the physics of soccer

Name : Kim Lian ( E20141008952) Nur Syarafina Binti Zubir (E20141008957) Aimi Farizah Binti Roslan G O A L !! THE PHYSICS OF SOCCER : USE MATH AND science TO IMPROVE YOUR GAMES

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Name : Kim Lian ( E20141008952)Nur Syarafina Binti Zubir (E20141008957)Aimi Farizah Binti Roslan (E20141008960)GOAL!!THE PHYSICS OF SOCCER :USE MATH AND science TO IMPROVE YOUR GAMESVideo

Table of Content*Newton's Laws of Motion *Center of Gravity*Friction* Projectile Motion*Aerodynamics*MomentumLaw of InertiaIt states that any object at rest, will tend to stay at rest, and any object in motion, will tend to stay in motion unless acted on by an unbalanced force. In soccer however, this unbalance force is usually the soccer players foot. He or she will use muscle in the body to create a force to move the leg and kick the ball.Because the ball is at rest, it will continue to stay at rest. But once kicked, it will keep moving in a straight line without any intent of stopping. The reason the ball will stop is because of friction and Earths gravitational pull.

Newton's 2nd lawNewtons second law states that The change in velocity (acceleration) with which an object moves is directly proportional to the magnitude of the force applied to the object and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. This can be explained by the equation F=ma. The acceleration of the ball (a) is determined by the force applied (F) divided by the mass of the object that is being moved (m). This simply means that if the ball has a lot of mass, it will require more force to accelerate. If the ball has little mass, it will require little force. In soccer, it is important to know this law because if you want the ball to be moving fast, you must apply more force. If you want the ball to move just a little bit, then just apply less force.

Newton's 3rd lawSir Isaac Newton described the relationship between action forces and reaction forces in his third law of motion.

For every action, there is an equal andopposite reactionWhen soccer ball is kicked, the kicker experience the same amountof force the ball experiences*If you kick a ball once really hard and oncereally soft, you can actually experience the differences of how hard the ball kicks back atyou

Center of GravityBecause the soccer ball is a sphere,its center of gravity is in the center. This means its trajectory is more easily predictable, unlike a rugby where its shaped like a cone.Thehumanbody is oddly shapeand our center of gravity usuallyis near thepelvis. However, ourcenter of gravity canchange,especially during sports. Thisgoalie swiftly changes his centerofgravity to try and block the ball.Friction*Friction is what causes the ball to stop moving when it is kicked on the grass.*Friction occurs because of the electromagnetic forces between charged particles of the grass and the skin of thesoccer ball rubbing against eachotherwhich constitute the surfaces in contact.*Friction turns kenetic energy into heat. -Yes! That means if you kick a ball hard enough, the ball can actually catch on fire.-

Projectile MotionProjectile motion refers to the motion of an object projected into the air at an angle with the horizontal. As you can see in the figure below, when the ball is being kicked by the soccer player the ball reaches it max and come right down (the movement when being drawn out is like a parabola). When the ball reaches the very tip pity top, the velocity is equal to zero. The reason why the ball did not go straight upward when being kick but come down to earth is because the ball is being pulled down by gravity.

Drag*Drag occurs when a ball kick moving through the air*As the ball is pushing through the air, the air pushes back thus slowing it down*Drag is the reason the ball doesn't travel in a perfect parabola.*A sphere experiences 90% of Form Drag.*A way to decrease drag is by kicking the ball with a spin. Once the ball spins, the magnus affect takes place. The magnus affect decreases air resistance drastically. MAGNUS AFFECT How it worksPlayer hit the ball slightly off center. This gives the ball spin, and it is this spin that leads to the curl. The reason for this is due to something called the Magnus effect. This principle says that when an object spins in a fluid, whether a gas or a liquid, it creates a sort of whirlpool around itself, which leads to the object being pulled to one side. According to Bernoullis principles, the air travels faster relative to the center of the ball where the periphery of the ball is moving in the same direction as the air flow.Since the (resultant) air speed around the top half of the ball is less than the air speed around the bottom half of the ball, the pressure is greater on the top of the ball. This causes a net downward force (F) to act on the ball. This is due to Bernoulli's principle which states that when air velocity decreases, air pressure increases

In a certain distance, its speed will substantially drop and the drag will dramatically increase. Once the balls velocity drops the Magnus affect will start to increase. Therefore, when a soccer player kicks the ball right of center the ball spins counter-clockwise and the Magnus force acts left, causing the ball to curve left. When the ball is kicked left of center the ball spins clockwise and the Magnus force acts right, causing the ball to curve right. This can result in a ball deviating as much as several feet from the original trajectory by the time it reaches the net. The Magnus affect is the reason the ball curves through the air. When a ball spins through fluid matter, it creates a barrier of air, kind of like a force field. This affect will make the ball travels with just fast enough speed and curve in the air to trick and beat the goal keeper.

The harder you kick a ball the more curve it will experience. Curving ball is use to be trick goalies and to score amazing goals like this one from 35m outMomentumWhen a soccer players kicks a ball, he transfers his momentum to the ball. Momentum is the velocity of object times its mass. Also when players pass the ball to each other, they use their feet to slow the momentum of the ball by moving with the ball and resisting it slowly. This way, they can have more control over the ball. It's a simple trick.

p=mvWith these knowledge of soccer, you can now understand how soccer works and why it works that way. Now you can start using this knowledge to improve your game. Its simple! So go out there and start scoring goals!