri%e i% ye tis "ike there"" be oun%e%, an% it i"" bemighty con$anient to bring them home in&(

4"though inar%"y much p"ease% ith any cause of %e"ay to a ser$ice thathe so "itt"e re"ishe%, 0o""ister affecte% some %isp"easure at the%etention&

(othing but a cannon ba"" can take one of my "a%s from his charger,( hesai% (an% its not $ery "ike"y that e sha"" ha$e as fair fighting ascannon an% musketry, in a business of the e$i" ones in$enting so,E"iKabeth, you may go if you i"", but the cart i"" not be anting&(

(o, sargeant %ear, you "ie, anyay,( sai% Betty, ho as somehatun%u"y go$erne% by her potations& (4n% asnt Captain Sing"eton shot offhis horse but tin %ays gone byL 4ye, an% Captain Jack himse"f too an%%i%nt he "ie on the groun%, face uppermost an% back %onar%s, "ookinggrimL 4n% %i%nt the boys tink him %ea%, an% turn an% "a$e therig"ars the %ayL(

(*ou "ie back again,( crie% the sergeant, fierce"y (an% so %oes anyoneho says that e %i%nt gain the %ay&(

(For a bit or so@@on"y ) mane for a bit or so,( sai% the asheroman(but Dajor 'unoo%ie turne% you, an% so you "icke% the rig"ars& But thecaptain it as that fe"", an% )m thinking that theres no better ri%ergoing so, sargeant, its the cart i"" be con$anient& 0ere, to of you,jist hitch the mare to the ti""s, an% its no hisky that ye"" beanting the morro an% put the piece of Jennys hi%e un%er the pa% thebaste is ne$er the better for the rough ays of the county estchester&(The consent of the sergeant being obtaine%, the euipage of Drs&F"anagan as soon in rea%iness to recei$e its bur%en&

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(4s it is uite uncertain hether e sha"" be attacke% in front, or inrear,( sai% 0o""ister, (fi$e of you sha"" march in a%$ance, an% theremain%er sha"" co$er our retreat toar%s the barrack, shou"% e bepresse%& Tis an afu" moment to a man of "itt"e "earning, E"iKabeth, tocomman% in such a ser$ice for my part, ) ish %e$out"y that one of theofficers ere here but my trust is in the ?or%&(

(Pooh2 man, aay i% ye,( sai% the asheroman, ho ha% got herse"fcomfortab"y seate%& (The %i$i" a bit of an inimy is there near& Darchon, hurry@skurry, an% "et the mare trot, or its but "itt"e that CaptainJack i"" thank ye for the he"p&(

(4"though un"earne% in matters of communicating ith spirits, or "ayingthe %ea%, Drs& F"anagan,( sai% the $eteran, () ha$e not ser$e% throughthe o"% ar, an% fi$e years in this, not to kno ho to guar% thebaggage& 'oesnt ashington a"ays co$er the baggageL ) am not to beto"% my %uty by a camp fo""oer& Fa"" in as you are or%ere%, an%%ress, men&(

(e"", march, anyay,( crie% the impatient asheroman& (The b"ack isthere a"rea%y, an% its tar%y the captain i"" think ye&(

(4re you sure that it as rea""y a b"ack man that brought the or%erL(sai% the sergeant, %ropping in beteen the p"atoons, here he cou"%con$erse ith Betty, an% be at han%, to "ea% on an emergency, either onan a%$ance or on a retreat&

(ay@@an% )m sure of nothing, %ear& But hy %ont the boys prick theirhorses an% jog a trotL The mare is mighty unasy, an% its no arm inthis curse% $a""ey, ri%ing as much "ike a funera" party as o"% rags isto continenta"&( 8Footnote3 The paper money issue% by congress asfami"iar"y ca""e% continenta" money& This term (continenta"( as app"ie%to the army, the congress, the ships of ar, an% in short, to a"moste$erything of interest hich be"onge% to the ne go$ernment& )t ou"%seem to ha$e been in$ente% as the opposite of the insu"ar position ofthe mother country&< (Fair"y an% soft"y, aye, an% pru%ent"y, Drs&F"anagan its not rashness that makes the goo% officer& )f e ha$e toencounter a spirit, its more than "ike"y he"" make his attack bysurprise horses are not $ery poerfu" in the %ark, an% ) ha$e acharacter to "ose, goo% oman&(

(Caractur2 an% isnt it caractur an% "ife too that Captain Jack has to"ose2(

(0a"t2( crie% the sergeant& (hat is that "urking near the foot of therock, on the "eftL(

(Sure, its nothing, un"ess it be a matter of Captain Jacks so" thatscome to haunt ye, for not being brisker on the march&(

(Betty, your "e$ity makes you an unfit comra%e for such an$ance, one of you, an% reconnoiter the spot %ra sor%s2@@rear rank,c"ose to the front2(

(Psha2( shoute% Betty, (is it a big foo" or a big coar% that ye areLJist hee" from the roa%, boys, an% )"" sho$e the mare %on upon it in

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the tink"ing of an eye@@an% its no ghost that ) fear&(

By this time one of the men ha% returne%, an% %ec"are% there as nothingto pre$ent their a%$ancing, an% the party continue% their march, butith great %e"iberation an% caution&

(Courage an% pru%ence are the jee"s of a so"%ier, Drs& F"anagan,( sai%the sergeant (ithout the one, the other may be sai% to be goo%for nothing&(

(Pru%ence ithout courage3 is it that you maneL@@an% its so that )mthinking myse"f, sargeant& This baste pu""s tight on the reins,any ay&(

(Be patient, goo% oman hark2 hat is thatL( sai% 0o""ister, prickingup his ears at the report of e""meres pisto"& ()"" sear that as ahuman pisto", an% one from our regiment& /ear rank, c"ose to thefront2@@Drs& F"anagan, ) must "ea$e you&( So saying, ha$ing reco$ere%a"" his facu"ties, by hearing a soun% that he un%erstoo%, he p"ace%himse"f at the hea% of his men ith an air of mi"itary pri%e, that the

%arkness pre$ente% the asheroman from beho"%ing& 4 $o""ey of musketryno ratt"e% in the night in%, an% the sergeant e.c"aime%,@@

(Darch2@@uick time2(

The ne.t instant the tramp"ing of a horse as hear% coming up the roa%,at a rate that announce% a matter of "ife or %eath an% 0o""ister againha"te% his party, ri%ing a short %istance in front himse"f, to meetthe ri%er&

(Stan%2@@ho goes thereL( shoute% 0o""ister&

(0a2 0o""ister, is it youL( crie% ?aton, (e$er rea%y an% at your postbut here is the guar%L(

(4t han%, sir, an% rea%y to fo""o you through thick an% thin,( sai% the$eteran, re"ie$e% at once from responsibi"ity, an% as eager as a boy tobe "e% against his enemy&

(Tis e""2( sai% the trooper, ri%ing up to his men then, speaking afe or%s of encouragement, he "e% them %on the $a""ey at a rate but"itt"e "ess rapi% than his approach& The miserab"e horse of the sut"eras soon %istance%, an% Betty, thus thron out in the chase, turne% tothe si%e of the roa%, an% obser$e%,@@

(There@@its no %ifficu"t to te"" that Captain Jack is i% em, anyayan% aay they go "ike so many nagur boys to a husking@fro"ic e"", )""

jist hitch the mare to this bit of a fence, an% a"k %on an% see thesport afoot@@its no rasonab"e to e.pose the baste to be hurte%&(

?e% on by ?aton, the men fo""oe%, %estitute a"ike of fear an%ref"ection& hether it as a party of the refugees, or a %etachment fromthe roya" army, that they ere to assai", they ere profoun%"y ignorantbut they kne that the officer in a%$ance as %istinguishe% for couragean% persona" proess an% these are $irtues that are sure to capti$atethe thought"ess so"%iery& =n arri$ing near the gates of the ?ocusts, thetrooper ha"te% his party, an% ma%e his arrangements for the assau"t&

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'ismounting, he or%ere% eight of his men to fo""o his e.amp"e, an%turning to 0o""ister, sai%,@@

(Stan% you here, an% guar% the horses if anything attempt to pass, stopit, or cut it %on, an%@@(

The f"ames at this moment burst through the %ormer in%os an% ce%arroof of the cottage, an% a bright "ight g"are% on the %arkness of thenight& (=n2( shoute% the trooper (on2@@gi$e uarter hen you ha$e%one justice2(

There as a start"ing fierceness in the $oice of the trooper thatreache% to the heart, e$en ami% the horrors of the cottage& The "ea%erof the Skinners %roppe% his p"un%er, an%, for a moment, he stoo% inner$e"ess %rea% then rushing to a in%o, he thre up the sash at thisinstant ?aton entere%, saber in han%, into the apartment&

('ie, miscreant2( crie% the trooper, c"ea$ing a marau%er to the ja butthe "ea%er sprang into the "an, an% escape% his $engeance& The shrieksof the fema"es restore% ?aton to his presence of min%, an% the earnest

entreaty of the %i$ine in%uce% him to atten% to the safety of thefami"y& =ne more of the gang fe"" in ith the %ragoons, an% met his%eath but the remain%er ha% taken the a"arm in season& =ccupie% ithSarah, neither Diss Sing"eton, nor the "a%ies of the house, ha%%isco$ere% the entrance of the Skinners, though the f"ames ere ragingaroun% them ith a fury that threatene% the bui"%ing ith rapi%%estruction& The shrieks of aty an% the terrifie% consort of Caesar,together ith the noise an% uproar in the a%jacent apartment, firstrouse% Diss Peyton an% )sabe""a to a sense of their %anger&

(Dercifu" Pro$i%ence2( e.c"aime% the a"arme% aunt (there is a %rea%fu"confusion in the house, an% there i"" be b"oo% she% in conseuence ofthis affair&(

(There are none to fight,( returne% )sabe""a, ith a face pa"er thanthat of the other& ('r& Sitgrea$es is $ery peaceab"e in his %isposition,an% sure"y Captain ?aton ou"% not forget himse"f so far&(

(The Southern temper is uick an% fiery,( continue% Diss Peyton (an%your brother, feeb"e an% eak as he is, has "ooke% the ho"e afternoonf"ushe% an% angry&(

(Goo% hea$en2( crie% )sabe""a, ith %ifficu"ty supporting herse"f on thecouch of Sarah (he is gent"e as the "amb by nature, though the "ion isnot his eua" hen rouse%&(

(e must interfere3 our presence i"" ue"" the tumu"t, an% possib"y

sa$e the "ife of a fe""o creature&(

Diss Peyton, e.cite% to attempt hat she concei$e% a %uty orthy of herse. an% nature, a%$ance% ith the %ignity of injure% fema"e fee"ing, tothe %oor, fo""oe% by )sabe""a& The apartment to hich Sarah ha% beencon$eye% as in one of the ings of the bui"%ing, an% it communicate%ith the principa" ha"" of the cottage by a "ong an% %ark passage& Thisas no "ight, an% across its termination se$era" figures ere seenrushing ith an impetuosity that pre$ente% an e.amination of theiremp"oyment&

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(?et us a%$ance,( sai% Diss Peyton, ith a firmness her face be"ie%(they must respect our se.&(

(They sha"",( crie% )sabe""a, taking the "ea% in the enterprise& Francesas "eft a"one ith her sister& 4 fe minutes ere passe% in si"ence,hen a "ou% crash, in the upper apartments, as succee%e% by a bright"ight that g"are% through the open %oor, an% ma%e objects as %istinct tothe eye as if they ere p"ace% un%er a noon%ay sun& Sarah raise% herse"fon her be%, an% staring i"%"y aroun%, presse% both her han%s on herforehea%, en%ea$oring to reco""ect herse"f&

(This, then, is hea$en@@an% you are one of its bright spirits& =h2 hog"orious is its ra%iance2 ) ha% thought the happiness ) ha$e "ate"ye.perience% as too much for earth& But e sha"" meet againyes@@yes@@e sha"" meet again&(

(Sarah2 Sarah2( crie% Frances, in terror (my sister@@my on"ysister@@=h2 %o not smi"e so horri%"y kno me, or you i"" breakmy heart&(

(0ush,( sai% Sarah raising her han% for si"ence (you may %isturb hisrest@@sure"y, he i"" fo""o me to the gra$e& Think you there can be toi$es in the gra$eL o@@no@@no one@@one@@one@@on"y one&(

Frances %roppe% her hea% into the "ap of her sister, an% ept in agony&

('o you she% tears, seet ange"L( continue% Sarah, soothing"y& (Thenhea$en is not e.empt from grief& But here is 0enryL 0e as e.ecute%,an% he must be here too perhaps they i"" come together& =h2 ho joyfu"i"" be the meeting2(

Frances sprang on her feet, an% pace% the apartment& The eye of Sarahfo""oe% her in chi"%ish a%miration of her beauty&

(*ou "ook "ike my sister but a"" goo% an% "o$e"y spirits are a"ike&Te"" me, ere you e$er marrie%L 'i% you e$er "et a stranger stea" youraffections from father, an% brother, an% sisterL )f not, poor retch, )pity you, a"though you may be in hea$en&(

(Sarah@@peace, peace@@) imp"ore you to be si"ent,( shrieke% Frances,rushing to her be%, (or you i"" ki"" me at your feet&(

4nother %rea%fu" crash shook the bui"%ing to its center& )t as thefa""ing of the roof, an% the f"ames thre their "ight abroa%, so as tomake objects $isib"e aroun% the cottage, through the in%os of theroom& Frances f"e to one of them, an% sa the confuse% group that as

co""ecte% on the "an& 4mong them ere her aunt an% )sabe""a, pointingith %istraction to the fiery e%ifice, an% apparent"y urging the%ragoons to enter it& For the first time she comprehen%e% their %angeran% uttering a i"% shriek, she f"e through the passage ithoutconsi%eration, or object&

4 %ense an% suffocating co"umn of smoke oppose% her progress& She pause%to breathe, hen a man caught her in his arms, an% bore her, in a stateof insensibi"ity, through the fa""ing embers an% %arkness, to the openair& The instant that Frances reco$ere% her reco""ection, she percei$e%

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cannot reuire her chi"%ren to forget gratitu%e an% honor& F"y, unhappyman, hi"e yet you are unseen, or it i"" e.cee% my poer to sa$e you&(

(Day Go% prosper you, an% make you $ictorious o$er your enemies,( sai%Birch, grasping the han% of the %ragoon ith an iron strength that hismeager figure %i% not in%icate&

(0o"%2( sai% ?aton& (But a or%@@are you hat you seemL@@can you@@areyou@@(

(4 roya" spy,( interrupte% Birch, a$erting his face, an% en%ea$oring tore"ease his han%&

(Then go, miserab"e retch,( sai% the trooper, re"inuishing his grasp&(Either a$arice or %e"usion has "e% a nob"e heart astray2(

The bright "ight from the f"ames reache% a great %istance aroun% theruins, but the or%s ere har%"y past the "ips of ?aton, before thegaunt form of the pe%%"er ha% g"i%e% o$er the $isib"e space, an% p"unge%into the %arkness beyon%&

The eye of ?aton reste% for a moment on the spot here he ha% "ast seenthis ine.p"icab"e man, an% then turning to the yet insensib"e Sarah, he"ifte% her in his arms, an% bore her, "ike a s"eeping infant, to thecare of her frien%s&

C04PTE/ NN)))

  4n% no her charms are fa%ing fast,  0er spirits no no more are gay3  4"as2 that beauty cannot "ast2  That f"oers so seet so soon %ecay2  0o sa% appears  The $a"e of years,  0o change% from youths too f"attering scene2  here are her fon% a%mirers goneL  4"as2 an% sha"" there then be none  =n hom her sou" may "eanL  @@Cynthias Gra$e&

The a""s of the cottage ere a"" that as "eft of the bui"%ing an%these, b"ackene% by smoke, an% strippe% of their piaKKas an% ornaments,ere but %reary memoria"s of the content an% security that ha% so "ate"y

reigne% ithin& The roof, together ith the rest of the oo%ork, ha%tumb"e% into the ce""ars, an% a pa"e an% f"itting "ight, ascen%ing fromtheir embers, shone faint"y through the in%os& The ear"y f"ight of theSkinners "eft the %ragoons at "iberty to e.ert themse"$es in sa$ing muchof the furniture, hich "ay scattere% in heaps on the "an, gi$ing thefinishing touch of %eso"ation to the scene& hene$er a stronger ray of"ight than common shot upar%s, the compose% figures of Sergeant0o""ister an% his associates, sitting on their horses in rigi%%iscip"ine, ere to be seen in the backgroun% of the picture, togetherith the beast of Drs& F"anagan, hich, ha$ing s"ippe% its bri%"e, as

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uiet"y graKing by the highay& Betty herse"f ha% a%$ance% to the spothere the sergeant as poste%, an%, ith an incre%ib"e %egree ofcomposure, itnesse% the ho"e of the e$ents as they occurre%& Dore thanonce she suggeste% to her companion, that, as the fighting seeme% to beo$er, the proper time for p"un%er ha% arri$e%, but the $eteranacuainte% her ith his or%ers, an% remaine% inf"e.ib"e an% immo$ab"eunti" the asheroman, obser$ing ?aton come roun% the ing of thebui"%ing ith Sarah, $enture% amongst the arriors& The captain, afterp"acing Sarah on a sofa that ha% been hur"e% from the bui"%ing by to ofhis men, retire%, that the "a%ies might succee% him in his care& DissPeyton an% her niece f"e, ith a rapture that as b"esse% ith amomentary forgetfu"ness of a"" but her preser$ation, to recei$e Sarahfrom the trooper but the $acant eye an% f"ushe% cheek restore% theminstant"y to their reco""ection&

(Sarah, my chi"%, my be"o$e% niece,( sai% the former, fo"%ing theunconscious bri%e in her arms, (you are sa$e%, an% may the b"essing ofGo% aait him ho has been the instrument&(

(See,( sai% Sarah, gent"y pushing her aunt asi%e, an% pointing to the

g"immering ruins, (the in%os are i""uminate% in honor of my arri$a"&They a"ays recei$e a bri%e thus@@he to"% me they ou"% %o no "ess&?isten, an% you i"" hear the be""s&(

(0ere is no bri%e, no rejoicing, nothing but oe2( crie% Frances, in amanner but "itt"e "ess frantic than that of her sister& (=h2 may hea$enrestore you to us@@to yourse"f2(

(Peace, foo"ish young oman,( sai% Sarah, ith a smi"e of affecte% pity(a"" cannot be happy at the same moment perhaps you ha$e no brother, orhusban%, to conso"e you& *ou "ook beautifu", an% you i"" yet fin% onebut,( she continue%, %ropping her $oice to a hisper, (see that he hasno other ife@@tis %rea%fu" to think hat might happen, shou"% he betice marrie%&(

(The shock has %estroye% her min%,( crie% Diss Peyton (my chi"%, mybeauteous Sarah is a maniac2(

(o, no, no,( crie% Frances, (it is fe$er she is "ighthea%e%@@she mustreco$er@@she sha"" reco$er&(

The aunt caught joyfu""y at the hope con$eye% in this suggestion, an%%ispatche% aty to reuest the imme%iate ai% an% a%$ice of 'r&Sitgrea$es& The surgeon as foun% inuiring among the men forprofessiona" emp"oyment, an% inuisiti$e"y e.amining e$ery bruise an%scratch that he cou"% in%uce the stur%y arriors to ackno"e%ge they ha%recei$e%& 4 summons, of the sort con$eye% by aty, as instant"y obeye%,

an% not a minute e"apse% before he as by the si%e of Diss Peyton&

(This is a me"ancho"y termination to so joyfu" a commencement of thenight, ma%am,( he obser$e%, in a soothing manner& (But ar must bringits atten%ant miseries though %oubt"ess it often supports the cause of"iberty, an% impro$es the kno"e%ge of surgica" science&(

Diss Peyton cou"% make no rep"y, but pointe% to her niece&

(Tis fe$er,( ansere% Frances (see ho g"assy is her eye, an% "ook at

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her cheek, ho f"ushe%&(

The surgeon stoo% for a moment, %eep"y stu%ying the outar% symptoms ofhis patient, an% then he si"ent"y took her han% in his on& )t asse"%om that the har% an% abstracte% features of Sitgrea$es %isco$ere%any $io"ent emotion a"" his passions seeme% schoo"e%, an% hiscountenance %i% not often betray hat, in%ee%, his heart freuent"yfe"t& )n the present instance, hoe$er, the eager gaKe of the aunt an%sister uick"y %etecte% his emotions& 4fter "aying his fingers for aminute on the beautifu" arm, hich, bare% to the e"bo an% g"itteringith jee"s, Sarah suffere% him to retain, he %roppe% it, an% %ashing ahan% o$er his eyes, turne% sorrofu""y aay&

(0ere is no fe$er to e.cite@@tis a case, my %ear ma%am, for time an%care on"y these, ith the b"essing of Go%, may effect a cure&(

(4n% here is the retch ho has cause% this ruinL( e.c"aime%Sing"eton, rejecting the support of his man, an% making an effort torise from the chair to hich he ha% been %ri$en by %ebi"ity& ()t is in$ain that e o$ercome our enemies, if, conuere%, they can inf"ict such

oun%s as this&(

('ost think, foo"ish boy,( sai% ?aton, ith a bitter smi"e, (thathearts can fee" in a co"onyL hat is 4merica but a sate""ite ofEng"an%@@to mo$e as she mo$es, fo""o here she ists, an% shine, thatthe mother country may become more sp"en%i% by her ra%ianceL Sure"y youforget that it is honor enough for a co"onist to recei$e ruin from thehan% of a chi"% of Britain&(

() forget not that ) ear a sor%,( sai% Sing"eton, fa""ing backe.hauste% (but as there no i""ing arm rea%y to a$enge that "o$e"ysufferer@@to appease the rongs of this hoary fatherL(

(either arms nor hearts are anting, sir, in such a cause,( sai% thetrooper, fierce"y (but chance oftentimes he"ps the icke%& By hea$ens,)% gi$e /oanoke himse"f, for a c"ear fie"% ith the miscreant2(

(ay2 captain %ear, no be parting ith the horse, anyay,( sai% Betty&()t is no trif"e that can be ha% by jist asking of the right person, ifyere in nee% of si"$er an% the baste is sure of foot, an% jumps "ike asuirre"&(

(oman, fifty horses, aye, the best that ere e$er reare% on the banksof the Potomac, ou"% be but a pa"try price, for one b"o at a $i""ain&(

(Come,( sai% the surgeon, (the night air can %o no ser$ice to George, orthese "a%ies, an% it is incumbent on us to remo$e them here they can

fin% surgica" atten%ance an% refreshment& 0ere is nothing but smokingruins an% the miasma of the samps&(

To this rationa" proposition no objection cou"% be raise%, an% thenecessary or%ers ere issue% by ?aton to remo$e the ho"e party to theFour Corners&

4merica furnishe% but fe an% $ery in%ifferent carriage@makers at theperio% of hich e rite, an% e$ery $ehic"e, that in the "east aspire%to that %ignity, as the manufacture of a ?on%on mechanic& hen Dr&

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harton "eft the city, he as one of the $ery fe ho maintaine% thestate of a carriage an%, at the time Diss Peyton an% his %aughtersjoine% him in his retirement, they ha% been con$eye% to the cottage inthe hea$y chariot that ha% once so imposing"y ro""e% through thein%ings of Mueen Street, or emerge%, ith somber %ignity, into the morespacious %ri$e of Broa%ay& This $ehic"e stoo%, un%isturbe%, here itha% been p"ace% on its arri$a", an% the age of the horses a"one ha%protecte% the fa$orites of Caesar from seuestration by the conten%ingforces in their neighborhoo%& ith a hea$y heart, the b"ack, assiste% bya fe of the %ragoons, procee%e% to prepare it for the reception of the"a%ies& )t as a cumbrous $ehic"e, hose fa%e% "inings an% tarnishe%hammer@c"oth, together ith its pane"s of changing co"or, %enote% theant of that art hich ha% once gi$en it "uster an% beauty& The ("ioncouchant( of the harton arms as reposing on the re$i$ing sp"en%or of ab"aKonry that to"% the armoria" bearings of a prince of the church an%the miter, that began to shine through its 4merican mask, as a symbo"of the rank of its origina" oner& The chaise hich con$eye% DissSing"eton as a"so safe, for the stab"e an% outbui"%ings ha% entire"yescape% the f"ames it certain"y ha% been no part of the p"an of themarau%ers to "ea$e so e""@appointe% a stu% behin% them, but the

su%%enness of the attack by ?aton, not on"y %isconcerte% theirarrangements on this point, but on many others a"so& 4 guar% as "eft onthe groun%, un%er the comman% of 0o""ister, ho, ha$ing %isco$ere% thathis enemy as of morta" mo"%, took his position ith a%mirab"e coo"nessan% no "itt"e ski"", to guar% against surprise& 0e %re off his sma""party to such a %istance from the ruins, that it as effectua""yconcea"e% in the %arkness, hi"e at the same time the "ight continue%sufficient"y poer fu" to %isco$er anyone ho might approach the "anith an intent to p"un%er&

Satisfie% ith this ju%icious arrangement, Captain ?aton ma%e his%ispositions for the march& Diss Peyton, her to nieces, an% )sabe""aere p"ace% in the chariot, hi"e the cart of Drs& F"anagan, amp"ysupp"ie% ith b"ankets an% a be%, as honore% ith the person of CaptainSing"eton& 'r& Sitgrea$es took charge of the chaise an% Dr& harton&hat became of the rest of the fami"y %uring that e$entfu" night isunknon, for Caesar a"one, of the %omestics, as to be foun%, if ee.cept the housekeeper& 0a$ing %ispose% of the ho"e party in thismanner, ?aton ga$e the or% to march& 0e remaine% himse"f, for a feminutes, a"one on the "an, secreting $arious pieces of p"ate an% other$a"uab"es, that he as fearfu" might tempt the cupi%ity of his on menhen, percei$ing nothing more that he concei$e% "ike"y to o$ercome theirhonesty, he thre himse"f into the sa%%"e ith the so"%ier"y intentionof bringing up the rear&

(Stop, stop,( crie% a fema"e $oice& (i"" you "ea$e me a"one to bemur%ere%L The spoon is me"te%, ) be"ie$e, an% )"" ha$e compensation, if

theres "a or justice in this unhappy "an%&(

?aton turne% an eye in the %irection of the soun%, an% percei$e% afema"e emerging from the ruins, "oa%e% ith a bun%"e that $ie% in siKeith the renone% pack of the pe%%"er&

(hom ha$e e here,( sai% the trooper, (rising "ike a phoeni. from thef"amesL =h2 by the sou" of 0ippocrates, but it is the i%entica"she@%octor, of famous nee%"e reputation& e"", goo% oman, hat meansthis outcryL(

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(=utcry2( echoe% aty, panting for breath& ()s it not %isparagementenough to "ose a si"$er spoon, but ) must be "eft a"one in this "onesomep"ace, to be robbe%, an% perhaps mur%ere%L 0ar$ey ou"% not ser$e me sohen ) "i$e% ith 0ar$ey, ) as a"ays treate% ith respect at "east, ifhe as a "itt"e c"ose ith his secrets, an% astefu" of his money&(

(Then, ma%am, you once forme% part of the househo"% of Dr& 0ar$eyBirchL(

(*ou may say ) as the ho"e of his househo"%,( returne% the other(there as nobo%y but ), an% he, an% the o"% gent"eman& *ou %i%nt knothe o"% gent"eman, perhapsL(

(That happiness as %enie% me& 0o "ong %i% you "i$e in the fami"y ofDr& BirchL(

() %isremember the precise time, but it must ha$e been har% on upon nineyears an% hat better am ) for it a""L(

(Sure enough ) can see but "itt"e benefit that you ha$e %eri$e% fromthe association, tru"y& But is there not something unusua" in themo$ements an% character of this Dr& BirchL(

(Anusua" is an easy or% for such unaccountab"es2( rep"ie% aty,"oering her $oice an% "ooking aroun% her& (0e as a on%erfu"%isregar%fu" man, an% min%e% a guinea no more than ) %o a kerne" ofcorn& But he"p me to some ay of joining Diss Jinitt, an% ) i"" te""you pro%igies of hat 0ar$ey has %one, first an% "ast&(

(*ou i""2( e.c"aime% the trooper, musing& (0ere, gi$e me "ea$e to fee"your arm abo$e the e"bo& There@@you are not %eficient in bone, "et theb"oo% be as it may&( So saying, he ga$e the spinster a su%%en hir",that effectua""y confuse% a"" her facu"ties, unti" she foun% herse"fsafe"y, if not comfortab"y, seate% on the crupper of ?atons stee%&

(o, ma%am, you ha$e the conso"ation of knoing that you are as e""mounte% as ashington& The nag is sure of foot, an% i"" "eap "ikea panther&(

(?et me get %on,( crie% aty, strugg"ing to re"ease herse"f from hisiron grasp, an% yet afrai% of fa""ing& (This is no ay to put a oman ona horse besi%es, ) cant ri%e ithout a pi""ion&(

(Soft"y, goo% ma%am,( sai% ?aton (for a"though /oanoke ne$er fa""sbefore, he sometimes rises behin%& 0e is far from being accustome% to apair of hee"s beating upon his f"anks "ike a %rum major on a fie"% %ay

a sing"e touch of the spur i"" ser$e him for a fortnight, an% it is byno means ise to be kicking in this manner, for he is a horse that but"itt"e "ikes to be out%one&(

(?et me %on, ) say,( screame% aty () sha"" fa"" an% be ki""e%&Besi%es, ) ha$e nothing to ho"% on ith my arms are fu"" of $a"uab"es&(

(True,( returne% the trooper, obser$ing that he ha% brought bun%"e an%a"" from the groun%& () percei$e that you be"ong to the baggage guar%but my sor% be"t i"" encirc"e your "itt"e aist, as e"" as my on&(

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aty as too much p"ease% ith this comp"iment to make any resistance,hi"e he buck"e% her c"ose to his on hercu"ean frame, an%, %ri$ing aspur into his charger, they f"e from the "an ith a rapi%ity that%efie% further %enia"& 4fter procee%ing for some time, at a rate that agoo% %ea" %iscompose% the spinster, they o$ertook the cart of theasheroman %ri$ing s"o"y o$er the stones, ith a proper consi%erationfor the oun%s of Captain Sing"eton& The occurrences of that e$entfu"night ha% pro%uce% an e.citement in the young so"%ier, that as fo""oe%by the or%inary "assitu%e of reaction an% he "ay carefu""y en$e"ope% inb"ankets, an% supporte% by his man, but "itt"e ab"e to con$erse, though%eep"y broo%ing o$er the past& The %ia"ogue beteen ?aton an% hiscompanion cease% ith the commencement of their motions, but a footpacebeing more fa$orab"e to speech, the trooper began ane3

(Then, you ha$e been an inmate in the same house ith 0ar$ey BirchL(

(For more than nine years,( sai% aty, %raing her breath, an% rejoicinggreat"y that their spee% as abate%&

The %eep tones of the troopers $oice ere no sooner con$eye% to theears of the asheroman, than, turning her hea%, here she sat %irectingthe mo$ements of the mare, she put into the %iscourse at thefirst pause&

(Be"ike, then, goo% oman, yere knoing hether or no hes akin toBee"Keboob,( sai% Betty& ()ts Sargeant 0o""ister hos saying thesame, an% no foo" is the sargeant, anyay&(

()ts a scan%a"ous %isparagement( crie% aty, $ehement"y, (no kin%ersou" than 0ar$ey carries a pack an% for a gon% or a ti%y apron, hei"" ne$er take a kings farthing from a frien%& Bee"Kebub, in%ee%2 Forhat ou"% he rea% the Bib"e, if he ha% %ea"ings ith the e$i" spiritL(

(0es an honest %i$i", anyay as ) as saying before, the guinea aspure& But then the sargeant thinks him amiss, an% its no ant of"arning that Dister 0o""ister has&(

(0es a foo"2( sai% aty tart"y& (0ar$ey might be a man of substance,ere he not so %isregar%fu"& 0o often ha$e ) to"% him, that if he %i%nothing but pe%%"e, an% ou"% put his gains to use, an% get marrie%, sothat things at home cou"% be kept ithin %oors, an% "ea$e off his%ea"ings ith the rig"ars, an% a"" incumberments, that he ou"% soonbecome an e.ce""ent "i$er& Sergeant 0o""ister ou"% be g"a% to ho"% acan%"e to him, in%ee%2(

(Pooh2( sai% Betty, in her phi"osophica" ay (yere no thinking that

Dister 0o""ister is an officer, an% stan%s ne.t the cornet, in thetroop& But this pi%%"er ga$e arning of the brush the night, an% its nosure that Captain Jack ou"% ha$e got the %ay, but for the


(0o say you, Betty,( crie% the trooper, ben%ing forar% on his sa%%"e,(ha% you notice of our %anger from BirchL(

(The $ery same, %ar"ing an% its hurry ) as ti"" the boys as inmotion not but ) kne yere enough for the Coboys any time& But i%

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the %i$i" on your si%e, ) as sure of the %ay& )m on"y on%eringtheres so "itt"e p"un%er, in a business of Bee"Keboobs contri$ing&(

()m ob"ige% to you for the rescue, an% eua""y in%ebte% to the moti$e&(

()s it the p"un%erL But "itt"e %i% ) tink of it ti"" ) sa the mo$ab"eson the groun%, some burnt, an% some broke, an% other some as goo% asne& )t ou"% be con$anient to ha$e one feather be% in thecorps, anyay&(

(By hea$ens, tas time"y succor2 0a% not /oanoke been sifter thantheir bu""ets, ) must ha$e fa""en& The anima" is orth his eightin go"%&(

()ts continenta", you mane, %ar"ing& Goo"% eighs hea$y, an% is nop"enty in the states& )f the nagur ha%nt been staying an% frighting thesargeant ith his copper@co"ore% "ooks, an% a matter of b"arney boutghosts, e shou"% ha$e been in time to ha$e ki""e% a"" the %ogs, an%taken the rest prisoners&(

()t is $ery e"" as it is, Betty,( sai% ?aton& (4 %ay i"" yet come, )trust, hen these miscreants sha"" be rear%e%, if not in ju%gments upontheir persons, at "east in the opinions of their fe""o citiKens& Thetime must arri$e hen 4merica i"" %istinguish beteen a patriot an%a robber&(

(Speak "o,( sai% aty (theres some ho think much of themse"$es, thatha$e %oings ith the Skinners&(

()ts more they are thinking of themse"$es, then, than other peop"ethinks of them,( crie% Betty& (4 tiefs a tief, anyay hether hesta"es for ing George or for Congress&(

() kno% that e$i" ou"% soon happen,( sai% aty& (The sun set to@nightbehin% a b"ack c"ou%, an% the house %og hine%, a"though ) ga$e him hissupper ith my on han%s besi%es, its not a eek sin ) %reame% the%ream about the thousan% "ighte% can%"es, an% the cakes burnt inthe o$en&(

(e"",( sai% Betty, (its but "itt"e ) %rame, anyay& Jist keep an asyconscience an% a p"enty of the stuff in ye, an% ye"" s"eep "ike aninfant& The "ast %rame ) ha% as hen the boys put the thist"e tops inthe b"ankets, an% then ) as thinking that Captain Jacks man ascurrying me %on, for the matter of /oanoke, but its no trif"e ) min%either in skin or stomach&(

()m sure,( sai% aty, ith a stiff erectness that %re ?aton back in

his sa%%"e, (no man sha"" e$er %are to "ay han%s on be% of mine itsun%ecent an% %espisab"e con%uct&(

(Pooh2 pooh2( crie% Betty (if you tag after a troop of horse, a sma""bit of a joke must be borne& hat ou"% become of the states an%"iberty, if the boys ha% ne$er a c"ane shirt, or a %rop to comfort themL4sk Captain Jack, there, if they% fight, Drs& Bee"Keboob, an% they noc"ane "inen to keep the $ictory in&(

()m a sing"e oman, an% my name is 0aynes,( sai% aty, (an% )% thank

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you to use no %isparaging terms hen speaking to me&(

(*ou must to"erate a "itt"e "icense in the tongue of Drs& F"anagan,ma%am,( sai% the trooper& (The %rop she speaks of is often of ane.traor%inary siKe, an% then she has acuire% the free%om of aso"%iers manner&(

(Pooh2 captain, %ar"ing,( crie% Betty, (hy %o you bother the omanLTa"k "ike yeerse"f, %ear, an% its no foo" of a tongue that ye$e got inyeer on hea%& But jist here@aay that sargeant ma%e a ha"t, thinkingthere might be more %i$i"s than one stirring, the night& The c"ou%s areas b"ack as 4rno"%s heart, an% %euce the star is there tink"ing amongthem& e"", the mare is use% to a march after nightfa"", an% is sme""ingout the roa% "ike a pointer s"ut&(

()t ants but "itt"e to the rising moon,( obser$e% the trooper& 0eca""e% a %ragoon, ho as ri%ing in a%$ance, issue% a fe or%ers an%cautions re"ati$e to the comfort an% safety of Sing"eton, an% speaking aconso"ing or% to his frien% himse"f, ga$e /oanoke the spur, an% %ashe%by the car, at a rate that again put to f"ight a"" the phi"osophy of

atharine 0aynes&

(Goo% "uck to ye, for a free ri%er an% a bo"%2( shoute% the asheroman,as he passe%& ()f yere meeting Dister Bee"Keboob, jist back the basteup to him, an% sho him his consort that ye$e got on the crupper& )mthinking its no "ong he% tarry to chat& e"", e"", its his "ife thate sa$e%, he as saying so himse"f@@though the p"un%er is nothingto signify&(

