the postcard plan€¦ · apply the postcard plan to make money from home, week in and week out....

The Postcard Plan A Step By Step Guide To Making Money Mailing Postcards The Postcard Plan 1 Find out more at

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The Postcard PlanA Step By Step Guide To

Making Money Mailing Postcards

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The Postcard PlanTable of Contents

1. My Story..................................................................3

2. The Winning Formula............................................7

3. Postcard Marketing 101.......................................11

4. The Funded Proposal............................................19

5. Attraction Marketing...........................................20

6. Multiple Streams of Income.................................21

7. It’s All About The Numbers..................................22

8. Tips & Tricks.........................................................24

9. Conclusion..............................................................25

10. Resources.............................................................26

11. Legal Stuff……………………………………........…..…..29

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My Story

Hi There! My name is Jessica Ray. I am a mom of two happy, healthy kids, a German Shepherd lover and married to my best friend, Matthew.

Like a lot of people, I’ve spent my time searching the internet for a way to make money from home.

Like you, I have my own reasons for making this journey and I won’t send you to sleep with a long tail of misery...simply to warm you up for some cheap sales pitch at the end of it all.

If you’re anything like me, you’ll have seen dozens of these scripts and will see straight through the crap!

What I will do is share with you my reasons for putting together the following guide and offering you a true, honest picture of what works and what doesn’t when trying to make money from home. That’s the deal!

Let me know at the end if you think I’ve lived up to that promise…

After reading this guide in full you will be able to see how a simple system like The Postcard Plan can give you everything you need to make money from home.

Will it make you a millionaire? No, I doubt it. But, can it offer you a few extra hundred dollars a month or perhaps a few thousand with little effort and no steep learning curve? Yes, it can.

If you apply it consistently, in the right way and put the full system to work, it might even let you create the lifestyle you’ve dreamed about.

This guide will show you the exact steps you need to take to understand and apply The Postcard Plan to make money from home, week in and week out.

Let’s get started!

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I’ll start by letting you in on a little secret…

This guide was put together after finally (and I mean finally) cracking the code and discovering what actually works and doesn’t work online.

I’d love to take ALL the credit for it but I’m going to let you in on a small secret; you see, nobody works these things out completely on their own.

We all have a little help along the way and we all steal and share the best kept pieces of information as we build our knowledge and start to create our own formula for success…

My help came in the form of my business partner, Neil Ashworth.

Neil is one of those guys who has managed to carve out a pretty nice income for himself in one of the most competitive niches on the internet while all around him, other marketers have struggled to get even a sniff of traffic.

Neil is one of those weird, geeky guys you meet online who just seem to have it all sorted and makes internet marketing look like child’s play.

I contacted Neil a few months back to ask his advice on something after a friend had recommended him to me.

After getting to know him a bit, I realized he was a pretty decent sort of guy and, out of the blue, I asked him what it took to make real money with an internet business. His reply was kind of strange…

“You don’t make money with an internet business” was what he said. “The internet is JUST a tool”

Then it hit me…right between the eyes!

Now…before you fall into the trap of believing this guide is going to walk you through some complex internet marketing system let me break this down for you in very simple terms:

1. Internet marketing is tough. 2. Making money online is tough.

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And yet every 11 seconds someone new searches the internet for a way to make money from home.

Perhaps just like you did.

Because of that, a whole industry has come about and a whole race of internet marketers selling information to “help” you understand how to market online. Think about that for a second…

…Internet marketers selling information to would be internet marketers on “how to market on the internet”…just a little crazy perhaps.

But it’s a HUGE industry and it’s DOMINATED by a tiny number of people.

These guys create products, training courses and run membership sites where they drip feed information to you, month by month, while you hand over hundreds or even thousands of dollars from your bank account to theirs in the hope that the next piece of information you get will be the final piece of the puzzle and will let you in on the secret to making money online.

