the poliedro

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation Felix Vong Zhi Wei| 0318462| Ms Deeliya Zain| FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University 1 Better Livable Town POLIEDRO Felix Vong Zhi Wei | 0318462 FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University

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Page 1: The POLIEDRO

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Felix Vong Zhi Wei| 0318462| Ms Deeliya Zain| FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


Better Livable Town


Felix Vong Zhi Wei | 0318462

FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University

Page 2: The POLIEDRO

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Felix Vong Zhi Wei| 0318462| Ms Deeliya Zain| FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University



• Introduction-----------------------------------------------3

• A Town-----------------------------------------------------4-5

• Investigation & Data Collection: Ancient town-----------6-7

• Investigation & Data Collection: The present towns-------8-9

• Investigation & Data Collection: The future township-----10-12

• The Poliedro-----------------------------------------------13-15

• The Conclusion------------------------------------------- 16

• References list--------------------------------------------17

Page 3: The POLIEDRO

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Felix Vong Zhi Wei| 0318462| Ms Deeliya Zain| FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


Introduction For our final ENBE assignment, we are required to understand a town, and also to explore what’s a town. Secondly, we are instructed to propose a new town plan, which may sustainable living environment for the future. For the task, we are required to plan a town with the facilities that may create a good long-last sustainable town for our future.

Page 4: The POLIEDRO

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Felix Vong Zhi Wei| 0318462| Ms Deeliya Zain| FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


The Town Definition: -A built-up area with a name, defined boundaries, and local government, that is larger than a village and generally smaller than a city.

History: (The medieval town) [a town with river] -The Medieval Town began to be built on both sides of the Thiou protected by the fortifications, which would become the castle. This was the beginning of “New Annecy” which is mentioned in a text of 1107. The growing township was given an unexpected boost when it became the residence of the count of Ganeva. When he was chased out of his capital after disputes with the Bishops.

Characteristic: -A town is a community consisting of people, businesses, and schools. It is a small society, sometimes referring to a small city. A town cold range in mileage, whether a large area or small.

Page 5: The POLIEDRO

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Felix Vong Zhi Wei| 0318462| Ms Deeliya Zain| FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


To make a better town: -Accessible (with roads & rail) -Safe (police, fire) -Educational (schools, colleges, institutions) -Health (hospitals, clinic) -Utilities (reliable power, water, waste providers) -Land for building development (residential, commercial, industrial) - Stable governance (civic structures, from the town hall to a library)

Future Town: -A future town is a town, which improved from the pass and long last sustainable for the future. Which, the town is created with the good and less from bad. The importance is to create a healthy, green, convenient, accessible, safety, educational town in the future.

Sustainable Town: -Optimize Site Potential -Optimize Energy Use -Optimize Building Space and Material Use -Optimize Operational and Maintenance Practices -Protect and Conserve water -Enhance Indoors Environmental Quality

Page 6: The POLIEDRO

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Felix Vong Zhi Wei| 0318462| Ms Deeliya Zain| FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


Investigation & Data Collection: Ancient Towns The ‘Greek Grid-Plan’

Ancient Town Planning (Theory and practice) In the Greek world the idea of planning a town is an exclusively Greek phenomenon, attributable only to Hellenistic planners. ‘Grid-plans’ were neither exclusive to the Greek world, nor the universal.

The grid-plan of the Urartian town of Zernaki Tepe

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Felix Vong Zhi Wei| 0318462| Ms Deeliya Zain| FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


The checkerboard plan of the city of Miletus (Hippodamia)

As we can see that The Greek is all using the Square Grid to planning their cities and township. In this we can also see how the greek save and plan for their limited spacing for construction. In this research I have learnt the benefit and the uses of square grid. At last I will apply this grid to my Town (Poliedro).

Page 8: The POLIEDRO

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Felix Vong Zhi Wei| 0318462| Ms Deeliya Zain| FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


Investigation & Data Collection: Varese Ligure, Italy

Varese Ligure is also known as a small town with high renewables. It located in the region of Liguria in Italy in the province of La Spezia. The town is located close to the cities of Genoa and La Spezia. The land around the town is also known for its fertile land and the town is also well known in the entire region for its organic farming.

Page 9: The POLIEDRO

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Felix Vong Zhi Wei| 0318462| Ms Deeliya Zain| FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


Elements that learnt and apply from Varese Ligure, Italy:


- 4 wind turbines produce 8 gig watt - hours of electricity per year. Generate 3 times more electricity than the town uses.


- With Solar Photovoltaic panels produce 98% use 62%


- Educate children with: agriculture

2.renewable energy


In this research, I have learnt how does Varese Ligure works. It generates a lot of renewable energy. From the above 3 examples which I listed, I will only apply the Solar energy and Education. Why don’t I choose Wind Energy too? In my research wind turbines will kill animal that are flying, such as birds. As a conclusion, as a mayor I will supply solar panel and the best education for my citizen and residents.