The cries of Betty F"anagan ere too fami"iar to the ears of Captain?aton to e"icit a rep"y& otithstan%ing the unusua" bur%en that/oanoke sustaine%, he got o$er the groun% ith great rapi%ity, an% the%istance beteen the cart of Drs& F"anagan an% the chariot of DissPeyton as passe% in a manner that, hoe$er it ansere% the intentionsof the trooper, in no %egree contribute% to the comfort of hiscompanion& The meeting occurre% but a short %istance from the uartersof ?aton, an% at the same instant the moon broke from a mass of c"ou%s,an% thre its "ight on objects&

Compare% ith the simp"e e"egance an% substantia" comfort of the?ocusts, the (0ote" F"anagan( presente% but a %reary spectac"e& )n thep"ace of carpete% f"oors an% curtaine% in%os, ere the yaning cracksof a ru%e"y@constructe% %e""ing, an% boar%s an% paper ere ingenious"yapp"ie% to supp"y the p"ace of the green g"ass in more than ha"f the"ights& The care of ?aton ha% anticipate% e$ery impro$ement that theirsituation ou"% a""o, an% b"aKing fires ere ma%e before the partyarri$e%& The %ragoons, ho ha% been charge% ith this %uty, ha% con$eye%

a fe necessary artic"es of furniture, an% Diss Peyton an% hercompanions, on a"ighting, foun% something "ike habitab"e apartmentsprepare% for their reception& The min% of Sarah ha% continue% to an%er%uring the ri%e, an%, ith the ingenuity of the insane, she accommo%ate%e$ery circumstance to the fee"ings that ere uppermost in her on bosom&

()t is impossib"e to minister to a min% that has sustaine% such a b"o,(sai% ?aton to )sabe""a Sing"eton& (Time an% Go%s mercy can a"one cureit, but something more may be %one toar%s the bo%i"y comfort of a""&*ou are a so"%iers %aughter, an% use% to scenes "ike this he"p me to

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e.c"u%e some of the co"% air from these in%os&(

Diss Sing"eton acce%e% to his reuest, an% hi"e ?aton as en%ea$oring,from ithout, to reme%y the %efect of broken panes, )sabe""a asarranging a substitute for a curtain ithin&

() hear the cart,( sai% the trooper, in rep"y to one of herinterrogatories& (Betty is ten%er@hearte% in the main be"ie$e me, poorGeorge i"" not on"y be safe, but comfortab"e&(

(Go% b"ess her, for her care, an% b"ess you a"",( sai% )sabe""a,fer$ent"y& ('r& Sitgrea$es has gone %on the roa% to meet him, ) kno&hat is that g"ittering in the moonL(

'irect"y opposite the in%o here they stoo%, ere the outbui"%ings ofthe farm, an% the uick eye of ?aton caught at a g"ance the object tohich she a""u%e%&

(Tis the g"are of firearms,( sai% the trooper, springing from thein%o toar%s his charger, hich yet remaine% caparisone% at the %oor&

0is mo$ement as uick as thought, but a f"ash of fire as fo""oe% bythe hist"ing of a bu""et, before he ha% procee%e% a step& 4 "ou% shriekburst from the %e""ing, an% the captain sprang into his sa%%"e theho"e as the business of but a moment&

(Dount@@mount, an% fo""o2( shoute% the trooper an% before hisastonishe% men cou"% un%erstan% the cause of a"arm, /oanoke ha% carrie%him in safety o$er the fence hich "ay beteen him an% his foe& Thechase as for "ife or %eath, but the %istance to the rocks as again tooshort, an% the %isappointe% trooper sa his inten%e% $ictim $anish intheir c"efts, here he cou"% not fo""o&

(By the "ife of ashington,( muttere% ?aton, as he sheathe% his saber,() ou"% ha$e ma%e to ha"$es of him, ha% he not been so nimb"e on thefoot@@but a time i"" come2( So saying, he returne% to his uarters,ith the in%ifference of a man ho kne his "ife as at any moment to beoffere% a sacrifice to his country& 4n e.traor%inary tumu"t in the housein%uce% him to uicken his spee%, an% on arri$ing at the %oor, thepanic@stricken aty informe% him that the bu""et aime% at his on "ifeha% taken effect in the bosom of Diss Sing"eton&

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  0ushe% ere his Gertru%es "ips but sti"" their b"an%  4n% beautifu" e.pression seeme% to me"t  ith "o$e that cou"% not %ie2 an% sti"" his han%  She presses to the heart no more that fe"t&  @@Gertru%e of yoming&

The brief arrangements of the %ragoons ha% prepare% to apartments forthe reception of the "a%ies, the one being inten%e% as a s"eeping room,an% situate% ithin the other& )nto the "atter )sabe""a as imme%iate"ycon$eye%, at her on reuest, an% p"ace% on a ru%e be% by the si%e of

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the unconscious Sarah& hen Diss Peyton an% Frances f"e to herassistance, they foun% her ith a smi"e on her pa""i% "ip, an% acomposure in her countenance, that in%uce% them to think her uninjure%&

(Go% be praise%2( e.c"aime% the tremb"ing aunt& (The report of firearms,an% your fa"", ha% "e% me into error& Sure"y, sure"y, there as enoughhorror before but this has been spare% us&(

)sabe""a presse% her han% upon her bosom, sti"" smi"ing, but ith aghast"iness that cur%"e% the b"oo% of Frances&

()s George far %istantL( she aske%& (?et him kno@@hasten him, that )may see my brother once again&(

()t is as ) apprehen%e%2( shrieke% Diss Peyton& (But you smi"e@@sure"yyou are not hurt2(

(Muite e""@@uite happy,( murmure% )sabe""a (here is a reme%y fore$ery pain&(

Sarah arose from the rec"ining posture she ha% taken, an% gaKe% i"%"yat her companion& She stretche% forth her on han%, an% raise% that of)sabe""a from her bosom& )t as %ye% in b"oo%&

(See,( sai% Sarah, (but i"" it not ash aay "o$eL Darry, young oman,an% then no one can" him from your heart, un"ess,(@@she a%%e%,hispering, an% ben%ing o$er the other,@@(you fin% another there beforeyou then %ie, an% go to hea$en@@there are no i$es in hea$en&(

The "o$e"y maniac hi% her face un%er the c"othes, an% continue% si"ent%uring the remain%er of the night& 4t this moment ?aton entere%& )nure%as he as to %anger in a"" its forms, an% accustome% to the horrors of apartisan ar, the trooper cou"% not beho"% the ruin before him unmo$e%&0e bent o$er the fragi"e form of )sabe""a, an% his g"oomy eye betraye%the orkings of his sou"&

()sabe""a,( he at "ength uttere%, () kno you to possess a couragebeyon% the strength of omen&(

(Speak,( she sai%, earnest"y (if you ha$e anything to say, speakfear"ess"y&(

The trooper a$erte% his face as he rep"ie%, (one e$er recei$e a ba""there, an% sur$i$e&(

() ha$e no %rea% of %eath, ?aton,( returne% )sabe""a& () thank you fornot %oubting me ) fe"t it from the first&(

(These are not scenes for a form "ike yours,( a%%e% the trooper& (Tisenough that Britain ca""s our youth to the fie"% but hen such"o$e"iness becomes the $ictim of ar, ) sicken of my tra%e&(

(0ear me, Captain ?aton,( sai% )sabe""a, raising herse"f ith%ifficu"ty, but rejecting ai%& (From ear"y omanhoo% to the present hourha$e ) been an inmate of camps an% garrisons& ) ha$e "i$e% to cheer the"eisure of an age% father, an% think you ) ou"% change those %ays of%anger an% pri$ation for any easeL o2 ) ha$e the conso"ation of

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(o2( interrupte% )sabe""a (you ha$e one in%ucement to ish for "ife,that p"ea%s strong"y in a omans breast& )t is a %e"usion that nothingbut %eath can %estroy@@( E.haustion compe""e% her to pause, an% herau%itors continue% in breath"ess suspense, unti", reco$ering herstrength, she "ai% her han% on that of Frances, an% continue% moremi"%"y, (Diss harton, if there breathes a spirit congenia" to'unoo%ies, an% orthy of his "o$e, it is your on&(

4 f"ush of fire passe% o$er the face of the "istener, an% she raise% hereyes, f"ashing ith an ungo$ernab"e "ook of %e"ight, to the countenanceof )sabe""a but the ruin she behe"% reca""e% better fee"ings, an% againher hea% %roppe% upon the co$ering of the be%& )sabe""a atche% heremotion ith a "ook that partook both of pity an% a%miration&

(Such ha$e been the fee"ings that ) ha$e escape%,( she continue%& (*es,Diss harton, 'unoo%ie is ho""y yours&(

(Be just to yourse"f, my sister,( e.c"aime% the youth ("et no romanticgenerosity cause you to forget your on character&(

She hear% him, an% fi.e% a gaKe of ten%er interest on his face, buts"o"y shook her hea% as she rep"ie%,@@

()t is not romance, but truth, that bi%s me speak& =h2 ho much ha$e )"i$e% ithin an hour2 Diss harton, ) as born un%er a burning sun, an%my fee"ings seem to ha$e imbibe% its armth ) ha$e e.iste% forpassion on"y&(

(Say not so@@say not so, ) imp"ore you,( crie% the agitate% brother&(Think ho %e$ote% has been your "o$e to our age% father ho%isintereste%, ho ten%er, your affection to me2(

(*es,( sai% )sabe""a, a smi"e of mi"% p"easure beaming on hercountenance, (that, at "east, is a ref"ection hich may be taken tothe gra$e&(

either Frances nor her brother interrupte% her me%itations, hichcontinue% for se$era" minutes hen, su%%en"y reco""ecting herse"f, shecontinue%,@@

() remain se"fish e$en to the "ast ith me, Diss harton, 4merica an%her "iberties ere my ear"iest passion, an%@@( 4gain she pause%, an%Frances thought it as the strugg"e of %eath that fo""oe% butre$i$ing, she procee%e%, (hy shou"% ) hesitate, on the brink of thegra$e2 'unoo%ie as my ne.t an% my "ast& But,( burying her face in herhan%s, (it as a "o$e that as unsought&(

()sabe""a2( e.c"aime% her brother, springing from the be%, an% pacingthe f"oor in %isor%er&

(See ho %epen%ent e become un%er the %ominion of or"%"y pri%e it ispainfu" to George to "earn that one he "o$es ha% not fee"ings superiorto her nature an% e%ucation&(

(Say no more,( hispere% Frances (you %istress us both@@say no more, )entreat you&(

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()n justice to 'unoo%ie ) must speak an% for the same reason, mybrother, you must "isten& By no act or or% has 'unoo%ie e$er in%uce%me to be"ie$e he ishe% me more than a frien% nay, "atter"y, ) ha$e ha%the burning shame of thinking that he a$oi%e% my presence&(

(ou"% he %areL( sai% Sing"eton, fierce"y&

(Peace, my brother, an% "isten,( continue% )sabe""a, rousing herse"fith an effort that as fina"& (0ere is the innocent, the justifiab"ecause& e are both mother"ess but that aunt@@that mi"%, p"ain@hearte%,obser$ing aunt, has gi$en you the $ictory& =h2 ho much she "oses, ho"oses a fema"e guar%ian to her youth& ) ha$e e.hibite% those fee"ingshich you ha$e been taught to repress& 4fter this, can ) ish to "i$eL(

()sabe""a2 my poor )sabe""a2 you an%er in your min%&(

(But one or% more@@for ) fee" that b"oo%, hich e$er f"oe% toosift"y, rushing here nature ne$er inten%e% it to go& oman must besought to be priKe% her "ife is one of concea"e% emotions b"esse% arethey hose ear"y impressions make the task free from hypocrisy, for such

on"y can be happy ith men "ike@@"ike 'unoo%ie&( 0er $oice fai"e%, an%she sank back on her pi""o in si"ence& The cry of Sing"eton brought therest of the party to her be%si%e but %eath as a"rea%y upon hercountenance her remaining strength just suffice% to reach the han% ofGeorge, an% pressing it to her bosom for a moment, she re"inuishe% hergrasp, an%, ith a s"ight con$u"sion, e.pire%&

Frances harton ha% thought that fate ha% %one its orst, in en%angeringthe "ife of her brother, an% %estroying the reason of her sister butthe re"ief con$eye% by the %ying %ec"aration of )sabe""a taught her thatanother sorro ha% ai%e% in "oa%ing her heart ith grief& She sa theho"e truth at a g"ance nor as the man"y %e"icacy of 'unoo%ie "ostupon her@@e$erything ten%e% to raise him in her estimation an%, formourning that %uty an% pri%e ha% in%uce% her to stri$e to think "ess ofhim, she as compe""e% to substitute regret that her on act ha% %ri$enhim from her in sorro, if not in %esperation& )t is not in the natureof youth, hoe$er, to %espair an% Frances no kne a secret joy thatga$e a ne spring to her e.istence&

The sun broke forth, on the morning that succee%e% this night of%eso"ation, in unc"ou%e% "uster, an% seeme% to mock the petty sorros ofthose ho recei$e% his rays& ?aton ha% ear"y or%ere% his stee%, an% asrea%y to mount as the first burst of "ight broke o$er the hi""s& 0isor%ers ere a"rea%y gi$en, an% the trooper thre his "eg across thesa%%"e, in si"ence an%, casting a g"ance of fierce chagrin at thenarro space that ha% fa$ore% the f"ight of the Skinner, he ga$e /oanokethe rein, an% mo$e% s"o"y toar%s the $a""ey&

The sti""ness of %eath per$a%e% the roa%, nor as there a sing"e $estigeof the scenes of the night, to tarnish the "o$e"iness of a g"oriousmorn& Struck ith the contrast beteen man an% nature, the fear"esstrooper ro%e by each pass of %anger, regar%"ess of hat might happennor %i% he rouse himse"f from his musing, unti" the nob"e charger,snuffing the morning air, greete% the stee%s of the guar% un%er Sergeant0o""ister&

0ere, in%ee%, as to be seen sa% e$i%ence of the mi%night fray, but the

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at any time, a terror to a troop of horse&(

The c"ergyman ha% co""ecte% enough of his %isturbe% facu"ties, to%isco$er that it as a face he kne, an% somehat %isconcerte% at theterror he ha% manifeste%, an% the in%ecent attitu%e in hich he ha% beenfoun%, he en%ea$ore% to rise an% offer some e.p"anation& ?aton recei$e%his apo"ogies goo%@humore%"y, if not ith much faith in their truthan%, after a short communication upon the state of the $a""ey, thetrooper courteous"y a"ighte%, an% they procee%e% toar%s the guar%&

() am so "itt"e acuainte%, sir, ith the rebe" uniform, that ) rea""yas unab"e to %istinguish, hether those men, hom you say are your on,%i% or %i% not be"ong to the gang of marau%ers&(

(4po"ogy, sir, is unnecessary,( rep"ie% the trooper, cur"ing his "ip&()t is not your task, as a minister of Go%, to take note of the facingsof a coat& The stan%ar% un%er hich you ser$e is ackno"e%ge% byus a""&(

() ser$e un%er the stan%ar% of his gracious Dajesty, George ))),(

returne% the priest, iping the co"% seat from his bro& (But rea""ythe i%ea of being sca"pe% has a strong ten%ency to unman a ne@beginner,"ike myse"f&(

(Sca"pe%2( echoe% ?aton, stopping short in his a"k& Then reco""ectinghimse"f, he a%%e%, ith composure, ()f it is to 'unoo%ies sua%ron of-irginia "ight %ragoons that you a""u%e, it may be e"" to inform youthat they genera""y take a bit of the sku"" ith the skin&(

(=h2 ) can ha$e no apprehensions of gent"emen of your appearance,( sai%the %i$ine, ith a smirk& ()t is the nati$es that ) apprehen%&(

(ati$es2 ) ha$e the honor to be one, ) assure you, sir&(

(ay, ) beg that ) may be un%erstoo%@@) mean the )n%ians they ho %onothing but rob, an% mur%er, an% %estroy&(

(4n% sca"p2(

(*es, sir, an% sca"p too,( continue% the c"ergyman, eying his companiona "itt"e suspicious"y (the copper@co"ore%, sa$age )n%ians&(

(4n% %i% you e.pect to meet those nose@jee"e% gentry in the neutra"groun%L(

(Certain"y e un%erstan% in Eng"an% that the interior sarms iththem&(

(4n% ca"" you this the interior of 4mericaL( crie% ?aton, againha"ting, an% staring the other in the face, ith a surprise toonatura""y e.presse% to be counterfeite%&

(Sure"y, sir, ) concei$e myse"f to be in the interior&(

(4tten%,( sai% ?aton, pointing toar%s the east& (See you not thatbroa% sheet of ater hich the eye cannot compassL Thither "ies theEng"an% you %eem orthy to ho"% %ominion o$er ha"f the or"%& See you

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the "an% of your nati$ityL(

(Tis impossib"e to beho"% objects at a %istance of three thousan%mi"es2( e.c"aime% the on%ering priest, a "itt"e suspicious of hiscompanions sanity&

(o2 hat a pity it is that the poers of man are not eua" to hisambition& o turn your eyes estar% obser$e that $ast e.panse ofater hich ro""s beteen the shores of 4merica an% China&(

() see nothing but "an%,( sai% the tremb"ing priest (there is no aterto be seen&(

(Tis impossib"e to beho"% objects at a %istance of three thousan%mi"es2( repeate% ?aton, pursuing his a"k& ()f you apprehen% thesa$ages, seek them in the ranks of your prince& /um an% go"% ha$epreser$e% their "oya"ty&(

(othing is more probab"e than my being %ecei$e%,( sai% the man ofpeace, casting furti$e g"ances at the co"ossa" stature an% hiskere%

front of his companion (but the rumors e ha$e at home, an% theuncertainty of meeting ith such an enemy as yourse"f, in%uce% me to f"yat your approach&(

(Tas not ju%icious"y %etermine%,( sai% the trooper, (as /oanoke hasthe hee"s of you great"y an% f"ying from Scy""a, you ere "iab"e toencounter Charyb%is& Those oo%s an% rocks co$er the $ery enemiesyou %rea%&(

(The sa$ages2( e.c"aime% the %i$ine, instincti$e"y p"acing the trooperin the rear&

(Dore than sa$ages men ho, un%er the guise of patriotism, pro"through the community, ith a thirst for p"un%er that is unsatiab"e, an%a "o$e of crue"ty that mocks the ingenuity of the )n%ian@@fe""os hosemouths are fi""e% ith "iberty an% eua"ity, an% hose hearts areo$erf"oing ith cupi%ity an% ga""@@gent"emen that are yc"epe% theSkinners&(

() ha$e hear% them mentione% in our army,( sai% the frightene% %i$ine,(an% ha% thought them to be the aborigines&(

(*ou %i% the sa$ages injustice&(

They no approache% the spot occupie% by 0o""ister, ho itnesse% ithsurprise the character of the prisoner ma%e by his captain& ?aton ga$ehis or%ers, an% the men imme%iate"y commence% securing an% remo$ing such

artic"es of furniture as ere thought orthy of the troub"e an% thecaptain, ith his re$eren% associate, ho as mounte% on a mett"e%horse, returne% to the uarters of the troop&

)t as the ish of Sing"eton that the remains of his sister shou"% becon$eye% to the post comman%e% by his father, an% preparations ereear"y ma%e to this effect& The oun%e% British ere p"ace% un%er thecontro" of the chap"ain an% toar%s the mi%%"e of the %ay ?aton saa"" the arrangements so far comp"ete%, as to ren%er it probab"e that ina fe hours he ou"% be "eft ith his sma"" party, in un%isturbe%

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possession of the Corners&

hi"e "eaning in the %ooray, gaKing in moo%y si"ence at the groun%hich ha% been the scene of the "ast nights chase, his ear caught thesoun% of a horse, an% the ne.t moment a %ragoon of his on troopappeare% %ashing up the roa%, as if on business of the "ast importance&The stee% as foaming, an% the ri%er ha% the appearance of ha$ing %one a%ays ser$ice& ithout speaking, he p"ace% a "etter in the han% of?aton, an% "e% his charger to the stab"e& The trooper kne the han% ofthe major, an% ran his eye o$er the fo""oing3@@

() rejoice it is the or%er of ashington, that the fami"y of the ?ocustsare to be remo$e% abo$e the 0igh"an%s& They are to be a%mitte% to thesociety of Captain harton, ho aits on"y for their testimony to betrie%& *ou i"" communicate this or%er, an% ith proper %e"icacy ) %onot %oubt& The Eng"ish are mo$ing up the ri$er an% the moment you seethe hartons in safety, break up an% join your troop& There i"" be goo%ser$ice to be %one hen e meet, as Sir 0enry is reporte% to ha$e sentout a rea" so"%ier in comman%& /eports must be ma%e to the comman%ant atPeekski"", for Co"one" Sing"eton is ith%ran to hea%uarters, to

presi%e o$er the inuiry upon poor harton& Fresh or%ers ha$e been sentto hang the pe%%"er if e can take him, but they are not from thecomman%er in chief& 'etai" a sma"" guar% ith the "a%ies, an% get intothe sa%%"e as soon as possib"e&(

*ours sincere"y,(PE*T= 'A==')E&(

This communication entire"y change% the ho"e arrangement& There as no"onger any moti$e for remo$ing the bo%y of )sabe""a, since her fatheras no "onger ith his comman%, an% Sing"eton re"uctant"y acuiesce% inan imme%iate interment& 4 retire% an% "o$e"y spot as se"ecte%, near thefoot of the a%jacent rocks, an% such ru%e preparations ere ma%e as thetime an% the situation of the country permitte%& 4 fe of theneighboring inhabitants co""ecte% from curiosity an% interest, an% DissPeyton an% Frances ept in sincerity o$er her gra$e& The so"emn officesof the church ere performe% by the minister, ho ha% so "ate"y stoo%forth to officiate in another an% $ery %ifferent %uty an% ?aton benthis hea%, an% passe% his han% across his bro, hi"e the or%s thataccompanie% the first c"o% ere uttere%&

4 ne stimu"us as gi$en to the hartons by the inte""igence con$eye% inthe "etter of 'unoo%ie an% Caesar, ith his horses, as once more putin reuisition& The re"ics of the property ere intruste% to a neighbor,in hom they ha% confi%ence an%, accompanie% by the unconscious Sarah,an% atten%e% by four %ragoons an% a"" of the 4merican oun%e%, Dr&hartons party took their %eparture& They ere spee%i"y fo""oe% by the

Eng"ish chap"ain, ith his countrymen, ho ere con$eye% to theatersi%e, here a $esse" as in aiting to recei$e them& ?atonjoyfu""y itnesse% these mo$ements an% as soon as the "atter ere outof sight, he or%ere% his on bug"e to soun%& E$erything as instant"y inmotion& The mare of Drs& F"anagan as again fastene% to the cart 'r&Sitgrea$es e.hibite% his shape"ess form once more on horseback an% thetrooper appeare% in the sa%%"e, rejoicing in his emancipation&

The or% to march as gi$en an% ?aton, throing a "ook of su""enferocity at the p"ace of the Skinners concea"ment, an% another of

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me"ancho"y regret toar%s the gra$e of )sabe""a, "e% the ay,accompanie% by the surgeon in a bron stu%y hi"e Sergeant 0o""isteran% Betty brought up the rear, "ea$ing a fresh souther"y in% to hist"ethrough the open %oors an% broken in%os of the (0ote" F"anagan,( herethe "augh of hi"arity, the joke of the har%y partisan, an% the"amentations of the sorroing, ha% so "ate"y echoe%&


  o $erna" b"ooms their torpi% rocks array,  But inter, "ingering, chi""s the "ap of Day  o Kephyr fon%"y sues the mountains breast,  But meteors g"are, an% stormy g"ooms in$est&  @@G=?'SD)T0&

The roa%s of estchester are, at this hour, be"o the impro$ements of

the country& Their con%ition at the time of the ta"e has a"rea%y beena""u%e% to in these pages an% the rea%er i"", therefore, easi"yimagine the task assume% by Caesar, hen he un%ertook to gui%e thetrans"ate% chariot of the Eng"ish pre"ate through their in%ings, intoone of the "ess freuente% passes of the 0igh"an%s of the 0u%son&

hi"e Caesar an% his stee%s ere conten%ing ith these %ifficu"ties, theinmates of the carriage ere too much engrosse% ith their on cares toatten% to those ho ser$e% them& The min% of Sarah ha% cease% to an%erso i"%"y as at first but at e$ery a%$ance that she ma%e toar%sreason, she seeme% to retire a step from animation from being e.cite%an% f"ighty, she as gra%ua""y becoming moo%y an% me"ancho"y& There eremoments, in%ee%, hen her an.ious companions thought that they cou"%%iscern marks of reco""ection but the e.pression of e.uisite oe thataccompanie% these transient g"eams of reason, force% them to the%rea%fu" a"ternati$e of ishing that she might fore$er be spare% theagony of thought& The %ays march as performe% chief"y in si"ence, an%the party foun% she"ter for the night in %ifferent farmhouses&

The fo""oing morning the ca$a"ca%e %isperse%& The oun%e% %i$erge%toar%s the ri$er, ith the intention of taking ater at Peekski"", inor%er to be transporte% to the hospita"s of the 4merican army abo$e& The"itter of Sing"eton as con$eye% to a part of the 0igh"an%s here hisfather he"% his uarters, an% here it as inten%e% that the youthshou"% comp"ete his cure the carriage of Dr& harton, accompanie% by aagon con$eying the housekeeper an% hat baggage ha% been sa$e%, an%cou"% be transporte%, resume% its route toar%s the p"ace here 0enry

harton as he"% in %uress, an% here he on"y aite% their arri$a" to beput on tria" for his "ife&

The country hich "ies beteen the aters of the 0u%son an% ?ong )s"an%Soun%, is, for the first forty mi"es from their junction, a successionof hi""s an% %a"es& The "an% bor%ering on the "atter then becomes "essabrupt, an% gra%ua""y assumes a mi"%er appearance, unti" it fina""yme"ts into the "o$e"y p"ains an% mea%os of the Connecticut& But as youapproach the 0u%son, the rugge% aspect increases, unti" you at "engthmeet ith the formi%ab"e barrier of the 0igh"an%s& 0ere the neutra"

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then again, that he meant the co"onies shou"% pay o$er to him a"" theirearnings& o this is matter enough to fight about@@for )m sure that noone, hoe$er he may be "or% or king, has a right to the har% earnings ofanother& Then it as a"" contra%icte%, an% some sai% ashington ante%to be king himse"f so that, beteen the to, one %oesnt kno hichto be"ie$e&(

(Be"ie$e neither@@for neither is true& ) %o not preten% to un%erstan%,myse"f, a"" the merits of this ar, aty but to me it seems unnatura",that a country "ike this shou"% be ru"e% by another so %istantas Eng"an%&(

(So ) ha$e hear% 0ar$ey say to his father, that is %ea% an% in hisgra$e,( returne% aty, approaching nearer to the young "a%y, an%"oering her $oice& (Dany is the goo% time that )$e "istene% to themta"king, hen a"" the neighborhoo% as as"eep an% such con$ersations,Diss Fanny, that you can ha$e no i%ea on2 e"", to say the truth, 0ar$eyas a mystifie% bo%y, an% he as "ike the in%s in the goo% book noone cou"% te"" hence he came, or hither he ent&(

Frances g"ance% her eye at her companion ith an apparent %esire to hearmore&

(There are rumors abroa% re"ati$e to the character of 0ar$ey,( she sai%,(that ) shou"% be sorry ere true&(

(Tis a %isparagement, e$ery or% ont,( crie% aty, $ehement"y& (0ar$eyha% no more %ea"ings ith Bee"Kebub than you or ) ha%& )m sure if0ar$ey ha% so"% himse"f, he ou"% take care to be better pai% though,to speak the truth, he as a"ays a astefu" an% %isregar%fu" man&(

(ay, nay,( returne% the smi"ing Frances, () ha$e no such injurioussuspicion of him but has he not so"% himse"f to an earth"y prince@@onetoo much attache% to the interests of his nati$e is"an% to be a"aysjust to this countryL(

(To the kings majesty2( rep"ie% aty& (hy, Diss Fanny, your onbrother thats in jai" ser$es ing George&(

(True,( sai% Frances, (but not in secret@@open"y, manfu""y, an%bra$e"y&(

(Tis sai% he is a spy, an% hy aint one spy as ba% as anotherL(

(Tis untrue no act of %eception is orthy of my brother nor of anyou"% he be gui"ty, for so base a purpose as gain or promotion&(

(e"", )m sure,( sai% aty, a "itt"e appa""e% at the manner of theyoung "a%y, (if a bo%y %oes the ork, he shou"% be pai% for it& 0ar$eyis by no means partic"ar about getting his "afu" %ues an% ) %arst tosay, if the truth as forthcoming, ing George oes him money this$ery minute&(

(Then you ackno"e%ge his connection ith the British army,( sai%Frances& () confess there ha$e been moments hen ) ha$e thought%ifferent"y&(

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(?or%, Diss Fanny, 0ar$ey is a man that no ca"cu"ation can be ma%e on&Though ) "i$e% in his house for a "ong concourse of years, ) ha$e ne$erknon hether he be"onge% abo$e or be"o 8Footnote3 The 4merican partyas ca""e% the party be"onging abo$e, an% the British that of be"o&The terms ha% reference to the course of the 0u%son&<& The time thatBurgyne as taken he came home, an% there as great %oings beteen himan% the o"% gent"eman, but for my "ife ) cou"%nt te"" if tas joy orgrief& Then, here, the other %ay, hen the great British genera"@@)msure ) ha$e been so f"urrie% ith "osses an% troub"es, that ) forgethis name@@(

(4n%re,( sai% Frances&

(*es, =n%ree hen he as hange%, acrost the Tappan, the o"% gent"emanas near han% to going craKy about it, an% %i%nt s"eep for night nor%ay, ti"" 0ar$ey got back an% then his money as most"y go"%en guineasbut the Skinners took it a"", an% no he is a beggar, or, hats thesame thing, %espisab"e for po$erty an% ant&(

To this speech Frances ma%e no rep"y, but continue% her a"k up the

hi"", %eep"y engage% in her on ref"ections& The a""usion to 4n%re ha%reca""e% her thoughts to the situation of her on brother&

They soon reache% the highest point in their toi"some progress to thesummit, an% Frances seate% herse"f on a rock to rest an% to a%mire&)mme%iate"y at her feet "ay a %eep %e"", but "itt"e a"tere% bycu"ti$ation, an% %ark ith the g"oom of a o$ember sunset& 4nother hi""rose opposite to the p"ace here she sat, at no great %istance, a"onghose rugge% si%es nothing as to be seen but shape"ess rocks, an% oakshose stunte% groth shoe% a meager soi"&

To be seen in their perfection, the 0igh"an%s must be passe% imme%iate"yafter the fa"" of the "eaf& The scene is then the finest, for neitherthe scanty fo"iage hich the summer "en%s the trees, nor the snos ofinter, are present to concea" the minutest objects from the eye&Chi""ing so"itu%e is the characteristic of the scenery nor is the min%at "iberty, as in Darch, to "ook forar% to a renee% $egetation that issoon to check, ithout impro$ing, the $ie&

The %ay ha% been c"ou%y an% coo", an% thin f"eecy c"ou%s hung aroun% thehoriKon, often promising to %isperse, but as freuent"y %isappointingFrances in the hope of catching a parting beam from the setting sun& 4t"ength a so"itary g"eam struck on the base of the mountain on hich sheas gaKing, an% mo$e% gracefu""y up its si%e, unti" reaching the summit,it stoo% for a minute, forming a cron of g"ory to the somber pi"e& Sostrong ere the rays, that hat as before in%istinct no c"ear"y opene%to the $ie& ith a fee"ing of ae at being thus une.pecte%"y a%mitte%,

as it ere, into the secrets of that %esert p"ace, Frances gaKe%intent"y, unti", among the scattere% trees an% fantastic rocks,something "ike a ru%e structure as seen& )t as "o, an% so obscure% bythe co"or of its materia"s, that but for its roof, an% the g"ittering ofa in%o, it must ha$e escape% her notice& hi"e yet "ost in theastonishment create% by %isco$ering a habitation in such a spot, onmo$ing her eyes she percei$e% another object that increase% her on%er&)t apparent"y as a human figure, but of singu"ar mo"% an% unusua"%eformity& )t stoo% on the e%ge of a rock, a "itt"e abo$e the hut, an%it as no %ifficu"t task for our heroine to fancy it as gaKing at the

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$ehic"es that ere ascen%ing the si%e of the mountain beneath her& The%istance, hoe$er, as too great to %istinguish ith precision& 4fter"ooking at it a moment in breath"ess on%er, Frances ha% just come tothe conc"usion that it as i%ea", an% that hat she sa as a part ofthe rock itse"f, hen the object mo$e% sift"y from its position, an%g"i%e% into the hut, at once remo$ing e$ery %oubt as to the nature ofeither& hether it as oing to the recent con$ersation that she ha%been ho"%ing ith aty, or to some fancie% resemb"ance that she%iscerne%, Frances thought, as the figure $anishe% from her $ie, thatit bore a marke% "ikeness to Birch, mo$ing un%er the eight of his pack&She continue% to gaKe toar%s the mysterious resi%ence, hen the g"eamof "ight passe% aay, an% at the same instant the tones of a bug"e rangthrough the g"ens an% ho""os, an% ere reechoe% in e$ery %irection&Springing on her feet, the a"arme% gir" hear% the tramp"ing of horses,an% %irect"y a party in the e""@knon uniform of the -irginians cameseeping roun% the point of a rock near her, an% %re up at a short%istance& 4gain the bug"e soun%e% a "i$e"y strain, an% before theagitate% Frances ha% time to ra""y her thoughts, 'unoo%ie %ashe% by theparty of %ragoons, thre himse"f from his charger, an% a%$ance% toher si%e&

0is manner as earnest an% intereste%, but in a s"ight %egreeconstraine%& )n a fe or%s he e.p"aine% that he ha% been or%ere% up,ith a party of ?atons men, in the absence of the captain himse"f, toatten% the tria" of 0enry, hich as fi.e% for the morro an% that,an.ious for their safety in the ru%e passes of the mountain, he ha%ri%%en a mi"e or to in uest of the tra$e"ers& Frances e.p"aine%, ithtremb"ing $oice, the reason of her being in a%$ance, an% taught himmomentari"y to e.pect the arri$a" of her father& The constraint of hismanner ha%, hoe$er, uni""ing"y on her part, communicate% itse"f to heron %eportment, an% the approach of the chariot as a re"ief to both&The major han%e% her in, spoke a fe or%s of encouragement to Dr&harton an% Diss Peyton, an%, again mounting, "e% the ay toar%s thep"ains of Fishki"", hich broke on their sight, on turning the rock, iththe effect of enchantment& 4 short ha"f hour brought them to the %oor ofthe farmhouse hich the care of 'unoo%ie ha% a"rea%y prepare% for theirreception, an% here Captain harton as an.ious"y e.pectingtheir arri$a"&

C04PTE/ NN-)

  These "imbs are strengthene% ith a so"%iers toi",  or has this cheek been e$er b"anche% ith fear@@

  But this sa% ta"e of thine ener$ates a""  ithin me that ) once cou"% boast as man  Chi"" tremb"ing agues seiKe upon my frame,  4n% tears of chi"%ish sorro pour, apace,  Through scarre% channe"s that ere marke% by oun%s&  @@'uo&

The frien%s of 0enry harton ha% p"ace% so much re"iance on hisinnocence, that they ere unab"e to see the fu"" %anger of hissituation& 4s the moment of tria", hoe$er, approache%, the uneasiness

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of the youth himse"f increase% an% after spen%ing most of the nightith his aff"icte% fami"y, he aoke, on the fo""oing morning, from ashort an% %isturbe% s"umber, to a c"earer sense of his con%ition, an% asur$ey of the means that ere to e.tricate him from it ith "ife& Therank of 4n%re, an% the importance of the measures he as p"otting,together ith the poerfu" intercessions that ha% been ma%e in hisbeha"f, occasione% his e.ecution to be stampe% ith greater notorietythan the or%inary e$ents of the ar& But spies ere freuent"y arreste%an% the instances that occurre% of summary punishment for this crimeere numerous& These ere facts that ere e"" knon to both 'unoo%iean% the prisoner an% to their e.perience% ju%gments the preparationsfor the tria" ere in%ee% a"arming& otithstan%ing their apprehensions,they succee%e% so far in concea"ing them, that neither Diss Peyton norFrances as aare of their e.tent& 4 strong guar% as statione% in theoutbui"%ing of the farmhouse here the prisoner as uartere%, an%se$era" sentine"s atche% the a$enues that approache% the %e""ing&4nother as constant"y near the room of the British officer& 4 court asa"rea%y %etai"e% to e.amine into the circumstances an% upon their%ecision the fate of 0enry reste%&

