the plnnsylva - penn libraries plnnsylva.nian volume price,xxv.-no. 185 philadelphia. wednesday, may...

THE PLNNSYLVA.NIAN VOLUME XXV.-NO. 185 PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 25 1910 PRICE, Three CENTS Sophomore Cremation Xo-night at 8 O'clock EPISCOPAL ACADEMY WINNER Interacademic Championship Contetti Result in Close Competition. Penn Charter Wins Second. CHOSEN ONES WILL BURN Episcopal Academj yeatordaj won the twenty-fourth interaeademic Bold and track championship games on Franklin Field, with Pann Chartar a close second The Bnal acors was: Episcopal, I8 1 *; Penn Charter, 16 H; Del<ancey, iT'j Germantown, 7; Friends' Central, 14 .\, ords were broken or seriously endangered, bin the keen competition hetwi 111 the two leaders addi d a Decessar; esl to the meet Victory wa> not assured for Episcopal until the last I'M n! bad been decided Shu maker, "f Penn Charti r, the brother ol Emanuel Shoemaker, pn dent ol the Sophomore Claaa, was the itar "i tl e names, «Inning four ii. si plai es Thi summai 100-Yard Dash Won bj Marshall, Penn Charti i i nd, l.lpplncott. Epis< opal: third, Tucki r, DeLam i > . fourth Ingersoll, Penn Charter Tun.-. 10 _• ". . >onds 120 Yard Hurdle w on b) si maker, Penn Charter; second Huff, Episcopal thli d, Turni i, Bplsi opal fourth, Showell, DeLancey. Time, IT 3-:.. Half-mile Run Won bj Dannen- bowei. I' 1 mi Chart" r second, Mur- dock, Episcopal; third, Balade, Epis- copal; fourth, Hughes, Episcopal. Time, - 08 140 Yard Run Won b) Tucker, De Lancej second, Norbom, German- 'cademj Ihlrd, Jordan, Bp pal Fourth, Frlti, Episcopal. Time, 54 Bat. Broad lump w ••»! bj V'iana, Epis- copal second, Mills Frli nds' Central Murphy, DeLancey; fourth, Tur- Episcopal Distance, 19 f' I -"•_ niches Pole Vault Won bj Shoemaker, Penn Charter, height, 9 feel 7 Inches; econd Johnatone, Penn Charter, height 9 feet l Inch; third, Murphy, p, ,.,,,, , hi Ight, B feel 7 Inches sum Put Won b) SII.M in it. r. Penn Chartar, distance, 18 fe< I I Inches second, Harris, Episcopal, distance, 36 feel ii'= Inchea; third, Paine, Oat mantown distance, SB feet 54 ln< h( fourth, Cralg, Qermantown, M faat I Inches One-mile Run Won by Van Pelt, Episcopal; second, Cooper, Bplacopal; third. Colllna. Pann Chartar; fourth, Balade, Bplacopal Time. 1.531-6. 220-Yard Hurdle Won by Frasler, Bplacopal; second, Doyto. Penn char ter; third, Ingwrsoll, Pann Chartar: fourth, ihowell, DaLanoay. Time, 28 Mich Jump Won W Bhoamaker, Penn Charter, height, 6 feet »* Inchea; saoond, Turner. Bplacopal, height, E feel t% Inches: third, 8- Fix DeLaneay, height, I faal 1*4 in- chat; fourth, Hooe, Frlenda" Central. heiKht. 5 faal i Indhaai 220-Yard Dash—won by Lippln- cott Bplaoopalj saoond, Marshall. Pann Chartar; third. Tucker, DeLan- eay; fourth. Williams. C.eiinnnmwn Time, 123-6. Fresh. Cricketers Defeat Haverford. Pennsylvania's Freehmen orlokal team defeated the iinvorfnni college Freahmen yaatorday by B wickets and 27 runs at Haverford. The final BOOM was BS-il, the Ran" Mid nine young- sters letting B8 runs for I wleketa. while Haverford got Bl runs f". all out Hart gol lop score tor the FFresh- men, with runs, while Kenney howled eztromal] iraU, getting «> wickets for is runs. Crossmau ex- celled In both departments ol the Ban* 6 for Haverford. Ushers for Intercollegiates. t-shers wanted for ratarcollerfatea, Friday and Saturday, May 27-.K. Si ,i mimes on Loth lists at A A. office 1 , fore Thursday evening. I.. Sophomores Hold Annual Cremation To-night on Franklin Field—Box- ing and Wrestling Bouts. Senior singing to-night at 7 o'clock. Second year men will celebrate the last rites of their underclass days on Franklin Field iiiis evening on the oc- caaion of the annual Sophomore Cre- mation. Beginning with the time-honored nlghtahlrl p-rade and ending with the n ore solemn and Impressive ceremony of cremation, the evening will offer ample opportunity for the waning Sophomore to display, publicly, for the lasi time, his overflowing animal spirits before entering nun the soberer realms of upper class life. And so to-night, when the clink strikes twelve and nothing remains ol the night's ' '• elrj save the glow Ing of «hat inn represented the lemned professors and their hated honks, each member of the <i.i>s ,.r '•ii j will have passi d Into the upper strata of inlvi rslty lifi. The p-rade will form promptlj at 7 o'clock within the sacred precincts of ill.- Ti langle and, head" il bj tl N' r- nl i I. "ill pass through the towi r .iinl '!"" n to Franklin Field, \,, i.. othi i than Sophomoi i I «ill be allowed «Ithln the ranks and eai h must wear s Cremation tag and a nighi -lint HI soini'blng ol ihe sort Once mi the field, a \ irled and in- program « H b" i at rled out, in whli It boxing and « stling will . ' ire Hall and Boyd are scheduli M i,, start things up with s bout on the mat After tins Hutchlnson and Q, orgi Dei ker "ill go three rot which should prove Interesting. In ..,.,, will bi .i -i"' lalt> act, the nature and author of «hli Ii being kept i :- i ret for obvious reasons \ totbi ' * resiling i I followed bj moving pli tu and still another ,„ laity, will bring the program up to ii,, serious business ol tbi evi nlng While the eager students plb : h the fagots about the oil-soaked b ,,r their victims, the orators of Hi" evi nlng will dwell al l< ngth upon the various trices and what virtues they m.i\ pi utess, \ in i Profi ssor Horace Pugh KIN, ,it the Bnglneerlt Di < Iment, will receive Bnal mention from David H | { ,, ,|, r and Fred H Koachwlti has prepared i touching obituary upon Claude St lirr.- McGlnnls its . In- structor in Physics Laatly, Profeaaot Solomon Hueimor. M s . rh n. \- launl Profi isor of commerce in the Wharton Bchool, will be Intrusted t.. Allan ii Pryor, aftar which the sacred oeremonles will procoad, CHESS CLUB ELECTIONS. N. T. Whitaker Chosen President. Team Will Go Abroad This Summer. At a II ting "f tha Cheas Club, held raatardaj in Honaton H*il the follow- ing oncers ware alert M for the an- suing year; Preald ' T whita- ker- Vlce-Prealdent, G J. Weimar: Chess Secretary, C A. Benjamin; Re- cording Becretary, J 8 rmeyer; Treasurer, V, Baraky; Checker Secre- tary, w. M. Crows A team will be sent this Bummer to Europe to plaj matchea with »"»ter- ,!.,,„ and Heidell.nrB Cniversilles. W II Hughes, N. T, whitaker ami an o.her man no! yel chosen will be mkeii. iii 1908 a team waa Rent abroad which was very successful. li »i,s also announced at the meet- ing that suiuble rooma will probably ,„. procured for the Ctab next year where .he members will he able to practice wltl I dlaturbeaiee from pool players. Junior