the progress of the internal combustion engine and tts · 2013. 10. 10. · oct. 25, 19ilf> the...

OcT. 25, 19ilf> THE ENG INEER ------ The Progress of the Internal Combustion Fuel.* Engine and tts By HARRY R. RICARDO, F.R .K T HE of th e internal combustion engine has b een, I thmk, one of the most startling developments of the last fifty years. It appeared so soon as a. suitable fuel was available. At first it u sed gas and sat s till ; then p etrol appeared, and at once it began to run about and late r to grow wings. Within a f ew ye ars it has r evd lutioni se d all forms of tr ansport, except the railways, for these are haunted the ghost of George S teph e nson, who m1ght shake h1 s head and rattl e his c hains at the mere suggestion of anything more modern or efficient that a non-conde nsing steam engine. To-clay, well over 80 p er cent. of the power output of all forms of prime mover uses p e trol as 1ts and I am going to claim the pri vi l ege of the older ge.nerat10n who ha ve watched the p etrol engine almost from 1ts birth, to be remini scent on the s ubject of petrol. . I first dro ve a. c ar and so came into contact with petro l m 1898. The engine of thi s ca r was an ordinary hori- zontal single - cylinder gas engine, with all i ts working par ts open to th e \vinds of heaven and the dusts of the earth below ; exposed to everything, in fact, except lubri cation. Its s upply of gas was drawn from what used to be termed a wick carbur e tter -an e normous vessel ke pt about one- quarter full of petrol in whi ch were suspended dozens of l engths of lamp wick. Some of the air s upply was drawn these wick s, and was sa turated with petrol vapour, the remainder passed direct to th e inlet valve of the engme-thus a co mbust ible mixture was obtained, but if ever, did the e ngin e and I agree as to th e clefimt10n of a. com bus tible mixture, and th e engine always got the b etter of th e argument. It was an unfair d ebate, for the engine always had the last word, spat scornfully, and then sulked . In time. one developed a sort of s ixth se nse and was able to f eed t he e ngin e with one hand and Rteer with the other. The wic k carburetter died before the end of the l ast but during its tiresome and dida.ctic life it de ter- mmed th e specific ation for petrol, a specifica tio n which e ndured for nearly twenty years after its de c ea se-such was the terror it had inspired. The wick carburette r clamoured for extreme vo l ati lity, and volatility was in terms of specific gr avity. Th e lower the gt'B.V 1ty the be tter th e fuel, and for many years the quality of petrol was d etermin ed so lely, or almo st so lely, by its specific gravity. About th e year 1900, the wic k or s urface carburetter was superseded by the s pray type, which was far less pernicke ty about volatility, and the e ngine, with its major grudge remo ved, b egan to inve nt new grievan ces, while the driver had more leis ure to listen to them. F ed with a more or less co mbustible mixture and using a high er compression, the engine then pro ceeded to kno c k, at first hesitantly, and lat er most insistently. Such knocking was diagnosed as premature ignit ion and was as c ribed invariably to the ov erheating of some point or surface within the cylinder, a beli ef whi ch b eca me almost a. c reed , despite the manife st fact that b ette r cool- ing pr oved of li ttle avail, that no auto-ignition occurred when the spark was switched off, and that no one could explain adequately why pr e mature ignition should cause a high-pitched ringing knock. About 1904, as an under- graduate a.t Cambridge, I was assisting the late Professor Hopkinson in th e development of a. pi ston-operated optical indicator for high-speed e ngines, and in the cours e of our exper iment s we used to test th e indi cator impartially on the various steam, gas, and p et rol engines in the laboratory. On the petrol e ngin es we found that wh e never the knock occurred, the indi cator r egistered a. very large and sudden increase of pr ess ure, far above the normal maximum, th e mirror was often s hattered, and the indicator spring permanently strained; no sim ilar pheno- menon occurred in the case of the gas engine. H opkinson, wit .h his utter di s regard for accepted creeds, sco rned th e belief that the knock was due to pr e- ignition, and con - that it was to be acc ounted for by gaseou s shock, smce, as he p ointed out, th ere was not h ea t en ergy in the working :Buid sufficie nt to produce the high pre ssures indicated, nor could prematu re ignition s how such eviden ce of shock. As an e xp er ime nt, he fitted into a gas engine cylinder a l ong steel bolt proje c ting far into the co m- bustion chamber ; thi s soon r eached a temperature sufficient to cause genuine prematur e ignition. Wi th this arrangement, we were able to wat ch, with the indicator , the gradual transition f rom n ormal to premature ignition, which advanced as the bolt h ea ted up until it b ecame so ea r ly as gradually to pull the engine up altogether. Wh en w atching such a proce ss , we noti ced t hree inter est ing po ints:- First, that genuine pre-ignition was accompani ed by a dull thud, but no trace of the ringing kno ck was found in the petrol engine. Secondly, that the maximum pressure never, under any circumstances, e xceeded the normal maximum. Thirdly , that the rate of ri se of pressure as reco rded by the indicator was no more rapid than the normal. Th is experiment sufficed to confirm H opkinson in his belief that the knock in th e petrol engine was due t o some- thing quite distinct fr om pre-ignition, and he described it rather as detonation . This was so me thirty years ago. Unfortunately, H opkinson seldom publish ed his researches, and the widespread belief that the knock in the pe trol engine was due to pre -ignition remained unc hall e nged b y all but a few of his disciples. So far as I can remember, he d id not pursue the matter furth er, for he wa s not at that t.ime partic ularly interested in pe trol e ngines, but without d oub t, I think he was the first investigator to com e to the conclusion that the knock in the p etrol engine was due to the shock of a. gaseous wave st riking the walls of the cylinder, and this he attributed to some p eculiar ity of the fuel. D uring the same e xpe rime nts with hi s indicator in 1904 and 1905, Hopkinson call ed my attention to the very Institute of Fu el, the Melchett L ecture, Oc tober 9th, 193 G. great differe nce in Lhe r ate of burning of the same working fluid in an eng in e cy linder and in a.n ex-p lo s ion vessel. Bomb exp losions h ad s hown that th e normal rate of burn - ing of a gaseous mixture was so s low that it would not be half compl eted by th e end of the st r oke in even quite a slow- speed e ngin e. So far as we were aware, t his glaring inconsistency h ad b een overlooked by pr ev ious observei'S, though Sir Duga. ld Clerk was at the time puzzled about it. Hopkinson explain ed it by arguing that the r apid sp r ead of burning in the e ngine cylinder was du e to the rapidity of movement of the gas es-in fact, to turbulence-th ough this term was co ined later. To test his theory, he fitted an electric fan inside an explosion vessel, and by speed- ing up the fan to a very high speed was able to obtain a rate of burning as ra pid as that in an engine cylinder. Some years later , Sir Du gald Clerk carried out his now c la ss ic experiment which was the co nvers e of thi s, for he allowed the working fluid to sta gna te in the e ngine cy linder during several idl e cyc les, and then igni te d it in the us ual manner, with the r es ult that the rate of burning w as so slow as to be less than haU complet e by th e end of the expan sion st roke. To Hopkinson, th en, I think, s hould be asc rib ed the di scovery of th e existence of de tonation as a distinct phenomenon, and of th e v ital importance of turbulence ; as hi s pupil and disciple, I acce pted these as quite und erstoo d and matter of fact, and was surprised to find, after leaving Cambridge, that they were r egard ed el sewhere as outrage ous heresies. Whil e at Cambridge, and in a cco rdance with Hopkin- son 's teaching, I had built for my own amusement a two- cyc le p e trol engine, in which I had sought to combine int ense turbulence and s tratifi cation-th e former in order to obtain very rapid bwning and high efficiency, a nd the la tter, in part , for the s ake of efficiency, but also because, with so large a proportion of uns cave nged exhaust pro- ducts, I n eed ed a cons ider able measure of st ratifi cat ion to give that degree of flexibility I was st rivi ng after. Th is engine ran well on the whole, but suffered severely from excessi ve d eto nation-so much so, t hat I had to re duc e the compression ratio to a very low figure (below 4: 1), and thus lo st by inad equate e xpansion much that I had won by st r atification and high turbulence. After leaving Cambridg e in 1906 I carried on experiments with thi s engine in my s par e time, and d etermin ed to try and cure the persist ent detonation trouble. I rep eated Hopkinso n 's experiment with the hot bolt and found e xactly the s ame r esults ; the power fell away clue to pr e mature ignition, but in the case of this two- c ycl e e ngine, without even a trace of bump, the e ngine ju st silently faded out. Inci- dentally, in this e ngine, the detonation was at times so severe that it used seriou s ly to damage my Hopkinson indicator, and , ac ting on Hopkinson's theory that d et ona- tion was the sett ing up of a gaseous wa ve, I sought to scre en the indi ca tor from impact by the wav e, and found that this cou ld be don e in various ways. When thus screened, the indi cato r ga ve almost identical diagrams, wh ether the e ngine was detonating or not , the abnormal maximum pr essur e no longer appeared, nor, so far as I could see, w as th ere any appreciabl e difference in th e gen e ral rate of pr ess ure ri se. When severe detonation was allowed to persist, I fo und that the power output of the e ngine