the power of test: a critical perspective on the use of ... · jurusan : pendidikan bahasa inggris...

THE POWER OF TEST: A CRITICAL PERSPECTIVE ON THE USE OF LANGUAGE TEST (Desriptive Test at the Seventh Semester of English Department Muhammadiyah University of Makassar) A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Makassar Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fullfillment of requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Department ZUL FITRAH SAMSU 10535 6211 15 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TEACHERS TRAINING AND EDUCATION MAKASSAR MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY 2020

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    (Desriptive Test at the Seventh Semester of English Department Muhammadiyah University of Makassar)

    A Thesis

    Submitted to the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Makassar Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fullfillment of requirement for the

    degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Department


    10535 6211 15





  • iv


    Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :

    Nama : Zul Fitrah Samsu

    Nim : 10535 6211 15

    Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

    Judul proposal : The Power of Test: A Critical Perspective On the Use of

    Language Test

    Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya ajukan di depan tim

    penguji adalah hasil karya saya sendiri dan bukan hasil karya dari orang lain atau

    di buatkan oleh siapapun.

    Demikian pernyataan ini saya dan saya bersedia menerima sanksi apabila

    pernyataan ini tidak benar.

    Makassar, 08 Februari 2020

    Yang Membuat Pernyataan

    Zul Fitrah Samsu

  • v


    Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

    Nama : Zul Fitrah Samsu

    Nim : 10535 6211 15

    Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

    Fakultas : Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan

    Dengan ini menyatakan perjanjian sebagai berikut:

    1. Mulai dari penyusunan skripsi sampai selesai penyusunan proposal ini,

    saya akan menyusun sendiri proposal saya (tidak dibuatkan oleh


    2. Dalam penyusunan skripsil, saya akan selalu melakukan kosnsultasi

    dengan pembimbing yang telah di tetapkan oleh pimpinan fakultas.

    3. Saya tidak akan melakukan penjiplakan (plagiat) dalam penyusunan


    4. Apabila saya melanggar perjanjian pada butir 1, 2, 3, saya bersedia

    menerima sanksi sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku.

    a. Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh keasdaran.

    Makassar, 08 Februari 2020

    Yang Membuat Perjanjian

    Zul Fitrah Samsu

  • vi


    Q. S. Al Imran: 200-201

    Bersabarlah kamu dan kuatkanlah kesabaranmu dan tetaplah bersiap siaga

    dan berraqwalah kepada Allah supaya kamu menang.

    This thesis is dedicated to my beloved parents:

    Syamsuddin M. and Masita

    My beloved sisters:

    Zelfirah Syamsu and Suci Nur Auliyah Syamsu

    And all my friends

    Much obliged and good luck!

  • vii


    Zul Fitrah, Samsu. 2019. The Power of Test: A Critical Perspective on the Use of

    Language Test (A Descriptive Study at the Seventh Semester of English

    Departement Muhammadiyah University of Makassar). A thesis of English

    Department, the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Makassar

    Muhammadiyah University, supervised by Erwin Akib and Herlina Daddi.

    This research aimed at finding out the students‟ perspective on using

    TOEFL test on the language test. The research applied descriptive research

    design. The research subject was the seventh semester students of Muhammadiyah

    University of Makassar on used purposive sampling technique. The instrument of

    the research were questionnaire.

    Based on the result of questionnaires, most students highly perceived

    positively (69.22%) that TOEFL test help the students easy to write academic

    writing; and (53.33%) that when joining TOEFL test would students to reach the

    purpose for got admission in college; them another perceived (46.66%) that

    TOEFL test as a well amenities to help to perform online research.

    Keywords : language test, TOEFL, students’ perspective.

  • viii


    Zul Fitrah, Samsu. 2019. Kekuatan Tes: Perspective Kritis tentang Penggunaan

    Tes Bahasa Inggris Sebagai Bahasa Asing (TOEFL) pada Tes Bahasa (Studi

    Descriptive pada Semester Ketujuh Departemen Bahasa Inggris Universitas

    Muhammadiyah Makassar). Tesis Jurusan Bahasa Inggris, Pelatihan dan

    Pendidikan Fakultas Keguruan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar,

    Dibimbing Oleh Erwin Akib dan Herlina Daddy.

    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perspective siswa dalam

    menggunaan TOEFL pada tes bahasa. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain

    penelitian deskriptif. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa semester tujuh

    Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar dengan menggunakan teknik purposive

    sampling. Instrument penelitian menggunakan kuesioner. Peneliti

    mengaplikasikan penelitian deskriptif desain.

    Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner, sebagian besar siswa dalam positif statemen

    (69.22%) bahwa tes TOEFL membantu siswa mudah menulis tulisan akademik;

    dan (53.33%) bahwa ketika mengikuti tes TOEFL dapat membantu siswa

    mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan untuk melanjutkan keperguruan tinggi;

    perspektif yang lain menunjukkan (46.66%) bahwa tes TOEFL sebagai fasilitas

    yang baik untuk membantu dalam melakukan riset online.

    Keywords : tes bahasa, TOEFL, perspektif siswa.

  • ix


    In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.The Lord

    of Universe, the researcher could finish this thesis as one of the requirement for

    Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Department of Educational Faculty of

    Makassar Muhammadiyah University. Secondly, also sholawat and salam be with

    our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the bright


    Without blessing and guidance from Allah, it is impossible for the

    researcher to complete this thesis. And also, without the assistance of the

    following number of people who have a great contribution and influences on the

    researcher this thesis, it seems it is very difficult for the researcher to finish her

    work, then the researcher realized that an appropriate moment for her to deepest

    gratitude for :

    1. Prof. Dr. H. Abd. Rahman Rahim, SE., MM. as the Rector of Makassar

    Muhammadiyah University.

    2. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D. as the Dean of Education Faculty

    3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd.,M.Pd. as the Head of English Study Program.

    4. Dra. Syahribulan K., M.Pd. as the academic counselor.

    5. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D and Herlina Daddi, S.Pd., M. Pd. as counselors

    who have educated, supported, directed and given the researcher advice

  • x

    suggestions, and a recommendations for this thesis from beginning until

    the end.

    6. The dean and the staff and all of the lecturers of the FKIP Unismuh

    Makassar especially to the lectures of English Department who taught her

    for many years.

    7. The researcher would like to express her deepest and affectionate thank to

    her beloved parents Syamsuddin M, and Masita for their prayers, unfailing

    love, supports, sacrifice and continual understanding.

    8. The researcher delivering thankful to all her big family, her sisters Zel

    Firah Syamsu and Suci Nur Auliya Syamsu.

    9. Thanks to her best friends Amazing Class 015 Makassar Muhammadiyah

    of University for helped, and supported the researcher.