Collectors. Important meeting of all 1911 Col- ,,.,.,ors to-ilav at 1 o'clock, In Room 105, The following will please report. Rrawnlna Wolbart, chase, s. wu- [^r'.'iavilock Minder. SHles. Coates. Jackson, Mlrkel, Young, Skinner. VARSITY MEETS BROWN Red and Blue Playys Fast Providence Nine, Who Have Creditable Record—Watts to Pitch. The Brown I'nlversltj baseball team cornea to Franklin Field to-da) with a record of ten victories oul of fifteen games played, which means thai the Red and Itlue will face worthy oppon- ents. The Providence nine has prac- tically ihe same line-up thai made such a good record last season, and is one of the best-hitting combinations ever turned oul from the Rhode Island I'nl- veralty. Wans will probnbl) do the pitching for the home players, with a possible shake-up all around as a result of the ii slump in both ih MiiiB and Btlck work shown In the Cornell game h was apparent that Shalt/. was not back to his pn > Ii us form in that con- test, .nnl s,, he »i'l I"- given a com- plete rest until the Princeton garni in \i Satin da) Brown's record Includes victories over SI ne College and I afaj yette, both of which teams havi p oven for- mldabb opponents for Ihe larger col- leges Pi iii< •'!<HI hat defi at" d Brow n i, . this ISOI i ; "-' I; playel contests The scon ol ill other mi, II |>|a: i d to date follow: Brown. V Bowdoln Brown, i I; Rhod«' Island State, B. Brown, i. Trlnltj. 7 Brown, n imhi rst " Aggies," 0. Brow n, 7. I 1 ' nnsj h anln State. 5. Brown, "'•. Vermont, 7 Brown, ft; Princeton, 5 Brown, t 1 afayette, :'.. Brown, I. Prlnci ton, "• Brown, 7. Phillips Exeti r, 0. Brown, S; Citshlng, I. Brown, i Tufts, n, Brow a. I. Columbia, 2 Brown, I West Point, ^ Brown, '. Colgate, n Following is the visitors probable line up; \ | , n nhorl Hop Regnler, third i,;,.,. Dili -. first basi Staff lefl field; SIM II. right in Id; Clart s< cond base; Taylor, center Held: Hennessy, catcher; Warner or Bliss, plti I" r COBURN PLAYERS TONIGHT. MANY RUMORS ARE AFLOAT Knowing Ones Predict Many Surprises and Startling Performances in Coming Intercollegiates. Open Air Players Will Present "As You Like It" in Botanical Gardens Tin- Coburn Players will open their three days' engagement of open air performances In the Botanical Oar dens to-night, under the auspices of the Phllomathean Society, amidst al- must ideal settings They will be surrounded by back- ground of trees ami shrubbery, The turf will serve as a stage, while their Illumination will be derived from countless electric lights which will sparkle In the near-bj troea As Ton Like If has been chosen as the first offering, and a mote fortu- nate selection COUld noi have ticcn made, as none of Shakespeare's plays are nnne adapted to oul of-door per- formuoea. Ind 1. the true spirit ami alluring charm of the Forest of Arden can never be adequately pre- sented In ii theatre. It is only with a surrounding of nature's own making thai the very essence or this comedy i an be obtained. Mr Coburn baa aurrounded himself with an excallenl cast. Including \n guatan Duncan, Roydon Brlynne, J. J. Kennedy, Charles Fleming, Alice Wil- son and Mrs. Coburn The perforni- ;,„,,. begins al 8 o'clock and will be succeeded on the following evening by Percy MacKaye'a "Th'- Canterbury PUgrima." Class Day Meeting. There will he an Important meeting of the Class Day Committee at 1 o'clock to-day In The Pennsylvanlan office. All members of Cnlv.rslty Band re- port at 7ir. P. M. al triangle to play for Soph Cremation. Rumors concerning the prospects of the favorite athletes entered In next Saturday's Carnival are circulating thick aid last with the approach of the big meet. Foster, of Harvard, is said to have rounded Into his old-time form, and Donovan is of the opinion he will capture both of the sprints mi Saturda) Bhould Foster really ho hack In shape and slum the form i-red I ted to liim by ins i ralner, It would causi one ol the biggest upaela in years. Bnl athletic xports Bj un n though the Crimson sprinter competes, he will be unable to Btand the gruelling IWO-days" meet, and that. R m Bdell v»lll easily In at him 0 ll OO Becond adj Anoth< r rumi i a as to the t Ret t thai Hough will be able to compete. rhli - true, as it was I'HIIIIII thai thn . ,i pulled tendon was onlj an ni ired sposmnllc nerve Howi vet j Mnrph) is not si all sure that . ,, .. II , flyer will be iidi- 1.1 Bland even th< rust heat. Hough I i„ .a mi the track this week. and he «iii m" try ins leg until he ._., .^ | n to bis heal on Fi Ida) it Ins ild stand the running, Pi ! may gel an extra polnl or two. uh «as in excellent Bhape u ,., , ago and has taki n the i" -' or . ol hlmsell since. The re wen s number ther circulating Bboul Franklin Field y, sterday, many graduates of .,||,.. i eing present to sew , ademic Championships ami all) to dope urn the coming mshipt According to one V w York man. Rldpath, of Syracuse. has di t c 19 si, ends flat In a trial heat , | h( quartet Another Individual. . ., from Harvard, said that hei messed the New England Inti reol- ,,„i that Coldbath would bear Wi . hlng Hi said that he would nor. ., . ,,,,..,,i if ihe Maine champion would heat Paull and make a new r< cord. \ well known Yah alumnus stated that Klrjasolf would win the half mile. as he did 1 minute 55 seconds In re- cent trials and might do better, Michigan is expected to reach Phfl- idelphla this afternoon. They will bo the vanguard of a mighty host of ath- letes thai will Invade the Quaker City to-morrow, when Harvard, Amherat, Yale, Dartmouth, Princeton, Wesleyan. Williams and Brown will arrive. PRINCETON SPECIAL ASSURED. Large Sale of Seats During Past Few Days Makes Excursion Certain. The large sale of scats during the naai few days haa practically Beamed toe chartering of the special excur- sion train for the Princeton game next Saturday .. , \n added feature of the trip, which will undoubtedly serve t-> Influence many of those as yet undecided, I" the announcement thai the Princeton Triangle Club will present a svsntes performance "f their show on the tngB.. of the game, and Will endeavor to make the occasion of the visit a Inn Pennsylvania afternoon and even||g. With the large delegation of Maw York alumni, who have already se- emed seats at the game, and the hun- dred or more Who will come from Pbfl- 1 ad. iphla, the Red and Mine should ably represented In the cheering sec- tions. it is cxpeded that an additional number of seats will be sold al the mass-meeting next Friday night, but in the meantime seats may he secured* :it The Pennsylvanlan offloe al any time. Important meeting of the Senior ("lass Thursday at 1 P. M . in RoOBB 205. <3

