the pilot (southern pines, n.c.) 1946-12-20 [p page...

THE PILOT, Southern Pinos. North Carolina Society and Personals of the Sandhills Entertaining Honors Miss Kate Mclntyre Pre-nuptial parties are being given in honor of Kate Mclntyre who will be married on Friday, Dec. 27, in Wingate to Charles Peck, Jr., of Harrington, Del. Miss Mclntyre formerly taught in the Southern Pines schools, and for the past year has been teaching in Wingate. While visiting her sister, Miss Bess Mclntyre, last weekend a miscellaneous shower and bridge party complimented her Satur- day evening when Miss Pheobe Witherspoon, Miss Aline Todd and Miss Pauline Miller entertained at the Manor apartments. They gave her an honor gift of a silver bread tray after the bridge game at which time the shower gifts were presented. Guests present were Mrs. Marion Kay (Elizabeth Heins) of Columbia, S. C., Mrs. Fred Chal- lis of Chatanooga, Tenn., Mrs. C. L. Smith, Mrs. Jack Weatherly, Mrs. Leon Seymour, Mrs. A. C. Dawson, Mrs. Roy Grinnell, Mrs. P. J. Weaver, Mrs. R. L. Sugg, Miss Bess Mclntyre, Miss Blanche Moss, Miss Abbie Sutherland and Mrs. Claude Reams. White flowers with Christmas touch of red berries and fern centered each table when re- freshments of ice cream molded | in wedding bells, slippers and rings, and decorated cakes were served. There was a little bridal favor on each plate. In Wingate Mrs. J. J. Perry, Mrs. Bernard Helms, Mrs. Jack Perry and Miss Mildred Perry entertained at a miscellaneous shower at Monroe Country Club with 75 guests. The date for the wedding was announced at this time and the many gifts were presented to the guest of honor by Master Eddie Perry. Music was furnished during the after- noon by Mrs. J. Cliff Williams, soloist, and Mrs. Joe Whitmore, pianist. The hostesses served a salad course. Mrs. Vann Griffin of Charlotte and Miss Mildred Griffin of Win- gate entertained in the home of the latter at an informal coffee for the bride-elect. The place for the guest of honor was marked with a nosegay of flowers and she was presented with a set of linen by the hostesses. The home was attractively decorated with Christmas greens. A salad course was served. Visitor from Boston Mrs. E. F. Copeland arrived from Boston, Mass., Wednesday to visit her son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Moore, and grandchild/Ten, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Patterson and family during the Christmas hol- idays. Mr. and Mrs. Moore re- turned recently from a vacation at Miami, Fla. Bridge Party Honors Miss Jessie Windham Miss Jessie Windham of Aber- deen, bride-eect of Dec. 23rd., was honored when Miss Ann Par- ker and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Patch, Jr., entertained at a bridge party last Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Patch. During the evening an honor gift was presented to the bride- elect, and high score prizes to Mrs. D. Al. Blue, Jr., and Bob Cameron. A dessert course was served by the hostesses. Guests present were Miss Wind- ham and her finance, William Arey Benson of Southern Pines, Mr. and Mrs. D. Al. Blue, Jr., Miss. Frances Mills, Miss Helen Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mills, and Bob Burns. Christmas Tea at Home of Mrs. Sutherland Group Three of the Church of Wide Fellowship had a delight- ful Christmas party at the home of Mrs. L. T. Sutherland, Conn- ecticut Avenue, on Thursday afternoon, Dec. 12. A holiday motif was used by the hostess in decorating her home with Christ- mas tree, Yuletide greens and flowers. A short business session was held, and Mrs. Eva Owen read a Christmas story. A surprise for the guests was j the arrival of Santa Claus in cos- I tume (impersonated by a mem- With Treats for the Table to Please You. Fresh Vegetables of Every Variety Choice Fruits Preserves, Nuts, Cakes, Puddings, Grapes, Fruit Cakes, Frozen Foods, Apple Juice Complete Assortment of Extra Fine Fruits in Cans Including Cranberry Sauce. Genuine Northern Christmas Trees EVERYTHING FOR A ROYAL FEAST The Modern Market BLUE & HACKNEY TELEPHONE 6062 SOUTHERN PINES ber of the group) who distributed gifts to all. Tea was served at a prettily arranged table with Mrs C. L. Austin pounding. The host- ess was assisted by committee members