But the truth is that it never happens…

The majority of these guys, (the internet gurus as they are known) are selling you only part of the picture; a small part usually, with little to no real value and often this piece of information is outdated and ineffective by the time you understand and start to apply it.

So you buy more information and study the next scrap that’s thrown your way…and on and on it goes, until finally you either lose faith or sell your soul to the Devil and start to sell re-hashed worthless junk yourself.

But there is another way…

You can wake up, realize that the internet is ONLY a tool (or speak to Neil like I did) and start to build a real business with real people, using a real system that has been around for a lot longer than the world wide web and will be around long after its current trends have faded into yesterdays’ news.

And you use the internet as a TOOL and NOTHING else!

So, forget Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and drop Google like a bad egg.

What you are about to uncover is a simple system to put money in your pocket day after day, week after week, within the next 30 days. A system that simplifies the internet and turns it into a tool you can understand in minutes and apply as part of your overall plan to build a business with real people, real products and real results.

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What I am about to share with you is the exact system I use, based on my research and knowledge, to build my business from pay attention because this stuff works.

By combining the simplicity of postcard marketing with what is known as a funded proposal (we’ll cover that later), multiple streams of income and the automation and leverage of a few specific tools, I have finally found a winning formula.

This is The Postcard Plan.

Be warned, there are other postcard marketing money making systems out there selling for $98 - $200, but they are snakes eating their own tail.

What you are buying from these other programs is the same information that I am giving you here but without any of the internet elements, the integration of a funded proposal and your home based business of choice.

These other “programs” simply sell you the information and then show you how to sell the same information to others. It’s legal, but just barely.

So how is The Postcard Plan different? Read on to find out...

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The Winning FormulaBuilding a home based business is a lot like running a marathon. You start off psyched, strong and ready to go. Excited at the potential and possibilities that lie ahead of you. But somewhere in the middle you hit a wall.

You begin to question every decision, self doubt creeps in and there is the moment where it would be easier just to give up.

But, those that persevere and fight through the exhaustion, push through the pain and self doubt reap incredible rewards.

Many say that the difference between those that find success and those that don’t is simply that the successful never gave up.

I feel this is true.

I gave up...for a time, but now I am back and more knowledgeable and stronger than ever before. My confidence is unwavering.

You see, I also believe that everything in life happens for a reason, you just need to be open to all possibilities, admit to your mistakes and learn from them.

It is from this philosophy that The Postcard Plan was created.

There are FOUR main obstacles to success when you set out on the road to creating financial freedom from home with your own home based business.

We’ll talk about these in a moment but before we do I want to give you a quick heads up on what we mean when we talk about the home based business industry.

There are many different ways to work from home and earn a living.

You become a virtual assistant. You can offer a phone answering service. You can even set up your own cake baking business and ship your best buns far and wide (if you have the skills and resources of course).

But when we talk about the home business industry we’re talking about network marketing; a business model that allows you to build an unlimited

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income from home by partnering with a large company and distributing their products to customers. The company then pays you every time your customers shop and reward you even further when you build a team of distributors who do the same as you.

These people become your team, your downline and you become their sponsor or support person.

There are hundreds of different network marketing companies out there who will offer you such an opportunity. This report won’t go into the pros and cons of each company, but what you need to know is this;

• Network marketing works.• Network marketing offers you an unlimited income opportunity.• Network marketing rewards you for following the system over time and

staying with the company you partner with.

The challenge is not the business model. The challenge is knowing how to make it work. After all, like most things in life, network marketing isn’t for everyone.

I’m going to presume if you’ve come this far, you are one of those people who see that network marketing as a business model works, right?

I’m also going to presume if you’ve read this far, you are one of the thousands of networkers who just can’t seem to make it work for them, right?

I’m finally going to presume, that if you’re still awake… you haven’t a clue why it hasn’t worked for you but you are determined to change that right now, right?

Okay...Let’s change it today.

What are the four biggest obstacles faced by those in the network marketing industry?


