the possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in fan networks dominik najder jakub palider

The possibilities of cong estion control mechanisms in FAN networks The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

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Page 1: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks

The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks

Dominik NajderJakub Palider

Page 2: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

Presentation plan

1. Current network quality requirements

2. What is congestion?

3. What are the current QoS solutions?

4. Int- and DiffServ

5. Features of FAN

6. FAN – pros and cons…

7. How does congestion control is implemented in DiffServ?

8. Traffic conditioning mechanisms

9. Scheduling mechanisms

10. Is it possible to implement DiffServ congestion solutions into FAN?

11. What DiffServ congestion control ideas may be used in FAN?

12. Measurement Based Admission Control (MBAC)

13. Cross-protect in FAN router

14. Priority Fair Queuing

15. Priority Deficit Round Robin

16. PFQ vs PDRR

17. Future

Page 3: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

Current network quality requirements

• Nowadays networks are expected to support a variety of services beyond the best-effort service available today

• New applications already rely on the network ability to guarantee such services

High speed packet-switched networks

Applications requiring bandwidth

Applications requiringlow latency

VoIP, tele-conferencing, UMA, on-line gaming,

distance learning

P2P Networks, Large Databases, Large multimedia files,


Page 4: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

What is congestion?

Simple definition: congestion occurs when traffic coming into one link exceeds its capacity e.g. motorway

Main reason: lack of bandwidth Demand bigger than capacity Suddenly changing demands Network failures Changes in routing

Page 5: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

What are the current QoS solutions?

Already Implemented:• Integrated Services –

IntServ, the first model defining whole concept of QoS

• Differentiated Services – DiffServ – later conception, opposite (in majority) to IntServ

New Idea:

Flow Aware Networking

Page 6: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

Int- and DiffServ

Page 7: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

Main differences between IntServ and DiffServ

Bilateral agreementsMultilateral agreementsInter domain deployment

Scalable and robustInformation held in each network node – not scalable


Cannot provide low delay and high bandwith guarantee


Per flow - bandwidth and delay guarantee

Quality guarantees

Similar to IP networksSimilar to network switching (e.g. phone calls)

Network management

Based on class usageBased on flow characteristics and QoS requirement

Network accounting

Limited by number of classes of service

Limited by number of flowsClassification of traffic

Per hopEnd to endCoordination for service differentation


Page 8: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

Features of FAN

No reservation Classification based on flows 2 flow classes - stream (audio, video, real-

time) and elastic (digital documents) Idea of cross-protect router – accurate

relation between admission control and scheduling

“Good enough” performance Cost effectiveness and accountability $$$

Page 9: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

FAN – pros and cons…

Advantages Disadvantages•Good scalability

•Ease of admission control in each network node (MBAC)

•Only small amounts of data stored in network node memory

•No strict guarantees of network performance

•Not yet implemented

Page 10: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

How does congestion control is implemented in DiffServ?

• Network traffic entering a DiffServ domain is subjected to classification and conditioning

• AC realized only in edge routers, controlled by Bandwidth Broker

• PHB define packet forwarding properties inside domain

QoS Mechanisms

Packet level Admission level


traffic conditioners


AC (admission control)

Page 11: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

Traffic conditioning mechanisms

• Traffic conditioning is performed only in edge routers – the assumption is that inside DiffServ domain the bandwidth is even overestimated

Page 12: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

Scheduling mechanisms

• Assures differential quality in routing packets assigned to different flows

• Different packet types Different quality of service• Many algorithms (FCFS, PS, FQ etc.)


Selecting which packets should be sent first Selecting which packets may be dropped

Page 13: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

Is it possible to implement DiffServ congestion solutions into FAN?

Differences in congestion control ideas:DiffServ FAN

AC, classifier, traffic conditioner, scheduler blocks

Only AC and scheduler blocks – cross protect router

Admission control performed only in edge routers

Admission control performed in every router

No information about flows inside router memory – QoS based on information about agregates

Router holds only flow list, without declaration info for traffic class

Domain agent Bandwidth Broker No central agents

No info about network state hold in routers Information based on measurements held in every router

Page 14: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

What DiffServ congestion control ideas may be used in FAN?

