the pickens sentinel-journal (pickens, s.c.).(pickens, s.c ... · t v#v ~.!,x.-'v~alli(y a...

t V#V ~. ! ,X.- 'V ~All I (Y A li'ii I (,1N SEWP 'IR;U, Estabi1vioil 1871 pA )fJ)N 4 $ ~ C AJ31S, 6 98 SCOTT'S EMUL.SION won't make a ump back straight, nelther will it make a short leg long, but it feeds soft bone and heals diseased bone and is a ong the few. genuine means of recovefy in rickets and bone consumption. Send for free 'miple. 1 co'r'Jr & BI~N1, Chemists, '40.45 PeArl Street, New York. Soc. and $ oo; all druggists. MRS. MITTIE SMITH DEAD, Wife of M. J. Smith, once a Resident of Easley. Mrs. Mittio Smith, the beloved wife of M. J. Smith, formerly of Easley, but now of Valdosta, Ga., died last Thursday in Soartanburg, at the homo of Mrs. W. A. Calla. ham, a sister of the deceased. Her remains were lad t- rest in Oak- wood cometery on Friday, the fu- neral olsequies being conducted by the Rev. W. P. Smith. A 'husband, two sons, Charles and Bluford Smith, and a little daughter are left to nourn the loss 'Of a tender wife and mother. Mrs. Smith was well and favora. bly known to many of our readers, as for some time several years ago, her husband ran the old Clyde hotel in Easley and a livery stable in donnection. They had been living in -Georgia for some time. A MURDEROUS ATTACK. Unknown Man With Heavy Stick Strikes A Couple In Druid Park. Augusta, Ga., Special.-Two patients were treated by Dr. A. B. McNaughton Wednesday who were njugod in a mysterious manner. They were J. Z. Taylor and Miss Carrie Glaze. Tho young lady is the nieco of Mrs. Augustine and lives with her aunt on Moore avenue. She and the young man were out taking a walk in Druid park, a wood near the old exposition building. Hero they wore suddenly attacked by a man wit!iv heavy stic fvho elled Mr. Taylor with his first bh lnd then beat his face almost into a jolly, also striking the young lady soveral times, fracturing her arm and inflicting severe bruises on the body. In this condition the couple made their way to Dr. McNaugh- ton's office on Walton way, near by, where their inijuries were at- tondehd' to and from whence they were sent home. Mr. Tuylor's wounds were very serious, thern being a number of ugly gashes on his head. The miost peculiar part about this murderous assault is that the victims didn't know wvho attacked .thorn. The young man says they 'were sitting on a log when he was suddenly struck down without mnore than barely catching a glimpse of his assailant, who he thinks was a negro. The first blow r&dered him unconscious. Miss Glaze also is unable to tell who struck her, having seen - hody until her companion was .struck down, and remembering no snore after that. She thinks, Myn~eer, that their assailant was a The news of the assault soon spread, and quite a large number of men went out to the wood, wvith- out discovering any clue. City Detectives Howard and Williams also worked on the case, without any hotter success. Thousands Eave Kidney Tfrouble and Don't Know it. Hlow To Find out. Pill a bottle or common glass with your water and lot it stand twenty-four hours; a -, sediment or set- tling indicates an ounhealthy condi- tion of the kId- neys; il t stains S your linen It is evidence of kid- . ney trouble; too 'frequent desire to -.-,,..,..,ass it cor pain in convincing proof that the kIdneys and blad- dler are out iiT order. What to Do. 'There Is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the groat kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver, badder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding paIn in passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that Unpleasant necessity of being compolled to go often du'in gth o day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra. ordinary, effect of Swamp.Rdot Is soon realized, it sta.nds the highest for its won- derful cures of the most distressin~ cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50o. and $1. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderfuldscvr and a book tha tll more about it, both sent alglutely tree by mail. '.drs Dr. Kilmer & jjjon thiat~ A WOMAN WAS KILLED. Wife of the Man 1911 Was With Deals Death In Jealous Attack. Matewan , W. Va., Special.-Miss Addie Evans, 30 years old was shot and instantly killed by Mrs. William K. Davis Wednesday night. The women were neighbors and had b*een enemies for some time over the fact that Mrs. Davis thought her husband paid the young wo- man undue attention. Wednesday n'ght Mrs. Davis saw her husband -slkilg along the highway in conv -reation with hdr supposed rival she became so an- gered that she procured a rIfle and went after Miss Evans and 'killed her. Mrs. Davis fired so quickly that Miss Evans had no clanae to es- cape. The ballet entered just un- der the right arm and death ensued instantan'ously. Mrs. Davis, after the deed, secured more ammuni- tion and was soon in hiding in the mountains. Later she.escaped on a freight train in a man's attirb. Telegrams haye been sent officials in various towns to be on the watch for her. Davis is a prosperous lumber dealer. FOUND DEAD IN BED. Athens, Ga., Suecial.-Mrs. Davis, wife of Sheriff Milton Davis. of Madison county, died quite sid- denly at her home in Daitelsville, Monday night. She retired at night in usual health and was found dead next morning. She leaves several chil- d ren. Very Remiarknbl.e Cure of Diarthkoea. "About six vears ago for the first time in my life I had a sudden add severe at tack of diarrhoea," says Mrs. Alice Alil- ler, of Alorg-in, Texas. "I got tempor- ary relief, but it -came back again and again, and six long years I have suffered more misery and agony than agony than I can tell. It was worse than death. My husband sp'ent hundreds of dollars for physicians' prescriptions and treat- ment without avail. Finally we moved to Bosque county, our present home, and one day I happened to see an adver. tisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rlemedy with a testimon- ial of a man who had been cuaxed by it. The case was so similar to my own that I concluded to try the remedy. The re- sult was wonderful.- I could hardly realize that-I was well again, cr believe it could be so after having suffered so long, but that one bottle of medicine, costing but a few cents, cired me." For sale by Pickens Drug Co., P.c'kens, and T. N. Hunter, Liberty. NEW SI'ARITANuURGO C;ONCEIRN. The Eureka Pad Company of Spartanburg has been chartered to inanu facture "shoulder pads and shapo protectors such as are used by retail dealers, and also a device to btack coats on the counters in stores." The capital stock is $1.0,- 000 and the incorporator's in the commission areoT. H-. Cannon, B. F. Shockley and J. F. Floyd. For a lazy liver try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. TPhey in- vigorate tho liver, aid the digestion, reg- ulate thd bowels and prevents bilious attacks. For sale by Pickens Drug Co., Pickens, and T. N. Hunter, Libert.. TWO WOMEN FOUND DEAD. Mrs. Elizabeth Meachhold, aged 80, and her daughter, Miss Pauline aged 60, wvere found dead in a room at their home in Baltimore Thiurs, day. They had been asphyxiated by gas, and had evidently died two days ago. The police are unable to decide whether it is a case of suicide or not. THE CONF~EDERiATE MONUMENT. The foflowing is the inscription on the Confederate Monument, Co- lumbia, erected by the women of South Carolina: "This monument perpetuates the memory of those, who true to the instinct of their birth, faithful to the teachimgs of their fathers, con- stant in the love for the State, died in the performance of their duty, who have glorified a fallen cause by the simple manhood of their lives. The patient enfduran)ce of suffering and the heroism of death, and who in the dark hours of im- prisonment, in the hopelessness of the hospital, in the short, sharp agony of the. field found support and consolation in the belief-that at home they would not be