the pillars of wealth


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From sleeping in his car with his wife, six dogs and eating peanut butter sandwiches to success.The steps first three definitive to turning regret into the kind of success you envisioned many years ago.


Page 1: The Pillars of Wealth
Page 2: The Pillars of Wealth


Warning, Warning, Danger

Will Robinson, Danger!

Poor Financial Performance is Detrimental to

Your Health! Don't let yourself be fooled by

ignoring the inevitable.

Your financial affairs are your own. How you plan today will

result in how you live tomorrow.

It's the truth you can't control what happens tomorrow but

you certainly can prepare for it.

The facts remain that no matter what your success has been in

life up to this point one decision in life can make or break

your mind, spirit, and leave you wondering what happened

and where you went wrong.− R. Wegman

1 © Ryan Wegman TABRfin Publishing All rights reserved. The Pillars of WealthTABR Financial Services

Page 3: The Pillars of Wealth


This guide is designed for a guide to help new investors gain a solid

understanding of money and the proper usage of it. It is in no way to

be taken as the be-all end-all to your investment knowledge.

This guide may make reference to certain aspects or language of or

pertaining to financial affairs, items such as tax related, strategic

planning and, wealth creation. All information is deemed to be true

and correct at the time of this publishing.

The author assumes no responsibility for losses, misrepresentation or

new laws that go into effect after the publishing release.

You should always seek the advise of a professional who is familiar

with the laws and regulations in your local state and cities.

Any questions can be directed to the author of this publication and

general advise may be given.

The author is a licensed California Real Estate Agent who specializes

in Land banking and assisting with rolling your IRA into real estate, a

cash flow specialist and an active investor in real estate and several

other income producing vehicles.

Information provided here in this manual is only for informational and

2 © Ryan Wegman TABRfin Publishing All rights reserved. The Pillars of WealthTABR Financial Services

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educational purposes only and it is to be used with caution. All

investment vehicles incur a certain level of risk depending on the

amount of return associated with the particular investment vehicle.

Proper planning and council is strongly recommended to develop your

investment strategy. You should also seek advise from several

authoritative sources.

3 © Ryan Wegman TABRfin Publishing All rights reserved. The Pillars of WealthTABR Financial Services

Page 5: The Pillars of Wealth

Ryan Wegman is President of TABR Financial Services and Ryan

Wegman Enterprises.

Together Achievement Becomes Reality

My Past accomplishments include

Proud Husband and Father

Marketer/ Internet Marketer/ Search Engine Optimization Specialist/

Blogger (Personal and Professional Websites)

Enlightened Wealth Institute Active Member

Past President of the American Cash Flow Association San Francisco

Bay Area Chapter

Article and Book Writer

4 © Ryan Wegman TABRfin Publishing All rights reserved. The Pillars of WealthTABR Financial Services

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To my wonderful wife Teri Lynn you have been the support and

cheerleader for me in my quest for everything. When I was down and

wanting to throw in the towel you wouldn't let me stop.

When we were facing all odds and the inevitable seemed near you

stood up in the face of danger and showed courage when we could

have turned and buried our faces in the sand.

Your strength, love, and devotion has shown me that through love we

can conquer mountains. I hope that I am half the man and support for

you that you have been for me.

For my children Austin and Brooke; you may be young and not

understand everything that has happened over the years. I know you

have felt sadness and suffered in ways that only a child can


My quest for providing you with a luxury lifestyle didn't go as I had

originally planned. Even though we had our differences and our

disagreements we somehow managed to pull it together to make it to

the finish line.

To our wonderful pets the dogs Bear, Lassie, Sonya, Peanut and that

crazy Clifford. To Scruffy even though we only shared a few months

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together you made us all learn to love again. As for the rest of you

mutts I want you to know that I cherish you more than you will ever


To our wonderful kittens we think about you often and wonder where

you are. Every time we think of you we wish upon a star.

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Teri's Point of View

To my loving husband as the song from the Beetles states our lives

have been a “Long and Winding Road” we have been through more

challenges and mishaps than any one family should ever bear.

We were young and scared, foolish too. You did things that made no

sense to me. You would explain why and I stood directly by your side.

We faced financial, emotional, and mental stress; more problems than

anyone we know yet even in the face of adversity you smiled and kept

pushing on.

So many times you promised me that we were finally going to make it.

You would argue and sometimes get loud. We were completely broke,

down and out. Out of a home, out of a job, out of luck and out of time.

My health and mental state were weakening every minute of the day.

You kept on promising me that everything would be okay. I was

loosing my patience; quite frankly I was ready to give up.

Then I came to the realization that we were in this together. We have

made so many sacrifices for one another and the compromises have

been immense. I knew deep in my heart that you could and would

succeed. You have proven it to me time and time again.

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I may have wondered off the long and winding road, and almost every

night I cried myself to sleep. Only to wake in the morning to see your

smiling face standing strong in the battle of we faced. You walked the

winding road and forged us ahead.

Your courage and conviction has helped me to keep the faith alive and

to feel the passion burning in my heart. My only regret are the losses

we have experienced along the way. Thank you my love for showing

me the light and empowering me to stay.

Being with you has shown me different experiences that I would have

otherwise never known. Even though the precarious situations we

have encountered in life may have been unpleasant. We have

developed the appreciation, enjoyment and humbleness required to

experience the finer things in life.

We've learned that life cannot be taken for granted. It takes faith,

courage and love to overcome everything. Following your dreams is

difficult. Falling in love was easy. Staying in for the long haul requires

strength, endurance and happiness. This is why we drive forward to

achieve our goals and dreams.

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This manual is a compilation of lessons that I have learned in life. It is

meant to be a guide for you to follow to achieve greatness and security

in these uncertain times.

I have spent countless hours researching, modeling and evaluating

these so called pillars of wealth. I nearly went bankrupt in the pursuit

of my own happiness. Not realizing I already had everything I ever


All I had to do was to put into action everything I had ever learned.

You see I spent tens of thousands of dollars on seminars and private

coaching and personal development programs. After all of this I soon

realized that nothing would ever work without action.

This is a guide for you or a road map to ease the choppy uncharted

waters of the world of investing. This is my passion to empower you

through the simple guidance and thought transition of going from

where you are to where you would like to be.

This guide is not the first and only authority on the subject of creating

wealth and I am sure it will not be the last. What it is though is your

direct link to the minds of the greatest visionaries, financial authors,

and investment guru's of our modern day.