gradually fell , and eventua ll y, if the throt tl e were reso h1 te ly he ld wide open, the detonation noi se would di e away and the engine would fade silent ly out, due to pr e- matur e ignition. All these and oth er observations con- vinced me that Hopkinson had been pe rfec tly right in his diagno sis and t hat d et onati on was a. phe nomenon wholly di s tinct from pr e-ignition, but that if allowed to persist long enough, it would dege nerate into pr e mature ignition. I was k een to make a. success of this two- cycle engine. a nd ca rri ed on e x-p e rime nts in my spare time from 1906 till about 1911 , during which period I constructed several revised versions of it. With the help of Hopkinson's indi cator, I l earnt a gr eat deal about the effect of turbulence and st ratification. and gradually formed a th e ory as to the mechanism of detonation. I then came to the conclu- sion that the explosion wave was set up by the spon- taneous ignit ion, not of the c harg e as a. whole, but of the very l ast portion only, du e to rapid and almost adiabati c compressi on by the advancing flame front. I came al so at that time, about 1909 or 1910, to the r egrettable but quite mistaken conclus ion, that turbulence was inco m- patibl e with fr eedom from detonation, and that I must sacrifice s ome of the for mer to get rid of the latter. By one of those examp l es of blind s tupidity to which I hope I a.m not alone subj ect, I failed, till y ears after, to grasp the obvious moral of my own theory, and it was n ot till severa l years la te r that I reali sed how important a part the s hap e of the combustion c hamber and the position of the ignition plug must play. My original co mbustion chamber was, from th e point of view of detonation, one of the worst forms imaginabl e, and it now seems quit e in compr eh ensibl e that, having con cocte d and pinned my faith to a perfectly good theory as to the m echanism of detonation, I should for so long hav e fail ed to see that the form of comb u stio n c hamb er I was then using outr aged this theory in almost every r espe ct. About 1910, I think, benzole came on the market, and I found to my delight that with this fuel detonation disappeared entirel y, and I was able, even with my abominab le design of combus- tion c hamb er, to increase my co mpression ratio from a. miserable 3 · 8 : 1 to well over 5 : 1, and so ob tain a r eally fine pe rf ormance from the e ngine. Thi s observation n aturally caused me to fo cus on the nature of the fuel as the primary f actor in detonation. After le aving Cambridge, my legitimate work was civil engineering, and my ex-periments had to be carried out in my s par e t ime and merely as a hobby. Fr om 1910 to 1913 I had, through pressure of other work, pra ct ic ally to abandon these inve sti gations. In 191 3-14 I made a fresh start, and this time I built an e xper imental single cy linder s up ercharged four-cycle engine . In thi s engine 433 I again so ught to work with a strat ifi ed and with this in view the s up erc harge was admttted through supp lementa ry ports uncovered by the pi st on at the end of the suc tion st roke. This engine behaved ve ry well indeed; and though it had no direc t m eans of varying th e co mpre ss ion ratio, I cou ld vary the co mpres sion pre s- s ure by contro l of the amoun t of su per c harge add ed after the e nd of the su ct ion Rtroke, and, t hanks to th P s tratifi cat ion, which pr oved very effPC't ive, I could vary the mean mixture st re ngth ove r an exceptionally wicll' rang e. For these reasons, it proved a.n admirable rese arch engine, more parti c ularl y for studying the e ffert of different fue ls on de tonation, in whirh I had become greatly inter este d, for by this time I had become convinced that it was the incidence of d etonati on and the incidence of det onat ion alone, which was setting a. limit and a very ea rl y limit at that da te, to the p er form - ance of p etrol engines. By incr eas ing th e s up erc harge, or by enriching the mixture, or both, I could. at will. produc e or suppress detonation on almost any fu e l. From tests on this e ngin e during 1913- 14, I found that, of th e available coal tar de rivatives, toluene appeared to be the most r esistant to de tonation, while as to th t> various pa trols then on the market , these v aried widely, but that, in general, th e higher the s pe cific gra vity, thr less the tendency to de tonate. During the war I came a good d ea l into contact wit ,h Sir Rob e rt Wal ey Cohen, who lent a patient E'l.\r to my th eol'ies. From him I wa s horrified to l earn that in Borneo many thousands of tons of p et rol were being burnt as a wa ste produ c t, merely b ecause its specific gravity wM considerably above that permitted by exis ting sp ec ifica- tions. He arranged to se nd me a few gallons of thi s fuel, which I te ste d in my s uperc harging e ngin e, and found that I could run without detonati on to a much higher supercharge than on any petrol I had u sed hitherto. Sir R obert was, I think, very mu ch impr essed by thi s observation, for be th en asked me to cons id er and prepar e proposals for a. c ompr e hensive resear ch into th e whole s ubj ect of fu els for p etrol engines, and promi sed both the financial and technical a ss i st an ce of the Shell Com- pany. I h ad long dreamed of building a really efficient variable compre ssion e ngin e for suc h a purpos e; to thi s. to my delight, he readi ly agreed, and with the help of Tizard, Pye, Kewley, Thornyc roft, and otherR, a rese arch programme was set on foot , the r esu lts and main con- clusions of whirh were publi shed at Sir Robert 's reques t. in 1921. In my pr e- war I had found that to luene s howed the l east ten den cy to detonate of any fuel I had tried, and paraffin bMe p etrols the greatest tendency. In order to provid e standards of compari so n th e Shell Company pr e par ed, by su lphonati on. a. large hulk Rllpply of aromati c fr ee petro l, and they provided a lso a. bnl k s upply of toluene. Th e variable compression. e ngin t-, known as E.35, was completed e arly in 1919 a nd proved a very satisfactory instrument; with a littl e pr aC'tice, we w ere abl e to dete r mine the compression ratio at whirh detonation occ urred to within about one -twentieth of one ratio of compression, and th us to dete ct very small differences as betwe en diffe rent fuels. As a s tandard of compari son, we d ec ided to express the te nd e ncy of each fuel to detonate both in terms of the tolu ene numb er of an equiva l ent mixture of toluene in aromatic free p etrol, and also in te rms of the actual ratio of co mpression at which detonation occur r ed in this parti culal' engine und er one particular and standard set of conditions. So long as th e original bulk s uppli es las ted, th e toluen e s tandard was quite satisfactory, but it was , of course, reaUsed that an e nd would come eventually when neither th e original aromati c free pe trol nor the tolu ene could be matched exactly and that th e n ee d would then aris e for the u se of chemically pur e s ubstances. To-day, as is we ll known, heptan e ha s taken the plac e of aromatic· free petro l, and t. hat of toluene. To-day, the detonation tendenc y of a fuel for p etrol e ngin es is ex-pressed in terms of its octane numb er, and the octane numb er of a fuel is now generally recognised as be ing by far its most important characteri s ti c. Spec ific gravity has b een forgotten and volatility rel egate d to a very poor second pla ce. By sc ientific bl e nding of fuels from the various sources of s upply, by the addition of l ead tetra-ethyl, be nzol e or alcohol, the oct ane number of fuels has risen steadily y ear by year, and as it ha s risen, so has the performance of the p etrol e ngine ma rc hed accordingly. The reflection of th e use of high oct ane or n on-detonat- ing fu els upon engine pe rformance can b est be see n. in th e field of aircraft engines. In 1920, t he best pe trol for air. craft engines allowed only of a compression ratio of le ss than 5 · 0 : 1 with no s uperc harge. To-day, with fuels of an octane number of 87 or thereabouts, we can e mploy a. co mpression ratio of well over 6 : 1 and can supe rimp ose on thi s a very considerab le superc harge , with the net result that we c an now operate throughout a prolonged te st with brake mean effect i ve pressur es as high as 185 1 b. per squa re inc h, and attai n, und er c rui s ing conditions , a fu el consumption as low as 0 · 44 lb. per b.h.p. hour , a.n.d thi s with a. specific weight of on ly about 1 · 3 lb. per horse- power re c koned on the ground l evel or take-off power. If, as seems likely , the octane numb er of aviation fuels is to be inc reased in the n ear future, the perf orman ce of pe trol aviation engines will receive a furth er very large imp e tus. If we revi ew the developme nt of the aero engine in all co untries s ince th e war, we find that the specific output of the av e rage of th e le ading makers increas ed only from about 14 h.p. per litre in 1920 to 21 h.p. per litr e in 1930, an in crease of 50 per cent. in ten years. The last four ye ars has seen an incr ease to 30 h.p. p er litre , while, during th e last few months , using 87 octane fuel, type tests have s uccessfully been compl et ed at a specific output of 40 h.p. per litr e. Once we depart from standard aviation petro l and allow the chemjst a. free hand to use alcohol or acetone, as we did in the c ase of the Schneider engines, we ca n attain 55 to 60 h.p. per litre even from an engine of about 3 litres capacity per cylinder . I t would seem, therefore, that th e pe rfor mance of the pe trol e ngine is mainly one of dieta ry and that it is to the chef rath er than to the engineer to whom we must turn our attention. I have said that to-day we must turn our attention to the chef, but whil e the chef's menu may be invigot·ating, it is also apt to be indigestible, or even poisonous-we have known only too well thfl pains of lead poisoning - and t.he e ngineer hM his work

