the practice of terminology work · don’t forget the maintenance ... fr "indicateur [visuel]...

May 2014 Tekom Belgium - © D. O. G. GmbH 1 The Practice of Terminology work Dr. François Massion, D. O. G. Dokumentation ohne Grenzen GmbH ([email protected])

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May 2014 Tekom Belgium - © D. O. G. GmbH 1

The Practice of Terminology work

Dr. François Massion, D. O. G. Dokumentation ohne Grenzen GmbH ([email protected])

May 2014 Tekom Belgium - © D. O. G. GmbH 2

The most important aspects of terminology work

Use of terminology

Terminology extraction

Term entry: Models and concepts

Management and distribution

Programs and standards


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This is Mr. Smith, design engineer

Mr. Smith has

designed a "thing"

Mr. Smith

I am the "thing"

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Journey of a concept

I need 300 timingcircuits

CustomerWe will start a sales

campaign for thetimer A-12


Now thetime emitter A-12 is being produced.


I get a quote for theproduction of the electronic



This is my new thing. I call it A-12 Timer


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Case study

Let's show something ...

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How do you call this thing “N”? "soap dispenser" "detergent dispenser" "detergent drawer" "detergent tray" "soap drawer" "洗涤剂抽屉"



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50 Years agoHand made documentation

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What has changed since?Modularization and re-use

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On the authoring side

Written by Mr. Smith, June 2007 Written by Mr. Jones, April 2009Modules

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On the translation side

Translated by Mr. Martinez, May 2010

Machine translated, April 2007

(Change Hidden Key : Input the new hidden key .)

Translated by Ms. Fernandez, July 2010

Translated by Mr. Caballero, Oct. 2008

Sentences (or "segments")

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Growing importance of terminology

Globalization of the world economy means: More trade and competition More products and shorter

product development cycles(example: iPhone)

More laws and regulations This leads to:

More documents in shorter time intervals More translators and authors More frequent updates More Languages

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Data bases


Content Management System

Machine Translation (MT)

Translation MemorySystem

"Single Source Publishing"

New translation processes


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Terminology and the outside world

Within the company: Standardize With the outside world: Understand and be

understood Customers (sales, support, user-friendly documentation) Government & institutions Suppliers Public at large

Know and use the language of the outside world

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Terminological influence (in %)













Customers Suppliers Govt. Agencies Public

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Terminology and knowledge

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Terminology and knowledge

The philosophy of the inductive sciences, Band 1, 1840

William Whewell (1794-1866)

Whewell was a co-founder and president of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. He was a Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. He wrote two important studies on the history and philosophy of science. He coined the word "scientist" in 1833.

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Terminology and knowledge

Knowledge is a dynamic development process Terminology helps ordering and transfer

knowledge Break down knowledge in its components:

Creation of concepts Concepts may be different between languages! Relationships between concepts

(e.g. "Belongs to") Add clarity with definitions Work out semantic characteristics

(with respect to terminology gap)

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Use of terminology

Terminology extraction

Term entry: Models and concepts

Management and distribution

Programs and standards

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Types of extraction

Terminology extraction


Monolingual Multilingual


Monolingual Multilingual


Monolingual Multilingual

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Exercise 1: Extraction(downloaded from the Internet) on 28.04.2014

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Small exercise

Which words do you want to extract?

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Extraction in the source language

Which words do you want to extract? Which word categories are considered?

– Grammatically: • Nouns, verbs and adjectives• Bi-grams, tri-grams and collocations

– Content: • Specific technical term of a company• General technical terms• Abbreviations• General terms

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How many terms shall be extracted?

Examples: Manufacturing company: 3-10,000 terms per

language Steel plant: 58,000 entries! Open biomedical ontologies: 1.5 million concepts!

Optimal scope Depends on goals, time, and resources Don’t forget the maintenance If little time: only the very specific terms for a

domain / company

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Terminology and goals

Goals have an impact on terminology work Examples of goals:

1. Reduce costs of translation through standardization

2. Facilitate trade between countries

3. Reach more customers4. Organize knowledge5. Improve communication

Tools Data model

Type ofcontent # of entries


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Terminology "at the press of a button"

Our vision



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But ...

Text = highly complex system of lexical entities Automatic recognition of:

Various appearances of same term ("lemmatize") Collocations: "user interface" vs. „some interface" Lexical variants:

„program", „application", „software", „tool "... Correct relations (ambiguity):

„Check settings" = „Settings of the check" or „Check the settings"?