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All of them compiled into my own thoughts and interpretations. Then

compiled into an easy to read, easy to understand format for you to


You have in your hands one of the safest most reliable guides to

creating financial wealth by building pillars of support to configure a

system to sustain wealth.

Erected on solid foundations, held together by a system of

management and the sound principle that wealth is not a race. It's the

principle that slow and steady wins the race.

“EZ Money is money that's easily lost”.

Wall Street

Bud Fox's Dad”

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and for placing your trust

and confidence with me and in this guide. Before we get started I

wanted to give you this thought. Keep it in mind as you read this. It's

so relevant to the subject of taking action:

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By Napoleon Hill

Procrastination robs you of opportunity. It is a significant fact that no great leader

was ever known to procrastinate. You are fortunate if AMBITION drives you into

action, never permitting you to falter or turn back, once you have rendered a

DECISION to go forward.

Second by second, as the clock ticks off the distance TIME is running a race with

YOU. Delay means defeat, because no man may ever make up a second of lost


TIME is a master worker which heals the wounds of failure and disappointment

and rights all wrongs and turns all mistakes into capital, but, it favors only those

who kill off procrastination and remain in ACTION when decisions are to be


Life is a great checker-board. The player opposite you is TIME.

If you hesitate you will be wiped off the board. If you keep moving you may win.

The only real capital is TIME, but it is capital only when used.

You may be shocked if you keep accurate account of the TIME you waste in a

single day.


Move by move TIME has wiped off Mr. Average Man's men until he is finally

cornered, where TIME will get him, no matter which way he moves. INDECISION

has driven him into the corner.

With that in mind let's begin. Time is a wasting. Let's Begin...

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What the hell are we going to do? What now Ryan! What in hell are

we going to do? Teri shouted! We're homeless Ryan do you know

what that means? People remain homeless for years before they ever

recover. That's if they recover at all. Some never do... Teri sighed as

we continued to gather our belongings into our car.

I'll never forget that afternoon as long I live, losing a job at my age.

After having wrecked what seemed to be every area of my life I had

finally lost the last possible asset I had, my dignity.

My wife was more than very upset to say the least. Here we were

homeless, stranded without any income, no savings, no opportunity in

front of us. Just her and I with six dogs and very heated tempers.

I had already awarded custody of my children to my ex-wife, sold my

home in a fire sale manner to save face with my credit which was shot

anyway. I had filed and dismissed my bankruptcy, sold all of my

personal possessions to carry a life forward from total annihilation.

Only to wind up right back where we started running from in the first


We had two cars repossessed and I had a good job all down the drain.

All for one simple idea. I choose the road less traveled, I wanted a real

shot at a lifestyle of luxury, wealth, riches and endless mystical and

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whimsical, dangerous, fairytale adventures. You know everything a

guy learns, reads and embraces from the time we were old enough to

make up our own minds.

This time I had really done it. The funny thing was even though the

road ahead was seeming dark, scary, and uncharted. I knew this was

the chance I had been waiting for.

Finally after all of our emotions had reduced themselves into a slow

burning ember we settled down for the evening cuddled in each others


We knew the road ahead was not going to be easy, we knew we had to

depend on each other to get through this. If we didn't this could most

certainly be the end. Our worries and tears settled us down to an

uncomfortable and suddenly interrupted nights sleep.

The local authorities had decided that we must investigate this un-

allowed vehicle with people sleeping in it. This put us in a mode of

panic. We complied with the officers instructions and embarrassingly

explained our situation.

They let us sleep out the night and away they disappeared into the

darkness of early morning. This was the first of many unwelcome

encounters with the law enforcement agencies.

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All of the events for this journey started in September 2001. Without

warning the plot developed as our nation went from a good day to the

worst event in American history. We met in the midst of all this

commotion, emotional driven fury and rage. A time when our

homeland was definitely under fire and the face our great nation was

in serious danger.

Before that day it would have been just another day. Off to work,

home to round up the kids and do the normal family deal. Without any

warning a whirlwind rose up and changed the direction of my life


The day I met Teri I was under fire. Personal events led my landlord to

the decision to sell the house I was renting, my marriage was unstable

and since my wife was good at spending all of our hard earned cash, I

was late paying the rent as usual.

I came home to find the “three day or quit notice” posted on my front

door. This is how a simple action can turn your life in a whole new

direction. One question can put you on a journey to a place where you

never thought you would go, or did you think about it and find out

your greatest dreams, fears or worries came true?

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“One question can put you on

a journey to a place where you

never thought you would go,or did

you think about it and find out your

greatest dreams, fears

or worries came true?”

When Teri and I met I had a great job at the local phone company, I

worked from performing outside field operations into the internal

workings of the corporation. I advanced into the data operations

ending up working on the DSL (high speed Internet project).

Life was good I was heading for thirty in several months, making

almost $60,000 per year. The road ahead was never scary because I

had made the advancement to a career based lifestyle.

My mother and father had worked for the phone company for all of

their adult lives. Living at their desk performing the same mundane

operations day in and day out.

When your raised in one type of environment such as a family of

doctors, or lawyers the one radical, against all the odds child comes to

play. This was me. I got bored easy and frustrated with brainless


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I was a simple child, an only child with a vivid imagination and the

ability to learn quickly. I always had a secure and enriched lifestyle.

My parents weren't rich by todays standards in money, they were

however providers.

I can never remember a time where I had to suffer. My Mother even

when she was a single parent always put food on the table. She

worked two jobs and sometimes even three with the overtime. Lacking

was never an issue.

Yet as I stated I was doing very well and following in the exact same

footsteps as my parents. Miserable, sarcastic and worked to death. A

life of limitations and disappointment. One where your time was

limited by the dollar amount you can earn.

I had seen and witnessed these events many times over as well as my

parents and their friends always talking about cutting back and cutting

coupons. I had one common trait with every employer I had ever had.

Feeling unappreciated, unnoticed and uncared for, another warm body

to fill another seat.

Not only had I seen these events I was now following in the same

path. Job security, ample money for an honest days work. Well

needless to say I was discouraged and appalled by the corporate


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Your fooling yourself if you think you can do any better anywhere

else. This was my mentality I believed it to be true because the

outcome of my life was looking just like everyone else's around me.

BROKE, miserable, and discontented with life.

I couldn't see the forest through the trees. I knew there was more to

life than what I was getting out of it. I had so many friends and

associates who seemed so happy, living life to the fullest or so it

seemed and I was trapped. Trapped from fear, resistance and

procrastination to make a change.

I soon realized that I wasn't the only one. Everyone was living in a

facade. Delusions of grandeur, the image of a life that in actuality

engulfs their every reason for living. I wanted more. I needed more!