    Finally this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful

    knowledge and information to the reader. And the researcher is pleased to accept

    more suggestion and contribution from the reader for the improvement of the


    Makassar, February 2020

    The Researcher

    Zul Fitrah Samsu

    NIM 10535 6211 15

  • xi


    TITLE PAGE .................................................................................................... i

    APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................................ ii

    COUNSELING SHEET ................................................................................... iii

    SURAT PERNYATAAN .................................................................................. iv

    SURAT PERJANJIAN ..................................................................................... v

    MOTTO ............................................................................................................. vi

    ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... vii

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ viii

    LIST OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... ix

    LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................ x

    LIST OF FIGURE............................................................................................. xi

    LIST OF APPENDICES................................................................................... xii

    CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1

    A. Background .............................................................................................. 1

    B. Research Problem...................................................................................... 3

    C. Research Objectives ................................................................................. 3

    D. Significance of the Study ......................................................................... 3

    E. Scope of the Study .................................................................................... 4

    CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................... 5

    A. The Previous of Research Findings .......................................................... 5

    B. Some Pertinent Ideas ................................................................................ 7

  • xii

    C. Conceptual Framework ............................................................................ 25

    CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ........................................................... 27

    A. Research Design ....................................................................................... 27

    B. Population and Sample ............................................................................. 27

    C. Research Instrument .................................................................................. 28

    D. Data Collection .......................................................................................... 28

    E. Data Analysis ........................................................................................... 29

    CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION ............................................... 31

    A. Findings .................................................................................................... 31

    B. Discussion ................................................................................................ 44

    CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ..................................... 46

    A. Conclusion ................................................................................................ 46

    B. Suggestion ................................................................................................ 47

    BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 48



  • xiii


    Table 4.1.I TOEFL test that I join it very help me to reach desired it destination for getting admission in collage ..................................... 31

    Table 4.2. TOEFL test make us to easy write academic paper .......................... 32

    Table 4.3. TOEFL test give much benefit to our interesting in attend of seminars ............................................................................................ 33

    Table 4.4. TOEFL test as a well amenities to our help in perform online research ............................................................................................. 34

    Table 4.5. I am really difficult to find a test location and when I want to joint TOEFL test ............................................................................... 34

    Table 4.6. I often less understand in TOEFL test in Reading Part .................... 35

    Table 4.7. Since I joint TOEFL test I can get more vocabulary ........................ 36

    Table 4.8. I feel to difficult get a high score when I join it ............................... 37

    Table 4.9. TOEFL test improving my listening ................................................. 38

    Table 4.10. After I join on TOEFL test I feel confidence to speak with professor and other student‟s ............................................................ 39

    Table 4.11. Test TOEFL as the amenities to critical in view film ....................... 40

    Table 4.12. Since I join TOEFL test I can improving to read textbook as the my habit ...................................................................................... 40

    Table 4.13. We never get practicing for TOEFL test every join in TOEFL test ..................................................................................................... 41

    Table 4.14. I am not like joint TOEFL test because it is expensive then not help me anymore ............................................................................... 42

    Table 4.15. I am really difficult to find a test location and when I want to joint TOEFL test ............................................................................... 43

  • xiv


    Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework ....................................................................... 25

    Figure 3.1 Table Populations ............................................................................... 28

    Figure 3.2 Table score ........................................................................................... 30

  • xv



    Appendix 1 Questionnaire..................................................................................... 56

    Appendix 2 Questionnaire Translate ..................................................................... 57

    Appendix 3 Documentation .................................................................................. 58

  • 1



    A. Background

    Almost in all our activities in the work and education are never separated from

    the name test. The test is seen as one measurement tool. Therefore, in the

    preparation of the test involves rules (such as implementation instructions and

    scoring criteria) to establish numbers can be interpreted as a reflection of the

    characteristic of test takers. Power of test is a type of test intended to

    determine the ability of a person to make a test. The question of time is not

    required to bee too strict. Ability test give test takers the opportunity to

    complete all items by providing as much time as possible, and usually include

    items with degrees of difficulty, sorted form the easiest to the most difficult.

    In plain words, testing or administering a test is a method of measuring a

    persons‟ ability or knowledge in a given domain. It is a set of techniques ,

    procedures or and item that constitute an instrument of some sort that requires

    performance or activity on the part of the test-taker (and sometimes on the part

    of the tester as well). A test is an instrument or procedure designed to elicit

    performance form learners with the purpose of measuring their attainment of

    specified criteria. The method may be infinitive and informal or may be

    structure and explicit (Brown, 2001).

    Test have become a way of life in the educational world and tests are often

    used for pedagogical purposes, either as a means of motivating students to

  • 2

    study, or a means of reviewing material taught (Bachman, 1990). In every

    learning experience there are comes a time to pause and take stock, to put our

    focal processes to their best use, and to demonstrate accumulated skill or


    Thus language test can valuable sources of information the effectiveness of

    learning and teaching. Language teachers regularly used tests to help diagnose

    students‟ strengths and weakness, and to assist in evaluating students‟

    achievement. As sources of feedback on learning and teaching, language test

    can thus provide useful input into the process of language teaching (Bachman,


    Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is the part of test English,

    this test is the most important thing for someone who wants to continue their

    education ever higher or apply for a job and enroll in an overseas school. This

  • 3

    is needed to be sure that student‟s from non-English speaking countries it can

    attend lectures in a speaking country English well. Along with the changing

    times many institutions are establishing TOEFL guidance and tests, at no cost

    cheap of course. Because of the above many things today online media that

    discuss learning and test English problems but not maximal. Among them is

    not yet there is a recap of the test result directly and there is no listening

    feature in the media (Santoso, 2012)

    The reason of the researcher choose of TOEFL test because such we know that

    TOEFL test is the most important for all students especially for English

    Students that one of criteria to finishing their study with they must get the

    score attend of the requirements. Then not only English students but also

    outside the other department must take of TOEFL test to continue their study

    or master as the requirements.

    B. Problem Statement

    Based on the background above the researcher would like to formulate the

    research question as follows: How is the students‟ perspective on the use the

    TOEFL as language test?

    C. Objective of the Study

    In relating to the problem statement mention above, the researcher state

    that objectives of the research is to find out the critical perspective on using

  • 4

    TOEFL as language test at seventh semester students of Muhammadiyah

    University of Makassar.

    D. Significance of the Study

    The significance of the study will be useful for:

    1. For the English lecturer

    The lecturers are available to used this research as giving information how

    to measure of critical perspective on used TOEFL language test.

    2. For the researcher,

    This research can as a reference on the science of language test and about

    the critical perspective in the using TOEFL as the language test and basis

    for future research. Further, this study is can motivate the other researchers

    to explore more about this study.

    3. For the students

    This researcher can be students‟ motivate and help students‟ structure their

    academic efforts, then was can help the students‟ to get new experience, to

    get lesson and knowledge.

    E. Scope of the Study

    The researcher focused on students‟ perspective on the using TOEFL as a

    language test. It was evaluated by students‟ perspective at seventh semester

    students‟ of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

  • 5



    A. The Previous of Related Research Finding

    There are some studies that has conducted by many researchers related

    of this research. Some of the research findings are citied briefly below:

    Shohamy (Longman, 2001 : 182) in her journal with the title “The Power Of

    Tests A Critical Perspective On The Uses of Language Texts” the power of

    tests applied a critical perspective of language tests by examining their used

    and consequences in education and society and by viewing tests not a s

    isolated events but rather as embedded in social, educational and political

    contents. Further defines the issue: “Tests represent a social technology deeply

    embed in education, government, and business; as such they provide the

    mechanism for enforcing power and control. Test are most powerful as they

    are often the single indikators for determining the future of individuals”.

    Heaton, (1975) in his journal with the title “Introduction to Language

    Test” test may be constructed primarily as devices to reinforce learning and

    to motivate the student, or primarily as a means of assessing the students‟

    performance in the language. Yet, language test differ with respect to how

    they are designed, and what they are for, in other words, in respect to test

    method and test purpose. In terms of method, we can broadly distinguish

    traditional paper-and-pencil language test from performance test. Language

  • 6

    test is the practice and study of evaluating the proficiency of an individual in

    using a particular language effectively.

