the port gibson reveille (port gibson, miss.) 1912-07-18 [p ]€¦ · last friday on glen sade...

soi ' » V w «• ? 4 m One Child Killed Another. Notiee Notiee of Motion to Confirm Sale of Real Estate by Admin- istrator. À demonstration rally and picnic _ will be held at Brandywine church on July 24th. served on the ground. g j wj'iiwj www nCTor ****8 A. Cobb will deliver an address, I eject shells from a gun when one, and actual canning work will be L». exploded killing the boy's als-1 [^following seconded ™ds of one* ter, aged about seven. The mother, said county by contracts for a term who recently lost her husband, was of two years according to the plans in the habit of loading the gun|and specifications now on file in the Chancery Clerks office of . , , , ... , said county with the amendments to unloading H in the morning before „id plans and specifications going to work. On this occasion Native to the classification of said Miss Flossie Pyle, of Carthage, | she forget to unload the weapon, | roads passed at the June, A. D. 1912, meeting of the said board,THE REVEILLE Port Gibson Female College "The ideal school for girls* SStet^i-Prt0r?rrtthe h^JthiesTt sections of the United iak. ötftesjPort Gibson, Miss. Large, comfortable, airy V\ buiI(Iinp Beautiful campus, shaded by stately oaks and Pecan trees- Everything for the advance- BlMmÊi ment of our students physically as well as mentally. Excellent physical culture gfr course without cost. Unexcelled lit- erary courses. Art, Elocution, Music, \ etc. Thorough instruction by I petent, experienced faculty. The best of foodsmilk and butter from herd of Jersey cows. 1 WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOG * PORT GIBSON FEMALE COLLEGE PORT GIBSON, MISS. Last Friday on Glen Sade plant- . Notice is hereby given that the Dinner will be ation a negro boy,about 6 years of Board of Supervisors of Claiborne Prof. C. Lge, named Wade, attempted to County, State of Mississippi, will at 'their August A. D, 1912, meeting, To Jerry Dixon, Jessie Dixon, Beulah Dixon, Mann Dixon, Cleveland Dixon, Charley Dixon, Walter Dixon, and Della Dixon, said last named seven being children of John Dixon, deceased. Also, Ella Dixon, mother of said last named seven : t. THURSDAY, JULY 18 1912. Personal Mr. E. A. Humphreys spent last week in the delta. Miss Sophie Cameron is visiting Mrs. Annie Heath. Mr. Claude Titche of Memphis is visiting his parents. Mr. J. T. Drake is enjoying a vacation at Bay St. Louis. Miss Mamie Brown has return- ed lrom a visit to Liberty. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bernhold have returned from a trip to Mobile. Miss. Little of Jackson is visit- ing her aunt, Mrs. C. C. Little. Mrs. J. A. Redhead ot Centre ville is visiting Mrs. W.T. Shelby. Miss Nell Drake is spending, three weeks at Monteagle, Tenu* Mr. Ben Fried is spending sever- al days in Vicksburg and other places. Mrs. C. A. Taliaferro is in Ha- zlehurst with her sister, who has been ill. Maj J. W. Watson is at Hun- ters Hot Springs, Montana, for a 'few weeks. Mr. Frank Goepel has returned from Soule -Commercial College, New Orleans. Mrs Percy Chamberlain of Can nonsburg has been visiting Mrs. J, N. Brashear. Miss Enfield Wharton assistant postmaster, is spending a vacation at Union Church. Mr. R. J. Durr went to Hazle- burst Sunday to attend the funer- al of Mrs. Millsaps. Miss Dorris Levy, who has been visiting Miss Rose Titche, has re- turned to St. Louis. Mrs. R. W. Magruder and chil- dren have returned from Jackson and Crystal Springs. # Miss Addie Richardson has re. turned from a months stay at Dr. Holt's, near Russum. judge R. D. Gage of Fort Worth, Texas, is visiting his mother and daughter tor a few days. Little Miss julia Marie Jarrat, bas returned from a weeks visit to Mrs. DeLoach in Vicksburg. Messrs. G. W. Wheeless and O. A. Cason have gone to Texas, combining business with pleasure. Mrs. A. K. Brashear and child ren are preparing to move to Vicks- burg next week, where they expect to reside. Misses Dora and Mildred Win- ters, after spending a week with Mrs. T. H. Freeland, are visiting at Lorman. Miss Mattie Scott of Insmore is attending the Seashore camp meet- ing. visit friends at Pass Christian. Mr. and Mrs. H. Goepel and daughter, Miss Emma, will leave to-morrow night for Caliiornia where they will spend the summer. Mrs. W. H. Torrey and Mr. J. A. Hedrick have moved to town and are occupying the Johnson cottage near the Presbyterian church. Mrs. Jennie Watkins Cantney m. and children, after a visit of sever- al weeks to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Watkins, returned to New Orléans Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gordon have been spending the past week at their plantation, Cabinwood.The latter left yesterday tor a visit to Natchez. Mrs. O. A. Cason and son, Mr. Stephen Schillig, have gone to Michigan where they will enjoy the lake breezes of their summer home tot the remainder of the summer. Mr. Beverly Myles of New Orleans and Mr. Leibman of New York were here last week to see Mr. F. F. Myles, who has been ill for several weeks. Mrs. C. W. Grafton was here the latter part of last week en route to her home at Union Church, after a pleasant visit with relatives ÎQ Port Gibson.Fayette Chron- icle. Mens Linen Pants, Laundried and ^egligee Shirts, Wash Ties. Morris & Watson. each evening for protection and You will take notice that on re- coxn- Howard-Pyle. Saturday, the 27th of July, A.D. 1912, i the Report of'Church Dixon, Ad- ministrator of Estate of Sarah __ _ . Dixon, Deceased, reporting sale of SECOND CLASS ROADS IN real estate of said Decedent to pay itP TP a TiriP i«s HPPP I DISTRICT NO. i I debts, along with deed made to . , I Link 3, From fork of road near I purchaser at sale of said land, made We have just received the fol- Craig place to Willis Creek on July ist, 1912, in accordance lowing high grade Teas which we J near Tillman---- -----------4 miles with" decree of sale, will be pre- ^ J guarantee to give perfect satisfac- Link^, From Burlington Bridge sented to the Chancellor in Vaca- t*on: -| via Gordon Station to County tion, at Fayette, Mississippi, at the line ............ .......... ...... 7 miles coffie of Chancery Clerk in said Link 8, From Russum to inter- I town, bet ween hours 11 a. m. section of Rodney road at Mill' 71 and 4 p. ra. on said day, and the saps Place ...... ....... »........ .5 miles Chancellor wiil be asked in Vaca- Link 9, From J. M. Taylors tion to confirm said sale so made, gate on Rodney road to gate at together with deed to purchaser, Patterson Place...... ......... 4 miles and to make order for delivery of Link 10, From Westside to Bru- J said deed to purchaser, insburg. j Link 11, From Bruinsburg Road to Bridge near Rodney and I thence to Harts Landing on 11 miles I FOR SALEGood pair of mules and wagon—a bargain, jy18 Mo., and Mr. Chas. M. Howard | and the boy attempted to do so. were united in marriage Saturday evening at 7:15, Justice J. A. Hed- rick officiating, the ceremony being performed while the couple was seated in a buggy. wit: Rub-My-Tism will cure you. fi A Is Your Name in Telephone Directory? . The Telephone Directory is now conceded by many prominent business men to be one of the very best advertising mediumsproof, see how it is patronizedIt will get results for you. WHY SO VALUABLE? Mens Negligee Shirts, warrant ed tub and sun pi oof. No better shirt made at $1.00. Our special price while they last, 50c, David Bocks Department Store, (Inc.) \ CONGOU-CEYLON, GUNPOWDER, x CEYLON & INDIA, ENGLISH BREAKFAST, MIXED, as Services at the flethodist Church. Before the people ALL the time, daily. Other features. Department. Consulted thousands of times Numerial list. Call Directory COLONG At the eleven oclock service next Sunday the pastor will dis- cuss from the parable of the tares the statement "That while men The sub- Direct and immediate rësults noted, etc. Advertising rates reasonable. A .5 miles N CHURCH DIXON, Administrator of Estate of Sarah Dixon, Deceasad. D Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Co. (Inc.) Tel. 14 LIPTONS. Morris & Watson. slept the Devil works, ject of the 5:30 discourse will be Matt. 13th chapter, 44,46 versesthe hid treasure and the goodly pearl. Mississippi River- All Interested In Sunday School ILink *3. Rodney Road i u .j j at, . « J ' at Beechland to Hughes work should attend the convention piace E. A. Humphreys. 3 miles Link 14, From Russnm to inter- section of Red Lick and Port Gibson road.... The Imported Percheron Stallion FOR SALEDuroc Jersey Pigs, 4 months old, $8 each. From best M. V. Kees, Port Gibson. I am agent for the following periodicals : Saturday Evening Post| LadiesHome Journal Cosmopolitan New Orleans Picayune Memphis Commerical-Appeal Memphis Mews-Scimitar Jackson News. CAPISTAN .... 3 miles Illinois strain. jy-18 It pays to buy your Sui^from B. Fried, the Tailor. I have a nice lot ot Suits and Pants of ray own make at reasonable prices. Clean- ing, pressing and altering a spec- ialty. At Harding building. SECOND CLASS ROADS IN DISTRICT NO. 3 Fiom Hinds County line near O. F. Whites to Little Sand-6 miles I it From North end of Carlisle lane j to Summerset Fork------- 5 miles | POSTEDMy plantation against From Curtis Fork to T. P. Pick-^ 2 miles From Fork of Road near X. E. Wilkinsons Place to West end , of Island Slough bridge.... 3 miles I ma.iville, embracing 8^ acres 0 I land, 800 yards from depot, well SECOND CLASS ROADS IN fenced, bearing pecan and apple DISTRICT NO. 4 1 v FOR SALECow and Speck- led Peas, $2 per bushel. T. W. Person, Port Gibson. Will make the season on my plantation at Carlisle, Miss. The third Quarterly Conference for the Port Gibson charge was held last Monday afternoon. The | To indigent, blind, or invalid wid- Presiding Elder spoke in praise of the excellent showing made by the different boards, and the Sunday C. M. HOWARD. hunting and other trespassing. Mrs. E. R. Montgomery. TERMS: $2.50 down and $12.50 when foal, or $12.50 down for season, will be cared for; good pasture free; fed and groomed at cost. etts mare proves in Mares from distance FOR SALEMy place at Her- ows of soldies and sailors of the late Confederacy in Claiborne County: I have blanks for the application School, saying that the Port Gib- son church was setting a worthy I for pensions for $75, due you by | From Griffin Place to County example in.the entire district. The law. Those interested should at- pastor made grateful mention, in tend to this AT ONCE, as all ap- his report, that the names ot his plications must be filed by the first members were conspicuously ab- Monday in September. Pension- sent from the reports of the dissi- ers themselves are not required to | From Hermanville road via J. pations emphasized in the society | make new applications, except their names must be certified to W. M. RICHMOND, Hermanville or Carlisle, Miss. trees, good well, two story 6 room dwelling. Address G. O. Foster, Selma, Miss. fb8-6m 5 miles From Foster Place to Burtonton .2 miles From Hermanville via Herlongs to St. Elmo.. line.. jly4-6m road.... FOR SALE CHEAP.Two (2) second-hand Deering Mowing Ma- chines, in good running order. M. M. MARX. 