Mrs. A. H. Williams, Mrs. V. B. Johnson, Mrs. John Lovejoy and Mrs. Louis Scheip- ers.. After the party Santa visited and brought cheer to Mrs. Her- bert Knowles, Mrs. Andy Ander- son, Mrs. Lena Sweezy, Mrs. Grace Abraham, all members of Group Three, and Wilbur San- born. Football Dance Highland Pines Inn, decorated with holly, mistletoe and pine boughs, was the scene of a gay party Saturday night when mem- bers of the Southern Pines High School football team were honor guests at a dance given from nine to twelve by the girls of the high school. Clever cards, hand painted by Danila Frassineti, with figure of football player with his number,, invited the guests. After the refreshments, served at ten o'clock, A. C. Dawson pre- sented a trophy of merit to the squad captain and his team. Mov- ies of the State Championship game, played here on Thanks- giving day were shown by P. J. Weaver. Chaperones for the party were Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dawson, Mrs. J. Elmer Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Forsyth. A Son Mr. and Mrs. James L. Irvin announce the birth of a son, James Ronald, on Friday, Dec. 13, at Moore County Hospital. Mrs. Irvin is the former Eleanor Adams. Marriage Announced In her marriage to James Bas- kin of Toledo, Ohio, Emily Dell, daughter of Mrs. Robert N. Hay- es and the late Mr. Hayes of St. Andrews, Fla., granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hayes of Sou- thern Pines, wore a gray and lavender suit with corsage of iris. The vows were spoken Tuesday, Dec. 3, in the Methodist Church, Fanania City, with the Rev. W. B. Atkinson officiating. The groom attended the Uni- versity of Toledo and served for twenty-three months in the Navy. Since his discharge in Dec. 1945 he has been associated with the Owens-Corning Fibreglass Corp- oration at Toledo. Mr. and Mrs. Baskin honeymooned in Florida and will be at home in Toledo after January Ist. Mrs. Kennedy Hostess On Friday evening Dec. 13, twenty-six members of the Ade- laide King Bible Class of the First Baptist Church met with Mrs. Carlton Kennedy on Mid- land Road for their Christmas party. An impressive devotional was given by Mrs. Myrton Stew- art of Carthage. After group singing of Christ mas carols, Santa Claus, (Mrs Fred Chappell) distributed the many gifts from the gaily decora- ted tree. Delightful refreshments were served by the hostess and her helpers. Open House A delightful combination of open house and Christmas party was given by Mrs. Edward Ham- blett of Bath, Me., at her home on North Page Street on Friday, the 13th. The many guests en- joyed being in her interesting home, and Christmas decorations and exchange of gifts gave the friendly gathering a Christmas spirit. Miss Helen Finn and Miss Kathryn McMahon presided at the attractively arranged buffet table. Congregational Group 2 Guests of Mrs. Worsham Mrs. C. L. Worsham, president of Group Two of the Church of Wide Fellowship, was hostess to twenty members of her group at a Christmas party in her home on Pennsylvania Avenue Thurs day afternoon of last week. The guests enjoyed a social afternoon with visit from Santa Claus, the exchange of gifts, and dainty re- freshments served by the hostess. Members voted to remember the sick and shut-ins with flow- ers and fruit during the Yuletide season. Fifth Birthday A children's party was given Saturday afternoon, Dec. 14, for Leland Ferguson, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Ferguson, on his fifth birthday. The party was planned by his mother and given at their home on Ohio Avenue. Leland's guests were his cous- ins Billy Wicker of Aberdeen and Philip Guin, Mary Hartman, Billy Gouger, Jr., Nonie McCullough, Clara Horner, Ellen Carol and Mary Wells, Bobby Nolan, and brother Adrian. The youngsters played games during the afternoon and were served refreshments of birthday cake and ice cream. Each receiv- ed a favor. Elect Forum Officers The regular monthly meeting of the Forum of the Church of Wide Fellowship was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hoskins Wednesday evening, Dec. 11. At the business meeting officers and chairman were elect- ed for the coming year - Mrs. Hoskins, president; Miss Mary- Alice Tate, secretary; Charles Austin, treasurer; Mrs. Louis Scheipers, publicity; Mrs. V. B. Johnson, cheer; and