The moment at "ength arri$e%, an% the %ifferent actors in theapproaching in$estigation assemb"e%& Frances e.perience% a fee"ing "ikesuffocation, as, after taking her seat in the mi%st of her fami"y, hereyes an%ere% o$er the group ho ere thus co""ecte%& The ju%ges, threein number, sat by themse"$es, c"a% in the $estments of their profession,an% maintaine% a gra$ity orthy of the occasion, an% becoming in theirrank& )n the center as a man of a%$ance% years, an% hose ho"ee.terior bore the stamp of ear"y an% "ong@trie% mi"itary habits& Thisas the presi%ent of the court an% Frances, after taking a hasty an%unsatisfactory $ie of his associates, turne% to his bene$o"entcountenance as to the harbinger of mercy to her brother& There as ame"ting an% sub%ue% e.pression in the features of the $eteran, that,contraste% ith the rigi% %ecency an% composure of the others, cou"%not fai" to attract her notice& 0is attire as strict"y in conformity tothe prescribe% ru"es of the ser$ice to hich he be"onge% but hi"e hisair as erect an% mi"itary, his fingers trif"e% ith a kin% ofcon$u"si$e an% unconscious motion, ith a bit of crape that entine% thehi"t of the sor% on hich his bo%y part"y rec"ine%, an% hich, "ikehimse"f, seeme% a re"ic of o"%er times& There ere the orkings of anunuiet sou" ithin but his mi"itary front b"en%e% ae ith the pitythat its e.hibition e.cite%& 0is associates ere officers se"ecte% fromthe eastern troops, ho he"% the fortresses of est Point an% thea%jacent passes they ere men ho ha% attaine% the meri%ian of "ife,an% the eye sought in $ain the e.pression of any passion or emotion onhich it might seiKe as an in%ication of human infirmity& )n their%emeanor there as a mi"%, but a gra$e, inte""ectua" reser$e& )f thereas no ferocity nor harshness to chi"", neither as there compassion nor

interest to attract& They ere men ho ha% "ong acte% un%er the %ominionof a pru%ent reason, an% hose fee"ings seeme% traine% to a perfectsubmission to their ju%gments&

Before these arbiters of his fate 0enry harton as ushere% un%er thecusto%y of arme% men& 4 profoun% an% afu" si"ence succee%e% hisentrance, an% the b"oo% of Frances chi""e% as she note% the gra$echaracter of the ho"e procee%ings& There as but "itt"e of pomp in thepreparations, to impress her imagination but the reser$e%, business"ikeair of the ho"e scene ma%e it seem, in%ee%, as if the %estinies of "ife

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aaite% the resu"t& To of the ju%ges sat in gra$e reser$e, theirinuiring eyes on the object of their in$estigation but the presi%entcontinue% gaKing aroun% ith uneasy, con$u"si$e motions of the musc"esof the face, that in%icate% a rest"essness foreign to his years an%%uty& )t as Co"one" Sing"eton, ho, but the %ay before, ha% "earne% thefate of )sabe""a, but ho stoo% forth in the %ischarge of a %uty thathis country reuire% at his han%s& The si"ence, an% the e.pectation ine$ery eye, at "ength struck him, an% making an effort to co""ecthimse"f, he spoke, in the tones of one use% to authority&

(Bring forth the prisoner,( he sai%, ith a a$e of the han%&

The sentine"s %roppe% the points of their bayonets toar%s the ju%ges,an% 0enry harton a%$ance%, ith a firm step, into the center of theapartment& 4"" as no an.iety an% eager curiosity& Frances turne% for amoment in gratefu" emotion, as the %eep an% perturbe% breathing of'unoo%ie reache% her ears but her brother again concentrate% a"" herinterest in one fee"ing of intense care& )n the backgroun% ere arrange%the inmates of the fami"y ho one% the %e""ing, an% behin% them,again, as a ro of shining faces of ebony, g"istening ith p"ease%

on%er& 4mongst these as the fa%e% "uster of Caesar Thompsonscountenance&

(*ou are sai%,( continue% the presi%ent, (to be 0enry harton, a captainin his Britannic Dajestys 76th regiment of foot&(

() am&(

() "ike your can%or, sir it partakes of the honorab"e fee"ings of aso"%ier, an% cannot fai" to impress your ju%ges fa$orab"y&(

()t ou"% be pru%ent,( sai% one of his companions, (to a%$ise theprisoner that he is boun% to anser no more than he %eems necessarya"though e are a court of martia" "a, yet, in this respect, e on theprincip"es of a"" free go$ernments&(

4 no% of approbation from the si"ent member as bestoe% on this remark,an% the presi%ent procee%e% ith caution, referring to the minutes hehe"% in his han%&

()t is an accusation against you, that, being an officer of the enemy,you passe% the pickets of the 4merican army at the hite P"ains, in%isguise, on the 5!th of =ctober "ast, hereby you are suspecte% of$ies hosti"e to the interests of 4merica, an% ha$e subjecte% yourse"fto the punishment of a spy&(

The mi"% but stea%y tones of the speaker, as he s"o"y repeate% the

substance of this charge, ere fu"" of authority& The accusation as sop"ain, the facts so "imite%, the proof so ob$ious, an% the pena"ty soe"" estab"ishe%, that escape seeme% impossib"e& But 0enry rep"ie%, ithearnest grace,@@

(That ) passe% your pickets in %isguise, is true but@@(

(Peace2( interrupte% the presi%ent& (The usages of ar are stern enoughin themse"$es you nee% not ai% them to your on con%emnation&(

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(The prisoner can retract that %ec"aration, if he p"ease,( remarke%another ju%ge& (0is confession, if taken, goes fu""y to pro$ethe charge&(

() retract nothing that is true,( sai% 0enry prou%"y&

The to name"ess ju%ges hear% him in si"ent composure, yet there as noe.u"tation ming"e% ith their gra$ity& The presi%ent no appeare%,hoe$er, to take ne interest in the scene&

(*our sentiment is nob"e, sir,( he sai%& () on"y regret that a youthfu"so"%ier shou"% so far be mis"e% by "oya"ty as to "en% himse"f to thepurposes of %eceit&(

('eceit2( echoe% harton& () thought it pru%ent to guar% against capturefrom my enemies&(

(4 so"%ier, Captain harton, shou"% ne$er meet his enemy but open"y, an%ith arms in his han%s& ) ha$e ser$e% to kings of Eng"an%, as ) noser$e my nati$e "an% but ne$er %i% ) approach a foe, un"ess un%er the

"ight of the sun, an% ith honest notice that an enemy as nigh&(

(*ou are at "iberty to e.p"ain hat your moti$es ere in entering thegroun% he"% by our army in %isguise,( sai% the other ju%ge, ith as"ight mo$ement of the musc"es of his mouth&

() am the son of this age% man before you,( continue% 0enry& ()t as to$isit him that ) encountere% the %anger& Besi%es, the country be"o isse"%om he"% by your troops, an% its $ery name imp"ies a right to eitherparty to mo$e at p"easure o$er its territory&(

()ts name, as a neutra" groun%, is unauthoriKe% by "a it is anappe""ation that originates ith the con%ition of the country& Buthere$er an army goes, it carries its rights a"ong, an% the first is theabi"ity to protect itse"f&(

() am no casuist, sir,( returne% the youth (but ) fee" that my fatheris entit"e% to my affection, an% ) ou"% encounter greater risks topro$e it to him in his o"% age&(

(4 $ery commen%ab"e spirit,( crie% the $eteran& (Come, gent"emen, thisbusiness brightens& ) confess, at first, it as $ery ba%, but no man cancensure him for %esiring to see his parents&(

(4n% ha$e you proof that such on"y as your intentionL(

(*es@@here,( sai% 0enry, a%mitting a ray of hope& (0ere is proof@@my

father, my sister, Dajor 'unoo%ie, a"" kno it&(

(Then, in%ee%,( returne% his immo$ab"e ju%ge, (e may be ab"e to sa$eyou& )t ou"% be e"", sir, to e.amine further into this business&(

(Certain"y,( sai% the presi%ent, ith a"acrity& (?et the e"%er Dr&harton approach an% take the oath&(

The father ma%e an effort at composure, an%, a%$ancing ith a feeb"estep, he comp"ie% ith the necessary forms of the court&

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(*ou are the father of the prisonerL( sai% Co"one" Sing"eton, in asub%ue% $oice, after pausing a moment in respect for the agitation ofthe itness&

(0e is my on"y son&(

(4n% hat %o you kno of his $isit to your house, on the 5!th %ay of=ctober "astL(

(0e came, as he to"% you, to see me an% his sisters&(

(as he in %isguiseL( aske% the other ju%ge&

(0e %i% not ear the uniform of the 76th&(

(To see his sisters, too2( sai% the presi%ent ith great emotion& (0a$eyou %aughters, sirL(

() ha$e to@@both are in this house&(

(0a% he a igL( interrupte% the officer&

(There as some such thing ) %o be"ie$e, upon his hea%&(

(4n% ho "ong ha% you been separate%L( aske% the presi%ent&

(=ne year an% to months&(

('i% he ear a "oose greatcoat of coarse materia"sL( inuire% theofficer, referring to the paper that containe% the charges&

(There as an o$ercoat&(

(4n% you think that it as to see you, on"y, that he came outL(

(De, an% my %aughters&(

(4 boy of spirit,( hispere% the presi%ent to his si"ent comra%e& () seebut "itt"e harm in such a freak tas impru%ent, but then it as kin%&(

('o you kno that your son as intruste% ith no commission from Sir0enry C"inton, an% that the $isit to you as not mere"y a c"oak toother %esignsL(

(0o can ) kno itL( sai% Dr& harton, in a"arm& (ou"% Sir 0enryintrust me ith such a businessL(

(no you anything of this passL( e.hibiting the paper that 'unoo%ieha% retaine% hen harton as taken&

(othing@@upon my honor, nothing,( crie% the father, shrinking from thepaper as from contagion&

(=n your oathL(


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(?et that b"ack be brought forar%&(

)t as too "ate to retreat, an% Caesar foun% himse"f confronte% ith aro of rebe" officers, before he kne hat as uppermost in histhoughts& The others yie"%e% the e.amination to the one ho suggeste%it, an% using a"" %ue %e"iberation, he procee%e% accor%ing"y&

(*ou kno the prisonerL(

() tink he ought,( returne% the b"ack, in a manner as sententious asthat of his e.aminer&

('i% he gi$e you the ig hen he thre it asi%eL(

() %ont ant em,( grumb"e% Caesar (got a berry goo% hair hese"f&(

(ere you emp"oye% in carrying any "etters or messages of any kin% hi"eCaptain harton as in your masters houseL(

() %o hat a te"" me,( returne% the b"ack&

(But hat %i% they te"" you to %oL(

(Sometime a one ting@@sometime ano%er&(

(Enough,( sai% Co"one" Sing"eton, ith %ignity& (*ou ha$e the nob"eackno"e%gment of a gent"eman, hat more can you obtain from thiss"a$eL@@Captain harton, you percei$e the unfortunate impression againstyou& 0a$e you other testimony to a%%uceL(

To 0enry there no remaine% but "itt"e hope his confi%ence in hissecurity as fast ebbing, but ith an in%efinite e.pectation ofassistance from the "o$e"iness of his sister, he fi.e% an earnest gaKeon the pa""i% features of Frances& She arose, an% ith a tottering stepmo$e% toar%s the ju%ges the pa"eness of her cheek continue% but for amoment, an% ga$e p"ace to a f"ush of fire, an% ith a "ight but firmtrea%, she stoo% before them& /aising her han% to her po"ishe%forehea%, Frances thre asi%e her e.uberant "ocks, an% %isp"aye% apicture of beauty an% innocence to their $ie that might ha$e mo$e% e$ensterner natures& The presi%ent shrou%e% his eyes for a moment, as if thei"% eye an% speaking countenance reca""e% the image of another& Themo$ement as transient, an% reco$ering himse"f, ith an earnestness thatbetraye% his secret ishes,@@

(To you, then, your brother pre$ious"y communicate% his intention ofpaying your fami"y a secret $isitL(

(o2@@no2( sai% Frances, pressing her han% on her brain, as if toco""ect her thoughts (he to"% me nothing@@e kne not of the $isitunti" he arri$e% but can it be necessary to e.p"ain to ga""ant men,that a chi"% ou"% incur haKar% to meet his on"y parent, an% that intimes "ike these, an% in a situation "ike oursL(

(But as this the first timeL 'i% he ne$er e$en ta"k of %oing sobeforeL( inuire% the co"one", "eaning toar%s her ithpaterna" interest&

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(Certain"y@@certain"y,( crie% Frances, catching the e.pression of hison bene$o"ent countenance& (This is but the fourth of his $isits&(

() kne it2( e.c"aime% the $eteran, rubbing his han%s ith %e"ight& (4na%$enturous, arm@hearte% son@@) arrant me, gent"emen, a fiery so"%ierin the fie"%2 )n hat %isguises %i% he comeL(

()n none, for none ere then necessary the roya" troops co$ere% thecountry, an% ga$e him safe passage&(

(4n% as this the first of his $isits out of the uniform of hisregimentL( aske% the co"one", in a suppresse% $oice, a$oi%ing thepenetrating "ooks of his companions&

(=h2 the $ery first,( e.c"aime% the eager gir"& (0is first offense, ) %oassure you, if offense it be&(

(But you rote him@@you urge% the $isit sure"y, young "a%y, you ishe%to see your brotherL( a%%e% the impatient co"one"&

(That e ishe% it, an% praye% for it,@@oh, ho fer$ent"y e praye% forit2@@is true but to ha$e he"% communion ith the roya" army ou"% ha$een%angere% our father, an% e %are% not&(

('i% he "ea$e the house unti" taken, or ha% he intercourse ith any outof your on %e""ingL(

(ith none@@no one, e.cepting our neighbor, the pe%%"er Birch&(

(ith hom2( e.c"aime% the co"one", turning pa"e, an% shrinking as fromthe sting of an a%%er&

'unoo%ie groane% a"ou%, an% striking his hea% ith his han%, crie% inpiercing tones, (0e is "ost2( an% rushe% from the apartment&

(But 0ar$ey Birch,( repeate% Frances, gaKing i"%"y at the %oor throughhich her "o$er ha% %isappeare%&

(0ar$ey Birch2( echoe% a"" the ju%ges& The to immo$ab"e members of thecourt e.change% "ooks, an% thre an inuisiti$e g"ance at the prisoner&

(To you, gent"emen, it can be no ne inte""igence to hear that 0ar$eyBirch is suspecte% of fa$oring the roya" cause,( sai% 0enry, againa%$ancing before the ju%ges (for he has a"rea%y been con%emne% by yourtribuna"s to the fate that ) no see aaits myse"f& ) i"" thereforee.p"ain, that it as by his assistance ) procure% the %isguise, an%

passe% your pickets but to my %ying moments, an% ith my %ying breath,) i"" a$o, that my intentions ere as pure as the innocent beingbefore you&(

(Captain harton,( sai% the presi%ent, so"emn"y, (the enemies of4merican "iberty ha$e ma%e mighty an% subt"e efforts to o$erthro ourpoer& 4 more %angerous man, for his means an% e%ucation, is not ranke%among our foes than this pe%%"er of estchester& 0e is a spy@@artfu",%e"usi$e, an% penetrating, beyon% the abi"ities of any of his c"ass& Sir0enry cou"% not %o better than to associate him ith the officer in his

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ne.t attempt& 0e ou"% ha$e sa$e% 4n%re& )n%ee%, young man, this is aconnection that may pro$e fata" to you2(

The honest in%ignation that beame% on the countenance of the age%arrior as met by a "ook of perfect con$iction on the part ofhis comra%es&

() ha$e ruine% him2( crie% Frances, c"asping her han%s in terror& ('oyou %esert usL then he is "ost, in%ee%2(

(Forbear2 "o$e"y innocent, forbear2( sai% the co"one", ith strongemotion (you injure none, but %istress us a""&(

()s it then such a crime to possess natura" affectionL( sai% Francesi"%"y& (ou"% ashington@@the nob"e, upright, impartia" ashington,ju%ge so harsh"yL 'e"ay, ti"" ashington can hear his ta"e&(

()t is impossib"e,( sai% the presi%ent, co$ering his eyes, as if to hi%eher beauty from his $ie&

()mpossib"e2 oh2 but for a eek suspen% your ju%gment& =n my knees )entreat you, as you i"" e.pect mercy yourse"f, hen no human poer cana$ai" you, gi$e him but a %ay&(

()t is impossib"e,( repeate% the co"one", in a $oice that as near"ychoke%& (=ur or%ers are peremptory, an% too "ong %e"ay has beengi$en a"rea%y&(

0e turne% from the knee"ing supp"iant, but cou"% not, or ou"% not,e.tricate that han% that she graspe% ith frenKie% fer$or&

(/eman% your prisoner,( sai% one of the ju%ges to the officer ho ha%the charge of 0enry& (Co"one" Sing"eton, sha"" e ith%raL(

(Sing"eton2 Sing"eton2( echoe% Frances& (Then you are a father, an% knoho to pity a fathers oes you cannot, i"" not, oun% a heart that isno near"y crushe%& 0ear me, Co"one" Sing"eton as Go% i"" "isten toyour %ying prayers, hear me, an% spare my brother2(

(/emo$e her,( sai% the co"one", gent"y en%ea$oring to e.tricate hishan% but none appeare% %ispose% to obey& Frances eager"y stro$e to rea%the e.pression of his a$erte% face, an% resiste% a"" his effortsto retire&

(Co"one" Sing"eton2 ho "ate"y as your on son in suffering an% in%anger2 An%er the roof of my father he as cherishe%@un%er my fathersroof he foun% she"ter an% protection& =h2 suppose that son the pri%e of

your age, the so"ace an% protection of your infant chi"%ren, an% thenpronounce my brother gui"ty, if you %are2(

(hat right has 0eath to make an e.ecutioner of me2( e.c"aime% the$eteran fierce"y, rising ith a face f"ushe% "ike fire, an% e$ery $einan% artery so""en ith suppresse% emotion& (But ) forget myse"f come,gent"emen, "et us mount, our painfu" %uty must be %one&(

(Dount not2 go not2( shrieke% Frances& (Can you tear a son from hisparent@@a brother from his sister, so co"%"yL )s this the cause ) ha$e

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so ar%ent"y "o$e%L 4re these the men that ) ha$e been taught tore$erenceL But you re"ent, you %o hear me, you i"" pity an% forgi$e&(

(?ea% on, gent"emen,( sai% the co"one", motioning toar%s the %oor, an%erecting himse"f into an air of mi"itary gran%eur, in the $ain hope ofuieting his fee"ings&

(?ea% not on, but hear me,( crie% Frances, grasping his han%con$u"si$e"y& (Co"one" Sing"eton, you are a father2@@pity@@mercy@@mercyfor the son2 mercy for the %aughter2 *es@@you ha% a %aughter& =n thisbosom she poure% out her "ast breath these han%s c"ose% her eyes these$ery han%s, that are no c"aspe% in prayer, %i% those offices for herthat you con%emn my poor, poor brother, to reuire&(

=ne mighty emotion the $eteran strugg"e% ith, an% ue""e% but ith agroan that shook his ho"e frame& 0e e$en "ooke% aroun% in consciouspri%e at his $ictory but a secon% burst of fee"ing conuere%& 0is hea%,hite ith the frost of se$enty inters, sank upon the shou"%er of thefrantic supp"iant& The sor% that ha% been his companion in so manyfie"%s of b"oo% %roppe% from his ner$e"ess han%, an% as he crie%, (Day

Go% b"ess you for the %ee%2( he ept a"ou%&

?ong an% $io"ent as the in%u"gence that Co"one" Sing"eton yie"%e% tohis fee"ings& =n reco$ering, he ga$e the sense"ess Frances into thearms of her aunt, an%, turning ith an air of fortitu%e to his comra%es,he sai%,@@

(Sti"", gent"emen, e ha$e our %uty as officers to %ischarge ourfee"ings as men may be in%u"ge% hereafter& hat is your p"easure iththe prisonerL(

=ne of the ju%ges p"ace% in his han% a ritten sentence, that he ha%prepare% hi"e the co"one" as engage% ith Frances, an% %ec"are% it tobe the opinion of himse"f an% his companion&

)t brief"y state% that 0enry harton ha% been %etecte% in passing the"ines of the 4merican army as a spy, an% in %isguise& That thereby,accor%ing to the "as of ar, he as "iab"e to suffer %eath, an% thatthis court a%ju%ge% him to the pena"ty recommen%ing him to be e.ecute%by hanging, before nine oc"ock on the fo""oing morning&

)t as not usua" to inf"ict capita" punishments, e$en on the enemy,ithout referring the case to the comman%er in chief, for hisapprobation or, in his absence, to the officer comman%ing for the timebeing& But, as ashington he"% his hea%uarters at e in%sor, on theestern bank of the 0u%son, there as sufficient time to recei$ehis anser&

(This is short notice,( sai% the $eteran, ho"%ing the pen in his han%,in a suspense that ha% no object (not a %ay to fit one so youngfor hea$enL(

(The roya" officers ga$e 0a"e 8Footnote3 4n 4merican officer of thisname as %etecte% ithin the British "ines, in %isguise, in search ofmi"itary information& 0e as trie% an% e.ecute%, as state% in the te.t,as soon as the preparations cou"% be ma%e& )t is sai% that he asreproache% un%er the ga""os ith %ishonoring the rank he he"% by his

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fate& hat a %eath for an officer to %ie2 sai% one of his captors&Gent"emen, any %eath is honorab"e hen a man %ies in a cause "ike thatof 4merica, as his anser& 4n%re as e.ecute% ami% the tears of hisenemies 0a"e %ie% unpitie% an% ith reproaches in his ears an% yet oneas the $ictim of ambition, an% the other of %e$otion to his country&Posterity i"" %o justice beteen them&< but an hour,( returne% hiscomra%e (e ha$e grante% the usua" time& But ashington has the poerto e.ten% it, or to par%on&(

(Then to ashington i"" ) go,( crie% the co"one", returning the paperith his signature (an% if the ser$ices of an o"% man "ike me, or thatbra$e boy of mine, entit"e me to his ear, ) i"" yet sa$e the youth&(

So saying, he %eparte%, fu"" of his generous intentions in fa$or of0enry harton&

The sentence of the court as communicate%, ith proper ten%erness, tothe prisoner an% after gi$ing a fe necessary instructions to theofficer in comman%, an% %ispatching a courier to hea%uarters ith theirreport, the remaining ju%ges mounte%, an% ro%e to their on uarters,

ith the same unmo$e% e.terior, but ith the consciousness of the same%ispassionate integrity, that they ha% maintaine% throughout the tria"&

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  0a$e you no counterman% for C"au%io yet,  But he must %ie to@morroL  @@Deasure for Deasure&

4 fe hours ere passe% by the prisoner, after his sentence asrecei$e%, in the bosom of his fami"y& Dr& harton ept in hope"ess%espon%ency o$er the untime"y fate of his son an% Frances, afterreco$ering from her insensibi"ity, e.perience% an anguish of fee"ing tohich the bitterness of %eath itse"f ou"% ha$e been comparati$e"y"ight& Diss Peyton a"one retaine% a $estige of hope, or presence of min%to suggest hat might be proper to be %one un%er their circumstances&The comparati$e composure of the goo% aunt arose in no %egree from anyant of interest in the e"fare of her nephe, but it as foun%e% in akin% of instincti$e %epen%ence on the character of ashington& 0e as anati$e of the same co"ony ith herse"f an% a"though his ear"y mi"itaryser$ices, an% her freuent $isits to the fami"y of her sister, an%subseuent estab"ishment at its hea%, ha% pre$ente% their e$er meeting,sti"" she as fami"iar ith his %omestic $irtues, an% e"" kne that the

rigi% inf"e.ibi"ity for hich his pub"ic acts ere %istinguishe% forme%no part of his reputation in pri$ate "ife& 0e as knon in -irginia as aconsistent but just an% "enient master an% she fe"t a kin% of pri%e inassociating in her min% her countryman ith the man ho "e% the armies,an% in a great measure contro""e% the %estinies, of 4merica& She knethat 0enry as innocent of the crime for hich he as con%emne% tosuffer, an%, ith that kin% of simp"e faith that is e$er to be foun% inthe most ingenuous characters, cou"% not concei$e of those constructionsan% interpretations of "a that inf"icte% punishment ithout the actua"e.istence of crime& But e$en her confi%ing hopes ere %oome% to meet

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to fin% a piece of pork at Christmas fat enough to fry itse"f&(

(Peace, ith a"" this nonsense of Sing"etons or%er"y, Dr& Dason,( crie%'unoo%ie, impatient"y ("et him "earn to ait the or%ers of hissuperiors&(

() beg par%on in his name, Dajor 'unoo%ie,( sai% the suba"tern (but,"ike myse"f, he as in error& e both thought it as the or%er ofGenera" 0eath, to attack an% mo"est the enemy hene$er he $enture% outof his nest&(

(/eco""ect yourse"f, ?ieutenant Dason,( sai% the major, (or ) may ha$eto teach you that your or%ers pass through me&(

() kno it, Dajor 'unoo%ie@@) kno it an% ) am sorry that your memoryis so ba% as to forget that ) ne$er ha$e yet hesitate% to obey them&(

(Forgi$e me, Dason,( crie% 'unoo%ie, taking both his han%s& () %o knoyou for a bra$e an% obe%ient so"%ier forget my humor& But thisbusiness@@ha% you e$er a frien%L(

(ay, nay,( interrupte% the "ieutenant, (forgi$e me an% my honest Kea"&) kne of the or%ers, an% as fearfu" that censure might fa"" on myofficer& But remain, an% "et a man breathe a sy""ab"e against the corps,an% e$ery sor% i"" start from the scabbar% of itse"f besi%es, theyare sti"" mo$ing up, an% it is a "ong roa% from Croton to ings Bri%ge&0appen hat may, ) see p"ain"y that e sha"" be on their hee"s beforethey are house% again&(

(=h2 that the courier as returne% from hea%uarters2( e.c"aime%'unoo%ie& (This suspense is insupportab"e&(

(*ou ha$e your ish,( crie% Dason& (0ere he is at the moment, an% ri%ing"ike the bearer of goo% nes& Go% sen% it may be so for ) cant saythat ) particu"ar"y "ike myse"f to see a bra$e young fe""o %ancingupon nothing&(

'unoo%ie hear% but $ery "itt"e of this fee"ing %ec"aration for, ereha"f of it as uttere%, he ha% "eape% the fence an% stoo% before themessenger&

(hat nesL( crie% the major, the moment that the so"%ier stoppe% hishorse&

(Goo%2( e.c"aime% the man an% fee"ing no hesitation to intrust anofficer so e"" knon as Dajor 'unoo%ie, he p"ace% the paper in hishan%s, as he a%%e%, (but you can rea% it, sir, for yourse"f&(

'unoo%ie pause% not to rea% but f"e, ith the e"astic spring of joy,to the chamber of the prisoner& The sentine" kne him, an% he assuffere% to pass ithout uestion&

(=h2 Peyton,( crie% Frances, as he entere% the apartment, (you "ook "ikea messenger from hea$en2 Bring you ti%ings of mercyL(

(0ere, Frances@@here, 0enry@@here, %ear cousin Jeanette,( crie% theyouth, as ith tremb"ing han%s he broke the sea" (here is the "etter

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itse"f, %irecte% to the captain of the guar%& But "isten@@(

4"" %i% "isten ith intense an.iety an% the pang of b"aste% hope asa%%e% to their misery, as they sa the g"o of %e"ight hich ha% beame%on the countenance of the major gi$e p"ace to a "ook of horror& Thepaper containe% the sentence of the court, an% un%erneath as rittenthese simp"e or%s,@@

(4ppro$e%@@GE=& 4S0)GT=&(

(0es "ost, hes "ost2( crie% Frances, sinking into the arms of heraunt&

(Dy son2 my son2( sobbe% the father, (there is mercy in hea$en, if thereis none on earth& Day ashington ne$er ant that mercy he thus %enies tomy innocent chi"%2(

(ashington2( echoe% 'unoo%ie, gaKing aroun% him in $acant horror&(*es, tis the act of ashington himse"f these are his characters his$ery name is here, to sanction the %rea%fu" %ee%&(

(Crue", crue" ashington2( crie% Diss Peyton& (0o has fami"iarity ithb"oo% change% his nature2(

(B"ame him not,( sai% 'unoo%ie (it is the genera", an% not the manmy "ife on it, he fee"s the b"o he is compe""e% to inf"ict&(

() ha$e been %ecei$e% in him,( crie% Frances& (0e is not the sa$ior ofhis country but a co"% an% merci"ess tyrant& =h2 Peyton, Peyton2 hoha$e you mis"e% me in his character2(

(Peace, %ear Frances peace, for Go%s sake use not such "anguage& 0eis but the guar%ian of the "a&(

(*ou speak the truth, Dajor 'unoo%ie,( sai% 0enry, reco$ering from theshock of ha$ing his "ast ray of hope e.tinguishe%, an% a%$ancing fromhis seat by the si%e of his father& (), ho am to suffer, b"ame him not&E$ery in%u"gence has been grante% me that ) can ask& =n the $erge of thegra$e ) cannot continue unjust& 4t such a moment, ith so recent aninstance of %anger to your cause from treason, ) on%er not atashingtons unben%ing justice& othing no remains but to prepare forthat fate hich so spee%i"y aaits me& To you, Dajor 'unoo%ie, ) makemy first reuest&(

(ame it,( sai% the major, gi$ing utterance ith %ifficu"ty&

0enry turne%, an% pointing to the group of eeping mourners near him, he


(Be a son to this age% man he"p his eakness, an% %efen% him from anyusage to hich the stigma thron upon me may subject him& 0e has notmany frien%s amongst the ru"ers of this country "et your poerfu" namebe foun% among them&(

()t sha""&(

(4n% this he"p"ess innocent,( continue% 0enry, pointing to here Sarah

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(o, my %ear aunt, ) forget you not, nor sha"" ), unti" ) cease toremember but you forget the times an% the %anger& The goo% oman ho"i$es in this house has a"rea%y %ispatche% a messenger for a man of Go%,to smooth my passage to another or"%& Frances, if you ou"% ish me to%ie in peace, to fee" a security that i"" a""o me to turn my ho"ethoughts to hea$en, you i"" "et this c"ergyman unite you to 'unoo%ie&(

Frances shook her hea%, but remaine% si"ent&

() ask for no joy@@no %emonstration of a fe"icity that you i"" not,cannot fee", for months to come but obtain a right to his poerfu"name@@gi$e him an un%ispute% tit"e to protect you@@(

4gain the mai% ma%e an impressi$e gesture of %enia"&

(For the sake of that unconscious sufferer(@@pointing to Sarah, (foryour sake@@for my sake@@my sister@@(

(Peace, 0enry, or you i"" break my heart,( crie% the agitate% gir"&

(ot for or"%s ou"% ) at such a moment engage in the so"emn $os thatyou ish& )t ou"% ren%er me miserab"e for "ife&(

(*ou "o$e him not,( sai% 0enry, reproachfu""y& () cease to importune youto %o hat is against your inc"inations&(

Frances raise% one han% to concea" her countenance, as she e.ten%e% theother toar%s 'unoo%ie, an% sai% earnest"y,@@

(o you are unjust to me@@before, you ere unjust to yourse"f&(

(Promise me, then,( sai% harton, musing ahi"e in si"ence, (that assoon as the reco""ection of my fate is softene%, you i"" gi$e my frien%that han% for "ife, an% ) am satisfie%&(

() %o promise,( sai% Frances, ith%raing the han% that 'unoo%ie%e"icate"y re"inuishe%, ithout e$en presuming to press it to his "ips&

(e"", then, my goo% aunt,( continue% 0enry, (i"" you "ea$e me for ashort time a"one ith my frien%L ) ha$e a fe me"ancho"y commissionsith hich to intrust him, an% ou"% spare you an% my sister the pain ofhearing them&(

(There is yet time to see ashington again,( sai% Diss Peyton, mo$ingtoar%s the %oor an% then, speaking ith e.treme %ignity, shecontinue%, () i"" go myse"f sure"y he must "isten to a oman from hison co"ony2@@an% e are in some %egree connecte% ith his fami"y&(

(hy not app"y to Dr& 0arperL( sai% Frances, reco""ecting the partingor%s of their guest for the first time&

(0arper2( echoe% 'unoo%ie, turning toar%s her ith the siftness of"ightning (hat of himL 'o you kno himL(

()t is in $ain,( sai% 0enry, %raing him asi%e (Frances c"ings to hopeith the fon%ness of a sister& /etire, my "o$e, an% "ea$e me ithmy frien%&(

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But Frances rea% an e.pression in the eye of 'unoo%ie that chaine% herto the spot& 4fter strugg"ing to comman% her fee"ings, she continue%,@@

(0e staye% ith us for to %ays@@he as ith us hen 0enry asarreste%&(

(4n%@@an%@@%i% you kno himL(

(ay,( continue% Frances, catching her breath as she itnesse% theintense interest of her "o$er, (e kne him not he came to us in thenight, a stranger, an% remaine% ith us %uring the se$ere storm but heseeme% to take an interest in 0enry, an% promise% him his frien%ship,(

(hat2( e.c"aime% the youth in astonishment& ('i% he kno your brotherL(

(Certain"y it as at his reuest that 0enry thre asi%e his %isguise&(

(But,( sai% 'unoo%ie, turning pa"e ith suspense, (he kne him not asan officer of the roya" armyL(

()n%ee% he %i%,( crie% Diss Peyton (an% he cautione% us against this$ery %anger&(

'unoo%ie caught up the fata" paper, that sti"" "ay here it ha% fa""enfrom his on han%s, an% stu%ie% its characters intent"y& Somethingseeme% to bei"%er his brain& 0e passe% his han% o$er his forehea%,hi"e each eye as fi.e% on him in %rea%fu" suspense@@a"" fee"ing afrai%to a%mit those hopes ane that ha% been so sa%"y %estroye%&

(hat sai% heL hat promise% heL( at "ength 'unoo%ie aske%, ithfe$erish impatience&

(0e bi% 0enry app"y to him hen in %anger, an% promise% to reuite theson for the hospita"ity of the father&(

(Sai% he this, knoing him to be a British officerL(

(Dost certain"y an% ith a $ie to this $ery %anger&(

(Then,( crie% the youth a"ou%, an% yie"%ing to his rapture, (then youare safe@@then i"" ) sa$e him yes, 0arper i"" ne$er forget his or%&(

(But has he the poer toL( sai% Frances& (Can he mo$e the stubbornpurpose of ashingtonL(

(Can heL )f he cannot,( shoute% the youth, (if he cannot, ho canL

Greene, an% 0eath, an% young 0ami"ton are nothing compare% to this0arper& But,( rushing to his mistress, an% pressing her han%scon$u"si$e"y, (repeat to me@@you say you ha$e his promiseL(

(Sure"y, sure"y, Peyton his so"emn, %e"iberate promise, knoing a"" thecircumstances&(

(/est easy,( crie% 'unoo%ie, ho"%ing her to his bosom for a moment,(rest easy, for 0enry is safe&(

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0e aite% not to e.p"ain, but %arting from the room, he "eft the fami"yin amaKement& They continue% in si"ent on%er unti" they hear% the feetof his charger, as he %ashe% from the %oor ith the spee% of an arro&

4 "ong time as spent after this abrupt %eparture of the youth, by thean.ious frien%s he ha% "eft, in %iscussing the probabi"ity of hissuccess& The confi%ence of his manner ha%, hoe$er, communicate% to hisau%itors something of his on spirit& Each fe"t that the prospects of0enry ere again brightening, an% ith their re$i$ing hopes theye.perience% a renea" of spirits, hich in a"" but 0enry himse"famounte% to p"easure ith him, in%ee%, his state as too afu" to a%mitof trif"ing, an% for a fe hours he as con%emne% to fee" ho much moreinto"erab"e as suspense than e$en the certainty of ca"amity& ot soith Frances& She, ith a"" the re"iance of affection, repose% insecurity on the assurance of 'unoo%ie, ithout harassing herse"f ith%oubts that she possesse% not the means of satisfying but be"ie$ing her"o$er ab"e to accomp"ish e$erything that man cou"% %o, an% retaining a$i$i% reco""ection of the manner an% bene$o"ent appearance of 0arper,she aban%one% herse"f to a"" the fe"icity of reno$ate% hope&

The joy of Diss Peyton as more sobere%, an% she took freuent occasionsto repro$e her niece for the e.uberance of her spirits, before there asa certainty that their e.pectations ere to be rea"iKe%& But the s"ightsmi"e that ho$ere% aroun% the "ips of the $irgin contra%icte% the $erysobriety of fee"ing that she incu"cate%&

(hy, %earest aunt,( sai% Frances, p"ayfu""y, in rep"y to one of herfreuent repriman%s, (ou"% you ha$e me repress the p"easure that ) fee"at 0enrys %e"i$erance, hen you yourse"f ha$e so often %ec"are% it tobe impossib"e that such men as ru"e% in our country cou"% sacrifice aninnocent manL(

(ay, ) %i% be"ie$e it impossib"e, my chi"%, an% yet think so but sti""there is a %iscretion to be shon in joy as e"" as in sorro&(

Frances reco""ecte% the %ec"aration of )sabe""a, an% turne% an eyefi""e% ith tears of gratitu%e on her e.ce""ent aunt, as she rep"ie%,@@

(True but there are fee"ings that i"" not yie"% to reason& 4h2 hereare those monsters, ho ha$e come to itness the %eath of a fe""ocreature, mo$ing aroun% yon fie"%, as if "ife as, to them, nothing buta mi"itary sho&(

()t is but "itt"e more to the hire"ing so"%ier,( sai% 0enry, en%ea$oringto forget his uneasiness&

(*ou gaKe, my "o$e, as if you thought a mi"itary sho of some

importance,( sai% Diss Peyton, obser$ing her niece to be "ooking fromthe in%o ith a fi.e% an% abstracte% attention& But Francesansere% not&