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Page 1: The Progress of the Internal Combustion Engine and tts · 2013. 10. 10. · OcT. 25, 19ilf> THE ENGINEER The Progress of the Internal Combustion Engine and tts • Fuel.* By HARRY

OcT. 25, 19ilf> THE ENG INEER ------

The Progress of the Internal Combustion Fuel.* Engine and •


THE ~rogress of the internal combustion engine has been, I thmk, one of the most startling developments of the

last fifty years. It appeared so soon as a. suitable fuel was available. At first it used gas and sat still ; then petrol appeared, and at once it began to run about and later to grow wings. Within a few years it has revdlutionised all forms of t r ansport, except the railways, for these are haunted ~y the ghost of George Stephenson, who m1ght shake h1s head and rattle his chains at the mere suggestion of anything more modern or efficient that a non-condensing steam engine. To-clay, well over 80 per cent. of the to~al power output of all forms of prime mover uses p etrol as 1ts fu~l, and I am going to claim the privilege of the older ge.nerat10n who have watched the petrol engine almost from 1ts birth, to be reminiscent on the subject of petrol. . I first drove a. car and so came into contact with petrol m 1898. The engine of this car was an ordinary hori­zontal single-cylinder gas engine, with all its working parts open to the \vinds of heaven and the dusts of the earth below ; exposed to everything, in fact, except lubrication. Its supply of gas was drawn from what used to be termed a wick carburetter-an enormous vessel kept about one­quarter full of petrol in which were suspended dozens of lengths of lamp wick. Some of the air supply was drawn pa~t these wicks, and was saturated with petrol vapour, whi~e the remainder passed direct to the inlet valve of the engme-thus a combustible mixture was obtained, but seldo~, if ever , did the engine and I agree as t o the clefimt10n of a. combustible mixture, and the engine always got the better of the argument. It was an unfair debate, for the engine always had the last word, spat scornfully, and then sulked. In time. one developed a sort of sixth sense and was able to feed the engine with one hand and Rteer with the other.