My family depended upon it. Back to that horrific day when our

nation came under attack. I had met Teri just a couple of days after our

Country's invasion. While the world was mourning and paying

respects for those lost, or missing from the devastation. Two lost souls


As quickly as they met winds of change were blowing. Our meeting

was at minimal devastational and disruptive to those directly involved

and closest to our hearts. No sooner than we met we were out on our

own. The adventure had begun.

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These were the deciding factors that changed our lives forever. I had a

good job and Teri owned a successful business. We were doing fine.

The plans were made to purchase a house and get on our feet.

We took the steps to get our credit in shape, tighten up our finances

and take the plunge into the world of mortgages, real estate and home

ownership. We searched high and low for the right first home. We

found and lost it before the construction was completed, so we

proceeded on to find another home.

We had found a charming little starter home in a not so nice

neighborhood. The likely hood of us living their for the long term was

slim to none. For three years we lived in that home. Fun times for the

first two years and then I went and did the unthinkable.

“I went and did the unthinkable.”

I retired my employment with the phone company. No, I didn't retire, I

quit my post. I was tired and wore out from working forty plus hours a

week, trying to start a new business and learning all of the ropes.

Me in my infinite wisdom thought if I dedicated more time to grow

my business and if I diligently pursued other options I would be rich

in no time. Boy was I in for a shocking discovery and one hell a a ride

on the game of life, and the good graces of a whimsical, nonstop force

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that has driven me to where I am today.

This is where it all begins March 2004, I come home from a night out

networking and mixing with the who's who of the local community.

The tax guy, Realtors, mortgage and loan officers etc.

I had dinner with a friend who was looking to reposition his personal

life to involve a significant other. We spoke of his thoughts on life and

business; at the end of our dinner session I confidently drove home

walked into my home to look my new found love straight in the eyes

and said “Honey, do you trust me?” With a smirky smile I get a “why,

what did you do now?” I replied back “well your not going to believe

this but I quit?”.

Well needless to say this very evening sparked what would be some of

the most memorable and unexpected times in our lives. Now my

decision to quit was not even discussed at the dinner table that

evening. I have no idea why to this day I did the impulsive, gut

reaction that I did.

That's not entirely true. I was fed up with the mundane corporate

mentality and I wanted to be my own boss. I was smart and charming

so I figured this was going to be easy.

The road ahead was looking great for all of about 3.5 minutes until she

hit me with the truth. “Now what, what's your plan?”; and I said “well

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honey you know I have this business and we are going to get rich. You

own a business and we can use that as our platform to launch off of.”

Just like that she sighed and said “I know nothing about financial

services and I have never run a business in this arena. I wouldn't know

what to do.” Well I swallowed my pride and went on to forge ahead.

Day to day I wrestled with adversity and my attempts at success were

futile. I got beaten down. Seminar after seminar, tape after tape, book

after book I gulped down information as quickly as I could.

I had no idea how to run a business, heck I wasn't even the model

employee. I liked to cause waves and always called attention to

myself. I figured this was going to be easy money, a few people to talk

to and I would be in business. That's how the concept was explained

too me.

One month into my self employment I was hit with a tragedy that

changed my life forever. It was Easter 2004 that same year. I had quit

my job and we had the family over, my Mom and her husband Gary. I

was hurrying through my egg hiding and getting ready for the famous

egg hunt. As I headed back into the house my Mother and I crossed


At that very moment I had one of those moments in time where it

literally slowed down and played at a fraction of normalcy. My

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Mother's eyes and mine met as time seemed to stop. I felt a strange

and curious feeling that lasted for that brief moment. We said a few

words and that was it.

The next day was my sons eighth birthday, and then the very next

afternoon I receive a call. I pick up the machine to learn that she was

gone. My mother had died suddenly without warning.

This was the final straw. I spiraled off into a downward chasm filled

with deep sadness, anger, frustration, and resentment. How could this

happen? Then it hit me, she knew there was something wrong and I

couldn't see it coming.

This time Teri and I knew the writing was in the wall. We went from

depressed to reckless. We started the time line of events that left us for

dead. From the forced sale of our personal property and possessions to

winding up on a journey around the country in an eighteen wheeler

with my wife, our six dogs and a whole trail of heartbreak and


Only to wind up homeless, living in our car, with six dogs and living

almost entirely on peanut butter and bread for sustenance and water

for nurturing life. These events in time gave me the power to manifest

a new found strength and understanding for success.

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“These events in time gave me

the power to manifest a new

found strength and understanding for success.”

In the months ahead Teri and I were faced with hunger, scorching

heat, being run off by authorities from every place we tried to stay.

Feeling like the weight of the world was upon our shoulders.

Most of our friends and family turned their backs to us and shunned us

out in the heat of the summer sun. We were at the end of our ropes for

sure there was no way out. We need to just do the world a favor and

stop waking up to another day.

Teri's illnesses put a huge strain on us with constant worry, fear and

upset. Her diabetes and cholesterol were at an alarming level. The

doctors said she was literally a time bomb waiting to explode.

No longer could we sit back and let the stomping of our spirits,

crushing of our existence, and failure after failure happen. We had to

get back on track fast. The feasting on our lives had come to a

screeching halt.

We couldn't win, life sucks and it's not getting easier. Coupled with a

sparse job economy, a national economic recession, and the worst

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times in history for our country's outlook since the times of the great


Through all of our defeat and occasional triumphs in life Teri always

kept me going. Her love is tried and true. Her passion is taking care of

the ones she loves. Her dedication is as devoted as mans best friend.

Loyal, faithful and uplifting. I owed her so much for the losses, pain

and suffering she has endured.

Our travels on the truck seemed like the movie “Independence Day.”

Running from location to location in the cover of night, racing across

the country seeking a change, a new found hope of salvation. The

animals we lost due to circumstances all well within our control. If I

had only...

In the midst of the darkness there came a light, I had been working

secretly on developing my own personal system to start to overcome

financial adversity. The only problem was that Teri and I had no cash

flow, no stash of money for emergency and really we had no time to


We literally could die if we do nothing. We both knew I could pull it

off I just needed to believe and really see what the future had in store

for her and I. With so many challenges constantly popping up in our

faces we were more focused on the problems at hand rather than the


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I had a fledgling career developing a business in the real estate market

during the worst foreclosure market in history. I had been met with

rejection and opposition from so many different directions I couldn't

tell you which way was up or down.

I just knew that the message had rang true to my core and it sounded

crystal clear. I had to find a way to spread our message and I had to do

it now. My days of playing around on the Internet attempting to build

a business were over.