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Sophomore Cremation Xo-night at 8 O'clock EPISCOPAL ACADEMY WINNER

Interacademic Championship Contetti Result in Close Competition.

Penn Charter Wins Second.


Episcopal Academj yeatordaj won the twenty-fourth interaeademic Bold and track championship games on Franklin Field, with Pann Chartar a close second The Bnal acors was: Episcopal, I81*; Penn Charter, 16 H; Del<ancey, iT'j Germantown, 7; Friends' Central, 14

.\, ords were broken or seriously endangered, bin the keen competition hetwi 111 the two leaders addi d a Decessar; esl to the meet Victory wa> not assured for Episcopal until the last I'M n! bad been decided

Shu maker, "f Penn Charti r, the brother ol Emanuel Shoemaker, pn • dent ol the Sophomore Claaa, was the itar "i tl e names, «Inning four ii. si plai es Thi summai

100-Yard Dash Won bj Marshall, Penn Charti i i nd, l.lpplncott. Epis< opal: third, Tucki r, DeLam i > . fourth Ingersoll, Penn Charter Tun.-. 10 _• ". . >onds

120 Yard Hurdle w on b) si ■ maker, Penn Charter; second Huff, Episcopal thli d, Turni i, Bplsi opal fourth, Showell, DeLancey. Time, IT 3-:..

Half-mile Run Won bj Dannen- bowei. I'1 mi Chart" r second, Mur- dock, Episcopal; third, Balade, Epis- copal; fourth, Hughes, Episcopal. Time, - 08

140 Yard Run Won b) Tucker, De Lancej second, Norbom, German-

'cademj Ihlrd, Jordan, Bp pal Fourth, Frlti, Episcopal. Time, 54 Bat.

Broad lump w ••»! bj V'iana, Epis- copal second, Mills Frli nds' Central

Murphy, DeLancey; fourth, Tur- Episcopal Distance, 19 f' ■ I -"•_■

niches Pole Vault Won bj Shoemaker,

Penn Charter, height, 9 feel 7 Inches; ■econd Johnatone, Penn Charter, height 9 feet l Inch; third, Murphy, p, ,.,,,, , hi Ight, B feel 7 Inches

sum Put Won b) SII.M in it. r. Penn Chartar, distance, 18 fe< I I Inches second, Harris, Episcopal, distance, 36 feel ii'= Inchea; third, Paine, Oat mantown distance, SB feet 54 ln< h( fourth, Cralg, Qermantown, M faat I Inches

One-mile Run Won by Van Pelt, Episcopal; second, Cooper, Bplacopal; third. Colllna. Pann Chartar; fourth, Balade, Bplacopal Time. 1.531-6.

220-Yard Hurdle Won by Frasler, Bplacopal; second, Doyto. Penn char ter; third, Ingwrsoll, Pann Chartar: fourth, ihowell, DaLanoay. Time, 28

Mich Jump Won W Bhoamaker, Penn Charter, height, 6 feet »* Inchea; saoond, Turner. Bplacopal, height, E feel t% Inches: third, 8- Fix DeLaneay, height, I faal 1*4 in- chat; fourth, Hooe, Frlenda" Central. heiKht. 5 faal i Indhaai

220-Yard Dash—won by Lippln- cott Bplaoopalj saoond, Marshall. Pann Chartar; third. Tucker, DeLan- eay; fourth. Williams. C.eiinnnmwn Time, 123-6.

Fresh. Cricketers Defeat Haverford. Pennsylvania's Freehmen orlokal

team defeated the iinvorfnni college Freahmen yaatorday by B wickets and 27 runs at Haverford. The final BOOM was BS-il, the Ran" Mid nine young- sters letting B8 runs for I wleketa. while Haverford got Bl runs f". all out Hart gol lop score tor the FFresh- men, with i« runs, while Kenney howled eztromal] iraU, getting «> wickets for is runs. Crossmau ex- celled In both departments ol the Ban*6

for Haverford.

Ushers for Intercollegiates. t-shers wanted for ratarcollerfatea,

Friday and Saturday, May 27-.K. Si ,i mimes on Loth lists at A A. office 1 , fore Thursday evening.


Sophomores Hold Annual Cremation To-night on Franklin Field—Box-

ing and Wrestling Bouts.

Senior singing to-night at 7 o'clock.

Second year men will celebrate the last rites of their underclass days on Franklin Field iiiis evening on the oc- caaion of the annual Sophomore Cre- mation.

Beginning with the time-honored nlghtahlrl p-rade and ending with the n ore solemn and Impressive ceremony of cremation, the evening will offer ample opportunity for the waning Sophomore to display, publicly, for the lasi time, his overflowing animal spirits before entering nun the soberer realms of upper class life.

And so to-night, when the clink strikes twelve and nothing remains ol the night's ' '• elrj save the glow Ing

of «hat inn ■• represented the lemned professors and their hated

honks, each member of the <i.i>s ,.r '•ii j will have passi d Into the upper strata of inlvi rslty lifi.