The wick carburetter died before the end of the last ce~tury, but during its tiresome and dida.ctic life it deter­mmed the specification for petrol, a specification which endured for nearly twenty years after its decease-such was the terror it had inspired. The wick carburetter clamoured for extreme volatility, and volatility was expr~ssed in terms of specific gravity. The lower the gt'B.V1ty the better the fuel, and for many years the quality of petrol was determined solely, or almost solely, by its specific gravity. About the year 1900, the wick or surface carburetter was superseded by the spray type, which was far less pernickety about volatility, and the engine, with its major grudge removed, began to invent new grievances, while the driver had more leisure to listen to them. F ed with a more or less combustible mixture and using a higher compression, the engine then proceeded to knock, at first hesitantly, and later most insistently. Such knocking was diagnosed as premature ignit ion and was ascribed invariably to the overheating of some point or surface within the cylinder, a belief which becam e almost a. creed, despite the manifest fact that better cool­ing proved of little avail, that no auto-ignition occurred when the spark was switched off, and that no one could explain adequately why premature ignition should cause a high-pitched ringing knock. About 1904, as an under­graduate a.t Cambridge, I was assisting t he late Professor Hopkinson in the development of a. piston-operated optical indicator for high-speed engines, and in the course of our experiments we used to test the indicator impartially on the various steam, gas, and p etrol engines in the laboratory. On the petrol engines we found that whenever the knock occurred, the indicator registered a. very large and sudden increase of pressure, far above the normal maximum, the mirror was often shattered, and the indicator spring permanently strained; no similar pheno­menon occurred in the case of the gas engine. H opkinson, wit.h his utter disregard for accepted creeds, scorned the belief that the knock was due to pre-ignition, and con­c~uded that it was to be accounted for by gaseous shock, smce, as he pointed out, there was not heat energy in the working :Buid sufficient to produce the high pressures indicated, nor could premature ignition show such evidence of shock. As an experiment, he fitted into a gas engine cylinder a long steel bolt projecting far into the com­bustion chamber ; this soon reached a temperature sufficient to cause genuine premature ignition. With this arrangement, we were able to watch, with the indicator, the gradual transition from normal t o premature ignition, which advanced as the bolt heated up until it became so ear ly as gradually to pull the engine up altogether . When watching such a process, we noticed three interesting points:-

First, that genuine pre-ignition was accompanied by a dull thud, but no trace of the ringing knock was found in the petrol engine.

Secondly, that the maximum pressure never , under any circumstances, exceeded the normal maximum.

Thirdly, that the rate of rise of pressure as recorded by the indicator was no more rapid than the normal.

This experiment sufficed to confirm H opkinson in his belief that the knock in the petrol engine was due t o some­thing quite distinct from pre-ignition, and he described it rather as detonation. This was some thirty years ago. Unfortunately, H opkinson seldom published his researches, and the widespread belief that the knock in the petrol engine was due to pre-ignition remained unchallenged b y all but a few of his disciples. So far as I can remember, he d id not pursue the matter further , for he was not at that t.ime particularly interested in petrol engines, but without doubt, I think he was the first investigator to com e to the conclusion that the knock in the petrol engine was due to the shock of a. gaseous wave striking the walls of the cylinder, and this he attributed to some peculiarity of the fuel. During the same experiments with his indicator in 1904 and 1905, Hopkinson called my attention to the very

Institute of Fuel, the Melchett Lecture, October 9th, 193G.

great difference in Lhe rate of burning of the same working fluid in an engine cylinder and in a.n ex-plosion vessel. Bomb explosions h ad shown that the normal rate of burn­ing of a gaseous mixture was so slow that it would not be half completed by the end of the stroke in even quite a slow-speed engine. So far as we were aware, t his glaring inconsistency had been overlooked by previous observei'S, t hough Sir Duga.ld Clerk was a t t he time puzzled about it. H opkinson explained it by arguing that the rapid spread of burning in the engine cylinder was due to the rapidity of movement of the gases-in fact, to turbulence-though this term was coined later. To test his theory, he fitted an electric fan inside an explosion vessel, and by speed­ing up the fan to a very high speed was able to obtain a rate of burning as r apid as that in an engine cylinder. Some years later, Sir Dugald Clerk carried out his now classic experiment which was the converse of this, for he allowed the working fluid to stagnate in the engine cylinder during several idle cycles, and then ignited it in the usual manner, with the result that the rate of burning was so slow as to be less than haU complete by the end of the expansion stroke. To Hopkinson, then, I think, s hould be ascribed the discovery of the existence of detonation as a distinct phenomenon, and of the vital importance of turbulence ; as his pupil and disciple, I accepted these as quite understood and matter of fact, and was surprised to find, after leaving Cambridge, that they were r egarded elsewhere as outrageous heresies.