I had built, launched and successfully generated my first sale on line.

This was the second time that I had made money on line and by far it

was the easiest. I was running out of money driving around from

meeting to meeting, budgeting for food, fuel, phone and Internet


I had my first sale. I knew from that point on that the game was to be

played different. We needed exposure and a constant flow of hungry

information seeking individuals who were looking for the solutions I

had to offer.

The ideas were coming to me like typhoons, huge powerful visions of

the future seamlessly appeared to me in the midst of any activities. I

knew I needed focus and clarity.

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The only problem was again money and time. Having the ability to

jump when the time is right. The days were hot and finding shade was

a priority. Which meant my most productive time was sacrificed to

help with the situation at hand the well being of us all; survival and


Once again my priorities changed and the talk of the hour was survival

and the revisits of past events and future possibilities. We started

finding the root of the problem instead of looking for the viable

solutions. This in effect stands to be most peoples problem.

“We started finding the root

of the problem instead of looking

for the viable solutions.”

We'd defeat our chances of success before we'd even begin to embrace

the positive effects that change is good, growth and transformation are

essential to our survival. The positive encouragement from a total

stranger for me was the difference between our ultimate success or our


We had a problem dealing with any new situations because the pity

and self doubt had become so terribly strong and pronounced within

our hearts.

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The end was insight. When out of nowhere opportunity presented

itself in the form of a partnership for the same real estate company I

was already affiliated with.

We were able to see it and grasp it for the potential it had. Finally a

chance at a new life. The road ahead wouldn't be any shorter, any

easier and the obstacles would still be there.

Knowing all of this going into the situation is a plus. Earning the right

of notability and recognition is praise enough, when you earn it from

the position Teri and I were in as far as our stability was

concerned,was an extreme honor.

The desires we had been wishing for for so long were appearing in

droves. We had never had such clarity and vision with a thought. We

were beginning to see the path out from the darkness of the abyss.

This is why we stayed the course when all odds were facing us and

daring us to have a go at it one last time. You know what we're glad

we took the chance.

The planets aligned at that precise moment in time and the gates of

abundance, prosperity, security and wealth opened from above.We

were showered with opportunity and praise.

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The result is that from adversity and pain come the abilities to

understand, acknowledge and recognize and act towards your goals

and objectives without resistance.

It's our honor to share our story, give you direction and provide you

with the tools to forge ahead when everything else seems pointless and

your down and out.

Not for sympathy, or pity. It's our honor because we have walked the

path that you are on in your shoes. Stumbled, fallen and even started

over more than once.

Love and desire will drive you, faith and hope will inspire you, focus

and action will get you the results you need. Take these words to heart

and read them often.

Feel the pain and let that drive you to the understanding that no matter

where you are today, tomorrow is a new and brighter day, with no

mistakes in it. Filled with a chance to move ahead in areas where you

have failed or avoided in the past.

Before you blindly forge ahead you need to have the system in place

to discover your path to prosperity. Since money and time are the

largest concerns in todays society we should grasp the bare essentials

before we go ahead.

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There are really only three pillars to wealth that truly can catapult you

to success. All of the other pillars come into play after you have

mastered these three.

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First you need to get organized. Organization is the most important

factor in creating success. If you are not organized, you will struggle

with staying on course.

I would however like to take a moment here to say you already posses

everything you need to create the desired life you have always wanted.

All it takes is some dedication, desire, and a willingness to make


“You already posses everything

you need to create the desired

life you have always wanted.”

Let's take a look back into my life for a few moments before I decided

to make the change. Actually this isn't true I had made several half

concocted attempts at changing the way I was running my life before.

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I can remember that fatal day when my world came crashing down. I

lost my job, my home, and frankly my sanity. My wife and I were

actually living in my car (a Buick Regal) with our six dogs all

cramped up.

We had been doing very well before I decided to make a fatal mistake.

I didn't take the time to organize my self and make a plan. Instead I

chose to make the decision to bend some rules.

Upon the execution of this decision I faced several repercussions

which sent me on my mission to create never ending streams of

income into my life. Through leveraged systems, that would pour

money into my bank account day after day; month after month; year

after year.

Never again to be held at the mercy of an employer. Isn't that

everybody's dream anyway? To have more money than expenses. This

equates to financial freedom. The simple practice of discipline with

ones finances to create abundance over personal expenses.

When you reach this point in your life you have mastered money

management. Your not stressing over living paycheck to paycheck.

The phone isn't ringing with creditors and collection agencies.

Instead you will have the bankers calling you offering you lines of

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credit. Credit card companies will be extending you new offers. (Don't

go filling these out though until you read my special report).

To get more information on maintaining good credit scores you can

get a free copy of my “10 fundamentals to achieving and maintaining

a high FICO score”. Visit .

Think about that for a minute. Instead of being the hunted you become

the hunter. No longer being prayed upon for your last dollar. Instead

you have the luxury of time on your side.

Let me explain what I mean. When you have control over your

finances you have the ability to take control of time. You are no longer

trading time for a few dollars, instead you will be trading dollars for

your time.

Even though they sound the same at first there is a huge difference

between them. When you have a job your income is directly

proportionate to the amount of hours you work.

As an example if you were making $10.00 an hour and you worked

eight hours per day, you would end up with $80.00 per day; $400.00

per work week.

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That translates into a huge $1600 per month income multiply that 12

months and your $19,200 in a years time. When you do the math it's

not as good as you may have previously thought.

Especially when you factor in the hard costs of taxes and inflation.

You can really start to see a frightening fact that is growing like a

plague of epic proportions. You start to see that your running out of

money before you run out of life.

Now on the other hand when you are trading money for time you are

in control. You are making income from several sources and the

simple fact that you have more money than expenses makes your life

quite a bit easier.

You are in control of your future. The little problems that used to be a

huge burden are out of the way and your life becomes more pleasant.

Since money is one of the major causes of stress, divorce, infidelity,

depression and a whole menu of other health related issues. You have

taken major steps towards recovery.

So where do you begin in your quest for financial freedom? Rule

number one is to gain a sound understanding of your current situation.

What are your costs of living? Do you know all of your monthly


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How many of your expenses are necessary, luxuries, double expenses?

Are you paying to much interest on your credit cards, student loans,

auto loans or mortgages? So no more thinking of how, when or why

let's dive right in and get our elbowas dirty.

Hard work isn't aways fun yet the rewards are well worth the effort. I

have listed some of the most common bills, and expenses in most

peoples daily lives. Use this as a memory jogger and fill in the blanks

if you find more.