Marketing is a skill set that must be learned but rarely are those in the home business or network marketing industry knowledgeable about marketing. Kind of ironic considering its called network or multi level marketing, don’t you think?


The second obstacle faced by those in this business is need people to talk. Sharing your business opportunity with your “warm market” as so many fellow networkers teach is often not the way to go. Your “pitch” is

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unskilled and comes across as desperate and often ill timed. All this will do is alienate you from your friends and family.


The third obstacle is time. Many of us are trying to raise families and still work full time jobs while building a home based business on the side in the hopes of being able to “fire” our boss, create financial freedom or build that retirement your pension fund has promised but failed to deliver.

Cash Flow

The fourth and final obstacle is cash flow. Cash-flow is King in business.

But the reality is when you are first building your home based business, there is a lot more money going out than coming in. I believe that this obstacle alone is the primary reason for the massive attrition rate in the home business industry.

It takes time to master many business building skills and expensive, un-targeted marketing methods result in desperate down lines. With no cash coming in, they either leave the company and jump ship (praying that the next one will work) or they drop the idea of being successful all together and go back to the day job, head down and beaten for the next 40 years or so… sad but true.

The Postcard Plan solves these four problems in this way:


Using simple postcards is a marketing method that ANYONE can do with the right advice and tools. The learning curve is practically zero and the financial requirement is scalable. You can invest what you can afford and invest more as you grow your business.


By marketing with postcards, to people who are already open to the concept of the home based business world, and using a simple lead capture form on a now have plenty of people to talk to. Who actually want to hear from you. Once this starts to work, you can go back to your warm market (if you want to) with a picture of success and a wallet full of cash. Money talks as we know and people listen to you when you’re talking with confidence instead of desperation.

TimeUsing the power and leverage of the internet your time investment is cut in half if not more. Using a simple, yet effective, web presentation telling your

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story (which we’ll talk about later) and sharing your business opportunity with prospects, eliminates the “selling” and the “telling”.

Do you still need to dedicate time to speaking with people about your business?


But, believe me; the conversations are brief, to the point and enjoyable.

Cash Flow

What every home business owner needs is a funded proposal. If you are unfamiliar with this term, no worries, I’ll explain this in detail in a bit. In a nutshell, a funded proposal is a form of marketing that allows you to make money off of leads regardless of whether they join your primary company or not.

By combining the simplicity of postcard marketing, with the power of attraction marketing, the leverage of the internet and the cash flow of a funded now have a winning formula. That formula is called The Postcard Plan. Simple!

Before going on, I want to clarify something...simple doesn’t necessarily mean easy. Although this system is not hard, it will require work and action on your part. But, if you take action and work your business, you will reap the rewards.

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Postcard Marketing 101

Why Simple Postcards?

Direct response marketing, such as postcards, catalogs, flyers and brochures is a powerful, multi-billion dollar industry and has been around for many, many years.

Think about the original Sears and Roebuck’s Catalog from the late 1800’s.

Granted, this form of marketing has evolved over the last 100 plus years but the premise is still the same.

Today I received a new catalog from L.L.Bean.

I love catalogs. They are my reading material of choice when I’m eating lunch.

Because of that catalog mailing, L.L.Bean made a $100 plus sale. My partner and I both need new shoes for this coming summer season and our dogs need new embroidered collars.

Every couple of months we receive a postcard from Lowe’s Home Improvement Store that is a redeemable coupon worth $10 with a $50 purchase.

I don’t think we have let one of those coupons expire.

Retailers continue to use direct mail such as catalogs and promotional postcards because it works. Period.

The benchmark for success in simple postcard marketing is the % of response, or “opt-ins” that turns into income as a result of your postcard marketing campaign.

This is why I love postcard marketing. It is a science, its numbers. We will dive into the “science” in just bit.