While at Cambridge, and in accordance with Hopkin­son 's teaching, I had built for my own amusement a two­cycle p etrol engine, in which I had sought to combine intense turbulence and stratification-the former in order to obtain very rapid bwning and high efficiency, and the latter, in part, for t he sake of efficiency, but also because, with so large a proportion of unscavenged exhaust pro­ducts, I needed a considerable measure of stratification to give that degree of flexibility I was striving after. This engine ran well on the whole, but suffered severely from excessive detonation-so much so, t hat I had to reduce the compression ratio to a very low figure (below 4: 1), and thus lost by inadequate expansion much that I had won by stratification and high turbulence. After leaving Cambridge in 1906 I carried on experiments with this engine in my spare time, and determined to try and cure t he persistent detonation trouble. I repeated Hopkinson 's experiment with the hot bolt and found exactly the same results ; the p ower fell away clue to premature ignition, but in the case of this two-cycle engine, without even a trace of bump, the engine just silently faded out. I nci­dentally, in this engine, the detonation was at times so severe that it used seriously to damage my Hopkinson indicator, and, acting on Hopkinson's theory that detona­tion was the setting up of a gaseous wave, I sought to screen the indicator from impact by the wave, and found that this could be done in various ways. When thus screened, the indicator gave almost identical diagrams, whether the engine was detonating or not, the abnormal maximum pressure no longer appeared, nor, so far as I could see, was there any appreciable difference in the general rate of pressure rise. When severe detonation was allowed to persist, I found that the power output of the engine gradually fell , and eventually, if the throttle were resoh1tely held wide open, the detonation noise would die away and the engine would fade silently out, due to pre ­mature ignition. All these and other observations con­vinced me that Hopkinson had been perfectly right in his diagnosis and that detonation was a. phenomenon wholly distinct from pre-ignition, but that if allowed to persist long enough, it would degenerate into premature ignition. I was keen to make a. success of this two-cycle engine. and carried on ex-periments in my spare time from 1906 till about 1911 , during which period I constructed several revised versions of it. With the help of Hopkinson's indicator, I learnt a great deal about the effect of turbulence and stratification. and gradually formed a theory as to the mechanism of detonation. I then came to the conclu­sion that the explosion wave was set up by the spon­taneous ignition, not of the charge as a. whole, but of the very last portion only, due to rapid and almost adiabatic compression by the advancing flame front. I came also at that time, about 1909 or 1910, to the regrettable but quite mistaken conclusion, that turbulence was incom­patible with freedom from detonation, and that I must sacrifice some of the former to get rid of the latter. By one of those examples of blind stupidity to which I hope I a.m not alone subject, I failed, till years after, to grasp the obvious moral of my own theory, and it was not till several years later that I realised how important a part the shape of the combustion chamber and the position of the ignition plug must play. My original combustion chamber was, from the point of view of detonation, one of the worst forms imaginable, and it now seems quite incomprehensible that, having concocted and pinned my faith to a perfectly good theory as to the mechanism of detonation, I should for so long have failed to see that the form of combustion chamber I was t hen using outraged this theory in almost every respect. About 1910, I think, benzole came on the market, and I found to my delight that with this fuel detonation disappeared entirely, and I was able, even with my abominable design of combus­tion chamber, to increase my compression ratio from a. miserable 3 · 8 : 1 to well over 5 : 1, and so ob tain a really fine performance from t he engine. This observation naturally caused me to focus on the nature of the fuel as the primary factor in detonation.

After leaving Cambridge, my legitimate work was civil engineering, and my ex-periments had to be carried out in my spare t ime and merely as a hobby. From 1910 to 1913 I had, through pressure of other work, practically to abandon these investigations. In 1913-14 I made a fresh start, and this time I built an exper imental single cylinder supercharged four-cycle engine. In this engine


I again sought to work with a stratified ch~rge, and with this in view the supercharge was admttted through supplementary ports uncovered by the piston at the end of the suction stroke. This engine behaved very well indeed; and though it had no direct means of varying the compression ratio, I could vary the compression pres ­sure by control of the amount of supercharge added after the end of the su ction Rtroke, and, t hanks to thP stratification, which proved very effPC'tive, I could vary the mean mixture strength over an exceptionally wicll' range. For these reasons, it proved a.n admirable researc h engine, more particularly for studying the effert of different fue ls on detonation, in whir h I had become greatly interested, for by this time I had become convinced that it was the incidence of detonation and the incidence of detonation alone, which was setting a. limit and a very early limit at that date, to t he perform­ance of petrol engines. By increasing the supercharge, or by enriching the mixture, or both, I could. at will. produce or suppress detonation on almost any fuel. From tests on this engine during 1913- 14, I found that, of the available coal tar derivatives, toluene appeared to be the most resistant to detonation, while as to tht> various patrols then on the market, these varied widely, but that, in general, the higher the specific gravity, thr less the tendency to detonate.

During the war I came a good deal into contact wit,h Sir Robert Waley Cohen, who lent a patient E'l.\r to my theol'ies. From him I was horrified to learn that in Borneo many thousands of tons of petro l were being burnt as a waste product, merely because its specific gravity wM considerably above that permitted by existing specifica­tions. H e arranged to send me a few gallons of this fuel, which I tested in my supercharging engine, and found that I could run without detonation to a much higher supercharge than on any petrol I had used hitherto. Sir R obert was, I think, very much impressed by this observation, for be then asked me to consider and prepare proposals for a. comprehensive research into the whole subject of fuels for petrol engines, and promised both the financial and technical assistance of the Shell Com­pany. I had long dreamed of building a really efficient variable compression engine for such a purpose ; to this . to my delight, he readily agreed, and with the help of T izard, Pye, K ewley, Thornycroft, and otherR, a research programme was set on foot, the results and main con­clusions of whir h were published at Sir Robert 's request. in 1921.

In my pre-war experiment.~ I had found that toluene showed the least tendency to detonate of any fuel I had tried, and paraffin bMe petrols the greatest tendency. In order to provide standards of comparison the Shell Company prepared, by sulphonation. a. large hulk Rllpply of aromatic free petrol, and they provided a lso a. bnl k supply of toluene. The variable compression. engint-, known as E.35, was completed early in 1919 a nd proved a very satisfactory instrument; with a little praC'tice, we were able to determine the compression ratio at whirh detonation occurred to within about one-twentieth of one rat io of compression, and t hus to detect very small differences as between different fuels. As a s tandard of comparison, we decided to express the tendency of each fuel to detonate both in terms of the toluene number of an equivalent mixture of toluene in aromatic free p etrol, and also in terms of the actual ratio of compression at which detonation occurred in this particulal' engine under one particular and standard set of conditions. So long as the original bulk supplies lasted, the toluene standard was quite satisfactory, but it was, of course, reaUsed that an end would come eventually when neither the original aromatic free petrol nor the toluene could be matched exactly and that the need would then arise for the use of chemically pure substances. To-day, as is well known, heptane has taken the place of aromatic· free petrol, and t.hat of toluene. To-day, the detonation tendency of a fuel for petrol engines is ex-pressed in terms of its octane number, and the octane number of a fuel is now generally recognised as being by far its most important characteristic. Specific gravity has been forgotten and volatility relegated to a very poor second place. By scientific blending of fuels from the various sources of supply, by the addition of lead tetra-ethyl, benzole or a lcohol, the octane number of fuels has risen steadily year by year, and as it has risen , so has the per formance of the p etrol engine marched accordingly.

