the perestroika deception updated cornelia ferreira p1

The Perestroika Deception Updated by Cornelia R. Ferreira Reprinted with permission of Catholic Family News Installment One - KGB Defector Confirms Fatima Message Editor's Note: This is an edited transcript from a speech given by the author at the Fatima Peace Conference in Rome, 2001 Two significant things about Fatima are that Our Lady mentioned Russia by name, and She appeared in 1917, because just a few days after Her last appearance, the Communists took over Russia, making Russia the fountainhead of satanic activity that was destined to enslave the whole world. In July 1917, Our Lady said that God wanted to establish devotion to Her Immaculate Heart in order to save souls from Hell. She knew Russia was going to fight this wish of God head-on by spreading her anti-God errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecution of the Catholic Church and the Pope. She knew that the founders of Communism were Satanists who had chosen Russia to forge the most ruthless system of world control ever seen, as they were fueled by Satan's hatred of God and the Christian world order. Communists, like Satan, are revolutionaries. In his 1958 book, Masters of Deceit, J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, recognized that Communism is a religion. He said, "Communism is more than an economic, political, social, or philosophical doctrine. It is a way of life; a false, materialistic 'religion.' It would strip man of his belief in God, his heritage of freedom . . . Under Communism, all would become . . . slaves . . . There is no doubt that America is now the prime target of international Communism." [1] 1. J. Edgar Hoover, Masters of Deceit (n.p.: Henry Holt and Company, Inc., 1958; reprint ed. Pensacola, FL: A Beka Book Publications, n.d.), p. vi. Communism is the religion of Satan, because Communism is actually the child of Freemasonry, and the God of Freemasons is the devil. The goal of Masonry is a one-world socialist government and an atheistic society totally controlled by Masonry. Marx and Engels were commissioned by the Illuminati to write the Communist Manifesto, which expressed Masonic ideas. Communism was thus set up as the shock troops for Masonry, with Russia its headquarters. That's why Our Lady said the only way to save the world------and She meant from Communism ------was for Russia to be converted; and the only way Russia would be converted would be if it were

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The Perestroika Deception Updated

by Cornelia R. Ferreira

Reprinted with permission of Catholic Family News

Installment One - KGB Defector Confirms Fatima Message

Editor's Note: This is an edited transcript from a speech given by the author at the Fatima Peace Conference in Rome, 2001

Two significant things about Fatima are that Our Lady mentioned Russia by name, and She appeared in 1917, because just a few days after Her last appearance, the Communists took over Russia, making Russia the fountainhead of satanic activity that was destined to enslave the whole world.

In July 1917, Our Lady said that God wanted to establish devotion to Her Immaculate Heart in order to save souls from Hell. She knew Russia was going to fight this wish of God head-on by spreading her anti-God errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecution of the Catholic Church and the Pope. She knew that the founders of Communism were Satanists who had chosen Russia to forge the most ruthless system of world control ever seen, as they were fueled by Satan's hatred of God and the Christian world order. Communists, like Satan, are revolutionaries.

In his 1958 book, Masters of Deceit, J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, recognized that Communism is a religion. He said, "Communism is more than an economic, political, social, or philosophical doctrine. It is a way of life; a false, materialistic 'religion.' It would strip man of his belief in God, his heritage of freedom . . . Under Communism, all would become . . . slaves . . . There is no doubt that America is now the prime target of international Communism." [1] 1. J. Edgar Hoover, Masters of Deceit (n.p.: Henry Holt and Company, Inc., 1958; reprint ed. Pensacola, FL: A Beka Book Publications, n.d.), p. vi. Communism is the religion of Satan, because Communism is actually the child of Freemasonry, and the God of Freemasons is the devil. The goal of Masonry is a one-world socialist government and an atheistic society totally controlled by Masonry. Marx and Engels were commissioned by the Illuminati to write the Communist Manifesto, which expressed Masonic ideas.

Communism was thus set up as the shock troops for Masonry, with Russia its headquarters. That's why Our Lady said the only way to save the world------and She meant from Communism ------was for Russia to be converted; and the only way Russia would be converted would be if it were consecrated by the Pope and bishops together to Her Immaculate Heart. Obviously by "conversion" She meant conversion to Catholicism. In June 1929, She told Sister Lucy the moment had come for the Consecration to be done. Again, the choice of 1929 was significant, because it was precisely in that year that Stalin started to mount "a socialist offensive on all fronts." [2] 2. Anatoliy Golitsyn, New Lies for Old (New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1984), p. 15.

The conversion of Russia is the last thing Freemasons want as this would destroy their chief instrument of world control. Hence it isn't too difficult to figure out what force is behind the spread of the myth that the Consecration of Russia is done and the changes in the USSR and Eastern Europe over the last 10 years prove that Russia has "converted." After all, if the Catholic Churchmen can be fooled into thinking the Consecration is done, the Consecration won't be done and the Masons will be able to continue manipulating Communism for its own ends.