forgot, ten. Let the stranger who may in future time read this inscription realize-that theso were men whom could not- corrupt, whom death could not terrify, honm de. feat -could n)ot dishonor; andi let teir virtueS plead for just jndg- mopf# for the cause in whieh they periahed. jet tehe South bCarolin. nae arrother gendhj'aidt o en beraIr the Mtn iana hha GORMAN FWR PRESIDENT. His Friends Thinks He is the Man to Defeat Roosevelt. The Washigton correspondent of the News and Courier gives this view of Senator Gorman as the most available man for the Demo. cratio nomination. That Senator Gorian will be' given the democratic nomination for the Presidency is the firm be- lief of Represenitative Livingston, of Georgia, who has been discuss- ing the outlook with Democrats from all parts of the United States. Mr. Livingston says that Senator Gorman was much stronger 'i the South, in his opinion, than any.. other Democrat. Thpre might be a few localities in some of the Southeril States where the prefer.. once at present was for some other man, but he believed that before the meeting of the convention the Southern Stiates would b practi- cally united in the support of Mr. Gorman. Mr. Livingston said that his talks with men from the North and West convinced him that Mr. Gorman's strength was not con- fined to the South alone, but that he was regarded in other sections of the country as the strongest man that could be nominated. Mr. Gorman is regarded in all. parts of t the country. as a man on whom all y elements of the Democratic party c can unite. In the opinion of Mr. Livingston he will poll the full strength of the Democratic party if e lie is nominated. Further than a this there are evidences that lie ' would bring to the support of the Democratic ticket certain elementa of the Republican party that -ara not satislied with Roosevelt'. It has been apparent, almost ever since Mr. Roosevelt suiceed- t od to the Presidency, that certain 1 elements of the Republican party F were very much dissatisfied with s his course. While the party lead a 3rs all agree that lie must be re- aominated, with few exceptions 1 Lhey would scarcely like to see C him replaced by some other man. rhey realize however, that this cannot be done, and whil" they will acquiesce in his nomination, their support of him in the cam- paign cannot be as hearty as it e would be if some one more accept t able to them were at the head of the ticket. The anti-imperialists a to a man are opposed to Mr. Roosevelt. In the aggregate they a make up a considerable cement in , the Republican party and the Dem- c ouratic candidate can have their s votes if he is not objectionable to i them on other grounds. Many of the conservative busi- i~ neSS mnen of the country are op- o posed to Mr. Roosevelt. They. are the mna whom the Republican h party relied chiefly for its cam- a paignl contributions. They did not si like Mr. Roosevelts action in the c uoal strike controversy, and they - are afraid his head strong, Imnpetu- aus character may result in bring.. ing the United States into needless ti 3onflict with some foreign posver if L lie should be elected to the P'resj.i- lency for four years more. On the other hand, Mr. Roose. velt may enter thec campaign with C the labor organizations arrayed against shim. lie won a certain amount .of favor from these organi-N sations by his action in bringing about a settlement of thme coal strike lasty'ear, but it is not im- ti, probable that ho may .lose their c, favor as a result of his recent ac, ei tion in ordering the restoration of g Assistant Foreman Miller to the l( government printing office book p; bindery. The labor leaders do not ia Lake issue with the President ini tI regard to his declaration that the a government service must-be open ri to union and non-union men on a equal terms, but they do Criticise o him for not takinig the Itrouble to look into the record ot Miller and a for restoring a manm who was par. e~ ticularly obnoxious to organized 6 labor without inquiring whether ii be was a fit man for the place or c4 aot. 'For all these reasons thoughtfuml ti amen in the Democratic party be- ti lleve that it will not be impossible r< to defeat Mr. Roosevelt next year ti if ther Democrats nominate the 1l rIght sort of a candidate. The .frietids of 8enator Gornman Lse!eve that he is the man who can, hi 00 4 #f b y the Depnocrats ai GOT THREE MILLION40 Big anul of Young E. It. Thoma1s in thi Late Dear Deal which 11egan in - January. New York, Speoial.-It is re- ported that E. R. Thomas, a young bankor, tlirfmnan and autonobile expert and son of the late General Sanfel Thomas, is reported to have cleared in the neighborhood of three million dollars in the late bear deal. The dal begun last January and rhomas took advantage of the 3rash in prices last week to get out with a clear slate and a large re. urn. This is the largest stake made thts far in the present down. ward rush of prices. Thomas is only 32 years old and was for a brief time president of Seventh National Bank. It failed tfter overcertifying checks for Warquand & Co. WILL BUILD ALUMNAE HALL. Plans for the building of a hand. ome alumnae hall at Converse iollege in Spartanburg, have been Lccepted and work will begin at mn early date. , The proposed building will be wo stories in height, of finest oressed brick. The cost will be etwoon $10,000 and $15,000. Oholera inlantum. Thin has long been regarded as one of he most dongerous and fatal diseases to rhich infants are subject. It can be ured, however, when properly treated. Lii that is necessary is to give Chamber- Lin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea emedy and castor oil, as directed with ich bottle, and a cure Is certain. For ile by Pickens Drug Co,, Pickons, and N. Hunter, Liberty. --u - NEGRO FATALLY SHOT. no Negro Goes Fishing With Aniother Negro's Spouse. Jim Parks, colored, living on lie land of A. C. Gaston near ,eidville, is lying at his home with is left shouldur, his chest and his Lomach perforatcd with bird shot nd according to the statement~of lie attending physician the negro as only one chance out of three f recovery. The shooting occurred last Mon. ay afternoon. A negro niamed Lrch Amos went fishing on a creek ear his home and it seems that 0arks' wife joined Amos on this xpodition. Parks did not find hat this conduct strengthened the iatrimonial ties between hi msolf -d wife or th ties of friendship etween himself and Amos and ocordingly a disturbance ensued1 etween the negroes. Amos se uired a shot gun to enforce his de of the argument and before 10 trouble was over he proceeded > use the gun on Parks, discharg, g the entire load into the body f the negro. The load struck- Parks in the ~ft shouliier. A number of shot 1s- took offect in the chest and omach of the wounded man whose annces of recovery are very slim. -Spartanburg Journal. WVorking Nighst and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing tat ever was made is Dr. King's New ife Pills. These pills change weaknuess to strength, listlessness into eneorgy, ain~fag into mental power. They're onderful h'i building up the health. nly 25c per box. Sold by Pickens D~rug ampany.__________ TERRIBLE OATH SWORN, orth Carolnna Moonaaieral Also Worked susooth 'Trich on Reyenue. R-leigh, N. 0., Special.