The reflection of the use of high octane or non-detonat­ing fuels upon engine performance can best be seen. in the field of aircraft engines . In 1920, t he best petrol for air. craft engines allowed only of a compression ratio of less than 5 · 0 : 1 with no supercharge. To-day, with fuels of an octane number of 87 or thereabouts, we can employ a. compression ratio of well over 6 : 1 and can superimpose on this a very considerable supercharge, with the net result that we can now operate throughout a prolonged test with brake mean effective pressures as high as 185 1b. per square inch, and attain , under cruising conditions, a fuel consumption as low as 0 · 44 lb. per b.h.p. hour, a.n.d this with a. specific weight of only about 1 · 3 lb. per horse­power reckoned on the ground level or take-off power. If, as seems likely, the octane number of aviation fuels is to be increased in the near future, the performance of petrol aviation engines will receive a further very large impetus. If we review the development of the aero engine in all countries since the war, we find that the specific output of the average of the leading makers increased only from about 14 h.p. per litre in 1920 to 21 h.p. per litre in 1930, an increase of 50 per cent. in ten years. The last four years has seen an increase to 30 h.p. per litre, while, during the last few months, using 87 octane fuel, type tests have successfully been completed at a specific output of 40 h.p. per litre. Once we depart from standard aviation petrol and allow the chemjst a. free hand to use alcohol or acetone, as we did in the case of the Schneider engines, we can attain 55 to 60 h.p. per litre even from an engine of about 3 litres capacity per cylinder . I t would seem, therefore, that the performance of the petrol engine is mainly one of dietar y and that it is to the chef rather than to the engineer to whom we must turn our attention. I have said that to-day we must turn our attention to the chef, but while the chef's menu may be invigot·ating, it is also apt to be indigestible, or even poisonous-we have known only too well thfl pains of lead poisoning- and t.he engineer hM his work

Page 2: The Progress of the Internal Combustion Engine and tts · 2013. 10. 10. · OcT. 25, 19ilf> THE ENGINEER The Progress of the Internal Combustion Engine and tts • Fuel.* By HARRY


cut. out. for him to improv(' the digestive organs. We have fo~d that the sl<'ove valve helps greatly in this respect, for m t.he first place, the a.bohtion of the hot exhaust valve. allows us to use nearly a. wholo ratio higher com­press•on or a corresponding increaso in supercharge on the sam.o ru.el ; in } he second, the sleeve is impervious to lee.d potsomng. W tth experimental s leeve va.h•e units of pros1mt-da.y aircraft dimensions, we have been ablo to •·each and even to run for lon,g periods at a specific output of 100 b.h.p. per litre on specta.lly prepared fuels, and well over 60 h.p . per litre on an i octane fut'l. The form('r figure corresponds with a brake mean effective pre11suro of 540 lb. per square inch, and a supercharge pr<'sRure of 4 atmospheres absolute. Apart from the question of fuels, the exhaust valve and the piston control the performance we can obtain to-day. but the exhaust valve and the fuel are in timately connected, in that t.he higher the ('ompt·ession t he fue l will allow us to use the greater the expansion and tho <.'Oolor will the exhaust va.lvo keep, so t.ha.t an improvement in fuel eases the conditions of the exhaust valve, and thereby allows of a yet furth<'r improvement in p01·formance. In the sleeve valve, thts limit is removed and we are free to ring the changes between compression and supercharging as we wall. When a. very high performance. regardless of fuel consumption, is required, we can, if we so desire employ a low ratio of <·omprcssion and a very heavy supercharge, and thus obtain an enormous specific power output., o. thing not possible in t ho cnso o( a poppet va.lvo engme.

1t is now being proposed t.o inrroase t.ho octane number of (wiat.ion pot.rolA to J 00, o.ncl it is interesting to speculat.e ru:J to the probable e- ffect. upon engine design whirh such tm increase will bring about. Ah•N\dy with 87 octane fuel we <'an employ a compression rat io of about 7 · 0 : 1, and whatever the fuel, it will not pay us, I think. to use a h igher ratio than this for, a.q lw tween 7 and 8 : 1 the gain in power output and fuel l:'conomy is barely 5 per cent., while the maximum pressure iA increased by 150 lb. per square inch for a 5 por cent . gain in mean pressure. If, therefore, we further tho c·ompression ratio, the small gain in efficiency will be offset to a large exten t by the increo.sed engine weight necessary to cope with the higher maximum pressure. J t, is pret.t y clear, there· fore, that we sha ll seek to roo.p the advantage which a higher octane fuel offers by inrt·oasod supercharge rather than increased comprE'ssiou ratio. I£ the octane number of the fuel be increased from 87 to I 00, them we shall be able, by supercharging. to inrroase our specific power output by a further 45 to 50 per cPnt. before reach ing the limtt sot by detonation: but with so heavy a super ­c·hargo, wo Khall have, I think, to reronsider somewhat our cycle of oporl\tion, and it. is inlMPst ing to specula te M to how he>st wp ro\l ld make use of such a. fuel. I have said onrliM t.ha.t. our l imit~o~ to-da.y a re t he intensity of heat flow to the p istons and exhaust valves. If by super ­r harging wo aro going to inct•easo t.he Apecifi c output by 50 pea· ron t.., we sha ll increase t he heat flow to t hese vulnora.blo parts to very nearly the same extent and, in t.he light of present lmowledge, we s hall pa.qs the limit of their endurance. Our most effective method of remov­mg heat from these two hard -pressed members will be by scavenging through the clearanro space with cold air at the end of each exhaust stroke. This can be done by providing a. limited and perhaps variable amount of overlap between the inlet and exhaust valves (or ports m the cnse of a sleeve valve). J n t his manner relatively cold air from the supercharger will sweep over the top of the piston a.nd out through tho exhaust valve, a t some cost in wasted energy, hut L Lhink that by suitable mechanical design the cost can be kopt down to a. very low figul'e, while we shall roap an advantage in that the clearanre space will be left. charged with air available for combustion. If, in order to cool the internal parts, we decide to employ scavenging, then it is clear that we must 11cavonge with air alone, for we cannot afford to waste fuel. Tl1is, in turn, means that we must a bandon the system of carburetting the whole of the air and sub­Rtitu te timed and meo.sured fuel injection. ' Vith the experience ava.iJable to-day with high-speed D iesel engines, tllis should be comparatively easy, for we need not be nearly so meticulous about timing nor have we to dea l with a.nyt.hing like such high fue l pmRRures. Yet, again, wit.h so high a supercharge, t he amount of energy a vai lable in t.he exhaust will be very la1·ge. To-day we are carrying out the compression in two stagos, and the expansion in one, and in so doing we are outraging all the thermo­dynamic laws. If we are going considerab ly to increase tlw first stage of compression , tht'n it follows, I think, that we must introduce a. second stage in the expansion also, preferably by the introduction of an exhaust-driven turbine which, in turn, will opt'rat<l the supercharger, a.'! in the Buchi system. With two-stage compre11sion and only single expansion, both the temperat ure a nd volume of heat will probably be too much for the turbine, and we Rhall have to dilute tho exhaust with cool air­in other words, we m ay have to resort to scavenging, not only for t he sake of the piston and exhaust valves, but for that of the turbine also. The existence of the exhaust turbine and the back pressure it will creaw will serve also to control the amount of scavenge at vary­ing altitud.-s. I am tempted to predict, therefore, t hat if fuels of 100 octane number become available for a ir­craft, we shall n ot increase our compres.qion ratio beyond t he present-day figure, but rather we shall employ a heavy supercharge provided by an exhaust-driven turbine r ombined with air scavenging and liquid fuel injection.