'Our Sales for 1911 on 4 miles jei3 G. Griffins to Davenport 3 miles From colored church to J. B. KIS-KO Place Carded bats of Mixed Wool and columns of the dailies. Cotton at 25c per pound. Orders , , , McMurchys house-------- 1 mile I solicited. Any number of pcundr before that date. All important to From King Iron Bridge near determine amount pension fund | Humphreys to F. A. Ellis-2 miles From % Insmore to Ford...... ................. State Auditer, by Chancery Clerk Insect Bite Costs Leg. A Boston man lost his leg from the bite of an insect two years be- To avert such calamities wanted furnished. Mrs. R. O. Davidson, Red Lick. ByrnesY mile From Vardamans line to Foster due county. tore. from stings and bites of insects use Bucklens Arnica Salve J. A. BOLLS, Co. Treas. Increased 1,757 Per Cent over 1910 WHY? Furnished flat on Church street i mile I to rent after June ist. No children-. G. T. Walne, Miss. So. Bank. Place.... The Board reserves the right to | Apply to reject any andj all bids. See minute Book Eleven, pages 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297. 298, ,0 km tb. ».son and Jvre07i,,!y IÖI1YSH0NEMÄR to kill the poison and prevent in Cures Coldsi Prevents Pneumonia flammation, swelling and pain Heals burns, boils, ulcers, piles, eczema, cuts, bruises. Only 25 cents at all druggists. * KIS-KO il sold on a money-back guarantee* KIS-KO must produce results. KIS-KO has cured cases that were pronounced incurable by some of the best doctors in the country. KIS-KO for Rheumatism, Scrofula, Blood Poison and Chronic Blood Troubles is the best medicine in the world. f Notice. FOR RENTMy place of 107 acres is vacant. Comfortable house good barn, good orchard and good fence. Fine pasture with running water, and good land. To family with school children, rent nominal. J. A. Bolls. Notice is hereby given that the 302, 303 and 312. Board of Supervisors of Claiborne Witness my signature this the Mens, Womens, Misses, Boys[County. State of Mississippi, will 4th day of July, A. D. 1912. and Childrens Low Cut Shoes in at the regular August, 1912, meet- B. H. MOREHEAD, any leather, style and width, also ing receive sealed bids for furnish I Clerk, hose to match, at greatly reduced ing Claiborne county fo rtwo years prices. , - from August, 1912, record and David Bocks Department Store, | blanks books, tax-receipts, warrant books, pay certificates, stationery, legal forms, and all other books and blanks as are used hy the coun- ty and district officers. The said bids shall he sealed and directed to The Clerk of the Board of Super- visorsand be marked Bid for re- cord and blank book contract for County of Claiborne.The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. This July 2nd, 1912. B. H. MOREHEAD, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Claiborne CountvNState of Mis- sissippi. Ask your dealer. Booklet giving history of cures sent on request. * GERSTLE MEDICINE CO.f Chattanooga, Tenn. n * 1 Execution Sale , Wra. Cahn, j Fi. Fa. No 1717 > $428 75,inter- Mary Magruder, ) ests and costs. By virtue of the above described Execution issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court, of Claiborne County, Miss., on the 8th day of July, 1912, and to me directed, I will on the First nonday and 5th Day of August, I9*a. HAMPSHIRE HOGSI have a number of Hampshire pigs ready for sale. Those who have engaged pigs from me are asked to send for them at once. At the Fair next Before returning she will * (Inc.) vs The Simple Life Hon. Percy E. Quin Will address the voters of Clai- borne county, in the interest of his candidacy for Congress, at the fol- lowing places and dates: Russum, July 20th, 3:30 p. m. Pott Gibson, July 20th, 8:30 p. fall I will give $15 for the best pair of pigs from stock bought of me ; $10 for the next best ; $5 for the next. Buy now. has for its basis PERFECT HEALTH. The clear brain, the healthy stomach, the bodily organs exercising in harmony, are the first essentials of a Simple LifeI I B. H. SHAIFER. ■V. Viü-* A UFC OF PEACE AND SATISFACTION. MONEY TO LEND.We can negotiate loans on farm lands, at low rates and on long time. Not more than forty per cent, of value loaned, and only on first mortgage, E. S. & J. T* & H. W. M. Drake, LEVY & WELSCH CO. Funeral Directory No one can know the pure delight of simple living whose nervous system i9 kept in a state of tension by Constipa- tion, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness and other diseases due to inaction of the liver. The Simple Way to seek the Simple Life is to seek the remedy for these con- ditions, This remedy has been found in; our great productsell the following described real estate, at the front door of the Court House of said County, be- tween the hours prescribed by law, to the highest bidder for cash, to- wit : Rocky Springs, July 22nd, 10:30 a. m. Hermanville, July 22nd, 3:30 p. Pi Phone, 105 - Residence. 151 m. Notice Notice is hereby given that the Tax Assessor of Claiborne County has presented his personal assess- ment roll to the Board of Supervis- ors of said County, which was re- ceived and ordered filed and the said roll will remain open for in- spection at the Chancery Clerks office until the regular August meeting of the said Board, when it will be revised according to Section 4303 of the code of 1906. All objections to said roll must be filed by or at the August meeting as the roll will made final by that time, awd all objections to said roll will be barred after the said August meeting, 1912. Witness my signature this the 4th day of July, A. D. 1912. B. H. MOREHEAD, Clerk. ' POSTED.—Greenwood Planta- tion, against hunting, fishing and all trespassing. This means you, so please do not ask. It is no pleasure to refuse. H. W. M. DRAKE. Martin, July 23rd, 10:30 a. m. 5 or 6 doses 666 will break any case of Chills and Fever; it acts on the liver better than Calomel, and does not gripe or sicken. 