Correct grammatical category: "Copy" = verb or a noun?

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Learning from computational linguistics



out of it!

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Computational linguistics

Objective: Understand natural languages in order to process them with programs

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Create a language model, e.g. recognize

components and their relations Extraction of patterns such as Adj + Noun, Noun +

Noun. Application examples:

Machine translation (MT) Terminology extraction Information mining

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Word analysis: Morphology

Analytical languages (such as Chinese) and synthetic languages with affixes and inflections (case, number, gender, etc. ). Example: Drukontluchtingsklep / 减压阀 / pressure relief valve / vanne de dépressurisation

Stemming: Reduce to root form of a word (=stem): Activated, activation, actively, actives activ (stem)

Lemmatization: Reduction to base form of a word, lexical entry (=lemma) activated activate (verb)

N-grams: bi-gram, tri-gram = sequences of N consecutive words. Often adjacent, but not always: EN "[visual] clogging indicator" FR "indicateur [visuel] de colmatage"

Exercise: Text und Schwierigceiten für die Terminologieextraction aufzeigen: Flexionen collocationen Ambiguität (grammaticalisch/semantisch) Schreibfehler Schreibvarianten Außerdem: Übung Wörter marcieren, die für die Übersetzung-QA relevant wären (lincs/rechts….)

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Extraction steps

Corpus Import•Remove format and punctuation•Create list of words (single words, n-grams)

Clean-up•Remove duplicates, unwanted words, stop words• Lemmatize

Enter data•Add information according to data model (status, etc. )•Add equivalents in other languages

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Which types of words? Raw corpus

Belangrijk!Zorg voor voldoende plaats voor onderhoud en instandhouding!Voldoende ruimte inplannen voor het openen van de aansluitkast en de elektrische aansluiting en de eventuele frequentieomzetter inplannen.Het betonfundament moet- geheel zijn uitgehard,- voldoende stijfheid hebben (minimaal klasse X0 conform DIN EN 206),- een horizontaal en effen oppervlak hebben,- vibraties, krachtinvloeden en stoten kunnen opnemen- zo zijn bemeten, dat de stervormige grepen (004) op de filterdeksel (003) handmatig moeten kunnen worden geopend.Plaats de pomp als de vloer aan deze voorwaarden voldoet.

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Which types of words? First categorization

Belangrijk!Zorg voor voldoende plaats voor onderhoud en instandhouding!Voldoende ruimte inplannen voor het openen van de aansluitkast en de elektrische aansluiting en de eventuele frequentieomzetter inplannen.Het betonfundament moet- geheel zijn uitgehard,- voldoende stijfheid hebben (minimaal klasse X0 conform DIN EN 206),- een horizontaal en effen oppervlak hebben,- vibraties, krachtinvloeden en stoten kunnen opnemen- zo zijn bemeten, dat de stervormige grepen (004) op de filterdeksel (003) handmatig moeten kunnen worden geopend.Plaats de pomp als de vloer aan deze voorwaarden voldoet.

NewTerminology Known Terminology Stop words Words to be qualified Abbreviations/Acronyms/Product names

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The Word/Excel method

Quick help in urgent situations Word:

1. Save file as a text file (=remove formatting)2. Remove superfluous characters3. Generate a list of words (replace blanks with

return) Excel:

1. Delete duplicates2. Remove stop words3. Reduce to basic form („lemmatize")

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Remove superfluous words (Excel)

Stop words (MATCH function) General words (is, the, always... ) Existing terms in database Save rejected words for later

clean-up actions “recycling”

Stop words become more efficient over time

Special stop words for group of words (phrases)

Include existing terminology in stop words list

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Sorting out in Excel

step 1:Insert an empty column

step 2:Enter symbol for terms you want to reject (or accept)

step 3:Sort list with this column step 4:

Edit terms

step 5:Save list of rejected entries for later re-use

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New column with formulaRIGHT(A1;2)

Sort on endings Edit inflectional endings

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Used Excel functions

Comparison of entries (here "A1 ") with lists=MATCH(A1;MYSTOPWORDS;0) or =MATCH(A1;$C$1:$C$1000;0)

[on German OS: "VERGLEICH"]

"MYSTOPWORDS" is a variable, self-defined name Length of an entry (e.g. cell „A1")

=LEN(A1) Two last characters from the right (of „A1")


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What are N-grams? Set groups of 1, 2, n words Example: „elektrische aansluiting" More frequent in some languages (English, Italian

etc. ) Challenge: How do you recognize them?