Mrs. James W. Prim Jr., program. After the meeting games were played, and delicious refresh- ments were served by the host- ess. Pageant "On Earth, Peace," a Christ- mas pageant with s;nging and spoken parts was given by the Woman's Auxiliary of Brownson Memorial Church Monday night at the church. Members of the cast were Mrs. Robert McMillan, Mrs. Ray McDonald, Mrs. Walter Harper, Mrs. Robert Johnston, Mrs. Jack Weatherly and Su- zanne Burns. Mrs. W. C. Hilder- man, as reader, and Mrs. Joe Thomas with piano accompania- ment, were in charge of the pag- eant presentation. A pleasant social hour follow- ed the program with Mrs. Alma Morrison and Mrs. Weatherly as hostesses for the Auxiliary. Children's Christmas Little folk, and the grown-ups too, will be entertained at Christ- mas parties given by the South- ern Pines churches. Emmanuel Episcopal Church will have their party Sunday af- ternoon Dec. 22, at four in the Parish house, and Brownson Memorial! Presbyterian Church, the Baptist Church and the Church of Wide Fellowship will hold theirs Monday night, Dec. 23, in their recreation rooms. Yule trees will be brightly light- ed and programs will include re- citations by the youngsters, carol singing by all, and the distribu- tion of gifts by Santa Claus. Visit County Home On Sunday afternoon, Dec. 15, I several members of the Dorothy Wonderly Circle of the Baptist Church irotored to the County Home near Carthage for a visit. Mrs. Wiliam Dale was in charge of the program which consisted of the story of the nativity by the minister, the Rev. J. L. Jackson, and Christmas carols by members of the Young People's Training Union. After the short program amall remembrances were pre- sented to each person who makes his home there. Return for Holidays Among the students returning from school to spend the holidays with their families are Ann Field, Lewis and Norris Hodgkins, Philip Woolley and Gearge Van Camp from Duke University; Betty Johnston, Queens College, Charlotte; Alice Baxter, Ring- ling School of Art, Sarasota; Fia.. Nancy Boyd, Radcliffe, and James Boyd, Harvard, Cambridge Mass.; Mary Ruth Spring, The Elms, Springfield, Mass.; Daniel Boyd and Mrs. Boyd, and Harry Vale, Jr., Princeton, N. J.; Paul- ine Nichols, Rosemary Hall Conn., Jane McCain, Agnes Scott College, Deratur, Ga. Daniel Ray, 111, Davidson Col- lege; David Cameron, John Neal, Davis Worsham, Drennen Mann, Newton Baker, Tony Montesanti, Joe McDaniels, Raymond Hayes and Mrs. Hayes, University of N. C.; Bob Burns, Hugh Hobbs David Morrison,, Calvin Stephen- son, Burton Brown and Hugh Bowman, Presbyterian Junior College, Maxton; Jack Ruggles, Chan Page, Jr., Ed Fields, Jr., Jack Oak Rirge Military Institute; Bobby Spring and Michael Walsh, Jr., Belmont Ab- bey; Ethel Blue Britt, Montr eat. Mrs. Emmet French motored to Virginia Tuesday to call for her son, John Emmet, Jr., at Woodbury Forest. Mary Jane French will return from Shipley School at Bryn Mawr Ftiday, Dec. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young left Wednesday for Washington, D. C., where their daughter, Bar- bara, senior at Bryn Mawr, and son, Llewellyn, Haverford Coll- ege, Pa., will join them. They will ' return here for the holidays. Thistle Club Nine tables were in play at the Thiste club bridge tea last Satur- day afternoon at the Country club. High score prizes were won by Miss Marguerite Wolf, Mrs. F. B. Smith, Mrs. W. D. Howard, Mrs. Willard Angen, Mrs. Arthur Eak- ins, Mrs. Louis Scheipers, Mrs. J. F. Morris, Mrs. Robert Johnston and Mrs. L. T. Sutherland. Tea was served at the conclusion of the game with Mrs. Angen and Mrs. Frank Neely_ presiding at the tea table. Post Chapel Wedding Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wilson of Manly of the marriage of their daughter Nancy, to T-Sgt. Henry Roberts on Saturday, Nov. 23. The wed- ding service was at two in the afternoon in Post Chapel at Fort Bragg, with Chaplin McCue off- iciating. Sgt. Roberts, son' of Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Roberts of Brent- wood, L. 1., N.Y., is stationed with the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg. The young couple is making their home with the bride's parents in Manly for the present. The Pine Needles With the spirit of Christmas in the