25c. All of the undivided One Fifth interest of the said defendant, Mary Magruder, in and to that certain plantation known as Escamala, being parts "of Sections 8 and 10, and all of Sections 11 and 58 and 21. in Township 11, North, Range 3, East, of the County aforesaid, and containing 1200 acres more or less, which said plantation is more particularly described in deed from S. E. Archer to W. T. Magrnder, recorded in Deed Book C-Con page 620, .of the deed records of said County, to which reference is hereby made. Also all of the undivided One Fifth interest of the said , Mary Magruder in and to that certain plantation known as the Middle or Gradickplace, and being all of Sections 5, 6 and 12. and 3 acres in Section 59, all in Township 11, North, Range 3 East, of the Coun- ty aforesaid, containing 738 acres, more or less. Excepting out of the above described place 100 acres heretofore sold to Mary F. Turnipseed by deed re- corded in deed book 3-D, on page 227, of the said deed records, to which reference is hereby made for a more particular description of the part which is to be excepted from said sale. The entire interest of the said Mary Magruder having been levied 011 by me by virtue of the said Execution, said sale will be made in settlement of the said Execution, interest and costs. This 8th day of July, A. D. 1912. 3t. ST. JOSEPHS E, S. St J. T. DRHKE LiaWvjers, Liver Regulator (In Both Liquid and Powder Form.) i FOR SALE OR RENT.*My home on Church St., Port Gibson, A. K. BRASHEAR. SHOES. FORT GIBSON, : MISSISSIFFlf Piacticeiu all the Courts of Claiborne and Tef- ferson Counties, and Federal and Supreme Courts at laclcsou. Real estate for sale. COLONIAL NEW BUCK, WHITE PUMPS, PATENT and KID OXFORDS, TENNIS ISHOES, It has made life brighter and happiness and peace possible when all was dark and distressed. It reaches the centers of life and purifies them. It encourages the liver, stomach and bowels to a freer and more natural activity. It is the Simple Way to a Simple Life of Health, Peace, Contentment. Many persons attest this fact who have realized its truth by actual experience. St. Joseph's Liquid Liver Regulator is prompt in action, exceedingly palatable and pleasant to the taste. It is sold by drug- gists and dealers at SO cents a bottle. St. Josephs Liver Regulator in pow- der form is put up in tight tin boxes and re- tails at 25 cents a box. five boxes for a dollai. It may be.taken dry or made into a tea or bitters. Full directions accompany every »ottle and box. Gerstle Medicine Co. Chattanooga^ Tenn. Miss. J. N. BRASHEAR, House and Store for Rent f\ ttorney -at-LaW LADIES, MISSES Next to Reveille office. First floor store, second suitable for offices or bachelorsapartments, three good rooms and closet, with front and back gallery, modern improvements; two frame out- houses, and stable on lower end of lot. Rented whole or in part. M. LEVY. PORT GIBSON, MISS. A N DR. L. A. SMITH, Dentist, D MENS CANVAS SHOES. Morris & Watson. PORT GJBSON. MISS R. B. ANDERSON, Shingles for Sale Hand-drawn Heart Cypress Shingles.......... FOSTER & DOCHTERMAN, Hankinson. French Zephyr Gingham, very ! sheer, looks and feels like silk. Strictly 50c values. Big assort- ment of patterns, at special price, 25c yard. - , David Bocks Department Store, (Inc.) A calf belonging to Mr. C. H. Phillips was struck by lightning and killed Mouday night. Large variety of Mosquito Bars, with and without frames, at excep- tionally low prices, at a David Bock’s Department Store, (Inc.) Do not forget the meeting to be held at the Port Gibson Bank Tuesday in the interest of truck growing. An official of the rail- will be present to discuss trucking in its various branches. * HOSIERY. For Men, Women or Children, 6 pairs 60 cents; guaranteed for SIX MONTHS. Morris & Watson» Attorney -at- LaW For Particular House-Keepers Middle > ) « < M. M. SATTERFIELD, Attorney at Law, Electric Bitters Atlas E-Z Seal 99 $100 Reward 5 For information leading to the ar- rest and conviction of the party oc parties who last Friday or Satur- day killed a large steer in our pas- ture on the Craig place near town. The would-be thief cut off and skinned the head, but was fright- ened away before skinning or cut ting up the carcass. Several cattle have been stolen from us in this pasture. A reward of $50 is offered the same terms for these thieves. Tavlor & Bunting POI& GIBSON, MISS. w»n practice inthe Court» of this and adoin- ua Counties. Fruit Jars To Property Owners Succeed when everything else Calls. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme I have recently madç business connect tons with a large real estate company having representatives all over the U. S., Canada and Mexi- and can find a buyer for your Cali on or address me (The kind you see advertised) Have glass tops—sanitaryrecommended by the govern' ment Pints, 75c per dozen complete Quarts, 85c remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEYJ.IVER AMD STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold co, property, at Rocky Sp-ings, Miss., and let ne hau de y>*ui property. over a druggists counter. on S. H. BAGNELL, Sheriff. C. A. FRENCH, * Attorney for Plaintiff. July 4tb, 19124: To Property Owners Jr H. Luton, Real Estate Broker, R< cky Spriu gs, Mis M it it Never h ave borne on a journey without a bottle of Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- edy. It is almost certain to be needed and cannot be obtained I have opened a Real Estate of- I fice in the Bernh'imer Imildi»»» Wdnld like to handle jour prop*t- Am in tonoh «■*rr'«-rrçti a H. B liickey, Port Gibson, Miss* fb8-tf To the Public All dogs found running on the streets without a tag after July 15th are liable to be killed. D. L TURNER, Marshal CLAIBORNE HARDWARE CO. Teleohone 43 money to lend. C.-H. Academy has money to lend on real estate. Apply to A. K. BRASHEAR, Sec*v. ty. buyers. Room 6 jan25~tf when on board the cars or steam-1 ships. For sale by all dealers. | -i.-r-tfÄS *