KGB Defector Confirms Fatima Message

But Our Lady cannot be blocked. And so it happened that in 1961, a high-ranking KGB official named Anatoliy Golitsyn defected to the United States to warn the West not to be fooled by changes in the Communist

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Bloc. Golitsyn had been involved in espionage and counter-espionage. He saw that Western interpretations of Communist developments were seriously flawed, and so for over 30 years he submitted memoranda to the CIA [Central Intelligence Agency], in which he provided very accurate analyses and forecasts of Communist Bloc developments. He also wrote two books to alert the public. The first was published in 1984. It was called New Lies for Old [NLFO]. The second book, The Perestroika Deception [The PD], was published in 1995.

NLFO is a truly amazing book. After describing the Leninist strategy for achieving the one-world Communist government with Western help, Golitsyn forecast all the changes in the Communist Bloc, including the economic and political reforms, the rise of Solidarity, the removal of the Berlin Wall, the reunification of Germany, and the planned "collapse" of the Soviet Union. One analyst gave the book a 94% accuracy rating. [3] 3. Anatoliy Golitsyn, The Perestroika Deception (London & New York: Edward Harle, 1995), p. xxiv. Interestingly enough, in a 1990 interview for Time magazine, Gorbachev, the architect of perestroika, predicts the same startling changes in the Communist Bloc, [4] 4. "I am an Optimist," Time, 4 June 1990, p. 17. thus corroborating Golitsyn's allegations that they were long planned, and were not due to spontaneous uprisings or to the efforts of President Reagan, the Pope or an obscure Polish workman named Lech Walesa.

Golitsyn's second book, The PD, deals mainly with the final phase of the long-range strategy of deliberate deception that was hatched decades earlier. The stated goal of The PD is to help people who believe in the death of Communism to "recover from their blindness." [5] 5. Perestroika, p. xx. Golitsyn describes in great detail the confusion and errors that have been engendered in the world and in the Church by perestroika, which under the guise of reform, has continued the Communist habit of fomenting rebellions and wars and persecutions of the Church, so that the Masonic/Communist goal of world domination would be finally achieved. In other words, Golitsyn exposes the very events Our Lady of Fatima warned would take place if the Collegial Consecration of Russia is not done.

Our Lady said nations will be annihilated. Golitsyn says that the West's failure to recognize that perestroika is a "treacherous" ploy "threatens the very continuation of Western civilization," as perestroika is intended to bring about the political and physical destruction of Western democracies. [6] 6. Ibid. pp. xix, 2. Consider the attack on the U.S. on September 11 in light of this allegation. The PD is a collection of Golitsyn's memoranda to the CIA. It contains extensive documentation to prove that all the changes behind the Iron Curtain were meticulously planned. It explains how they fit into the devious Leninist strategy for achieving------with Western cooperation------a "New World Social Order," i.e., a socialist, atheistic global society run by the Russians and Chinese, by 2000 A.D. [7] 7. Ibid. pp.166-67. Well, they didn't meet the target date, but the plan is still in place and accelerating.

Golitsyn demonstrates that perestroika is not a 1985 Gorbachev invention, but the final phase of a plan formulated during the years 1958-1960. [8] 8. Ibid. pp. 11, 59, 122,129, 143, 164. Perestroika means "restructuring," but not just of the Soviet system, but of the entire free world. It's the Soviet strategy for a "Second October Revolution." This is meant to be a temporary, non-violent World Revolution involving (1) controlled fake democratization and (2) strategic disinformation. The plan is to use these two techniques to bring about the convergence of Communism and socialism with a restructured capitalism into the One-World Communist Government. In other words, perestroika is supposed to bring about a synthesis between Communism and capitalism. [9] 9. Ibid. pp. xxi, 119-32.

Sixteen years after the start of perestroika, we see that Communism or its socialist twin have made great strides in every country. Remember Hoover said that Communism is a materialistic way of life that strips man of his faith in God and of his freedom. We have rapidly approached this point over the past sixteen years.

Staged Collapse of Communism

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Communist leaders realized that the West would never "buy" the concept of convergence or synthesis unless they transformed Stalinism into a "more attractive form" of "Communist democracy." The KGB was reorganized to play a "key role in implementing the strategy."

Thirty years of rehearsal and experimentation in controlled democracy followed in countries such as Czechoslovakia, Poland and Romania. This prepared the ground for the final phase ------perestroika and the controlled false "democratization" of the USSR itself. [10] 10. Ibid. pp. xviii, 12, 14-17, 28. That the democratization is false is confirmed by Eduard Shevardnadze, president of the Independent Republic of Georgia and a long-time Western "friend." As late as 1993, he admitted that elections do not equal democracy. [11] 11. Cf. pp. 202-4. Golitsyn notes that holding elections to deceive the Americans was the strategy proposed by Lenin's Foreign Minister, rejected by Lenin, but adopted "on a massive scale by Lenin's successors." "Even so-called free elections do not present a problem for the Communist Parties. Because of their secret partnership with the 'opposition,' the Communist Parties are always in a winning situation. It is their candidates -------Communist or non-Communist-------who always win." pp. 75, 82, 86-87.