    Elder, Linda (2007) in her journal with the title “The Foundation

    Critical Thinking” state that critical thinking is self guided, self-disciplined

    thinking self-disciplined thinking which attempts to reason at the highest

    levels of quality in a fair-minded way. People who think critically

    consistently attempt to live rationality, reasonably, reasonably, empathically.

    They are keenly aware of the inherently flawed nature of human thinking

    when left unchecked. They use the intellectual tools that critically thinking

    offers-concepts and principles that enable them to analyze, assess, and

    improve thinking. They work diligently to develop the intellectual integrity,

    intellectual humility, intellectual empathy, intellectual sense of justice and

    confidence in reason. They realize that no matter how skilled they are as

    thinkers, they can always improve their reasoning abilities and they will at

    times fall prey to mistakes in reasoning, human irrationality, prejudices,

    biases, distortions, uncritically accepted social rules and taboos, self-interest,

    and vested interest. They strive to improve the world in whatever ways they

    can contribute to a more rational, civilized society. They recognize the

    complexities in developing as thinkers, and commit themselves to life-long

    practice toward self-improvement. They embody the Socratic principle. The

    unexamined life is not worth living, because they realize, that many

    unexamined lives together result in an uncritical, unjust, dangerous world.

  • 7

    Based on the some previous finding above, that the researcher

    concludes that understanding the ability to think critically means that the

    power of thinking must be built on students to solve all the problems of their

    life by defining every information their receives.

    B. Some Pertinent Ideas

    1. Critical Perspective

    a. Definition of Critical Perspective

    Critical research perspective is based on a belief in empirical

    testability. It disagrees with the perspective that knowledge of accounting

    is established in objective principles. Researcher who share this research

    perspective believe the indeterminacy of knowledge claims, and reject the

    believe in the phenomena that knowledge is obtained only through systems

    of rules that are superior to other ways of understanding. The challenges of

    the critical perspective have a times, made me think that language

    assessment any sort is incompatible with such a perspective. However, I

    am glad that critical applied linguists like Alastair Pennyck and critical

    language testers like Elena Shohamy have asked us take a step back and

    put our assessment research and practice into the broader social, political

    and cultural picture. It is a difficult project, but to limit our concerns to

    technical sophistication and efficiency, focusing only on the goals of an

    objective and neutral language assessment, would surely be a mistake.

    It rejects the view of objective principles:

  • 8

    a) They view people as possessing attributes such u=as

    leadership skills.

    b) The them both normative and positive theory are the same

    c) They base their accounting research on the empirical


    Critical Thinking is a process intellectual thinking where is the

    thinker with on purpose assess the quality his thoughts. Critical thinking

    includes the skills to interpret and assess observations, information, and

    argumentation. Critical thinking involves thinking and using logical

    reasoning, including the skills of comparing, classifying, sequencing,

    linking cause and effect, describing patterns, making analogies, arranging

    sequences, giving reason deductively and inductively, forecasting,

    planning, formulating, hypotheses, and the delivery of criticism.

    Cece Wijaya, (1996) state that critical is an activity or a process of

    analyzing, explaining, developing or selecting ideas, involves categorizing,

    comparing and conducting (contrasting), test argument and assumptions,

    complete and evaluated conclusions induction and deduction, determine

    priorities and make choices. Than, Dede Rosyada, (2004: 170) the ability

    to think critically is nothing but the ability of students to gather various

    information and then make an evaluation conclusion form the various


    Sapriya, (2011: 87) state that the purpose critical thinking is testing an

    opinion or ideas included in this process is to make a judgment or thought

  • 9

    based on the opinion expressed. The purpose critical thinking is to assess a

    thought in interpreting values and even evaluating the implementation or

    practice of such thoughts and values. Even critical thinking includes

    considering activities based on know opinion. According Lipman in Elaine

    Johnson, (2002: 144) state that properly these considerations should be

    supported by criteria that can be accounted for. Elaine Johnson,

    (2002:185) also states that the goal of critical thinking is to reach a deep

    understanding. From some these definition it can be concluded that

    understanding critical thinking abilities has the meaning of the power of

    thinking that must be built on students‟ so that it becomes a character r

    personality that is engraved in students‟ lives to solve all of their life

    problems by identified every information they receive than is able to

    evaluate and then conclude systematically and then be able to express

    opinions in an organized way.

    b. The Benefits of Critical Perspective

    1. Critical Perspective can solve problems.

    2. Critical Perspective can help in making decision.

    3. Critical Perspective can distinguish between facts and opinions.

    4. Critical Perspective helps us to remain calm even in difficult problems.

    c. The Following are Critical a way of Perspective

    1. Always think with a cool head.

    2. Does not take precedence over emotions over logic.

    3. Always think about all the possibilities that occur.

  • 10

    4. Always ready with what must be faced and bear the risk.

    5. Make decisions based on factual data.

    2. Language Test

    a. Definition of Language Test

    According by Weir (2003: 17–180) In the early 1960s we see the

    beginnings of a critical shift in the language testing tradition in Britain

    towards a view that language might be divorce from testing literary or

    cultural knowledge. It is this possible in this period to date the start of a

    gradual but critical change of the English language examination to one

    which focuses on language as against an assortment of language, literature

    and culture. Up to this point, the case for a language-based test hampered by

    the desire of linguists to gain academic respectability and recognition for

    language degree programmes in the older universities by injecting a heavy

    dose of literature and culture into their courses and examinations. Tests are

    powerful educational tools that serve at least four functions. Second, well-

    designed tests serve to motivate and help students structure their academic


    The language tester can empirically investigate after the test event what

    language skills operationaliz through statistical analysis of the data

    generated to determine underlying patterns, and through criterionrelated

    studies to relate information produced by this test to that produced by others

    with known properties. In the past, relatively little attention was paid to the

  • 11

    non-statistical aspects of theory-based validity. Construct validity was

    viewed from a purely statistical perspective in much of the American testing

    literature of the 1980s (Bachman and Palmer 1981). It was seen principally

    as a matter of the a posteriori statistical validation of whether a test had

    measured a construct in individuals, which had a reality independent of other

    constructs. The concern was much more with the a posteriori relationship

    between a test and psychological abilities, traits, constructs it had measured

    than with a priori investigation of what should be elicited by the test before

    its actual administration.

    1. Philsophy of language testing :

    a) Relate languange testing to language teaching and language use.

    b) Design your test so as to encourage and enable test takers to perform at

    their highest level of ability.

    c) Build considerations of fairness into test design.

    d) Humanize the testing process: seek ways to involve test takers more

    directly in the testing process; treat test takers as responsible


    e) Demand accountability for test use; hold yourself, as well as others

    who use your test, accountable for the way your test is used.

    f) Recornize that decisions based on the test scores are fraught with

    dilemmas, and that there are no universal answer to these.

    According to Weir (1983) said that tests of this type may be more happily

    described as tests of general proficiency rather than tests of reading, although

  • 12

    there is some evidence from statistical analysis that a reading factor is quite

    strong in determining test results. Norbert Schmitt (personal communication)

    argues that: “Perhaps the best and most valid type of vocabulary test is a

    reading passage with comprehension questions, but with the items requiring a

    full understanding of particular words of phrases in the text”. This would

    mimic the real world task of reading for comprehension and also the loss of

    comprehension when key vocabulary is not known. The following

    suggestions can enhance your ability to design tests that are effective in

    motivating, measuring, and reinforcing learning.

    2. The Types of Test

    There are many kinds of tests; each test has specific purpose and a

    particular criterion to be measured. This paper will explain about five kinds

    of tests based on specific purposes. Those tests are proficiency test,

    diagnostic test, placement test, achievement test, language aptitude test.