• The only common mechanisms are admission control and scheduling, but the admission control is realized in different way

• Scheduling algorithms may be implemented in FAN• There are many elementary conceptions common to both

architectures – but these are mostly basics of QoS idea

Page 15: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

Measurement Based Admission Control (MBAC)

Page 16: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

Cross-protect in FAN router

Incoming packets Outgoing packets

Page 17: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

Priority Fair Queuing

• Modified version of Start-time Fair Queuing

• Push-In First-Out queue, each element has timestamp

• Active Flow list

• Virtual Time counter

Page 18: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

SFQ algorithm

Packet arrival:Packet arrival:1. on arrival of l-byte packet p of flow f:

2. if f is a registered in ActiveList do

3. p.TimeStamp = f.FinishTag

4. f.FinishTag += l

5. else

6. add f to ActiveList

7. p.TimeStamp = VirtualTime

8. f.FinishTag = VirtualTime + l

Packet departure:Packet departure:1. transmit packets in increasing TimeStamp


2. at the start of transmission of packet p:

3. VirtualTime = p.TimeStamp

4. for all flows f registered in ActiveList

5. if (f.FinishTag < VirtualTime)

6. remove f

7. if no packets in scheduler VirtualTime = 0

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D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

PFQ algorithmPacket arrival:Packet arrival:

1. if PIFO congested, reject packet p at head of longest backlog

2. if f is registered in flow list F

3. if bytes >= MTU

4. p.TimeStamp = f.FinishTag

5. else begin

6. p.TimeStamp = virtual time

7. put behind P, update P

8. f.FinishTag += l

9. else

10. p.TimeStamp = VirtualTime

11. put behind P, update P

12. if flow list is not saturated

13. add flow

14. f.FinishTag = virtual time + l

Main disadvantage:Main disadvantage:


Per packet computational Per packet computational complexity is complexity is O (logQ), O (logQ), where:where:

Q – number of flows server by Q – number of flows server by the routerthe router

Page 20: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

Priority Deficit Round Robin

Based on standard DRR Per flow f state:

f.Identier - the flow identifier (possibly a hash of the relevant header fields)

f.Queue - current length in bytes of flow f queue f.Quantum - value of flow f quantum ( >= MTU bytes) f.Deficit - current flow deficit f.FIFO - addresses of head and tail packets of a linked

list forming the flow f FIFO f.Next - the next flow in the DRR schedule following

flow f

Page 21: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

Priority Deficit Round Robin simplified algorithm

Packet Packet enqueueenqueue:: If no free buffers left then dropPacket(); i = ExtractFlow(p); If (i is not registered in AFL) InsertActiveList(i); i.DC = 0; i.ByteCount = size(p); Enqueue(PQ, p) Else i.ByteCount += size(p); If (i.ByteCount <= i.Q) then Enqueue(PQ, p); Else Enqueue(i.Queue, p);

Packet Packet dequeuedequeue::1. While (PQ not empty) do

2. p = Dequeue(PQ); i = ExtractFlow(p);

3. Send(p); i.DC -= Size(p);

4. If (AFL is not empty) then

5. Get head of AFL - flow i;

6. i.DC += i.Q;

7. While ((i.DC >= 0) and (Queue i not empty)) do

8. PacketSize = Size (Head(i.Queue));

9. If (PacketSize <= i.DC) then

10. Send(Dequeue(i.Queue));

11. i.DC -= PacketSize;

12. Else

13. break;

14. RemoveActiveList(i);

15. If (Queue i is not empty) then

16. InsertActiveList(i);

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D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks


Which solution is better?PFQ:PFQ:-simple-but higher computational complexity O(logQ) –

not well scalablePDRR:PDRR:-more complex, bigger amount of data to be

held inside router-computation complexity O(1) – very scalable,

main FAN feature over DiffServ

Page 23: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

What is the future?

• Redesign of IPv6 packet• Minimized header overhead and reduced header process for the majority of packets• Less essential fields removed or moved to extension headers• Traffic class in IPv6= TOS in IPv4• New Flow Label

Page 24: The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Dominik Najder Jakub Palider

D. Najder & J. Palider The possibilities of congestion control mechanisms in FAN networks Optical IP Networks

Which QoS solution is better?

FAN takes the best of DiffServ and IntServ

It’s idea is closer to current traffic characteristics

FAN is more scalable and flexible FAN is not yet implemented –

improvements are still possible However FAN is not yet implemented –

and may never be…