Bi-grams, tri-grams, n-grams (1/4)

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Bi-grams, tri-grams, n-grams (2/4)

Copy the unsorted list of words with an offset of one cell up

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Sort in a text editor (Word, Notepad etc. ) + replace tabs with spaces

Copy in a column in XL and evaluate (partial results)

Bi-grams, tri-grams, n-grams (3/4)

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Excel result:

Review list manually

Bi-grams, tri-grams, n-grams (4/4)

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No one-to-one symmetry:

1) Different morphology: Dutch: frequentieomzetter (1 word); English: frequency converter (2 words);

Chinese: 目录(2 characters)

Chinese: No plural in Chinese symbols: treaty / treaties = 条约

2) Unmatching word categories

3) Different syntactical patterns

4) Semantical differences (terminology gap): Different nomenclatures (e.g. international classification of diseases (ICD) but differing

categories in many countries)

Bilingual extraction: Issues

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Approaches to extract bilingual terminology:Option #1 Align texts (e.g. translate with CAT) Extract separately key terms in both

languages and highlight them Bilingual term alignmentOption #2 Align texts Sort according to length Shorter entries (up to 30 characters)

may be matching termsOption #3 Use extraction software like

Multiterm Extract


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Equivalence and standards

Standard ISO 12620 describes equivalence categories: narrower equivalent quasi-equivalent (or near-equivalent) broader equivalent phrase

• Qualifier assigned to a phraseological unit in one language that expresses the same semantic content as a phraseological unit in another language.

Automatic translation of "time" in various languages

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Tips & tricks (1)

Where do you find terminology? Databases (IATE = Inter-Active Terminology for Europe, LEO) Online dictionaries (e.g. : "inurl:terminology") Collections of dictionaries Discussion groups (

Search engines Helpful search methods

Searched phrase in quotation marks Search in multiple languages "socket" + "ist ein" Search in multilingual sites: "site:ch" term + "de-en" (example: Schraube de-en)

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Tips & tricks (2)

Use the Internet

(a) To validate an expression

(b) To find the frequency of alternatives

Example: "Schakelschema" in French? Schéma de câblage Schéma des connexions Schéma des circuits Schéma électrique

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Tips & tricks (3)

Use the image search feature

Frequency converter = 变频器 ???

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Use of terminology

Terminology extraction

Term entry: Models and concepts

Management and distribution

Programs and standards

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Organizing the terminology

Classical dictionaries are sorted in alphabetical order.

No way to group words with the same meaning: Synonyms such as "application" and "software" Abbreviations and full names: "afz." and "afzender",

Classical dictionaries list all meanings of one word. "bank": what are the meanings of this word?

Same with multilingual dictionaries

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The „semiotic triangle"

" Electric socket "

socket jack wall outlet junction box

Term (= designation)„stopcontact“

Mental representation = "concept"

(actual) object

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What is the difference?

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Concept / Term

Term-based terminologies Traditional dictionaries Encyclopedias

Concept-based terminologies The basic entry is a concept Can include multiple terms

(e.g. synonyms) and languages

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But what is really a concept?

Reality can be looked at in different ways

Different visions and perceptions: „drawer“ vs. „schuiflade“„exit“ „uitgang“ / „afrit“

Influence of culture, educational system, languagecommunity, classification systems … Translation issues

Why is this the same?Why is this different?

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Componential Analysis (CA): relevantcharacteristics

Useful to define the degree of equivalence between words in a language or between languages

Concepts, terms and synonyms

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Meaning relationships

Synonyms - Homonyms

Concept Term












mouse (pl. "mice")mouse (pl. "mouses", "mice")

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Exercise 2: Data model

Which information should be added to the terms?

What are the hierarchical levels in the data model?

Which levels the additional information should be allocated to?

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Data categories

ISO 12620:2009-12 defines more than 200 data categories

"Terminology and other language and content resources - Specification of data categories and management of a Data Category Registry for language resources" Concept oriented categories Administrative categories Term related categories

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A data model (example)

• Definition• Source of definition• Image• Attribute• Comment

Concept Level

• Homonym available (Y/N)Language level

• Status• Word Type• Usage• Example• Term comment

Term level

ApprovedTo be checked

NounVerbAdjectiveAdverbProper NameAbbreviationShort FormDisplay Text

AuthorizedProhibitedUnclearNot requiredTo be deleted

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Semantic enrichment

Adds important information to the meaning of the concept

Particularly important for complex or ambiguous terms: "device", "disk" ...