    1. Proficiency Test

    English Proficiency Test (EPT) is a comprehensive test that measures all

    aspects of English Proficiency especially for academic purposes. Language

    skill tested include listening, speaking, reading and writing. Language

    components tested include vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, including

    intonation and stress. The purpose of proficiency test is to test global

    competence in a language. It tests overall ability regardless of any training

    they previously had in the language. Proficiency tests have traditionally

    consisted of standardized multiple-choices item on grammar, vocabulary,

  • 13

    reading comprehension, and listening comprehension. One of a standardized

    proficiency test is TOEFL.

    A proficiency test measures a learner's level of language. It can be

    compared with an achievement test, which evaluates a learner's

    understanding of specific material, a diagnostic test, which identify areas to

    work on, and a prognostic test, which tries to predict a learner's ability to

    complete a course or take an exam. Proficiency tests are uncommon within

    the classroom but very frequent as the end aim (and motivation) of language



    IELTS and TOEFL are examples of proficiency tests.

    2. Diagnostic Test

    The purpose is to diagnose specific aspects of a language. These tests offer a

    checklist of features for the teacher to use in discovering difficulties.

    Proficiency tests should elicit information on what students need to work in

    the future; therefore the test will typically offer more detailed subcategorized

    information on the learner. For example, a writing diagnostic test would first

    elicit a writing sample of the students. Then, the teacher would identify the

    organization, content, spelling, grammar, or vocabulary of their writing.

    Based on that identifying, teacher would know the needs of students that

    should have special focus.

    3. Placement Test

  • 14

    The purpose of placement test is to place a student into a particular level or

    section of a language curriculum or school. It usually includes a sampling of

    the material to be covered in the various courses in a curriculum. A student‟s

    performance on the test should indicate the point at which the student will

    find material neither too easy nor too difficult. Placement tests come in many

    varieties: assessing comprehension and production, responding through

    written and oral performance, multiple choice, and gap filling formats. One

    of the examples of Placement tests is the English as a Second Language

    Placement Test (ESLPT) at San Francisco State University.

    4. Achievement Test

    The purpose of achievement tests is to determine whether course objectives

    have been met with skills acquired by the end of a period of instruction.

    Achievement tests should be limited to particular material addressed in a

    curriculum within a particular time frame. Achievement tests belong to

    summative because they are administered at the end on a unit/term of study.

    It analyzes the extent to which students have acquired language that have

    already been taught.

    5. Language Aptitude Test

    The purpose of language aptitude test is to predict a person‟s success to

    exposure to the foreign language. According to John Carrol and Stanley

    Sapon (the authors of MLAT), language aptitude tests does not refer to

    whether or not an individual can learn a foreign language; but it refers to how

    well an individual can learn a foreign language in a given amount of time and

  • 15

    under given conditions. In other words, this test is done to determine how

    quickly and easily a learner learn language in language course or language

    training program. Standardized aptitude tests have been used in the United


    a) The Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT)

    b) The Pimsleur Language Aptitude Battery (PLAB)

    3. The Power of Test

    Tests are defined broadly here as psychological and educational

    instruments developed and used by testing professionals in organizations such

    as schools, industries, clinical practice, counseling settings and human service

    and other agencies, including those assessment procedures and devices that are

    used for making inferences about people in the above-named settings. The

    purpose of the statement is to inform and to help educate not only test takers,

    but also others involved in the testing enterprise so that measurements may be

    most validly and appropriately used. This document is intended as an effort to

    inspire improvements in the testing process and does not have the force of

    law. It is orientation is to encourage positive and high quality interactions

    between testing professionals and test takers. There are two points from test

    taker: a) a person who takes something; an available buyer, bettor; b) a person

    who is characterized by selfishness.

    There are three basic conclusions involved in understanding the power of

    the test :

  • 16

    a) A one-tail test is more powerful than a two-tail test and should be used

    whenever it is appropriate to specify the direction of the alternative


    b) Because the probability of committing a type I error (α) and the

    probability of committing a type II error (β) have an inverse

    relationship and the latter is the complement of the power of the test

    (1-β), then α and the power of the test vary directly. An increase in the

    value of the level of significance (α) result in an increase in power,

    and a decrease in α results in a decrease in power.

    c) An increase in the size of the sample ո chosen results in an increase

    in power. A decrease in the size of the sample selected result in a

    decrease in power.

    4. English Language Test

    A. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

    TOEFL is internationally most recognized and accepted test, when

    applying for universities and colleges, in order to assess Academic English

    language proficiency. There are 9,000 institutions and agencies in 130

    countries who accept the TOEFL score, and till date there have been more

    than 30 million test takers and counting.

    The TOEFL test measures the test takers‟ ability to use and understand

    English language at the university level. Thus, it provides Universities and

    Colleges with accurate and detailed information of a candidate‟s ability to

  • 17

    integrate reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in performing

    academic tasks. Results of the test remain valid for 2 years from the date of

    the test. For information on test centers and available dates please visit There are two types of TOEFL tests available for the

    convenience of the test takers:

    a. TOEFL ITP Test

    TOEFL ITP (Institutional Testing Program) Test are available

    format. The tests use academic and social content to evaluable the

    English-Language Proficiency of non-native English speakers, giving you

    confidence about your students’ ability in a real-world academic setting.

    Active speaking skills in English are not tested, and score on ITP test

    given there are two levels according the ability level. The first level called

    intermediate to advanced. This level gave score on the range 310 until

    677. The second level called high beginning to intermediate, while this

    level gave score on the range 200 until 500. All questions are multiple

    choice, and the tests evaluable skill in three areas:

    1) Listening Comprehension measures the ability to understand

    spoken English as it used in colleges and universities.

    2) Structure and written expression measures recognition of

    selected structural and grammatical points in standard written


  • 18

    3) Reading comprehension measures the ability to read and

    understand academic reading material written in English.

  • 19

    b. TOEFL PBT Test

    TOEFL PBT (Business Process Testing) Test is a paper-based, multiple-

    choice test that uses academic content to evaluate the English-language

    proficiency of non-native English speakers. This provides a tool to the

    academic institutions to assure success of prospective students in real-world

    academic settings. Stage in exam PBT test was listening, structure, reading

    and score gave in the range 310 until677. The test takes approximately 130

    minutes to complete and evaluates skills in three areas:

    The Listening Comprehension section: It takes 35 minutes to complete and

    measures the ability to understand spoken English as it is used in colleges and


    1) The Structure and Written Expression: This section takes 40

    minutes to complete and assesses the understanding of selected

    structural and grammatical points in standard written English.

    2) The Reading Comprehension: This section takes 55 minutes to

    complete and measures the ability to read and understand

    academic reading material.

    Note: The TOEFL PBT test, administered in paper-delivered format,was

    currently offered only at locations where testing via the Internet is not


    c). TOEFL IBT Test

  • 20

    TOEFL IBT (Internet Based Test) Test uses the same format as the

    TOEFL PBT test with three components – the Listening Comprehension

    section, the Structure and Written Expression, and the Reading

    Comprehension section. However, the TOEFL IBT test was most commonly

    used worldwide since it was administered via the Internet. Score that gave on

    this level was on the range 0 until 120 and IBT test held directly by the ETS,

    this test performed with way online test. Price test TOEFL IBT also more

    expensive between TOEFL ITP and TOEFL PBT. The assessment process is

    carried out strictly.