-At a ial here before a United States >mnission~er the fact was reveal,~ I that there was an oathbound ang of moonshiners and illicit sel- ire of whiskey in the northern irt of this county. A moonshiner ho was under arrest admitted dis and said the gang .had chosen leador, whose name he refused to iveal, and that -this leader had iministerod a terrible oath which thers had taken. In some way the names of sever, t of the gan~g have be'en discover- I atd arrests are to follow. An, ther discovery was made regard- ifi a trick put upon revenue ol ~rs. A man near hero 'told an <ftlcial iat upon payment ini advance of 1o $10 fee for information would iveal the location of an illicit d11s- ller'y. The oflicers pr'omised him 'o money and ho finally showed 1e plnce. Then they discovered that lhe id procured a part of an old still 91i set t bia bed of mud, .under 0\t' Ae' ba dee &little fired Money Came "After Death. A sad accident in coniection with the recent Pacolet flood has developed in the announcement by the attorneys for the plaintiff, that the Supreme Court of South Carolina, has this week sustained the verdict of the lower court in $,,500 dainages for injuries 're- ceived on- the Southern Railway some 18 months ago, to Fletie Goss, drowned in the flood of Pac. olet river and now after months of waiting this Vihey on which she had based 'mny hopos will go in. to other haudq. The-caso was tried the first time in the court of Common Pleas in Spartanburg a year ago and the court allowed $4,500 damages to the plaintiff for injuries re- ceived as the result of an engine on the Southern colliding with a ve- hicle in which the plaintiff was riding. The accident happened at Mt. Zion station, a few miles north of Spartanburg An appeal was taken to the Supreme Court of the state and while this was pending the plaintiff mot her tragio death by being drowned when the long to be remembered flood on Pacolet river occured. This week the Supreme-. Court affirmed the decision of the lower court, but the money will never reach the hands of the young woman who brought the action. The money will be credited to the estate of the deceased and will be divided among relatives. WHITE GIRL WAITERS. Proprietor John" Lange, of the new Glon Rock hotel in Asheville, has made an innovation in te conduct of his hotel, wh ich has oc. casionod some gossip about the city. He discharged all negro waiters mind employed white girls. All the young women are of the city. No Ashevillo hotel or res. taurant has over taken this step heretofore. Gorrillas in North Carolina. Charlotte, N. C., Aug. 1.-Near Rocky Mount today Mrs. Pass bong was assaulted in her home by an unknown negro. She was alone at the time, her husband be- ing absent. She was found un- conscious, after the negro had fled. The people of the community are doing their utmost to capture the criminal. When Adolph us Beaver, a young faurmer of Iredell county, returned to his home from a trip to States- villo yesterday, he could not find his wife. The nieighbor's were alarmed anid the body of the wo. uman was found ini a well. The cOjroner 's investigation showed that she had been assaulted atd mur- dered. SIrspicion) points to a negro named Welford Rosoboro, who has niot beenm caught . Mlainy Sehool Oh~lie are icly. Mother oray'.a Sweet l'owdoe for children, 11Ndb o hre ray ay it rso in Child rot' iloi 1o Revenue Men Seize Car of Whiskey. Several days ago the seizure of a car of whiskey was made in Co- lumubia at the instigation of the In- ternal revenue oflicers of Georgia. The car was billed from Spencer to Savannah, but it was thought that the contents were for a dealer In Columbia and it was detained in the latter city. A fter seizuire it was found that no government license had been paid and consequently it will be held and adverised, and no clamrn-. an4 appearing it will be sold. It is not likely that it will be claimed, and the consignee will lose *1,800 werth of whiskey, which is said to be the largest made in the largest State In yeArs. Coughing " I -was given up to dle with quick consumption. I then began to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I Improved at once, and am now In b~erfect health."-Chas. E. Hart- raan, Gibbetown, N. Y. Iptoo risky, playing with your cough. e first thing you knf it will be down deej in your lungs and the la~y will be over, Be- gin early with Ayer'~ Cherry Pect ran tutse A NEWINDUSTRY. Stock Farm and Nursery to be Estabuiashed Near Central. "Chicola~ Farm and Nurseries" is the name of a new enterprise to be established near Central by Oscar M. Watson of Clemson Col. leg'. Mr. Watson spent the day in Greenville Friday and talked very interestingly about his- plans and the prospects for such an enter- prise. As is generally loown there is no stock farm and nursery in this section of the State, and it; is be- lieved that the time is now'oppor- tune for the establishment of such. Mr. Watson, who is a native of the peach section of South Caro. lina, his father, Col. R. B. Wat- son, of Ridge Springs having boen the pioneer peach raiser in the State, says he believes the Pied- mont section of South Carohna is equally as adaptoble to raising peaches as the counties in the lower portion of the State. Ii Saluda county, for ingtance, hun dreds and hundreds of acrea are devoted to peach farms. In fact, the peach crop is the leading crop in that and several adjoining counties. Mr. Watson says the climate of this section together with the char- acter of the lands is well adapted to peach raising, and he sees no reason why the crop cannot be made a success in upper South Carolina as well as in the lower portion. Ilr. Watson's farm is located on the Air Line division of the South- ern railroad between Clemson Col- lege and Central. He has n'!ready planted a number of trees and also has a number of buds planted. lie hopes to place some trees on the market next soason. "In planting my trees,'' said Mr. vat- son, "I have selected a variety that is not susceptible to rot and are heavy bearers. In addition to the nursery,- Mr. Watson will also raise Boikshire hogs and single comb brown leg.. horns. In a few weeks le will place on the market a litter of thoroughbred registered Berkshire pigs. le will also have brown leghorns for sale as well as numer ons eggs for etting. It is Mr. Watson's intention to start his farm and nursery on a small scale and gradually develop it as lie finds sale for its products. Hie is a young man of several years' experience in this line. He is a formier student of Furman Umiver- sity, and for the past two years has been in charge of the poultry de- partment at Clemson College. Previous to his going to Clemson, Mr. Watson assisted his father at Ridge Springs in the cultivation and sale of peaches. --Greenville Neows. No man or woman in the State wvill .iesltate to speak well of Chamberlain's stomiach andl Liver Tablets after once1 ~rying them. T1hey always produce a ~leasant movement of the bowels, im- rove tihe ap~petite and strengthen the ligestion. For sale by Pickens Druy, Jo., Pickens, and T. N. Hunter, Liberty ON TRIAL FOR BRIBERY, riusours TLegislator Charged With flaviug Soilolted a ntribe of S4,500, Jefferson City, Mo., Spec ial.- L'he case of State Senator William 3ullivan, of .Christian countyt, sharnged with having solicited a >ribe of *5,500 in connection with >aking powder legislation at the 'ecent session of the legislature was called Thursday before Judge R. C. Timmons, of Barton coun ty. Judge Tim mons was specially ap- ointed owing to the allegations of wrejudice of Judge Hazell. The defense offered a plea in abatement, setting forth that the~ lotendan), was indicted illegally ,ecause of the appearance of the rttorney general in the grand jury ~oom together with Messrs. Cos- rove and Dunlap and granid jury tenographers. A fter a briet ar- ~ument of the attornoys, .Judge l'immons overruled a mvotion >p mnstain the plea, There is more Catarrh in this scton f the country than all other diseases put. together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For 4 i great many years doctors pronounced .t a local disease and prescribed local remiedies, and by constantly faili ng to 3ure with local treattnent, pronounced it 1icurable. Soience has proven catarrh to be aconstitutional dfsesse and ibh'rs' fore requires' eoItitutional treatment, tiall's Casarnh ('ure, ,manufactured by P.J heney & Co., Toledo..Ohio, is 'the iycotitutional cure on the market. I 9t i taq a~~ain doass fro3m 10( jtel oae silf~.~ t'aits.directly ) tooh~ dW ~ bsuirfaces of the t~r& Tim' It *'tidred dolli~ WHITE GIRL KILLS NEGRO, Memphis, Tont., Special.