The p-rade will form promptlj at 7 o'clock within the sacred precincts of ill.- Ti langle and, head" il bj tl N' r-

nl i I. "ill pass through the towi r .iinl '!"" n to Franklin Field, \,, i.. othi i than Sophomoi i I «ill be allowed «Ithln the ranks and eai h must wear s Cremation tag and a nighi -lint HI soini'blng ol ihe sort

Once mi the field, a \ irled and in- ■ program « H b" i at rled out,

in whli It boxing and « • stling will . ' ire Hall and Boyd are scheduli M

i,, start things up with s bout on the mat After tins Hutchlnson and Q, orgi Dei ker "ill go three rot which should prove Interesting. In

..,.,, will bi .i -i"' lalt> act, the nature and author of «hli Ii l« being kept i :- i ret for obvious reasons

\ totbi ' * resiling i I followed bj moving pli tu and still another

,„ laity, will bring the program up to ii,, serious business ol tbi evi nlng

While the eager students plb : h the fagots about the oil-soaked b ,,r their victims, the orators of Hi" evi nlng will dwell al l< ngth upon the various trices and what virtues they m.i\ pi utess,

\ • ini Profi ssor Horace Pugh KIN, ,it the Bnglneerlt Di ■< Iment, will receive Bnal mention from David H |{,, ,|, r and Fred H Koachwlti has prepared i touching obituary upon Claude St lirr.- McGlnnls its . In- structor in Physics Laatly, Profeaaot Solomon Hueimor. M s . rh n. \- ■launl Profi isor of commerce in the Wharton Bchool, will be Intrusted t.. Allan ii Pryor, aftar which the sacred oeremonles will procoad,


N. T. Whitaker Chosen President. Team Will Go Abroad This Summer.

At a II ting "f tha Cheas Club, held raatardaj in Honaton H*il the follow- ing oncers ware alert M for the an- suing year; Preald ' T whita- ker- Vlce-Prealdent, G J. Weimar: Chess Secretary, C A. Benjamin; Re- cording Becretary, J 8 !«■ rmeyer; Treasurer, V, Baraky; Checker Secre- tary, w. M. Crows

A team will be sent this Bummer to Europe to plaj matchea with »"»ter- ,!.,,„ and Heidell.nrB Cniversilles. W II Hughes, N. T, whitaker ami an o.her man no! yel chosen will be mkeii. iii 1908 a team waa Rent abroad which was very successful.

li »i,s also announced at the meet- ing that suiuble rooma will probably ,„. procured for the Ctab next year where .he members will he able to practice wltl I dlaturbeaiee from pool players.

Junior Collectors. Important meeting of all 1911 Col-

,,.,.,ors to-ilav at 1 o'clock, In Room 105, The following will please report. Rrawnlna Wolbart, chase, s. wu- [^r'.'iavilock Minder. SHles. Coates. Jackson, Mlrkel, Young, Skinner.


Red and Blue Playys Fast Providence Nine, Who Have Creditable

Record—Watts to Pitch.

The Brown I'nlversltj baseball team cornea to Franklin Field to-da) with a record of ten victories oul of fifteen games played, which means thai the Red and Itlue will face worthy oppon- ents. The Providence nine has prac- tically ihe same line-up thai made such a good record last season, and is one of the best-hitting combinations ever turned oul from the Rhode Island I'nl- veralty.

Wans will probnbl) do the pitching for the home players, with a possible shake-up all around as a result of the

■ ii slump in both ih MiiiB and Btlck work shown In the Cornell game h was apparent that Shalt/. was not back to his pn > Ii us form in that con- test, .nnl s,, he »i'l I"- given a com- plete rest until the Princeton garni in \i Satin da)

Brown's record Includes victories over SI ne College and I afaj yette, both of which teams havi p oven for- mldabb opponents for Ihe larger col- leges Pi iii< •'!<HI hat defi at" d Brow n i« i, .■ this ISOI i ;"-' I; playel contests The scon ol ill other

• mi, II |>|a: i d to date follow: Brown. V Bowdoln Brown, i I; Rhod«' Island State, B. Brown, i. Trlnltj. 7 Brown, n imhi rst " Aggies," 0. Brow n, 7. I1' nnsj h anln State. 5. Brown, "'•. Vermont, 7 Brown, ft; Princeton, 5 Brown, t 1 afayette, :'.. Brown, I. Prlnci ton, "• Brown, 7. Phillips Exeti r, 0. Brown, S; Citshlng, I. Brown, i Tufts, n, Brow a. I. Columbia, 2 Brown, I West Point, ^ Brown, '. Colgate, n Following is the visitors probable

line up; \ | ,n nhorl Hop Regnler, third

i,;,.,. Dili -. first basi Staff lefl field; SIM II. right in Id; Clart s< cond base; Taylor, center Held: Hennessy, catcher; Warner or Bliss, plti I" r



Knowing Ones Predict Many Surprises and Startling Performances in

Coming Intercollegiates.

Open Air Players Will Present "As You Like It" in Botanical Gardens

Tin- Coburn Players will open their three days' engagement of open air performances In the Botanical Oar dens to-night, under the auspices of the Phllomathean Society, amidst al- must ideal settings

They will be surrounded by ■ back- ground of trees ami shrubbery, The turf will serve as a stage, while their Illumination will be derived from countless electric lights which will sparkle In the near-bj troea

As Ton Like If has been chosen as the first offering, and a mote fortu- nate selection COUld noi have ticcn made, as none of Shakespeare's plays are nnne adapted to oul of-door per- formuoea. Ind 1. the true spirit ami alluring charm of the Forest of Arden can never be adequately pre- sented In ii theatre. It is only with a surrounding of nature's own making thai the very essence or this comedy i an be obtained.

Mr Coburn baa aurrounded himself with an excallenl cast. Including \n guatan Duncan, Roydon Brlynne, J. J. Kennedy, Charles Fleming, Alice Wil- son and Mrs. Coburn The perforni- ;,„,,. begins al 8 o'clock and will be succeeded on the following evening by Percy MacKaye'a "Th'- Canterbury PUgrima."

Class Day Meeting. There will he an Important meeting

of the Class Day Committee at 1 o'clock to-day In The Pennsylvanlan


All members of Cnlv.rslty Band re- port at 7ir. P. M. al triangle to play for Soph Cremation.

Rumors concerning the prospects of the favorite athletes entered In next Saturday's Carnival are circulating thick aid last with the approach of the big meet.