    B. International of English Language Testing System (IELTS)

    Otherwise know as the international English Language Testing System,

    the IELTS is administrated by the University of Cambridge ESOL

    Examinations, the British Council and IDP Education. There are two primary

    versions of the IELTS the academic version and the general training version.

    Basically, the academic version is meant for student‟s who want to enroll in

    universities and other higher education institutions, as well as for medical

    professions, such as doctor or nurses who need to work or study in an English-

    speaking country. the general training version is meant for those looking to

    gain work experience or for purely immigration purpose. Similar TOEFL, and

    IELTS score is valid for two years. While both the academic version and the

    general version differ in terms of content, their structure their structure is the

    same, dividing the test into three parts: listening (40 minutes), reading (60

    minutes), and writing (60 minutes). A brand is given along with a score,

  • 21

    ranging from the high score of an “expert user” to the lowest score “non user”.

    The top three countries the test is administered in a China, India and Pakistan.

    The benefits of IELTS:

    a) A number of students who are aspiring to get admission with the top

    universities in countries like USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia etc,

    IELTS can make your way clear. The best IELTS band scores you will

    having, the change to associate with top academic universities or

    colleges will be there.

    b) The test can help you in the professional registration too.

    c) IELTS job opportunities are just lucrative astounding one. Most of you

    must be will to work abroad and get handsome salary packages. IELTS

    can be career opportunities in foreign countries.

    d) Not only in foreign countries, but a high IELTS band score can also

    change your life in your country too. You can get the opportunity to

    work with the MNC‟s and other top firms with good communication

    skills. For that, you can check out the benefit of IELTS for corporates.

    e) The ones who are willing to migrate to the other countries, IELTS

    benefits are enjoyable here too.

    f) The ones who are willing to migrate to the other countries, IELTS can

    give you the change to get proficient in English.

    g) Most importantly, IELTS can give you the chance to get proficient in


    h) Better communication skills.

  • 22

    i) You get a valuable assessment of your English proficiency level and

    helps you figure out the area of improvement.

    j) If you an interest in enjoying the cultures and entertainment from

    worldwide, profound English knowledge can be an amazing factor then.

    k) IELTS test can help you get visa approval easily by the government

    agencies. As you will be having the certification which is globally


    C. Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC)

    The TOEIC is an acronym for the test of English for English for

    International Communication. As quoted from the TOEIC website. “The

    TOEIC is an English Language Test designed specially to measure the

    everyday English skill of people working in a international environment.” The

    pint system ranges from 10 to 990 points and test it self is two hours in length,

    multiple choose, testing listening comprehensions and reading comprehension.

    a) Personal Advantage:

    By taking the TOEIC test, you are more certain and do not turn

    into a silent observer in exchanges and gatherings. You self-esteem will be

    boosted and you are decently outfitted with the force of the information of

    having propelled in your daily learning and additionally having assembled

    sufficient info. This other accordingly that is empowering your level of


    b) Academic Advantages:

  • 23

    By taking the TOEIC test and picking up a high score will prove that

    your command of English demonstrates over the queens „dialect is well

    over the common level and your familiarity is acknowledged.

    Scholastically, if you are in the process of gaining admission to a

    university, it is sure to improve your admission positively as most colleges

    and instructive establishments have acknowledge the TOEIC test as a

    standard for fluency in English.

    5. The Advantages of TOEFL

    Performing TOEFL test provides several benefits that help you to assist

    for you overseas education. Some of them are:

    a) Regardless to the place where you want to study, TOEFL test enable you

    to reach your desired destination. Depending on the test score will be

    eligible for getting admission in college or university in the world.

    b) There is much flexibility in performing a TOEFL test whenever your want

    to take. You will be offered practice tools and feedback, and more

    alternatives to study abroad that any other English-language test in the


    c) TOEFL, enables you various amenities such as, listening to lectures, view

    films, attend seminars, read textbooks, perform online research, speak with

    professors and other students, write academic paper, report, e-mails and

    more. (https//

    6. Disadvantages of the TOEFL

  • 24

    There are many disadvantages for the TOEFL test as it has advantages

    and benefits.

    a) While you are study in English schools or an institute of English, you

    will think about taking the TOEFL test to pass it and have the

    English as a second language. When you think about that, you are

    going to ignore your school and study for the TOEFL within special

    programs, especially if they do not give practices for the TOEFL test.

    b) If you want to pass the TOEFL, you might take it more than once

    and it costs a lot of money because it is expensive a little bit. There

    are limited locations to take the test, therefore, you have to do a

    registration before the date of the test by a month or more than

    month sometimes. In addition, sometimes you may not find a test

    location in the region which you live in so you need to travel

    somewhere to take the test. Finally, as some as the TOEFL has

    benefits that help you, it has disadvantages that rarely bother you.

    Step to Prepare for the TOEFL:

    1. Set your target score

    Try to judge your current English proficiency;

    are you a basic?


    advanced enough to understand common academic text?

    Advanced enough to interact with local speakers and understand their


  • 25

    Each test section are broken down into three to four score range levels:

    a) Reading and Listening: High (30-22),

    Intermediate (21-15), Low (14-0);

    b) Speaking: Good (30-26), Fair (25-18),

    Limited (17-10), Weak (9-0);

    c) Writing: Good (30-24), Fair (23-17), Limited (16-1).

    2. Gather all essential studying material

    In essence, students need to be equipped with preparation books and

    practice tests, you can start with those created by some of the world‟s

    leading English program specialists:

    a) Kaplan TOEFL IBT Premier 2016-2017 with 4 practice Test;

    b) ETS Official guide to the TOEFL test, fourth edition;

    c) Kaplan TOEFL vocabulary Prep;

    d) Barron‟s TOEFL IBT with audio CDs and CD-ROM;

    e) Barron‟s TOEFL IBT super pack, 2nd edition;

    f) Writing for the TOEFL IBT with MP3 CD, 5th edition.

    g) Essential TOEFL words for the TOEFL.

    3. Make a studying plan

    With all the material you need to go through no doubt it will stress

    and overwhelm you. However, by having a studying plan, you are able to

    have all your studying time broken down into tidbits and organized in a

    schedule you can follow up.

  • 26

    There is no “correct” or “ one-size-fits-all” study plan. When creating

    your personalized studying plan you should ask yourself and analyze:

    which subjects do I need to prioritize? How many free hours are available?

    When you‟re studying for TOEFL and/or IELTS, it is best to classify

    the time between studying each skill, doing the practice test going over the

    answer of your practice test. Make a monthly or weekly to-do-list or make

    a mark in your calendar. write in detail the subjects you want to study or

    tasks you want to work on and the time duration for each subject and task.

    As an example, this study guide can help you set the flow of your studying

    schedule until the exam day.

    4. Familiarize yourself with the test format

    Once you have built a good foundation on all four skills reading

    comprehension, academic level vocabulary, standard grammar the next

    crucial step is to familiarize yourself with the format. TOEFL takes about

    four hours long. The test is done orderly: reading (36-70 questions, 60-100

    minutes), listening (34-51 question, 60-90 minutes), speaking (6 tests 20

    minutes), and writing (2 tasks 50 minutes).

    5. Join a course or hide an expert

    The more you take practice test, the more you will able to identify

    you weak spots. In the case, for a faster and more effective progress, it is

    best to have a tutor alongside your studying journey. Generally, it is hard

    for self-learners to know where they stand: whether progress has been

    made, whether there is an unnoticed mistake committed over and over, or

  • 27

    whether they are already well prepared for the exam. By hiring an expert

    tutor or teacher, you have someone alongside you with the eyes to identify

    the gaps in your learning process, pinpoint your weakness and give you

    the right guidance to hone each skill and tackle every section of the test.