--Mles Annie Strong living near Vioks- burg, Miss., Wednesday shot and killed an old negro by the name of Rob~rt Anderson who lived just adjoining the Strong homestead. The negro was digging post holes On what he thought his property. Mrs. Stroig claimed it to be her land. A quarrel followed, Mrs. Strong finally going to the house and getting a gun. She gave the gun to her daughter who fired at the negro. Miss strong is now in jail. WILL COMPLETE TRESTLE WORK. Mrs. Earle Sinders, of Spartan- burg, wife of the railroad contrao- tor who was killed in a railroad accident recently, has shown great pluck in her determination to carry out the contract of her late hus- band to build a trestle in Tennes- see. When her husband was killed it soemed that the Ivork would stop and the widow suffer the financial loss incident to the failure to carry out the contract. OIRoLED THE GLOBE TO CAPTURE THIS FORGER. After circling the globe to de- liver an accused inan to the author- ities in Manilla and capture an- other in South Africa to be taken to Nome, two federal officers ar- rived Wednesday night in Seattle, Wash., with the latte'-pr.isoner, James C. Beasley. The men % ho made the journey are Charles . Herron, of Seattle, a special age'f of the department of justice, and Deputy. United States Marshal D. R. Dwyer, of Alaska. Beasley is charged with forgery. CAPTURED MUCH BOOZE Revenue Officers Make a 1ig Hatmi In C Spartanburg County. Spartanburg, S. C., Special.- Thirty-five hundred gallons of beer, a 125-gallon copper still with C cap and worm, 20 gallons of low wIne, 18 fermenters, 10 gallons of whiskey and other fixtures belong- b ing to a large still seized, besides two men arrested and placed under t) heavy bond--this is the result of Dne o^ the biggest raids ever made in this county by dispensary coni- stables and revenue men headed by Deputy Collector Dillingham. t The raid was made on Thursday t afternoon at the foot of Hlogback Mountain, near the North Caro. lina line. In the raiding party w~ere Constable Eubanks aid Del)- ity Collectors J. H. McCain and E Isroadus Holly and several others. The party had gained informa- tion which led them to believe that a Bxtei.Sive operations were being carried on by illicit distillers near Elogback, and they accordingly vent prepared for any emergency. A ['he raid was altogether successful ts the i-esults show., The officers also arrested two of he men engaged in running the )ig still but their names will be vithheld for the present. The nen were placed under bond for c heir appearance at the prelimi- lary hearing before a United states comnmissioner. The raid is me of the largest made in many rears by the, local constabulary t and the internal revenue men. The ection of country where the still a located is one of the wildest in Lil this section. "For years fate wvas afte mue continu- W iuely" writes F. A. Gulledge, Verbena, re kla. "I had a terrible case of Piles C ausing 24 tumors. When all failed, ti' 3ucklen's Arnica Salve cured me." bi Equally good for Burns and all aches QP nd pains. Only 215c at Pickens Drug P' jo's., drug store. F - at SENATOR DAVIs' WIDOW WVEDs. Mrs. Anna Agnew Davis, widow f the late Senator Cushman K.0O )avis, of Minnesota, and Huntell )oll, of Knoxville, Tenn., wereB narried at the -bride's home in Mashington, D. C. Wednesday. al eov. E. S. Dunap, St. John's Epis- b opal church, officiated. Only a Ic ew intimate friends witnessed the tI cremnony. The couple left for the ouith on theib honeymoon trip. I~rutany Trortutred. w A case came to light thiat! for persist. ai nt and unmerciful toi-ture has perhaps si eover been equaled. Joe Golobick of I olusa, Cal., writes. "For 15 years I ft indurod insufferable pain from Rhbeuma-- ii linm and nothing relieved me though I D ried everything known. I came aoroes~ Clectric Bitters and it's the greatest h1 ')edicino on earth for that trouble. A L ew bottles of it completely relieved and ai ured mue." Just as good for Liv'er and T Cidney troubles and genera~l debiiliy, d )nly 50o. Satisfaction guaranteed by ~iens Drug Co., druggist. WAN'E'Rik tdGJW REVOLTING CRIME C1M WHITE MEN IN AKeNO 7 Shot In the Back and Then Hit With an Axe. Aiken, -.C.Aug, Q,-6Abr Surasky, a Jew peddlor% liyb' Aiken, was murdered near thorne, in Aiken countyO0l, nesday evening, by two whito George Toole and Leo Green. The body was not discoe until Lriday ovening, and SnrdB family was not notified until lay night. The mnurdered man was 80 t age, and one of five broth. Yho ran small stores in Aiken,,alI-, ,eaceful, quiet citizens, harming AV4, >ne, as is characteristic of the race4N On last Tuesday, Mr. Suras oaded his wagon with his packs mnd started on his rounds. A ivas his custom, he is supposed to ave stopped at Green's housev.o tell his wares, and it was'the that the two men carried out theia, )laU of robbery and murder. Surasky was shot twice in thd )ack with a gun, one arm was a nost severed from his body,a ils head and body vere ha torribly with an axe. When >ody was discoved it was inposii >lo to recognize any semblance of human being in the face, as de- omposition had set in. Buzzar4. lying over the spot, attraoted the tte ion of men passing by. Sher 'Anderson and the cor rent to 0 Bcene of -tbe arly this )ing. On searching "eS, the offi. era found i pool )f blood in the !ard of Leo (Ur n's house, and ther blood stains were discovered i melon rinds, and the bloody xe was foundunder the h'use. At the coroner's inquest it was evoloped by the clews found that oole and Green shot. Surasky wiCO In the backa hr im up with the axe. The shots vidontly (lid not suffice to subdue ieir victim, and the axe, was used aid them in their evil designs. After their work was accom., lishod they loaded the corpse in lie victim's own wagon and drove o a lonely part of the wood and ied tho horse to a tree and left it. 'he horse becoming hungry, broke >ose and p)ulled tho wagon with Lbs ghastly load away from the pot wlero ho was tied to within a ille and a half from Ihawthorne heni it was discovered. A negro is suspected as being n accomplice in the crinme, but so r tihe negro is free. Lee Green a bad character. He attempted kill a peddler named Levi, from ugusta, Ga., some time ago. Levi as wounded, but escaped. Sur.. iky only had about $8 in money. his .was taken, but his watch and 1ck wei-e not disturbed by his urderors, p~osibly .because the dances of discovery would be rester if such goods were foud their possession. Trho nman Toole stified at the inquest that he und the body on Wednesday *ght, bdt was afraid to say any. ing about it. The authorities are confident at they have the right parties. Slight injuries often disable a man Ld oause several days' loss of time and lien bleed poison develops, sometimes ault in the loss of a hand or limb. ltambherlain's Pain Balm is an antigep. liniment. When applied to outs, uises and burns it causes them to heal inkly and without maturation,. and evonts any danger of blood poison. >r sale b~y Pickens Drug Co., Plchenm d~TI. N. Hunter, Liberty, MIS OKl WIFE FOft BlUROAB. Mistaking his wife for a burglar, harles Ilinford fatally shot her at ulton, Ky. , Thursday. Mrs, infold was awakened by burglars a window and called her hus-. md. In the confusion that fol. wed Mrs. Binford was shot and in burglar escaped. Ntmght Wan 31er Terror- "I would cough nearly all night long" rites Mirs. 0Chaa. App~legatO, Of Alex. idria, Indl., "andl could hardly get any sp. I had cJonsumlption so bad that If walked a block I would cough fright- ily and~spit blood, but, when all other edicines failed, 'three $1.00 bottlq o (, King's New Discovery '*holl~'o e and 1 gained 68 pounds." i tely guaranteed to cur'e Cou6mOlts , ri (rippe, Bronchitis and all hr~ id Lung Trounbles. Prin Oo50 and $~O rial bottle free at Pickerns Prng O6e Beuidgo to Lot.- On Thursday, Angus U6th, 1Adds 19 el~k tN i, PJlf tig o I 1W i7isonilh t