In the pleasure car field, I am rather doubtful whether t.hero ~vill be any further gain by increasing the octane 1\ppreciably abovo t hat of p resent-day No. 1 patrols. The small dimensions of t he cylinders and the increased knowledge as to combustion chamber design already allow us to use a.q h igh a compression as is compatible with t~moothness of running, and I very much doubt whether superchargers will be employed o.s a. general practice, except in the case of sporting and racing cars, which should come under t he same general category as aircraft and use the same fuel. In the case of heavy commercial vehicles, where fuel economy becomes a vital consideration, the high-speed Diesel engine using heavy oil is rapidly ousting the petrol engine, and the trend of the last few years indica.t<ls that it. will probably supersede it altogether , for even though the two fuels now cost practically t he Rame. thA Diesfll engine still haR an advantage of about


70 per cen t. greater mileage per gallon- an advantage which more than offsets its greater mitia.l cost and some­what greatet· weight.

Thus far, I have discussed only the fuel question in relation to spark ignition engines, but I would like to say a few words about the newer development of high -speed Diesel engines and their fut'ls. In tiUs field the relation of the fuel to the engine is murh less in timate. In the case of tht> spark-ignited petrol engine, not only the specific power output avai lable, but twen the whole general design of the engine, de~nds almos t entirely on the octane number of the fuel, so much so, in fact, that an engine designed to make the hest use of 100 o<.' ta ne petrol will develop just doublo t ho power output of ono designed for 70 octane petrol. No romparable relation exists, or is ever likely to exist, between the fuel and the .engine performance in tho caso of c·ompression ignition engmes.

l n the <.'ase of the petrol engine, we are working normally with a relati vely low ratio of comprcsAion and, therefore, on the steep part of the air cycle efficiency curve. Any increase in octane number a llows us to work further up the efficiency curve, and it allows us also to increase the amount of supercharge. Tn the <·ase of the compression ignition engine, our ratio of compression is already su<.'h that we are working on a. nearly flat portion of the curve, and our efficiency is virtua lly unaltered over a wide range, while, as to supercharging, sin ce we are unlimited by the incidence of detonation, we can super ­chnrge as much as we like and to a.n equal extent with any fuel. Our limit in this car;e is determined solely by the maximum cylinder pressure we are prepared to tolerate and is independent of the fuel we use. Jn other words, if it will run at a.ll, a. compression ignit ion engine will g ive substantially the same power output and efficiency on any fuel which it ran burn. I t i.'! in regard rather to secondary factors, such as si hmce, ease of starting, &c., that the nature of the fuel is likely to have any in.Buence.

Jn the petrol engine a ready prepared combustible mjxture is ignited by the passage of a single spark which leaves behind a thin thread of Rame : from this single minuro nucleus inflammation extends, slowly at fi rst, but with increasing rapidity unti l a stage has been reached when it can be spread , by turbulence, throughout t.he whole of the combustion chamber. Once the initial nucleus has been is hed, the subsequent ra te of spread of flame is a function of turbulence and of tur · bulonce alone. For this purpose the turbulence mtast be in t he form of a general rough and tumble, in order to distribute the flame throughout the ready mixed combustible mixture. In the case of the compression ignition engine, ignition takes place from the surface of a. vast number of liquid droplets all travelling in definite directions, and the problem before us is to bring air to t hese droplets at at least as great a rate as it is being con­sumed by the burning fuel. To t his end we require not indiscriminate turbulence, but a.n orderly movement of t.he air across the stream of fuel. Mere t urbulence as in the petrol engine is of little help to us, since what we must a im at is that as much as possible of the air within the cylinder shall pass across the stream of burning drop · lots, anrl this can be attained best by setting the air within t he combus t ion chamber into a unidirect ional flow more or less a.t right angles to that of the fuel. In the petrol engine, combust ion may be regarded as t aking place in two stages- first, t he building up of a self -propagating nucleus of flame, and. se<.'on<lly, thA spread of that flame throughout t he combustion chambc.w. In the compres­sion ignition engine. t he process may be divided into t hree stages:-

Fi a-st, a delay period during which t.he surface of ear h ind ividual droplet is surrounding itself with an envelope of vapour, the outer surface of which must attain such a temperature as t o bring about self-ignition.

Secondly, a phase of very rapid burning while tbe many droplets which have accumulated during the delay period and which are surrounded by freRh a nd uncontaminated air a ll burst into flame in rapid succession, and

Thirdly, a phase of controlled burning when, owing to the very high temperatures now mling within the cylinder, the last series of droplets bur'St into Rame almost a.q they enter the combustion chamber·.

During t his, the third phase, wo have alm ost complete control over the rate of burning, and t herefore of the pres­sure, since these depend almost Aolely on the rate a t which we choose to admit the fuel. I say " almost complete control " because in s pite of all the intensive study which has been devoted to the design of injection equipment we have nOt yet gained <.'Omplete mel:'hanical ron t rol of the rate of admission.

From the point of view of pressure con trol and of smooth­nes~ of nmning genera lly, we want to speed up the first two phascA and carry out as much of the combustion process as we can under the conditions of phMe three. Jn many of the earlier high-speed Diesel engines, phases one and two occupied so large a propor tion of the whole process that phMe three was elbowed almost. entirely out of exiRtenro.

The evils of prolonging the delay period are fairl y obvious, foa·, in t he first place, the more unburnt fuel that ll<.'cumulates during this phase, the more violent will bo the rate of pressure rise during phase two, and the greater the Diesel kno<.'k. Furthermore. if the fuel be a fairly volatile one, but of relatively h igh self-ignition t~mperature, there is a danger of small pockets of vaporised combus tible mixture being formed and of their being detonated just as in a. petrol engine. If the delay period therefore be unduly prolonged, not only shall we have no proper control over the rate of proaa~ure rise, which may bo such as to cause a. heavy knock, but with certa,in fuels 0 1· under cet· conditions we sha ll get superimposed on this heavy Diesel !mock a high pitch " ping " such as we, are accustomed to hear in a petrol engine when detonating.