    7. Perspective of Perception

    Perception is a word that is closely related to human psychology, it has

    been defined in various ways, from a layman's perspective, the perception is

    defined as the conscious act of a person's environment through physical

    sensation, which demonstrates the ability of individuals to understand.

    Meanwhile, in the opinion of experts, “the perception is defined in accordance

    with the opinions and views of someone” (Unumeri, 2009: 18) To be the

    source from Nelson and Fast (1997:83-84), "perception is the process of

    interpreting the information about other people". The point is that human

    opinion of others depending on the amount of information available and the

    extent to which they can interpret the information that has been obtained by

    right. In other words, some people may have the same information that others

    have in certain situations, however, a person or group has different

    conclusions because of individual differences in the capacity to interpret the


    (Adediwura & Tayo, 2007:165-166). From this point of view, it could

    be concluded that perception cannot be done in a vacuum, it depends on some

    background information that will think out a reaction. Perception may be

    energized by both the present and past experience, the individual attitude at a

  • 28

    particular moment, the physical state of the sense organ, the human interest,

    the level of interest, and the interpretation of the perception (Adediwura and

    Tayo, 2007: 166). Students' perception can be understood as the students'

    ability to justify their own opinions and distingish it from research being

    presented in the class (McGoldrick and Caffrey, 2009:2). From a few

    statements from experts above, it can be concluded that the perception is an

    excitatory stimulus preceded sensor of the senses and delivered to the human

    brain consciously or unconsciously. Perception is subjective, depending on

    one's perspective on a particular object. So that the relative perception is

    influenced by factors originating from within themselves issued with their

    own thoughts from someone. According to Walgito (2003: 54-55), the

    perception is influenced by factors that have been classified, among others:

    a) External factors, namely the stimulus and traits that stand out in the

    neighborhood behind the objects that constitute a determination or unity

    subtle, among others: social and environmental.

    b) Internal factors, i.e. factors related to the ability of self that comes from a

    relationship with facets, mental, intelligence, and bodily.

  • 29

    C. Conceptual Framework

    Figure: Conceptual Framework

    Basically, we only need critical thinking to find conclusion and decision

    that informative, helpful, and can accounted. Because skill in critical thinking give

    directives that right in thinking so that students‟ in follows TOEFL as a language

    test, students‟ can be hone their skill in their perspective in answering test.

    Therefore, critical perspective is required in problem statement or search solution.








  • 30



    A. Research Design

    The researcher used a descriptive quantitative research. It is with the

    objective study that would like to identify students‟ critical perspective on the

    use of language test.

    B. Population and Sample

    The population of this research was 290 participants from the seventh

    semester students‟ of English Education Department of Muhammadiyah

    University of Makassar in Academic Year 2015-2016. There was tenth classes

    and the total number of population was 290 students.


    A 30

    B 28

    C 28

    D 30

    E 27

    F 27

    G 30

    H 30

    I 30

    J 30

    TOTAL STUDENTS 290 Source : Simakad of English Education Department University Makassar

  • 31

    C. Research Instrument

    According to Creswell (2012: 14) said, “An instrument is a tool for

    measuring, observing, or documenting quantitative data. In this study, the

    researcher used instrument as technique in collecting the data which are

    questionnaire. Questionnaire is the list of questions or statement that are given

    to participants. Questionnaire have advantages over some other types of

    surveys in that they are cheap, do not require as much effort from the

    questioner as verbal or telephone surveys, and often have standardized answer

    that make it simple to compile data.

    D. Data Collection

    In collecting the data, the researcher used in this study is questionnaire.

    The researcher gave the questionnaire to students‟ consist of 15 closed-ended

    questions, the researcher would gave 35 minutes to the students to answer the

    questions based on their own thinking. In gathering data, the researcher used

    the following procedures: The researcher gave questionnaire to the students of

    the research and than the researcher collected the data.

    E. Technique of Data Analysis

    There are some procedures to gather the data analysis that used questionnaire:

    The researcher collected the data to be analysis then classify the answer by the

    questionnaire. According to Furchan (2007), a close questionnaire means an

    alternative answer provide and the subject of the study choose only one

    alternative answer that best the self and his experience. The scale used in this

    research is liker scale. Liker scale using to measure attitudes, opinion, and

  • 32

    perceptions of a person or group of people about social phenomena. Liker

    scale a graduation from very positive to very negative (Sugiyono, 2013).

    Instrument research used liker scale is make in the from of checklist ( ). The

    checklist was gave on the available column and the statement is in accordance

    with the alternative subject state the answer using is Strongly Agree (SA),

    Undecided (U), Agree (A), Disagree (D), Strong Disagree (SD).

    Total the score base on the response category:

    Response Category Score

    Strongly Agree 5

    Agree 4

    Undecided 3

    Disagree 2

    Strongly Disagree 1

    Table 3.2 Table Score Percentage

    (Sugiyono, 2012)

    After the researcher make sure all the questionnaire was fulfilled, the

    researcher when counted the total answer for each answer category which exited

    in each aspect. Then, the data obtain from the questionnaires analysis by use the

    percentage technique. The researcher uses percentage technique as follows:


    P : Percentage

    F : The frequency of items

    N : Total respondent

    (Sugiono, 2012)

    𝑃 =𝐹

    𝑁 𝑋 100

  • 33



    A. Findings

    In this chapter, the researcher presented the finding data. The results of the

    data analyzed collected by used questionnaire was presented. Questionnaire was

    used conducts to find out how are students‟ perceptive on the using TOEFL of the

    language test at seventh semester at Universitas Muhammadiyah of Makassar. The

    data collected from the participants from students‟ seventh semester at

    Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

    The Students‟ perception about students‟ perceptive on the using TOEFL

    of the language test. Here are 15 question of students‟ perception, the result data

    from the questionnaire that obtained by the researcher:

    1. Getting admission in collage

    Table 4.1 TOEFL test improving my listening.

    No Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

    1. Strong Agree 0 0

    2. Agree 8 53.33

    3. Undecided 0 0

    4. Disagree 6 40.00

    5. Strongly Disagree 1 6.67

    Total 15 100

    The provided table represents that there were 15 participants responds,

    there were none students or 0% from the total number of the participants whose

  • 34

    strongly agree with the statement. The other 8 participants or 53.33% from the

    total number of the participants agree with the statement. Meanwhile, there were

    none participant or 0% from the total number of the participants answered

    undecided with the statement. There were 6 participants or 40.00% answered

    disagree with the statement. In brief, the students‟ perceived TOEFL test

    improving my listening.

    Table 4.2 (Positive Statement)

    TOEFL test made us to easy write academic paper.

    No Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

    1. Strong Agree 4 2.66

    2. Agree 8 53.33

    3. Undecided 2 13.33

    4. Disagree 1 6.67

    5. Strongly Disagree 0 0

    Total 15 100

    The table displayed illustrates that there were 15 participants responds, there was

    4 participant or 2.66% from the total number of the student‟s whose strongly

    agree with the statement. The other 8 participants or 53.33% from the total

    number of the participants agree with the statement. Meanwhile, 2 or 13.33% of

    the students whose answered undecided with the statement. there were none

    participant 6.67% from the total number of the participants disagree with the

    statement and none participants or 0% answered strongly disagree with the

  • 35

    statement. The result show of the mostly students‟ perceived that join on TOEFL

    test make us to easy write academic paper.