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Page 1: The Pickens sentinel-journal (Pickens, S.C.).(Pickens, S.C ... · t V#V ~.!,X.-'V~AllI(Y A li'iiI (,1N SEWP 'IR;U, Estabi1vioil 1871 p A )fJ)N 4 $ ~ C A J 3 1 S , 6 9 8 SCOTT'S EMUL.SION

t V#V ~. !

,X.- 'V~All I (Y

A li'ii I (,1N SEWP 'IR;U, Estabi1vioil 1871 p A )fJ)N 4 $ ~ C A J 3 1 S , 6 9 8

SCOTT'S EMUL.SION won't make aump back straight, nelther will it makea short leg long, but it feeds soft bone

and heals diseased bone and is a ongthe few. genuine means of recovefy inrickets and bone consumption.

Send for free 'miple.1 co'r'Jr & BI~N1, Chemists,'40.45 PeArl Street, New York.

Soc. and $ oo; all druggists.

MRS. MITTIE SMITH DEAD,Wife of M. J. Smith, once a Resident

of Easley.Mrs. Mittio Smith, the beloved

wife of M. J. Smith, formerly ofEasley, but now of Valdosta, Ga.,died last Thursday in Soartanburg,at the homo of Mrs. W. A. Calla.ham, a sister of the deceased. Herremains were lad t- rest in Oak-wood cometery on Friday, the fu-neral olsequies being conductedby the Rev. W. P. Smith.A 'husband, two sons, Charles

and Bluford Smith, and a littledaughter are left to nourn the loss'Of a tender wife and mother.

Mrs. Smith was well and favora.bly known to many of our readers,as for some time several years ago,her husband ran the old Clydehotel in Easley and a livery stablein donnection. They had beenliving in -Georgia for some time.

A MURDEROUS ATTACK.Unknown Man With Heavy Stick Strikes

A Couple In Druid Park.

Augusta, Ga., Special.-Twopatients were treated by Dr. A. B.McNaughton Wednesday who were

njugod in a mysterious manner.

They were J. Z. Taylor and MissCarrie Glaze.Tho young lady is the nieco of

Mrs. Augustine and lives with heraunt on Moore avenue. She andthe young man were out taking awalk in Druid park, a wood nearthe old exposition building. Herothey wore suddenly attacked by aman wit!iv heavy stic fvhoelledMr. Taylor with his first bh lndthen beat his face almost into a

jolly, also striking the young ladysoveral times, fracturing her armand inflicting severe bruises on thebody.In this condition the couple

made their way to Dr. McNaugh-ton's office on Walton way, near

by, where their inijuries were at-tondehd' to and from whence theywere sent home. Mr. Tuylor'swounds were very serious, thernbeing a number of ugly gashes onhis head.The miost peculiar part about

this murderous assault is that thevictims didn't know wvho attacked.thorn. The young man says they'were sitting on a log when he wassuddenly struck down withoutmnore than barely catching aglimpse of his assailant, who hethinks was a negro. The first blowr&dered him unconscious.

Miss Glaze also is unable to tellwho struck her, having seen -

hody until her companion was.struck down, and remembering nosnore after that. She thinks,

Myn~eer, that their assailant was a

The news of the assault soonspread, and quite a large numberof men went out to the wood, wvith-out discovering any clue. CityDetectives Howard and Williamsalso worked on the case, withoutany hotter success.

Thousands Eave Kidney Tfroubleand Don't Know it.Hlow To Find out.Pill a bottle or common glass with yourwater and lot it stand twenty-four hours; a

-, sediment or set-tling indicates anounhealthy condi-tion of the kId-neys; il t stains

S your linen It isevidence of kid-.

ney trouble; too'frequent desire to

-.-,,..,..,ass it cor pain inconvincing proof that the kIdneys and blad-dler are out iiT order.

What to Do.'There Is comfort In the knowledge sooften expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the groat kidney remedy fulfills everywish in curing rheumatism, pain In theback, kidneys, liver, badder and every partof the urinary passage. It corrects inabilityto hold water and scalding paIn in passingIt, or bad effects following use of liquor,wine or beer, and overcomes that Unpleasantnecessity of being compolled to go oftendu'ingth o day, and to get up many timesduring the night. The mild and the extra.ordinary, effect of Swamp.Rdot Is soonrealized, it sta.nds the highest for its won-derful cures of the most distressin~cases.If you need a medicine you should have thebest. Sold by druggists in 50o. and $1. sizes.You may have a sample bottle of thiswonderfuldscvrand a book tha tllmore about it, both sentalglutely tree by mail.'.drs Dr. Kilmer &jjjon N.Y.bethiat~

A WOMAN WAS KILLED.Wife of the Man 1911 Was With Deals

Death In Jealous Attack.

Matewan , W. Va., Special.-MissAddie Evans, 30 years old wasshot and instantly killed by Mrs.William K. Davis Wednesday night.The women were neighbors and hadb*een enemies for some time overthe fact that Mrs. Davis thoughther husband paid the young wo-man undue attention.Wednesday n'ght Mrs. Davis

saw her husband -slkilg along thehighway in conv -reation with hdrsupposed rival she became so an-gered that she procured a rIfle andwent after Miss Evans and 'killedher.Mrs. Davis fired so quickly that

Miss Evans had no clanae to es-

cape. The ballet entered just un-der the right arm and death ensuedinstantan'ously. Mrs. Davis, afterthe deed, secured more ammuni-tion and was soon in hiding in themountains. Later she.escaped ona freight train in a man's attirb.Telegrams haye been sent officialsin various towns to be on the watchfor her. Davis is a prosperouslumber dealer.

FOUND DEAD IN BED.Athens, Ga., Suecial.-Mrs.

Davis, wife of Sheriff Milton Davis.of Madison county, died quite sid-denly at her home in Daitelsville,Monday night.She retired at night in usual

health and was found dead nextmorning. She leaves several chil-d ren.

Very Remiarknbl.e Cure of Diarthkoea."About six vears ago for the first time

in my life I had a sudden add severe attack of diarrhoea," says Mrs. Alice Alil-ler, of Alorg-in, Texas. "I got tempor-ary relief, but it -came back again andagain, and six long years I have sufferedmore misery and agony than agony thanI can tell. It was worse than death.My husband sp'ent hundreds of dollarsfor physicians' prescriptions and treat-ment without avail. Finally we movedto Bosque county, our present home,and one day I happened to see an adver.tisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Choleraand Diarrhoea Rlemedy with a testimon-ial of a man who had been cuaxed by it.The case was so similar to my own thatI concluded to try the remedy. The re-sult was wonderful.- I could hardlyrealize that-I was well again, cr believeit could be so after having suffered solong, but that one bottle of medicine,costing but a few cents, cired me." Forsale by Pickens Drug Co., P.c'kens, andT. N. Hunter, Liberty.NEW SI'ARITANuURGO C;ONCEIRN.The Eureka Pad Company of

Spartanburg has been chartered toinanu facture "shoulder pads andshapo protectors such as are usedby retail dealers, and also a deviceto btack coats on the counters instores." The capital stock is $1.0,-000 and the incorporator's in thecommission areoT. H-. Cannon, B.F. Shockley and J. F. Floyd.

For a lazy liver try Chamberlain'sStomach and Liver Tablets. TPhey in-vigorate tho liver, aid the digestion, reg-ulate thd bowels and prevents biliousattacks. For sale by Pickens Drug Co.,Pickens, and T. N. Hunter, Libert..


Mrs. Elizabeth Meachhold, aged80, and her daughter, Miss Paulineaged 60, wvere found dead in a roomat their home in Baltimore Thiurs,day. They had been asphyxiatedby gas, and had evidently died twodays ago. The police are unableto decide whether it is a case ofsuicide or not.

THE CONF~EDERiATE MONUMENT.The foflowing is the inscription

on the Confederate Monument, Co-lumbia, erected by the women ofSouth Carolina:"This monument perpetuates the

memory of those, who true to theinstinct of their birth, faithful tothe teachimgs of their fathers, con-stant in the love for the State, diedin the performance of their duty,who have glorified a fallen causeby the simple manhood of theirlives. The patient enfduran)ce ofsuffering and the heroism of death,and who in the dark hours of im-prisonment, in the hopelessness ofthe hospital, in the short, sharpagony of the. field found supportand consolation in the belief-thatat home they would not be forgot,ten.Let the stranger who may in

future time read this inscriptionrealize-that theso were men could not- corrupt, whomdeath could not terrify, honm de.feat -could n)ot dishonor; andi letteir virtueS plead for just jndg-mopf# for the cause in whieh theyperiahed. jet tehe SouthbCarolin.nae arrother gendhj'aidt o en

beraIrthe Mtn iana hha


His Friends Thinks He is the Man toDefeat Roosevelt.