Foster, of Harvard, is said to have rounded Into his old-time form, and

Donovan is of the opinion ■ he will capture both of the sprints

mi Saturda) Bhould Foster really ho hack In shape and slum the form i-red I ted to liim by ins i ralner, It would causi one ol the biggest upaela in years. Bnl athletic ■ xports Bj un

n though the Crimson sprinter competes, he will be unable to Btand the gruelling IWO-days" meet, and that. R m Bdell v»lll easily In at him 0 ll OO

■ Becond adj Anoth< r rumi i a as to the t Ret t

thai Hough will be able to compete. rhli - true, as it was I'HIIIIII thai thn

. ,i pulled tendon was onlj an ni ired sposmnllc nerve Howi vet ■j Mnrph) is not si all sure that

. ,, .. II , flyer will be iidi- 1.1 Bland even th< rust heat. Hough

I i„ .a mi the track this week. and he «iii m" try ins leg until he ._., .^ |nto bis heal on Fi Ida) it Ins

ild stand the running, Pi !

may gel an extra polnl or two. uh «as in excellent Bhape u

,., ■, ago and has taki n the i" -' or . ol hlmsell since.

The re wen s number ther circulating Bboul Franklin

Field y, sterday, many graduates of .,||,.. i eing present to sew

, ademic Championships ami all) to dope urn the coming mshipt According to one

V w York man. Rldpath, of Syracuse. has di t c 19 si, ends flat In a trial heat

, |h( quartet Another Individual. . ., from Harvard, said that hei

„ messed the New England Inti reol- ,,„i that Coldbath would bear

Wi . hlng Hi said that he would nor. ., . ,,,,..,,i if ihe Maine champion would heat Paull and make a new r< cord.

\ well known Yah alumnus stated that Klrjasolf would win the half mile. as he did 1 minute 55 seconds In re- cent trials and might do better,

Michigan is expected to reach Phfl- idelphla this afternoon. They will bo the vanguard of a mighty host of ath- letes thai will Invade the Quaker City to-morrow, when Harvard, Amherat, Yale, Dartmouth, Princeton, Wesleyan. Williams and Brown will arrive.


Large Sale of Seats During Past Few Days Makes Excursion Certain.

The large sale of scats during the naai few days haa practically Beamed toe chartering of the special excur- sion train for the Princeton game next Saturday .. ,

\n added feature of the trip, which will undoubtedly serve t-> Influence many of those as yet undecided, I" the announcement thai the Princeton Triangle Club will present a svsntes performance "f their show on the tngB.. of the game, and Will endeavor to make the occasion of the visit a Inn Pennsylvania afternoon and even||g. With the large delegation of Maw York alumni, who have already se- emed seats at the game, and the hun- dred or more Who will come from Pbfl-

1 ad. iphla, the Red and Mine should b» ably represented In the cheering sec- tions.

it is cxpeded that an additional number of seats will be sold al the mass-meeting next Friday night, but in the meantime seats may he secured* :it The Pennsylvanlan offloe al any time.

Important meeting of the Senior ("lass Thursday at 1 P. M . in RoOBB 205.



THE PLNNSYIVANIAN lEni, rad at Philadelphia. Poal OflUM aa

("■aba l. * Sail) ISUII.IIM au-rpttd) during tbm Unlvai-alts >■•>< HI (I**- Interaal of

Hie BtuSantl af Hif I'nlvrrally of I'ann-vlianla

mi iOK IN < mi.i. H HOI I .v i: KIEHKWKTTKH I'M



I 111 I 0KM, <■. <i ■• A. Hunlai Ji "i I II How J. Ah v II II K

\>—III I » I » I HI IIHI-. C. R III i- i i: i

- i \\ K ■ ■

III -INK-' H »V \I.KII. 0 \V IH


Il< l« MAN Dl'Mi Sl> lll-HM \N III

II \l I'll l II ' l!iin*c«-r'a mil'.' IIaura: 1 io I .,• I i I i-

WEDNESDAY. MAY 25. 1910. _ — ——

HIWS EOITOU o< ro 0«>



' ' i <-.ii p



ih i.


:i. ;i]i ii..' wealth

Khi i


>i in

Id iii ili

tro I •• . . «ii (|

I I'll hi Rll prill' .i- mil 'I I '

■ In Field Real I Ii •> ere Ihoj and

ii ' Ihe soul tin

Imp pli HIT- -I mi 'In Hhoulder i

• in (he populai

Ih" ol «ii ili'- mud'

condi iiiii-'il in (he land where Ihe)

uli . and it ihnj found thi

unfortuna .- illty, as the}

• did, il" n fir • mid lh<

• Hi hied. All this happened

In the da) a not • i it ten

Burning al Ih- take hai alwa

bi - 'i - - II ill- i. ii ili,- torture of tor-

i with « in- i, ■ ' iti ili,' cruel

"f Ml- HI Tin

ago, lii' upon the spoil :i«

er falling if amusement,

er -in- -• Its popularity has I n

■ d, In this law abiding

when ii i i mi lot i er no islble to be 1 wlcl ---I ' in thought,

we have bei n i I to bush the mal

p and to n legate It io itoi ■ booka

i h H e read over the shoulders ol

the rising generation This Ii too

bad, for ii certain!) « ■ a picturesque

amusement Unfortunately, in recent

the Sophomore Cremation haa

i ' broui lii II i-i the minds i>f many

thai Hi-- lighting of the human torch

.v... the great American pastime be- fore the dayi of Columbus, since whose

ii- ili-- leu exciting game of base- ball has occupied the center of the stage.

We am delighted i<> learn that the

committee in charge of the cremation

exercises which »ill in- held this even

Ing will revive some of the picturesque

customs thai formerl) marked the oc-

casion. We trust that they will stick

io determination In spite of the

lai I- HI' responsli enesa wbleb" the) IIIMI HI tiis. encounter, for ii--i «ii!

surel) win out in ih. end Cooper is

still i lar and ne ha••■ hi in-l that

the student bod) resents the Bmlllng with « hull i lie pi nfessors now

a -II in' ili ■ :-. w In.i i he) i lln-iii-.--!-. .'s :;,. |||i in fl |


Bow i ii iii ght at 7 ok, In rtooni i: i: idlne

The '\ .II -1 j liaseball squad plcl ui i -I in .1M al . in o'clock

The I'I.-IIIII in biiscball sqund pli lure will be tuken to 'l ii at I o"i lock

Impi '' ml in--' i Ins nl the N'oi i hi Club fi

i in l''""in ". I stun Hull

of the Deln ware Suite Club v he held

II,ill io i ut 8 oVIoci Bli-i

Evi n men I i 8ophoi

d tin- i ■ n || • ■ 11 ill, nt I (i day,

i , .

i .