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Page 1: The Port Gibson reveille (Port Gibson, Miss.) 1912-07-18 [p ]€¦ · Last Friday on Glen Sade plant- Notice is hereby given that the Dinner will be ation a negro boy,about 6 years

soi' » V w ■ «•

■ ?


One Child Killed Another. Notiee Notiee of Motion to Confirm Sale of Real Estate by Admin­


À demonstration rally and picnic _ will be held at Brandywine church

on July 24th.■ served on the ground.

g j wj'iiwj ww w nCTor ****8 A. Cobb will deliver an address, I eject shells from a gun when one,and actual canning work will be L». exploded killing the boy's als-1 [^following seconded ™ds of

“one* ‘ ter, aged about seven. The mother, said county by contracts for a termwho recently lost her husband, was of two years according to the plans in the habit of loading the gun|and specifications now on file in

the Chancery Clerk’s office of . „ , , , ... , said county with the amendments to

unloading H in the morning before „id plans and specifications going to work. On this occasion Native to the classification of said

Miss Flossie Pyle, of Carthage, | she forget to unload the weapon, | roads passed at the June, A. D.1912, meeting of the said board,—

THE REVEILLEPort Gibson Female College

"The ideal school for girls*SStet^i-Prt0r?rrtthe h^JthiesTt sections of the United

iak. ötftesjPort Gibson, Miss. Large, comfortable, airyV\ buiI(Iinp Beautiful campus, shaded by stately oaks

and Pecan trees- Everything for the advance-

BlMmÊi ment of our students physically as well asmentally. Excellent physical culture

gfr course without cost. Unexcelled lit- erary courses. Art, Elocution, Music,

\ etc. Thorough instruction by I petent, experienced faculty. The best

of foods—milk and butter from herd of Jersey cows.



Last Friday on Glen Sade plant-. Notice is hereby given that theDinner will be ation a negro boy,about 6 years of Board of Supervisors of Claiborne

Prof. C. Lge, named Wade, attempted to County, State of Mississippi, will at'their August A. D, 1912, meeting, To Jerry Dixon, Jessie Dixon,

Beulah Dixon, Mann Dixon, Cleveland Dixon, Charley Dixon, Walter Dixon, and Della Dixon, said last named seven being children of John Dixon, deceased. Also, Ella Dixon, mother of said last named seven :

t.THURSDAY, JULY 18 1912.

PersonalMr. E. A. Humphreys spent last

week in the delta.Miss Sophie Cameron is visiting

Mrs. Annie Heath.Mr. Claude Titche of Memphis

is visiting his parents.Mr. J. T. Drake is enjoying a

vacation at Bay St. Louis.Miss Mamie Brown has return­

ed lrom a visit to Liberty.Mr. and Mrs. J. Bernhold have

returned from a trip to Mobile.Miss. Little of Jackson is visit­

ing her aunt, Mrs. C. C. Little.Mrs. J. A. Redhead ot Centre

ville is visiting Mrs. W.T. Shelby.Miss Nell Drake is spending,

three weeks at Monteagle, Tenu*Mr. Ben Fried is spending sever­

al days in Vicksburg and other places.

Mrs. C. A. Taliaferro is in Ha- zlehurst with her sister, who has been ill.

Maj J. W. Watson is at Hun­ter’s Hot Springs, Montana, for a

'few weeks.Mr. Frank Goepel has returned

from Soule -Commercial College, New Orleans.

Mrs Percy Chamberlain of Can nonsburg has been visiting Mrs.J, N. Brashear.

Miss Enfield Wharton assistant postmaster, is spending a vacation at Union Church.

Mr. R. J. Durr went to Hazle- burst Sunday to attend the funer­al of Mrs. Millsaps.

Miss Dorris Levy, who has been visiting Miss Rose Titche, has re­turned to St. Louis.

Mrs. R. W. Magruder and chil­dren have returned from Jackson and Crystal Springs. #

Miss Addie Richardson has re. turned from a month’s stay at Dr. Holt's, near Russum.

judge R. D. Gage of Fort Worth, Texas, is visiting his mother and daughter tor a few days.

Little Miss julia Marie Jarrat, bas returned from a week’s visit to Mrs. DeLoach in Vicksburg.

Messrs. G. W. Wheeless and O. A. Cason have gone to Texas, combining business with pleasure.

Mrs. A. K. Brashear and child ren are preparing to move to Vicks­burg next week, where they expect to reside.

Misses Dora and Mildred Win­ters, after spending a week with Mrs. T. H. Freeland, are visiting at Lorman.

Miss Mattie Scott of Insmore is attending the Seashore camp meet­ing.visit friends at Pass Christian.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Goepel and daughter, Miss Emma, will leave to-morrow night for Caliiornia where they will spend the summer.

Mrs. W. H. Torrey and Mr. J.A. Hedrick have moved to town and are occupying the Johnson cottage near the Presbyterian church.

Mrs. Jennie Watkins Cantney m. and children, after a visit of sever­al weeks to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Watkins, returned to New Orléans Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gordon have been spending the past week at their plantation, “Cabinwood.”The latter left yesterday tor a visit to Natchez.

Mrs. O. A. Cason and son, Mr. Stephen Schillig, have gone to Michigan where they will enjoy the lake breezes of their summer home tot the remainder of the summer.

Mr. Beverly Myles of New Orleans and Mr. Leibman of New York were here last week to see Mr. F. F. Myles, who has been ill for several weeks.

Mrs. C. W. Grafton was here the latter part of last week en route to her home at Union Church, after a pleasant visit with relatives ÎQ Port Gibson.—Fayette Chron­icle.

Men’s Linen Pants, Laundried and ^egligee Shirts, Wash Ties.