The Washigton correspondentof the News and Courier gives thisview of Senator Gorman as themost available man for the Demo.cratio nomination.That Senator Gorian will be'

given the democratic nominationfor the Presidency is the firm be-lief of Represenitative Livingston,of Georgia, who has been discuss-ing the outlook with Democratsfrom all parts of the United States.Mr. Livingston says that SenatorGorman was much stronger 'i theSouth, in his opinion, than any..other Democrat. Thpre might bea few localities in some of theSoutheril States where the prefer..once at present was for some otherman, but he believed that beforethe meeting of the convention theSouthern Stiates would b practi-cally united in the support of Mr.Gorman.Mr. Livingston said that his

talks with men from the Northand West convinced him that Mr.Gorman's strength was not con-fined to the South alone, but thathe was regarded in other sectionsof the country as the strongestman that could be nominated. Mr.Gorman is regarded in all. parts of tthe country. as a man on whom all y

elements of the Democratic party c

can unite. In the opinion of Mr.Livingston he will poll the fullstrength of the Democratic party if elie is nominated. Further than athis there are evidences that lie '

would bring to the support of theDemocratic ticket certain elementaof the Republican party that -aranot satislied with Roosevelt'.It has been apparent, almostever since Mr. Roosevelt suiceed- tod to the Presidency, that certain 1elements of the Republican party Fwere very much dissatisfied with shis course. While the party lead a3rs all agree that lie must be re-

aominated, with few exceptions 1Lhey would scarcely like to see Chim replaced by some other man.

rhey realize however, that thiscannot be done, and whil" theywill acquiesce in his nomination,their support of him in the cam-paign cannot be as hearty as it ewould be if some one more accept table to them were at the head ofthe ticket. The anti-imperialists ato a man are opposed to Mr.Roosevelt. In the aggregate they amake up a considerable cement in ,the Republican party and the Dem- c

ouratic candidate can have their svotes if he is not objectionable to ithem on other grounds.Many of the conservative busi- i~

neSS mnen of the country are op- oposed to Mr. Roosevelt. They.are the mna whom the Republican hparty relied chiefly for its cam- apaignl contributions. They did not silike Mr. Roosevelts action in the cuoal strike controversy, and they -

are afraid his head strong, Imnpetu-aus character may result in the United States into needless ti3onflict with some foreign posver if Llie should be elected to the P'resj.i-lency for four years more.On the other hand, Mr. Roose.

velt may enter thec campaign with Cthe labor organizations arrayedagainst shim. lie won a certainamount .of favor from these organi-Nsations by his action in bringingabout a settlement of thme coalstrike lasty'ear, but it is not im- ti,probable that ho may .lose their c,favor as a result of his recent ac, eition in ordering the restoration of gAssistant Foreman Miller to the l(government printing office book p;bindery. The labor leaders do not iaLake issue with the President ini tIregard to his declaration that the agovernment service must-be open rito union and non-union men on aequal terms, but they do Criticise ohim for not takinig the Itrouble tolook into the record ot Miller and a

for restoring a manm who was par. e~

ticularly obnoxious to organized 6

labor without inquiring whether ii

be was a fit man for the place or c4

aot.'For all these reasons thoughtfuml ti

amen in the Democratic party be- ti

lleve that it will not be impossible r<

to defeat Mr. Roosevelt next year ti

if ther Democrats nominate the 1l

rIght sort of a candidate.

The .frietids of 8enator GornmanLse!eve that he is the man who can, hi

004 #f by the Depnocrats ai

GOT THREE MILLION40Big anul of Young E. It. Thoma1s in thi

Late Dear Deal which 11egan in- January.

New York, Speoial.-It is re-

ported that E. R. Thomas, a youngbankor, tlirfmnan and autonobileexpert and son of the late GeneralSanfel Thomas, is reported tohave cleared in the neighborhoodof three million dollars in the latebear deal.The dal begun last January and

rhomas took advantage of the3rash in prices last week to get outwith a clear slate and a large re.

urn. This is the largest stakemade thts far in the present down.ward rush of prices.Thomas is only 32 years old and

was for a brief time president ofSeventh National Bank. It failedtfter overcertifying checks forWarquand & Co.


Plans for the building of a hand.ome alumnae hall at Converseiollege in Spartanburg, have beenLccepted and work will begin atmn early date. ,

The proposed building will bewo stories in height, of finestoressed brick. The cost will beetwoon $10,000 and $15,000.

Oholera inlantum.Thin has long been regarded as one ofhe most dongerous and fatal diseases torhich infants are subject. It can beured, however, when properly treated.Lii that is necessary is to give Chamber-Lin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoeaemedy and castor oil, as directed withich bottle, and a cure Is certain. Forile by Pickens Drug Co,, Pickons, andN. Hunter, Liberty.

--u -

NEGRO FATALLY Negro Goes Fishing With Aniother

Negro's Spouse.Jim Parks, colored, living on

lie land of A. C. Gaston near

,eidville, is lying at his home withis left shouldur, his chest and hisLomach perforatcd with bird shotnd according to the statement~oflie attending physician the negroas only one chance out of threef recovery.The shooting occurred last Mon.ay afternoon. A negro niamedLrch Amos went fishing on a creekear his home and it seems that0arks' wife joined Amos on thisxpodition. Parks did not findhat this conduct strengthened theiatrimonial ties between hi msolf-d wife or th ties of friendship

etween himself and Amos andocordingly a disturbance ensued1etween the negroes. Amos seuired a shot gun to enforce hisde of the argument and before10 trouble was over he proceeded> use the gun on Parks, discharg,g the entire load into the body

f the negro.The load struck- Parks in the~ft shouliier. A number of shot1s- took offect in the chest andomach of the wounded man whoseannces of recovery are very slim.-Spartanburg Journal.

WVorking Nighst and Day.The busiest and mightiest little thingtat ever was made is Dr. King's Newife Pills. These pills change weaknuessto strength, listlessness into eneorgy,ain~fag into mental power. They'reonderful h'i building up the health.nly 25c per box. Sold by Pickens D~rugampany.__________TERRIBLE OATH SWORN,orth Carolnna Moonaaieral Also Worked

susooth 'Trich on Reyenue.R-leigh, N. 0., Special.-At aial here before a United States>mnission~er the fact was reveal,~I that there was an oathboundang of moonshiners and illicit sel-ire of whiskey in the northernirt of this county. A moonshinerho was under arrest admitteddis and said the gang .had chosen

leador, whose name he refused toiveal, and that -this leader hadiministerod a terrible oath whichthers had taken.In some way the names of sever,

t of the gan~g have be'en discover-

I atd arrests are to follow. An,

ther discovery was made regard-

ifi a trick put upon revenue ol

~rs.A man near hero 'told an <ftlcialiat upon payment ini advance of1o $10 fee for information would

iveal the location of an illicit d11s-

ller'y. The oflicers pr'omised him

'o money and ho finally showed

1e plnce.