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Cell Phone(s)

Medical Insurance

Auto Insurance

Home Insurance

Property Taxes


Additional Phones


Vision Insurance

Dental Insurance

Additional Storage

Newspaper Subscriptions

On line Subscriptions Holiday Expenses

Cable TV


Extra Curricular Activities

Credit Cards



Car Payments

Car Maintenance

Car Insurance

Medical Co-Pays

Pet Food


Home Maintenance

Extra Curricular Events

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Let's start by placing all of your bills in a pile. Start by sorting them

out by the most current bills and then ranking them by importance.

Next see where you can make cuts or reductions if any. (Some items

are not necessary even though you believe they are).

Take a look again at the example above and then follow the rule of


1) Food

2) Shelter

3) Transportation

4) Less important items

5) Less important items

6) Less important items

7) Less important items

8) Less important items

9) Less important items

10) Less important items

Grab a calculator and lets get busy with the dirty work. Start by adding

up all of your current bills. Don't cheat yourself take the time and sit

down with your significant other and lay it all on the table.

If you and your significant other can't do this together you may wish

to seek the assistance of a professional book keeper, or accountant.

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These services will surely create additional expenses but the level of

service is unparalleled. You will get an analysis of your whole

financial picture to give you a starting point. Before we go there let's

try it on your own first.

Examining your finances may cause some uneasiness or tension for

you or between the both of you. Don't let this discourage you. It will

make your relationship stronger. You would be surprised at how once

the cat is out of the bag per say a huge burden feels as if it was lifted.

Acknowledgment of a situation is half of the battle. Only then can you

make the head way to manage your money, manage your investments

and regain control over your life. Before we go to the meat of this

report I want you to have control over your current income vs.


Just like in a business revenue vs. expenses is equal to your paycheck

and expenses. This is to provide you with income. Income coming

from your direct efforts come in the front door and you try to keep

some from running out the back.

Let's use my past situation, after the fall, as an example for developing

the system. My wife and I had our whole lives ripped from underneath

of the two of us. We had no warning signs that life was about to

change. Needless to say we had no contingency plan or emergency

fund for the occasion.

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We had plenty of indicators showing symptoms that our finances

weren't strong. We just hadn't been faced with a challenge of enough

significance to recognize the danger. All of the sudden we were faced

with that challenge.

We had to stop with all of our future plans and decide on a specific

course of action to get us back on track. Not just on another aimless

path meandering next to the oceans of shark infested waters, but a

direction towards a purpose driven life.

In this instance the purpose was survival. Back to the primal instinct, a

primitive state for todays modern man. I felt like it was kill or be


We had to make a bullet proof plan to regain control of our finances

and as I mentioned before we starved or rotted to death in our car.

Otherwise our dogs may have fed on our rotting flesh had we stayed in

that situation too long.

Okay to get back on course. The first step in investing is to have

control over your money. So for us it meant looking at where we were

and where we needed to go. Then deciding on the most direct route to

get there.

Our initial look at our finances from where stood wasn't too bad over

all. Let's see where I was to give you a guide to start. Living in a car,

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six dogs, two adults, zero income. Our expenses included a storage

shed, a cell phone, Internet service, my IRA (individual retirement

account, several traffic citations, tools for my business, car

maintenance, food, pet food, gasoline and car insurance.

I needed additional expenses in the form of rent or mortgage, also

budgeting for unforeseen expenses, and other utilities. Let's brake it

down to see how I did.

Food $200.00Pet Food $40.00Storage $149.00IRA Fees $15.00Web Hosting $25.00Domains Names $10.00Cell Phone & Internet



Auto Responders $29.99Computer Maintenance $25.00Business Coaching &



Car Maintenance &



Rent / Mortgage $2500.00Utilities $300.00Computer Maintenance $29.99Investments $2500.00

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Looking at the above image all of the items are real expenses the last 7

items are incorporated into this formula to provide my wife and I a

very real and attainable goal to move from our vehicle to our home.

Let's add up the expenses here $7302.98 is the required amount to

maintain and break even being able to cover all of our basis. Looking

again at the diagram above you can see we have calculated for every

cost including our expenses and investments.

Living in California requires a larger cost for a dwelling. We budgeted

for a moderate rent rate or a low mortgage payment. Our investments

would be pledges for the down payment should we choose to go that


Now that we have a basis of all of our expenses we can let a couple of

the luxury costs go. We had to really cut back on everything. Let's see

what our current expenses were boiled down to after the cut.

Food, pet food, gasoline, laundry, storage, phone and Internet. These

brought our overall costs down substantially, but we didn't want to live

in the car for any length of time. So we decided to put it all on the


We needed to net $7400.00 per month. So let's brake this down to

weekly increments then annual salaries.

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$7400.00 per month divided by four weeks is $1850.00 per week.

Remember this is net income after taxes. Total annual income required

for my living expenses would be $96,200.00 net. When you add on

income tax your looking around $120,000.00 per year in gross income.

This gave us a true clear vision for our financial goals. Although we

aimed much higher than this; this number is now our target. The

definite number that would have to be reached in order to maintain a

sustained lifestyle.

Notice that I have not budgeted for entertainment, or any

extracurricular activities. Also the amount for rent may be slightly

higher than needed. This is okay due to the fact that, that means more

money for your investments.

Okay now that you understand the first task go ahead and give it a try.

Gather those bills, add them up and rank them for there order of

importance. Take a look at your total out going expenses.

Compare that number to your current income and make this formula to

see what your cash flow position looks like.

(Total Income) – (Total Expenses) = Net Cash Flow

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Is this number negative or positive? Does your monthly incoming

money get spent and you have to delay the payment of other things in

order to eat? Are you able to stay within your budget?

This was our first mistake was we budgeted by phone. We would call

the bank and see how much cash was available for the day then we

planned our day around it.

We would live like Kings and Queens on a paupers wage. Spend like

money was going out of style. Realize this, that most Americans are

one paycheck away from financial disaster.

If you do not want to become a statistic you have one of two choices

to make, increase your income or reduce your expenses. My goal here

isn't to make you live within a meager budget.

My intent is purely to give you an understanding that if you plan to

invest you need a budget. Otherwise you will be lacking the most

crucial element required for investing. MONEY!

A good rule of thumb is to put away your first ten percent. Then give

away the next ten percent to a church or an organization with the

equivocal importance for giving. Once we have cleared the fog and

lifted the clouds we have the sun shining bright on your new found


The numbers don't lie. You have hard facts to base your change off of.