From the in%o here she stoo%, the pass that they ha% tra$e"e% throughthe 0igh"an%s as easi"y to be seen an% the mountain hich he"% on itssummit the mysterious hut as %irect"y before her& )ts si%e as rugge%an% barren huge an% apparent"y impassab"e barriers of rocks presentingthemse"$es through the stunte% oaks, hich, strippe% of their fo"iage,ere scattere% o$er its surface& The base of the hi"" as not ha"f a

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mi"e from the house, an% the object hich attracte% the notice ofFrances as the figure of a man emerging from behin% a rock ofremarkab"e formation, an% as su%%en"y %isappearing& The maneu$er asse$era" times repeate%, as if it ere the intention of the fugiti$e Hforsuch by his air he seeme% to beI to reconnoiter the procee%ings of theso"%iery, an% assure himse"f of the position of things on the p"ain&otithstan%ing the %istance, Frances instant"y imbibe% the opinion thatit as Birch& Perhaps this impression as part"y oing to the air an%figure of the man, but in a great measure to the i%ea that presente%itse"f on former"y beho"%ing the object at the summit of the mountain&That they ere the same figure she as confi%ent, a"though this ante%the appearance hich, in the other, she ha% taken for the pack of thepe%%"er& 0ar$ey ha% so connecte% himse"f ith the mysterious %eportmentof 0arper, ithin her imagination, that un%er circumstances of "essagitation than those in hich she ha% "abore% since her arri$a", sheou"% ha$e kept her suspicions to herse"f& Frances, therefore, satruminating on this secon% appearance in si"ence, an% en%ea$oring totrace hat possib"e connection this e.traor%inary man cou"% ha$e iththe fortunes of her on fami"y& 0e ha% certain"y sa$e% Sarah in some%egree, from the b"o that ha% partia""y a"ighte% on her, an% in no

instance ha% he pro$e% himse"f to be hosti"e to their interests&

4fter gaKing for a "ong time at the point here she ha% "ast seen thefigure, in the $ain e.pectation of its reappearance, she turne% to herfrien%s in the apartment& Diss Peyton as sitting by Sarah, ho ga$esome s"ight a%%itiona" signs of obser$ing hat passe%, but ho sti""continue% insensib"e either to joy or grief&

() suppose, by this time, my "o$e, that you are e"" acuainte% ith themaneu$ers of a regiment,( sai% Diss Peyton& ()t is no ba% ua"ity in aso"%iers ife, at a"" e$ents&(

() am not a ife yet,( sai% Frances, co"oring to the eyes (an% e ha$e"itt"e reason to ish for another e%%ing in our fami"y&(

(Frances2( e.c"aime% her brother, starting from his seat, an% pacing thef"oor in $io"ent agitation& (Touch not the chor% again, ) entreat you&hi"e my fate is uncertain, ) ou"% ish to be at peace ith a"" men&(

(Then "et the uncertainty cease,( crie% Frances, springing to the %oor,(for here comes Peyton ith the joyfu" inte""igence of your re"ease&(

The or%s ere har%"y uttere%, before the %oor opene%, an% the majorentere%& )n his air there as the appearance of neither success nor%efeat, but there as a marke% %isp"ay of $e.ation& 0e took the han%that Frances, in the fu""ness of her heart, e.ten%e% toar%s him, butinstant"y re"inuishing it, thre himse"f into a chair, in

e$i%ent fatigue&

(*ou ha$e fai"e%,( sai% harton, ith a boun% of his heart, but anappearance of composure&

(0a$e you seen 0arperL( crie% Frances, turning pa"e&

() ha$e not& ) crosse% the ri$er in one boat as he must ha$e been comingto this si%e, in another& ) returne% ithout %e"ay, an% trace% him forse$era" mi"es into the 0igh"an%s, by the estern pass, but there )

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unaccountab"y "ost him& ) ha$e returne% here to re"ie$e your uneasiness,but see him ) i"" this night, an% bring a respite for 0enry&(

(But sa you ashingtonL( aske% Diss Peyton&

'unoo%ie gaKe% at her a moment in abstracte% musing, an% the uestionas repeate%& 0e ansere% gra$e"y, an% ith some reser$e,@@

(The comman%er in chief ha% "eft his uarters&(

(But, Peyton,( crie% Frances, in returning terror, (if they shou"% notsee each other, it i"" be too "ate& 0arper a"one i"" not besufficient&(

0er "o$er turne% his eyes s"o"y on her an.ious countenance, an%%e""ing a moment on her features, sai%, sti"" musing,@@

(*ou say that he promise% to assist 0enry&(

(Certain"y, of his on accor% an% in reuita" for the hospita"ity he ha%


'unoo%ie shook his hea%, an% began to "ook gra$e&

() "ike not that or% hospita"ity@@it has an empty soun% there must besomething more reasonab"e to tie 0arper& ) %rea% some mistake repeat tome a"" that passe%&(

Frances, in a hurrie% an% earnest $oice, comp"ie% ith his reuest& Shere"ate% particu"ar"y the manner of his arri$a" at the ?ocusts, thereception that he recei$e%, an% the e$ents that passe% as minute"y asher memory cou"% supp"y her ith the means& 4s she a""u%e% to thecon$ersation that occurre% beteen her father an% his guest, the majorsmi"e% but remaine% si"ent& She then ga$e a %etai" of 0enrys arri$a",an% the e$ents of the fo""oing %ay& She %e"t upon the part here0arper ha% %esire% her brother to thro asi%e his %isguise, an%recounte%, ith on%erfu" accuracy, his remarks upon the haKar% of thestep that the youth ha% taken& She e$en remembere% a remarkab"ee.pression of his to her brother, (that he as safer from 0arperskno"e%ge of his person, than he ou"% be ithout it&( Francesmentione%, ith the armth of youthfu" a%miration, the bene$o"entcharacter of his %eportment to herse"f, an% ga$e a minute re"ation ofhis a%ieus to the ho"e fami"y&

'unoo%ie at first "istene% ith gra$e attention e$i%ent satisfactionfo""oe% as she procee%e%& hen she spoke of herse"f in connection iththeir guest, he smi"e% ith p"easure, an% as she conc"u%e%, he

e.c"aime%, ith %e"ight,@@

(e are safe2@@e are safe2(

But he as interrupte%, as i"" be seen in the fo""oing chapter&

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  The o"et "o$es the g"oom of night,  The "ark sa"utes the %ay,  The timi% %o$e i"" coo at han%@@  But fa"cons soar aay&  @@Song in 'uo&

)n a country sett"e%, "ike these states, by a peop"e ho f"e% theirnati$e "an% an% much@"o$e% firesi%es, $ictims of consciences an%re"igious Kea", none of the %ecencies an% so"emnities of a Christian%eath are %ispense% ith, hen circumstances i"" a%mit of theire.ercise& The goo% oman of the house as a strict a%herent to the formsof the church to hich she be"onge% an% ha$ing herse"f been aakene% toa sense of her %epra$ity, by the ministry of the %i$ine ho harangue%the peop"e of the a%joining parish, she thought it as from hise.hortations on"y that sa"$ation cou"% be mete% out to the short@"i$e%hopes of 0enry harton& ot that the kin%@hearte% matron as so ignorantof the %octrines of the re"igion hich she professe%, as to %epen%,theoretica""y, on morta" ai% for protection but she ha%, to use her on

phrase, (sat so "ong un%er the preaching of goo% Dr&@@@@,( that she ha%unconscious"y imbibe% a practica" re"iance on his assistance, for thathich her faith shou"% ha$e taught her cou"% come from the 'eity a"one&ith her, the consi%eration of %eath as at a"" times afu", an% theinstant that the sentence of the prisoner as promu"gate%, she%ispatche% Caesar, mounte% on one of her husban%s best horses, in uestof her c"erica" monitor& This step ha% been taken ithout consu"tingeither 0enry or his frien%s an% it as on"y hen the ser$ices of Caesarere reuire% on some %omestic emergency, that she e.p"aine% the natureof his absence& The youth hear% her, at first, ith an unconuerab"ere"uctance to a%mit of such a spiritua" gui%e but as our $ie of thethings of this "ife becomes "ess $i$i%, our preju%ices an% habits ceaseto retain their inf"uence an% a ci$i" bo of thanks as fina""y gi$en,in reuita" for the consi%erate care of the e""@meaning oman&

The b"ack returne% ear"y from his, an%, as e"" as cou"% begathere% from his somehat incoherent narrati$e, a minister of Go% mightbe e.pecte% to arri$e in the course of the %ay& The interruption that ementione% in our prece%ing chapter as occasione% by the entrance of the"an%"a%y& 4t the intercession of 'unoo%ie, or%ers ha% been gi$en to thesentine" ho guar%e% the %oor of 0enrys room, that the members of theprisoners fami"y shou"%, at a"" times, ha$e free access to hisapartment& Caesar as inc"u%e% in this arrangement, as a matter ofcon$enience, by the officer in comman% but strict inuiry an%e.amination as ma%e into the erran% of e$ery other app"icant fora%mission& The major ha%, hoe$er, inc"u%e% himse"f among the re"ati$esof the British officer an% one p"e%ge, that no rescue shou"% be

attempte%, as gi$en in his name, for them a""& 4 short con$ersation aspassing beteen the oman of the house an% the corpora" of the guar%,before the %oor that the sentine" ha% a"rea%y opene% in anticipation ofthe %ecision of his noncommissione% comman%ant&

(ou"% you refuse the conso"ations of re"igion to a fe""o creatureabout to suffer %eathL( sai% the matron, ith earnest Kea"& (ou"% youp"unge a sou" into the fiery furnace, an% a minister at han% to pointout the straight an% narro pathL(

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()"" te"" you hat, goo% oman,( returne% the corpora", gent"y pushingher aay ()$e no notion of my back being a highay for any man to a"kto hea$en upon& 4 pretty figure ) shou"% make at the pickets, for%isobeying or%ers& Just step %on an% ask ?ieutenant Dason, an% you maybring in a ho"e congregation& e ha$e not taken the guar% from the footso"%iers, but an hour, an% ) shou"%nt "ike to ha$e it sai% that e kno"ess than the mi"itia&(

(4%mit the oman,( sai% 'unoo%ie, stern"y, obser$ing, for the firsttime, that one of his on corps as on post&

The corpora" raise% his han% to his cap, an% fe"" back in si"ence theso"%ier stoo% to his arms, an% the matron entere%&

(0ere is a re$eren% gent"eman be"o, come to soothe the parting sou", inthe p"ace of our on %i$ine, ho is engage% ith an appointment thatcou"% not be put asi%e tis to bury o"% Dr&@@@(

(Sho him in at once,( sai% 0enry, ith fe$erish impatience&

(But i"" the sentine" "et him passL ) ou"% not ish a frien% ofDr&@@to be ru%e"y stoppe% on the thresho"%, an% he a stranger&(

4"" eyes ere no turne% on 'unoo%ie, ho, "ooking at his atch, spokea fe or%s ith 0enry, in an un%ertone, an% hastene% from theapartment, fo""oe% by Frances& The subject of their con$ersation as aish e.presse% by the prisoner for a c"ergyman of his on persuasion,an% a promise from the major, that one shou"% be sent from Fishki""ton, through hich he as about to pass, on his ay to the ferry tointercept the e.pecte% return of 0arper& Dason soon ma%e his bo at the%oor, an% i""ing"y comp"ie% ith the ishes of the "an%"a%y an% the%i$ine as in$ite% to make his appearance accor%ing"y&

The person ho as ushere% into the apartment, prece%e% by Caesar, an%fo""oe% by the matron, as a man beyon% the mi%%"e age, or ho mightrather be sai% to approach the %onhi"" of "ife& )n stature he as abo$ethe siKe of or%inary men, though his e.cessi$e "eanness mightcontribute in %ecei$ing as to his height his countenance as sharp an%unben%ing, an% e$ery musc"e seeme% set in rigi% compression& o joy orre"a.ation appeare% e$er to ha$e %e"t on features that frone%habitua""y, as if in %etestation of the $ices of mankin%& The bros erebeet"ing, %ark, an% forbi%%ing, gi$ing the promise of eyes of no "essrepe""ing e.pression but the organs ere concea"e% beneath a pair ofenormous green gogg"es, through hich they g"are% aroun% ith afierceness that %enounce% the coming %ay of rath& 4"" as fanaticism,uncharitab"eness, an% %enunciation& ?ong, "ank hair, a mi.ture of grayan% b"ack, fe"" %on his neck, an% in some %egree obscure% the si%es of

his face, an%, parting on his forehea%, fe"" in either %irection instraight an% forma" screens& =n the top of this ungracefu" e.hibitionas "ai% impen%ing forar%, so as to o$erhang in some measure the ho"efabric, a "arge hat of three eua" cocks& 0is coat as of a rusty b"ack,an% his breeches an% stockings ere of the same co"or his shoes ithout"uster, an% ha"f@concea"e% beneath huge p"ate% buck"es& 0e sta"ke% intothe room, an% gi$ing a stiff no% ith his hea%, took the chair offere%him by the b"ack, in %ignifie% si"ence& For se$era" minutes no one brokethis ominous pause in the con$ersation 0enry fee"ing a repugnance tohis guest, that he as $ain"y en%ea$oring to conuer, an% the stranger

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himse"f %raing forth occasiona" sighs an% groans, that threatene% a%isso"ution of the uneua" connection beteen his sub"imate% sou" an%its ungain"y tenement& 'uring this, %eath"ike preparation, Dr& harton,ith a fee"ing near"y a""ie% to that of his son, "e% Sarah from theapartment& 0is retreat as notice% by the %i$ine, in a kin% of scornfu"%is%ain, ho began to hum the air of a popu"ar psa"m tune, gi$ing it thefu"" richness of the tang that %istinguishes the Eastern 8Footnote3 By(Eastern( is meant the states of e Eng"an%, hich, being origina""ysett"e% by Puritans, sti"" retain many %istinct sha%es ofcharacter&< psa"mo%y&

(Caesar,( sai% Diss Peyton, (han% the gent"eman some refreshment hemust nee% it after his ri%e&(

(Dy strength is not in the things of this "ife,( sai% the %i$ine,speaking in a ho""o, sepu"chra" $oice& (Thrice ha$e ) this %ay he"%forth in my Dasters ser$ice, an% fainte% not sti"" it is pru%ent tohe"p this frai" tenement of c"ay, for, sure"y, the "aborer is orthy ofhis hire&(

=pening a pair of enormous jas, he took a goo% measure of the proffere%bran%y, an% suffere% it to g"i%e %onar%s, ith that sort of faci"ityith hich man is prone to sin&

() apprehen%, then, sir, that fatigue i"" %isab"e you from performingthe %uties hich kin%ness has in%uce% you to attempt&(

(oman2( e.c"aime% the stranger, ith energy, (hen as ) e$er knon toshrink from a %utyL But ju%ge not "est ye be ju%ge%, an% fancy notthat it is gi$en to morta" eyes to fathom the intentions of the 'eity&(

(ay,( returne% the mai%en, meek"y, an% s"ight"y %isguste% ith hisjargon, () preten% not to ju%ge of either e$ents, or the intentions ofmy fe""o creatures, much "ess of those of =mnipotence&(

(Tis e"", oman,@@tis e"",( crie% the minister, mo$ing his hea% ithsuperci"ious %is%ain (humi"ity becometh thy se. an% "ost con%ition thyeakness %ri$eth thee on hea%"ong "ike unto the bosom of %estruction&(

Surprise% at this e.traor%inary %eportment, but yie"%ing to that habithich urges us to speak re$erent"y on sacre% subjects, e$en hen perhapse ha% better continue si"ent, Diss Peyton rep"ie%,@@

(There is a Poer abo$e, that can an% i"" sustain us a"" in e""@%oing,if e seek its support in humi"ity an% truth&(

The stranger turne% a "oering "ook at the speaker, an% then composing

himse"f into an air of se"f@abasement, he continue% in the samerepe""ing tones,@@

()t is not e$eryone that crieth out for mercy, that i"" be hear%& Theays of Pro$i%ence are not to be ju%ge% by men@@Dany are ca""e%, butfe chosen& )t is easier to ta"k of humi"ity than to fee" it& 4re youso humb"e, $i"e orm, as to ish to g"orify Go% by your on %amnationL)f not, aay ith you for a pub"ican an% a Pharisee2(

Such gross fanaticism as uncommon in 4merica, an% Diss Peyton began to

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imbibe the impression that her guest as %erange% but remembering thathe ha% been sent by a e""@knon %i$ine, an% one of reputation, she%iscar%e% the i%ea, an%, ith some forbearance, obser$e%,@@

() may %ecei$e myse"f, in be"ie$ing that mercy is proffere% to a"", butit is so soothing a %octrine, that ) ou"% not i""ing"y be un%ecei$e%&(

(Dercy is on"y for the e"ect,( crie% the stranger, ith an unaccountab"eenergy (an% you are in the $a""ey of the sha%o of %eath& 4re you nota fo""oer of i%"e ceremonies, hich be"ong to the $ain church that ourtyrants ou"% g"a%"y estab"ish here, a"ong ith their stamp acts an% tea"asL 4nser me that, oman an% remember, that 0ea$en hears youranser are you not of that i%o"atrous communionL(

() orship at the a"tars of my fathers,( sai% Diss Peyton, motioning to0enry for si"ence (but bo to no other i%o" than my on infirmities&(

(*es, yes, ) kno ye, se"f@righteous an% papa" as ye are@@fo""oers offorms, an% "isteners to bookish preaching think you, oman, that ho"yPau" ha% notes in his han% to propoun% the or% to the be"ie$ersL(

(Dy presence %isturbs you,( sai% Diss Peyton, rising& () i"" "ea$e youith my nephe, an% offer those prayers in pri$ate that ) %i% ish toming"e ith his&(

So saying, she ith%re, fo""oe% by the "an%"a%y, ho as not a "itt"eshocke%, an% somehat surprise%, by the intemperate Kea" of her neacuaintance for, a"though the goo% oman be"ie$e% that Diss Peyton an%her ho"e church ere on the highroa% to %estruction, she as by nomeans accustome% to hear such offensi$e an% open a$oa"s of their fate&

0enry ha% ith %ifficu"ty represse% the in%ignation e.cite% by thisunpro$oke% attack on his meek an% unresisting aunt but as the %oorc"ose% on her retiring figure, he ga$e ay to his fee"ings&

() must confess, sir,( he e.c"aime% ith heat, (that in recei$ing aminister of Go%, ) thought ) as a%mitting a Christian an% one ho, byfee"ing his on eaknesses, kne ho to pity the frai"ties of others&*ou ha$e oun%e% the meek spirit of an e.ce""ent oman, an% )ackno"e%ge but "itt"e inc"ination to ming"e in prayer ith sointo"erant a spirit&(

The minister stoo% erect, ith gra$e composure, fo""oing ith his eyes,in a kin% of scornfu" pity, the retiring fema"es, an% suffere% thee.postu"ation of the youth to be gi$en, as if unorthy of his notice& 4thir% $oice, hoe$er, spoke,@@

(Such a %enunciation ou"% ha$e %ri$en many omen into fits but it hasansere% the purpose e"" enough, as it is&(

(hos thatL( crie% the prisoner, in amaKement, gaKing aroun% the roomin uest of the speaker&

()t is ), Captain harton,( sai% 0ar$ey Birch, remo$ing the spectac"es,an% e.hibiting his piercing eyes, shining un%er a pair offa"se eyebros&

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(Goo% hea$ens@@0ar$ey2(

(Si"ence2( sai% the pe%%"er, so"emn"y& (Tis a name not to be mentione%,an% "east of a"" here, ithin the heart of the 4merican army&( Birchpause% an% gaKe% aroun% him for a moment, ith an emotion e.cee%ing thebase passion of fear, an% then continue% in a g"oomy tone, (There are athousan% ha"ters in that $ery name, an% "itt"e hope ou"% there be "eftme of another escape, shou"% ) be again taken& This is a fearfu" $enturethat ) am making but ) cou"% not s"eep in uiet, an% kno that aninnocent man as about to %ie the %eath of a %og, hen ) mightsa$e him&(

(o,( sai% 0enry, ith a g"o of generous fee"ing on his cheek, (if therisk to yourse"f be so hea$y, retire as you came, an% "ea$e me to myfate& 'unoo%ie is making, e$en no, poerfu" e.ertions in my beha"fan% if he meets ith Dr& 0arper in the course of the night, my"iberation is certain&(

(0arper2( echoe% the pe%%"er, remaining ith his han%s raise%, in theact of rep"acing the spectac"es& (hat %o you kno of 0arperL 4n% hy %o

you think he i"" %o you ser$iceL(

() ha$e his promise you remember our recent meeting in my fathers%e""ing, an% he then ga$e an unaske% promise to assist me&(

(*es@@but %o you kno himL That is@@hy %o you think he has the poerL=r hat reason ha$e you for be"ie$ing he i"" remember his or%L(

()f there e$er as the stamp of truth, or simp"e, honest bene$o"ence, inthe countenance of man, it shone in his,( sai% 0enry& (Besi%es,'unoo%ie has poerfu" frien%s in the rebe" army, an% it ou"% be betterthat ) take the chance here ) am, than thus to e.pose you to certain%eath, if %etecte%&(

(Captain harton,( sai% Birch, "ooking guar%e%"y aroun% an% speakingith impressi$e seriousness of manner, (if ) fai" you, a"" fai" you& o0arper nor 'unoo%ie can sa$e your "ife un"ess you get out ith me, an%that ithin the hour, you %ie to@morro on the ga""os of a mur%erer&*es, such are their "as the man ho fights, an% ki""s, an% p"un%ers,is honore% but he ho ser$es his country as a spy, no matter hofaithfu""y, no matter ho honest"y, "i$es to be re$i"e%, or %ies "ikethe $i"est crimina"2(

(*ou forget, Dr& Birch,( sai% the youth, a "itt"e in%ignant"y, (that )am not a treacherous, "urking spy, ho %ecei$es to betray but innocentof the charge impute% to me&(

The b"oo% rushe% o$er the pa"e, meager features of the pe%%"er, unti"his face as one g"o of fire but it passe% uick"y aay, as herep"ie%,@@

() ha$e to"% you truth& Caesar met me, as he as going on his erran%this morning, an% ith him ) ha$e "ai% the p"an hich, if e.ecute% as )ish, i"" sa$e you@@otherise you are "ost an% ) again te"" you, thatno other poer on earth, not e$en ashington, can sa$e you&(

() submit,( sai% the prisoner, yie"%ing to his earnest manner, an%

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goa%e% by the fears that ere thus aakene% ane&

The pe%%"er beckone% him to be si"ent, an% a"king to the %oor, opene%it, ith the stiff, forma" air ith hich he ha% entere% the apartment&

(Frien%, "et no one enter,( he sai% to the sentine"& (e are about to goto prayer, an% ou"% ish to be a"one&(

() %ont kno that any i"" ish to interrupt you,( returne% theso"%ier, ith a aggish "eer of his eye (but, shou"% they be so%ispose%, ) ha$e no poer to stop them, if they be of the prisonersfrien%s& ) ha$e my or%ers, an% must min% them, hether the Eng"ishmangoes to hea$en, or not&(

(4u%acious sinner2( sai% the preten%e% priest, (ha$e you not the fear ofGo% before your eyesL ) te"" you, as you i"" %rea% punishment at the"ast %ay, to "et none of the i%o"atrous communion enter, to ming"e inthe prayers of the righteous&(

(he@e@e@@hat a nob"e comman%er you% make for Sergeant 0o""ister2

*ou% preach him %umb in a ro"" ca""& 0arkee, )"" thank you not to makesuch a noise hen you ho"% forth, as to %ron our bug"es, or you may geta poor fe""o a short horn at his grog, for not turning out to thee$ening para%e& )f you ant to be a"one, ha$e you no knife to stick o$erthe %oor "atch, that you must ha$e a troop of horse to guar% yourmeetinghouseL(

The pe%%"er took the hint, an% c"ose% the %oor imme%iate"y, using theprecaution suggeste% by the %ragoon&

(*ou o$eract your part,( sai% young harton, in constant apprehension of%isco$ery (your Kea" is too intemperate&(

(For a foot so"%ier an% them Eastern mi"itia, it might be,( sai%0ar$ey, turning a bag upsi%e %on, that Caesar no han%e% him (butthese %ragoons are fe""os that you must brag %on& 4 faint heart,Captain harton, ou"% %o but "itt"e here but come, here is a b"ackshrou% for your goo%@"ooking countenance,( taking, at the same time, aparchment mask, an% fitting it to the face of 0enry& (The master an% theman must change p"aces for a season&(

() %ont tink he "ook a bit "ike me,( sai% Caesar, ith %isgust, as hesur$eye% his young master ith his ne comp"e.ion&

(Stop a minute, Caesar,( sai% the pe%%"er, ith the "urking %ro""erythat at times forme% part of his manner, (ti"" e get on the oo"&(

(0e orse than ebber no,( crie% the %iscontente% 4frican& (4 tinkco"ore% man "ike a sheep2 ) nebber see sich a "ip, 0ar$ey he most asbig as a sausage2(

Great pains ha% been taken in forming the %ifferent artic"es use% in the%isguise of Captain harton, an% hen arrange%, un%er the ski""fu"superinten%ence of the pe%%"er, they forme% together a transformationthat ou"% easi"y escape %etection, from any but an e.traor%inaryobser$er&

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The mask as stuffe% an% shape% in such a manner as to preser$e thepecu"iarities, as e"" as the co"or, of the 4frican $isage an% the igas so artfu""y forme% of b"ack an% hite oo", as to imitate thepepper@an%@sa"t co"or of Caesars on hea%, an% to e.act p"au%its fromthe b"ack himse"f, ho thought it an e.ce""ent counterfeit in e$erythingbut ua"ity&

(There is but one man in the 4merican army ho cou"% %etect you, Captainharton,( sai% the pe%%"er, sur$eying his ork ith satisfaction, (an%he is just no out of our ay&(

(4n% ho is heL(

(The man ho ma%e you prisoner& 0e ou"% see your hite skin through ap"ank& But strip, both of you your c"othes must be e.change% fromhea% to foot&(

Caesar, ho ha% recei$e% minute instructions from the pe%%"er in theirmorning inter$ie, imme%iate"y commence% throing asi%e his coarsegarments, hich the youth took up an% prepare% to in$est himse"f ith

unab"e, hoe$er, to repress a fe signs of "oathing&

)n the manner of the pe%%"er there as an o%% mi.ture of care an% humorthe former as the resu"t of a perfect kno"e%ge of their %anger, an%the means necessary to be use% in a$oi%ing it an% the "atter procee%e%from the una$oi%ab"y "u%icrous circumstances before him, acting on anin%ifference hich sprang from habit, an% "ong fami"iarity ith suchscenes as the present&

(0ere, captain,( he sai%, taking up some "oose oo", an% beginning tostuff the stockings of Caesar, hich ere a"rea%y on the "eg of theprisoner (some ju%gment is necessary in shaping this "imb& *ou i""ha$e to %isp"ay it on horseback an% the Southern %ragoons are so use%to the britt"e@shins, that shou"% they notice your e""@turne% ca"f,they% kno at once it ne$er be"onge% to a b"ack&(

(Go""y2( sai% Caesar, ith a chuck"e, that e.hibite% a mouth open fromear to ear, (Dassa 0arry breeches fit&(

(4nything but your "eg,( sai% the pe%%"er, coo""y pursuing the toi"et of0enry& (S"ip on the coat, captain, o$er a""& Apon my or%, you% passe"" at a pinkster fro"ic an% here, Caesar, p"ace this po%ere% igo$er your cur"s, an% be carefu" an% "ook out of the in%o, hene$er the%oor is open, an% on no account speak, or you i"" betray a""&(

() spose 0ar$ey tink a co"ore% man aint got a tongue "ike o%er fo"k,(grumb"e% the b"ack, as he took the station assigne% to him&

E$erything no as arrange% for action, an% the pe%%"er $ery%e"iberate"y ent o$er the ho"e of his injunctions to the to actors inthe scene& The captain he conjure% to %ispense ith his erect mi"itarycarriage, an% for a season to a%opt the humb"e paces of his fathersnegro an% Caesar he enjoine% to si"ence an% %isguise, so "ong as hecou"% possib"y maintain them& Thus prepare%, he opene% the %oor, an%ca""e% a"ou% to the sentine", ho ha% retire% to the farthest en% of thepassage, in or%er to a$oi% recei$ing any of that spiritua" comfort,hich he fe"t as the so"e property of another&

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(?et the oman of the house be ca""e%,( sai% 0ar$ey, in the so"emn keyof his assume% character (an% "et her come a"one& The prisoner is in ahappy train of me%itation, an% must not be "e% from his %e$otions&(

Caesar sank his face beteen his han%s an% hen the so"%ier "ooke% intothe apartment, he thought he sa his charge in %eep abstraction& Castinga g"ance of huge contempt at the %i$ine, he ca""e% a"ou% for the goo%oman of the house& She hastene% at the summons, ith earnest Kea",entertaining a secret hope that she as to be a%mitte% to the gossip ofa %eath@be% repentance&

(Sister,( sai% the minister, in the authoritati$e tones of a master,(ha$e you in the house The Christian Crimina"s "ast Doments, orThoughts on Eternity, for them ho %ie a $io"ent 'eathL(

() ne$er hear% of the book2( sai% the matron in astonishment&

(Tis not un"ike"y there are many books you ha$e ne$er hear% of3 it isimpossib"e for this poor penitent to pass in peace, ithout the

conso"ations of that $o"ume& =ne hours rea%ing in it is orth an age ofmans preaching&(

(B"ess me, hat a treasure to possess2 hen as it put outL(

()t as first put out at Gene$a in the Greek "anguage, an% thentrans"ate% at Boston& )t is a book, oman, that shou"% be in the han%sof e$ery Christian, especia""y such as %ie upon the ga""os& 0a$e ahorse prepare% instant"y for this b"ack, ho sha"" accompany me to mybrother@@, an% ) i"" sen% %on the $o"ume yet in season& Brother,compose thy min% you are no in the narro path to g"ory&(

Caesar rigg"e% a "itt"e in his chair, but he ha% sufficientreco""ection to concea" his face ith han%s that ere, in their turn,concea"e% by g"o$es& The "an%"a%y %eparte%, to comp"y ith this $eryreasonab"e reuest, an% the group of conspirators ere again "eft tothemse"$es&

(This is e"",( sai% the pe%%"er (but the %ifficu"t task is to %ecei$ethe officer ho comman%s the guar%@@he is "ieutenant to ?aton, an% has"earne% some of the captains on cunning in these things& /emember,Captain harton,( continue% he ith an air of pri%e, (that no is themoment hen e$erything %epen%s on our coo"ness&(

(Dy fate can be ma%e but "itt"e orse than it is at present, my orthyfe""o,( sai% 0enry (but for your sake ) i"" %o a"" that in me "ies&(

(4n% herein can ) be more for"orn an% persecute% than ) no amL( aske%the pe%%"er, ith that i"% incoherence hich often crosse% his manner&(But ) ha$e promise% one to sa$e you, an% to him ) ha$e ne$er yetbroken my or%&(

(4n% ho is heL( sai% 0enry, ith aakene% interest&

(o one&(

The man soon returne%, an% announce% that the horses ere at the %oor&

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0ar$ey ga$e the captain a g"ance, an% "e% the ay %on the stairs, first%esiring the oman to "ea$e the prisoner to himse"f, in or%er that hemight %igest the ho"esome menta" foo% that he ha% so "ate"y recei$e%&

4 rumor of the o%% character of the priest ha% sprea% from the sentine"at the %oor to his comra%es so that hen 0ar$ey an% harton reache% theopen space before the bui"%ing, they foun% a %oKen i%"e %ragoons"oitering about ith the aggish intention of uiKKing the fanatic, an%emp"oye% in affecte% a%miration of the stee%s&

(4 fine horse2( sai% the "ea%er in this p"an of mischief (but a "itt"e"o in f"esh& ) suppose from har% "abor in your ca""ing&(

(Dy ca""ing may be "aborsome to both myse"f an% this faithfu" beast, butthen a %ay of sett"ing is at han%, that i"" rear% me for a"" myoutgoings an% incomings,( sai% Birch, putting his foot in the stirrup,an% preparing to mount&

(*ou ork for pay, then, as e fight fortL( crie% another of the party&

(E$en so@@is not the "aborer orthy of his hireL(

(Come, suppose you gi$e us a "itt"e preaching e ha$e a "eisure momentjust no, an% theres no te""ing ho much goo% you might %o a set ofreprobates "ike us, in a fe or%s& 0ere, mount this horseb"ock, an%take your te.t here you p"ease&(

The men no gathere% in eager %e"ight aroun% the pe%%"er, ho, g"ancinghis eye e.pressi$e"y toar%s the captain, ho ha% been suffere% tomount, rep"ie%,@@

('oubt"ess, for such is my %uty& But, Caesar, you can ri%e up the roa%an% %e"i$er the note@@the unhappy prisoner i"" be anting the book, forhis hours are numbere%&(

(4ye, aye, go a"ong, Caesar, an% get the book,( shoute% ha"f a %oKen$oices, a"" cro%ing eager"y aroun% the i%ea" priest, in anticipationof a fro"ic&

The pe%%"er inar%"y %rea%e%, that, in their unceremonious han%"ing ofhimse"f an% garments, his hat an% ig might be %isp"ace%, hen %etectionou"% be certain he as therefore fain to comp"y ith their reuest&4scen%ing the horseb"ock, after hemming once or tice, an% castingse$era" g"ances at the captain, ho continue% immo$ab"e, he commence% asfo""os3@@

() sha"" ca"" your attention, my brethren, to that portion of Scripture

hich you i"" fin% in the secon% book of Samue", an% hich is rittenin the fo""oing or%s3@@4n% the king "amente% o$er 4bner, an% sai%&'ie% 4bner as a foo" %iethL Thy han%s ere not boun%, nor thy feet putinto fetters3 as a man fa""eth before icke% men, so fe""est thou& 4n%a"" the peop"e ept again o$er him& Caesar, ri%e forar%, ) say, an%obtain the book as %irecte% thy master is groaning in spirit e$en nofor the ant of it&(

(4n e.ce""ent te.t2( crie% the %ragoons& (Go on@@go on@@"et thesnoba"" stay he ants to be e%ifie% as e"" as another&(

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(hat are you at there, scoun%re"sL( crie% ?ieutenant Dason, as he camein sight from a a"k he ha% taken to sneer at the e$ening para%e of theregiment of mi"itia& (4ay ith e$ery man of you to your uarters, an%"et me fin% that each horse is c"eane% an% "ittere%, hen ) come roun%&(The soun% of the officers $oice operate% "ike a charm, an% no priestcou"% %esire a more si"ent congregation, a"though he might possib"y ha$eishe% for one that as more numerous& Dason ha% not %one speaking, henit as re%uce% to the image of Caesar on"y& The pe%%"er took thatopportunity to mount, but he ha% to preser$e the gra$ity of hismo$ements, for the remark of the troopers upon the con%ition of theirbeasts as but too just, an% a %oKen %ragoon horses stoo% sa%%"e% an%bri%"e% at han%, rea%y to recei$e their ri%ers at a moments arning&

(e"", ha$e you bitte% the poor fe""o ithin,( sai% Dason, (that he cantake his "ast ri%e un%er the curb of %i$inity, o"% gent"emanL(

(There is e$i" in thy con$ersation, profane man,( crie% the priest,raising his han%s an% casting his eyes upar%s in ho"y horror (so )i"" %epart from thee unhurt, as 'anie" as "iberate% from the

"ions %en&(

(=ff ith you, for a hypocritica", psa"m@singing, canting rogue in%isguise,( sai% Dason scornfu""y& (By the "ife of ashington2 it orriesan honest fe""o to see such $oracious beasts of prey ra$aging a countryfor hich he she%s his b"oo%& )f ) ha% you on a -irginia p"antation fora uarter of an hour, )% teach you to orm the tobacco iththe turkeys&(

() "ea$e you, an% shake the %ust off my shoes, that no remnant of thisicke% ho"e may tarnish the $estments of the go%"y&(

(Start, or ) i"" shake the %ust from your jacket, %esigning kna$e2 4fe""o to be preaching to my men2 Theres 0o""ister put the %e$i" inthem by his e.horting the rasca"s ere getting too conscientious tostrike a b"o that ou"% raKe the skin& But ho"%2 hither %o you tra$e",Daster B"ackey, in such go%"y companyL(

(0e goes,( sai% the minister, hasti"y speaking for his companion, (toreturn ith a book of much con%o"ence an% $irtue to the sinfu" youthabo$e, hose sou" i"" spee%i"y become hite, e$en as his outar%s areb"ack an% unseem"y& ou"% you %epri$e a %ying man of the conso"ation ofre"igionL(

(o, no, poor fe""o, his fate is ba% enough a famous goo% breakfasthis prim bo%y of an aunt ga$e us& But harkee, Dr& /e$e"ation, if theyouth must %ie secun%um ar"em, "et it be un%er a gent"emans

%irections, an% my a%$ice is, that you ne$er trust that ske"eton ofyours among us again, or ) i"" take the skin off an% "ea$e you nake%&(

(=ut upon thee for a re$i"er an% scoffer of goo%ness2( sai% Birch,mo$ing s"o"y, an% ith a %ue obser$ance of c"erica" %ignity, %on theroa%, fo""oe% by the imaginary Caesar& (But ) "ea$e thee, an% thatbehin% me that i"" pro$e thy con%emnation, an% take from thee a heartyan% joyfu" %e"i$erance&(

