the phoenix times word - newsletter template new.docx created date 2/28/2018 7:40:33 pm

Highlighted Members March 2018 The Phoenix Times Invictus Fitness Solutions Member of the Month Mickey Wilson Most Improved Linda Marquis March 10 th MROC Outing Join us for some Spartan training at MROC in Oceanside. We will Caravan down for Open Gym where we can learn techniques for obstacles in the Spartan Race. Open Gym is a fun no pressure way to learn technique. March 17 th Beach Clean Up Beach Clean Up. Join us for some community service and then stay and play. We will meet at Strands Beach at 10am, spend about an hour Cleaning up the beach and then enjoy some relaxing and play March 24 th Move Feel Better workshop with Jay. Interactive workshop, come ready to learn exercises and tips to help improve performance and reduce the likelihood of injury. 45min workshop starts at 10am. Welcome our newest members to the Invictus Fitness Solutions family: Attendance Josh Mateos Elke Kelly, Nikki Patnoe, Alina Corbeanu, Antonio Pangilinan, Justin Sherman, Rick Everman, Crystal Fuentez, Veronique Masse, Eric Coronado, Pam M adrid, Jordan Siegel, Carsen Knight, A nn Ta dem y, Brian Ta dem y, Kasey M atthess, Tara Peszt, N atalie Tenzer, M ardee Cassa dy, M olly Ferrall, Tara Peszt, N icole A m y, Tyler Butcher, M cCall M cdo we ll The mind is the most important part of achieving any fitness goal. Mental change always comes before physical change

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Page 1: The Phoenix Times Word - Newsletter template new.docx Created Date 2/28/2018 7:40:33 PM

Highlighted Members

March 2018

The Phoenix Times

Invictus Fitness Solutions

Member of the Month

Mickey Wilson

Most Improved

Linda Marquis

March 10th MROC Outing Join us for some Spartan training at MROC in Oceanside. We will Caravan down for Open Gym where we can learn techniques for obstacles in the Spartan Race. Open Gym is a fun no pressure way to learn technique.

• March 17th Beach Clean Up Beach Clean Up. Join us for some community service and then stay and play. We will meet at Strands Beach at 10am, spend about an hour Cleaning up the beach and then enjoy some relaxing and play

• March 24th Move Feel Better workshop with Jay. Interactive workshop, come ready to learn exercises and tips to help improve performance and reduce the likelihood of injury. 45min workshop starts at 10am.

Welcome our newest members to the Invictus Fitness Solutions family:

Attendance Josh


Elke Kelly, Nikki Patnoe, Alina Corbeanu, Antonio Pangilinan, Justin Sherman, Rick Everman, Crystal Fuentez, Veronique Masse, E r i c C o r o n a d o , P a m M a d r i d , J o r d a n S i e g e l , C a r s e n K n i g h t , A n n T a d e m y , B r i a n T a d e m y , K a s e y M a t t h e s s , T a r a P e s z t , N a t a l i e T e n z e r ,

M a r d e e C a s s a d y , M o l l y F e r r a l l , T a r a P e s z t , N i c o l e A m y , T y l e r B u t c h e r , M c C a l l M c d o w e l l

The mind is the most important part of

achieving any fitness goal. Mental change always comes before physical