Then they discovered that lheid procured a part of an old still91i set t bia bed of mud, .under

0\t'Ae'ba dee &little fired

Money Came "After Death.A sad accident in coniection

with the recent Pacolet flood hasdeveloped in the announcement bythe attorneys for the plaintiff,that the Supreme Court of SouthCarolina, has this week sustainedthe verdict of the lower court in$,,500 dainages for injuries 're-ceived on- the Southern Railwaysome 18 months ago, to FletieGoss, drowned in the flood of Pac.olet river and now after months ofwaiting this Vihey on which shehad based 'mny hopos will go other haudq.The-caso was tried the first time

in the court of Common Pleas inSpartanburg a year ago and thecourt allowed $4,500 damagesto the plaintiff for injuries re-ceived as the result of an engine onthe Southern colliding with a ve-hicle in which the plaintiff wasriding. The accident happened atMt. Zion station, a few miles northof Spartanburg An appeal wastaken to the Supreme Court of thestate and while this was pendingthe plaintiff mot her tragio deathby being drowned when the longto be remembered flood on Pacoletriver occured.This week the Supreme-. Court

affirmed the decision of the lowercourt, but the money will neverreach the hands of the youngwoman who brought the action.The money will be credited to

the estate of the deceased and willbe divided among relatives.

WHITE GIRL WAITERS.Proprietor John" Lange, of the

new Glon Rock hotel in Asheville,has made an innovation in teconduct of his hotel, wh ich has oc.casionod some gossip about thecity. He discharged all negrowaiters mind employed white girls.All the young women are of thecity. No Ashevillo hotel or res.taurant has over taken this stepheretofore.

Gorrillas in North Carolina.Charlotte, N. C., Aug. 1.-Near

Rocky Mount today Mrs. Passbong was assaulted in her home byan unknown negro. She wasalone at the time, her husband be-ing absent. She was found un-conscious, after the negro had fled.The people of the community are

doing their utmost to capture thecriminal.When Adolph us Beaver, a young

faurmer of Iredell county, returnedto his home from a trip to States-villo yesterday, he could not findhis wife. The nieighbor's werealarmed anid the body of the wo.uman was found ini a well. ThecOjroner 's investigation showed thatshe had been assaulted atd mur-dered. SIrspicion) points to a negronamed Welford Rosoboro, who hasniot beenm caught .

Mlainy Sehool Oh~lie are icly.Mother oray'.a Sweet l'owdoe for children,11Ndb o hre rayay it rso in Child rot' iloi 1o

Revenue Men Seize Car of Whiskey.Several days ago the seizure of

a car of whiskey was made in Co-lumubia at the instigation of the In-ternal revenue oflicers of Georgia.The car was billed from Spencerto Savannah, but it was thoughtthat the contents were for a dealerIn Columbia and it was detainedin the latter city.After seizuire it was found that

no government license had beenpaid and consequently it will beheld and adverised, and no clamrn-.an4 appearing it will be sold. Itis not likely that it will be claimed,and the consignee will lose *1,800werth of whiskey, which is said tobe the largest made in the largestState In yeArs.

Coughing" I -was given up to dle with

quick consumption. I then beganto use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. IImproved at once, and am now Inb~erfect health."-Chas. E. Hart-raan, Gibbetown, N. Y.

Iptoo risky, playingwith your cough.

e first thing youknf it will be downdeej in your lungs andthe la~y will be over, Be-gin early with Ayer'~Cherry Pect rantutse

A NEWINDUSTRY.Stock Farm and Nursery to be Estabuiashed

Near Central."Chicola~ Farm and Nurseries"

is the name of a new enterprise tobe established near Central byOscar M. Watson of Clemson Col.leg'.Mr. Watson spent the day in

Greenville Friday and talked veryinterestingly about his- plans andthe prospects for such an enter-prise.As is generally loown there is

no stock farm and nursery in thissection of the State, and it; is be-lieved that the time is now'oppor-tune for the establishment of such.Mr. Watson, who is a native ofthe peach section of South Caro.lina, his father, Col. R. B. Wat-son, of Ridge Springs having boenthe pioneer peach raiser in theState, says he believes the Pied-mont section of South Carohna isequally as adaptoble to raisingpeaches as the counties in thelower portion of the State. IiSaluda county, for ingtance, hundreds and hundreds of acrea aredevoted to peach farms. In fact,the peach crop is the leading cropin that and several adjoiningcounties.

Mr. Watson says the climate ofthis section together with the char-acter of the lands is well adaptedto peach raising, and he sees noreason why the crop cannot bemade a success in upper SouthCarolina as well as in the lowerportion.

Ilr. Watson's farm is located onthe Air Line division of the South-ern railroad between Clemson Col-lege and Central. He has n'!readyplanted a number of trees and alsohas a number of buds planted.lie hopes to place some trees onthe market next soason. "Inplanting my trees,'' said Mr. vat-son, "I have selected a variety thatis not susceptible to rot and areheavy bearers.In addition to the nursery,- Mr.

Watson will also raise Boikshirehogs and single comb brown leg..horns. In a few weeks le willplace on the market a litter ofthoroughbred registered Berkshirepigs. le will also have brownleghorns for sale as well as numerons eggs for etting.

It is Mr. Watson's intention tostart his farm and nursery on asmall scale and gradually developit as lie finds sale for its products.Hie is a young man of several years'

experience in this line. He is aformier student of Furman Umiver-sity, and for the past two years hasbeen in charge of the poultry de-partment at Clemson College.Previous to his going to Clemson,Mr. Watson assisted his father atRidge Springs in the cultivationand sale of peaches. --GreenvilleNeows.No man or woman in the State wvill

.iesltate to speak well of Chamberlain's

stomiach andl Liver Tablets after once1~rying them. T1hey always produce a~leasant movement of the bowels, im-rove tihe ap~petite and strengthen theligestion. For sale by Pickens Druy,Jo., Pickens, and T. N. Hunter, Liberty

ON TRIAL FOR BRIBERY,riusours TLegislator Charged With flaviug

Soilolted a ntribe of S4,500,Jefferson City, Mo., Special.-

L'he case of State Senator William3ullivan, of .Christian countyt,sharnged with having solicited a>ribe of *5,500 in connection with>aking powder legislation at the'ecent session of the legislaturewas called Thursday before JudgeR. C. Timmons, of Barton county.Judge Tim mons was specially ap-ointed owing to the allegations ofwrejudice of Judge Hazell.The defense offered a plea inabatement, setting forth that the~

lotendan), was indicted illegally,ecause of the appearance of therttorney general in the grand jury

~oom together with Messrs. Cos-rove and Dunlap and granid jurytenographers. After a briet ar-

~ument of the attornoys, .Judgel'immons overruled a mvotion >pmnstain the plea,

There is more Catarrh in this sctonf the country than all other diseases

put. together, and until the last fewyears was supposed to be incurable. For 4i great many years doctors pronounced

.t a local disease and prescribed local

remiedies, and by constantly failing to

3ure with local treattnent, pronounced

it 1icurable. Soience has proven catarrh

to be aconstitutional dfsesse and ibh'rs'

fore requires' eoItitutional treatment,

tiall's Casarnh ('ure, ,manufactured byP.J heney & Co., Toledo..Ohio, is 'the

iycotitutional cure on the market. I9t i taqa~~ain doass fro3m 10(jtel oae silf~.~ t'aits.directly)tooh~dW~ bsuirfaces of thet~r&Tim' It *'tidred dolli~

WHITE GIRL KILLS NEGRO,Memphis, Tont., Special.--Mles

Annie Strong living near Vioks-burg, Miss., Wednesday shot andkilled an old negro by the name ofRob~rt Anderson who lived justadjoining the Strong homestead.The negro was digging post holesOn what he thought his property.Mrs. Stroig claimed it to be herland. A quarrel followed, Mrs.Strong finally going to the houseand getting a gun. She gave thegun to her daughter who fired atthe negro. Miss strong is now injail.WILL COMPLETE TRESTLE WORK.Mrs. Earle Sinders, of Spartan-

burg, wife of the railroad contrao-tor who was killed in a railroadaccident recently, has shown greatpluck in her determination to carryout the contract of her late hus-band to build a trestle in Tennes-see.When her husband was killed it

soemed that the Ivork would stopand the widow suffer the financialloss incident to the failure to carryout the contract.OIRoLED THE GLOBE TO CAPTURE


After circling the globe to de-liver an accused inan to the author-ities in Manilla and capture an-other in South Africa to be takento Nome, two federal officers ar-rived Wednesday night in Seattle,Wash., with the latte'-pr.isoner,James C. Beasley. The men

% homade the journey are Charles .