Hnr Iicr vs. ('onn S Powell - - I'l-nim . :. 7 i s 078 I.

. ui ■i..


i' ' I ' I : - ||rown, \ « i m. C. A

i i :. ' ' i • . . VV i. I er. E. T Currj W

'• Urn \ i I Moon i. O. SI VV. II Sll i! |{

I F W Him \ Waters and i' I' I"


VTali \' Club plans i" hold comi si

men w mi their "II" in the Vali Han ard meet,

The fi ' ' "II contem plate Ihe adoption of a set of

Ing the i i' ' - ii in- II

I ' ■ ' pli ■ Of I l.ill. . ■ ihls week ui the

observator) ol thi I'nlversltj of Mlchl

Mechanical and <'i\ il Eni mci 'I ;ili other ''- uis in the

recent IntercolleRlnte Irack meet held ai Cornell

Hill. ■• "ii was limed In 9 i 5 seconds for the ion ) ard* in tin Mini He also run 220 yards in cconrl md i io v ards In BO i B seconds

Babcock, who i- in Ihi broad Jump ed rolumbla B onl) plai •■ in the

Interi olleglates la I pason, BCI atched h!s knee i nthe mcel with Vnapolla and iii I poisoning ha 11 In,

An Al' American Rugb] team, con- slating of ten men from California,

• from l.-'iiui'i Stanford and two from Nevada will Journey i" Australia I his Summer i" meel the world's beat teams.

Chicago ITnlversit) and the Unlver- sin nf Illinois recently played a sev- iiiii-i-ii inning game, in which the lat- ter was victorious by the score of 2 in i. This is the longest college game on record this season.

A Russian student attending the State University of Ohio haa been re- called by his government in serve his term In tin- iirmv. Hi- I n al- lowed five years In which to complete his course, but the authorities on Bod- ing that he was taking n special course, not provided for in the agree- ment, called him home,


At Beaston's Mr. Williams Will Exhibit



William H. Wanamaker Twelfth and Market Sts.

* COLLEGE TAILORS ,« Our New Woolen1 foi Spring i ' itiitn'ile foi the tno«t par-

tictilat man ■ L,ON'IK)N IPKCIALS". Ma)

H ' sIlOW \ .ill 111 HI . " ' ' M III.ill I l.ll-

Whelan and Stafford CRICKS COMMON | illj. | \R< || SfRFI I



$.00 each 1428 CHESTNUT ST. AND ll MINT ARCADE

Students Wi in ( to net your business For ten days we ol

special lot of plain and fancy blues and light cheviol coats and trousers at $18.00. V- ladevaia. MINT TAILORING CO. George S. Kelly.

In Mn t Ar.-.idr.

We invite you to a carni\ il ol I isliion al popular prices

There are decided changes in fabrics for Spring and Summer. Grays

in cheviot and worsted effects being verj popular.


I2is Walnut attract, Pulladclptala

The Noi inuudic «.KI1 I. Itnipi


"i(t lookup," y,r -m«».

Zimmerman's Spring and Summer footwear

Bright, snappy, vigorous sinks, delineating in every line the accepted criterion 0/all lhat is absolutely correct and proper.

for Jtlen-^-t&ho Jtnov rV Maiarub an I UKKmamhnp At**p DinaU Ptr/ulim

■ Qaatm -„„ .,, ,„,„„/. „ t, ,„ Vj,,,, Slrrel ilhv IMh

Zimmerman's 5l)ope

IS J Mint jfrcade OK Chestnut St. IZ3Z Market St.


Th« glove store that car-

ries a good line of


is to be depended on.


112 So. Hth St.

Usiti^ fir P.; vjsylvinian as a

medium, w< wish to draw the

•tiideou attention to our fim- and

well ■selected line of men's furnish-


Make us a visit.

Th« ii nil diei i-i.i.

"\t oLiit \m LUNCH ANT 3323 25 Woodland Ave

Ifimir (looking.

University Text Booki




McVey's Book-Store 1229 Arch Street

OPINING SAY FOR CARNIVAL Many Student* Will Attend Big Affair

in Museum G-ound« After Mass Meeting m Triangle.

Following the baseball mas meet- ing in the Triangle in Frldaj evening, the I'nlversltj Band will lend the « i\ to thi Carnival grounds, where, on ihal evening, B) udents will be admitted for Ii n cents It la expected thai a j| '-' ! und duates will J dn In the mei ij train and has 'en ro i be -

ad le vl t j Th< re v |'| be found BtilDcleiit

i; men! to satisf) the m able ;■ i ,■ atunl vaudeville

fanl tli booths and other n ■ iaci i - will b on eien hand, nil

Ihi it he countless mnMI olored 1 V raiip of palm lntr> lenl i will ■ uo

Tin wigwams will noi be oci i ■;• •! i>\ KV psles, but

ill ill.MM preti > glrla, V pi featu ol the fair will

be i :r id \ill.' show "i\en In a sped all) hulli theatn bj i i| ol so

The show will Include ;i i. • .!■ BI ii on ill.' famous Dune u • , ■ hlch H ■ i i1 11 i ■■

■ ' i • ; Other acts «i'I • ii clog

■ mi itlons It. iw( ■ n Ihi ances ol

. | • ■ . i ■

be ■ ■ ■ of the Oil i- CI ih of the I'niverait) - ni.-ir, who will pn ent a pla>


Notrd Au'hrrity on Etivptnlogy tc Give Course In Gr.idu.nte School.

N'ext year then I., lui en In tl

. i Max x' ■ known anthorlt) on I'

Mullei i- mi i to thi i nli eralt>, ;i- he ha •

i thi r the A cpari

n . nl in ili. Museum lie 1 ,. ih. i i i.r Bi rlln, U Munich and Rrl i • n

Professor Mul'er h« bi • ••■ lug ili.. Iri !•■ Ipi urn- on the i oi in Phllae mi 'h. Kile, whlrh will I

. ..,,., i„. Biibmergi «i bj the rais- ing nl' ili' Assouan dam Hi- li now ,„, his wa> '" Egypt to complete lii- uoil< in Phllae, and • icpei Is to return with Inn reating data In the Fall




1201 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.


1.01-knralthiiig and Bellhanglng. 3647 Market 8treet

Keystone: West 43*5 D. Bell: Preston 1307 A.


Special rates to students. All makes on hand at nil times. A liberal rental allowance made If you decide to pur- chase. Cet. particulars from M. U Tooker, 23 Coxo House. U. of P. Dormi- tories.

THE TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 828 Walnut Street, Phila., Pa.