air, plans at Pine Needles are rapidly taking shape. On Christ- mas Eve there will be a cock- tail party and the guests will join in trimming the tree. Christ- mas carols will be sung informal- ly and many plan to attend the midnight church service. On Christmas morning gifts will be distributed from the Christmas tree. At noon Mr. Boone will entertain at an egg nog par- ty, and in the afternoon there will be putting contest. There will also be golf matches during the holiday season. There will be a party and mid- night supper at the Club House on the last night of the year, when everyone plans to gaily usher in the New Year. Personals Mrs. C. Winthrop Sawyer of Boston, Mass., is spending the winter at Highland Lodge. Mrs. Henry F. Burton arrived recently from Rochester, N. Y., to be the guest of Miss Florence Swann for several months. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Ives left Saturday to spend the Christ- mas holidays in Bloomington and Chicago, 111. Their son, Timmy, has joined them there. Mrs. Douglas Russell and dau- ghter, Dianna, of Hollywood, Calif., are visiting Mrs. Russell's mother, Mrs. Mattie Dillehay, Page Street. Mrs. Russell is the former Beulah Dillehay. W. A. Moore returned to his home recently after a visit in New York City with his daugh- ter, Mrs. John E. Daniel. This was Mr. Moore's first visit to New York and he was quite im- pressed with the city and thoroughly enjoyed all of his sight-seeing. Mr. and Mrs. D. Wade Stevick and daughter, Mrs. Jack Priest motored to Greensboro for a re- cent weekend to be present at the birthday celebration of Mrs. Ste- vick's mother. It was Mrs. H. P. Bilyeu's seventieth anniversary and most of her family were present for the occasion. Mrs. L. H. Littlefield is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. H Barnum in New York City. Mrs. George B. Graff has re- turned from Newton Center, Mass. She is a guest at the Holly- wood while reopening her home on New Hampshire Avenue for the winter. Mrs. Ivy Morton and Miss Georgie Maxim arrived last week from South Paris, Me., to spend the winter months at the home of. Mrs. Pettis, Ashe Street. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Field, May Street, had as their guests through last weekend, Mr. Field's mother and brother, Mrs. C. J. Field of Salisbury and J. I. Field of Washington, D. C. H. A. Gould returned from Barre, Vt. last week to join Mrs. Gould. They will spend the win- ter in Southern Pines. Miss Frances Mills arrived from Pensacola, Fla., Wednesday of last week to spend her Christ- mas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mills, Pine- dene. She will visit Mrs. Pete Copely in Fayetteville this week-end. ' Mrs. Walker Dillard returned to her home in Greensboro Tues- day after several days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Reams, Con- necticut avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Collins were overnight visitors in Green- ville, S. C., Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Woolley will return from Baltimore, Md., Friday, December 20, for Friday, December 20, 1946 iW" LIN - DELL ROLLER RINK OPEN NIGHTLY Two Sessions: 7 to 9 9 io 11 FOR HEALTH S SAKE ROLLER SKATE at GUTHRIE WAREHOUSE Sanford, N. C. 1 \ \ GREETINGS | JOYOUS I VULGTIDB ? Here's wishing that the light of the season's cheer will pkiw through all you do, fuMin? greatiy to your Christntaii We Will Be Open All Day Sunday, December 22. And All Through the Week With a Choice Display of Christmas Gifts WHILE THEY LAST All Lugg age Including Men's and Women's Cases 25 per cent off « Southern Pines Pharmacy GRAHAM CULBRETH Registered Druggist Telephone 5321 West Broad Street 1922 Near Depot 1946 a holiday visit in Southern Pines- Mr. Woolley is a student at Pea- body Conservatory of Music. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Moore plan to spend a few days at Christmas time with their dau- ghter, Mrs. William T. Johnston, and Mr. Johnston in Richmond. Lt. Col. J. R- Beck of Ridge street is spending the week in Chicago and Milwaukee. Mrs. Nettie Ayres and her mo- ther, Mrs. Jessie Rogers, left Thursday for a six weeks stay at Safety Harbor, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Chatfield of Knollwood left Monday for a stay in Miami, Fla. Page Four