We can speed up the de lay period in several ways :-

(I ) By raising the ratio of compression. (2) By adding heat to the air during compression. (3) By reducing the siZ<' and increasing t he dispersion

of the droplets of fuel. (4) By using a fuel of high cetene va lue or low sfllf­

ignition temperature. With regard to the first, we are limited as t o the com­

pression ratio we can usefully employ, for whatever the type or form of tbe combust.ion <.'hn.mber we nRe, thero

OcT. 25, 1935

must inevitably be some a•r loft outsidt' in the ca vity provided for the valves or in the clearance space bot woon tho piston and cylinder neccssitawd by purely mechanical conditions. This air left outside the combustion chambca· in thin and inaccessible layers cannot be reached by tho fuel, nor, even if it were reached, would it be hot enough for rapid combus tion. I t is fatrly evident that in any given size of engine, the quantity of outlying air is cons tant. and that as the ratao of eompression is rai8ed, RO tlw capacity of the effe<.'tive combustion chamber is r ed u<.'Nl. and the proportion of outlyang air increases : hen<.'e tlw maximum power output, whi<.'h is purely a function of th(• amount of air we can burn, therefore diminish eR ll."' tIll' compression rat io is raised. A small proportion of out · lying air is always desirable, for it serves to consume c·om­plotely any half-suffoca ted droplets which have entered the combustion chamber afwr m ost of the oxygen haM a lready been consumed by the earlier arrivals, but. thiH pro<.'ess occurs t oo late in the ryc· le : in timo to <· lean. up the exhaust, but not in time to gi ve any uat>ful addition to the power output. It follows, therefore, that if W('

raise the ratio of compression beyond a certain point and s till work to a given maximum pressure, we gain nothing in thermal efficiency and lo'!e appreciably in power output.

By fitt ing heat-insulated members in the combustion chamber, which act M r<'generatot·s, we ca.n add heat t o the air during compression, but here, again, we are limited t o a. certain extent in that a ll the heat received and s tored by such insulated memb<'l'll iH taken from that of com­bustion-on full load wo have plenty and to spare but on light loads or when running idle we are hard put to it t o fi nd enough. By such means we can make the delay period almost as short as we like on full load, but undN· pro­longed on light loads it. is liable to lengthen out again. None the less, I am fairly satisfied that this '" the best and most practical way of curtailing tho delay : all the more so since t he temperature of the heat-insulated members tends to rise rapidly with increase of speed. It can thus be made automatically to keep the proportional delay constant and therefore allow of fixed injection timing being used over the whole range of speed.

By reduc,ing the size and increa.qing the dispersion of the droplets, we ca.n reduce the delay period, but in prac­tice we a re very limited in this direction, for reduction of size involves reduction of penetration, and in most types of combustion chamber we need nearly all the pene­tration we can get, more espec·ially if we are using a. high compression rat ao. By employing a fuel of what Boerlage and Broeze term a high cetene number- that is to say. a fuel whose seli-ignjtion temperature is relatively low- we can, of course, reduce the delay by increasing the differ ­ence between the air temperature and t he self-ignition temperature of the fuel.

I have said ear lier on that we want to reduce the delay period as much as poss ible, but t his remark needs qualify­ing, for, like everything else, we ra.n overdo it. I magine for a moment what would happen if there were no delay period at all. The fuel would bum immediately as it enoored from the injectoa· and the whole process of com· bustion would be concen t rated round the nozzle of the injector. Under such extreme circumstance, what·e would the rest of the air have of finding the fuel ? We should get beautifully s mooth running with perfect control, bu t very little power. We need, in fact, a delay per iod of suffic•en t duration to allow of fuel penetrating '"~ll inttl the chamber before combustion sta rts.

With regard to fuels in general, we can say that, in t.lw majority of systems a moderately high, but not too h igh, cetene value is advan tageous, in t.hat it serves to shorten the delay period, and t huA a llow of a better control over the ra.t.e of burning o.nd of pressure r ise. AA in th£1 case of pet.rol, t he cetene va.luo of var ious fuels depend:-; mainly on their source of origin , but it can be varied some­what by varying the distillation range or by doping with such substances as a myl nitriro, ethyl nitrate, or certain peroxjdes. Generally speaking, any source which yield~ a bad- that is, a low-octane petrol, will yield a. high cete ne Diesel oil, and vice ver86. A.'l to volatility in genca·al. within limits, the lower the volatility t he better, since too volati le a. fuel is liable both to cause detonation and to give riso to gassing troubles in the fuel injection syst<-m. At t he other end of tho s<.'a.le, if the volatility be too low . a. further delay period will be int.roduced, due to the great<'l' timo taken to form a. gas envelope on the ou tside surfa.<·£1 of the droplets, as has been pointed out by Boerlage a.nd Broeze. We are still a. long way off any cut-and-dried specification for Diesel fuels, for the reason that the di.fferent types of high-speed D iesel engines have such widely daffering tastes- some require strict dieting, otherR ran enjoy the whole of the menu.

'fH g twenty-ninth annual report on " Tho R l:'sult :-; or the Chemical and BarLeriological E xamjnation of t lw London Waters for t he T welve Months Ended Decembel' 31At, 1934." by Lieut.-Colonel C. H. H . H a.rold , the Director of Water Examination, has jus t been published by t he Metropolitan Water Board. In the r eport, Colonel Harold deals with such subject s as the drought, t h<' integrity of the river Thames as a source of supply, pro­jected new works, filtration and reservoirs, and methodR of chemical treatment. The projected schemes. he staleR. aim at an increase of existing reserves by 5 per cent., and within a few years the reserves will reach a. figure of 30,657 million gallons. The defects whi<"h appeared in the Board's filtration systems during the recen t period of heavy pumping are discussed, and the installation of chlorine and ammonia. points is mentioned, together with possible improvements in continuous-flow storage systemR. During the past yem· no less than 27,759 samples of wate r were examined in the Board's laboratories, and of theRe 15, 134 were used for bacteriological tests, and 4566 for chemical tests. In addition, 6363 samples were collected for testing purposes, 500 centriluga.l depositA were examined microscopi<.'ally, micro-photographs were token of 685 samples of river and reservoir waters to study t heir algal con tents, a.nd the filterability of 101 I samples was also tested. The fact that 88· 3 per cent. of samples of water going into supply passed negati ~o to B. coli in 100 c.c., compared with 85 · 6 per cent . 10 1933, indicates the h igh level of control maintained. The average daily consumption of suppli~>d by t.h<' Bonrd in 1934 wa!l 264 · 3 million ga.llonR.