Morris & Watson. each evening for protection and

You will take notice that onre- coxn-Howard-Pyle.Saturday, the 27th of July, A.D. 1912,

ithe Report of'Church Dixon, Ad­ministrator of Estate of Sarah

__ _ . Dixon, Deceased, reporting sale ofSECOND CLASS ROADS IN real estate of said Decedent to pay

it’P TP a TiriP i«s HPPP I DISTRICT NO. i I debts, along with deed made to. , I Link 3, From fork of road near I purchaser at sale of said land, made

We have just received the fol- Craig place to Willis Creek on July ist, 1912, in accordancelowing high grade Teas which we J near Tillman---- -----------4 miles with" decree of sale, will be pre-

^ J guarantee to give perfect satisfac- Link^, From Burlington Bridge sented to the Chancellor in Vaca- t*on: -| via Gordon Station to County tion, at Fayette, Mississippi, at the

line .—........... .......... ...... 7 miles coffie of Chancery Clerk in saidLink 8, From Russum to inter- I town, bet ween hours 11 a. m.

section of Rodney road at Mill' 71 and 4 p. ra. on said day, and thesaps Place ...... ....... ».........5 miles Chancellor wiil be asked in Vaca-

Link 9, From J. M. Taylor’s tion to confirm said sale so made, gate on Rodney road to gate at together with deed to purchaser,Patterson Place............... 4 miles and to make order for delivery of

Link 10, From Westside to Bru- J said deed to purchaser, insburg.

j Link 11, From Bruinsburg Road to Bridge near Rodney and

I thence to Hart’s Landing on11 miles I FOR SALE—Good pair of mules

and wagon—a bargain, jy—18

Mo., and Mr. Chas. M. Howard | and the boy attempted to do so. were united in marriage Saturday evening at 7:15, Justice J. A. Hed­rick officiating, the ceremony being performed while the couple was seated in a buggy.

wit:Rub-My-Tism will cure you.

fi A

Is Your Name in Telephone Directory?. The Telephone Directory is now conceded by many prominent

business men to be one of the very best advertising mediums— proof, see how it is patronized“ It will get results for you.


Men’s Negligee Shirts, warrant ed tub and sun pi oof. No better shirt made at $1.00. Our special price while they last, 50c,

David Bock’s Department Store, (Inc.)





Services at the flethodist Church. Before the people ALL the time, daily.Other features.Department.

Consulted thousands of times Numerial list. Call Directory

COLONG’ At the eleven o’clock service next Sunday the pastor will dis­cuss from the parable of the tares the statement "That while men

The sub-

Direct and immediate rësults noted, etc. Advertising rates reasonable.A

.5 milesN CHURCH DIXON, Administrator of Estate of Sarah

Dixon, Deceasad.D

Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Co. (Inc.)Tel. 14

LIPTON’S. Morris & Watson.slept the Devil works,

ject of the 5:30 discourse will be Matt. 13th chapter, 44,46 verses—the hid treasure and the goodly pearl.

Mississippi River-All Interested In Sunday School ILink *3. Rodney Road

i u .j j at, . « J ' at Beechland to Hugheswork should attend the convention piace E. A. Humphreys.—3 miles

Link 14, From Russnm to inter­section of Red Lick and Port Gibson road....

The Imported Percheron StallionFOR SALE—Duroc Jersey Pigs, 4 months old, $8 each. From best

M. V. Kees, Port Gibson.

I am agent for the following periodicals :

Saturday Evening Post|Ladies’ Home Journal Cosmopolitan New Orleans Picayune Memphis Commerical-Appeal Memphis Mews-Scimitar Jackson News.

CAPISTAN.... 3 miles Illinois strain.jy-18

It pays to buy your Sui^from B. Fried, the Tailor. I have a nice lot ot Suits and Pants of ray own make at reasonable prices. Clean­ing, pressing and altering a spec­ialty. At Harding building.


Fiom Hinds County line near O.F. White’s to Little Sand-6 miles I it

From North end of Carlisle lane j ™to Summerset Fork-------5 miles | POSTED—My plantation against

From Curtis Fork to T. P. Pick-^2 miles

From Fork of Road near X. E.Wilkinson’s Place to West end , of Island Slough bridge.... 3 miles I ma.iville, embracing 8^ acres 0

I land, 800 yards from depot, well SECOND CLASS ROADS IN fenced, bearing pecan and apple


FOR SALE—Cow and Speck­led Peas, $2 per bushel.

T. W. Person, Port Gibson.Will make the season on my plantation at

Carlisle, Miss.The third Quarterly Conference for the Port Gibson charge washeld last Monday afternoon. The | To indigent, blind, or invalid wid- Presiding Elder spoke in praise of the excellent showing made by the different boards, and the Sunday

C. M. HOWARD. hunting and other trespassing. Mrs. E. R. Montgomery. TERMS: $2.50 down and $12.50 when

foal, or $12.50 down for season, will be cared for; good pasture free; fed and groomed at cost.

ett’s mare proves in Mares from distanceFOR SALE—My place at Her-ows of soldies and sailors of the

late Confederacy in Claiborne County:I have blanks for the applicationSchool, saying that the Port Gib­

son church was setting a worthy I for pensions for $75, due you by | From Griffin Place to County example in.the entire district. The law. Those interested should at- pastor made grateful mention, in tend to this AT ONCE, as all ap­his report, that the names ot his plications must be filed by the first members were conspicuously ab- Monday in September. Pension-sent from the reports of the dissi- ers themselves are not required to | From Hermanville road via J. pations emphasized in the society | make new applications, except

their names must be certified to

W. M. RICHMOND, Hermanville or Carlisle, Miss.

trees, good well, two story 6 room dwelling. Address

G. O. Foster, Selma, Miss.fb8-6m

— 5 miles From Foster Place to Burtonton

.— 2 miles From Hermanville via Herlong’s

to St. Elmo..


road.... FOR SALE CHEAP.—Two (2) second-hand Deering Mowing Ma­chines, in good running order.