The rule of thumb is that you have 10...maybe 20 seconds to get a response from your postcard recipient. The goal being to generate a direct and immediate response. That may not seem like a lot but, in the world of internet marketing; you have even have 7 seconds. It’s far too easy to simply click away.

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The person looking at your postcard will give you the 20 seconds; your job is to give them all they need to know in that 20 second window. It is all about getting straight to the point.

In our case, we are selling the idea of making money from home mailing cheap, simple postcards. And in our high tech dominated society, this makes for a very unique selling proposition.

They are looking at your postcard. It’s simple. In the back of their minds, they’re thinking... “I can do this!”, and once they think that, you’ve got their attention.

The average consumer has evolved as well. With HDTV, 3D movies, 4G cell phones and computer technology everywhere they look, consumers are immune to high tech fancy graphics and images. They tune it out.

This is why it’s absolutely crucial to keep your marketing message short, sweet, to the point and free of hype and over the top imagery...thus the simple, cheap postcards.

Another factor adding to the success of The Postcard Plan is how little mail the average person receives today.

Credit card companies have cut back on solicitations since the bailout and the environmental impact of junk mail is finally taking effect.

This combined with the fact that more people use online bill paying, online magazines and Ereaders such as iPads and Kindle, mailboxes are rarely full.

You should know, a postcard is most likely what brought you here...

Postcard Printing OptionsSo how do you go about making these postcards?

You have three options:1.Do It Yourself2.Use A Local Print Shop3.Use An Online Print Shop

To make your own post cards you can create them on your computer with a word processing software like Microsoft Word or Pages for Mac and print them out yourself.

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This can be very time consuming, but if you’re on a budget it is an ideal way to break into postcard marketing without major printing costs.

To find a local printing service or office supply print desk to make them for you is as simple as a Google search or checking your local YellowPages listings. Personally, I am a fan of this method. For one you are supporting a local small business, which is always good, and secondly you are saving on shipping.

To use an online print service just Google “Postcard Marketing” and you will find pages and pages of printing services online. (You’ll find a list of recommended online postcard printing services in the resources section of this EBook.).

Granted, online print shops can offer more competitive printing prices but once you add that order to the shopping cart and see the shipping, all that savings disappears in a hurry.

The only way I recommend using an online print service is if you are going to have them handle your mailing as well and if you are ready to get into large quantities of 5000 cards or more. This is a more advanced method (meaning more $$$ up front) that you can grow into when your budget allows.

You want to be sure to use a bright colored, high quality card stock that will:

1. Stand up to the abuse of the postal service2. Stand out amongst other pieces of mail.

A bright canary yellow, orange or light blue will do the trick. You also want to stick with the 4.5 X 6 card size as this qualifies for the $.28 Postcard postage rate. Don’t be tempted to go larger as your postage costs will almost double, as well as your printing prices.

Stick with the formula - cheap and simple.

You also want your text and font to be large, easy to read and in black.

Essentially, you are creating a classified ad on a postcard. Again, don’t mess with the formula and start adding pictures or even simple graphics like stars or shapes. You have 20 seconds...use them wisely.

So let’s say you have your method of postcard creation worked out...what do you put on the postcards? That’s next...

Postcard Copy

Like I keep saying and cannot say enough...

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You have 10 to 20 seconds so keep it short, sweet and to the point.

You also want to avoid hype. No one wants to be sold. They want reality. The home based business industry is flooded with hype and over the top imagery of fancy cars, multimillion dollar homes and money falling from the sky. No one wants to see that, they’re over it. I know I am.

Your postcards should read something like this:

********NOTICE*******There’s A Home Based Business That’s

Sweeping The Internet Right NowAverage People Are making ThousandsWeekly Mailing Out Simple Postcards...

Will You Be One Of Them?Be Smart & Spend 10 Minutes On My Website

!!ATTENTION!!Never Been Done Before

$5K In 30 Days...Simply Mailing Postcards

Sprint To My Website Now For All The

Are You Rich Yet? Didn’t Think So...Stop Looking For Get Rich Secrets. They Don’t Exist.