Herron, of Seattle, a special age'fof the department of justice, andDeputy. United States Marshal D.R. Dwyer, of Alaska. Beasley ischarged with forgery.CAPTURED MUCH BOOZE

Revenue Officers Make a 1ig Hatmi In CSpartanburg County.

Spartanburg, S. C., Special.-Thirty-five hundred gallons ofbeer, a 125-gallon copper still with Ccap and worm, 20 gallons of lowwIne, 18 fermenters, 10 gallons ofwhiskey and other fixtures belong- bing to a large still seized, besidestwo men arrested and placed under t)heavy bond--this is the result ofDne o^ the biggest raids ever madein this county by dispensary coni-stables and revenue men headedby Deputy Collector Dillingham. tThe raid was made on Thursday tafternoon at the foot of Hlogback

Mountain, near the North Caro.lina line. In the raiding partyw~ere Constable Eubanks aid Del)-ity Collectors J. H. McCain and EIsroadus Holly and several others.The party had gained informa-tion which led them to believe that a

Bxtei.Sive operations were beingcarried on by illicit distillers nearElogback, and they accordingly

vent prepared for any emergency. A['he raid was altogether successfults the i-esults show.,

The officers also arrested two ofhe men engaged in running the)ig still but their names will bevithheld for the present. Thenen were placed under bond for cheir appearance at the prelimi-lary hearing before a Unitedstates comnmissioner. The raid isme of the largest made in manyrears by the, local constabulary tand the internal revenue men. The

ection of country where the stilla located is one of the wildest inLil this section.

"For years fate wvas afte mue continu- Wiuely" writes F. A. Gulledge, Verbena, re

kla. "I had a terrible case of Piles Causing 24 tumors. When all failed, ti'3ucklen's Arnica Salve cured me." biEqually good for Burns and all aches QPnd pains. Only 215c at Pickens Drug P'jo's., drug store. F

- atSENATOR DAVIs' WIDOW WVEDs.Mrs. Anna Agnew Davis, widow

f the late Senator Cushman K.0O)avis, of Minnesota, and Huntell)oll, of Knoxville, Tenn., wereBnarried at the -bride's home inMashington, D. C. Wednesday. aleov. E. S. Dunap, St. John's Epis- bopal church, officiated. Only a Icew intimate friends witnessed the tIcremnony. The couple left for theouith on theib honeymoon trip.

I~rutany Trortutred. wA case came to light thiat! for persist. ai

nt and unmerciful toi-ture has perhaps sieover been equaled. Joe Golobick of Iolusa, Cal., writes. "For 15 years I ftindurod insufferable pain from Rhbeuma-- iilinm and nothing relieved me though I Dried everything known. I came aoroes~Clectric Bitters and it's the greatest h1

')edicino on earth for that trouble. A Lew bottles of it completely relieved and aiured mue." Just as good for Liv'er and T

Cidney troubles and genera~l debiiliy, d

)nly 50o. Satisfaction guaranteed by~iens Drug Co., druggist.



Shot In the Back and Then HitWith an Axe.

Aiken, -.C.Aug, Q,-6AbrSurasky, a Jew peddlor% liyb'Aiken, was murdered nearthorne, in Aiken countyO0l,nesday evening, by two whitoGeorge Toole and Leo Green.The body was not discoe

until Lriday ovening, and SnrdBfamily was not notified untillay night.The mnurdered man was 80

t age, and one of five broth.Yho ran small stores in Aiken,,alI-,,eaceful, quiet citizens, harming AV4,>ne, as is characteristic of the race4NOn last Tuesday, Mr. Surasoaded his wagon with his packsmnd started on his rounds. Aivas his custom, he is supposed toave stopped at Green's housev.o

tell his wares, and it was'thethat the two men carried out theia,)laU of robbery and murder.Surasky was shot twice in thd

)ack with a gun, one arm was anost severed from his body,ails head and body vere hatorribly with an axe. When>ody was discoved it was inposii>lo to recognize any semblance ofhuman being in the face, as de-omposition had set in. Buzzar4.lying over the spot, attraoted thette ion of men passing by.Sher 'Anderson and the cor

rent to 0 Bcene of -tbearly this )ing.On searching "eS, the offi.

era found i pool )f blood in the!ard of Leo (Ur n's house, andther blood stains were discoveredi melon rinds, and the bloodyxe was foundunder the h'use.At the coroner's inquest it wasevoloped by the clews found thatoole and Green shot. SuraskywiCO In the backa hrim up with the axe. The shotsvidontly (lid not suffice to subdueieir victim, and the axe, was usedaid them in their evil designs.After their work was accom.,

lishod they loaded the corpse inlie victim's own wagon and droveo a lonely part of the wood andied tho horse to a tree and left it.'he horse becoming hungry, broke>ose and p)ulled tho wagon withLbs ghastly load away from thepot wlero ho was tied to within aille and a half from Ihawthorneheni it was discovered.A negro is suspected as being

n accomplice in the crinme, but sor tihe negro is free. Lee Greena bad character. He attemptedkill a peddler named Levi, from

ugusta, Ga., some time ago. Levias wounded, but escaped. Sur..iky only had about $8 in money.his .was taken, but his watch and1ck wei-e not disturbed by hisurderors, p~osibly .because thedances of discovery would berester if such goods were foudtheir possession. Trho nman Toole

stified at the inquest that heund the body on Wednesday*ght, bdt was afraid to say about it.The authorities are confidentat they have the right parties.Slight injuries often disable a manLd oause several days' loss of time andlien bleed poison develops, sometimesault in the loss of a hand or limb.ltambherlain's Pain Balm is an antigep.liniment. When applied to outs,uises and burns it causes them to healinkly and without maturation,. andevonts any danger of blood poison.>r sale b~y Pickens Drug Co., Plchenmd~TI. N. Hunter, Liberty,MIS OKl WIFE FOft BlUROAB.Mistaking his wife for a burglar,harles Ilinford fatally shot her atulton, Ky. , Thursday. Mrs,infold was awakened by burglarsa window and called her hus-.

md. In the confusion that fol.

wed Mrs. Binford was shot andinburglar escaped.

Ntmght Wan 31er Terror-"I would cough nearly all night long"rites Mirs. 0Chaa. App~legatO, Of Alex.

idria, Indl., "andl could hardly get any

sp. I had cJonsumlption so bad that If

walked a block I would cough fright-

ily and~spit blood, but, when all otheredicines failed, 'three $1.00 bottlq o

(,King's New Discovery '*holl~'o

e and 1 gained 68 pounds." itely guaranteed tocur'e Cou6mOlts ,ri (rippe, Bronchitis and all hr~

id Lung Trounbles. Prin Oo50 and $~O

rial bottle free at Pickerns Prng O6e

Beuidgo to Lot.-On Thursday, AngusU6th, 1Adds19 el~k tNi, PJlftigo I1W i7isonilh t