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You know what you need to do but your unsure how. Trust me this is

the biggest part to swallow. You have to make and follow through

with the actions you plan. Otherwise your work is all for nothing.

Imagine for a minute going from a home that you own, to facing

foreclosure, bankruptcy, moving into a rental and finally giving away

all of your assets to cover your payments.

Then losing that and winding up a traveling Gypsy in an eighteen

wheeler on the open road to finally ending up living in your personal

vehicle. Living the way my wife, our dogs and I had to endure.

Eating nothing but peanut butter sandwiches, crackers, canned food

and the occasional store bought Rotisserie chicken.

Sure we hit a couple of restaurants now and again but the effect of

eating out was killing us. Sometimes we only had enough change to

dictate what we could do that particular day.

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Now that we have established the basis for acknowledging your

financial position, we need to make sure you know and understand

your personal financial plans.

Yes that is right I said financial plans. Most people aren't aware that

you need to have your financial objectives separated into main

categories. More importantly you need the right investments in these


If you use the wrong type of investments you may be wreaking havoc

on your self. You may even cause irreversible damage to your overall

game plan. We will get into this more later on.

For now let's focus on your understanding of the two zones. First and

foremost you need to separate your long term goals from your short

term goals. This is where the green zone and red zone derive from.

See the image below, you see two very distinctive plans covering both

financial strategies. This is the optimum way to ensure total finacial

portfolio balance, diversification and risk control.

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Photo Courtesy of ACE Capital Group all right reserved.

Take a look at the above diagram this shows a perfect financial plan as

an overall objective. The green zone in short is an area where you can

fail and rebuild. Your job, daily expenses, mortgage payments,

etcetera, etcetera...

These are the short term financial goals. In short this is probably the

the financial plan most people live by. The major short fall of this

green zone practice is that while planning for your retirement, certain

aspects of planning are often overlooked.

The major factor of retirement is often considered, but never truly

factored into your goals. Take for instance the dot com bust of the

1990's many of these people lost significant amounts of retirement


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The vast majority of the losses can never be made up; due to

government restrictions on contributions limits. These are factors to

consider when laying out your investment plan.

So when you look at the diagram pay close attention to the red zone

area. This is where you plan for the future by using less risky more

conservative types of investments. Avoiding sever market volatility

and earning a high enough return on your investments to cover the

costs of rising fuel, food and inflation..

When looking at your financial objectives you have to compensate for

the costs of inflation. The Feds. Say the cost of inflation is around 3%

unfortunately the costs of fuel and food are not factored in.

This makes the cost of inflation more like 6% . When you get ready to

begin the road to investing these are the factors you must consider. If

your investments are returning less than the cost of inflation your

losing money.

For example if inflation is at 4% and you are making a 6% ROI

(return on investment) you are netting 2% total on your money.

Sounds pretty good until you start looking at the facts.

As they say the numbers never lie. In this instance you can see that

growth would be very slow at a 2%. Considering the facts that fuel

costs will continue to rise along with the costs of food, clothes, and the

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overall costs of living.

You have to keep track of all of your financial affairs especially in

these times where society has everyone reaching for their credit cards.

You must be conservative with your spending habits.

Other topics for consideration are the changing ways of the employer

retirement plans. More and more pensions and retirement planning are

becoming the employees responsibilities. You are being transformed

into a money manager whether you want to be one or not.

So with these factors in mind you now have the ability to gain control

of your finances and your investments with confidence. Again

knowledge is power but without action it's useless information. Don't

do yourself a disservice by not using what's laid out directly in front of


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One of the most important factors to consider before you make a

decision to invest is to know what type of investor you are. This

question was in a book I recently read authored by Mr. Charles


It's a very valid and profound question since most people never take

the time to do a self analysis. Since we are here stop for a moment a

ask yourself “what type of investor am I”?

Are you a total controlling and active in the day to day aspects of your

portfolio type of investor? Are you more of a passive and out of the

picture type of investor? No matter where you stand you can still have

control and accountability of your portfolio.

You need to understand this so that you feel comfortable with the task

in which you are undertaking. Some people are completely afraid of

risk while others feel very comfortable taking on extreme amounts of


In my wifes opinion and mine we feel that aggressive investing is

always preferred but don't risk everything you have on the stock pick

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from last nights news report. If you heard it first on the news then you

can bet it's too late for the most part.

So knowing your position on the amount of involvement in your

retirement planning and everyday financial objectives is critical to

your success. Remember you cannot leave your life up to chance.

Showing up is half of the battle; the planning and constant education

and self improvement followed with action will ensure your overall


Now that you are armed with a basic understanding of your finances,

an overall strategy for turning your income into profitable streams of

never ending income sources will be the next step we need to


So back to the type of investor you are you also need to know what

your interests are for investing. Also the assets you wish to invest in

will play a key role in the achievement of your financial success.

Are you interested in stocks, bonds, precious metals or gems, mutual

funds, t-bills, treasuries, real estate for flipping, real estate for holding,

life settlements and so on?

Although we are close to moving into the realm of investments you

must be organized and up to date with your finances. I cannot specify

this enough. If you fail to plan you will ultimately plan to fail.

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One last item to consider will be the way in which you keep track of

your money management and your investments. Will you stick with

the old tried and true pen and paper technique?

Are you more of a technology based software type of person. Software

is my preferred method. I use Quicken for my personal preference. It's

simple and easy to use also the learning curve is fairly quick.

If you run a business you may be more in tune with Quick Books or

Peachtree Accounting software. Never the less which ever method you

use stay with it and keep up to date records.

When you keep up on the day to day activities the amount of over

bearing work is reduced to a minimum. Soon after you will have a

system of your own in place and new found skill sets you can brag

about to your friends.

There will be a complete list of tools and resources at the end of this

guide. Complete with web links to the appropriate websites.

Alright one last item I should have mentioned before we even

ventured into our discussion is your mindset. You must have a

willingness to change what you are used to by changing small daily


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For instance the way you feel about money, what you know about

money, how your parents perceive money, how you perceive wealthY

people and so on. All of your current beliefs about money were

engraved into your DNA at an early age.

The way your parents feel about money, handled money and taught

you about money. Along with the way your family perceived people

who are wealthy. All of these traits are the basic elements of your

perception of money today.

There are actually psychology classes about money where the core

teachings are designed to make you become more aware of your

current beliefs and then go through the process of making the

transformation of these from negative to positive then onto clarity and

the design of your master wealth plan.

We will not cover these principles here however we will include

references to them at the end of the book.