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Page 1: The Pilot (Southern Pines, N.C.) 1946-12-20 [p Page … PILOT, Southern Pinos. North Carolina Society and Personals of

THE PILOT, Southern Pinos. North Carolina

Society and Personals of the Sandhills

Entertaining HonorsMiss Kate Mclntyre

Pre-nuptial parties are beinggiven in honor of Kate Mclntyrewho will be married on Friday,

Dec. 27, in Wingate to CharlesPeck, Jr., of Harrington, Del.Miss Mclntyre formerly taught

in the Southern Pines schools,and for the past year has beenteaching in Wingate.

While visiting her sister, MissBess Mclntyre, last weekend amiscellaneous shower and bridgeparty complimented her Satur-day evening when Miss PheobeWitherspoon, Miss Aline Todd andMiss Pauline Miller entertainedat the Manor apartments. Theygave her an honor gift of a silverbread tray after the bridge gameat which time the shower giftswere presented.

Guests present were Mrs.Marion Kay (Elizabeth Heins) ofColumbia, S. C., Mrs. Fred Chal-

lis of Chatanooga, Tenn., Mrs. C.L. Smith, Mrs. Jack Weatherly,Mrs. Leon Seymour, Mrs. A. C.Dawson, Mrs. Roy Grinnell, Mrs.P. J. Weaver, Mrs. R. L. Sugg,Miss Bess Mclntyre, Miss BlancheMoss, Miss Abbie Sutherland andMrs. Claude Reams.

White flowers with Christmastouch of red berries and ferncentered each table when re-freshments of ice cream molded |in wedding bells, slippers andrings, and decorated cakes were

served. There was a little bridalfavor on each plate.

In Wingate Mrs. J. J. Perry,Mrs. Bernard Helms, Mrs. JackPerry and Miss Mildred Perryentertained at a miscellaneousshower at Monroe Country Clubwith 75 guests. The date for thewedding was announced at thistime and the many gifts werepresented to the guest of honorby Master Eddie Perry. Musicwas furnished during the after-noon by Mrs. J. Cliff Williams,soloist, and Mrs. Joe Whitmore,pianist. The hostesses served asalad course.

Mrs. Vann Griffin of Charlotteand Miss Mildred Griffin of Win-gate entertained in the home ofthe latter at an informal coffeefor the bride-elect. The place for

the guest of honor was marked

with a nosegay of flowers and

she was presented with a set oflinen by the hostesses. The homewas attractively decorated withChristmas greens. A salad coursewas served.

Visitor from BostonMrs. E. F. Copeland arrived

from Boston, Mass., Wednesday

to visit her son-in-law and daugh-

ter, Mr. and Mrs. George C.Moore, and grandchild/Ten, Mr.and Mrs. A. B. Patterson andfamily during the Christmas hol-idays. Mr. and Mrs. Moore re-turned recently from a vacationat Miami, Fla.

Bridge Party HonorsMiss Jessie Windham

Miss Jessie Windham of Aber-deen, bride-eect of Dec. 23rd.,

was honored when Miss Ann Par-ker and Mr. and Mrs. CharlesPatch, Jr., entertained at a bridgeparty last Monday night at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Patch.

During the evening an honorgift was presented to the bride-elect, and high score prizes toMrs. D. Al. Blue, Jr., and BobCameron. A dessert course wasserved by the hostesses.

Guests present were Miss Wind-ham and her finance, WilliamArey Benson of Southern Pines,Mr. and Mrs. D. Al. Blue, Jr.,Miss. Frances Mills, Miss HelenCameron, Mr. and Mrs. RussellMills, and Bob Burns.

Christmas Tea at Homeof Mrs. Sutherland

Group Three of the Church ofWide Fellowship had a delight-ful Christmas party at the homeof Mrs. L. T. Sutherland, Conn-ecticut Avenue, on Thursdayafternoon, Dec. 12. A holiday

motif was used by the hostess indecorating her home with Christ-mas tree, Yuletide greens andflowers. A short business sessionwas held, and Mrs. Eva Owenread a Christmas story.

A surprise for the guests was

j the arrival of Santa Claus in cos-I tume (impersonated by a mem-

With Treats for the Table

to Please You.

Fresh Vegetables of Every VarietyChoice Fruits

Preserves, Nuts, Cakes, Puddings, Grapes,

Fruit Cakes, Frozen Foods, Apple Juice

Complete Assortment of Extra Fine Fruits

in Cans Including Cranberry Sauce.

Genuine Northern Christmas Trees


The Modern MarketBLUE & HACKNEY


ber of the group) who distributedgifts to all. Tea was served at aprettily arranged table with MrsC. L. Austin pounding. The host-ess was assisted by committeemembers Mrs. A. H. Williams,Mrs. V. B. Johnson, Mrs. JohnLovejoy and Mrs. Louis Scheip-ers..

After the party Santa visitedand brought cheer to Mrs. Her-bert Knowles, Mrs. Andy Ander-son, Mrs. Lena Sweezy, Mrs.Grace Abraham, all members ofGroup Three, and Wilbur San-born.

