the perks of being a teacher

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Post on 12-Mar-2016




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The Perks of Being a TeacherBy Yolanda Longan

I went to the public market just the other day and I have met a former student who joyfully greeted me with Hello, Maam. Kumusta kan? Maysa ak nga estudyantem idi. And the exchange of greetings was followed by some updating. I found out this former student is now a teacher just like me. My happiness to see her is worthless. Somehow, I told myself, Being a teacher is still the noblest profession.

My reflection led me to list some of the perks of being a teacher. And first in my note is the fact that teachers are recognized wherever they go. Be it in the public market, in the jeepney, at church or even in the most unexpected places, a teacher if met by a former student would always be acknowledged. My husband or my kids would in fact kid me that if I run for office during the election, I would surely win because of my popularity. What they do not know is that I owe my popularity to my profession. Yes, of course teaching is not just being popular but it is earning the trust and confidence of each of your students. So that when you meet your former student anywhere in the community, you would proudly say that somehow you were an instrument to his development as a person and to his success in life.

Another benefit of being a teacher is that one gets to socialize. There is no room for introversion once you are in the teaching profession. Youll get to meet a lot of people from all walks in life. And if you are the type of a person who shun away from public, then perhaps teaching is not really the job for you. Or perhaps you started out shy but then eventually you would develop that sense of confidence to interact with different people. Teaching enhances ones self- esteem plus of course it gives a different level of sense of worth, of usefulness. Especially so, that teachers really have the power to make and unmake students.

Next to my list is the reverence the community would give to teachers. I have enjoyed this and I would say I am blessed for being a teacher because I have a place in the society. I have my mark. I am respected. But of course, alongside this respect must be the responsibility to maintain a good image to the public. A teacher cannot afford to show any mar in his/ her personal life. He/ she must always display the highest moral standards in life and cannot show any signs doubt to his/ her character. This is the biggest challenge that a teacher has to live with.

Lastly, teaching is a dynamic process of learning. I am a teacher but I am also a student. I learn from every lesson that I would have to facilitate in class. I learn from every student I handle. Each day is a learning opportunity. I am not self- sufficient. I am aware of this. And I strive hard to continually empower myself through my learnings and realizations.

So for all the benefits that I enjoy as a teacher, whether monetary or abstract, I am thankful that I have chosen this profession. This is the mark that I want to leave in this earth and I am glad that some of my former students have valued this mark.