Before we dive into the world of investments let's do a quick recap

and lay out the necessary action steps.

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Review & Action Plan

Organization and Planning

Ready, fire, aim was the old approach to your money management

now we need to set the rules and boundaries that will govern your

success. Get your mind set in place and acknowledge your willingness

to change.

Next gather your bills, your income statements, a sheet of paper,

pencil or pen and a calculator. Rank your bills by order of importance

food, shelter and transportation; followed by your less important


See if there are any expenses you can live without even if it's only for

a short period of time like three to six months. Next add up the

expenses; then add up all of your income, yours and your partner if

this is the case.

Now here comes the hard facts, subtract the expenses from the income

and see where your cash flow is. The answer will be either positive or

negative. If it's positive GREAT. If it's negative then go back to the

expenses to see where you can budget costs.

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Remember where I came from living in a car, eating pretty much a

bread and peanut butter diet. No frills at all. We hung around trucking

company terminals for our showers and parked in huge wide open

spaces so our dogs could have the freedom to roam and exercise.

Our food costs were less than $10.00 per week. We reused our water

bottles for several months at a time until we had to change them out

for new ones. Our shopping consisted of Walmart Super Centers and

the occasional brand name grocery store for a unique dinner.

So think hard and fast about where you want to go in life, pick the

direction and let nothing or no one stand in your way. Next set up an

agenda for your green and red zones. (your long term and short term

financial plans).

You need to consider also what type of investor you are and what your

tolerance for risk will be. Risk is also determined by age; the older the

person the more conservative the investment.

If a more aggressive route is needed the risk needs to be reduced by

using more tangible assets.

The last item to consider is how are you going to keep track of your

journey? What tools will you use?

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Now put the book down and get busy. The task laid out in front of you

seems monumental. But let me close with this note.

When I started to pursue this I had almost a full years worth of mail in

a 33 gallon bag to sort out. My stack of work was huge and a very

daunting task. Talk about conquering mountains, when I could have

stayed on track and kept this a tiny mole hill.

I have mentioned the first three pillars of wealth without getting too

specific about investment choices. The topics required to make change

are all well within your reach.

Whether your rich and miserable, poor and hungry, or somewhere in

between you have the innate ability to mold and transform your

situation from what it is today to what you want it to be tomorrow.

Growth always comes from the inside. Innovation, inspiration, and

intelligence are the core ingredients to create, lead and shape futures.

No matter where you start your path or journey from it's the

destination and the journey to get there where you create memories,

develop new skillets and confidence.

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Now that I mentioned to you the three pillars of wealth to create


Review – Take a look at your situation from all angles.

Decide – Choose a course of action and stick to it Prepare & organize.

Act – Choose activity to create the desired outcome you wish for.

Investigate rigorously the choices you have before you. Make them

don't act upon emotion and stay true to form. Family, friends and those

who you hold closest to the heart will reveal their true colors when

you least expect it.

I neglected to mention a couple of experiences of mine here in this

publication because I couldn't wait for you to grasp the information in

this guide. Your change will be painful, your comfort zone will

become invaded and you will want to either retaliate or cower and die.

Chances are you'll feel both. I know everyone in my family and

extended family felt the shock waves after the dusts had settled on me.

Those who sympathize soon become nay sayers and foe's of us.

Family turns their back and friends are never around when you need


My wife and I have lost everything and had to rebuild from the ground

up. Planning and execution soon become habit and habits are forming

no matter if they are good or bad habits.

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Page 56: The Pillars of Wealth

We had to plan where to sleep, eat and handle our daily business. If

you have ever seen the movie The Secret to My Success with Michael

J. Fox. You can see an over zealous college kid looking to make it in

New York.

I didn't have a rich Uncle or a seductive Aunt. In fact my family are all

financially challenged and I hear about it all of the time. I feel it's my

obligation to make a mark in this world for all life, animal and


To end the infinite, non stop plague of consumer consumption and

legally depleting all of our resources winding up broke and disgruntled

because we let outside temptation dictate our lives.

No one clips coupons with the intent of buying all of these products.

People clip coupons to satisfy a lifestyle. It's pretty sad to dictate

dinner choices because of afford ability.

Once you get your financial affairs underway you need to put into

place the action plans for your investments. You don't have the luxury

of time you need to do this now. I developed my plan living on


I found employment paying me $300/wk. In California that would buy

a bag of popcorn. Just kidding, never the less I found ways to dribble

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the money out of my hands and into some form of spending. If you

can't control it find a way that you can. Turn over the reigns if you

have too.

Now remember that success doesn't happen overnight. Sure there are

exceptions to every rule and of course your life will dictate your

outcome until you decide to make the change.

Just remember this was accomplished with heavy odds stacked against

us. We were the underdogs in this game. Homeless, starving

entrepreneurs, desperate for a miracle that would never happen.

Either we grew and blossomed or we died on the vine. Our dogs

suffered from the stress we had created. They kept us alive by

reminding us of the unconditional love for one another.

The peanut butter was the glue that bound us. It provided us with

energy for life and love. The sparking of an idea for automatic wealth.

The cure for our situation all had been presented to us while in a


“The peanut butter was the glue

that bound us. It provided us with

energy for life and love.”

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It comes when you are least looking for it. As they say in business

when you chase the money you can never catch it. The trick to wealth

is to have the money chasing you.

The differences between the rich and the wealthy are really simple.

The rich make a lot of money, the wealthy keep it.

Now more than ever is the importance of financial education. Our

society is changing, getting more expensive to live in and there is no

end in sight.

Employers are shoving the responsibility of retirement upon their

employees. People which have been conditioned to follow and now

they are told to lead, sink or swim, here's your financial

objective...good luck.

You need the facts before you invest. You deserve to have an edge,

one leg upon the competition. To learn the first investment pillar of

wealth contact me. This product and the people are the reason I have

succeeded thus far. First as an investor, now I can't wait to spread the


Last but not least is the ultimate pillar of strength, wealth and

abundance. Love. You see without love the world can be a cruel and

hurtful place; with it you can move mountains. It will drive you

because passion and desire are fueled by it.

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It will carry you because love is uplifting and makes us soar to new

heights and undiscovered possibilities.

It makes us care. I know you care about your outcomes in life, proper

planning is vital to ensure a long, enjoyable and luxurious lifestyles. I

would love to learn about where you are today and where you would

like to be tomorrow.

I would love to share my continued success with you and see if there

are benefits for us to work together.