Football DanceHighland Pines Inn, decorated

with holly, mistletoe and pineboughs, was the scene of a gayparty Saturday night when mem-bers of the Southern Pines HighSchool football team were honorguests at a dance given from nineto twelve by the girls of the highschool.

Clever cards, hand painted byDanila Frassineti, with figure offootball player with his number,,invited the guests.

After the refreshments, servedat ten o'clock, A. C. Dawson pre-sented a trophy of merit to thesquad captain and his team. Mov-ies of the State Championshipgame, played here on Thanks-giving day were shown by P. J.Weaver.

Chaperones for the party were

Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Weaver, Mr.and Mrs. A. C. Dawson, Mrs. J.Elmer Harrington, Mr. and Mrs.J. A. Phillips and Mr. and Mrs.Lennox Forsyth.

A SonMr. and Mrs. James L. Irvin

announce the birth of a son,James Ronald, on Friday, Dec.13, at Moore County Hospital.Mrs. Irvin is the former EleanorAdams.

Marriage AnnouncedIn her marriage to James Bas-

kin of Toledo, Ohio, Emily Dell,daughter of Mrs. Robert N. Hay-es and the late Mr. Hayes of St.Andrews, Fla., granddaughter ofMr. and Mrs. C. L. Hayes of Sou-thern Pines, wore a gray andlavender suit with corsage of iris.The vows were spoken Tuesday,Dec. 3, in the Methodist Church,Fanania City, with the Rev. W.B. Atkinson officiating.

The groom attended the Uni-versity of Toledo and served fortwenty-three months in the Navy.Since his discharge in Dec. 1945he has been associated with theOwens-Corning Fibreglass Corp-oration at Toledo. Mr. and Mrs.Baskin honeymooned in Floridaand will be at home in Toledoafter January Ist.

Mrs. Kennedy HostessOn Friday evening Dec. 13,

twenty-six members of the Ade-laide King Bible Class of theFirst Baptist Church met withMrs. Carlton Kennedy on Mid-land Road for their Christmasparty. An impressive devotionalwas given by Mrs. Myrton Stew-art of Carthage.

After group singing of Christmas carols, Santa Claus, (MrsFred Chappell) distributed themany gifts from the gaily decora-ted tree. Delightful refreshmentswere served by the hostess andher helpers.

Open HouseA delightful combination of

open house and Christmas partywas given by Mrs. Edward Ham-blett of Bath, Me., at her homeon North Page Street on Friday,the 13th. The many guests en-joyed being in her interestinghome, and Christmas decorationsand exchange of gifts gave thefriendly gathering a Christmasspirit. Miss Helen Finn and MissKathryn McMahon presided atthe attractively arranged buffettable.

Congregational Group 2Guests of Mrs. Worsham

Mrs. C. L. Worsham, presidentof Group Two of the Church ofWide Fellowship, was hostess totwenty members of her group ata Christmas party in her homeon Pennsylvania Avenue Thursday afternoon of last week. Theguests enjoyed a social afternoonwith visit from Santa Claus, theexchange of gifts, and dainty re-freshments served by the hostess.

Members voted to rememberthe sick and shut-ins with flow-ers and fruit during the Yuletideseason.

Fifth BirthdayA children's party was given

Saturday afternoon, Dec. 14, forLeland Ferguson, son of Mr. andMrs. A. F. Ferguson, on his fifthbirthday. The party was plannedby his mother and given at theirhome on Ohio Avenue.

Leland's guests were his cous-ins BillyWicker of Aberdeen andPhilip Guin, Mary Hartman, BillyGouger, Jr., Nonie McCullough,Clara Horner, Ellen Carol andMary Wells, Bobby Nolan, andbrother Adrian.

The youngsters played gamesduring the afternoon and wereserved refreshments of birthdaycake and ice cream. Each receiv-ed a favor.

Elect Forum OfficersThe regular monthly meeting

of the Forum of the Church ofWide Fellowship was held at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. DwightHoskins Wednesday evening,Dec. 11. At the business meetingofficers and chairman were elect-ed for the coming year - Mrs.Hoskins, president; Miss Mary-Alice Tate, secretary; CharlesAustin, treasurer; Mrs. LouisScheipers, publicity; Mrs. V. B.Johnson, cheer; and Mrs. JamesW. Prim Jr., program.