('amn him,( muttere% the trooper& (The fe""o ri%es "ike a stake, an%

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his "egs stick out "ike the cocks of his hat& ) ish ) ha% him be"othese hi""s, here the "a is not o$er@particu"ar, )%@@@(

(Corpora" of the guar%2@@corpora" of the guar%2( shoute% the sentine" inthe passage to the chambers, (corpora" of the guar%2@@corpora" ofthe guar%2(

The suba"tern f"e up the narro stairay that "e% to the room of theprisoner, an% %eman%e% the meaning of the outcry&

The so"%ier as stan%ing at the open %oor of the apartment, "ooking inith a suspicious eye on the suppose% British officer& =n obser$ing his"ieutenant, he fe"" back ith habitua" respect, an% rep"ie%, ith an airof puKK"e% thought,@@

() %ont kno, sir but just no the prisoner "ooke% ueer& E$er sincethe preacher has "eft him, he %ont "ook as he use% to %o@@but,( gaKingintent"y o$er the shou"%er of his officer, (it must be him, too2 Thereis the same po%ere% hea%, an% the %arn in the coat, here he as hitthe %ay e ha% the "ast brush ith the enemy&(

(4n% then a"" this noise is occasione% by your %oubting hether thatpoor gent"eman is your prisoner, or not, is it, sirrahL ho the %e$i" %oyou think it can be, e"seL(

() %ont kno ho e"se it can be,( returne% the fe""o, su""en"y (buthe has gron thicker an% shorter, if it is he an% see for yourse"f,sir, he shakes a"" o$er, "ike a man in an ague&(

This as but too true& Caesar as an a"arme% au%itor of this shortcon$ersation, an%, from congratu"ating himse"f upon the %e.terous escapeof his young master, his thoughts ere $ery natura""y beginning to %e""upon the probab"e conseuences to his on person& The pause thatsuccee%e% the "ast remark of the sentine", in no %egree contribute% tothe restoration of his facu"ties& ?ieutenant Dason as busie% ine.amining ith his on eyes the suspecte% person of the b"ack, an%Caesar as aare of the fact, by stea"ing a "ook through a passage un%erone of his arms, that he ha% "eft"y for the purpose ofreconnoitering& Captain ?aton ou"% ha$e %isco$ere% the frau%imme%iate"y, but Dason as by no means so uick@sighte% as hiscomman%er& 0e therefore turne% rather contemptuous"y to the so"%ier,an%, speaking in an un%ertone, obser$e%,

(That anabaptist, metho%istica", uaker, psa"m@singing rasca" hasfrightene% the boy, ith his farrago about f"ames an% brimstone& )""step in an% cheer him ith a "itt"e rationa" con$ersation&(

() ha$e hear% of fear making a man hite,( sai% the so"%ier, %raingback, an% staring as if his eyes ou"% start from their sockets, (but ithas change% the roya" captain to a b"ack2(

The truth as, that Caesar, unab"e to hear hat Dason uttere% in a "o$oice, an% ha$ing e$ery fear arouse% in him by hat ha% a"rea%y passe%,incautious"y remo$e% the ig a "itt"e from one of his ears, in or%er tohear the better, ithout in the "east remembering that its co"or mightpro$e fata" to his %isguise& The sentine" ha% kept his eyes fastene% onhis prisoner, an% notice% the action& The attention of Dason as

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instant"y %ran to the same object an%, forgetting a"" %e"icacy for abrother officer in %istress, or, in short, forgetting e$erything but thecensure that might a"ight on his corps, the "ieutenant sprang forar%an% seiKe% the terrifie% 4frican by the throat for no sooner ha% Caesarhear% his co"or name%, than he kne his %isco$ery as certain an% atthe first soun% of Dasons hea$y boot on the f"oor, he arose from hisseat, an% retreate% precipitate"y to a corner of the room&

(ho are youL( crie% Dason, %ashing the hea% of the o"% man against theang"e of the a"" at each interrogatory& (ho the %e$i" are you, an%here is the Eng"ishmanL Speak, thou thun%erc"ou%2 4nser me, youjack%a, or )"" hang you on the ga""os of the spy2(

Caesar continue% firm& either the threats nor the b"os cou"% e.tractany rep"y, unti" the "ieutenant, by a $ery natura" transition in theattack, sent his hea$y boot forar% in a %irection that brought it in%irect contact ith the most sensiti$e part of the negro@@his shin& Themost ob%urate heart cou"% not ha$e e.acte% further patience, an% Caesarinstant"y ga$e in& The first or%s he spoke ere@@

(Go""y2 massa, you tink ) got no fee"inL(

(By hea$ens2( shoute% the "ieutenant, (it is the negro himse"f2Scoun%re"2 here is your master, an% ho as the priestL( hi"espeaking, he ma%e a mo$ement as if about to rene the attack but Caesarcrie% a"ou% for mercy, promising to te"" a"" that he kne&

(ho as the priestL( repeate% the %ragoon, %raing back his formi%ab"e"eg, an% ho"%ing it in threatening suspense& (0ar$ey, 0ar$ey2( crie%Caesar, %ancing from one "eg to the other, as he thought each member inturn might be assai"e%&

(0ar$ey ho, you b"ack $i""ainL( crie% the impatient "ieutenant, as hee.ecute% a fu"" measure of $engeance by "etting his "eg f"y&

(Birch2( shrieke% Caesar, fa""ing on his knees, the tears ro""ing in"arge %rops o$er his shining face&

(0ar$ey Birch2( echoe% the trooper, hur"ing the b"ack from him, an%rushing from the room& (To arms2 to arms2 Fifty guineas for the "ife ofthe pe%%"er spy@@gi$e no uarter to either& Dount, mount2 to arms2to horse2(

'uring the uproar occasione% by the assemb"ing of the %ragoons, ho a""rushe% tumu"tuous"y to their horses, Caesar rose from the f"oor, herehe ha% been thron by Dason, an% began to e.amine into his injuries&0appi"y for himse"f, he ha% a"ighte% on his hea%, an% conseuent"y

sustaine% no materia" %amage&


  4ay ent Gi"pin, neck or nought,  4ay ent hat an% ig

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  0e "itt"e %reamt, hen he set out,  =f running such a rig&  @@C=PE/&

The roa% hich it as necessary for the pe%%"er an% the Eng"ish captainto tra$e", in or%er to reach the she"ter of the hi""s, "ay, for a ha"fmi"e, in fu"" $ie from the %oor of the bui"%ing that ha% so recent"ybeen the prison of the "atter running for the ho"e %istance o$er therich p"ain, that sprea%s to the $ery foot of the mountains, hich hererise in a near"y perpen%icu"ar ascent from their bases it then turne%short to the right, an% as ob"ige% to fo""o the in%ings of nature, asit on its ay into the bosom of the 0igh"an%s&

To preser$e the suppose% %ifference in their stations, 0ar$ey ro%e ashort %istance ahea% of his companion, an% maintaine% the sober,%ignifie% pace, that as suite% to his assume% character& =n theirright, the regiment of foot, that e ha$e a"rea%y mentione%, "ay, intents an% the sentine"s ho guar%e% their encampment ere to be seenmo$ing ith measure% trea% un%er the hi""s themse"$es&

The first impu"se of 0enry as, certain"y, to urge the beast he ro%e tohis greatest spee% at once, an% by a coup %e main not on"y accomp"ishhis escape, but re"ie$e himse"f from the torturing suspense of hissituation& But the forar% mo$ement that the youth ma%e for this purposeas instant"y checke% by the pe%%"er&

(0o"% up2( he crie%, %e.terous"y reining his on horse across the pathof the other& (ou"% you ruin us bothL Fa"" into the p"ace of a b"ack,fo""oing his master& 'i% you not see their b"oo%e% chargers, a""sa%%"e% an% bri%"e%, stan%ing in the sun before the houseL 0o "ong %oyou think that miserab"e 'utch horse you are on ou"% ho"% his spee%, ifpursue% by the -irginiansL E$ery foot that e can gain, ithout gi$ingthe a"arm, counts a %ay in our "i$es& /i%e stea%i"y after me, an% on noaccount "ook back& They are as subt"e as, aye, an% as ra$enous forb"oo% as o"$es2(

0enry re"uctant"y restraine% his impatience, an% fo""oe% the %irectionof the pe%%"er& 0is imagination, hoe$er, continua""y a"arme% him iththe fancie% soun%s of pursuit, though Birch, ho occasiona""y "ooke%back un%er the pretense of a%%ressing his companion, assure% him thata"" continue% uiet an% peacefu"&

(But,( sai% 0enry, (it i"" not be possib"e for Caesar to remain "ongun%isco$ere%& 0a% e not better put our horses to the ga""op, an% by thetime they can ref"ect on the cause of our f"ight, e can reach thecorner of the oo%sL(

(4h2 you "itt"e kno them, Captain harton,( returne% the pe%%"er&(There is a sergeant at this moment "ooking after us, as if he thoughta"" as not right the keen@eye% fe""o atches me "ike a tiger "ying inait for his "eap& hen ) stoo% on the horseb"ock, he ha"f suspecte%that something as rong& ay, check your beast@@e must "et the anima"sa"k a "itt"e, for he is "aying his han% on the pomme" of his sa%%"e& )fhe mounts, e are gone& The foot@so"%iers cou"% reach us iththeir muskets&(

(hat %oes he noL( aske% 0enry, reining his horse to a a"k, but at the

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(0a$e ) not been the hunte% beast of these hi""s for three years pastL(resume% 0ar$ey (an% once they e$en "e% me to the foot of the ga""ositse"f, an% ) escape% on"y by an a"arm from the roya" troops& 0a% theybeen a uarter of an hour "ater, ) must ha$e %ie%& There as ) p"ace% inthe mi%st of unfee"ing men, an% gaping omen an% chi"%ren, as a monsterto be curse%& hen ) ou"% pray to Go%, my ears ere insu"te% ith thehistory of my crimes an% hen, in a"" that mu"titu%e, ) "ooke% aroun%for a sing"e face that shoe% me any pity, ) cou"% fin% none@@no, note$en one a"" curse% me as a retch ho ou"% se"" his country for go"%&The sun as brighter to my eyes than common@@but it as the "ast time )shou"% see it& The fie"%s ere gay an% p"easant, an% e$erything seeme%as if this or"% as a kin% of hea$en& =h, ho seet "ife as to me atthat moment2 Tas a %rea%fu" hour, Captain harton, an% such as youha$e ne$er knon& *ou ha$e frien%s to fee" for you, but ) ha% none but afather to mourn my "oss, hen he might hear of it but there as nopity, no conso"ation near, to soothe my anguish& E$erything seeme% toha$e %eserte% me& ) e$en thought that 0E ha% forgotten that ) "i$e%&(

(hat2 %i% you fee" that Go% 0imse"f ha% forgotten you, 0ar$eyL(

(Go% ne$er forsakes 0is ser$ants,( returne% Birch, ith re$erence, an%e.hibiting natura""y a %e$otion that hitherto he ha% on"y assume%&

(4n% hom %i% you mean by 0EL(

The pe%%"er raise% himse"f in his sa%%"e to the stiff an% uprightposture that as suite% to his outar% appearance& The "ook of fire,that for a short time g"oe% on his countenance, %isappeare% in theso"emn "ines of unben%ing se"f@abasement, an%, speaking as if a%%ressinga negro, he rep"ie%,@@

()n hea$en there is no %istinction of co"or, my brother, therefore youha$e a precious charge ithin you, that you must hereafter ren%er anaccount of( %ropping his $oice@@(this is the "ast sentine" near theroa% "ook not back, as you $a"ue your "ife&(

0enry remembere% his situation, an% instant"y assume% the humb"e%emeanor of his a%opte% character& The unaccountab"e energy of thepe%%"ers manner as soon forgotten in the sense of his on imme%iate%anger an% ith the reco""ection of his critica" situation, returne%a"" the uneasiness that he ha% momentari"y forgotten&

(hat see you, 0ar$eyL( he crie%, obser$ing the pe%%"er to gaKe toar%sthe bui"%ing they ha% "eft, ith ominous interest& (hat see you atthe houseL(

(That hich bo%es no goo% to us,( returne% the preten%e% priest& (Throasi%e the mask an% ig you i"" nee% a"" your senses ithout much%e"ay thro them in the roa%& There are none before us that ) %rea%,but there are those behin% ho i"" gi$e us a fearfu" race2(

(ay, then,( crie% the captain, casting the imp"ements of his %isguiseinto the highay, ("et us impro$e our time to the utmost& e ant a fu""uarter to the turn hy not push for it, at onceL(

(Be coo" they are in a"arm, but they i"" not mount ithout an officer,

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un"ess they see us f"y@@no he comes, he mo$es to the stab"es trotsbrisk"y a %oKen are in their sa%%"es, but the officer stops to tightenhis girths they hope to stea" a march upon us he is mounte% no ri%e,Captain harton, for your "ife, an% keep at my hee"s& )f you uit me,you i"" be "ost2(

4 secon% reuest as unnecessary& The instant that 0ar$ey put his horseto his spee% Captain harton as at his hee"s, urging the miserab"eanima" he ro%e to the utmost& Birch ha% se"ecte% his on beast an%a"though $ast"y inferior to the high@fe% an% b"oo%e% chargers of the%ragoons, sti"" it as much superior to the "itt"e pony that ha% beenthought goo% enough to carry Caesar Thompson on an erran%& 4 $ery fejumps con$ince% the captain that his companion as fast "ea$ing him, an%a fearfu" g"ance thron behin% informe% the fugiti$e that his enemiesere as spee%i"y approaching& ith that aban%onment that makes misery%oub"y grie$ous, hen it is to be supporte% a"one, 0enry crie% a"ou% tothe pe%%"er not to %esert him& 0ar$ey instant"y %re up, an% suffere%his companion to run a"ongsi%e of his on horse& The cocke% hat an% igof the pe%%"er fe"" from his hea% the moment that his stee% began tomo$e brisk"y, an% this %e$e"opment of their %isguise, as it might be

terme%, as itnesse% by the %ragoons, ho announce% their obser$ationby a boisterous shout, that seeme% to be uttere% in the $ery ears of thefugiti$es so "ou% as the cry, an% so short the %istance beteen them&

(0a% e not better "ea$e our horses,( sai% 0enry, (an% make for thehi""s across the fie"%s, on our "eftL The fence i"" stop our pursuers&(

(That ay "ies the ga""os,( returne% the pe%%"er& (These fe""os gothree feet to our to, an% ou"% min% the fences no more than e %othese ruts but it is a short uarter to the turn, an% there are toroa%s behin% the oo%& They may stan% to choose unti" they can take thetrack, an% e sha"" gain a "itt"e upon them there&(

(But this miserab"e horse is b"on a"rea%y,( crie% 0enry, urging hisbeast ith the en% of his bri%"e, at the same time that 0ar$ey ai%e% hisefforts by app"ying the "ash of a hea$y ri%ing hip he carrie%& (0e i""ne$er stan% it for ha"f a mi"e farther&(

(4 uarter i"" %o a uarter i"" %o,( sai% the pe%%"er, (a sing"euarter i"" sa$e us, if you fo""o my %irections&(

Somehat cheere% by the coo" an% confi%ent manner of his companion,0enry continue% si"ent"y urging his horse forar%& 4 fe moments broughtthem to the %esire% turn, an% as they %oub"e% roun% a point of "oun%erbrush, the fugiti$es caught a g"impse of their pursuers scattere%a"ong the highay& Dason an% the sergeant, being better mounte% than therest of the party, ere much nearer to their hee"s than e$en the pe%%"er

thought cou"% be possib"e&

4t the foot of the hi""s, an% for some %istance up the %ark $a""ey thatoun% among the mountains, a thick un%eroo% of sap"ings ha% beensuffere% to shoot up, here the hea$ier groth as fe""e% for the sakeof the fue"& 4t the sight of this co$er, 0enry again urge% the pe%%"erto %ismount, an% to p"unge into the oo%s but his reuest as prompt"yrefuse%& The to roa%s, before mentione%, met at $ery sharp ang"es at ashort %istance from the turn, an% both ere circuitous, so that but"itt"e of either cou"% be seen at a time& The pe%%"er took the one hich

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"e% to the "eft, but he"% it on"y a moment, for, on reaching a partia"opening in the thicket, he %arte% across into the right@han% path an%"e% the ay up a steep ascent, hich "ay %irect"y before them& Thismaneu$er sa$e% them& =n reaching the fork, the %ragoons fo""oe% thetrack an% passe% the spot here the fugiti$es ha% crosse% to the otherroa%, before they misse% the marks of the footsteps& Their "ou% criesere hear% by 0enry an% the pe%%"er, as their earie% an% breath"essanima"s toi"e% up the hi"", or%ering their comra%es in the rear to ri%ein the right %irection& The captain again propose% to "ea$e their horsesan% %ash into the thicket&

(ot yet, not yet,( sai% Birch, in a "o $oice& (The roa% fa""s from thetop of this hi"" as steep as it rises first "et us gain the top&( hi"espeaking, they reache% the %esire% summit, an% both thre themse"$esfrom their horses, 0enry p"unging into the thick un%eroo%, hichco$ere% the si%e of the mountain for some %istance abo$e them& 0ar$eystoppe% to gi$e each of their beasts a fe se$ere b"os of his hip,that %ro$e them hea%"ong %on the path on the other si%e of theeminence, an% then fo""oe% his e.amp"e&

The pe%%"er entere% the thicket ith a "itt"e caution, an% a$oi%e%, asmuch as possib"e, rust"ing or breaking the branches in his ay& Thereas but time on"y to she"ter his person from $ie hen a %ragoon "e% upthe ascent, an% on reaching the height, he crie% a"ou%,@@

() sa one of their horses turning the hi"" this minute&(

('ri$e on, spur forar%, my "a%s,( shoute% Dason (gi$e the Eng"ishmanuarter, but cut %on the pe%%"er, an% make an en% of him&(

0enry fe"t his companion grip his arm har%, as he "istene% in a greattremor to this cry, hich as fo""oe% by the passage of a %oKenhorsemen, ith a $igor an% spee% that shoe% too p"ain"y ho "itt"esecurity their o$ertire% stee%s cou"% ha$e affor%e% them&

(o,( sai% the pe%%"er, rising from the co$er to reconnoiter, an%stan%ing for a moment in suspense, (a"" that e gain is c"ear gain for,as e go up, they go %on& ?et us be stirring&(

(But i"" they not fo""o us, an% surroun% this mountainL( sai% 0enry,rising, an% imitating the "abore% but rapi% progress of his companion&(/emember, they ha$e foot as e"" as horse, an%, at any rate, e sha""star$e in the hi""s&(

(Fear nothing, Captain harton,( returne% the pe%%"er, ith confi%ence(this is not the mountain that ) ou"% be on, but necessity has ma%e mea %e.terous pi"ot among these hi""s& ) i"" "ea% you here no man i""

%are to fo""o& See, the sun is a"rea%y setting behin% the tops of theestern mountains, an% it i"" be to hours to the rising of the moon&ho, think you, i"" fo""o us far, on a o$ember night, among theserocks an% precipicesL(

(?isten2( e.c"aime% 0enry (the %ragoons are shouting to each otherthey miss us a"rea%y&(

(Come to the point of this rock, an% you may see them,( sai% 0ar$ey,compose%"y setting himse"f %on to rest& (ay, they can see us@@obser$e,

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they are pointing up ith their fingers& There2 one has fire% hispisto", but the %istance is too great e$en for a musket&(

(They i"" pursue us,( crie% the impatient 0enry, ("et us be mo$ing&(

(They i"" not think of such a thing,( returne% the pe%%"er, picking thecheckerberries that gre on the thin soi" here he sat, an% $ery%e"iberate"y cheing them, "ea$es an% a"", to refresh his mouth& (hatprogress cou"% they make here, in their hea$y boots an% spurs, an% "ongsor%sL o, no@@they may go back an% turn out the foot, but the horsepass through these %efi"es, hen they can keep the sa%%"e, ith fear an%tremb"ing& Come, fo""o me, Captain harton e ha$e a troub"esomemarch before us, but ) i"" bring you here none i"" think of $enturingthis night&(

So saying, they both arose, an% ere soon hi% from $ie amongst therocks an% ca$erns of the mountain&

The conjecture of the pe%%"er as true& Dason an% his men %ashe% %onthe hi"", in pursuit, as they suppose%, of their $ictims, but, on

reaching the bottom "an%s, they foun% on"y the %eserte% horses of thefugiti$es& Some "itt"e time as spent in e.amining the oo%s near them,an% in en%ea$oring to take the trai" on such groun% as might enab"e thehorse to pursue, hen one of the party %escrie% the pe%%"er an% 0enryseate% on the rock a"rea%y mentione%&

(0es off,( muttere% Dason, eying 0ar$ey, ith fury (hes off, an% eare %isgrace%& By hea$ens, ashington i"" not trust us ith the keepingof a suspecte% Tory, if e "et the rasca" trif"e in this manner ith thecorps an% there sits the Eng"ishman, too, "ooking %on upon us ith asmi"e of bene$o"ence2 ) fancy that ) can see it& e"", e"", my "a%, youare comfortab"y seate%, ) i"" confess, an% that is something betterthan %ancing upon nothing but you are not to the est of the 0ar"em/i$er yet, an% )"" try your in% before you te"" Sir 0enry hat youha$e seen&(

(Sha"" ) fire an% frighten the pe%%"erL( aske% one of the men, %rainghis pisto" from the ho"ster&

(4ye, start"e the bir%s from their perch@@"et us see ho they can usethe ing&( The man fire% the pisto", an% Dason continue%@@(Fore George,) be"ie$e the scoun%re"s "augh at us& But homear%, or e sha"" ha$ethem ro""ing stones upon our hea%s, an% the roya" gaKettes teeming ithan account of a rebe" regiment route% by to "oya"ists& They ha$e to"%bigger "ies than that, before no&(

The %ragoons mo$e% su""en"y after their officer, ho ro%e toar%s their

uarters, musing on the course it behoo$e% him to pursue in the present%i"emma& )t as ti"ight hen Dasons party reache% the %e""ing, beforethe %oor of hich ere co""ecte% a great number of the officers an% men,busi"y emp"oye% in gi$ing an% "istening to the most e.aggerate%accounts of the escape of the spy& The mortifie% %ragoons ga$e theirungratefu" ti%ings ith the su""en air of %isappointe% men an% most ofthe officers gathere% roun% Dason, to consu"t of the steps that ought tobe taken& Diss Peyton an% Frances ere breath"ess an% unobser$e%"isteners to a"" that passe% beteen them, from the in%o of thechamber imme%iate"y abo$e their hea%s&

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(Something must be %one, an% that spee%i"y,( obser$e% the comman%ingofficer of the regiment, hich "ay encampe% before the house& (ThisEng"ish officer is %oubt"ess an instrument in the great b"o aime% at usby the enemy "ate"y besi%es, our honor is in$o"$e% in his escape&(

(?et us beat the oo%s2( crie% se$era" at once& (By morning e sha""ha$e them both again&(

(Soft"y, soft"y, gent"emen,( returne% the co"one"& (o man can tra$e"these hi""s after %ark, un"ess use% to the passes& othing but horse can%o ser$ice in this business, an% ) presume ?ieutenant Dason hesitates tomo$e ithout the or%ers of his major&(

() certain"y %are not,( rep"ie% the suba"tern, gra$e"y shaking his hea%,(un"ess you i"" take the responsibi"ity of an or%er but Dajor'unoo%ie i"" be back again in to hours, an% e can carry the ti%ingsthrough the hi""s before %ay"ight so that by sprea%ing patro"s across,from one ri$er to the other, an% offering a rear% to the countrypeop"e, their escape i"" yet be impossib"e, un"ess they can join the

party that is sai% to be out on the 0u%son&(

(4 $ery p"ausib"e p"an,( crie% the co"one", (an% one that must succee%but "et a messenger be %ispatche% to 'unoo%ie, or he may continue atthe ferry unti" it pro$es too "ate though %oubt"ess the runaays i"""ie in the mountains to@night&(

To this suggestion Dason acuiesce%, an% a courier as sent to the majorith the important inte""igence of the escape of 0enry, an% anintimation of the necessity of his presence to con%uct the pursuit&4fter this arrangement, the officers separate%&

hen Diss Peyton an% her niece first "earne% the escape of Captainharton, it as ith %ifficu"ty they cou"% cre%it their senses& Theyboth re"ie% so imp"icit"y on the success of 'unoo%ies e.ertions, thatthey thought the act, on the part of their re"ati$e, e.treme"yimpru%ent but it as no too "ate to men% it& hi"e "istening to thecon$ersation of the officers, both ere struck ith the increase% %angerof 0enrys situation, if recapture%, an% they tremb"e% to think of thegreat e.ertions that ou"% be ma%e to accomp"ish this object& DissPeyton conso"e% herse"f, an% en%ea$ore% to cheer her niece, ith theprobabi"ity that the fugiti$es ou"% pursue their course ithunremitting %i"igence, so that they might reach the neutra" groun%before the horse ou"% carry %on the ti%ings of their f"ight& Theabsence of 'unoo%ie seeme% to her a""@important, an% the art"ess "a%yas an.ious"y %e$ising some project that might %etain her kinsman, an%thus gi$e her nephe the "ongest possib"e time& But $ery %ifferent ere

the ref"ections of Frances& She cou"% no "onger %oubt that the figureshe ha% seen on the hi"" as Birch, an% she fe"t certain that, instea%of f"ying to the frien%"y forces be"o, her brother ou"% be taken tothe mysterious hut to pass the night&

Frances an% her aunt he"% a "ong an% animate% %iscussion by themse"$es,hen the goo% spinster re"uctant"y yie"%e% to the representation of herniece, an% fo"%ing her in her arms, she kisse% her co"% cheek, an%,fer$ent"y b"essing her, a""oe% her to %epart on an erran% offraterna" "o$e&

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  4n% here, for"orn an% "ost, ) trea%,  ith fainting steps, an% s"o  here i"%s, immeasurab"y sprea%,  Seem "engthning as ) go&  @@G=?'SD)T0&

The night ha% set in %ark an% chi""ing, as Frances harton, ith abeating heart but "ight step, mo$e% through the "itt"e gar%en that "aybehin% the farmhouse hich ha% been her brothers prison, an% took heray to the foot of the mountain, here she ha% seen the figure of himshe suppose% to be the pe%%"er& )t as sti"" ear"y, but the %arkness an%the %reary nature of a o$ember e$ening ou"%, at any other moment, orith "ess in%ucement to e.ertion, ha$e %ri$en her back in terror to the

circ"e she ha% "eft& ithout pausing to ref"ect, hoe$er, she f"e o$erthe groun% ith a rapi%ity that seeme% to bi% %efiance to a""impe%iments, nor stoppe% e$en to breathe, unti" she ha% gone ha"f the%istance to the rock that she ha% marke% as the spot here Birch ma%ehis appearance on that $ery morning&

The goo% treatment of their omen is the surest e$i%ence that a peop"ecan gi$e of their ci$i"iKation an% there is no nation hich has more toboast of, in this respect, than the 4mericans& Frances fe"t but "itt"eapprehension from the or%er"y an% uiet troops ho ere taking theire$enings repast on the si%e of the highay, opposite to the fie"%through hich she as f"ying& They ere her countrymen, an% she knethat her se. ou"% be respecte% by the Eastern mi"itia, ho compose%this bo%y but in the $o"ati"e an% reck"ess character of the Southernhorse she ha% "ess confi%ence& =utrages of any %escription ere se"%omcommitte% by the rea""y 4merican so"%iery but she recoi"e%, ithe.uisite %e"icacy, from e$en the appearance of humi"iation& hen,therefore, she hear% the footsteps of a horse mo$ing s"o"y up the roa%,she shrank, timi%"y, into a "itt"e thicket of oo% hich gre aroun%the spring that bubb"e% from the si%e of a hi""ock near her& The$i%ette, for such it pro$e% to be, passe% her ithout noticing her form,hich as so en$e"ope% as to be as "itt"e conspicuous as possib"e,humming a "o air to himse"f, an% probab"y thinking of some other fairthat he ha% "eft on the banks of the Potomac&

Frances "istene% an.ious"y to the retreating footsteps of his horse,an%, as they %ie% upon her ear, she $enture% from her p"ace of secrecy,

an% a%$ance% a short %istance into the fie"%, here, start"e% at theg"oom, an% appa""e% ith the %reariness of the prospect, she pause% toref"ect on hat she ha% un%ertaken& Throing back the hoo% of hercar%ina", she sought the support of a tree, an% gaKe% toar%s the summitof the mountain that as to be the goa" of her enterprise& )t rose fromthe p"ain "ike a huge pyrami%, gi$ing nothing to the eye but itsout"ines& The pinnac"e cou"% be faint"y %iscerne% in front of a "ighterbackgroun% of c"ou%s, beteen hich a fe g"immering stars occasiona""ytink"e% in momentary brightness, an% then gra%ua""y became obscure% bythe passing $apor that as mo$ing before the in%, at a $ast %istance

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be"o the c"ou%s themse"$es& Shou"% she return, 0enry an% the pe%%"erou"% most probab"y pass the night in fancie% security upon that $eryhi"" toar%s hich she as straining her eyes, in the $ain hope ofobser$ing some "ight that might encourage her to procee%& The%e"iberate, an% hat to her seeme% co"%@b"oo%e%, project of the officerfor the recapture of the fugiti$es, sti"" rang in her ears, an%stimu"ate% her to go on but the so"itu%e into hich she must $enture,the time, the actua" %anger of the ascent, an% the uncertainty of herfin%ing the hut, or hat as sti"" more %isheartening, the chance thatit might be occupie% by unknon tenants, an% those of the orst%escription@@urge% her to retreat&

The increasing %arkness as each moment ren%ering objects "ess an% "ess%istinct, an% the c"ou%s ere gathering more g"oomi"y in the rear of thehi"", unti" its form cou"% no "onger be %iscerne%& Frances thre backher rich cur"s ith both han%s on her temp"es, in or%er to possess hersenses in their utmost keenness but the toering hi"" as entire"y "ostto the eye& 4t "ength she %isco$ere% a faint an% tink"ing b"aKe in the%irection in hich she thought the bui"%ing stoo%, that, by its re$i$ingan% rece%ing "uster, might be taken for the g"immering of a fire& But

the %e"usion $anishe%, as the horiKon again c"eare%, an% the star ofe$ening shone forth from a c"ou%, after strugg"ing har%, as if fore.istence& She no sa the mountain to the "eft of the p"ace here thep"anet as shining, an% su%%en"y a streak of me""o "ight burst upon thefantastic oaks that ere thin"y scattere% o$er its summit, an% gra%ua""ymo$e% %on its si%e, unti" the ho"e pi"e became %istinct un%er the raysof the rising moon& 4"though it ou"% ha$e been physica""y impossib"efor our heroine to a%$ance ithout the ai% of the frien%"y "ight, hichno g"eame% on the "ong "ine of "e$e" "an% before her, yet she as notencourage% to procee%& )f she cou"% see the goa" of her ishes, shecou"% a"so percei$e the %ifficu"ties that must atten% her reaching it&

hi"e %e"iberating in %istressing incertitu%e, no shrinking ith thetimi%ity of her se. an% years from the enterprise, an% no reso"$ing torescue her brother at e$ery haKar%, Frances turne% her "ooks toar%s theeast, in earnest gaKe at the c"ou%s hich constant"y threatene% toin$o"$e her again in comparati$e %arkness& 0a% an a%%er stung her, shecou"% not ha$e sprung ith greater ce"erity than she recoi"e% from theobject against hich she as "eaning, an% hich she for the first timenotice%& The to upright posts, ith a crossbeam on their tops, an% aru%e p"atform beneath, to"% but too p"ain"y the nature of the structuree$en the cor% as suspen%e% from an iron stap"e, an% as singing to an%fro, in the night air& Frances hesitate% no "onger, but rather f"e thanran across the mea%o, an% as soon at the base of the rock, here shehope% to fin% something "ike a path to the summit of the mountain& 0ereshe as compe""e% to pause for breath, an% she impro$e% the "eisure bysur$eying the groun% about her& The ascent as uite abrupt, but she

soon foun% a sheep path that oun% among the she"$ing rocks an% throughthe trees, so as to ren%er her "abor much "ess tiresome than itotherise ou"% ha$e been& Throing a fearfu" g"ance behin%, the%etermine% gir" commence% her journey upar%s& *oung, acti$e, an%impe""e% by her generous moti$e, she mo$e% up the hi"" ith e"asticsteps, an% $ery soon emerge% from the co$er of the oo%s, into an openspace of more "e$e" groun%, that ha% e$i%ent"y been c"eare% of itstimber, for the purpose of cu"ti$ation& But either the ar or thesteri"ity of the soi" ha% compe""e% the a%$enturer to aban%on thea%$antages that he ha% obtaine% o$er the i"%erness, an% a"rea%y the

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approaching to the e%ge of a she"$ing rock, she bent forar% to gaKe onthe signs of "ife in the $a"e, hen a ray of keen "ight %aKK"e% hereyes, an% a arm ray %iffuse% itse"f o$er her ho"e frame& /eco$eringfrom her surprise, Frances "ooke% on the "e%ge beneath her, an% at oncepercei$e% that she stoo% %irect"y o$er the object of her search& 4 ho"ethrough its roof affor%e% a passage to the smoke, hich, as it b"easi%e, shoe% her a c"ear an% cheerfu" fire crack"ing an% snapping on aru%e hearth of stone& The approach to the front of the hut as by ain%ing path aroun% the point of the rock on hich she stoo%, an% bythis, she a%$ance% to its %oor&

Three si%es of this singu"ar e%ifice, if such it cou"% be ca""e%, erecompose% of "ogs "ai% a"ternate"y on each other, to a "itt"e more thanthe height of a man an% the fourth as forme% by the rock against hichit "eane%& The roof as ma%e of the bark of trees, "ai% in "ong stripsfrom the rock to its ea$es the fissures beteen the "ogs ha% beenstuffe% ith c"ay, hich in many p"aces ha% fa""en out, an% %rie% "ea$esere ma%e use of as a substitute, to keep out the in%& 4 sing"e in%oof four panes of g"ass as in front, but a boar% carefu""y c"ose% it, insuch a manner as to emit no "ight from the fire ithin& 4fter pausing

some time to $ie this singu"ar"y constructe% hi%ing p"ace, for suchFrances e"" kne it to be, she app"ie% her eye to a cre$ice to e.aminethe insi%e& There as no "amp or can%"e, but the b"aKing fire of %ryoo% ma%e the interior of the hut "ight enough to rea% by& )n one corner"ay a be% of stra, ith a pair of b"ankets thron care"ess"y o$er it,as if "eft here they ha% "ast been use%& 4gainst the a""s an% rockere suspen%e%, from pegs force% into the cre$ices, $arious garments,an% such as ere apparent"y fitte% for a"" ages an% con%itions, an% foreither se.& British an% 4merican uniforms hung peaceab"y by the si%e ofeach other an% on the peg that supporte% a gon of stripe% ca"ico, suchas as the usua" country ear, as a"so %epen%ing a e""@po%ere% ig3in short, the attire as numerous an% as $arious as if a ho"e parishere to be euippe% from this one ar%robe&

)n the ang"e against the rock, an% opposite to the fire hich asburning in the other corner, as an open cupboar%, that he"% a p"ate orto, a mug, an% the remains of some broken meat& Before the fire as atab"e, ith one of its "egs fracture%, an% ma%e of rough boar%s these,ith a sing"e stoo", compose% the furniture, if e e.cept a fe artic"esof cooking& 4 book, that by its siKe an% shape, appeare% to be a Bib"e,as "ying on the tab"e, unopene%& But it as the occupant of the hut inhom Frances as chief"y intereste%& This as a man, sitting on thestoo", ith his hea% "eaning on his han%, in such a manner as to concea"his features, an% %eep"y occupie% in e.amining some open papers& =n thetab"e "ay a pair of curious"y an% rich"y mounte% horsemans pisto"s, an%the han%"e of a sheathe% rapier, of e.uisite orkmanship, protru%e%from beteen the "egs of the gent"eman, one of hose han%s care"ess"y

reste% on its guar%& The ta"" stature of this une.pecte% tenant of thehut, an% his form, much more ath"etic than that of either 0ar$ey or herbrother, to"% Frances, ithout the ai% of his %ress, that it as neitherof those she sought& 4 c"ose surtout as buttone% high in the throat ofthe stranger, an% parting at his knees, shoe% breeches of buff, ithmi"itary boots an% spurs& 0is hair as %resse% so as to e.pose the ho"eface an%, after the fashion of that %ay, it as profuse"y po%ere%& 4roun% hat as "ai% on the stones that forme% a pa$e% f"oor to the hut,as if to make room for a "arge map, hich, among the other papers,occupie% the tab"e&

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This as an une.pecte% e$ent to our a%$enturer& She ha% been soconfi%ent that the figure tice seen as the pe%%"er, that on "earninghis agency in her brothers escape, she %i% not in the "east %oubt offin%ing them both in the p"ace, hich, she no %isco$ere%, as occupie%by another an% a stranger& She stoo%, earnest"y "ooking through thecre$ice, hesitating hether to retire, or to ait ith the e.pectationof yet meeting 0enry, as the stranger mo$e% his han% from before hiseyes, an% raise% his face, apparent"y in %eep musing, hen Francesinstant"y recogniKe% the bene$o"ent an% strong"y marke%, but compose%features of 0arper&