Now, the restructuring involves first restructuring the mind, from anti-Communist to pro-Communist thinking. Once that is successful, then governments, laws, financial systems, can be easily restructured to enable a Communist takeover. Perestroika is thus a game of mind-control, and it's based on the principles of the Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci [1891-1937]. It was Gramsci who devised a new, improved model of Marxist-Leninism in order to fool the West. Gorbachev was merely chosen to launch it. [12] 12. Ibid. pp. xxii-xxiii, 11, 59-60, 116-17. Perestroika is psychological warfare, involving the use of a technique that Golitsyn calls "cooperation-black mail." It's described as follows: A "theatrical display of 'democratism' [is] designed to convince the West that a decisive 'Break with the Past' has taken place." This encourages Western governments to collaborate with the "former" Communists. At the same time, there is a blackmail threat of "a 'return to the Cold War'------or worse------if the West does not cooperate." [13] 13. Ibid. p. 55, xxiii, 46-47, 229. Actually, the game is meant to convince the public that a break with the past has occurred; Western governments have long collaborated with the Communists.

Golitsyn shows how every "crisis," from Tienanmen Square in China to the fake August 1991 coup attempt in Russia, to the Chechnya unrest, has been deliberately designed according to the co-operation-blackmail formula. The pattern is the same every time: The "new forces of democracy" are shown locked in mortal combat with the "conservative hard-liners" and the West is told that only its cooperation, i.e., keeping its criticisms to itself whilst shelling out aid, will help the "fledgling democracies" to survive. The Communist price for peace is thus the restructuring of Western thinking and policies. [14] 14. Ibid. pp. xxiii.

The specifics of how the controlled fake democratization takes place varies from country to country, depending on the specific circumstances in the country that can be exploited. [15] 15. Ibid. pp. 104-10. This was the plan of Lenin, as the following quotation shows.

Note in this quotation that the father of modern Communism equates democracy with socialism and communism, i.e., democracy is socialism or communism. Bear this equation in mind when you hear Western powers say they are going to war, against a nation like Afghanistan to install democracy in it.

"According to Lenin: 'All nations will come to socialism . . . But all will not come in the same way. Each of them will bring its own traits into one or another form of democracy, into one or another variety of dictatorship of the proletariat [i.e., communism], into one or another state of socialist transformation'." So in Poland, says Golitsyn, "the specifics [that could be exploited] are related to the strength of the Catholic Church and of the trade unions ...In East Germany, the specifics [lay] in the division of Germany into two states . . ." In Romania, they could stage a real revolution, because Romania "was acting in coordination with the USSR, China and the other Communist states." This controlled "real" revolution "from below" [i.e. by the people] "would add credibility . . . to the preceding less credible peaceful upheavals 'from above' [i.e., by the governments]." "The Chinese Communist Party was basically following the same common pattern of perestroika," says Golitsyn. The

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specifics of China are that "the students have an old revolutionary tradition as the initiators of political movements and . . . change. The Chinese Communist Party itself started as a student movement. It is logical, therefore, that the Party ...should have chosen . . . to introduce 'democracy' through the active participation of their students." Golitsyn's description of what rally happened at Tienanmen Square [Beijing] gives you an idea of the type of deception practiced. The event took place in June '89, just before the changes in Eastern Europe.

"The initiators and theorists of the student pro-democracy demonstration were the children of Communist Party officials . . .

"The demonstrators were not calling for a rejection of the socialist system or for the overthrow of the government. Banners . . . read: 'We firmly support the correct leadership of the Communist Party.'

"Then, suddenly, Western television coverage was cut off and the . . . demonstration was suppressed . . . Probably . . . the original Party-organized demonstration brought out . . . genuine spontaneous [anti-Communist, Ed.] elements," and the situation threatened to run out of control.

"Was there a real massacre in Tienanmen Square? Many Western reporters covered the event from their hotel rooms . . . How many actually saw the massacre? Published reports . . . are conflicting.

". . . The New York Times . . . disput[ed] [its first report and asserted] that while troops were . . . killing victims in the area around the square, there was no firm evidence that students were killed in the middle of the square itself . . . [this] would support the suggestion that the crackdown was aimed, not at the original pro-democracy demonstrators who . . . left the square together singing the 'Internationale,' and who had been carrying placards supporting the Communist Party, but at the unorganized elements."

NEXT FRIDAY: Part Two - Communism's New Look

EDITOR'S NOTES: We have received the gracious permission of John Vennari, editor of Catholic Family News to reprint various articles that have appeared in his publication that would be of interest to our readers. We urge you to subscribe to John's excellent monthly publication for only $20 a year by calling 1-905-871-6292 or e-mail them at CFN.