20 for 15 cts. *)



St Louli Bkln .ni'l ''.'in1'' Hoapltal, 41" North Jefferson avenue, St i.. Hoapltal Interne wanted The Board of Directors of the above hoapltal wish io announce that there will be a »a- cancj in the position "r mterne »' thai hoapltal beginning June I. M>- plications for the position should be lli;„i,. to in- Fred •' TauaalK, Beer* , u Medical Board, 731 Metropolitan Bldg Applications rauat be In tike hai .1- of th" Secretarj before Maj

City Hospital and City Dtapanaarj of the City "f tndlnapolls. The com- petitive examination for Interneshlp l„ the above hoapltal and dispensary „iil be held i" the library "f the In- diana itiiversi'v School of Medicine Bt g 30 A. M. Friday, June 14. The examination will close Baturdaj afti noon, .luce 26 All atudenta who wish to take this examination should regis- ter 'heir names with the Secretarj of the n d of Health before June 24 Dr. Charles B Woods, Becretary Board of iii alth.

Si Christopher's Hospital for Chil- dren, Philadelphia, Pa. The above bosplUl has tWO positions for Int. IT open tor phvsie.ins in food stan.llnK. who are graduates of Hie ivi-nlar school, and who desire experience in the stud} and treatmenl of rick In- fants and Children. The appointees must reside at the hospital, situated at Lawrence and Huntingdon streets, Philadelphia, from June IB, loon, or from the time of their appointment Further Information will be supplied on addressing Dr. C. F. .Indson. 1539 Pine stint. Philadelphia, Secretary or the Medical Staff.

The college body at Wesleyan Onl- veraity, In response to the wishes of the faculty alumni and president, have passed a vote abolishing basing either l,v the Sophomore class or Sophomore Class Societies.

EXAMS two weeks away. Lots of study. Cramming. That's the time for a Fatima^

Cigarette. The mill f'avcr mv.tents the.

mind. The soft, mellow fragrance <>f the

perfectly blended Turkish tobacco exhilarates.

Fatima Cigarettes are packed in a neat but inexpensive package. What they lack in packing is made up in the ten extra smokes.


For a Luncheon or Smoker

you will lind in our establishment a great variety of good th ing»

! HENRY ROHNER CO. High Grade Groceries. Foreign and Domestic Specialties

N. E. COR. 5th and RACE STS.



235 South 12th Street Philadelphia

To-night SOPHOMORE CREMATION l<lllll—•!«>" ISC. H p, m. i i.nii.iiii Field




Are the latest, and we receive them daily from

N\w York and Abroad. They look great.

SllTS, 03S TO S40.

With the largest stock <>t" grays and bluet

in the city and all the new flannel and serge

trousering effects, we are perfectly equipped

to make you hoth sitisfied ami contented.



. "'



MEN CAN WEAR SHOES on* x\::v smaller aftur u».nK Allen'*, foflt B>— ih* MtlMptle |Miw«ifr Ui U- ■liNkm in o the- HI»O»» It nukes tip;hr or new ihoM ft-*'I «»«>> ; irivm 11 -'m i trUff to . im« and bunion*. Thin is an ••»>- li i : Sprinkle Allen's Fool K« ■->■ in out' shoe ami not >n (■•oUlor and notice the ihfTcrenrf. lt>the»rrc'itieiit eomfort d.Kcovery of theatre. SoM every whei.- 2b Don't a« «-ptany nubatitute. rW FKKK trial i.ark- mgm a*i. oaaAuaaS. oiiiiHteatd. LoRoy. N. v


The dormitory Drug Shop

Opposite (fie Dormitories ' for your ivAnlH in th*t


Money Made

Scribncr's Mafjazint KI.T i ... iibu ■ .. ii| LIB! HAI I \. li i ill. MISSIONS ■ D ... :,l, n.T M ., , i, \,, . \,.» i.... i


#2027 CHESTNUT STREET To It.-in for R< ceptlons, Weddlni .

II inquets nnd I Hun ea


Caterer to University Functions.


5217 Market Street



Our Fraternity Blend Coffee li L'nsui passed


1018 Walnut Street




Boyd 41 Seller 1024 Walnut SI re tt

Always Open Alwavs Opea SAVOi (\||

Bvery thing t.> eat. Nothing but the best food nerved, Give

tis ;i trial. 3713 Spruce St. Oppo. Dorms

Mgr. C. Carney. SI4S Market St.

- Telephones:

Bell: Preston 4847-48 Keystone: West 4517 D


3353 Woodland Avenue

Meats »f Ones) mtaJlty, We make special low prices to Pratornlty BOttMa, Boarding Houses, Hotels, Res- taurnntH and Institutions. All our meats are city ilaughtered and QOT> •■ii : Inteoted

Typewriter*, Duplicators Multieraakiiie, Public W»rk

Mifne*nra phtaf


rixrutts, HUM STSTCHS

Wo rent ayavwriten frees 60 cent* p»r raenth »».

We nell 'em on terms te *uH you.

Spmyd, 1017 Walaut St. Philadelphia

Prof. Rowe'a Classes.

Notice to Btndanta In "GUIsenship." Students in this course will not be permitted to take tha examination unless nil iii.. uaUmtnanta haws i n handed in before the data of mob ex- amination, The following assign- menu bava not bean received;

c. B, Hakeslee—All aaalgnmenti after February 24.

I., iv Brown All assignment*. !i li Deacon Article i, 8ectlon I,

I*, S, Conatltntlon; People is Most; Commonwealth is. Plaisled; Penn. Constitution, Art 16, Bee, 8 Chicago vs Taylor; Merchant \. Pa n H Kniii vs United States; Newton vs. Bteele; Mugler va, Kansaa; Beer Com- pany vs Massachusetts,

C Hartranfl MI assignments afiei March 18.

it. I, Arnold All aaalgnmenti after March 12.

