“the plagues and vials loosed” pt. 2 luke 21:22 for these be the days of vengeance, that all...

“The Plagues and Vials Loosed” pt. 2 LUKE 21:22 For these be the days of vengeance , that all things which are written may be fulfilled . LUKE 21:23 But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.

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“The Plagues and Vials Loosed” pt. 2

LUKE 21:22 For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.

LUKE 21:23 But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.

LUKE 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

LUKE 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

LUKE 21:26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.


170 And He said there'll be hideous sights upon the earth. "Locusts with hair like women," long hair, to haunt them women that cut their hair. "Teeth like lion; stingers in their tails, like scorpions; they would torment men, months." Just wait till we get in to opening them Plagues and Seals, and them Seven Thunders, watch what takes place. Oh, brother, you better get to Goshen while there's time to get to Goshen.

It’s horrible to see what is happening to our children and to our society that was once upheld as the Christian Nation of the entire world. I was thinking of the things the prophet said about these times. He said that the rapture would come and then hideous things would befall the earth. It is happening. We raptured into the great message of the hour, the Goshen that gives us comfort and protection from the judgments. The rest of the world has fallen into the hands of God. Paul said, “It’s a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God”.

Hideous sights are happening all about us. We don’t have to list them. A Christian writer once said, “The moral fiber of a society is measured by how they treat their children”. We can see our moral fiber is completely gone. Trafficking, raping, and murdering infants, toddlers, children and teens by the millions throughout the world. Tormenting men for rejecting the word of the hour.

CHRIST.IS.REVEALED.IN.HIS.OWN.WORD_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0822 19 Those hideous sights that's coming upon the earth. Man now, and people today, are in such a neurotic condition; the whole world!

CHRIST.IS.REVEALED.IN.HIS.OWN.WORD_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0822M 22 And then when we open up those, the Lord willing, on those Seven Vials and show those hideous things. Men will be so insane, after a while, till they'll imagine they're seeing ants the size of a mountain. It'll be tormenting women; be locusts come upon the earth, with long hair, to torment women who cut theirs off; hair like women, hanging down; and long teeth, like a lion; stingers in their tail, like a scorpion, and so forth, to torment men upon the earth. But then it'll be too late to do anything about it. You get right now. Tormenting!

THE.INVISIBLE.UNION.OF.THE.BRIDE.OF.CHRIST_ SHP.LA V-2 N-15 THURSDAY_ 65-1125 112 Well, look, the whole world proves it's insane. Look at the murders and things that's going on now in the world. See? Insanity!113 The whole thing is coming to fulfill Revelation. We may get to it, this week. Where, those hideous things, them is not natural. That's spiritual things, that make people scream for the rocks and the mountains, and everything else, to fall on them.

Suicide spirits, begging for the death because those unnatural spirits are working in the minds of man and driving this neurotic age completely insane. Kill their babies, abort their infants, sell their little ones and slaughter the children of those who are trying to raise a family.

THE.INVISIBLE.UNION.OF.THE.BRIDE.OF.CHRIST_ SHP.LA V-2 N-15 THURSDAY_ 65-1125 114 The complete, total insanity this world will go into, right away, it's almost there now. Why, you see the footsteps of it. There it is. It's marching right out on the street, right down the church pew, total insanity, do things that a human being wouldn't think of doing and being civilized.

GOD'S.ONLY.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ SHP.LA V-7 N-4 SUNDAY_ 65-1128M 289 Seeing, Lord, that the mental condition, the nervous age that the people's living in, it's driving them out of their mind; to exactly fulfill what the Scripture said and promised, the great hideous things would come upon the earth; like locusts, to haunt the women that cut their hair, they'll have long hair like a woman. And different hideous sights that they'll be able to see, Lord, in that mental, diluted conditions they're in, and then screaming for the rocks and the mountains.

What he prophesied is upon us. The complete total insanity of this world is here. Doing things that a human being wouldn’t think of doing and be civilized! He saw it coming and begged and pleaded with us to step inside Goshen and get beneath the blood before the death angel passed

LEADERSHIP_ COVINA.CA V-7 N-7 TUESDAY_ 65-1207 330 O God, let me go, Lord. Don't leave me behind, Jesus. Let me go with You, Father. I don't want to stay here on this earth to watch these tribulations coming on. I don't want to stay here in this insanity. I don't want to stand here when hideous sights... the people losing their mind. We look at man trying to act like beasts and look like beasts;

and the women trying to look like animals, with the paints on their face. Knowing that these things are predicted to happen, that the thing will, they'll go so insane till locusts will rise up with hair like women to haunt the women; and teeth like lions, and things that You've said, the mental condition of the people will be completely gone. We see it in the making right now, Lord. Help us! Restore us to the sane mind of Christ Jesus our Lord.

332 When we see young women so caught up in the web of the Devil, young men, perverted minds, children, dope addicts, cigarette smoking, drinking, immoral, Satan's Eden.

Men now acting like natural born brute beasts and women like animals and it is totally insane. Perverted minds concerning children, trafficking of humans and drugs.

LEADERSHIP_ COVINA.CA V-7 N-7 TUESDAY_ 65-1207 339 These hideous sights that's coming upon the earth. You can see how the people's moving right into it. It's an insanity.

LOOK_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_ 63-0428E-16 I just finished a series of services on the last seven seals, and finding that in this sixth seal that there is a great interruption in nature. The moon, the stars, the earth belches forth. The church is purged; Israel is purged; and everything is purged under that seventh seal so that the millennium can start in. There has to be a cleansing first.

And that's what the church today... And what I want to point to you, that we need a cleansing. Before anything can begin from God we've got to have a purging. And when we look and see things that is now, under the present conditions existing the way they are, we can see that we've got to have something to happen before God can continue His program, and a purging.

FOURTH.SEAL.THE.title JEFF.IN 63-0321313-2 {241} 095 As I said there in Chicago, the other day 'fore more ministers than there are people setting here... And there they had me penned off about the doctrine of serpent seed, and all this other thing. I said, "Somebody get your Bible and come here and stand by me then." Nobody said nothing. Tommy Hicks said, "I--I never heard that like that before, Brother Branham. I want three hundred of those tapes.

I want to send them to all my ministers." There was about fifty or seventy-five said, "I'm coming down there to be rebaptized." Did they come? Not a one of them. Why? He give them space to repent. He will cast their children to death, spiritual death. (We'll pick that up tomorrow night, the Lord willing, or in Saturday night on those plagues that passes over. You watch what takes place there.)

FOURTH.SEAL.THE.title JEFF.IN 63-0321313-4 {245} 096 Like He give Egypt, He give Egypt place to repent. What was that last plague? Was death. That's the last plague that's hit the Pentecostal church. It's spiritual death; she's dead. That's in the Name of the Lord. She's spiritually dead. He gave her place to repent, and she rejected it; now she's dead. She'll never rise again. And them people out there trying to bring in Episcopalians and priests and so forth, and calling them "Holy Father”, Why, they ought to be ashamed of themself. How blind can men get? Don't Jesus say when that sleeping virgin come to buy oil, she did not get it?

FOURTH.SEAL.THE.title JEFF.IN 63-0321325-5 {345}132 Now, here in closing, to those who don't believe that the last messenger to the church age is Elijah, the prophet, a man anointed in that line... After death... Watch. After death of this last church age... Now, you notice what happens. See? After death, their dead bodies are destroyed by wild beasts. You know that. Now, that's true. Like theirs had the type of Jezebel. He feeds them to the beasts and birds.