Page 10: The POLIEDRO

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Felix Vong Zhi Wei| 0318462| Ms Deeliya Zain| FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


Investigation & Data Collection: Copenhagen, Denmark Copenhagen is one of the world’s leading cities for driving innovation green growth. The City is determining to drive economic development at the same time as it enhances the environment and quality of life for its residents.

Page 11: The POLIEDRO

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Felix Vong Zhi Wei| 0318462| Ms Deeliya Zain| FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


From my point of view, Copenhagen which known as capital of Denmark, it categorize as a future one of future city. Due to the population of 1.2 million of people within a total land area of 77.20km2, the most concern is how their people travel day to day, it is by cycling, the people in the city have used to it for cycling.

Back in the 20th century, cycling has known as their main priority transportation. In the 1892, where the first bicycle path was established, then in that time it is only 2,500 bicycles was going around the city. But, the numbers grow quickly as 80,000 cyclists were been found within the 17 years. Their tradition of using bicycle as sticks till nowadays, approximately 450,000 people were still using bicycle, as they consider as their main transportation daily.

Copenhagen city is well known as the most bicycle-friendly in the world. The city has the services that provide free public bicycle to the public. There are well-designed systems for the cycle tracks as well. In daily, estimated 36% of the citizens if the city was cycle to work, school and university. And it is covering 1.2 million kilometers daily.

For the world’s first carbon neutral capital by 2025 is a Copenhagen goal. It is adventurous goal and criteria of a great future city. So for my town plan proposal, main transportation will be concern of bicycle instead of the others, as it is healthier and environment friendly, and it is a cheaper alternative of transportation.

Page 12: The POLIEDRO

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Felix Vong Zhi Wei| 0318462| Ms Deeliya Zain| FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


Elements that learnt and apply from Copenhagen, Denmark:

-Increased mobility through integrated transport and cycling solutions.

-Waste management (reduces impacts on the environment, including climate, through sustainable management of waste and ensure citizens of the city satisfied with waste management services.

Page 13: The POLIEDRO

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Felix Vong Zhi Wei| 0318462| Ms Deeliya Zain| FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


Poliedro Town

Poliedro is a new town, which located in Malaysia in the year 2014. It is a town where they is a river flowing right through the town. The town is using square grid. The main electric supply is generating by solar energy. Poliedro is very strong in education where it educates children with organic agriculture, renewable energy and sustainability.

Area: 20km Population: 90,000 Grid System: Square Grid

Page 14: The POLIEDRO

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Felix Vong Zhi Wei| 0318462| Ms Deeliya Zain| FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


Aim of the Town: Create a long last susitainable environment and high quality lifestyle for the residents.

Things that provided by Poliedro: • International standard of Education • World class Luxury Residence • Free set up & Tax-Free Solar Panels • Purifying river water system

Page 15: The POLIEDRO

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Felix Vong Zhi Wei| 0318462| Ms Deeliya Zain| FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


Waste Management: - Reduce impacts on the environment, including climate,

through sustainable management of the city satisfied with waste management services.

Transportation: (minimize the pollution to the environment so that the citizen able to live healthier.)

Transportation: • Cycling • Rapid Transit • River boating

Sustainable approaches of Poliedro: • Encourage of using boat, walking, cycling, and rapid transit

system. • Educate residents with the knowledge of suitainable method. • Optimize operational & Maintenance Practices: Reduce

waste, Reduce Fossil Fuel, 3R (recycle, reuse, reduce).

Conclusion: Stop hesitating and start planning! Moving into Poliedro will be like living in your most wondrous dream! Not to mention, it is currently leading the world to being a better place and building a cleaner environment for the future!

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Felix Vong Zhi Wei| 0318462| Ms Deeliya Zain| FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University



After pass thru several research and investigation, I can ensure that it is very challenging to be a town planner but as conclusion, it is definitely gain a lot of experience throughout the progress that been thru. In the progress of researching regarding the cities above, I knew that as a good town planner, we have to prior people as the first priority. It’s crucially to notify the people needs and what they need in the future. Other than that, green environment is also a main factor when planning a city. Nowadays, our earth is getting a major problem in pollution. Cities all around the world now are going thru the project of reducing the carbon footprint with some alternative way, which are renewable energy solutions. Future city is a sustainable city and if it successfully achieve, then we can consider we have already going towards the future life. So in this town plan proposal, I’ve found that environment friendly is much more important for a future city.

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation

Felix Vong Zhi Wei| 0318462| Ms Deeliya Zain| FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University


Reference Links •

5859192_Cyclist_352377c.jpg •


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row_today_varese_ligure • • • •!future-towns/c19bv • • •

ainability/sustainable_living_rev1.shtml •

cities-could-learn-from/ •