You Have Finally Found Your Answer To Financial Independence.“Discover How This Busy Mom Of 2 Went From Just Getting By

To $5K A Month Mailing Simple Postcards”Spend Ten Minutes On My Website And Be Blown Away

HEY YOU! Need To Make More Money?Make $1000’s Monthly Mailing Out Simple Postcards

NO SELLING - NO COLD CALLINGVisit My Website & See For Yourself

Find Out How This Retired GrandpaMakes $5K A Month

Mailing Simple Cheap PostcardsNO SELLING - NO COLD CALLING

Visit My Website For All The

You get the idea. Use these ideas to get the creative juices flowing but stick to the formula.

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Personally, I like the last one. I’ve used it myself and it works. Replacing “retired grandpa” with a two or three word descriptive phrase about yourself, such as “busy mom of 2” or “single dad” is a great way to start.

It already sets the tone for your marketing and paints a picture for your prospect. It also adds to the element of what we call “attraction marketing” as well, which we will get into more later on in the book.

Just keep it real. Moving on...

Who To Send Your Postcards To & When To Mail Them...

The next element to postcard marketing is the “Who” and the “When”. Who do you send your postcards too? And when is the best time to mail them out?

Good questions.

Let’s start with the “Who”.

Believe it or not, there is an industry that does nothing but collect peoples information for direct mail campaigns.

There are literally hundreds of “list brokers” out there waiting to work with people just like you and me.

All you do is tell them who your target market is and they can provide a mailing list, some will even print the labels for you.

We are talking about hundreds of thousands of laser targeted leads looking for exactly what you have to offer for anywhere from $.08 - $.35 a piece. (I’ve provided a list of websites and list brokers in the resources section for you to use.)

But there are a few things you should know before you contact a list broker or service:

1.Make sure you are requesting MLM or Make Money From Home “buyers” not seekers. You want folks that have proven to spend money on your niche in the past. You don’t want tire kickers.

2. Confirm that their lists are COA certified. COA is short for Change Of Address.

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3.Not all list brokers will work with buyers looking for lists smaller than 5000, so know that going in.

4.Most prices are for a one time mailing only. Best results are achieved with repeated mailings to the same list. At least twice if not three times. Ask for multiple mailing prices.

5. If you can afford it, seek out exclusive lists. These are lists that are sold only once and are yours for life. These tend to be more expensive but can pay off in the long run.

Take all of this advice seriously, please. It is worth its weight in gold.

There is one final element to postcards marketing...when to send your cards out.

You will see the best conversion rate if you mail your cards out on Friday. This way...depending on where you live, the cards will be hitting people’s mailboxes on Monday, Tuesday at the latest. This is the worst part of the week for those working the 9 to 5 grind, strike while the iron is hot.

Okay, so let’s recap a bit...

We have our postcard printing method, our copy and we have our list. Where do you send this traffic?

Your funded proposal...

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The Funded Proposal

If you’ve been in the home based business industry for any length of time, you’ve probably heard about funded proposals. But, do you truly know what a funded proposal is and do you know how to use it properly?

Basically, a funded proposal is a marketing method and product designed to help you generate upfront cash flow, leads and start the relationship building process with your potential business partners.

Ideally, your funded proposal is a generic, relatively inexpensive marketing product that will help fellow home based business owners to generate more leads and cash flow for their business.

The marketing used is based on the principles of attraction marketing. We’ll get into attraction marketing in detail in the next chapter. For now let’s focus on your funded proposal.

You market your funded proposal to fellow network marketers, or people looking to start their own home businesses because…

A. these groups are looking for solutions to their MLM problems and B. they are looking for a mentor and leader to help them achieve their

financial goals.

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Using a quality funded proposal fosters a relationship between you, the marketer, and your potential customer or business partner. The idea is to establish a relationship built on familiarity, value and trust. People buy from people, not companies or systems.

