the principles of checks and balances and separation of powers were put forward by… mary...

The principles of checks and balances and separation of powers were put forward by… • Mary Wallstonecraft • Diderot • Montesquieu • Rousseau

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The principles of checks and balances and separation of powers were put forward by…

• Mary Wallstonecraft

• Diderot

• Montesquieu

• Rousseau


Which group made up the vast majority of the French society

• Clergy

• The First Estate

• The Ancien Regime

• The Third Estate

Third Estate

Which of the following was an agriculture improvement of the 1600s

• Fertilizer from livestock

• Animal domestication

• Chemical pesticides

• Warmer weather for growing crops

Fertilizer from livestock

Which of the following goals represents conservative ideology in Europe in the early 1800s?

• Restoration of power to royal families

• Establishment of a homeland for each national group

• Support for freedom of the press

• Tolerance for religious differences

Restoration of power to royal families

Adam Smith was a supporter of?

• Natural laws

• The Enlightenment

• Government Regulation of business

• Laissez faire

Laissez faire

What contributed to France’s financial crisis?

• A drop in the gold supply

• An extended period of peace

• Peasant uprisings

• Bad harvest

Bad harvest

Liberals wanted governments to be based on…

• Divine right

• Nationalism

• The economy

• Written constitutions

Written Constitutions

Which was the most important source of power for the early Industrial Rev.?

• Steam engine

• Animals

• Windmill

• Dynamo

Steam Engine

The goal of nationalists was to unify

• Italy

• People with a common national heritage

• Europe’s monarchies

• All European nations

People with common national heritage

What is true about peasants and the Enlightenment?

• It had little effect on their life

• They acquired material wealth

• Most moved to cities

• Their lives changed greatly

Had little effect on their lives

What natural resources did Britain have?

• Water and forests

• Wild life and precious gems

• Coals and irons

• Good harbors

Coal and iron

What industry happened first in the Industrial Rev.?

• Iron production

• Agriculture

• Textiles

• Transportation


Which group dominated Latin America?

• Creaoles

• Peninsulares

• Mestizos

• Mulattoes


Educated Creoles in the 1700s were influenced by…

• Spanish cruelty toward the mestizos

• Bolivar’s vow to free his country

• Enlightenment ideas

• The peninsulares

Enlightenment ideas

What was the role of the 13 colonies for Britain?

• Supplied labor for factories

• Served as a trading link

• Supplied slave labor

• Supplied Britain with food

Served as a trading link

Toussaint l’Overture led a revolt in which colony?

• Haiti

• Ecuador

• Mexico

• Gran Columbia


Which group tried to reform society without being too radical?

• Socialists

• Communists

• Utilitarian’s

• Utopians


What countries led the Congress of Vienna?

• United States, Russia, France

• France, Austria, Britain

• China, Russia, and Austria

• Austria, Russia, Britain

Austria, Russia, Britain

Women’s suffrage made strides in…

• Europe

• Rural areas

• Eastern U.S.

• Western U.S., New Zealand, Australia

Western U.S., NZ, Australia

Enlightenment thinkers• Locke– People had natural rights (life, liberty, property)

• Rousseau– Social Contract, government comes from the consent of

the people• Montesquieu– Separation of powers

• Voltaire– Candide, religious freedom&

• Hobbes– Leviathan, people are naturally evil

Turning point: The Enlightenment changed EVERYTHING

• Inspired the American Revolution• American Revolution inspired French

Revolution… which led to European nationalism• Improved women’s rights• Increased educational opportunities• Led to the Industrial Revolution• Religious freedom• Abolishment of torture

The French Revolution

• End of absolute monarch Louis XVI• Estates System & Estates General • Liberty, equality, brotherhood• Inspired by the Enlightenment• Robespierre & the Reign of Terror

Napoleon Bonaparte

• Enlightened dictator• Code Napoleon• Conquered Europe• Defeated by Russian Winter (Waterloo)

Congress of Vienna

• Triumph of Diplomacy• Triumph of Conservatism• The alliance of countries that defeated

Napoleon wanted peace and stability in Europe

• Balance of Power• Metternich

Latin American Revolutions

Location Cause Person

Haiti Slave Revolt Toussaint L’Overture

Spanish South America

Social classes (Creoles)

Bolivar, San Martin

Mexico Social classes (mestizos)


Brazil Creoles demanded independence

Dom Pedro

Industrial Revolution

a major change in a country’s method of producing goods and organizing labor

• a movement from:– an agricultural to an industrial society– manual labor to use of machines– Rural society to an urban society

Industrial Revolution

• Began – England (why England?)• Later every major country industrialized• 1750-1900s• Textile Industry

Effects of the Industrial Revolution

• People working long hours for low pay• Terrible pollution• Slums• People being hurt or killed at work• Child Labor• More goods, produced faster• Population growth• Urbanization• New social order

Communism & Capitalism Karl Marx Reaction to Industrial Revolution Communist Manifesto No private property

Adam Smith (no real founder) Wealth of Nations Private property is a basic inalienable rightSupply & DemandLaissez-faire