M. M. MARX.'Our Sales for 1911 on4 miles

jei3G. Griffin’s to Davenport3 miles

From colored church to J. B. KIS-KOPlace Carded bats of Mixed Wool andcolumns of the dailies.Cotton at 25c per pound. Orders

„ , , , McMurchy’s house--------1 mile I solicited. Any number of pcundrbefore that date. All important to From King Iron Bridge near determine amount pension fund | Humphreys to F. A. Ellis-2 miles

From % Insmore to Ford.......................

State Auditer, by Chancery ClerkInsect Bite Costs Leg.

A Boston man lost his leg from the bite of an insect two years be-

To avert such calamities

wanted furnished.Mrs. R. O. Davidson,

Red Lick.Byrnes’ — Y mile

From Vardaman’s line to Foster

due county.tore.from stings and bites of insects use Bucklen’s Arnica Salve

J. A. BOLLS, Co. Treas. Increased 1,757 Per Cent over 1910WHY?

Furnished flat on Church street i mile I to rent after June ist. No children-.

G. T. Walne, Miss. So. Bank.

Place....The Board reserves the right to | Apply to

reject any andj all bids.See minute Book Eleven, pages

292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297. 298,

,0 km tb. ».son and Jvre07i,,!y IÖI1YSH0NEMÄRto kill the poison and prevent in Cures Coldsi Prevents Pneumonia flammation, swelling and pain Heals burns, boils, ulcers, piles, eczema, cuts, bruises. Only 25 cents at all druggists.


KIS-KO il sold on a money-back guarantee*KIS-KO must produce results.KIS-KO has cured cases that were pronounced incurable by

some of the best doctors in the country.KIS-KO for Rheumatism, Scrofula, Blood Poison and Chronic

Blood Troubles is the best medicine in the world.

fNotice. FOR RENT—My place of 107 acres is vacant. Comfortable house good barn, good orchard and good fence. Fine pasture with running water, and good land. To family with school children, rent nominal.

J. A. Bolls.

Notice is hereby given that the 302, 303 and 312.Board of Supervisors of Claiborne Witness my signature this the

Men’s, Women’s, Misses’, Boys’ [County. State of Mississippi, will 4th day of July, A. D. 1912. and Children’s Low Cut Shoes in at the regular August, 1912, meet- B. H. MOREHEAD,any leather, style and width, also ing receive sealed bids for furnish I Clerk,hose to match, at greatly reduced ing Claiborne county fo rtwo years prices. • , - from August, 1912, record and

David Bock’s Department Store, | blanks books, tax-receipts, warrantbooks, pay certificates, stationery, legal forms, and all other books and blanks as are used hy the coun­ty and district officers. The said bids shall he sealed and directed to

The Clerk of the Board of Super­visors” and be marked “Bid for re­cord and blank book contract for County of Claiborne.” The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. This July 2nd, 1912.

B. H. MOREHEAD,Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of

Claiborne CountvNState of Mis­sissippi.

Ask your dealer. Booklet giving history of cures sent on request.* GERSTLE MEDICINE CO.f Chattanooga, Tenn. n *1Execution Sale

, Wra. Cahn, j Fi. Fa. No 1717 > $428 75,inter-

Mary Magruder, ) ests and costs.By virtue of the above described

Execution issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court, of Claiborne County, Miss., on the 8th day of July, 1912, and to me directed, I will on theFirst nonday and 5th Day of August,


HAMPSHIRE HOGS—I have a number of Hampshire pigs ready for sale. Those who have engaged pigs from me are asked to send for them at once. At the Fair next

Before returning she will *(Inc.) vs

The Simple LifeHon. Percy E. QuinWill address the voters of Clai­borne county, in the interest of his candidacy for Congress, at the fol­lowing places and dates:

Russum, July 20th, 3:30 p. m. Pott Gibson, July 20th, 8:30 p.

fall I will give $15 for the best pair of pigs from stock bought of me ; $10 for the next best ; $5 for the next. Buy now.

has for its basis PERFECT HEALTH. The clear brain, the healthy stomach, the bodily organs exercising in harmony, are the first essentials of a Simple Life—



MONEY TO LEND.—We can negotiate loans on farm lands, at low rates and on long time. Not more than forty per cent, of value loaned, and only on first mortgage, E. S. & J. T* & H. W. M. Drake,


Funeral DirectoryNo one can know the pure delight of

simple living whose nervous system i9 kept in a state of tension by Constipa­tion, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness and other diseases due to inaction of the liver.

The Simple Way to seek the Simple Life is to seek the remedy for these con­ditions, This remedy has been found in; our great product—

sell the following described real estate, at the front door of the Court House of said County, be­tween the hours prescribed by law, to the highest bidder for cash, to- wit :

Rocky Springs, July 22nd, 10:30 a. m.

Hermanville, July 22nd, 3:30 p.Pi

Phone, 105 - Residence. 151

m. NoticeNotice is hereby given that the

Tax Assessor of Claiborne County has presented his personal assess­ment roll to the Board of Supervis­ors of said County, which was re­ceived and ordered filed and the said roll will remain open for in­spection at the Chancery Clerk’s office until the regular August meeting of the said Board, when it will be revised according to Section 4303 of the code of 1906.

All objections to said roll must be filed by or at the August meeting as the roll will bé made final by that time, awd all objections to said roll will be barred after the said August meeting, 1912.

Witness my signature this the 4th day of July, A. D. 1912.

B. H. MOREHEAD,Clerk. '

POSTED.—Greenwood Planta­tion, against hunting, fishing and all trespassing. This means you, so please do not ask. It is no pleasure to refuse.