After the meeting games wereplayed, and delicious refresh-ments were served by the host-ess.

Pageant"On Earth, Peace," a Christ-

mas pageant with s;nging andspoken parts was given by theWoman's Auxiliary of BrownsonMemorial Church Monday nightat the church. Members of thecast were Mrs. Robert McMillan,Mrs. Ray McDonald, Mrs. WalterHarper, Mrs. Robert Johnston,Mrs. Jack Weatherly and Su-zanne Burns. Mrs. W. C. Hilder-man, as reader, and Mrs. JoeThomas with piano accompania-ment, were in charge of the pag-eant presentation.

A pleasant social hour follow-ed the program with Mrs. AlmaMorrison and Mrs. Weatherly ashostesses for the Auxiliary.

Children's ChristmasLittle folk, and the grown-ups

too, will be entertained at Christ-mas parties given by the South-ern Pines churches.

Emmanuel Episcopal Churchwill have their party Sunday af-ternoon Dec. 22, at four in theParish house, and BrownsonMemorial! Presbyterian Church,the Baptist Church and theChurch of Wide Fellowship willhold theirs Monday night, Dec.23, in their recreation rooms.Yule trees will be brightly light-ed and programs will include re-citations by the youngsters, carolsinging by all, and the distribu-tion of gifts by Santa Claus.

Visit County HomeOn Sunday afternoon, Dec. 15,

I several members of the DorothyWonderly Circle of the BaptistChurch irotored to the CountyHome near Carthage for a visit.Mrs. Wiliam Dale was in chargeof the program which consistedof the story of the nativity by theminister, the Rev. J. L. Jackson,and Christmas carols by membersof the Young People's TrainingUnion. After the short programamall remembrances were pre-sented to each person who makeshis home there.

Return for HolidaysAmong the students returning

from school to spend the holidayswith their families are Ann Field,Lewis and Norris Hodgkins,Philip Woolley and Gearge VanCamp from Duke University;Betty Johnston, Queens College,Charlotte; Alice Baxter, Ring-ling School of Art, Sarasota; Fia..Nancy Boyd, Radcliffe, andJames Boyd, Harvard, CambridgeMass.; Mary Ruth Spring, TheElms, Springfield, Mass.; DanielBoyd and Mrs. Boyd, and HarryVale, Jr., Princeton, N. J.; Paul-ine Nichols, Rosemary HallConn., Jane McCain, Agnes ScottCollege, Deratur, Ga.

Daniel Ray, 111, Davidson Col-lege; David Cameron, John Neal,Davis Worsham, Drennen Mann,Newton Baker, Tony Montesanti,Joe McDaniels, Raymond Hayesand Mrs. Hayes, University of N.C.; Bob Burns, Hugh HobbsDavid Morrison,, Calvin Stephen-son, Burton Brown and HughBowman, Presbyterian JuniorCollege, Maxton; Jack Ruggles,Chan Page, Jr., Ed Fields, Jr.,Jack Oak Rirge Military

Institute; Bobby Spring andMichael Walsh, Jr., Belmont Ab-bey; Ethel Blue Britt, Montreat.

Mrs. Emmet French motoredto Virginia Tuesday to call forher son, John Emmet, Jr., atWoodbury Forest. Mary JaneFrench will return from ShipleySchool at Bryn Mawr Ftiday,Dec. 20.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young leftWednesday for Washington, D.C., where their daughter, Bar-bara, senior at Bryn Mawr, andson, Llewellyn, Haverford Coll-ege, Pa., will join them. They will

' return here for the holidays.

Thistle ClubNine tables were in play at the

Thiste club bridge tea last Satur-day afternoon at the Country club.High score prizes were won byMiss Marguerite Wolf, Mrs. F. B.Smith, Mrs. W. D. Howard, Mrs.Willard Angen, Mrs. Arthur Eak-ins, Mrs. Louis Scheipers, Mrs. J.F. Morris, Mrs. Robert Johnstonand Mrs. L. T. Sutherland. Teawas served at the conclusion ofthe game with Mrs. Angen andMrs. Frank Neely_ presiding atthe tea table.

Post Chapel WeddingAnnouncement is made by Mr.

and Mrs. J. E. Wilson of Manlyof the marriage of their daughterNancy, to T-Sgt. Henry Robertson Saturday, Nov. 23. The wed-ding service was at two in theafternoon in Post Chapel at FortBragg, with Chaplin McCue off-iciating.