P. I Bell - Penna Constitution, Mt 16, Bee s Chicago vs Tavlor; Mar

. ham vs Penna H u Kohl is r s . Lawton is Bteele; Mugler va Kansas: Beer Compan.t vs. Massachusetts

H v Blnger P< nna Constitution, An 16, Bee H. Article I, Beetlon I, I1

s Constitution In re Deba K. L. Had • M Moore vs. M \i M Rlter All assignments I. AllniHii \n assignments E i Anderson All assignments I M Be itt' All Rsslfn

I M Hi '> phill \H aa Ignnti nta 'I'll. . nmci I .. Id b '•

Room 251, Logan Hull, no) later th:in Baturd i> L. 8 ROW r

\ • , . • idi ill II I'■•■■ I| n Pol- io ol •' , I'nited States " Students In this i will i i be pei mil ted to i ik.- the . iminatlon unless ;iil thi

in is havi i n handed In be fore Ihe date of BIII II examination The following is Ignmenta have noi been reci Ived

II II Kynett, .lr Henderson, "American Diplomatic Questions," Pi I. Ch, I"

i; s W'olberl Henderson, " \m- > I ran I llplomatlc Qu< tloi Pi I, Ch I". pp II i i: Poater, "Centurj ol \ merle in I Hplomacj," Ch 12

It W Moonej Henderson, "Amerl • ;m I llplomatlc Quei I li in |>p I" I 23, 167 209, II : is

ii i; Wo. i.i Ml aaatgnn I I li I' Da ■' HI Ml assignments i' W \.:i lej Ml assignments I'll. ■ i i ' hould be left nt

Room 251, l/ogan Hall, nol later lhan Baturda) next I. S ROWR

Sotli. '.i Rtudi nta in ■ Municipal Rovemmeni Btudenta In thla course will not be permitted to take the •■*- amlnallon unlesa .HI assignments have IM .II handed In i» fore the date of such examination The following assign- ments have noi been received:

<; s Wolbert Deming, "Oovern- in-ill nf American Cltlea," pp 203 :: Chapters 7, 10, ii. 12, n. 14, "Prob- lems of Cltj Oovernmeni"

A .1 Mehring Chapters I, 2, n. "Problems "f Cltj Government;" Dom- ing, "Oovernmeni of American Cltlea," j>P 2":: 87

i' li Koachwlti Chapter! 7. 12, 14, "Problems of t'lty Government."

These assignments should be left at Room 151, Logan Hall, nol later than Prldaj nexl I. B ROWE

W. H. Embick A Sons

have slwaya proved the mosl popular tailors for Pennsylvania students, i»'- iinise the] have the "young man Idea;" because tha prices are moderate, and because aVhey allow the student 10 per cent, discount I62S Chestnul street.


WANTED- The following t.H.-k vol. volumes of The Pennxylvanlim:

Vols. tflBM, 1886-7, 1XS7-H. I8S8-8, 1890 1 1891-2, 1892-3, 1893-4. 1894 5,

18954, 1888-7, 18874, 1898-8, 1980-1, 1801 8, 1902-3.

(Tli- Business Maaag*r will I... glad to . ,i • them aa gifts or t.n ' purchase them oflee araara 1-2. ' except SjiTilm i

TABLE BOARD—Ibe tables wilTbe ! open during the Summer uiontbs at ' Mrs Wledenmaa'a, 2OA. S. 36th. it

TABLE BOARD—inning room will re- ! main open during the Bummer; also rooms may be had. at 8808 Loousl Street; rales moderate

LOST—A note book und text hook In 117 in smoking-room of 1/igan Hall, May Mh Reward if note book is returned to 50 Coze Dorms.



1121 CheitnotStrcct

Jacob Reed's Sons Individual Photographs

THAT "ARE INDIVIDUAL" and different from the kind usual]*"

made for reproduction in class records

Have us make your nexl sitting. If You Have A

Clothes' Ideal POTT STUDIO It.-..Is ire more lhan likely to be 1318 CHESTNUT STREET,

able to Mil It for you. Or If uncertain _ Philadelphia,

as to just what ytM should wear to be ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

entirely correct, Reeds' are excellent ail\Isei■ uiii protIden

Prices ;m never excesalve Suits

and Overcoats $15 and upward.

Clothiers and Outfitters for

Young Men


I 134 1420 Chestnut SL

Official Books I hat College Stndtnts Should Have

1 >ffli lal Handbook of the Inter-Collegi ate Association of Amateur Ath-

.■f America, 1910


Bpalding'a Offlclal Athletii Almanac

for 1910 contains a complete list of

unaleui i" n on •■ i >rda Inti n ollegl

ate, Swimming, Interscholaattc, Eng- lish, irl h S< otch, Bwedlsh, Contlnen

'•'i ;.".'ii African Australian; numer- ou photos of iiuii\iiiii.ii athletes and ;. adlng athletic teams


A. «.. M|>iil«1iiiK A Hi os.



Sprltif and SDmmrr If jroui elethasara nal entlrel) sail faetaey

in fii. di-sivr ,»r ssteetinn ..f ipit,r.riMl i WILL MAKE NEW outs Tke volOnwof kui ess, ffhlcll Ihi- Kir..-.: Gll«e*N tl ... amply eomi sias ■ i I., -r. -..i.,, ,.i i,y irarni-ntu lefl on hunil


eui_i nwre- - .|T-

*SO 10 *«o



1131 WAI.M '1 .STREET

JohnMiddlelon Impprter s' Mounter^


mi lit Al.filffO


Pipes Repaired

Furnishers "IJ of P" Pipes

The >»~*>i uiuiiriit' Barber Shop



GILBERT •tandi for

The Best in Photography Th" Ollberi Btudloa bavi In ■ u for

|";||" ognlsed aa ihe leading Btudloa for .ill college work


9?6 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia.


3?'6 MARKET^-

MEXICAN INDIAN BLANKETS Tie Newwil Thins tur your fnllsgil llonm. I)»n. Library

or Mualr ■oaSBI fer CsMSS, R ,» CiHlrh OwsSS, fee Use as »? i Wail Daeoratleaa,

iieiORit'S coi.01 F.ntcrsi IUUIIII s*JMsMM Meet your favorite I... k»,l C,.|„r: Crimson, Hlu- BstflfWe, While. Mark.

TfLSh.xlft.Ula u oo aft. «in. X VM in. J60 HtiShiiatn sm 2 so The a>-t of three (one ef .... I ,„rl for 10.0C

SSILK SCARFS The iiKiat heauliful M< vl- ran hnnd^Jrawn heiul ararf Ma !e of flneat pure Sill«. COLORS: White, Blue.

Ctaaas,auati BaVasswasaas' i-rwrial color deaired. The only Proper Thins for Theater. Opera. l>ance. os «n\ Kvrntns W«ar.

Prlea, sm. on

Seal a.y.a.rc. Carrlan Prtsaia. .a h(aM .1 MR, OrOr THa». *,.„ t..k II ,M .... I,.





II10 Walnut Street

Botanical Gardens, Thirty-seventh and Woodland Ave.



Friday Afternoon, May 27, TWELFTH NIGHT.

Friday Evening, May .-7, BLECTRA.

Seats at Gimbels and Houston Club. Special Student Rate, 75c.
