the phoenix checklist: a framework for turning complex problems into simple solutions


Upload: joseph-campbell

Post on 05-Dec-2014




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In today's business world, problems are becoming more complex with the addition of new technologies, an expanding global footprint and the interaction of many cultures. To deal with these challenges and remain competitive in this ever changing environment a business requires a new tool-set. At its core, it must be a problem solving framework which has the ability to even the playing field by reducing “context bias” as well as providing structure to the solutioning process as a whole. This is where the Phoenix Checklist comes in, rumored to have been originally developed by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). The “Checklist” provides a structured means of applying a detailed set of challenge and response questions to help define the problem and than create a plan for a solution. Yet there are many questions as to not only what is the Phoenix Checklist, but also how and why does it work? This is where the Phoenix Checklist - Turning Complex Problems into Simple Solutions helps to answer these questions. As the author (an experienced problem solver) will introduce you to the Phoenix Checklist and a bit of its history. Than explore the idea of context bias and the role it plays in decision making and problem solving as this is the power behind the Checklist and understanding it will make the process even more effective. From here we will explore each question along with the sub-questions that form the Checklist and what it is asking as well as the advantage it brings to rationalizing the problem. Once complete, the same focus is then turned to the questions which provide the solutioning for the “Plan Phase” of the Checklist. As one of the key strengths of the Phoenix Checklist is that the result to the “problem” is actually a “plan” rather than just an “answer”. As “answers” are simply static results, whereas a plan is “dynamic” and allows for adjustment if needed. Than with both Problem & Plan phase discussed, in the final chapter, we will work to pull all the pieces together. As the idea is to provide you the reader a better understanding of the Problem/Plan - Bias Reduction framework and how to best apply it in the most effective way. If your job involves solving problems, and lets face it whose doesn't these days, than you need a cutting edge framework to take you “out of the box”. As the key to winning in the competitive business world today is solving problems and producing the best answers possible. The Phoenix Checklist is this tool-set, conceived allegedly by one of the deepest thinking organizations in the world (The CIA), and honed for the business world by a seasoned problem solver with global experience to form a winning combination.


Page 1: The Phoenix Checklist: A framework for turning complex problems into simple solutions
Page 2: The Phoenix Checklist: A framework for turning complex problems into simple solutions

Much like the well-known poem “Footprints in the Sand,” which came to us from anonymity, so has the Phoenix Checklist, as its enigmatic past claims its birth right from a clandestine parent: none other than the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency).

For those few who might not be familiar with who the CIA is, they are one of the principal intelligence-gathering agencies of the United States federal government headquartered in Langley, Virginia, a few miles west of Washington, D.C. Its employees (often referred to as agents) operate from US embassies and many other locations around the world.

As at its core, the CIA's role is to solve problems, and the agents doing the problem-solving are typically on foreign soil, in unfriendly environments operating with limited resources. Sounds like a typical day at the office, right?

This is where the power of the Phoenix Checklist is derived from. It drives “out of the box” thinking as a result of the focused questions it asks as well as the order in which they are asked in...

The Phoenix Checklist

Page 3: The Phoenix Checklist: A framework for turning complex problems into simple solutions

The Phoenix Checklist

At its core, the Phoenix Checklist is a framework which is broken into two sections. The first is the “problem” phase, where the goal is to define the problem and then collect as much information about it as possible. The second section is the “plan” phase, which takes the information collected in the first section (the Problem Phase) and uses it to build a “plan” to address the problem.

Within each of these sections are a number of challenge as well as control questions, which forces the facilitator (the person either doing the solving or leading the problem-solving team) to an introspection of themselves. As one thing all people are really good at is “fooling themselves.” Not only is it easy to do; it’s even easier to do when problem-solving.

In addition, the Phoenix Checklist has ability to reduce “context” bias from the problem-solving process. Yet I am sure many out there are asking: What is “context”? what role does it play in the problem-solving process? As our “context” is created by the world around us and adds bias to our views. This “context bias” than becomes a limiting factor preventing us from reaching our problem solving goals. How?

Page 4: The Phoenix Checklist: A framework for turning complex problems into simple solutions

Mind Map Modality of the Phoenix Checklist

The Phoenix Checklist

Page 5: The Phoenix Checklist: A framework for turning complex problems into simple solutions

1.1 Why is it necessary to solve the problem?1.2 What benefits will you receive by solving the problem?1.3 What is the unknown?1.4 What is it you don’t yet understand?1.5 What is the information you have?1.6 What isn’t the problem?1.7 Is the information sufficient?

1.7.1 Or is it insufficient?1.7.2 Or redundant?1.7.3 Or contradictory?

1.8 Should you draw a diagram of the problem?1.8.1 Draw a Figure?

1.9 Where are the boundaries of the problem?1.10 Can you separate the various parts of the problem?

1.10.1 Can you write them down?1.10.2 What are the relationships of the parts of the problem? 1.10.3 What are the constants of the problem?

1.11 Have you seen this problem before?1.12 Have you seen this problem in a slightly different form? 1.12.1 Do you know a related problem?1.13 Try to think of a familiar problem having the same or a similar unknown1.14 Suppose you find a problem related to yours that has already been solved.1.14.1 Can you use it? 1.14.2 Can you use its method?1.15 Can you restate your problem?

1.15.1 How many different ways can you restate it? More general? More specific? Can the rules be changed?

1.16 What are the best, worst and most probable cases you can imagine?

The Phoenix Checklist

Outline: 1.0 Problem Phase of The Phoenix Checklist

Page 6: The Phoenix Checklist: A framework for turning complex problems into simple solutions

2.1 Can you solve the whole problem?2.1.1 Part of the problem?

2.2 What would you like the resolution to be?2.2.1 Can you picture it?

2.3 How much of the unknown can you determine?2.4 Can you derive something useful from the information you have?2.5 Have you used all the information?2.6 Have you taken into account all essential notions in the problem?2.7 Can you separate the steps in the problem-solving process?

2.7.1 Can you determine the correctness of each step?2.8 What creative thinking techniques can you use to generate ideas?

2.8.1 How many different techniques?2.9 Can you see the result?

2.9.1 How many different kinds of results can you see?2.10 How many different ways have you tried to solve the problem?2.11 What have others done?2.12 Can you intuit the solution?

2.12.1 Can you check the result?2.13 What should be done?

2.13.1 How should it be done?2.14 Where should it be done?2.15 When should it be done?2.16 Who should do it?2.17 What do you need to do at this time?2.18 Who will be responsible for what?2.19 Can you use this problem to solve some other problem?2.20 What is the unique set of qualities that makes this problem what it is and none other?2.21 What milestones can best mark your progress?2.22 How will you know when you are successful?

Outline: 2.0 Plan Phase of The Phoenix Checklist

The Phoenix Checklist

Page 7: The Phoenix Checklist: A framework for turning complex problems into simple solutions

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The Phoenix Checklist

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