No matter if your homeless, out of work, down on your luck, or doing

just fine you have choices you are faced with on a daily basis. Make

wise interactions and choices that will levitate your situation.

Mentors come when you are ready. Opportunity waits for no one.

Seize the day, seize the moment. This is your chance to receive quality

mentoring for free.

My goal is to continue my success by enlightening people from every

walk of life. Building corporations that empower and employ

homeless families, with children and pets is my vision.

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Going from broken down car to out of the spotlight superstar isn't an

easy battle. Quietly people are changing lives by providing wisdom,

education, and real solutions to consumers who are seeking extended


Get involved and informed find out how to overcome adversity,

poverty and regret. Gain control over your financial portfolio.

Whether you are planning for retirement, college education, leaving a

legacy for your family. You have a need for the power of knowledge.

Business owners have the ability to add a valuable ingredient to their

loyal employee's benefits, it has never been easier than now to get

educated, empowered and on your way to prosperity.

Consumers have the ability to take control and guide the shape of their

futures. Encourage your family, friends and employers to learn more.

You owe it to yourself to learn the difference and discover why your

not taught this type of information elsewhere.

All it takes are wants and desires, planning, education and action. In

life there is no try just do or die. As the Marines would say we don't

accept applications only commitments.

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Take control of your finances and embrace the moment when your

financial troubles disappear. Learn how to combat procrastination and

develop a system to track your money habits.

Our “Developing Excellent Money Habits System” provides all of the

tools and training you need to gain a complete understanding of your


If you are looking for an inexpensive way to eliminate the mundane

tasks of basic balancing of your checkbook, preparing simple financial

statements, tax reports, monthly financial progress reports and daily

spending habits.

Goto for more details.

If you need guidance in creating organizational systems for your

finances, or you have no clue where to begin have no worries, our

eight week fast track finance course will have you up and running in

no time.

We provide you with all of the tools listed in the money habits course,

along with the personal one on one coaching. We keep you in a safe

warm proactive learning environment.

With daily, weekly tips, access to our online financial forum, you will

be able to learn tips in all areas of finance. Banking, credit, personal

60 © Ryan Wegman TABRfin Publishing All rights reserved. The Pillars of WealthTABR Financial Services

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and business debt, liquid investments, equity investments, tax

strategies and asset protection. Also you will have access to

discounted events to develop your mindset and empower your


You'll receive gifts from several unnamed super financial gurus. These

items alone are worth their weight in gold.

Get all of the details at


When your financial situation has escalated to a level where you feel

your out of control and you need some personal guidance to steady the

trajectory before you implode.

You need solid financial advice that you can trust. Your finances

consist of far more complex issues beyond the check book and basic

money management skills.

You now have a solid handle on your finances and your feeling

confident that you can take on more responsibility. Your ready to take

on the world. Your not sure what to do next and you've exhausted

yourself searching for the right answers.

Look no further, our advanced financial coaching system is just your

ticket. You've made the commitment to save and build a nestegg that

61 © Ryan Wegman TABRfin Publishing All rights reserved. The Pillars of WealthTABR Financial Services

Page 63: The Pillars of Wealth

will support you in years to come. You are ready to make the leap of


We will guide you for a period of three years on charting the course of

all the financial decisions you make. Our professional group of

financial consultants will work with you to maximize your capital.

Money works in mysterious ways, not really, there are only three ways

I know money works. Simple addition or subtraction from earnings

and expenses.

Cash flow derived from various income sources and investments

provide the basis of life for you and your needs. Just as the heart

pumps blood through our veins, your income sources will pump

money into your life.

Then you have cash-grow or compounded interest where 1 plus 1

equals three, four or much more. You need to coordinate and

synchronise your investments with events taking place in your life.

We can match these timed events to your capital needs and

projections, provide you with research tools, recommendations for

products to enhance your financial performance.

Like a finely tuned race car your portfolio needs to perform at it's

optimum level as well as provide you with safety, security and

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comfort for everyday living.


Here we will plan out the most accurate path to gain the type of

financial security you need. From your personal daily cash flow needs

to your retirement and legacy requirements for the next thirty years.

No matter where yur financial skills are it never hurts to keep on

learning. Your mind will see things in a different light. You can catch

our webinars pertaining to retirement issues, land banking and why

you need to act now instead of waiting until it's too late.


To learn about our mentors coaches and personnel please contact us at

[email protected] we will have our mentors profiles inside of

our personal forum so that you can meet them when you are ready.

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For over 30 years, we have helped thousands of customers build their fortune bymoving their money from the under-performing stock market into select California real estate.


Despite the fact that 85 million people invest in the stock market today, 9 out of 10 retired Americans rely only on Social Security for their retirement income. Only about 2% of American retirees are self-sufficient.The other 98% depend on Social Security checks, help of charities and relatives, or working until death.

Social Security normally provides between $500 to $1800 per month, with the average retiree receiving only $1,250 per month.

For more information on why the stock driven retirement system is flawed, please go to the links below.

Our long-term real estate appreciation strategy known as“land banking”provides a safe and proven way to build wealth with substantially higher returns than traditional methods.While past records are not an assurance of future performance, many of our clients are experiencing over 30% average annual appreciation.

Our alternative is one of the best, proven ways to ensure a comfortable retirement.


The 408 provision of the IRS tax code enables you to“roll over”your existing qualified plans from the under-performing stock market into our select California real estate located in the growth path of major metropolitan centers...without cash, no penalties, and with the same tax deferment benefits. Your ownership is fee simple with a recorded grant deed and insured with a title policy.


Our endeavor is to assist you in being able to retire comfortably. Before we can recommend our land banking alternative, we must first assess your needs and suitability. Land banking opportunities are diverse, and not every one will fit your specific needs. You and your spouse, or significant other, should meet with us so that we may determine how we might be able to help you structure the greatest opportunity to maximize your retirement income.

Call us today for an appointment, so that you may learn how we may significantly increase yourretirement income.

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For speaking engagements contact Ryan at [email protected]

Put in Subject Line “Speaker request” or goto our website to fill out the simple

request form. Then I will call you to discuss your organizations needs.

Remember to always be fearless!

Don't wait to buy land; buy land and wait! Learn the secret of rolling your IRA

into carefully selected, safe, high growth California real estate.

Ryan Wegman

P.O. Box 2778

Lodi, CA 95241

"A Proven Formula for a Better Retirement.”™

Email: [email protected]

Cell 925-207-8474

Personal Websites (SIGN UP HERE) (JOIN MY FRIENDS LIST) (READ MY VIEWS) (TABR F inancial Services)

ACE Capital Group Blog

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