    Table 4.3 (Positive Statement)

    TOEFL test gives much benefit to our interest in attend of seminars

    No Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

    1. Strong Agree 5 33.33

    2. Agree 5 33.33

    3. Undecided 3 20.00

    4. Disagree 1 6.67

    5. Strongly Disagree 1 6.67

    Total 15 100

    The presented table shows that there were 15 participants responds, there

    were 5 participants or 33.33% from the total number of the participants whose

    strongly agree with the statement. The other 5 participants or 33.33% from the

    total number of the participants agree with the statement. Meanwhile, there were 3

    participants or 20.00% from the total number of the participants answered

    undecided with the statement and 1 participant or 6.67% answered disagree with

    the statement. And 1 participant or 6.67% whose answered strongly disagree with

    the statement. On the whole TOEFL test give much benefit to our interesting in

    attend of seminars.

  • 36

    Table 4.4 (Positive Statement) TOEFL test as a well amenities to our help in perform research online.

    No Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

    1. Strong Agree 0 0

    2. Agree 5 33.33

    3. Undecided 7 46.66

    4. Disagree 1 6.67

    5. Strongly Disagree 2 13.33

    Total 15 100

    The provided represents that there were 15 participants responds, 0

    participant or 0% whose answered strongly agree with the statement. The other 5

    participants or 33.33% from the total number of the participants agree with the

    statement. Meanwhile, there were 7 participants or 46.66% from the total number

    of the participants answered undecided with the statement. There was 1

    participant or 6.67% answered disagree with the statement. 2 of the participants or

    13.33% whose answered strongly disagree with the statement. The result showed

    of students‟ perceived that join TOEFL test as a well amenities to our help in

    perform research online.

  • 37

    Location TOEFL test Table 4.5 (Negative statement)

    I feel to difficult get a high score when I join it. No Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

    1. Strong Agree 1 6.67

    2. Agree 9 69.22

    3. Undecided 5 33.33

    4. Disagree 0 0

    5. Strongly Disagree 0 0

    Total 15 100

    The table displayed presents that there were 15 participant responds,

    there were 1 students or 6.67% from the total number of the participants whose

    strongly agree with the statement. The other 9 participants or 69.22% from the

    total number of the participants agree with the statement. Meanwhile, there were

    5 participants or 33.33% from the total number of the participants answered

    undecided with the statement. There was 1 participant or 6.67% answered

    disagree with the statement and none of the participant whose answered disagree

    with the statement. In brief, participants‟ difficult to find a test location and when

    their want to joint TOEFL test.

  • 38

    2. Vocabulary

    Table 4.6 (Negative statement) I often less understand in TOEFL test in reading part

    No Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

    1. Strong Agree 0 0

    2. Agree 7 46.66

    3. Undecided 0 0

    4. Disagree 8 53.33

    5. Strongly Disagree 0 0

    Total 15 100

    The provided table represents that there were 15 participants responds, there were

    none participant or 0% from the total number of the participants whose strongly

    agree with the statement. The other 7 participants or 46.66% from the total

    number of the participants agree with the statement. Meanwhile, there were none

    participant or 0% from the total number of the participants answered undecided

    with the statement and 8 participants or 53.33% answered disagree with the

    statement. In addition, none participant or 0% whose answered strongly disagree

    with the statement. The students‟ perceived that automatically participants often

    less understand in TOEFL test in reading part.

  • 39

    Table 4.7 (Positive statement) Since I join TOEFL test I can get more vocabulary

    No Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

    1. Strong Agree 2 13.33

    2. Agree 6 40.00

    3. Undecided 3 20.00

    4. Disagree 2 13.33

    5. Strongly Disagree 2 13.33

    Total 15 100

    The provided table shows that there were 15 participants responds, there

    were 2 participants or 13.33% from the total number of the participants whose

    strongly agree with the statement. The other 6 participants or 40.00% from the

    total number of the participants agree with the statement. Meanwhile, there were 3

    participants or 20.00% from the total number of the participants answered

    undecided with the statement. There were 2 participants or 13.33% answered

    disagree with the statement and 2 of the participants or 13.33% answered strongly

    disagree with the statement. The brief the students‟ perceived that when join

    TOEFL test the students‟ can get more vocabulary.

  • 40

    3. High score Table 4.8 I ( Negative statement)

    Test TOEFL as the amenities to critical in view film No Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

    1. Strong Agree 0 0

    2. Agree 8 53.33

    3. Undecided 0 0

    4. Disagree 2 13.33

    5. Strongly Disagree 5 33.33

    Total 15 100

    The table displayed illustrates that there were 15 participants responds,

    there were none participant or 0% from the total number of the students whose

    strongly agree with the statement. The other 8 participants or 53.33% from the

    total number of the participants agree with the statement. Meanwhile, there was

    none participant or 0% from the total number of the participants answered

    undecided with the statement. There was 2 participants or 13.33% answered

    disagree with the statement and 5 students or 33.33% of the participants whose

    answered strongly disagree with the statement. The students‟ perceived that Test

    TOEFL as the amenities to critical in view film.

  • 41

    4. Practicing Table 4.9 (Positive Statement)

    TOEFL test improving my listening

    No Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

    1. Strong Agree 2 13.33

    2. Agree 3 20.00

    3. Undecided 5 33.33

    4. Disagree 2 13.33

    5. Strongly Disagree 3 20.00

    Total 15 100

    The presented table shows that there were 15 participants responds, there

    were 2 participants or 13.33% from the total number of the participants whose

    strongly agree with the statement. The other 3 participants or 20.00% from the

    total number of the participants agree with the statement. Meanwhile, there were 5

    participants or 33.33% from the total number of the participants answered

    undecided with the statement. 13.33% of the participants whose answered

    disagree and 20.00 of the participants whose answered strongly disagree with the

    statement. In brief, that TOEFL test improving their listening.

  • 42

    Table 4.10 (Positive statement)

    After I join on TOEFL test I feel confidence to speak with professor and other students’

    No Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

    1. Strong Agree 2 13.33

    2. Agree 7 46.66

    3. Undecided 4 26.66

    4. Disagree 2 13.33

    5. Strongly Disagree 0 0

    Total 15 100

    The provided table shows that there were 15 participants responds, there

    were 2 participants or 13.33% from the total number of the participants whose

    strongly agree with the statement. The other 7 participants or 46.66% from the

    total number of the participants agree with the statement. Meanwhile, there were 4

    participants or 26.66% from the total number of the participants answered

    undecided with the statement. Than 2 participants or 13.33% of the participants

    whose answered disagree with the statement and none of the participant whose

    answered strongly disagree with the statement. In brief, that students‟ confidence

    increases to speak with professor and other students‟ after they join TOEFL test.

  • 43

    Table 4.11(Positive statement) Test TOEFL as the amenities to critical in view film

    No Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

    1. Strong Agree 2 13,33

    2. Agree 2 13,33

    3. Undecided 2 13,33

    4. Disagree 2 13,33

    5. Strongly Disagree 7 46,66

    Total 15 100

    The table displayed illustrates that there were 15 participants responds,

    there were 2 participants or 13.33% from the total number of the participants

    whose strongly agree with the statement. The other 2 participants or 13.33% from

    the total number of the participants agree with the statement. Meanwhile, there

    were 2 participants or 15.38% from the total number of the participants answered

    undecided with the statement. There were 2 of the participants or 15.38% whose

    answered disagree with the statement and There were 7 of the participants or

    46.66% of the participants whose answered strongly disagree with the statement.