Sgt. Roberts, son' of Mr. andMrs. Edward F. Roberts of Brent-wood, L. 1., N.Y., is stationedwith the 82nd Airborne Divisionat Fort Bragg. The young coupleis making their home with thebride's parents in Manly for thepresent.

The Pine NeedlesWith the spirit of Christmas in

the air, plans at Pine Needles arerapidly taking shape. On Christ-mas Eve there will be a cock-tail party and the guests willjoin in trimming the tree. Christ-mas carols will be sung informal-ly and many plan to attend themidnight church service.

On Christmas morning giftswill be distributed from theChristmas tree. At noon Mr. Boonewill entertain at an egg nog par-ty, and in the afternoon therewill be putting contest. Therewill also be golf matches duringthe holiday season.

There will be a party and mid-night supper at the Club Houseon the last night of the year,when everyone plans to gailyusher in the New Year.


Mrs. C. Winthrop Sawyer ofBoston, Mass., is spending thewinter at Highland Lodge.

Mrs. Henry F. Burton arrivedrecently from Rochester, N. Y.,to be the guest of Miss FlorenceSwann for several months.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Ivesleft Saturday to spend the Christ-mas holidays in Bloomington andChicago, 111. Their son, Timmy,has joined them there.

Mrs. Douglas Russell and dau-ghter, Dianna, of Hollywood,Calif., are visiting Mrs. Russell'smother, Mrs. Mattie Dillehay,Page Street. Mrs. Russell is theformer Beulah Dillehay.

W. A. Moore returned to hishome recently after a visit inNew York City with his daugh-ter, Mrs. John E. Daniel. Thiswas Mr. Moore's first visit toNew York and he was quite im-pressed with the city andthoroughly enjoyed all of hissight-seeing.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Wade Stevickand daughter, Mrs. Jack Priestmotored to Greensboro for a re-cent weekend to be present at thebirthday celebration of Mrs. Ste-vick's mother. It was Mrs. H. P.Bilyeu's seventieth anniversaryand most of her family werepresent for the occasion.

Mrs. L. H. Littlefield is visitingMr. and Mrs. W. H Barnum inNew York City.

Mrs. George B. Graff has re-turned from Newton Center,Mass. She is a guest at the Holly-wood while reopening her homeon New Hampshire Avenue forthe winter.

Mrs. Ivy Morton and MissGeorgie Maxim arrived last weekfrom South Paris, Me., to spendthe winter months at the home of.Mrs. Pettis, Ashe Street.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Field, MayStreet, had as their gueststhrough last weekend, Mr.Field's mother and brother, Mrs.C. J. Field of Salisbury and J. I.Field of Washington, D. C.

H. A. Gould returned fromBarre, Vt. last week to join Mrs.Gould. They will spend the win-ter in Southern Pines.

Miss Frances Mills arrived fromPensacola, Fla., Wednesday of

last week to spend her Christ-

mas vacation with her parents,Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mills, Pine-dene. She will visit Mrs. PeteCopely in Fayetteville thisweek-end.' Mrs. Walker Dillard returnedto her home in Greensboro Tues-day after several days' visit withMr. and Mrs. Claude Reams, Con-necticut avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Collinswere overnight visitors in Green-ville, S. C., Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Woolley

will return from Baltimore,Md., Friday, December 20, for

Friday, December 20, 1946



Two Sessions: 7 to 9 9 io 11










Here's wishing that the light

of the season's cheer will pkiw

through all you do, fuMin? greatiy

to your Christntaii

We Will Be Open AllDay

Sunday, December 22.

And All Through the Week With a Choice

Display of Christmas Gifts


AllLugg age Including Men's and

Women's Cases 25 per cent off


Southern Pines PharmacyGRAHAM CULBRETH

Registered DruggistTelephone 5321 West Broad Street

1922 Near Depot 1946

a holiday visit in Southern Pines-

Mr. Woolley is a student at Pea-body Conservatory of Music.

Mr. and Mrs. George C. Moore

plan to spend a few days at

Christmas time with their dau-

ghter, Mrs. William T. Johnston,

and Mr. Johnston in Richmond.

Lt. Col. J. R- Beck of Ridge

street is spending the week in

Chicago and Milwaukee.Mrs. Nettie Ayres and her mo-

ther, Mrs. Jessie Rogers, left

Thursday for a six weeks stay

at Safety Harbor, Fla.

Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Chatfield of

Knollwood left Monday for a

stay in Miami, Fla.

Page Four