the play's the thing · the nobis campaign setting is compliant with the open gaming license...

The Play's the Thing A Nobis Adventure By Jason Keeley Sample file

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Page 1: The Play's the Thing · The Nobis campaign setting is compliant with the Open Gaming License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the world’s most popular role-playing game. Product

The Play's the Thing

A Nobis AdventureBy Jason Keeley




Page 2: The Play's the Thing · The Nobis campaign setting is compliant with the Open Gaming License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the world’s most popular role-playing game. Product

Time is running out ...Will the PCs save Tobian deQuillus in time, or will yet one more champion of the people fall victim to the Restorationists’ lust for power?

Only those who can solve the mystery of the Lark and Wren stand a chance to save the day.




Page 3: The Play's the Thing · The Nobis campaign setting is compliant with the Open Gaming License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the world’s most popular role-playing game. Product

The Play's the Thingby Jason Keeley

A Nobis AdventureFor 1st-Level Characters




Page 4: The Play's the Thing · The Nobis campaign setting is compliant with the Open Gaming License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the world’s most popular role-playing game. Product

Production TeamEditor-in-Chief: Jason Keeley

Creative Development & Casting Director: Rob TrimarcoCreative Development & Playwright: Jay Stratton

Creative Development & Set Designer: Jason Amsler

Contributing ArtistsEren Arik

Jesse CutlerAndrew DeFelice

Some images courtesy of Shutterstock.comSome maps created with Dundjinni™ software (

© 2009 Pantheon Press, LLC. Nobis, the Nobis logo, the City-States Region, Simplecraft and the Pantheon Press logo are trademarks of Pantheon Press, LLC.

All Rights Reserved.Printed in the USA

ISBN-13: 978-0-9819908-2-8

The Nobis campaign setting is compliant with the Open Gaming License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the world’s most popular role-playing game.

Product Identity: The following items are Product Identity as defined in the OGL v1.0 section 1(e) and are not open game content. All trademarks, registered trademarks, characters, world locations, proper names, story lines, plots, dialogue, languages, concepts and artwork. All game mechanics and derivative mechanics from other Open Game Content should be considered Open Game Content. Please contact Pantheon Press, LLC with any questions regarding the Open Game Content status of material contained herein. No portion of this book except material designated

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PlaytestingMatthew CodyMichael Cooper

Andrew DeFeliceJason Ellis

Keren FormPaula Gross

Epidiah RavacholEvelyn Sullivan

Jim Sullivan

ProofreadingIsaac Calon

Cestas Cremoso




Page 5: The Play's the Thing · The Nobis campaign setting is compliant with the Open Gaming License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the world’s most popular role-playing game. Product

In loving memory ofGail Mazakas




Page 6: The Play's the Thing · The Nobis campaign setting is compliant with the Open Gaming License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the world’s most popular role-playing game. Product

The Play's the ThingIntroductionThis adventure sees a party of four 1st-level characters infiltrating a theatre troupe in the metropolis of The Gates to foil an assassination. With minor adjustments, it can handle smaller or larger groups as well. Four pre-generated characters are provided (pages 26 - 29) to get you started quickly.

The Play’s the Thing is an OGL compatible adventure. To get the most out of this adventure, you should have copies of the the Nobis City-States Region campaign setting and rules for version 3.5 of the world’s most popular role-playing game.

Adventure BackgroundTobian deQuillus is one of the most popular actors and playwrights ever to grace the stages of The Masquerade, The Gates’s theatre district. In spite of his bombastic and egocentric performances, Tobian has captured the hearts and minds of the city. However, his fame has garnered him enemies that await him in the dark.

Tobian has recently saved up enough money to purchase and renovate an abandoned theatre. Despite rumors of its haunting, Tobian and his troupe are making a good run of it. The opening night for the theatre’s debut play, a new piece entitled Acheon’s Throne, is less than two weeks away. The work is a thinly veiled political attack on those who would have the City-States return to the rule of royalty and feudalism – groups like the Restorationists.

Makio Gravoletta is a wealthy spice trader and secretly a member of the elite Inner Circle of the Restorationists. Though the open commerce of the City-States has allowed him to amass great wealth, Makio’s fondest wish is to buy himself a noble title. Recently, Makio was the target of one of deQuillus’s scathing plays, The Fat Merchant of Marist. He has vowed revenge. To that end, Makio has created the Broken Quill, an offshoot of the Restorationists, and hired the unscrupulous wizard Blakely Voss as his right-hand man and operative. Blakely’s first action has been to enlist the assistance of the actress playing the handmaiden Joravina in Acheon’s Throne, a half-elf woman named Liza Reinfeld.

As a youth, before she came to The Gates, Liza made her living seducing men in roadside taverns, knocking them unconscious and stealing their moneypouches. When she arrived in The Gates, she realized that she could use her charms to earn a safer living onstage.

Something inside her stirred whenever she portrayed a noblewoman, so it came as no surprise when she was contacted by the Broken Quill and told that she was the long-lost relative of a distant monarch. Liza joined the cause without hesitation, but the Restorationists are playing her for the fool. They have no real proof that her lineage is royal. They are merely using her for the convenient tool that she is.

Lately, however, Liza has begun to have doubts. Her current assignment is to arrange Tobian’s death by secretly replacing a stage dagger with a real one. Tobian has become something of a father figure, and her inner conflict has led her to begin arranging accidents around the theatre in hopes that the playwright will put up his guard. While Tobian is too self-centered to think anything of these “accidents,” his right-hand man, Roderik Burberry, has become suspicious. And he knows someone that can help him.

Adventure SynopsisThe adventure begins as the PCs foil a theft of Simplecraft ink from a dockside warehouse by secret agents of the Restorationists. They are then approached by Roderik Burberry, who suspects someone is trying to assassinate Tobian. To ferret out the would-be killer, the group must go undercover, either posing as actors or crew. Once they sort out the good guys from the bad guys, they have to stop the murder on opening night, all while assuring that the show must go on!

Stephano Vigna