Martin, July 23rd, 10:30 a. m.

5 or 6 doses 666 will break any case of Chills and Fever; it acts on the liver better than Calomel, and does not gripe or sicken. 25c.

All of the undivided One Fifth interest of the said defendant, Mary Magruder, in and to that certain plantation known as Escamala, being parts "of Sections 8 and 10, and all of Sections 11 and 58 and 21. in Township 11, North, Range 3, East, of the County aforesaid, and containing 1200 acres more or less, which said plantation is more particularly described in deed from S. E. Archer to W. T. Magrnder, recorded in Deed Book “C-C” on page 620, .of the deed records of said County, to which reference is hereby made.

Also all of the undivided One Fifth interest of the said , Mary Magruder in and to that certain plantation known as the “Middle or Gradick” place, and being all of Sections 5, 6 and 12. and 3 acres in Section 59, all in Township 11, North, Range 3 East, of the Coun­ty aforesaid, containing 738 acres, more or less. Excepting out of the above described place 100 acres heretofore sold to Mary F. Turnipseed by deed re­corded in deed book 3-D, on page 227, of the said deed records, to which reference is hereby made for a more particular description of the part which is to be excepted from said sale. The entire interest of the said Mary Magruder having been levied 011 by me by virtue of the said Execution, said sale will be made in settlement of the said Execution, interest and costs.This 8th day of July, A. D. 1912.



LiaWvjers, Liver Regulator(In Both Liquid and Powder Form.)


FOR SALE OR RENT.—*My home on Church St., Port Gibson,



Piacticeiu all the Courts of Claiborne and Tef- ferson Counties, and Federal and Supreme Courts at laclcsou. Real estate for sale.



It has made life brighter and happiness and peace possible when all was dark and distressed. It reaches the centers of life and purifies them. It encourages the liver, stomach and bowels to a freer and more natural activity.

It is the Simple Way to a Simple Life of Health, Peace, Contentment.

Many persons attest this fact who have realized its truth by actual experience.

St. Joseph's Liquid Liver Regulatoris prompt in action, exceedingly palatable and pleasant to the taste. It is sold by drug­gists and dealers at SO cents a bottle.

St. Joseph’s Liver Regulator in pow­der form is put up in tight tin boxes and re­tails at 25 cents a box. five boxes for a dollai. It may be.taken dry or made into a tea or bitters. Full directions accompany every »ottle and box.

Gerstle Medicine Co.Chattanooga^ Tenn.


J. N. BRASHEAR,House and Store for Rent f\ ttorney -at-LaWLADIES,MISSES

Next to Reveille office. First floor store, second suitable for offices or bachelors’ apartments, three good rooms and closet, with front and back gallery, modern improvements; two frame out­houses, and stable on lower end of lot. Rented whole or in part.






Morris & Watson.


R. B. ANDERSON,Shingles for SaleHand-drawn Heart Cypress

Shingles..........FOSTER & DOCHTERMAN,


French Zephyr Gingham, very ! sheer, looks and feels like silk. Strictly 50c values. Big assort­ment of patterns, at special price, 25c yard. - ,

David Bock’s Department Store, (Inc.)

A calf belonging to Mr. C. H. Phillips was struck by lightning and killed Mouday night.

Large variety of Mosquito Bars, with and without frames, at excep­tionally low prices, at

a David Bock’s Department Store, (Inc.)

Do not forget the meeting to be held at the Port Gibson Bank Tuesday in the interest of truck growing. An official of the rail- will be present to discuss trucking in its various branches. *

HOSIERY.For Men, Women or Children, 6

pairs 60 cents; guaranteed for SIX MONTHS. Morris & Watson»

Attorney -at- LaWFor Particular House-Keepers Middle > )« <


Attorney at Law, ElectricBitters

Atlas E-Z Seal 99iê $100 Reward 5For information leading to the ar­rest and conviction of the party oc parties who last Friday or Satur­day killed a large steer in our pas­ture on the Craig place near town. The would-be thief cut off and skinned the head, but was fright­ened away before skinning or cut ting up the carcass. Several cattle have been stolen from us in this pasture. A reward of $50 is offered

the same terms for these thieves. Tavlor & Bunting

POI& GIBSON, MISS.w»n practice inthe Court» of this and ad‘oin-

ua Counties.Fruit JarsTo Property Owners

Succeed when everything else Calls. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme

I have recently madç business connect tons with a large real estate company having representatives all over the U. S., Canada and Mexi-

and can find a buyer for your Cali on or address me

(The kind you see advertised)

Have glass tops—sanitary—recommended by the govern'ment

Pints, 75c per dozen complete Quarts, 85c

remedy, as thousands have testified.FOR KIDNEYJ.IVER AMD

STOMACH TROUBLEit is the best medicine ever soldco,

property, at Rocky Sp-ings, Miss., and let ne hau de y>*ui property.

over a druggist’s counter.onS. H. BAGNELL, Sheriff.

C. A. FRENCH,* Attorney for Plaintiff.

July 4tb, 1912—4: To Property OwnersJr H. Luton,Real Estate Broker,

R< cky Spriu gs, MisMit it Never h ave borne on a journey

without a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­edy. It is almost certain to be needed and cannot be obtained

I have opened a Real Estate of- I fice in the Bernh'imer Imildi»»» Wdnld like to handle jour prop*t-

Am in tonoh «■*rr'«-rrçti aH. B liickey,Port Gibson, Miss*

fb8-tfTo the Public

All dogs found running on the streets without a tag after July 15th are liable to be killed.

D. L TURNER, Marshal


money to lend. C.-H.Academy has money to lend on real estate. Apply to

A. K. BRASHEAR, Sec*v.

ty.buyers. Room 6 jan25~tf

when on board the cars or steam-1 ships. For sale by all dealers. |