    It means that students‟ perceived test TOEFL as the amenities to critical in view


  • 44

    Table 4.12 (Positive statement) Since I join TOEFL test I can improving to read textbook as the my habit

    No Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

    1. Strong Agree 3 20.00

    2. Agree 4 26.66

    3. Undecided 4 26.66

    4. Disagree 3 20.00

    5. Strongly Disagree 1 6.67

    Total 15 100

    The presented table shows that there were 15 participants responds, there

    were 3 participants or 20.00% from the total number of the participants whose

    strongly agree with the statement. The other 4 participants or 26.66% from the

    total number of the participants agree with the statement. Meanwhile, there were 4

    participants or 26.66% from the total number of the participants answered

    undecided with the statement and 3 participants or 20.00% answered disagree

    with the statement. 1 or 6.67% of the participant who answered strongly disagree

    with the statement. In brief, students‟ can improving to read textbook as the their


  • 45

    Table 4.13 (Negative statement) We never get practicing for TOEFL test every join in TOEFL test.

    No Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

    1. Strong Agree 2 13.33

    2. Agree 6 40.00

    3. Undecided 2 13.33

    4. Disagree 4 26.66

    5. Strongly Disagree 1 6.66

    Total 15 100

    The provided table represents that there were 15 participants responds,

    there were 2 participants or 13.33% from the total number of the participants

    whose strongly agree with the statement. The other 6 participants or 40.00% from

    the total number of the participants agree with the statement. Meanwhile, there

    were 2 participants or 13.33% from the total number of the participants answered

    undecided with the statement. There were 4 participants or 26.66% answered

    disagree with the statement and 1 participant or 6.67% answered strongly disagree

    with the statement. The students‟ perceived that never get practicing for TOEFL

    test every join in TOEFL test.

  • 46

    Table 4.14 (Negative statement) I am not like joint TOEFL test because it is expensive then not help me

    anymore No Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

    1. Strong Agree 1 6.66

    2. Agree 7 46.66

    3. Undecided 2 13.33

    4. Disagree 4 26.66

    5. Strongly Disagree 1 6.67

    Total 15 100

    The table displayed presents that there were 15 participants responds,

    there was 1 participant or 6.66% from the total number of the participants whose

    strongly agree with the statement. The other 7 participants or 46.66% from the

    total number of the participants agree with the statement. Meanwhile, there were 2

    participants or 13.33% from the total number of the participants answered

    undecided with the statement and 4 participants or 26.66% answered disagree

    with the statement. And 1 participant or 6.67% whose answered strongly disagree

    with the statement. The students‟ perceived that students‟ afraid with other

    students will laugh at while they are speaking English in proposal seminar.

  • 47

    Table 4.15 (Positive statement) TOEFL test are able improving my listening skill

    No Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

    1. Strong Agree 0 0

    2. Agree 5 33.33

    3. Undecided 5 33.33

    4. Disagree 4 26.66

    5. Strongly Disagree 1 6.67

    Total 15 100

    The presented table shows that there were 15 participants responds, there

    were none participant or 0% from the total number of the participants whose

    strongly agree with the statement. The other 5 participants or 33.33% from the

    total number of the participants agree with the statement. Meanwhile, there were 5

    participants or 33.33% from the total number of the participants answered

    undecided with the statement. There were 4 participants or 26.66% answered

    disagree with the statement and 1 participant or 6,67% answered strongly

    disagree with the statement. So, the result showed that the students‟ perceived

    that TOEFL test can improve their listening skill.

  • 48

    B. Discussion

    The researcher gave the questionnaire to make discussion clear, the research

    would like to describe the result of data analyzed as follow:

    Discussion consists of how are students‟ perspective on using TOEFL test

    on the language test. The discussion of the research detects to give the

    questionnaire and analyzing uses a final version PSCAS questionnaire adopted

    from Yaikhong and Usaha (2012) in order to know the students‟ perspective on

    using TOEFL test on the language test at seventh semester English Department

    Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

    The data from questionnaire showed that mostly students‟ perceived that

    the success supported students of TOEFL test make them easy to write academic

    paper. The previous finding research showed that Shohamy (Longman, 2001 :

    182) in her journal with the title “The Power Of Tests A Critical Perspective On

    The Uses of Language Texts” that awareness of the power of these tests motivates

    those in authority to introduce tests as a policy tool for the education system. As

    such, the main focus of this field is also referred to as Language. Major

    examinations such as a Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) now

    require foreign students to demonstrate their writing proficiency in the second

    language, this research to shows that academic writing becomes the main point in

    influence score test, and the result shows that evidently students are to easy in

    academic writing, when join in test TOEFL, because they discuss on assessment

    terms for go to college so that pushes want more masterful academic writing. The

    other benefits from this test, students‟ can hone or push student‟s skills in order to

  • 49

    think critically to take a language test so that these result can is known the extent

    of students‟ ability in the field of writing, listening, reading, and speaking.

    Furthermore, the students argued that test may be constructed primarily

    as devices to reinforce learning and to motivate the students‟. The previous

    finding research showed that Heaton (1975) in his journal with the title

    “Introduction to Language Test” test may be constructed primarily as devices to

    reinforce learning and to motivate the student, or primarily as a means of

    assessing the students‟ performance in the language. This statement also

    strengthen the researcher that TOEFL test was formed so that evaluated or

    measure student‟s skill to cover all aspects of the English field.

    In summary, the effectiveness of students‟ perspective on the used

    TOEFL test of the language test at seventh semester students‟ of English

    Department Makassar Muhammadiyah of University that success to support they

    join TOEFL test and make the students‟ more confidence in write academic paper,

    they can get many lesson and knowledge about writing test, speaking test,

    listening test, reading test in TOEFL, and than the students‟ can get high score in

    TOEFL test so able to pass when they enroll in college.

  • 50



    This chapter consist of two parts. The first present some conclusions based

    on the data analysis. The second part present some suggestions based on the

    findings and conclusion of this research.

    A. Conclusion

    Based on the findings and discussion, it can be concluded that the

    respondents‟ of this research gave their positive perception students‟ of using

    TOEFL test on use language test. Furthermore, when they join in TOEFL test they

    can to easy write academic paper, help in perform online research, they can get

    high score, although they difficult to find a test location, but through this test they

    can get admission college and feel confidence in front of many people, they can

    study to criticize a film, cost of test is expensive but they students‟ get many

    vocabulary, although students‟ never practicing, but when join this test students‟

    improve listening and they listening skill, improve the habit to read textbook, and

    perform online research. They claimed that they have got many advantages of

    used test TOEFL as a language test, especially in point that make us to easy write

    academic paper.

  • 51

    B. Suggestion

    Based on the result of the data analysis and conclusion, the researcher

    suggest as follows:

    1. For Lecturer

    Language lecturer should improve the ability to master English for

    lecturers. TOEFL test is expected to help the lecturers to motivate yourself

    and optimize their potential.

    2. For the students‟

    TOEFL test is still one of the main benchmarks for understanding English.

    Students should pay attention preparation before join test TOEFL, students

    must be practice learn the types of TOEFL questions or take lessons in

    order to achieve the desired score.

    3. For Further Researcher

    This research can be conducted again by including all learners who are

    studying at seventh semseter students English Depatment Muhammadiyah

    University of Makaasar. So that, the results will be more consistent and

    will be able to be generalize. To the next researchers, they can investigate

    more about the students‟ perspective on used TOEFL test, not only

    TOEFL but about the other test English like TOEFL (IBT, PBT, CBT),

    IELTS, and TOEIC.

  • 52


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