4"" that 'unoo%ie ha% sai% of his poer an% %isposition, a"" that heha% himse"f promise% her brother, an% a"" the confi%ence that ha% beencreate% by his %ignifie% an% paterna" manner, rushe% across the min% ofFrances, ho thre open the %oor of the hut, an% fa""ing at his feet,c"aspe% his knees ith her arms, as she crie%,@@

(Sa$e him@@sa$e him@@sa$e my brother remember your promise, an% sa$ehim2(

0arper ha% risen as the %oor opene%, an% there as a s"ight mo$ement ofone han% toar%s his pisto"s but it as coo" an% instant"y checke%& 0eraise% the hoo% of the car%ina", hich ha% fa""en o$er her features, an%e.c"aime%, ith some uneasiness,@@

(Diss harton2 But you cannot be a"oneL(

(There is none here but my Go% an% you an% by 0is sacre% name, )conjure you to remember your promise, an% sa$e my brother2(

0arper gent"y raise% her from her knees, an% p"ace% her on the stoo",begging her at the same time to be compose%, an% to acuaint him iththe nature of her erran%& This Frances instant"y %i%, ingenuous"ya%mitting him to a kno"e%ge of a"" her $ies in $isiting that "one spotat such an hour, an% by herse"f&

)t as at a"" times %ifficu"t to probe the thoughts of one ho he"% hispassions in such %iscip"ine% subjection as 0arper, but sti"" there as a"ighting of his thoughtfu" eye, an% a s"ight unben%ing of his musc"es,as the hurrie% an% an.ious gir" procee%e% in her narrati$e& 0isinterest, as she %e"t upon the manner of 0enrys escape, an% the f"ightto the oo%s, as %eep an% manifest, an% he "istene% to the remain%er ofher ta"e ith a marke% e.pression of bene$o"ent in%u"gence& 0erapprehensions, that her brother might sti"" be too "ate through themountains, seeme% to ha$e much eight ith him, for, as she conc"u%e%,he a"ke% a turn or to across the hut, in si"ent musing&

Frances hesitate%, an% unconscious"y p"aye% ith the han%"e of one ofthe pisto"s, an% the pa"eness that her fears ha% sprea% o$er her finefeatures began to gi$e p"ace to a rich tint, as, after a short pause,she a%%e%,@@

(e can %epen% much on the frien%ship of Dajor 'unoo%ie, but his senseof honor is so pure, that@@that@@notithstan%ing his@@his@@fee"ings@@his%esire to ser$e us@@he i"" concei$e it to be his %uty to apprehen% mybrother again& Besi%es, he thinks there i"" be no %anger in so %oing,

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as he re"ies great"y on your interference&(

(=n mine,( sai% 0arper, raising his eyes in surprise&

(*es, on yours& hen e to"% him of your kin% "anguage, he at onceassure% us a"" that you ha% the poer, an%, if you ha% promise%, ou"%ha$e the inc"ination, to procure 0enrys par%on&(

(Sai% he moreL( aske% 0arper, ho appeare% s"ight"y uneasy&

(othing but reiterate% assurances of 0enrys safety e$en no he is inuest of you&(

(Diss harton, that ) bear no mean part, in the unhappy strugg"e beteenEng"an% an% 4merica, it might no be use"ess to %eny& *ou oe yourbrothers escape, this night, to my kno"e%ge of his innocence, an% theremembrance of my or%& Dajor 'unoo%ie is mistaken hen he says that )might open"y ha$e procure% his par%on& ) no, in%ee%, can contro" hisfate, an% ) p"e%ge to you a or% hich has some inf"uence ithashington, that means sha"" be taken to pre$ent his recapture& But

from you, a"so, ) e.act a promise, that this inter$ie, an% a"" that haspasse% beteen us, remain confine% to your on bosom, unti" you ha$e mypermission to speak upon the subject&(

Frances ga$e the %esire% assurance, an% he continue%,@@

(The pe%%"er an% your brother i"" soon be here, but ) must not be seenby the roya" officer, or the "ife of Birch might be the forfeiture&(

(e$er2( crie% Frances, ar%ent"y& (0enry cou"% ne$er be so base as tobetray the man ho sa$e% him&(

()t is no chi"%ish game that e are no p"aying, Diss harton& Dens"i$es an% fortunes hang upon s"en%er threa%s, an% nothing must be "eftto acci%ent that can be guar%e% against& 'i% Sir 0enry C"inton kno thatthe pe%%"er ha% communion ith me, an% un%er such circumstances, the"ife of the miserab"e man ou"% be taken instant"y therefore, as you$a"ue human b"oo%, or remember the rescue of your brother, be pru%ent,an% be si"ent& Communicate hat you kno to them both, an% urge them toinstant %eparture& )f they can reach the "ast pickets of our army beforemorning, it sha"" be my care that there are none to intercept them&There is better ork for Dajor 'unoo%ie than to be e.posing the "ife ofhis frien%&(

hi"e 0arper as speaking, he carefu""y ro""e% up the map he ha% beenstu%ying, an% p"ace% it, together ith sun%ry papers that ere a"soopen, into his pocket& 0e as sti"" occupie% in this manner, hen the

$oice of the pe%%"er, ta"king in unusua""y "ou% tones, as hear%%irect"y o$er their hea%s&

(Stan% farther this ay, Captain harton, an% you can see the tents inthe moonshine& But "et them mount an% ri%e ) ha$e a nest here, thati"" ho"% us both, an% e i"" go in at our "eisure&(

(4n% here is this nestL ) confess that ) ha$e eaten but "itt"e the "astto %ays, an% ) cra$e some of the cheer you mention&(

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(0em2( sai% the pe%%"er, e.erting his $oice sti"" more& (0em@@this foghas gi$en me a co"% but mo$e s"o@@an% be carefu" not to s"ip, or youmay "an% on the bayonet of the sentine" on the f"ats tis a steep hi""to rise, but one can go %on it ith ease&(

0arper presse% his finger on his "ip, to remin% Frances of her promise,an%, taking his pisto"s an% hat, so that no $estige of his $isitremaine%, he retire% %e"iberate"y to a far corner of the hut, here,"ifting se$era" artic"es of %ress, he entere% a recess in the rock, an%,"etting them fa"" again, as hi% from $ie& Frances notice%, by thestrong fire"ight, as he entere%, that it as a natura" ca$ity, an%containe% nothing but a fe more artic"es of %omestic use&

The surprise of 0enry an% the pe%%"er, on entering an% fin%ing Francesin possession of the hut, may be easi"y imagine%& ithout aiting fore.p"anations or uestions, the arm@hearte% gir" f"e into the arms ofher brother, an% ga$e a $ent to her emotions in tears& But the pe%%"erseeme% struck ith $ery %ifferent fee"ings& 0is first "ook as at thefire, hich ha% been recent"y supp"ie% ith fue" he then %re open asma"" %raer of the tab"e, an% "ooke% a "itt"e a"arme% at fin%ing

it empty&

(4re you a"one, Diss FannyL( he aske%, in a uick $oice& (*ou %i% notcome here a"oneL(

(4s you see me, Dr& Birch,( sai% Frances, raising herse"f from herbrothers arms, an% turning an e.pressi$e g"ance toar%s the secretca$ern, that the uick eye of the pe%%"er instant"y un%erstoo%&

(But hy an% herefore are you hereL( e.c"aime% her astonishe% brother(an% ho kne you of this p"ace at a""L(

Frances entere% at once into a brief %etai" of hat ha% occurre% at thehouse since their %eparture, an% the moti$es hich in%uce% her toseek them&

(But,( sai% Birch, (hy fo""o us here, hen e ere "eft on theopposite hi""L(

Frances re"ate% the g"impse that she ha% caught of the hut an% pe%%"er,in her passage through the 0igh"an%s, as e"" as her $ie of him on that%ay, an% her imme%iate conjecture that the fugiti$es ou"% seek theshe"ter of this habitation for the night& Birch e.amine% her featuresas, ith open ingenuousness, she re"ate% the simp"e inci%ents that ha%ma%e her mistress of his secret an%, as she en%e%, he sprang upon hisfeet, an%, striking the in%o ith the stick in his han%, %emo"ishe% itat a b"o&

(Tis but "itt"e "u.ury or comfort that ) kno,( he sai%, (but e$en that"itt"e cannot be enjoye% in safety2 Diss harton,( he a%%e%, a%$ancingbefore Frances, an% speaking ith the bitter me"ancho"y that as commonto him, () am hunte% through these hi""s "ike a beast of the forest buthene$er, tire% ith my toi"s, ) can reach this spot, poor an% %reary asit is, ) can spen% my so"itary nights in safety& i"" you ai% to makethe "ife of a retch sti"" more miserab"eL(

(e$er2( crie% Frances, ith fer$or (your secret is safe ith me&(

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(Dajor 'unoo%ie(@@sai% the pe%%"er, s"o"y, turning an eye upon herthat rea% her sou"&

Frances "oere% her hea% upon her bosom, for a moment, in shame then,e"e$ating her fine an% g"oing face, she a%%e%, ith enthusiasm,@@

(e$er, ne$er, 0ar$ey, as Go% may hear my prayers2(

The pe%%"er seeme% satisfie% for he %re back, an%, atching hisopportunity, unseen by 0enry, s"ippe% behin% the screen, an% entere%the ca$ern&

Frances an% her brother, ho thought his companion ha% passe% throughthe %oor, continue% con$ersing on the "atters situation for se$era"minutes, hen the former urge% the necessity of on his part,in or%er to prece%e 'unoo%ie, from hose sense of %uty they kne theyha% no escape& The captain took out his pocketbook, an% rote a fe"ines ith his penci" then fo"%ing the paper, he han%e% it tohis sister&

(Frances,( he sai%, (you ha$e this night pro$e% yourse"f to be anincomparab"e oman& 4s you "o$e me, gi$e that unopene% to 'unoo%ie, an%remember that to hours may sa$e my "ife&(

() i""@@) i"" but hy %e"ayL hy not f"y, an% impro$e these preciousmomentsL(

(*our sister says e"", Captain harton,( e.c"aime% 0ar$ey, ho ha%reentere% unseen (e must go at once& 0ere is foo% to eat, ase tra$e"&(

(But ho is to see this fair creature in safetyL( crie% the captain& ()can ne$er %esert my sister in such a p"ace as this&(

(?ea$e me2 "ea$e me2( sai% Frances& () can %escen% as ) came up& 'o not%oubt me you kno not my courage nor my strength&(

() ha$e not knon you, %ear gir", it is true but no, as ) "earn your$a"ue, can ) uit you hereL e$er, ne$er2(

(Captain harton,( sai% Birch, throing open the %oor, (you can trif"eith your on "i$es, if you ha$e many to spare ) ha$e but one, an% mustnurse it& 'o ) go a"one, or notL(

(Go, go, %ear 0enry,( sai% Frances, embracing him (go remember ourfather remember Sarah&( She aite% not for his anser, but gent"y

force% him through the %oor, an% c"ose% it ith her on han%s&

For a short time there as a arm %ebate beteen 0enry an% the pe%%"erbut the "atter fina""y pre$ai"e%, an% the breath"ess gir" hear% thesuccessi$e p"unges, as they ent %on the si%es of the mountain at arapi% rate&

)mme%iate"y after the noise of their %eparture ha% cease%, 0arperreappeare%& 0e took the arm of Frances in si"ence, an% "e% her from thehut& The ay seeme% fami"iar to him for, ascen%ing to the "e%ge abo$e

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them, he "e% his companion across the tab"e"an% ten%er"y, pointing outthe "itt"e %ifficu"ties in their route, an% cautioning heragainst injury&

Frances fe"t, as she a"ke% by the si%e of this e.traor%inary man, thatshe as supporte% by one of no common stamp& The firmness of his step,an% the composure of his manner, seeme% to in%icate a min% sett"e% an%reso"$e%& By taking a route o$er the back of the hi"", they %escen%e%ith great, an% but "itt"e %anger& The %istance it ha% takenFrances an hour to conuer, as passe% by 0arper an% his companion inten minutes, an% they entere% the open space a"rea%y mentione%& 0estruck into one of the sheep paths, an%, crossing the c"earing ithrapi% steps, they came su%%en"y upon a horse, caparisone% for a ri%er ofno mean rank& The nob"e beast snorte% an% pae% the earth, as his masterapproache% an% rep"ace% the pisto"s in the ho"sters&

0arper then turne%, an%, taking the han% of Frances, spoke as fo""os3@@

(*ou ha$e this night sa$e% your brother, Diss harton& )t ou"% not beproper for me to e.p"ain hy there are "imits to my abi"ity to ser$e

him but if you can %etain the horse for to hours, he is assure%"ysafe& 4fter hat you ha$e a"rea%y %one, ) can be"ie$e you eua" to any%uty& Go% has %enie% to me chi"%ren, young "a%y but if it ha% been 0isb"esse% i"" that my marriage shou"% not ha$e been chi"%"ess, such atreasure as yourse"f ou"% ) ha$e aske% from 0is mercy& But you are mychi"%3 a"" ho %e"" in this broa% "an% are my chi"%ren, an% my carean% take the b"essing of one ho hopes yet to meet you in happier %ays&(

4s he spoke, ith a so"emnity that touche% Frances to the heart, he "ai%his han% impressi$e"y upon her hea%& The gui"e"ess gir" turne% her facetoar%s him, an% the hoo% again fa""ing back, e.pose% her "o$e"yfeatures to the moonbeams& 4 tear as g"istening on either cheek, an%her mi"% b"ue eyes ere gaKing upon him in re$erence& 0arper bent an%presse% a paterna" kiss upon her forehea%, an% continue%3 (4ny of thesesheep paths i"" take you to the p"ain but here e must part@@) ha$emuch to %o an% far to ri%e forget me in a"" but your prayers&(

0e then mounte% his horse, an% "ifting his hat, ro%e toar%s the backof the mountain, %escen%ing at the same time, an% as soon hi% by thetrees& Frances sprang forar% ith a "ightene% heart, an% taking thefirst path that "e% %onar%s, in a fe minutes she reache% the p"ain insafety& hi"e busie% in stea"ing through the mea%os toar%s the house,the noise of horse approaching start"e% her, an% she fe"t ho much moreas to be apprehen%e% from man, in some situations, than from so"itu%e&0i%ing her form in the ang"e of a fence near the roa%, she remaine%uiet for a moment, an% atche% their passage& 4 sma"" party of%ragoons, hose %ress as %ifferent from the -irginians, passe% at a

brisk trot& They ere fo""oe% by a gent"eman, en$e"ope% in a "argec"oak, hom she at once kne to be 0arper& Behin% him ro%e a b"ack in"i$ery, an% to youths in uniform brought up the rear& )nstea% of takingthe roa% that "e% by the encampment, they turne% short to the "eft an%entere% the hi""s&

on%ering ho this unknon but poerfu" frien% of her brother cou"% be,Frances g"i%e% across the fie"%s, an% using %ue precautions inapproaching the %e""ing, regaine% her resi%ence un%isco$ere% an%in safety&

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  0ence, bashfu" cunning2  4n% prompt me, p"ain an% ho"y innocence  ) am your ife, if you i"" marry me&


=n joining Diss Peyton, Frances "earne% that 'unoo%ie as not yetreturne% a"though, ith a $ie to re"ie$e 0enry from the importunitiesof the suppose% fanatic, he ha% %esire% a $ery respectab"e %i$ine oftheir on church to ri%e up from the ri$er an% offer his ser$ices& Thisgent"eman as a"rea%y arri$e%, an% ha% been passing the ha"f hour he ha%been there, in a sensib"e an% e""@bre% con$ersation ith the spinster,that in no %egree touche% upon their %omestic affairs&

To the eager inuiries of Diss Peyton, re"ati$e to her success in herromantic e.cursion, Frances cou"% say no more than that she as boun% tobe si"ent, an% to recommen% the same precaution to the goo% mai%en a"so&There as a smi"e p"aying aroun% the beautifu" mouth of Frances, hi"eshe uttere% this injunction, hich satisfie% her aunt that a"" as as itshou"% be& She as urging her niece to take some refreshment after herfatiguing, hen the noise of a horseman ri%ing to the %oor,announce% the return of the major& 0e ha% been foun% by the courier hoas %ispatche% by Dason, impatient"y aiting the return of 0arper to theferry, an% imme%iate"y f"e to the p"ace here his frien% ha% beenconfine%, tormente% by a thousan% conf"icting fears& The heart ofFrances boun%e% as she "istene% to his approaching footsteps& )t ante%yet an hour to the termination of the shortest perio% that the pe%%"erha% fi.e% as the time necessary to effect his escape& E$en 0arper,poerfu" an% e""@%ispose% as he ackno"e%ge% himse"f to be, ha% "ai%great stress upon the importance of %etaining the -irginians %uring thathour& She, hoe$er, ha% not time to ra""y her thoughts, before 'unoo%ieentere% one %oor, as Diss Peyton, ith the rea%iness of fema"e instinct,retire% through another&

The countenance of Peyton as f"ushe%, an% an air of $e.ation an%%isappointment per$a%e% his manner&

(Tas impru%ent, Frances nay, it as unkin%,( he crie%, throinghimse"f in a chair, (to f"y at the $ery moment that ) ha% assure% him ofsafety2 ) can a"most persua%e myse"f that you %e"ight in creating points

of %ifference in our fee"ings an% %uties&(

()n our %uties there may $ery possib"y be a %ifference,( returne% hismistress, approaching, an% "eaning her s"en%er form against the a""(but not in our fee"ings, Peyton& *ou must certain"y rejoice in theescape of 0enry2(

(There as no %anger impen%ing& 0e ha% the promise of 0arper an% it isa or% ne$er to be %oubte%& = Frances2 Frances2 ha% you knon the man,you ou"% ne$er ha$e %istruste% his assurance nor ou"% you ha$e again

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re%uce% me to this %istressing a"ternati$e&(

(hat a"ternati$eL( aske% Frances, pitying his emotions %eep"y, buteager"y seiKing upon e$ery circumstance to pro"ong the inter$ie&

(hat a"ternati$e2 4m ) not compe""e% to spen% this night in the sa%%"eto recapture your brother, hen ) ha% thought to "ay my hea% on itspi""o, ith the happy consciousness of ha$ing contribute% to hisre"easeL *ou make me seem your enemy ), ho ou"% cheerfu""y she% the"ast %rop of b"oo% in your ser$ice& ) repeat, Frances, it as rash itas unkin% it as a sa%, sa% mistake&(

She bent toar%s him an% timi%"y took one of his han%s, hi"e ith theother she gent"y remo$e% the cur"s from his burning bro&

(hy go at a"", %ear PeytonL( she aske%& (*ou ha$e %one much for yourcountry, an% she cannot e.act such a sacrifice as this at your han%&(

(Frances2 Diss harton2( e.c"aime% the youth, springing on his feet, an%pacing the f"oor ith a cheek that burne% through its bron co$ering,

an% an eye that spark"e% ith oun%e% integrity& ()t is not my country,but my honor, that reuires the sacrifice& 0as he not f"e% from a guar%of my on corpsL But for this, ) might ha$e been spare% the b"o2 But ifthe eyes of the -irginians are b"in%e% to %eception an% artifice, theirhorses are sift of foot, an% their sabers keen& e sha"" see, beforeto@morros sun, ho i"" presume to hint that the beauty of the sisterfurnishe% a mask to concea" the brother2 *es, yes, ) shou"% "ike, e$enno,( he continue%, "aughing bitter"y, (to hear the $i""ain ho ou"%%are to surmise that such treachery e.iste%2(

(Peyton, %ear Peyton,( sai% Frances, recoi"ing from his angry eye, (youcur%"e my b"oo%@@ou"% you ki"" my brotherL(

(ou"% ) not %ie for him2( e.c"aime% 'unoo%ie, as he turne% to her moremi"%"y& (*ou kno ) ou"% but ) am %istracte% ith the crue" surmise tohich this step of 0enrys subjects me& hat i"" ashington think ofme, shou"% he "earn that ) e$er became your husban%L(

()f that a"one impe"s you to act so harsh"y toar%s my brother,(returne% Frances, ith a s"ight tremor in her $oice, ("et it ne$erhappen for him to "earn&(

(4n% this is conso"ation, Frances2(

(ay, %ear 'unoo%ie, ) meant nothing harsh or unkin% but are you notmaking us both of more conseuence ith ashington than the truthi"" justifyL(

() trust that my name is not entire"y unknon to the comman%er inchief,( sai% the major, a "itt"e prou%"y (nor are you as obscure asyour mo%esty ou"% make you& ) be"ie$e you, Frances, hen you say thatyou pity me, an% it must be my task to continue orthy of such fee"ings&But ) aste the precious moments e must go through the hi""s to@night,that e may be refreshe% in time for the %uty of to@morro& Dason isa"rea%y aiting my or%ers to mount& Frances, ) "ea$e you ith a hea$yheart pity me, but fee" no concern for your brother he must againbecome a prisoner, but e$ery hair of his hea% is sacre%&(

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(Stop2 'unoo%ie, ) conjure you,( crie% Frances, gasping for breath, asshe notice% that the han% of the c"ock sti"" ante% many minutes to the%esire% hour& (Before you go on your erran% of fasti%ious %uty, rea%this note that 0enry has "eft for you, an% hich, %oubt"ess, he thoughthe as riting to the frien% of his youth&(

(Frances, ) e.cuse your fee"ings but the time i"" come hen you i""%o me justice&(

(That time is no,( she ansere%, e.ten%ing her han%, unab"e any "ongerto feign a %isp"easure that she %i% not fee"&

(here got you this noteL( e.c"aime% the youth, g"ancing his eyes o$erits contents& (Poor 0enry, you are in%ee% my frien%2 )f anyone ishes mehappiness, it is you2(

(0e %oes, he %oes,( crie% Frances, eager"y (he ishes you e$eryhappiness be"ie$e hat he te""s you e$ery or% is true&(

() %o be"ie$e him, "o$e"y gir", an% he refers me to you for itsconfirmation& ou"% that ) cou"% trust eua""y to your affections2(

(*ou may, Peyton,( sai% Frances, "ooking up ith innocent confi%encetoar%s her "o$er&

(Then rea% for yourse"f, an% $erify your or%s,( interrupte% 'unoo%ie,ho"%ing the note toar%s her&

Frances recei$e% it in astonishment, an% rea% the fo""oing3

(?ife is too precious to be truste% to uncertainties& ) "ea$e you,Peyton, unknon to a"" but Caesar, an% ) recommen% him to your mercy&But there is a care that eighs me to the earth& ?ook at my age% an%infirm parent& 0e i"" be reproache% for the suppose% crime of his son&?ook at those he"p"ess sisters that ) "ea$e behin% me ithout aprotector& Pro$e to me that you "o$e us a""& ?et the c"ergyman hom youi"" bring ith you, unite you this night to Frances, an% become atonce, brother, son, an% husban%&(

The paper fe"" from the han%s of Frances, an% she en%ea$ore% to raiseher eyes to the face of 'unoo%ie, but they sank abashe% to the f"oor&

(4m ) orthy of this confi%enceL i"" you sen% me out this night, tomeet my on brotherL or i"" it be the officer of Congress in uest ofthe officer of BritainL(

(4n% ou"% you %o "ess of your %uty because ) am your ife, Dajor'unoo%ieL )n hat %egree ou"% it better the con%ition of 0enryL(

(0enry, ) repeat, is safe& The or% of 0arper is his guarantee but )i"" sho the or"% a bri%egroom,( continue% the youth, perhaps%ecei$ing himse"f a "itt"e, (ho is eua" to the %uty of arresting thebrother of his bri%e&(

(4n% i"" the or"% comprehen% this refinementL( sai% Frances, ith amusing air, that "ighte% a thousan% hopes in the bosom of her "o$er& )n

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fact, the temptation as mighty& )n%ee%, there seeme% no other ay to%etain 'unoo%ie unti" the fata" hour ha% e"apse%& The or%s of 0arperhimse"f, ho ha% so "ate"y to"% her that open"y he cou"% %o but "itt"efor 0enry, an% that e$erything %epen%e% upon gaining time, ere %eep"yengra$e% upon her memory& Perhaps there as a"so a f"eeting thought ofthe possibi"ity of an eterna" separation from her "o$er, shou"% heprocee% an% bring back her brother to punishment& )t is %ifficu"t at a""times to ana"yKe human emotions, an% they pass through the sensiti$eheart of a oman ith the rapi%ity an% near"y ith the $i$i%ness of"ightning&

(hy %o you hesitate, %ear FrancesL( crie% 'unoo%ie, ho as stu%yingher $arying countenance& (4 fe minutes might gi$e me a husban%s c"aimto protect you&(

Frances gre gi%%y& She turne% an an.ious eye to the c"ock, an% the han%seeme% to "inger o$er its face, as if ith intent to torture her&

(Speak, Frances,( murmure% 'unoo%ie (may ) summon my goo% kinsomanL'etermine, for time presses&(

She en%ea$ore% to rep"y, but cou"% on"y hisper something that asinau%ib"e, but hich her "o$er, ith the pri$i"ege of immemoria" custom,construe% into assent& 0e turne% an% f"e to the %oor, hen his mistressreco$ere% her $oice3@@

(Stop, Peyton2 ) cannot enter into such a so"emn engagement ith a frau%upon my conscience& ) ha$e seen 0enry since his escape, an% time isa""@important to him& 0ere is my han% if, ith this kno"e%ge of theconseuences of %e"ay, you i"" not reject it, it is free"y yours&(

(/eject it2( crie% the %e"ighte% youth& () take it as the richest giftof hea$en& There is time enough for us a""& To hours i"" take methrough the hi""s an% by noon to@morro ) i"" return ith ashingtonspar%on for your brother, an% 0enry i"" he"p to en"i$en our nuptia"s&(

(Then meet me here, in ten minutes,( sai% Frances, great"y re"ie$e% byunbur%ening her min%, an% fi""e% ith the hope of securing 0enryssafety, (an% ) i"" return an% take those $os hich i"" bin% me toyou fore$er&(

'unoo%ie pause% on"y to press her once to his bosom, an% f"e tocommunicate his ishes to the priest&

Diss Peyton recei$e% the a$oa" of her niece ith infinite astonishment,an% a "itt"e %isp"easure& )t as $io"ating a"" the or%er an% %ecorum ofa e%%ing to get it up so hasti"y, an% ith so "itt"e ceremony& But

Frances, ith mo%est firmness, %ec"are% that her reso"ution as takenshe ha% "ong possesse% the consent of her frien%s, an% their nuptia"s,for months, ha% on"y aite% her p"easure& She ha% no promise%'unoo%ie an% it as her ish to comp"y more she %are not say ithoutcommitting herse"f, by entering into e.p"anations that might en%angerBirch, or 0arper, or both& Anuse% to contention, an% rea""y muchattache% to her kinsman, the feeb"e objections of Diss Peyton ga$e ayto the firmness of her niece& Dr& harton as too comp"ete"y a con$ertto the %octrine of passi$e obe%ience an% nonresistance, to ithstan% anyso"icitation from an officer of 'unoo%ies inf"uence in the rebe"

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armies an% the mai% returne% to the apartment, accompanie% by herfather an% aunt, at the e.piration of the time that she ha% fi.e%&'unoo%ie an% the c"ergyman ere a"rea%y there& Frances, si"ent"y, an%ithout the affectation of reser$e, p"ace% in his han% the e%%ing ringof her on mother, an% after some "itt"e time spent in arranging Dr&harton an% herse"f, Diss Peyton suffere% the ceremony to procee%&

The c"ock stoo% %irect"y before the eyes of Frances, an% she turne% manyan an.ious g"ance at the %ia" but the so"emn "anguage of the priestsoon caught her attention, an% her min% became intent upon the $os sheas uttering& The ceremony as uick"y o$er, an% as the c"ergymanc"ose% the or%s of bene%iction, the c"ock to"% the hour of nine& Thisas the time that 0arper ha% %eeme% so important, an% Frances fe"t as ifa mighty "oa% as at once remo$e% from her heart&

'unoo%ie fo"%e% her in his arms, sa"ute% the mi"% aunt again an% again,an% shook Dr& harton an% the %i$ine repeate%"y by the han%s& )n themi%st of the fe"icitation, a tap as hear% at the %oor& )t as opene%,an% Dason appeare%&

(e are in the sa%%"e,( sai% the "ieutenant, (an%, ith your permission,) i"" "ea% on as you are so e"" mounte%, you can o$ertake us atyour "eisure&(

(*es, yes, my goo% fe""o march,( crie% 'unoo%ie, g"a%"y seiKing ane.cuse to "inger& () i"" reach you at the first ha"t&(

The suba"tern retire% to e.ecute these or%ers he as fo""oe% by Dr&harton an% the %i$ine&

(o, Peyton,( sai% Frances, (it is in%ee% a brother that you seek ) amsure ) nee% not caution you in his beha"f, shou"% you unfortunate"yfin% him&(

(Say fortunate"y,( crie% the youth, (for ) am %etermine% he sha"" yet%ance at my e%%ing& ou"% that ) cou"% in him to our cause& )t is thecause of his country an% ) cou"% fight ith more p"easure, Frances,ith your brother by my si%e&(

(=h2 mention it not2 *ou aaken terrib"e ref"ections&(

() i"" not mention it,( returne% her husban% (but ) must no "ea$eyou& But the sooner ) go, Frances, the sooner ) sha"" return&(

The noise of a horseman as hear% approaching the house, an% 'unoo%ieas yet taking "ea$e of his bri%e an% her aunt, hen an officer asshon into the room by his on man&

The gent"eman ore the %ress of an ai%@%e@camp, an% the major at oncekne him to be one of the mi"itary fami"y of ashington&

(Dajor 'unoo%ie,( he sai%, after boing to the "a%ies, (the comman%erin chief has %irecte% me to gi$e you these or%ers&(

0e e.ecute% his mission, an%, p"ea%ing %uty, took his "ea$e imme%iate"y&

(0ere, in%ee%2( crie% the major, (is an une.pecte% turn in the ho"e

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affair but ) un%erstan% it3 0arper has got my "etter, an% a"rea%y efee" his inf"uence&(

(0a$e you nes affecting 0enryL( crie% Frances, springing to his si%e&

(?isten, an% you sha"" ju%ge&(

(S)/,@@Apon the receipt of this, you i"" concentrate your sua%ron, soas to be in front of a co$ering party hich the enemy has sent up infront of his foragers, by ten oc"ock to@morro, on the heights ofCroton, here you i"" fin% a bo%y of foot to support you& The escape ofthe Eng"ish spy has been reporte% to me, but his arrest is unimportant,compare% ith the %uty ) no assign you& *ou i"", therefore, reca""your men, if any are in pursuit, an% en%ea$or to %efeat the enemyforthith&(

*our obe%ient ser$ant,GE=& 4S0)GT=&

(Thank Go%2( crie% 'unoo%ie, (my han%s are ashe% of 0enrys recapture

) can no mo$e to my %uty ith honor&(

(4n% ith pru%ence, too, %ear Peyton,( sai% Frances, ith a face as pa"eas %eath& (/emember, 'unoo%ie, you "ea$e behin% you ne c"aims onyour "ife&(

The youth %e"t on her "o$e"y but pa""i% features ith rapture an%, ashe fo"%e% her to his heart, e.c"aime%,@@

(For your sake, ) i"", "o$e"y innocent2( Frances sobbe% a moment on hisbosom, an% he tore himse"f from her presence&

Diss Peyton retire% ith her niece, to hom she concei$e% it necessary,before they separate% for the night, to gi$e an a%monitory "ecture onthe subject of matrimonia" %uty& 0er instruction as mo%est"y recei$e%,if not proper"y %igeste%& e regret that history has not han%e% %on tous this precious %issertation but the resu"t of a"" our in$estigationhas been to "earn that it partook "arge"y of those pecu"iarities hichare sai% to tincture the ru"es prescribe% to go$ern bache"ors chi"%ren&e sha"" no "ea$e the "a%ies of the harton fami"y, an% return toCaptain harton an% 0ar$ey Birch&


  4""o him not a parting or%  Short be the shrift, an% sure the cor%2  @@/okeby&

The pe%%"er an% his companion soon reache% the $a""ey, an% after pausingto "isten, an% hearing no soun%s hich announce% that pursuers ereabroa%, they entere% the highay& 4cuainte% ith e$ery step that "e%through the mountains, an% possesse% of sines inure% to toi", Birch "e%the ay, ith the "engthene% stri%es that ere pecu"iar to the man an%

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his profession his pack a"one as anting to finish the appearance ofhis or%inary business air& 4t times, hen they approache% one of those"itt"e posts he"% by the 4merican troops, ith hich the 0igh"an%saboun%e%, he ou"% take a circuit to a$oi% the sentine"s, an% p"ungefear"ess"y into a thicket, or ascen% a rugge% hi"", that to the eyeseeme% impassab"e& But the pe%%"er as fami"iar ith e$ery turn in their%ifficu"t route, kne here the ra$ines might be penetrate%, or herethe streams ere for%ab"e& )n one or to instances, 0enry thought thattheir further progress as abso"ute"y at an en%, but the ingenuity, orkno"e%ge, of his gui%e, conuere% e$ery %ifficu"ty& 4fter a"king at agreat rate for three hours, they su%%en"y %i$erge% from the roa%, hichinc"ine% to the east, an% he"% their course %irect"y across the hi""s,in a %ue south %irection& This mo$ement as ma%e, the pe%%"er informe%his companion, in or%er to a$oi% the parties ho constant"y patro""e% inthe southern entrance of the 0igh"an%s, as e"" as to shorten the%istance, by tra$e"ing in a straight "ine& 4fter reaching the summit ofa hi"", 0ar$ey seate% himse"f by the si%e of a "itt"e run, an% opening aa""et, that he ha% s"ung here his pack as common"y suspen%e%, hein$ite% his comra%e to partake of the coarse fare it containe%& 0enryha% kept pace ith the pe%%"er, more by the e.citement natura" to his

situation, than by the eua"ity of his physica" poers& The i%ea of aha"t as unp"easant, so "ong as there e.iste% a possibi"ity of the horsegetting be"o him in time to intercept their retreat through the neutra"groun%& 0e therefore state% his apprehensions to his companion, an%urge% a ish to procee%&

(Fo""o my e.amp"e, Captain harton,( sai% the pe%%"er, commencing hisfruga" mea"& ()f the horse ha$e starte%, it i"" be more than man can %oto hea% them an% if they ha$e not, ork is cut out for them, that i""%ri$e a"" thoughts of you an% me from their brains&(

(*ou sai% yourse"f, that to hours %etention as a""@important to us,an% if e "oiter here, of hat use i"" be the a%$antage that e mayha$e a"rea%y obtaine%L(

(The time is past, an% Dajor 'unoo%ie thinks "itt"e of fo""oing tomen, hen hun%re%s are aiting for him on the banks of the ri$er&(

(?isten2( interrupte% 0enry, (there are horse at this moment passing thefoot of the hi""& ) hear them e$en "aughing an% ta"king to each other&0ist2 there is the $oice of 'unoo%ie himse"f he ca""s to his comra%ein a manner that shos but "itt"e uneasiness& =ne ou"% think that thesituation of his frien% ou"% "oer his spirits sure"y Frances cou"%not ha$e gi$en him the "etter&(

=n hearing the first e.c"amation of the captain, Birch arose from hisseat, an% approache% cautious"y to the bro of the hi"", taking care to

keep his bo%y in the sha%o of the rocks, so as to be unseen at any%istance, an% earnest"y reconnoitere% the group of passing horsemen& 0econtinue% "istening, unti" their uick footsteps ere no "onger au%ib"e,an% then uiet"y returne% to his seat, an% ith incomparab"e coo"nessresume% his mea"&

(*ou ha$e a "ong a"k, an% a tiresome one, before you, Captain hartonyou ha% better %o as ) %o@@you ere eager for foo% at the hut abo$eFishki"", but tra$e"ing seems to ha$e orn %on your appetite&(

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() thought myse"f safe, then, but the information of my sister fi""s meith uneasiness, an% ) cannot eat&(

(*ou ha$e "ess reason to be troub"e% no than at any time since thenight before you ere taken, hen you refuse% my a%$ice, an% an offer tosee you in safety,( returne% the pe%%"er& (Dajor 'unoo%ie is not a manto "augh an% be gay hen his frien% is in %ifficu"ty& Come, then, an%eat, for no horse i"" be in our ay, if e can ho"% our "egs for fourhours "onger, an% the sun keeps behin% the hi""s as "ong as common&(

There as a composure in the pe%%"ers manner that encourage% hiscompanion an% ha$ing once %etermine% to submit to 0ar$eys go$ernment,he suffere% himse"f to be persua%e% into a to"erab"e supper, if uantitybe consi%ere% ithout any reference to the ua"ity& 4fter comp"etingtheir repast, the pe%%"er resume% his journey&

0enry fo""oe% in b"in% submission to his i""& For to hours more theystrugg"e% ith the %ifficu"t an% %angerous passes of the 0igh"an%s,ithout roa%, or any other gui%e than the moon, hich as tra$e"ing thehea$ens, no a%ing through f"ying c"ou%s, an% no shining bright"y& 4t

"ength they arri$e% at a point here the mountains sank into rough an%uneua" hi""ocks, an% passe% at once from the barren steri"ity of theprecipices, to the imperfect cu"ture of the neutra" groun%&

The pe%%"er no became more guar%e% in the manner in hich theyprocee%e%, an% took %i$ers precautions to pre$ent meeting any mo$ingparts of the 4mericans& ith the stationary posts he as too fami"iar toren%er it probab"e he might fa"" upon any of them unaares& 0e oun%among the hi""s an% $a"es, no keeping the highays an% no a$oi%ingthem, ith a precision that seeme% instincti$e& There as nothinge"astic in his trea%, but he g"i%e% o$er the groun% ith enormousstri%es, an% a bo%y bent forar%, ithout appearing to use e.ertion, orkno eariness&