Now, your funded proposal consists of a “Front End” and “Back End” product.

The front end consists of two parts:

1.A free offer (eBook, eCourse, webinar) to get the opt in and build your list.

2.An inexpensive, generic system or informational product that offers a solution to your prospects immediate problem with their business - generating leads.

The main goal is to get the persons opt in information and get them into your marketing “Funnel.” Once inside your funnel, you can use email, blog posts and social media to offer value, build trust and eventually recruit them into your primary business, which is the “back end”.

I see so many people using the internet to market their business and doing it all wrong. No one cares about how great your company’s’ product or compensation plan is. They most likely already have a company they like...they need help marketing.

The number one priority is to build relationships, share solutions to your lists problems and get your marketing funnel flowing with a continuous stream of leads.

By focusing on developing yourself as a leader, and sharing what you know about your area of expertise, will naturally attract people to you and your business opportunity.

Which brings us to attraction marketing...

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What Is Attraction Marketing?

As defined by Wikipedia:

“Attraction Marketing is the use of marketing techniques specifically designed to teach the customer what you are doing and how a service or product will benefit them well before they purchase it.”

In simple terms...

Attraction marketing is giving before you receive; it is providing value and proof before asking for the sale. Attraction marketing is

putting yourself out “there” as a brand and marketing your abilities and assets in front of your company.

There are thousands of home based business opportunities out there for people to choose from. If you were to ask a rep or member of any of these companies, they would tell you their company was the best.

But, at the end of the day, it’s the person telling about the company that you should be concerned about. You need to be asking them what they can do for you to help you grow your business.

People buy from people, not from companies. The network marketing business model is a people business dependent upon the pay it forward concept.

If you truly want to find success and create a true residual income for yourself then you need to be willing to lead and pay it forward. You need to be able to help others help themselves.

This principle is at the core of attraction marketing.

You put yourself out there and share what you have to offer and “attract” people to you. There is only one “you”. Tap into that and use it to set yourself apart from every other rep in your company. You do that and you can’t miss.

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Multiple Streams of Income

Postcard marketing is a simple and duplicatable marketing method to master...but it is just as easy to mess it all up if you are directing your postcard traffic to the wrong product.

Postcard marketing is is a paid form of marketing, so you need to make sure your marketing investment is significantly less than your income.

You do this by choosing the right “vehicle” for your business. Your “vehicle” is your home based business model of choice. There are several:

1. MLM or network marketing company (residual income opportunity)2. Affiliate products (Amazon, Click bank, Link Share, and Commission Junction)3. A blog (a micro niche with affiliate products and advertising network)4. Top tier direct sales company (high commission opportunity)5. Your own informational product (eBooks, membership sites, consulting)6. You own physical product and Ecommerce website (EBay, Etsy)7. A Funded Proposal (A marketing system that combines several of these vehicles into one)

All of the above are viable business models that many use to make a LOT of money. But, most of these are not a viable option on their own for postcard marketing due to the costs involved.

That’s why you must have a funded proposal in place.

You see, within your marketing funnel created by your funded proposal you are setting up multiple streams of income from:

1. Your generic lead generation product or system

2. Affiliate commissions from products and services you recommend to your list via email and blog posts

3. Your primary home based business of choice, be it a traditional MLM or a top tier direct sales company.

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This way, you are generating income from several sources, from anyone and everyone on your list, regardless of whether they join you in your primary business opportunity, or not. Brilliant, right? Simple? Yes.

This is about building a bullet proof long term income model that will allow you to build your business, create constant cash flow and bring in targeted leads who are looking for what you have.

So, how do the numbers play out when using a funded proposal and postcard marketing...?

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It’s All About The Numbers...Okay, let’s get down to the brass tacks…

What is this going to cost you and how quickly can you start to:

A. See a return on your investment

B. Make a full time income; let’s say $5k a month.

We are going to use simple round numbers for our figures and apply this marketing method to our business model of choice - a funded proposal.