Instruments: Definition Reference Image Contextual data (example) Remarks

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Definitions must: Have a coherent structure Give unique essential characteristics

(function, appearance, consistence) Be as short as possible

Definitions must not: Consist of synonyms ("a dog is a hound") Be circular (A is B and B is A) Be negative (XYZ is no ABC) Be too narrow / broad

What is a good definition?

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Define a touch screen

Touch screenBij een aanraakscherm of touch screen kan je met de vinger of een speciale pen (stylus genoemd) een handeling op de monitor uitvoeren. Er komt dus geen toetsenbord of muis bij kijken.

touch screenaanraakgevoelig schermType beeldscherm dat reageert bij het aanwijzen met je vinger. Veel gebruikt bij infokiosken. Maakt een toetsenbord quasi overbodig.

Aanraakschermbeeldscherm waarmee je je computer bedient door bepaalde plaatsen aan te raken computers

Aanraakschermeen beeldscherm dat ook als invoerapparaat voor een computer kan worden gebruikt door het scherm aan te raken.

AanraakschermBij een aanraakscherm of touchscreen wijs je met de vinger of een speciale pen op de monitor om een handeling uit te voeren. Hier komt dus geen muis of toetsenbord aan te pas. Het grootste voordeel hiervan is dat de gebruiker in principe een oneindig aantal (virtuele) knoppen kan aansturen met hetzelfde oppervlakte.

AanraakschermEen aanraakscherm (vaak met het Engelse touchscreen aangeduid) is een beeldscherm dat ook als invoerapparaat voor een computer of embedded system (zoals een smartphone of tablet) kan worden gebruikt door het scherm aan te raken.

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Usage of terminology

Terminology extraction

Term entry: Models and concepts

Management and distribution

Programs and standards

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Distribution of terminology

Usage: What / whom for? Work: Translator, interpreter, author, programmer… Quality check Information and knowledge

Applications Translation Memories Authoring tools,

quality assurance tools Data bases etc…

Central repository Settle responsibilities and rights Stores all modification from various users

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Exchange formats

Excel: List with information in columns List with information in cells

PDF, TXT, CSV, MS-Word XML based standards:

TBX (TermBase eXchange) OLIF (Open Lexicon Interchange Format) MARTIF

(Machine readable terminological interchange format) UTX (universal terminology eXchange)

[designed by AAMT (Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation)]

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List with term data in columns

Problem with variable number of columns

Many languages, many attributes: very large tables

Def. Image EN1 Attr. EN2 Attr. DE Attr. FR ...

XXX PC Computer Rechner

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List term data in rows

IDs must be allocated Difficult exchange of data:

Database is three-dimensional List is two-dimensional

ID Def. Image Language Term Attr. 1 Attr. 2

1 DE Rechner


1 EN Computer

2 DE Maus



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Maintenance of terminology

Terminology is never complete: Status Optional fields Control the use of synonyms Detection of polysemous terms Use experience gained from Quality Assurance (texts,

translations, terminology). Depending on the structure of the dictionary, efforts vary

(definitions or not, additional information, etc. ) Approx. 10% of the time needed to create new terminology


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Challenge: Manage changes

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LookUp – a short introduction

Access via the internet or an intranet Definition of the different user rights

Read Comment Write Also for individual languages (notification by mail)

Free definition of data model Definable queries Suggestion system Recognition of homonyms Various export and import formats (XLS, TBX)

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New dictionary

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Access Data User: Tekom_May14 Password: Antwerp_011

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Exercise 3: Terminology quality

Which entries are not correct? Entry rules

Singular without article Uniform spelling One type/piece of information per data field

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Is terminology always recognized?

Mit elektrischem Handrad,Tasten für Achs-Richtung,Vorschub, Eilgang, Not-Aus-und Zustimmtaste, sowie drei belegbaren Funktionstasten.

With electrical handwheel, keys for axial direction axis direction, feed, rapid traverse, Emergency buttonEmergency Stop button and acceptance key as well as three assignable functional keys function keys.

In database and recognized In database and not recognized Not entered in database

Entries in the terminology database: Not-Aus-Taste Achsrichtung (Bindestrich bitte prüfen)

3 unrecognized errors!

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Can you always rely on terminology?




Checking a project: Terminology is….

SuperfluousMissingNot usableCorrect

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1. Grammar and language usage ("apple(s)")2. Unambiguiousness:

Resistance = value or hardware?Control = action or hardware?