The moon ha% set, an% a faint streak of "ight as beginning to shoitse"f in the east& Captain harton $enture% to a sense offatigue, an% to inuire if they ere not yet arri$e% at a part of thecountry here it might be safe to app"y at some of the farmhouses fora%mission&

(See here,( sai% the pe%%"er, pointing to a hi"", at a short %istance inthe rear, (%o you not see a man a"king on the point of that rockL Turn,so as to bring the %ay"ight in the range@@no, see, he mo$es, an% seemsto be "ooking earnest"y at something to the eastar%& That is a roya"sentine" to hun%re% of the rig"ar troops "ay on that hi"", no %oubts"eeping on their arms&(

(Then,( crie% 0enry, ("et us join them, an% our %anger is en%e%&(

(Soft"y, soft"y, Captain harton,( sai% the pe%%"er, %ry"y, (you$e oncebeen in the mi%st of three hun%re% of them, but there as a man hocou"% take you out see you not yon %ark bo%y, on the si%e of theopposite hi"", just abo$e the cornsta"ksL There are the@@the rebe"sHsince that is the or% for us "oya" subjectsI, aiting on"y for %ay, tosee ho i"" be master of the groun%&(

(ay, then,( e.c"aime% the fiery youth, () i"" join the troops of my

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prince, an% share their fortune, be it goo% or be it ba%&(

(*ou forget that you fight ith a ha"ter roun% your neck no, no@@) ha$epromise% one hom ) must not %isappoint, to carry you safe in an%un"ess you forget hat ) ha$e a"rea%y %one, an% hat ) ha$e riske% foryou, Captain harton, you i"" turn an% fo""o me to 0ar"em&(

To this appea" the youth fe"t uni""ing"y ob"ige% to submit an% theycontinue% their course toar%s the city& )t as not "ong before theygaine% the banks of the 0u%son& 4fter searching for a short time un%erthe shore, the pe%%"er %isco$ere% a skiff, that appeare% to be an o"%acuaintance an% entering it ith his companion he "an%e% him on thesouth si%e of the Croton& 0ere Birch %ec"are% they ere in safety forthe roya" troops he"% the continenta"s at bay, an% the former ere outin too great strength for the "ight parties of the "atter to trustthemse"$es be"o that ri$er, on the imme%iate banks of the 0u%son&

Throughout the ho"e of this ar%uous f"ight, the pe%%"er ha% manifeste%a coo"ness an% presence of min% that nothing appeare% to %isturb& 4""his facu"ties seeme% to be of more than usua" perfection, an% the

infirmities of nature to ha$e no %ominion o$er him& 0enry ha% fo""oe%him "ike a chi"% in "ea%ing strings, an% he no reape% his rear%, as hefe"t a boun% of p"easure at his heart, on hearing that he as re"ie$e%from apprehension, an% permitte% to banish e$ery %oubt of security&

4 steep an% "aborious ascent brought them from the "e$e" of theti%eaters to the high "an%s that form, in this part of the ri$er, theeastern banks of the 0u%son& /etiring a "itt"e from the highay, un%erthe she"ter of a thicket of ce%ars, the pe%%"er thre his form on a f"atrock, an% announce% to his companion that the hour for rest an%refreshment as at "ength arri$e%& The %ay as no opene%, an% objectscou"% be seen in the %istance, ith %istinctness& Beneath them "ay the0u%son, stretching to the south in a straight "ine, as far as the eyecou"% reach& To the north, the broken fragments of the 0igh"an%s threupar%s their "ofty hea%s, abo$e masses of fog that hung o$er the ater,an% by hich the course of the ri$er cou"% be trace% into the bosom ofhi""s hose conica" summits ere grouping togather, one behin% another,in that %isor%er hich might be suppose% to ha$e succee%e% theirgigantic, but fruit"ess, efforts to stop the progress of the f"oo%&Emerging from these confuse% pi"es, the ri$er, as if rejoicing at itsre"ease from the strugg"e, e.pan%e% into a i%e bay, hich asornamente% by a fe ferti"e an% "o points that jutte% humb"y into itsbroa% basin& =n the opposite, or estern shore, the rocks of Jersey eregathere% into an array that has obtaine% for them the name of the(Pa"isa%es,( e"e$ating themse"$es for many hun%re% feet, as if toprotect the rich country in their rear from the inroa%s of theconueror but, %is%aining such an enemy, the ri$er sept prou%"y by

their feet, an% he"% its un%e$iating ay to the ocean& 4 ray of therising sun %arte% upon the s"ight c"ou% that hung o$er the p"aci% ri$er,an% at once the ho"e scene as in motion, changing an% assuming neforms, an% e.hibiting fresh objects in each successi$e moment& 4t the%ai"y rising of this great curtain of nature, at the present time,scores of hite sai"s an% s"uggish $esse"s are seen thickening on theater, ith that air of "ife hich %enotes the neighborhoo% to themetropo"is of a great an% f"ourishing empire but to 0enry an% thepe%%"er it %isp"aye% on"y the suare yar%s an% "ofty masts of a $esse"of ar, ri%ing a fe mi"es be"o them& Before the fog ha% begun to mo$e,

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the ta"" spars ere seen abo$e it, an% from one of them a "ong pennantas feeb"y borne abroa% in the current of night air, that sti"" ui$ere%a"ong the ri$er but as the smoke arose, the b"ack hu"", the cro%e% an%comp"icate% mass of rigging, an% the hea$y yar%s an% booms, sprea%ingtheir arms afar, ere successi$e"y brought into $ie&

(There, Captain harton,( sai% the pe%%"er, (there is a safe restingp"ace for you 4merica has no arm that can reach you, if you gain the%eck of that ship& She is sent up to co$er the foragers, an% support thetroops the rig"ar officers are fon% of the soun% of cannon from theirshipping&(

ithout con%escen%ing to rep"y to the sarcasm con$eye% in this speech,or perhaps not noticing it, 0enry joyfu""y acuiesce% in the proposa",an% it as accor%ing"y arrange% beteen them, that, as soon as they ererefreshe%, he shou"% en%ea$or to get on boar% the $esse"&

hi"e busi"y occupie% in the $ery in%ispensab"e operation of breakingtheir fast, our a%$enturers ere start"e% ith the soun% of %istantfirearms& 4t first a fe scattering shots ere fire%, hich ere

succee%e% by a "ong an% animate% ro"" of musketry, an% then uick an%hea$y $o""eys fo""oe% each other&

(*our prophecy is ma%e goo%,( crie% the Eng"ish officer, springing uponhis feet& (=ur troops an% the rebe"s are at it2 ) ou"% gi$e si. monthspay to see the charge&(

(Amph2( returne% his companion, ithout ceasing his mea", (they %o $erye"" to "ook at from a %istance ) cant say but the company of thisbacon, co"% as it is, is more to my taste, just no, than a hot firefrom the continenta"s&(

(The %ischarges are hea$y for so sma"" a force but the fire seemsirregu"ar&(

(The scattering guns are from the Connecticut mi"itia,( sai% 0ar$ey,raising his hea% to "isten (they ratt"e it off fine"y, an% are no foo"sat a mark& The $o""eys are the rig"ars, ho, you kno, fire by or%@@as"ong as they can&(

() "ike not the armth of hat you ca"" a scattering fire,( e.c"aime%the captain, mo$ing about ith uneasiness (it is more "ike the ro"" ofa %rum than skirmishers shooting&(

(o, no ) sai% not skrimmagers,( returne% the other, raising himse"fupon a knee, an% ceasing to eat (so "ong as they stan%, they are toogoo% for the best troops in the roya" army& Each man %oes his ork as if

fighting by the job an% then, they think hi"e they fight, an% %ontsen% bu""ets to the c"ou%s, that ere meant to ki"" men on earth&(

(*ou ta"k an% "ook, sir, as if you ishe% them success,( sai% 0enry,stern"y&

() ish success to the goo% cause on"y, Captain harton& ) thought youkne me too e"", to be uncertain hich party ) fa$ore%&(

(=h2 you are repute% "oya", Dr& Birch& But the $o""eys ha$e cease%2(

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Both no "istene% intent"y for a "itt"e hi"e, %uring hich theirregu"ar reports became "ess brisk, an% su%%en"y hea$y an% repeate%$o""eys fo""oe%&

(They$e been at the bayonet,( sai% the pe%%"er (the rig"ars ha$etrie% the bayonet, an% the rebe"s are %ri$en&(

(4ye, Dr& Birch, the bayonet is the thing for the British so"%ier, aftera""& They %e"ight in the bayonet2(

(e"", to my notion,( sai% the pe%%"er, (theres but "itt"e %e"ight tobe taken in any such fearfu" eapon& ) %are say the mi"itia are of mymin%, for ha"f of them %ont carry the ug"y things& ?or%2 ?or%2 captain,) ish you% go ith me once into the rebe" camp, an% hear hat "ies themen i"" te"" about Bunker 0i"" an% Burgyne you% think they "o$e% thebayonet as much as they %o their %inners&(

There as a chuck"e, an% an air of affecte% innocency about hiscompanion, that rather annoye% 0enry, an% he %i% not %eign to rep"y&

The firing no became %esu"tory, occasiona""y interming"e% ith hea$y$o""eys& Both of the fugiti$es ere stan%ing, "istening ith muchan.iety, hen a man, arme% ith a musket, as seen stea"ing toar%sthem, un%er the she"ter of the ce%ar bushes, that partia""y co$ere% thehi""& 0enry first obser$e% this suspicious@"ooking stranger, an%instant"y pointe% him out to his companion& Birch starte%, an% certain"yma%e an in%ication of su%%en f"ight but reco""ecting himse"f, he stoo%,in su""en si"ence, unti" the stranger as ithin a fe yar%s of them&

(Tis frien%s,( sai% the fe""o, c"ubbing his gun, but apparent"y afrai%to $enture nearer&

(*ou ha% better retire,( sai% Birch (here are rig"ars at han%& e arenot near 'unoo%ies horse no, an% you i"" not fin% me an easypriKe to@%ay&(

('amn Dajor 'unoo%ie an% his horse2( crie% the "ea%er of the SkinnersHfor it as heI (Go% b"ess ing George2 an% a spee%y en% to therebe""ion, say )& )f you ou"% sho me the safe ay in to the refugees,Dr& Birch, )"" pay you e"", an% e$er after stan% your frien%, inthe bargain&(

(The roa% is as open to you as to me,( sai% Birch, turning from him ini""@concea"e% %isgust& ()f you ant to fin% the refugees, you kno e""here they "ay&(

(4ye, but )m a "itt"e %oubtfu" of going in upon them by myse"f no,you are e"" knon to them a"", an% it i"" be no %etriment to you justto "et me go in ith you&(

0enry here interfere%, an% after ho"%ing a short %ia"ogue ith thefe""o, he entere% into a compact ith him, that, on con%ition ofsurren%ering his arms, he might join the party& The man comp"ie%instant"y, an% Birch recei$e% his gun ith eagerness nor %i% he "ay itupon his shou"%er to rene their march, before he ha% carefu""y e.amine%the priming, an% ascertaine%, to his satisfaction, that it containe% a

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goo%, %ry, ba"" cartri%ge&

4s soon as this engagement as comp"ete%, they commence% their journeyane& By fo""oing the bank of the ri$er, Birch "e% the ay free fromobser$ation, unti" they reache% the point opposite to the frigate, hen,by making a signa", a boat as in%uce% to approach& Some time as spent,an% much precaution use%, before the seamen ou"% trust themse"$esashore but 0enry ha$ing fina""y succee%e% in making the officer hocomman%e% the party cre%it his assertions, he as ab"e to rejoin hiscompanions in arms in safety& Before taking "ea$e of Birch, the captainhan%e% him his purse, hich as to"erab"y e"" supp"ie% for the timesthe pe%%"er recei$e% it, an%, atching an opportunity, he con$eye% it,unnotice% by the Skinner, to a part of his %ress that as ingenious"ycontri$e% to ho"% such treasures&

The boat pu""e% from the shore, an% Birch turne% on his hee", %rainghis breath, "ike one re"ie$e%, an% shot up the hi""s ith the stri%esfor hich he as famous& The Skinner fo""oe%, an% each party pursue%the common course, casting freuent an% suspicious g"ances at the other,an% both maintaining a most impenetrab"e si"ence&

agons ere mo$ing a"ong the ri$er roa%, an% occasiona" parties of horseere seen escorting the fruits of the inroa% toar%s the city& 4s thepe%%"er ha% $ies of his on, he rather a$oi%e% fa""ing in ith any ofthese patro"s, than sought their protection& But, after tra$e"ing a femi"es on the imme%iate banks of the ri$er, %uring hich, notithstan%ingthe repeate% efforts of the Skinner to estab"ish something "ikesociabi"ity, he maintaine% a most %etermine% si"ence, keeping a firmho"% of the gun, an% a"ays maintaining a jea"ous atchfu"ness of hisassociate, the pe%%"er su%%en"y struck into the highay, ith anintention of crossing the hi""s toar%s 0ar"em& 4t the moment he gaine%the path, a bo%y of horse came o$er a "itt"e eminence, an% as upon himbefore he percei$e% them& )t as too "ate to retreat, an% after taking a$ie of the materia"s that compose% this party, Birch rejoice% in therencounter, as a probab"e means of re"ie$ing him from his une"comecompanion& There ere some eighteen or tenty men, mounte% an% euippe%as %ragoons, though neither their appearance nor manners %enote% much%iscip"ine& 4t their hea% ro%e a hea$y, mi%%"e@age% man, hose featurese.presse% as much of anima" courage, an% as "itt"e of reason, as cou"%be %esire% for such an occupation& 0e ore the %ress of an officer, butthere as none of that neatness in his attire, nor grace in hismo$ements, that as usua""y foun% about the gent"emen ho bore the roya"commission& 0is "imbs ere firm, an% not p"iab"e, an% he sat his horseith strength an% confi%ence, but his bri%"e han% ou"% ha$e beenri%icu"e% by the meanest ri%er amongst the -irginians& 4s he e.pecte%,this "ea%er instant"y hai"e% the pe%%"er, in a $oice by no means moreconci"iating than his appearance&

(0ey2 my gent"emen, hich ay so fastL( he crie%, (0as ashington sentyou %on as spiesL(

() am an innocent pe%%"er,( returne% 0ar$ey meek"y, (an% am goingbe"o, to "ay in a fresh stock of goo%s&(

(4n% ho %o you e.pect to get be"o, my innocent pe%%"erL 'o you thinke ho"% the forts at ings Bri%ge to co$er such pe%%"ing rasca"s asyou, in your goings in an% comings outL(

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() be"ie$e ) ho"% a pass that i"" carry me through,( sai% the pe%%"er,han%ing him a paper, ith an air of in%ifference&

The officer, for such he as, rea% it, an% cast a "ook of surprise an%curiosity at 0ar$ey, hen he ha% %one&

Then turning to one or to of his men, ho ha% officious"y stoppe% theay, he crie%,@@

(hy %o you %etain the manL Gi$e ay, an% "et him pass in peace& Buthom ha$e e hereL *our name is not mentione% in the pass2(

(o, sir,( sai% the Skinner, "ifting his hat ith humi"ity& () ha$e beena poor, %e"u%e% man, ho has been ser$ing in the rebe" army but, thankGo%, )$e "i$e% to see the error of my ays, an% am no come to makereparation, by en"isting un%er the ?or%s anointe%&(

(Amph2 a %eserter@@a Skinner, )"" sear, anting to turn Coboy2 )n the"ast brush ) ha% ith the scoun%re"s, ) cou"% har%"y te"" my on men

from the enemy& e are not o$er e"" supp"ie% ith coats, an% as forcountenances, the rasca"s change si%es so often, that you may as e""count their faces for nothing but tru%ge on, e i"" contri$e to makeuse of you, sooner or "ater&(

Angracious as as this reception, if you cou"% ju%ge of the Skinnersfee"ings from his manner, it ne$erthe"ess %e"ighte% him& 0e mo$e% itha"acrity toar%s the city, an% rea""y as so happy to escape the bruta""ooks an% frightfu" manner of his interrogator, as to "ose sight of a""other consi%erations& But the man ho performe% the functions of or%er"yin the irregu"ar troop, ro%e up to the si%e of his comman%er, an%commence% a c"ose an% apparent"y a confi%entia" %iscourse ith hisprincipa"& They spoke in hispers, an% cast freuent an% searchingg"ances at the Skinner, unti" the fe""o began to think himse"f anobject of more than common attention& 0is satisfaction at this%istinction as somehat heightene%, at obser$ing a smi"e on the face ofthe captain, hich, a"though it might be thought grim, certain"y %enote%satisfaction& This pantomime occupie% the time they ere passing aho""o, an% conc"u%e% as they rose another hi""& 0ere the captain an%his sergeant both %ismounte%, an% or%ere% the party to ha"t& The topartisans each took a pisto" from his ho"ster, a mo$ement that e.cite%no suspicion or a"arm, as it as a precaution a"ays obser$e%, an%beckone% to the pe%%"er an% the Skinner to fo""o& 4 short a"k broughtthem to a spot here the hi"" o$erhung the ri$er, the groun% fa""ingnear"y perpen%icu"ar"y to the shore& =n the bro of the eminence stoo% a%eserte% an% %i"api%ate% barn& Dany boar%s of its co$ering ere tornfrom their p"aces, an% its i%e %oors ere "ying, the one in front of

the bui"%ing, an% the other ha"fay %on the precipice, hither the in%ha% cast it& Entering this %eso"ate spot, the refugee officer $erycoo""y took from his pocket a short pipe, hich, from "ong use, ha%acuire% not on"y the hue but the g"oss of ebony, a tobacco bo., an% asma"" ro"" of "eather, that containe% stee", f"int, an% tin%er& iththis apparatus, he soon furnishe% his mouth ith a companion that habitha% "ong ren%ere% necessary to ref"ection& So soon as a "arge co"umn ofsmoke arose from this arrangement, the captain significant"y he"% fortha han% toar%s his assistant& 4 sma"" cor% as pro%uce% from the pocketof the sergeant, an% han%e% to the other& The refugee thre out $ast

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puffs of smoke, unti" near"y a"" of his hea% as obscure%, an% "ooke%aroun% the bui"%ing ith an inuisiti$e eye& 4t "ength he remo$e% thepipe, an% inha"ing a %raft of pure air, returne% it to its %omici"e, an%procee%e% at once to business& 4 hea$y piece of timber "ay across thegirths of the barn, but a "itt"e ay from the southern %oor, hichopene% %irect"y upon a fu"" $ie of the ri$er, as it stretche% far aaytoar%s the bay of e *ork& =$er this beam the refugee thre one en% ofthe rope, an%, regaining it, joine% the to parts in his han%& 4 sma""an% eak barre", that ante% a hea%, the sta$es of hich ere "oose, an%at one en% stan%ing apart, as "eft on the f"oor, probab"y as use"ess&The sergeant, in obe%ience to a "ook from his officer, p"ace% it beneaththe beam& 4"" of these arrangements ere ma%e ith composure, an% theyno seeme% comp"ete% to the officers perfect satisfaction&

(Come,( he sai% coo""y to the Skinner, ho, a%miring the preparations,ha% stoo% a si"ent spectator of their progress& 0e obeye% an% it asnot unti" he foun% his neckc"oth remo$e%, an% hat thron asi%e, that hetook the a"arm& But he ha% so often resorte% to a simi"ar toe.tort information, or p"un%er, that he by no means fe"t the terror anunpractice% man ou"% ha$e suffere%, at these ominous mo$ements& The

rope as a%juste% to his neck ith the same coo"ness that forme% thecharacteristic of the ho"e mo$ement, an% a fragment of boar% being "ai%upon the barre", he as or%ere% to mount&

(But it may fa"",( sai% the Skinner, for the first time beginning totremb"e& () i"" te"" you anything@@e$en ho to surprise our party atthe Pon%, ithout a"" this troub"e, an% it is comman%e% by myon brother&(

() ant no information,( returne% his e.ecutioner Hfor such he noseeme% rea""y to beI, throing the rope repeate%"y o$er the beam, first%raing it tight so as to annoy the Skinner a "itt"e, an% then castingthe en% from him, beyon% the reach of anyone&

(This is joking too far,( crie% the Skinner, in a tone of remonstrance,an% raising himse"f on his toes, ith the $ain hope of re"easing himse"ffrom the cor%, by s"ipping his hea% through the noose& But the cautionan% e.perience of the refugee officer ha% guar%e% against this escape&

(hat ha$e you %one ith the horse you sto"e from me, rasca"L( muttere%the officer of the Coboys, throing out co"umns of smoke hi"e heaite% for a rep"y&

(0e broke %on in the chase,( rep"ie% the Skinner uick"y (but ) cante"" you here one is to be foun% that is orth him an% his sire&(

(?iar2 ) i"" he"p myse"f hen ) am in nee% you ha% better ca"" upon

Go% for ai%, as your hour is short&( =n conc"u%ing this conso"inga%$ice, he struck the barre" a $io"ent b"o ith his hea$y foot, an% thes"en%er sta$es f"e in e$ery %irection, "ea$ing the Skinner hir"ing inthe air& 4s his han%s ere unconfine%, he thre them upar%s, an% he"%himse"f suspen%e% by main strength&

(Come, captain,( he sai%,"y, a "itt"e huskiness creeping intohis $oice, an% his knees beginning to shake ith tremor, (en% the joketis enough to make a "augh, an% my arms begin to tire@@) cant ho"% onmuch "onger&(

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(0arkee, Dr& Pe%%"er,( sai% the refugee, in a $oice that ou"% not be%enie%, () ant not your company& Through that %oor "ies yourroa%@@march2 offer to touch that %og, an% you"" sing in his p"ace,though tenty Sir 0enrys ante% your ser$ices&( So saying, he retire% tothe roa% ith the sergeant, as the pe%%"er precipitate"y retreate%%on the bank&

Birch ent no farther than a bush that opportune"y offere% itse"f as ascreen to his person, hi"e he yie"%e% to an unconuerab"e %esire toitness the termination of this e.traor%inary scene&

?eft a"one, the Skinner began to thro fearfu" g"ances aroun%, to espythe hi%ing p"aces of his tormentors& For the first time the horri% i%easeeme% to shoot through his brain that something serious as inten%e% bythe Coboy& 0e ca""e% entreating"y to be re"ease%, an% ma%e rapi% an%incoherent promises of important information, ming"e% ith affecte%p"easantry at their conceit, hich he ou"% har%"y a%mit to himse"fcou"% mean anything so %rea%fu" as it seeme%& But as he hear% the trea%of the horses mo$ing on their course, an% in $ain "ooke% aroun% for

human ai%, $io"ent tremb"ing seiKe% his "imbs, an% his eyes began tostart from his hea% ith terror& 0e ma%e a %esperate effort to reach thebeam but, too much e.hauste% ith his pre$ious e.ertions, he caught therope in his teeth, in a $ain effort to se$er the cor%, an% fe"" to theho"e "ength of his arms& 0ere his cries ere turne% into shrieks&

(0e"p2 cut the rope2 captain2@@Birch2 goo% pe%%"er2 'on ith theCongress2@@sergeant2 for Go%s sake, he"p2 0urrah for the king2@@= Go%2= Go%2@@mercy, mercy@@mercy2(

4s his $oice became suppresse%, one of his han%s en%ea$ore% to make itsay beteen the rope an% his neck, an% partia""y succee%e% but theother fe"" ui$ering by his si%e& 4 con$u"si$e shu%%ering passe% o$erhis ho"e frame, an% he hung a hi%eous corpse&

Birch continue% gaKing on this scene ith a kin% of infatuation& 4t itsc"ose he p"ace% his han%s to his ears, an% rushe% toar%s the highay&Sti"" the cries for mercy rang through his brain, an% it as many eeksbefore his memory cease% to %e"" on the horri% e$ent& The Coboys ro%estea%i"y on their route, as if nothing ha% occurre% an% the bo%y as"eft singing in the in%, unti" chance %irecte% the an%ering footstepsof some "one"y stragg"er to the p"ace&

C04PTE/ NNN)))

  Green be the turf abo$e thee,  Frien% of my better %ays  one kne thee but to "o$e thee,  one name% thee but to praise&  @@04??EC&

hi"e the scenes an% e$ents that e ha$e recor%e% ere occurring,Captain ?aton "e% his sma"" party, by s"o an% ary marches, from the

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Four Corners to the front of a bo%y of the enemy here he sosuccessfu""y maneu$ere%, for a short time, as comp"ete"y to e"u%e a""their efforts to entrap him, an% yet so %isguise% his on force as toe.cite the constant apprehension of an attack from the 4mericans& Thisforbearing po"icy, on the si%e of the partisan, as oing to positi$eor%ers recei$e% from his comman%er& hen 'unoo%ie "eft his %etachment,the enemy ere knon to be s"o"y a%$ancing, an% he %irecte% ?aton toho$er aroun% them, unti" his on return, an% the arri$a" of a bo%y offoot, might enab"e him to intercept their retreat&

The trooper %ischarge% his %uty to the "etter but ith no "itt"e of theimpatience that ma%e part of his character hen restraine% fromthe attack&

'uring these mo$ements, Betty F"anagan gui%e% her "itt"e cart ithin%efatigab"e Kea" among the rocks of estchester, no %iscussing iththe sergeant the nature of e$i" spirits, an% no combating ith thesurgeon sun%ry points of practice that ere hour"y arising beteen them&But the moment arri$e% that as to %eci%e the temporary mastery of thefie"%& 4 %etachment of the eastern mi"itia mo$e% out from their

fastnesses, an% approache% the enemy&

The junction beteen ?aton an% his au.i"iaries as ma%e at mi%night,an% an imme%iate consu"tation as he"% beteen him an% the "ea%er of thefoot so"%iers& 4fter "istening to the statements of the partisan, horather %espise% the proess of his enemy, the comman%ant of the party%etermine% to attack the British, the moment %ay"ight enab"e% him toreconnoiter their position, ithout aiting for the ai% of 'unoo%ie an%his horse& So soon as this %ecision as ma%e, ?aton retire% from thebui"%ing here the consu"tation as he"%, an% rejoine% his onsma"" comman%&

The fe troopers ho ere ith the captain ha% fastene% their horses ina spot a%jacent to a haystack, an% "ai% their on frames un%er itsshe"ter, to catch a fe hours s"eep& But 'r& Sitgrea$es, Sergeant0o""ister, an% Betty F"anagan ere congregate% at a short %istance bythemse"$es, ha$ing sprea% a fe b"ankets upon the %ry surface of a rock&?aton thre his huge frame by the si%e of the surgeon, an% fo"%ing hisc"oak about him, "eane% his hea% upon one han%, an% appeare% %eep"yengage% in contemp"ating the moon as it a%e% through the hea$ens& Thesergeant as sitting upright, in respectfu" %eference to the surgeon,an% the asheroman as no raising her hea%, in or%er to $in%icate someof her fa$orite ma.ims, an% no composing it to s"eep&

(So, sergeant,( continue% Sitgrea$es, fo""oing up a pre$ious position,(if you cut upar%s, the b"o, by "osing the a%%itiona" momentum of youreight, i"" be "ess %estructi$e, an% at the same time effect the true

purpose of ar, that of %isab"ing your enemy&(

(Pooh2 pooh2 sergeant %ear,( sai% the asheroman, raising her hea% fromthe b"anket, (heres the harm of taking a "ife, jist in the ay ofbatt"eL )s it the rig"ars ho"" sho fa$or, an% they fightingL 4skCaptain Jack there, if the country cou"% get free, an% the boys nostrike their might& ) ou"%nt ha$e them %isparage the hisky so much&(

()t is not to be e.pecte% that an ignorant fema"e "ike yourse"f, Drs&F"anagan,( returne% the surgeon, ith a ca"mness that on"y ren%ere% his

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contempt more stinging to Betty, (can comprehen% the %istinctions ofsurgica" science neither are you accomp"ishe% in the sor% e.ercise sothat %issertations upon the ju%icious use of that eapon cou"% a$ai" younothing either in theory or in practice&(

()ts hut "itt"e ) care, anyay, for such botherment but fighting isno p"ay, an% a bo%y shou"%nt be particu"ar ho they strike, or ho theyhit, so its the inimy&(

(4re e "ike"y to ha$e a arm %ay, Captain ?atonL(

(Tis more than probab"e,( rep"ie% the trooper (these mi"itia se"%omfai" of making a b"oo%y fie"%, either by their coar%ice or theirignorance, an% the rea" so"%ier is ma%e to suffer for theirba% con%uct&(

(4re you i"", JohnL( sai% the surgeon, passing his han% a"ong the arm ofthe captain, unti" it instincti$e"y sett"e% on his pu"se but thestea%y, e$en beat announce% neither bo%i"y nor menta" ma"a%y&

(Sick at heart, 4rchiba"%, at the fo""y of our ru"ers, in be"ie$ing thatbatt"es are to be fought an% $ictories on, by fe""os ho han%"e amusket as they ou"% a f"ai" "a%s ho ink hen they pu"" a trigger,an% form a "ine "ike a hoop po"e& The %epen%ence e p"ace on these menspi""s the best b"oo% of the country&(

The surgeon "istene% ith amaKement& )t as not the matter, but themanner that surprise% him& The trooper ha% uniform"y e.hibite%, on thee$e of batt"e, an animation, an% an eagerness to engage, that as%irect"y at $ariance ith the a%mirab"e coo"ness of his manner at othertimes& But no there as a %espon%ency in the tones of his $oice, an% a"ist"essness in his air, that as entire"y %ifferent& The operatorhesitate% a moment, to ref"ect in hat manner he cou"% ren%er thischange of ser$ice in furthering his fa$orite system, an% thencontinue%,@@

()t ou"% be ise, John, to a%$ise the co"one" to keep at "ong shot aspent ba"" i"" %isab"e@@(

(o2( e.c"aime% the trooper, impatient"y, ("et the rasca"s singe theirhiskers at the muKK"es of the British muskets, if they can be %ri$enthere& But, enough of them& 4rchiba"%, %o you %eem that moon to be aor"% "ike this, containing creatures "ike ourse"$esL(

(othing more probab"e, %ear John e kno its siKe an%, reasoning fromana"ogy, may easi"y conjecture its use& hether or not its inhabitantsha$e attaine% to that perfection in the sciences hich e ha$e acuire%,

must %epen% great"y on the state of its society, an% in some measureupon its physica" inf"uences&(

() care nothing about their "earning, 4rchiba"% but tis a on%erfu"poer that can create such or"%s, an% contro" them in their an%erings&) kno not hy, but there is a fee"ing of me"ancho"y e.cite% ithin meas ) gaKe on that bo%y of "ight, sha%e% as it is by your fancie% sea an%"an%& )t seems to be the resting p"ace of %eparte% spirits2(

(Take a %rop, %ar"ing,( sai% Betty, raising her hea% once more, an%

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proffering her on bott"e& (Tis the night %amp that chi""s theb"oo%@@an% then the ta"k ith the curse% mi"itia is no goo% for a fierytemper& Take a %rop, %ar"ing, an% ye"" s"eep ti"" the morning& ) fe%/oanoke myse"f, for ) thought ye might nee% har% ri%ing the morro&(

(Tis a g"orious hea$en to "ook upon,( continue% the trooper, in thesame tone, %isregar%ing the offer of Betty, (an% tis a thousan% pitiesthat such orms as men shou"% "et their $i"e passions %eface suchgoo%"y ork&(

(*ou speak the truth, %ear John there is room for a"" to "i$e an% enjoythemse"$es in peace, if each cou"% be satisfie% ith his on& Sti"", arhas its a%$antages it particu"ar"y promotes the kno"e%ge ofsurgery an%@@(

(There is a star,( continue% ?aton, sti"" bent on his on i%eas,(strugg"ing to g"itter through a fe %ri$ing c"ou%s perhaps that too isa or"%, an% contains its creatures en%oe% ith reason "ike ourse"$es&Think you that they kno of ar an% b"oo%she%L(

()f ) might be so bo"%,( sai% Sergeant 0o""ister, mechanica""y raisinghis han% to his cap, (tis mentione% in the goo% book, that the ?or%ma%e the sun to stan% sti"" hi"e Joshua as charging the enemy, inor%er, sir, as ) suppose, that they might ha$e %ay"ight to turn theirf"ank, or perhaps make a feint in the rear, or some such maneu$er& o,if the ?or% ou"% "en% them a han%, fighting cannot be sinfu"& ) ha$eoften been nonp"use%, though, to fin% that they use% them chariotsinstea% of hea$y %ragoons, ho are, in a"" comparison, better to break a"ine of infantry, an% ho, for the matter of that, cou"% turn such hee"carriages, an% getting into the rear, p"ay the $ery %e$i" ith them,horse an% a""&(

()t is because you %o not un%erstan% the construction of those ancient$ehic"es, Sergeant 0o""ister, that you ju%ge of them so erroneous"y,(sai% the surgeon& (They ere arme% ith sharp eapons that protru%e%from their hee"s, an% hich broke up the co"umns of foot, "ike%ismembere% partic"es of matter& ) %oubt not, if simi"ar instrumentsere affi.e% to the cart of Drs& F"anagan, that great confusion might becarrie% into the ranks of the enemy thereby, this $ery %ay&(

()ts but "itt"e that the mare ou"% go, an% the rig"ars firing ather,( grumb"e% Betty, from un%er her b"anket& (hen e got the p"un%er,the time e %ro$e them through the Jarseys it as, ) ha% to back thebaste up to the %ea% for the %i$i" the foot ou"% she mo$e, fornent thefiring, i% her eyes open& /oanoke an% Captain Jack are goo% enough forthe re%coats, "etting a"one myse"f an% the mare&(

4 "ong ro"" of the %rums, from the hi"" occupie% by the British,announce% that they ere on the a"ert an% a correspon%ing signa" asimme%iate"y hear% from the 4mericans& The bug"e of the -irginians struckup its martia" tones an% in a fe moments both the hi""s, the one he"%by the roya" troops an% the other by their enemies, ere a"i$e itharme% men& 'ay ha% begun to %an, an% preparations ere making by bothparties, to gi$e an% to recei$e the attack& )n numbers the 4mericans ha%great"y the a%$antage but in %iscip"ine an% euipment the superiorityas entire"y ith their enemies& The arrangements for the batt"e erebrief, an% by the time the sun rose the mi"itia mo$e% forar%&

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The groun% %i% not a%mit of the mo$ements of horse an% the on"y %utythat cou"% be assigne% to the %ragoons as to atch the moment of$ictory, an% en%ea$or to impro$e the success to the utmost& ?aton soongot his arriors into the sa%%"e an% "ea$ing them to the charge of0o""ister, he ro%e himse"f a"ong the "ine of foot, ho, in $arie%%resses, an% imperfect"y arme%, ere forme% in a shape that in some%egree resemb"e% a martia" array& 4 scornfu" smi"e "oere% about the "ipof the trooper as he gui%e% /oanoke ith a ski""fu" han% through thein%ings of their ranks an% hen the or% as gi$en to march, he turne%the f"ank of the regiment, an% fo""oe% c"ose in the rear& The 4mericansha% to %escen% into a "itt"e ho""o, an% rise a hi"" on its oppositesi%e, to approach the enemy&

The %escent as ma%e ith to"erab"e stea%iness, unti" near the foot ofthe hi"", hen the roya" troops a%$ance% in a beautifu" "ine, ith theirf"anks protecte% by the formation of the groun%& The appearance of theBritish %re a fire from the mi"itia, hich as gi$en ith goo% effect,an% for a moment staggere% the regu"ars& But they ere ra""ie% by theirofficers, an% thre in $o""ey after $o""ey ith great stea%iness& For a

short time the fire as arm an% %estructi$e, unti" the Eng"ish a%$ance%ith the bayonet& This assau"t the mi"itia ha% not sufficient %iscip"ineto ithstan%& Their "ine a$ere%, then pause%, an% fina""y broke intocompanies an% fragments of companies, keeping up at the same time ascattering an% %esu"tory fire&

?aton itnesse% these operations in si"ence, nor %i% he open his mouthunti" the fie"% as co$ere% ith parties of the f"ying 4mericans& Then,in%ee%, he seeme% stung ith the %isgrace thus heape% upon the arms ofhis country& Spurring /oanoke a"ong the si%e of the hi"", he ca""e% tothe fugiti$es in a"" the strength of his poerfu" $oice& 0e pointe% tothe enemy, an% assure% his countrymen that they ha% mistaken the ay&There as such a mi.ture of in%ifference an% irony in his e.hortationsthat a fe pause% in surprise@@more joine% them, unti", rouse% by thee.amp"e of the trooper, an% stimu"ate% by their on spirit, they%eman%e% to be "e% against their foe once more&

(Come on, then, my bra$e frien%s2( shoute% the trooper, turning hishorses hea% toar%s the British "ine, one f"ank of hich as $ery nearhim (come on, an% ho"% your fire unti" it i"" scorch their eyebros&(

The men sprang forar%, an% fo""oe% his e.amp"e, neither gi$ing norrecei$ing a fire unti" they ha% come ithin a $ery short %istance of theenemy& 4n Eng"ish sergeant, ho ha% been concea"e% by a rock, enrage%ith the au%acity of the officer ho thus %are% their arms, steppe% frombehin% his co$er, an% "e$e"e% his musket&