Let’s begin using a generic marketing system that generates:

• $100 commissions for each sale and • $50 commissions for every sale your frontline generates.

We’ll work with a two-tier affiliate model so you earn on your sales and the sales of affiliates you introduce who then go on to sell the same system (the funded proposal).

We will be working in batches of 1000 cards per month which cost $540 per mailing:

$50 for the cards themselves$150 for the list of 1000 leads $340 for postage and mailing services.

When mailing 1000 postcards you can expect, BARE MINIMUM, a 1% response.

This is the direct response marketing industry standard. And this is worse case scenario. 1% of 1000 is 10, 10 sales.

With the advice and system you have available to you within this book you should be looking at a much better percentage. But let’s keep the numbers small to start with...

10 sales at $100 commissions per sale is $1000.

That is a profit of $460.

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Not great, but it’s probably better than you have been doing so far...right?

Plus, we haven’t included any affiliate commissions or pay outs from recruiting any of these folks into your primary business on the back end. All we’re talking here is the funded proposal, right...moving on.

Okay, so the next month you do the same...1000 cards at $540.

And again, you generate the minimum 1% in sales resulting in another $460 in profit.

But, 5 of the 10 people you brought into your funnel last month also generated some sales, let’s say 1 sale each. That is another $250 of passive, residual income from your generic marketing product.

That makes month 2 total profit of $745.

And again, this doesn’t include any affiliate commissions or bonus income from recruiting into your primary company.

Let’s do one more month...

You mail out another 1000 cards at $540. Generate another 10 sales and profit another $460. You now have 20 people in your generic marketing system generating sales at $50 a pop and 10 new people, making total of 30 people in your primary system.

If each one of them generates only 5 sales a month that is $7500 (30 X 5 = 150 sales 150 X $50 = $7500) in passive residual income within 3 months.

And AGAIN, this doesn’t include any affiliate commissions or bonus income from recruiting into your primary company.

Can you see the power of using a generic, funded proposal as your intro product rather than throwing leads directly into your primary business presentation?

With this style of marketing and lead generation, you are in the black within your first 30 days and making a full time income inside of 90 days, without factoring in affiliate commissions or bonuses from any recruiting you have done with your primary company.

Think about where you can be in 24 months with consistent effort. Moving on...

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Ten Top Tips & Tricks

Some of these tips I’ve already mentioned throughout this book, but I wanted to make a handy list for you to have as a reference.

1. Mail your postcards on a Friday, this way they will hit mailboxes on Monday, Tuesday at the latest. This makes for a better response rate

2. 4 X 6 postcards are the way to go. 5 X 8 cards require $.44 stamps and 3 X 5 cards cost just as much to print as the 4 X 6 cards.

3. Print on ONE side only. Use the other side for your stamp and address label.

4. Do not attempt to hand write your addresses. This is far too time consuming. Use labels.

5. If money is tight and you can’t afford to send 1000 cards at once, send what you can...10, 20, 50. Just get them out there every Friday, fill your pipeline and you will start to see results in 30 - 60 days.

6. Keep good records of the amount of cards you have out there and the income you generate so you can evaluate your campaigns.

7. The national response rate is 1% to 2% of buyers. At 1% you are making great money. At 2% you’re making big money.

8. Have a follow up conversation prepared so that when people call you, you’re not grasping for ideas on what to say. Have a list of questions and be a good listener. Let them talk and tell you their story.

9. Put your prospects through the information system so they can gain all the knowledge they need. Do NOT spend a lot of time “selling” people - create a marketing channel that does this for you. You must create an informational flow.

10.Remember the 20 second rule. Don’t try to get too fancy with your postcards. Keep It Simple!

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So now it is time to get to work.

Which path are you going to take?

Are you going to forget all about this and continue to flounder with your home based business?