3. Consistent spelling (timeout / time out / time-out). (Consistency of terms, ISO standard 704:2000)

4. Comprehensibility ("Hippopotomonstrosesquippediliophobia" = "the fear of long words“[Hip-po-pot-o-mon-stro-ses-quip-pe-da-li-o-phob-i-a])

5. Natural order (sealing, elastic)6. Singular without article

Quality of terminologyLinguistic criteria

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Quality of terminologyTechnical criteria

Format, no parenthesis, no question marks

Data elementarity(information is separated into individual data categories)

Term autonomy in concept based dictionaries

Comprehensiveness and correctness of information(e.g. status, mandatory fields)

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Overview of the problems to be solved

Detection of synonyms Special case: wrongly separated concepts Special case: contextual synonyms (access point/point)

Detection of homonyms Obsolete entries Missing, wrong, contradictory attributes Definitions: Structure and content, homonyms

without definition Organization: References, relationships

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Quality of terminologyAutonomy of terms

Adapted from: Birgit Wöllbrink – Tools für Terminologiemanagement in Tekom – Schriften zur Technischen Kommunikation Nr. 12, 2008, S. 81

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Translation-friendly terminology

Takes into account the international use, "neutral with regard to culture" Always use the complete form

Takes into account the issue of equivalence (e.g. narrower/broader meaning): Definitions, fields for translation related information

Terms should be understandable for readers, who do not see the actual object (machine, software, device, service).

respiratie-apparaathuishoudelijk apparaat

espresso-apparaat massage apparaat

politie apparaat iOS-apparaat

respiratie-apparaatrespiration device

household applianceespresso machine

massagerpolice apparatus

iOS deviceiOS-apparaat


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Usage of terminology

Terminology extraction

Term entry: Models and concepts

Management and distribution

Programs and standards

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Terminology programs

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Translation window

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Multiterm Extract

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Some software packages…Software Description Web

acrolinx® Terminology Lifecycle Management

Terminology extraction and management, terminology platform

Across crossTerm System for the extraction, management and review of terminology.

AntConc3.2 Statistical analysis of text, free Wordsmith: concordance and keywords

Concordance Monolingual terminology extraction with sentence examples. Price value.

Extphr33 Monolingual terminology extraction, free Dictionary Editor XML-based dictionary

KWIC Concordance Corpus statistics, concordance, free

KWICKWIC Concordance tool

Lookup Internet-enabled platform terminology - purchase + rental software version

MultiTerm 2011 und MultiTerm Extract Offered by SDL / Trados. Integrated in Trados technology. Multilingual.

qTerm Web-enabled system for managing terminology.

SDLX Phrase Finder Terminology extraction with linguistic skills. Available for seven languages.

Simple Concordance Program (SCP) Concordance and extraction program (monolingual) - Freeware

Synchroterm Bilingual terminology extraction, semi-automatic, efficient

Terminology Extractor Extraction of Monolingual terminology

TermStar Terminology module of Star Transit

Textanz Monolingual terminology extraction with context specification

Textstat Statistical analysis of text, free

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ISO Standards

ISO Technical Committee (ISO/TC 37). Since 1951: ISO 704:2009 Terminology work – Principles and methods ISO 1087:2000 Terminology work – Vocabulary – Part 1: Theory and

application ISO 12620:1999 Computer applications in terminology - Data

CategoriesISO 12620:2009 is now an open category database("Data Category Registry"):

ISO 16642:2003 Computer applications in terminology –Terminological markup framework

ISO 15188:2001 Project management guidelines for terminology standardization

ISO/DIS 22274 Systems to manage terminology, knowledge and content - Concept-related aspects for developing and internationalizing classification systems

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Best Practices in der Terminologiearbeit. 2.0 Akten des Symposions. Deutscher Terminologie-Tag e.V., Heidelberg, (2014) Price: € 50

Cabré, M. Teresa. – Terminology : Theory, Methods and Applications. – John Benjamins Publishing; 1999

COTSOES: Recommendations for Terminology Work. Bern; 2002 (can be downloaded:

Sager, Juan C. - A Practical Course in Terminology Processing. John Benjamins Publishing; 1990

Wright, S.E./Budin, G. comp. (1997/2001). Handbook of Terminology Management. John Benjamins Publishing;Volume 1: 1997; Volume 2: 2001

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Thank you for your attention!

Dr. F. MassionD. O. G. Dokumentation ohne Grenzen GmbHNeue Ramtelstr. 1271229 Leonberg, [email protected]