(Fire an% you %ie2( crie% ?aton, spurring his charger, hich "eape%forar% at the instant& The action an% the tone of his $oice shook thener$es of the Eng"ishman, ho %re his trigger ith an uncertain aim&/oanoke sprang ith a"" his feet from the earth, an%, p"unging, fe""hea%"ong an% "ife"ess at the feet of his %estroyer& ?aton kept hisfeet, stan%ing face to face ith his enemy& The "atter presente% hisbayonet, an% ma%e a %esperate thrust at the troopers heart& The stee"of their eapons emitte% sparks of fire, an% the bayonet f"e fifty feetin the air& 4t the ne.t moment its oner "ay a ui$ering corpse&

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(Come on2( shoute% the trooper, as a bo%y of Eng"ish appeare% on therock, an% thre in a c"ose fire& (Come on2( he repeate%, an% bran%ishe%his saber fierce"y& Then his gigantic form fe"" backar%, "ike amajestic pine yie"%ing to the a. but sti"", as he s"o"y fe"", hecontinue% to ie"% his saber, an% once more the %eep tones of his $oiceere hear% uttering, (Come on2(

The a%$ancing 4mericans pause% aghast, an%, turning, they aban%one% thefie"% to the roya" troops&

)t as neither the intention nor the po"icy of the Eng"ish comman%er topursue his success, for he e"" kne that strong parties of the4mericans ou"% soon arri$e accor%ing"y he on"y tarrie% to co""ect hisoun%e%, an% forming in a suare, he commence% his retreat toar%s theshipping& ithin tenty minutes of the fa"" of ?aton, the groun% as%eserte% by both Eng"ish an% 4mericans& hen the inhabitants of thecountry ere ca""e% upon to enter the fie"%, they ere necessari"yatten%e% by such surgica" a%$isers as ere furnishe% by the "o state ofthe profession in the interior at that %ay& 'r& Sitgrea$es entertaine%uite as profoun% a contempt for the me%ica" atten%ants of the mi"itia

as the captain %i% of the troops themse"$es& 0e an%ere%, therefore,aroun% the fie"%, casting many a g"ance of %isapprobation at the s"ightoperations that came un%er his eye but hen, among the f"ying troops,he foun% that his comra%e an% frien% as nohere to be seen, he hastene%back to the spot at hich 0o""ister as poste%, to inuire if thetrooper ha% returne%& =f course, the anser as in the negati$e& Fi""e%ith a thousan% uneasy conjectures, the surgeon, ithout regar%ing, orin%ee% ithout at a"" ref"ecting upon any %angers that might "ie in hisay, stro%e o$er the groun% at an enormous rate, to the point here hekne the fina" strugg"e ha% been& =nce before, the surgeon ha% rescue%his frien% from %eath in a simi"ar situation an% he fe"t a secret joyin his on conscious ski"", as he percei$e% Betty F"anagan seate% on thegroun%, ho"%ing in her "ap the hea% of a man hose siKe an% %ress hekne cou"% be"ong on"y to the trooper& 4s he approache% the spot, thesurgeon became a"arme% at the aspect of the asheroman& 0er "itt"eb"ack bonnet as thron asi%e, an% her hair, hich as a"rea%y streake%ith gray, hung aroun% her face in %isor%er&

(John2 %ear John2( sai% the %octor, ten%er"y, as he bent an% "ai% hishan% upon the sense"ess rist of the trooper, from hich it recoi"e%ith an intuiti$e kno"e%ge of his fate& (John2 here are you hurtL@@can) he"p youL(

(*e ta"k to the sense"ess c"ay,( sai% Betty, rocking her bo%y, an%unconscious"y p"aying ith the ra$en ring"ets of the troopers hair(its no more i"" he hear, an% its but "itt"e i"" he min% yeerprobes an% yeer me%cines& =ch hone,( och hone2@@an% here i"" be the

"iberty noL or ho i"" there be to fight the batt"e, or gain the %ayL(

(John2( repeate% the surgeon, sti"" uni""ing to be"ie$e the e$i%ence ofhis unerring senses& ('ear John, speak to me say hat you i"", thatyou %o but speak& =h, Go%2 he is %ea% ou"% that ) ha% %ie% ith him2(

(There is but "itt"e use in "i$ing an% fighting no,( sai% Betty& (Bothhim an% the baste2 see, there is the poor cratur, an% here is themaster2 ) fe% the horse ith my on han%s, the %ay an% the "ast ma"ethat he ate as of my on cooking& =ch hone2 och hone2@@that Captain

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Jack shou"% "i$e to be ki""e% by the rig"ars2(

(John2 my %ear John2( sai% the surgeon, ith con$u"si$e sobs, (thy hourhas come, an% many a more pru%ent man sur$i$es thee but none better,nor bra$er& = John, thou ert to me a kin% frien%, an% $ery %ear it isunphi"osophica" to grie$e but for thee ) must eep, in bitternessof heart&(

The %octor burie% his face in his han%s, an% for se$era" minutes satyie"%ing to an ungo$ernab"e burst of sorro hi"e the asheroman ga$e$ent to her grief in or%s, mo$ing her bo%y in a kin% of rithing, an%p"aying ith %ifferent parts of her fa$orites %ress ith her fingers&

(4n% ho"" there be to encourage the boys noL( she sai%& (= CaptainJack2 ye as the so" of the troop, an% it as but "itt"e e knoe% ofthe %anger, an% ye fighting& =ch2 he as no ma"y@mouthe%, that uarre"e%i% a i%oe% oman for the matter of a burn in the mate, or the ant ofa breakfast& Taste a %rop, %ar"ing, an% it may be, ti"" re$i$e ye&=ch2 an% he"" ni$er taste agin heres the %octor, honey, him ye use%to b"arney i%, aping as if the poor so" ou"% %ie for ye& =ch2 hes

gone, hes gone an% the "iberty is gone ith him&(

4 thun%ering soun% of horses feet came ro""ing a"ong the roa% hich "e%near the p"ace here ?aton "ay, an% %irect"y the ho"e bo%y of-irginians appeare%, ith 'unoo%ie at their hea%& The nes of thecaptains fate ha% reache% him, for the instant that he sa the bo%y heha"te% the sua%ron, an%, %ismounting, approache% the spot& Thecountenance of ?aton as not in the "east %istorte%, but the angryfron hich ha% "oere% o$er his bro %uring the batt"e as fi.e% e$enin %eath& 0is frame as compose%, an% stretche% as in s"eep& 'unoo%ietook ho"% of his han%, an% gaKe% a moment in si"ence his on %ark eyekin%"e%, an% the pa"eness hich ha% o$ersprea% his features assuccee%e% by a spot of %eep re% in either cheek&

(ith his on sor% i"" ) a$enge him2( he crie%, en%ea$oring to takethe eapon from the han% of ?aton but the grasp resiste% his utmoststrength& ()t sha"" be burie% ith him& Sitgrea$es, take care of ourfrien%, hi"e ) re$enge his %eath&(

The major hastene% back to his charger, an% "e% the ay in pursuit ofthe enemy&

hi"e 'unoo%ie ha% been thus engage%, the bo%y of ?aton "ay in open$ie of the ho"e sua%ron& 0e as a uni$ersa" fa$orite, an% the sightinf"ame% the men to the utmost3 neither officers nor so"%iers possesse%that coo"ness hich is necessary to insure success in mi"itaryoperations they spurre% after their enemies, burning for $engeance&

The Eng"ish ere forme% in a ho""o suare, hich containe% theiroun%e%, ho ere far from numerous, an% ere marching stea%i"y across a$ery une$en country as the %ragoons approache%& The horse charge% inco"umn, an% ere "e% by 'unoo%ie, ho, burning ith re$enge, thought tori%e through their ranks, an% scatter them at a b"o& But the enemy knetheir on strength too e"", an%, stan%ing firm, they recei$e% thecharge on the points of their bayonets& The horses of the -irginiansrecoi"e%, an% the rear rank of the foot throing in a c"ose fire, themajor, ith a fe men, fe""& The Eng"ish continue% their retreat the

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moment they ere e.tricate% from their assai"ants an% 'unoo%ie, hoas se$ere"y, but not %angerous"y oun%e%, reca""e% his men from furtherattempts, hich must be fruit"ess&

4 sa% %uty remaine% to be fu"fi""e%& The %ragoons retire% s"o"y throughthe hi""s, con$eying their oun%e% comman%er, an% the bo%y of ?aton&The "atter they interre% un%er the ramparts of one of the 0igh"an%forts, an% the former they consigne% to the ten%er care of hisaff"icte% bri%e&

Dany eeks ere gone before the major as restore% to sufficientstrength to be remo$e%& 'uring those eeks, ho often %i% he b"ess themoment that ga$e him a right to the ser$ices of his beautifu" nurse2 Shehung aroun% his couch ith fon% attention, a%ministere% ith her onhan%s e$ery prescription of the in%efatigab"e Sitgrea$es, an% gre eachhour in the affections an% esteem of her husban%& 4n or%er fromashington soon sent the troops into inter uarters, an% permission asgi$en to 'unoo%ie to repair to his on p"antation, ith the rank of"ieutenant co"one", in or%er to comp"ete the restoration of his hea"th&Captain Sing"eton ma%e one of the party an% the ho"e fami"y retire%

from the acti$e scenes of the ar, to the ease an% p"enty of the majorson estate& Before "ea$ing Fishki"", hoe$er, "etters ere con$eye% tothem, through an unknon han%, acuainting them ith 0enrys safety an%goo% hea"th an% a"so that Co"one" e""mere ha% "eft the continent forhis nati$e is"an%, "oere% in the estimation of e$ery honest man in theroya" army&

)t as a happy inter for 'unoo%ie, an% smi"es once more began to p"ayaroun% the "o$e"y mouth of Frances&


  Di%st furs, an% si"ks, an% jee"s sheen,  0e stoo%, in simp"e ?inco"n green,  The center of the g"ittering ring  4n% Sno%ons knight is Scot"an%s king2  @@?a%y of the ?ake&

The commencement of the fo""oing year as passe%, on the part of the4mericans, in making great preparations, in conjunction ith theira""ies, to bring the ar to a c"ose& )n the South, Greene an% /a%onma%e a b"oo%y campaign, that as high"y honorab"e to the troops of the"atter, but hich, by terminating entire"y to the a%$antage of the

former, pro$e% him to be the better genera" of the to&

e *ork as the point that as threatene% by the a""ie% armies an%ashington, by e.citing a constant apprehension for the safety of that

city, pre$ente% such re�nforcements from being sent to Corna""is asou"% ha$e enab"e% him to impro$e his success&

4t "ength, as autumn approache%, e$ery in%ication as gi$en that thefina" moment ha% arri$e%&

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The French forces %re near to the roya" "ines, passing through theneutra" groun%, an% threatene% an attack in the %irection of ingsBri%ge, hi"e "arge bo%ies of 4mericans ere acting in concert& Byho$ering aroun% the British posts, an% %raing nigh in the Jerseys, theyseeme% to threaten the roya" forces from that uarter a"so& Thepreparations partook of the nature of both a siege an% a storm& But Sir0enry C"inton, in the possession of intercepte% "etters from ashington,reste% ithin his "ines, an% cautious"y %isregar%e% the so"icitations ofCorna""is for succor&

)t as at the c"ose of a stormy %ay in the month of September, that a"arge assemb"age of officers as co""ecte% near the %oor of a bui"%ingthat as situate% in the heart of the 4mericans troops, ho he"% theJerseys& The age, the %ress, an% the %ignity of %eportment of most ofthese arriors, in%icate% them to be of high rank but to one inparticu"ar as pai% a %eference an% obe%ience that announce% him to beof the highest& 0is %ress as p"ain, but it bore the usua" mi"itary%istinctions of comman%& 0e as mounte% on a nob"e anima", of a %eepbay an% a group of young men, in gayer attire, e$i%ent"y aaite% hisp"easure an% %i% his bi%%ing& Dany a hat as "ifte% as its oner

a%%resse% this officer an% hen he spoke, a profoun% attention,e.cee%ing the respect of mere professiona" etiuette, as e.hibite% one$ery countenance& 4t "ength the genera" raise% his on hat, an% boe%gra$e"y to a"" aroun% him& The sa"ute as returne%, an% the party%isperse%, "ea$ing the officer ithout a sing"e atten%ant, e.cept hisbo%y ser$ants an% one ai%@%e@camp& 'ismounting, he steppe% back a fepaces, an% for a moment $iee% the con%ition of his horse ith the eyeof one ho e"" un%erstoo% the anima", an% then, casting a brief bute.pressi$e g"ance at his ai%, he retire% into the bui"%ing, fo""oe% bythat gent"eman&

=n entering an apartment that as apparent"y fitte% for his reception,he took a seat, an% continue% for a "ong time in a thoughtfu" attitu%e,"ike one in the habit of communing much ith himse"f& 'uring thissi"ence, the ai%@%e@camp stoo% in e.pectation of his or%ers& 4t "engththe genera" raise% his eyes, an% spoke in those "o, p"aci% tones thatseeme% natura" to him&

(0as the man hom ) ishe% to see arri$e%, sirL(

(0e aits the p"easure of your e.ce""ency&(

() i"" recei$e him here, an% a"one, if you p"ease&(

The ai% boe% an% ith%re& )n a fe minutes the %oor again opene%, an%a figure, g"i%ing into the apartment, stoo% mo%est"y at a %istance fromthe genera", ithout speaking& 0is entrance as unhear% by the officer,

ho sat gaKing at the fire, sti"" absorbe% in his on me%itations&Se$era" minutes passe%, hen he spoke to himse"f in an un%ertone,@@

(To@morro e must raise the curtain, an% e.pose our p"ans& Day 0ea$enprosper them2(

4 s"ight mo$ement ma%e by the stranger caught his ear, an% he turne%his hea%, an% sa that he as not a"one& 0e pointe% si"ent"y to thefire, toar% hich the figure a%$ance%, a"though the mu"titu%e of hisgarments, hich seeme% more ca"cu"ate% for %isguise than comfort,

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ren%ere% its armth unnecessary& 4 secon% mi"% an% courteous gesturemotione% to a $acant chair, but the stranger refuse% it ith a mo%estackno"e%gment& 4nother pause fo""oe%, an% continue% for some time& 4t"ength the officer arose, an% opening a %esk that as "ai% upon thetab"e near hich he sat, took from it a sma"", but apparent"y hea$y bag&

(0ar$ey Birch,( he sai%, turning to the stranger, (the time has arri$e%hen our connection must cease henceforth an% fore$er e must bestrangers&(

The pe%%"er %roppe% the fo"%s of the greatcoat that concea"e% hisfeatures, an% gaKe% for a moment earnest"y at the face of the speakerthen %ropping his hea% upon his bosom, he sai%, meek"y,@@

()f it be your e.ce""encys p"easure&(

()t is necessary& Since ) ha$e fi""e% the station hich ) no ho"%, ithas become my %uty to kno many men, ho, "ike yourse"f, ha$e been myinstruments in procuring inte""igence& *ou ha$e ) truste% more than a"") ear"y sa in you a regar% to truth an% princip"e, that, ) am p"ease%

to say, has ne$er %ecei$e% me@@you a"one kno my secret agents in thecity, an% on your fi%e"ity %epen%, not on"y their fortunes, buttheir "i$es&(

0e pause%, as if to ref"ect in or%er that fu"" justice might be %one tothe pe%%"er, an% then continue%,@@

() be"ie$e you are one of the $ery fe that ) ha$e emp"oye% ho ha$eacte% faithfu""y to our cause an%, hi"e you ha$e passe% as a spy ofthe enemy, ha$e ne$er gi$en inte""igence that you ere not permitte% to%i$u"ge& To me, an% to me on"y of a"" the or"%, you seem to ha$e acte%ith a strong attachment to the "iberties of 4merica&(

'uring this a%%ress, 0ar$ey gra%ua""y raise% his hea% from his bosom,unti" it reache% the highest point of e"e$ation a faint tinge gathere%in his cheeks, an%, as the officer conc"u%e%, it as %iffuse% o$er hisho"e countenance in a %eep g"o, hi"e he stoo% prou%"y se""ing ithhis emotions, but ith eyes that sought the feet of the speaker&

()t is no my %uty to pay you for these ser$ices hitherto you ha$epostpone% recei$ing your rear%, an% the %ebt has become a hea$y one@@)ish not to un%er$a"ue your %angers here are a hun%re% %oub"oonsremember the po$erty of our country, an% attribute to it the sma""nessof your pay&(

The pe%%"er raise% his eyes to the countenance of the speaker but, asthe other he"% forth the money, he mo$e% back, as if refusing the bag&

()t is not much for your ser$ices an% risks, ) ackno"e%ge,( continue%the genera", (but it is a"" that ) ha$e to offer hereafter, it may bein my poer to increase it&(

('oes your e.ce""ency think that ) ha$e e.pose% my "ife, an% b"aste% mycharacter, for moneyL(

()f not for money, hat thenL(

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(hat has brought your e.ce""ency into the fie"%L For hat %o you %ai"yan% hour"y e.pose your precious "ife to batt"e an% the ha"terL hat isthere about me to mourn, hen such men as you risk their a"" for ourcountryL o, no, no@@not a %o""ar of your go"% i"" ) touch poor4merica has nee% of it a""2(

The bag %roppe% from the han% of the officer, an% fe"" at the feet ofthe pe%%"er, here it "ay neg"ecte% %uring the remain%er of theinter$ie& The officer "ooke% stea%i"y at the face of his companion, an%continue%,@@

(There are many moti$es hich might go$ern me, that to you are unknon&=ur situations are %ifferent ) am knon as the "ea%er of armies@@butyou must %escen% into the gra$e ith the reputation of a foe to yournati$e "an%& /emember that the $ei" hich concea"s your true charactercannot be raise% in years@@perhaps ne$er&(

Birch again "oere% his face, but there as no yie"%ing of the sou" inthe mo$ement&

(*ou i"" soon be o"% the prime of your %ays is a"rea%y past hat ha$eyou to subsist onL(

(These2( sai% the pe%%"er, stretching forth his han%s, that ere a"rea%yembrone% ith toi"&

(But those may fai" you take enough to secure a support to your age&/emember your risks an% cares& ) ha$e to"% you that the characters ofmen ho are much esteeme% in "ife %epen% on your secrecy hat p"e%gecan ) gi$e them of your fi%e"ityL(

(Te"" them,( sai% Birch, a%$ancing an% unconscious"y resting one foot onthe bag, (te"" them that ) ou"% not take the go"%2(

The compose% features of the officer re"a.e% into a smi"e ofbene$o"ence, an% he graspe% the han% of the pe%%"er firm"y&

(o, in%ee%, ) kno you an% a"though the same reasons hich ha$ehitherto compe""e% me to e.pose your $a"uab"e "ife i"" sti"", an%pre$ent my open"y asserting your character, in pri$ate ) can a"ays beyour frien% fai" not to app"y to me hen in ant or suffering, an% so"ong as Go% gi$eth to me, so "ong i"" ) free"y share ith a man hofee"s so nob"y an% acts so e""& )f sickness or ant shou"% e$er assai"you an% peace once more smi"e upon our efforts, seek the gate of himhom you ha$e so often met as 0arper, an% he i"" not b"ush toackno"e%ge you&(

()t is "itt"e that ) nee% in this "ife,( sai% 0ar$ey (so "ong as Go%gi$es me hea"th an% honest in%ustry, ) can ne$er ant in this countrybut to kno that your e.ce""ency is my frien% is a b"essing that ) priKemore than a"" the go"% of Eng"an%s treasury&(

The officer stoo% for a fe moments in the attitu%e of intense thought&0e then %re to him the %esk, an% rote a fe "ines on a piece of paper,an% ga$e it to the pe%%"er&

(That Pro$i%ence %estines this country to some great an% g"orious fate )

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must be"ie$e, hi"e ) itness the patriotism that per$a%es the bosomsof her "oest citiKens,( he sai%& ()t must be %rea%fu" to a min% "ikeyours to %escen% into the gra$e, bran%e% as a foe to "iberty but youa"rea%y kno the "i$es that ou"% be sacrifice%, shou"% your rea"character be re$ea"e%& )t is impossib"e to %o you justice no, but )fear"ess"y intrust you ith this certificate shou"% e ne$er meetagain, it may be ser$iceab"e to your chi"%ren&(

(Chi"%ren2( e.c"aime% the pe%%"er, (can ) gi$e to a fami"y the infamy ofmy nameL(

The officer gaKe% at the strong emotion he e.hibite% ith pain, an% hema%e a s"ight mo$ement toar%s the go"% but it as arreste% by thee.pression of his companions face& 0ar$ey sa the intention, an% shookhis hea%, as he continue% more mi"%"y,@@

()t is, in%ee%, a treasure that your e.ce""ency gi$es me3 it is safe,too& There are men "i$ing ho cou"% say that my "ife as nothing to me,compare% to your secrets& The paper that ) to"% you as "ost ) sa""oe%hen taken "ast by the -irginians& )t as the on"y time ) e$er %ecei$e%

your e.ce""ency, an% it sha"" be the "ast yes, this is, in%ee%, atreasure to me perhaps,( he continue%, ith a me"ancho"y smi"e, (it maybe knon after my %eath ho as my frien% but if it shou"% not, thereare none to grie$e for me&(

(/emember,( sai% the officer, ith strong emotion, (that in me you i""a"ays ha$e a secret frien% but open"y ) cannot kno you&(

() kno it, ) kno it,( sai% Birch () kne it hen ) took the ser$ice&Tis probab"y the "ast time that ) sha"" e$er see your e.ce""ency& DayGo% pour %on 0is choicest b"essings on your hea%2( 0e pause%, an% mo$e%toar%s the %oor& The officer fo""oe% him ith eyes that e.presse% %eepinterest& =nce more the pe%%"er turne%, an% seeme% to gaKe on thep"aci%, but comman%ing features of the genera" ith regret an%re$erence, an%, boing "o, he ith%re&

The armies of 4merica an% France ere "e% by their i""ustrious comman%eragainst the enemy un%er Corna""is, an% terminate% a campaign intriumph that ha% commence% in %ifficu"ties& Great Britain soon afterbecame %isguste% ith the ar an% the States in%epen%ence asackno"e%ge%&

4s years ro""e% by, it became a subject of pri%e among the %ifferentactors in the ar, an% their %escen%ants, to boast of their efforts inthe cause hich ha% confesse%"y heape% so many b"essings upon theircountry but the name of 0ar$ey Birch %ie% aay among the mu"titu%e ofagents ho ere thought to ha$e "abore% in secret against the rights of

their countrymen& 0is image, hoe$er, as often present to the min% ofthe poerfu" chief, ho a"one kne his true character an% se$era" times%i% he cause secret inuiries to be ma%e into the others fate, one ofhich on"y resu"te% in any success& By this he "earne% that a pe%%"er ofa %ifferent name, but simi"ar appearance, as toi"ing through the nesett"ements that ere springing up in e$ery %irection, an% that he asstrugg"ing ith the a%$ance of years an% apparent po$erty& 'eathpre$ente% further inuiries on the part of the officer, an% a "ongperio% passe% before he as again hear% of&

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  Some $i""age 0amp%en, that ith %aunt"ess breast  The $i""age tyrant of his fie"%s ithstoo%@@  Some mute, ing"orious Di"ton here may rest  Some Crome"", gui"t"ess of his countrys b"oo%&  @@G/4*&

)t as thirty@three years after the inter$ie hich e ha$e just re"ate%that an 4merican army as once more arraye% against the troops ofEng"an% but the scene as transferre% from 0u%sons banks to those ofthe iagara&

The bo%y of ashington ha% "ong "ain mo"%ering in the tomb but as timeas fast ob"iterating the s"ight impressions of po"itica" enmity orpersona" en$y, his name as hour"y recei$ing ne "uster, an% his orth

an% integrity each moment became more $isib"e, not on"y to hiscountrymen, but to the or"%& 0e as a"rea%y the ackno"e%ge% hero of anage of reason an% truth an% many a young heart, amongst those hoforme% the pri%e of our army in 9:, as g"oing ith the reco""ectionof the one great name of 4merica, an% inar%"y beating ith the sanguinee.pectation of emu"ating, in some %egree, its renon& )n no one erethese $irtuous hopes more $i$i% than in the bosom of a young officer hostoo% on the tab"e rock, contemp"ating the great cataract, on thee$ening of the 5;th of Ju"y of that b"oo%y year& The person of thisyouth as ta"" an% fine"y mo"%e%, in%icating a just proportion beteenstrength an% acti$ity his %eep b"ack eyes ere of a searching an%%aKK"ing brightness& 4t times, as they gaKe% upon the f"oo% of atersthat rushe% tumu"tuous"y at his feet, there as a stern an% %aring "ookthat f"ashe% from them, hich %enote% the ar%or of an enthusiast& Butthis prou% e.pression as softene% by the "ines of a mouth aroun% hichthere p"aye% a suppresse% archness, that partook of feminine beauty& 0ishair shone in the setting sun "ike ring"ets of go"%, as the air from thefa""s gent"y mo$e% the rich cur"s from a forehea% hose hiteness shoe%that e.posure an% heat a"one ha% gi$en their %arker hue to a faceg"oing ith hea"th& There as another officer stan%ing by the si%e ofthis fa$ore% youth an% both seeme%, by the interest they betraye%, tobe gaKing, for the first time, at the on%er of the estern or"%& 4profoun% si"ence as obser$e% by each, unti" the companion of theofficer that e ha$e %escribe% su%%en"y starte%, an% pointing eager"yith his sor% into the abyss beneath, e.c"aime%,@@

(See2 harton, there is a man crossing in the $ery e%%ies of the

cataract, an% in a skiff no bigger than an eggshe""&(

(0e has a knapsack@@it is probab"y a so"%ier,( returne% the other& (?etus meet him at the "a%%er, Dason, an% "earn his ti%ings&(

Some time as e.pen%e% in reaching the spot here the a%$enturer asintercepte%& Contrary to the e.pectations of the young so"%iers, hepro$e% to be a man far a%$ance% in "ife, an% e$i%ent"y no fo""oer ofthe camp& 0is years might be se$enty, an% they ere in%icate% more bythe thin hairs of si"$er that "ay scattere% o$er his rink"e% bro, than

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by any apparent fai"ure of his system& 0is frame as meager an% bentbut it as the attitu%e of habit, for his sines ere strung ith thetoi" of ha"f a century& 0is %ress as mean, an% manifeste% the economyof its oner, by the number an% nature of its repairs& =n his back as ascanti"y furnishe% pack, that ha% "e% to the mistake in his profession&4 fe or%s of sa"utation, an%, on the part of the young men, ofsurprise, that one so age% shou"% $enture so near the hir"poo"s of thecataract, ere e.change% hen the o"% man inuire%, ith a $oice thatbegan to manifest the tremor of age, the nes from the conten%ingarmies&

(e hippe% the re%coats here the other %ay, among the grass on theChippea p"ains,( sai% the one ho as ca""e% Dason (since hen, eha$e been p"aying hi%e an% go seek ith the ships3 but e are nomarching back from here e starte%, shaking our hea%s, an% as sur"y asthe %e$i"&(

(Perhaps you ha$e a son among the so"%iers,( sai% his companion, ith ami"%er %emeanor, an% an air of kin%ness (if so, te"" me his name an%regiment, an% ) i"" take you to him&(

The o"% man shook his hea%, an%, passing his han% o$er his si"$er "ocks,ith an air of meek resignation, he ansere%,@@

(o ) am a"one in the or"%2(

(*ou shou"% ha$e a%%e%, Captain 'unoo%ie,( crie% his care"ess comra%e,(if you cou"% fin% either for near"y ha"f our army has marche% %on theroa%, an% may be, by this time, un%er the a""s of Fort George, foranything that e kno to the contrary&(

The o"% man stoppe% su%%en"y, an% "ooke% earnest"y from one of hiscompanions to the other the action being obser$e% by the so"%iers, theypause% a"so&

('i% ) hear rightL( the stranger uttere%, raising his han% to screenhis eyes from the rays of the setting sun& (hat %i% he ca"" youL( (Dyname is harton 'unoo%ie,( rep"ie% the youth, smi"ing& The strangermotione% si"ent"y for him to remo$e his hat, hich the youth %i%accor%ing"y, an% his fair hair b"e asi%e "ike cur"s of si"k, an% opene%the ho"e of his ingenuous countenance to the inspection of the other&(Tis "ike our nati$e "an%2( e.c"aime% the o"% man ith $ehemence,(impro$ing ith time Go% has b"esse% both&( (hy %o you stare thus,?ieutenant DasonL( crie% Captain 'unoo%ie, "aughing a "itt"e& (*ou shomore astonishment than hen you sa the fa""s&( (=h, the fa""s2@@theyare a thing to be "ooke% at on a moonshiny night, by your 4unt Sarah an%that gay o"% bache"or, Co"one" Sing"eton but a fe""o "ike myse"f ne$er

shos surprise, un"ess it may be at such a touch as this&( Thee.traor%inary $ehemence of the strangers manner ha% passe% aay assu%%en"y as it as e.hibite%, but he "istene% to this speech ith %eepinterest, hi"e 'unoo%ie rep"ie%, a "itt"e gra$e"y,@@(Come, come, Tom,no jokes about my goo% aunt, ) beg she is kin%ness itse"f, an% ) ha$ehear% it hispere% that her youth as not a"together happy&( (hy, as torumor,( sai% Dason, (there goes one in 4ccomac, that Co"one" Sing"etonoffers himse"f to her regu"ar"y e$ery -a"entines %ay an% there aresome ho a%% that your o"% great@aunt he"ps his suit&( (4unt Jeanette2(sai% 'unoo%ie, "aughing& ('ear, goo% sou", she thinks but "itt"e of

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marriage in any shape, ) be"ie$e, since the %eath of 'r& Sitgrea$es&There ere some hispers of a courtship beteen them former"y, but iten%e% in nothing but ci$i"ities, an% ) suspect that the ho"e storyarises from the intimacy of Co"one" Sing"eton an% my father& *ou knothey ere comra%es in the horse, as in%ee% as your on father&(

() kno a"" that, of course but you must not te"" me that theparticu"ar, prim bache"or goes so often to Genera" 'unoo%iesp"antation mere"y for the sake of ta"king o"% so"%ier ith your father&The "ast time ) as there, that ye""o, sharp@nose% housekeeper of yourmothers took me into the pantry, an% sai% that the co"one" as no%espisab"e match, as she ca""e% it, an% ho the sa"e of his p"antationin Georgia ha% brought him@@oh, ?or%2 ) %ont kno ho much&(

(Muite "ike"y,( returne% the captain, (aty 0aynes is no ba%ca"cu"ator&(

They ha% stoppe% %uring this con$ersation, in uncertainty hether theirne companion as to be "eft or not&

The o"% man "istene% to each or% as it as uttere%, ith the mostintense interest but, toar%s the conc"usion of the %ia"ogue, theearnest attention of his countenance change% to a kin% of inar% smi"e&0e shook his hea%, an%, passing his han%s o$er his forehea%, seeme% tobe thinking of other times& Dason pai% but "itt"e attention to thee.pression of his features, an% continue%,@@

(To me, she is se"fishness embo%ie%2(

(0er se"fishness %oes but "itt"e harm,( returne% 'unoo%ie& (=ne of hergreatest %ifficu"ties is her a$ersion to the b"acks& She says that shene$er sa but one she "ike%&(

(4n% ho as heL(

(0is name as Caesar he as a house ser$ant of my "ate gran%fatherharton& *ou %ont remember him, ) be"ie$e he %ie% the same year ithhis master, hi"e e ere chi"%ren& aty year"y sings his reuiem, an%,upon my or%, ) be"ie$e he %eser$e% it& ) ha$e hear% something of hishe"ping my Eng"ish unc"e, as e ca"" Genera" harton, in some %ifficu"tythat occurre% in the o"% ar& Dy mother a"ays speaks of him ith greataffection& Both Caesar an% aty came to -irginia ith my mother hen shemarrie%& Dy mother as@@(

(4n ange"2( interrupte% the o"% man, in a $oice that start"e% the youngso"%iers by its abruptness an% energy&

('i% you kno herL( crie% the son, ith a g"o of p"easure on his cheek&

The rep"y of the stranger as interrupte% by su%%en an% hea$y e.p"osionsof arti""ery, hich ere imme%iate"y fo""oe% by continue% $o""eys ofsma"" arms, an% in a fe minutes the air as fi""e% ith the tumu"t of aarm an% e""@conteste% batt"e&

The to so"%iers hastene% ith precipitation toar%s the camp,accompanie% by their ne acuaintance& The e.citement an% an.ietycreate% by the approaching fight pre$ente% a continuance of the

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con$ersation, an% the three he"% their ay to the army, makingoccasiona" conjectures on the cause of the fire, an% the probabi"ity ofa genera" engagement& 'uring their short an% hurrie% a"k, Captain'unoo%ie, hoe$er, thre se$era" frien%"y g"ances at the o"% man, homo$e% o$er the groun% ith astonishing energy for his years, for theheart of the youth as arme% by an eu"ogium on a mother that he a%ore%&)n a short time they joine% the regiment to hich the officers be"onge%,hen the captain, sueeKing the strangers han%, earnest"y begge% thathe ou"% make inuiries after him on the fo""oing morning, an% that hemight see him in his on tent& 0ere they separate%&

E$erything in the 4merican camp announce% an approaching strugg"e& 4t a%istance of a fe mi"es, the soun% of cannon an% musketry as hear%abo$e the roar of the cataract& The troops ere soon in motion, an% amo$ement ma%e to support the %i$ision of the army hich as a"rea%yengage%& ight ha% set in before the reser$e an% irregu"ars reache% thefoot of ?un%ys ?ane, a roa% that %i$erge% from the ri$er an% crosse% aconica" eminence, at no great %istance from the iagara highay& Thesummit of this hi"" as crone% ith the cannon of the British, an% inthe f"at beneath as the remnant of Scotts ga""ant briga%e, hich for a

"ong time ha% he"% an uneua" contest ith %istinguishe% bra$ery& 4 ne"ine as interpose%, an% one co"umn of the 4mericans %irecte% to chargeup the hi"", para""e" to the roa%& This co"umn took the Eng"ish inf"ank, an%, bayoneting their arti""erists, gaine% possession of thecannon& They ere imme%iate"y joine% by their comra%es, an% the enemyas sept from the hi""& But "arge reenforcements ere joining theEng"ish genera" momentari"y, an% their troops ere too bra$e to resteasy un%er the %efeat& /epeate% an% b"oo%y charges ere ma%e to reco$erthe guns, but in a"" they ere repu"se% ith s"aughter& 'uring the "astof these strugg"es, the ar%or of the youthfu" captain hom e ha$ementione% urge% him to "ea% his men some %istance in a%$ance, to scattera %aring party of the enemy& 0e succee%e%, but in returning to the "inemisse% his "ieutenant from the station that he ought to ha$e occupie%&Soon after this repu"se, hich as the "ast, or%ers ere gi$en to theshattere% troops to return to the camp& The British ere nohere to beseen, an% preparations ere ma%e to take in such of the oun%e% as cou"%be mo$e%& 4t this moment harton 'unoo%ie, impe""e% by affection forhis frien%, seiKe% a "ighte% fusee, an% taking to of his men enthimse"f in uest of his bo%y, here he as suppose% to ha$e fa""en&Dason as foun% on the si%e of the hi"", seate% ith great composure,but unab"e to a"k from a fracture% "eg& 'unoo%ie sa an% f"e to thesi%e of his comra%e, saying,@@

(4h2 %ear Tom, ) kne ) shou"% fin% you the nearest man to the enemy&(

(Soft"y, soft"y han%"e me ten%er"y,( rep"ie% the "ieutenant& (o, thereis a bra$e fe""o sti"" nearer than myse"f, an% ho he can be ) kno

not& 0e rushe% out of our smoke, near my p"atoon, to make a prisoner orsome such thing, but, poor fe""o, he ne$er came back there he "iesjust o$er the hi""ock& ) ha$e spoken to him se$era" times, but ) fancyhe is past ansering&(

'unoo%ie ent to the spot, an% to his astonishment behe"% the age%stranger&

()t is the o"% man ho kne my mother2( crie% the youth& (For her sakehe sha"" ha$e honorab"e buria" "ift him, an% "et him be carrie% in his

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bones sha"" rest on nati$e soi"&(

The men approache% to obey& 0e as "ying on his back, ith his facee.pose% to the g"aring "ight of the fusee his eyes ere c"ose%, as ifin s"umber his "ips, sunken ith years, ere s"ight"y mo$e% from theirnatura" position, but it seeme% more "ike a smi"e than a con$u"sionhich ha% cause% the change& 4 so"%iers musket "ay near him his han%sere presse% upon his breast, an% one of them containe% a substance thatg"ittere% "ike si"$er& 'unoo%ie stoope%, an% remo$ing the "imbs,percei$e% the p"ace here the bu""et ha% foun% a passage to his heart&The subject of his "ast care as a tin bo., through hich the fata" "ea%ha% gone an% the %ying moments of the o"% man must ha$e passe% in%raing it from his bosom& 'unoo%ie opene% it, an% foun% a paper inhich, to his astonishment, he rea% the fo""oing3@@

(Circumstances of po"itica" importance, hich in$o"$e the "i$es an%fortunes of many, ha$e hitherto kept secret hat this paper no re$ea"s&0ar$ey Birch has for years been a faithfu" an% unreuite% ser$ant of hiscountry& Though man %oes not, may Go% rear% him for his con%uct2(

GE=& 4S0)GT=&

)t as the SP* =F T0E EAT/4? G/=A', ho %ie% as he ha% "i$e%, %e$ote%to his country, an% a martyr to her "iberties&

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