Or are you going to follow the system I just laid out for you and jump out of your comfort zone?

The choice is yours.

Postcard marketing is a powerful marketing tool when used properly and in conjunction with a funded proposal.

I know I just threw a lot of information your way in the last 25 pages or so, but none of it will mean squat if you don’t take some action. You don’t have to start with 1000 postcards. Start with 100. Make them yourself and get them out there.

If finding or creating a funded proposal seems daunting, then contact me and I will show you your existing options.

I told you before. I walked away from the home based business industry because I was sick of seeing so many people struggle trying to master complicated marketing techniques and have to fight for every sale.

Postcard marketing, attraction marketing and funded proposals removes so many of the obstacles in our industry, and at some point you need to decide which path you are going to take.

Thank you for taking this journey with me and I look forward to helping you find your own personal level of success.

Your Friend,


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Online Printing Sources:

All of these printing houses will use your list, affix labels, apply postage and mail for you if you so choose.

• - Best price by far.• - Only a few dollars more than• - Highest price but great customer service. Ask for

Samantha.• Median price point.• - Not much cheaper than with

less stellar customer service.

List Brokers:

Like I mentioned previously, some of these list brokers only work on quantities of 5000 or more. Do what you can and grow into a larger list.

• - By far, this is your best source. They are a list affiliate company with a database of over 60,000 lists to pull from. Most of the brokers you will find through are those who only work in quantities of 5000 or more.

• - If you can’t swing a big list right now, these guys are your next best source.

• - Over 45 categories within the home based business niche to choose from.

• - Thousands of new leads each month. This includes MLM, network marketing and Home Based Business Opportunity buyers.

Whoever you choose, do NOT buy your list from the printing services. And they WILL try to sell you their list. Politely decline.

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Online Tools & Services

Website Hosting:• Bluehost - my #1 choice.• HostGator - #2 choice

DO NOT USE GO DADDY for your web hosting. They don’t support Wordpress One Click Install and over charge for everything other than domain registration.

Auto Responder Services:• Aweber - #1 choice. Best deliverability rate. Best spam protection and

filter.• Get Response - #2 choice. I have never used this service personally, but

many of my colleagues do and are happy with their results.• MAILCHIMP #3 choice right now but coming up fast. They offer FREE

lists up to your first 500 subscribers and some fun stuff too!

1-800 # Services:• iTeleCenter - #1 Choice. They offer a 14 day free trial, a 30 day money

back guarantee and a host of great features including a referral program. Once you have 3 active referrals your service is free.

• - #2 Choice. They offer a 6 month free trial with their basic plan. They too have a host of professional features. is my web building tool of choice. It’s free, Google loves it and its super easy to use with the right instruction. The first link is a super cool, free theme complete with video tutorials on building landing pages. The second link is to a You Tube channel full of more wordpress tutorials.


Tutorial Videos:

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Legal Stuff


This publication is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws, and all rights are reserved, including resale rights: you are not allowed to give or sell this Guide to anyone else. If you received this publication from anyone other than The Postcard Plan, you've received a pirated copy.

Please contact us via e-mail and notify us of the situation. Please note that much of this publication is based on personal experience and anecdotal evidence. Although the author and publisher have made every reasonable attempt to achieve complete accuracy of the content in this Guide, they assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Also, you should use this information as you see fit, and at your own risk. Your particular situation may not be exactly suited to the examples illustrated here; in fact, it's likely that they won't be the same, and you should adjust your use of the information and recommendations accordingly.

Any trademarks, service marks, product names or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if we use one of these terms.

Finally, use your head. Nothing in this Guide is intended to replace common sense, legal, medical or other professional advice, and is meant to inform and entertain the reader. So have fun with The Postcard Plan, and get your stuff done.Copyright © 2011 Jessica Ray and Neil Ashworth. All rights reserved worldwide.

The Postcard Plan

The Postcard Plan


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